#Like Kieran does from rolling my eyes constantly
masked-alien-lesbian · 7 months
If you don't read any of these, pick the better sounding book to you. TCH 2 probably has an unfair advantage since we've only have 2 chapters of HS and 3 chapters of Guarded, but oh well.
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amchara · 2 years
Not the distance that scares me (1/2)
Kit Herondale, Ty Blackthorn (Kit/Ty)
Wordcount: 1,542
Post-TWP, Kit finds he has a choice in what he does next.
It makes me sad to think of it. Kit is a good kid who deserves a good, ordinary life. I know that’s what Jem and Tessa want for him, more than anything, after the chaos that was his growing up. But I am not sure he will have a choice in the matter. Fae may not let him choose. - Magnus to Alec (Secrets of Blackthorn Hall) 
(This is me, defying Magnus and Cassie's whole arc for Kit, or at least twisting it, so he gets his happy ending. Er- so there's still angst but look, part two will be happier- happiness through angst, mmkay? 😅
This story fits into my London Files 'verse but no need to have knowledge of them to read this story. But if you're wondering where Ellie comes from)
When he woke up, Ty was beside him. Time must’ve passed from the battle because his face was no longer a blood-stained, desperate ricus; the last image Kit had seen before he passed out. 
There was a softness in Ty’s sharp angles, despite purple shadows highlighting his left cheek; there was a release in his jaw, which had been constantly tense since Livvy had passed on in Thule. A lightness in his storm-grey eyes that told Kit it was all going to be okay.  
“We won.” It wasn’t a question. 
Ty nodded. “But…”
Kit had already known what was missing. The power that had thrummed in his chest, the heaviness of pure energy that he had worn like a mantle for the past few years, the electricity in his veins. It was all gone. 
He closed his eyes. “I know.” 
Ash let out a sigh- and Dru tightened her hold on his hand, providing moral support. 
“I am forever indebte-”
“Shut up,” Kit said amiably. “You would’ve done the same thing for me.”
There was silence between the three of them. Maybe it was true. Maybe it wasn’t. Didn’t matter.
“Plus- I never wanted any of this-” Kit waved his hand around the Seelie Court, decorated to the brim with riotously-coloured flowers and filled with partying Fae. “Have fun playing King of the Castle. You’re much better suited to it.”
Ash rolled his eyes. “The prophecy never mentioned which one of us had to take the actual responsibility for ruling. It’s not too late- you sure you don’t want to rock-paper-scissor for it?” 
Dru snorted lightly as Kit grinned and held up his hands, declining. “King Kit would’ve been too on the nose,” she said. 
“Exactly - plus kinda think you need magic to be a faerie king,” He sketched a full bow he had learned from Kieran, appropriate for a Queen Consort, wondering if she would pick up on it. 
She narrowed her eyes and Kit was delighted at her suspicious look. 
Then he turned serious for a moment. “But- I do have a few loose ends that I might need to tie up.” The folk in the forest, and Juno and the others who had helped him during his brief reign. To be exiled forever from Faerie– Ash was within his right to do so. Or at least, heavily restrict Kit’s access, given his Nephilim blood. But he was banking on some good will being carried over from his First Heir heritage. 
Ash held out his hand. “You are always welcome here, my brother.” A pendant flashed in his hand- a similar trinket to Cristina and Jaime’s eternidads.
Kit accepted it with quiet thanks, beating down a brief pang of jealousy at Ash’s ease and fluidity of summoning it.   
Alec raised an eyebrow. “It doesn’t normally work like this, Kit.” But his face wasn’t unsympathetic, and Kit was fairly sure he was going to get his way.
“You would’ve lost me to the Faerie Courts, if things hadn’t turned out differently,” Kit said, trying to keep from crossing his arms, remain relaxed. “Also consider - it works for the Amish. They have like- an 80% return rate for their rumspringa. Consider it something like that for me.” He didn’t want to be adversarial with Alec. He wasn’t sure what the future held but he didn’t want this door closed forever. 
“Are you coming back?” Alec asked, his blue eyes grave below dark eyebrows. 
Kit shrugged. “I might not. That’s the risk you have to take. But if you say no, it’s not exactly endearing me to Shadowhunter life, is it?” he countered.
Alec sighed. “No, not at all. But you have to understand- usually when people leave, it’s permanent. They can’t return. It’s the law.”
“So change it,” Kit countered. “It’s a bad law. You’re the Consul- that’s within your power.”
A hint of a smile crossed Alec’s face. “You’ve been spending too much time with the Blackthorns.” 
Despite Kit’s attempt to keep a steady countenance, something must’ve slipped through, as Alec sighed. “All right- I’ll see what I can do.”
“And don’t make it an exception just because it’s me,” Kit pressed. “Really- you should let all Shadowhunter kids have that choice.”
“I know.” Alec’s voice was firm. “Now, get out of my office and stop telling me how to do my job.” But he smiled too. “Enjoy your mundane year.”
Kit left the Gard feeling like a second invisible burden had lifted like wings off his shoulders.   
“Not fair! You’re abandoning me just when I’m about to get my training wheels taken off,” Ellie complained, her voice sharp on the phone. “I haven’t shown you my wicked demon-slaying prowess yet.”
“Not sure that you’re gonna get to do that much demon-slaying in upstate New York,” Kit said. “Apparently the second last stop before Boringtown. Or that’s what Magnus keeps insisting is  the case.”  
“Hey! We’ve definitely seen a couple of raveners around. But more importantly, second years get more privileges to visit the local town, which is very Hogsmeade of them,” Ellie admitted. “Okay… but you’ll be back for my Ascension ceremony, right?”
Kit smiled. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” But he suddenly shivered, as if a cold wind had blown through the room. 
“Am I the last one?” 
“To say good-bye to?” Kit felt rooted to the spot. He hated this. He wanted to go to Ty, who was standing behind his chair, as if to shield himself from Kit. His eyes kept sliding past Kit’s to the gold and green paneling behind. 
“Yeah,” Kit said. “I said good-bye to Tessa and Jem and Mina, and then asked Tessa to make me Portal to Blackthorn Hall.” 
“Hmmm.” Ty put down his tools, letting one of his long, elegant hands smooth over what looked like one of his Sensors. It was calm and deliberate, and if Kit hadn’t spent months with Ty, relearning every little tic, studying every small movement as if he could etch it on his heart, he would’ve thought Ty didn’t care. 
“Ty- you understand why I have to go, right?” Some of the misery must have bled through in his voice, given how sharply Ty had looked up, his hands fluttering briefly before calming. 
Their eyes met across the room, and Kit clenched his fists, willing himself not to move. He wished. Slowly, Ty walked towards him. Kit could feel his heart beating wildly and he didn’t stop his traitorous hands from reaching out, wrapping Ty in a tight embrace. 
“Kit. I need you,” Ty’s voice was barely above a whisper, said into Kit’s ear. He took a deep breath. And then another. And another. Kit breathed in sync with him. “I know,” Kit said. “I do too,” he admitted. 
They held one another, as close as they had in the caves of faerie. As they had in the safehouses of Thule. As they had in the ruins of Edom. 
Kit wondered why this was the hardest embrace to break. Perhaps it was because this time, they had a choice what they did next, rather than a destiny to fulfil. Perhaps it was because he was still choosing to walk away from it all. 
But it’s different this time, he tried to remind himself.   
Ty pulled back. “But you need to go,” he said. “I also need you to go.”
“Hey,” Kit tried to keep it light, despite the fierce ache in his chest. “I thought we stopped saying that kind of stuff to one another after Thule.”
Ty smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “You’re the one going away again. I thought this time I could at least have a say.”
Kit winced and Ty’s face crumpled. “Sorry. That’s not what I meant to say,” Ty said. He muttered something under his breath that Kit couldn’t quite hear. 
He looked directly at Kit. “You’re going because you want to figure out who you are, outside of your lineage,” he said softly. He reached up to trace Kit's jawline, sending a shiver down Kit’s spine. “And you can’t do that here in the Shadow World.” 
Kit nodded.
Ty dropped his hand. “The glamour is very subtle but you do look different. I expect that’s part of it.”
Kit sighed. “Yeah, I asked Tessa and Catarina to put on their strongest spells, so that I’m disguised completely as a mundane.”
“That’s smart,” Ty’s gaze was looking at his neck, wrists, forearms- all now completely devoid of Marks, including his very first rune, the voyance one given to him by Ty.  
“Will you be okay here?” Kit hated how wistful his voice sounded. 
“I will be,” Ty said, and he was already looking back at his sensor. 
Kit wasn’t offended. He knew that Ty had his work as a Centurion, Anush, Irene… he had his family- who were all helping him heal from Livvy’s passing. Kit wasn’t his whole world. And that was a good thing. 
But just as quickly, Ty was back watching him. He looked steadily at Kit. Unlike others, he didn’t ask if Kit would come back. 
Instead he said: “I’ll be here.” 
And Kit, with his eyes starting to blur with tears, leaned forward. He kissed Ty and then left. 
(part two will hopefully be up tomorrow/Friday)
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thatnerdnextdoor24 · 4 years
Under the Mistletoe
I hope your holidays were wonderful! Here is a little gift, from me to you!
Read Part One.  This is Part Two!
More Kit/Ty
Ty was moderately fond of Christmas. When he had been younger, he could just barely remember Christmas with his parents. He remembered the last Christmas they had had with their mom, how thin and weak she was. He remembered that the next year, Helen, trying to keep them all together while his dad struggled to fix what was broken. Then there were the years with Julian. He made Christmas a simple, but fun affair. But then Livvy died, and Ty's days bled together and neither he or his ghostly sister could tell, exactly, when the holidays had come and gone.
It was more recently, when he and Kit moved in together, that Christmas had dug a bigger he in his heart. Every year they went to Devon for Christmas morning, then to Las Angeles for dinner that night. And the rest of the day? That was just purely Kit and Ty. 
Christmas was alright in Ty's eyes. It was just like any other holiday. He never found himself overly excited, but this year, there are butterflies in his stomach. He's wondering if the gifts he got for his loved ones, (which used to be a short list but was now much longer.) Were good enough.
“Do they know we’re on our way?” 
Ty wrestles himself from his thoughts, returning to the present. In a pick up truck, heater blasting and radio just quiet enough to be heard over. Irene sat in his lap, asleep in the weak sunlight drifting in from the windshield. The phone in his hand vibrates with Julian’s recent text. “Yeah.” Ty answer's Kit’s question, his gaze drifting to look at his boyfriend. Kit’s smiling, fingers tapping and voice humming with the music. The morning light makes his hair glow gold, and his Herondale ring glint silver. Kit glances his way, and smiles. "Think it'll be fun?" He asks.
Ty shrugs, "I think it'll be loud." He says, frankly. "And a little fun." He concedes. Big parties were not Ty's idea of fun. But...parties were always better with Kit there. Always more fun. Always more laughs. Even when Ty would have to step out because things just felt too loud. Kit would be right behind. To hold his hand, hug him tight, tell him it was ok if he was done for the night. Ty usually was. Kit never complained about leaving early, was always ready with an excuse to leave if needed. Always seemed content to come back home and spend the night with each other and no one else. 
It was one of the reasons Ty loved Kit so much. 
Sometimes he wondered, in the back of his mind, if Kit ever got annoyed or tired of Ty. If maybe, one day, he would decide that Ty wasn't worth the trouble.
"Probably." Kit agreed. "There are going to be a lot of people there. But at least we know most of them." His hand falls from the wheel and intertwines with Ty's. With the truck turning off the highway and onto a familiar road, Ty licked his lips. "I don't know if I'm ready for Christmas madness." He says. Kit sighs wearily, "No one ever really is." 
Their eyes meet for just a moment and Ty feels himself smile. They pull up the road and park outside the Institute. Irene wakes as they stop, perking up in excitement as she realizes where they are. Before they leave the truck, Ty leans over and steals a kiss from his boyfriend. "It'll be okay. As long as we keep you away from the alcohol." Ty and Irene dash out of the truck before Kit could respond with anything more than a laugh.
They didn't even reach the front door before it was thrust open. "Ty-Ty!!" Tavvy barreled into Ty's awaiting arms, he grunted slightly under the weight. Tavvy wasn't a little kid anymore, that was for sure. But that didn't change the way he always greeted his brother. Even though Ty lived 20 minutes away, and was over every Saturday morning, Tavvy still hugged him as if he hadn't seen him in a hundred years. Ty squeezed his little brother back before Tavvy released him, and crashed into Kit instead. A laugh from the front door tore Ty’s attention to Julian, who was grinning and holding the door open. Irene darted between his legs and into the Institute. No doubt heading for the fireplace. “How was the drive?” Julian asks, like he does every time they visit. “It was fine,” Ty answers, like he does every time. He smiles at this little bit of normal routine. He treasures it, knowing it will soon be ruined when all the guest arrive and the little kids start running around and there are a more people cooking in the kitchen than the fire department would like and-
“Faster!! Faster!!!” Ty is pulled from his spiraling thoughts by Tavvy’s laugh. He turns to find Tavvy has managed his way onto Kit’s back, and Kit is spinning him around and around, faster and faster. Julian rolls his eyes at them and helps Ty unload the gifts they brought from the truck and Ty’s heartbeat calms down. He sneaks a couple of deep breaths when no one is looking. Emma emerges from the hallway, she conscripts Ty to help her put a few more decorations up. Mostly, the mistletoe in the door ways. It’s been tradition for Ty to put those up, every year. His dad used to put him on one shoulder, and Livvy on the other. Together, the three of them would search for the best, or most inconvenient, locations for mistletoes. Now though, Ty did it by himself. 
Julian has taken Kit into the kitchen. Ty can hear them laughing as they start the cooking for the night. When they had first started dating, Kit’s cooking skills had taken him by surprise. Kit had just shrugged and said, “Jem and Tessa taught me some.” As their relationship grew, Kit told him the whole truth. “My dad didn’t take care of himself.” He whispered into the dark between them, one night. “He didn’t take care of me, either. But I was a kid and I didn’t understand that I needed to be taken care of. But he was a mess, a huge, ugly, mean, mess. But he was my dad, too. I thought that meant that I was supposed to take care of him. So I did a lot of the things that he didn’t. I learned to cook, and clean. I bought groceries when he forgot, or when he was out of town for a long time. I just…” He looked over at Ty, his fingers feather light as he brushed away hair from Ty’s face. “I just learned to keep going.” 
Ty hoped that he had shown him, that it was okay to be taken care of. He hoped Kit had learned to sit back, sometimes, and let others do their jobs. 
“I think it looks good,” Emma said, stepping back to look at their handiwork. The mistletoe hung, just out of reach so it wouldn’t get caught in anyone's hair. (That had happened one year, and Helen still refused to walk underneath mistletoe.) But the red berries caught the light just right, and shimmered a little. Ty nods, and Emma reaches up to ruffle his hair. He swats her hand away, but he laughs all the same. He loves the way that Emma tries to make the hole in his heart, where Livvy used to be, a little smaller. “C’mon,” she says, and Ty already knows what she's going to say. “Let's go play some checkers,” 
He’s already nodding before she’s finished. Though, playing checkers on Christmas Eve wasn’t a Ty and Livvy tradition, that one was purely Ty and Emma. The checkers board is worn and faded, and some of the pieces have seen better days but they don’t complain. They set it up in the family room, in front of the fireplace and Christmas tree. Irene has already made her home there, and comes to lay her head on Ty’s lap as they play on the floor. The two of them play while the rest of the Blackthorns make their way into the room. Helen and Aline pass their baby daughter back and forth between themselves. The baby is constantly changing which of her moms is her current favorite. 
Dru, Ash, and Cristina have taken up the floor next to them and are playing some kind of card game with Tavvy. Mark is helping Ash cheat by looking at other people's cards for him. Kieran is doing the same thing for Crisrtina (How Kieran managed to get the holiday off, despite being the literal king of Faire, Ty has absolutely no idea) But somehow Dru is still winning. Julian and Kit are still in the kitchen, and every once in a while shout for Cristina’s help. Mark has offered to help them, and each time there has been a resounding “NO” from everyone within earshot. 
Despite the familial chaos around them, Emma and Ty have made a sort of bubble of calm around themselves. As they take turns creeping their pieces across the board, a shimmering of silver catches Ty’s eye. Emma’s wedding ring sits on her left hand, catching the glow from the fire. She sees him looking and smiles. “I had asked Julain for his Blackthorn ring,” she says, and rolls her eyes. “Because it’s a cute tradition and all. But then Julian flat out refused. I thought he was just attached to his ring or something but, then he told me that it would be pointless.” She slides the ring of her finger, holding it out to him. Ty takes it with gentle hands. It's a simple silver band, there's a gem set in the center. Upon closer inspection, Ty realizes that it's no precious gem, but a bit of shining sea glass. He smiles, thinking about Julian’s sea glass bracelets. He hands the ring back as Emma continues the story.
“He said that exchanging family rings is a sign of each family now accepting the couple as their own. He said it would be pointless for me to have a Blackthorn ring, because I’ve been a Blackthorn this whole time.” She smiles softly at the ring, at the memory. And Ty finds himself agreeing, “That’s right. You’ve always been a Blackthorn.” Emma’s cheeks turn a little pink and she leans over, kissing him on the temple. “Thank you, Ty-Ty.” They smile at one another, for a second, before Emma holds up her right hand. Both a Blackthorn ring, and a Carstairs ring, adorn her fingers. “Still wanted a Blackthorn ring, though. They look cool.”
Ty laughs and shakes his head at her a little. The two of them settle into another comfortable silence as their game continues. Ty moves one piece to the edge of her side of the board. As Emma goes to king it, Ty whispers, “I would want a family ring, too.” He’s not even sure when he’s started thinking about it, but recently, Ty has found himself awake at night, imagining what it would be like to get married. Emma blinks in surprise. But Ty smiles, and he knows it's a dopey, love sick kind of smile, as he looks at his own hand and imagines a Herondale ring on his finger. “Like you said,” His voice is quiet, like he’s sharing a secret, “It’s a cute tradition.” When he dares a glance back at Emma, she’s smiling at him and giving him a look he can’t really understand. 
She almost looks like she's going to say something when a cry from the other side of the room breaks into their thoughts. Tavvy has stood up, his hands on his hips as he glares at Cristina, Mark, Ash, and Kieran. “You’re cheating!!! I can’t believe you!!” He shouts and they look away, guilty as charged. Dru has collapsed onto the ground, laughing. Emma shares one last glance at him, and winks, before going to help Tavvy dole out punishments. Ty sits there for a moment, wondering why he feels like Emma knows something he doesn’t. 
Cooking with Julian is always a high stakes game. Most of the time, Kit tries to keep Julian from even looking at what he's doing. Knowing that no matter what he does, Julain will tell him it's wrong. Truth be told, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way Kit cooks. In fact, Kit is a damn fine cook, and he knows it. Julian just has a very specific way of doing things, and if it's not done Julian's way, well then, it's not right. 
It doesn't help that the two of them have a silent rivalry when it comes to cooking and secret recipes. 
Despite this, they still manage to work in a smooth and seamless team. They know what dishes they will make, and which ones they will not touch. (Kit will never stuff a turkey. Sorry, but he draws the line at shoving his hand up a turkey's ass.)(but likewise, Julian will never let anyone know how bad he is at making pies.) This was the first time that the LA Institute was holding the big Christmas party. So Kit got the feeling that Julian wanted to impress everyone. Kit wasn’t sure why he wanted to do that, everyone has been impressed by him since he took over the Institute at age twelve. But it was also kind of sweet, the way Julian still wanted to impress the people older than him. Kit would never say that to his face, but he would think it every now and then. 
As they cooked, the conversation between them flowed easily. They laughed and teased and Kit was immensely grateful that Julian never brought up the one thing Kit didn’t want to talk about. Even though it was clear that he was dying for news, Julian never brought up the engagement. Kit’s anxiety was already high, buzzing constantly under his skin. The last thing he needed was for people to start voicing the questions he already had or to judge his plan or his idea. 
Truthfully, Kit didn’t even have a plan. Not really. He was just praying to the Angel that the perfect opportunity would just….happen….
His peace in the kitchen with Julian didn’t last long, however. While they put everything in the oven to bake, or the fridge to chill, the two of them went to join the others in the living room and wait for their guests to arrive. Kit wasn’t entirely sure what had happened while they were in the kitchen. But somehow, Cristina, Mark, Kieran, and Ash were all wearing Santa hats that had “Naughty List” written on them, while Emma took photos on her phone. Ash and Cristina were trying to get the phone from her. Mark seemed to be enjoying the attention. Meanwhile, Dru and Tavvy were inhaling chocolates, and every once and a while they would throw one just to see if Kieran could catch it in his mouth. For the King of Fairie, he was surprisingly undexterous. 
Among all this chaos, was Ty. He was sitting on the couch with Helen and Aline and their baby. He was laying his head against Helen’s shoulder as she ran her long fingers through his hair. Kit thought that Ty might fall asleep at any moment. He came to join them as Julian took the baby from Aline’s arms. For a man who, by all accounts, should be tired of children. He adored babies. Kit let out a laugh as Julian threatened to keep the baby for himself and Aline threatened to stuff him into the turkey. 
Ty opened his eyes just enough to give Kit a sleepy smile as he sat down. “Hey,” Ty murmured. “Hey,” Kit said back, pulling Ty’s legs onto his lap. Ty leaned a little farther back against Helen, and she swatted his hair away before turning to talk to Aline and Julian. Giving them a little pocket of privacy. Which Kit appreciated. 
"How's it goin’?" He says in a singsong voice. Ty shrugs, "Pretty good. Emma and I played checkers."
"Did you win?"
"Of course I won. Someone in this relationship has to be a winner." 
Kit feigned offense. "I'm hurt. To think my own boyfriend could be so cruel." Ty chuckled, but didn't say anything, his eyes already closing. It only took moments for Ty to fall asleep against his sister. Kit slid Ty's shoes off and placed them on the floor, knowing how much Ty hated sleeping with his shoes on. When he looked up, he realized that the chatter of the Blackthorns had stopped. Now, everyone was looking at him. Most of them were smiling mischievously. Kit felt his cheeks go red. "What?"
Emma snorted. "What', he says. Like he doesn't know." She stuck her tongue out at him, he would have returned it if Dru hadn't thrown a chocolate at him. "Oww!" He hissed as it bounced off his forehead. Dru paid him no head, "When are you gonna do it!" She all but shouts. Both Kit and Helen shush her, Kit holds his breath as Ty shifts a little, but doesn't wake. He lets out a sigh of relief. "Watch it," Kit warns, tossing the chocolate back at Dru. She catches it effortlessly. 
"You didn't answer the question…" Ash points out. Kit finds that he can't look at them. Any of them. So he looks at Ty's legs on his lap, and picks a speck of lint of his Christmas sweater. "Tonight," he says, simply. "When?" Cristina prompts. To this, he stays silent. The silence draws on, awkward and heavy between them all. 
"Kit..." Aline draws.
"Christopher." Mark throws his Santa hat at Kit. He swats it away and feels his face grow hot. 
Finally, Ash just sighs and announces, "He doesn't have a plan. He thinks the 'right moment' will just happen." The room erupts into outraged shouts and groans. Helen and Kit shush everyone again, and by some Christmas miracle, Ty stays asleep. Everyone lowers their voices, but still berates Kit for his poor planning. 
"You can't just know. Knowing you, you'll probably just chicken out." -Dru.
"Por el amor de Dios. You've GOT to be kidding me," -Cristina.
"Do you have any plans? At all???" -Helen.
"You put too much trust in him," -Tavvy.
"Alright fine. All that matters, is that he has a ring," At Aline’s addition, Kit perked up. "I do have that!" He said, a little too excitedly. "Where is it?" Mark asked. Kit held up his right hand, with his Herondale ring. 
There was a mixed chorus of replies. Helen thought that he should probably clean the ring before he gave it to him, which was true. Mark thought that giving your family ring was cheating a little. While the room broke into sides about whether giving your family ring was romantic, or cheap, a hand came to rest on Kit’s shoulder. It was Emma, who had come around to the back of the couch. "Hey, Kit?" He turned his head to her at that. Emma smiled at him, and then nodded to Ty, "You're going to be just fine." 
Her assurance in him flooded warmth in his chest. He found himself smiling, letting out a breath of relief. Emma pressed a kiss to his cheek, and patted his shoulder.
So maybe Kit didn't really have a plan. And maybe he was a total coward and even just thinking about getting down on one knee made his palms sweat uncontrollably. But Emma Carstairs, yes, the Emma Carstairs, hugged his shoulders from behind, and told him "You got this." So. Yeah. Kit had this in the bag. 
The party was in full swing. The guests had arrived right on time. (Well, the Lightwood-Banes were fashionably late. But that was expected.) The dining room hadn't been big enough for all the guests. So everyone had gathered their food on plates and spread out through the Institute. Kit had forgotten how many people he actually knew. Every room he went into, he ran into a familiar face. Every room had a different game or conversation, a different Christmas song in the background. Though he stopped in every room, there was only one face he wanted to find. He and Ty had gotten separated at some point, and in a party like this, it was nearly impossible to find each other again. 
He was passing through the kitchen when a small figure, glad in a red and green tutu, crashed into his legs. "Kit-kat!" Mina yelled, and held her arms up to be picked up. She was getting too big to do that, but neither of them cared. Kit scooped her up and tickled her side. She laughed, and the sound was sorely missed. Kit visited Devon almost weekly, but it never felt like enough. "Did you grow taller since last week?" Kit asked. A laugh from behind caught him by surprise. Tessa and Jem were in the doorway, both in cheesy Christmas sweaters. "She most certainly did." Jem remarked, coming to put his arm around Kit’s shoulders. 
Kit leaned into him instinctively, letting Jem's steady presence reassure him. He took a deep breath of his dad's scent, and then asked, "Have either of you seen Ty?" Tessa shook her head, "No. I take it you haven't asked yet, then?" Kit shook his head. 
"Kit," Mina whispered, cupping her hand around his ear, like she was going to tell him a secret. "Can I be the flower girl at your wedding?" Kit held in his laugh, looking at her seriously. He nodded once. "Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way." Mina beamed. Kit glanced over at Tessa, and found her smiling a secret sort of smile at him. She nodded to the back door, "Shall we?" 
He wasn't sure what they were going to do, but he nodded all the same. Jem took Mina from his arms, and ruffled his hair. Tessa held her hand out to him and he took it. She lead him out the backdoor and into the statue garden. Kit hadn't realized how hot it was before the cold air hit his face. A breeze rippled through his hair. "It's strange to see Christmas without snow," Tessa remarks, staring out at the stars. Her soft brown curls were pinned up with pearls, gleaming softly in the low light. Not for the first time, Tessa looked both impossibly young, and wise with age at the same time. 
They sit on a stone bench, and are quiet for a long moment. "I want to give you something, Kit." Tessa finally said. Kit raised an eyebrow, "You know, Christmas isn’t until tomorrow." Tessa smiled, "Then consider this an early present." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box. 
"What, you proposing to me, now?" 
Tessa rolled her eyes and handed him the box. Kit clicked it open, and his breath caught. "Tessa…" 
Inside the box, was a shinning, silver, Herondale ring. It looked just as old as Kit's, but it was smoother, and a little smaller. Tessa wrapped her arm around him, "The one you wear," she says, "Was James's." He turns to her at that. "I didn't know." The fact that she had given that to him, even when he was fifteen and angry all the time. But Tessa only shrugs. "I figured, both my sons should have it." 
She brushes a finger against the ring in the box. "This one," she whispers, "Was Cordelia's. You can tell, because she didn't get nearly as much ichor on it as James did." She laughs at this, and Kit thinks about the pictures of Cordelia at the house in Devon. "I imagine her pure beauty and talent repelled dirt and ichor." He murmured and Tessa snorted. "She was...one of a kind. Like your Ty." She nudges Kit, and when he looks up at her, the soft and loving look she gives him makes his eyes well up with tears. 
“Will proposed to me on Christmas, too.” She says, her voice impossible soft. He hugs her then, tight. His head tucking under her chin like he was a teenager again and not a young man. “You’re going to be just fine, Kit. He loves you, and you love him, and that's all that matters. The rest is just…” She gestures at the garden around them, “I was going to say snow, but maybe in LA, it would be sand.” Tessa shrugs at her failed analogy. “Nothing else matters,” She explained, and looked him in the eyes with a stern look, “Just as long as you love one another. And I know you do.” 
"Thank you," he crooked. Tessa kissed his forehead. "I love you, Kit," she whispered. She knew how hard the words were hard for him to say to her, and to Jem. So when Kit whispered back, "I love you, too." She squeezed him tight. 
Kit left Tessa in the statue garden, and made his way back into the party. The ring, a comforting weight in his pocket. His head felt clearer and he knew where Ty would be. 
Kit knocked on the trap door before lifting it up. He climbed onto the roof, instantly getting hit with memories of him and Ty sneaking away at dozens of events. Sure enough, Ty sat at the edge of the roof. When he saw Kit approach, he grinned. Kit sat next to him, "Hey stranger," he ran his hand up Ty's back. He felt him shiver. 
"It got kind of loud." Ty said, by way of explanation. Kit nodded in agreement. Even now, a gentle Christmas song floated through an open window and up to the roof. "We can go whenever you want," he reminds him, like he always does. Ty tends to get it in his head that his needs don't matter. Kit does the same thing, too. So they take care of each other. With little reminders or quiet company. 
Ty shakes his head. "I'm good," he glances at Kit, "I just want to sit up here, with you. If that's okay?" He tilts his head, his dark hair falling into his silver eyes. Kit reaches out and brushes it back. "Of course it is," his hand lingers on Ty’s cheek, and he leans into the touch. Ty turns his face, kisses Kit’s palm. 
Something happens at this moment. Maybe the light just, hit him just right. Maybe the goddamn Angel himself sent a sign. Maybe Kieran was down below, using some Fairie King Magic to make everything just right. It didn't really matter how it happened, the point is, everything was perfect. Nothing in Kit’s life had ever been perfect. Except for this. Except for Ty.
A cool breeze turned their noses and cheeks red. Their fingers into icicles. Baby It's Cold Outside is playing softly in the distance. And Kit finds himself humming along. So he stands up, and holds out his hand. "Dance with me," He says, his voice sounding low even in his own ears. Ty laughs but takes his hand. "We can have our own little party right now," Kit grins, pulling Ty up. 
Ty rolls his eyes but let's Kit lead him in a dance, anyway. "You're a dork," he remarks. Kit spins him, "And you're beautiful." Ty blushes. Even now that they're grown and Kit tells him he's beautiful every chance he gets, Ty still blushes. And it makes Kit's heart soar. Kit tugs him closer by the waist, "I love you," he whispers, and feels his voice crack a little. Because it's true. Kit loves him, more than he knew he could possibly love someone. And everyday, it grows just a little bit more. 
"Ty, I-"
He can't even get the worst out. He swallows thickly. There's a pressure building in his eyes. He knows he's going to cry, but at this point. Ty has seen every twisted, rotten, vulnerable, messy, wonderful side of Kit. He's seen him cry a dozen times before, so really, at this point, Kit doesn't care. 
"Ty, I love you so much." Tears are already welling in his eyes and his feet are struggling to keep moving. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Kit has to clear his throat to keep going. They've stopped dancing now, and Ty is wiping away his tears with gentle fingers. 
"What's wrong, Christopher?" 
Kit hiccups a sob as his name leaves his loved one's mouth. "Nothing. I'm sorry I just-" he forces a watery laugh. "I don't want to be with anyone else. Tiberius. I love you. Do you….do you understand?" From the way that Ty blinks at him, the way his face is pinched in concern, Kit doesn't think he does. He curses himself. Trust him to make some confusing love confession while sobbing. At this point, there is only one way for him to be completely clear. Kit takes Ty's hand.
He gets down on one knee.
Ty's eyes widen. His chest rises and falls rapidly. His fingers tighten their grip on Kit’s hand.
"Tiberius." Kit says, his voice steadier. He reaches into his pocket and retrieves the blue velvet box. He clicks it open. 
"Will you marry me?" 
There's a silence for a long time and Kit fears the worst-
Until Ty meets his eyes. Kit sees that the reason he hasn't spoken, is simply because his hand is covering his mouth, tears streaming down his cheeks. But he's grinning from ear to ear and nodding rapidly. "Yes." He chokes out. "Yes. Angel yes, I'll marry you, Christopher!!" He tugs Christopher up and it's hard to tell which one of them pulls the other into a kiss, but it's watery, a little salty, and the sweetest thing Kit has ever experienced. Ty’s hands fist into his sweater, and Kit tugs him closer with one hand, the other carefully holding the ring up and out of the way. Ty kisses him harder, like he can’t express how he feels in any other way than by closeness and pressure and heat and-
Kit stumbles back, his foot sliding on a patch of ice and he comes crashing down on the roof, pulling Ty down with him. He lands with a loud bang and he groans as pain spikes up his back and Ty’s elbow collides with his ribs. Ty can’t even apologize, he’s already laughing. Kit joins him and then there they are. On the cold, wet, icy roof. Tears flowing down both their cheeks, and they’re laughing. Kit manages to slide the ring onto Ty’s cold finger, but he can’t bring himself to find the strength to stand. 
The trap door suddenly bursts open and Julian Blackthorn’s head appears, “Is everything okay?! We heard a bang-shit, what happened?” 
Kit and Ty laugh harder as Julian pulls himself onto the roof and the heads and faces of all their friends and family pop in and out of view. Kit wonders if they’ve been waiting down there the whole time. If Tessa ran off to tell everyone that Kit was going to do it as soon as their conversation had finished. 
They all share bewildered looks, but instead of forming coherent sentences, Kit just laughs, brushes away a tear, and holds up Ty’s left hand in victory. A roar of cheers and applause erupt from down below, one that sounds like it starts from Emma and Ash. Julian pulls them up and brushes off some of the dirty ice from the roof, before they are ushered down the ladder and into the warm, welcoming, rejoicing arms of their family. 
Even as Jem squeezes him tight and Jace ruffles his hair, Kit’s eyes never leave Ty’s. 
He grins.
Ty grins back.  
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victoodles · 5 years
Cruel World I’m Gone (Chapter 4)
Be sure to follow the series on AO3 and to read part 1 / 2 / 3 
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The breeze that kisses your face feels different. Warmer. This time in the morning at O'Creagh's Run there’s a bitter chill in the air. It’s a cold that reaches down to your bones and leaves your fingers numb. This, however, is a gentle gust that invites you to wake up instead of demanding it.  
Grass is plush beneath your deerskin pelts in contrast to the cotton sheets from Annesburg that you had grown accustomed to. Shelter comes in the form of a simple roof of canvas, sunlight lazily creeping in. 
Gone is your homestead of a six months. All the work, meals, and rebuilding a mere dream as you pull back the tent and find yourself back at Clemens Point. 
Jack is running through the rolling grass with Cain yapping at his heels. Abigail awaits them and their impending mess back at her tent with crossed arms. 
Sean flirts with Karen. Kieran tends to the horses. Miss Grimshaw scolds Mary-Beth for her apparent “slacking”.
It’s all back to how it was. Before things…
You can’t seem to recall what this supposed “before” is. It all fades away, as most dreams do. Locked away in the depths of the subconscious. But when you see Hosea pass by, an indescribable ache in your heart has tears streaming down your cheeks. An emptiness wracks you. You’re running before you can register why. 
If you’re too slow…
Too late…
He’ll d-
Hosea seems bewildered about why you’re so exasperated. A wry smile graces his face.“Well good morning to you too, my dear. Are we that eager to see me?” He teases, lighthearted in nature. 
You’re rendered speechless from his casualness. Hosea looks vibrant, jovial. Just how you remembered him.
Does he not know what happens? In Saint Denis. When…
When what?
The Pinkertons. They...
What about them?
Again, you don’t have answers. Just a jumble of confused thoughts that feel painfully heavy in your head. So you wrap your arms around his waist and hold him close. You need a tangible reminder that he’s here: a man, a leader, a friend, a surrogate father. 
Hosea is taken aback again but he returns the affection, chuckling to himself. “What on Earth is going on with you, girl?” 
You squeeze tighter, burying your face in his chest. He smells of tobacco and ginseng, the familiarity puts you at ease. “I had the most terrible nightmare,” you say quietly. “But I can’t seem to remember it.” 
It’s all painfully blurry, growing even heavier in the back of your mind. 
Get him out of here.
Go where? There’s nowhere safer than camp. 
Dutch will protect everyone. 
“Oh? Well don’t worry-“
Hosea goes eerily silent as the barrel of a gun fires, cutting through the morning air like thunder. Droplets of warm liquid splatters across your face, trickling down your forehead. A sickeningly familiar hangs heavy in the air, nauseating. Blood. 
Trembling, you dare to look up to find a fresh bullet wound in embedded in Hosea. A single shot, burst through his shoulder, blooming into a hideous flower of flesh and bone. He stares at the wound blankly, fingers twitching slightly. Death has him in his embrace and Hosea doesn’t seem to feel it. 
You’re panting, a scream burning in your throat as Hosea grows colder by the second. The sounds refuse to come out. Blood drips from the corner of his mouth as he slumps against you, wheezing his last words.
"It was just a dream.” 
The ground crumbles beneath you then, dirt deteriorating into nothing. You desperately clutch Hosea, terrified to lose him again. But no matter how tightly you hold on, he still slips from your grasp as you eventually lose your footing. 
You pathetically reach out into the abyss for him, for anything, but bring back nothing.  
Falling further and further, it all comes back. It hits you all like that same gunshot. 
Sean, Kieran, Susan.
They’re all dead.
And Arthur…
You’re running again on Roanoke Ridge. Chest heaving, lungs burning, muscles aching. Running and running and running, but you make no progress. 
You burn through all your energy in an attempt to go faster. It hurts - excruciating. Ligaments feel like they’re tearing apart tendon by tendon, but you don’t care. Arthur is just out of reach, eyes glazed and arms limp at his side. 
Please, he’s right there!
You try to call his name, but the sound is locked in your throat. The syllables don’t form no matter how much you try. All you can do is pathetically try to move forward - to be with him. 
The poppies surrounding him rustle violently the more virtuously you push yourself to every limit. Their leaves caress Arthur’s face as if to mock your plight.
Your heart threatens to rupture from over-exhaustion but as the distance finally begins to close, you can't bring yourself to care.
Just when Arthur is an arm out of reach, so tantalizingly close, your muscles go rigid. 
It all hurts, everywhere at once like wildfire.
Then it doesn’t. 
Nothing has never been so terrifying.
An arrow pierces your chest, finding its way through your heart and out through your ribs. You’re brought to your knees. 
You sputter, trying to bring any air in to alleviate the pain. Bring life to thwart the impending end. 
The alleviation never comes. Just more agony and some blood. 
You wonder if this is how the game you hunt feels. Teetering on the precipice of life and death after your arrow hits it’s fatal mark. They cry out for mercy that goes unheard. 
Irony is a miserable bitch. 
You fall forward, face in the dirt a mere inches away from Arthur. A familiar voice whispers in your ear as you struggle to find the energy to merely crawl. Blood - your blood - seeps into the ground; bloodied mud cakes beneath your fingernails in your desperation.
“Have faith,” it sneers, “you’ll be with him soon.”
The world turns darker and darker the more you try to reach for him. The flowers have ceased their shaking. 
You shoot up in bed, a sheen of cold sweat clinging to your skin. A silent scream burns in your lungs. You’re hyperventilating and you desperately try to compose yourself, heart hammering wildly against your ribs. 
Focus, focus, focus.
Your eyes dart around the room, taking in your surroundings. 
The quilt blanket beneath your fingers. A partition in the form of a sheet next to the bed. The skull of a moose hanging over the mantle. A dwindling fire in the hearth. 
And Arthur. Sleeping soundly next to you. 
You reach out to him with shaking hands, running them over his cheek. Reaffirming reality. 
The prickle of his freshly shaved stubble tickles your hand. Hair soft from a recent bath. Lips chapped.
He’s here. Actually here.
As much as you want to kiss him, have him fuck the fear away, you don’t want to wake him. Not now when he’s finally started sleeping soundly again. Arthur shifts slightly in bed but he isn’t roused from your touching, thank goodness. You find the energy to smile, and you plant a delicate kiss against his temple before sliding out of bed. Sleep won’t come anytime soon. 
Silently slipping out into the night, the wind’s chill nips at you clad in only a chemise and Arthur’s coat. It’s a welcome sensation to quell the heat enveloping you. 
Signs of spring sleep within the surrounding forest. The birds have flown back north and nest in the trees. Bears have awoken from slumber and meander through the hills as they please. Wildflowers are just beginning to bloom, even more bulbs bursting through the dirt to count. 
New life. 
For you and Arthur too, in a sense.
That should make you feel better, but it doesn’t. Not right now.
Now that things have settled down, the grief has been gnawing at you gradually. There's more time for you to focus on it since Arthur had fully recovered. It comes back in waves, varying in intensity but painful all the same. And the nightmares they brought were just as vivid. 
Shaking the most recent from your mind, you regard the full moon hanging just over the lake. Brilliant white rays reflect on the water’s surface, dancing in tandem with the ripples of the water striders. It puts you at ease and you find yourself drawn to the scene. 
You stand barefoot at the shore, letting the waves roll over your feet as you look up to the sky. A blanket of stars twinkle faintly against the darkness. A variety of constellations shine proudly above, clear as day.
You feel so small under their gaze 
Ursa Major, Leo, Hydra. 
Memories of nights spent up late with Hosea playing dominos resurface. You would constantly tie with one another, intellects too matched. Sometimes the two of you wouldn’t sleep until the wee hours of the morning unless the streak was broken. Stubborn, the both of you. 
During those long, long games, Hosea would regal you about each and every starry arrangement, right down to the name’s origin. Astronomy was never on your curriculum growing up, instead focusing on the drier parts of a lady’s “education". Etiquette, needlework, piano. All you knew of the stars above was from outdated books pilfered from your father’s library and nights spent camped on forest floors.  
Almost every night Hosea would teach you, properly. Disregarding your dominoes in favor of creating your own constellations from unused clusters of stars. An interstellar game of dots and tiles. He had even made one especially for you: The Huntress. A brave woman who vanquished all foes before her with nothing but her bow and her quick wit. 
It’s the last Earthly possession you have of Hosea. Everything else had been unwillingly abandoned during the destruction of Beaver Hollow, dead and gone. All you have now are these faint lights, watching silently over you.  
The frigid pinch of O'Creagh’s Run interrupts your musing. So distracted, you hadn’t realized just how far you had waded into the lake. Now in up to you knees, the bottom of your chemise soaked. What should be a shock, or at least an inconvenience, doesn’t seem to phase you. You just relish the softness of lakebed silt between your toes. And love how the water’s chill reminds you just how alive you truly are. 
You fiddle with the hem of your chemise. As the lace slides between your fingertips, you regard the celestial eye above. The moon is your only witness on these vast mountain trails. 
The veil drifts upward. 
Nothing can see you out here. Nothing can get you out here.
Let the moonlight be your guide and the water be a cleansing. 
Arthur’s jacket is discarded and a chemise with it over your shoulder. It lands with a gentle thud; the barrier between you and the elements now lays in a heap on the shore.
Take the plunge.   
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annaphoenix1994 · 3 years
Horseshoe Overlook - Paying a Social Call
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Four days went by as the coarse ropes dug sores into her wrists and ankles. She was still wearing the dress that she had changed into before her father was killed. She was only offered water early in the morning and food late in the evening. Her stomach constantly rattled, telling her brain that she was on the brink of starving as well as fatigue. She felt utterly weak and severely dehydrated. She leaned her head back as she felt another wave of nausea hit her, wondering if death would be a better option.
"What's wrong? Ya hungry?" She heard Colm mock as he sat in one of the chairs at the small table, counting heaps of money.
"Not too bad," She croaked, not wanting to give up her fight.
"Good, 'cause ya got a few more days," He smirked.
"Before what? You kill me? I can't wait." She rolled her eyes.
"No, before we turn ya in." He replied.
"I'm countin' the hours." She replied, looking up at the ceiling, wishing that those days would never come.
"Boss, you sure this is a good spot?" One of his men asked as he walked into the cabin, looking down at Minnie before giving her a sharp kick to the hip, rattling her wave of nausea once more.
Colm's brows rose as he put down the money he was counting, "We ain't been shot up yet, have we?" He snarled. "Besides, looks like her pa had some money stashed away in the chest there. Looks to be a few thousand." He chuckled, purposely fanning the money in front of Minnie, showing her that it was in fact the money she would gift to her father every time she came to visit, realizing that he never deposited it as it was stolen money.
She frowned as she remembered the thought before her hazel eyes stared daggers into Colm's, "That don't bother me." She taunted.
He pursed his lips as he didn't like being mocked by the only woman he wanted most. He thought twice about killing her himself after he had his way with her, but something about her emerald hazel eyes and her flushed complexion made him rise and he couldn't think of her feeling cold.
"What're we doin' with her?" One of his men asked.
"Few more days and I'll have you and Tom take her to Saint Denis and turn her in for the bounty. That money will be enough to get us outta this dump and somewhere nice. Sell her horse, too." Colm suggested as he finished counting the money before storing some of it in the brick of the chimney, keeping it hidden.
"And you?"
"I'm gonna finish countin' this money here and have a few of my guys follow me back to our other hideout to stash it. A place like this is likely to catch like a torch. Can't have all of it goin' to waste." Colm explained.
"Alright, boss. I'll keep a lookout while you're away," The old man said. Minnie looked at him disgusted as his thin brown hair and thick mustache coaxed his face. His brown eyes had the look of hatred in them as he did his best to be at the top of the pack, earning a special place in the O'Driscoll gang.
───※ ·❆· ※───
Arthur stretched as he awoke with the morning sun, embracing the cool spring air as it was his ideal temperature. He walked to the fresh pot of stew, spooning his bowl full before getting a tin of coffee, wondering what he was going to do throughout the day. He looked around to see what members were missing as they all had a few side quests and activities to do, seeing that every member, except Trelawny, was not present.
"Mister Morgan," He heard a familiar voice say, meeting him at the table he was eating at, taking a seat next to him.
"Yes, Miss Grimshaw?" He asked.
"Mister Matthews gave me a message for you, he said when it was convenient to head into Emerald Ranch. He's lookin' at a few business things there." Susan explained.
"Okay." Arthur nodded.
Susan chuckled, "He'll find something, too, he always does."
"That he does." Arthur chuckled.
"Well, you be well, Mister Morgan," She smiled.
"I'm always well, Miss Grimshaw." He assured as he put his daily token of gratitude within the camp funds box. With his tin of coffee, he made his rounds throughout the camp, smirking at Kieran Duffy still tied to the tree since they arrived in Horseshoe Overlook. 'He's damn lucky we picked out a tree with shade,' Arthur thought to himself as he walked up to the young man.
"Please, talk to them for me!" Kieran begged.
"You got some speakin' to do of your own... About that old gang of yours." Arthur taunted.
"I said... I told you... I don't know nothing!"
"That's what I thought."
"Woah! Hold your horses there," Dutch intervened as he was accompanied by Bill, walking quickly to the situation, afraid that Arthur was going to start beating the man. "It seems the cat has got our friend here's tongue. I was thinking Mister Williamson could have a word."
"You ready to talk boy?" Bill taunted, puffing his chest.
"I told you, Mister... I told all of you. I don't know nothing, okay? They-They ain't no friends of mine. I just been ridden with them for a while." Kieran explained.
"Horseshit!" Bill hissed, clenching his fists. "You see, we heard that part, so why don't you tell the truth? Dutch, what do you want me to do?" He asked.
"Hurt him so the next time he opens his mouth, it is to tell us what is going on!" Dutch commanded. "Ah, who am I kiddin'? One of O'Driscoll's boys couldn't open his mouth but he'd tell a lie. Screw it, let's just have some fun, huh? Geld him." He said, using his fingers to mimic a scissor to Bill, seeing that he was eager to do the deed.
"Oh yeah!" Bill replied, quickly breaking away to retrieve the tongs from the fire.
"What's he doing? Where's he going?" Kieran asked before Dutch pulled down the young man's pants, exposing him.
"Oh don't worry! They're only balls, boy! Just gonna cause you trouble!" Dutch warned. "You know, in Imperial Rome, eunuchs was among the happiest and most loyal of courtiers." He explained.
"No, no, no, no... You're kidding me right?" Kieran panted, his legs shaking as Bill was coming closer with the hot tongs.
"Of course." Dutch replied.
"You sick bastards! What do you want from me?" Kieran cried, trying his best to keep his legs pressed together.
"Well, you are going to talk. The only question is now or after we got these little fellers off?" Dutch explained.
"Okay! Okay! Listen, I know where O'Driscoll's holed up and you're right, he don't like you any more than you like him. He's supposedly at Six Point Cabin! He's been talkin' about it for months. I'll take you there... Serious," Kieran panted. His eyes looked around frantically, hoping that the men wouldn't continue their torture antics. He looked over at Arthur briefly as he never said a word while Dutch and Bill were interrogating him, regarding the pale look on his face as if he were worried, but he didn't think much of it. "I don't like him. I mean, I like him even less than I like you, no offense."
"None taken." Dutch replied, fanning off Bill to put away the gelding tongs.
"Okay then, partner," Arthur finally said, taking his knife and cutting Kieran free from the tree. "Why don't you take a few of us up there right now. I got this, Dutch," Arthur nodded, jerking the young man along with him as well as Bill. "Should be fun. Alright you, come on!" Arthur said as he shoved Kieran in front of him as he pulled up his trousers, trying to hide his embarrassment.
Bill and Arthur chuckled along behind him as they walked to their horses, "Let's both hope you ain't tryin' to trick us, O'Driscoll." Arthur warned.
"I ain't no O'Driscoll!" Kieran protested.
"But you sure as shit was," Arthur growled. "John, come on! We got a social call needs makin'! Where we headin'?" He asked as his heart was beating rapidly. Six Point Cabin, the same cabin the old man he met in town told him about. The same cabin that he associated with Minnie Barlow as the old man was in fact her father. 'He better hope she ain't dead,' He hissed to himself, taking out his anger towards the young man, still wondering to himself as to why he felt the need to be so protective over her when they never even officially met.
"Up into the hills behind Valentine, I'll show you." Kieran said.
Arthur groaned as he mounted his horse, "John, you take this little rattlesnake with you... Any nonsense, kill him."
"Sure." John replied, also mounting his horse.
"We're gonna pay your buddies our respects." Arthur mentioned.
"He taking us to Colm?" John asked.
"That's what he says," Arthur grumbled. "Come on."
'Off to rescue a damsel in distress,' Arthur thought to himself as he was hoping this ride to the cabin was quick.
───※ ·❆· ※───
Arthur's heart pounded as they approached the cabin, seeing that it was overrun with O'Driscoll's. He grew angry at what they had done, not even knowing if she or her father was alive or not.
"The cabin's in the clearin' down there," Kieran whispered. "There'll be a bunch of fellers hidin' out there too."
"Are these fellers armed?" Arthur asked.
"Armed. Drunk. Wary of strangers." He replied.
"And Colm O'Driscoll?" Arthur added.
"Oh, he'll be holed up in that cabin. Be passed out, booze blind, likely as not."
"Over there, someone's comin'." Bill warned as he motioned for them all to get down, John doing so by covering Kieran's mouth to keep him from yelling to his former gang.
"So, uh, who's gonna tell him we ain't got nothin' for the pot?" The men heard the strangers say from below the ridge.
"Let me think, the feller that spooked the game I reckon!" The other replied.
"I'm gonna drain it, I-I'll catch up," One of them said, leaning against a tree to relieve himself.
Arthur looked to John and Kieran, "Shh... Come on," He whispered to Bill, sneaking down the ridgeline.
"What're we doin' about the pisser, Morgan? The one by the tree?" Bill asked as they both took out throwing knives from their possession.
"He's yours, Williamson," Arthur directed, watching Bill nod as he easily took out the man before they both moved on to the pair of members waiting on him, also keeping watch on the camp.
"Good work. We movin' on the camp?" They heard John whisper after killing the two guards. "I left our guide up there. He's meek as a little lamb." John chuckled.
"He better be." Arthur growled.
"What about the one on the log?" John whispered.
"Kill him quietly, Marston," Arthur directed. "Get your hands dirty for a change." He teased.
John chuckled as he made his job look easy, hearing a 'Jesus Christ' from Arthur as he witnessed it.
Their stealth killings didn't go unnoticed as they were spotted by a lone guard, triggering the hail of gunfire in the quiet oasis of the wilderness. A few, long minutes later, Arthur finally halted his gunfire, insisting for Bill and John to start searching the bodies. "I'm gonna go search the cabin!" Arthur announced before being shocked at the discovery of Jameson's body hidden in the old wagon just outside the cabin. His heart broke as the old man had so much to live for, yet he wondered if the same happened to his daughter or if she had escaped. As much as he wished to rescue her, his mind immediately thought of the worst. He sighed as he holstered his pistol, walking up the steps to the cabin before being pushed down by the door, greeted by a smirking man and a shotgun barrel in his face.
Arthur accepted his fate as he braced himself for the blast, only to be halted by the man above him being shot. With a confused look, he turned his head to see Kieran shakily holding a pistol, shooting the man and saving Arthur's life.
"You alright?" Kieran asked as he made sure the enemy stopped breathing.
Arthur's breath hitched as he didn't even want to think that an O'Driscoll saved his life, let alone admit it. He lay his head back down, taking a deep breath, "Sure, thank you." He replied sarcastically before groaning to his feet, storming to the young man as he was soon met by Bill and John. "Colm O'Driscoll... He ain't here. You set us up!" He growled. "Come here!" He demanded as the young man slowly approached him with his hands up. Arthur was sure that if he was a dog, his tail would be tucked between his legs while he pissed himself.
"What?" He dared to ask.
"You set us up!" Arthur hissed.
"No, I didn't!" He protested.
"You did, Colm O'Driscoll ain't here!" Arthur argued, aiming his pistol at the young man's head.
"He was here, I swear! I sw- If I was setting you up, I-I wouldn't have saved your life," Kieran pleaded.
"It's a good point, Arthur," Bill intervened, putting himself in between Arthur and Kieran.
"Alright then, go on, get out of here." Arthur addressed.
"I won't kill ya."
"I didn't set you up,"
"Get lost!" Arthur demanded.
"Get lost?"
Arthur's face wrinkled as he grew angry, grabbing Kieran by the collar, "I'm lettin' you run away now go on, get out of here!"
"That's as good as killing me!" Kieran argued, daring to walk back towards Arthur. "Out there, without you- Colm O'Driscoll's gonna lose his mind about this!" Kieran pointed.
"So?" Arthur scoffed, resting his palm on his hip.
"So I'm one of you now." Kieran addressed, pointing his finger at him.
Arthur sighed, scratching at his beard, "Give me a break. Aright then," He said as he walked closer to Kieran, pointing his finger in his face, "But I'm warning you."
"Oh, I know,"
"Come on, let's get to camp." Arthur directed as his immense heartbreak couldn't dare to handle the sight of a deceased Jameson and Minnie Barlow.
"So you got the cash then?" Kieran asked, stopping Arthur, Bill, and John in their tracks.
"What cash?"
"Yeah, there's usually some cash in the chimney. Colm always talks about it whenever he plans to take over someplace," Kieran said as he attempted to walk towards the house, only to be stopped by Arthur.
"I'll check it! Rest of you boys get to camp, quick."
"See, Arthur, I ain't so bad!" Kieran proposed.
Arthur turned on his heel, "Hey Bill, you tell Dutch old Kieran ain't worth killin' just yet!" The men nodded as they made their way to camp while Arthur was eager to search the cabin for clues of Minnie Barlow, only to be stopped dead in his tracks by the woman herself, tied up harshly to the cot post with her head tilted back. His jaw dropped as he assumed her to be dead by her pale complexion. He lost all moisture in his mouth as he was still shocked. He hesitated to take a step towards her, even though he didn't think she had any life in her. 'Jesus,' He thought to himself, feeling that it was wrong to search the cabin, feeling like he was robbing her.
He slowly moved around the cabin, the two photos on the hearth catching his attention. He grinned as he looked at the photo of Jameson and his wife on their wedding day before looking at the photo of Minnie as an infant. "Minnie Anna Barlow," He said to himself before putting the photo back on the mantle before turning back to look at her still in the same position. "Guess I'll bury you and your pa someplace proper," He said quietly, knowing that she wouldn't reply. He took out his knife, cutting the rope from her ankles before locating the rope tying her wrists together, finding that there was no rope binding her. As he realized what was happening, the cold feeling of a revolver's barrel was pressed against his exposed chest. 'Smart woman,' He thought, his blue eyes meeting her hazel eyes once more. His breath hitched as she was the most beautiful woman he had seen in quite a while, which was a long while. He didn't want to admit that no matter how beautiful she was, she scared him.
"I don't think so, cowboy," She hissed. She recognized his eyes immediately, but she didn't know what he was capable of and why he was there. In a way, she was grateful that he was, even in the unfortunate circumstances that were about to unfold.
"Woah, easy," He pleaded, holding his hands up in surrender. "I'm not here to hurt you."
"Then why are you here?" She questioned, slowly standing to her feet.
"It's a long story," He sighed, shaking his head, hiding his embarrassment by the brim of his hat.
"What? You one of those O'Driscoll's comin' to finish me off?"
"No, we just killed all them O'Driscoll's, Miss," He tried to explain. "I-I met a man named Jameson in Valentine a few days back and he invited me up here to go huntin'. Well, a couple of weeks ago, we picked up a straggler that ran with Colm and were plannin' to use him as bait. We threatened to torture him if he didn't talk and he said that he knew Colm was plannin' to hide out here and I immediately thought of Jameson," He explained, his hands still up in surrender.
Minnie sighed, lowering her weapon, "Jameson is my father. Colm killed him. He was plannin' to turn me in for the bounty. I don't have much to live for anymore, just take me in." She frowned. As much as Arthur would've liked to have eight-thousand dollars, he couldn't bring himself to take her in, especially in such a fragile state. He could tell she was on the brink of personal famine as well as dehydration. "Do you want me to take you in?" He asked.
She nodded as she refused to look him in the eyes, ashamed of herself. He frowned too before daring to step closer to her, "You know what I'll have to do." He stated.
"I don't care what you have to do. Those men tossed me around like a ragdoll and I couldn't fight back. They starved me and tried to take advantage of me, only to beat me harder when I fought back. Please, Mister, swinging by the neck is far better than this pain I'm in now," She frowned, holding her wrists together, waiting for him to tie them together.
There was no way he was turning her in, but he wasn't going to tell her that. He looked down at the sores on her wrists before looking back at her delicate face, "Do you have any more weapons on you?" He said quietly.
She shook her head, dropping the pistol on the floor.
"Turn around," He said even softer, hating himself for even having to talk this way to a woman, especially one he was minorly attracted to, but he shook that thought from his head as he had to treat her just like every other bounty. He had no idea what she was capable of.
She nodded as she did as he asked, turning her back to him, hoping that he was just going to shoot her, but he didn't. She started to sob quietly as she felt his calloused hands gently grip her wrists, gently tying them back together, trying ever-so desperately to not cause more pain to her.
"Thank you for bein' so cooperative, Miss," He said as he started to guide her towards the front door. He was relieved that she didn't respond as the sound of her voice alone made his skin flush. "You have a horse?" He asked, even though he already knew the answer.
"Yeah, tied up over there," She replied, her eyes fixated on the ground below. "C-Can I see my father?" She asked. His breathing hitched as he didn't know what to say. "I...Erm, I don't know where he is..."
"I do," She frowned, looking at her feet. "They dumped him over there - didn't even bury him," He nodded as his reply, simply following her to where she saw the O'Driscoll's dump her father's body. He stood back to give her privacy, but couldn't help the burn in his chest as he heard her sob after collapsing to her knees. After a few moments, he slowly approached her, seeing that Jameson's body had already started decaying. If he wouldn't have known Jameson by his mustache and clothing, he would've looked like a stranger. "Miss... W-We need to go. The law probably heard all of those gunshots..."
"Then leave me here. They'll come for me." She cried as he helped her to her feet, noting that she was weak.
"I can't do that, Miss."
"Why not? Have other plans for me?" She snapped. He understood that she did it because she was scared and no longer valued herself, feeling like she had given up.
"No, that's not it. C'mon, let's go," He said quietly, untethering her horse from the tree he had been tied to. "Do you have any belongings you wanna take with you?"
She bit her lip, "His banjo and the money I had left for him. I'll burn it before I let the O'Driscoll's get the rest of it... And some of my clothes."
"Okay, I can help you, but we gotta hurry up and get outta here," He warned.
"This I know," She replied. He nodded as he cut her loose, keeping the pistol he had taken from her in his off-hand holster, afraid that she was going to try to rob him. He helped her grab her essentials from the cabin, especially the two photos that were on the mantle that he remembered. He helped her put her extra clothes in a burlap sack, wrapping the two photo frames in a pillowcase to protect them before putting them in the sack too. She grabbed her father's banjo as Arthur slung the burlap sack over his shoulder, ushering her out the door of the cabin, hearing a few weeps coming from her pale lips as he couldn't understand how hard it was for her to leave her home, especially knowing that her father was still there. "You think you're okay to ride your horse?"
"H-Honestly, no. I don't have enough energy." She panted.
He nodded before turning around and picking her up to place her on his horse before tethering her horse to his own, putting her belongings on the saddle, tethering them with the provided saddle strings. He couldn't explain why he did so, but he had figured it was because he was selfish and craving a woman's attention, even if it wasn't intentional. His action didn't make much sense, but he didn't care. 'At least I asked her,' He thought.
"Alright, let's get you back to camp," He said.
"Camp? I-I thought you were takin' me in for the bounty?" She questioned, confused.
"You thought a lot of things, Miss. Remember when you saved my life on that train?" He questioned as he looked up at her from the ground as he was about to mount his horse.
"Yeah?" She questioned, holding brief eye contact with "the man in blue" as he had verified his identity with her as they have in fact met before.
"Let me save yours."
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angelwriteswhat · 7 years
Who Told?
So this is a scene from a story that I’m working on called Together Till The World Ends. It’s an original story, but I hope everyone enjoys it. I have no summary but I’ll try to make one now. Any feedback or constructive criticism is much appreciated!! :)
Summary: Ellington Academy is a school for highly gifted assassins. Things have been going great for a long time until one day there’s a change within the school. Changes can be good and/or bad, but this change proves to be bad as the students within the school have their worlds turned upside down. The enemy is out to ruin their lives no matter what it takes. They worked so hard to create a strong united front, but will it all come crashing down because of the enemy?
“I can’t believe you Brandon,”
“It’s not- I didn’t want to do this Sapphire, I swear. I wasn’t trying to hurt you or Kieran,”
“Are you kidding me? Right now I couldn’t care less if you hurt me, people do it all the time and I’m so used to it, but Kieran- Fuck! Brandon what the hell were you thinking!”
Sapphire’s voice echoed of the walls of the room when she yelled at Brandon from the other side of the table. Her emotions were running at an all time high, unable to deal with what Brandon had told her. For the first time in a long time she felt like she wanted to cry and that put her on edge. They weren’t going to be the little “oh I hurt myself” tears or the “I’m on my period and my emotions are messing with me” tears. These were going to be the “I’m on the verge of having a breakdown” tears.
Sapphire stood slightly and reached across the table to grab Brandon by his shirt. “Why?! Why would you expose Kieran like that? He’s never done anything to you. I told you what I did in confidence because we have feelings for each other and I-” Sapphire felt the tears welling up in her eyes. “I thought I could finally trust someone again after being stabbed in the back so many times, but I guess I was wrong.”
Sapphire dropped back down into her seat and ducked her head down to keep Brandon from seeing the tears as they began to burn her eyes. Brandon felt like he had been struck in the heart after seeing Sapphire like this. He stood up and made his way to the other side of the table, kneeling by Sapphire’s side.
Brandon softly grabbed Sapphire’s hands to turn her sideways, but her head remained ducked down. “Please look at me. I need to explain why I exposed Kieran. I truly was not trying to make his life even more hellish than what it is right now,”
Sapphire pulled her hands from Brandon’s grasp, wiped at her eyes, and look him dead in the eyes. “I don’t want any bullshit, you have to tell me the complete truth. Don’t try to leave things out to smooth things over more easily. I swear to god it had better be good or I’ll break your neck like it’s nothing but a twig.”
Brandon snorted softly at Sapphire’s words knowing she was somewhat serious, but he was thankful she wasn’t trying to beat his ass before letting him explain. “A couple days ago when you told me that Kieran was working for the enemy and that he was being blackmailed I thought about how hard that must’ve been for him. When you told me he had a relapse because of this I didn’t want anything worse to happen to him. I went to Director Jones because I knew he had a soft spot for Kieran, due to some incident from their past, thinking that he would be able to at the least put Kieran’s mind at ease. Unfortunately it looks like Jones had to do what he had to do. He swore on his life he wouldn’t tell anyone, but-” Brandon stopped speaking and a strange facial expression crossed his face. Something wasn’t adding up. When Jones said that he wouldn’t ever tell anyone his facial expression backed up his words even more.
Sapphire quickly caught onto Brandon’s change in facial expressions. “Wait, are you thinking that someone else found out and spread it around school leaving out the part that Kieran was blackmailed? Do you think it was Hemmin-”
Brandon cut her off. “Hemmington would never. I know you don’t like him, but he’s not a shitty person at least not without a justified reason. Even if Jones did tell Hemmington he wouldn’t have left out the part about Kieran being blackmailed. And like I said before Hemmington isn’t a shitty person. He has no reason to hate or be against Kieran. The two of them barely even know each other.You know anytime Kieran’s had to meet with someone in the school it’s always Jones. I’ve never been so sure in my life that someone else knows and is purposely trying to get people to turn against Kieran.”
Although hearing Brandon’s explanation changed Sapphire’s current view on him, she couldn’t help but still feel like she wanted to cry. Kieran had so many ups and downs in his life and constantly faked his happiness to keep people from worrying about him. She had seen Kieran after Taikei had found the bruises the enemy had left on him when he tried to defy orders. She had seen him when he broke down and told the two of them that he had had a relapse and that it had never been this bad before. Sapphire had seen him when he looked absolutely crushed after realizing that he might lose Taikei, the boyfriend he loved and never wanted to let go, because he was only allowed to tell one person the truth and he had chosen Sapphire. Kieran had no idea that the truth was out and neither did Taikei. The two of them had been spending time at home after what happened, but things were tense as it was becoming clear that Taikei didn’t like the fact that he knew nothing.
Sapphire let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed her hands over her face roughly, feeling the tears coming again. This time she didn’t try to hold them back. She was tired. Tired of everything that had been going wrong since Principal Matin and Director Lumes had left. Almost nothing good had come out of them leaving and it was taking a toll on everyone. Their enemies were getting stronger, there were traitors among them, and the bond that they had worked so hard to form was crumbling right in front of their eyes.
Brandon caught a glimpse of Sapphire’s tears and pulled her into a hug. “Why are you crying? What��s wrong?”
Sapphire’s face was buried in his neck, but she still replied. “My heart is literally breaking for Kieran. He’s been my best friend almost since birth and I’ve never seen him look the way he does now. Not to mention the school is falling apart because of the enemy’s new tactics. On top of that there’s the truth about Alec’s death. Everything is so fucking overwhelming and I just can’t deal with it anymore. I haven’t cried since last year and I’m tired of holding my tears back. I needed a good cry so here I am. If you tell anyone about this though I’ll shove your face into the ground.”
While Sapphire hadn’t cried hard, she still cried enough to where she felt a little bit of weight lift off her shoulders. The one thing currently bothering her the most was: who had exposed Kieran and left out the important details? Kieran didn’t go to the school therefore most people didn’t know him and those who did were a part of the school’s high ranking teams. As far as she knew none of them hated Kieran. He pretty much kept to himself when he was in the school without Sapphire.
Brandon stood up and Sapphire cringed at the sound of his knees popping. “Maybe we need to talk to Jones then,”
“Fine, let’s go then. I’m still on the fence about believing him anyways. If I see his facial expression I’ll definitely be able to tell if he truly did rat Kieran out. People make it too easy to read them nowadays.” Sapphire said standing up and heading for the door.
Sapphire yanked the door open and watched as it slammed into the wall connected to its hinges. She turned to face Brandon, who had quickly rushed to follow her. “I know I’ve said a lot of threats today, but if Jones is the one behind this I really will knock the shit out of him. I’ve had it with all these people around us trying to play games and it’s time for someone to learn a lesson. By the way you have to buy me some mac and cheese for dinner. I specifically told you not to tell anyone about Kieran. Even though you reason for doing so was good this could blow up in our faces. Make sure it’s from Heaven In A Bowl. Don’t forget to ask for extra cheese and bread crumbs,”
Sapphire turned on her heel and made her way out of the room. They were halfway down the hall before she remembered an important part of her request.
“Oh and make sure it’s to go. I don’t want to eat with you and get stuck seeing your nasty looking face,”
“That’s cute because just yesterday you said you loved my face,” Brandon said poking her in the back of the neck.
Sapphire rolled her eyes and elbowed him in the stomach to keep her distance. “I’ll make you a deal. Buy me two orders of mac and cheese and you can eat at my dorm, just try not to be annoying for once,”
Brandon spun her around and lifted her hand to give her a high-five with a smirk resting on his lips. “Deal.”
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