#Like hey everyone my name is kaoru hakaze
piosplayhouse · 6 months
it really is sickening how scum villain is the only mxtx property to not have an English dub when sqq and sqh are quite literally the only mxtx characters who can canonically speak English
edit : I'm el idiota mdzs doesn't have an English dub post cancelled everyone go home . Though to me wwx is voiced by Robert Pattinson
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purpldawne · 2 years
i feel like yall always talk about "hey everyone my name is kaoru hakaze i was born november 3rd and im a student of yumenosaki gakuen high school im a senior student right there and my blood type is b and my class is 3A and that's pretty much it" but no one ever mentions "he is sleeping boy. he is bed go home. lunchtime, goo. morning, goo. at night, WAKE UP, and. . . go"
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kaetchup · 2 years
kaoru hakaze idol story 1
an idol story of kaoru’s! as usual, already localized on engstars, and i’ve made some minor tweaks/redone translation from the localization for readability.
♪ obligatory disclaimer! none of this is mine, i’m just sharing it for my love of our idol boys. all content belongs to happy elements ♪
in the ES lobby
kaoru: All right~ Let’s work hard today ♪
Good morning~! I’m Kaoru Hakaze from UNDEAD~!
… Wait, what?!
(Oh no! Why’s “she” here at the reception desk at ES?)
(She looks so normal sitting there that I almost said hello!)
(I mean, what’s wrong with a hello? Why did I even hide?)
(She must have heard me. Look, she’s curiously looking around!)
(O-of course. I can’t walk in like that… What should I do? No, you idiot! At this point, there’s no point in panicking!)
(All I need to do is say a quick hello, check in, and proceed to the studio!)
(Ugh… I don’t want to face her.)
(Anzu… Though we work in the same building, I’ve been avoiding her because it’s awkward, so it’s been a while since I’ve last seen her.)
(She’s getting prettier and prettier. Her days must be so youthful and busy…)
(Saying hi would be great for her… But what should I do? My heart is beating so fast…)
(Ugh, come on! Am I some character who blushes at the mere sight of girls?!)
(Still, it’s a weekday today and Anzu is supposed to be at school. Why’s she here in ES this early in the morning?)
(And I don’t see why a producer like her should be sitting at the front desk…)
(Ugh, I’ll be late if I don’t hurry up and get to the studio…)
(I don’t want to ask for trouble, especially because UNDEAD’s in a delicate state now at ES…)
(On the other hand, I want to reunite with Anzu more romantically…)
(I have to ask my friend for help! It’s an emergency!)
(H-hello? Rei? Can you do me a quick favor…?)
in the ES stairwell
(I’m saved! Yep, that’s Rei… I think he did exactly what I asked!)
(Looks like he opened the emergency exit to the building.)
(Rei doesn’t like to help others out, though, so I feel a bit embarrassed…)
(But he’s got no common sense and it’s me who’s always taking care of him, so we’re even now.)
(That’s what helping each other means, right?)
(Anyway, now I can safely avoid the front desk and go to the back door. Phew, that was close.)
(I’ll make an excuse like “I forgot” and check in later after she’s gone.)
(... Eek! The door to the lower level- the door to the emergency staircase opened! Who’s that? Anzu?)
(Err… But why? WHy is she coming up the stairs with a suspicious look? I-I gotta run!)
in the ES hallway
(... Argh, seriously! I’m exhausted.)
(What’s happening? I don’t get it at all. Well at least I can now make it safely to the studio, I suppose.)
(I hope it’s over. Something doesn’t sit right, but what else can I-)
Hey, you gave me a start! What… Huh? Anzu?
Wh-what are you doing behind my back? Don’t sneak up on me, okay? I nearly screamed!
(... No, that’s not what I meant. Jeez, come on! Where are all the cool lines I prepared for our reunion?)
(I forgot them all!)
Well, what… Oh, I’m supposed to call you “Producer”, not by your name, right?
Still… We’ve finally gotten close to each other, so don’t you think that’s too formal?
What? You don’t think we’re close? Because it seems like I don’t like you…?
No, no, that’s definitely not the case! I like you a lot, really ♪ Why would you think that?
It’s because I’d hide or run away whenever I see you…?
Oh, so you’ve noticed. How observant, Miss Producer ☆
But that’s not what I meant! There’s no way I could dislike you! I-I have a reason for that!
What reason, you say? Miss Producer, a-are you mad at me? You look scary! Come on and smile, okay? ♪
(Ugh, I can’t tell her the truth!)
(I’m supposed to make a cool and mature impression, and she’d be completely disappointed to know that I was like some lovesick schoolboy!)
Um, but may I keep it a secret? Everyone has one or two personal issues, you know?
It’s more mature not to pry, you see.
Oh, haha, maybe you don’t know because you’re still young.
Huh, “that’s alright”? You want me to at least check in?
Oh, so you went after me because I didn’t check in, right?
But hey, why are you even at the reception desk? Did someone make you?
That won’t do, you know~? You need to properly say no to things you don’t want to do.
What? You say it’s none of my business? True, but I’m worried about you~ So I put you in a bad mood, right, Anzu?
… Oh, you’re leaving already? Because you gave me the key card, and you can’t leave the front desk empty?
Hm, producer courses start in the afternoon, so you came here to ES in the morning…
You took the receptionist to the infirmary because that kid felt under the weather, and you took their place for the time being?
That’s so kind of you. I like that about you a lot ♪
Hey, wait! Don’t leave without a word! Are you really that mad at me?
Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude… Let me apologize! Please, Anzu~?
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aeoki · 2 years
Salon de Thé - Chapter 6
Location: Garden Terrace Characters: Hajime & Kaoru
TL Note:
Black corporations (ブラック企業): This is a Japanese term which refers to companies that exploit their employees (e.g. illegal overwork, underpay, harassment etc.).
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Kaoru: Oh! I spot a cute girl! I’m lucky today *humming~* ♪
Anzu-chan. If you’re not meeting up with anyone, why not have tea with me?
I heard there’s a tea set that’s going on sale for a limited time today.
Our meeting here must be some sort of fate -- deepening our friendship over something sweet doesn’t sound half bad, right? ♪
...Huh? You ordered the tea set already? Aw man, looks like I was a step late.
Hajime: Hakaze-senpai…? So it is you. Hello~♪
Kaoru: Hey, Hajime-kun~ You’re wearing an apron, are you helping out at the cafeteria? Good boy, good boy.
Hajime: Ehehe, I’m working as part of a “school part-time job”. Are you wanting to order the tea set too, Hakaze-senpai?
It’s a limited-time product, so please call out to me or Akehoshi-senpai if you wish to order it.
You can buy everything else using the meal ticket, as per usual.
Kaoru: Ohh, so this is what all the fuss is about. Everyone here wants to buy that tea set, huh.
There’s “Right now, you get to eat a chocolate fondant handmade by a cute idol!” written in huge letters.
But is that referring to you, Hajime-kun?
Hajime: Oh, no no! I only helped make the chocolate fondant, to be precise…
“Cute”... W-What is this sales message…?
Uuu, there wasn’t anything written on it before I entered the kitchen…
It feels like it happened before I knew it.
Kaoru: As for me, something handmade from a girl would make me a million times happier, though.
Like something handmade from Anzu-chan. Wait, Anzu-chan~?
Oh, good. You disappeared all of a sudden, so I was surprised.
Why’re you wiping the table anyway? You’re not doing a “school part-time job” like Hajime-kun, right?
Hajime: Anzu-san, I wouldn’t want you to take my job away from me~ I’m terribly sorry I made you work despite being a customer.
I had my hands full taking the orders out, so I didn’t have time to get around to cleaning up. The number of customers may have settled down, but there is the possibility it might get crowded again later.
I’d like to clean up properly and have the customers use it enjoyably. 
What? I don’t know what to do even if you tell me you want to work~
It seems Anzu-san feels like she shouldn’t relax, and has gained a big sense of mission after seeing us working.
But me and Akehoshi-senpai were the only ones who applied for the cafeteria part-time job… I can’t drag you into this, Anzu-san~
A break, you ask? No, I haven’t taken a break since I started…
Yes, I suppose so. There were a lot of customers when you came, but it has settled down now.
I’ll take this opportunity to clean up… Ah, yes. Washing the dishes isn’t in the job description, but I can’t stand to see it being left like that, you see.
It’s the same? Uuu, it makes me think it’ll be a good idea to have you help out if you say that.
Kaoru: Hm~ Then how about this?
First off, Hajime-kun, you can finish up what you were doing, including clearing away the tables, and then you can leave the rest of the work to me and Anzu-chan ♪
Yep yep. You want to ask why I’m helping out too, right, Anzu-chan?
The ones who applied for the part-time job are Hajime-kun and Subaru-kun, right? If we take over at the same time, they can both take a break.
Hajime: But wouldn’t that be bothering you…? You didn’t come to the cafeteria to work and that goes for Anzu-san as well.
Kaoru: I’ve got a huge benefit by the name of being with Anzu-chan, after all~♪
Leave the cooking to me; men who can cook earn quite a lot of brownie points, right? I can make desserts too, you know.
Ahaha, looks like Anzu-chan doesn’t have any objections. What do you say, Hajime-kun?
I think the cafeteria workers will be fine with it too. Making you work without rest is the same as those black corporations[*], right? 
Hajime: Is it really okay to take you up on that offer? But Akehoshi-senpai is working without rest as well.
Umm, I suppose I will. Once I’ve carried your order over and cleaned things up…
Come to think of it, we were talking about whether you were going to order the tea set, but was I wrong?
Kaoru: Nope. I came wanting to order it, so one tea set, please. What drink should I have? Hmm… a herb tea, thanks.
Hajime: A herb tea. Anzu-san, if you’d like another cup of black tea, please let me know.
Leave your current cup here. I’ll bring you a new one ♪
Kaoru: Anzu-chan, where were you sitting? ...The opposite of Moricchi? Ohh, you’re right. Moricchi’s sitting over there -- don’t tell me you guys were on a date?
Hmm. You were asked by Subaru-kun to talk to Moricchi because he seemed kinda bored, huh.
Yep yep, this is Moricchi we’re talking about, after all. I thought it was pretty unlikely, so I’m relieved now ♪
Could I join you two if it’s not a bother?
Ahaha. The more the merrier? Am I nor Moricchi seen as men~?
Well, never mind that. That feels more like something you’d say, anyway.
Hajime: Umm, I just need to carry the tea set over there, don’t I?
Things have settled down compared to the peak time, so I don’t think I’ve made him wait too long.
I’ll bring over a herb tea and chocolate fondant, so please look forward to it ♪
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reikeip · 2 years
Crossroad ♱ Chaos 8
Location: Underground Livehouse
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Koga: (Whew, I knew Sakuma-senpai was super cool~!)
(I can only hear little bits of what he’s saying because of how loud it is, but~ I bet he’s saying something really exciting!)
(You’re shinin’, Sakuma-senpai! One day, I’ll be a rockstar just like you...☆)
Rei: (Huh~ That kid’s sure got an impressive leer, eyes all blazin’ like that... is he some kinda beast?)
(Ain’t easy settlin’ down when I’m being watched~ An’ I can’t stand bein’ worshipped, I ain’t no god~)
(I’ll distract him. There’s a lotta other things worth seein’ in this world, after all.)
Ey kid~… You there, ya busy?
Koga: ? Oh, me?! W-w-what the hell is wrong with ya, don’t talk to me so casually~!
Rei: ...Uh huh. You’re always carryin’ that guitar around like it’s the most important thing in the world—So can ya play somethin’ off-the-cuff?
I’m gonna step out for a sec, think ya can be my sub?
Koga: Eh…? Oh, I’ll be Sakuma-senpai’s substitute? What an honor!
No, I mean—Of course I can, ya goddamn idiot! I’ll show ya just what I can do!
Rei:I dunno what kinda character you’re aimin’ for at all~ Whatever, I’ll just leave it to ya, ‘kay?
If ya give us a sloppy show, I’ll beat your ass ♪
Koga: Hah! Cut the nonsense! I’m representin’ ya here, I’m gonna play the best rock ‘n roll on Earth!
Rei: Yep. Well, cya. Bouzu an’ Morisawa-kun, keep doin’ your best. I’mma go talk to some fans.
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Keito: Huh? Hey, don’t move of your own accord! Give a sound explanation! Are you just doing as you please…!?
Rei: Ahaha. An’ what’s the harm in that? Doin’ stupid shit is a youngster’s privelage. You’re thinkin’ way too hard, just have fun in the moment~
Keito: ...The only reason you can flounce about all free-willed is because you’re so strong.
Rei: If you’re jealous just get strong, Bouzu.
...Oopsies ♪
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Kaoru: My bad. ...Can I help you, Sakuma-san?
Rei: Yep. No need to chat all polite with me~ We’re guys from the same school~
Kaoru: Is that so? I don’t go to school very much, so I wouldn’t know~♪
Rei: We’ve seen each other ‘round school a few times. C’mon, I won’t let ya say ya haven’t committed me to your memory~
Kaoru: Ahaha, have you made the mistake of thinking everyone knows you? Sorry~ I don’t really remember guy’s faces or names ♪
Rei: That so? Uhh, you’re Hakaze-kun, aint’cha?
You’re the manager of this underground livehouse, yea? I mean, that’s what I can gather followin’ everyone’s gaze.
My apologies, I came in and laid waste to your fun lil’ hangout spot.
Kaoru: Laid waste? Not at all, you actually kinda helped by livening this place up.
I’d actually like to request that you do this on a regular basis~ I’ll pay you properly, so can I formally request a gig?
Rei: I’ll think about it. I’m goin’ overseas after this, and I’m not too keen on stoppin’ in one place. How about I appear on stage as my mood dictates, ya good with that condition?
Kaoru: That isn’t a condition, that’s selfishness~ But, I guess so. If that’s how to get your service, then I’ll listen to your demands.
Rei: Ah, there’s one more thing. Ya see that kid playin’ guitar? Bet if ya trained him up I bet he’ll see some real improvement…
Can ya stick him in a suitable band and raise him up?
Kaoru: Why don’t you do that yourself? I think you’ve got the wrong idea about me, I’m not really the manager of this underground livehouse or anything.
I’m just the son of a local kingfish, so I got a lot of clout around here.
But that means if some issue arises, I’m in a position where it’s me who eventually gets relied on.
But it’s surely a hassle~ I was told that if I act like some big-shot then girls would flock to me, and that I’d get some good life prep.
And so my father said he’d entrusted this area to me, and left all the decision-making to someone else.
And now that Yumenosaki Academy’s on the decline, the land around here is practically worthless. Fitting a job for a prodigal son, right?
In exchange, I’ve asked him to shade his eyes and give me a little nightlife. ...Kidding~ I don’t know why I’m even telling you this story.
Rei: Nah, it’s very interestin’, so talk some more. C’mon, don’t be shy.
Kaoru: I don’t like the idea of presuming upon men~ But more importantly, shouldn’t you be going back on stage instead of worrying about me?
Everyone else is inexperienced, so without you they’ll be a mess.
The majority of the people at Yumenosaki, including myself, are pretty disappointing—But you’re a part of the geniuses, that minority who sustains Yumenosaki academy.
I bet you’re super busy, but keep at it.
Ordinary people are just ordinary people, so I’ll just sit on the sidelines~ I’ll cheer you on from there.
Rei: No need to get all self-depricatin’~ Ya just need to try harder, all of ya.
Kaoru: Ahaha. If we could all become Sakuma Rei just by working hard, we’d try our best, though. Unfortunately, the world just isn’t fair like that.
It’s the kind of world where good, kind people are made to suffer and die, for no reason at all.
Honestly, you’re just making a fool out of yourself if you go and believe you’ll be rewarded for your efforts.
Rei: ……
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kuma829 · 2 years
Wedding Speech*Strumming Bride Light Translation Chapter Ten
Cast: Kaoru, Adonis, Koga, Rei
Author(s): Yuumasu and Akira
Season: Summer
Proofread by: Gelyan
(...But I’ll keep this memory secretly in my heart forever. You’re so beautiful when you’re in love)
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Chapter Ten: <Day of the Wedding>
Kaoru: “Congratulations on your marriage!”
“The name’s Kaoru, the bride’s younger brother, as introduced by the host.”
“So, well, when my sister asked for me to do the entertainment for the celebration, I was pretty worried. Like, what would I even do?”
“First I thought, hey let’s do a magic trick! But, I’m just an amateur~ Like here, look at me pull out this napkin from my pocket! …”
“Aha… And I can’t make beautiful flowers bloom from just anything, no siree, I’d have to stuff a magic wand full of some fake flowers and then *BAM* One shake and here come those crumpled plastic flowers~! …”
“Ahaha! Thanks for all the laughs, but the show's yet to start~!”
“So, as some of you know, I’m part of the unit known as UNDEAD”
“I was like, hey let’s sing a song that I know I’m great at, but… That’s not something all that creative, is it? Just stand there on the stage and sing by myself, how predictable, right?
“And that’s when it hit me. I’ll invite all my pals to come join me on congratulating the pair’s brilliant new beginnings”
“We are~... UNDEAD!”
Rei:  ♪~♪~♪
(Kukuku, as expected. The crowd’s gone wild with our appearance. Take it from here, Kaoru-kun… ♪)
(The crowd may be surprised by us, but it was Adonis-kun who had me surprised)
(“Is it okay for a vampire to enter a church with the cross displaced on it?” He asked me with genuine concern.)
(Fortunately, making up a white lie soothed his worries. “It’s safe for me to enter if it’s a celebration,” I’m happy Adonis-kun remains a pure child.)
(Alright, alright. Enough of my blathers)
(Now is the time to congratulate the bride and the groom… ♪)
Koga: ♪~♪~♪
(Hakaze-senpai’s guitar playing has improved so much, I almost can’t recognize it, it’s crazy unbelievable.)
(Not as good as me though~ But pretty impressive considerin the amount of time I had compared ta him… ♪)
(When I first met the guy I thought he was just some fuckboy who liked to play around wherever he went~ All talk no action)
(I’ve gotta admit, I’ve gained a bit of respect for him with those guts he has)
(... But I’m never gonna tell him that~ever!)
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Adonis:  ♪~♪~♪
(The Japanese wedding ceremony seems to differ greatly from the wedding ceremonies of my homeland)
(But, the joy and happiness bubbling inside the venue, it’s the same)
(I wonder if the day will come where I’ll have to perform entertainment at my own sisters’ weddings…)
(When the time comes, I’d like to rely upon UNDEAD just like this. I don’t think I could ever live up to my sisters’ expectations by myself)
(... Uh… But if I want to have them with me for a show, I’d have to arrange them to meet my sisters…)
(That’s troubling… I don’t want them to meet Hakaze-senpai and Oogami)
(... … They’d probably beat me to a pulp for even just thinking about an idea like this)
(I hope my sisters never get married)
(This isn’t the time to get depressed. Next year, I’ll tell the devil about this idea and I’m sure he’d just laugh at me)
(Hakaze-senpai, Good… His smile shines brightly)
Kaoru: ♪~♪~♪
(Ahaha… Hearing our song, my sister’s crying. You probably didn’t expect us to sing this type of song, right?)
(Her husband seems to be happy too. As the one in charge of the entertainment, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders now)
(What kind of younger brother was I to my sister?)
(She was the best older sister to me, that it feels like a waste of time spent on me)
(While everyone else around me was against me becoming a idol, only she supported me)
(Even though we drifted apart due to the estrangement… You still believed in me)
(... Hey. Why were you the one who was apologising to me back then? When I was the one who kept placing burdens on you?)
(“I’m sorry, Kaoru-chan,” I still remember those tears so vividly)
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(...But I’ll keep this memory secretly in my heart forever. You’re so beautiful when you’re in love)
(For that figure of yours that is walking forward, is walking towards a future that will shine brighter than anyone else)
(The one and only, most precious big sis in the whole wide world—)
(Please stay happy, okay? Congratulations on your marriage.)
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kym2020 · 2 years
Depths*The Beast Laying Hidden Beneath
Koga: Oi, wait a minute. Take that word back now.
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〈Late October, ES building's lobby〉
Koga: 「Hey Keiji-san¹, I heard there's another murder case appeared at the building in front of the station yesterday! What can't I ask, one of the victims is my friend! Huh? The victim has a scratch on their neck?」
「It's true! Only the witness like me in scene knows that characteristics. You say, it's the work of the same culprint. Ha ha, that's right. So you call the criminal a "Beast".」
「Sure, look at that Beast. "Natsuhara Keina" is the first victim. We're in the same club named "Sagurayama Social Club". The second victims body was also found at Sagurayama-san's property. You say he's a hungry beast who only goes after rich people.」
「What's wrong Keiji-san? You have a request..... You want to hide your identity as a police officer and join "Sagurayama Social Club".....? You want it to be an undercover investigation? I guess so, we can also call it self protection.」
「But, I'm just an unsold artist with zero social credit, you know? Just because he’s a patron of mine, doesn't mean he easily trust other members. So you want to collaborate with me? You suspect me as the most influential person of Beast.」
「Hmm? I have an alibi today, no one would doubt it. Well, I'll talk to you later. I gotta go back to my atelier. They got killed. Seems like I'm must be crazy joining hands in this work.」
Rei: Cut!!! Good acting, Koga.
Koga: Hey, whatcha sayin' "cut". Yer imitating the Director's mouth~ Geez....well, fine, but this isn't the job we wanna work.
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Kaoru: That's right. I never thought "UNDEAD" would be assigned in a special program, such a golden opportunity. Moreover, the genre is a romance drama. It's the perfect project for me.
Koga: Oi oi, Hakaze-senpai. Is yer head filled with flower only? Its written in the proposal. The genre is of this drama is "Suspense × Love". Of course, the suspense is the main genre and love was the sub.
Adonis: However, reading the title "Love and Beast", both genre seems important.
Rei: Either way, it's a great opportunity to show off how "UNDEAD" is. We are a "unit" that claims to be "wild and immoral". As long as fans were to expect something, it's great to show them a good-looking side of ours.
Kaoru: Right, right. On the contrary "Valkyrie" and "fine" are appearing on variety shows to be more familiar with their fans, even we have to sell our coolness~? ....oops. Seems like the next sence is ready while we're talking. The next scene will be me and Adonis. Let's go, Adonis-kun.
Adonis: Ah, I'm not used to acting, but I'll do my best.
Koga: Right, good luck host and diplomat.
Rei: Ku ku ku. Everyone is thriving in this fresh drama job. Although, I didn't know the young lady would request us to be in this shooting of a romantic drama.
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Koga: Gaah! What's this proposal! We're going to appear in one of variety show and it's a drama show. When it was sent via "Hall Hands²" I thought it would pop out. Oi, vampire bastard, u listenin'? Why does it have to be "UNDEAD"? This is a child's play!
Rei: That being said, rather than we are good friends, aren't we a "unit"? The wild and immoral "unit" side we shown in live so far.....
Koga: That's why I also need to appear in the variety show...!
Rei: This is troublesome. Why are you rejecting the show Koga... and you too Adonis-kun, just go inside don't find me.
Kaoru: Eh~. I don't want to budge in your talk... But why don't we keep this bad mood in the distance. Let's keep calm and talk, alright.
Adonis: As what Hakaze-senpai said, calm down Ogami. You can't say your words out unless you calm yourself down.
Koga: A~h? Fine, now I'm calm! 'Til now "UNDEAD" never participate in a variety show, I'm just surprised by it. But this variety show seems good. If you appear on a variety show, you'll earn an image.
Rei: However, I can't afford all my lifetime to be spent. We are idols. No matter how great our live performance is, if we can't do a range work, we'll be eaten by others "units", right?
Koga: But why do I have to participate in that kind of show....! Acting is a job that is not befitting to us. Why do we need it?
Adonis: Is it a drama.....?
Koga: Ah, it wouldn't be bad if we wouldn't show our coolness in acting.
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Adonis: Really. Then you did something wrong?
Koga: ?
Adonis: Today I pass by Anzu at Yumenosaki Gakuin and she asked me if I'm interested in a drama with a theme of "suspense and love". But we know Ogami hates work not related to music so I replied we might decline.
Koga: Oi, wait a minute. Take that word back now. It's much better than a variety show, we know how to act! If we appear in a drama under "UNDEAD" and show off our music too, it would be killing two birds with one stone♪.
Kaoru: Eh ...? I don't think there was anything about tie-ups, right?
Rei: Let's talk to the young lady at a meeting place. It’s also rare for Koga to be interested in a work other than live performances.
Koga: Hahaha, I will come.
Adonis: Alright then I'll contact Anzu.
Koga: Alright, Adonis! I'm going to study the latest drama!
Adonis: (whisper) Ogami seems to be motivated.
Rei: (whisper) ...Kukuku. It's as planned by us.  I'm glad we played a variety show in "Hall Hands"♪
Kaoru: (whisper) Ahaha. Only Koga-kun doesn't know about it...  Rei-kun is also a sly one, isn't he?
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Koga: Well, that's how we got an offer for "Love and Beast". Oddly, the script doesn't have an ending yet.
↑ 1. Keiji-san = Detective-san, I just used that one...
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mikarashis · 5 years
Ensemble Stars Episode 3 Analysis
There were...so many things to talk about this episode…
I’ve been trying to collect my thoughts all day so I don’t miss anything (though I inevitably will) but let’s go!
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It only took three whole episodes but they’re finally calling her something other than ‘producer’ or ‘transfer student’.
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He’s adorable, but it really makes me want to meet the rest of anime!Ryuseitai.
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I mentioned this on twitter but they really are doing the most to make sure we know Anzu’s not supposed to be romantically linked to any of the boys.  In the game a lot of the starter cards are done in a way that looks...at least like there’s a possibility it’s supposed to be shippy but here instead of Kuro handing the handkerchief to her himself like in his initial 4* card Tetora just carries it across the room.
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This whole thing was done really well, because it’s not like Kuro’s ever been outright antagonistic during the times that we’ve seen him but we also know by now that he’s not exactly thrilled with how the student council is handling things; him saying it outright to someone from a unit that’s challenging them is a pretty big statement, though.  
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I LOVE HOW THEY DID THIS TOO; Kuro being skilled at costume-making is such a charming thing about his character and definitely not something new viewers would expect after watching him up until now.  
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They don’t actually show what Anzu asked but I’m guessing that’ll be revealed at a later time (and since we don’t see Trickstar’s unit outfits this episode it doesn’t really come into play yet, either).
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The most intimidating grandpa Rei will ever look
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I think this is an important distinction to make, too, since even though the system within the school is rigged toward the student council, they still have to be good enough to win the votes of people they can’t directly influence - in that way, it makes sense that Akatsuki is excellent in their own right despite having a major advantage for some of the lives they perform.  
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I love this??  I love this.  Mao being the double agent that literally everyone knows about is already really interesting, but the anime is doing a good job of showing that he’s conflicted about it, too.  Because Mao...is genuinely on the student council because he wants to be, he’s not there to spy for Trickstar, and I’m glad they’re putting emphasis on it since it’s important going forward.
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Kaoru it’s the cafeteria, all the students are in there literally every day, please.  (Also to everyone who changed the subtitles here to say ‘hey everyone, my name is Kaoru Hakaze, I was born on November 3rd…’ thank you for your service)
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I call foul on this though, when has Kaoru ever done this (talked about it, yes, but in reality?  I’m suspicious).
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I appreciate this too because of...future event spoilers, but Rei and Kaoru being equal in terms of their abilities is nice to see mentioned.  
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...I have no reason to post this other than I like the...composition.  Yes.  That’s it.  
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Fangs.  Also they do kind of set this up as ‘Rei knows about Mao because he’s Rei and he knows everything’ when the truth is closer to ‘Rei knows about Mao because Mao has come over to his house almost every day since he was a kid.’  
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I’m biased because Mao’s always been one of my favs, but I’m glad he got some really good focus this episode.
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I’m glad the anime remembers that one of Mao’s skills is breakdancing because the game sure never seems to.
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‘Serious conversations by the vending machine’ is definitely an anime trope but this scene is subtle in the way that it shows how perceptive Mao is because he’s noticed these things about Makoto and how he doesn’t think he’s at the same level as the rest of Trickstar. 
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This anime really loves their Ominous Silhouettes.  It’s also really odd to see Knights without Leo in the middle.
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This scene was...weird.  In the original and in the stageplay it’s just Makoto and Mao so Izumi saying these things when Makoto doesn’t have four whole people backing him up makes them seem a lot more threatening than here in a bright practice room with his whole unit and Anzu behind him.  Izumi also gets a lot more...physical...in other iterations of the story and I get why they’d take that out here but it does diminish the threat he’s supposed to pose somewhat.  
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Makoto standing up for himself is always great, though.
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THIS LINE.  This is so important, because this is the essence of Izumi’s character and it’s so fascinating how he makes it sound like a threat when it’s really coming from a place of concern.  Izumi has seen what the industry can do to people he loves first-hand and he’ll do anything - even if it’s really ill-advised - to stop that from happening to anyone else he cares about.  
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Also ouch.
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Hokke’s papa getting a mention, nice.
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Me, last week: are they just gonna ret-con themselves at some point by dropping that there’s really five oddballs
Rei: *does just that*
(I know there’s more to the whole thing but it really did get expanded upon much more quickly than I’d anticipated!)
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Again, though, we’ve already...seen Natsume...I guess they want to keep his identity as one of the oddballs secret but he was already writing curses on the front walk of the school so it’s not really a stretch to connect him here.
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THIS IS SO DRAMATIC but I love that they bothered to change the silhouettes to match their appearance from the year before (even Kanata’s mullet is there).  
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Considering Rei’s past...relationship with the student council, I’d hope he wouldn’t hate it entirely…
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Someone mentioned the similarities between this and one of Ritsu’s lines from Checkmate Knights, but both of the Sakuma brothers have this...recurring theme about kind of being stagnant while the world around them keeps moving and I like that it’s a consistent trait with them. 
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Tori’s ahoge is just moving independently throughout this shot and it’s amusing.
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Izumi, alone in his classroom because everyone else (save for Chiaki) is either performing or absent (why is 3-A such a mess)
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Keito just looking toward Eichi’s empty chair...I see…
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I didn’t even register that they were singing Gate of the Abyss until I saw it in the credits but nice, especially with this line from Kuro overtop of it.
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THIS WAS SO GOOD, Keito and Rei have such a fascinating relationship and I don’t know if the anime will expand on the whole Deadmanz thing or not but I love their whole ‘bitter exes’ vibe at this point in the year and the tension is so palpable here.  
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I...if Souma says ‘roger-dodger’ in the dub I’m going to lose it...why…
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Melody in the Dark was the first Enstars song I ever listened to (and then I forgot other songs existed and just listened to it on repeat for a good few days before moving on) but this was everything I could have wished for.
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Also a big thanks for enstage for giving us this mic choreography that’s been used ever since
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Okay thinking about Rei’s new card where he’s running away from bats lessens the effect of this a little, but this entire performance is still so well put-together.
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Keito you almost look cool here  (I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before but I tend to give a lot of the characters I really love a hard time, it’s all in good fun.  Keito’s solidly in my top ten at this point so he’s very dear to me).
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The beginning of this ending with the Trickstar logo and colors confused me a bit since the song was obviously...not theirs…
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Me, thinking about how they’ll probably be the next collection event in the game: Oh Good!
But that brings us to the end!  I can’t believe I wrote almost 1500 words on this episode but I guess that means we’re really getting into the meat of the main story now.  Overall while they’re still rushing/skipping some things I feel like the scenes they’re including are being developed more fully than they were in especially the first episode and the characters are starting to show more of their personalities. 
If you enjoyed please feel free to like/share/etc. because these do take a while to go through/type up so it’s nice to know someone’s reading them!!  
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kuma829 · 2 years
Wedding Speech*Strumming Bride Light Translation Chapter Four
Cast: Adonis, Rei, Kaoru, Koga
Author(s): Yuumasu and Akira
Season: Summer
Proofread by: Gelyan
That would be me ♪ I think the real pleasure of karaoke is that you can easily put on a ‘meme’ song
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Chapter Four: <A few days later>
Kaoru: (...I called them over to have a little chat, that’s what I said in the ‘Hold Hands’ app, but—)
Koga: ♪~♪~♪
Adonis: …♪ (Hits against the tambourine)
Rei: …♪ (Lightly shakes the maracas)
Kaoru: (What’s happening…? Why am I doing karaoke with everyone?)
Koga: Areee you ready, assholes! We are…
Adonis + Rei: UNDEAD~!
Koga: ….Eeeh? What’s wrong with Hakaze-senpai, is it that hard ta get into~?
ASS~HOLE! Shout like yer life depends on it, put your damn soul into it! We Are…
Kaoru: Ah, UNDEAD~...
Adonis: …
Sakuma-senpai, is this alright?
(Hakaze-senpai doesn’t seem to be having fun… But, what should I do)
Rei: Anything is fine. As long as you,  yourself, enjoy karaoke, it’s all fine.
Adonis: Really…? Is it really ok to have fun without caring about your seniors’ feelings?
Rei: Mhm. If you keep fixating on Kaoru-kun’s every move, he may notice you. Just act natural and let yourself be one with the air.
Adonis: …Understood.
Seems like Oogami’s song is over, next one up is…
Koga: What’s with this fucking stupid song intro? Who put this on?
Rei: That would be me ♪ I think the real pleasure of karaoke is that you can easily put on a ‘meme’ song.
Enjoy the sound of my beautiful singing voice ♪ Here Kaoru-kun, you can have my maracas.
Kaoru: Eh? Me~?
Rei: Kukuku, shake it with all your heart for me, Kaoru-kun… ♪
Kaoru: Yeah, yeah. Boom Shaka Boom~
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<Two hours later>
Koga: Ah~ Singing your whole damn heart out is the best way to stop feelin’ like shit!
I’ve been feelin’ like fucking piss for way too long, this stuffs a damn good stress reliever.
Adonis: Oogami, today you were singing different types of songs from all types of rock bands today, weren’t you?
Some of the songs were new to me, I wonder if it was just me being out of the loop when it comes to well-known songs.
Koga: Hm~... Well there were some big named guys, but also some indie guys who performed in side areas.
Adonis: Side areas? How would you go about finding stuff like that…
Koga: Oh, y’kno. Video sharing type sites and social media, rock lovers gather in some places here and there. You can find whatever ya want on the net.
Famous or not~ I try to get a feel for all types of music I’m interested in.
Nothin’ wrong with just listening to artists ya already like~ but…
Rock is a universal language. There's just as many rockers as there are stars in the universe, so it’s sort of dumb to limit yourself, don’t ya think?
Adonis: I see. The number of stars, huh…That’s amazing.
Koga: Extremely super damn cool! Rock n Roll’ ☆
Kaoru: (Koga-kun’s looking like he’s having a lot of fun, huh~ Even Rei-kun just watching them looks like he’s having a good time)
(I missed out on bringing up what I wanted to discuss… I should have laid it on them at the beginning…)
(...But, I’ve still got time. I’ll just tell them now)
Hey, everyone. Wanna go to the coffee shop?
Let’s have a nice little talk as we have some lunch, yeah?
Adonis: No. It’s lunchtime now, but I already have a reservation for all of us.
Follow me, I will take you there.
Kaoru: Eh? Reservation?
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<10 minutes later>
Kaoru: (Didn’t even get a chance to catch my breath, but here we are…)
(It’s a buffet-type restaurant that’s focused around meat dishes, it seems to be something Adonis would like)
(After karaoke, it’s meal time huh…)
(What’s this strange feeling in my chest that I can’t put into words? Is it because this is the first time in a while all four of us are spending time together?)
Rei: Kaoru-kun, you’re back.
Kaoru: Aah, hey Rei-kun.
Rei: Alright… Hmm, is that all you got? Aren’t you eating a bit too little?
Kaoru: I’m not the type of guy who likes to stuff my plate full. Makes the food feel more “important,” doesn’t it?
Rei-kun… Ahaha. Of course you just got ham lemons
Rei: Kukuku, it’s because prosciutto is my favourite ♪
Speaking of food, according to Adonis-kun, this place has excellent pancakes.
Kaoru: Isn’t the focus on meat dishes?
Rei: Mhm. Every hour a limited number of pancakes are served, look to how the chefs ring the bell to signal that they’re ready.
Kaoru: Hmm? I’m looking forward to it.
(Why did Rei-kun mention pancakes?)
(Was it because I talked about prosciutto? But even then, it feels a bit forced to suddenly change topics to pancakes)
(Didn’t he say, “According to Adonis-kun?” How did pancakes even come into the conversation to begin with?)
(I think I figured out what all this discomfort is about…)
(I think they’ve noticed something off… Yeah, I think that’s it… During karaoke, it was Koga-kun…)
(But, why? …Maybe they know about the reception…?)
(No, I told Anzu-chan to speak nothing of the reception to the three of them, so that couldn’t be the case)
(She’s not the type of girl to break a promise like that. But other than that…)
(Hm… Nope. Nothing comes to mind)
(If this keeps up, I’ll just ask Rei-kun directly)
Rei: … ♪
Kaoru: (Woah, he’s smiling. That’s the type of face you’d make if you were up to something…)
(And he’s looking right at me… In times like this, no matter what I try to think of, it doesn’t make sense)
(I guess I have no choice, I’ll just be swept along for the journey until they tell me what’s up)
(I feel like an animal trapped in a cage)
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