#Like if they really wanted to. They could blend in the exact same way Marcus did even though they were under Triton
bionicbore · 2 years
With my triton app marcus hc (theory?) I was thinking it was like... Marcus being given a list of chores telepathically with the app, which he had no reason to disobey, and I think Douglas used it to directly feed lines to Marcus to say to the Davenports on occasion.
I never meant for it to come across like Marcus was 100% machine with no emotion. If he was under the triton app, that doesn't mean he's not still him. We saw with Krane's soldiers that even people under the Triton can still have their own unique personalities.
hfdkjafh just wanted to clarify this <3
OKAY BUT SAME Like I don't think the Triton App was being used on Marcus in the same sense as how it would be used later on Adam, Bree and Chase. Like I said in the tags, I like to think of it as Triton being like... the backbone to his programming ('Cause y'know. Again, android) and some remote commands. But just putting an android under Triton full-stop wouldn't be very convincing, I bet, given how uncanny the Rats acted
The whole feeding lines thing actually fits in really well too- Douglas actually talked to Adam and Bree while they were under Triton, so him doing the same for Marcus on occasion would make sense. Douglas absolutely told Marcus "Listen. My brother's a tool, you gotta be a suck-up. I cannot stress this enough"
ALSO I just... really love seeing the alternate interpretations this fandom has. I've reblogged various things that don't specifically fit with my own hcs 'cause some folks are just really creative ideas. Full-Triton Marcus is very angsty so it's a fun what-if :>
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spideyrights · 5 years
See You Again - Jake Gyllenhaal x Reader
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summary: in an awkward encounter, you see your ex again which leads to conversations of how you’ve been, who you may or may not be with and a few vague regrets
​You tug nervously on the sleeves of your very ugly Christmas jumper, bunching it up in your hands and playing with the stray strands of fabric as a distraction. You currently stood in the kitchen, definitely not a hotbed of activity at this party, you noted as you fumbled around in the fridge looking for a beer. Ryan Reynold’s infamous yearly Christmas party to be exact, certainly not something you wanted to come to but you felt way too guilty to say no to Blake when she put on those sad, pleading eyes. She promised you'd have fun and maybe you would be having fun if you weren't incessantly worrying if your ex was going to show up. It was seriously draining the energy out of you to keep avoiding every guy with dark hair who, from the back, looked vaguely like Jake before you then realised it wasn't him and had to return to a conversation with a new group of people who didn’t think you were insane for the way you bounced around nervously or couldn't make more than a simple mumble as a response in group conversations. 
Ryan eyed you from across the room, noting your weird behaviour, and mouthed a soft I guess he's not coming. Whilst your nerves eased severely, you felt a small amount of disappointment. You wanted to see how he was doing, if he looked better or worse, if he was happy and laughing, if he was with someone else. Okay maybe you didn't want to see that, you realised as the thought sat uneasily, making your insides grind. And so this is how you ended up here, squatting on the ground of Blake and Ryan’s kitchen, rifling through their fridge for some alcohol to take the edge off of this unfortunate evening.
“Bingo!” You whisper softly with a sense of triumph as you finally find a few beers hidden in the back. “There one in there for me?” The voice comes from behind the fridge door though it’s not even like you try to catch sight of them before standing with another beer.
“Yeah sure, here-” You stop abruptly, now having risen from the ground and shut the fridge door, coming face to face with Jake. He has a gentle smile on his face. Clearly he knew it was you when he asked and you wished you were maybe a little more on your guard and thought of who’s familiar voice that might be before you stood with a beer extended to him and a look of awe on your voice. “Thanks.” He grins, taking the drink from your hand and cracking it open.
You still remain silent, unsure of what to say. Actually you’re kind of unsure if you can even form words anymore. “Hi.” There's one word, good job, you praise yourself sarcastically. “Hey.” You’d kick yourself for just standing there staring at him if he wasn't doing the same. The heavy eye contact lingered for a moment more before you were the one to break it, shaking your head and looking to the ground. “Hi, h-hey, I said that already. I, um, meant...how are you?” You stumbled nervously though it did nothing but make his adoring smile grow wider.
“I’m good, you know, all things considered,” His eyes flitted briefly to the ground, clearly still uncomfortable with alluding to your breakup. It had been about six or seven months now since your ‘mutual breakup’. At the time Jake’s work had been taking a lot out of your relationship. He was away a lot and over the course of him shooting abroad you guys grew further and further apart. By the time he got back it was almost like you didn't know each other anymore. But here Jake was now and you didn’t know what it was - maybe his bright blue eyes or that charming smile - but something about him felt like the old Jake, your Jake. Maybe you were just kidding yourself. “How are you?”
“I’m doing well actually,” you told him honestly. “I quit my job like I always wanted to and interviewed at that place I always told you would be my dream to work at. It’s less of a dream now considering I actually work there but I do still love every moment of it.” You chuckle softly as you speak, partly just from the fact that you have no idea what else to do with the intensity of Jake’s gaze on you. He leans back against the kitchen island, never breaking eye contact with you and you step away from the fridge towards him. You both seem to have relaxed into the conversation. 
“I’m so proud of you. I always knew you hated that other place. And what was that guys name? Marcus...Ma-Mark, right?” The two of you laugh together, reminiscing on memories of you ranting about your ass of an old boss. 
“Yeah, I still see that guy sometimes when I visit the office and I swear he hates me for making more than him now.” The gentle laughter continues, dying subtly when you both swig some of your beers. You watch as his amused smile twists into a blend of happiness and confusion. “Why do you still visit the office?”
Your smile drops and you inhale, reprimanding yourself for letting out that detail. Jake notes how you have some hesitance to tell him something and how you lean forward on the counter right next to him, avoiding eye contact. “I just- I go there sometimes if I want to visit- I go see Kyle sometimes and we...get lunch together and stuff like that.” Your words trail off at the end, trying to seem casual but it really make you seem more guilty.
Jake stands upright, his back still against the counter next to you but not even half as relaxed as he was before. Jake knew the name Kyle well. Your former co-worker was certainly a source of conflict for you and Jake as Jake suggested he was way too touchy and flirty with you though you insisted he was ‘just that type of person’. Jake never pushed you on it, not wanting to be controlling, but that never stopped the tension on his end whenever you went out with Kyle back when you were together. Safe to say it’s even more awkward to mention him now.
“Are you and Kyle like-”
“No, no, it’s nothing like that I promise,” You defend yourself quickly though you have no idea why you insist on making your availability so obvious. Actually you do have some idea why you might be doing that. You stand facing Jake now, looking at him though he still stares down at the top of his beer bottle. “And, you know, I hate admitting when you’re right but I think you may have been right about Kyle being into me when we were together”
“Of course he was into you. Who wouldn't be?” Jake makes eye contact with you now and you swear you can feel the air leave your lungs as he makes that comment. His eyes flick around your face as he moves closer. You know what he’s doing and you really want that, you do, but your brain seems to want different things for you. 
“Um, yeah, he was just really pushing it after he found out we broke up,” you divert eye contact, looking away and moving your lips away from their trajectory to his. “Like he was coming on seriously strong and I had to stop him but I think he got the message after I pushed him off of me.” “This guy- I swear to God- I’m gonna...did he do anything to you? I remember where you work and I gotta say I could seriously hurt this kid.” His hand tightens around his beer bottle as he goes off into a manic ramble though all it does is bring a doting smile to your face. You missed this side of him, the side of him that actually cared. Towards the end of your relationship, nearing your breakup, you felt like Jake wouldn’t even notice if you married another man. But. here he was again, the Jake that noticed. Your Jake.
Your face falls with a truthful realisation. “Well you have no reason to do that anymore because you’re not my boyfriend.” Your words are spoken softly but with the way Jake winces they may as well have been a physical punch to his gut. He’s eerily close again. In fact he moves closer, now standing in front of you, hands either side of you on the island. 
“What if I was.” Your eyes grow wide and you set your beer down with a few scoffs and noises of exclamation. “Listen, just...hear me out.”
“I’m listening.” “I know how things were before but they won’t be like that anymore. I love my work okay, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t still love you. I only came to this stupid party because I kept bugging Ryan and Blake, asking them if you were coming. I wanna work at this, okay? These past few months have been so rough, I feel like I can’t enjoy any of this other stuff I used to because it’s nothing compared to when I used to enjoy it with you. I want a family with you, I want a future with you. I can even work less-”
You cut his words of by moving your lips up to his, colliding in a kiss. He acted instinctually, his hands moving to grip your waist and pull you towards him as your hands hung loosely around his neck. Your lips moved passionately against each other, only coming apart eventually for air and you were sure you may have come apart crossed eyed from the sheer intensity of the kiss. “Should I take that as a yes?” 
You chuckled in response, smiling brightly. 
“Yes, idiot, take that as a yes.” a voice interjected. You both looked to the doorway, seeing Ryan and Blake lingering there with pleased smiles on their face. You and Jake jumped apart like two teenagers in love, his hands moving from your waist and yours out of his hair. “Oh please, we saw the whole thing. This is exactly how we thought it would go so don't even bother hiding. Now can you both please come out and speak to some of the other guests. There are other people here you know.” Blake scolded. You rolled your eyes, approaching her with a smile you could barely contain, taking her outstretched hand and returning to the party with her, though not before sending Jake a little wink and smile over your shoulder.
Jake was in such a daze he barely noticed Ryan approaching him until he slung his arm around his shoulder. “Nice going buddy, don't screw up this time.” Jake simply shook his head, smiling as the two entered the main party together. “Oh and did you call my party stupid?”
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evedaye · 6 years
Written for @abbygriffindaily‘s 4 Day Fall Fest Day 1. Favorite moments from season 5. Abby gets clean.
Most of this scene belongs to the writers of the 100. Abby and Marcus’ inner thoughts and the end are mine. 
Pairing: Abby Griffin/Marcus Kane
Setting: Season 5 Ep. 12
She packed up the last of the materials in the briefcase. Immensely thankful to be finished, after a grueling few days, but also happy. She'd made it through this first trial. She'd survived. Again. She hadn't thought she'd come out on the other side of addiction again. She'd been sure that the bunker would take everything she had. Take Marcus. Take her life. But they'd survived. And she was clean. For good.
And then she saw it. One red pill.
She bent to pick it up, her hand shaking slightly. She wanted to scream at it. How dare you! After everything I've been through. I'm clean! Not going back again! Leave me the fuck alone!
But she steadied herself. This will not beat me again. I am in control. I choose my life. I don't need this anymore. 
She held it in her palm, and this time, its weight didn't crush her into the floor. It was only a pill. Nothing she hadn't handled thousands of times before. 
She heard the door close, heard the heavy thump of his boots in the doorway. Her heart pounded in her chest. Clean. She was clean again. And he was here. She turned to face him.
"McCreary said you'd finished." his voice was like a balm to her soul, and she breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of him.
"122 procedures in 5 days. Without pills." her voice was steady again. He could hear the spark in her tone. Like she used to have. Before.
"I heard that too." he smiled, and her eyes softened.
He was bursting with joy. But he didn't want to spook her. To overwhelm her too fast. He didn't know how this was supposed to go. He could cross the room in two long strides. Take her in his arms, burying his face in her soft hair. He could promise to never let her go again, as his arms wrapped around her small frame. But he didn't know if that was what she wanted anymore. He didn't know if he deserved her forgiveness, if she even had any left to offer. And he was so weary. 
"Where's Clarke? I'd like to thank her for helping you, when I couldn't." his voice was clear, but she could hear the slight tremble when he said I couldn't. Like it was his fault it all fell apart again. Like he couldn't save her. From McCreary. From the pills. From herself. 
"I asked her and Madi to sleep at the church tonight. So we could talk." and maybe something else, her mind supplied. But she didn't know anymore. She didn't know if he still wanted her after that devastating choice she'd had to make. But she had chosen him. She was clean now.  She just couldn't do it on his timeline. She had to take the final step on her own.
She almost lost herself in the memory. The last time she got clean, in the bunker. She wondered if he was thinking of it too.
His hands roamed her body, almost reverently, lighting up nerves she'd sworn had died long ago. His mouth was everywhere, mumbling against her skin. 
"God, Abby. I've missed you." He punctuated each sentence with a kiss. "I've missed this. So much."
"Me too." she groaned as he pressed harder against her.
She crossed the room, willing him to meet her eyes. He almost spoke, but then shook his head slightly.
"I know that look. What's wrong?" she asked, imploring him to tell her the truth.
"McCreary won't accept Wonkru's surrender. They're all gonna get wiped out. And I told them how to do it." he sunk into the chair, the weight of another massacre threatening to crush him entirely.
"And I gave them the ability to." she added, almost laughed at the bitter irony. Had they really ever though they could be the good guys? That they could change. They'd almost had it once, but it slipped through their fingers like grains of sand.
"I'm just so tired of having to choose the least...the least bad option. Octavia, McCreary. Starvation or..." cannibals, his mind taunted. You're cannibals. 
"First we survive, then we get our humanity back. You told me that. Remember?" she reached for his hand, the touch gentle, but sparks pulsed through her blood. To have him so near again almost overwhelmed her senses.
"A long time ago." she smiled, willing him back from this newest devastation. To her. Here.
He pulled his hand away, her body instantly reacting to the loss. But she pulled back as well. He needed space to sort this out. 
“I wish I still believed it.” his voice was cold, hard.
"We'll get there." she reassured gently.
He scrubbed his hands over his forehead, hiding from this pain for a moment.
She needed to get rid of this damn pill. Burn it before he even had the chance to think that she was going to go back again. She needed a fresh start. They both did. 
She stood, taking advantage of his momentary distraction, walking to the surgery table. She took a deep breath, and pulled the two halves of the pill apart. She tipped the capsules, the powder flowing out, blending into the sheet and dropping to the floor. Harmless. Relief swept through her. I am stronger than this, she repeated in her mind. 
She turned back to him, determined to free him, even for a moment, from whatever form of self imposed torture he’d soon exact.
"Marcus." her voice startled him out of his contemplation, and he looked up at her, worry etching deeper lines in his skin. 
She crossed back to him, kneeled and removed his hands from his face. She implored him with her eyes to let go of this fight, to be with her in this moment.
"I'm here." she spoke quietly, taking his hands in hers, pulling him into her. He followed willingly, swallowing her in his embrace. He held her so tightly, she almost believed he could will them somewhere else just with the power of his mind. Somewhere safe.
"Come to bed with me Marcus, just let me hold you." she was gentle, but firm, rising as she said the words. 
She led him to the bed, bending to tug on the straps of her boots, while he quickly toed his off. He looked at her with such uncertainty that she placed her hands on his shoulders, pushing gently, guiding him to lie down. As she followed him down, he seemed to snap out of a fog, and he pulled her gently into his arms. He buried his face in her soft hair, letting her scent invade all his senses. He sighed, a shaky breath fighting its way out of his throat. He could taste relief, lying in her arms again. It was overwhelming, and so much more than he deserved. The effort of keeping himself away from her had taken its toll, and he clung to her for dear life. 
She rubbed soothing fingers along his back as he began to cry, silently at first, then heavy wracking sobs as the weight he'd taken on himself finally lifted away. 
He gripped her tightly, his fingers clawing at her back, as if he couldn't keep her close enough.
Suddenly he pulled back, startling her, staring into her eyes.
"I'm sorry Abby. I'm so sorry. I should have never made you choose." his voice caught, and tears still streamed down his face.
"Shush. It's ok. I know you had to. It's ok, Marcus." she breathed, running her fingers along his beard.
"It's not ok. I can't lose you, Abby. I can't." he buried his face against her shoulder, leaving streaks of wetness as he shook his head.
"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." she urged him with a gentle hand on his neck to meet her eyes again.
She pulled his head down to hers, brushing their lips together. She needed to feel him. She could only hope he felt the same. He kissed her back gently, their lips meeting over and over. He swiped his tongue along her lower lip, making her groan, and tangled his fingers in her hair, pulling her flush against him.
It was glorious. Heat bloomed in her veins, rushing through her body as she pressed against him. She was certain now. 
His kiss was like coming home, and the bliss that surged through her as his lips parted to let her tongue slip into his mouth was better than any high she'd had on the pills. She deepened it, sucking gently on his lower lip. He was everything, and in this moment, it seemed as though no one could reach them. They were safe in their own small moment of peace.
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Fantasy soccer -- Don't snooze on these continuous fantasy soccer gamers
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Fantasy soccer -- Don't snooze on these continuous fantasy soccer gamers
The quest for “upside” can lure even the most knowledgeable fantasy soccer owner into creating high-priced faults at the draft table.
A lot more individuals play on ESPN than any where else. Sign up for or produce a league in the No. 1 Fantasy Soccer activity! Indication Up for No cost!
Everyone would like to be the initially to find the subsequent significant star, but balance to your roster is each and every bit as important. Chasing income is good — it is the significant paydays that generally make the distinction between league winner and runner-up — but without dependable, even if unexciting, gamers to maintain you in each and every weekly matchup, you might struggle to earn adequate game titles to get there in the initially location.
Gamers who in good shape the description of “continuous” performers are not just these who quality very well in conditions of regularity metrics, these types of as these found in my Consistency Ratings. Those people measures do usually discover the game’s most dependable gamers, but roles adjust and accidents have an effects, so just about every player’s overall profile really should be considered.
Just about every continuous performer consists of “Tristan’s ADP acquire,” listing the player’s ADP in ESPN leagues as of July 24, as very well as my viewpoint on how worthy the decide on is at that place.
Devonta Freeman, RB, Atlanta Falcons: Considering the fact that getting more than as the Falcons’ starting off managing back again in 7 days three of 2015, he has scored the 2nd-most non-PPR (456.nine) and PPR (576.nine) fantasy details. Freeman’s path to get there, nevertheless, reveals the sort of dependable solution that created him an underappreciated nevertheless dependable weekly RB1 last time. Only 6 moments in his 29 career starts has he managed a PPR rating in single digits, with only 3 of these beneath 8 details, and only four of Freeman’s non-PPR game titles resulted in less than 5 fantasy details. His receiving capacity, which fueled the third-best goal full amongst managing backs in the course of that exact same time span, can make him a person of the position’s most dependable weekly plays inspite of the existence of Tevin Coleman.
Tristan’s ADP acquire: 10th over-all (10.6 average) is a absolutely good place to choose Freeman, as he’s certainly initially-round materials.
All the things you need to have to have a effective fantasy soccer time. Draft Kit
• Employees rankings: PPR | non-PPR • Participant projections and profiles • Depth charts: QB | RB | WR | TE • Eric Karabell’s soccer website • Berry’s 100 specifics for 2017 • Sleepers, busts, breakouts for 2017 • Clay’s best handcuffs to goal • Indication up now: It’s cost-free to play!
Pierre Garcon, WR, San Francisco 49ers: This a person is speculating forward much more than it is drawing on last time, however in Garcon’s protection, he was a person of the gamers who was most regularly close to his fantasy details-per-activity average (seven.6 in non-PPR, 41st 12.6 in PPR, thirty first) amongst huge receivers in 2016. In San Francisco, he’s highly probably to seize the group lead in targets, and in point, could rival his numbers from 2013, when he completed as the No. 13 huge receiver in non-PPR and No. 11 in PPR fantasy details. Garcon is a person of the much more evident very low-ceiling, superior-ground receivers on draft boards this yr.
Tristan’s ADP acquire: sixty fourth (69.) is about ideal for Garcon.
Frank Gore, RB, Indianapolis Colts: He is now 34 several years old and is coming off consecutive several years with a lawn-per-have average below 4.00, but a look at the Colts’ managing back again depth chart reveals a outstanding lack of competition for Gore’s carries. He has managed at least 15 carries in 20 of his 32 game titles due to the fact joining the Colts subsequent the 2014 time, is the only managing back again in soccer to have started off all 32 of his team’s game titles the previous two seasons blended, and inspite of his so-so hurrying charges, he completed 10th in non-PPR and ninth in PPR fantasy scoring at his place in the course of that two-yr span. When it will come to Gore, the perception is that (mostly due to age) he’s a very low-ceiling, very low-ground performer. The fact is that he’s actually a person of the bigger-ground gamers at his place.
Tristan’s ADP acquire: 61st (66.5), or in the center of the flex-play tier, is just about ideal.
Increase-or-bust gamers can make the distinction between successful and dropping your fantasy soccer leagues. The vital is recognizing them and drafting them at the ideal time.
Do you play in a PPR league? Considering about creating the switch? Below is a primer on how you can want to solution issues in leagues that grant an additional place for just about every catch.
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Jarvis Landry, WR, Miami Dolphins: In the previous two seasons, he has completed thirteenth and sixteenth amongst huge receivers in non-PPR fantasy details, and eighth and 14th in PPR fantasy details, inspite of the point that he scored just four receiving touchdowns in just about every of these several years. That’s a complicated feat to execute — only 5 other receivers this century have scored at least as a lot of PPR fantasy details in a time with four or less receiving touchdowns — and it reveals not only how steady a WR2 Landry can be on a weekly foundation, but how considerably income potential he has if he’s even just a little luckier in the touchdown section in 2017.
Tristan’s ADP acquire: thirty fourth (36.three) is sound value for Landry, who can make a case for a third-round decide on in PPR.
Matt Ryan, QB, Atlanta Falcons: He is about as evident a regression applicant as they arrive, as Ryan had a 69.nine p.c completion rate, seven.1 p.c touchdown rate and nine.three yards-per-attempt rate last time, all of which ended up very well previously mentioned his career numbers (sixty four.nine, 4.seven and seven.4). The appeal with Ryan, nevertheless, is his regularity. From 2014-16, he managed a fantasy place full between 15 and 22 on 20 occasions, third-most amongst quarterbacks, and 13 of these transpired in 2014-15, sixth-best at the place. Even though he’ll have a new offensive coordinator this time in Steve Sarkisian, Ryan should not see considerably adjust to an offense that returns most of his exact same receivers.
Tristan’s ADP acquire: 36th (42.three) is considerably way too early a decide on for my tastes, as weekly upside fairly than regularity is paramount in single-quarterback leagues. In leagues the place Ryan lasts 3-additionally rounds extended, he’d be a welcome decide on.
Delanie Walker, TE, Tennessee Titans: With a lot of leagues relocating to some wide range of PPR (fifty percent- or full-place) scoring in latest several years, Walker has turn into an ever more useful and generally underrated asset in these types of formats. In the previous 3 seasons blended, he has 333 targets, 38 shy of Greg Olsen for the place lead inspite of participating in 3 less game titles than Olsen. What is actually much more, Walker has managed at least 5 targets in 37 of his 45 game titles played in the course of that time and at least 8 targets in 21 contests, demonstrating how superior his weekly statistical ground is. Even though the Titans have extra some weapons in the receiving activity in the course of the offseason that could reduce into Walker’s goal full, he’s even now an integral part of their activity prepare, and a healthy yr from Marcus Mariota could result in a sizable action ahead in conditions of group pass makes an attempt (504 last time, twenty eighth in the NFL).
Tristan’s ADP acquire: 59th (sixty three.5) is fantastic value for Walker, who every year looks to get forgotten.
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