#Like oh how they just freaking match so welllll
plistommy · 5 months
Steve and Eddie just combine so well.
Steve with his pretty colored polo shirts and tight mom jeans and Eddie with his metal band shirts and handcuffs as a belt buckle…. They’re so different but also very similar.
The way they understood and even respected each other once they got to talking and the way they slowly started to realize that the impression they had had of each other wasn’t the truth. The love they both have for Dustin and their little shared parallels with running away and shitty dad’s.
They just match so well together. Steve has so much love to give, which you can never have enough and Eddie deserves it like Steve deserves it too. I really think that Eddie would be the one. He’s a sweet guy and Steve deserves to be treated well and be loved.
Steve deserves to be called a ’sweetheart’!
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babykatsu · 4 years
Self-Ship Tag Game!:
rules: Pretty self explanatory. You write headcanons on how your relationship with your favourite character would be! Go wild with your emagination lol
tagged by: @hikari-writes 🥺 luv yu
This is probably gonna be cringe. I feel awkward surroundings this around myself knowing damn well i’m in a relationship😅 But oh welllll it’s just a fun likkle gameeeee.
Lia x Katsuki Bakugou
(we would both be 18+ for this)
when we first meet, i know for certain he would absolutely despise me.
i am so talkative and outgoing that it would get on his last nerve.
and in all honesty, i would get annoyed but his stuck up nature.
so sorry ;’(
but oh fuuuuuck would i find his dominance and confidence SO attractive.
while i would still be an “extra” to him, he would most likely call me loud mouth or maybe hyena.
i heard hyenas are loud asf.
after a while, once we both get to know each other, i think we could both get along really well actually.
we would most likely get in contact through a mutual friend. i cant picture him handing me his number or following me on socials.
i’m really understanding and not sensitive, so he wouldn’t offend me easily.
he’d probably appreciate that since he has a sharp tongue.
and of course, we would eventually both come to an understanding of why we both behave the way we do.
not getting annoyed at each other’s drastically different personas anymore.
we would just balance each other out.
they do say opposites attract😅
we both would be super loud together tho...
mutually we would most likely hate most people around us.
I am super outgoing but i tend to not like people easily :(
finally we would get into a relationship.
god knows we both would be too stubborn to make that first move and ask each other out.
we both would refuse to make the first move even when in a relationship.
i for sure would not instigate anything, not a kiss, not holding hands, not cuddling.
i’m freaking shyyy mannnn👉🏻👈🏻
but slowly and comfortably we would warm up to more affection.
probably for the best
there wouldn’t be much pressure in the relationship because of this.
but once things get started, BOY THEY DONT STOP.
like ever.
if you know what i meaaaaaaan.
once we both get that stubborn first move crap out the way, we would be going WiLdDd.
and i mean that in an innocent way.
and not👀
We both may have had a slow start but it sure paid off at how well we understand each other and how comfortable we would be.
we would probably keep the relationship super private.
I hate posting sappy couple stuff.
i despise it.
it makes me cringe and it’s so obnoxious.
and he for sure wouldn’t want to flaunt his private life either.
that also goes for pda.
but behind close doooor👀👀👀👀👀
...i’ll stop
match made in hell😍
we would get married, have 8383 kids and die in bed holding hands at the same time.
the end.
I have no idea what i just wrote... i’m sorry.
BUT now time to tag some people to take paaaart. If you don’t want to play, don’t feel pressure to🥺🥺🥺
Tagging: @reinawritesbnha / @mrsreina, @euwhoriaa
if you want to participate as well, FEEL FREEEEE💕💕💞💕💞
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