#Like really maybe don't tell your kid you wished you'd married another woman. Jeepers.
the-pirate-captain · 8 months
I finished rereading the hunger games the other day, and l was really struck by the fact that Peeta's dad told his son (his *five year old son*) "oh yeah l wanted to marry Katniss's mom. Alas!" We get plenty of evidence from the series that Peeta's home life was rough, but talk about an unhappy marriage. It also struck me as an interesting similarity to Mr. Blythe and Marilla Cuthbert from the Anne of Green Gables series. Where they *could* have married but didn't and Marilla kind of lives with that regret, but then because they *didn't* marry, Gilbert exists and the Cuthberts adopt Anne. And Anne and Gilbert have such a beautiful life together. And it's the same with Peeta and Katniss - because their parents didn't end up with each other they exist and get married to each other. It's just a weird, bittersweet detail to include in a story, l dunno.
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