#Like. He's already worried about being ''too much'' like Wukong in certain regards
imminent-danger-came · 8 months
okay okay so i was rewatching 'smartie kid" right and there's a moment right before mk gets his gold vision back where for like a frame his eyes flash blue and it's such a quick thing that i didn't notice it the first times i watched it and maybe my brain is webbed up in conspiracy theories but that feels significant? like the writers probably don't mean for people to go through frame by frame or anything but with all the foreshadowing they've shoved into this show it feels like anything could be important??
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(frame anon is talking about)
(Post where I have a collection of strange MK moments that point to MK being related to the underworld)
Anon I will ask you this question—if it didn't matter and the writers don't mean for viewers to go through frame by frame, why include it at all? This is the first moment in s3 where MK uses his powers after supposedly "losing" them at the end of s2, so it's pretty significant. There's totally a reason they had MK's eyes flash blue during this scene. I think it suggest something along the lines of EAMK (Eldritch Abomination MK Theory—aka MK was something terrible in a past life and then sealed in the stone, hatching out a beautiful baby boy), but truly who knows what it's meant to imply.
There are also plenty of other strange occurrences like MK turning Tang Sanzang's magic blue:
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or this weird teal/blue smudge in 4x08:
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Or the curse emanating from MK in both 4x02 and 4x11:
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Hell, even MK stopping the Samadhi fire in 3x11 all by himself! It all seems to suggest that MK is not what he seems (which currently it seems like he's a stone monkey, just like Wukong). I think you're picking up on what the writers are putting down anon! There are just a lot of weird details that are culminating somewhere, and I'm pretty excited to see where it goes
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