#Like. If there wasn't a mistery to solve
add1ctedt0you · 1 year
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Thirteen years later:
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*Breaking the circle* has left the room
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thequietkid-moonie · 7 months
Meeting someone who doesn't exist
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[ ONE-SHOT ] [ Hanako, Yashiro & Kou ]
[ Toilet Bound Hanako-kun / Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun ]
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I saw something similar to this happening in two of my favorites stories and I was like fuck off, I'll write about it!!
I enjoyed writing this SO MUCH!!! I hope you enjoy reading it too ❤️
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One day an interesting aparition started to wander around the school, no one really knows from where it came from or how long it has been here, not even the supernaturals knows about it, even the leader of the seven misteries were surprised the first time he saw you
Hanako, as the leader of the seven, has to make sure you wouldn't be here to cause problems to humans or supernaturals, so when he finally noticed you he started making his research, aproaching you in hopes to solve this peacefuly (and dragging Yashiro and Kou with him). Words more or words less, Hanako was very clear with his intention to know you better, mainly your name and your reason to be there, however he encounter a problem that he would never guess it could happen, you cannot answer his question because you don't know the answer
All of them were surprised by your answer but tried to help you remeber, is normal to ghosts to don't remember about their previous life as humans so they just assumed it was that (or wanted to believe that it was that), is more likely that they end up dragging you around the school in hopes that something, anything could bring you memories (honestly, it was more Kou and Yashiro's idea), they drag you all around the school, the classrooms, the clubs, even where the borders are but nothing was of use, you couldn't remeber anything, you couldn't even remember your name
The whole situation was not only weird but also suspicious, deciding to move forward more cautiously all of them (mostly by Hanako's hand) started to drag you with the supernaturals in hopes that they could be of help, even just an advice could be of use. When the options began to run out they opted to even try to search for your book with Tsuchigomori, but it was usless since you don't know your name; as last resource they visited the first mistery, asking their help in an attempt to know more about your past, but they couldn't help neither because you don't have a past
In a attempt to be able to solve the confusing puzzle you are, Kou had even resorted to ask Teru for his help, making him promise that he won't get violent with you (or Hanako) right away before even letting him meet you, Teru accepted only because his brother asked him and for how he talked about you he actually wanted to know you (because he wanted to make sure you weren't just hiding your intentions and be a threaten), but the moment Teru finally met you he was completely taken aback, he take a full moment to watch you closely, trying to comprehend you, but at the end his conclusion wasn't better than from the others, according with Teru you shouldn't be even here, you weren't human but you weren't a supernatural neither, you simply aren't anything, even when they can see you, talk to you and even touch you you just don't exist
No matter what they do to try to help you or find out more about you, the more they try the more strange the situation turns to be, they can't help to feel completely worry about you, specially when you don't seem too bothered by it, yes, you may be surprised by everything and worried at first but no matter what else you find out there is always the feeling inside of you that tells you that it is okay, you don't have to afraid since this is the way it should be
At some point, and thanks to their help, you did finally was able to understand that you being here was an error, some time ago you had given up to not only your life but your complete existance, you had been completely erradicated from the world for a greatest good, something that, in your eyes, was totally worthy of the sacrifice you were doing and you don't feel any kind of regret about your decision, even if at this point you don't remember anything about it and you know you shouldn't even be there you were at peace about it
Hanako was completely confused, he didn't undestand at all, Yashiro were terrified by the posibility of you don't existing and even being an error your presence, and Kou couldn't just bring himself to even accept that fact, it was too much to process for the poor guys, and yet seeing you take this situation so naturally was even more confusing. They couldn't just undestand nor accept the fact that you shouldn't exist
How could you say that you don't exist or shouldn't be here when they can see you and touch you? You had even became their friend! All this time that all of you were trying to trying to find answers you had share a lot, you were having fun, getting all confused and worried together, and all of that wasn't a lie, you did laugh and worry with them, you talked and shared a lot with them, you can't just came and say that you shouldn't be here now
By trying to help you (and probably try to cope with the shock) Yashiro bring out the thought that since you are here then you exist! even if the world refused to aknowledge you they can see you and that is more than enough for them to know that you exist, so with that it mind Yashiro, followed by Kou and Hanako, were now determinated to give you a new life, to aknowledge your existance, and the first step to do that was giving you a name
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madwomansapologist · 2 years
Queen Maeve: fake dating
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Queen Maeve | AO3
synopsis: When the new member of The Seven and Queen Maeve made fans hearts go crazy, Vought decide that is was the perfect moment to a little fake relashionship. A saphicc couple would grant then so many points with the youngs and queers! They only didn't know that Queen Maeve had feelings for you. You also didn't know that.
notes: I did something different this time, hope y'all like it
warnings: female!reader. Vought deserve its own warning.
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• You pinched yourself all the way to your first public appearance as a member of The Seven. That must be a dream! It happened before. While trying to sleep, at the shower, going to your mundane work: you imagine yourself on that position. But your pinches didn't wake you up. Fucking god, you are part of The Seven!
• Ashley helped you on the entrance surrounded by journalists and civillians. They were there... for you? They screamed your name, asked for pictures, thank you for all you did for them. You dreamed about a moment like this, but now it is true. It seens like you will need time to understand that.
• When you finally made it into the building, Ashley accompanied you while talking about how high your numbers with young women were and how your "new girl in town" energy made you popular with both men and women. What does that even mean? She grumbled that your name could have been better, Ice Princess was so basic, but at least it worked with kids. Your mind wasn't capable of holding all the information she told you, but you knew that when the lights went on you need enter the stage with Madelyn fucking Stillwell.
• It was different then the day Starlight was announced. Many women were on the stage talking about how the world need more women on important positions. Girl power! No one pronounced the name, but they were talking about The Deep. He was replaced after the horrible things he did to Starlight. Replace by you. Thats the reason why no other member of The Seven were there: Vought didn't want to appear like that story would happen again.
• Your first meeting with the team was... like being on heaven. Your heroes were right in front of you. Noir was just like you imagined: a mistery that would never be solved. A-Train sounded so mature, so knowing of the weight on his shoulders. Translucent weren't there, he was in a important secret mission. Homelander was some kind of Jesus. But not everything was perfect.
• Starlight seem... kinda sad. Almost melancholic. Maybe she wasn't on a great day. Maybe she didn't like you. That scared you, but you could be wrong. But there were her. Queen Maeve. They all were heroes, but she was your hero. The women you look up to. Your inspiration. And if Starlight seem uncomfortable, she seem enraged.
• Your tried to lie to yourself. To pretend that it was just your mind tricking you into thinking that everyone hates you. It would've worked if all the other heroes didn't seem to like you. And the possibility of you being just confused was ruined when you had to use the bathroom.
You faced Starlight when you walked out of the bathroom cabin. She was in front of the mirror arranging her gold hair, that wasn't even messy, and made eye contact with you. A odd taste rule your mouth, but you tried to mask your discomfort with a smile. She didn't smiled back.
Washing your hands, you felt her gaze. You dried them, trying not to look like you were about to run out of there (because you were), but her words stopped you. "Its your first day here", pointed Starlight. She sighed, now facing you. "I won't be able to sleep without telling you what I wish someone had told me when I was on your position."
Your smile was so big it hurt your cheeks. You were wrong. Starlight don't hate you. She was just worried. "You wanna give me advice?"
"Yes. I do", Starlight stopped herself. It was like she wasn't sure how to proceed. "You know that image you have about The Seven? Forget it. It was all made by the marketing team. Don't trust them. Don't you ever make the mistake of trust them."
And as quickly as it came, your smile faded away. "W-What are talking about?" You didn't notice your hands shaking. "Is it a hoax?"
"You seem like a good person." Starlight passed by you, walking towards the door. "I hope you don't make the same mistakes I did. But, if you do, I'm here."
And she left you alone with your thoughts. You gazed the door, waiting for her to come back and joke about how scary you look. But the only thing that you saw was the last bathroom cabin door opening.
Queen Maeve walked toward the sink, glaring at you with a look that you couldn't understand. It was like a parody of an affectionate look. Something that should be seem as friendly. She licked her rosy lips, washing her hands beside you.
"I wouldn't have warned you. But now that she did, guess its my turn to give you some advice." Queen Maeve stopped right in front of you. You looked up to be able to see her face. "Do not disturb me, princess."
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• You quickly understood what Annie meant. It was all about money. They sold themselfs. Their bodies, their morals. It made you feel deceived. At least Annie was nice. She helped you. Annie said she was only doing what she wish someone had done for her, but a friendship between you both grown. If you only could said the same about Queen Maeve.
• Part of you feel betrayed. She was your hero. The reason for you to fight. All those times you felt like giving up you think to yourself that Queen Maeve would never gave up. But then all she does is discuss about copyright. The other part feel wronged. She is a woman after all. Shouldn't her be with you both? You can't stop to think about when Annie vented about what that asshole did to her. Maeve knew who he really was. Apparently everyone knew. She could've have done something. She could've have warned her. She could've have protect her. She could at least have supported her.
• Its like everyone say: never meet your heroes.
Ashley said that being on a pair with Queen Maeve would bring you both so many audience points. You didn't want to be around Maeve, but you learned with Starlight mistakes: you accept what Vought give to you. You just didn't imagine that a ambush would last so longer.
Hidden inside a car, all you had to distract yourself was your powers. You made your fingertips freeze against the window, forming little drawings. You form some flowers, then cleaned with your arm so you could drawn more.
"Can't you just focous?" grumbled Maeve. Being around her wasn't comfortable, but at least you both seem to agree that silence was the better option. But when Maeve have a mean coment to make, she will.
"Am I disturbing you?" Your fingers were frozing, and yet your eyes burned her skin. You took down the binoculars on your lap.
"Someone is sensitive today", Maeve rolled her eyes. She checked the license plate she was looking for, just to make sure. "I'm just saying you should pay attention. You need those audience points."
"I'm paying attention. You can't do two things at the same time?"
Maeve didn't answer you. She smiled, what was as difficult to understand as her eyes. "You really do hate me, huh? C'mon, princess, show me your claws."
"I don't hate you." You really were sincere about it. "I just don't respect you. You are a empty doll the markenting create. Eveything you are is a meaningless product. I definitely don't hate you."
"That was supossed to hurt me?" Thats it. Now you get. The problem was on Maeve's eyes. Don't matter how sincere or careful the rest of her face look, those blue eyes always seem to be making fun of whoever she is looking at. They always seem to be mocking you. "You look at me like you hate me. Stop that. Or we won't be able to sell that we are good friends."
"Don't worry, I discovered that I am a great actress." You smiled back. You spend more time recording for Vought than fighting. Even that ambosh can't be considering saving someone. The car you both are using is from a sponsor. Your knew uniform will be anounced today during the recordings the hidden cameras are making. Your tights are almost completely visible. You aren't a hero anymore. "And I don't look at you with hate. It is fear."
"Fear?" Maeve's eyes seem to glow. "Of all people, I am the one that you are affraid of? I thought you were clever."
"I'm affraid of ending up like you."
For the rest of the night Maeve didn't opened her mouth again.
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• It seem to be the year Maeve would have to deal with hopeful freshers. Starlight was already a problem, but now she have a partner in crime. Great. All she need was you to show how higher and nicer you were compared to her. She hated you. Maeve hated how you make all her flaws more apparent. At least you are more subtle about your goodness than Starlight.
• At the beginning she thought you were manipulative. Maeve notice how you pretend to still be living the dream, unknowing to the their flaws. That won Homelander's compassion. He treat you like an apprentice. Like someone he can shape. Maeve thought you were using his necessity of praises and doe eyes against him, but she don't think that way anymore.
It happenned when Homelander killed in front of you for the first time. You couldn't help but to stare at all those bodies. All that blood. It was... you never saw anything like that. Not even in movies. You couldn't have imagine that someone could have so much blood.
"Dont look at me that way", Homelander held you by your arms. He wasn't agressively, but he stained you with blood. While your face was apathetic, frozen because of the grotesque, your eyes were enough to show what you were feeling. "Stop that. I told you to stop."
"He was", your mouth remained open, but no words came out of it. Homelander hold you tighter, your eyes flew away from the body and landed into his ocean blue eyes. So blue. So unnatural. "Unarmed."
"Oh." He smiled. Starlight's smile is so bright, Maeve is satirical, but his... His smile was sterelized. It was like something trying to look human. Trying to hard to look human. "Princess, my sweet princess, what do you think would happenned if he let him go away? He would tell everyone how he were unable to protect those stupid people. We don't want that, do we?"
"But we..."
"But?" Homelander asked. His smile was gone. "There is no 'but' here."
"She is in shock." Starlight were shaking, and yet was more capable than you. "Not everyone is used to killing people."
He didn't move. You could see something conquering his face. It was a cold rage, agressive yet silent. You knew he didn't trust Starlight. He was always looking for a reason to make her life harder. And she was trying to protect you, even tho she could be putting herself in danger. "So we did the right thing?" Your voice was nothing but a weak whisper. You hold his hands, stroking the bloody glove. You learned to read him. He is just fine with being hated, but he would prefer to be loved. "Didn't we?"
The change was instantaneous. He was smiling again, but this time it seem more real. Homelander eyes glared at you with kindness. "Yes. Yes, we did." He look at the rest of the team. "Finally someone with a working brain here."
• Since then her opinion about you change. You were kind to choose to take Homelander's attention away from Starlight, while being clever enough to do it in a way that work, while also being strong to put yourself together after seeing a massacre. If you were manipulating him, you wouldn't be shaking with big tears sliding across your face. You were... something.
• After that she keep an eye on you.
• Maeve notice that you tend to agree to whatever Ashley and Madelyn say. No questions, no hesitation, just obedience. It wasn't fear. It was just caution. Beside Starlight, you found a way to have a good relationship with every member of The Seven. For Homelander you were a smart girl that need to be guided. With A-Train you were more snarky, but respectful. Not friends, but not a threat. Maeve is not so sure, but she thinks that you and Noir are friends. One time you entered the elevator with a coloring book on your hands, and a few days later Maeve saw Noir drawing on it during the lunch. She also saw him buying chocolate with nuts, something that you tend to eat during meetings.
• It was a smart move. To be close to everyone. You aren't dumb, you know that the best your relationship with the team is the safer you are. She understand your true friendship with Starlight, your pretend facet to Homelander, your respect toward Madelyn. She don't understand your friendship with Noir, thats for sure. She seem to be the only person you absolutely hate. And it kinda sucks.
• Specially when it is just you two. People really enjoy when you both work together, and Vought give them what they want. And it actually really works. Maeve is the sword, you are the shield. Her experience and your energy go well together. So is commom for Maeve to be around you. To be stuck in a ambush. Or to be together all the way since the Vought's parking lot til the hallway were your rooms are. It sucks to be around you because she can feel your hate. No. Not hate. Your fear of becoming her.
Money flew because of the wind. The rain washed the blood from your skin. Your hands hold the gun pointed to your head. The thief pulled the trigger, but the layer of ice you created stopped the bullet. The pressure has you knocked to your knees.
Maeve had just finished a man when she heard the shot. Without thinking twice, she punched him in the face. It was enough for him to faint. "You fine?" She crused the gun with her feet, making it impossible to use again."
"Yeah." Your fingers were bruised. With the back of your hands you brush the hair away from your face. Some of the blood on your skin was yours, but you never get really hurt. "Kinda."
Maeve reached out to you. You hesitated, but accepted the help. She put you on your feets and scanned your body, searching for any wounds. You felt shy under her gaze. "What happenned to your knees?"
"I felt yesterday." The knees are so important during a fight, but you will soon get used to the pain and it won't disturb you anymore. You stir your head, uncomfortable because the rain keep putting your hair in front of your eyes. "I'm fine."
Maeve bit her own tongue. "Come here." When you didn't move she sighed. "Just come here." You did as she asked. Right in front of Maeve, a thunder echoed. She walked around you, stopping behind you.
You shuddered when you felt her fingers on your hair. "What are you doing?"
"Helping you." She gattered your hair, using her fingers as a comb. So she tied up your hair on a ponytail. Maeve rested her hands on your shoulders, your skin was so cold. You were always so cold.
"Thank you, Maeve." You whispered, unable to move. Her hands were so warm. It was great to feel them on your skin.
"Is just Maggie." You turned to face her. She was so closed. Her armour touched your body, her metal colliding with your woof. "You can call me Maggie."
"Maggie", you tried the word. "Its a beautiful name."
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You never disagreed with whatever Madelyn Stillwell said to you, but there are a first time for everything. "A fake relashionship?".
"Just for the cameras. Your audience points will... "
"Are you kidding me?" You interrupted Madelyn. "Is that a fucking joke?"
"So you can swear", Maggie laughed. "I didn't knew you were capable of that."
"This is crazy." You ignored her. "I won't do that. I've already sold enough of my body. I put on this stupidly short outfit, run with those uncomfortable heals, take all those pictures. I was on your movies. And I never said no to anything you wanted me to do. I won't sell the last bit of dignity that remains here."
And for that your obedience was useful. If you were like A-Train or Starlight, Madelyn would've said the most hurtful things without thinking twice. But you did everything right since the beginning, so that means she could use some of her patience with you. "Vought is not asking you to be naked. Your body will be just fine."
"Don't fucking lie to me." Maggie never saw you so mad. "I don't want that."
"What do you think will happen when some vulture discover your sexuality?"
"What the hell?" said Maggie. "Are you blackmailing me?"
"I wasn't talking to you, Maeve." Stillwell glared at you. "We spend a lot of money to pay those that come after us with photos of you. One day they will come to the journals instead. Then what will happen? The conservatives that once loved you... Your appeal with men gonna fall so bad. Depending of the photos even who isn't homophobe will call you a slut."
You cheeks were burning. Now you were almost punching her face. Maeve notice how you clenched your fists.
"But this is the perfect moment to put you both out of the closet." All you family and friends knew about your sexuality, but it didn't matter for the rest of world. "Your couple even have a hashtag. 'Royalty.' Oh, I only wish I have tought of that name. It fits your narrative so well."
"Stop that." Maggie grabbed your hand and made you stand up. "Don't embarrassed her. We gonna do it."
Madelyn smile was so bright. So fake. "Perfect. I knew you would help me."
She pulled you out of the room, but your shaky legs didn't let you move any longer. Your hands were freezing. Your whole body seen to be almost turning into ice. Your rage was so... you couldn't even hear your own thoughts.
Maggie opened the bathroom door, you don't even remember entering there. "Hey", Maggie tried to calm you. "You will be just fine."
"I hate that place", your voice was embargoed. You failed to stop a hiccup. "I hate everything here. I am not a person anymore. I am a thing. Not even my body is mine. When I die all that will remain will be pretty lies."
"It will be just fine. I promissed." Maggie lied, but that was what you need to hear. Just another pretty lie. "Everything will be just fine."
• It wasn't the most horrible thing. It wasn't comfortable, but at least it wasn't horrible. You both had to spend way more time together. It started with public signs of affection. She would help you with your hair, the public tend to love it, and you would clean Maggie's face after a fight. You go to events together, always found a time to bring eachothers name to any interview, hold hands while walking.
• It was all to foment a online discussion. It need to seem natural. People should be talking about how it was abviously that you're dating Maggie before the public announcement. Your instagram was filled with photos that showed someone with red hair behind you. Even the couch you took those pictures was a marketing decision.
• Maggie was... not what you imagined she would be like. She was sweet. Sarcastic and annoying and punchable, but sweet. Thats been a time since when you started to think different about her. You realized that maybe your reaction to her was because you felt like looking at a mirror. Starlight was everything you wish you could be, but Maeve was all you think you are. No, not Maeve, just Maggie. But being around her, having to actually interact with her, changed your mind.
• Maggie look carefree, but its just a appearance. She told you what was real about her history. Helped with your fear of what would happen to you in the future. Maggie told you that it gets easier. And she funny to. In a cinnical way, but she is. Its nice being around her.
• And you were glad you were doing this with her. She had done that before, the fake relashionship, so she helped you. You both have limits, places you don't want to be touched and things you don't want to be said to others. Its still embarrasing to feel her arms around you, her fingers caressing your hair, her lips kissing your forehead. It is weird because, sometimes, it don't feel like and act. But that was you being dumb. All that pretending thing just messed with your head. Sure that was the reason.
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• Sometimes Maggie felt guilt. When you sit beside her on a interview and she hold your thigh. Or when you are walking somewhere and her hands are touching the bottom of your back. Or when she hug you after a mission. When her fingers caress your face. When the fake smile you put to the cameras make her heart skip a beat. Or when she sees you with someone else, someone from your personal life, and find herself in a spiral about who that person could be. Or when you ask her if your makeup is too dark. When she fight with you and suddenly start to think about how strong and powerful you are. When she heard a Taylor Swift's song on the radio and remind of you. When you make jokes about how Ashley never stop walking. When she says goodnight to you before entering her room.
• Maggie felt... everything. You make her feel everything. And you don't even seem to notice. If you only knew all the things she keep to herself so she can tell them to you. All the dirtiest jokes she only say to you because you will laugh. Do you notice that she always save you a seat? Or that she started to act nice around Starlight?
• Maggie isn't pretending and this is killing her.
You entered the bar thinking that you would have some time alone. You were wrong. "Guess we had the same idea."
Maggie was on her second Martini. "Rough day?"
"The worst." You go to the collection of bottles and got the best wine you could find. You didn't even use a glass, you drink it from the bottleneck. Maggie licked her bottom lip. You were right in front of her, on the other side of the balcony. "A-Train decided it was a great idea to irritate Homelander. Ashley screamed with me because I cut me hair without asking first. And yours?"
She brused her red hair from her face. She wasn't drunk, but her body was already warm. "Just boring." She analized your hair, noticing the change. Maggie reached out to touch it, brushing the back of her hand on your face. "You look gorgeous."
Your belly turned warm with her words. "Thank you."
Maggie released the lock. "You are welcome, princess." You took a big sip from the bottle. "Easy tiger. This is not your last day alive. You can drink more tomorrow."
"You don't know that", you arched your eyebrows. "It could be."
"And you would like to spend your last bit of time drinking?"
"Maybe." Her laugh made you smile. "I would die happy at least. And I would be drinking with you. If you were A-Train I would kill myself just to not look at him again."
"What a boring way to spend it."
"I don't have any regrets", you told her. "I think I deserve to spend my last day drinking and dancing."
"You don't have any regrets?" Maggie sound so grave. She drink the rest of her Martini without looking away. "Not even a single one?"
You hesitated. You could've just walked away. Go to your room and drink the rest of the bottle. Called someone to make you company. Sleep. You could've done no many other things. But you pulled Maggie into a kiss.
Your tongue danced with her, the bitter of her Martini blending in with your sweet wine. She hold your face, her fingers stroking your skin. It was calm, and intimate, and yearning. It was like finally find an oasis in the middle of the desert. It was meant to be.
"Not anymore." You whispered against her lips.
You could felt her smile.
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
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dandelionprints · 1 year
Your Melancholy Calls To Mine - T.Shelby Fic Exchange
Pairing: Sender x Tommy Shelby
Summary: written as part of @raincoffeeandfandoms letter fic exchange (here)❤️
Warnings: mentions of depressive thoughts but nothing graphic
Word Count: 575 (Tommy’s response)
A/N: this is the first thing I have written in a long time and I’m very rusty so apologies in advance if it’s not the best, I hope you enjoy x
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Hi Isa, I’m so sorry that it’s taken me ages to get this letter from Tommy to you! He left it on my desk a while ago for me to deliver but I’ve since had piles of work, also courtesy of Tommy, stacked on my desk, leading to a delay. Don’t worry, I haven’t peeked at what he’s written to you, although I hope it makes you smile! Love, Aimee x
@shelbydelrey’s letter
Dear Tommy,
For most of my life i lived in the dark.
The whispers of the people around me
-that i was too quiet, too shy, too dull drove me to hide there. Alone in a corner, unknown to myself, i started to believe in those harsh words and wrote them inside my bones.
That's why I didn't noticed you at first. I was too enthralled with my own isolation to pay attention to the mistery that you were and how could i even solve your puzzle when all of my own pieces were scattered on the floor?
But, in the middle of a crowd and on a particular cold night, your enchanting eyes glued on mine and lured me with
a: Your melancholy calls to mine.
I immediately recoiled, as i used to do with anything remotely good in my life, and thought that my mind was playing tricks on me. I was desperate to be seen but at the same time terrified to be perceived.
At the end it didn't mattered. The projection became desire and i melted against your touch before we became a mess of tangled limbs and stolen breaths.
That wasn't the moment where you saved me although. Our lust drive connection served to quench our souls loneliness but we barely gave each other space for anything else outside that.You saved me when i least expect it. When i was about to drown further into the abyss.
I'lI never forget the pain of being torn apart or the helplessness that took over me after I lost someone I loved. It's something that only through experience you can understand because words fail to capture the feeling. Your warm arms and silent support showed me that grief was a language you were versed on and that the same hurt dilacerated you every night. Thank you for allowing me to make a home on your pauses and for drawing stars around my skin to illuminate the darkness within. I would've gone mad otherwise.
Thank you for making me company and for saving me from myself. As you accepted me with all of my madness and with all of my scars, i accept you with all of your sins and all of your regrets.
Yours Truly, Isabella.
Tommy’s Response
Dearest Isabella,
Thank you for your letter, it’s brought a light to my day that I didn’t know I needed. It’s as gloomy as ever since you’ve been gone, the cold the same as the night we met and dark clouds loom over our heads, though the orange leaves on the trees remind me of you, their warmth shining from within. The days feel so long now without you here to make the loneliness subside, but I understand why we have to be apart.
I’m so grateful that we met that night, that you gave in to your desire and didn’t stay hidden away. I’m almost grateful for the joint misery and melancholy that brought us together, I’ve never had a connection with anyone like that before, whether that be by lust or love. I believe that our souls needed to meet in the abyss of our combined sorrow, to cling to each other in whatever way they could to fill the void that we both only knew as pain.
Even the simple things brought me so much joy, a feeling that I had long since forgotten about. The walk we took that day around the grounds, you in that deep green dress, your hair dancing along with the wind and the beautiful smile that grew on your face as you watched the autumn leaves flow to the floor. That will always be a day I’ll remember for the rest of my life.
I think that even Frances misses you, despite the amounts of tea and hot chocolate that we had her bring us that had her pacing up and down the stairs for the majority of your stay. She has since said that you brought out a kinder, almost softer side to ‘Tommy Shelby’, a side that even I’m beginning to miss.
The people that whispered things about you didn’t have a clue, they still don’t. They’re not important. Little people tell big lies to make themselves feel superior to others, trust me I’ve dealt with a lot of them. You’re none of the things they called you and you’re far from dull. You’re the sun on a cold winter's day, taking the chill from my frosty, broken heart and showering everything in your beautiful light until the pain has passed. For that I will be forever grateful.
I’m sorry if my letter is not what you expected, you write so beautifully and I fear that my thoughts are failing me, leaving the words jumbled on the pages. I just needed to let them fall onto the paper before I convinced myself not to respond, fearing judgement from you.
I know we didn’t really talk about it whilst you were here with me, how we supported each other without having to say a word, but I realise now that I never thanked you. The desperation I had inside to scream, to escape, to finally give in to the devils in my mind, they were only quietened when you were the one to do so. Only you.
You say that I accepted you with all of your madness and with all of your scars and that you accept me with all of my sins and all of my regrets. That is one of the greatest gifts you could ever give me.
I hope to see you again one day and please know that you will never be one of those regrets.
Yours truly,
Tommy Shelby
Tagged: @peakypoet @moral-terpitude @lyarr24 @cillmequick @mrkdvidal1989 @shelbydelrey @alasya16 @tommystargirl @elenavampire21 @adaydreamaway08 @slaypussypop-21 @bluesongbird @zablife @cljordan-imperium @look-at-the-soul @rangerelik @helen06dreamer @cyphah @boobooquicksilver
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streets-in-paradise · 9 months
Safe Adult - Andy Barclay x Reader
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Requested by Anon
" hey I was wondering if you can write one about Andy Barclay wanting to have kids with his SO please and thank you "
Quickly written on a rush of inspiration, but i hope you will enjoy the result :)
Warning: This fic implies Andy has rescued and deprogrammed Caroline.
Summary: Andy revisits his positive experiences dealing with children happening on the hunt for Chucky and realizes he wants to have kids with you.
Note: For some reason, in that pic he looks like he is having an epiphany and this is exactly what's happening on the fic.
Interactions with children were a vital part on the process of finding Chucky and despite Kyle was always the kindest, Andy noticed how many of them were spontaneously inclined towards him. Strange realization he would get in the most stressfull contexts, with a killer doll possibly after them.
Kids liked him for no damn reason, he just wanted to surveil the fighting ground and they would do anything to get his attention. At one given time, a little girl began to show him her toys before his sister could finish to introduce the excuse her parents needed for their presence. Still, it wasn't untill having Caroline arround that he began to take it seriously. That girl had enough time of being poisoned by Chucky to despise him and despite things weren't always easy, he got to win her trust. She was confortable with him and, according to Lexy, that was an accomplishment for anyone even before Chucky complicated things.
Then there was also Devon, whose blind faith in him remained a mistery that Andy couldn't solve. He never imagined he would be in the position of menthoring a teenage boy, incapable of guessing why anyone would want to emulate him. His affection and admiration were increíble, but also unexplainable. Unlike the little kids, Devon had the proper age to understand that he was a mess of a man and his life sucked.
For most part at least, since it got better with you on it. Against any of his initial predictions, you wanted to stay and your relationship had prospered regardless of the hardships. You had endured a dangerous meeting with Chucky and even after that you were patient regarding the work required on fixing the horrors he would leave behind with each appearance. Out of sudden a little girl was living with you after being rescued and you were on board with it from the start. He didn't ask if you wanted to be part of it, but he didn't have to for you to welcome the child. In fact, you were so involved that he started wondering if you weren't a little too happy with the whole thing.
Children were never a discussed milestone for the possible future of your relationship. He had never consider it before and, if you did, you had never brought it up. However, your reactions were an indication that something had changed. His weird little friend had awakened a side of you that he ignored completely and he wasn't severly alarmed by that.
More like curious, intrigued … Fascinated.
" Why are you acting like if we were her parents?" He questioned you once, ríght after observing in awe how you followed every bedtime ritual that the girl demmanded. " We don't know yet if it's going to be permanent, this is rehabilitation. Once Caroline will be clean from Chucky, she will be free to go for a normal home if she wants to. At least untill Lexy will reach the age to take over. "
You raised an eyebrow, then responded to his question with more questioning.
" Like if she could ever feel comfortable arround anyone else. Tell me this, Andy. Were you ever comfortable in any of those normal foster homes before Kyle had the age to take over?"
You had a point and he hated having to admit it, leading to complete honesty of what what happening inside his mind.
" You may be amazing at this, but I can't be a foster parent! I don't have control over my own damn life! Kids just follow me thinking that I know what i'm doing. "
" Most adults don't know what we are doing, we just pretend we do." You sweetly comforted him out of the self deprecating claim. " It's part of life, but I don't think all these children have been choosing you in vain. There must be something in you that they like: you listen to them, you make them feel understood and safe. "
Andy wasn't convinced of that, despite how flattering it sounded.
" Kyle does that a thowsand times better, so why me? "
" She didn't hear the lies, or saw her best friend in the world betray her. " You theorized out loud. " Your trauma is different and so is your way to connect with children. They relate to you, no matter how hard you try to put distance. "
Your words encouraged him in more than one aspect. Andy felt at the edge of a powerfull realization burried underneath all the layers of insecurity.
" Do you think I could ever be a good dad? "
His shy smile was a ray of hope.
" Of course I do! You would be an excellent one! And I don't say it just because I fall for you a little bit more deep with each of your safe adult stories. " You inmediately encouraged him. " You are a great man who cares so much, when you try your best you give all of you and I love you for that."
Proving your point with actions, you began to roam his face with little kisses.
" I love you, Andy. "
He enjoyed of your affections, but his mind was still focused on the topic.
" … But what if there could be someone else with us, apart from Caroline? Someone smaller and louder. "
" Did you got another Chucky head? " You teased him in return. " We have talked about that. Doll remains are only fine if the parts stay dead. "
He chuckled and pulled you even closer.
" I mean, to bring another Barclay into the world and continue the doll hunter bloodline. I have been thinking I won't live forever, but Chucky may."
Your eyes were open wide with surprise.
" Are you serious?? "
" Yes, I am. Hell, if Chucky dared to have children … Why can't I? " Andy insisted, with confident determination. " I can't do worse than him … Can I? "
You chuckled and kissed him on the lips, clinging to him with radiant happiness.
" There is nothing I would love more than starting a family with you. "
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hrshl-hlms · 8 months
The Irregulars
Due to the original reason for my listing every single Sherlock Holmes derivated work, I do have to take an interest in the details of those. I also am a Sherlock Holmes enthusiaste, so I also do read, watch and listen to those derivates.
And this includes some of the ones I haven't many great things about.
The better way to know how to feel about a media and criticise it, is to dive into it and make your own thoughts about it. Which is why I watched The Irregulars.
The Irregulars is a 2021 Netflix show, and as such, it falls under the system of 8 episodes for 1 seasons (before, obviously, being cancelled after this sole season).
A first misconception I had was that it was solely a crime drama and mystery show (due to the Netflix and Wikipedia listing) and it is a certain shock when you notice that actually, it is also a fantasy show. But well, I have watched The Empire of Corpses and read Les Étranges Sœurs Wilcox so once the first shock of being corrected within five minutes of my research, I wasn't distraught by the supernatural and paranormal being associated to the Holmes universe.
On the wikipedia page, we can learn that not only the creator of this series (and writer of the episodes) is Tom Bidwell, who, during an interview, said:
Sherlock Holmes [in Conan Doyle's books] had a group of street kids he’d use to help him gather clues, so our series is what if Sherlock was a drug addict and a delinquent and the kids solve the whole case whilst he takes credit
This, in my opinion, is a very interesting idea.
While it does suggest that Watson is basically also taking advantages of children to write and publish those stories, it does open the door for many questions, but also many opportunities to talk about drug addictions. (I am thinking about Elementary, among other things)
Bidwell had been pitching it for ten years at the moment of the interview (in 2018), and such a long time of polish can only mean that he has worked on it and it will hold together nicely.
But que nenni.
(I will come to that)
We therefore start the series knowing that our dear Watson and Holmes will be most likely morally grey, but also that we will see a lot of the Irregulars, which are, as stated, an important part of the investigations when it's about finding a person in London.
And as we debute with the presentation of the characters, we are hit in the face with this important fact: This show is so aimed at teenagers.
So, I will not judge the acting, as everyone need to start somewhere and we all know about Netflix and its choices in budgets. I will, however, judge the music choices.
Because the electronic music? It breaks everything.
Throughout the show, we have bits of electro popping out, breaking entirely with the rest of the music style and making it stand out so much that every time it came up, it was the only thing I could focus on.
Some bits seemed to try to show the youthfulness of the characters, while others seemed... unnecessary.
Another thing that makes you notice it's for teenagers is the mild swearing and sexual allusions.
Fine. I'm aroace. This sets me off every single time, whether it's for teenagers of for adults. But the first episodes are the ones with the most swearings and allusions, as if it was trying to fit with the current wave of "let's add swearing everywhere". It calms down later on, using swears and swearing more normally.
The rest of the series is intersting in itself, but not a hit. And it would be difficult for it to be, since between the strange choice of music and the trying of including the paranormal the way it is (one person being misteriously gifted while the others are not) and the overall vibe just... brings me flashback of Stranger Things.
We therefore follow the Netflix "diversed teen groups with the GIRL being special and they try to fix the paranormal shits happening".
But I digress.
Of the teenagers, they all fit nicely in their group and their relations are real, despite the weird obligation to have a romance thing in every show where a man and a woman of the same age are interacting.
The prince thing was also a really hilarious trope to slap in this series with the whole "weak and broken prince falls for poor girl".
And the different paranormal cases? They are good in themselves. We see the lowest of the low face the harshness of London and its class system.
The perpetrators are not treated as purely evil. They might not be treated with full compassion either, but we do have the chance to see their point of view and their reasons for doing such deeds. All that while continuing the overall plot.
It's not really something that I was expecting, but I guess I've seen too many USAmerican shows.
But this is a nice thing to have, especially considering the novels, which also had a parts where we learn the history and reasons behind the actions of the perpetrators.
This is, however, the closest we get from the original works.
"But Hershel, Bidwell said that the series would follow the idea of Holmes being a drug addict and the Irregulars being the actual detectives. You haven't talked about Holmes yet."
The reason is because Holmes doesn't fully show up until episode 4 (or something).
The only person we see at first is a very twisted Watson, stalking the kids, before being asking (forcing) them to work for him.
As it turns out, Watson and Holmes used to work together, but again, the drug problem. Watson is therefore left to fend for himself AND for Holmes and is struggling to investigate on his own.
Which is extremely weird, since a very easily noticeable thing with the first case (the one with the babies) is that all the babies were born on the same day. How did Watson manage not to notice such easy information? Not just that but it is said that Holmes has been in the pit for 15 years. How did Watson managed to keep up with things and to survive that long if he can't notice something that obvious?
This was a huge part of my thinking "what the heck did they do with Watson?"
This is also where I noticed that Bidwell followed his idea... in a peculiar manner.
One would think that it was like that since the beginning. Or that the irregulars would be doing that willingly like they do in the books. Or maybe that they would report bit by bit and properly. BUT...
Watson is really strange.
Of the characters, I feel like they really wanted to present us is clear morally grey characters, to the point where they kept the essential of the characters but changed them almost to the core.
We have Lestrade who is extremely against the paranormal, to the point of treating Jesse like an object and a tool to reach his goals.
We have Mrs Hudson who's a sort evil landlady. She doesn't live at 221B and instead own many houses in London. I do not know how much landlords from the victorian era were similar to the ones nowadays, but she feels like a parallel to it.
We have Mycroft, which I actually like, compared to the others. Even Holmes and Watson. I like the overhanging PTSD/anxiety and the resulting very slight speech impediment. I also liked how he talked about Sherlock, the way you see the big brother coming out, especially with his hate towards Watson.
Which brings Sherlock and Watson.
Sherlock is... something. To say the least.
Bidwell is unfortunately following in the understanding of many writers of Sherlock Holmes, or he might've been cut short by the Doyle Estate.
He depicts Sherlock as someone arrogant, sure of himself but bordeline on the "absolutely sure", he also seem to like having a public.
While I do understand the thought of having people like Holmes instead of what he says in the books (something about people finding it annoying after a while for him to present his deductions), it makes him out of character.
We also have the extremelly annoying straight take of him getting enamoured with a woman and having Watson mention how Holmes used to say that emotions were something trivial and not useless/hindering to him.
And the point that annoyed me above all: how they constantly repeat to Holmes how brilliant he is.
Holmes is already doing that, and they continue to enable him, making him more annoying.
And this is where Watson come in. (I will not talk about Alice. She's the straight plot tool in this series. (in my opinion))
Maybe you've heard about it, but people were saying that in this show, Watson was in love with Holmes. Unrequired, yes, but in love.
Gay Watson? Heck yeah!
Well, it turns out that no. Here's why.
In most of the flashbacks we see with him and Holmes, Watson is manipulative.
He canalises Holmes, but he also refuses thing in his stead and somewhat controls his schedule. For the case with Edith Dubois, he pushes her aside and tell her to come back at a later time because he doesn't want Holmes to get in another case.
Watson says himself that he is the one who brought Holmes' brilliancy out to the world. He says that he saw how brilliant and great Holmes was and that thanks to him canalising him and writing about him, he managed to make him famous and greater, but also himself in the same process.
And that's the core of their relationship.
Through what Watson tells, it sounds like Holmes is incapable of taking care of himself and that in order for him to thrive he needs Watson. All the while, Holmes doesn't seem to notice Watson.
And this is what bring Watson to do dumb shit such as opening the rip the first time around (while, again, manipulating people to get to his goals).
After the closing of the rip and the start of Holmes falling into a pit of despair and grief and depression, Watson continues to take care of him, seemingly continuing to investigate and write about him as if he still was able to function.
We also have the moment when he tells Beatrice (or was it Jesse) that the reason why he did all that was because he loved Sherlock.
And you might tell me "here you have it! black on white! Watson is gay for Holmes!" but I don't see it like that.
Up to that point, I never once thought that Watson was doing that because he truly loved Sherlock.
What I see Watson ass is someone who stumbled upon a man in which he saw potential and then tapped into it. Then the potential, as he rightfully saw, was great and it brough both of them fame and money. And Watson was glad about it, but he already was a bit annoyed at Sherlock's impulses (and most likely always has been).
What I see is a manipulative man who reached greatness and became obsessed with his tool to fame and riches. He is dependent of Holmes. If Holmes doesn't do cases, or is great at those cases, then he can't write about it and he doesn't get recognition or money. So he manipulates everything around them in order to reach success. But the entirety of his plan can be easily thwarted if Holmes loses interest in him, and he feels like it was the case when Holmes met Alice and then when she decided to leave London; which is why he finally lead him to the "possible" location of the rip (which, again, he had opened himself and therefore knew very well where it was since the beginning).
So, the way I see it, Watson is not in love with Holmes. He's in a fucked up dependency and is trying really hard to show to Holmes that he too is dependent on him and not just himself on Holmes.
And in the case where the writers had in reality decided that Watson was deeply in love with Holmes? Well it's a really fucked up writing.
So, overall (even though I'm sure I've missed points), this series was okay.
The teens (and protagonists) are well written, and we see proper growth throughout the show, which is better than what a lot of shows try to do.
The story itself is nice, showing us morally grey characters but also to feel for the perpretators even if at time they seem to be holding us by the hand to show us what critical thinking is (but this is a teen show so...).
I am a bit annoyed at the main villain being black and be against the white girl, only for his end to be... yeah.
I'm also annoyed at the depictions of the canon characters, even if I do have to say that the drug addiction part was well done (or at least properly, I would need the point of view of someone who had faced that in order to properly know).
But I'm mostly annoyed at what they did with the relationship between Holmes and Watson.
Leo is based on the actual fucking prince Leopold, which was 30 in 1884.
The earliest story of Watson if from 1881.
Which means that Leopold should not fucking be 17 in the series since it's been established that Watson has been writing before the first rip incident, which was 15 years prior. Which means that the story takes place in AT LEAST 1896.
But well... they apparently really badly wanted to use a prince and not just another posh guy.
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rannahela · 2 years
Men of the harem.A rant (more like a total slander):
Disclaimer:I dropped the series around chaliter 75 and I barely dived into the novel.
So, first of all, is the series worth reading?
Sort answer is NO.It had potential, it had great premise and great art but it did not deliver any of the things it promises it will.And the fandom is toxic af, I should've know it's a problem when reading the coments made my vein nearly explode.
But why?
First of all there is NO harem romance and by that I mean barely a few kisses.You keep reading and reading and waiting for Latil to finally spend time with her consorts and every single time she needs to go to solve some imperial shit.And that's a HUGE problem when you have "harem" in your title, no matter how good the storry is, if you don't give the readers what they came here for failed at your job.
Second huge problem:The plot
Men of the harem did something I'd warn any writer no matter their niche not to do, add to manny plot points and/or sublots.
We didn't need undeads rising, we didn't need supernatural shit going on, we didn't need 69 political problems.What we needed was Latil solving the misunderstanding with Hyachint, her moving on from that,her past, the harem plot and how she solves the mistery of her father's death.
And when the story doesn't go with 300 km/h we stop at a consort who gave another consort impotents drugs.As if Latil ever slept with any of them.
I think I lost track of what's going on after 50 chapiters and that's by no means good.So please, by all means don't do what this series did and don't worry if you think your storry has to little things to say or show, sometimes less is more.
Another major problem:The main character
Latrasil Valentine Tarium is a toxic, petty, ville and remorseless bitch.That's it, I said it and I'm not taking it back!
Where to start, well she decided to make a harem to ger revenge of her ex, it would be pretty coll if Hyacinth WASN'T BLACKMAILED I TO MARRING AINI TO WIN THE WAR.And before you say something, would you expect Latil to give up and quit the war? I don't think so.
Like girl, if he left you for another I'd understand, I don't have anyhting against you getting multiple men, but to get revenge of a man who had no choice and the fate of his nation was on his shoulders? It's not like you didn't have to fight against your own brother to take the throne that was rightfully yours and you said you understand (she understood ,my ass).Plus it turns out he sended her letters and gifts every week but they where stolen.
Like who's the petty one here? Not to mention the when she sended a letter to Karisen to ask for a consort.How the fuck was that letter aproved, no one in her office was like "Umm Your Majesty I understand he broke your heart but you should think twice before talking shit about the emperor". And in the end when he refuses (with is both understandable and a bad idea) she does some fake girlboss shit that made me cringe so hard, cuz no you ain't shit for acting like you didn't just sended an offensive full of venom letter to a foreing monarh.
And once the harem is made, she does nothing with them, she just shuts them down and treats the poorly.Especialy poor Klein say what you want about him but he didn't deserve to be mistreated like that.It made sense at first since she has an empire to rule but it got old pretty fast.Like girl you wanted a harem don't pretend you don't know how it works.
In the end I'm pretty sure getting your consorts drunk and run your soldiers to exhaustion just so you can read their minds is power abuse, how comes Sonaight allowed that to happen?
And yeah she made him miserable multiple times albeit without that being her intention.But not informing him about who Zaicin is and why she took him as a consort is a big red flag.
Their entire relationship rubs me the wrong way, there's no way she would'n figure out he has feelins for her.And considering both his dad and her maid (or nanny I forgot) told him to let it go mkles it even more clear whatever it is, it's unhealthy.I'm sorry to say it (I'm not) but the ship sank before even sailing.
Sonaught dear, you should let it go, for your own good.
I know I pissed off like half of the fandom with what I said about Latil, but remove the girlboos, strong independent woman from her character and look what's left, it won't be pleasant but it is what it is.
Also not sure if the series wanted itself to be feminist but you can't do that when there are only a handful of female characters and only one of them is consistent in the storry.
I won't ramble to much about how the fandom constantly badmouths Hyacint and magically forgets pretty important plot aspects just to hate on his since my sanity would be damaged.
In the end it's sad the series it's such a disapointment considering it was writen by the author of Remarried Empress, but sometimes people fail and that's fine. (I said that like I didn't just wipe the floor with the series)
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spiritsword-with-a-hat · 11 months
The elementary school; it's only a ten minutes drive, but you are late.
Even on your worst days you are a careful driver. Statistics are looking bleak for an occupant of a car enough as it is.
As mentioned, the elementary school is only 10 minutes away. You make it in 11, because you get stopped on red lights.
The school itself bears marks of a full generation of teachers trying to make it look more cheerful and less like a prison for kids. You discover you have a lot of opinions about public education.
You walk in with the confidence of a man who is a full grown adult and therefore the teachers have no authority over him. Your feet carry you by their own memory to the school club, also known as the place where children wait for their parents to pick them up to go home. Very convenient this school club.
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"Father!" a young boy shouts the moment you step in. So that is him. Your son. Miles Edgeworth. He doesn't call you "dad" or anything like that. He is also very formally dressed, the button-up clearly stands out in the middle of T-shirts, handed down by older siblings and cousins. He even has a little bowtie!
"Miles," you smile at him. "Hi, sunshine."
He makes a long face. you sense that he does not as much mind the nickname as having it dropped in front of other people.
"You are late," your son chides you.
"I've gotten into a fight with a table," you offer as an explanation.
"Did you hide under the table like we did when the earthquake hit?" Miles' eyes are enormous when he asks. "It was so scary! The biggest earthquake I remember."
Those are news to you. [Earthquake] added to Thoughts.
Now that you are thinking about it... Wasn't your office in a state of [General disarray] and didn't it experience a [Blackout]? Both of those could have been caused by an [Earthquake]. Look at you, logical genius. You had to speak to a child to figure it out, but figure it out you did in the end. A mistery no longer misterious. A way to go. And now that you've solved this little puzzle, you can peacefully forget all this.
You will still need to clean up the office later, because while you did solve the blackout problem, you did not fix the haphayard state of the place you've found it in. That, however, is a problem for a future you. Or hopefully for an intern working for you.
A woman, a teacher who is looking after the kids in the club, approaches you: "Mr. Edgeworth may I have a moment?"
"Of course, madam." You call her madam, because even though your memory is improving by the minute, her name is still escaping you.
"It's about Miles' lunch account balance."
Oh yes, of course. The monthly lunch payment. Honestly, it wouldn't be a problem for you to prepare Miles' lunches at home, but you sitll harbor some hopes that he is going to sit with kids his age at lunch and make friends at the school canteen. So far he young man has been sabotaging that attempt by bringing a book along. Currently the book in question is Forensic Psychology (3rd revised edition). Miles has promised to return it back to your bookshelf once he is done with it, this time without drawing pictures in. (The crayon drawings in your Psychology of Murder and Murder of Psychology are the highlight of the entire tome. You are not going to give that book away, ever.)
You hand the teacher the Cash envelope. That should settle it. You wait for the woman to count the 38$ inside and nod approvingly.
As you and your son make your way out of the school and get into the car - Miles is still too young and too short to sit next to you in the front - the boy peeps: "I am a grown, father, you know. I can handle delivering payments for my lunches."
"Alright," you smile as you start the engine. "Tell you what: Next time you deliver it. It's a big responsibility, but I know you can handle it."
And then... then you go home, trying to figure out what are you going to make for dinner. Miles reads in the car and predictably gets a motion sickness, but he pretends he is fine, because you've told him many times that reading in a moving vehicle is not a good idea, and he has that stubborness of a child.
Congratulations, you've reached the end of this investigation!
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mwildeboyii · 1 year
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Lemme present my own Riddler Boy... [I usually write him in Portuguese on a Facebook RP btw]
My Ed is constructed by personal headcanons and interactive scenes. His back story wrote by me based on multimedia. So let me talk about the arcs.
The Ballad Of Edward Nashton
The Prince of the Puzzles: this chapter is about the classic story of puzzle competition, but on my version Ed wasn't a good student, actually Eddie had problems at school, doesn't seems he had any interest or at least that he was mentally present. But someday Teacher Nordine (who doesn't even knows Eddie's name properly) threatened him with participation or death "or you join the schools game or we will call your parents blablabla" so he did and discovered something that he was really good: games and competitions. Ed found there attention, but also rivals who doesn't liked that the boy was winning most of the logical and board games.
Materialising Thoughts: here Ed became a teenager, now he is a brilliant student and he learned to treat school as his safe place. He hates come back home and his anger became higher everyday. In this chapter Ed will struggle with lots of intrusive thoughts, some unhealthy behaviour and finally he will free himself of his dad and mother and he also run away of Gotham tho. It's a chapter with lots o fiscal violence and mental issues, some self regulation tactics and self harm too. Also we have some gender questions and a best friend x first love (and yes, happens to be the same person, a girl!).
"Are you incapable to keep you mouth shut?": After runaway, Ed found a job in a highway Amusment Park. Now he doesn't speak, he doesn't have a name, but his good ideas for gambling shines. Yes this is a side quest chapter where Ed is in a long term nonverbal, he became a golden goose of the park, but things will go wrong and Ed will take his money and runaway again. (if the working class produces everything everything belongs to it -q)
Thy name is E.Nigma: Now our riddler boy will spend his next year's solving his identity. Forging himself since the birth. New back story with echoes on his own, and a dead parents in his back. With fake documents, illegal money (well washed, thank you very much), Ed is planning his own rebirth in Gotham City.
Year One
Once Upon a Time in Gotham: Edward Nygma is a Gotha U student and a consulting forensic scientist (he is a Sherlock Holmes itself). No he doesn't work officially for GCPD, but very frequently he is hired to solve some issues for the PD (whe they does not hire Ed, he just entered without permission because he want, and this annoys alot some cops). At the University, Ed have problems with grades because he wants to study everything, so is a great mess. He also start dating Antonie, the theatre guy and conveniently became part of the company for a while, until the broke up moment. Yeah, he is living his best life, the one he planned for himself. A little bit of taxes crimes, misterys to solve, an academic life and a very very sweet boyfriend, who wait the right time... Nothing can destroy this strawberry life, right? (Oh and here we are presented to Nina/Echo, Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy) and Dinah L. Lance (Black Canary). [Pammys and Nina are Ed's bffs based on the rp dynamics between me and my Pammys🥺 who date Dinah btw].
"Seriously, Nygma. You need help.": Lack ofstimulus make him vexing... But the thing is, everything goes wrong when Ed saw his mother with another man and two kids. Twins... Now he is much more obsessed with work and please and seeking attention. He is freaking out for real, but he cant tell anyone why is that. So 3 times Ed will listen that he needs help: first time in the University from his advisor, then he will listen from Antonie during a fight that precedes the break and finally, from Bullock who is pissed with a nerd doing much more than he and also shooting riddles all the time. Well he do find help before a terrible crise wich dump him in a psychiatric hosp for a night where he will meet Doctor Albert Marin, his new PSYCHIATRIST.
The Golden Heart Episode: During this one, Ed will have to solve a strange crime, a dead body mummified with a plastic heart full of pee. The mystery will be solved in a week or something, but Ed and the detective Bullock will struggle with this for a month and so. Also, Ed is seeing Doctor Marin biweekly and taking some psycomeds... He already figured that the doc is playing him as a lab rat, still Edward feels someway motivated to keep going. I risk to say that Edward is attracted, specially because of the attention and the curiosity of the Doctor towards him. (We also have one of my favorite parts, it's a Towel Day when Ed is in his apartment with Nina listening the old audio series of hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, drinking his own version of Pangalact Dynamite when Bullock and Dinah Lance appears to discusses the Golden Heart case).
What is black, white and red all over?: Oswald Cobblepot bleeding the hell out of him? Yeah, roommates era adapted by me.
How the Riddler got his name: Robberies as spectacles, trophies and whatever else. Yep there's a connection between The Golden Heart Case and th Penguin and the lack of stimulus? Is a chapter where Ed broke the egg once again. The meds are messing up with him, he needs attention and blablabla, so The Riddler in his very very green suit. Of course: Query and Echo, a bit o kink stuffs and BDSM clubs and hmm kidnapping. Batman appears here but I never find a Batman role player who wished to rp with me. (mostly because of my communist queer subtext tbh). [[ OH AND ONE OF MY FAVOURITE MOMENTS HERE THO! Edward first time in Iceberg Cassino, very very Art Deco Themed and Oswald is such a 20's diva mommy here!
Home Sweet Asylum
Adaptation and Transference: First month in Arkham and Ed will be jumped between the doctors and therapist. He is adapting his routine and mapping the whole place, figuring every patient and being a solvers to every problem but his own. Is during this chapter that we will be presented for Harleen Quinn, she is already locked and she also force a friendship with Ed until he just accept her in his life. The chapter ends with Ed bonding with Harls and also finding a psychiatrist who wants to take his case.
Doctor Fear and The Arkham Break: Well, aren't you happy that you found a psychiatrist, Edward? NO! HE IS POISON ME, WHY ARE YOU WRITING THIS SHIT? Ha... So Jonathan Crane also using Ed as a lab rat, but now is worse because Ed is being under fear toxin without know and... oh dear... THIS IS BAD. But we have some good moments here like when Harleen decides to made clandestine therapy with Edward. We also had a Arkham break out wich one Edward and Harleen doesn't participate (Edward because he is in a horrible state of mind, dealing with fear and chemical dependency and believing that maybe he belongs in Arkham. Harley bc she is trying a Conditional.) The chapter ends with an Oswald visit and the date of Edward judgement.
The Copycat: Riddler copycat will bump on the city and Ed will help the PD to solve the crimes and claim back his identity... I mean he is almost reformed, not Riddler anymore Ahm... No, not a bit. Crime solved, Harleen released and... Why Jonathan is not Ed's psychiatrist anymore?
Good Conduct: Ed struggling with the lack of toxin in his blood, no Harleen anymore and also needing to improve his body and mind health. Dark times for our dear Eddie boy, but he is trying and in the end... Well his fight wasn't really a need because The Penguin had played for his dear boy being realised.
To be continued...? (I have 3 more arcs, a malewife one with mayoral era, a Arkham city conflict with hints of Riddler Factory and a properly Riddler factory with a Reality Show where he bonds with Poison Ivy and torture billionaires in a island with poisoned conundrums 🥺)
(@arabriddler template.
¹ Not the best English, but I was having fun writing this blog so... I AM NOT SORRY, my psychiatrist said that I do can commit mistakes, it's okay.
² If anyone would like, I am open to RP with whatever character but Poison Ivy and Lucy Quinzel. I'd really like to have a Batman, Oswald pr Jonathan. Would be funny.
³ if anything, my rp profile is: Ed Nygma :3
That's all folks
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Sometimes I still have nightmares over Batman Prelude to The Wedding: Batgirl vs Riddler.
Almost all my problems with Rebirth Riddler come from that comic (is him my favorite Riddler? Not even close, but besides this specific story Eddie is still fun and I like him) and there were soo many ways to make it a good story. In five minutes I got three different - not necessarialy good - better ideas.
Firstly they could've just made it the start of an Oracle short series, it would solve a lot of problems in characther motivation. Make so Riddler discovered that there is a misterious voice that helps the bats and is actually the one solving his riddles and he grows obcessed over this voice. He sees them as matching intelects and being outcasts and he needs to uncover everything about them and so he lays traps. It becomes a story about Riddler losing it as he starts to question his self value in contrast to Barbara who is rediscovering her self-value as she discovers she can be more than a supporter and actually do hero work on her own even with her disabilities. I won't explain much more because while I think it could be great and could adapt some of the original story ideas it doesn't work as a Prelude to the Wedding story.
Second they could've taken the creepy crush and made it as Edward having a weird missplaced obcesion with family and done an Spoiler story with him creeping on the Browns. This one is mostly because seeing BatCat as part of the dream for a nuclear family is one of the few original angles it wasn't already explored in the Prelude stories.
Thirdly and the one who makes more sense in a Prelude to Wedding story: make it about Joker. And I don't mean changing Riddler to Joker or even featuring Joker in the story. Only that Joker is the motivation. Rebrith Riddler, specially in the whole BatCat wedding saga has a clear admiration for Joker that can even be seing as an unresciprocated crush, he planned his own violent defeat at the hands of Kite Man in WoJaR so Joker could laugh again for god sake.
For some reason this specific phase of Rebirth Riddler would do anything for Joker. And Riddler vs Batgirl even mentions that Joker did kidnapp Edward at some point to rant about Batman getting maried. If I recall corectly it was the explanation for how Ed knew Batman was getting maried. So leen on that. Joker is unhappy. All the Prelude shows that.
So Edward's solution is to try to antagonize other members of the bat-family to show Joker that he can always find a new nemesis. His whole showdown with Batgirl is about showing that they don't need Batman, in this version Ed's ramblings about love show his views of love as equasions and how everyone can be easily replaced. He choose Batgirl because she fitted most boxes on the things normal people would like about someone - just like Bruce, because Edward has no idea why Joker likes him and does what he does when he doesn't known, specially with emotion, he analyses it objectvaly and with data - and he is basically testing her to confirm his theories and turn her and Joker into nemesis. Barbara is of course horrified by all this. She wins and for a second Edward is elated. Because it was never about winning it was about proving that Barbara was good enough for Joker. Until Barbara says that if everyone can be replaced and love is a equation why didn't he let go of Joker yet. And he realises he did all that for nothing. If he didn't gave up Joker than why would Joker be any different and give up Barman? Barbara just like in the original tale ends up learning nothing except weird things about Riddler's psyque and just having a horrible day. But at least no one creeped on her for one day and then the universe forgot about it.
#riddler#edward nygma#batman prelude to the wedding#batgirl vs riddler prelude to the wedding#or my least favorite riddler comic#alternativally my least favorite barbara gordon comic#barbara gordon#batgirl#batca wedding#riddlejokes#it was not my intencion#but War of Jokes and Riddles messed with my head#it is the ultimate rebirth batjokes with a batcat ending#but what was the conclusion they were hoping we would make of Riddler masterminded his violent defeat so Joker would laugh#if not Edward pathetic uncorresponded love for the worst person ever#Rebirth Riddler#rebirth#I decided not to talk about Tom King Batgirl#or how Barbara looks like a teenager in the comic making Ed's crush even more creepy#and no my issue is not that they made riddler a creepy incel over Barbara#is that it lasted one issue not even the whole saga the comic was part of#Ed was a creepy incel once at random and that was it#like for a whole day Riddler decided he had a creeping crush on Batgirl based on nothing and decided to make it everyone's problem#he was never shown or implied to have any feeling for her not even romantic feelings just something#they barely interacted during this whole phase at all#it was just that specific day#it doesn't even work as he is using Barbara as a replacement to Batman cause the comic does it's best to show Ed as the cringiest cithet#and yes the Query and Echo thing hurted me personally#all for just one issue#if you going to make my favorite villan suck at least do it in a fun or engaging way or at least make it make sense
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rosemarydisaster · 3 years
Look, I have opinions. Again.
I know we all have our favorite campaign and I know a lot of people favor strongly the Campaign they started with (VM is the best, sue me). But if you don't acknowledge these biases you end up saying ridiculous shit like "Campaign 3 sucks" or "the new campaign moves too slow". Because let me tell you, you're objectively wrong.
I have a bias towards Vox Machina. It's the one that got me into CR and it's the one that feels the most like a home game. But I have to say, Kraghammer is a really bold way to start and that's putting it kindly. No cool settings or lovable side characters for quite a few episodes. Just a straight up dungeon crawler with Kima and Clarota. And the first Vasselheim visit is messy. I love Kashaw and Zara (they are great) and it establishes a lot of lore, but come on. Separating the party when you're still getting to know them is rough. Hell, they even change things with the cast! There's a reason why a lot of people just skip to the Briarwood arc. I love Vox Machina and I've watched it from beginning to end, but come on Campaign 3 it's miles above it when it comes to first chapters.
Campaign 2, although I adore it from the bottom of my heart, consists of a bunch of arcs loosely tied together with chewing gum and dreams. I feel like it doesn't feel like a party until Molly dies. Which is sad, because he's a great character, but his death was what truly elevated the party from "we stick together because it's fun and convenient" to "I would die for these people". The first ten chapters are not as rough as Vox Machina's (see? I can criticize my favorite campaign) but they are nowhere near as interesting as the third campaign. It's pretty standard "go here, solve this village problems, have some money". The characters are charismatic enough to carry that shit, but don't compare it to the amount of world building, character meeting that campaign 3 does while using less cliché plothooks. Both campaigns start doing mercenary work, but here we see them solve misteries and follow a trail between jobs trying to connect the dots instead of linearly solving unrelated problems.
I understand that not having a party name yet might be getting on some people's nerves. Both VM and MN had their names by the tenth episode, but you have to understand they are the "exception". Most D&D parties take a shit ton of time to come up with a proper name or never actually bother, in fact Vox Machina renamed themselves (in pre-stream they were the S.H.I.T.S. and at some point they changed it). But you know something both of those campaign's lacked on their first episodes? A fully present Ashley Johnson giving her comedic best.
Look, you can prefer a different campaign, you can even dislike this campaign. But don't pretend it is due to some objective truth when it's just nostalgia for past campaigns and needing time to adjust. These people have been professionally playing Dungeons and Dragons for years, and this campaign is the result of all that experience coming together. On the production side and on the storytelling side. There's a reason why people find it more difficult to star with VM than MN. They took their experience in VM to make MN more compelling, and they streamlined the bad shit that dragged down the first 20 episodes of VM. Now they've done the same for the third campaign.
I want to touch on the "this is a joke character". When VM first aired, people though Scanlan, Tary and Grog were joke characters. When MN first aired people thought that Jester and Nott were joke characters. I understand why people have trust issues when it comes to Travis, after all, his first character wasn't permanent. But just because a character may leave, that doesn't turn them into "joke characters". That would imply that they're just a meme, when both Bertrand and Chetney have already had a few heart to heart moments with other characters and developed through their interaction with the group. Calling all characters "a joke" feels quite mean giving they're probably just whatever the cast felt would be nice and fun to play for the stream. Give them a chance, they'll grow on you.
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boozye · 2 years
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Uhhhhhhh... ok mates let's just say I have some... issues with it. So no, not really. (Please don't message me about this. I will explain my stance and not talk about it any further.)
I used to be invested in the fnaf games a couple years ago. Used to be super into revealing the mistery behind it all, and all the meaning behind the hints Scott gave us. Even watched a few game theories before I decided I had more fun figuring stuff out by myself, wrong or right.
But I sorta lost interest after the 4th game. Followed Sister Location for the hell of it. It became too hard to follow and I sure as fuck wasn't gonna read the books or all the other suplementary material (that it just so happened you had to buy...) that was released.
Then security breach was announced. And the trailer really pulled me in. I really was grabbed by the aesthetic of the place and the characters, and the thought of "hey some mistery more removed from the original one" sounded exciting.
Then I learned about Sc*tt C*wthon's (owner and creator of the franchise, direct benefactor from sales) donations. And the disappointment was enough to kill any curiosity I had left.
For those who don't know; it came to light that Scott has made sustantial donations to USA republican lawmakers. Such as: Mitch McConell, who among other nefarious things, opposed a bill that seeked to expand axcess to voting and put a stop to voter restrictions, and defends the recent overturn of Roe V. Wade (and Scott's "pro-l*fe", yanno, seemed relevant). Tulsi Gabbard who introduced a Bill to ban trans women and girls from women sports. And the Cheetoh Man Himself. Among other people just as delightful. /s
And you know what? If he at least owned those "ideals", it would not have been so disappointing for me. He stood by and defended these donations.
He invoked the classic "I've never cared about anyone's race, religion, gender or orientation. I just treat people as people, everyone the same, and because of that, I've ended up with a very diverse group of people that I've worked with over the years." ("I don't see colour" anyone?)
Now, I don't think I need to explain why I firmly I believe in putting your money where your mouth is. I would not resent him as much if he owned some real shitty views but didn't make the donations. I know there's no ethical consumption under capitalism, but like, idk that doesn't sway me into ignoring what this man has done, and for all we know, keeps doing. Funneling money directly into the pockets of powerful people whose express purpose is making life harder or just outright harm those he claimed to care for. No middle man, no product in between the two.
So now I think about that whenever I see those games. I can't not think about it. He's no better than JKR in my opinion and his franchise something I honestly have the utmost indifference towards. An enabler of horrible ideals hiding behind sweet sentiments and words.
Yeah, he's done things better than other developers, for sure. Like take criticism (of the games). When a game wasn't up to his standard, he gave everyone a refund and made it free. He embraced the fan game community, even if it seems it might be too much for him to manage right now, and some developers seem to have a bad experience of it.
But the way I see it, that's the bare minimum anyone half decent should do (just because it's rare to see nowadays doesn't mean it should't be the standard). Supporting some creators, whether they are minorities or not, doesn't speak of his ideals as much as, once again, funneling money directly into the pockets of transphobic/homophobic/racist lawmakers, who work hard to make their land a more transphobic/homophobic/racist place to inhabit. And that weighs more to me.
Do not doxx this man, do not harrass him and do not threaten him or anything similar. Do not do it to his fans either. Or fans of his games. It will not solve or improve anything.
Once again there is no need to defend your liking of the game. The only person I recent is Scott himself here. But maybe reconsider giving him money by buying merch/games and stuff.
Article about it.
Video about it. (warning: mention of transphobia and all that stuff, as well was mention of invasive genital inspections, christianity criticism, the tone is angry, justifiably so, I believe)
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plan-d-to-i · 2 years
What in the devil is with these anons? StOp BeInG rUdE tO JC
LeT uS eXpLoRE WaNgXiAn sEx DynAmIcS
Sorry, did anyone of these people dox you to make you do that? Did they point a gun at you? I don't think so.
We want to dislike JC? We will, we don't need Freudian or philosophical speeches about philosophy of morals. He's an asshole, whiny, childish despite being a full grown up man who like a teenager in a rebellious phase can't see what he has under his nose and his anger issues are not even endearing, and always ALWAYS looks just in the past (in a really unhealthy unproductive way), we don't need Socrates or Kantian moralistic here.
And why all so protective/offended about WangXian sex? The first time they had was PURELY consensual. I readed the chapter, I know what I'm saying. The non-con kiss is a bit of a grey area here, I too believe it, LWJ shouldn't have done that but I don't think he was proud of it as well, given the later reaction of frustration and anger. And flash news: LWJ did it on an act of impulse, as far I could comprehend at least. LWJ is not a cunning manipulator with all the schemes and wits just to get the guy who he simps for, he was a complete M E S S with feelings. Nothing to see here, nothing new or unheard. The perfect student (later Simp 1) who struggles with his crush with the class clown (later husband and Simp Of Simp 1, Simp 2). At the incense burner thing, again, it was A DREAM. The manifestation of a subconscious thing, which evidently AGAIN LWJ wasn't proud of, because man can't control dreams. LWJ never, NEVER, acted upon these impulses in the Cloud Recess.
BuT ThEy CaNnoT LiVe WiThOuT cOnFlIcT, iS JuSt BoRInG
Guess what: THEY HAD CONFLICT FOR A GOOD PART OF THE INTERACTION IN THE FIRST LIFE! Happy? No? Just because there's no Beatiful or any soap opera kind of trope, cheating or heavy angst does not mean "unisteresting", it just means they solved every kind of misunderstanding they had! They want to be silly, cuddle and stay together, because guess what? People want peace. They had: a war, a literal massacre and death, solve a mistery of an zombie arm, Xue Yang and the whole situation leading Guayin Temple. You had your whole share of angst, and still want a "ROBERTO, PORQUE?!" situation?
BuT JYL wAs-
WHO THE HELL CARES ABOUT HER! The times she appears can be counted in less than ten fingers, and in all of them was useful like a koala that fell off a tree. She was plain, a plain girl who simply lived her life simply. The narrative says so, her actions say so. Think of all the scenarios you want, they cannot be nor proven nor perceived.
You can do all the "buts", "ifs" and "maybes" you want, they are just in your imagination and will stay there, because guess what again: YOU. DON'T HAVE. THE DAMN. PROOF. You don't have passages, pages, and are following the wrong adaptation (CQL, donghua). They are and will remain your doubts and theories, but nothing that can be proven.
Sorry for throwing up all of these frustrations, but seriously I can't believe these stans want me to metaphorically read philosophical and psychology essays to have a point to hate a character or ship something, I'm here to ship two husbands together while the two are solving a big mystery not trying to graduate on the said two subjects. I won't chill, no. Unless those anons don't chill, and go to their spaces and do their own threads and things. Sorry for boring you sjsjsjnsbssn.
go off anon! (ノ°∀°)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
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koguri3108 · 3 years
PROFESSOR LAYTON BORROWER AUS???? consider me extremely interested, i am listening very intently and would very very much like to hear about these (if you are comfortable sharing them ofc!!) i’m playing through the games right now and would love to hear about your aus!!!!!
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I'm joking. Halfway joking XD
I have been desperate to talk about these ever since I came up with them, which was in the latter half of 2019, I just really wasn't sure how to bring this up to the internet at all, BUT NOW I HAVE AN EXCUSE TO TALK ABOUT THEM THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHOOTING ME THESE ASKS!! godIamsuchapatheticlittlecreature
Ok, here we go, I'm gonna give a brief rundown of both of my AUs. I have two AUs in total, one in which Luke and his family are borrowers, and one in which The Professor and his family are borrowers. The main goal I generally have with these AUs is to keep all the major plot related stuff in place, but mold the stuff around it a bit so that the characters new size also still works, yknow, basically just put an interesting G/t spin on the whole series.
Continue under the cut cause this got really really long X| BTW MASSIVE MASSIVE SPOILERS!!!!!!!! FOR ALL THE GAMES!!!!! (Mostly in the second section though) (Some pics at the very bottom)
So the LukeAU: Misthallery has a pretty tight knit community of borrowers, most of the black market boys being borrowers for example, Luke and his family also are borrowers, currently living in the mayors house. (the mayor in this AU is Doland btw, I thought, like, he still sorta belongs w/ the Tritons, but borrowers don't have butlers so yadayada he's the mayor) So Descole starts searching for the Azran here too, so naturally the Phantom appears and the borrower community as well as the human community is very distraught about it, so Luke goes to investigate this mostly on his own, with the assistance of his animal companions or course. So he figures out how to predict the attacks and leaves the mayor letters in his type writer about it, (with toppy's help, because he's to lightweight to press the keys properly on his own) which the mayor takes into account because he really has nothing else to go on. Luke also goes to spy a little on the human townsfolk, looking for someone that could help him with this mistery and giant monster, though he mostly comes to the conclusion that most of the townsfolk aren't really cut out for the job since they need to meet three criteria: 1. Smart (most people need to have their puzzles solved for them so nope) 2. Not completely lost when things get a bit hairy, ie fight etc (Most of them are average people so nope there too) 3. Trustworthy to borrowerkind (hard to gauge but the general consensus is not to take the risk for most of them) So Luke turns to a particular gentleman that he's often read articles about in newspapers (when he can get them) Solves difficult cases when noone else can and has a general knack for puzzles, Nr. 1 check Is an experienced fencer, so should be athletic enough to take some of what this investigation will throw at them, Nr. 2 also check Is considered a true Gentleman (TM) by most people and him going out if his way (Uni work) to go solve cases for other people already speaks of his goodwill, though if he's trustworthy to borrowerkind is a bit of a different thing, Luke figures he can bring him here to check for himself, and if that point turns out to be a bust the Professor will hopefully stay and start investigating the case by his own accord. So he sends the Professor a letter via his Pigeon friends, under the guise of the mayor of course. When the Professor (and Emmy, she was kind of a variable Luke didn't expect, her attitude seems a bit worrying but she's okay for now) arrives and asks the mayor about it, the mayor gives him the expected rundown and offers the two of them stay at his house (since this was the Triton estate in the original he has a lot of room that he doesn't need), where Luke confronts him in the evening with a puzzle to test him (from behind a conveniently large alarm clock, the Professor suspects speakers and a mic at first), then gives him the hotel where the Spectre will attack next as a meeting point. Next day they go there, first meeting scene plays out that I won't describe here, this is already getting way too long X/ I'm going way too much into detail
This is most of the story stuff I've got figured out so far, Luke might be letter pals with the Barde kids, Descole kidnaps Lukes Mom and tries to get info about the Azran out of her for reasons I will explain later, uh, yeah. The main reason why I'm not further along is because I still haven't replayed the games since I've done for the first time years and years ago, I wanted to play them together with my best friend but that goes really slow X/
Anyways, the LaytonAU: So the very fist thing I have to explain here is that borrowers are incredibly connected to the Azran civilization in both these AUs. Basically, in Azran times both Humans and Borrowers lived together peacefully, and this shows in a lot of written records, murals and also the way things are built in ruins and such. The general population and many archaeologists believe though that either the tiny people died out with the Azran or that all these things are either symbolic in nature or coincidences. But of course the tiny people still exist, and Targent knows this, Targent is branded to the public as an extermination Company, but they use this to drive out borrowers of peoples homes and capture them. Targent believes that borrowers are still very heavily connected to the Azran civilization, that they are either legit Azran people that survived or that they are Azran constructs or technology of some kind or yadayada, they MUST know SOMETHING about the Azran, so what Targend does is perform experiments on borrowers, torture them in any way imaginable and other horrendous things just to get SOME kind of info out of them, which they can use to further their goals. The Borrowers of course aren't in any way more Azran than the normal human population is so the most that Targent can ever get out of them is vague legends and stories that were passed down by word, but that little useless info still keeps them fixated on their borrower case, convinced that they know far more than they tell them, so they keep this whole thing going unfortunately.
Now enter the Bronev family, a family of borrowers living somewhere near the Gressenheller Uni. They get found out by one of the Targent exterminator teams and attempt to flee, both parents get snatched up almost immediately, though Hershel and Theo make it a bit farther Hershel knows they cannot both escape, so he sacrifices himself to buy Theo some time, and he does indeed make it out and manages to escape. Theo just runs and runs and runs, until he can't anymore and collapses in some bushes somewhere. There he gets found by the Laytons, also Borrowers, who live in one of the Side buildings of Gressenheller Uni. They take Theo in but a difficulty early on is that the boy can't seem to remember anything that happend to him, or his past, not even his own name. He does remember A name though, and that is his brothers, Hershel. Theo does know on some level that this isn't his own name but it's the only one he remembers, so it kind of must be, right? So that's what the Laytons call him from then on, his name is now Hershel Layton. Back with Targent, the rest of the Bronev family is locked up in some cages, the mother having already been taken off to be experimented on, when Raymond, then an engineer employed by Targent comes by the open Lab door and sees the borrowers in the cages, and he's shocked to see a very small child among them. He'd seen children before, but never this young, so he rescues them, unfortunately leaving Rachel Bronev behind. Shortly after he leaves the Company. He tries to help the Borrowers in any way he can, so he ends up building a human sized mech suit for Leon, who wants to go infiltrate Targent to rescue his wife, though upon finding out that he was too late, he decides that his Rachels death should not have been in vain and so in his delusions he ends up working his way to the top of Targend to further the goal that his wife head to die for. Meanwhile Hershel is disgusted with his fathers decision and learns engineering from Raymond to build his own human Mech suit, he becomes Desmond Sycamore an Archaeologist, begins research about the Azran, he eventually gets his own place, meets the borrower that lives there and starts his own family, though when Targent comes to him about his Archaeological work, they get to his family and gets them abducted and also killed. He follows Descolés path pretty beat for beat after this. Now Hershel meanwhile decides that he wants to go live in the main Gressenheller building, away from his parents, and he ends up running into a book about the Azran, opened on a page about the small people, on one of his borrowing trips in Dr. Schraders office. He is enamored with the idea that his people have an actual history and he starts coming back to Dr. Schraders office regularly in hopes of learning more. One day he ends up falling asleep mid read though, and Dr. Schrader finds him the next morning, Dr. Schrader approaches the whole situation very reasonably though, he recognizes that Hershel is indeed a Person and pretty much still a kid at that, so all he does is gently wake him up and let him go on his way, though he recognizes that the Kid has taken an interest in Azran history and leaves books out for him to read. Over time the two actually start interacting a little bit and a small relationship forms, though a very hands off (literally) teacher-student relationship. Then one day, Randall (Being here either a bit older than we see him in MM or just skipped a few grades and is earlier than expected at Gressenheller, haven't decided yet) decides to disregard Dr. Schraders visiting hours and just barges into his office where he finds Hershel currently on the desk reading a book, a very hands on first meeting scene follows, and they become palls. :) Randall eventually wants to take Hershel on adventuring trips, but he wants Hershel to be a bit more independent and not need to sit on his shoulder all the time so he does two things: 1. He teaches him how to fence 2. He designs a flying machine for him (Like, a backpack unfoldable plane thing, I have concepts if anyone is
interested ) Some testing phase shenanigans ensue but unfortunately MM "Randall falls into the chasm"-scene also ensues :( So some time later Hershel gets acquainted with the Tritons, and Claire, the whole explosion thing happens, Hershel gets there with his flying machine and ends up showing himself to a crying Clive in an alleyway to console him (that's how Clive knows him haven't figured out how he gets a letter to him later though...) Uhhh, Clark gifts Hershel a sharpened letteropener sword, looks very cool How Hershel actually becomes a Professor is kind of an inofficial thing, but basically he does all the stuff he has to do for that under Dr. Schrader, makes friends with the Dean at some point and becomes secret professor basically I ALSO had this idea that he teaches classes remotely with a prewritten chalkboard and speakers somehow, maybe he is just straight up under a Box on the desk that is open towards the chalkboard, maybe he builds an elaborate machine, idk, this is not decided but I thought it would be funny if he somehow DID teach classes, maybe some of the students at Gressenheller even know that he's a borrower and it's kind of an in-joke that noone else understands idk XD Now, how he gets to meet Luke is basically this, Luke sends his letter not to Hershel but to Dr. Schrader, who, having gotten assigned Emmy as an assistant shortly before that (Emmy does know Hershel exists, being Dr. Schraders assistant will do that to you), responds to it instead, though he does take Hershel with him also, upon learning that the giant monster is very much real, Schrader basically goes, "Welp, I think I left the stove on, you two've got this, right?" and promptly exits the scene, leaving Emmy and Hershel to do this on their own.
From here on out I don't have much figured out, I need to replay the games but yeah, that's most of what I've got, this got way too long lol, have some concepts!!!
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Lil borrower Luke sitting on a book in Hersh's office while he's still working, look after your child, Professor! >:( (from 14th Okt 2020)
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Smol Layton handheld that I have a digitized version of too, but that one deserves its own post, have a sneak-peek ;) (from 6th Apr 2020) (Also he looks bigger here than he really is because Luke has tiny child hands XD)
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I'm joking. Halfway joking XD
I have been desperate to talk about these ever since I came up with them, which was in the latter half of 2019, I just really wasn't sure how to bring this up to the internet at all, BUT NOW I HAVE AN EXCUSE TO TALK ABOUT THEM THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHOOTING ME THESE ASKS!! godIamsuchapatheticlittlecreature
Ok, here we go, I'm gonna give a brief rundown of both of my AUs. I have two AUs in total, one in which Luke and his family are borrowers, and one in which The Professor and his family are borrowers. The main goal I generally have with these AUs is to keep all the major plot related stuff in place, but mold the stuff around it a bit so that the characters new size also still works, yknow, basically just put an interesting G/t spin on the whole series.
Continue under the cut cause this got really really long X| BTW MASSIVE MASSIVE SPOILERS!!!!!!!! FOR ALL THE GAMES!!!!! (Mostly in the second section though) (Some pics at the very bottom)
So the LukeAU: Misthallery has a pretty tight knit community of borrowers, most of the black market boys being borrowers for example, Luke and his family also are borrowers, currently living in the mayors house. (the mayor in this AU is Doland btw, I thought, like, he still sorta belongs w/ the Tritons, but borrowers don't have butlers so yadayada he's the mayor) So Descole starts searching for the Azran here too, so naturally the Phantom appears and the borrower community as well as the human community is very distraught about it, so Luke goes to investigate this mostly on his own, with the assistance of his animal companions or course. So he figures out how to predict the attacks and leaves the mayor letters in his type writer about it, (with toppy's help, because he's to lightweight to press the keys properly on his own) which the mayor takes into account because he really has nothing else to go on. Luke also goes to spy a little on the human townsfolk, looking for someone that could help him with this mistery and giant monster, though he mostly comes to the conclusion that most of the townsfolk aren't really cut out for the job since they need to meet three criteria: 1. Smart (most people need to have their puzzles solved for them so nope) 2. Not completely lost when things get a bit hairy, ie fight etc (Most of them are average people so nope there too) 3. Trustworthy to borrowerkind (hard to gauge but the general consensus is not to take the risk for most of them) So Luke turns to a particular gentleman that he's often read articles about in newspapers (when he can get them) Solves difficult cases when noone else can and has a general knack for puzzles, Nr. 1 check Is an experienced fencer, so should be athletic enough to take some of what this investigation will throw at them, Nr. 2 also check Is considered a true Gentleman (TM) by most people and him going out if his way (Uni work) to go solve cases for other people already speaks of his goodwill, though if he's trustworthy to borrowerkind is a bit of a different thing, Luke figures he can bring him here to check for himself, and if that point turns out to be a bust the Professor will hopefully stay and start investigating the case by his own accord. So he sends the Professor a letter via his Pigeon friends, under the guise of the mayor of course. When the Professor (and Emmy, she was kind of a variable Luke didn't expect, her attitude seems a bit worrying but she's okay for now) arrives and asks the mayor about it, the mayor gives him the expected rundown and offers the two of them stay at his house (since this was the Triton estate in the original he has a lot of room that he doesn't need), where Luke confronts him in the evening with a puzzle to test him (from behind a conveniently large alarm clock, the Professor suspects speakers and a mic at first), then gives him the hotel where the Spectre will attack next as a meeting point. Next day they go there, first meeting scene plays out that I won't describe here, this is already getting way too long X/ I'm going way too much into detail
This is most of the story stuff I've got figured out so far, Luke might be letter pals with the Barde kids, Descole kidnaps Lukes Mom and tries to get info about the Azran out of her for reasons I will explain later, uh, yeah. The main reason why I'm not further along is because I still haven't replayed the games since I've done for the first time years and years ago, I wanted to play them together with my best friend but that goes really slow X/
Anyways, the LaytonAU: So the very fist thing I have to explain here is that borrowers are incredibly connected to the Azran civilization in both these AUs. Basically, in Azran times both Humans and Borrowers lived together peacefully, and this shows in a lot of written records, murals and also the way things are built in ruins and such. The general population and many archaeologists believe though that either the tiny people died out with the Azran or that all these things are either symbolic in nature or coincidences. But of course the tiny people still exist, and Targent knows this, Targent is branded to the public as an extermination Company, but they use this to drive out borrowers of peoples homes and capture them. Targent believes that borrowers are still very heavily connected to the Azran civilization, that they are either legit Azran people that survived or that they are Azran constructs or technology of some kind or yadayada, they MUST know SOMETHING about the Azran, so what Targend does is perform experiments on borrowers, torture them in any way imaginable and other horrendous things just to get SOME kind of info out of them, which they can use to further their goals. The Borrowers of course aren't in any way more Azran than the normal human population is so the most that Targent can ever get out of them is vague legends and stories that were passed down by word, but that little useless info still keeps them fixated on their borrower case, convinced that they know far more than they tell them, so they keep this whole thing going unfortunately.
Now enter the Bronev family, a family of borrowers living somewhere near the Gressenheller Uni. They get found out by one of the Targent exterminator teams and attempt to flee, both parents get snatched up almost immediately, though Hershel and Theo make it a bit farther Hershel knows they cannot both escape, so he sacrifices himself to buy Theo some time, and he does indeed make it out and manages to escape. Theo just runs and runs and runs, until he can't anymore and collapses in some bushes somewhere. There he gets found by the Laytons, also Borrowers, who live in one of the Side buildings of Gressenheller Uni. They take Theo in but a difficulty early on is that the boy can't seem to remember anything that happend to him, or his past, not even his own name. He does remember A name though, and that is his brothers, Hershel. Theo does know on some level that this isn't his own name but it's the only one he remembers, so it kind of must be, right? So that's what the Laytons call him from then on, his name is now Hershel Layton. Back with Targent, the rest of the Bronev family is locked up in some cages, the mother having already been taken off to be experimented on, when Raymond, then an engineer employed by Targent comes by the open Lab door and sees the borrowers in the cages, and he's shocked to see a very small child among them. He'd seen children before, but never this young, so he rescues them, unfortunately leaving Rachel Bronev behind. Shortly after he leaves the Company. He tries to help the Borrowers in any way he can, so he ends up building a human sized mech suit for Leon, who wants to go infiltrate Targent to rescue his wife, though upon finding out that he was too late, he decides that his Rachels death should not have been in vain and so in his delusions he ends up working his way to the top of Targend to further the goal that his wife head to die for. Meanwhile Hershel is disgusted with his fathers decision and learns engineering from Raymond to build his own human Mech suit, he becomes Desmond Sycamore an Archaeologist, begins research about the Azran, he eventually gets his own place, meets the borrower that lives there and starts his own family, though when Targent comes to him about his Archaeological work, they get to his family and gets them abducted and also killed. He follows Descolés path pretty beat for beat after this. Now Hershel meanwhile decides that he wants to go live in the main Gressenheller building, away from his parents, and he ends up running into a book about the Azran, opened on a page about the small people, on one of his borrowing trips in Dr. Schraders office. He is enamored with the idea that his people have an actual history and he starts coming back to Dr. Schraders office regularly in hopes of learning more. One day he ends up falling asleep mid read though, and Dr. Schrader finds him the next morning, Dr. Schrader approaches the whole situation very reasonably though, he recognizes that Hershel is indeed a Person and pretty much still a kid at that, so all he does is gently wake him up and let him go on his way, though he recognizes that the Kid has taken an interest in Azran history and leaves books out for him to read. Over time the two actually start interacting a little bit and a small relationship forms, though a very hands off (literally) teacher-student relationship. Then one day, Randall (Being here either a bit older than we see him in MM or just skipped a few grades and is earlier than expected at Gressenheller, haven't decided yet) decides to disregard Dr. Schraders visiting hours and just barges into his office where he finds Hershel currently on the desk reading a book, a very hands on first meeting scene follows, and they become palls. :) Randall eventually wants to take Hershel on adventuring trips, but he wants Hershel to be a bit more independent and not need to sit on his shoulder all the time so he does two things: 1. He teaches him how to fence 2. He designs a flying machine for him (Like, a backpack unfoldable plane thing, I have concepts if anyone is
interested ) Some testing phase shenanigans ensue but unfortunately MM "Randall falls into the chasm"-scene also ensues :( So some time later Hershel gets acquainted with the Tritons, and Claire, the whole explosion thing happens, Hershel gets there with his flying machine and ends up showing himself to a crying Clive in an alleyway to console him (that's how Clive knows him haven't figured out how he gets a letter to him later though...) Uhhh, Clark gifts Hershel a sharpened letteropener sword, looks very cool How Hershel actually becomes a Professor is kind of an inofficial thing, but basically he does all the stuff he has to do for that under Dr. Schrader, makes friends with the Dean at some point and becomes secret professor basically I ALSO had this idea that he teaches classes remotely with a prewritten chalkboard and speakers somehow, maybe he is just straight up under a Box on the desk that is open towards the chalkboard, maybe he builds an elaborate machine, idk, this is not decided but I thought it would be funny if he somehow DID teach classes, maybe some of the students at Gressenheller even know that he's a borrower and it's kind of an in-joke that noone else understands idk XD Now, how he gets to meet Luke is basically this, Luke sends his letter not to Hershel but to Dr. Schrader, who, having gotten assigned Emmy as an assistant shortly before that (Emmy does know Hershel exists, being Dr. Schraders assistant will do that to you), responds to it instead, though he does take Hershel with him also, upon learning that the giant monster is very much real, Schrader basically goes, "Welp, I think I left the stove on, you two've got this, right?" and promptly exits the scene, leaving Emmy and Hershel to do this on their own.
From here on out I don't have much figured out, I need to replay the games but yeah, that's most of what I've got, this got way too long lol, have some concepts!!!
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Lil borrower Luke sitting on a book in Hersh's office while he's still working, look after your child, Professor! >:( (from 14th Okt 2020)
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Smol Layton handheld that I have a digitized version of too, but that one deserves its own post, have a sneak-peek ;) (from 6th Apr 2020) (Also he looks bigger here than he really is because Luke has tiny child hands XD)
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I'm joking. Halfway joking XD
I have been desperate to talk about these ever since I came up with them, which was in the latter half of 2019, I just really wasn't sure how to bring this up to the internet at all, BUT NOW I HAVE AN EXCUSE TO TALK ABOUT THEM THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHOOTING ME THESE ASKS!! godIamsuchapatheticlittlecreature
Ok, here we go, I'm gonna give a brief rundown of both of my AUs. I have two AUs in total, one in which Luke and his family are borrowers, and one in which The Professor and his family are borrowers. The main goal I generally have with these AUs is to keep all the major plot related stuff in place, but mold the stuff around it a bit so that the characters new size also still works, yknow, basically just put an interesting G/t spin on the whole series.
Continue under the cut cause this got really really long X| BTW MASSIVE MASSIVE SPOILERS!!!!!!!! FOR ALL THE GAMES!!!!! (Mostly in the second section though) (Some pics at the very bottom)
So the LukeAU: Misthallery has a pretty tight knit community of borrowers, most of the black market boys being borrowers for example, Luke and his family also are borrowers, currently living in the mayors house. (the mayor in this AU is Doland btw, I thought, like, he still sorta belongs w/ the Tritons, but borrowers don't have butlers so yadayada he's the mayor) So Descole starts searching for the Azran here too, so naturally the Phantom appears and the borrower community as well as the human community is very distraught about it, so Luke goes to investigate this mostly on his own, with the assistance of his animal companions or course. So he figures out how to predict the attacks and leaves the mayor letters in his type writer about it, (with toppy's help, because he's to lightweight to press the keys properly on his own) which the mayor takes into account because he really has nothing else to go on. Luke also goes to spy a little on the human townsfolk, looking for someone that could help him with this mistery and giant monster, though he mostly comes to the conclusion that most of the townsfolk aren't really cut out for the job since they need to meet three criteria: 1. Smart (most people need to have their puzzles solved for them so nope) 2. Not completely lost when things get a bit hairy, ie fight etc (Most of them are average people so nope there too) 3. Trustworthy to borrowerkind (hard to gauge but the general consensus is not to take the risk for most of them) So Luke turns to a particular gentleman that he's often read articles about in newspapers (when he can get them) Solves difficult cases when noone else can and has a general knack for puzzles, Nr. 1 check Is an experienced fencer, so should be athletic enough to take some of what this investigation will throw at them, Nr. 2 also check Is considered a true Gentleman (TM) by most people and him going out if his way (Uni work) to go solve cases for other people already speaks of his goodwill, though if he's trustworthy to borrowerkind is a bit of a different thing, Luke figures he can bring him here to check for himself, and if that point turns out to be a bust the Professor will hopefully stay and start investigating the case by his own accord. So he sends the Professor a letter via his Pigeon friends, under the guise of the mayor of course. When the Professor (and Emmy, she was kind of a variable Luke didn't expect, her attitude seems a bit worrying but she's okay for now) arrives and asks the mayor about it, the mayor gives him the expected rundown and offers the two of them stay at his house (since this was the Triton estate in the original he has a lot of room that he doesn't need), where Luke confronts him in the evening with a puzzle to test him (from behind a conveniently large alarm clock, the Professor suspects speakers and a mic at first), then gives him the hotel where the Spectre will attack next as a meeting point. Next day they go there, first meeting scene plays out that I won't describe here, this is already getting way too long X/ I'm going way too much into detail
This is most of the story stuff I've got figured out so far, Luke might be letter pals with the Barde kids, Descole kidnaps Lukes Mom and tries to get info about the Azran out of her for reasons I will explain later, uh, yeah. The main reason why I'm not further along is because I still haven't replayed the games since I've done for the first time years and years ago, I wanted to play them together with my best friend but that goes really slow X/
Anyways, the LaytonAU: So the very fist thing I have to explain here is that borrowers are incredibly connected to the Azran civilization in both these AUs. Basically, in Azran times both Humans and Borrowers lived together peacefully, and this shows in a lot of written records, murals and also the way things are built in ruins and such. The general population and many archaeologists believe though that either the tiny people died out with the Azran or that all these things are either symbolic in nature or coincidences. But of course the tiny people still exist, and Targent knows this, Targent is branded to the public as an extermination Company, but they use this to drive out borrowers of peoples homes and capture them. Targent believes that borrowers are still very heavily connected to the Azran civilization, that they are either legit Azran people that survived or that they are Azran constructs or technology of some kind or yadayada, they MUST know SOMETHING about the Azran, so what Targend does is perform experiments on borrowers, torture them in any way imaginable and other horrendous things just to get SOME kind of info out of them, which they can use to further their goals. The Borrowers of course aren't in any way more Azran than the normal human population is so the most that Targent can ever get out of them is vague legends and stories that were passed down by word, but that little useless info still keeps them fixated on their borrower case, convinced that they know far more than they tell them, so they keep this whole thing going unfortunately.
Now enter the Bronev family, a family of borrowers living somewhere near the Gressenheller Uni. They get found out by one of the Targent exterminator teams and attempt to flee, both parents get snatched up almost immediately, though Hershel and Theo make it a bit farther Hershel knows they cannot both escape, so he sacrifices himself to buy Theo some time, and he does indeed make it out and manages to escape. Theo just runs and runs and runs, until he can't anymore and collapses in some bushes somewhere. There he gets found by the Laytons, also Borrowers, who live in one of the Side buildings of Gressenheller Uni. They take Theo in but a difficulty early on is that the boy can't seem to remember anything that happend to him, or his past, not even his own name. He does remember A name though, and that is his brothers, Hershel. Theo does know on some level that this isn't his own name but it's the only one he remembers, so it kind of must be, right? So that's what the Laytons call him from then on, his name is now Hershel Layton. Back with Targent, the rest of the Bronev family is locked up in some cages, the mother having already been taken off to be experimented on, when Raymond, then an engineer employed by Targent comes by the open Lab door and sees the borrowers in the cages, and he's shocked to see a very small child among them. He'd seen children before, but never this young, so he rescues them, unfortunately leaving Rachel Bronev behind. Shortly after he leaves the Company. He tries to help the Borrowers in any way he can, so he ends up building a human sized mech suit for Leon, who wants to go infiltrate Targent to rescue his wife, though upon finding out that he was too late, he decides that his Rachels death should not have been in vain and so in his delusions he ends up working his way to the top of Targend to further the goal that his wife head to die for. Meanwhile Hershel is disgusted with his fathers decision and learns engineering from Raymond to build his own human Mech suit, he becomes Desmond Sycamore an Archaeologist, begins research about the Azran, he eventually gets his own place, meets the borrower that lives there and starts his own family, though when Targent comes to him about his Archaeological work, they get to his family and gets them abducted and also killed. He follows Descolés path pretty beat for beat after this. Now Hershel meanwhile decides that he wants to go live in the main Gressenheller building, away from his parents, and he ends up running into a book about the Azran, opened on a page about the small people, on one of his borrowing trips in Dr. Schraders office. He is enamored with the idea that his people have an actual history and he starts coming back to Dr. Schraders office regularly in hopes of learning more. One day he ends up falling asleep mid read though, and Dr. Schrader finds him the next morning, Dr. Schrader approaches the whole situation very reasonably though, he recognizes that Hershel is indeed a Person and pretty much still a kid at that, so all he does is gently wake him up and let him go on his way, though he recognizes that the Kid has taken an interest in Azran history and leaves books out for him to read. Over time the two actually start interacting a little bit and a small relationship forms, though a very hands off (literally) teacher-student relationship. Then one day, Randall (Being here either a bit older than we see him in MM or just skipped a few grades and is earlier than expected at Gressenheller, haven't decided yet) decides to disregard Dr. Schraders visiting hours and just barges into his office where he finds Hershel currently on the desk reading a book, a very hands on first meeting scene follows, and they become palls. :) Randall eventually wants to take Hershel on adventuring trips, but he wants Hershel to be a bit more independent and not need to sit on his shoulder all the time so he does two things: 1. He teaches him how to fence 2. He designs a flying machine for him (Like, a backpack unfoldable plane thing, I have concepts if anyone is
interested ) Some testing phase shenanigans ensue but unfortunately MM "Randall falls into the chasm"-scene also ensues :( So some time later Hershel gets acquainted with the Tritons, and Claire, the whole explosion thing happens, Hershel gets there with his flying machine and ends up showing himself to a crying Clive in an alleyway to console him (that's how Clive knows him haven't figured out how he gets a letter to him later though...) Uhhh, Clark gifts Hershel a sharpened letteropener sword, looks very cool How Hershel actually becomes a Professor is kind of an inofficial thing, but basically he does all the stuff he has to do for that under Dr. Schrader, makes friends with the Dean at some point and becomes secret professor basically I ALSO had this idea that he teaches classes remotely with a prewritten chalkboard and speakers somehow, maybe he is just straight up under a Box on the desk that is open towards the chalkboard, maybe he builds an elaborate machine, idk, this is not decided but I thought it would be funny if he somehow DID teach classes, maybe some of the students at Gressenheller even know that he's a borrower and it's kind of an in-joke that noone else understands idk XD Now, how he gets to meet Luke is basically this, Luke sends his letter not to Hershel but to Dr. Schrader, who, having gotten assigned Emmy as an assistant shortly before that (Emmy does know Hershel exists, being Dr. Schraders assistant will do that to you), responds to it instead, though he does take Hershel with him also, upon learning that the giant monster is very much real, Schrader basically goes, "Welp, I think I left the stove on, you two've got this, right?" and promptly exits the scene, leaving Emmy and Hershel to do this on their own.
From here on out I don't have much figured out, I need to replay the games but yeah, that's most of what I've got, this got way too long lol, have some concepts!!!
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Lil borrower Luke sitting on a book in Hersh's office while he's still working, look after your child, Professor! >:( (from 14th Okt 2020)
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Smol Layton handheld that I have a digitized version of too, but that one deserves its own post, have a sneak-peek ;) (from 6th Apr 2020) (Also he looks bigger here than he really is because Luke has tiny child hands XD)
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I'm joking. Halfway joking XD
I have been desperate to talk about these ever since I came up with them, which was in the latter half of 2019, I just really wasn't sure how to bring this up to the internet at all, BUT NOW I HAVE AN EXCUSE TO TALK ABOUT THEM THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHOOTING ME THESE ASKS!! godIamsuchapatheticlittlecreature
Ok, here we go, I'm gonna give a brief rundown of both of my AUs. I have two AUs in total, one in which Luke and his family are borrowers, and one in which The Professor and his family are borrowers. The main goal I generally have with these AUs is to keep all the major plot related stuff in place, but mold the stuff around it a bit so that the characters new size also still works, yknow, basically just put an interesting G/t spin on the whole series.
Continue under the cut cause this got really really long X| BTW MASSIVE MASSIVE SPOILERS!!!!!!!! FOR ALL THE GAMES!!!!! (Mostly in the second section though) (Some pics at the very bottom)
So the LukeAU: Misthallery has a pretty tight knit community of borrowers, most of the black market boys being borrowers for example, Luke and his family also are borrowers, currently living in the mayors house. (the mayor in this AU is Doland btw, I thought, like, he still sorta belongs w/ the Tritons, but borrowers don't have butlers so yadayada he's the mayor) So Descole starts searching for the Azran here too, so naturally the Phantom appears and the borrower community as well as the human community is very distraught about it, so Luke goes to investigate this mostly on his own, with the assistance of his animal companions or course. So he figures out how to predict the attacks and leaves the mayor letters in his type writer about it, (with toppy's help, because he's to lightweight to press the keys properly on his own) which the mayor takes into account because he really has nothing else to go on. Luke also goes to spy a little on the human townsfolk, looking for someone that could help him with this mistery and giant monster, though he mostly comes to the conclusion that most of the townsfolk aren't really cut out for the job since they need to meet three criteria: 1. Smart (most people need to have their puzzles solved for them so nope) 2. Not completely lost when things get a bit hairy, ie fight etc (Most of them are average people so nope there too) 3. Trustworthy to borrowerkind (hard to gauge but the general consensus is not to take the risk for most of them) So Luke turns to a particular gentleman that he's often read articles about in newspapers (when he can get them) Solves difficult cases when noone else can and has a general knack for puzzles, Nr. 1 check Is an experienced fencer, so should be athletic enough to take some of what this investigation will throw at them, Nr. 2 also check Is considered a true Gentleman (TM) by most people and him going out if his way (Uni work) to go solve cases for other people already speaks of his goodwill, though if he's trustworthy to borrowerkind is a bit of a different thing, Luke figures he can bring him here to check for himself, and if that point turns out to be a bust the Professor will hopefully stay and start investigating the case by his own accord. So he sends the Professor a letter via his Pigeon friends, under the guise of the mayor of course. When the Professor (and Emmy, she was kind of a variable Luke didn't expect, her attitude seems a bit worrying but she's okay for now) arrives and asks the mayor about it, the mayor gives him the expected rundown and offers the two of them stay at his house (since this was the Triton estate in the original he has a lot of room that he doesn't need), where Luke confronts him in the evening with a puzzle to test him (from behind a conveniently large alarm clock, the Professor suspects speakers and a mic at first), then gives him the hotel where the Spectre will attack next as a meeting point. Next day they go there, first meeting scene plays out that I won't describe here, this is already getting way too long X/ I'm going way too much into detail
This is most of the story stuff I've got figured out so far, Luke might be letter pals with the Barde kids, Descole kidnaps Lukes Mom and tries to get info about the Azran out of her for reasons I will explain later, uh, yeah. The main reason why I'm not further along is because I still haven't replayed the games since I've done for the first time years and years ago, I wanted to play them together with my best friend but that goes really slow X/
Anyways, the LaytonAU: So the very fist thing I have to explain here is that borrowers are incredibly connected to the Azran civilization in both these AUs. Basically, in Azran times both Humans and Borrowers lived together peacefully, and this shows in a lot of written records, murals and also the way things are built in ruins and such. The general population and many archaeologists believe though that either the tiny people died out with the Azran or that all these things are either symbolic in nature or coincidences. But of course the tiny people still exist, and Targent knows this, Targent is branded to the public as an extermination Company, but they use this to drive out borrowers of peoples homes and capture them. Targent believes that borrowers are still very heavily connected to the Azran civilization, that they are either legit Azran people that survived or that they are Azran constructs or technology of some kind or yadayada, they MUST know SOMETHING about the Azran, so what Targend does is perform experiments on borrowers, torture them in any way imaginable and other horrendous things just to get SOME kind of info out of them, which they can use to further their goals. The Borrowers of course aren't in any way more Azran than the normal human population is so the most that Targent can ever get out of them is vague legends and stories that were passed down by word, but that little useless info still keeps them fixated on their borrower case, convinced that they know far more than they tell them, so they keep this whole thing going unfortunately.
Now enter the Bronev family, a family of borrowers living somewhere near the Gressenheller Uni. They get found out by one of the Targent exterminator teams and attempt to flee, both parents get snatched up almost immediately, though Hershel and Theo make it a bit farther Hershel knows they cannot both escape, so he sacrifices himself to buy Theo some time, and he does indeed make it out and manages to escape. Theo just runs and runs and runs, until he can't anymore and collapses in some bushes somewhere. There he gets found by the Laytons, also Borrowers, who live in one of the Side buildings of Gressenheller Uni. They take Theo in but a difficulty early on is that the boy can't seem to remember anything that happend to him, or his past, not even his own name. He does remember A name though, and that is his brothers, Hershel. Theo does know on some level that this isn't his own name but it's the only one he remembers, so it kind of must be, right? So that's what the Laytons call him from then on, his name is now Hershel Layton. Back with Targent, the rest of the Bronev family is locked up in some cages, the mother having already been taken off to be experimented on, when Raymond, then an engineer employed by Targent comes by the open Lab door and sees the borrowers in the cages, and he's shocked to see a very small child among them. He'd seen children before, but never this young, so he rescues them, unfortunately leaving Rachel Bronev behind. Shortly after he leaves the Company. He tries to help the Borrowers in any way he can, so he ends up building a human sized mech suit for Leon, who wants to go infiltrate Targent to rescue his wife, though upon finding out that he was too late, he decides that his Rachels death should not have been in vain and so in his delusions he ends up working his way to the top of Targend to further the goal that his wife head to die for. Meanwhile Hershel is disgusted with his fathers decision and learns engineering from Raymond to build his own human Mech suit, he becomes Desmond Sycamore an Archaeologist, begins research about the Azran, he eventually gets his own place, meets the borrower that lives there and starts his own family, though when Targent comes to him about his Archaeological work, they get to his family and gets them abducted and also killed. He follows Descolés path pretty beat for beat after this. Now Hershel meanwhile decides that he wants to go live in the main Gressenheller building, away from his parents, and he ends up running into a book about the Azran, opened on a page about the small people, on one of his borrowing trips in Dr. Schraders office. He is enamored with the idea that his people have an actual history and he starts coming back to Dr. Schraders office regularly in hopes of learning more. One day he ends up falling asleep mid read though, and Dr. Schrader finds him the next morning, Dr. Schrader approaches the whole situation very reasonably though, he recognizes that Hershel is indeed a Person and pretty much still a kid at that, so all he does is gently wake him up and let him go on his way, though he recognizes that the Kid has taken an interest in Azran history and leaves books out for him to read. Over time the two actually start interacting a little bit and a small relationship forms, though a very hands off (literally) teacher-student relationship. Then one day, Randall (Being here either a bit older than we see him in MM or just skipped a few grades and is earlier than expected at Gressenheller, haven't decided yet) decides to disregard Dr. Schraders visiting hours and just barges into his office where he finds Hershel currently on the desk reading a book, a very hands on first meeting scene follows, and they become palls. :) Randall eventually wants to take Hershel on adventuring trips, but he wants Hershel to be a bit more independent and not need to sit on his shoulder all the time so he does two things: 1. He teaches him how to fence 2. He designs a flying machine for him (Like, a backpack unfoldable plane thing, I have concepts if anyone is
interested ) Some testing phase shenanigans ensue but unfortunately MM "Randall falls into the chasm"-scene also ensues :( So some time later Hershel gets acquainted with the Tritons, and Claire, the whole explosion thing happens, Hershel gets there with his flying machine and ends up showing himself to a crying Clive in an alleyway to console him (that's how Clive knows him haven't figured out how he gets a letter to him later though...) Uhhh, Clark gifts Hershel a sharpened letteropener sword, looks very cool How Hershel actually becomes a Professor is kind of an inofficial thing, but basically he does all the stuff he has to do for that under Dr. Schrader, makes friends with the Dean at some point and becomes secret professor basically I ALSO had this idea that he teaches classes remotely with a prewritten chalkboard and speakers somehow, maybe he is just straight up under a Box on the desk that is open towards the chalkboard, maybe he builds an elaborate machine, idk, this is not decided but I thought it would be funny if he somehow DID teach classes, maybe some of the students at Gressenheller even know that he's a borrower and it's kind of an in-joke that noone else understands idk XD Now, how he gets to meet Luke is basically this, Luke sends his letter not to Hershel but to Dr. Schrader, who, having gotten assigned Emmy as an assistant shortly before that (Emmy does know Hershel exists, being Dr. Schraders assistant will do that to you), responds to it instead, though he does take Hershel with him also, upon learning that the giant monster is very much real, Schrader basically goes, "Welp, I think I left the stove on, you two've got this, right?" and promptly exits the scene, leaving Emmy and Hershel to do this on their own.
From here on out I don't have much figured out, I need to replay the games but yeah, that's most of what I've got, this got way too long lol, have some concepts!!!
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Lil borrower Luke sitting on a book in Hersh's office while he's still working, look after your child, Professor! >:( (from 14th Okt 2020)
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Smol Layton handheld that I have a digitized version of too, but that one deserves its own post, have a sneak-peek ;) (from 6th Apr 2020) (Also he looks bigger here than he really is because Luke has tiny child hands XD)
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I'm joking. Halfway joking XD
I have been desperate to talk about these ever since I came up with them, which was in the latter half of 2019, I just really wasn't sure how to bring this up to the internet at all, BUT NOW I HAVE AN EXCUSE TO TALK ABOUT THEM THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHOOTING ME THESE ASKS!! godIamsuchapatheticlittlecreature
Ok, here we go, I'm gonna give a brief rundown of both of my AUs. I have two AUs in total, one in which Luke and his family are borrowers, and one in which The Professor and his family are borrowers. The main goal I generally have with these AUs is to keep all the major plot related stuff in place, but mold the stuff around it a bit so that the characters new size also still works, yknow, basically just put an interesting G/t spin on the whole series.
Continue under the cut cause this got really really long X| BTW MASSIVE MASSIVE SPOILERS!!!!!!!! FOR ALL THE GAMES!!!!! (Mostly in the second section though) (Some pics at the very bottom)
So the LukeAU: Misthallery has a pretty tight knit community of borrowers, most of the black market boys being borrowers for example, Luke and his family also are borrowers, currently living in the mayors house. (the mayor in this AU is Doland btw, I thought, like, he still sorta belongs w/ the Tritons, but borrowers don't have butlers so yadayada he's the mayor) So Descole starts searching for the Azran here too, so naturally the Phantom appears and the borrower community as well as the human community is very distraught about it, so Luke goes to investigate this mostly on his own, with the assistance of his animal companions or course. So he figures out how to predict the attacks and leaves the mayor letters in his type writer about it, (with toppy's help, because he's to lightweight to press the keys properly on his own) which the mayor takes into account because he really has nothing else to go on. Luke also goes to spy a little on the human townsfolk, looking for someone that could help him with this mistery and giant monster, though he mostly comes to the conclusion that most of the townsfolk aren't really cut out for the job since they need to meet three criteria: 1. Smart (most people need to have their puzzles solved for them so nope) 2. Not completely lost when things get a bit hairy, ie fight etc (Most of them are average people so nope there too) 3. Trustworthy to borrowerkind (hard to gauge but the general consensus is not to take the risk for most of them) So Luke turns to a particular gentleman that he's often read articles about in newspapers (when he can get them) Solves difficult cases when noone else can and has a general knack for puzzles, Nr. 1 check Is an experienced fencer, so should be athletic enough to take some of what this investigation will throw at them, Nr. 2 also check Is considered a true Gentleman (TM) by most people and him going out if his way (Uni work) to go solve cases for other people already speaks of his goodwill, though if he's trustworthy to borrowerkind is a bit of a different thing, Luke figures he can bring him here to check for himself, and if that point turns out to be a bust the Professor will hopefully stay and start investigating the case by his own accord. So he sends the Professor a letter via his Pigeon friends, under the guise of the mayor of course. When the Professor (and Emmy, she was kind of a variable Luke didn't expect, her attitude seems a bit worrying but she's okay for now) arrives and asks the mayor about it, the mayor gives him the expected rundown and offers the two of them stay at his house (since this was the Triton estate in the original he has a lot of room that he doesn't need), where Luke confronts him in the evening with a puzzle to test him (from behind a conveniently large alarm clock, the Professor suspects speakers and a mic at first), then gives him the hotel where the Spectre will attack next as a meeting point. Next day they go there, first meeting scene plays out that I won't describe here, this is already getting way too long X/ I'm going way too much into detail
This is most of the story stuff I've got figured out so far, Luke might be letter pals with the Barde kids, Descole kidnaps Lukes Mom and tries to get info about the Azran out of her for reasons I will explain later, uh, yeah. The main reason why I'm not further along is because I still haven't replayed the games since I've done for the first time years and years ago, I wanted to play them together with my best friend but that goes really slow X/
Anyways, the LaytonAU: So the very fist thing I have to explain here is that borrowers are incredibly connected to the Azran civilization in both these AUs. Basically, in Azran times both Humans and Borrowers lived together peacefully, and this shows in a lot of written records, murals and also the way things are built in ruins and such. The general population and many archaeologists believe though that either the tiny people died out with the Azran or that all these things are either symbolic in nature or coincidences. But of course the tiny people still exist, and Targent knows this, Targent is branded to the public as an extermination Company, but they use this to drive out borrowers of peoples homes and capture them. Targent believes that borrowers are still very heavily connected to the Azran civilization, that they are either legit Azran people that survived or that they are Azran constructs or technology of some kind or yadayada, they MUST know SOMETHING about the Azran, so what Targend does is perform experiments on borrowers, torture them in any way imaginable and other horrendous things just to get SOME kind of info out of them, which they can use to further their goals. The Borrowers of course aren't in any way more Azran than the normal human population is so the most that Targent can ever get out of them is vague legends and stories that were passed down by word, but that little useless info still keeps them fixated on their borrower case, convinced that they know far more than they tell them, so they keep this whole thing going unfortunately.
Now enter the Bronev family, a family of borrowers living somewhere near the Gressenheller Uni. They get found out by one of the Targent exterminator teams and attempt to flee, both parents get snatched up almost immediately, though Hershel and Theo make it a bit farther Hershel knows they cannot both escape, so he sacrifices himself to buy Theo some time, and he does indeed make it out and manages to escape. Theo just runs and runs and runs, until he can't anymore and collapses in some bushes somewhere. There he gets found by the Laytons, also Borrowers, who live in one of the Side buildings of Gressenheller Uni. They take Theo in but a difficulty early on is that the boy can't seem to remember anything that happend to him, or his past, not even his own name. He does remember A name though, and that is his brothers, Hershel. Theo does know on some level that this isn't his own name but it's the only one he remembers, so it kind of must be, right? So that's what the Laytons call him from then on, his name is now Hershel Layton. Back with Targent, the rest of the Bronev family is locked up in some cages, the mother having already been taken off to be experimented on, when Raymond, then an engineer employed by Targent comes by the open Lab door and sees the borrowers in the cages, and he's shocked to see a very small child among them. He'd seen children before, but never this young, so he rescues them, unfortunately leaving Rachel Bronev behind. Shortly after he leaves the Company. He tries to help the Borrowers in any way he can, so he ends up building a human sized mech suit for Leon, who wants to go infiltrate Targent to rescue his wife, though upon finding out that he was too late, he decides that his Rachels death should not have been in vain and so in his delusions he ends up working his way to the top of Targend to further the goal that his wife head to die for. Meanwhile Hershel is disgusted with his fathers decision and learns engineering from Raymond to build his own human Mech suit, he becomes Desmond Sycamore an Archaeologist, begins research about the Azran, he eventually gets his own place, meets the borrower that lives there and starts his own family, though when Targent comes to him about his Archaeological work, they get to his family and gets them abducted and also killed. He follows Descolés path pretty beat for beat after this. Now Hershel meanwhile decides that he wants to go live in the main Gressenheller building, away from his parents, and he ends up running into a book about the Azran, opened on a page about the small people, on one of his borrowing trips in Dr. Schraders office. He is enamored with the idea that his people have an actual history and he starts coming back to Dr. Schraders office regularly in hopes of learning more. One day he ends up falling asleep mid read though, and Dr. Schrader finds him the next morning, Dr. Schrader approaches the whole situation very reasonably though, he recognizes that Hershel is indeed a Person and pretty much still a kid at that, so all he does is gently wake him up and let him go on his way, though he recognizes that the Kid has taken an interest in Azran history and leaves books out for him to read. Over time the two actually start interacting a little bit and a small relationship forms, though a very hands off (literally) teacher-student relationship. Then one day, Randall (Being here either a bit older than we see him in MM or just skipped a few grades and is earlier than expected at Gressenheller, haven't decided yet) decides to disregard Dr. Schraders visiting hours and just barges into his office where he finds Hershel currently on the desk reading a book, a very hands on first meeting scene follows, and they become palls. :) Randall eventually wants to take Hershel on adventuring trips, but he wants Hershel to be a bit more independent and not need to sit on his shoulder all the time so he does two things: 1. He teaches him how to fence 2. He designs a flying machine for him (Like, a backpack unfoldable plane thing, I have concepts if anyone is
interested ) Some testing phase shenanigans ensue but unfortunately MM "Randall falls into the chasm"-scene also ensues :( So some time later Hershel gets acquainted with the Tritons, and Claire, the whole explosion thing happens, Hershel gets there with his flying machine and ends up showing himself to a crying Clive in an alleyway to console him (that's how Clive knows him haven't figured out how he gets a letter to him later though...) Uhhh, Clark gifts Hershel a sharpened letteropener sword, looks very cool How Hershel actually becomes a Professor is kind of an inofficial thing, but basically he does all the stuff he has to do for that under Dr. Schrader, makes friends with the Dean at some point and becomes secret professor basically I ALSO had this idea that he teaches classes remotely with a prewritten chalkboard and speakers somehow, maybe he is just straight up under a Box on the desk that is open towards the chalkboard, maybe he builds an elaborate machine, idk, this is not decided but I thought it would be funny if he somehow DID teach classes, maybe some of the students at Gressenheller even know that he's a borrower and it's kind of an in-joke that noone else understands idk XD Now, how he gets to meet Luke is basically this, Luke sends his letter not to Hershel but to Dr. Schrader, who, having gotten assigned Emmy as an assistant shortly before that (Emmy does know Hershel exists, being Dr. Schraders assistant will do that to you), responds to it instead, though he does take Hershel with him also, upon learning that the giant monster is very much real, Schrader basically goes, "Welp, I think I left the stove on, you two've got this, right?" and promptly exits the scene, leaving Emmy and Hershel to do this on their own.
From here on out I don't have much figured out, I need to replay the games but yeah, that's most of what I've got, this got way too long lol, have some concepts!!!
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Lil borrower Luke sitting on a book in Hersh's office while he's still working, look after your child, Professor! >:( (from 14th Okt 2020)
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Smol Layton handheld that I have a digitized version of too, but that one deserves its own post, have a sneak-peek ;) (from 6th Apr 2020) (Also he looks bigger here than he really is because Luke has tiny child hands XD)
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wallflower-koharu · 3 years
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Chloe felt like her heart was in pieces after seeing how Dawn was hurt. She couldn't do anything than watching her sobbing after the disappearance of her piplup. If only she knew what to say, to have the right words to cheer her up, to let her smile again. She kept watching Ash offering her croquettes to cheer her up, food was his language. And it worked. Now she felt something in her chest. Ash knew her for a longer time, they spent more adventures together, unlike her. Chloe and Dawn... instead... just a pair of days and some letters. She felt she was no match for her, even as a friend. She wanted to be more, to be more closer to her....but this wasn't a competition. This was a group squad. Together they'll solve this mistery. And together they'll make Dawn happy again. "So..." mumbled "Like you always say, don't worry. Everything is going to be fine" Chloe took her hands, like she did with her days before. "We'll solve this. We're here... for you" They sightly blushed "Oh sorry". The girl with the Eevee thought she ruined everything. The blue haired girl started brushing off her tears "Thank you, Chloe. No need to worry" And smiled. The sweetest smile. Her smile was so bright she had to look away. Her childhood friend was trying to hide a small laugh and pointed a thumbs up to her. "Oh, shut up, you..." she mumbled back, embarassed.
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auroracrystal1 · 2 years
More like a comedy than drama:
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Surgeon Dad supervising resident Daughter, then same-said Daughter supervising Dad when he returns to work after spending 6 months in a coma. they're both sexually involved with other residents under their supervision. This is HR nightmare.
The main character, Sam, is a pretty and perfect girl, playing piano and eating her meals in the lab. (doctors don't work in the laboratory...) She's smart, she's kind, she has it all. Apparently, there's no need to see her character progress and develop, because there's no flaw in her.
Rob Griffith is clearly written under Dr House's impression, and while I liked Jason Isaacs's acting, I can see the similarity like the light of the day; He's such a super doctor he diagnosed a patient's situation on the spot, most of the episode is about trying to diagnose the problem and solve the mistery. The most tension comes from this and a lot of emphasis is put on this situation. Also, Lupus!!!
Griffith disregards a man's appeal to attend his wife, and the man shoots at him. Too simple and bland. Griffith goes under a coma after being shot in the chest (is that even possible?) And after six months, he woke up a coma and demands immediately to get to work. I don't care how workaholic you are, people don't get up after a coma and speak, walk and talk as if it was an afternoon nap. No PTSD. No physical affect. Give coma some credit!
Sam took his place at the hospital. The show insisted that Sam is a good doctor and person, so she EARNED to be the chief, and there was no nepotism. Here's the thing: Even if she's a MIRACLE, the hospital won't give the position to someone who was under Griffith's surveillance, unless some strings are pulled, or there wouldn't be any other qualified doctors who have finished residency around. And mother-father-daughter all in higher up roles in a hospital? It only works when nepotism is on the table. Even after getting up from the coma, Dr Griffith is still around and does his job. Why not? His coma was a joke, and apparently hospital's rules don't apply to him and his daughter.
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Most scenes seemed to be rushed. The shooting, the revealing of Griffith to be Sam's father, the revealing of Sam's best friend sleeping with him. I mean, she didn't even show any grief (when Griffith was in coma) or guilt (talking to her best friend, hiding this fact from her) no hints, no development of the characters, nothing.The secondary characters don't matter; they are just there to create dialogue lines.
Suphia Bush's voice was too annoying, her character wasn't like a strong, ambitious woman, more like a young girl who tries to find her place.
The father daughter dynamic? Trash. They were successful to surprise me at the scene Sam's calling him dad for the first time. One could say, well, the hospital is the place everyone had to put all of their personal issues aside to solve patients' problems, but did they, honestly? The whole show's based on this fact that they couldn't. The constant arguments is juvenile and tiring. And I don't believe none of them: They are obviously more concerned about their authority than the patient's situation.
Also, a show about smart daughter putting dad in his place: first of all, stabbing your own blood family's back for a position. This is far from 'good'.
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Second; I don't think Sam could get so much better than his experienced father at being a doctor in six months. Only two possiblity: 1- the coma shows its effects, his dad should go to psychiatrist and avoid working for a while. 2- He had undermined his daughter, and sabotaging her works in the past. Either way, along with so many reasons, Sam shouldn't have the right to be his supervisor.
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