#Lillie can get her apparently 1:1 snuggle time in a bit when he leaves
hafwen · 1 year
Timmy tried to join Lillie and i during our snuggle time and she hit him in the nose
Poor dude is the strongest and biggest but had the worst life before us so he gets scared so easily
He ran down the hall to one of mine and his normal snuggles and I have joined him.
It was so brave, he's never tried to do it before
Lillie why can't you just support him!
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katelides · 7 years
One Shot 6
"Sweetheart, what did you bury in the garden?" Beca asks her 15 year old daughter. “Nothing momma, nothing at all.” The young girl puts up a beautiful smile, that’s how she normally gets away with anything… at least with Beca. “Don’t lie to me Em, you’ve been digging ever since you came home from school. Also why were you back so early, mommy drives you home on Friday’s?” Emily shrugs. “Teachers had a meeting so some classes got off early.”
“Why didn’t you call me to pick you up?” Beca asks. “Because on Fridays you stay home, work on your mixes and order pizza around this time so that when mommy and I are home everything is ready.” Beca smiles at her smart little girl. “I’m never too busy to pick you up sweetheart, you know that.” Emily nods her head. “I know momma but I wanted to be alone for a while.” Beca raises her brow. “Is everything alright? Did something happen in school?”
“No momma, nothing happened. I just needed some time to think.” Emily kisses her mother’s cheek and strolls out of the kitchen. “I’m off to do my homework, give me a shout when pizza’s here.” She shouts while running up the stairs. Beca smiles to herself and rolls her eyes in process. “She’s the only teenager I’ll ever meet who makes her homework on a Friday.” The brunette mutters to herself before picking up the phone to call the pizza place. Her beautiful wife should be coming home at any moment and would be caving a pizza and a family movie.
*Phone Call*
Giovanni’s: “Da Giovanni’s, how can I help you?”
Beca: ”Hi Carmen, the usual for me.”
Carmen: “Oh hi Beca, I should have known you would call soon.”
Beca: “You the tradition, we’ve been doing this for the past 16 years.”
Carmen: “Yes, every Friday around 5pm you order 1 large vegetarian pizza, 1 pizza with bacon, a bottle of wine and an iced tea.”
Beca: “Yes, that’s me.” She says with a chuckle.
Carmen: “You are our most loyal customers, you even made it on the wall.”
Beca: “We’re the first family to make it up there.”
Carmen: “Also you’re the first person to make it up there twice.”
Beca: “I’m special.” She jokes.
Carmen: “You sure are DJMitch, you sure are. You’re order will be ready soon, hear you next week.””
Beca: Till next week Carmen, say hi to Johnny for me.”
Carmen: “Will do, bye.”
Beca: “Bye.”
*End Phone Call*
Beca puts her phone in her pocket, takes a water bottle from the fridge and goes to her home studio to get some more work done until Chloe comes home. Time seems to go by really slowly and no inspiration wants to hit the DJ. Her mind keep wandering to the object that her daughter buried in the garden.
With a heavy sigh Beca gets up and makes her way to the living room when she hear a key turning in the front door. “Hi baby, how was your day?” The brunette asks making her way to her beautiful redhead wife. “Exhausting, I’m thrilled that it’s the weekend.” Beca takes Chloe’s bag and coat to hang up before taking her wife’s shoulders in her hands to massage them gently. A soft moan escapes Chloe who turns her head so she can kiss her wife.
“Where’s Emily?” Chloe asks when she pulls away. “She’s in her room, doing homework.” Chloe looks at her wife with a knowing look. “What happened?” Beca shrugs. “I don’t know, she won’t talk to me and I’m not sure what to do.” Chloe turns around so she can wrap her arms around the brunette. “What did she do?” With a sigh Beca wraps her arms around the redhead’s waist. “She buried something in the garden and when I asked her about it she denied it even though I saw her doing it. She also didn’t call me to pick her up because apparently I’m too busy?”
“Oh babe, don’t worry about that. She knows that you’ll drop whatever you’re doing to pick her up or anything else. You’ve proved that over the years.” Beca smiles at the memory when she dropped an important meeting in LA to go back to New York because Emily had fallen with her bike and scraped her knees. Everyone knows that Chloe and Emily had Beca wrapped around their finger, whatever, whenever and Beca would do it. She loves them so much and doesn’t care that other people call her whipped.
“Did you see anything strange when she came home?” Chloe asks with a slight hint of concern in her voice. “She didn’t come into the studio today to say hi like she always does. I didn’t think anything of it until I saw her digging in the garden.” Chloe nuzzles her nose into the crook of Beca’s neck. “Maybe something happened in school, I will talk to her after dinner… Speaking of which, did you…”
‘Yes I did, one large vegetarian for you and Em plus a bacon one for me.” Beca squeezes Chloe who returns the gesture. “It’s interesting that you love to eat steaks and stuff but you don’t want meat on your pizza.” Chloe lets out a warm laugh. “If I’m going to eat something unhealthy I want to at least pretend that I took the healthiest version of it.” Beca kisses the top of Chloe’s head before letting her go. “Do you want to snuggle on co…” *DING DONG*
“Maybe later, now we’re going to have some dinner.” Chloe takes out her wallet from her purse so she can pay the delivery guy. “Delivery for The Mitchells?” It’s a new boy so when he see Beca he almost starts hyperventilating. It takes the two mothers a few minutes to get him to calm down before he can accept the money and be on his way back.
“Emily, pizza’s here!” Beca shouts up the stairs before following Chloe into the living room. The redhead spread out the pizza boxes and took two wine glasses out. “So, what movie are we watching tonight babe?” Beca looks through the DVD section in their bookcase waiting for an answer. “How about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Emily loves that movie.” Beca hums in agreement.
“Hey mommy, I didn’t hear you come home.” Emily gives Chloe a quick kiss on her cheek before plopping down on the couch. “What are we watching today?” Beca motions in Emily’s direction to Chloe. “Your favorite but what I want to know first is how your day was?” Emily shrugs leaning forward to spread out some napkins. “The usual.” Chloe raises her brow at the short response but doesn’t react to it. “Ok? Uhm Becs is the DVD set?”
“Let’s get this movie night started.” Even though she still hates movies her wife and daughter make it bearable. Halfway through the movie Beca nudges Chloe softly and points at Emily. The young girl had barely touched her pizza and it concerned the two mothers. Chloe takes the remote and pauses the movie but Emily doesn’t even notice, her mind is someplace completely different. “Emily, is everything alright?” Chloe sits up straight looking at her daughter.
Emily looks up and sees both her parents stare at her. “I’m fine, what’s up with you guys today?” Emily was never one to give an attitude so this really surprised the two mothers. Beca catching on to something though, wraps an arm around her teenager and pulls her into a hug. The minutes Emily’s head touches Beca’s chest she breaks down. “Everything will be fine baby girl, whatever it is we’ll get through it.” Beca whispers into the young girl’s hair.
Chloe puts an around both of them and they sit there for as long as it takes for Emily to calm down. Beca rubs soothing circles on her back and surely after a while Emily calms down. “Do you want to talk?” Beca feels Emily nod in her arms. It takes Emily another few minutes before she speak again, Beca and Chloe waiting patiently.
“Some kids have been calling me names.” Chloe gasps loudly. “How long has this been going on?” Beca asks in between gritted teeth. “A-a few weeks.” Chloe can see the rage building in Beca’s eyes so in attempt to calm her down she takes her hand in hers. “Why didn’t you say anything to us?” Emily shakes her head. “I couldn’t.” Beca runs her fingers from her free hand through her hair. “Em, sweetie, what did they say?” Beca’s voice is unusually calm and it kind of scares Chloe.
“They uhm they called me a bastard child and they were saying bad things about you and mommy.” Chloe shakes her head in shock. “Why didn’t you tell us sweetheart? We could have helped, you should have told us.” Chloe’s voice is trembling and new tears form in Emily’s eyes. “They said they would hurt us if I said anything.” Beca scoffs. “Someone’s going to get hurt but it ain’t us.”
“Beca what are you doing?” Beca reaches for her phone dialing a number. “Hey Lilly, I need your help on something. Could you leave me a message when you’re free? Thank you.” Chloe’s eyes widen. “Why are you calling Lilly?” Beca puts on a smirk. “If anyone knows how to protect or at least teach us how to protect someone it’s Lilly.” Lilly is also Beca’s bodyguard, she doesn’t often need one but for big events Lilly is the only one Beca trusts with her life.  Emily looks between her moms in confusion. “Are you talking about Lilly from the Bellas?” Chloe nods her head. “Oh, she uhm she came by last week. Somehow she knew about my problem and we had a talk.”
“She taught you some martial arts didn’t she?” Chloe’s now full on confused. “How do you even know that?” Beca takes a deep breath. “Because I asked Lilly for some lessons a few years back and I asked her to teach Emily when she was ready.” Emily smiles at her mom. “Why wasn’t I informed about this?” Chloe asks a bit offended. “Because you would have said no.” Chloe wants to argue against it but closes her mouth when she decides against it.
“We can discuss why you needed lessons later, now I want to know who is threatening my baby.” Chloe crosses her arms with a look that showed that no discussion would be tolerated. “It’s just some kids in school mom, nothing big.” A mother knows when her kid is lying and right now Emily is lying through her teeth. “Please don’t lie to us sweety. We only want to protect you.”
“I know mom but I don’t want to talk about it, I can handle this on my own.” Emily gets up and runs off to her room. Beca gets up with a sigh. “Where are you going?” Chloe asks her wife. “Let me handle this, I know what she’s going through.” With a sad smile Beca’s on her way to their daughter’s room. Chloe can just watch her leave. She knows Beca didn’t have the best childhood and that school was rough but never really got any stories out. Maybe much more went on than what she let on.
Chloe shoots up and follows Beca up to listen in through the door and maybe shed some light on the situation. Chloe can hear the soft sniffles of her daughter and it breaks her heart.
“Who was is Em, I’m not going to be mad but I have to know.” Emily shakes her head wildly. “No, why should I tell you anyway. It’s not that you know what I’m going through.” It not like Emily to lash out at her moms but right now Beca couldn’t care less. “Actually I do, I was in the same situation when I went to high school.” Emily wearily looks up at her mom. “You do?” Beca takes a deep breath. “What I’m about to tell you not even your mom knows and honestly I would like to keep it that way. Can we do that?” Emily slowly nods her head.
“My dad left when I was 8 and it broke me and my mom. Everything kept going downhill and it sucked… When I was 11 I talked to my mom about me not really liking buys the way I liked girls. I was confused and she just told me it was a phase so I pushed the thought out of my head. When I started high school my feelings started to become stronger towards girls and it freaked me out.” Beca takes a short break to see if Emily was still ok with listening.
“I dated different guys for a few years until I realized that I really wasn’t attracted to them. Some people started to notice and called me out on it. I went back home one day and talked to my mom about it again. She smashed a glass against the wall and shouted at me: ‘I will not have a dyke as a daughter so I hope for your sake you fix this!’. I didn’t know what to feel at that moment and went to my room.” A single tear escapes Beca’s eye which she quickly wipes away.
“In school people started treating me differently, they started calling me names and girls would stop hanging out with me. I had no one. When I was 16 I started working in a music shop and was introduced to mixing. I put all of my emotions into my mixes and it was the only thing keeping me sane through the day. At school it became worse and worse every day. I was getting threatened but no one ever did anything until…” Emily sees her mom struggling so she takes her hand and squeezes it gently.
“In my senior year some guys and girls followed me home through the park and cornered me. The called me names but I didn’t care, it was nothing I hadn’t heard before. When they saw it had no effect on me one of the guys said a good beating would set me ‘straight’. The grabbed me and beat me up. My mom didn’t care and told me that after graduation I would be my dad’s responsibility, that’s how I got to Barden. I didn’t want too, I wanted to go to LA and become a producer but he made me try one year.”
A soft smile creeps up on Beca’s face. “That’s how I met your mom, before we ever gave it  shot I dated Jesse.” Emily raises her brow. “Uncle Jesse? Like the one that married Aunty Bree?”  Beca chuckles. “Yes, he had a crush on me and I was trying to push down my true feelings so I kissed him at the end of our ICCA final. I realized that I didn’t like him in that way the second it happened and he knew it too. He told me to go get her and I knew what he meant.” Emily smiles brightly at the ending if the story.
“Because endings are the best part.” Emily says with a laugh. “That’s what he said, have I told you this before?” Beca asks with a joking voice. “You might have mentioned the ending once or twice.” Beca bumps her shoulder with Emily’s. “So, are you going to tell me who’s bothering you?” The young girl’s smile falters and gets replaced by a frown. “Jake Carter, he’s in my year and has been bothering me for a while now.” Beca runs her fingers through her hair. “What did he do?”
“He is saying a lot of nasty things about our family and lately he’s been saying that no one would care if we would be dead because no one cares about lesbians.” Emily breaks down in tears so Beca wraps her arms around her. “Don’t listen to him Em, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” Emily shakes her head. “He also found my songbook and hung up pictures of my songs in the hallway.” Beca pulls away from the hug to look at her daughter in shock.
“You write music? How did I not-why didn’t you tell me?” Emily wipes away her tears with a shrug. “Because I don’t think they’re good enough and I’m terrified that everyone will hate them.” Beca shakes her head with a sad look. “First of all I can’t believe he did that, songs are something personal. Second, your two number one fans are right here at home. We can help you make them better, make you better.”
Emily smiles softly but the fear is still visible in her eyes. “Em can I ask you something?” A smug little grin forms on the young girl’s face. “Technically you already did.” Beca narrows her eyes and attacks Emily with her fingers, tickling her. A loud shriek erupts from Emily followed by laughter. “O-o-ok, f-fi-hine. Ask your quest- ION!” Beca releases her grip with a victorious smile. “What did you burry in the garden?”
Beca’s tone went from cheery to serious really quick and Emily let her eyes fall down to her lap with a sigh. “My songbook, I wanted to get rid of it but not in a place people could find it.” Beca slowly gets up from the bed and holds out her hand for Emily to take. “Come on, we’re going to dig it out. Your writing is my mixing, don’t give up on it.” Emily takes her mom’s hand who pulls her out of the bed. Before Beca can open the door she feels a little tug at her arm. “Mom?” She turns around to face Emily with a soft smile. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, now let’s go find us some shovels. We have some digging to do.” Beca yanks open the door and jumps up when she sees Chloe standing on the other side. “Hey Em, why don’t you go ahead?” Emily looks between her moms but doesn’t argue. The two watch their daughter descend down the stairs.
“How much did you hear?” Beca asks dreading the answer to her own question. “Everything?” It wasn’t supposed to come out as a question but it did. “Is that why I never met your mom?” Beca nods. “She was there… at the ICCA’s I mean. She saw me kiss Jesse and then run off to kiss you. I’ve never seen her so angry.” Chloe’s eyes widen. “That’s why you were so weird on the bus ride back.” Chloe exclaims when the realization hit her. “Yes, she stopped me when I stepped outside. You were all already on the bus celebrating when I went back because I forgot my…”
“Because you forgot your jacket.” Beca nods. “She scolded me for letting a perfect man go and slapped me across the face. I told her that if she didn’t accept me as I was that she should stay out of my life. I haven’t seen her since that day.” Chloe throws her arms around Beca and squeezes her tight. “Please talk to me about things like that, you should not go though it alone.” Beca wants to say something but get interrupted by the doorbell.
“Are we expecting someone?” She asks the redhead who’s still holding her. “I might have texted Aubrey to come over with Jesse and James.” Beca rolls her eyes but smiles instantly when she sees the adorable smile that she loves so much. “Great, but you will have to let me go if you want us to open the door.”
The Swansons and the Mitchells are sitting in the living room all staring at Emily. She just sang a part of one of her songs and they were shocked. Beca is the first one to speak up, working in the business help with star struck moments. “Em that was amazing, you really wrote that?” The young girl can only nod. “I knew the lyrics were good but your voice? Just wow…” Chloe takes a side look at James (Aubrey and Jesse’s son) with a smile. The boy has had a crush on Emily for a while and vice versa. They are sadly the only two clueless about the other.
“Wait a second, you have read her songs?” Beca asks visibly surprised or shocked even? “That’s beside the point, right Beca?” Aubrey says with a stern but yet soft tone. “Emily who is bullying you at school?” Jesse, Beca and Chloe see James ball his fists. This was the first time he got any news about that and he is furious. “I-it’s Jake, Jake Carter.”
“That moron from you science class?” James gets up from his and wants to get out of the room when Emily stops him. “He’s not worth it James, please don’t do anything stupid?” The parents can only watch how James slowly turns around with a sigh. “He hurt you Em, no one hurt the people I lo-care about.” Emily sets her songbook down and walks up to James. The parents all watch in anticipation of what’s about to happen next.
Emily wraps her arms around James’s neck and pulls him down so she can softly place a kiss on his lips. When the initial shock wears off James puts his arms around Emily and kisses her back. A soft ‘ahum’ breaks them apart and of course it had to be Beca. “I don’t care if you’re my best friend’s son, you’re one year older and a boy… if you ever hurt my little girl I will hurt you.” Jesse and Aubrey share concerned looks. They know that Beca means business when it comes to Chloe and Emily and a moment like this proves how much of a father and mother figure Beca can be at the same time.
“Yes ma’am.” Emily tries to hide a chuckle by hiding in the crook of James’ neck. “FYI, bedroom doors must be open at all times here or at casa Swanson…” Aubrey and Jesse quickly agree knowing that if they don’t they’re about to lose a huge argument to their tiny friend. “Alright Becs, I think we got the point. Now can we agree on going to the principal’s office tomorrow to sort out this bully?”
“I already took care of that.” Everyone jumps up since they never noticed Lilly enter the room or even the house. “Dude we talked about this, use the doorbell.” Beca clutches her heart. “What do you mean by you took care of it?” Chloe asks confused. Lilly takes out her tablet and pulls up a video of Jake admitting that he’s a bully and what he did to Emily. The video was already sent to the principal. “I’m going to have a long day on Monday.” Beca laughs at Chloe who punches her in the arm.
“20 years of abuse, how long will you keep it up?” Beca asks with mockery evident in her voice. “Until you start behaving like an adult.” Chloe shoots back.
Emily smiles at the weird banter between her parents and Aubrey asking Jesse to stay out of it while James hugs her tight. Her family is strange in so many ways but in the end it’s all she’ll ever need.  
Let me know what you think, feedback is always fun to have :D
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