#List of Top 10 Antibiotic Eye Drops
advopticvisioncare · 1 year
List of Top 10 Antibiotic Eye Drops In India | Advoptic Vision Care
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Discover India's top 10 Antibiotic Eye Drops at Advoptic Vision Care. Offering Antibiotic Eye Drops Ophthalmic PCD Franchise for Doctors, MRs & Wholesalers, etc. Contact us today
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hcareindia · 1 year
Top PCD Pharma Franchise Company in India
Here at, H & Care Incorp is a top 10 pcd pharma companies in India offering high-quality pharmaceutical products, excellent marketing support, and attractive business opportunities. Expand your business with trusted partners. Explore the best PCD Pharma Franchise Companies with a wide range of product offerings, competitive pricing, and ethical business practices. Join hands with reliable companies for a profitable venture in the pharmaceutical industry.
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vegetacide · 5 years
Whump●tober - Gun point
Veg-notables:  There is a method to my madness..this one was harder for me to get out because I only had small, itty-bitty partial scenes in my head when I started.. I blame Scott..he is being elusive and was laughing at me. ::glares at the coiffed, blue shirted tree:::
@gumnut-logic  - for letting me pick her brains and drive her up the wall.::tosses a ThunderHunk at:::
Pew pew Thunderheads! You guys are a truly an awesome bunch! 
Obligatory whumptober stuff: @whumptober2019 @la-vie-en-whump
Blanket warning:  Pew pew prompt so there will be mention of a gun somewhere in here at some point...as well as  blood and hints of violence…  Pew
Characters:  Scott, John. 
Whumptober - TaG’verse
Previous part HERE
5. Gun point 
The cockpit of One was eerily silent,  the spirited ship sat dormant, still and seemingly lifeless as Scott slumped further into his chair.  His mussed head resting on one closed fist, uniform surprisingly rumpled and unkempt for someone who prided himself on an orderly appearance.  Something that had been drilled into him during his time in the service...just like Dad.
Well.. almost like Dad.  
Today he was the furthest thing from what his father had been and Scott didn’t know how he could reconcile the obvious differences now.  
It had all gone just so horribly wrong and Scott found himself reduced to the child he had been all those years ago on that bitterly cold, too bright white day. Surrounded by too many unknowns and petrified of what was going to happen next.  
His tongue darted out and swept over too dry, chapped lips as he drew in a shaky breath that made his chest ache. 
He noted with uncaring eyes that the strap of his baldric was digging into his hip and in turn it pulled the securing belt that wrap about his thigh up into places it just wasn’t meant to go. He didn’t have the energy to care and he sat wishing it hurt more.   
The numbness as it restricted his circulation sent tingling waves down the limb and the pain did little to distracted him from the wellspring of uncertainty that had taken up residence behind his breast bone.  
Bone tired, he shifted his gritty eyes to what lay heavily in his lap. Watched vacantly as the  rough pad of his thumb brushed back and forth over blackened steel. The cold, deadly weight pinning him to seat of a craft that stood for life.
Time ticked by.  
The click of his comms coming to life had a small spark of something returning to deep blue of his gaze. A glimmer of hope that was quickly quashed
“Scott?”  The almost regal intonation of his space-borne brother whispered quietly though the still confines. There was an edge of exhaustion to the sigh that followed and an uneasiness that Scott had a hard time hearing though John’s normal reticence.  
Azure, rimmed and flecked with Prussian blue scrutinized the control panel. Audio only. 
Scott pinched the bridge of his nose and forced composure even though he wanted..needed..to scream. 
He flicked his comm open, “...John.”
“What’s your ETA?” Those were the words that transmitted but Scott heard what they really were saying.  We need you   
Another in-drawn breath,  lungs inflating even with the vice of mourning clamped around them.  He didn’t have an answer, he didn’t know it himself so he answered with a question of his own.  “Were they able to confirm.”
The line was silent but Scott knew John was still there, mulling over his answer.  The lengthening silence not what he wanted to hear. 
His lungs seized and he shoved a fist in his mouth to physically hold back a sob.  
Eyes squeezed tight, the scream in his head grew louder.  
“The intel was accurate...IDB* has confirmed.”
“Scott,  please.  Come back.”   
“John!”  His voice kicked up an octave,  panic causing it to crack. A moment to collect himself, he tried again. “John,  just tell me.” 
“It’s a genetically altered form of bacterial meningitis.  Spinal tap confirmed it with the modified testing procedures that was included in the intel.” John took a moment, the sound of shuffling could be heard over the line followed by the soft sound of a door closing. The gentle sound of beeping grew in volume as John moved and settled down somewhere. 
“Secure?”  Scott inquired.  
“10-4, just needed to get some privacy. Grandma is a mess and doesn’t need to hear this.” A long inhalation before he continued “IDB has never seen anything like it before. The bacteria has been masked on a genetic level so normal methods of testing wont turn anything up.  It’s immune to temperature variations,  coded to be transmitted only by a specific means but can be altered easily for respiratory dispersal .. and its potent..  Completely off the charts.”  
“...go on….”  Scott urged when John fell silent again.
“It’s a superbug, Scott. The likes of which have never been seen.”  
Scott bolted up.. “Alan?!”
“He’s fine, Scott.  Still in isolation but the tap was clean. Gordon and Kayo were checked as well to be safe, they’re both in the clear. Virgil was the only one affected and has been quarantined.” 
“So, can it be stopped?” 
“IDB has been trying but the bug is showing no sign of letting up. It appears to be immune to antibiotics..  Scott.. “ John’s voice quivered.  “They’re working on it but they don’t think they will have time to manufacture a cure. He’s in organ failure.” 
Scott flicked the comms off and let the scream that he’d been holding back out with a howl of frustration, fear,  anger. A litany of curses followed and he kicked angrily at a jump seat.  Pain ricocheting up his leg as the cahelium alloy bit back at the abuse. 
His legs gave out under him and he crumpled to the decking, knees drawn up to his chest.  He pushed the heels of his palms into his face, trying to block out reality to no avail. The cold, forgotten steel unyielding as it pressed against his brow. 
Over the noise in his head, he heard John calling his name but he made no move to open the channel back up. He just couldn’t right now. He needed space to think, to breathe and somehow put himself back together again. 
Dropping his hands to his knees, he leaned back against a bulkhead.  The gun dangled in his limp fingers,  the safety off but the chamber was empty.   
With his thumb, he flipped the lock on and off again a couple times and his eyes strayed to his bruised and battered knuckles.  The skin was split in places,  blooded.  Clenching his left, he winced at the throb.  Fractured,  among everything else. 
Some of the blood was his own but most of it was not and he knew he was going to have to answer for it. That the answer would mean the end of a dream.   
Staring out the view port at the approaching lights of the GDF ground crew he knew that time was running out and there was nothing he could do.  
He’d pay the heavy price for the intel he’d collected.  The man he’d left broken and close to death would hopefully rot for the rest of his life on the Enceladus penal colony if Scott had anything to say about it.   That’s if the piece of shit lived. 
Scott had known that good for nothing, bastard CEO was a piece of garbage the minute he’d laid eyes on him and he sneered as he remembered the feeling of his fist hitting the fucker’s face.  
He hadn’t counted on the gun. Hadn’t even looked for one as he’d pummeled the chemical manufacturer’s top man but there it was.  It was a moment of pure impulse and anger that had the gun easily in his own hand, the barrel pressed up tight under the whimpering man’s jaw, safety off,  hammer cocked.  
It would be so simple to just squeeze the trigger.  End the life of the monster who cared little for anyone or anything except the amount in his off planet bank account.  The account that the stupid,  pissing man had thought no one would find.  
Well,  iR wasn’t just anyone. They had an unlicensed, unregistered A.I in their back pocket and she’d had little difficulty finding the digital trail and aiming Scott right to his mark. 
John would be livid when he found out that Scott had by-passed him and gone to his daughter but Scott had had little choice in the matter and the A.I had been eager to assist.
Eos was many things but lazy was not one of them.  She’d done a deep dive into the GDF’s system and knew everything within seconds.  From the man’s social insurance number to the affair he was having with his spouse’s sister, to the bout of gonorrhea he was secretly getting treated under the guise of ‘business meetings’. She’d found it all,  even his safe house. 
A quick, jump across the Pacific to a backwoods cabin in the Canadian Rockies was the work of a moment and he hadn't thought twice about going against the GDF’s direct orders to leave it to them.      
What he’d learned after infiltrating and the asshole was pinned to the wall, made his blood run cold and the gun had burned in his hand. 
IDB -  Infectious Disease Board 
Enceladus - one of Saturn’s moon made up primarily of frozen water and not a nice place to have a penal colony.
Next post can be found HERE
The Master List of prompts can be found HERE
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ryguy3582-blog · 5 years
20 Top Travel Medical Tips ... From Experience
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Here are the top medical tourist pointers:
1. Get a flu shot. The worst flu I ever had sought a transatlantic flight.
2. Don't pet roaming animals-- they are sweet and Instagram gold, however, they likewise carry ringworm. Taken place to me in Italy.
Be careful of packs of canines. I had to leap on the back of a truck death by to get away a pet fight between packs on Kadavu in Fiji.
4. If you are bitten by a dog (exact same incident) on Fiji you need not fear rabies-- they don't have it. Get it cleaned and be pleased your tetanus vaccine is up to date.
You don't desire to add to the danger of getting one in a country that might have substandard medical care. I keep in mind looking for a pharmacy to offer sterile needles at midnight in the old Soviet Union to take to the hospital for a shot.
If stung by a stingray in Belize (have somebody pee on it) and do not step on live coral when running out of the ocean. You will understand if it is taking place the next day.
If you can't drink the water ...
7. Close your eyes and mouth in the shower. Obvious, but not instinctive.
8. Consume great deals of yogurts. No raw veggies, or unpeeled fruits-- no matter how they inform you they are cleaned.
9. Chew a Pepto Bismol tablet daily. Possibly a placebo but works for me.
10. Take antibiotic eye drops if taking a trip to contaminated nations. Within 4 hours of landing in Beijing on an extremely contaminated day, my eye was infected. 11. Many travelers are wearing masks, like the residents, in polluted cities. I simply have actually not been able to do this.
To Purell or not to Purell?
12. Cash is the dirtiest thing you will touch. ALWAYS clean your hands or use hand sanitizers after moving.
13. You have actually heard. However it bears duplicating, the tray on the plane and remote in your hotel room or cabin are unclean.
14. Clean your phone/ phone case typically. It is most likely dirtier than cash.
When cruising:
15. Usage hand sanitizer anywhere offered on the ship, and it will be readily available all over.
16. Fist pumps over handshakes are now (wisely) becoming standard, even on the leading 5 starships.
17. Fernet Branca remedies sea sickness-- or was that Captain merely attempting to get me drunk?
18. Make confident you have evacuation insurance if taking a trip to less industrialized regions. You want to have the ability to get back if you are seriously hurt or extremely ill.
If all else stops working and your individual medical kit (next post) is not working, go to a local drug store. There is a "magic" shot they give in Egypt that I fear to endorse, however, gets me back up and going every time.
20. Most of all, have fun and enjoy your journeys. My resistance level, worldwide, must be extremely high now. For all my adventures, to the ends of the earth, this list is pretty petty. I also promise that what will be right around the next corner ... will be worth it. What are your leading tips?
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Africa, Anaconda, and Bailey Jay: Outgoing, social, affectionate & very sweet. A sterling resume, a wonderful family pet Id 52882, 4 Yrs. 52 lbs. of Love, Spayed & Waiting for YOU, Manhattan ACC TO BE KILLED - 2/26/2019 Africa so adorable and she needs our help finding the right home <3 AFRICA’s intake photo doesn’t do her justice so we tried to get a screen capture off her adorable video with friend Don Draper. She’s incredibly beautiful, with a glossy, gleaming ebony coat and sparkling eyes. She looks to us to be a Labrador mix, and when she walks around in play yard, she literally prances like a pony, which caused us to burst out laughing. Outgoing, friendly, and very sweet, she is understandably a bit tense at the shelter with all the new people she is meeting. Her life, until now, was spent with her 2 parents, though they claimed she was found as a stray. We question every “stray” story we hear, here, at MLD, especially when a dog as magnificent as Africa is dropped off with glowing notes, a perfect and sterling resume of skills (housebroken, knows many commands, never guards her stuff, and likes to sleep in her dog bed). But whatever the reason for not wanting to care for this precious girl anymore, we would like to see her out of the shelter and into a home today. Please hurry and MESSAGE our page or email us at [email protected] if you can foster or beautiful Africa and give her back her life. A volunteer writes: Africa's soulful eyes look deep into your heart and ask only one question: Will you love me? She's a sweet velveteen beauty, shy at first but smart enough to know that hanging out with people means petting and treats and brave enough to approach whenever someone extends a hand in friendship. She always comes running when you call her, sits very politely for treats and was taught commands for stay and shake paw too. Toys are chased and then happily shared and in a home environment I bet she'll blossom into the same playful, highly active dog her former owner described. Africa greets other pups politely on leash or off, has lived with a small dog and is friendly toward her same size peers but mostly prefers nuzzling with human friends to roughhousing with the playgroup. Her favorite kind of petting is side rubs and if you appreciate a good 'leaner' as much as I do then she's definitely the gal for you! Africa is beautiful inside and out, a good girl ready to go home and enjoy some well-deserved TLC from a family as gentle and affectionate as she is. Will you be the one to love her forever? MY VIDEOS: Africa and Don Draper https://youtu.be/wCCWC3J5NXE Africa shows off her soft side <3 https://youtu.be/ktV1CiREjt0 AFRICA, ID # 52882, 4 Yrs. Old, 52.8 lbs. Manhattan ACC, Large Mixed Breed, Black, Spayed Female Owner Surrender Reason: Stray Shelter Assessment Rating: LEVEL 3 (Reference chart at bottom of post for Ratings information) Medical Behavior Rating: OWNER SURRENDER NOTES – BASIC INFORMATION: Africa is an approximately 4 Yr Old Large Mixed Breed Spayed dog. She previously lived with 2 adults. With strangers, Africa is outgoing and friendly. Africa has interacted with a small, old dog. The other dog was fearful of Africa and would retreat. Africa has no guarding issues. Africa has no bite history. She is housetrained and has a high level of energy – she is playful. Other Notes: Previous owner says 3 times a day, she give Afirca fresh water. Africa pulls hard on the leash. Africa pees on the grass. Africa knows how to sit, stay and give paw. Africa went to sleep on the dog bed. SHELTER ASSESSMENT: Date of assessment: 20-Jan-2019 Summaries: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Moderate-hard Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: None Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Distracted, a bit fearful Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Bit tense, approached with tail wagging but tense body Handling Soft handling: Tolerates contact Exuberant handling: Fearful Handling comments: Tense and pursed lips when her leg was touched Arousal Jog: Follows (low body) Arousal comments: None Knock: Tenses Knock Comments: Tense and hard stared during knock and when assistant walked in Toy: No response Toy comments: None PLAYGROUP NOTES – DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: The previous owner of Africa reports interactions with an older fearful dog, without much detail. Africa has appeared fearful when introduced to other dogs in the care center, but has been tolerant of polite approach from respectful dogs. At this time, it is recommended Africa have slow introductions to dogs who are respectful and calm. 1/19: When introduced off leash to a male dog, Africa allows polite greeting but remains fearful and mostly avoids. 1/23: Africa allows polite greeting but mostly avoids the other dogs. 1/28 -29: Africa greets other calm dogs politely and mostly seeks attention from human handlers. INTAKE BEHAVIOR - Date of intake: 17-Jan-2019 Summary: Loose body for collaring, became tense when put in kennel/van, tail tucked, whale eyed MEDICAL BEHAVIOR - Date of initial: 20-Jan-2019 Summary: Very tense ENERGY LEVEL: Africa is described as having a very high level of activity. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct her energy and enthusiasm. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: Level 3 Behavior Asilomar TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations: No children (under 13) Recommendations comments: No children: Due to the fearful behavior Africa has displayed at the care center (tensing, pursing lips, hard staring) we recommend an adult only home. Potential challenges: Handling/touch sensitivity, Fearful/potential for defensive aggression, Potential challenges comments: Africa tensed and pursed her lips when her leg was touched on her assessment. Please see handling on Handling/touch sensitivity. Africa has displayed very fearful behavior at the care center. Please see handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 5-Feb-2019 Progress Exam Hx: In foster care. Started coughing and sneezing about 3 days ago, and these symptoms have been increasing. Pt still energetic and eating well. S: Pulling on leash, jumping around, excited. Allows all handling, wagging tail, soft body. O: BAR-H, BCS 6/9, MMs pink and moist, CRT <2 sec EENT: Mild serous nasal discharge. Mild mucoid ocular discharge, erythematous conjunctiva. No discharge AU. Mild tartar and gingivitis. PLNs: Not significantly enlarged. H/L: NSR, NMA. Regular coughing. Panting. Normal resp effort. Difficult to auscult lung sounds due to coughing and panting. Abd: Soft, no pain on palpation, no masses palpated, not distended M/S/I: Amb x4. No skin lesions noted. UG: Female, small nipples and vulva, no discharge or masses. Neuro: Alert and appropriate, no sign neurological deficiencies A: 1. CIRDC; no sign of pneumonia 2. Slightly overweight Short-term prognosis: Good P: Canine infectious respiratory disease complex (CIRDC) is a term we use to describe an upper respiratory infection in a dog. At ACC we frequently see infections caused by a bacterium called Mycoplasma cynos. Sometimes there is a secondary viral infection as well. At ACC we treat CIRDC with an antibiotic to treat the bacterial component, but the virus just has to run its course, just like a head cold in a human. This may take 7-14 days. PLAN: Please give 2 tablets of doxycycline by mouth once daily for 14 days. The tablets are 100 mg tablets so that is a total of 200 mg per day. Additionally, please give 1.5 tablets of enrofloxacin (total of 204 mg) once daily for 14 days - this is another antibiotic - and 3/4 tab of Cerenia (total of 45 mg) once daily for 4 days - this is an anti-nausea medication. While your dog is sick, he or she may not want to eat because of the nasal discharge that makes it hard for him or her to smell the food. You can tempt your dog to eat with peanut butter, boiled chicken, plain ground hamburger, chicken broth on his or her regular food or other delicious items. Please seek veterinary care if your pet: a) is not “turning the corner†and starting to get better within 5 days b) is still sick and coughing in 2 weeks c) is extremely sick, weak, or not eating at any point and you are concerned 29-Jan-2019 Progress Exam Patient is still highly anxious, agitated and vocalising in kennel. A - High shelter anxiety P - Increase trazadone dose 10 mg/kg BID PO indefinitely 20-Jan-2019 DVM Intake Exam. Estimated age: 4-5 based on dentition. Microchip noted on Intake? N. Microchip Number (If Applicable): n. History : os. Subjective: BARH, Observed Behavior : very tense - for safety placed a muzzle and allowed for full PE. Evidence of Cruelty seen -n. Evidence of Trauma seen -n. Objective: T = -,P = wnl, R = wnl, BCS = 5/9. EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted. Oral Exam: muzzled - did not examine fully- mild calculus on the canines (1/5) otherwise teeth in good condition. PLN: No enlargements noted. H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic. ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated. U/G: spay scar and tattoo - vulva unremarkable. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities. Rectal: externally normal. Assessment: Healthy. *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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minty-minho-blog · 6 years
Facts About coffee face mask Revealed
Turmeric masks are generally used to even out pores and skin tone and reduce the appearance of dark spots or scars. Honey adds a slight bleaching effect when lemon juice and yogurt Carefully exfoliate to eliminate dead skin and persuade new mobile expansion. Mix both of such components within a cleanse bowl, blend it very well. Now place this bowl in hot drinking water for two-3 minutes. Now your mask is prepared for application. To apply, spread the paste to the face using a word of warning. Leave the paste as it is actually for 20-30 minutes until the mask thickens into a thick coat within the face. Allow it dry for this meantime and now clean it off. Fresh papaya mashed , some drops of lime juice blended in would make a pleasant mask for ageing pores and skin. Papaya is higher in Enzymes. It corporations the pores and skin and helps also with sunburn. I maintain it on for about 20 to half an hour . *Note: this mask will also be made use of on eczema patches on other parts of The body, such as internal arms, the backs within your knees, your neck, and so forth. For places other than your face, you'll be able to go away the treatment method on to get a bit for a longer period in advance of washing it off. Brown sugar sloughs off dead pores and skin while coconut oil packs it with humidity. The result? A tender and glowy end. Use equivalent elements brown sugar and coconut oil to kind a simple scrub, implement it on your face in Mild round motions, Permit it sink in for a few minutes and wash it off with warm water. Your recently considered items and featured recommendations › See or edit your searching record This written content is correct and genuine to the top of your writer’s know-how and isn't meant to substitute for official and individualized suggestions from an experienced Qualified. Stay clear of your eyebrows and hairline considering that this consists of lightening Attributes and might visibly lighten your eyebrows. Since cinnamon is so potent, I'd endorse only using this honey mask when per week at most. You should utilize on the list of other, gentler honey masks on other times in case you’d like. Fuller’s earth or maybe the multani mitti is undoubtedly an indigenous technique to take care of lots of pores and skin issues. It can be company remover of oiliness and strongly fights the blackheads. It also dries to sort a company mask. The caffeine from coffee grounds On this cocoa-licious mask helps to scale back swelling and puffiness, whilst the antioxidants during the cocoa support to lessen ageing, and also the yogurt replenishes dropped humidity. Have you ever tried out a variation in the honey mask? What are your favorite food stuff-centered components to use on your skin? Comment beneath! Answer: Any genuine honey will do, but my particular favored is Uncooked, unfiltered honey mainly because it retains much more of its potent therapeutic Homes. I can in fact inform the distinction between the categories of honey I’ve useful for my honey mask.
Considerations To Know About orange face mask
The coffee and lemon face mask is perfect for the oily skin. To prepare the face mask you will need two tablespoons of soaked coffee grounds, just one tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey. Distribute the combination on your own face. Chill out for 20 minutes after which you can rinse with lukewarm drinking water. Should you have less than-eye circles, mix in some drops of olive oil and use it on the realm to notice the revitalizing influence. You might also be interested in: How to apply a Face Mask Appropriately Measures to follow: You should utilize this to streamline signing up for, or signing in to your Hubpages account. No information is shared with Facebook Except if you engage using this type of function. (Privateness Coverage) This is certainly applied to collect details on traffic to articles or blog posts and various webpages on our web page. Except you might be signed in to a HubPages account, all Individually identifiable data is anonymized. Additionally, cinnamon delivers a microdermabrasion impact on the pores and skin by sloughing off germs and useless skin cells. Your skin will really feel easy and comfortable without delay, but it might have a several apps to notice a true difference in scars and spots. Over many weeks and months, You might even see a putting variation in the appearance of the skin. Full of healthy Excess fat and vitamin E, the nutritious avocado might help feed and lubricate withered skin, providing it a supple feel and look. Have you tried out a variation with the honey mask? Exactly what are your preferred foods-dependent elements to make use of on your skin? Comment down below! Add the dairy merchandise and stir until a sleek paste varieties. You may use fewer dairy if you prefer a thicker paste. This is excellent! I are searching Around for some thing like this! I'll really need to try each recipe. Thank you for sharing!! Yet another good study! Here's another good tip for honey: it really works fantastic on pink eye and staph bacterial infections! I had pink eye a number of moments, about 4 a long time back when my oldest son was in daycare. Not one of the prescribed eye drops seemed to be serving to, but black tea and honey did the trick! Also, I had a staph infection and Yet again, the antibiotics were not performing Substantially to apparent it up. Masks really should continue to be on for 10-quarter-hour. I love washing masks off using a steaming scorching washcloth. I operate a washcloth less than incredibly hot h2o, squeeze out the surplus h2o then push to my face for a full moment. I then gently wash off the mask in the round motion. Washcloths are brilliant for exfoliating. Is made up of strong anti-inflammatory and pores and skin lightening Attributes. Allows fade acne scars and lowering swelling and redness from acne. All I had was fruit on The underside greek yogurt so I needed to test it right before spending four$ on a 16oz container. Is that this a giant trouble???
Not known Factual Statements About coffee face mask
Nicc job! I am a Pores and skin Therapist myself and I do love to endorse a variety of handmade skin care products and solutions for my clients. Nonetheless I do use an item line that works very well much too. Is a strong antibacterial and antiseptic agent. Slows down the growing older means of pores and skin by preventing off cost-free radicals. Moisturizes skin. Employing orange peels to produce face masks could possibly just seem a tad ludicrous but it surely’s probably the greatest means to guarantee glowing, youthful on the lookout skin. Below’s how you may make them from your ease and comfort of your house. Do it your self: Having a potato masher, mash the sugar as well as açai powder or slush Together with the berries, then bit by bit insert the olive oil; Merge coarsely with a whisk. Massage into your face. Leave on for about five minutes, then rinse with warm drinking water. This apple & oatmeal face mask is great for all pores and skin forms mainly because it Carefully exfoliates while comforting irritation and smoothing wrinkled patches. In this article’s Everything you’ll have to have. The key benefits of the masks are only momentary. If you are doing a mask that eliminates extra oil, the oil will come back. Another thing I've observed with my yrs of acne is the fact some items DO assistance the skin recover speedier with a lot less scaring and it isn't the above drying ones. Things like this and in many cases at times oils/moisturizing are far improved. I Completely really like this mask way over those I was Formerly utilizing (for drying) and see a distinction. All people should really consider it!!! Lemon juice can be a normal astringent and also helps fade acne scars and dim places. The alpha hydroxyl acids in strawberries aids control oil output about the skin surface, preserving pimples and blackheads away. Dwelling home remedies via steptoremedies with Yeast results in the true miracles, because the yeast is often a storehouse of vitamins and minerals which have been so crucial for the conventional working of skin cells. if the mask placed on the pores and skin, you feelburning, then almost certainly you have an allergic response to any component while in the mask. Urgent rinse the combination from the face and clean it with broth chamomile or heat milk. Guarantee never to smile or speak with the face mask on! This will likely stretch your skin across the mouth and eyes and actually lead to wrinkles to type. This is great! I are already on the lookout ALL over for something such as this! I will really have to try out Each and every recipe. Thank you for sharing!! In a small mixing bowl, mash ¼ an avocado Along with the back of the fork or blend if it’s much more hassle-free in your case. Include https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Face-Masks-Using-Natural-Ingredients and one teaspoon coconut oil and blend comprehensively. Using cleanse fingers, implement a thick coat of the mixture onto your face. Edit: I ended applying honey in it since I did not know if it adjusted the effectiveness, And that i do honey masks by rubbing honey with a soaked face and allowing it sit, so I feel adding honey to this was as well small to generate a distinction, but who appreciates it's possible not. I also tried using rice powder on It is personal or Within this. I even now prefer yeast!
A Simple Key For honey face mask Unveiled
Home Facial Mask with Yeast generates the true miracles, since the yeast is a storehouse of nutritional vitamins and minerals which might be so important for the conventional performing of pores and skin cells. The topics in these pages which includes textual content, graphics, films together with other materials contained on this website are for informational uses only and never to get substituted for Experienced health-related information. First off, put the cornstarch and strawberries in a blender and subsequent blend till you've got a paste that is dependable adequate thus it is going to stay to the face with no operating off. Clean with little herbs and afterwards use some moisturizer. This face mask will give you a new glance for the pores and skin and allow it to be wonderful and easy. These masks are great for an at-home facial. Begin with clear skin and ahead of applying the mask, lay a heat, moist clean cloth in your face to open up your pores. Right after rinsing from the mask, wash your face with cold drinking water or utilize a toner to close the pores. Then use a superb face oil. Following that, wash it off employing alternately cold additionally heat water and complete with 1 splash of chilly; pat the skin dry with the assistance of the thoroughly clean towel. You should how much time till I begin viewing outcomes Once i get started utilizing the face mask( orange peel powder, oatmeal and baking soda) and how frequently need to I use it in a week? To begin with you have to moisturize dry pores and skin. To do that, that may suit this mask: chop sauerkraut; Selfmade face masks are stuffed with nature's restorative goodness, in the shape in the nutrients, minerals, acids, and oils defined inside the tables over, with none with the chemicals that store-bought masks really need to have for an prolonged shelf lifestyle. Yeast mask to show men and women: with oily skin and seborrhea. https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=skin+facial cleanse the pores, at the same time disappears shine, face seems refreshed; Honey, that is Utilized in many of the a few masks we are getting ready right now, hydrates your skin, retains it gentle by preserving dampness, and promotes skin cell renewal. Utilize home remedies via steptoremedies for your face and rinse for soft, easy skin. Utilize it inside of 24 hrs, ensuring that to keep it refrigerated in the event you’re not utilizing it instantly. And probably the greatest components to include inside a DIY face mask is oatmeal. To assist you out, the authorities at SiO Magnificence have designed six straightforward and exciting-to-make oatmeal face mask recipes for all your skin care requirements. five. Unfold many of the peels on a tray and position beneath the Solar to dry. You should definitely deal with the tray having a net or a thin fabric to forestall insects and dust from moving into connection with them.
yeast face mask Fundamentals Explained
3. Clean off this pure face mask employing cold h2o by gently massaging in clockwise in addition anti-clockwise directions. Selling price: This really is among the finest portions of this treatment! Almost all of the elements mentioned over are currently accessible in nearly all of households, other than Kelp and Tea Tree Oil which aren’t quite high priced. You would probably normally recognize that yogurt gives you that cooling calming sensation when applied, that’s because it has that anti-inflammatory agent. *Observe: this mask can be used on eczema patches on other elements of your body, like internal arms, the backs within your knees, your neck, and many others. For strawberry face mask from your face, you can depart the remedy on for just a little bit more time right before washing it off. Papaya is full of antioxidants, and its enzymes enable to slough absent outdated, dry skin cells for any glowing, healthier complexion. Jasmin Fiore with the Deva Lifetime swears by papaya masks as A part of her therapeutic routine, and sings the praises of this rejuvenating wonder-fruit. This mix of properties, in conjunction with the key benefits of honey which we’re presently explained make for an awesome acne therapy. For centuries, folks have been applying honey masks being a therapy for acne and for curing other marks, scars, places, and blemishes. There's not simply a person recipe for any honey mask that treats acne, but alternatively, it may be made from different combos of herbs and various substances. It is extremely beneficial for acne-prone pores and skin because of its antiseptic and antibacterial Houses. Its anti-inflammatory mother nature also allows reduce redness and inflammation a result of acne and pimples. "This breakfast-themed mask can help tranquil and mattify oily pores and skin, due to its combination of comforting oatmeal and tightening egg yolks," says Ronen. Apply the mask for your face and neck employing a make-up brush (you don’t desire to stain your nails and fingers yellow!). Inexperienced tea and honey do the job anti-inflammatory magic on pores and skin redness and inflammation. This calming combo is gentle sufficient for sensitive pores and skin (do a patch check if you’re anxious). Each components are potent antioxidants to fight free radicals and restore pores and skin destruction. All of these elements have their own super powers and can help you cleanse your face in the oil and Grime plus the acne leading to cells. Coconut oil is usually a hydrator, it can deliver nourishment to pores and skin that dehydrated and dry. The peel has anti-bacterial and anti-microbial Houses which enable it to be great for treating acne and oily skin. What's more, it will work like a pores and skin lightening agent and may do wonders for marks on the face and pigmentation. Besides its medicinal, much more evident properties, face packs with orange peel can even be employed as face cleansers and leave the pores and skin on the lookout refreshed. Mash all of the components together, but don't puree in a blender: you'd like this to be spreadable, not a liquid. Use evenly around your face and Enable sit eight-10 minutes. Wipe off which has a heat, moist facecloth and then rinse with neat drinking water. Pat dry.
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wenickjones · 4 years
Eye Drops and Lubricants Market Revenue and Value Chain 2021 - 2025 | Coherent Market Insights
Facto Market Insights recently published market research report on the Global Eye Drops and Lubricants market to its collection of market research reports. The research report covers detailed analysis of market sizing and forecasting of the market covering the market drivers, challenges, opportunity analysis, and trends, along with various key insights in the global market. The research report also includes the analysis of regional manufacturers and new market players, covering all the information suitable for the clients to make strategic business decisions in the industry.
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The report covers PESTLE analysis and porter’s five forces analysis which demonstrates the five forces including buyers bargaining power, suppliers bargaining power, the threat of new entrants, the threat of substitutes, and degree of competition in the global eye drops and lubricants market. In the study, the framework of porter's five forces analysis explains the method for analyzing the competition of the business covering the industry structure & the level of competition in the market. Along with this, the research report also covers the facts & figures related to the macroeconomic trends that are anticipated to impact the growth of the overall market.
In addition to this, the report also covers the section of competitive landscape of the global market, which includes the market share & positioning of all the leading players in the industry. The competitive landscape analysis provides in-depth analysis of the company’s business and performance including company overview, recent investments by top players, financial information of market players, business strategy, revenue breakup by segment and by geography, SWOT Analysis, key product offering, marketing and distribution strategies, new product development. A section of recent news & development has been added to the report which covers the latest information that are related with the market covering the acquisition, expansion, technology development, research & development activities, and other market activities.
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The Following are the Key Features of Global Eye Drops and Lubricants Market Report:
Market Overview, Industry Development, Market Maturity, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Growth Drivers and Barriers, Market Trends & Market Opportunities
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis & Trade Analysis
Market Forecast Analysis for 2020-2025
Market Segments by Geographies and Countries
Market Segment Trend and Forecast
Market Analysis and Recommendations
Price Analysis
Key Market Driving Factors
Eye Drops and Lubricants Market Company Analysis: Company Market Share & Market Positioning, Company Profiling, Recent Industry Developments etc.
Market Segmentation:
The research offers a comprehensive analysis of global eye drops and lubricants market with respect to following sub-markets:
By Type
o Antibiotics o Hormones o Artificial Tears o Others
By Application
o Eye Diseases Dry Eye§ Glaucoma§ Conjunctivitis§ Refractive Errors§ Others§ o Eye Care o Others
Regional Insights:
The report analyses the market by geographies i.e. North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America & Middle East & Africa. Further, the regions are fragmented into the country and regional groupings:
- North America (U.S. & Canada)
- Europe (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe)
- Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, and Rest of Asia Pacific)
- Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and Rest of Latin America)
- Middle East & Africa (GCC (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman), North Africa, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa)
Competitive Analysis
The central members of the market are recorded in this segment of the examination. It assists with understanding the strategies and unions that players focus on battling market competition. A fundamental infinitesimal glance at the market is given in the essential investigation. The significant players working in the global eye drops and lubricants market are:
Akorn Consumer Health (TheraTears) • Allergan Plc • Johnson & Johnson • Novartis International AG (Alcon Inc.) • Pfizer Inc. • Prestige Consumer Healthcare, Inc. • Sager Pharma Kft. • ROHTO Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. • Similasan Corporation USA
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Facto Market Insights is one of the leading providers of market intelligence products and services. We offer reports on over 10+ industries and update our collection daily which helps our clients to access database of expert market insights on industries, companies, products, and trends.
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centralparkpawsblog · 5 years
How to Treat Your Dog’s Ear Infection at Home
https://www.centralparkpaws.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/what-does-an-infected-dog-ear-look-like-how-to-identify-infection.jpg As you all know, I’m a big supporter of consulting the vet when my dogs are sick or hurt, but that’s not always a possibility.
Recently, we were out camping in the woods when Ajax started shaking his head and scratching at his ears. Even though we’re consistent about cleaning his ears weekly, he still gets the occasional ear infection, especially after swimming.
One look and I was sure he had an ear infection. His ears were red, swollen, and smelled horrible.
We knew right away how it had happened: Ajax was in and out of the lake all day, so we hadn’t bothered to dry his ears until the evening.
Unfortunately, we were a good hour away from the closest vet office. Plus, it was a Saturday.
Luckily, we had dealt with ear infections before and came well prepared.
First, we cleaned and dried out his ears then treated them with Mometamax otic, a prescription ointment from our vet.
This whole thing got me thinking, what if you didn’t have medicine from your vet and were too far from a vet clinic to get any?
There are many reasons why getting to a vet office can be difficult and sometimes impossible, which means you may need to take care of your beloved canine on your own.
How to Tell If Your Dog Has an Ear Infection
This dog’s ear is infected! Photo by Kalumet (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Ear infections cause different symptoms in dogs. Keep an eye out for these signs, in order to catch the infection early:
The ears are inflamed, swollen and warm to the touch.
The inside of the ears may look wet or have brown waxy build up.
The ears will have a foul yeasty or fruity smell.
Your dog is shaking its head or scratching at their ears excessively.
Your dog’s ears seem tender or painful if you rub or touch them.
 If You Dog is Suffering from Severe Symptoms – Don’t Wait, Drive to the Vet!
If your dog displays any signs of the below severe signs of an ear infection, get your dog to the vet as soon as possible to avoid any permanent damage:
Loss of balance
Unusual eye movements
Walking in circles
Pus draining from the ear
Hearing loss
Vomiting and nausea
Drooling from the side of the mouth
Difficulty eating and dropping food
Eye discharge
Should I Take My Dog to the Vet?
If your dog is having the above severe symptoms, stop reading and go to the vet!
Even military dogs are at risk for ear infections!
If not, here are some ideas to help treat your dog’s ear infection.
Please note these treatments, like all at-home treatments whether for fleas or infection, are intended to help manage your dog’s ear infection until you can see a vet. If the infection becomes dramatically worse, stop treatment and seek emergency vet care.
I’ve yet to find a veterinarian who felt comfortable with people treating their dog’s ear infections without professional guidance.
However, most people who have dogs with chronic ear infections, especially allergic dogs, only need to see the veterinarian once. After that, they only need to call in for refills on the medication.
I know there are situations when you may not be able to afford a visit to the vet. If this is the case, try one of the treatments below.
However, if it is a severe infection, talk to your vet about a possible payment plan.
What Causes Ear Infections?
It’s always good to know what you’re dealing with before you begin treatment on your own.
Allergies – If your dog suffers from allergies, be it seasonal or food, it’s relatively common for them to also suffer from chronic ear infections.
A ruptured eardrum – “A ruptured eardrum can be the result of trauma, infection, exposure to toxins, sudden severe changes in atmospheric pressure, very loud noises, and foreign objects” ~Ryan Llera, BSc, DVM and Ernest Ward, DVM.
Tumor or polyp within the ear canal – Your vet would need to conduct a biopsy to verify a Tumor or polyp.
Long Ears – Dogs with long floppy ears might be cute, but they are naturally predisposed to chronic ear infections. Breeds that are more likely to have issues with their ears include beagles, bassets hounds, cocker spaniels, and retrievers.
Excessive Moisture – Dogs who enjoy swimming often contract ear infections. The combination of the moisture, the dark of the ear canal, and body heat all make for an excellent breeding ground for yeast. You may need to take care when washing your dog, too.
Types of Infections
Diagnosing the actual infection type and cause is something that would need to be done by your vet.
Some infections require particular medications to resolve the issue entirely because medicine that works for one type of infection isn’t always effective for other types.
Bacterial infection
Fungal Infection
Ear Mites
Yeast Infection
What to do if Your Dog has an Ear Infection
If you can get to a pet store
I know that getting to a pet store isn’t always an option, but if it is, I recommend buying a cleaner as well as an over the counter otic treatment.
Getting a liquid cleaner is best for this situation as it can reach further into the ear canal than cleaning pads. These are my favorites:
Burt’s Bees Care Plus+ Relieving Dog Ear Rinse
Virbac Epi-Otic Advanced Ear Cleaner for Dogs & Cats
NaturVet Ear Wash with Tea Tree Oil for Dogs & Cats
Once you clean and dry the ears you should administer the medicine.
When purchasing an over the counter medication, choose one that is specific to dogs/pets and specifically states that it’s for infections.
ZYMOX Ear Solution with Hydrocortisone. It’s best to get the one with inflammation relief, if available.
Lively Pets Ultra-Otic Advanced Plus Dog & Cat Ear Cleaner. This one states that it helps treat ear mites, too.
Pet Wellbeing Ear Care Gold. This one indicates that it “encourages natural immunity.”
What if you don’t have access to a pet store?
There are times you may not have access to a pet store.
If that’s the case, I suggest trying to find a health food store, and if that’s not available, go to a grocery store.
There, you’ll find the following natural treatments:
Oregano Oil
Oregano oil is a strong antibiotic that, like other essential oils, should never be used undiluted.
Mix one drop of the oregano oil with a teaspoon of carrier oil. Olive oil is a good choice. You can find both ingredients at a health food store.
It can either be applied directly into the ear or on a cotton ball or gauze and applied to the top of the ear canal.
Calendula Oil
Calendula oil works as an antifungal and pain reliever.
Here’s an example of a boric acid ear cleaner
Be sure to purchase one that can be used directly on the skin without further dilution.
Apply directly on and in the ear.
Calendula oil can be found at a health food store, too.
Coconut Oil
This is good for yeast infections, mites, and general cleaning.
Melt the coconut oil (coconut oil has a low melting point of 76° F) then let it cool completely, but not solidified.
Drop a few drops into the dog’s ear canal and rub gently.
Finish by rubbing small amounts at the top of the ear canal as well.
Boric Acid
This is good for cleaning and also minor infections. The acid nature discourages the growth of yeast.
Be sure to use caution when using this powder. It’s not to be ingested or inhaled, so be sure to protect you and your dog’s eyes, nose and mouth.
These are just some ideas to help slow down the ear infection until you can get into the vet.
Depending on the severity of the situation, the treatments listed above may be all you need to resolve the issue.
However, if it doesn’t completely heal, recurs within a week after the infection has been treated, or gets worse, it would be best to consult your veterinarian.
Not for your dog’s ears
Can you put peroxide in a dog’s ear for an ear infection?
Hydrogen peroxide is not recommended because it causes greater irritation, especially if the canal is inflamed or ulcerated.
How long does it take for a dog’s ear infection to clear up?
Anywhere between 10-30 days.
It all depends on the severity and type of infection, as well as the treatment method.
Will a dog ear infection go away on its own?
According to Dr. Wendy Hauser, DVM, “…ear problems aren’t likely to clear up on their own. They are painful and can cause hearing loss if left untreated.”
Is my dog’s ear infection an emergency?
Not usually, but if your dog is suffering from severe symptoms, you should treat it as an emergency.
How do I know if my dog’s ear infection is gone?
All visible symptoms will be gone. Also, the smell should have also wholly resolved.
It’s always good to continue medications for the recommended period to kill off all of the bad bugs, or the infection might return!
The post How to Treat Your Dog’s Ear Infection at Home appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/pet-health/dog-ear-infection-treatment/
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northshoregadgets · 7 years
10 Healing Herbs for Dogs (and Humans!)
Herbs offer cures for many common canine ailments. I’ve been using them for years, with the blessing of my homeopathic vet, and my dogs have all lived long and remarkably healthy lives. Just because they’re natural doesn’t mean they’re not powerful. Herbs are nothing to sneeze at. What may look like a mere weed or homely root can, in fact, be a very potent medicine. Here’s a list of the top ten herbs for dogs. It’s a pharmacopeia for dogs – call it a bark-acopeia!
But before you try them, ask your vet about dosages, and if any of these are contraindicated for your pet’s existing medications.
French Bulldog lying down by Shutterstock.
What: Azadirachta indica, an extract of the Neem tree, is nature’s non-toxic insecticide, plus it heals burns and soothes dry, irritated skin.
Why: Applied topically and absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream, Neem makes your dog naturally repellent to mosquitoes and fleas. Parasite preventatives work by filling your dog’s blood with poison; in order to be eliminated, the pest has to take a bite out of your best friend. With Neem, Spot won’t even get bitten!
Suggested Use: During the warm months (high mosquito season), bathe once weekly in TheraNeem Pet Shampoo, to which you add several drops of Neem oil; both are available at Whole Foods stores or online. For extra protection from within, administer Neem Plus supplements by Ayush orally once daily, hidden in food.
What: Achillea millefolium – a.k.a. stanchweed, soldier’s woundwort, and sanguinary – helps stop bleeding.
Why: If your dog sustains a cut or laceration, you can administer first aid by flushing the wound with povidone iodine, then treating it with yarrow.
Suggested Use: Wound Balm for Animals by Buck Mountain Botanicals contains yarrow (along with echinacea and goldenseal); it speeds healing and is a first-rate addition to Fido’s first-aid kit.
What: Arnica montana, a.k.a. Leopard’s Bane, has long been prized for its astonishing bruise-healing property.
Why: Has Spot sustained a bruise or muscle injury? Arnica does double duty, easing the pain and promoting healing.
Suggested Use: Arnica pellets by Boiron. Administer 3 pellets 3 times daily, in the inside pocket of your dog’s lower lip. It’s OK if he spits it out; healing begins when the pellets make contact with the gum.
What: This effective – if highly malodorous – herb (Valeriana officinalis L.) is nature’s time-trusted sedative and sleep-inducer.
Why: For dogs who experience high anxiety during thunderstorms or on the 4th of July, Valerian will put them out for several hours of stress-free slumber. It’s also great for long car trips, to help Spot snooze through the ride.
Suggested Use: Valerian comes in capsules, available at any health food store. To dose your dog, you’ll need to hide the capsules in a piece of meat or cheese with peanut butter on top – anything to mask that awful smell! (Editor’s Note: Again, talk to your vet about dosages.)
Olive Leaf Extract
What: The extract of crushed-up olive leaves (oleuropein) is nature’s antibiotic.
Why: If your dog experiences diarrhea from, say, scarfing something rancid on the sidewalk, the antifungal property of Olive Leaf will help set his digestion right.
Suggested Use: Available at health food stores, Olive Leaf capsules smell and taste exactly like olive oil (i.e. delicious), so there’s no need to hide or mask them. Just sprinkle over your dog’s food like a spice!
Milk Thistle
What: A flowering plant whose extract, Silymarin, is one of nature’s most potent antioxidants for people and pets.
Why: Boosting and protecting the liver, milk thistle is a must if you want to extend the life of your dog. Everything passes through the liver, so it welcomes the support – and because eye and liver health are linked, milk thistle also prevents and reverses cloudy eyes (nuclear sclerosis) in dogs.
Suggested Use: Sold at health foods stores in capsule form, this herb tastes somewhat bitter; very finicky dogs will need to have it hidden in something tasty, but most dogs will eat it sprinkled over their food (cinnamon helps sweeten the deal).
What: Crataegus is a berry that’s used to treat cardiac insufficiency.
Why: Strengthening the heart muscle and improving circulation, hawthorn helps stave off congestive heart failure in senior dogs (and people), and tones the tickers of younger dogs who’ve survived heartworm disease. Young, healthy dogs don’t need it yet – wait until they’re older.
Suggested Use: One capsule in your dog’s food (available at health food stores); most dogs don’t mind the taste.
What: The resin of the Boswellia tree has many medicinal uses.
Why: Another senior-dog staple, Boswellia reduces inflammation and improves mobility in arthritic K9s.
Suggested Use: Available in tablet form, it’s called “Boswelya Plus.”
What: As its name implies, the flowering plant Euphrasia officinalis has long been used to treat eye infections.
Why: If your dog comes back from the dog park or doggie daycare with goopy eyes, try eyebright first before consulting the vet; you may be able to clear up the problem yourself.
Suggested Use: Euphrasia pellets by Boiron. Administer 3 pellets 3 times daily, in the inside pocket of your dog’s lower lip. As with Arnica (above), it’s OK if he spits it out; healing begins when the pellets make contact with the gum.
What: A thistle in the genus Arctium, its root has long been prized for its blood-purifying, hair-regrowing, and cancer-fighting powers.
Why: Use it regularly as a preventative, especially if you have a breed of dog that’s prone to cancer (such as a Boxer).
Suggested Use: Add cooked burdock root (found in the produce section of health food stores and Asian markets) to your dog’s food, or give him a piece of raw burdock to chew on, like a carrot. Or purchase dried burdock online and steep one teaspoon in a cup of hot water; let cool and pour over your dog’s food.
Thumbnail: Photography by Kellymmiller73/Shutterstock.
Read more about dogs and natural cures on Dogster.com:
Neem Oil: A Miracle Herb for Dogs — and for You, Too!
Coconut Oil for Dogs? 10 Reasons to Try It
Olive Oil for Dogs — 8 Reasons to Add it to Your Dog’s Diet
About the Author: The author of 6 books, Julia Szabo writes Dogster’s Living With Dogs column and is a pet expert for Howcast.com.
The post 10 Healing Herbs for Dogs (and Humans!) appeared first on Dogster.
from Dogster http://ift.tt/2t98ZlJ via http://www.dogster.com
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blog-markjohnson07 · 4 years
COVID-19 UPDATE: Global Eye Drops and Lubricants Market Thriving with Rising Latest Trends by 2025
Facto Market Insights (FMI), added a title on “Eye Drops and Lubricants Market – 2018-2025” to its collection of market research reports. This market research report provides detailed analysis of market drivers, challenges, opportunity analysis, and trends, along with various key insights. In addition to this, the report on global eye drops and lubricants market demonstrates the important aspects that are expected to intensify the growth of the global market over the upcoming years. The study also includes the analysis of the market size and forecast for the different segments &geographies covering the impact analysis of ongoing COVID-19 disease situation.
Get Free Sample Report at https://www.factomarketinsights.com/sample/262
The report on global eye drops and lubricants market covers the key market growth indicators, covering the value and supply chain analysis, year-on-year (Y-o-Y) growth and compounded annual growth rate (CAGR), in the Facto Market Insights (FMI) research report along with top macroeconomic indicators. The study is way beneficial for the investors, manufacturers, suppliers, stakeholders, and distributors, because it can help them to understand the strategies of the market and also, they can withdraw information &statistics presented in market research report.
Impact Analysis of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
The research report covers the impact analysis of COVID-19 pandemic on the global eye drops and lubricants market, covering information about each region & countries in order to identify the issues raised by the pandemic over various industries. The outbreak of coronavirus or COVID-19 (formerly 2020-nCoV) was noted in December 2019, which has been imposed as a medical emergency across the globe. More than 213 countries and territories have reported cases of coronavirus till date. On 11th March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 a pandemic officially. Countries including U.S., India, Italy, Germany, Spain, France, Brazil, and such other countries have a large number of COVID-19 patients, due to which the countries went under lockdown conditions in the past. Thus, with the ongoing situation of lockdown, many industries have been adversely impacted, and it is expected that the economy of such nations are going to suffer a massive loss over the upcoming years, and also the global economy is anticipated to slip into a recession, which is considered to hamper the growth of the overall market.
For Full Report with TOC Visit at https://www.factomarketinsights.com/report/262/eye-drops-and-lubricants-market-amr
Segment Information                                                                                      
The market for global eye drops and lubricants market is segmented as type, application and region.
By Type
Artificial Tears
By Application
Eye Diseases
Dry Eye
Refractive Errors
Eye Care
Regional Representation
The market for eye drops and lubricants is segregated on the basis of regional basis into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East and Africa. The breakdown of the region into countries is covered in the study. The study also includes the estimations about market growth at the regional and country levels. Further, the regions are fragmented into the country and regional groupings:
- North America (U.S. & Canada)
- Europe (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe)
- Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand and Rest of Asia Pacific)
- Latin America (Brazil, Mexico and Rest of Latin America)
- Middle East & Africa (GCC, North Africa, South Africa and Rest of Middle East & Africa)
Competitive Landscape:
The report profiles various major & prominent key market players in the global eye drops and lubricants market including Akorn Consumer Health, Allergan Plc, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis International AG, Pfizer Inc, Prestige Consumer Healthcare and other key players.
For any Inquiry before buying this report visit at https://www.factomarketinsights.com/enquiry/262
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Facto Market Insights is one of the leading providers of market intelligence products and services. We offer reports on over 10+ industries and update our collection daily which helps our clients to access database of expert market insights on global industries, companies, products, and trends.
Our in-house research experts have a wealth of knowledge in their respective domains. With Facto Market Research, you always have the choice of getting customized report free of cost (upto 10%). Our support team will help you customize the report and scope as per your business needs. This ensures that you are making the right purchase decision.
Our clients list includes various Fortune 500 companies and leading advisory firms.
Contact Us:
Facto Market Insights
90 State Street, Albany,
New York, USA 12207
+1 (518) 300-1215
Website: www.factomarketinsights.com
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andythomas684-blog · 5 years
List of blunders for hikers
Careless hikers are more likely to tumble off a cliff, poke a diamondback rattler, and otherwise get themselves in trouble’s way. And frankly, our nation needs more outdoorsy people, not less.
So Backpacker asked me, the author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Backpacking and Hiking, to answer all of your camping, hiking, cooking, training, you-name-it questions. I’m no gonzo, Everest-scaling, bear-wrestling hardman, but I’ve hiked enough miles to recognize which mistakes first-timers tend to make. Let's count 'em off:
1. Wearing denim like Johnny Depp on 21 Jump Street
News flash: Denim is cotton, so wearing jeans (and jean jackets for that matter, Mr. Depp) is a poor choice for any hike, especially in rainy or cold weather. That’s because cotton retains moisture instead of wicking it away like wool and polyester fabrics. Once cotton gets wet, it takes a long time to dry out; that moisture on your skin siphons away body heat through convection, leaving you shivering in your boots, and more susceptible to hypothermia (hence the aphorism “cotton kills”). Jeans are the worst of all cottons because they can ice up in below-freezing weather. I learned this lesson on my first hike with the Appalachian Mountain Club in New Hampshire, and I’ve remained cotton-free ever since, except on short summer hikes where getting chilled isn’t a danger. So the next time you see hikers wearing blue jeans, remind them that the 1980s are over and that Johnny Depp now prefers tri-corner hats and eye-liner. Related Articles : https://www.hikingbay.com
2. Buying your tent or sleeping bag at Wal-Mart
Sam Walton was an Eagle Scout, but he didn’t become America’s richest man selling top-quality camping and hiking gear at discount prices. Yes, Wal-Mart does sell an Ozark Trails sleeping bag for $10, but I wouldn’t use it on a real Ozark Trail. It's fine to buy your beef jerky, trail mix ingredients, and propane canisters at big-box retail stores, but trust specialty outdoor stores and reliable brands for the gear that matters most, like footwear, raingear, sleeping bags, and tents.
3. Hiking a trail with a road map
Not all dotted lines are made equal. Thus, the map that helps you find the trailhead parking lot won’t help you navigate a trail. Hyper-detailed USGS topographical maps (called “quads”) are the gold standard for backcountry navigation, but they are often overkill for popular and well-marked trails. Much easier to acquire and use are designated trail maps that include topographical features like rivers, ridges, and peaks, as well as key info like hiking mileage and trailheads. Book stores and visitor centers often stock maps and guidebooks for local trails, while National Geographic’s Trails Illustrated series is great for U.S. recreation hot spots from Acadia to Zion. And don’t forget Backpacker.com’s new Print & Go weekend planners, which include gear checklists, driving directions, and waypoints for dozens of popular hike what to wear on a hike and still look cute https://www.hikingbay.com/what-to-wear-on-a-hike-and-still-look-cute
4. Packing a first aid kit as if you’re landing on Omaha Beach
Morphine? Check. Gauze bandages? Check. M1 rifle? What? Most novice hikers either forget to bring a first-aid kit, or pack an entire pharmacy. Neither represents the right approach. You should bring a first-aid kit appropriate for the length of your trip, the size of your group (along with any individual medical needs), and your medical knowledge. The last one is important: If you don’t know how to use a first-aid item—like a suture kit—you probably shouldn’t be carrying it. Packing obscure supplies you’ll probably never use in place of additional bandages and painkillers doesn’t make sense. Basic first-aid essentials for most outings should be: adhesive bandages (various sizes), medical or duct tape, moleskin, sterile gauze, ibuprofen, Benadryl, antibiotic ointment, and alcohol wipes.
5. Being overhead saying, “Lightning can’t strike me—I’m not carrying anything metallic.”
If you think lightning only strikes metal objects, ruminate on this ancient Chinese proverb: “The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the scythe.” Then substitute “knuckleheaded hiker” for the tall grass and “zapped by 100 million volts of electric juice” for the scythe, and you’ve got Professor Hike’s updated proverb on why you absolutely need to descend from exposed peaks and ridgelines when an afternoon thunderstorm is brewing. Lightning is attracted to tall, isolated objects, which could be anything from a clueless hiker standing on a summit to a lone tree. And even if you're not touching that lone tree, the lightning might strike the ground right next to it, or the ground current may surge up you. Secondary strikes can be just as deadly. What's more, lightning can strike targets up to 10 miles from the center of a storm. Trust me on that; I’ve got a few hair-raising tales from New Mexico to prove it. Instead, get into a forest or the low point of rolling hills, a ravine, or a gully. lattcure outfitters sleeping bag https://www.hikingbay.com/finding-the-best-lightweight-sleeping-bag-for-hiking
6. Going ultra-light without ultra-experience
A regular backpacker going ultra-light is like a vegetarian becoming a vegan—it takes time to dial down a new, safe system. Definitions vary, but ultra-light hiking generally means having a base pack weight (your gear minus food and water) of 10 to 12 pounds. The advantage, of course, is that you have less weight to schlep, but your safety net also shrinks: You have fewer backup provisions (food, fuel, warm clothes) if things go wrong, like you fall in a river or rodents steal your food. The more backcountry experience you have, the more safely you can go ultra-light simply because you’re better equipped with skills to, one, avoid such mishaps and, two, improvise if they do occur. However, even expert mountaineers can pay the ultralight price. Think of Joe Simpson of Touching the Void fame: During his and his partner’s ascent of Siula Grande in the Andes, bad weather prolonged their climb, causing them to run out of fuel for melting snow for water—something that later would contribute to Simpson’s fall into a crevasse. That’s why ultra-light hiking should be a gradual goal and not a first-time objective. Reducing pack weight is a skill you hone after much experimentation. So how much weight should you carry on a typical day-hike? Is it 10, 15, or 20 pounds? It all depends on the circumstances. If you’re hiking a dozen miles alone on a mellow trail, you can carry a sub-10 pound load of water, snacks, rain gear, headlamp, and the always essential map, compass or GPS. But if the trail is unfamiliar, tricky, or remote, and you’re hiking in a larger group, you might want to add a small first-aid kit, warm clothing, and extra water and food that pushes your weight north of 15 pounds. That’s because carrying more gear—along with the skills to use it—is your best strategy to reduce risk.
7. Wearing boots fresh from the box
I’m not a fan of hiking proverbs, but there’s one that I consider gospel: “If your feet are happy, the rest of you is happy.” I wised up to that fact on a 95-mile trek (Scotland’s bonny West Highland Way) that I began with stiff leather boots I hadn’t worn in eons. Those boots shredded my feet on the first day out, and I spent the next week limping up and down Scotland’s green hills. Trust me, neither you nor your feet will by happy if you begin a big trip with untested shoes or boots. Starting weeks ahead of time, you need to break them in while mowing the lawn, walking the dog, or running errands around town. Trail shoes, which perform more like athletic footwear, conform quickly to your feet, while taller, rigid boots require more break-in time. Wear recently purchased shoes indoors at first, since most outdoor stores have return policies that exclude those worn outside. If your feet hurt or develop hotspots or blisters, apply bandages, experiment with different socks, and keep at it. Remember also that most people’s feet swell a half size or more by the afternoon.
8. Starting too late in the day
Showing up an hour late for a 7 p.m. dinner reservation is bad manners. But starting at 2 p.m. a hike that you intended to begin at 10 a.m. is bad news. Unless you want your 15 minutes of fame on the CNN ticker (“Clueless Hikers Survive Freezing Nights in Wilderness”), it’s best to start on time, or shorten your route. I learned this lesson the hard way on a 10-mile hike in New Hampshire that began four hours late, included a few frustrating wrong turns, and ended at the trailhead parking lot just before midnight.
Besides an early start, how fast you move matters, too. An athletic adult hikes at 3 mph, but that rate drops to 2 or even 1 mph when you factor in rough terrain, elevation changes, and rest breaks. Groups always move slower than individuals, and a snail on crutches will beat families with toddlers. If you find yourself starting later than anticipated, check your map for shorter routes or a cut-off trail to reach your destination before sunset. If you find yourself falling behind, avoid the lure of cross-country shortcuts, and instead keep moving, watch the time, and be prepared to finish using headlamps, which you packed for just such an occasion.
9. Ignoring the weather forecast
A little rain isn’t a reason to cancel a hike. That’s why we have Gore-Tex boots and waterproof jackets, right? But even the best equipment can’t provide 100 percent protection from the soggy remnants of a hurricane or an Arctic-born blizzard. So before every trip, I review the website www.noaa.gov, which uses a Google Maps interface to generate five-day forecasts for precisely where I’ll be hiking. These results are far more accurate than the traditional forecasts for the nearest town, which could be miles away and thousands of feet lower than a trail. Plus, you can read the “Forecast Discussion,” which is like eavesdropping on local meteorologists during their coffee breaks. Thanks to a NOAA forecast, I knew ahead of time that a powerful thunderstorm would crash a recent backpacking trip in the middle of the night. So I minimized the danger by picking a sheltered campsite, pitching my tent away from lone trees and dangling branches, and tightening the guy-lines for my rain-fly. Sure enough, I awoke at 1 a.m. to witness a ferocious—but mostly harmless—atmospheric cannonade of light and sound. And by morning, as the forecast predicted, the skies were blasted clear. best winter hikes in washington https://www.hikingbay.com/10-best-winter-hikes-in-washington
10. Skimping on Leave No Trace
Litterbug? Not you. I bet you’re a committed recycler. Maybe you even wash and re-use zipper-lock bags. But on a camping trip, where do you dump the soapy water after washing dishes? Do you really strain out the food bits and scatter the “gray” water at least 200 feet from any lake, stream, or campsite? And do you use biodegradable soap? That’s what Leave No Trace (LNT) (www.lnt.org)—seven principles promoting ethical, low-impact outdoor recreation—advises you to do. It’s easy to practice LNT’s major rules: Carry out trash, keep away from wildlife, and minimize the impact of campfires. The finer points, however—like packing out toilet paper and building small fires—are harder to follow. But since Bambi doesn’t crap up your bedroom, you should extend the same courtesy. So here are Prof. Hike’s six tips to make the tough tenets of LNT more achievable:
• 200 feet equals 40 adult strides. • Use the rubber tip of a spatula to scrap leftover food from plates and bowls into your mouth. • Reduce odors by placing silica gel desiccates (those moisture-absorbing packets found in shoe boxes and other packages) into your trash bag, then double-bagging it. • Use dryer lint as natural fire tinder. • Carry versatile sanitary wipes instead of flimsy toilet paper. • Stop washing dishes, as veteran hiker Johnny Molloy advocates in this June 2007 Backpacker article.
OK, there you have it: my top 10 list of n00b blunders. Let us know what you would add to the list!
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wenickjones · 4 years
Eye Drops and Lubricants Market is Booming Worldwide, Latest Study Reveal for the forecast 2021 – 2025
The Global Eye Drops and Lubricants Market 2021-2025 Report provides an in-depth analysis on the studied market that helps to seem at the longer term requirement also as prediction. The eye drops and lubricants market Report evaluates the market by key market players, opportunities, value, trends, growth, market share, market competition landscape, recent developments and sales volume analysis. Additionally, it magnifies the chance for decision-making and helps create an efficient counter-strategy to realize a competitive advantage. The report provides up-to-date review of the present global market scenario, the newest developments and drivers, and therefore the overall market environment is given within the study.
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It provides the impact and recovery of Covid-19 pandemic on the eye drops and lubricants market. Relevant statistical data is additionally provided within the report back to recognize the challenges caused by the outbreak of Covid-19 and methods to cope up with the present scenario.
In addition to the present, the report also covers the section of competitive landscape of the worldwide market, which incorporates the market share & positioning of all the leading players within the industry. The competitive landscape analysis provides in-depth analysis of the company’s business and performance including company overview, recent investments by top players, financial information of market players, business strategy, revenue breakup by segment and by geography, SWOT Analysis, key product offering, marketing and distribution strategies, new development. a neighborhood of recent news & development has been added to the report which covers the newest information that are related with the market covering the acquisition, expansion, technology development, research & development activities, and other market activities.
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The Following are the Key Features of Global Eye Drops and Lubricants Market Report:
Market Overview, Industry Development, Market Maturity, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Growth Drivers and Barriers, Market Trends & Market Opportunities
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis & Trade Analysis
Market Forecast Analysis for 2021-2025
Market Segments by Geographies and Countries
Market Segment Trend and Forecast
Market Analysis and Recommendations
Price Analysis
Key Market Driving Factors
Eye Drops and Lubricants Market Company Analysis: Company Market Share & Market Positioning, Company Profiling, Recent Industry Developments etc.
Global Eye Drops and Lubricants Market Segmentation Analysis:
By Type
o Antibiotics o Hormones o Artificial Tears o Others
By Application
o Eye Diseases Dry Eye§ Glaucoma§ Conjunctivitis§ Refractive Errors§ Others§ o Eye Care o Others
Regional Insights:
The report analyses the market by geographies i.e. North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America & Middle East & Africa. Further, the regions are fragmented into the country and regional groupings:
- North America (U.S. & Canada)
- Europe (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe)
- Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, and Rest of Asia Pacific)
- Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and Rest of Latin America)
- Middle East & Africa (GCC (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman), North Africa, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa)
Reasons to purchase the report:
Identify possible investment areas supported a comprehensive analysis of the worldwide eye drops and lubricants market over subsequent few years.
Gain in-depth knowledge of the underlying factors that drive demand for eye drops and lubricants market and recognize the opportunities provided by them.
Strengthen the business knowledge in terms of industry dynamics, demand drivers, and therefore the latest technological advances among others.
Identify the main channels that drive the demand for eye drops and lubricants market, offering a robust image of potential prospects which will be tapped, leading to growth in revenue.
Channelize funds by concentrating on the continued initiatives pursued by the various countries within the global eye drops and lubricants market.
Competitive Analysis:
The key players of the market are listed during this section of the study. It helps to know the tactics and alliances that players consider fighting market rivalry. An important microscopic check out the market is given within the detailed study. The major players operating in the Global eye drops and lubricants market are
Akorn Consumer Health (TheraTears) • Allergan Plc • Johnson & Johnson • Novartis International AG (Alcon Inc.) • Pfizer Inc. • Prestige Consumer Healthcare, Inc. • Sager Pharma Kft. • ROHTO Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. • Similasan Corporation USA
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Facto Market Insights is one of the leading providers of market intelligence products and services. We offer reports on over 10+ industries and update our collection daily which helps our clients to access database of expert market insights on industries, companies, products, and trends.
Our in-house research experts have a wealth of knowledge in their respective domains. With Facto Market Research, you always have the choice of getting customized report free of cost (upto 10%). Our support team will help you customize the report and scope as per your business needs. This ensures that you are making the right purchase decision.
Our clients list includes various Fortune 500 companies and leading advisory firms.
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How to Make 100 Holiday Gifts in Under an Hour
What’s Wrong with Parabens, Anyway?
It is important to understand the toxic chemicals that are put into our consumer products and why first before we dive into our recipes. Here at the School of Holistic Healing we use nothing but all natural, so safe you can eat it skincare products. Ingredients like parabens don’t fit in with this philosophy, but how much do you really know about parabens? Are they really that bad, and why should they be avoided?
If you’ve been around here very long, then I can assume you’re also a fan of natural skincare. Sometimes however sneaky things can hide in our consumer products. And while you know if you can’t pronounce it you should probably avoid it, it’s helpful to know why. So, what’s wrong with parabens, anyway?
What are parabens?
Parabens come in many different forms. You can find methylparaben, butylparaben, ethylparaben, and propylparaben to name a few. They are used as broad spectrum preservatives in many personal care items and even medications like antibiotics, sleeping aids, and Tylenol.
Since parabens have been around since the 1920’s and are used in so many personal care items, people naturally assume they’re safe. Even a recent review from the FDA and American Cancer society have deemed them to be not harmful. However, because of strong internal monetary ties with pharmaceutical companies, any review from the FDA and American Cancer Society has to be taken with a grain of salt or a whole saltshaker.
Where can you find them?
Parabens can hide in everything from shampoo, to sunscreen, to your food. You can do your own search of paraben containing products on the Environmental Working Group (website below) database, which reveals that over 10,000 personal care products that we buy and bring home to our families to use on their skin contain methylparaben alone. That’s not even counting the nearly 10,000 products with propylparaben and the nearly 4,000 with ethylparaben.
The majority of paraben containing products are makeup like eye shadow, eye liner, foundation, and lipstick. Sometimes a product will advertise natural ingredients on the front, but it’s still hiding nasty bad for you stuff in the ingredients label.
The popular makeup brand Cover Girl has a “Clean” foundation powder for sensitive skin. You would assume if they’ve cleaned things up it wouldn’t have parabens in it, yet it has both propylparaben and methylparaben among all the other toxic ingredients.
The majority of paraben containing products are makeup like eye shadow, eye liner, foundation, and lipstick. Sometimes a product will advertise natural ingredients on the front, but it’s still hiding nasty bad for you stuff in the ingredients label.
Endocrine system disruptors
So, if they’re so prolific in personal care products, why are parabens so bad? Research that was published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology found parabens present in the breast tissue of women with breast cancer. Parabens were found in both the tumor and healthy breast tissue.
The scary thing here was that 7 of the women studied had never used deodorant or underarm products, yet there were still parabens present in the cancerous breast tissue. While I’m a little concerned that they’ve never used deodorant before, what’s worse is that it didn’t seem to matter as far as having the toxins in the tissue.
The study also pointed out that the area closest to the armpit, and coincidentally the underarm lymph nodes, is significantly more likely to house cancerous cells compared to other areas of the breast. This could be due to more products being applied to the area, but it could also be due to the lymph nodes becoming overtaxed from toxins as a whole.
The source of the parabens couldn’t be identified. Also, since these women were being treated for cancer, they were being subjected to conventional treatments like chemotherapy pills and other prescription drugs that could have been preserved with parabens.
A group of doctors from California took healthy breast tissue samples and exposed them to both methylparaben and BPA. They found that these healthy cells started behaving like cancerous cells once they were exposed to either of the toxins. As the cells evolved, they even blocked the cancer drugs from working.
This animal study also found that it negatively impacts testosterone levels and caused infertility. It wasn’t just large amounts of parabens that impacted the subjects though, the effects were seen at levels that are considered safe by both Europe and Japan.
Supporters of parabens claim that since no study has shown a definitive, direct causal link, that parabens should still be given the green light. There is enough evidence however that strongly indicates parabens are endocrine system disruptors and can mimic hormones in the body. Multiple parabens are used in just one product, and the impact of exposure from multiple products can compound the issue.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to wait around for a more definitive study. I’m staying away from parabens right now!
Head over to the School of Holistic Healing where you will find zero parabens in our Organic Skincare course care products. From deodorants to makeup to lotions, to baby products you’ll love making new organic *healthy* skincare solutions. You’ll love the hundreds of organic home line products we feature in our Skincare course.
How important is it to you that you can actually pronounce the ingredients in your skincare?
When was the last time you checked out the ingredient list on your lotion, foundation, face wash?
Ethoxylated Surfactants, Polyethylene Glycol, Oxybenzone, Benzophenone… what in the world are those ingredients?!
Entering into a more natural way of living has changed how I view these ingredients. Once upon a time, I never even thought about the ingredients in my skincare products. I never realized what an impact they can have on my body or the environment. Take parabens for example. You can find parabens in everything from sunscreen to lip stick.
What’s Wrong with Parabens?
Turns out they are endocrine disruptors and can mimic hormones in your body. Anything that messes with your body like that is bad news!
Realizing that most of the hard to pronounce ingredients came with safety and health concerns pushed me to the “if you can’t pronounce it, don’t buy it” line of thought. Using this philosophy is a great and simple way to choosing safe skincare products. Be honest, those ingredients that I listed just a bit ago took you a long time to pronounce, am I right? Either that or you skimmed over them and abbreviated them (poly-something, oxyb…. bento-what?).
Cocoa Butter, Beeswax, Coconut Oil, Lavender, I bet you can pronounce those!
It can be hard to find skincare products that fit the pronounceable ingredient requirement. Many brands boast that they are made with aloe, or shea butter, or other natural ingredients but then they still have many of the sneaky toxic ingredients as well. It can be overwhelming to find a great brand that is transparent in it’s ingredients and amazing quality.
How would you like to get the most of your Christmas gifts made in one hour?
Allow me to introduce a few recipes from our Organic Skincare Course!
You can. In fact, make more (I’ll explain how in a minute).
Tonight, I made 100 organic skincare gifts in one hour and I’m going to show you exactly how you can do it too.
Your end result will be:
• 10 lavender-chamomile bath tea bags
• 50 chocolate peppermint lip balms
• 24 chocolate peppermint lotion bars
• 16 oatmeal cookie bath treatments
• 6 brown sugar-vanilla sugar scrubs (you can make a lot more of these without much effort)
If you want to make the above gifts, you’re going to need the following ingredients: (measuring ounces – kitchen scale) or (measuring cups – glass measuring cup). Check Walmart for their essential oil section.
1. for lavender-chamomile bath tea bags 1-1/2 cup dried lavender 1-1/2 cups dried chamomile flowers 1/2 cup oats 10 drops lavender essential oil
2. for Chocolate-Peppermint lotion bars and lip balm 15 ounces beeswax 15 ounces cocoa butter 15 ounces coconut oil 2 teaspoons peppermint essential oil
3. for Oatmeal Cookie Bath 6 cups oats 3 cups baking soda 3 teaspoons cinnamon 3 Tablespoons vanilla extract
4. for Sugar Scrubs 3 cups brown sugar 1-1/2 cup organic sunflower oil (Walmart it’s cheap) 1 Tablespoon vanilla (You double, triple, or quadruple these ingredients)
5. You will also need 2 mixing bowls A food processor (for cookie bath) A large pot or double boiler (for lotion bars and lip balm) 2 muffin tins 50 lip balm tubes and lids 10 small muslin tea bags – 2 3/4″ x 4″ measuring cups and spoons freezer space for the muffin tins 20 – 1/2 cup jars (or 6 – 1/2 cup jars for sugar scrubs and 14 cellophane bags for cookie bath)
Note: most of my ingredients are from local organic shops, but many can be purchased from Amazon (such as beeswax, cocoa butter, and lip balm tubes). Also, another great place is www.specialtybottle.com for all of your containers, bags, jars, and they are cheap and no minimum order 1 or 101.
One more bit of advice and do what we did when we first got started. Go to your local thrift stores and pick up any cupcake tins, mixing bowls, measuring cups, and pans to put together a double boiler. You don’t want to use your good kitchen stuff for making these items.
To get all of the ingredients and directions for these gifts. Go over to:
1. www.schoolofholistichealing.org
2. At the top of the page hover your mouse over the  course page and it will drop down.
3. Click on free samples
4. Just click on the PDF and it will bring it up.
Have a Holistic Day!
Bridgett Anderson, Admissions Advisor
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Number 1. Warm Compress. One of the simplest home remedies for fluid in the ear is the use of a warm compress. Applying heat to the outside of the ear can help relieve any pain and inflammation associated with the fluid as well as help circulation in the area to help flush the fluid out. Number 2. Apple Cider Vinegar. The acetic acid in vinegar can help remove dirt and debris from ears. But more importantly, it can kill both yeast and bacteria. But if your dog has red, sore ears, do not use vinegar. it will be very painful for him. Use one of the other remedies instead. Take your apple cider vinegar and put it in a glass with equal parts distilled water. You can either put it in a syringe and squirt a little in your dog’s ear, or you can soak a cotton ball in the vinegar solution and gently clean your dog’s ear flap with the cotton ball. Number 3. Garlic Oil. Another means of eliminating fluid in your ear is through the use of garlic oil. A natural antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal, garlic oil can get rid of the cause of the fluid whether they are caused by virus, bacteria or some other pathogen without the need for prescription antibiotics. Number 4. Mullein. Mullein is a plant that has antibacterial properties and it works great for bacterial ear infections. It might seem daunting to buy your own herbs and make your own recipes, but it is quite easy. You can order good quality dried mullein leaf from Mountain Rose Herbs or you can get them at your local health store. Number 5. Breast Milk. Though it might not always be available, breast milk is among the top home remedies for fluid in the ear, especially if it is your baby who is having the problem. The natural antimicrobial properties and other compounds in breast milk can help reduce swelling and help eliminate the issue causing the fluid. Number 6. Olive oil. Olive oil is often sold in drugstores as a cerumenolytic an ear canal lubricant that can loosen troublesome ear wax and provide soothing relief. To apply, warm the olive oil to a lukewarm temperature. Test a drop on your fingertip before putting any oil in your child’s ear. The oil should be close to body temperature, fluids that are too hot or too cold can cause dizziness. Tip your child’s head to the side and, with an eye dropper, put 3–5 drops in the affected ear. You may put a piece of a cotton in the ear as-needed so that the oil does not leak out. Do not put drops in the ear if your child has ear tubes, or if you think there is a chance that the eardrum has ruptured Number 7. Tea Tree Oil. Another remedy that can help to clear the fluid from your ear is tea tree oil. The antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil can help eliminate any infection as well as bring relief to the inflammation. Number 8. Warm, moist heat. Wrapping a hot water bottle in a damp towel and holding it against the aching ear for a few minutes may provide some pain relief. If you don’t have a hot water bottle on hand, a rice sock can be heated in the microwave for short bursts. Another alternative is a warm, wet washcloth. If you use a washcloth, be sure to wring it out well. You want to avoid dripping water into the infected ear. Number 9. Heated Salt. Salt is about as common of an item as you will find in any kitchen, but you might be surprised to see it among home remedies for fluid in the ear. Salt has astringent properties which can help to pull the fluid out of the affected ear and the heat will help relieve the pain and inflammation as well. Number 10. Tulsi. This is another means of eliminating fluid on the ear as well as the pain and swelling. Tulsi, aka holy basil, has natural antimicrobial properties to help eliminate any accompanying infection as well as bring some soothing anti-inflammatory relief. All Health Tips and Information here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQpHfetbUaZqOHOoMCsUVp5nPTEHxmF57 Thanks for watching love you guys so much! And thanks to supporting my channel! All my opinions are my own! Please do like, Comment, subscribe Facebook:: https://www.facebook.com/NaturalHealthTps/ Twitter:: https://twitter.com/Dr_helps Blogspot:: http://naturalhealthtipse.blogspot.com/ Tumblr:: http://naturalhealthtipsfan.tumblr.com/ Wordpress:: https://naturalhealthtipsfan.wordpress.com/ FreeBackgroundMusic Ben Vanderbosch - Rainy Day https://youtu.be/xMsSMAzZMOM Health Disclaimer The information on this channel is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care.You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems.Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your or your child's condition. #NaturalHealthTips #Health #Tips #HealthTips Creative Commons license Licence: CC-BY-NC https://search.creativecommons.org https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ by Natural Health Tips
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westclay33-blog · 6 years
The smart Trick of orange face mask That No One is Discussing
Elizabeth will be the founder and inventive director in the Nourished Existence. Her mission is that can help folks discover a far more well balanced (fewer demanding!) method of residing a contented, wholesome life. Go through more about Elizabeth listed here. Combine all ingredients together in a little bowl. Utilize a skinny layer in excess of your full face and neck. Rest for twenty minutes and rinse with warm water. Repeat the mask weekly or make use of the mixture being a day-to-day spot procedure by dabbing it on to discoloration. Final results will just take two-three months. To use, unfold the paste to the face that has a word of warning. Go away the paste as it is actually for twenty-half-hour until the mask thickens into a thick coat within the face. Enable it dry for this meantime and now clean it off. Get a listing of necessary oils that do the job for all skin forms. Not all critical oils get the job done for all skin styles. Some could melt away or damage sensitive skin, for instance. I also really like the graphics you put within your hub! I think with the Supply website link which you made them you. Excellent task! They're basically ideal graphics to employ for pinterest. :) Of which, I believe I'm likely to pin this to my beauty board on Pinterest to work with for future reference. So we scoured Pinterest for the most effective face mask recipes to revive your skin. They all include things like fantastic-for-you substances like avocado, honey, oatmeal and perhaps chocolate—all things that's probable previously sitting down in your kitchen area cupboards. Rich in healthier Extra fat and vitamin E, the nutritious avocado might help feed and lubricate withered pores and skin, offering it a supple feel and look. Green tea and honey get the job done anti-inflammatory magic on pores and skin redness and inflammation. This soothing combo is gentle ample for sensitive skin (do a patch examination in the event you’re worried). Each ingredients are powerful antioxidants to battle no cost radicals and mend pores and skin injury. This conical formed fruit is widely used in the beauty marketplace to produce skin attractiveness merchandise. Rather than working with Individuals chemical laden elegance products that even basically consist of only a small share of strawberry, use mashed strawberries applied topically to your skin for Obviously beautiful, tender supple pores and skin. Your not too long ago viewed products and highlighted recommendations › Look at or edit your searching background How it works: Strawberries not simply are rich in vitamin C but additionally incorporate alpha hydroxy acids, which exfoliate the pores and skin. The grainy texture in the bee-pollen granules helps to exfoliate, too, letting the honey, a powerful humectant, to raised penetrate the pores and skin’s surface. For mask recipes that call for honey, vegans can both substitute a little bit of pureed banana, or simply omit it. When it’s time to scrub the mask off, make sure to put a strainer as part of your sink or shower drain to catch significant particles: you don’t would like to clog your drains. What you may need: two polished clamshells. (These located of their all-natural point out within the Seashore are also rough against the pores and skin. Come across easy clamshells at seashellco.com.) Honey is of course antibacterial, which allows your skin combat off acne. As well as it's an a tremendous antioxidant capability, and you desire antioxidants around to overcome the absolutely free radicals that hurt the pores and skin.
Details, Fiction and honey face mask
Blend each of the components with each other, spread evenly in excess of pores and skin, and permit it to sit down for around ten minutes. Once you rinse it off, massage your face Carefully to exfoliate at the same time. Curly, frizzy or straight hair, each individual great hair style starts off from the shower. That’s why you’ll want to safeguard and take care of your hair with the ideal hair treatment products and solutions such as shampoos and conditioners. There are a variety of shampoo and conditioner formulas that can help you handle uninteresting or damaged hair. Whether it's shampoos, conditioners, hair oils, hair colors, styling instruments or therapy merchandise, you’ll obtain everything on Amazon India underneath a person roof on your convenience. Buy on the internet hair care and styling products, filter final results depending on brand, rate, purchaser reviews or Particular gives and discount rates. This is another Superb therapy for acne. This variation is likewise wholly created from all-natural and edible components. Preparing: Scoop out the seeds on the apple and run The remainder by way of a mixer to help make a good pulp. Then, add a few to four tablespoons of honey into the pulp. The level of honey will rely upon the dimensions with the apple and the quantity of masks you intend to make with it. Then wipe it off and rinse with cool h2o. Your face will really feel clean and sleek. Undecided which one of those masks will perform finest for your skin? This is often the top face mask for every pores and skin kind. Yogurt facial masks This provider permits you to sign up for or affiliate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you could make dollars from adverts in your article content. No facts is shared Unless of course you engage with this element. (Privacy Policy) Rich in nutritious Extra fat and vitamin E, the nutritious avocado can help feed and lubricate withered skin, giving it a supple appear and feel. Combine 3 tablespoons of finely floor coffee beans with a little glass of milk. The mixture ought to have a thick regularity. Somewhat cinnamon oil may be used While using the coconut oil, but I'd only make use of a drop or two in a small jar of coconut oil–over that can burn the pores and skin. This is a superb mask for men, as it could possibly soothe both razor burn off, and more than-weathered winter skin. The yogurt acts to be a moisturizer, while the cucumber lessens redness and gives humidity to dry, delicate pores and skin. . Any much more than that and also you’ll be dripping honey in all places! I had a dilemma with dripping at first, but the moment I Reduce back again on the quantity of honey I used, the trouble solved itself. Not forgetting that it’s a little bit more cost-effective this way, much too! Treatments and Masks accessible in the market at this time are of the best purchase and can Participate in A significant purpose in influencing your overall visual appeal. Amazon India delivers you some of the finest skin care products which can actively influence your grooming and assist you to obtain by far the most out of your respective physical appearance and skin tone. Store on the net at Amazon India to discover the best treatment plans and masks. Resource Generating your own personal homemade face masks and scrubs is pretty easy. Why purchase a keep-purchased face mask when You need to use basic ingredients identified across the household to create masks that Price pennies?
coffee face mask No Further a Mystery
This really is used to detect certain browsers or devices in the event the entry the company, which is utilized for protection factors. Vibrant, shiny and tangerine, the peel of the orange has antioxidants and applying it routinely in face packs will provide you with very clear and brighter pores and skin in no time. By logging into your account, you comply with our Conditions of Use and Privacy Plan, and to using cookies as described therein. Get it done your self: With a whisk, combine the spirulina powder and banana, then increase the lemon juice. Implement to your face and leave on for 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse with warm drinking water. In accordance with the regulation of 8th December 1992, you are able to accessibility the database made up of your personal information and modify this information and facts at any time by contacting Link to Media ([email protected]) Thanx. I am a black/african lady 0f forty one. I am mild in complection, but my face appears to be like so dull and grey. I have experimented with evri products but my pores and skin retaliates pores and skin treatment regimen. With this simple blemish-getting rid of face mask, you only want two other ingredients: honey and yogurt. These powerhouse ingredients are stuffed with nutrients that deliver nourishing Added benefits to pores and skin. Honey, in particular, can help in evening out discolorations and blemishes on skin. A different excellent study! This is One more terrific idea for honey: it works fantastic on pink eye and staph bacterial infections! I'd pink eye a few moments, about 4 years back when my oldest son was in daycare. Not one of the prescribed eye drops seemed to be encouraging, but black tea and honey did the trick! Also, I'd a staph an infection and Yet again, the antibiotics weren't carrying out Considerably to clear it up. Stepping into the deeper layers with the pores and skin, yeast fungi begin to actively metabolize Unwanted fat during the cells, take away toxins, and good influence on metabolism. Purely natural astringent. It absorbs excessive oils on pores and skin's surface and deep throughout the pores. Lemon juice has antibacterial Qualities that eliminate acne triggering germs. Furthermore, it fades acne scars and darkish places. To produce powdered orange peel, basically preserve up orange peels in the natural and organic oranges you eat, eliminate the white fribrous elements on the inside from the peel, and wash them in warm distilled water. Using thoroughly clean palms or a sanitized brush, gently apply the mixture throughout your face, keeping away from the attention region. Lie down and leave the mask on for 10 to quarter-hour. Clean it absent with warm drinking water, pat your face dry and abide by up with your preferred toner and moisturizer. This is an additional fantastic pack to eliminate tan and brighten the skin. Acquire 2 tbsp orange peel powder, incorporate in some drops of lime and also to this incorporate a tbsp Every of fullers earth and sandalwood powder to generate a sleek paste. Sure, you wish to be mindful when utilizing certain peel-off masks which means you don’t do much more hurt than fantastic, but pretty much these masks offer some really compelling Rewards. Face masks can:
The Fact About yeast face mask That No One Is Suggesting
Prior to deciding to set a mask on the face, firstclean pores and skin tonic, and better yet - make effortless peeling, for instance scrub. The skin right after this process will be very good to absorb nutrients from cooked mask you. Magnificent submit! i love a superb Do-it-yourself, would you be capable of go into depth as to why these things do the factors they are doing Clean oranges and peel off the very best most portion. Endeavor to steer clear of the white section as much as is possible. For this, ensure that you use a sharp knife. 2. Then, in a unique container, you increase one particular teaspoon of tomato puree and the identical amount of rice flour With this. Sure, you should be careful when using specified peel-off masks so you don’t do far more hurt than excellent, but practically all of these masks offer some quite powerful Advantages. Face masks can: A strawberry face mask is likely to make the pores and skin glow furthermore appear lovely, and really helps to heal acne and acne scars. This face mask is best for oily skin. Soak uncooked rice within the water. Upcoming, take the strawberries and soaked rice and blend them in a single blender to generate a clean paste. It is a little bit drying, but usual moisturizer remedy Later on would work (though I usually hold out somewhat just after masks, don't need to apply just about anything when pores are open up. Fruits are rich in AHAs along with other micronutrients that nourish and mend the skin. When costly pores and skin creams declare to include 'fruit compounds,' they sometimes only comprise a portion from the nutrients which have been located in the fruit alone. Help you save on your own The cash plus the chemical injury and make your very own home made skin products and solutions. Cold temperature can aggravate rosacea, leaving faces reddened and blotchy, and in some cases bumpy as well. The apple cider vinegar really helps to stabilize the pH of your skin, while the oatmeal lessens irritation and another components soothe and moisturize. I never rubbed the yeast on my pores and skin as a gommage or exfoliating action before washing my face so perhaps I could try this next time. I tried merely a mask per se. Implementing orange juice with your face is so valuable. So just think about how a lot more valuable it would be to use the peel, rich in skin-boosting nutrients, on your own face! The strength of the silicone skin patch lies inside the microclimate it results in involving your skin as well as the patch. This microclimate does a few critical points: Egg White Face Masks—Egg whites are noted for their capacity to tone significant pores and lower excess sebum, making them perfect for those with Obviously oily skin.
The Greatest Guide To yeast face mask
Blend all the above substances in a little bowl. Use a thick coat of your mixture onto your clean up face. Permit it sit for quarter-hour or right up until it dries out. Combine a tablespoon of finely ground coffee beans with two tablespoons of ground oat along with a tablespoon of honey. Unfold the mixture on the face. Leave it on for 20 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water. This coffee face mask is ideal for the sensitive skin. Oat assists in lessening pores and skin discomfort. In addition it assists in exfoliation. Honey moisturizes and nourishes the skin and cuts down blemishes. I even have acne concerns and have already been on clendamycin lotion and recently retin-a cream, so it's not like this 'cured' my acne on your own but I am nonetheless making use of it with the opposite matters. I take advantage of this Pretty much day-to-day, It truly is amazing the way it's Light plenty of yet dries acne spots and assists moisturize simultaneously. I appeared up why yeast will help and it was attributed to helping cell turnover so your spots mend a lot quicker and fade faster/even tone and will potentially also assist with wrinkles; exactly the same explanation men and women use Retin-A. Honey is naturally antibacterial, which will help the skin battle off acne. In addition it has an an amazing antioxidant capability, and you'd like antioxidants about to combat the no cost radicals that injury the skin. A strawberry face mask will make the skin glow plus glance beautiful, and helps you to treatment acne and acne scars. This face mask is ideal for oily skin. Like some other dwelling face masks, yeast face mask has many indications to be used, which must be known in advance of to undertake its preparation. Yeast face mask is recommended: increase yeast to your citrus, blend and implement on your face, keep the mask for twenty five minutes and afterwards rinse with great h2o. Pores and skin Care is vital to each of us and plays a very important part within our grooming process. Amazon India offers you a considerable number of items that are created to meet your skin treatment wants. You'll be able to look through by means of our choice to locate the solution of the choice by utilizing beneficial research parameters for instance models, seller, price tag, availability and common buyer opinions. Time to say goodbye to acne and pimples. Blend orange peel powder with oatmeal and baking soda to make the final word pimple annihilation face mask. Preparation: Scoop out the seeds of your apple and operate the rest through a mixer for making a wonderful pulp. Then, insert a few to 4 tablespoons of honey in to the pulp. The amount of honey will count on the size from the apple and what number of masks you intend to make with it. Now, unfold this paste gently and Similarly using a facial mask spatula or brush with your cleanse neck and face; maintain your eye location clear. Many people throw out orange peels once they’re completed eating or juicing an orange. But Are you aware that orange peels can be a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants? The orange peels actually have a better vitamin C information as opposed to fleshy inside! Thanks for his posting. My teenage son has struggled with acne and we are attempting a variety of different things today.
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Corneal ulcer treatment through home remedies and natural cures
Corneal ulcer treatment through home remedies and natural cures
Corneal ulcer is epithelial defect with underlying inflammation on the cornea or open sore. The cornea is the clear structure in the front of your eye. Iris is the colored part of the eye. The cornea overlies the iris. Cornea is separated from the iris by the aqueous fluid in the anterior chamber of the eye. The corneal ulcer will often appear as a gray or white opaque or translucent area on the normally clear and transparent area. In the most cases corneal ulcers are caused by bacterial infections. They can cause corneal ulcers and they are very common in people who wear lenses [1]. There are some studies in which are shown that the bacteria can directly invade the cornea if the corneal surface has been disrupted. There are some bacteria which are producing toxins that can cause ulceration of the cornea. Also fungal infections can cause corneal ulcers and they can happen with the improper care of the contact lenses or with overuse of eye drops that have steroids. There are some parasites like Acanthamoeba which could lead to corneal ulcers. There are some viruses which can cause corneal ulcer such as the Varicella virua (the virus that causes both shingles and chickenpox) and herpes simplex virus (the virus that causes cold sores). Also tiny scratches or tiny cuts in the corneal surface can become infected and they can lead to corneal ulcers. For example, glass, wood or metal, or almost any type of particle which strikes the cornea can cause minor trauma. Talk with your doctor if you suffer from corneal ulcer before you start using some of the below mentioned home remedies. Your doctor needs to know the cause of your corneal ulcers and the natural treatment of this condition is depending on the cause for it. [2]
Corneal ulcer home remedy
Tea tree oil: This is a powerful essential oil and when it is applied on the eyelid and around the eye, then it can help in the fight against the parasitic eye infection. You should keep in your mind that this type of home remedy should not be placed in the eye. Scientists are saying that when tea tree oil is used around the eye, then it can be seen improvement in the inflammation, vision and tear production and they have said that the recurrence of a parasitic infection of the eye was rare. [3] Eye care: During your healing process of corneal ulcers, you need to wear sunglasses and you should avoid unnecessary eye strain. Also you should use a moist warm compress on the eyes because this will give comfort and it will fight against the infection. You should mix three cups of very warm water with ten drops of oregano oil and soak a clean washcloth in it. You should ring well and then place the washcloth over the eyes for twenty minutes.
Corneal ulcer treatment
Colloidal silver: There are some studies in which are said that the colloidal silver can kill germs by binding the germs and then it is destroying them [4]. When you put a couple of drops in your eyes of colloidal silver, then it can kill some types of infections. This home remedy is generally considered as safe but it can interact with certain tetracycline antibiotics, quinolone antibiotics, penicillamine and the popular hypothyroidism drug levothyroxine should be avoided. Before you start using colloidal silver as your natural treatment for the corneal ulcer, you need to talk with your doctor if it is suitable for you and for the correct dosage [5]. L – Lysine: You should take 1000 mg, 3 times a day of this home remedy when you are fighting against a viral infection. There are some studies in which are shown that the L – Lysine (it is an essential amino acid) can help to fight and prevent recurrent viral infections [6,7]. Also you should include foods that have L – Lysine such as eggs, pumpkin seeds, white beans, wild tuna, lamb, grass – fed beef and parmesan cheese to your diet. If you want to have a healthy and easy lunch or light dinner which can help you in the fight against the corneal ulcer, then you should make tuna pasta salad which has brown rice pasta and wild – caught tuna. Echinacea: When you suffer from corneal ulcer that is caused by an infection, then you should take 500 mg of Echinacea, 3 times per day. There are some studies in which are proven that this home remedy can help to fight the bacteria and viruses and at the same time it enhances immune system function [8]. This home remedy is generally considered as safe but if you are taking immunosuppresants or econazole which is a popular antifungal medication, then you should avoid taking Echinacea supplements. Also this home remedy can increase the amount of time it takes the body to break down caffeine, so this is a reason why you should avoid taking caffeine. Zinc: When you are fighting against an infection, then you should take 50 mg of zinc every day. It has antioxidant properties which can lessen the inflammation and improve the immune system response. Also this mineral is very recommended for people who have a risk of developing ARED (Age Related Eye Disease). You should consume foods that are rich in zinc such as cocoa powder, garbanzo beans, grass – fed beef, pumpkin seeds and lamb. Vitamin C: You should take 1000 mg of Vitamin C, 3 times a day while you are fighting against an infection because this can help to boost your immune system response. This vitamin can boost the immunity but also it can improve the vision for people who have an inflammation of the eye and it can protect against the macular degeneration [9]. Also you should include foods that are rich in Vitamin C sin your diet such as citrus fruits, kiwi, red bell peppers, black currants and guava. You should enjoy in your morning eating strawberry kiwi smoothie because this will provide a boost of protein because of the yogurt and at the same time kiwi is a great source of Vitamin C. Dietary changes: You should change your diet when you are fighting an infection, particularly a fungal infection because this is the key for your healing. If you are diagnosed with a fungal infection, then it is very important to remove the yeast and other fungi from your diet and you should follow a candida diet which will be prescribed by your doctor. You should focus on eating probiotic – rich foods like sauerkraut, kefir and yogurt and you should boost your intake of fats, protein and fiber. Vitamin D: It is known fact that when someone is fighting against any type of infection, then he or she needs to increase the Vitamin D levels in his/her body. People, who have a corneal abrasion or eye injury and who have Vitamin D deficiency, can be more prone to developing an infection. You should take high – quality Vitamin D3 supplement after you have talked with your doctor for the correct dosage. You should try to get a minimum of ten to fifteen minutes each day of direct sunlight, without sunscreen. You should wear sunglasses to protect your injured eyes and you should focus on consuming foods that are rich in Vitamin D such as salmon, eel, mackerel and halibut (these are wild fishes that are rich in Vitamin D). Also there are many studies in which are shown that the Vitamin D can improve the immune system response, concentration and mood [10]. Vitamin A: There are many studies in which are said that boosting the intake of Vitamin A while you are fighting an eye problem is very important and this home remedy is ranged at the top of the list for eye and vision health. It can reduce the inflammation. Also it can improve the neurological function and it can fight against the damage that is caused by free radicals. Also it can fight against the poor eye health which is linked to Vitamin A deficiency. You should eat foods that are rich in Vitamin A because in this way you will boost this vitamin in your body. When you eat three ounces of beef liver, then this will provide you with 3 times amount of Vitamin A for the daily recommended value. If you do not want to eat the beef liver, then you can swap it with bell peppers, romaine lettuce, raw carrots and sweet potatoes. If you have decided to take Vitamin A supplement, then you should remember that this vitamin is fat soluble and you should take it with healthy fat for the best absorption. If you suffer from chronic dry eyes, then you should choose natural eye drops which have a combination of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E as well as selenium and zinc. They will give you a relief from your condition but also they can help you a lot in the natural treatment of corneal ulcers. References: [1] Khuu T, Denial A. Contact lens - related corneal ulcer: A teaching case report. Optometric Education. 2011;37(1):44-52. [2] Asroruddin M, Nora RLD, Edwar L, et al. Various factors affecting the bacterial corneal ulcer healing: a 4-years study in referral tertiary eye hospital in Indonesia. Medical Journal of Indonesia. 2015;24(3). [3] Hadas E, Derda M, Cholewinski M. Evaluation of the effectiveness of tea tree oil in treatment of Acanthamoeba infection. Parasitology Research. 2017;116(3):997-1001. [4] Iroha IR, Esimone CO, Orji JO, Imomoh OO. Antibacterial efficacy of colloidal silver alone and in combination with other antibiotics on isolates from wound infections. Scientific Research and Essay. 2007;2(8):338-341. [5] Barrett S. Colloidal silver: Risk without benefit. Quackwatch. 2019. Retrieved from https://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/PhonyAds/silverad.html. [6] Griffith RS, Walsh DE, Myrmel KH, et al. Success of L-lysine therapy in frequently recurrent herpes simplex infection. Treatment and prophylaxis. Dermatologica. 1987;175(4):183-90. [7] Pedrazini MC, Araujo VC, Montalli VAM. The effect of L-Lysine in recurrent herpes labialis: pilot study with a 8-year follow up. RGO - Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia. 2018;66(3). [8] Karsch-Volk M, Barrett B, Kiefer D, et al. Echinacea for preventing and treating the common cold. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2014. [9] Gorusupudi A, Nelson K, Bernstein PS. The age-related eye disease 2 study: Micronutrients in the treatment of macular degeneration. 2017;8(1):40-53. [10] Nair R, Maseeh A. Vitamin D: The "sunshine" vitamin. Journal of Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics. 2012;3(2):118-126.
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