#Liv in the future 3000
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Here are some links to those posts.
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this is a really cool IG account i found called @livinthefuture ! i really love the art style and every post is actually a snippet of this girl, Liv’s, story about how she got sucked into the future and is dealing with all the craziness, conspiracy, and all in the year 3000! basically a webcomic on IG told in 1st person.. it’s a really cool story and i’m obsessed so just wanted to share <3 
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baekzhang · 7 years
paperweight | pcy
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park chanyeol. reader-insert. 5,2k words. fluff/angst. au
—it couldn’t hold onto those letters forever. Neither could he hold onto her.
this one is for Liv
“Dear Chanyeol, 
I’m not quite sure whether to classify you as dumb or cute. Seriously, Park Chanyeol? You sent a ring along with a letter with the words “will you marry me?”and a doodle of yourself kneeling, I can’t believe you!
Oh, and PS: Yes, I will.
Love, ____.”
Dear Chanyeol,
I’ll be moving abroad next week. Dad just told me he would be stationed somewhere in Europe. I’m sorry. We wanted to celebrate your 19th birthday together, but I guess I have to break that promise. However, I will write you as much as I can! We will stay friends. Forever, for always. You won’t get rid of me.
Love, _____. 
Dear Chanyeol,
Okay, I just arrived at the new house. It’s not as nice as our old one, although it’s bigger. But I speak zero Spanish, I mean, except for ¡Hola señor!, but that is the biggest of my capacity. How is life? How is it without the best of the best a.k.a me? It must be boring as hell. Drink some soju for me because they only have some cerveza here. Okay, maybe I know some more than hola. 
Love, _____. 
Dear Chanyeol, 
Can you believe it? I ate bubble gum ice cream again! You and I used to share a scoop because YOU (and I, but mostly YOU) always spent your money on these stupid trading cards and so we were broke and had to count every damn won for one damn ice cream. I felt alive. Thinking of you. Please, come to Spain someday. I still don’t know Spanish. It’s been a month. Save me, Yeol. 
Love, _____. 
Dear Chanyeol, 
I just read your letter and I won’t answer your goo texts on kakao. Pen pal is better than texting and drunk calling. At least you have to invest some money into communication here. I heard you got a job as a composer. Remember when you wrote this song for that girl from your class and she flat out rejected you? She was a dumb bitch, that song was so damn good. I hope you let some A+ singer sing it someday, it will be the biggest hit for sure. Count me in as a buyer, although it takes like two weeks for the shipping, but some killing anticipation is satanic, yet pleasing. 
Love, _____. 
Dear Chanyeol, 
Ah yeah, it wasn’t really finished yet! You mentioned that. But hey that one verse alone had me! It’s been three years since then, but I still remember it very well. Why did you never write a song for me? I feel stabbed. Just kidding, would be cool if you wrote one for me, too, someday. You know, some credit for these eighteen years I stuck with your ass. And I would have done even longer if I wasn’t stuck in Europe. But if you close your eyes, drink three beer and look at some moderate looking girl walking by, it’s basically like I am still there. 
Love, _____. 
Dear Chanyeol, 
¡Hola mi amigo! Puedo hablar un poco español por la presente… But seriously, I hate that I have to learn a new language. And they talk faster than you when you tried to rap like Zico. Imagine what their hiphop sounds like? Probably like 2x sped up triple time Eminem rap. Anyway, Dad said that I might [sic!] be able to visit you during the summer! Isn’t that great? Because I think it is. I know you have a job, I have, too, although I really suck at communicating, but I am somehow managing. Let’s meet soon. You still owe me the 3000 won for when I chugged down that warm beer and almost died. I want barbecue, and you and your freshly filled wallet cannot stop me. 
Love, _____. 
Dear Buzz Lightyeol, 
You are always so busy. You take eternities and beyond to reply. It’s been three weeks since I sent that letter. Answer me. Also, I booked the flight. It’s only for a week because my boss didn’t think I am worth of more days off, but it’s better than nothing, I guess. 
Love, _____. 
Dear Chanyeol, 
It’s okay, you were busy and your handwriting is ugly, so you take weeks to write a sentence. I forgive you. Three weeks till my flight. Fuel your wallet because I will eat a lot! Also! Jongdae became a singer!? I just went through Naver and his face popped up! Tell him that no matter what clothes he’ll wear, he’ll still remain the three-year-old boy who pissed his pants when my Dad played Santa back then. 
Love, _____. 
Dear Chanyeol, 
Honestly, fuck that I am in Seoul and my hotel is five minutes away from your apartment. This letter writing game is fun and I’ll sneakily put this in your jacket when you don’t look because I am just that level of ninja. It was a great first day out of seven. I can’t believe you got a balloon with my name on it and brought it to the airport. You are crazy, but I like that about you so much, though. Just stay crazy. Don’t be lame like Kyungsoo. I cannot believe that after eight months all he had to offer to me was a hand shake. Like? What about a hug? Money? Food? Is he broke on feelings and wallet or what? But at least you love me enough to get me a balloon. You’re the best. 
Love, _____. 
Dear Chanyeol, 
Okay but I really didn’t expect you to actually pay for the entire beef I ordered. Did you rob a bank? It’s okay, you can share your secrets and money with me. It’s so good to see your stupid face again after so long. It’s amazing how we aren’t so awkward and that I can still knock on your door at midnight with soju and watch Grey’s Anatomy. Why are you always crying, though? You watched the first five seasons at least twenty times omg. Also, I’m laughing. You still haven’t seen the first letter I hid in your pocket. You’re so oblivious, it’s actually cute. 
Love, _____. 
Dear Chanyeol, 
I apologize for being so clingy today, although you didn’t seem to mind too much. You are just very tall and even though you have the tendency to look like a child when you grin, puberty really did justice to you and not having seen you for so long made me get hit with that fact as if with a brick. You’re handsome. There. Smile, smirk, grin, I don’t care. I like you. You are cute. You are funny. You bought me food. You are my best buddy. Date me: 
 ↳ Yes [x]    No [ ]    Maybe [ ] 
I answered on behalf of you already. No stepping out. This is a contract for eternity. 
Love, your new found girlfriend. 
Dear Chanyeol, 
Good that your taste doesn’t suck as much as it did back then with your old crush. What was her name again? I forgot. I can’t believe I had to literally shove the letters into your hands because you didn’t find them. It’s sad that this is already day 4/7. Like seriously, maybe I should just quit my job and life in Spain. Dad said I am old enough to move out and live my own life. I kinda want that…but I don’t want to leave my old life behind like that. It’s so hard that I have to decide between (eloping with) my boyfriend or my family. I want to have you kiss me everyday, but I can only have this for the next three days. Don’t waste your lips on beer bottles too much. You have some perfectly fine lips to kiss right in front of you. 
Love, _____. 
Dear Chanyeol, 
You’ve been my boyfriend for only two days now, but I am damn sure you are the best. Seriously, I never even mentioned going to the sea and what are you doing? You take me to the sea. What can I do? Burn toast and have you almost choke on it. And you dare to say it tasted delicious. Lying is not good, Park Chanyeol (but thank you for caring about me so much, though. You’re a jem with e and a). 
Love, _____. 
Dear Chanyeol, 
Baekhyun is third wheeling so hard and he enjoys it. He’s very precious, you found a good substitute for the best friend position. But don’t you tall bitch dare take him for the girlfriend/boyfriend position once I depart tomorrow. I will return and chop your thumbs. Also thank you for having stayed the night. Not in that way, but for just being there. It was nice to wake up to your snoring self and atop your really comfy sweater. It’s very soft and suits you way too well for my own good. 
Love, _____. 
Dear Chanyeol, 
You looked so sad when you realized it’s our last day. I’m writing this whilst you are getting me my drink, just in case you’re wondering. Also this handwriting will be hella quick and you might not be able to read everything, but I try to be fast here. Don’t worry, I’ll come back, or you come to me. We will continue to write letters. Maybe I will FaceTime with you, too…if you’re lucky, which you are because I like you very much. Help, I don’t want to leave. I want to stay with you and watch some stupid 2 a.m tv shows and fall asleep in your arms again. There is so much I want to do, but there’s no time for now, which sucks. 
Love, ______. 
Dear Chanyeol, 
Ha! I wonder when you’ll find this letter because this is my secret letter that I didn’t place in front of your self. I stole your sweater :) and I don’t intend to return it. So you have to come to Europe to get it back! 
Love, ______. 
Dear Chanyeol, 
Okay, I’m back to Europe. Dad asked why I was smiling so much and told him that he’s at fault that I am separated from my future husband and he laughed so much, but he was happy. So don’t worry, he won’t murder you when you introduce yourself to be my boyfriend to him. I mean, it would be crazy if he blew a fuss. He basically was present at your first poop, so… 
Love, _____. 
Dear Chanyeol, 
You haven’t answered my last letter yet, it’s only been a few days, so it’s still on the way—consider yourself lucky. Even though I really love sending letters, why am I only now hearing that you are Jongdae’s producer? He has the voice of a god! He better not mess up your masterpieces. But hey, now you have that AAA singer for that song. Oh my, I keep nagging you with it. I’m sorry. 
Love, ______. 
Dear Chanyeol, 
Dad saw the letter that just came and he ran upstairs like the biggest moron and kept teasing me. What is he? Twelve? Baekhyun? He was mentioning a surprise, but who knows. My old man has been acting anything close to old currently and behaves like a child, so I can probably only expect some spoiled chocolate cake from him. How is work going? I’m sorry I didn’t take your call yesterday (although when you read this a week has probably already passed). Can mailmen be faster, please? But yeah, I was at work and I already have a strike for having been late twice. I miss you, Yeol. Your sweater began smelling more like me than you, I’m going insane. 
Love, _____. 
 Dear Chanyeol, 
I saw Jongdae on tv today! And I could have sworn you were that undeniably handsome and tall man in the back. It might already be around a month since my visit to Seoul, but you’ve been having that sassy posture since you were five years old! I see you, Park Chanyeol. Also, Jesus, don’t send food here. It will spoil on the way unless it’s chocolate or something…that lasts longer. But I’m sure your first gimbap tasted amazing when it was still edible. You can cook for me when I visit again! 
Love, _____. 
Dear Chanyeol,
Mom found old pictures from kindergarten. We looked so cute in them, even Jongdae. Back then he didn’t have that shit eating grin like he has now. But you were so cute, cutest baby cheeks alive. It’s so sad that we live like miles and miles apart. I miss you so much! You should come and visit me. I could show you around a little bit.
Love, _____.
Dear Chanyeol, 
You could have just told me that you would be in a music video, you know. Especially when you are looking like the biggest fuckboi in it and make out with some girl instead of having me find it on YouTube. I don’t know if I should be mad at the fact that you didn’t tell me or because you are doing stuff with that girl you never did with me. But then I tell myself that you probably didn’t choose the theme of the song or the music video. It still hurts. And I don’t know if I’m lying to myself that we work out when we’re so far away from each other. I don’t know. Maybe I just shouldn’t send this letter at all. Congratulations. The public seems to acknowledge you for your looks, acting and your musical talent. You made it. That’s the sunny side to this story, I guess.
Love, _____.
Dear Chanyeol,
It’s alright, I’m not mad anymore. I was talking to Jongdae and he said you weren’t comfortable with the situation in the music video, and—even though he is the biggest jokester next to Byun Baekyhun—I trust him on that. You don’t have to apologize. I was just too jealous, I shouldn’t have been. It’s your job, it’s not like you grew feelings for that woman. She was probably not really comfortable either… Let’s just not dwell onto such topic, alright? I passed all my college exams for this term, I’m beat. I was studying so much that I pretty much forget that I was mad at all. You’re so lucky to be a music genius and already have a stable career and a well paid job.
Love, ____.  
Dear Chanyeol, 
I forgot to sent you a letter on your birthday. I’m horrible and I feel miserable. I don’t know how I can even apologize for not congratulating you and not even reacting to your texts and calls. You seemed so worried, but I couldn’t talk to anyone that day. I felt like shit, I just now I feel a little less like shit after I emptied the one or other beer. Chanyeol, it’s my mom. She cheated on my dad and they want a divorce. I’m supposed to be an adult and handle this, but they are my parents. I grew up with the idea of them being the perfect couple, that nothing could get in between them, and I thought we’d be the same. But now? It feels like everything my mom said was a lie. When she said she loved Dad and that we are the most important people for her. It hurts, Chanyeol. And I know you can’t do anything, but I also know that you will try. I don’t know when I will deal with everything better, I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea of me. I like you a lot, Park Chanyeol. It’s just hard for me to take a pen in my hand and write this all down. If you don’t hear from me anytime soon, don’t worry too much alright? I’ll be better.
Love, _____.
Dear Chanyeol, 
No, just no. You don’t know what it feels like. Your parents are still together, they are not fighting and cheating on each other. They are not feeding you with lies of being together forever and loving each other, okay!? You don’t know what it feels like, and I hope you’ll never have to experience it either because it sucks. It just sucks.
Love, _____.
Dear Chanyeol,
I realized after I sent the letter that I was overreacting. I hope this one will make it you on the same day as the one before. I’m sorry, you tried to comfort me. I shouldn’t have unleashed my frustration on you. It’s Mom’s fault and not yours. You’re never at fault, you’re the only one who hasn’t lied to me. You’re one of those people who immediately say what’s up and not hold it in forever till I find out. I value you a lot, Park Chanyeol. I want us to be together forever, unlike what happened to my parents. I want us to do better than them. And I feel like we do even though we are continents apart. 
Love, _____.
Dear Chanyeol,
I feel even worse about what I said in that bitchy letter. How dare you just show up at my doorstep like this. How do you even have Dad’s number, and how dare he tell you the address. Just kidding, I’m glad he did. Also, why the hell am I writing you a letter when you sit right next to me. This letter game is really out of hand. Let me guess, you want the sweater I stole back, right? But you have to comfort me and go on a date with me first, else I’ll hide it forever. For how long are you staying? Just for the weekend! That’s too short. Okay, I stop this now. This is getting awkward to write.
Love, _____.
Dear Chanyeol, 
You’re sleeping right now and you look super soft, but you snore so loud that I can’t sleep. Thank you for today. It was nice, everything was. From the date, to well, now. It was my first, but you probably know that, since I was the forever virgin back then. You, too, though! Sehun kept teasing us about it just because he had a girlfriend before you. What a loser. Hey, Chanyeol, I love you. You always do thing for me that no sane person would ever do. Like how back then when I was late for an exam you ate Baekhyun’s horrible cooking just to really look like you were sick…and well, from what I heard of Jongdae, you also puked on Mr. Park’s new shoes. 
Love, ____.
Dear Chanyeol,
It was good to see you again, and Jongdae called me just now saying where the fuck you are. Did you seriously book a flight without telling your boss, just because I was a devastated mess? Proves again that you’re insane! I don’t know how I even deserve you.
Also thank you for letting me keep the sweater. You were wearing it before you left. It smells like you again. Gosh that sounded cheesy. You’re infecting me with your flowery language, Park Chanyeol! Not that I mind.
Love, ____.
Dear Chanyeol, 
Why did I decide to study Psychology again? My head is spinning from all the revising I have to do! I just read through all the letters you sent me, I really needed a break. How is it going by the way? I was looking through Naver and I saw that Jongdae is preparing for a comeback? And apparently you are going to produce that album! Write him good songs, his voice is great. Maybe you can sneak yourself into a feature haha. I don’t know much about music, but I know that your voice sounds just perfect and you and Jongdae could really pull off a duet. Maybe get Baekhyun for it, too! He can sing well, although he was always pissing off Mrs. Choi in choir class. But she overlooked everything because he had the best voice and even when he was sick he hit all the notes. Speaking of Baekhyun, he keeps sending me wedding dress pictures and edits our heads on some Google Image wedding pictures. He’s crazy, give him a hug from me.
Love, ____.
Dear Chanyeol,
I’m not quite sure whether to classify you as dumb or cute. Seriously, Park Chanyeol? You sent a ring along with a letter with the words “will you marry me?”and a doodle of yourself kneeling, I can’t believe you!
Oh, and PS: Yes, I will.
Love, ____.
Dear Chanyeol, 
Honestly, it feels so weird wearing the ring and having to explain that it came by the mail. Seriosuly, Park Chanyeol, you could have just done that when you were here to visit me. Maybe it wasn’t really the best of moments, but Jesus, it would be a lie if I’d have said no then, no matter how grumpy and period cramps fueled I might have been. Also, stop Jongdae from sending me memes from We Got Married with our faces on. First Baekhyun and now Jongdae, doesn’t he have something to do? Like, singing for example? And you still haven’t told me anything about Jongdae’s comeback, and neither has he because I refuse to answer to his texts since they are all about “your boy Chanyeol wanna smooch you” and “name one child after me”. He’s ridiculous, but…if we ever have kids and one is a really big idiot with the loudest voice, sure, let’s name him Jongdae.
Love, ____.
Dear Chanyeol,
Mom called me today and I at first only wanted to hang up, but in the end I heard her out and met her with her new boyfriend…or more like the affair. I don’t like him, although he was nice to me and she seemed happy, I just can’t befriend with the idea of being all chill with the homewrecker. Is that childish of me, Yeol?
And what am I seeing there? Jongdae spammed me with his teaser pictures instead of memes, can you believe! He said that his comeback is going to take a while though, and that these teaser pictures will probably not be out till a few months. Work some faster haha. I want to listen to the masterpieces you’ve been hiding from me, your fiancee. We shouldn’t have secrets from each other, and with secrets I mean: send me your music. Nah, just kidding, you’re a perfectionist. I’ll patiently wait till Jongdae will send me all the music files the comeback.
Love, ____.
Dear Chanyeol,
Sorry for not replying so long! And don’t be confused because of the address, too! Dad is now stationed in the U.K. I finally was able to Spanish and then we’re moving again. I forgot half of the English we had in school, Chanyeol! But just saying, if Jongdae ever plans a world tour, he should come to Europe and the U.K. My personal recommendation is to go to chippie and get yourself saveloy. The best stuff you can get. I sent you a selfie of me at one of these iconic British phone boxes. Even though Spain grew to me, I like it here, too. You should definitely come and visit me.
Love, ____.
Dear Chanyeol,
Dad asked if you’d like to come over soon! He actually transformed his old hobby room into…a room just for you. He likes you a lot and he was probably even happier about that cringe proposal via mail than I was. So yeah, you have a room here now, and I’m going to be really honest here: why the heck does your room look better than mine? And it’s bigger than mine! The injustice, I’m his blood and he chooses your sorry ass over me. 
But still, Dad has always been like…dangerous when it came to boys. And here he is, waiting till the wedding we have not even planned out yet. We’re still so young and being engaged is great, too. But we’ll marry, right? I mean…you didn’t propose for nothing.
Love, ____.
Dear Chanyeol,
Dad got me into soccer, like not the playing one, but just watching. He started liking soccer already in Spain when he supported Atlético like his life depended on it. I wasn’t too interested in it back then, but hey, so many people here are into soccer and after having watched some matches with Dad, it’s actually interesting. I can finally understand Lu Han, I guess. Though not too much on the Real Madrid part? 
Tell him he should switch teams. Who needs Real when you have Hotspur or Dortmund? Who needs Ronaldo when you have Son Heung-min and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang?
Love, ____.
Dear Chanyeol,
I just went for the mail and seriously? You bought me a Borussia Dortmund jersey and put your name on it. “I’m the true keeper and not Bürki”, cheesy much? But yeah, you are, Park Chanyeol. You are the one and only keeper, although you’d be the first to hide from the ball when you were the goal keeper. 
Love, ____.
Dear Keeper, 
No, I did not ditch you for Roman Bürki haha. I’m sorry for replying so late, on phone and by letter. Dad and I went for a little vacation in the middle of nowhere—camping and father-daughter bonding, don’t ask—and there was no post office and I had zero internet, so…I’m sorry.
Also, if I won’t reply quickly, I’m currently very caught up with exams. I had to retake some because I moved and it’s all so stressful. I want to do good, so don’t worry too much.
How is everything going with Jongdae? It’s been a while since his last spam, he must be busy, too.
Love, ____.
Dear Chanyeol,
Guess who is in England and into whom I ran today? Minseok! He’s actually an exchange student, but just for a couple of weeks. His English is better than mine, I feel offended, but Minseok was always good at everything. I remember how we were all such good friends and Minseok always saved our ass when we caused trouble. Oh God, do you remember when I had such a big crush on him and I confessed to him by letter and I accidentally placed the letter in Baekhyun’s jacket? He kept annoying the shit out of me and I had to pay him way too much snacks to have him shut his big mouth. 
Love, ____.
Dear Chanyeol,
Oh my, there is no need to be jealous! I only like you, my keeper! Besides, Minseok will be off to Seoul when this letter reaches you, so it’s all good. It was just nice to talk to someone, who I actually know. It was lonely for the first weeks because I didn’t know how to interact with people. How do you get along with people so well, Yeol? Share your secrets! 
But I miss you so much! I’m wearing your sweater right now and sit in “your” room. Really, Dad put so much effort into this, you should at least sleep here like once…please?
Love, ____.
Dear Chanyeol,
I can’t believe I missed you! My aunt recently moved to Scotland, so I went to visit her there. You should have told me in advance, I’d have met up with her some other day. Dad told me immediately when I cam back. You were literally only there to sleep there once. You could have stayed longer, you know?
But it’s alright, I messed it up. Next time I’ll be there no matter what!
Love, ____.
Dear Chanyeol,
Again, sorry for replying so late. I had half of the letter written, but never sent it. So now I’m writing it again. Jongdae was texting me just now and I saw all the messages you sent me. My phone was on silent, ah, I feel so bad. Anyway, Jongdae sent me a mp3 file, some teaser for the title track! I was kind of hoping it would be that song from years ago to be honest. But this one is good, too. Very catchy, I’m proud of you, Park Chanyeol. Your birthday comes up so soon, too! I try to visit you, oh wait, that was actually meant to be a surprise. Though, let’s all be real here, Baekhyun already told you that, right?
Love, ____.
Dear Chanyeol, 
Promise me to never be mad at me! I may have lied to you. But it wasn’t because I wanted to, it’s just. Nevermind.
Love, a liar.
Dear Chanyeol,
It sucks that your birthday always brings more pain to you than happiness ever since I moved away, twice. Surprise, I’ve been trying hard to fight. But I can’t anymore. Back then I didn’t write you for weeks because I was in hospital doing chemo. Also, my aunt never moved to Scotland, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to lie, but I wanted even less for you to worry. It was stupid. I thought everything would be fine. I really did. They told me I was doing well, I was a real fighter. But the tumor was fighting, too. When this letter arrives at yours, at your birthday, I’ll be already…gone…again. And this time I can’t write you anymore. My hand keeps shaking, so my Dad is writing this for me. I’m in hospital again. It’s so white and monotone and everything smells like Kyungsoo’s fabric conditioner basically. Yesterday, I was reading through all the letters you sent me, I even read those stupid messages you sent to my phone. Promise me not to cry. I love you. Just remember that I really do love you…so much. You’re the best person I ever shared bubble gum ice cream with, you are the best composer, best friend, best boyfriend and fiance. Thank you for everything you did for me. Thank you for saving my ass. Thank you for carrying my drunk ass around when I was far away from taking a proper step. Also sorry for having puked on your favorite converse back then. Thank you for loving such a lame person like me. Thank you for being you. Also thank you for having spent money on stamps and perfecting your handwriting to impress me. You didn’t with it, though. But the content did. You are amazing. I wish I could listen to that song you never finished again. I hope you do finish it one day and sing it yourself. Your voice is beautiful. I wish I could have you whisper “I love you” into my ear again. Park Chanyeol, thank you. 
Love, _____. 
Dear _____, 
Guess what! I actually lied to you. I’m sorry, babe, haha. The songs I was writing weren’t for Jongdae to sing, I was just working on one of his songs. I am working on his album now, the work I did during all those months was my own album. It will be out on my birthday, when this letter will arrive along with my album. The song I once sang that you liked so much…I finished it. It’s about you, how much I love you. I hope it will be your new favorite song because this is just for you, my love, my stupid little _____. 
Love, Chanyeol.
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technuter · 5 years
ACT Fibernet rolls out ‘ACT Stream TV 4K’ device
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ACT Fibernet announced the official roll out of its recently launched product ‘ACT Stream TV 4K’ device across Delhi, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Chennai.  In line with the company’s philosophy ‘Feel the Advantage’ ACT Fibernet is bringing the futuristic entertainment streaming 4K box for its customers beginning 2nd August 2019.
ACT Stream TV 4K features and Offerings
Combined with latest technology and design, ACT Stream TV 4K is a full- fledged entertainment device through which users can enjoy movies, TV shows, sports, music videos, live TV and more from existing on-demand streaming providers and TV channels. Some salient features of the box include, Future ready 4K device with Dolby to enable users experience their favourite content with theater like experience Streaming content from popular apps such as Netflix, Hotstar, Sony Liv, Hooq, Zee5, YouTube, Sun NxT and, from 3000+ apps available on Google Play Store.  Customers can also watch over 100+ TV channels. Single click subscription: Customers can subscribe to premium content from existing OTT streaming partners and channels and pay for their subscription directly as part of the ACT Fibernet monthly bill. Catch up TV: Customers can catch up on their favorite TV shows, matches and highlights for upto 24 hours. Powered by Android 9 Pie: Latest Android Pie operating system with access to over 3000 TV apps available on Google Play Store. Voice search powered by Google Assistant: Easily search desired content and overall control the device with voice commands powered by Google Assistant. External devices: Connect hard disk, USB, joysticks and camera to view family pictures, video chat with friends or play games and more. Price, Offers and Plans The ACT Stream TV 4K box is priced attractivelyat INR 4499, and as a special launch offer the device will be available at a refundable deposit of only INR 1500 on select plans across four cities. Users will also get complimentary 1 month Zee5 and 2 months HOOQ subscription and access to premium Live TV channels on complimentary basis until 31st of December 2019. The ACT Stream TV 4K box is available for existing customers / new customers on select plans. In Delhi, customers subscribing to ACT Platinum Promo and ACT Diamond variants can avail the device. Likewise, in Bengaluru customers subscribing to ACT Storm, ACT Lightning, ACT Incredible and ACT Giga broadband plan variants can avail the device. In Hyderabad, customers subscribing to A-Max 1050, A-Max 1299, A-Max 1999 and ACT Giga broadband plans variants can avail the device. Lastly, in Chennai, residents subscribing to ACT Blast Promo, ACT Storm, ACT Lightning, ACT Thunder, ACT Incredible and ACT Giga subscription can avail the device. All plans are available at a monthly, 6 months and 12 months variants to suit the need of customers. The below captures the plan details at a glance: - CITY PLAN INR   Delhi   ACT Platinum Promo 999 ACT Platinum Promo Entertainment 999 ACT Diamond 1249 ACT Diamond Entertainment 1249     Bengaluru ACT Storm 1159 ACT Storm Entertainment 1159 ACT Lightning 1399 ACT Lightning Entertainment 1399 ACT Incredible 1999 ACT incredible entertainment 1999 ACT Giga 5999 ACT Giga Entertainment 5999   Hyderabad A-Max 1050 1050 A-Max 1050 Entertainment 1099 A-Max 1299 1299 A-Max 1299 Entertainment 1299 ACT Incredible 1999 1999 ACT Incredible Entertainment 1999 1999 ACT Giga 5999 ACT Giga Entertainment 5999       Chennai ACT Blast promo 1049 ACT Blast Promo Entertainment 1049 ACT Storm 1099 ACT Storm Entertainment 1099 ACT Lightning 1299 ACT Lightning Entertainment 1299 ACT Incredible 1999 ACT Incredible Entertainment 1999 ACT Giga 2999 ACT Giga Entertainment 2999   Read the full article
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gaycoruscant · 7 years
91 Questions Tag
Thanks to Liv ( @sixty-seven-protons ) for tagging me to answer this mountain of random facts
 1. Drink: Water
 2. Phone call: My friend trying to tell me I was late for a band meeting (yikes!)
 3. Text message: Jon, quote: “oh” as said in reference to being decked in front of the emoji movie theater.
 4. Song I listened to: “DKLA” by Troye Sivan
 5. Time you cried: Idk, Thursday??? Last Wednesday????? Something like that.
 6. Dated someone twice: No
 7. Been cheated on: No I’ve always been a single pringle 8. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope
 9. Lost someone special: I guess
 10. Been depressed: Yeah tb to November when it was real bad
 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no
 12. The yellow color of a ripe wheat field in the sunset
 13. Forest green
 14. Sapphire blue
 15. Made new friends: Yeah! I went from having friends who were only friends at school to having actual people to hang out with, plus a few more
 16. Fallen out of love: I’ve fallen out of crushes
 17. Laughed until you cried: Yep. It was with that shittyflute Toxic video. Look it up. It will CHANGE you.
 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Not really, no
 19. Met someone who changed you: Hell yeah @ my friends
 20. Found out who your true friends were: For the most part.
 21. Kissed someone on your facebook? No I don’t have facebook
 22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? Zero, as in I have no facebook and no facebook friends
 23. Do you have any pets? My dog Lucy!!!
 24. Do you want to change your name? Not really anymore but there was a time where I wished I was named Tara
 25. What did you do on your last birthday? Fucking band camp
 26. What time did you wake up? 8 in the morning (thanks, band)
 27. What were you doing at midnight? Drowning myself in the sweet sweet voice of Troye Sivan
 28. Name something you can’t wait for: To hang out with my friends in a few days
 29. When was the last time you saw your mother? Yesterday
 30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? I’d make my good ol’ Texas small town more gay-friendly
 31. What are you listening to right now? Wind chimes
 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? No.
 33. Something that is getting on your nerves? Unwanted questions from family members.
 34. Most visited site: This wonderful hellsite
 35. Elementary: The good ol’ days. My gay self was gay as FUCK back then but did anyone know? No. Did anyone care? No. But I was happy with all my friends and we gossiped and played games like lava monster at recess. Then FIFTH GRADE comes along and, story time! Toxic masculinity (aka my brother) makes a stupid comment that goes “why are all your friends girls” in that stupid prepubescent boy mocking voice and my submissive childhood self gives in and decides to change to be “more like the other boys” and that is where my life went to hell.
 36. Middle: OH BOY!!! Puberty + new school + new insecurities thanks to my new friend Toxic Masculinity = a very bad few years
 37. High: To summarize: Fuck masculinity I’m gonna be GAY and there’s nothing you can do to stop me from being my feminine self (except force me to hide myself from homophobes)
 38. College: A Concept: I go a prestigious high-end Ivy League, 3000 miles away from the homophobes I deal with daily. I get a nice boyfriend and we live a nice apartment together. We love each other very much and help each other in our studies and we support each other’s artistic endeavors. I graduate top of my class and become a well off scientist/poet and we get paid well enough to marry at age twenty-eight and pay off our student loans by the same time. Life is gay. Life is good.
ME – 
 39. Hair color: Dirty blond
 40. Long or short hair? It’s short
 41. Do you have a crush on someone? Not right now
 42. What do you like about yourself? My mind (mostly). My body? Not so much
 43. Piercings? Nah I’m good
 44. Blood type: ???????????? Bitch I don’t know
 45. Nickname: One friend called me Nowickipedia and it kind of caught on
 46. Relationship status: www.pringles.com
 47. Zodiac sign: Leo
 48. Pronouns: Honestly I don’t care. He/him is what I’ve used most of my life (thanks, assigned gender! 🙃) but she/her is fine and they/them is ok too.
 49. Favorite TV show(s): STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS & STAR WARS: REBELS (God I’m such a nerd)
 50. Tattoos: No
 51. Right, ambidextrous, or left-handed? Right handed, but I text and use my phone with my left hand and all my other right handed family members think I’m crazy.
 52. Surgery: None
 53. Piercing: None
 54. Sport: Flag football fourth grade (see 35, subject: masculinity and a desire to “fit in”)
 55. Vacation: Disneyland
 56. Pair of trainers: What is this asking? First pair of physical trainers to help me pump iron??? (Actually it’s probably shoes but who calls shoes trainers??)
 57. Eating: Nothing
 58. Drinking: Nothing
 59. I’m about to: ????? No plans just sit at home all day
 60. Listening to: The AC
 61. Waiting for: A horribly sappy romantic subplot to happen sometime in the next ten years
 62. Want: To see my friends
 63. Married: Hopefully
 64. Career: Paleontologist? Astrobiologist? Poet? So many options I need to decide.
 65. Hugs or kisses? Hugs, but only because I’ve never kissed anyone
 66. Lips or eyes? Eyes 100000% I wrote a song and like thirty poems about them so….
 67. Shorter or taller? Taller probably because I went out in public and everyone was shorter than me and I got a bunch of dysphoria surrounding that so yeah (but honestly it doesn’t matter)
 68. Older or younger? I don’t care
 69. Nice arms or nice stomach? Both. A nice stomach to use as a pillow and nice arms that can hold me tight.
 70. Sensitive or loud? Idk
 71. Hook-up or relationship? Relationship. No sex-repulsed hopeless romantic like me is settling for one night of doing it dirty.
 72. Troublemaker or hesitant? Idk 73. Kissed a stranger? No way
 74. Drank hard liquor? Nope nope nope alcohol is disgusting
 75. Lost contact lenses/glasses? No
 76. Turned someone down? Once when I was still in the closet and I found out a guy had a crush on me but my homophobic brother knew he had a crush and told me so when the boy finally got enough guts to ask me to homecoming I went into panic mode and said no (sorry!) 77. Sex on first date? Nooooooooooo way. Sex would have to be like seven months in when we’ve gotten used to chillin with each other and got past at least twelve dates.
 78. Broken someone’s heart? Maybe. (See 76)
 79. Had your heart broken? Oh boy yeah when I had my first crush on a boy (the crushes on girls before don’t count they were influenced by Toxic masculinity) I ended up telling him and I was Devastated™ but is that heartbreak if it’s a crush? Idk.
 80. Been arrested? Nope
 81. Cried when someone died? See Padme Amidala’s funeral, Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005).
 82. Fallen for a friend? The only way I’ve ever crushed on someone
 83. Yourself? For like a few days at a time
 84. Miracles? Ehh sort of
 85. Love at first sight? Yes
 86. Santa Claus? No
 87. Kiss on first date? Wait until the fourth
 88. Angels? @ my friends (mutuals = friends)
 89. Current best friend’s name: I refuse to put just one!
 90. Eye color: Blue
 91. Favorite movie: Jurassic Park, Star Wars: the Complete Saga, Interstellar, Arrival, Mulan
I tag @vanillabeanniall @uswntinharmony @knightcrawlers @rogueleadxr @apple-bottom-dean @solitudeontatooine and any other mutuals I have who want to do this
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junker-town · 5 years
4 NFL teams that could finally end the Patriots’ reign of terror
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Someone in the AFC just needs to stop this madness.
Let’s keep it real: It’s time for someone to dethrone the damn New England Patriots. New England just won its sixth Super Bowl with a boring-ass 13-3 win over the Los Angeles Rams. The Patriots’ 20-year reign of tyranny over the NFL has been going on for far too long.
In the last two decades, two teams have thwarted the Patriots in the Super Bowl (Giants, Eagles) three times. But the best way to really stop them is to keep them out of the Super Bowl altogether.
That means we’ll need a team in the AFC to beat them before they can reach the Super Bowl. Luckily for NFL fans, there are teams with rising quarterbacks who have a chance to step up to the plate and give the Patriots some real competition in the immediate future.
Here are four AFC teams and their young quarterbacks who have a chance to take down the Patriots and restore balance to the force.
Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs
The most recent MVP of the league just pushed the Patriots to the edge two weeks ago in the AFC Championship Game. After the Chiefs were shut out in the first half of the game, Mahomes put together an incredible second-half performance. He led the Chiefs to 31 points after halftime — including 24 points in the fourth quarter.
Mahomes is only 23 years old and coming off of a season when he threw 50 touchdowns to 12 interceptions and led his team to the No. 1 seed in the AFC. It was also his first season as a starter. The Patriots saw just how talented Mahomes was up close and personal, and he’s only going to get better as he continues to grow as an NFL quarterback.
Vegas agrees with the Chiefs still being one of the top teams in the NFL — they have great Super Bowl odds for next season.
Opening odds to win Super Bowl LIV (Bovada): LAR/NE +700 LAC/KC +800 IND/NO +1000 CHI +1300 PIT +1600 GB +1800 MIN/DAl/PHI +2000 ATL/BAL/CLE +3000 HOU/SEA +4000 SF +4500 CAR/JAX/NYG +5000 TEN +6000 TB +6500 ARI/BUF/CIN/DEN +10000 DET/NYJ/OAK +10000 WSH +15000 MIA +30000
— OddsShark (@OddsShark) February 4, 2019
Baker Mayfield and the Cleveland Browns
Once Baker Mayfield was shed of the anchors known as Hue Jackson and Todd Haley, he looked every bit the franchise quarterback the Browns drafted him to be with the No. 1 overall pick.
Mayfield had a passer rating of 106.2 in the eight games that he played with Freddie Kitchens calling the plays, which would have fifth in the NFL if he had been able to keep that pace up for the entire season. Kitchens is now the head coach in Cleveland, which is good news for Mayfield’s development.
Outside of Mayfield, the Browns have a budding defense that finished fifth in opposing passer rating (83.4) for the 2018 season. They have young stars on that side of the ball including Myles Garrett, Denzel Ward, Jabrill Peppers, and Larry Ogunjobi.
Mayfield and the Browns haven’t played the Patriots yet, but they look to be building a bully — perhaps one that can go toe-to-toe with the reigning Super Bowl champion.
Deshaun Watson and the Houston Texans
The Texans have a young quarterback of their own who’s going to be a force in the AFC for the foreseeable future. As a rookie, Watson put together an explosive six-game stint as the starting quarterback before tearing his ACL. Then he backed that up with a strong sophomore season, throwing for 26 touchdowns and nine interceptions.
Watson also has a dynamic No. 1 wide receiver to throw to: DeAndre Hopkins, who isn’t slowing down anytime soon. Hopkins finished 2018 with 1,572 yards and 11 touchdowns.
Houston has its quarterback, top wide receiver, and a vicious front seven in place — now the team needs to work on rebuilding an offensive line that gave up a ludicrous 62 sacks during the 2018 season.
Since Watson has been the quarterback, the Texans have played two competitive games against the Patriots, losing both games by a combined 10 points. If the Texans can get a bit tougher along the offensive front, they’ll have a better chance to topple the Patriots in their future matchups.
Andrew Luck and the Indianapolis Colts
The Colts can really upgrade their team this offseason — and they’re already ahead of schedule. Despite a 1-5 start to the season, the Colts caught fire and finished with a 10-6 record. They got another win in the playoffs, before losing to the Chiefs in the Divisional Round. Now, the Colts are sitting on over $100 million in cap space for the upcoming offseason. They also have the Jets’ second-round pick (pick No. 34 overall) to get another impact player in the draft.
So that gives Indy space, draft picks, and one of the best quarterbacks in the league in Andrew Luck. The Colts might not have fared well in their early-season matchup against the Patriots this year, losing 38-24. But that was before the Colts had started to jell and rattled off nine wins in the last 10 weeks of the season. They also have the resources to get much better very, very soon.
Given their recent success in the draft — they drafted two rookie All-Pros in Quenton Nelson and Darius Leonard — Colts fans should feel pretty good about the ability of this front office to build a legitimate power in the AFC, one that can challenge the Patriots.
Even if these teams can’t keep Brady and the Patriots out of the Super Bowl, he’ll be 42 years old next season and can’t play FOREVER.
Well, let me rephrase that. He probably can’t play forever. And another AFC team, and another quarterback, will get their turn at the crown.
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NFL Social Justice Impact Continues To Grow Nationwide
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PUBLISHED: 07:22, 07 January 2010 | UPDATED: 07:28, 07 January 2020
Since April 2018, more than $25 million in grants has been awarded to social justice organizations as part of the NFL's Inspire Change initiative.
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This includes over 500 grants awarded to current and former NFL players for nonprofits across the country. These grants support programs and initiatives that reduce barriers to opportunity, with a focus on three priority areas:
Education and economic advancement
Police and community relations; and
Criminal Justice Reform
Today, as part of the NFL's 100th season Inspire Change activation, the league is announcing six new social justice grants and two grant renewals recently approved by the joint NFL players-owners working group. These new grants and renewals total nearly $3 million and are in addition to the grants previously announced in January 2019 and June​ 2019. The league is also announcing new Inspire Change content to raise awareness about social justice.
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"Our players in Cleveland and across the NFL continue to be extremely engaged in hosting meaningful conversations and creating advancements in multiple areas related to social justice," said Cleveland Browns Owner and NFL Owner-Player Social Justice Working Committee member DEE HASLAM.
"Through Inspire Change, we are proud to support our players', the teams' and most importantly the entire community's collaborative efforts to focus on these core components of social justice to benefit the individuals who are immediately impacted each day. The intent is to improve the future of our communities by eliminating barriers and establishing opportunities for people to succeed.
We remain fully committed to accomplishing our shared goals by working alongside impactful non-profit organizations that allow our players and teams to spark positive change in our neighborhoods now and for generations to come."
"It's great to be able to offer support for additional organizations who are working hard and making social reform their sole mission," said New York Jets offensive tackle, Players Coalition Task Force Member, and NFL Owner-Player Social Justice Working Committee member KELVIN BEACHUM. I'm particularly excited for the groups working to impact so many young people in the education system; particularly minority populations in under-served and under-resourced areas. With the right resources these students can defy pre-existing inequities in education and become community and world leaders while pursuing career paths within their passions. Investing in them is investing in our future."
"Since last year's launch of Inspire Change, the league has made significant progress in its social justice efforts," said ANNA ISAACSON, SVP of Social Responsibility, NFL. "While the work of players and clubs to reduce barriers to opportunity in their communities continues year-round, we are excited to emphasize the initiative this month with the announcement of new social justice grant recipients and enhanced programming. We look forward to further supporting player-led social impact as we embark on the new year."
New Social Justice Grants
Grantees receiving social justice funding in this round range from organizations providing educational support to those advocating to end mass incarceration. Following are the six new social justice grantees (bringing the total number of national social justice grantees to 18): ​
Alabama Appleseed will use the funding for its Fair Schools, Safe Communities campaign, wh​ich combines research with policy advocacy, public education, coalition building, litigation, legislative action, and pro bono support to shift Alabama's historic reliance on incarceration to an evidence-based holistic approach focusing on treatment alternatives to incarceration, community programs, re-entry supports, and stopping drivers of poverty and incarceration.
City Year will use the funding to augment its Whole School Whole Child student support program that unites 3000 young adults of all backgrounds to serve in schools as student success coaches.
Community Justice Exchange will use the funding for its National Bail Fund Network project, which currently supports over 75 community-based bail and bond funds working to end money bail and pretrial detention at the local level. ​
The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change will use the funding to support its Nonviolence365® campaign which focuses on decreasing the prison population, reducing prison sentences, altering drug sentencing policy, policing reform, reducing, overcriminalization, and juvenile justice reform. Funding will also support the organization's Students with King program designed for Pre-K-12 curriculum to inspire student to commit to nonviolence as a lifestyle through lessons on self-esteem, diversity, critical thinking and reflection.
Metropolitan Family Services will use the funding for its Support Rapid Reduction Program which provides incentives for participants to make nonviolent choices. The organization will also use the funds to help support the Metropolitan Peace Academy, a training center that provides evidence and experience-based standards of practice for professional street outreach.
The National Urban League will use the funding to support three programs focused on workforce development for young people, including court-involved youth – the Urban Apprenticeship Jobs Program, the Urban Youth Empowerment Program, and the Urban Re-Entry Jobs Program.
Social Justice Grant Renewals
Two previously-funded organizations have also had their social justice grants renewed in this funding round:
Dream Corps will continue to use the funding provided to support its #cut50 and #YesWeCode programs.
United Negro College Fund will continue to use the funding provided to support programs focused on policy reform and social justice incubators.
Activating for Impact
The 100th season Inspire Change platform activation also includes:
New Television Spots to Raise Awareness. The first new television spot  premiered on January 4 featuring New Orleans Saints linebacker DEMARIO DAVIS and will air throughout the month. The spot highlights Davis' efforts to help restore voting rights in Louisiana. The second television spot will air on January 11 featuring San Francisco 49ers defensive end ARIK ARMSTEAD. The final spot, focusing on NFL Legend and Co-Founder of the Players Coalition ANQUAN BOLDIN, will serve as the signature spot of the Inspire Change platform, highlighting Boldin's inspiration to launch social justice work across the country. The spot will air starting during Conference Championship games and run through the remainder of the postseason. 
New Nationwide Programming. Indivisible, a series hosted by Nate Boyer featuring real conversations with players and local leaders on the issues and values at the heart of NFL communities, also returns this month. The four-part series premiered Monday, January 6, with new episodes – featuring New Orleans, New York, Cleveland, and Miami – to be unveiled weekly across NFL Media's digital platforms (NFL.com, NFL YouTube and Facebook channels).  Additionally, on January 8, the NFL Network will air a new Inspire Change player feature highlighting San Francisco 49ers defensive end ARIK ARMSTEAD and the impact he's made on educational equality with Leataata Floyd Elementary School in his hometown of Sacramento, California
New Song of the Season. On January 9, as part of the NFL's partnership with Roc Nation, the league will announce the third instalment of the "Songs of the Season" series on Good Morning Football. The series showcases musicians that deliver a song to be integrated in all NFL promotions during the season. All revenue generated from Songs of the Season will support Inspire Change grant recipients.
​​New Social and Digital Content. Leading up to Super Bowl LIV, NFL players and teams will help define what the Inspire Change initiative stands for via social media. Using #InspireChange, from now until February 2, participants will post videos, photos, and written commentary that explain what social justice and reducing barriers to opportunity means to them. 
Pro Bowl and Super Bowl Community Engagement. In addition to the year-long work of NFL players and clubs to Inspire Change, the NFL will take part in several social justice-related events during the 2020 Pro Bowl and Super Bowl LIV including events with local law enforcement and RISE (Ross Initiative in Sports for Equality). More details will be announced in the coming weeks.
All new content can be viewed at www.nfl.com/inspirechange. Please join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #InspireChange.
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tripstations · 5 years
My Experience with ACT STREAM TV 4K – #MacroTraveller
Atria Convergence Technologies aka ACT one of the largest telecommunication and internet service provider in India has recently launched ACT Stream TV 4K devices across 4 Indian cities viz. Delhi, Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Chennai. Under the company’s slogan for the TV sets as ‘Feel the Advantage’ ACT will start shipment of streaming 4K Box set for its customers from 2nd of August,2019 onwards. Although originally due to go on sale in the month of May after a slight delay the sale was scheduled on 2nd August.
The ACT TV is available to customers on select plans. Wherein Delhi Customers who are currently subscribed to ACT Platinum Promo and ACT Diamond, Bengaluru customers who are subscribed to ACT Storm, ACT Lightning, ACT Incredible and ACT Giga broadband plan, Hyderabad customers who are subscribed to A-Max 1050, A-Max 1299, A-Max 1999 and ACT Giga broadband plans and lastly Chennai customers who are subscribed to ACT Blast Promo, ACT Storm,ACT Lightning, ACT Thunder, ACT Incredible and ACT Giga subscription can avail the device. Based on the plan there is a specific set of pricing details for various cities starting from INR 999 to INR 5999 only.
The ACT Stream TV 4K Box set is available for the price of INR 4499 and as a special launch offer the device will be available for a refundable deposit of INR 1500 on select plans. ACT has teamed up with various digital streaming partners and its users will get complimentary 1 month Zee5 and 2 months of HOOQ Subscription along with access to Premium Live TV Channels until 31st of December, 2019.
ACT Stream TV 4K is an Android device running on Android 9.0 which makes the device run on Google Assistant. The device has a storage capacity of 8GB and runs on 2GB RAM. The device also comes with USB Connectivity where they can connect to 2 USD Devices at a time. One of the feature of ACT TV 4K is that they support most of the digital streaming channels and has a dedicated key for Netflix, YouTube and other streaming platforms available on Google Play.
Some of the salient features of ACT Stream TV 4K are:
The device is future-ready with 4K device with Dolby which enable users to experience their favourite content with the theatre-like experience.
2)  Streaming channels like Netflix, Hotstar, Sony Liv, HOOQ, Zee 5, YouTube and other 3000+ available of Play Store can be streamed where customers can watch over 100+ channels.
3)  Customers can subscribe to premium content from existing OTT platform and can pay directly on ACT monthly bill.
4)  Customers can catch up on their favourite TV Show, Games or News for up to 24hours.
5)  Voice search powered by Google Assistant where customers can choose their desired content with voice command powered by Google.
6)  Connect to hard disk, USB, Joystick and camera where you can view pictures, play games or video chat with friends/family.
The post My Experience with ACT STREAM TV 4K – #MacroTraveller appeared first on Tripstations.
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technuter · 5 years
ACT Fibernet launches ACT Stream TV 4K device in India
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ACT Fibernet (Atria Convergence Technologies Ltd.) launched its first consumer product ‘ACT Stream TV 4K’ device powered by Android in India.  As part of the new brand strategy towards offering innovative customer-centric solutions to enhance user experience, the streaming device will provide a 360 spin to all entertainment needs of a consumer.
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ACT Stream TV 4K Key Features and Offerings
ACT Stream TV 4K is a one stop entertainment solution for customers where they can enjoy their favourite movies, TV shows, sports, music videos from existing on-demand streaming providers and TV channels. Powered with ACT Fibernet’s high speed fibernet connectivity ACT Stream TV 4K has the capacity to transform a living space into a full-fledged entertainment zone. Some key features of the box include, 4K device with Dolby Passthrough - Future ready to enable users experience their favourite content in its fullest. ACT Stream TV 4K will allow streaming content from popular apps such as Netflix, Hotstar, Sony Liv, Hooq, Zee5, YouTube, Sun NxT and from 3000+ apps available on Google Play Store.  Customers can also watch over 100 of their favourite Free to air TV channels. Single click subscription: Customers can subscribe to premium content from existing OTT streaming partners and channels that have tied up with ACT Fibernet and pay for their subscription directly as part of their monthly bill. Catch up TV: Customers can catch up on their favourite TV shows, matches and highlights for upto 24 hours. Powered by Android 9 Pie: Brings the power of the latest Android Pie operating system with access to over 3000 TV apps in the Google Play Store. Voice search powered by the Google Assistant: Easy to search desired content and control device with voice commands powered by the Google Assistant. External devices: Allows to connect hard disk, USB, joysticks, camera to view family pictures, video chat with friends or play games and more. Compact and Sleek Design Combined with latest technology and design, the box has been customized to make it intuitive and user friendly.  The device is supported with a remote-control unit which can be used to operate the box. The remote has an ergonomic design with minimalistic keys making it extremely easy to use and helps users launch their favourite apps from any screen they are in. Price, Availability and Offers The ACT Stream TV 4K box is priced at INR 4499. It will be available with select plans and for purchase post commercial launch in May 2019. As an introductory offer, ACT Fibernet will provide the ACT StreamTV 4K complimentary to select 5000 customers. Additionally, customers will get a bundle of other exclusive offers including, discounted rates on the VOD apps, extended trial periods on content apps, free access to pay-per-view content, download apps from Google Play store and more. Read the full article
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junker-town · 5 years
Favorites and sleepers in Super Bowl 54 futures odds
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Here are the early favorites to make it to the 2020 Super Bowl.
We are less than 12 hours removed from Super Bowl 53, and it’s time to look ahead to Super Bowl 54 in 2020! The New England Patriots outlasted the Los Angeles Rams in an ugly defensive affair, and it’s fitting that for the time being, they have equal odds to win Super Bowl 54 in Bovada’s opening futures.
Opening odds to win Super Bowl LIV (Bovada): LAR/NE +700 LAC/KC +800 IND/NO +1000 CHI +1300 PIT +1600 GB +1800 MIN/DAl/PHI +2000 ATL/BAL/CLE +3000 HOU/SEA +4000 SF +4500 CAR/JAX/NYG +5000 TEN +6000 TB +6500 ARI/BUF/CIN/DEN +10000 DET/NYJ/OAK +10000 WSH +15000 MIA +30000
— OddsShark (@OddsShark) February 4, 2019
The odds are not at all surprising out of the gate. The top seven teams on the odds list all made the playoffs this past season, with the Dallas Cowboys the one team a little further down the list.
The favorites are the boring ones to pick, so let’s consider some of the better sleeper picks. Free agency and the draft will result in numerous roster changes, but that won’t stop us from making way too early projections.
A popular pick is going to be the Cleveland Browns. They are installed at 30/1, and after Baker Mayfield’s strong close to the season, people are lovvvvvvving the Browns. This is a huge offseason for them, but if you want to get in on the Browns, you’ll either want to invest now or wait to see if they lose a game or two to open the season. Between now and Week 1, I have a feeling the Browns drop from 30/1 to 20/1, give or take.
If I had to pick a longshot that interests me right now, before free agency and the draft shake things up, I would consider the New York Jets or Arizona Cardinals.
The Jets have a ton of cap space to spend, and I would not be surprised to see them land Le’Veon Bell. Sam Darnold had his ups and downs, but had an intriguing rookie year. If they can add some talent on defense and a couple playmakers, the Jets are an interesting team in 2019.
The Cardinals are intriguing strictly because I have no idea what to expect from Kliff Kingsbury. Josh Rosen had his moments as a rookie, and now he gets to work with a respected offensive mind. That whole situation could turn into a disaster, but color me intrigued at what Kingsbury can do. Add in the No. 1 overall pick and a bunch of cap space, and Arizona will be a team to watch in 2019.
I’ll go ahead and provide a Super Bowl prediction now that I will change repeatedly over the next few months. How about the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles?
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