#Liz Landis
furby-junkie · 9 months
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The 2023 Furb's ears were sculpted by Liz Landis.
"I had the great honor and privilege of sculpting the ears for the newest Furby iteration. Adjustments to the shape were made after the initial sculpture."
The post mentions Zbrush and Blender were used.
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Code Blue Ch. 47- Punch Drunk Love
Summary: It's one step forward and two steps back for Lee and Jo. The same can be said for Jo and Craig, only their encounter "lands" on a more comical note. Jo wants to play detective. Dave receives a message from beyond the grave.
*Chapter Warnings* language, angst, mentions of murder, drinking, intoxication, ghost child
Chapter characters: Lee, Josie, Craig, David, Jacob
Chapter word count: 6,699
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Salem, Massachusetts
March 21, 2023
An hour had passed since Lee had left you in the boathouse after his regretful blowup. As he sat in his lake house bedroom, staring blankly out the window at the gray sky morning, he could hear the muffled voices of you, Britt and Jason downstairs and then all went quiet, except for the creaking of his door opening.
He closed his eyes and lowered his head in sadness when he felt you softly sit down on the opposite side of the bed. As your movement ceased and you began to speak, a subtle breeze laced with the biting scent of your intoxicating vampire perfume flowed straight to Lee's nose, causing his heart to palpitate as he eagerly inhaled it.
"Jason and Britt are gone, just as you wanted. I think I should go too as soon as the laundry finishes."
Lee turned his head to the side and could see that you were sitting with your back to him.
"I'm sorry about your brother."
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"What for? You were right Lee. He and Britt shouldn't be here. It was my stupid idea to bring him here to help Britt."
"It was both of our ideas Jo and it was for the best. Now he can take care of the woman he loves and leave us out of it. I don't want any part of this shit anymore Jo."
"I can agree with you there. Neither do I."
Your weary tone spoke a frightening volume to Lee.
"Does that include me...Jo?"
Your soft voice became hesitant and shaky as you still wouldn't turn to face him.
"I...I don't know what to do anymore Lee. All these secrets are like an incurable cancer and every time I believe it's in remission because you tell me it is, the secrets metastasize and honestly, I don't know if that is even the worst part anymore because we both just accused each other of killing Elizabeth."
"Yep." Lee softly and sorrowfully agreed as he nodded, then turned to face your backside.
"The only difference is, I stood by you and tried to protect you over it by disposing of the blatant evidence I found in my car, but you...you allowed Luke to put doubts in your mind with his circumstantial bullshit and you turned on me. You're the only one who's ever truly known the real me and yet you actually believed I was capable of doing something so repulsive, that I am some monster."
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You finally turned to face him with an anxious tone.
"Lee...I am sorry. I know in my heart you didn't hurt Liz and yes, I stupidly let Luke twist my thoughts. God, it's just that lately, your behavior has been so erratic and even violent and you won't tell me why!"
"What..so I'm not allowed to be human and have emotions that happen to include anger?? Everything that has been going on is why Jo and we all react differently to stress, you know that. The day you tried to justifiably attack Landy's sister, THAT was violent but I didn't believe that could make you a murderer. Look at the violent shit Luke has done. He deserved that vase to the head. And Carpenter deserved my fist in his face and Gordon deserved his ass handed to him."
"I get all of that. I do. Can't you put yourself in my shoes just for a minute about Liz though? You cut her seatbelt to mess with her and kept that from me and when you had finally learned the truth that she was responsible for Jacob's death, you and my brother plotted right in front of me about taking her out and framing Ethan and you refused to help her when she was brought to the ER. And now I find out you were off living some double life with Luke that involved blowing up terrorists and god knows what else. What was I supposed to believe?"
"Me Jo. You were supposed to believe me. You just said you believe in your heart that I didn't do it, so which is it Jo? Are you with me or are you against me because it's feeling a lot like you're still against me and if that's the case, then why are you even here?? Jesus Jo...what I did for you, you haven't even said a word about that. Ethan's clearly been watching us. He snuck in here before he killed Liz and took my car, my knife and your clothes, then after he took care of her, he planted everything, all in hopes of framing you because we both know he wants you away from me and yes Jo, at first I believed you had done it, but ONLY due to having some blackout break in reality from your pills and all that wine."
"Something still don't seem right Lee. Why didn't he just kill me then? Wouldn't that have been the easiest and fastest way to get me out of your life and.."
"Jo, stop, god, don't say this shit. Just the thought of him being in this house and anywhere near you......"
Lee paused and rubbed his palms over his face, releasing a stressed sigh, then continued.
"Besides the most important reason, that being that he knew I would come and kill him without hesitation...he still needed to cover his ass in her death because he knew he would be a number one suspect. We weren't supposed to find it Jo. I'm willing to bet Ethan was going to drop an anonymous tip to the police about the evidence and I honestly thought that was why Luke was here, so now, I'm also feeling something isn't right because no one has showed up. Regardless Jo, I risked everything for you, my career, my freedom, because that would all be gone if it were found out I destroyed all the evidence and I DID it to make it all go away for you and like some stupid school boy, I actually thought you'd be impressed."
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"What I am is scared Lee. I understand why you did what you did and I DO appreciate it, I promise you, but you have still got to get rid of that knife. He killed her with it and it can be matched up to her wounds."
"I'll take care of it. It will never be found."
"And then what Lee? We just go on with our lives as if nothing ever happened? I mean, first of all, Luke is never going to give up. It's his job now and...."
Lee sarcastically snickered. "It's just his way to feel like he's a good person."
"God Lee, I just don't get it. When he came back for Landy, you and he seemed like really great friends, but with what I just overheard between you and my brother, how is that if Luke supposably set you up as you put it?"
Lee shook his head in frustration. "There's no supposably about it Jo. He did what he did and we were both just trying to move on from it, from that life. I just wanted to forget it and then he just shows back up here as if nothing ever happened and his presence brings back all those bad memories and all those feelings of having to be on guard every second. None of that life was ever supposed to involve you. I didn't hide it from you to be sneaky or deceitful. I'm not that person anymore and I don't want to be, but he brings it out of me and not only that, but I'm not oblivious to his desire of you either. I just want him to go back to where he came from and stay there, in the past. You and I were finally getting it right and he swoops in and fucks our forever all up and now here we are, yet once again. And I know Jo, I know that everything happening is not all because of him. I know it's me too and god, I am trying so hard to be the man you want me to be and that you deserve after all you have been through in the past, but all I have done is drag you through hell and let you down over and over again. You're this angel of light and I'm nothing but a devil of darkness."
Lee's voice had become choked up and if there was one thing that tugged at your heart strings, it was seeing him cry.
"Please don't speak about yourself that way." you compassionately said as you scooted over to him and rubbed his back.
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"You're not evil baby. You just feel cornered and like no one is on your side and I cannot apologize enough for ever thinking you could have hurt Liz. All that murder plot talk with Jason was nothing but anger. Your fears had just been validated that she was responsible for Jacob's death and as far as not wanting to help her at the hospital is quite understandable. I overreacted about all that Lee. I know in my heart what a compassionate and kind person you are. It's one of the many reasons I fell for you, so fast and so damn hard. And as far as myself, I am certainly no angel. I have a dark side. You've seen it, especially around Megan. She brings something out of me just like Luke does to you. I don't want to be that person either so I get it. Now you though, you had every reason to believe I could have done it and what you did to protect me, the sacrifices you were willing to make, means everything to me. That is FAR from letting me down. I'm so sorry for how I reacted. So you know, I...I would have done the same for you...without hesitation."
You slid your hand down his bare arm and laced your fingers into his. Lee softly sighed and tried to smile as he then placed his other hand over the union.
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"I look at you Jo and I...I just love you and it terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you. I did not wait for you. I didn't even know you were coming. When you walked into my life, I didn't know it was you because I didn't know there WAS a you. You were never a list, a goal, an expectation, a dream, ok maybe you were a dream. You were a surprise, a gift, an adventure, a new beginning to a story I thought I would never have and I am scared to death of losing you and that you won't love me anymore if you know all of the things I've done. I'm scared of a world without you."
"You know I feel the same way about you Lee. It's patience and trust that I am running out of, not love. But...is love enough? Even for us? You keep lying to me and do understand why, but it doesn't make it right. Like you said, your past didn't have anything to do with me and I agree, but when it affects me, it does. It's affecting us Lee. I've looked past your secrets and forgiven you twice now and yet, here we are again. Lord knows I'm not strong enough to stay away from you. I've tried... but I'll have to find the strength Lee, because I won't do this anymore. I don't want to leave you, especially now with all of this and also with tomorrow being the one month anniversary of your father's passing and your birthday being four days away, but it's the third time now of being side swiped by your secrets and it's certainly no fucking charm. We have to trust each other. You have to trust ME and tell me what happened between you and Luke since it involves Peter...and it involves who you were and I want...I deserve to know all of you. Remember that time we danced in your other house and you looked right into my eyes and sang that song, All of Me, to me? You said you give me all of you. I thought you meant it. It's all or nothing Lee. Release this weight and let me help you carry it."
Lee kissed your hand and softly sighed as he gently rested his forehead on yours and gave you a tender eskimo kiss, then brought his sapphire eyes to yours.
"Of course I meant it. Let me show you. Let me make love to you. I need you Jo."
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His warm, sweet breath over your mouth was driving you mad with desire and all you wanted to do was press your lips to his and tear his clothes off. Being this close to him was dangerous. You would always become puddy for him to shape and mold you just the way he wanted. You were a puppet on his strings. You were simply spellbound. Lee had healed all the hardships you endured before him, bringing you a peace you had never known and just a simple kiss to his bewitching lips, that alone had the power to render every part of you helpless, sucking your mind, body and soul right into his....but you couldn't give in to him. Not this time. As his lips lowered to yours, you regained control by softly but very reluctantly pushing him back before it was too late.
"Lee, please. No. Sex is not going to make this better or make this go away. Stop deflecting and tell me what happened."
Lee released an obvious sigh of frustration as he closed his eyes and lightly pursed his lips.
"I want to tell you baby. I do. I...I've just never spoken about it to anyone. As I said, I was just trying to bury it and move on. I certainly did not expect this to ever come up, especially now. Feeling cornered is an understatement. There's so much happening. SO much to deal with already. Can't we just do this another time Jo? I will tell you, I prom..."
You pulled your hand from his and stood right up in a huff.
"Don't you promise me anything! I don't believe your promises anymore Lee, because you break them, every single time. You swore to me you had told me everything, but then more dirty laundry always appears and to me, that is a lie...and now, you're making excuses and trying to fuck me to get out of telling me the truth. Putting it off is just making this worse. There's never a right time Lee. You just need to do it. You need to trust me. I'm not going to leave because of your past, but I WILL leave if you can't be honest. I am sorry you feel backed against a wall but it's now or never Lee. I love you more than anything in this world but I am so over this!!"
Lee stood up too and in his anger, he said something he shouldn't have.
"So, it's your way or the highway. Is that it?? Then just go if you want Jo. You would clearly be better off anyways. I said I would tell you and I meant it, but in my own time. I don't like being forced. I'm not ready. Take it or leave it."
"Wow. Well...ok then. Guess I'll leave it. Maybe I WILL be better off because CLEARLY you refuse to change or even try to. You know what? I'm done. I need to go see my mother, see if I still have an apartment and try to find Dave. I'll get my things later."
Lee watched in shock as you whirled out of the room and then he raced down the stairs behind you, pleading for you not to go, for he never thought you would choose that option.
"Jo wait!"
"Wait for what Lee?" you snapped as you tugged your leggings up and slipped your boots on. "You just told me to go."
"I didn't mean it like that. I said take it or leave it. I gave you a choice."
"And I chose! Just like you did."
You grabbed your purse, took out your keys and headed for the door, but not without Lee stepping in front of you.
"Yeah...and quite easily too. So that's just it?? Fuck forever? Jo don't do this. Please. Everything that you want to know, it's not just some quick and simple story to tell. It's dark, it's traumatizing and it's terrifying.
"THIS is dark, traumatizing and terrifying. I'm tired Lee. I'm so fucking tired. Even if you tell me now or tell me later, it will just be half of it, just like it always is, although you will swear to me that you told me everything and then I'll find out the rest later, not by you but by accident and I'm just over it. I don't want to do this anymore. I want a normal relationship and this is far from normal and it's a perfect example of why people put walls up. To protect ourselves and I stupidly let mine down for you. Not anymore. I'm rebuilding it. Now get out of my way Lee."
"Jo. Don't go. Please. Don't leave me. Let me fix this."
"You can't. I don't believe a word you say anymore. I don't believe I would even know what I know if it weren't for overhearing you because I don't believe you were ever going to tell me."
"Ok, that is not true. You don't even understand. I was going to tell you. I had to... or I would have never been able to ask...."
Lee paused with a hard sigh and desperate eyes that quickly wandered from yours.
"Ask? Ask what Lee??"
His hands went to his hips, his head lowered and his eyes closed.
"I...I can't...not yet. Not like this."
"Oh my god....I can't even right now. Goodbye Sam."
As you stormed past him and slammed the door shut behind you, Lee stood dazed and motionless, softly answering your question.
"Ask you to marry me."
You jogged down to the garage where your Monte Carlo was being concealed from the bar thugs and off you went, without a care if they found you. If they did, you would just tell them your car had been stolen and you just got it back. If they didn't believe you and tried something, then you'd give them an attitude adjustment on top of their heads with your Kubotan, Hank Williams Jr. style, just like you did to Luke which dropped the hunky herculean like a sack of potatoes.
For the entire twenty minute drive to your mom's in silence, your arms were locked straight on the wheel as you focused on your breathing so you wouldn't have a panic attack. Everything had escalated so quickly in only a few hours. One minute, you and Lee were dancing in the kitchen and sharing breakfast together, basking in the afterglow following a beautiful night of making love and the next, you couldn't get away from him fast enough. Did you overreact? Should you have stayed and let him speak? You tried this once before, leaving him, which that lasted a whole hot minute and it changed absolutely nothing, so how could you, would you, do it this time when all you wanted to do was turn around and run back into his arms?
The visit with your mom was nerve-racking in itself between trying to hide your emotions over Lee and her trying to hide hers over the horrific ordeal of finding a butchered and still breathing Elizabeth the evening prior and then there was your sister. Your mom informed you that Megan hadn't come home last night and wasn't answering her phone. Of course you couldn't have cared less and wished she'd never come back, but you still tried to make your mom feel better and reminded her that this was not out of the ordinary for Megan to do. It made you think of what Luke told you, that she had actually came to the police station of her own free will and told him that she believed Ethan took Blaise because he thinks he is her father. You had to wonder what would make her turn on him like that. Did she finally see what a dangerous piece of shit he was? Speaking of Blaise, it was now time to go see Craig and you dreaded that almost as much as you dreaded large bodies of water.
As you drove to your apartment, all you could think about was that poor little girl and prayed she was alright wherever she was. For her sake, for Craig's and even for yours, because you knew what Craig's reaction would be when he found out, if he didn't already know, that you knew Liz dropped Blaise off with Angel and you didn't tell him. You also knew he would believe you did it intentionally, which was in no way true whatsoever, to get back at him for not telling you Jason was alive. The guilt was unbearable. How could you have been so self absorbed?
You parked the car and tried calling Dave again before you went into the lion's den and once again, no answer, so you left another voicemail.
"Dave, seriously. Are you THAT mad at me?? If you are, then fine, I can deal with that but at least just text me and tell me you are alright, or text Britt if you don't want to talk to me ok? I'm so worried about you. There's things you need to know about Liz if you don't already and...I really need my friend right now. Ok...bye..."
As you got out of the car, you could hear the muffled sound of music coming from the complex and the only one who blared it like that was Craig when he was working in his art studio. Granted, it was a small complex with only four other tenants but If you could hear it, then so could they and you had to wonder how they could deal with it, BUT, at least his taste in music was right up your alley and when you entered the building, the artist's distinct voice could not be mistaken. You always loved a good David Bowie tune....and this one seemed rather fitting for what you walked in on. How relevant it was for you as well.
Upon nearing his wide open studio door, the strong odor of paint and sweet cigars stung your nose. You weren't sure what was worse as you walked in. The smell or the vision of him lying on a wheeled platform, desperately engrossed in smearing yellow paint over a giant canvas with his bare hands, silver rings on and all.
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The closer you got as you walked up behind him undetected, it was clear that he was not only drunk as you glanced down at his glass of blood red wine and two empty wine bottles on the floor, but he was in a very deep state of despair. He appeared as if he had just rolled out of bed, although he didn't look as if he had even slept at all as your astonished eyes rolled over him from head to toe. His dark hair was wildly awry as was his normally groomed facial hair and his feet were as bare as his revealing bare bottomed butt crack which you highly doubted he gave two fucks about considering anyone could walk in just as you did.
You now had the problem of getting his attention without startling him, for you knew why he was in the condition he was in because the last time you had just walked in unannounced, you were accidentally almost struck with a can of blue paint due to his fit of rage, and right now, he looked like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. With all that taken into consideration, you decided to just pull the plug on the music and hope he didn't pull a gun on you this time as you tensed up from the thought.
Craig quickly sat up at the sound of silence, gave you a curious glance over and then the only thing he reached for was his paint covered glass that he picked up by the rim and drank from after asking you "what's up?"
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"Hey." you softly answered. "Sorry to just barge in but...I...I have been trying to reach you. Are...are you alright?"
"Well now. Is that somewhat of a rhetorical question? Do I look alright? Unless you're here to tell me that you know where my daughter is, then that would be a big fat no. Fancy seeing you here just Josie. I thought you hated my guts?"
Judging by his well noted inebriated sarcasm, you could tell it was going to be a walk on egg shells type of conversation and you still weren't exactly sure if he knew that you knew Blaise had been right within his grasp before she vanished into thin air. You figured he would have instantly called you out if he knew, but Craig didn't seem to be the type that got straight to the point about things. You had the distinct feeling he was the type that liked to toy with people like a cat does with it's prey. An intimidation tactic per se and it was surely working, so you decided to just come clean and face his claws.
"No. I..I don't know where she is and I...I don't hate you. Not even a little bit but you may not like me so much. Craig I...about Blaise...I need to tell you something that I should have much sooner. I just...I didn't know...how to."
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There was a brief silence as he peered up at you and you could see the curiosity growing in his dilated blues.
"Not even a little bit huh? Hmmph. Must be pretty bad, whatever you did, if you're worried about me not liking you after what I did to you. Alright then love, I'll bite. Is my curiosity going to kill the cat? You seem pretty skittish right now."
The fact that he basically just read your mind regarding the cat references made you gulp and then it just got worse when you couldn't find the words.
"Cat....got your tongue just Josie?"
"Ok, please just stop with the cat thing already."
"Mrrrow!! Feisty one are we?" he shot off as he grinned and raised his hand, making a swiping gesture with his fingers.
"Craig! Stop it and listen before I lose my nerve."
"Jeesh. I think you need this wine as bad as I do. Have a drink. It'll calm your nerves. There's another bottle in the fridge. Would you be a doll and fetch it for us?"
"It's....10 a.m. Craig."
"Yeah and your point is? There's no time restrictions for drinking in your own home and even if there were, I don't follow the rules. I make them. It's 5 o'clock all the time in my world."
"Fine. Whatever."
You went and got the wine and a clean glass for yourself and him too because you couldn't stand watching him put his lips on wet paint.
"Here. Wipe your hands off." you commanded as you handed him a towel and opened the wine.
"Yes mommy." he chuckled and did as you told him. "Now. Have a seat and let's hear it."
"I..I'd rather stand."
"Suit yourself then. Cheers."
Craig raised his glass and knocked it all back in three gulps, then gazed up at you with a happy grin as you took a nervous sip.
"What the hell was that? Only a mouse could get drunk on that. Come on now, down the hatch."
You felt like a mouse alright, caught in a mouse trap as your anxiety began to slowly choke you. Enough was enough. You downed the wine and blurted out what you did.
"Craig..I..I knew Blaise was at Angel's before she was taken and I should have told you but I didn't because I was dealing with Jason and some other things."
His reaction was just as you had expected it would be. Shock, which was written all over his exhausted face.
"Is that so?"
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"Y..yes." you softly squeaked and then began rambling. "And I..I am SO SO sorry. I was at Lee's and I saw Liz drop her off and I..I did try to call you. I texted too but you didn't answer or reply and then some other things happened and I...I had to go meet Jason and then I..."
"And then you just forgot about my daughter?? Does that sound about right? Because she didn't go missing until 48 fucking hours later. Did you forget where I live too?? but suddenly, you remembered today??"
In his aggravation, Craig purposely picked up the paint covered glass and filled it to the rim with more wine, then took a hefty gulp.
"Craig, so much happened. Obviously, Liz was attacked and then later she died and.."
He cut you off again as his agitation increased.
"And yet I still did not hear from you until now and now that I have, all I hear are bullshit excuses."
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"I mean, that's two fucking days Jo. You were certainly able to go meet Jason but not come here. Last time I checked, your brother is a big boy who can handle his own problems, which is exactly what he's selfishly doing after all I did for him, but a 4 year old child is helpless Jo! I'm sure you slept too right? All snuggy in your bed, playing doctor with the doctor, all the while that piece of shit Ethan was plotting to kidnap Blaise. I even tried to protect you from him, right after you slapped me stupid and told me you never wanted to see my face again. Eh, that don't even matter. What matters is Blaise and it could have been prevented if I HAD KNOWN that she was merely 50 fucking feet away from you and so here I am now, daughterless and drunk. You know what I've been doing in my spare time since I have exhausted all my resources in locating her? It's like she has fallen off the face of the earth."
Craig put on some old cheap flip flops and stood up, then pointed down at his painting.
"You see that? I did what you said to try. I used Blaise as some inspiration to try and cure this painter's block I've been dealing with for so long. Did you know she likes bees? So I attempted to paint her a giant fucking bumble bee for when I get her back, or should I say IF I get her back, no thanks to you and certainly none to that dunderheaded detective who shares Ethan's rancid blood. Audacious British fuck writing me into his little black book as a person of interest in Lizzie's death. I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a monster, even if I was raised by one."
"Craig, speaking of Cyrus, he happens to be one of the other problems we have been dealing with. Things that have nothing to even do with this. So much more has happened too and I don't expect you to understand that but I swear to you, I never meant for anything to happen to Blaise. Please...please believe me."
"I'll tell you what I believe. I believe you did this intentionally. What a great way to stick it to me for not telling you your brother was alive huh? Checkmate. You got me good Jo. Gold stars for you. Hit me right where it hurts the most. You're right. I don't like you so much anymore Miss March. I'll have your last months deposit ready for you in a few days and then I expect you out by the end of the month. Now get out of my sight. Good day."
"Craig come on. I would never put your child's life in danger just to get back at you or for any reason!"
As the acrimonious kiwi walked away, completely ignoring you, there was spillage of the yellow paint in his already cluttered pathway and the combination of flimsy flips flops worn by someone sober or tipsy, slick concrete and liquids do not mix.
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Down he went as one foot slipped right out from under him and there he laid, stunned and flat out on his back with wine all over his face.
"Craig oh my god!" you gasped as you quickly but carefully made your way to him. "Are you alright??!!"
"There's that question again so I'll answer with the same answer. Do I look alright???" he snapped and attempted to get up, only to slip again and land on his butt.
"Here. Let me help you."
You reached down to him but he smacked your hand away.
"I might be a teeny bit sauced right now, but I'm not an invalid and if I were, I certainly wouldn't want or need any help from the likes of you Jo March."
"Fine." you huffed and then smirked at him. "Good luck then since you're now sitting in a giant smeared puddle of paint. I suppose if you crawl like the petulant child you're being, ass crack and all, you could make it out of your precarious predicament unscathed."
He glared up at you as he thought for a moment about demeaning himself even more than he already had by doing as you said.
"Fine." he also huffed and jerked his sticky hand out to you.
You took his hand and began to pull. As he pushed himself up with his other hand, his foot slipped out again and this time, he pulled you right down on top of his chiseled chest.
"Well now. Now who's in a precarious predicament Einstein? Now we're both covered in paint and not to mention fucked, just not in the way I would like." he boasted with a cheesy smirk as you both were nose to nose and damn near mouth to mouth. So close that his facial hair tickled your upper lip and his hot sweet wine breath made you drunk in a way that it shouldn't have as you and he stared into each other's eyes.
You quickly broke the trance he had you in and pushed your way up off of him.
"Come on Craig. Get up so I can leave. Now is clearly not the time to talk to you."
You reached down again, but made sure you were in a good stance to pull him up this time. Once he was securely on his feet, you handed him another towel to wipe the wine from his face and when he was finished, things became a bit awkward and silent for a moment as he fidgeted and fought having eye contact with you.
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"I uh...I think I broke your glasses." you mumbled as you glanced at the black framed spectacles hanging from the frayed neckline of his knit shirt.
His head snapped down to look at them and then his defenses were right back up.
"Oh...well, no biggie. What's one more thing you've broken? I've got more, although... I don't have another daughter. I'm going to bed. See yourself out."
This time, Craig safely made his way back to his apartment entrance without a single glance back at you and then you quietly left. When you returned to your own apartment down the hall, you immediately took a long hot shower to decompress and cried your eyes out the entire time. Once you were finished, you sat down with a chilled bottled of wine you had in the fridge to try and calm your nerves. The conversation with Craig had went just as you imagined it in your head many times and he had every right to be angry with you. You should have went straight to him and met Jason later. Blaise would be safe and sound with Craig right now and you were the reason she was not, and for that, you were going to make it your mission to find her yourself and bring her home. You didn't have a cue as to how, but you were to try and make things right.
But of course, while trying to think about where to start, your mind betrayed you as all your thoughts went right back to Lee, but you knew they would once you were no longer distracted. How in the hell were you going to stay away from him this time if you couldn't even sit still without thinking of him??
The one glass of wine that early in the morning had caught up with you and made you somewhat sleepy and it wasn't long before you dozed off on the couch without even realizing it. Meanwhile, in a small town called Grandview, 15 miles from Salem, Dr. Dave had just returned home from a much needed getaway.
As he sat at his kitchen table, drinking a beer, reading your texts and listening to your voicemails, he contemplated calling you until he heard a noise in the living room. Dave lived alone and had no pets, so it was either his older but newly remodeled house still settling or....it was what is usually was. A ghost. And he had the gift to see and speak to them, although he would not call it a gift, but a curse and the only ones who knew were you and his sister Britt.
When he got to the living room doorway, there sat a little boy, about 5 years old with sandy blonde hair and big blue eyes, whom he had never seen before and he just looked at Dave until he spoke to him.
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"Hey there. What's your name?"
"Hello Jacob. I'm Dave."
"I know."
"Alright. Can you tell me why you're here?"
"She needs help."
"Who...needs help?"
"The girl at the train yard. I saw her. The bad man hurt her."
"The train yard??"
"Where mommy was hurt. Over there."
Jacob pointed out the window and Dave then realized he was referring to Train Town. It used to be a public attraction, about a mile away by a state park, but it was shut down many years ago and was now basically a train car graveyard.
"Who's your mommy Jacob?"
"Elizabeth. She died and rode the train."
Dave had to collect himself, for he now knew he was talking to Liz and your Lee's son.
"Ok. I heard about that. I am very sorry Jacob, but...who is the girl you said is hurt? Is she there now?"
"My new and favorite mommy's sister."
"You mean Josie? Her...sister?"
Dave sprung to his feet and called you, but got no answer so he called your mother Margaret and she confirmed that Megan had not been home since yesterday and that she could not reach her.
"Jacob, can you show me where she is at? It is a really big place."
"Yep. Last one there's a rotten egg!"
Jacob hopped out of his chair and ran out the front door and vanished like the typical fugacious ghost as Dave stood in a transient spell of shock. As his mind resumed focus, he then grabbed his medical bag, raced to his truck and sped off without a thought of the danger that could be waiting for him.
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book--brackets · 1 year
Second Competition Masterpost
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Links to all the polls in the second competition
Preliminary Round
Poll 1: 7,000,000-1,100,000 ratings (here)
Poll 2: 1,090,000-480,000 ratings (here)
Poll 3: 450,000-320,000 ratings (here)
Poll 4: 310,000-250,000 ratings (here)
Poll 5: 240,000-190,300 ratings (here)
Poll 6: 190,000-137,000 ratings (here)
Poll 7: 130,000-103,500 ratings (here)
Poll 8: 103,000-91,900 ratings (here)
Poll 9: 91,400-75,900 ratings (here)
Poll 10: 75,100-59,600 ratings (here)
Poll 11: 59,300-47,900 ratings (here)
Poll 12: 47,600-42,200 ratings (here)
Poll 13: 42,000-35,000 ratings (here)
Poll 14: 34,000-26,000 ratings (here)
Poll 15: 25,700-23,000 ratings (here)
Poll 16: 22,300-20,680 ratings (here)
Poll 17: 20,600-18,390 ratings (here)
Poll 18: 18,300-15,490 ratings (here)
Poll 19: 15,480-12,800 ratings (here)
Poll 20: 12,400-10,400 ratings (here)
Poll 21: 10,090-9,070 ratings (here)
Poll 22: 9,020-8,564 ratings (here)
Poll 23: 8,560-7,200 ratings (here)
Poll 24: 7,040-6,100 ratings (here)
Poll 25: 6,095-5,000 ratings (here)
Poll 26: 4,960-4,000 ratings (here)
Poll 27: 3,960-2,740 ratings (here)
Poll 28: 2,710-2,170 ratings (here)
Poll 29: 2,160-1,500 ratings (here)
Poll 30: 1,390-810 ratings (here)
Poll 31: 800-350 ratings (here)
Poll 32: 340-8 ratings (here)
Round One
Poll 1: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins vs Ferngully (Movie Tie-In) by Diana Young (here)
Poll 2: Magnus Chase by Rick Riordan vs The Ogre Downstairs by Diana Wynne Jones (here)
Poll 3: Nancy Drew by Carolyn Keene vs Rainbow Magic by Daisy Meadows (here)
Poll 4: Magic Treehouse by Carolyn Keene vs Which Witch? by Eva Ibbotson (here)
Poll 5: Emily Windsnap by Liz Kessler vs Animorphs by K. A. Applegate (here)
Poll 6: Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey vs A to Z Mysteries by Ron Roy (here)
Poll 7: The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler vs The Last Dragon by Silvana de Mari (here)
Poll 8: Inkworld by Cornelia Funke vs My Secret Unicorn by Linda Chapman (here)
Poll 9: Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne vs Pony Pals by Jeanne Betancourt (here)
Poll 10: Wayside School by Louis Sachar vs Gunnerkrigg Court by Thomas Siddell (here)
Poll 11: How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell vs The Royal Diaries by Various Authors (here)
Poll 12: Worst Witch by Jill Murphy vs Unicorn Chronicles by Bruce Coville (here)
Poll 13: Junie B. Jones by Barbara Park vs Geronimo Stilton by Geronimo Stilton (here)
Poll 14: Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy vs Catwings by Ursula K. Le Guin (here)
Poll 15: The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo vs The Ever Afters by Shelby Bach (here)
Poll 16: A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket vs The Giants and the Joneses by Julie Donaldson (here)
Round Two
Poll 1: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins vs Magnus Chase by Rick Riordan (here)
Poll 2: Rainbow Magic by Daisy Meadows vs Magic Treehouse by Mary Pope Osborne (here)
Poll 3: Animorphs by K. A. Applegate vs Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey (here)
Poll 4: The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandeler vs Inkworld by Cornelia Funke (here)
Poll 5: Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne vs Wayside School by Louis Sachar (here)
Poll 6: Worst Witch by Jill Murphy vs How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell (here)
Poll 7: Geronimo Stilton by Geronimo Stilton vs Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy (here)
Poll 8: The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo vs A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket (here)
Round Three
Poll 1: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins vs Magic Treehouse by Mary Pope Osborne (here)
Poll 2: Animorphs by K. A. Applegate vs Inkworld by Cornelia Funke (here)
Poll 3: Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne vs How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell (here)
Poll 4: Geronimo Stilton by Geronimo Stilton vs A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket (here)
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lordterronus · 6 months
Hey Liz!
It’s been a while but I thought I’d pop in and say hi. I hope y’all are doin well :D
Hi Griffin! I hope you still go by that or else this is now an irreversibly awkward conversation.
I've been doing quite well! Yesterday I went to a book signing with one of my favourite authors, Derek Landy. That was a blast. Aside from that and a constant obsession with In Stars and Time, things have been pretty uneventful for me.
I hope you've been doing great yourself! You're awesome and you deserve it.
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evoldir · 1 year
Fwd: Conference: Online.ESEB_STN_Speciation.Oct-3
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Conference: Online.ESEB_STN_Speciation.Oct-3 > Date: 28 September 2023 at 05:18:19 BST > To: [email protected] > > > Dear colleagues, > > The next instalment of the online seminar series organised by the > ESEB-funded STN network « Integration Of Speciation research » ( [ > https://ift.tt/9XeJZWa ] ) will be held on 03 > October 2023, 5 pm CET. > > The upcoming session addresses the topic of “Paleontological views of > micro and macroevolution”. We welcome speakers Josef Uyeda (Virginia > Tech, USA) and Michael Landis (WUSTL, USA). > > The session will last 1.5 hours, with the first hour dedicated to > talks from our speakers followed by questions. The last half-an-hour > is dedicated to a more general discussion. > > To attend the session live, please use the following link: > https://ift.tt/MI7L9BU > > Talks (but not the discussion session) are recorded and made available > here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClEkDdE_5sDw70SQq78DIAA. > > The IOS network aims to promote scientific integration and also > integration of the community. A main objective on this front is to > foster diversity and inclusion across the field. The seminar series > and subsequent discussion is open to everyone, from students to > established researchers and non-scientists alike. In order to maximise > the geographic diversity of attendees, we will alternate between two > time slots every other month: 5 pm CET and 9 am CET. Please help us to > circulate this email to anyone who may be interested, especially those > in countries that are typically underrepresented in scientific > discourse. > > The programme of the seminar series is announced by email, on Twitter > (@Speciation_net) and on the IOS network website. People who wish to > automatically receive the programme and other news from the IOS > network can sign up to the network mailing list from the IOS website. > > We look forward to seeing you there! > > The STN IOS organising committee: > > Jonna Kulmuni (chair), Chris Cooney, Sean Stankowski, Carole Smadja > (co-chairs), Sonal Singhal, Liz Scordato, Joana Meier, Richard > Merrill, Konrad Lohse, Nick Barton and Roger Butlin > > > NERC Research Fellow > School of Biosciences > University of Sheffield > www.cooneylab.co.uk > > > Chris Cooney
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strassmann · 1 year
Four exciting postdocs in Ecology and Evolution at Washington University in St. Louis!
Looking for a postdoc? We have plenty!
Sometimes it isn’t just the project that attracts a postdo to a lab but it is the community. It isn’t easy to tell what that community is like sometimes, so here we share. Four of us are looking for postdocs in EEB at Wash U! We already have quite a few postdocs that this new cohort will be joining. It should be fun. Find what you love from the labs of Michael Landis, Rachel Penczykowski, Liz…
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sonyclasica · 2 years
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Los productores Sonia Friedman, Scott Landis y David Babani, junto con Gemini Theatrical, Accidental Jacket y Sony Masterworks Broadway, se complacen en anunciar el lanzamiento en CD de FUNNY GIRL - New Broadway Cast Recording, el viernes 20 de enero de 2023. Ya disponible en formato digital.
Consíguelo en digital AQUÍ
Consigue el CD AQUÍ
Mira el vídeo presentación AQUÍ
Los productores Sonia Friedman, Scott Landis y David Babani, junto con Gemini Theatrical, Accidental Jacket y Sony Masterworks Broadway, se complacen en anunciar el lanzamiento digital de FUNNY GIRL - New Broadway Cast Recording, que saldrá a la venta mañana, viernes 18 de noviembre de 2022, a las 12:01 AM ET. Producido por David Caddick y David Lai y que incluye la partitura clásica de Jule Styne (música) y Bob Merrill (letra), el CD físico saldrá a la venta el viernes 20 de enero de 2023. Además, el álbum ha sido producido por Evan McGill y coproducido por Brian Gillet, Huck Walton, Sean Keller, Marc Levine, Michael Mayer, Sonia Friedman, Scott Landis y David Babani.
FUNNY GIRL está protagonizada por la nominada a los premios Emmy Lea Michele como Fanny Brice, el nominado a los premios Tony y Olivier Ramin Karimloo como Nick Arnstein, el nominado a los premios Tony y Drama Desk 2022 y ganador del premio Chita Rivera Jared Grimes como Eddie Ryan, y la cuatro veces nominada a los premios Tony Tovah Feldshuh como Mrs. Rosie Brice en el August Wilson Theatre (245 West 52nd Street). Les acompañan Peter Francis James como Florenz Ziegfeld, Ephie Aardema como Emma/Sra. Nadler, Debra Cardona como Mrs. Meeker, Toni DiBuono como Mrs. Strakosh, Martin Moran como Tom Keeney, y una compañía de actores que incluye a Miriam Ali, Amber Ardolino, Daniel Beeman, Colin Bradbury, Kurt Csolak, John Michael Fiumara, Leslie Donna Flesner, Afra Hines, Masumi Iwai, Aliah James, Jeremiah James, Danielle Kelsey, Stephen Mark Lukas, Alicia Lundgren, John Manzari, Liz McCartney, Connor McRory Katie Mitchell, Justin Prescott, Mariah Reives, Barbara Tirrell, Leslie Blake Walker y la suplente de "Fanny Brice" Julie Benko, que interpreta el papel todos los jueves.
El ganador del premio Tony, Michael Mayer, dirige esta nueva versión de FUNNY GIRL, con la clásica partitura de la ganadora de los premios Tony, Grammy y de la Academia, Jule Styne, y letras del nominado al premio Tony y ganador del Grammy, Bob Merrill, (con canciones adicionales de Styne y Merrill). El libro original de Isobel Lennart, a partir de una historia original de Lennart, está revisado por el ganador del premio Tony Harvey Fierstein.
FUNNY GIRL cuenta con la coreografía de Ellenore Scott, la coreografía de claqué de Ayodele Casel, el diseño escénico del ganador del premio Tony David Zinn, el diseño de vestuario de la ganadora del premio Tony Susan Hilferty, el diseño de iluminación del ganador del premio Tony Kevin Adams, el diseño de sonido del ganador del premio Tony Brian Ronan, el diseño de peluquería de Campbell Young Associates, la dirección musical y la supervisión del ganador del premio Emmy Michael Rafter, el reparto de Jim Carnahan, CSA y Jason Thinger, CSA, la orquestación de Chris Walker, los arreglos de danza, vocales y de música incidental de Alan Williams, y los arreglos adicionales de David Dabbon y Carmel Dean.
Esta comedia agridulce es la historia de la indomable Fanny Brice, una chica del Lower East Side que soñaba con una vida sobre el escenario. Todo el mundo le dijo que nunca sería una estrella, pero entonces ocurrió algo curioso: se convirtió en una de las intérpretes más queridas de la historia, brillando más que las luces más brillantes de Broadway. Con algunas de las canciones más emblemáticas de la historia del teatro, como "Don't Rain On My Parade", "I'm the Greatest Star" y "People", la nueva y audaz producción de Michael Mayer es la primera vez que FUNNY GIRL vuelve a Broadway desde su debut hace 58 años.
Las entradas para FUNNY GIRL están ya a la venta hasta el domingo 28 de mayo de 2023 en https://seatgeek.com/funny-girl-tickets. Los precios son a partir de 69,00 dólares.
El día de la función, si se agotan las entradas de pie, habrá un número limitado de ellas en la taquilla. Las entradas de pie son por orden de llegada.
FUNNY GIRL está producida por Sonia Friedman Productions, Scott Landis, David Babani, Roy Furman, No Guarantees, Adam Blanshay Productions, Daryl Roth, Stephanie P. McClelland, Lang Entertainment Group, Playing Field, Gavin Kalin, Charles & Nicolas Talar, Fakston Productions, Sanford Robertson, Craig Balsam, Cue to Cue Productions, LenoffFedermanWolofsky Productions, Judith Ann Abrams / Peter May, Hunter Arnold, Creative Partners Productions, Elizabeth Armstrong, Jane Bergère, Jean Doumanian, Larry Magid, Rosalind Productions, Iris Smith, Kevin & Trudy Sullivan, Julie Boardman / Kate Cannova, Heni Koenigsberg / Michelle Riley, Mira Road Productions / Seaview, In Fine Company, Elie Landau, Brian Moreland, Henry R. Muñoz III & Kyle Ferari Muñoz,  MaggioAbrams / Brian & Dayna Lee.
Los productores asociados de FUNNY GIRL – New Broadway Cast Recording son Joanna Drowos, Abby Green y Pickelstar.
SONY MUSIC MASTERWORKS es una compañía global de entretenimiento especializada en música grabada y experiencias en directo. Entre nuestras producciones teatrales y álbumes de reparto se encuentran  Almost Famous, KPOP, Lempicka, Macbeth (Daniel Craig), Back to the Future, Sing Street, SpongeBob, Harry Potter, Flying Over Sunset, Hello, Dolly! (Bette Midler), Kinky Boots y Once. Para actualizaciones por email y más información, visita www.sonymusicmasterworks.com/.
ACCIDENTAL JACKET ENTERTAINMENT es una productora creativa que combina el cine, el teatro y la música. Hacemos anuncios, películas, vídeos musicales, producciones en directo y álbumes, todo ello con el impulso de contar historias convincentes. Nuestro álbum más reciente fue The Music Man, protagonizado por Hugh Jackman y Sutton Foster.
Sigue a FUNNY GIRL en Facebook, Twitter & Instagram @FunnyGirlBway. www.FunnyGirlOnBroadway.com
Sigue a SONY MUSIC MASTERWORKS en Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube. www.masterworksbroadway.com
Sigue a ACCIDENTAL JACKET ENTERTAINMENT en Facebook, Instagram & YouTube. www.accidentaljacket.com
Gracias a Lucky Seat, habrá un número limitado de entradas disponibles para cada función de FUNNY GIRL por 47,50 $ la entrada. Las loterías digitales comenzarán cada lunes a las 10 AM ET y se cerrarán el día anterior a la actuación a las 10:30 AM ET. Los ganadores serán notificados aproximadamente a las 11 de la mañana, hora del este, del día anterior a la actuación, por correo electrónico y por SMS. Una vez informados, los ganadores tendrán un tiempo limitado para reclamar y pagar su(s) billete(s). Los participantes en la lotería deben ser mayores de 18 años. Los billetes son intransferibles. Todas las ventas son definitivas. No hay cambios ni devoluciones. Los límites y precios de las entradas son a discreción del espectáculo y están sujetos a cambios. Para ver las reglas adicionales e información sobre cómo participar, visita: https://www.luckyseat.com/shows/funnygirl-newyork.
1. Overture
Nuevo reparto de Funny Girl en Broadway
2. Who Are You Now?
Lea Michele
3. If a Girl Isn't Pretty
Tovah Feldshuh y Toni DiBuono
4. I'm the Greatest Star
Lea Michele
5. Eddie's Tap
Jared Grimes
6. Cornet Man
Lea Michele, Kurt Csolak, Justin Prescott
7. His Love Makes Me Beautiful
Lea Michele, Daniel Beeman y la compañía
8. I Want to Be Seen with You
Lea Michele y Ramin Karimloo
9. Henry Street
Tovah Feldshuh, Toni DiBuono, Debra Cardona, Jared Grimes, Martin Moran, Lea Michele y la compañía
10. People
Lea Michele
11. You Are Woman, I Am Man
Lea Michele y Ramin Karimloo
12. Don't Rain on My Parade
Lea Michele
13. Sadie, Sadie
Lea Michele y Ramin Karimloo
14. Who Taught Her Everything She Knows?
Tovah Feldshuh y Jared Grimes
15. Temporary Arrangement
Ramin Karimloo, Daniel Beeman, Kurt Csolak, John Manzari y Justin Prescott
16. Rat-Tat-Tat-Tat
Lea Michele y la compañía
17. Who Are You Now? (Repetición)
Lea Michele y Ramin Karimloo
18. You're a Funny Girl / Beekman Call
Ramin Karimloo
19. What Do Happy People Do?
Nuevo reparto de Funny Girl en Broadway
20. The Music That Makes Me Dance
Lea Michele
21. Dream Ballet
Nuevo reparto de Funny Girl en Broadway
22. Finale Act 2
Lea Michele
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tarotforsale · 3 years
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The second edition of the Prism tarot by Liz Landis is now available for pre-order! This edition is black with deeper hues, has thicker card stock and holographic edges, and will be available for a limited time. Until the physical decks arrive, these can only be ordered in the US and Canada, and will be sold internationally afterwards.
Get the deck here!
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comparativetarot · 4 years
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The Hierophant. Art by Liz Landis, from The Prism Tarot.
Pillar of the community
The Hierophant is a very appropriate card for this time of year, (I originally wrote this on Christmas Eve) which celebrates traditions and structure. They are often represented as a spiritual leader or authority figure. In the Hermetic Tarot they are known as the ‘Magus of the Eternal Gods.’ Like the High Priestess they are a keeper of wisdom and knowledge, however, they openly share that knowledge. The also possess the masculine principles of law, order, and stability established by the Emperor. The themes of the number 5 are present here, but this card embodies the balance in order to overcome, strife, conflict, and instability. 5 is a number that also represents humanity. 
The Hierophant stands between the same two pillars of duality as the High Priestess. Here the pillars represent law/freedom and severity/mercy. They serve as the central pillar of mildness and equilibrium and create balance with a message of harmony and community. The key they hold unlocks the collective wisdom of humanity passed down since the beginning of time. They are open, where the High Priestess was locked away. The theme of three, or triplicity, is repeated in the trefoils on the key and the crown they wear. It represents spirit, soul, and body. 
This card is ruled by Taurus.
In a reading, this card often points to an authority figure in your life or someone who is a pillar in your community. It invites you to embrace tradition, convention, and established values and beliefs. Now is not a time to bend the rules. Stick to what you know instead of trying something new.  Seek out others who share your beliefs and find comfort in community. 
The reversed could mean that maybe it’s time to question authority. Does your belief system support your personal values?  Seek wisdom from within instead of from others. You are your own teacher.
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scattered-paige · 4 years
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Deadwood ‘76 (1965)
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Code Blue Ch. 41- Eyes of a Stranger
Summary: Lee shuts down and Jo notices. She stumbles across vital information. Josie experiences a fear like no other....as does Lee. An argument ensues. Lee partially explains his actions. He soon makes a choice that leaves Jo exasperated and him in the dog house.
*Warnings* language, angst,
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Chapter characters: Lee, Josie, Liz, Blaise, Angel
Salem, Massachusetts
March 16, 2023
The tv in the living room of the home Lee, Liz and Jacob had once shared, quietly displayed the movie Salem's Lot as your exhausted doctor love laid sleeping like a baby on the couch. When you both had returned from the hospital, he had went straight to the kitchen and being the creative chef he is, whipped up a meal fit for a Queen as he called it that he had promised he would do for you. What he didn't do as he had promised, was tell you what happened with Luke or what was bothering him so badly. Instead, he had sipped in silence on some whiskey and barely touched his Thanksgiving style buffet. You on the other hand, ate every delicious bite plus dessert and had well learned not to pressure him, knowing he would talk to you when he was ready.
After covering him up, you cleared the table that was still surrounded by half packed boxes, knowing Lee still hadn't made up his mind if he was going to sell or continue to rent the place yet, but you already knew what his decision would be. Since the miraculous moment of him seeing Jacob's apparition, there was no way he was going to part with it.
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After washing all the dishes, you sat at the table with a glass of red wine and decided to check on Gerry since Britt had told you he was worried about you. You were more concerned for the dashing detective though since Victor was not improving from what you had last been updated on.
There was no change with the Greek tycoon's status but one thing you did learn as well as Gerry was the discovery that his father had a DNR put in place...a medical order that meant do not resuscitate if he were to stop breathing. You supposed you could understand that considering Vic's age, but it didn't make it any easier nonetheless. Victor Kiriakis had always been good to you and that said a lot, for the man was notorious for being ruthless and heartless mostly. But underneath all that, your mother saw good in him and you knew deep down she loved him as he did her, although you were grateful she had chosen your father in the end. You supposed you understood that too. You loved Gerry once and always would, but you loved Lee more, more than you ever thought possible to love someone.
One more revelation came to light during the texting. One that Gerry was not so comfortable with. He learned he would be getting a new partner, which he hadn't had since your brother Bo, also his brother and that new partner was none other than Luke. He had done it, what he said he was going to do. Downgrade to police status and change his life to look out for Orlando. You could commend him for that indeed, but putting two hard heads like Gerry and Luke together was like trying to mix oil and water with both being of dominant and solitary nature.
You checked in with a few others such as your mom, Britt, Landy, Em and even Dave and Luke, which the two of them did not respond. You expected it from Dave since you had unintentionally made him feel like Liz couldn't possibly like him for who he was. You still felt that way too, because that's who SHE was, a cunning conniving cuntcake and you just knew she was using him to stick it to you.
Now Luke though, should have replied, which made you even more curious as to what had transpired between him and Lee, especially with Lee's sudden change in behavior after their meeting.
You then thought of Jason and how you were supposed to meet with him at midnight on the train bridge, which you still had to inform Lee about. How was all that going to go with Lee standing face to face with the blood father of Jacob, or the fact that Lee was happy with what Jason had put you through? And then of course, Jason was going to be livid that you not only exposed him to be of the living, but you were also bringing him with you to a place that was off limits to outsiders, per Jason's rules. Well, Lee was not an outsider and Jason was just going to have to suck it up.
Craig entered your mind, wondering if he knew about Liz being fired and was possibly celebrating over many glasses of wine as you sipped on your single one. You thought about texting him, but refrained since you didn't feel quite ready to speak with him yet, hence why you had been avoiding your own apartment. Would you give it up? You spent all your time at Lee's places anyways and it's right where you wanted to be. Yes...yes you would give it up, if Lee asked you to stay with him...but he hadn't. You had to wonder if he was still a bit leery of going down that road again, especially so soon, for you and he had literally only been together almost two months. You both had fallen so hard so fast....but it felt so right in every way. A destiny that could not be denied. Every sign, every occurrence, every step you both had ever taken...it all had led you to each other.
You were suddenly startled out of your hour long thoughts when you heard glass break.
"Lee???" you shouted as you ran into the living room to find him sitting up with his head in his hands and the glass he had on the coffee table, now shattered on the floor.
He lifted his head and gave a facade of a smile. "It's ok baby. I think I was dreaming and accidentally hit the glass with my arm or foot or something. I..I think I'm going to go upstairs and sleep. I barely fit on this damn couch."
Lee got up and began to head up the stairs without even looking back at you or asking you to come with him. Not even an acknowledgement that you had tried to speak to him.
You stood completely dumbfounded, mouth gaping and began to rub your tightening chest as your eyes stung with forming tears. There was no doubt now in your mind that he was avoiding you and that something was terribly wrong with him.
Angrily wiping your falling tears, you went to the kitchen to put the clean dishes away. He promised he would talk to you. He promised he wouldn't keep things from you again. Luke certainly must know something but he too was avoiding you.
"What...the..fuck....so much for trying to remain stress free. What are you hiding NOW Lee??" you found yourself loudly whispering with incredulous sarcasm while you vigorously scrubbed the countertops. You felt an abundance of mixed emotions but being pissed off superseded them all. You just got out of the hospital and it seemed as if that was the furthest thing from his mind.
"Damn it!" you snapped as you hurled the rag in the sink. You now felt guilty for being angry with him because he was obviously in some kind of distress and he was shutting you out. WHY?? Just like Orlando told you about. How Lee became so guarded and closed off after his time spent with Luke...which is what was happening now. Definitely not a coincidence.
Two car doors slammed from outside and women's muffled voices were heard. You peeked through the curtain to see Angel and Liz marching up to Angel's porch with Liz carrying a chocolate haired toddler that had to be Blaise. It unnerved you to no end that the two nurses were friends and even after being fired, Liz was still in close proximity to Lee. You didn't care for Angel either which you had never made that any secret and it said a lot about her for keeping such company as Elizabitch.
"What am I supposed to do now? How am I supposed to take care of my kid?? Craig will be all over this to try and take her from me which I know damn well that's why Cyrus fired me!" Liz reeled from the porch, just out of your sight but not your ears as you crept the window open.
"I said you can stay here with me and Dash until you find another job. There's plenty of hospitals and other relevant places for your qualifications. He can't just take her from you without just cause. You haven't done anything wrong. You gotta stop letting people like Craig, Cyrus and Ethan bully you around."
"Well that's easier said than done considering WHO they all are. You didn't see how Cyrus looked at me and then there's Ethan who has somehow gotten the idea in his head that Blaise is his kid. Seriously Angel...I can't stay here and put you and Dash in danger. Not to mention how fucking awkward it is to be next door to Lee and that pit bull of a girlfriend he has and besides...what about Mr. Carpenter? Aren't you still fucking him? I would just be in the way here."
Your hand flung over your gasping mouth as your eyes popped, trying to lean closer to the window to clearly hear the answer.
"Well yeah, but Warren comes here late at night when Dash is in bed so, you wouldn't even see him really and you know what...fuck Lee and Jolene or whatever the hell her name is. They're not here all the time or even right now and besides, they can't tell you where you can go."
Liz stepped off the porch into your view and looked at Lee's house. Gasping, you jumped back, knocking a glass over in which you quickly grabbed and stood frozen with a cringed up expression. Slowly peeking back, you saw Liz take another step down with her eyes scouring Lee's empty driveway, for he had parked in the garage out back, which you thought nothing of at the time but now, it did seem odd.
"Ok, yeah. I guess they're not here but still...again, what about Cyrus? I'm telling you, he's up to something and I'm a little...no...A LOT freaked out. You know damn well he can find a needle in a haystack and it's not exactly a secret that you and I are friends. I'm scared Angel."
"Well, why don't you bargain with him with what you know? I mean, his biggest enemy, besides Sonny, is alive and you could hand Jason Morgan right to him in exchange for your safety??"
You wanted to run straight to Lee and shake him awake, but you forced yourself to remain and listen to the rest of the conversation, because...how in the HELL did Liz know your brother was alive?? and now...her big stupid mouth has told Angel.
Elizabeth laughed. "Seriously?? There's no bargaining with a man like Cyrus Renault. He'll still kill me Angel and take my kid."
"Ok, then tell Ethan the truth. He's your friend isn't he? You and he can raise and protect Blaise together and he can protect you as well."
"Angel, you don't get it. Ethan don't want me or want to spend his life sheltering me, especially from Cyrus. He's infatuated with Lee and besides, I think Johnny, who also wants me dead, has poisoned Ethan's mind into believing I'm responsible for my own son's death and Ethan won't want me raising his kid, as if he is such a better role model than me and I also think Johnny is the one who put the idea in Ethan's head that Blaise is his."
"Well, she is isn't she?"
"That's besides the point. And there's also Jason being alive and I guarantee you he wants me dead too."
"All the more reason you should give him up to the enemy so you have one less enemy on your ass. I mean, you did play a hand in Morgan's so called demise and I surely wouldn't want him as my enemy. It's a damn good thing you overheard Lee and Jolene talking about it so you can at least be prepared for his wrath."
"Ok, you are so not helping right now. I'm fucking marked Angel. They'll find me here just as they will find me anywhere I go."
"Look, I'm only trying to offer you ideas because what else do you have?? I would at least try Ethan. He's way less edgy than Cyrus. Tell him about Blaise and about Jason too. You're the mother of his kid, he's gotta help you...right??"
Blaise became fussy and Liz was starting to panic as she angrily put her down her. 'Stop it Blaise. I don't need this crap right now!"
"I want daddy!!!" the little girl with braids cried, which broke your heart in two. You just wanted to scoop her up and rush her over to Craig.
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"Angel..if you want to help me, keep Blaise for me until I figure something out."
"I would but Liz...I kind of have a job."
"Dash can watch her, he's old enough."
"Dash goes to school Liz."
"Ok...then, use your PTO but don't tell anyone you have her. Please...I can't have the weight of a kid. I'll...I'll go talk to Ethan but I can't take her with me and I'll be damned if Craig is going to get his hands on her. If worse comes to worse, which I think it already has, I'll get passports and leave the country with her."
"Alright...for now and..."
"Ok, thank you!! I gotta run. I'll be back later!" Liz shouted as she ran off to her car without even saying goodbye to her daughter who then threw a screaming tantrum as Angel picked her up.
Jesus, you didn't know what to do. You couldn't just go over there and take Blaise. The child didn't even know you and you didn't want to end up in jail for kidnapping. Should you call Craig? No no no...Jason? Jason needed to know all of this first... ASAP.
You quickly texted the number he had texted you from that morning.
"CODE RED." A code warning of danger.
If he did not respond, then you would call Craig....or even Sonny, which made your stomach turn into a knot at the thought. You couldn't tell Gerry any of what you just heard which proved Liz's involvement in Jason's death because, well...he wasn't dead and it would give Jason up...and it wasn't like Angel or Liz would admit it. It would most likely be considered hearsay.
"Proceed as planned." was the reply five agonizing minutes later.
You did proceed, right up to Lee to tell him about meeting Jason, then about what you just witnessed.
Your breath was taken away as you walked in to see Lee sound asleep on his back and seemingly in his birthday suit, covered from the waist down by a single white sheet that showed in great detail, the contours of what lied beneath. How you could be thinking of ravaging him at a time like this was beyond you...but needless to say, you were.....immensely.
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You hated to disturb him, for he looked so beautifully peaceful in his sprawled out slumber and you knew how much he needed the rest since he had not slept more than a few winks at the hospital, but he needed to know what just transpired. There was just no way you could hold it all in until he awoke on his own.
A soft snore escaped his lips as you approached him and leaned over him to gently kiss his lips and as you did so, you were grabbed harshly by your wrists and flipped over so fast onto your back with no time to scream and your wrists now pinned tightly above your head by an unrecognizable man glaring down at you with the eyes of a stranger..
"Lee??? It's...it's me..." you squeaked in fear as you laid paralyzed in his death grip with his knee pinning your legs to the bed.
The light and sapphire color came back on in his eyes and immediately filled with a fearful remorse as he gasped and released you, then sprung off the bed like a frog. He stood panting with gaping eyes as he stared down at you, still in the position he placed you in, shaking like a leaf, afraid to move.
"Jo...I....my god...did I...hurt you?" he stuttered through his heavy breaths while frozen in place, eyes still glued open wide and welling up with tears.
You struggled to find words, any words at all. "I...I...don't...think so...I..."
Lee's hand went to his mouth, covering it in his frightened gaze and then he came to you so fast that your fight or flight instinct chose flight. You quickly scooted away, almost falling off the bed and it was then that Lee could see you had slightly relieved yourself.
"Jo, baby...I...I don't know what...happened...I..."
"The hell you don't!" you snapped, finally finding your voice as you stood up.
"W..what? No, Jo...you...you just startled me...that's all."
"Do you know how many times I have woke you from a deep sleep and you have NEVER reacted like that! And this morning, at the hospital...all I did was touch you and you awoke in a panic. What the FUCK is going on with you Lee???"
"Jo...I...I don't know...I..."
"Oh I do NOT have any more time for your lies and secrets!" you barked and stormed out of the room.
"Jo..wait...Jesus....fuck!" he reeled as he hopped into his sweats and ran after you. He came running down the stairs so fast, he missed a few, saving himself from falling as he grabbed the rail.
"Jo stop, please!" Lee pleaded as he took your arm.
You spun around so fast with maddening eyes, that even Lee took a step back, swiftly withdrawing his hand and closed his mouth with a hard gulp.
"Do you think I am stupid?? Gullible? Naive??? OBLIVIOUS?? Something happened with Luke and I want to know what is is...NOW...or I am walking out that door. He won't even talk to me now! You told me you would tell me when we got back and you have deflected the entire time, which is no shocker there."
"God, no baby. I would never think that about you. I'm sorry...I'm sorry that I..."
"I don't want your damn apologies Lee. I want the TRUTH."
His hands went to his hips as his head fell with a light bob, then he vigorously rubbed his mouth in frustration.
"Ok fine. We fought, alright? Over YOU. That's it. And I told him to stay away because he's overstepping. You don't know him Jo. Not like I do."
"Right now...I feel like I don't know you. You're telling me all of that made you just act like some ninja?? And fought how? Verbally? Physically?"
Lee rubbed his mouth again and sighed as he placed it back on his hip.
"Well I...I kind of...smashed a vase over his very deserving head."
You stood temporarily speechless as you stared into his unashamed eyes.
"Who ARE you???" you asked loudly, in complete shock.
"Don't say that. Please. I'm the same man you fell in love with. I'm just...it's all this shit going on. It's getting to me just like it got to you Jo. And I guess we all deal with things in different ways."
"And yours is violence? I understand jealousy and revenge very much Lee, but Jesus. And then there was Mr. Carpenter..."
"Who, by the way, also deserved it! And did you forget what Luke did to Landy?? And just like that, you forgave him. He even pulled a knife on me...yes, after the fact of the vase but still. I...I was just protecting what is mine. If anyone is violent Jo, it's Luke and if anything is clear...he wants my girlfriend."
"SO that means I want him??"
"It's not about that Jo! It's about him and fucking boundaries. This is what he does. Goes after what does not belong to him. Landy even told you that!"
"Landy told me quite a lot of things. Like how you changed after your time spent with Luke. Kind of like your acting now. Something is triggering you to behave this way out of freaking nowhere. You just basically attacked me Lee!"
"You know I didn't mean to do that. I didn't realize it was you. I would never hurt you Jo, my god."
"Right, just like before??"
Lee stood stunned as he stared at you. "Wow...I...I'm going back to bed. Fuck this right now."
You shouldn't have let him go, but you did...and you shouldn't have said that to him because what happened back then was an accident...even just like this was and now you felt incredibly awful. God, what was happening? you thought as you laid on the couch and silently cried yourself to sleep. You would just have to tell him everything else when he got up and was hopefully cooled off.
It was dark when you awoke. Gasping, you looked at the grandfather clock that chimed nine times. You had slept the entire day away and were now three hours from seeing your brother.
A blanket laid snuggly tucked over you that you did not cover up with and soft music was coming from the kitchen with the aroma of Lee's Drakkar cologne gracing your nose.
Feeling like you had to walk on eggshells around him for the first time ever, you made enough noise to alert him to your presence. Lee sat at the table drinking a beer, nicely groomed and dressed in all black, consisting of a sweater, jeans and boots. He turned to look at you, his face expressionless yet full of sorrow....and then he spoke.
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"After what happened with Luke, I saw Ethan and Luke Sr in the lobby. They didn't see me but I watched them, trying to figure out why they were there. I came to the conclusion it was because of Liz since I had seen Ethan with her just prior and they seemed to be in an argument. Their presence...and Luke's...and what happened to you...I don't know Jo...it was all so overwhelming. I just...I feel like I have no control over anything. Everywhere I look, my past is there, taunting me and I feel helpless to protect you. I feel responsible for what happened to you yesterday and I feel a thousand times worse over scaring you like I did. The way you looked at me...you were...scared of me Jo. I...I never want to see you look at me that way again. I can't handle it. It was like before, when I hallucinated and thought you were Liz. You were so frightened."
His eyes gleamed of turmoil and tears which tugged at your heart strings terribly. You walked over and sat on his lap, hugging him so tight, and he quickly returned the embrace.
"I'm so sorry baby. I'm so so sorry. I would never hurt you." Lee sobbed into your neck as you cradled the back of his head. One thing you couldn't handle was hearing and seeing him cry.
"Shhhh. Lee, I know that and I'm sorry too. What I said to you was so shitty and god, I did not mean it. You know I forgave you for that. It was an accident and I forgive you now too."
"I deserved what you said Jo. Then and now. I don't know what the hell's wrong with me. You're the one person in this world who has ever truly loved me and all I do is hurt you in some way."
"No...you didn't deserve that. What's wrong is everyone else. It's not you baby. Look at me Lee. It's...not...you."
"How do you know? Earlier you said you don't know me." he asked as you wiped away a stray tear from his eye.
"You know that's not how I meant it. Of course I know you, the real you...I just meant that..."
A door closed from outside again, abruptly ending your words and then your hand went firmly over Lee's mouth.
"Shhhh!" you whispered with widened eyes.
"I mimn't may anyming." he muffled through your hand with an arched brow in question as you slowly ascended enough to see over the window sill.
There stood Angel on the porch, in her robe as she lit up a cigarette and then she turned to face your window.
"Eeeek!" you gasped and ducked down, still holding your hand over Lee's mouth and now yours too.
"Mo..." Lee mumbled and then pulled your hand away in frustration. "Damn it. Jo. What is going on?"
"Will you be quiet?? She'll hear you." you sternly whispered.
"Angel! She doesn't think we are here and I need to tell you about her and Liz."
"Jo...she saw me standing in the window earlier when she went out to smoke. You were sleeping."
"Oh...well that explains her coming out in a robe now."
"What does it matter if she knows you are here and what do you mean about her and Liz?"
"Well for one thing. Liz was fired today."
You went and got yourself a beer and another for Lee, then told him all about what you saw and heard.
"Wow....well why am I not surprised? I forgot to tell you that I think Angel is the one who was relaying information to Mr. Carpenter and I guess that pretty much confirms it. Fucking Liz...damn it. She was always hanging out with Angel and telling our business when we were together. At least I won't have to work with her now... And...I can't believe it, well yes I can, that Liz was involved in Jason's take down."
"Yeah. I'd say you're lucky you got away from her when you did."
"Jacob not so much." Lee reeled and stood up, beginning to pace about. "So now, Angel has Craig's kid. I suppose anywhere is better for a child than being in Liz's care."
You stood up at the window's edge to where she couldn't see you and peeked out again.
"Ughh...what a skank."
'Well, let's give her what she wants."
"Errr, what??"
"I can get her to talk Jo. Think about it."
"Ohhhh HELL no. No way. Nope. Lee seriously?"
"Jo...she hasn't seen you and thinks I'm here alone. I can go over and feed her some bullshit that we're fighting. I can act all upset and..."
"Lee NO. She's not just going to rat Liz out and even so, that's not hard proof. It's no different than me overhearing them."
"You overheard it. That's different than someone straight up telling it to your face."
"Lee...there's no evidence. Have you heard of the corpus delicti rule? A confession is not enough, not to mention it would only be said to you and it would not even be coming from Liz's mouth Lee. And before you even suggest it, you can't record it either. It's not submissible. Yeah, your plan would probably work because it's obvious she wants you but it could go soooo wrong. I mean, Mr. Carpenter is probably going there tonight for one thing. I don't think you need to run into him again and then also, what if she does tell you. Then what? You just up and leave? She'll know you played her when you don't give her what she wants and what about Dash? That kid adores you. She most likely won't let you see him anymore. And Jesus Lee, then Liz will know too. This is too messy."
"Liz ain't going to know. Do you honestly think Angel would tell her? I guarantee you Liz don't even know I drunkenly slept with Angel the night of the funeral. Angel is clearly in this well up to her damn neck from what you heard and I mean, she's whoring around with a married man and harboring a mobster's kid. That's messy. This will be easy. It may be pointless in getting either of them prosecuted, but I still want to hear it and anything she knows about Jacob because my gut is screaming at me that she knows something about his death. Angel and Liz always were and still are thick as thieves."
"So, this is more about Jacob then and wanting to see what Angel knows?"
"Mostly yes and any other information I can extract from her traitorous mouth."
"Ok, the way you speak sometimes, that's what I meant when I said I didn't know you. It's like some other person lives inside of you with how you've been acting...acting like Luke actually and now you're talking about doing something off the wall bat shit crazy. THIS part Lee, this part is NOT you. We need to see Jason first ok??. He texted me this morning Lee. I have to meet him at midnight."
"Wait...what?? Midnight?? In the pitch dark?? Where???"
"The train bridge I showed you from afar down by the bay. Hey, well at least your dressed for the occasion. You and Jay will be twins." you jested in regards to his all black attire.
"Umm...then he'll know I know he's alive Jo which you weren't supposed to tell me remember?"
"Yeah well I suppose I don't care. Jason will just have to deal with it and...I wouldn't go without you....I won't keep secrets from you. We promised each other, remember? It destroys trust and without that, what is left?"
The look in your honey hues made Lee's guilt intensify. He could see it and feel it, that you knew he was hiding something and that he was jeopardizing the trust you had left in him. And he knew damn well he couldn't ask you to marry him without you knowing everything. It wouldn't be right nor honest.
"You're right. Trust and even honesty is the glue that bonds two people together. Jo...I...I need to tel...."
"LEEEE!!!" Angel screeched to the back of his head from her porch, waving like a lunatic.
"Fuck...." he whispered as his entire body tensed up, realizing he was standing in front of the window again. His face went from cringed to a forced smile in a matter of seconds as he slowly turned around and reluctantly waved back.
"Lee, come on over! I have beer and Dash would like to see you before he goes to bed."
"Well now you've gone and done it." you quietly snapped as you stayed out of sight. "Guess you got your wish."
"Shhhh." he whistled through closed teeth as he still looked at and smiled to an awaiting Angel.
"Uh sure, give me a few minutes." he replied as he leaned into the open window and then he closed it, whipping the curtains closed.
"Ok, just no! You can't do this Lee. We HAVE to go meet Jason!"
"Jo..it's only 9:30. Give me two hours tops and I'll get her to squeal."
You eyes bulged at his statement.
"Oh god... bad choice of words. You KNOW what I meant."
"Are you freaking serious right now??? You expect me to wait here while you're in her house doing god knows what and..."
You were pulled into a deep full kiss, soft tongue swirls included that ignited your core into a raging wildfire and you made a whining whimper when he pulled away.
"My sweet girl...you have nothing and I mean absolutely NOTHING to worry about. She does nothing for me. No one does but you. I love you so much and YOU are all that I want. Ok, listen...you watch for Carpenter and call my phone if you see him. I'll head out the back door and I will make sure to try and stand by the window so you can see and if she makes any kind of move on me, take it with a grain of salt."
"What??? Take her hands on you with a grain of salt??? Did you really just say that??" you reeled as he turned off the kitchen light, making it easy for you to see and be unnoticed.
"Do you have a better idea? Because I know yours would be kidnapping Liz and beating the snot out of her until she confessed every sin she ever committed."
"Yeah ok well, that's pretty accurate but......YES! I do have a better idea. You could have said NO, that you were busy or some shit, but nOOOooooo....you accepted because you wanted to do it!"
"Just trust me ok beautiful? I know what I'm doing."
"Yeah ok....that's what I'm afraid of." you snapped as he walked out the front door.
Was this really happening right now??? You felt like you were on some kind of stakeout. This was the kind of shit you did in high school for pranks, not when you were 30. Is this the kind of stuff he did in his past with Luke to KNOW what he was doing? You're mind was in a free fall of thoughts. You understood, he needed to know things about Jacob for some type of closure per se, but this wasn't the way to go about getting it.
You stood in the darkened kitchen like some peeping tom at the window where you could see the driveway to Angel's house in case Warren showed up and also where you could see inside Angel's window to her lighted living room that was dressed with sheer curtains, but you didn't see Lee yet. You did see Dash bolting by in excitement so you figured Lee must be inside. Not being able to see him was triggering your anxiety so you poured some wine, for it usually helped calm you if consumed in moderation.
You could hear Lee's muffled laughter and then...you saw him and Dash, then Angel...but..where was Blaise? Most likely asleep you figured.
Although Lee couldn't see you, he still glanced your way, seemingly making perfect eye contact with you and then winked.
"Oh no you didn't..." you growled and took a gulp of the sweet red vintage. Every car that drove by made your heart sink into your stomach. This was the DUMBEST fucking idea ever!
Lee's head darted to the ceiling and then he looked at Angel, saying something to her and then Dash and Angel walked out. Lee watched them in a leaning position and then quickly called you.
"Lee what the hell are you doing??" you whispered, wondering why in the hell you were whispering.
"Blaise...she's upstairs and crying." he said, barely audible as he kept his eyes on the path of their exit. "She told me she was babysitting but didn't say for who."
"Of course she's not going to tell you it's Liz's kid. Will you just come back already?? This is INSANE."
"I just got here Jo and I....shit..."
You saw him end the call and swiftly shove the phone back in his pocket, then Angel came back in...alone. Now all you could do was view your man be ogled by a dark angel that should have black wings bursting out of her back at any moment and wrapping him up like a burrito to suck him dry.
"Sorry." Angel said with a flirty smile and handed Lee a beer. "Dash is going to stay up there with her. She's not used to being here. Now, where were we?"
Lee knew he now had to be the man he didn't want to be anymore and mentally put on his acting shoes as he sat down on the couch that was inconveniently in front of the window, so now, all you could see was the back of his head.
"Lee? Are you alright? You seem...depressed?" Angel then asked him as she sat down beside him, quite close and placed her hand on his shoulder, which you could see.
"Why is every damn woman the same Angel? Why do they always want another man?"
Her face became surprised and seemingly sympathetic. "Lee...what...what happened sweetie? Did Jolene leave you for another dude?"
"She's still hung up on that ex of hers, the cop. I caught her in his arms this morning before we left the hospital and it looked far from innocent."
"Oh, you mean that hot detective who's dad is in ICU?"
"Oh so you think he's hot too? Figures..." Lee retorted with a frown and pretended to take a sip of his already opened beer. If there's one thing he learned not to do, it was to drink any beverage brought to him that he didn't open or to ever leave one unattended....all thanks to Ethan's drugging of him.
"Oh gosh, sorry, no. Lee, you're way better than he is. Why in the world would she want to go back to that when she had someone like you???"
"You tell me? I've racked my brain over and over about it. She turned out to be no better than Lizzie. I guess they both like men with guns better."
"Well...if it's any consolation, I like your gun better."
"My gun?? Oh....OHHHHH...wow um yeah...I get it."
Lee faked laughed, thinking to himself of absolutely ridiculous she was...and bold.
"Sorry...I..I have just never forgotten our night together. I never would have done any of this to you. Yeah, I don't get Liz sometimes and her choice in men...oh, I don't mean you of course and well Jolene, she seemed too stuck up for you and so not your type."
"Hmmm...and let me guess. My type is...you?"
"Well you certainly thought so the night in your attic."
"I was shit faced and in mourning....sorry...that...that didn't come out right."
"No, no, it's ok. I do understand that. But, it was 4 years ago. Maaaaaybe things could be...different now?"
"Yeah, I don't know Angel. I'm literally only hours free of a two month relationship and besides...you hang with Liz all the time. For one thing, it would be awkward and second...I, to this day, still believe she caused Jacob's death. Honestly, how are you friends with someone like her?"
"Ohhhh, we're not THAT good of friends. I mean, she don't even know you and I slept together and she never had much time for me anyways. Always messing with all these guys. I mean, why did she even get married?? Good thing you never married her. I will say though, she isn't a good mother."
"How so?"
"Just the way she is with her kid now, that I've seen, and even with Jacob. She's even been nasty to Dash. I never even saw her cry once after Jacob died. She needs fixed, let me tell ya."
"Angel...do...do you think it was intentional? That she forgot, so she says, to buckle his seatbelt on his car seat?" Lee asked with sorrowful eyes...sorrowful eyes that were very real in that fake moment.
Angel's eyes diverted away from Lee's as she paused.
Lee desperately took her face into his hands.
"Angel...you're a parent. Please...for the love of god, if you know anything, tell me. I...I need to know."
Angel became all serious. "You're just playing me aren't you? If I tell you what you want to know, IF there is anything to even tell you, then you'll just leave. You ask why you aren't good enough for women, well why am I not good enough for you? Because you were always good enough for me."
She knew something, that was now blatantly clear and he knew what he had to do to find out, which was going to make his stomach turn and you livid.
Lee swallowed his pride, for Jacob, and pulled Angel into a kiss, deep and long...too damn long or even conceivable at all for your staggered eyes.
"Mmmmm, oh Lee." Angel moaned and slid her hand between his legs.
"Whoa!!!" he shouted and shoved himself back with a befuddled chuckle. "Wow...ok...I um...I need to use your restroom."
Lee got up and bee lined down her hall, locking the door behind him then grabbed some of the toothpaste, squirting it right into his mouth and vigorously brushing his teeth and tongue with his finger. Appalled was an understatement as to what he was feeling. Even his cock despised Angel, for it was dead as a doornail.
As soon as he was done, he quickly called you as his stomach twisted into a constrictor knot and when you didn't answer, he knew he was up shit creek without a paddle.
Lee came back out and drank his beer down in two swift gulps, not giving a shit if it were poisoned, for that fate was far better than your wrath.
"I probably should head out now. This is too fast Angel. Maybe we can pick this up another time??"
"Oh, but the party's just getting started Lee." Angel grinned seductively and shoved him onto the couch and then to his shocking dismay, flung her robe off to reveal a black laced next to nothing lingerie ensemble.
"Does this change your mind??"
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It didn't change a damn thing, for him or his cock.
"Angel...I'm sorry. Not tonight. Please understand that I need a little time after what Jo did to me."
She slipped her robe back on, feeling utterly embarrassed.
"O...ok. Umm...will you...call me soon though?"
"Yeah...of course beautiful. Talk soon."
Lee couldn't get out the door fast enough and back to you, in which you were standing right there in the kitchen...in the dark where he had left you.
"Jo, baby..let me explain what happ..."
Lee was greeted with a slap across his face before you walked out the backdoor.
"Take THAT move on you with a grain of salt."
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badmovieihave · 6 years
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Bad movie I have Prison Girls 1972
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evoldir · 1 year
Fwd: Conference: Online.ESEB_STN_Speciation.Jun6
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Conference: Online.ESEB_STN_Speciation.Jun6 > Date: 1 June 2023 at 06:08:06 BST > To: [email protected] > > > Dear colleagues, > > The next instalment of the online seminar series organised by the > ESEB-funded STN network « Integration Of Speciation research » ( [ > https://ift.tt/tj6buS2 ] ) will be held on 06 > June 2023, 5 pm CET. > > The upcoming session addresses the topic of “Paleontological views of > micro and macroevolution”. We welcome speakers Susana Magallón (UNAM, > Mexico) and Michael Landis (WUSTL, USA). > > The session will last 1.5 hours, with the first hour dedicated to > talks from our speakers followed by questions. The last half-an-hour > is dedicated to a more general discussion. > > To attend the session live, please use the following link: > https://ift.tt/0urP9ij > > Talks (but not the discussion session) are recorded and made available > here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClEkDdE_5sDw70SQq78DIAA. > > The IOS network aims to promote scientific integration and also > integration of the community. A main objective on this front is to > foster diversity and inclusion across the field. The seminar series > and subsequent discussion is open to everyone, from students to > established researchers and non-scientists alike. In order to maximise > the geographic diversity of attendees, we will alternate between two > time slots every other month: 5 pm CET and 9 am CET. Please help us to > circulate this email to anyone who may be interested, especially those > in countries that are typically underrepresented in scientific > discourse. > > The programme of the seminar series is announced by email, on Twitter > (@Speciation_net) and on the IOS network website. People who wish to > automatically receive the programme and other news from the IOS > network can sign up to the network mailing list from the IOS website. > > We look forward to seeing you there! > > The STN IOS organising committee: > > Jonna Kulmuni (chair), Chris Cooney, Sean Stankowski, Carole Smadja > (co-chairs), Sonal Singhal, Liz Scordato, Joana Meier, Richard > Merrill, Konrad Lohse, Nick Barton and Roger Butlin > > > NERC Research Fellow > School of Biosciences > University of Sheffield > www.cooneylab.co.uk > > > Chris Cooney
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onehorseshay · 4 years
Elizabeth Gillies’ Marriage
I might as well put my two cents (TL;DR) in regarding Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Gillies’ wedding to Michael Corcoran… …I’m still in shock about it. I’m shocked that it finally happened and didn’t see it coming to that point with them in the foreseeable future with how long they had already been together and apparently happy with their situation. I see that a lot of people are shocked for various reasons of not knowing she ever had a serious relationship all this time and others with deep, genuine concerns about their relationship with now having reached this point with how it started. For those of you that wish to know what is going on, he’s information I’ve pulled together over the years. Take what I say with a grain of salt as there is a bit of speculation and drawing conclusions, but I believe justified with the evidence I have on hand over the years. What do we know?
Well, they met during the filming of Victorious, either when Elizabeth was 15 or 16 years old, depending on when Victorious’ first season started filming in 2009 since her birthday is in July. Mike at the time was 36 years old doing music for Dan for his various televisions shows. The first visual confirmation of them meeting that I’ve been able to find was the filming her and Ariana singing the Drake and Josh theme with Mike playing in the background in late January of 2011. She was 17 and he was 38 at the time.
At some point between her 18th birthday in July of 2011 and February of 2013, Liz moved out from Ariana’s place, where she had been staying while filming Victorious, and into Mike’s home. We have a picture of them together during Halloween of 2012 and one can draw their own conclusion if they were together as a couple at that time. We have her hinting at the relationship in answering questions to her fans and a picture of them as shadows in March of 2013 and after this point, the pictures of her in his home with his dogs were being posted, prominently Steve the Dog. According to Liz from her Jimmy Kimmel interview conducted in the late summer of 2015 to promote SDRR, she moved in with Mike two weeks after they became a couple. Yes, she said that they dated only for two weeks before she decided to move in with him.
The first true acknowledgement from Liz that she had a boyfriend was a misspeak during a Zach interview in August of 2013. There is rare a picture of them kissing during a Halloween party at their home in 2013, but I don’t like posting clearly leaked pictures. You can freely disregard this point if you wish. In Daniella Monet’s recent podcast interviewing Liz, she acknowledged that had been a couple since at least December of 2013 due to her planning a surprise visitor for Mike’s Birthday—in context of being his girlfriend—while she was filming ‘Killing Daddy’ in Canada at the time. Their relationship continued until sometime in March/April of 2014 when they briefly broke up for several months. This is a controversial claim as there is contradictory information about this time. According to Liz in the same Jimmy Kimmel interview mentioned earlier, she had to leave Mike with her parents during one of their visits to her since they live in New Jersey and this was the first time they had met him to go film the pilot episode/potential TV movie for Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll.
However, her explanation does not hold up. First, we are to believe they had not met the man their daughter had been living with for at least a year up to this point or never encountered with their previous visits to L.A. while Liz was filming Victorious?
Secondly, we can deduced they broke up by a long deleted tweet by Max Landis on 4-13-14, that he had a 20 year old friend break up with her 40 year old boyfriend because she thought he was immature. Yes, it is speculation that it is Liz he is speaking about, but the ages match her and Mike at the time and she was his friend at that time as well.
Thirdly, Liz briefly mentioned in a tweet about two weeks later that she had chipped her KCAs while moving, alluding to the fact she moved out of Mike’s place.
Fourthly, Liz alluded to her being a bad emotionally spot during the filming of the pilot to SDRR in a podcast with one of her costars for SDRR, something odd to say if her relationship was fine enough to leave her parents with him during the filming. It must have been a brief stay because she was photographed with her mother three days later for her mother’s birthday.
If one remembers, it was during this time, Liz dyed her hair completely blonde and was promoting ‘Animal’s’ release. Sometime before the end of the summer of 2014, they got back together and with a picture of them at his house during a party and not too long after that, she went back to her familiar dark hair color.
They continued being a couple during her time filming two seasons of SDRR with a very public pictures of them walking together in NYC in November of 2014. Their relationship continued mostly out of the spotlight of fans for the next five and a half years. She stayed in Georgia for 8 to 9 months out of the year starting in 2017 to film Dynasty. She would routinely go back to L.A. on the weekends to be at home with him. According to Vogue, she made a decision after Dynasty was renewed for a third season to suggest to Mike that they should buy a home in Georgia together to start a new phase in their lives. He accepted that and after closing of the house sometime in 2019, he proposed to her and she accepted.
Their original wedding date was for sometime in April of 2020, but was pushed back to August 8 then announced a few days ago that Liz and Mike had married. In their reporting, they said they had been together for six years at the time of the proposal while Matt Bennett had said they had been together a total of six years. It is interesting that they both say six years, but can’t agree on when to count backwards. Either way, I can say they’ve been together at least since she was 19, with Zach confirming it within 2 weeks of her 20th Birthday. Six years doesn’t cut it.
I hope that has caught people up with what can be gleaned from online sources with a little bit of speculation about the meaning of such information.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
❁ corsage: i match you up with... atsumu miya
(also this is written in tagalog)
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@oikaw-ugh​:  DINOOOO CONGRATS ULITTTT CANTON CANTON CANTON pasali sa corsages! You know me :>>> I'm Leia, sagi, 19. I'm really introverted in real life unless kung may kasama ako (kasi I unconsciously lead for them char) or I'm online. I like to cuss (it's a part of my language na po) and to make dirty jokes pero hanggang salita lang talaga. I don't cook, I also don't like to go out that much because it's tiring. I also love to drawww <333 and I love animals 😌 I also like any shades of pink, and chatting with my close friends. I don't like tight spaces and the dark. I also hate getting wet 😏
a/n: SALAMAT MAMSH LEIAAAAAA. HAHAA PUNTA KA DITO MANLILIBRE AKO NG CANTON. also matagal na kitang shiniship kay kuya tsumu hehehee sana magustuhan mo to <3
si atsumu yung nagbebenta ng buko juice na nagbibisikleta sa barangay tapos lagi siyang nakasando para ipakita yung braso niya
sa totoo lang nabigla ka sa kaniya kasi nagsabi siya kaagad ng ‘ate, gusto mo ng BJ?’ habang naglalakad ka pauwi
muntik mo siyang gulpihin hanggang pinakita niya yung dala niyang Buko Juice
atsumu: ate ang DUMI NAMAN NG ISIP MO
leia: ay,, sorry 
atsumu: pero kung gusto mo ng ibang klaseng BJ-- leia: WAG NA
pero na-kyutan ka sa kaniya tapos nagustuhan pa ni mama suga yung binebenta niyang buko juice kaya lagi siyang nagpapabili sayo
kaya lagi na rin kayong nagkikita yiiieeeee. actually, kabisado rin ni tsumu yung daan mo pabalik yieeeeeeee
pero grabe ang landi talaga niya pero lumalandi ka rin naman tapos nasusuka na yung mga ibang taong nanonood sa inyong dalawa
HANGGANG SA WAKAS niyaya ka na ni atsumu na makipagtanan--- ay, i mean magdate na kayo
atsumu: tara, jollibee tayo
nilibre ka talaga niya ng paborito mo tapos nilakad ka pa niya pauwi hanggang sa nasalubong ka ni mama suga kasi nakalimutan mong magpaalam
pero natuwa naman siya kasi ang gwapo naman ng boypren mo
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taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist):@montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart @akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan​ @therainroguefanfiction​ @atetiffdoesart @stephdaninja @oikaw-ugh​ @charliefredb​ @dramaqueenweeb1469 @tremblinghearts @applepienation @doodleniella @haikyuu-my-love @waitforitillwritemywayout @kattykurr @atsumusdomain​ @goodfoodxoxoxo​ @ah-kaashi​ @guardianangelswings @definitely-yours @amberalisa @whootwhoot​ @liz-multifandom-hotel @kac-chowsballs​ @procrastination-lady
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