scalecallerpeak · 2 years
I've been doodling a lot of vAS stuff lately including my stamplar Lyoko who was put in a factotum when she died as an experiment for the saints
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wawhii · 1 year
Morrowind has me fucked up enough after tonight that I need the fucking Skyrim Tavern Music
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ghoststudios · 2 years
Sabrina's 60th Anniversary
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I finally drew something for her 60th!!!
I wanted to do something with the moon because Sabrina is the moon incarnated.
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inhypnagogia · 2 months
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My Nerevarine Llandras and Nerevar
Maybe one day I'll figure out how to draw armor
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themcomicsofficial · 1 month
Transformers BotBots Season 2 idea
I had this idea for the past two years I've been watching the show. There hasn't been a renewal announced, so here are my takes on a second season of what will Transformers: BotBots be like...
Pitch idea:
"Two weeks since the aftermath of the Goldrush Games. The Lost Bots are finally accepted as an official squad, as they try to makeup from their pasts. However, they experience other bots who have more experience with flesh beings. As their day-to-day routines turns into a fight of survival with the help of two agents from a distant planet to help them out before they repeat the same mistakes."
Lost Bots:
Hunger Hubs:
Ulf the Orange
Fottle Barts
Brock O'Lonely
Tappy Takeout
Jock Squad:
The In-Sole
Sugar Shocks:
Lady Macaron
Lolly Licks
Sprinkleberry D'uhnut
Wishy Waffley
and much, much more...
I had the idea since I started up this idea of Mini-Cons' evil doppelgängers. They are outlaws, criminals in all of Cybertron reprogrammed by Shockwave to be young Decepticon soldiers.
Their goal:
Hunt down every BotBot to bring to their big boss, Megatron to be apart of his small army.
I'm planning on doing on a 10 story arc...maybe or maybe not...
Let's see your first thoughts!
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vistrasza · 6 years
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 Llandras Redoran, my Elder Scrolls Online character, wandering through the ashlands of Morrowind, by the amazing @xla-hainex.
Llandras is a battlemage, who served the Ebonheart Pact as officer. He was born in Blacklight, raised among the Redoran nobility and trained to fight since he is a young mer, surrounded by the dunmeri laws and the straightness of his kind. He was sent to fight on the battlefield as soon as he was able to, stayed there for a few years before getting injured during ambush.
Unable to fight for a few months & withdrew, he was seeking a new purpose to his life and left Morrowind for a few years, traveling across Tamriel. He finally decided to come back, settling in Vvardenfell to serve his House as he always did.
Nota Bene : Since I loved the bonemold armor from Skyrim - the one Redoran guards on Solstheim are wearing -, I thought it would be nice to have it for my ESO Redoran c:
[Do not re-use without permission!]
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moonchars · 4 years
Newt: Kiss me if I'm wrong--
Sofia and Landra: *smooch his entire face, covering it in lipstick*
Newt: How did y'all know I was gonna be wrong?
Llandra: I mean, when are you ever right?
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*Gill and Llandra looking at someone’s dead body*
Gill: he died because of natural causes
Gill: gravity is natural
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malicemoriquen · 6 years
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Sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.
@vistrasza and myself commissioned the wonderful and talented @xla-hainex to draw this piece of art of our two ESO OCs Llandras and Morvyna Redoran.Thank you again!
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Sabrina’s a weeb
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thegodsareus · 7 years
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moodboards: llandras
— you have such beautiful eyes - i love the coldness in them. (x)
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ghoststudios · 3 years
Because I'm bored, What I think Sabrina and her friends would dress up for Halloween!
(They all thrifted them.)
Sabrina: "Salem"
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Harvey: either a dragon walk around or a yoshi one.
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Shinji: the same costume he's been since he first discovered the mortals verison of Halloween
Llandra: probably sewn herself.
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Rosalind: doesn't have time for foolish mortal holidays
Salem: This or baby yoda
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Zelda: A green hair Princess Leia.
Hilda: Spends the night in the magic realm.
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manfrommars2049 · 2 years
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Llandras Redoran, by Maria @xla-hainex via ImaginaryElves
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themcomicsofficial · 1 month
Transformers BotBots Season 2
S2 EP 3
"Friends from Another place..."
Llandra, the Mini-Con carries an unconscious Kikmee with a stab wound on her right bottom torso and lays her down on the ground as she pulls a spray that will help her heal the wound.
"Starstrike, I need to help out these two out before their injures become fatal..." Llandra commanded to her partner.
"Got it..." Star Strike responded while taking care of Burgertron and Bonz-Eye's injuries.
Ulf and Clogstopper walk to the scene.
"W-who are you? What happened to our friends??? Why are they injured??"
"There's no time to explain..."Llandra stood up as she ran to their friend's aid.
Dimlit walks up to Star Strike taking care of Bonz-Eye's injures with top-tier Cybertronian pain medicine.
"Excuse me, sir I just want to tell you--are my friends are gonna be alright?" Dimlit nervously said to Star Strike.
"Well, your friends have possible some minor injuries many bruises and dents on their bodies I'm treating them to these medical equipment from the Rescue Bots--okay that's all I can to heal up these little guys."
"That's self-explanatory..." Clogstopper said
"Meaning?" Star Strike raising an eyebrow.
"Well, you're small but a little bit taller then us..." Clogstopper.
"Actually me and Llandra are actually Mini-Cons..."
"Mini-Cons?" Dimlit responded confusingly.
"Let me explain, we are a race of helpful robots or "small partners" in Cybertron we often help out with big bots in missions to fight off bad guys or intergalactic threats!" Llandra said explaining their appearance.
"Cyber-what now?" Dimlit titled his head in confusion.
"Cybertron? Our home planet?" Llandra explained
"Nope, never heard of it..." Clogstopper said
"How can you not heard of it? While you look like something from our planet??" Star Strike.
"I'm sorry, sir I just don't know what's this "Cybertron" I'm worried about my friends over there...Are they going to be alright?" Dimlit said with a scared and worried look.
Llandra looks at the injured three and back at Dimlit.
"Llandra..." Star Strike places an arm over her.
"You take care of them...I'll help out the others out." Star Strike said with sympathy in his voice.
Llandra nods as she walks over to them.
End of the Mall.
Mercenary walks by himself minding his own business in a careless manner--that's is what he heard a flipping sound, something from a bird.
"Ah, didn't expect you to be here..." Mercenary said as Laserbeak appears behind him.
"Laserbeak, been a while...So, how's life in Soundwave's chest?" Mercenary laughs at Laserbeak...
"You were always the sarcastic one--it's quite embarrassing even for yourself." Laserbeak walks toward him with a narrow look.
"C'mon now, I'm trying to have a laugh..." Mercenary said trying to be funny.
As he looks around the other minions.
"Ravage! How's it hanging? Need to find a yarn ball to play on?" Mercenary said to the panther as it growls in response.
"Ratbat, my pal! Rumble, Frenzy!" Mercenary said to his "old friends"
"So? What brings you here?"
"Megatron, sent us here after receiving a signal--the signal from here..." Laserbeak responded...
"OH! Funny! I received a signal too!! Including my pals! So, were not the only ones!" Mercenary said trying to be funny.
"Now tell me, Laserbeak how are we; a couple of bad news bots are gonna handle this human-infested place they call a "Mall"
"Well, Mercenary since you foolishly intended to goof around instead of focusing on your assigned mission as your duty as a Decepticon which will make our master disappointed--"
Mercenary interrupts him.
"Oh please, the old man has a temper hotter than the junkheap in the Junk Planet! *laughs* "Bah Weep Gra Na Ninny Bong!"
Ravange growls at him for his immature behavior.
"Alright, alright cool your crankcase, putty cat..." Mercenary said.
"Thank you, Ravage...Now, we're all here for reason since we heard that signal from here--I have plan to try to overrule this place...I know why..."
"Okay then, polly...Show me." Mercenary said trying to be funny again.
"We'll try to expand an army of Cybertron's most wanted criminals to hunt down these Earth-based species then...we'll get these bots onto being new recruitments for Megatron's new army." Lasberbeak explaining the plan.
"Hey, uh...sorry to interrupt but how are we going to get an army of small little freaks like me?" Mercenary said.
"You said you caught the signal, right?" Laserbeak responded
All over the mall a bunch of Micro-Masters pop out of corners, ceilings holding sharp weapons, destructive tools, and powerful looking ones appear making Mercenary laugh evilly.
Mercenary transforms to his jet form as the other run out to different places of the mall to hunt down each and every BotBot.
Lost & Found
Burgertron opens his eyes as he wakes up in his cubby.
"Huh? What?--ow..." Burgertron stood up, feeling pain his torso
"Kikmee, Bonz-Eye? W-where are you?"
"Down here..." Kikmee's dry voice said.
"Hey there, Burgertron...Some fight we had, huh?"
"Kikmee? What's going on here? WHY DOES EVERYTHING HURT??" Burgertron freaked out
"Oh, ya know we had a big huge fight with some big bots...*nervous chuckle* and got our behinds kicked..." Kikmee dryly respond.
"There was a fight? I don't even--"
Burgertron flinched by a memory from last night who Mercenary beaten him up mercilessly as he throw him up from the basement
"Oh wait! I remember now! It was this Bot with spikes on his back that beated the scrap out of us! Oh man!! If I find that bot I am gonna--OH! ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Burgertron held on his torso in pain.
"Yeah...try not to stand up, alright?" Kikmee said to Burgertron
"I get that...thanks, where's Bonz-Eye?" Burgertron looked around for his planty, samurai friend.
Burgertron looks at Bonz-Eye sitting down from her cubby with bruises and dents on her back, leaves messed up.
"Oh! Hey there Bonz-Eye! You alright?"
Bonz-Eye says nothing...
"So--uh you wanna have fun sledding down on the ice cream parlor? There's some frozen sherbet adding to the menu--
"STOP" Bonz-Eye interrupted him
"We could've had him, we've could've stopped him..." Bonz-Eye says while clutching the side of her cubby in anger.
"Bonz-Eye, you trying to save me--"
"THAT'S NOT THE POINT." Bonz-Eye interrupted in anger.
"He hurt you. It's my fault I didn't search for you on time! Now, look at us!! Damaged, crippled, and dented!! How did this happen? WHY it did to happen..." Bonz-Eye looks back with her bruised up face and split lip and black eye.
"Bonz-Eye..." Kikmee said calmly
"I'm sorry, I lost my temper there...It's just Burgertron and I are injured including you, Kikmee...I don't know where Lady Macaron went on that event...She could've helped us..." Bonz-Eye somberly said.
Burgertron started to think for himself before he started to speak.
"Bonz-Eye...Look I know we tried our best to save Kikmee but at least we survived...I mean yeah, we got our butts kicked...That's not the point! We save Kikmee! Look, she's right here! The point is we're still here!! We may broke the sacred rule of the mall a year ago! We tried our hardest to make up and look at where we are! We're an official squad now! So, it's no time to give up!" Burgertron encouraged her as she lifts her head up.
"Right...I may have no squad...but I still you guys!"
Burgertron, Kikmee respond with a hug.
The three said in pain due to their injuries.
The Mall, South wing
Lolly Licks and Lady Macaron are walking around talking to each other.
"Like, where were you last night? Did you like disappear or something?" Lolly Licks said in her vally girl accent.
"Oh! I was just hanging out with--Bonz-Eye! For some girl-talk!" Lady Macaron sweated in response.
Lolly Lick raised in eyebrow from her one-eye.
"Okay...Bonz-Eye asked me to help find her friend, okay? This or that okay let's see Frosteratu's theatre act!" Lady Macaron said speedly
"Like, hold it! You're hiding somethin' aren't ya?" Lolly Licks said to a cautious Lady Macaron.
"Hiding something? I'm not hiding something? What makes you say that?" Lady Macaron talked back
"Look, I know you and Bonz-Eye are deepest friends and at that but like are you keeping me from something that you two don't want to show me?" Lolly Licks questioned Lady Macaron's odd behavior
"Well, me and Bonz-Eye are indeed friends and--um she is skilled fighter and um..." Lady Macaron goes red as she sweats.
Lolly Licks smirks at Lady Macaron.
"Are telling me you have a--"
"CRUSHED CANS!! Yes! I completed my crushed cans collection! *tastes it* Mmm...warm cherry soda!" Clogstopper said.
"Oh...it's the Lost Bots..." Lolly Licks said
"Yeah...don't worry about him anyway we were just--"
Dimlit's voice distorts as Lolly Licks sees Star Strike in her view as she flusters over him.
"Like, Dimlit who's is that robot hunk?" Lolly Licks swoons over his appearance.
"Star Strike, Mini-Con, special agent of Cybertron I'm here to take aid on this "Mall?"
"I don't don't care who are wanna come to our candy store?" Lolly Licks strokes his chin.
"This is uncomfortable..." Dimlit said
"Same..." Lady Macaron responded
"Uh,sorry ma'am I-I gotta continue on my mission, come on boys." Dimlit and Clogstopper followed while Star Strike continues his mission.
"Make sure to call me!" Lolly Licks wiggled good-bye with her fingers.
As the three continue to walk around the Mall.
"So Mr. Star Strike, sir..." Dimlit said while Star Strike laughed
"Please call me Star Strike."
"Oh okay! Well my name is Dimlit and I am a flashlight and I am part of a group called the Lost Bots!"
"Yeah!! It's a cool name!"
"How cool?"
Clogstopper starred into space
'What are we talking about?"
"Is there something wrong with him?" Star Strike asked Dimlit
"Oh--he's not that--bright..." Dimlit answered
"He taught Christmas Lights were candy..."
"HEY!! THEY LOOKED CHERRY FLAVORED!!" Clogstopper responded offended
"Okay..." Star Strike responded awkwardly.
As they walk on the mall they hear a jet engine roaring.
"What's that?" Dimlit questioned
As the jet engine sound grows louder a purple, dark jet comes out of a corner of the top right of the mall.
"It's that a toy plane? Cause I'm looking for more in my old toy collection!!" Clogstopper happily said
"How much collections do you have??" Dimlit questioned him
"Maybe thirty?"
Dimlit gives him a unimpressed look.
The jet swoops down to them as it unloads missiles from its bottom.
"Run..." Star Strike said
"What?" Dimlit said
The jet fire the missiles to them as Star Strike grabs Dimlit and Clogstopper out of the explosions as the jet swoops up and rotates back as it transforms to figure as he grabs Star Strike and slams him to a top bit of a pillar.
Star Strike kicks him with his two legs as he jumps on the ground as the jet Micro-Master changes his right hand to a sharp sword to fight Star Strike, trying to stab him.
Star Strike unleashes two swords as he spins one and another as he fights the bot.
"I like your schtick, name?"
"Air-Raid, top-tier assassin..."
"Assassin, eh? Not tonight pal!!"
Star Strike spins his swords around while clashing with Air-Raid with his axe and arm-sword in a classic, swordsmen style.
"Whoa! Look how fast he is!" Dimlit said with surprised look on his moves.
"Whoa-ho-ho-ho-hoa! He is a hunk!!! Stronger than Spud Muffin!" Clogstopper said while seeing his impressive moves.
As they continue with their fight. Air-Raid unleash a missile launcher from his top wrist as the missiles launch out of it. Star Strike luckily deflects them as they explode left and right.
"Impressive. TRY DODGING THIS!"
Air-Riad unloads missiles from his shoulders as they launch toward them. Star Strike breathes in as everything slow downs in his point of view he deflects the missiles, slicing them in half, deflecting one by one. As he swipes away the final one. A giant explosion appears behind him.
"Done yet?"
Air-Raid grunts in annoyance and anger as he eyes Dimlit and Clogstopper, he smiles sinisterly he flying over to one of them he grabs Dimlit by the neck tightly making him grunt in pain.
"One move, I'll snap this scraplet with my bare hand!" Air-Raid threatening Star Strike as he stops at his place as he can't move a step without Air-Raid harming Dimlit.
"That's what I thought, now stay down!!" Air-Raid says while turning to Dimlit.
"YOU are going to have a meeting with Megatron!!"
"STAR STRIKE, STAR STRIKE PLEASE!! DO SOMETHING!!" Dimlit yelled in fear while Star Strike stood like a statue due to Air-Raid's warning...
"PLEASE, PLEASE, STAR STRIKE, PLEASE, HELP ME, HELP ME, HELP ME, HELP ME, IT HURTS, MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!! JUST MAKE IT STOP!!" Dimlit scurries in fear as something starts to happen...lightning starts to come out of Dimlit's body.
"W-what? WHAT THE FRAG??!!" Air Raid yells as she gets electrocuted from Dimlit's body.
Star Strike finds a perfect spot as he rushes toward him as he pulls back his two swords as he makes a perfect slash on Air-Raid, slicing off his head, chest off his torso as he falls on the ground, defeating him as Star Strike sees an unconscious Dimlit falling down and he catches him.
"How did he do that??"
Transformers is owned by Hasbro and Takara Tomy.
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vistrasza · 6 years
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        Injured on the battlefield, Fighting for the Ebonheart Pact
Llandras Redoran, my Elder Scroll Online OC & this handsome art from @xla-hainex
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moonchars · 4 years
Llandra, seductively: What are some of your wildest fantasies?~~
Sofia, claspingher hands together dreamily: That I become a world renowned bio-chemist!
Sofia: And I find out how to alter DNA structures to edit human appearance!
Sofia: And everyone loves me!
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