#Local removals Sheffield
Efficient Furniture Removals in Chesterfield: We Do Your Move
When it comes to moving homes or offices, the process can often seem overwhelming. From packing and loading to transportation and unpacking, every step requires careful planning and execution. In Chesterfield, efficient furniture removals are crucial to ensure a smooth transition. We specialize in providing top-notch Chesterfield moving services that simplify the moving process, making it hassle-free and efficient.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
The flag is seen to be thrown from the landmark Victorian building and replaced with the Palestinian flag, to cheers from those gathered below.
Reports that the Israeli flag was destroyed were not true, according to a Sheffield city council spokesperson who said it was handed back to officials from the local authority.
Yoink [11 Oct 23]
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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How can a small scrap of duct tape turn a Blackbird aircraft into a pile of burning wreckage?
This accident occurred in an SR 71 with test pilots. A similar accident occurred when the speed detector on Pitot froze on a A-12 This caused the first cash of a Blackbird the A-12 Ken Collins was the pilot. This shows that a little thing can cause a big problem with a Blackbird.~Linda Sheffield
SR-71A 17953, a piece of which is shown above, first flew on June 4, 1965, from Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, California. She was a flight test aircraft based at Edwards Air Force Base, never flying operationally. During her testing, she performed the highest known (unofficial) flight of any SR-71 at 89,650 feet. Early tests performed by this aircraft gave information necessary for writing the flight manual for the whole fleet. Later in testing, 17953 became the first SR-71 fitted with a modified nose which housed an Optical Bar Camera (OBC) and an improved Electronic Countermeasures (ECM).
The first flight with this modified nose took place on December 18, 1969, piloted by Col. Joe Rogers with Maj. Gary Heidelbaugh as Reconnaissance Systems Officer (RSO). This mission was a functional check flight (FCF) of the ECM system. They lifted off from Edwards Air Force Base and rendezvoused with an F-104 chase plane piloted by Lt. Col. William Campbell. During this flight, Campbell noticed that the SR-71’s altitude was wandering. Campbell assumed that this variation was due to Rogers's preoccupation with the the FCF. After in flight refueling, Rogers lit his afterburners to begin a climb and acceleration. At this time, Rogers and Heidelbaugh heard a loud bang and vibration from one of the engines. Rogers throttled back which stopped the vibration. A second attempt to reignite the afterburners led to more vibration. At this point, the aircraft stalled which caused the nose to rise dramatically. Rogers spoke two simple words to Heidelbaugh, “Let’s go”, and the crew ejected successfully. They fell from 65,000 feet, where the accident happened, landing safely. After the crew bailed out, the aircraft broke apart mid-air and fell north of Shoshone, California, severing power lines and causing an electrical blackout in the surrounding areas. Local firefighters responded to the scene and were soon replaced by the USAF who secured the crash site and the crew was picked up by the Inyo County Sheriff.
When an accident investigation board was assembled, they had a tough time finding a cause until they examined the newly modified nose section of the aircraft. During the modification process, a technician installed an improvised dust plug into a pitot-static line, forgetting to remove it before final assembly. 17953 flew with a rolled up piece of duct tape jammed inside the line that feeds airspeed and altitude information to the instruments in the cockpit. Rogers had a false reading, causing him to fly higher and slower than he thought he was. This created insufficient airflow to the compressors and ultimately stalled the aircraft. In the Blackbird’s case, a stall is unrecoverable.
Written by Curt Madison
@Habubrats71 via Twitter
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scotianostra · 2 years
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February 4th 1593 saw the death of Robert Stewart, the despotic 1st Earl of Orkney and Lord of Zetland.
Where would we be without the Stewarts?  The various branches created as much havoc as the royalty that  ruled Scotland for generations.
Robert Stewart had a reputation for tyranny, land grabbing and - it is said - forcing islanders into slave labour to build him a palace.
Robert Stewart, 1st Earl of Orkney and Lord of Zetland (Shetland) died on February 4 1593. He left behind a rather dark reputation which was later inherited by his son, Patrick.
Robert was the illegitimate son of James V of Scotland and his mistress Euphemia Elphinstone. He grew up with the great privileges and power carved up by the Stewart royals and was an enthusiastic supporter of his half-sister, Mary Queen of Scots, who granted him the Royal lands of Orkney and Shetland in 1564, she never was a good judge of character was she!
It has been claimed that Robert pressured the Bishop, who conducted the marriage of Mary Queen of Scotland to the Earl of Bothwell in 1567, into the land swap and then forced local people into building the Earl's Palace at Birsay on his behalf.
But still, Robert Stewart was not an Earl.
According to accounts, in 1570 Bishop Bothwell and others from Orkney claimed that his tactics were akin to tyranny.
In Shetland, Robert appointed his half brother Laurence Bruce - whose mother was also Euphemia Elphinstone - as Sheriff to run his regime as Sheriff.
Based on Unst, it is said he led a campaign of piracy on passing ships and doctored the system of weights and measures to boost income for the Earldom.
Complaints about Bruce led to his removal from post by a Royal Commission in 1577 although he was back the next year after being appointed by Robert as "Sheriff-Depute".
Robert was imprisoned in Edinburgh in 1575 on grounds of treason by the Regent for James VI after it emerged he offered Orkney to the King of Denmark. He was then indicted in Edinburgh the following year for misuse of power in Orkney and Shetland, but the trial never happened.
According to the Stewart Society, Mary wrote her will at Sheffield in 1577 declaring his title to Orkney null and void.
Following her death in 1587, Robert started to woo her successor and his nephew, James VI, with the King finally making him Earl of Orkney, Lord of Shetland and Knight of Birsay, in 1581.
Islanders were horrified and Robert's new titles were quickly troubled when the King launched investigations into a number of land grabs across Scotland, not least in the islands in the north.
Land was seized and returned to its original owners with attempt to remove Robert from Orkney. However - with the support of a force of men - he resisted and remained on the islands, where he died on February 4th, 1593.
His son, Patrick, took control of the Earldom but was later imprisoned for financial irregularities and allegations over his treatment of islanders. His illegitimate son was sent to raise a rebellion in Orkney o his behalf and was later hanged, along with 16 others who took part in the rising ordered by his father.
Earl Patrick was also sentenced to death following a trial. According to accounts, his execution was postponed after chaplains pleaded to educate him and give him Communion before death, such was his ignorance.
Patrick was beheaded at the Mercat Cross in Edinburgh in 1615.
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What happened to the scarred landscapes?
Ex-Pulp guitarist Russell Senior gets his skates on and finds that, in contrast to 20 years ago, his hometown is awash with bangin' beats and basil. Observer Music Monthly, Sunday 15 October 2006
"At the age of 18 I escaped the squalor of Sheffield as fast as British Rail could take me and went as far geographically and culturally as is possible. To Bath, in fact. For months I slumbered in the golden light of Bath's beauty. But something was missing in this soft-focus dream. I pined for the furnaces. Sheffield was calling me back ..."
As the train sped north, past desolate wastelands, I felt a rising exhilaration. Then, as I saw the sickly orange glow of the city, the smokestacks and endless rows of grim, charred houses, I felt pride. A perverse pride that I came from a place so unremittingly ugly. A toothless old lady on the bus showed me photographs of her grandson, Nathan, who had just had his spleen removed; it is a shame, isn't it?
I discovered my own city. Concerts everywhere in underground clubs, pubs, abandoned factory buildings and railway stations. Distorted electronic experiments balancing on the edge of ugliness. Poets with haircuts that made the last bus home dangerous. Dark venues with half-lit figures banging lumps of metal and snarling in a flickering collage of projections. Dadaism for the masses. So you formed a band. Everyone formed a band.
By 1983 it was beginning to wane. Some bands had got big. Others had fallen by the wayside. It was sobering to see someone who you wouldn't have dared speak to, because they were so cool, begging or staggering around drunk. The miners' strike started the following year and I used to go out in the middle of the night on flying pickets around those scarred landscapes. Being in a band seemed trivial in comparison, but that's what I did for the next 14 years, which is two life sentences.
It was quite a relief to stop doing that and return to normal life in Sheffield.
In the last two or three years, while I've had my back turned, there has been a renaissance. Groovy young people are of a mind to check out new stuff, and there's plenty of it. The few concerts I have been to recently have been - get this - mostly enjoyable. The city has changed out of recognition. Sadly, it isn't half as depressed as it used to be. Cranes fill the sky with condos and you can buy a cappuccino, fresh basil and all the other essentials of modern living. So it's time to pass the burgers through the school fence and hit the town. It's raining and the sky is leaden, the best possible omen ...
First off is the Leadmill, where Juliette Lewis and the Licks are on. I don't know much about the turn; I think they must have won the 'Search for a competent yet generic and soulless rock star USA' competition. The audience will be ejected at 10pm so they can be charged again to come to the club night later. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but surely one cannot attain the warm susurration of drunken bonhomie before 10pm? That simply isn't enough time to recognise a few faces, talk some crap, venture an opinion on the turn, change it in the light of other people's comments, stumble on to the dance floor, sidle ineptly up to an attractive person you've seen around a few times and ruin your chances of effecting coitus with them forever by vomiting. Anyway, Juliette isn't local so I shall eschew her scantily clad antics in solidarity with you, my oppressed brothers and sisters.
Next up will be Offbeat at the Raynor Lounge in the university, a tiny venue catering to the C2006 crowd. You can dance to Sonic Youth, the Pixies, and obscure Fall B-sides, but don't ask the DJ to play the Kaiser Chiefs or you'll be thrown out. If an unfamiliar track comes on, just ask yourself: 'What would Belle and Sebastian do in a situation like this?' Shuffle off the dancefloor until you've established that it's by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs then sidle back on as if you liked it all along and had got it on brown 10-inch vinyl. When I was a lad indie kids were the most flamboyant and vivacious. How things have changed.
I notice three girls looking across, nudging each other and pointing in my direction. One of them walks over and says: 'Excuse me, but aren't you ...' I suck in my stomach and cheeks and reach for my solid gold autograph pen. 'Yeah, yeah, yeah, who's it to? Invented Britpop, you say? You're too kind. The jacket? £1.50 from Oxfam. Yes, they are rubbish since I left. Yes, it is my own hair. Anyway got to shoot, catch you laters' - the usual stuff. ' ...Sophie Senior's dad?' she finishes.
As if that isn't bad enough, there are eight dance events on. Clubbers will know that Sheffield has a very good (or is it bad?) dance scene, with Gatecrasher and the like. So remember to restrict your vocabulary to 2,000 words max and only use smug affirmatives such as, 'bangin" 'mental' 'steamin" and the like. DJs are just people who play records! Personally I wish DJ Pied Piper would lead them all off a cliff like the sheep they are. Dat would be well wicked.
We drop into the Grapes, a pub which puts on three bands a night, seven days a week, to see Baby Pinkstar. They start tuning up and arguing with each other. 'Just play the bloody tape!' screams the singer at the drummer. This promises to be an awful, grinding dirge. Surprisingly, it isn't and the two songs I hear have a country and northern psychobilly edge. And it doesn't cost £12. And you can hang around and talk twaddle afterwards. And the bassist is fitter than Juliette Lewis.
Next up is Pink Grease, who are playing at the roller disco. Now that's more like it! The Friday night I first went there was in the mid-Seventies. Tentative newcomers clung to the sides on coltish legs as Noddy Holder rasped: 'We're all crayzee now!' A girl from our school got a love bite to the sirens of 'Blockbuster'. On Monday she wore a scarf to cover it from the teachers, but made sure it slipped down so her mates could see it at lunchtime. The slag! So imagine my surprise when I go up the same stairs 30 years later to find them playing exactly the same records. The people look exactly the same too, only even more Seventies. Current jumble-sale chic is offset by physics-defying hair topiary.
Pink Grease play glam as nature intended it. There's none of that intellectual Pierrot-doll Bowie/ Roxy/ Bolan fey stuff. No, it's just proper 'back-of-the-bike-sheds' British glam with a nod to the New York Dolls. This is the glam of 'Angel Face' by the Glitter Band, of Sweet and Slade and Suzi Quatro. They ride the colossal natural waves of reverb in the hall to catch some long rides of grooviness. Oh, and the singer has blue hair and jumps into the audience a lot, which is just as it should be. For the first time since the Eighties, I envy rather than pity the youth of Sheffield. Did I mention that the audience is on roller skates?
There's stacks more going on, so if you're lucky enough to live in or visit Sheffield, pick up a copy of the free listings fanzine Sandman and add your voice to the sound of the crowd. If you like live indie, you'll need to go to the Fuzz club. If you like electro, you'll want to check out Synthetic. If you like acid-folk, you'll be needing the Red House, Lantern Theatre or Cool as Folk. If you want to read some history, then get Beats Working for a Living by Martin Lilleker, which details the Sheffield scene up to 1984, when it all went downhill.
·Russell Senior played with Pulp between 1983 and 1997; he now writes, produces and manages bands
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inkandroses12 · 10 months
The Ultimate Overview to HVAC: Every Little Thing You Required to Know
Recognizing the Basics of Cooling And Heating Systems
A/C (Heating, Ventilation, and Cooling) systems are crucial for maintaining comfy interior atmospheres, whether it's in property or business areas. In this article, we will certainly look into the principles of cooling and heating systems, clarifying just how they function and the different parts that comprise these systems.At its core,
a heating and cooling system manages temperature, moisture, and air flow to create a comfy and healthy and balanced indoor area. The heating component makes certain heat during cool months, while the ventilation system flows fresh air and removes stale air. Furthermore, the air conditioning part helps to cool off areas throughout warm summertime days. Comprehending these fundamental functions is essential for home owners and local business owner alike to efficiently manage their HVAC systems and maximize energy efficiency.The Value of Normal A/c Upkeep and Upgrades Routine upkeep and periodic upgrades are essential for the durability and effectiveness of heating and cooling systems. Ignoring these tasks can lead to reduced efficiency, higher power intake, and possible failures. In this section, we will certainly highlight the relevance of normal HVAC upkeep and explore some crucial pointers for keeping these systems in top shape.Scheduling professional inspections and maintenance a minimum of annually is highly recommended.
Throughout these gos to, cooling and heating technicians will check the system, clean or change filters, lube moving components, and check for any possible problems. This positive strategy assists recognize and deal with minor issues before they become costly repairs.Moreover, as technology breakthroughs, updating your heating and cooling system can bring countless advantages. Energy-efficient versions can significantly minimize power consumption,
causing lower energy expenses and a smaller carbon footprint. Moreover, modern systems commonly include smart features, such as programmable thermostats and remote control choices, enabling much more exact control over temperature and improved comfort.In conclusion, understanding the fundamentals of a/c systems, along with routine upkeep and upgrades, is vital for optimum efficiency and energy performance. By using these concepts, homeowners and company proprietors can make certain comfortable interior environments while optimizing cost savings and ecological sustainability.
Read more here boiler repairs sheffield
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awesomebenjamin · 1 year
Comprehending Cooling And Heating Systems: A Beginner's Guide
Are you a house owner or a local business owner who wishes to find out more about HVAC systems? HVAC represents Home heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, and also it is a necessary aspect of any building. Cooling and heating systems help control indoor temperature, moisture, and air top quality to make sure comfort and safety for passengers. In this novice's overview, we will go over the basics of cooling and heating systems and just how they work.First, allow's chat regarding cooling and heating. A/c systems utilize a selection of tools to provide warmth or coolness, such as heating systems, boilers, heatpump, and air conditioning unit. These systems work by moving warm from one place to another, either by producing it or removing it. Ventilation is likewise a vital component of HVAC systems, as it helps flow fresh air as well as get rid of stagnant air as well as contaminants. This is done with ductwork, fans, and air filters. In general, heating and cooling systems interact to preserve a comfy as well as healthy indoor setting.
To conclude, recognizing heating and cooling systems is important for any kind of building proprietor or resident. Routine upkeep and proper use these systems can help boost power performance, minimize costs, and also promote passenger wellness and comfort. If you have any kind of concerns or issues concerning your heating and cooling system, it's constantly best to speak with a certified expert for suggestions and aid.
Read more here boiler repairs in sheffield
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lizseyi · 1 year
Almost £50 Million In Safety Improvements Announced For Many Of England’s Highest-Risk Roads, As All New Smart Motorways Are Scrapped
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Government investment amounting to £47.5 million has been announced for improvements to help make 27 of the most dangerous roads in England safer, in areas ranging from Newcastle upon Tyne to the Isle of Wight.  
The Department for Transport (DfT) said that the funding injection through the third round of the Government’s Safer Roads Fund would drive forward safety improvements such as redesigned junctions and enhanced signage and road markings. 
The DfT said that the programme would lower the risk of collisions on the improved roads, preventing more than 750 fatal and serious injuries over the next two decades, and bringing about a £420 million benefit to society. 
In a separate development, the Government also announced that all new smart motorways would be removed from its road-building plans – a move that it attributed to inflation-related financial pressures and a lack of confidence in smart motorways among drivers.  
Building on work the Safer Roads Fund has already helped make possible 
The Department said that as part of the fund, the Government was “continuing to deliver a wide range of improvements across all roads, while working with local authorities and safety groups.”
According to the Government announcement of the most recent provision of funding, £100 million has already been unleashed through the programme to improve England’s 50 most dangerous roads, with rural roads accounting for the majority of these. 
Some of the road improvements made to date include enhanced signage, safer pedestrian crossings, and better-designed junctions. 
Transport Secretary Mark Harper commented, coinciding with the latest release of funding: “Britain’s roads are some of the safest in the world, but we are always looking at ways to help keep drivers and all road users safe. 
“We’re injecting £47.5 million so that local councils around the country have the support they need to keep everyone safe, while reducing congestion and emissions and supporting local economies.” 
Which schemes around the country are benefitting from the third-round funding? 
The Government said that the allocation of the third-round funds to 27 different schemes was based on data that the Road Safety Foundation had independently surveyed and provided. 
The data analysed provided insight into road safety risks, taking into account figures in relation to those killed and injured, alongside traffic levels. 
Early estimates that the £47.5 million investment should prevent approximately 760 fatal and serious injuries over the coming 20 years arose from Road Safety Foundation analysis. 
The Government added that once the whole life costs of the schemes had been factored in, the overall benefit cost ratio of the investment was estimated at 7.4. This means that for every £1 investment, a societal benefit of £7.40 would be delivered. 
Included among the 27 schemes in the latest round of investment were roads in such local-authority areas as Blackpool, Bournemouth, Essex, Hampshire, Hull, Isle of Wight, Newcastle upon Tyne, Nottingham, Oxfordshire, Sheffield, Southampton, Southend-on-Sea, Warwickshire, and Wiltshire. 
No new smart motorways will now be built 
The Department also recently confirmed that plans for new smart motorways in the UK would be cancelled, although £900 million in safety improvements will still be made to existing smart motorways. 
The news means that smart motorways set for construction during the period of the third Road Investment Strategy (2025-30), as well as previously paused schemes, will not now proceed. 
According to the Government, initial estimations suggested that the cost of building future smart motorway schemes would have exceeded £1 billion. It said that the cancellation of these plans would allow more time to track public confidence in smart motorways over an extended period. 
Safety has been a key topic of concern about smart motorways. Critics have said that these roads’ use of the hard shoulder as an additional lane of traffic has led to road deaths. 
Smart motorways currently make up about 10% of the motorway network in England. The news of future schemes being cancelled follows Prime Minister Rishi Sunak having pledged to ban smart motorways during his summer campaign for the Conservative Party leadership.  
Benefit from the expertise of our highly capable transport consultants 
It will, of course, need to be seen in time whether the planned improvements to the targeted roads in the aforementioned areas will deliver the extent of the benefits promised. 
Nonetheless, many transport consultants and their clients will be heartened by the news, bearing in mind positive effects the work could have in making the UK’s highways more pleasant and safer to use. 
To find out more about the difference our own transport consultants could make to your efforts to optimise your transport infrastructure projects, please do not hesitate to reach out to your nearest Transport Planning Associates (TPA) office. 
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jungbtseok · 1 year
Recognizing Heating And Cooling Systems: A Newbie's Overview
Are you a homeowner or a local business owner who intends to find out more concerning heating and cooling systems? Heating and cooling represents Home heating, Ventilation, and A/c, and it is a necessary aspect of any building. Heating and cooling systems aid manage interior temperature level, moisture, as well as air quality to make certain convenience as well as safety for owners. In this beginner's overview, we will certainly review the essentials of cooling and heating systems as well as exactly how they work.First, allow's speak about cooling and heating. Cooling and heating systems utilize a range of equipment to provide heat or coolness, such as furnaces, boilers, warm pumps, and also ac unit. These systems function by transferring warm from one area to another, either by generating it or eliminating it. Ventilation is likewise an essential element of cooling and heating systems, as it assists circulate fresh air as well as remove stagnant air as well as contaminants. This is done through ductwork, followers, as well as air filters. Generally, a/c systems collaborate to maintain a comfortable and healthy and balanced indoor environment.
Finally, understanding heating and cooling systems is critical for any type of structure proprietor or resident. Routine maintenance and also correct usage of these systems can assist boost energy effectiveness, lower prices, and also advertise passenger wellness and also comfort. If you have any concerns or problems concerning your heating and cooling system, it's constantly best to consult an accredited professional for recommendations and aid.
Read more here boiler repairs in sheffield
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mgmanandvan211 · 1 year
Efficient Waste Removal Services in Sheffield: Keeping Your City Clean and Green
Sheffield, a vibrant and thriving city in the heart of England, is known for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and a strong commitment to sustainability. As the city continues to grow, it becomes increasingly important to ensure efficient waste removal services that not only maintain cleanliness but also contribute to keeping the city green. Waste removal Sheffield plays a crucial role in achieving this goal.
With the increasing population and urban development, the generation of waste is inevitable. However, it is how we manage and dispose of this waste that determines the impact on our environment. Thankfully, Sheffield boasts a range of efficient waste removal services that are dedicated to ensuring a clean and sustainable city.
One of the key aspects of efficient waste removal services in Sheffield is the emphasis on recycling. Recycling is a fundamental step towards reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills and conserving valuable resources. Waste removal companies in Sheffield actively encourage residents and businesses to separate their waste into recyclables and non-recyclables. They provide convenient and accessible recycling facilities and implement effective collection and sorting systems to maximize recycling rates.
Moreover, waste removal services in Sheffield prioritize responsible waste disposal methods. They adhere to strict regulations and guidelines to ensure that hazardous waste, such as chemicals and electronic waste, is handled and disposed of safely and appropriately. This not only protects the environment but also safeguards the health and well-being of the community.
Efficiency is another key factor in waste removal services in Sheffield. These services employ modern technology and advanced waste management systems to optimize collection routes, reduce collection times, and minimize the environmental impact of waste removal operations. By utilizing efficient transportation methods and implementing smart scheduling systems, they reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions.
The waste removal services in Sheffield also actively engage in public awareness campaigns to educate the community about the importance of waste reduction, recycling, and responsible waste management. They collaborate with local schools, community centers, and organizations to promote sustainable practices and encourage active participation in waste management initiatives.
In conclusion, efficient waste removal sheffield are vital for keeping the city clean and green. By prioritizing recycling, responsible waste disposal, efficiency, and public education, these services contribute significantly to a sustainable environment. waste removal sheffield plays a crucial role in shaping a cleaner and greener future for the city, ensuring that the residents can enjoy a high quality of life while preserving the natural beauty that Sheffield is renowned for.
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etiennekissborlase · 1 year
UKs FCA Announces Continued Crackdown On Illegal Crypto ATM Operations
UK’s FCA Announces Continued Crackdown On Illegal Crypto ATM Operations https://bitcoinist.com/uks-fca-continues-crackdown-on-illegal-crypto-atms/ The United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has announced a continuation of its regulatory efforts against illegal crypto ATM operations in the UK. Since March, the FCA has ramped up its regulatory efforts on this illicit sector, citing its investigative powers under the Money Laundering Regulations Act of 2017. FCA Conducts Latest Raid On Unregistered Crypto ATMs According to a press release yesterday, the UK financial watchdog revealed its recent collaborative efforts with local authorities in shutting down unregistered crypto ATM operations in three cities, namely Exeter, Nottingham, and Sheffield. Commenting on this development, Therese Chambers, Executive Director of Enforcement and Market Oversight at the FCA, said: “Crypto ATMs operating without FCA registration are illegal. The action we’ve taken over the past few months and wider work shows that we will act to stop illegal activity.” Chambers also noted the importance of these raids in raising awareness of the risk of illegal crypto ATMs, especially as the UK is still a region lacking a comprehensive regulatory framework for cryptocurrency and digital assets operation. Meanwhile, there is also a strong belief that these undocumented machines are commonly used for money laundering, as highlighted by the Head of Economic Crime at the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Organized Crime Unit (YH ROCU), Ramona Senior.  He said, “Our Regional Cyber Crime Unit officers are pleased to work jointly with the Financial Conduct Authority and other partner agencies to target the use of unregulated crypto ATMs. Machines such as these are a key component in the facilitation of money laundering and the movement of funds acquired through criminal activity.” Interestingly, this latest enforcement action by the FCA follows similar raids on illegal crypto ATMs in cities such as East London and Leeds. The regulatory agency has stated its intention to review its latest set of obtained evidence and take further actions if required. No Registered Crypto ATMs In The UK – FCA  As the name implies, crypto ATMs are machines that allow users to directly purchase digital assets using cash or a bank card.  According to the FCA, crypto ATM operators are a form of crypto asset exchange providers and are required by law to be legally registered and provide full compliance with the UK Money Laundering Regulations.  However, the UK regulatory authority states that no crypto asset firm in its books has been cleared to offer crypto ATM services, thus making any crypto ATM operations in the UK illegal. In March, the FCA released a statement urging these businesses to close down their operations or risk facing enforcement actions. To that effect, the regulatory body even released a list of unregistered crypto firms aimed at guiding customers’ investments.  That said, crypto ATM installations worldwide have been on a decline since the start of 2023. According to data by CoinATMRadar, over 3,600 ATMs have been removed or decommissioned from January 1st to date. However, as expected, the United States remains the dominant force in this sector, hosting 28,754 crypto ATMs and accounting for a staggering 85% of the global market.  via Bitcoinist.com https://bitcoinist.com May 06, 2023 at 12:17PM
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Chesterfield Moving Services: Reliable and Efficient
Relocating can be an overwhelming experience, but choosing the right moving service can make all the difference Chesterfield packing and moving stands out as a beacon of reliability and efficiency in the bustling relocation industry. This blog explores how they transform the chaos of moving into a streamlined and stress-free process.
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Comprehensive Services
Chesterfield Moving Services offers a full spectrum of moving solutions tailored to meet the needs of each client. From residential to commercial moves, their team is equipped to handle every aspect of your relocation. This includes meticulous packing, careful transportation, and efficient unpacking, ensuring that every item arrives in pristine condition. Their commitment to quality service simplifies the relocation process, making it seamless and hassle-free.
Experienced Professionals
One of the pillars of Chesterfield relocation company is their team of experienced professionals. Each team member is trained to handle your belongings with the utmost care and precision. They understand the value of your items, whether they are fragile heirlooms or bulky pieces of furniture, and provide personalized attention to ensure everything is moved safely. Their expertise not only minimizes the risk of damage but also instills confidence and peace of mind throughout the moving process.
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Customer-Centric Approach
They prioritize clear communication and tailored solutions to fit the unique needs of each client. From the initial consultation to the final item being placed in your new home or office, they ensure a responsive and accommodating service. This customer-centric approach is what sets them apart in the Chesterfield relocation landscape, making them a trusted partner in your moving journey.
Advanced Resources
Utilizing state-of-the-art equipment and vehicles, Chesterfield Moving Services ensures that every logistical aspect of your move is covered. Their fleet of modern trucks and a wide array of packing materials guarantee that your belongings are transported efficiently and with great care. This integration of advanced resources in their operations enhances their overall service delivery, making them a standout choice for anyone looking to move within or beyond Chesterfield.  With their comprehensive services, experienced professionals, customer-centric approach, and advanced resources, they offer a reliable and efficient solution for anyone facing the daunting task of moving. Whether you are transitioning to a new home or relocating your business, Chesterfield Moving Services ensures that your move is nothing short of successful. Choose them for a smooth and stress-free relocation experience that you can rely on.
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somusinha · 1 year
Office Clearances Service in Sheffield
If you're in need of commercial or office clearance services in the Sheffield area, you can trust Ravenhill Clearance Services to deliver high-quality results. Visit us at https://clearance-services.uk/
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petnews2day · 2 years
How a Labour council brought the stamp of the jackboot to a British city
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/J48Ne
How a Labour council brought the stamp of the jackboot to a British city
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Sheffield City Council abandoned the plan in 2018, with 5,600 trees removed The council spent £300,000 trying to stop local demonstrations against the plan The police came at five o’clock one Thursday morning, banging on doors to inform bleary-eyed homeowners that they needed to get out of bed and move their cars. Residents who failed […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/J48Ne #OtherNews
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yoan-portfolio · 2 years
A Sheffield climber has ‘developed’ multiple new climbing sites in the Peak District.
Carlos Montero, 30, spends most of his time away from climbing by clearing up overgrown or unexplored boulders for other climbers to enjoy. So far, his efforts have added a number of climbable boulders to Stanage Plantation and Frogatt, as well as a circuit at Yarncliffe.
He said: “Sometimes developing can be done solo, which I do a lot of and it’s very cathartic for me. Essentially what it means is finding boulders, usually overgrown with moss and lichen and cleaning them to make them climbable.
“Development can also happen in well established crags and can sometimes lead to the exciting discovery of new hard boulders.”
Developing climbing sites lies in making areas interesting and accessible for enthusiast climbers. Safety is also important, as some crags have pits and holes that must be covered.
While at times it’s as simple as clearing a path for better access, sometimes it can lead to exciting new discoveries.
The development of some smaller boulders can take as little as 10 minutes, some bigger ones can take multiple days.
Carlos said: “There’s an excitement in the discovery of something new that you can share with people. I enjoy being in wild, beautiful venues like Yarncliffe, sharing space with the local stags.
“It’s also nice because all boulders are logged on a website and sometimes, if good enough, they end up in guidebooks, forever immortalising you! “
Those exploring new climbing areas must also be conscious about the local flora as some of it is part of nature reserves. Furthermore, some sites are privately owned and arrangements must be made with the British Mountaineering Council before development.
Carlos said: “Even in areas where it’s ok to develop you should still take care not to remove excess vegetation and only move what is necessary.
“Environmentally I think as long as you follow the ‘leave no trace’ mantra it’s fine to develop areas”
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earwegouk · 2 years
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