#Loftus Mohale
robynsassenmyview · 2 months
I am the Mushroom! Hear me braai!
"I am the mushroom! Hear me braai!", a review of 'A Vegan Killed My Marriage', at Theatre on the Square this afternoon.
IS that a cheese burger I see before me? Aaron McIlroy in A Vegan Killed My Marriage at Theatre on the Square in Sandton, this afternoon. Photograph courtesy Theatre on the Square. WHEN YOU HEAR complete strangers discussing their culinary habits on their way out of a theatre, you know that something has sunk into their sensibilities, and the play has reached them. You have this morning to…
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robynsassenmyview · 3 months
Love: A platitude to play with
"Love: A platitude to play with", a review of Ter Hollmann's '2 Lovers', onstage at Theatre on the Square in Sandton until 15 June 2024.
YOU and me and the texture of the inside of a tap. Tessa Jubber and Ter Hollmann in 2 Lovers at Theatre on the Square in Sandton, until 15 June 2024. Photograph by Phillip Kuhn. THE ROLLICKING CLICHES surrounding stories of love: love found, love cherished, love betrayed, love lost, is something central to who we are as human beings. So central that the idea might make you yawn a bit. The…
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robynsassenmyview · 4 months
Whodunnit and other rude asides
"Whodunnit and other rude asides", a review of 'Deathly Murder -- Killed by a Killer', by TOP Comedy Ensemble at Theatre on the Square until 25 May 2024.
IT’S just a step to the left… Hlumie Moloi (the TV psychic); James Netherlands (the would be king of America); Martin Grendele (the son of a screwdriver); Sasha Karlin (the holder of the power of attorney); and Hira Lodhi (the journalist-cum-ghost writer), in Deathly Murder — Killed by a Killer at Theatre on the Square this week. Photograph by Phillip Kuhn. SOMETHING HAS TO be said about the…
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robynsassenmyview · 5 months
Scars that map our future
"Scars that map our future", a review of 'My Left Breast' at Theatre on the Square until 11 May 2024.
LOOK me in the eye, not the chest! Shannon Esra plays Susan in My Left Breast at Theatre on the Square, this week. Photograph courtesy Theatre on the Square. JUST WHEN YOU think you’ve got your whole act together, you know something might jigger it all into disaster. It’s like when you manage to get to the post office to buy stamps, and lo and behold, there’s a madman there, shooting the life…
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robynsassenmyview · 5 months
Tricks and balances
"Tricks and balances", a review of 'King George' by Brent Palmer, at Theatre on the Square in Sandton until 4 May 2024.
POWER play and office toys for big boys: George Megalos (Brent Palmer) with the golf club, Shane Wyntock (Clyde Berning) regrouping under the power of ‘Om’, in Brent Palmer’s play King George at Theatre on the Square, Sandton. Photograph by Philip Kuhn. GENTRIFICATION. IT’S AN issue you cannot be passive about, particularly if you have axes to grind and stakes you’ve planted in the decaying area…
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robynsassenmyview · 6 months
Of swings and roundabouts
"Of swings and roundabouts", a review of 'Your Perfect Life' at Theatre on the Square until 20 April.
WHAT happened to the years? Caitlin (Faeron Wheeler) and Carlien (Erika Breytenbach-Marais) in Your Perfect Life at Theatre on the Square. Photograph by Philip Kuhn. HOW LONG HAS it been since you were a greasy teenager, bursting with confusing hormones and thinking you had the world down pat? Carlien (Erika Breytenbach-Marais) and her once bestie Caitlin (Faeron Wheeler) come face to face after…
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robynsassenmyview · 6 months
Mommy dearest and a gut full of lava
HOLDING onto the stars. Sophie Joans in Ile at Theatre on the Square in Sandton, until 6 April 2024. Photograph by Philip Kuhn. LET’S FACE IT. Your family is probably as full of oddities and anomalies as mine is. But when Sophie Joans takes pen to paper and uses every part of her extended blood line to tell a story that is wild and truthful, off the wall and ludicrously entertaining, everything…
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robynsassenmyview · 7 months
Father, dear Father
"Father, dear Father", a review of 'Spanish Steps' at Theatre on the Square in Sandton, until 24 February 2024.
THE ugly faces of office politics in a job that wasn’t anyone’s dream: Barry (Gavin Werner) and Maureen (Dianne Simpson) in Spanish Steps at Theatre on the Square in Sandton, until 24 February. THERE’S NOTHING QUITE like being holed in an uncomfortable situation, for an indefinite period, with a colleague you barely know for an ice-breaker to manifest. This is what happens when Maureen from HR…
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robynsassenmyview · 1 year
How to hitch your SUV to a star
"How to hitch your SUV to a star", a review of Paul Slabolepszy's 'Finding Rosetta', at Theatre on the Square in Sandton, until 30 September.
THE business of flying saucers and extraterrestrial sex. Annie Robinson-Grealy is Rose in Paul Slabolepszy’s Finding Rosetta at Theatre on the Square in Sandton until 30 September. Photograph by Philip Kuhn. SOMETIMES THE UNIVERSE has to grab you by your shirt fronts and force you to focus on what matters, regardless of the bits and pieces you may think you have to do. This, conjoined with a…
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