#TOP Comedy Ensemble
robynsassenmyview · 4 months
Whodunnit and other rude asides
"Whodunnit and other rude asides", a review of 'Deathly Murder -- Killed by a Killer', by TOP Comedy Ensemble at Theatre on the Square until 25 May 2024.
IT’S just a step to the left… Hlumie Moloi (the TV psychic); James Netherlands (the would be king of America); Martin Grendele (the son of a screwdriver); Sasha Karlin (the holder of the power of attorney); and Hira Lodhi (the journalist-cum-ghost writer), in Deathly Murder — Killed by a Killer at Theatre on the Square this week. Photograph by Phillip Kuhn. SOMETHING HAS TO be said about the…
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twig-tea · 1 month
Why We Are Gives Me Anxiety
I have been fighting myself on this We Are post for weeks because I wanted to make sure I knew what I wanted to say and was able to say it. I feel the need to say off the top that I don’t begrudge anyone who enjoyed this show and I’m genuinely glad it brought comfort to people. The show in and of itself, as 16 hour-long episodes of fluff (shout-out to @stuffnonsenseandotherthings for using this word to pinpoint the genre for this show, because it’s perfect), is not offensive or bad or wrong or any judgmental or moralistic word. And it does some things well; the centrality of the friend group was a lovely aspect to this show, and the chemistry in the friendship group scenes was on point. All of the couples have good romantic chemistry as well, and the show is packed with butterflies-inducing moments. 
That being said, I did not enjoy watching this show. I watch television mostly for the story; This show felt more like watching 16 special episodes for a show I hadn’t seen (I think this can be attributed to the point made by @italianpersonwithashippersheart in her post here that the show assumes the audience comes to the show with a pre-existing buy-in to the ships). The lack of overarching narrative structure of We Are gave my brain nothing to hold onto and I spent so much of every episode futilely trying to figure out how scenes worked with what had come before, what the show was trying to say, what these characters were thinking–all of which I knew was the wrong way to be watching, but it’s the way my brain works, so I spent a lot of the show frustrated. In short, this show wasn’t for me. 
But that’s not why I feel the need to write about it. Shows are fully allowed to not be for me, I usually can differentiate between when a show is doing something I don’t like well, or when it’s failing at its own goals. And I don’t begrudge people with different taste getting catered to sometimes; my refrain is that most problems of representation are not solved by calling for less of something, and rather than wanting something not to be made, I’d rather champion for more and a greater variety of content. And lord knows there’s enough BL to go around these days (shouting out @respectthepetty’s post along these lines, which I loved) . But We Are still worries me, and I’ve been trying to find a way to articulate that my concerns are not actually about the show itself, in isolation, but rather about how it feels like part of a pattern. This is my best attempt at laying that out. It’s going to get a little ramble-y, so apologies in advance.
Shout-out to @bengiyo who first articulated this anxiety in his post from relatively early in the show’s run . Ben gets into some of where I’m coming from with concerns about what this show means for the genre in this post, which as he mentions we've chatted about in DMs. I’m really grateful to him for these conversations because in isolation, I worried that I was being alarmist. It was helpful to have confirmation that he was feeling the same way so that I could get out of my own head.  
Ben mentions in his post that New Siwaj has been in this business a long time, and I, like Ben, have jived with him for years because he manages to imbue queer angst into his shows in a way that resonates with me, even when he’s had missteps. I'm going to lay out some of the major highlights of his work for those who haven't followed New for years.
He was an editor on Love Sick, arguably the start of the Thai BL genre as we know it today, and a show full to the brim of queer angst. He directed Make It Right, one of my favourite Thai BL comedy series. This show was also an ensemble centered around a friendship group (though admittedly it didn’t balance the friendship and romance content as strongly as We Are), and it covers so many topics that felt refreshing at the time and still are rare (morning-after sex visits to the clinic because things went poorly, hooking up on the apps, sex acts beyond just penetration, suicidality, I could go on). He also was involved in the GMMTV Waterboyy series–this was his first work for GMMTV that I am aware of. That show had a lot of issues but did explore internalized homophobia and bullying.
He worked as a cinematographer on En of Love, which is again similar to We Are in that it has several couples connected by a friendship group (and is several novels in one series), but each couple was given its own miniseries instead of bundling them into one show. En of Love also still dealt with some serious queer angst, especially in the Love Mechanics story [Sidenote, Niink, the director for En of Love, stuck with New and moved on to work for Wabi Sabi].
At this point, New created his own company, Studio Wabi Sabi, which he's said in interviews was to gain more creative control over what he was working on. And his stories became arguably even more explicitly queer and inclusive of queer trauma. He screenwrote and produced Love By Chance (which folks may not remember or know, but that core story starts off with Pete being blackmailed for being gay until Ae convinces him to come out to his mother and shut down the leverage for blackmail, and a good chunk of Pete’s character arc is unlearning internalized homophobia and not seeing himself as ‘corrupting’ Ae) and then Until We Meet Again. The queer angst in UWMA probably doesn’t need my help spelling out, but just in case anyone doesn’t know the summary, this show was about a queer couple who committed suicide in the face of homophobia in the 1980s, and were reborn and given another chance to be together in present day. I did want to note that in both of these series (LBC and UWMA) the core romance itself has no major conflicts; both AePete and DeanPharm felt like they were intentionally side-stepping so many of the usual BL drama tropes of jealousy and misunderstandings through trust and communication. Dean and Pharm’s story took that even further by having so many of the usual drama pitfalls for a gay couple just not be a problem; their only drama comes from their past lives, in a beautiful exploration of the breaking of intergenerational trauma. So many external threats to their relationship ended up being non-starters, and this was my version of a comfort series for that reason. 
From there, New started working with GMMTV again, and directed My Gear and Your Gown. This series was, to my knowledge, the first GMMTV BL series to mention HIV and to show characters getting tested at the clinic, and while it wasn’t perfect representation (didn’t get into PrEP, treated HIV as a death sentence), it felt like an important milestone.
[I’m skipping the sequels and specials he did for series I already talked about, because they don’t feel that important to the story I’m telling here and this is already so long, but I wanted to acknowledge that I’m not covering everything in his oeuvre.]
He then directed 7 Project, which had some serious storylines dealing with bullying and struggling with life in the closet, out of Wabi Sabi, and then Star and Sky out of GMMTV. Star in My Mind included one of the main characters in a beard relationship for years, and some controversy over the adaptation choices to make Daonuea (Dunk’s character) less polite than in the books. There was drama around the pronouns and characterization in that show (both Daonuea and Khabkluen use guu/mueng in the series, but in the novel, Daonuea uses rao; he also curses in the series and novel fans complained that he was too ‘masculine’). I thought it was an interesting attempt at a departure from BL character tropes to try to make Daonuea more evenly matched with Khabkluen in terms of his gender presentation in the show. Sky in Your Heart also included some angst about whether people of a particular station could be gay. Both of these shows (SIMM and SIYH) were also very trope-y, but they had clear throughlines. 
My Only 12%, the next show New directed out of Wabi Sabi, contains one of my favourite moments in all of BL, in which Seeiw sees Love of Siam and cries because it makes him realize he’s gay. There’s this heartfelt moment where he asks his sister, if there’s nothing wrong with being gay, why doesn’t the film let the gay characters have a happy ending? Despite the weird PSA ending, this show remains one of my favourites.
This is an aside but I’ve long been fascinated about this moment in New’s history: he played himself in War of Y, as a director of BL who is sick of being forced to make BL shows full of fanservice; he treats the actors with disdain and cuts marketable high heat scenes from the show which makes everyone nervous for the show’s future. Later we see him and the actor characters on set for My Only 12%, much happier. I ask myself about this moment at least once a week: Did he write this self-insert? Did someone else write the character and he just played it, and the similarities to his style were (were not?) a coincidence? I hope someone knows and tells me one day,
From there, New functioned as an Executive Producer of Dear Doctor, I’m Coming for Soul [I think this was the first outsourced project by Wabi Sabi]. This series’ entire plot is a metaphor for living in the closet and waiting for the time when the main couple can be together fully without having to hide. 
He directed A Boss and a Babe for GMMTV (which had its problems for sure, but also had Cher as an out gay man at the workplace dealing with casual homophobia in a way that was extremely satisfying), and then Between Us, which is maybe the least queer feeling show Wabi Sabi produced on its own, but did go into the issues of dating and the closet while trying to become a star (if I’ve forgotten something from this show let me know, I only watched it the once). One of the things that was so strange about this show was it being a sequel to UWMA but not engaging with the same themes. The only mention of real world queerness I can remember was the acknowledgment that they can’t get married in Thailand and Dean and Pharm discussing again going abroad and getting married there. 
Absolute Zero was a complete mess of a show; New directed this one for Wabi Sabi, and it has some similarities to UWMA in the sense of there being an attempt at saving the gays from the bury your gays trope, this time via time loop rather than reincarnation, but it did not take the issues it raised seriously enough (including the age gap created between the two characters by virtue of time travel). 
And that leads us to We Are for GMMTV, which as Pluem (@happypotato48)  wrote in his excellent post about this, includes Toey using nu and other 'feminine' or 'youthful' sounding language, but also apparently dropped the main conflict of the novel between Phum and his father (because his father disapproved of Peem).
Why did I go through all of that? Because I wanted to lay out how I've watched New Siwaj’s career go from finding a way to tell incredibly poignant and healing queer narratives (by creating his own company, and fitting these moments into the GMMTV series he did work on) to stripping out queerness from the shows he’s creating in the last year or so.
And this is a pattern we’re seeing more widely at GMMTV in particular, but also in Thai QL more widely. This is something that was touched on but not really discussed in the most recent episode of The Conversation podcast (the 23.5 and only boo! episode here). In both 23.5 and Only Boo!, the show faked out a homophobic parent and then treated their kids like they were silly to assume the worst, and I hated that.
Both Ongsa and Kang had internalized homophobia in their respective series. Both were terrified of telling their mothers about their homosexual love interest. And in both cases, their mothers told them something along the lines of 'of course I will support you no matter what'. In Ongsa's case, even though she was outed by Sun without her consent, she's the one who ends up apologizing for her hesitancy and feeling foolish for her concern. In Kang's case, the show never challenges his mother's assertion that she'll always support him even though we know she hasn’t (she was the one who wanted to prevent him from studying art before his father died), and it’s the audience that was left feeling foolish for our concern. 
In the GMMTV round table for Pride Month, it was mentioned that the decision for Ongsa's mother to be accepting of her relationship with Sun was made in order to model good parental behaviour for the older generation in the audience. In the novel, Ongsa's mother presents a significant conflict, but this conflict was erased from the show. I don't know if the same decision was made in Only Boo! for the same reason or not, but either way, the show definitely signalled to Kang's mother having an issue with Kang's relationship with Moo, and then said "sike", which I did not enjoy. The Conversation panelists were correct in the conversation linked and transcribed above that this wasn't the most egregious misstep either show made, but it feels like a telling symptom of the larger overall narrative problems that New is also now succumbing to.
It seems as though telling stories stripped of queer conflict is being seen as progressive, and possibly also easier to sell, and this is where my anxiety lies around what this will mean for Thai QL content in future. 
For the record, I am all for creating queer content in which we envision a better world for ourselves. But when that is the goal, understanding where internalized homophobia comes from and thinking through how removing parental objection will affect the character and the story is vital to the story and characterization remaining coherent. Otherwise it just ends up feeling like the show is telling queer kids that they're paranoid, rather than rightly worried (like I wrote about in this thread on My Love Mix-Up Thailand, where the same decision was made again to fake out a homophobic subplot that was removed from the adaptation but was present in the source material).
These choices speak to adaptation choices with an eye for specific moments and story points, rather than to a narrative or character arc, which is where it feels like they fall into the wider pattern of what @bengiyo, @shortpplfedup and @ginnymoonbeam were describing in their discussion: shows caring more about hitting specific meme-able story points listed out on a whiteboard than about making cohesive sense or having something coherent to say. 
[So as not to leave it out: I don’t think there were concerns of homophobia in the Wandee Goodday novel (novel readers feel free to correct me if I’m wrong about this) but the show faked us out about homophobia concerns anyway, which again really bothered me during that watch and which adds to the pattern.] 
Now, of course, as I stated up at the top there is value in the creation of different kinds of media. These shows sell different fantasies than the ones I want to see, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have value.All of BL has some amount of fantasy that it’s buying into, that’s what comes with the territory of ‘fiction’. The BL bubble (in which homophobia doesn’t exist and all men are gay for each other) is a version that is at its most extreme; nothing bad ever happens that isn’t quickly resolved within an episode, so there is never narrative tension, and nobody really needs to be that concerned about how anything will go ever. I do not find these relaxing because I can’t buy into the fantasy they’re selling; for me, the lack of narrative tension is so unbelievable as to ruin my immersion. But I can see why that would be appealing for someone whose brain is not always on alert and running at 11/10! The problem I am anticipating is when the majority of content is made that way, and when it is done in a way that takes up all of the mainstream space. I think it’s notable that the only show that’s really felt not in the queer bubble from GMMTV in 2024 is Cooking Crush, which was done by a subsidiary team within GMMTV (and the same team went on to make Only Boo!). And this is why We Are caught my attention and made me nervous; When a director who is known for his representation of poignant queer angst makes an entire 16-hour series in which there are no significant conflicts at all and the only hint of homophobia is in Toey’s reference to being bullied prior to the timeframe of the series, I get worried about who is going to be making the queer angst shows in future!  
For the record, my personal preference for comfort shows are the shows that do not pretend the world is perfect, but do depict an idealized subset of that world→where there’s a group of people that support one another through the bullshit of others and the less than perfect world that surrounds them. Shows that teach us to be kind to one another, and ourselves. Shows that say the world is going to suck sometimes, but we can be good to one another, and not lose sight of who we are, and make space for others to be themselves. A few of my favourite Thai series that do this would be: 
Bad Buddy
Cooking Crush
City of Stars
Knock Knock Boys
Miracle of Teddy Bear
My Only 12%
Secret Crush on You
To Sir With Love
Until We Meet Again
(and of course these occur in non-Thai shows as well. A few examples of my favourites: What Did You Eat Yesterday, DNA Says Love You, Light on Me, Oppan, Marahuyo Project, TsukuTabe, Tadaima Okaeri, Koisenu Futari, Joshi-teki Seikatsu, Gameboys, Hehe and He, Twilight out of Focus, She Makes My Heart Flutter)
These are shows in which there are explicitly external judgments on the relationships in the show and/or the characters for things intrinsic to who they are, and the characters build a support structure in which folks are encouraged to be themselves within that ‘bubble’ (Bad Buddy walks a fine line because it’s within the BL bubble but the problems that the main couple face are so a direct allegory that everything feels familiar; this is also the case with Tadaima Okaeri, which is both omegaverse and one of the most beautifully kind shows of all time). 
So for now, I still have the other smaller Thai studios including Kongthup Productions (who made Knock Knock Boys; we’ll see whether their latest series Monster Next Door deals with any queer angst or not), idolFactory (just finished My Marvellous Dream is You, which had a ton of queer angst, and is currently doing The Loyal Pin, which I have hope for on this front), DeeHup (currently making I Saw You In My Dream, which I’m holding out hope for) and StarHunter Entertainment (who made City of Stars, but whose record is a little spotty on this front; Their latest, Sunset Vibes, has not done a great job of handling the theme of office relationships and blackmail so far, and feels very much in the bubble) to look forward to. 
But as you can see even just by virtue of the caveats I included above, it feels like this shift is happening in the smaller companies too (harder to see a real pattern with fewer data points, which is one of the reasons why I picked on GMMTV–in addition to it being the largest media conglomerate in Thailand and therefore able to take it). Maybe it’s nothing, maybe I’m just an anxious person. Or maybe I’m just wrong about what would be best for the genre and for queer people in Thailand as well as viewers all over the world. But I, for one, would find it a loss if Thai QL decides en masse to pivot away from queer angst, and right now it kind of feels like that’s what it’s doing. In this context, to reiterate my original point, the existence of We Are is not a problem, but is one in a set of exemplars that raised specific alarm bells due to the people involved and their history in QL and queer representation, its deviation from the source material, and the surrounding shows that seem to indicate a pattern rather than a one-off. 
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soft-girl-musings · 8 months
Comedy of Errors (MK Spring Bingo #3)
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Steven Grant x GN!Reader
cross-posted to ao3
tags: theater kid slander (affectionate), amateur references to Shakespeare, steven and reader teach high school, no use of y/n
wc: 1,341
fic summary: The course of true love never did run smooth. And neither does the play you watch unfold.
A/N: as a recovering theater kid, this was a fun one. enjoy!
It's poor etiquette to laugh. Right?
How you ended up sitting in a high school theater on a Sunday afternoon, you have no idea. Well, that's not true: you never can say no to your favorite students. When they begged you to come to their closing matinee, you had no choice but to cough up the ticket money (with no faculty discount, to add insult to inconvenience).
So here you are, seated in the darkened auditorium, watching what could only be described as chaos unfold on your school's professional-grade thrust stage.
In the lobby you'd heard whispers of how last night's cast party had gotten a bit too rowdy, rendering a few upperclassmen unable to attend their final performance. It didn’t matter what circle you ran in at their age: you’d learned years ago that a “mysterious illness” following any high school party probably isn’t the flu.
Thankfully there were enough students to fill in the missing principal roles, but with only the morning to prepare, it’s a wonder they've gotten through each scene. Draped in ill-fitting costumes with scripts in hand, the students have tried their best to piece together one last staging of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. All you know about this play is that it’s a comedy, but you don’t think you’re supposed to laugh at every blunder and mishap.
(It’s very hard not to.)
Across the house you see Mr. Grant, one of the younger teachers on campus, whose face mirrors how you feel. He’s probably trying for a look of statuesque stoicism, but all he's managed to pull off is mild bewilderment.
You haven’t spoken to your coworker much– mainly because there’s rarely a moment where he’s without another colleague talking his ear off or hanging on every word of his (admittedly delicious) accent. He’s a newer hire, having come from London to teach a few history courses but was moved to the literature department the moment your principal saw the top of his resume. The modern education system, ladies and gentlemen.
The man is dressed to impress: black turtleneck under a sharp tweed ensemble, his usually wild curls tamed a bit as they grace his forehead, he certainly looks the part of a private school instructor. But there’s no denying the entirely unserious look on his face: he is one blunder away from losing his cool.
You don’t realize how long you’ve been staring until his bright brown eyes connect with yours. In an instant you understand why so many students doodle his name in the margins of their notebooks: his exasperated stare has you instantly weak.
–which is poor timing, given the scene unfolding onstage between you. An unrehearsed kiss goes wrong, and the two of you slap your hands over your mouths to subdue your laughter.
The rest of Act I goes the same way. You try to follow along, but every so often your eyes drift to Mr. Grant white-knuckling his way through the rough performance. When your eyes connect again (and again, and again) you both struggle to contain your laughter. Knowing that tears are likely stinging your colleague's eyes the same as yours makes you feel like less of an ass.
The curtain closes for intermission and you rest your head in your hands. How is this only half over?
“Bit of a rough watch, yeah?”
Your head snaps up– those brilliant brown eyes widen at your expression, now only one row of seats between the two of you.
“Mr. Grant–”
“Steven,” he says quickly, offering his hand. You take it and smile.
“Steven,” you begin again, giving your name in return. “I don’t mean to be rude, but aren’t some of these kids–”
“–in my Shakespearean Studies course? Quite a few, really.” He laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. “But we’ve focused more on the historical tragedies. Don’t think a textbook can teach comedic timing.”
“Oh, I've laughed plenty.” You fidget with your program and look back to the stage. “At least they’re trying their best, I’m sure part of you is proud.”
Steven’s smile grows as he shakes his head. “I’ll be honest, it’s nice to know they’ve looked at the material for once.” He leans in. “Last week I asked them where the phrase ‘double, double, toil and trouble’ came from, and someone said Harry Potter.”
You laugh out loud for the first time all evening. It feels nice to not hide it. You miss how Steven takes in the sight of you, as well as his loss for words when you calm down.
“I have a confession to make,” you say hoarsely, wiping a tear from the corner of your eye. “I have no idea what’s supposed to be happening. I’m lost as hell.”
“Maybe I could–” he trips over his words and his feet as he clambers around the seats to sit next to you. “Maybe I could help you out. Bit of an expert, myself. What they pay me for, and all–”
“Sure,” you stop him with a smile. “I’d like that.”
He breathes a sigh of relief and settles in. Pulling out a pair of reading glasses, he opens his program.
“Right. So, A Midsummer Night’s Dream…”
The rest of your intermission is spent receiving a crash-course in William Shakespeare. You’re amazed at how he spouts the most minute details about recurring symbolism, character motivations, and even the historical context of the play up until the lights dim and the show resumes. You squeeze his forearm to silently suggest taking a break, and he chokes down whatever factoid was about to tumble out next.
Maybe it’s because the students have found their footing. Maybe your mini-lecture has filled in the gaps so you can better follow along. Or maybe it’s the sight of Mr. Grant– Steven– sitting beside you, rapt attention on the stage as his readers slide down his nose each time he laughs and leans in to explain the joke, drawing closer and wafting his subtle cologne your way between still-too-loud whispers. Whatever the reason, you’re enjoying the second half of this show much more than the first.
The play draws to a close with a happy ending. One of the fae characters comes downstage to address the audience as the rest of the cast departs.
“If we shadows have offended,
Think but this and all is mended:
That you have but slumbered here
While these visions did appear…”
“Star pupil, that one,” Steven whispers once more. “Deserves every bit of the spotlight.”
You squeeze his arm again, this time not moving your hand or looking his way. You both take in the last words of the performance in dazed silence.
“...Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends.”
With that, the fairy bows and the stage fades to black.
The audience erupts into applause as the cast returns onstage. You and Steven cheer and swap last-minute quips about the performance as the standing ovation thunders around you.
You exit the auditorium together and are immediately swarmed by a handful of students– some yours, some his– who eagerly await your feedback. You each congratulate the cast, getting them to sign your programs to commemorate the day.
Finally you’re able to break away and step into the brisk evening air.
“Well that was… something,” you laugh.
Steven grins as he fastens his coat. “‘Least they’ll be tuckered out in first period, yeah? Might get a bit of peace tomorrow morning.” He pulls something out of his pocket and hands it to you. “Sorry, don’t want you to leave that behind. Could be worth something someday.”
You take your folded program back from him. “Oh, I'm sure.”
With an awkward wave, Steven steps back. “Right. Well, see you around.”
“See you, Steven.”
You turn to head toward your car. As you walk, you unfold your program to see a new signature on the back page, followed by a phone number.
Let me know if you need any more Shakespeare translated. I’m fond of the love poems, myself ;)
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A/N: mk bingo has been a blast, i'm grateful for the chance to put these guys in Situations. that's one for each of em now. we'll see who gets attention next...
also, some inspiration was taken from this post (rip)
as always, ty for reading <3
event tags: @moonknight-events @spacecowboyhotch @juneknight
addtl tags: @mrs-lockley @lunar-ghoulie @shadystarlightgentlemen @casa-boiardi @nerdieforpedro @queerponcho (lmk if you'd like to be added to/removed from this wee tag list)
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zepskies · 1 year
Hey! Just wondering if you could suggest some romantic/rom-com movies💖
Have a great day❤️🌼
Oh my goodness, I certainly can!! Thank you, bby! 💖💖
10 of my favorite romantic comedies:
(In no particular order.)
1. 10 Things I Hate About You
An absolute perfect movie. Dialogue, casting, story, romance, Heath Ledger, Shakespeare references, what more could a literary inclined girl want?
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2. A Cinderella Story
Another gift from the early 2000s. Is it cheesy? Sometimes. Is it adorable? Absolutely.
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3. He's Just Not That Into You
Hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking, ensemble cast, but the endings for each couple are undoubtedly satisfying. Plus, my favorite rewind moment of all time:
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4. Crazy, Stupid Love
Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Steve Carrell, Josh Groban cameo. Need I say more? (But it will also unexpectedly grip your heart with profound, tender moments.)
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5. While You Were Sleeping
One of my favorite Sandra Bullock rom coms, of which there are many. (Honorary mentions: The Proposal, Practical Magic, Two Weeks Notice, and Miss Congeniality, though it's not really a rom com is one of my favorite movies in existence.)
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6. You've Got Mail
A classic of classics in rom com history. Meg Ryan at her best, Tom Hanks at his. She's a small, independent bookstore owner. He's essentially Barnes & Noble, coming in to disrupt New York with corporate America.
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7. Mrs. Winterbourne
A forgotten '90s Brendan Fraser must-see movie. He's the "rich playboy" type, she's scrappy and resourceful, pregnant by her deadbeat ex-boyfriend, and pretending to be the widow of Fraser's twin brother, who recently died in a train accident.
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8. Crazy Rich Asians
Based on a book, top-tier casting, bad ass mother-in-law, bad ass heroine, a classy, handsome, Good Man™️ hero? Sign me TF up.
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9. 13 Going on 30
Easily Jennifer Garner's best movie, but also Mark freakin' Ruffalo. They're adorable together, and this one's a classic in its own right, full of heart, back-stabbing bitches, and 80s music references.
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10. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
It's one of the best, folks. Also one of the most quotable movies in movie history lol. As a kid, I remember really identifying with Toula, who feels too plain, too big, too "frump girl."
But Ian never saw her that way. He genuinely laughs at her jokes. He's patient with her and sees her beauty, inside and out. He also deals with a lot of crap from her family in order to be with her, with all the grace and gentlemanly poise a guy could have.
And Toula learns to love herself, fall in love for the first time, and challenges every expectation of her family to do so.
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I have many, many more, but these are just a few of my favorites. What's yours?
Don't see it on this list? Drop it in the comments! 💋
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tj-dragonblade · 5 months
Pleasure Little Treasure sounds like something I might be interested in 👀
Mmyes, possibly you might recall this one from almost a year ago on the server, the panties-and-piercings-and-jewelry pwp. I've settled on Pleasure Little Treasure as the title, after a Depeche Mode song, and I'm debating (or, Call Me a Pirate the Way I'm Plundering That Booty) as a parenthetical add-on. It fits, but it also implies more comedy than this entails. It's just 100% unfiltered staight-up smut. It's been back-burnered forever but blowing the dust off for this ask has been very productive; here's the freshly-drafted opening:
"Dream! Hello—oh. Oh, sweet christ I. Oh. Hi—" Hob is sat at his kitchen table and extremely grateful for it, because the combination of misfiring synapses and blood rushing south has his knees giving out as he tries to rise. He falls back to his seat, staring. "Hello, Hob." Dream sways closer on designer heels, wearing so much and yet so little, and Hob feels a bit light-headed taking it all in. The tiara is good, a good place to start. It's silver and intricate and delicate, like sparkling lace in the untamed wilds of his hair, rubies and black diamonds encrusting its swooping filigree whorls. His ears are decked in matching studs and little black metal loops scattered along the outer edge, teardrop rubies dangling from silver-set black pearls adorning either lobe. He's got makeup on, smoky silvery-black eyeshadow, black liner, black lipstick; he's fucking gorgeous, and he knows it, but that's just the beginning. His arms are sleeved from bicep to wrist in black lace that keeps going across the backs of his hands to hook over his middle fingers. There are rings on some of his fingers as well, tasteful silver-wrought and burnished black things with rubies set in low profile; his nails are slightly longer than usual, perfectly shaped and polished a glossy glittery black. Four or five necklaces of varying length hang over his chest—a string of black pearls, bright and dark silver chains with rubies and black diamonds scattered along their length, a black lace-and-velvet choker above them all with a sizeable teardrop ruby dangling from it to nestle in the hollow of his throat. His nipples are pierced.
His navel is, too; Hob can't see all the details quite yet but there are teardrop rubies at all three points, and he can't wait to get a closer look. Dream turns, smiling over his shoulder, giving Hob a view of his pale naked back and inevitably drawing Hob's attention to his arse. It's wrapped in black lace cheeky panties, the lower curves left beautifully, teasingly exposed, the shape perfectly enhanced by the height of his heels. He completes the turn with a switch of his hips that accentuates the bulge of his cock beneath the lace, sashays closer; Hob takes in the long lines of his legs in their jewel-and-lace-topped sheer silk stockings (black, of course), the elegant glossy black heels with the red soles and zippers down the back—he's no fashionista, can't remember designer names for anything but he's seen enough to know these are high-end haute couture, and he honestly expects nothing less from Dream. The whole ensemble is a feast for the eyes, and his mouth is watering as Dream straddles his lap and settles himself comfortably, arms draped over Hob's shoulders. Hob is struggling for words, honestly. "Hi," he manages, repeating himself. "What's this, then?"
Here are Dream's shoes, for the record, except his are shiny patent leather glossy:
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And if you've made it through all that detailed description? You deserve a bit of the actual smut too, also freshly drafted. (Did I mention I've been productive on this?) Please imagine: Hob is sitting in a chair like this one and Dream's kneeling on the armrests so he's splayed open over Hob's lap:
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"Hob—Hob—!" He is sobbing the name, trembling above Hob, shaking with need; Hob kisses the drool from his slack and quivering ebony lip, fingers his prostate at the same lovingly measured pace he's used for the past thirty minutes. "Shh, dove, I've got you. I've got you. Just let yourself feel—" he presses expertly, rubs a slow firm circle and Dream chokes out a gasping cry, more pre-come dripping slowly from around the piercing, through the lace of his panties "—and I promise, I'll get you there." He's so beautiful, like this, coming apart on Hob's fingers, trusting Hob with his pleasure, allowing Hob this time-honored vulnerability and Hob loves him, fiercely. He drags his lips up the line of Dream's throat past the velvet choker, guides Dream's head until he can claim the wet black-and-pink of his mouth, plunder it ardently with his tongue while steadying the play of his fingertips against Dream's prostate. He draws it out another five minutes, utterly enthralled and helplessly addicted to having Dream quaking on the edge above him like this. It is heady and intoxicating; he twists his fingers just so, a sweet caress, and shivers at the sound Dream makes. "Hob—please—" His narrow chest is heaving under the glittering strings of jewels that adorn him; his eyes are wet with the intensity of his pleasure, makeup smudging at their corners. His fingers with their glossy black nails clench and unclench in the shoulders of Hob's shirt and his ebony mouth trembles as he tries to speak. "Please—I cannot—this body, you drive me to madness—Hob, please—!" And Hob. He loves this, yes, but he will not push it to the point of cruelty and so finally, finally, he drives his fingers harder against that beautiful spot within his beautiful Dream, moves them faster; he watches, mesmerized, as Dream is swept into the swiftly-rising tide of orgasm. Dream warbles a keening moan as it begins to overtake him, his lace-clad arms braced stiff on Hob's shoulders, hips squirming low in the space above Hob's lap, greedy for the deep press of Hob's fingers. He's panting breathless sobs with each quickening stroke, bearing down on Hob's hand, trembling all over; Hob reaches up, tugs gently at the teardrop ruby dangling prettily from one stiff rosy nipple, and that's it.
(You can find a few little bits more to this in the wip tag if interested)
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ot3 · 7 months
Trying my luck here since you're the most trusted women in media person I follow: Can you recommend any media (movies, shows, books, comics, podcasts, whatever) that is centered around violence between women? I'm specifically looking for something with
1. A primarily female cast
2. Women committing violence against other women with minimal influence from men
3. Actual graphic physical violence, not just Mean Girls stuff. I want blood
Bonus points if the violence happens because of some female social dynamics, like mother/daughter relationships or toxic high school friendships, not just because the heroes and villains happen to be women.
Yellowjackets left a hole in my heart
honored to be your source for this.
If these are your tastes and you somehow haven't read the locked tomb trilogy, go read that for sure.
Ginger Snaps (2000) is a horror comedy about two sisters trying to deal with one of them becoming a werewolf and their dynamic is the core of the entire movie, it's one of my favorites.
The flower that bloomed nowhere definitely fits the bill, and i would say 'violence that occurs because of female social dynamics' is an area where it shines, but in a slightly different way than what you're looking for. Flower is a murder mystery so there's plenty of straight up killing, but the murders are definitely not the most fucked up and violating things that happened here even if they are the most gory. Flower is pretty much my go to rec for anyone who wants fucked up women
Umineko and Higurashi from the when they cry series would have a lot for you here. Umineko has more women by volume but less proportionally, and the men play larger roles in their lives. The women in umineko are all insanely well written but due to the nature of the story a lot of the way they act is heavily influenced by the patriarchal standards of their society/social class and the needs of the men around them, which is The Point but also may not be what you want. On the other hand girls are a higher proportion of the Higurashi cast and that's a narrative that's much less purposefully informed by the crushing vice of misogyny, and i feel like is slightly more in line with this specific request.
Worm is just about as graphically violent as it's possible to get in writing and although the massive ensemble cast has plenty of men in it the female characters, including the protagonist taylor, are much more interesting overall and they have great dynamics with each other.
that's about it off the top of my head but also this is several million words of stuff right here so im sure at least some of it will appeal to you. happy hunting.
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mukuuji · 7 months
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Did you get it? 🤭😳
This manga includes Japanese idioms and puns, so allow me to explain them to you!
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座布団一枚!(One cushion to the winner!)
In the second panel, a mini Tohka in a kimono is seated at a low table. This ensemble is the MC's attire in a Japanese traditional comedy show called 笑点 (Sho-ten). In 笑点, the MC awards a 座布団 (a square sitting cushion) to the comedian with the best joke.
I translated "座布団一枚!" (One cushion to the winner!) as "1000 points to Gryffindor!" because I sensed a similar vibe between the two expressions...
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寒い... (It's cold)
He's talking about the planet's temperature here, but this phrase implies another message...
In Japanese, if you want to express that a joke or pun is bad, you can say the joke or pun is "cold"(寒い).
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ロックロック (Rocklock)
In Japanese Katakana, L and R are written the same way. Therefore, Rocklock is spelled as ロックロック, where it seems like the same sound is repeated.
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天丼 (ten-don)
Ten-don isn't about sinew - it's a popular Japanese dish; a bowl of rice topped with tempura pieces dipped in soy sauce broth.
Interestingly, the term "天丼" (tendon) is also used to describe a certain comedic technique. When the same joke is repeated in the same way, it's referred to as a "天丼" joke! I have no idea why they started to call this kind of joke 天丼...
🚀That's all! I hope you enjoy my manga and that it helps you get more acquainted with Japanese culture! 💕
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popculturebuffet · 10 months
Top 12 Captain Holt Plots (B99): RIP Andre Braugher
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Andre Braugher 1962-2023
So as if this year hadn't piled enough death on me.. yesterday Andre Braugher of Brooklyn 99 fame died. Braugher was a comedic genius, great at drama and it's sad to see him go just as his career was having one hell of a second act.
Figuring out how to honor Andre.. was tough. I didn't have time for a full review of some of his best episodes, a story arc or the normal things i'd do, and a list of just Holt's best moments wouldn't really portray the characters depth. Don't get me wrong there's a LOT of hilarious little holt moments from "Hot damn!" to "Bam had it both ways" but it just didn't do the character justice. Holt was a character funny for his stoicism, his outburst of emotion clashing with that, and his chemistry with just about everyone on cast.
So I found a comprimise, something small I could do before my two bigger reviews this week, but something that still pays full service to what a great character Raymond Holt was... and how much of it was Braugher's amazing comedic timing and great dramatic talent. Ray MIGHT of existed without Captain Holt, but he wouldn't of been such a JOY to watch every time if it weren't for Braugher.
So I picked my 12 faviorite plots starring Captain Holt. Husband, Captain, Robot. Meeep Morp.
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12. VINDICATTTTITOOOOOONNNN (Episode: Monster in the Closet)
Look a lot of this subplot making it here is this moment, from the fist pump to just how Braugher plays the word like an instrument, but the plot itself is comedy gold: Rosa Diaz, bisexual icon, is having a rush wedding to absentee boyfriend and human disaster Adrian Pimento, who returned after months in hiding the way anyone having a normal one does: by hiding in a child's closet.
Naturally this wedding didn't end up happening.. but it did bring us one of Holt's best running gags: his love of balloon arches. It's something that makes perfect character sense: he's a perfectionist, he loves art, and it's just weird enough to still be funny while not so weird you can't understand why Holt would be doing this. Holt pettily popping the ballons when crticized and going into a creative tailspin over minor critcisims is just gold and the payoff, him getting his VINDIIIICAAAATTTIOOOONNNNNN is both sweet.. and purespun gold from the highest of heavens.
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11. The Disco Strangler Returns (He Said She Said) One of the serious episodes of the series, dealing with Amy and Jake tackling a sexual harassment case and Amy revealing her own assault, was paired with one of the series silliest, funnest b-plots.
This one COULD be here just on the strength of "And you'll here it again" but has way more to offer as Holt chases down his former nemesis the Disco Strangler after he seemingly dies, convinced he's alive while Terry and Boyle are convinced he just can't accept his enemey's death. Turns out their wrong though as the Strangler is alive, worked his groovy voodoo on a way younger woman and has one of the funniest scenes in the show as Holt TRIES to have a big action hero final talk with his nemisis.. only for the man to be largely deaf. It's a gag that shoudln't work but Baugher's commitment to the bit carries it, as does the reality of the strangler being so old and feeble hitting Raymond about his own mortality.
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10. The Heists (Various Episodes)
Yeah this one's a bit of a cheat as it was hard to pick just one Heist Plot: After the first two their largely ensemble pieces. But it'd also be criminal to ignore just how SERIOUS Holt takes the annual halloween heists, from training his dog for them, to calling a fake replacement for Cheddar (the goodest of boys) "This bitch?", the Heists brought out the pettiest, hammiest parts of holt and the best of Braugher's comedey from threatning to slit his two protege's "from head to anus and wear them as a jacket", to his flight of the valkyries entrance, Holt was always a delight.
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9. Pie (Two Turkey's) The shows final thanksgiving gave us it's best thanksgiving plot, and a nice spotlight on Holt's relationship with his Husband , kevin. Holt's queerness was baked into the character, being why it took him so long to climb the latter and why Kevin takes ab it to warm up to his new coworkers, as most of Ray's past coworkers were racist, homophobic or both. Holt and Kevin were just as weirdly stoic, with Mark Evan Jackson having great chemistry with Braugher.
The couple also just had their own weird things such as getting a special pie every year to get a pie for thanksgiving and finding the hours spent in dead silence on the trip deeply romantic.
Said pie is also what sets off the plot as it goes missing and Holt blames the presicnt and goes into full petty holt mode, one of the best kinds of holt. HOlt isn't the only star here as near constant fuckups and wallpaper Hitchcock and Scully prove useful for once as Holt investigates Rosa, Terry and Boyle. We get great moments from the three too as Boyle calls his own son "a basic bitch" and Rosa reveals an embarassing minons t-shirt as she rebonds with her family post jailtime.
Holt interogating everyone and going full ham would be enough to land it here.. but what elevates it to this slot is the ending: Holt finds out the culprit was Kevin, who hates the pie but would miss the drive. HOlt suggests simply.. taking the drive for fun and Kevin is super horny for that. It's adorable, sweet and a great capper to one of the shows best subplots.
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8. Let's Never Talk About Anything (Stakeout)
This is a quick one as it's mostly on the comedy but it's a scenario that's both deeply, deeply funny, and involves one of the shows best duos: Rosa, the stoic bicon herself, and Holt. Both being stoic queer persons, they naturally get along great. And of course it's natural Rosa ends up the one in a very awkward situation through almost no fault of her own: Holt brings his cardboard standee of a human being Nephew named Marcus, whose staying with him for some reason never elaborated upon because Marcus is here for one thing: to date rosa and have one of the best awkward morning afters EVER: He tries to sneak rosa out.. only for Holt and Kevin to naturally both be up, and his using her full name and mild confusion are just.. great. The wrap up, that Rosa and Holt are both FINE not talking about this or anything ever, is great. The followup plot with the two forced into a dinner is fine, but this first interaction and the two being on the same stoic page is gold.
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7. Apparently That's a Trigger For Me (The Box)
This is another one that has a strong moment couched in, but really the Box is just a very strong episode, a tense 22 minutes as Jake and Holt team up to try and get a confession out of a local dentist played by sexiest man alive Sterling K Brown, who does great getting under their skin, including with said doctor bit as Docterates are a bit of a trigger for Holt. the episodes fantastic chess match between our faviorite duo and Brown is just fun to watch and it's only this low because Jake gets the big finale. But Holt's oh damns are still vital. As is his over the top reservation cancelation. God bless this man. I miss you andre.
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6. They never actually said No (Full Boyle)
Like, really, ALL of these there's a classic gag couched in here as Holt explains how he formed his black gay and lesbian police orginzation: he pitched it to his fellow entirely white and certainly straight cops who laughed their asses off.. then went ahead and got the funds since they were too busy being jackassses to say no. Dark, hilarious, and perfectly showing just how much shit holt's been through trying to get here.
And that background helps shape this plot which while not laugh FREE is mostly anchored on the good Captain's character journey: when a younger officer plans to challenge holt for predsency, Holt, as you'd expect digs in and refuses. He's not at full ham yet, but he's still fully willing to fight tooth and nail for this, that after all he had to go just to make this group, brian wouldn't understand
It's Gina of all characters who points out that's why he made the group. So younger officers wouldn't have to go through that. Brian has new ideas to genuinely improve and open up the doors for more queer black officers, and Holt recognizes that and steps aside.. though if he screws up he will impeach him. He's happy for him but he will impeach him.
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5. I've Glanced At His Work Satchel (The Honeypot)
This episode's a-plot is just one long hilaroius bit of holt deadpanning as he gets a new assitant to replace Gina.. only to find the guy flirting with him. Having his tie slightly ajar and inviting him to a barrel museum counts as flirting in Holt's book. Turns out Gordon is a spy for our heroes latest nemisiss, corrupt comissioner kelly, and this brings this plot to ahead as finding out, and getting evidence hw as actively spying on them finally gets rid of the old bastard. It's a nice payoff.. but it's really here because Holt declaring a barrel museum an erotically charged atmosphere is classic deadpan holt. If you want premium deadpan holt, this is your episode.
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4. Terry Come Here and Dangle Me Off the Edge of this Building (Bad Beat)
This episode is one of my faviorites, having both a lot of rich character stuff for holt.. and a lot of funny deadpan for holt.
This ep reawakens something that's mostly come up previously as a joke: holt had a serious gambling addiction in his past and when Jake and Terry come to him for help with a poker case, Holt's forced to join in as the two have obvious tells.
Holt's relapse is a nice mix of hilaroius and deeply troubling: he's betting on childrenj's gymnastics (No jayla don't drop the baton!) runs up to the roof when the pagent's cut off and as seen above wants Terry to dangle him over a roof.. Braugher does a hell of a job threading a very narrow needle here: Hotl's antics are funny, but still jarring enough to be worrying.. .and the laughter stop when Jake pulls the one card he has... he'll tell kevin, an idea alone that DEVISTATES holt as he can't put kevin through that again.
Unfortunately it's not THAT easy as Holt goes rogue.. then nearly gets captured, having to use improper grammar and admitting he needs help. Ther'es no easy answers here and while granted Holt's addiction never comes up again.. it's a sign addiction dosen't go away easily and everyone needs help.
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3. The System (Moo Moo) Props to Brooklyn 99 as depsite being a cop show, it pointed out many a problem in the NYPD and police in general long before George Floyd made it too loud to ignore for us white dumbasses.
This episode is the main showcase of that: while the show had plenty of corrupt cops for our heroes to foil, Moo Moo shows the system ITSELF is broken and ther'es no easy answer to fix it.
The setup is simple, heartbreakingly common, and painful: Terry goes out at night in his nice neighborhood looking for one of his daughters "moo moo", her faviorite toy.. only to get accosted by a police officer, with only the fact he IS an officer making this end well.
Terry does try to handle this peacefully, inviting the guy to lunch, and trying to explain why racial profiling him like that was fucking awful. The officer dosen't listen, only thinks he was wrong because Terry is also a cop, and is generally a dick.
This leaves terry, who has a promotion on the table, with a fairly simple path: report the son of a bitch. Except .. HOlt dosne't send it in. Holt wants Terry to stay quiet, so Terry can get promoted. it's one of the oldest fights in a broken system: Should you make noise and take care of something horrible immdeitly, or stay quite and let harm go on so you can do more good later. The latter is clearly Holt's go to not out of corruption but out of survival: as a black gay cop, he had no real allies for the longest time, and thus had to simply keep his nose to the ground and work his way up to where he had real power. Terry on the other hand, argues, rightly that he dosen't want another man like him to go through this, one without a badger and that his career... simply isn't worth more innocnet black men being arrested falsely. There isn't an easy resolution with both acknowlding each others point: Holt supports terry and gets the guy fired, but Terry is passed over impliclty as a result and admits he could've impacted more change. Terry still did the right thing.. but it wasn't the easy thing. Police.. .simply aren't set up to properly police themselves and change is needed and it was noble of b99 to point that out without going over the top with it.
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Okay look while this plot is good on it's own (I"m teaching father the math!) it's up this high ENTIRELY due to the Bone Scene. You've seen it, i've seeen it, it's the reason this plot goes from "pretty good" with Rosa seeing through holt's math problem to his marital issues and need to get laid, and Amy trying hard to impress her dads and acting lik ea grossed out child anytime holt's sex life comes up. This bit belongs to braugher.. but you NEED Beatriz and Fumero to set it up so perfectly and react so great to it.
Rosa being rosa just comes out and says "You just need to bone" and holt LOOOSES IT.
Every line from that moment is pure poetry from Braugher's mouth, from his squeaky "what'dyousay" to his shakesperean "hooooowww dare you detective diaz I AM YOUR SUPERIOR OFFICER." and of course his glorious shouts of BONE and BONNNNENEEEEE while he VIBRATES ON HIS DOORFRAME. His quick yups in the resolution are the cheery on top of the greatest comedy sundae ever conducted by man. Sports. This subplot hinges on one joke.. but when it's the series best joke, it's REALLY hard to argue. It's only not #1.. because our #1 is CRAMMED with jokes near this level.
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Ding Dong The Wuntch Is Dead (Ding Dong)
Ding Dong is one of my faviorite episodes of B99. Even it's subplot's grown on me with Terry bending a quarter in mid air and the strawberry basket. But let's face it while the subplot is.. kay, it's the main event that makes it a classic and when I do the inevetible top 12 list, possibly for feburary, this episode is almost guarnateed a spot for damn good reason.
If your wondering why I haven't brought up Holt's legendary rivarly with Madeline Wuntch it's because while their all fucking gold, their teid into larger plots. And while this one kinda is, with Wuntch's death wrapping up Holt's time as a patrol officer, it's really just there to sned the character off and give us one of the funniest episodes in human history.
Everything about Holt's petty rivarly with Wuntch that makes it one of the best thigns in the show is on display here and the shock I had to the opening of ding dong was palpable: Holt's making his usual jabs, calling her a korean tolilet ghost (and having gone to korea just to find new monsters to call her).. before Terry, trying and failing to head this off drops the bomb: Wuntch is dead. Naturally Holt dosen't buy it, assuming we'd hear the children singing (all the childrne everywhere), and having to see her body for himself. Given their rivarly and what an elaborate scheme Wuntch left FOR her funeral, it's not hard to see why.
What follows is the very best of petty holt from the glory that is BAGEL, BAGEL, to his assumption ET is a monster because "he caused quite a comotion), Baugher is at his PEAK this episode comedically, handeling his Rival's death with joy and too many lines to count, with Amy's horror and Rosa's unabashed joy at his pettiness being perfect bounce off points.
Add in comedy legend Micheal Mcdonald as Wuntch's nephew playing her rival, a fake funeral and an attempted funmeral full of balloon arches and bright pastels and you have one of the greatest peices of televesion comedy ever. Rest in peace Andre.... your dearly missed.
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ariadne-mouse · 3 months
(hey there! augentrust from main) I'm very curious about the unhinged AU part 7 and the star trek crossover -- whichever you haven't answered or have a particular fondness for!
hey there augentrust from main :D
The Unhinged AU is the original working title of The Kitchen Sink, a modern AU comedy in which Essek is a fashion supermodel and Caleb is a jack-of-all-trades, and the tone rollercoasters between earnest and absurd. I have been stalled on Chapter 7 for a while now, but I will get over it! Here is a snippet:
Essek was a man alone in a torrent of sound. “So at first I was thinking, maybe we should try something NEW you know but what if it’s bad and we’re having this special time and the food is ruining it?  And with you knowing Caleb already and this whole thing being like, so star-crossed you know, we have to go see my mama.  She’ll love you! And you'll love her, obviously.” (Okay, so technically he wasn’t alone, because the sound was coming from somewhere, and that somewhere was Jester.) He was used to Jester’s peppy texts and, as of today, growing familiar with her vivacious demeanor in person.  But she had reached an intensity now that he could only ride out like rapids in a river. “I don’t know that star-crossed is the right descriptor here, Jester, unless you mean we are part of a conflict between two families that ends in death and tragedy?”  Caleb, now dressed, strolled up while applying sunscreen to his nose and ears.   (Fine, fine, Essek wasn’t even a man alone, because Caleb was here too.  However, with a day so full of excitement, Essek thought he might be excused for his internal dramatics.) Automatically, Essek clocked Caleb’s outfit: a tacky floral shirt in pale pink, worn open over a white tank top, paired with cut-off jean shorts whose hems suggested Caleb had done the modification himself.  Gone were the good leather shoes, replaced by the same squeaky flip-flops he’d been wearing in the studio, which were blue and cheap and yes, continued to squeak a little on every other step.   There might not be familial conflict or death occurring amongst them today, but there was a tragedy, and it was this ensemble. He'd looked far better with nothing on at all.
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fuckyeahelijahwoodfan · 2 months
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A great interview and lots of photos for ensemble magazine
Adored honorary Kiwi Elijah Woods is excited. His second film with Kiwi director (and husband of Ensemble’s co-founder Rebecca Wadey) Ant Timpson is about to be released and he’s fantasising about the meals he ate in Aotearoa while shooting here last year. 
Unlike the first film they made together (Come to Daddy, an R18 dark, comedy horror filmed on Vancouver Island in 2018), Bookworm brought Elijah back to the filming location he’ll be long associated with.
Part Bigfoot genre movie and part a touching examination of parenthood, it’s a film that combines subject matter close to both Ant’s and Elijah’s heart, this time wrapped up in a wholesome PG rating.
A man of impeccable taste, Elijah has in the past worked with friend, photographer and filmmaker Autumn de Wilde on a Prada campaign, DJs with his friend Zach Cowie under the moniker Wooden Wisdom, and is friends with Kate and Laura Mulleavy of LA fashion brand Rodarte. He’s regarded by many – except perhaps Jared Leto – as one of the nicest people in show business.
Another example of his incredible taste? Early next year Elijah will marry long-term partner Mette-Marie Kongsved, one of the most beautiful (in every sense of the word) human beings we’ve ever met – and the person who named Ensemble.
Elijah and Mette-Marie were friends for several years, before falling in love while making the Sundance award-winning film I Don’t Feel At Home in This World Anymore, which Mette-Marie produced, starring Elijah and Melanie Lynskey. When asked the best thing about the Danish producer, who also worked on Come to Daddy and Bookworm, Elijah brightens. “There's too many to name. She speaks seven languages. She is a bright shining light that makes a huge impression on everyone that she meets. She's very funny. She loves adventure. She loves food as much as I do. We share a lot of the same interests. She loves the Danish hotdog.”
What’s the best meal you've ever eaten?
It's a hard question to answer, but I would probably say it was at Fäviken in Sweden. Mette-Marie and I went there for New Year’s when we’d just started dating. We built our entire trip around eating there; we’d seen a profile on it and the chef, Magnus Nilsson, on Chef's Table. It’s remained one of my favourite meals, both in terms of an experience and the food. It was just totally all encompassing. 
There were a few guest rooms so we opted to stay there and it  was just magical. It was snowing, we drove up, there were these fire pits outside and a gentleman in a beautiful suit came to our car and he's like, ‘Elijah, Mette-Marie welcome.’ We were in the experience from that moment and the meal hadn't even started. 
The meal itself was incredible. And the environment, it was like two tiered. You started the meal downstairs in this one area by a fireplace, and then moved up to this main dining room, in this old rustic, almost barn-like building. It was just magical. 
The meal ended with cigars and cognac in a teepee outside. It was unbelievable. Oh my god. Then there was breakfast the next morning. It was totally magical and insane. That’s hard to top. The restaurant doesn't exist anymore. Magnus stepped down. He has an apple orchard now.
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fictionadventurer · 6 days
Ooh, ok, Top 5 TV Comedic shows?
Putting them in chronological order rather than ranking because ranking changes based on my mood.
1. The Mary Tyler Moore Show: Smart writing with a great ensemble cast.
2. Newhart: Another great ensemble cast (some of the best side characters of all time) in a show that's wonderfully absurd.
3. Cheers: Fantastic characters with hilarious interactions, wonderful explorations of class differences, wonderful blend of sharp character writing and absurd farce.
4. Corner Gas: So smart and so stupid all at once. Another great ensemble cast, and a level of absurdity and meta-humor far beyond any other show on this list.
5. Psych: Yes, I count it as a comedy, because that's what I watch it for. I'm rewatching some of it right now. It's a riot.
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awardseason · 2 years
2023 Critics’ Choice Awards — Film WINNERS
Best Picture “Avatar: The Way of Water”  “Babylon” “The Banshees of Inisherin”  “Elvis”  “Everything Everywhere All at Once” — WINNER “The Fabelmans”  “Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery”  “RRR”  “Tár”  “Top Gun: Maverick”  “Women Talking” 
Best Actor Austin Butler – “Elvis” Tom Cruise – “Top Gun: Maverick” Colin Farrell – “The Banshees of Inisherin”  Brendan Fraser – “The Whale” — WINNER Paul Mescal – “Aftersun”  Bill Nighy – “Living”
Best Actress Cate Blanchett – “Tár” — WINNER Viola Davis – “The Woman King”  Danielle Deadwyler – “Till”  Margot Robbie – “Babylon”  Michelle Williams – “The Fabelmans”  Michelle Yeoh – “Everything Everywhere All at Once” 
Best Supporting Actor Paul Dano – “The Fabelmans”  Brendan Gleeson – “The Banshees of Inisherin” Judd Hirsch – “The Fabelmans”  Barry Keoghan – “The Banshees of Inisherin” Ke Huy Quan – “Everything Everywhere All at Once” — WINNER Brian Tyree Henry – “Causeway” 
Best Supporting Actress Angela Bassett – “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” — WINNER Jessie Buckley – “Women Talking” Kerry Condon – “The Banshees of Inisherin”  Jamie Lee Curtis – “Everything Everywhere All at Once” Stephanie Hsu – “Everything Everywhere All at Once”  Janelle Monáe – “Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery” 
Best Young Actor/Actress Frankie Corio – “Aftersun” Jalyn Hall – “Till”  Gabriel LaBelle – “The Fabelmans” — WINNER Bella Ramsey – “Catherine Called Birdy”  Banks Repeta – “Armageddon Time”  Sadie Sink – “The Whale” 
Best Acting Ensemble “The Banshees of Inisherin” “Everything Everywhere All at Once” “The Fabelmans”  “Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery” — WINNER “The Woman King” “Women Talking”
Best Director James Cameron – “Avatar: The Way of Water” Damien Chazelle – “Babylon”  Todd Field – “Tár” Baz Luhrmann – “Elvis” Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert – “Everything Everywhere All at Once” — WINNERS Martin McDonagh – “The Banshees of Inisherin” Sarah Polley – “Women Talking”  Gina Prince-Bythewood – “The Woman King”  S.S. Rajamouli – “RRR”  Steven Spielberg – “The Fabelmans” 
Best Comedy “The Banshees of Inisherin” “Bros” “Everything Everywhere All at Once” “Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery” — WINNER “Triangle of Sadness” “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent”
Best Animated Feature “Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio” — WINNER “Marcel the Shell with Shoes On” “Puss in Boots: The Last Wish” “Turning Red” “Wendell & Wild”
Best Foreign Language Film “All Quiet on the Western Front” “Argentina, 1985” “Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths” “Close” “Decision to Leave” “RRR” — WINNER
Best Original Screenplay Charlotte Wells – “Aftersun” Martin McDonagh – “The Banshees of Inisherin”  Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert – “Everything Everywhere All at Once” — WINNER Steven Spielberg, Tony Kushner – “The Fabelmans” Todd Field – “Tár”
Best Adapted Screenplay Rian Johnson – “Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery”  Kazuo Ishiguro – “Living”  Rebecca Lenkiewicz – “She Said” Samuel D. Hunter – “The Whale” Sarah Polley – “Women Talking” — WINNER
Best Cinematography Russell Carpenter – “Avatar: The Way of Water” Linus Sandgren – “Babylon”  Roger Deakins – “Empire of Light” Janusz Kaminski – “The Fabelmans” Florian Hoffmeister – “Tár” Claudio Miranda – “Top Gun: Maverick” — WINNER
Best Production Design   Dylan Cole, Ben Procter, Vanessa Cole – “Avatar: The Way of Water” Florencia Martin, Anthony Carlino – “Babylon” — WINNER Hannah Beachler, Lisa K. Sessions – “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” Catherine Martin, Karen Murphy, Bev Dunn – “Elvis” Jason Kisvarday, Kelsi Ephraim – “Everything Everywhere All at Once”  Rick Carter, Karen O’Hara – “The Fabelmans” 
Best Editing Stephen Rivkin, David Brenner, John Refoua, James Cameron – “Avatar: The Way of Water” Tom Cross – “Babylon”  Matt Villa, Jonathan Redmond – “Elvis”  Paul Rogers – “Everything Everywhere All at Once” — WINNER Monika Willi – “Tár” Eddie Hamilton – “Top Gun: Maverick”
Best Costume Design Mary Zophres – “Babylon” Ruth E. Carter – “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” — WINNER Catherine Martin – “Elvis”  Shirley Kurata – “Everything Everywhere All at Once” Jenny Eagan – “Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery”  Gersha Phillips – “The Woman King”
Best Hair and Makeup “Babylon”  “The Batman”  “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”  “Elvis” — WINNER “Everything Everywhere All at Once”  “The Whale” 
Best Visual Effects “Avatar: The Way of Water” — WINNER “The Batman”  “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”  “Everything Everywhere All at Once”  “RRR” “Top Gun: Maverick” 
Best Song “Lift Me Up” – “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” “Ciao Papa” – “Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio” “Naatu Naatu” – “RRR” — WINNER “Hold My Hand” – “Top Gun: Maverick” “Carolina” – “Where the Crawdads Sing”  “New Body Rhumba” – “White Noise”
Best Score Michael Giacchino – “The Batman” Justin Hurwitz – “Babylon” John Williams – “The Fabelmans”  Alexandre Desplat – “Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio”  Hildur Guðnadóttir – “Tár” — WINNER Hildur Guðnadóttir – “Women Talking” 
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Let’s talk about 16th century Italian theatre.
No wait come back I promise this is actually related to Sanders Sides
So, last night I was talking with some friends about an AU I’m currently working on. I’ve been away from the Sanders Sides fandom for a good while now, but recently my hyperfixation reactivated and now my brain is so ready to write a ridiculously long longfic with a convoluted premise and horrifying implications. (I’m like 25k in. Having the time of my life. No doubt I’ll talk about it more later. This isn’t about that.)
Since I’m not the sort of person who usually writes AUs - I prefer to stick to canonverse, and canonverse-adjacent fics - I eventually brought up how worried I always am about characterization of the Sides in AUs. Because although I do adore an AU; I devour Love and Other Fairytales like candy and think about Lavender For Luck all the time and don’t even get me started on WIBAR, when it comes to my own writing, I secondguess myself a lot. I don’t like to stray too far from canon concepts and characterization. I get worried when I don’t draw enough connections to things that happen in the series, because it feels like a betrayal of the source material - if I change a character dynamic from how it’s usually portrayed, I spend entirely too long thinking about how to make it work. 
And someone else said, well, I don’t usually worry about that sort of thing very much anymore. 
And I said, why not?
And they said, well, I haven’t watched the actual show for ages. I mainly treat the Sides as stock characters for the stories I write, and my brain fucking exploded.
...Exploded in a good way. I have to stress this so, so hard. My personal opinions on writing characterization and AUs apply just to my writing. I judge my own work entirely too harshly and work too hard at Getting Characterization right, and that doesn’t apply to other people’s work or AUs at all, I enjoy them all without a problem. This meta isn’t about OOC being a bad thing, or AUs that are completely removed from their source material being a bad thing, because they aren’t, not at all, they’re a form of creative expression just like any fanwork. And if someone starts getting on your case about that sort of thing, just... just block them.
Anyway, where was I. Exploding brain? Ah yes.
So a few other people chimed into the conversation at this point, agreeing that in a lot of cases, the Sides for them were stock characters with fun names, established personalities and tropes to play around with, and part of the fun for them at this point came less from interaction with canon and more about interactions with friends and fellow writers. Which is very different to how I do things.  I was fascinated, and my brain had one big delighted thought, oh shit! You’re treating the Sides like Commedia Dell’arte characters! I get it now!
(Disclaimer: I haven’t done drama or theatre for a good while now. If I make a factual mistake, either patiently bear with me or gently correct me.)
Commedia Dell’arte was a form of Italian improv theatre that was first popular in the 16-18th centuries through Europe, and didn’t have any proper established plots or scripts. The actors were almost never the same from performance to performacne, the comedy was over-the-top and often satirical and absurd in its physicality, it focused on plots about romance and jealousy and love.  Emphasis on an ensemble cast. Very stylized, very distinctive. Here’s one beng performed in Venice, for the Vibes.
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[image description: a photo shot of two masked people in period costume conversing on a small wooden stage, taken over the heads of a crowd in Venice.]
The key, the thing that ties all Commedia Dell’arte together? The stock characters. There’s a list of all of these character archetypes, all with specific names and associated masks assigned to them, and when you’re performing this sort of theatre, all the actors pick one of the archetypes and put on a mask and work out what the situation is, and bam, you’re on the stage and off to the races. You’ve got the servant of two masters, the stuttering statesmen, the Sad Clown (relatable), the utterly obsessed lovers who won’t stop making doe eyes at each other on stage from behind those masks of theirs. 
Pretty freaky-looking masks, admittedly. Look at that nose on Naso Turco, the sly servant!
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[image description: eight blue-and-black stylized Commedia Dell’arte masks, all labelled with their roles]
And the thing is, audiences would recognize these archetypes upon seeing them - it wasn’t so much about having characters that were perfectly ported from one story to another, like you might have in adaptations of fairy tales, it’s more about the archetypes. The personalities. Their status, and the way they interact with one another. Apparently all of the original cast of stock characters (you can find a list of them on Wikipedia, or maybe elsewhere) were "originally intended as a kind of characteristic representative of some particular Italian district or town." They’re representations of archetypes. You might even say that they’re conceptual representations. 
Sound familiar? Yeah, it’s not hard to see where I’m going with this.
In Commedia, stock characters are almost never played by the same actors because the cast is always different, and might be an entirely different theatre troupe - so the way of recognizing certain archetypes is by their clothing style, or other symbolic context clues. 
And that’s exactly how you recognize the Sides in fanworks when the AU is too far divorced from canon to understand them otherwise. If you’ve changed their ethnicity, or genderbent them, or given then a different species, you look for the context clues because at this point you’ve learned to read them like a language. 
If it’s just fanart, or the names haven’t been brought up yet, how do you tell it’s Roman? Well, Roman’s costume is pretty distinctive, even when modified - and failing that, even if he’s just in jeans and a t-shirt, or even if he’s an indistinct jello-y blob floating in the distant reaches of space - he’s going to be the red blob. They’re color-coded for our convinience. Virgil’s stormclouds and spiders, Janus has his snakes and almost always has something going on with one side of his face. 
Do you find this delightful? I hope you do. Because I do. I find it really, really delightful, and I’d never put conscious thought into this before last night. The Sides aren’t quite as flat and archetypal as the colorful cast of Commedia Dell’arte - they’re more fleshed out, for one thing, and even if writers don’t always pull on it, there’s canon backstory and plotlines to draw from. But they’re still archetypes, deliberately so in the context of canon. Someone in the server I was discussing this in summed it up really nicely - [..] we have Roman the artist, we have Janus for all the drama and deception, we have clever Logan to represent the science spirit. We have Patton for the morale lessons. We have Virgil for the memento mori style, and we have Remus for all the gore and dark comedic relief. 
Which is such a great updating of all of the classic theatrical archetypes. Because (although Italian improv theatre is still performed! People still use these old roles and costumes, but it’s definitely more historical than modern) the idea of servants and masters and cunning peasants and all the complicated dynamics between these roles, well... it isn’t super relevant to modern storytelling. When Commedia Dell’arte is performed nowadays, it’s almost never hashtag-relatable in the way it used to be. You know what’s more relatable? Archetypes of the nerd who doesn’t acknowledge his emotions, the grumpy loner with a heart of gold, the theatre kid who won’t stop singing. You can take those and all of the rest and shove them into all manner of situations, and you can make some really cool stories out of that. 
(National Theatre has a really nice video breaking down this theatre form a lot better than I can, with details I didn’t include here. Check it out here if you’re interested. It also includes details about the various archetypes’ physicalities and movements, which I think is kind of interesting, because in canon Sanders Sides the character’s physicalities are terrifyingly recognizable. That’s not really relevant to the idea of AU Improv Theatre, though, so I won’t poke any further at that thought. ANYWAY.)
I’ll level with you: some of the things people write in this fandom, I just don’t vibe with and I don’t get, and I’m okay with that. It’s the maxim of Mind Your Own Business, I just don’t interact and I keep on moving in my own lane. But, like... maybe I don’t need to get it. I’m pretty sure there were people in 1600s Europe who showed up to a Commedia Dell’arte performance and went ‘no, this one isn’t for me, did you see how they absolutely butchered the characterization of the Innamorati? Disgraceful’. But for many other people, maybe that particular performance just hit the spot, because they’d always wanted to see an interpretation just like that, that diverged from the norm just a little bit. And even if nobody in the audience at all liked it, maybe the performers were having enough of a blast that it more than made up for it.
And if not any of that - well, there’s always the next show!
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[image description: four masked Commedia Dell’arte performers crowded around a prop cafe table, exclaiming dramatically over a menu that they’re all bent over.]
I don’t know if my brain will ever be chill enough to let me write something completely separated from canon. (Although... now that I’m typing that, I recognize that the chessboxing AU is not so much separated from canon as a tragic widower of a dinosaur-related apocalyptic divorce. Okay. Nevermind. Still, you probably get where I’m coming from.) And I’m probably not going to stop treating characterization like I’m going to be sentenced by a vicious panel of judges to a cruel and untimely death if I get the slightest bit of it wrong, but... I don’t know. The realization that it’s all comes back to this makes me happy, somehow. Just generally joyful about the state of the fandom, and the things that people create, and the community that’s been built up around it. 
Commedia is all about exploring stuff in improv like love and romance and dynamics, and isn't that exactly what we're doing as writers? Throwing character archetypes together and making them kiss and talk to see what will happen? It's not really improv, but it's not like we have any stage to act on except the AO3 posting page.
We didn't set out to make the characters from a web series into stock archetypes that so many people pick up and play with to Work Out Our Issues With. (Writing is free therapy. We all knew that already.) That was definitely not the original intention of Sanders Sides - or any similar fandom, actually. (I know TSS isn’t the only one this happens in, not even close.)
But, hey, we're humans, and it always comes back to us wanting to play. And there's nothing new under the sun, not really. Of course given an infinite internet sandbox and a goofy web series about some guy’s identity crisis, we would accidentally reinvent the original Italian comedy theatre. That’s kind of brilliant. 
You know what, I think 16th century Italians would enjoy Sanders Sides AUs a lot. I bet they’d make some pretty banger masks for the boys to wear. 
God, I wish I had a time machine.
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junkdrawernoggin · 1 month
Wanted to put a warning because if you can see it you should, and for all the folks who are going to wait for the YouTube release. There are also critiques in here, so if you don't want to see that, pass on by and have a good day!
I really really enjoyed it! I have a couple issues with it so I'll get those out of the way first. I mean these with all respect and kindness to the cast and crew.
Main Issue: You can tell who is an old Starkid member
This distracted me a lot. In this production there are only 3 original members on stage (I'm counting anyone who did AVPMs). That's Jeff Blim, Lauren Lopez, and Joey Richter. They are obviously all very talented. However
My critique for Lauren is that she did the same voice for Rancilda that she did for Ruth, and I wasn't a fan when she did it then. I haven't loved any of her sniveling loser roles, finding them far too annoying to enjoy. Emma and Zazzalil were fantastic, as well as her Tin Can roles. Please let her do that instead.
Edit: The Rancilda voice is actually not Ruth's. There is another character she does that has this exact same shrill thing going on, but for the life of me I cannot recall who it is.
Jeff is a great song writer, but he consistently writes himself parts that are out of his comfortable range. That or his vocal health is in serious disrepair by performance time. The "Castle on a Hill" demo sounds great, but in the DT performance I can almost feel the strain. I miss his lower range.
Joey did amazing puppet work; I especially enjoyed the parts where he was the old dwarf. The problem comes with the singing. NPMD I enjoyed his singing, and he's been good in the Tin Can productions. But you can hear him straining in the background which I felt hindered some of the ensemble parts.
I LOVE the old cast. They all bring unique skills to the table. But I think they are very comfortable now, and also sometimes make choices they think are good but in actuality hinder themselves. I'd love if a different writer came on board to mix things up. They need to be unafraid of giving honest feedback.
Now to the good!
The "new" cast members are so incredible!
Bryce rocked it, and I'm glad to see her highlighted after how well she did in NPMD. She sold every emotion, and her mix of wit and despair was heartcrushing. I would watch a 10 hour version of this production just to see more of her.
James was great. I don't find overly sexual humor that funny, but he did very well keeping a straight face and being utterly sincere with it all.
I will fully admit I have a crush on Kim and Curt, which colors my perspective of them a bit. Kim is such an incredible singer, I could listen to her all day. She's only the Fairy Queen for like...10ish minutes but she absolutely and utterly steals the show. No one else could've sold me that hard on how ethereal she was. Curt impossibly has chemistry with literally every person he's paired with. From the previews I was hoping Tadius and Ella would be paired up, so I am peachy pleased it turned out that way!
Jon was great, his role was clearly inspired by Septimus from Labyrinth and I love how hard he leaned into that.
I also adore Mariah, and I really loved this for her. She has had a pretty wild amount of diversity in all of her roles for Starkid. I was happy to see her really lean into the comedy and shenanigans of it all.
And the cherry on top, ANGELA!!!! I will admit, in Black Friday i wasn't her biggest fan. Mostly because I was so disappointed Mariah was unable to be in that production. However, she utterly shocked me in NPMD, that girl is MADE to play villains!!! I was a bit confused on why Angela was chosen for the stepmother and not Lauren, but oh boy when she came on stage I was HOOKED! She was fantastic. Is she a great singer? In my personal opinion, no not really. Do I really care? NOT AT ALL!! Highlight of the show 10/10
Also the set design was fucking incredible!! I like that they downsized (or at least it looked like they downsized) from the NPMD stage. It looked empty all the time. This time it felt so full and high budget. The lighting was phenomenal, the first time I've ever noticed lighting in a show and not for a bad reason.
The band was great, they always are!
The songs were...iffy. They didn't stick with me the way the NPMD ones did, certainly not like Black Friday or TGWDLM did. I'm a big music fan (I trained professionally to sing as well), so songs stick with me a lot even on a first listen. I know the opening "There's a castle on a hill as the story goes..." because I've watched the announcements so many times. Other than that, I really cannot tell you a single lyric from most of the songs in this show. Very odd for me.
Okay, going in for another watch. Maybe I'll have other opinions after.
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no-where-new-hero · 4 months
From now on, showtime! is legitimately the most underrated show I've seen so far on my kdrama journeys. Despite being a fan of fantasy shows and looking out for genre recommendations of all types, I'd never have even heard of it if I weren't determined to watch everything PHJ was in, and he's not even the best thing about it. He's barely in the top three best parts about this show. It's a fabulous ensemble comedy, it's a meaningful but not overblown past-life second-chance love story (it's what TOTNT was doing between Yeon and Jiah but more realistic), it's about forgiveness and trying again and true personal growth and sassy ghosts and letting the intrusive thoughts win sometimes, all with a very passable script, good direction (the lighting director deserved an award), and a kind of like...classic feel to it? It reminds me of older dramas somehow, in its sly and humorous approach to recognizable tropes. Anyway, if you have any interest at all in speculative kdramas (especially if you want something less epic than the Love from the Star/Goblin/Tale of the Nine Tailed/My Demon brand) i really recommend it.
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herri-writes · 2 years
Unfortunate for Love
Hiiro Amagi x Reader
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Note: I can imagine Aira fake vomiting whenever the reader saw Hiiro with their non-existent 20/20 vision and vice versa. This was inspired from the shenanigans that me and my friends had done in real life. I am a stupid dumbass whose eyesight is literally a 10/10 and 15/15 when I saw my ex-crush from the distance lmfao. Anyways, I can be Aira or the reader and he's a literal mood. I tried making this as a comedy but somehow failed. I'm bad at making things really funny to be honest but atleast I'm trying through writing. Curse this writer's block for making my imagination limited and classes for taking me too long to finish this. Because of this, most of them are ooc and I wanna die. Let me finish this in peace....
btw, happy belated valentines. Warning: Swearing. I swear I rally need to write "No swearing at my written works" at my new year's resolution.
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"Seriously, (Name)? You have a crush on that caveman idol senior of mine?" You hesitantly nodded at your underclassman's question and you shushed him, "Don't call your upperclassman and leader like that, Shiratori. It's not nice." "I know but that's when I didn't know that he's a year older than me. It's a habit." You sighed at his retort. Well, he's not wrong though. He never knew anything about idols before but he's a fast learner when it comes to things— physically and academically but sometimes logically. He is a child who is stuck in a body of a 17 year-old. Currently, you're here in the Idol Course and outside Aira's classroom, talking the day away. The reason why you're here it's because you're currently producing for ALKALOID today in Yumenosaki and later at Ensemble Square until their live ends. Instead of asking the unit about what kind of performance they'll have for their live, you're here asking Aira about their leader, Hiiro Amagi, which that made Aira nearly fake vomit in front of you while swooning over their leader. (W/N: The better, the cutest, the most precious, the scrunkliest, my beloved, and my favorite Amagi.) "Anyways, why did you talk to me when there's Senior Arashi to talk to when it comes to topic about love? You're telling me almost everything you like about him." Aira asked you and leaned on the wall, facepalming while mentioning one of the members of Pretty 5, the circle he is in at Ensemble Square. You deadpanned, "Is there anyone else who is close to Amagi that I can talk to here in Yumenosaki?" "There is... one or two. Senior Tetora is in the dojo at this time of hour, as what Hiiro had told me or either with Ryuseitai at Ensemble Square practicing and Senior Mayoi is in the walls or in the vents, listening to us right now." Aira pointed the ceiling. You look up and blinked. There is a vent above you two. As if on cue, the vent on the ceiling popped up open and someone fell from it and landed on you. Aira, for who is really unfortunate since the beginning, finally smiled because the lady luck is on his side. Unfortunately for you, you forgot to bring the lucky charm Tsumugi gave you and lady luck is avoiding you ever since the gods know when. Coincidentally, your favorite astrology tv show just announced that your sign will be unfortunate for the month and your lucky charm to avoid misfortune is a significant other, which you considered bullshit. (W/N: life isn't rabu~i for me rn. Leave me alone.) Feeling the weight on your back, you felt the same feeling of deja vú where you couldn't leave the floor and get attatched to it. Your life flashed before your eyes when you were so sure you can see stars in front of you or the stars from Trickstar's live, sparkly and it's everywhere in sight. You lost consciousness as you heard panicked noises coming from someone on top of you. "M-M-M-My apologies, (Name). I fell on top of you. How cruel of me..." Mayoi said as he got off of you. You remaind lying on the floor and didn't move. Your soul left your body long ago. The heart and the clover began to panic because a producer lied on the floor, making it seem like a crime scene. Your hand left a message from your hand and it was written, "Mayoi". The moment the two heard footsteps from afar, they became pale. They don't want to be caught by anyone and be reported to the student council. Aira feared that ALKALOID will be having a field day after this that he panicked. "Eek! Senior Mayoi, help me carry (Name) to the infirmary and quick!" "I-I couldn't let my filthy hands touch (Name)! They're too pure to be stained by someone so filthy like me...!" "Stop degrading yourself and help me! We're going to have a field day with this—" "What's going on here?" They hesitatntly turn to where the voice came from and prepare to meet their doom. A wave of relief washed onto them when they saw a certain redhead that they knew all to well before their debut. Aira nearly bawled his eyes out in desperation and he could see the angels blowing their trumpets around him. A savior from the heavens above, he thought. "Hiiro, please help us! (Name) died when Senior Mayoi fell on top of them!" Aira panicked as he stood there and pointed on your lying body on the ground. Mayoi stuttered and began to degrade himself and mentioning on not to forgive him. It was indeed incoherent to others but his fellow unitmates understand him well. "Wha—?! (Name)-dono died?! How?!" Someone popped up from the corner of the hallway, scaring the blonde soldier. Poor Aira is going to have a field day the moment he saw Shinobu and boy, he is so scared when he knew that the ninja will be reporting this incident to the student council president. "No more questions! Let's take them to the infirmary, immediately!" Aira exclaimed but Hiiro went to a head start as he carried you in his arms and ran away from the crime scene. "I don't think you need to do it..." Shinobu dropped a sweat and pointed to something behind Aira. Aira turned around and deadpanned as he watched his leader running away with you in his arms. "Never mind. That caveman left before we get a stretcher for (Name)."
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You open your eyes to see the all-familiar ceiling above of you. You were sensing a familiar feeling of deja vú right now and is following Anzu's footsteps. How unlucky you were this year unlike the last year when luck gave you a chance to do live peacefully. Where is the lucky four-leaf clover when you need one? Your back pained from the impact Mayoi gave you. 'Is this what Senior Anzu felt when Senior Ogami landed on her back after he jumped off the stage back then?' You thought and let out a long, heavy sigh. "Oh, you're finally awake." You turn your head to see those azure eyes staring at you, innocently. You blinked to see if it was one of the side effects of the impact— that was until you pinched his cheek and unfortunately, the answer is no. You're not hallucinating or dreaming. It's real. It's all real. Realizing this, your natural, pale skin became pink as Tori's hair and turned into a bright shade of red— as red as the Amagi brothers' hair. "(Name), are you alright? Do you have a fever?" Your words couldn't come out and remained stuck in your throat as he laid his hand on your forehead. It was soft and warm, you thought. You wanted to slap yourself for spacing out right in front of your crush but you couldn't. You froze on the spot and waited for him to leave. "Hm, seems like you're not. Are you alright? Are you still hurt?" He bombarded you with questions to make sure you're okay. You wanted to nod but you're remained frozen. "I'll call Mr. Sagami to check on you again. I'll be right back." And he left. Congratulations, you made your crush leave the infirmary and look for the teacher clad in a doctor's coat, smelled like alcohol and cigarettes. You immediately rise up from your lying position and gripped the sheets in fear. You began to process everything from what happened outside Aira's classroom to the present. Starting from the part where you tell Aira on what you felt about Hiiro, Mayoi falling from the vents at the ceiling, you fainting and became unconscious, someone carrying you to the infirmary, and Hiiro waiting for you to wake up as he looked at you like a child waiting for the plant to grow after their first time planting one on a flower pot. 'Amagi carried me here?!' You mentally screamed and panicked. You hastily left the bed and made a mad dash out of the infirmary. The way you left made it seem like a classic horror movie when you screamed and nearly bumped into someone. You thought it's Death coming to get you but nearly fainted when you finally know who. "Whoa, slow down (Name). What's the rush?" It's Mao. You grabbed Mao's shoulders and gripped it tight and looked at him, desperately trying to run away from something— or someone. Mao sweat dropped and looked at you, confused. "You just got out of the infirmary and heard about it from Sengoku, Shiratori, and Ayase. Is something else the matter?" You surrender and release him from your otherworldly grip you gave to Mao's shoulders. You felt like crawling into a hole and die there as you walk back to the infirmary and return to the bed you just lied on and sulked. Mao seemed concerned of you as a senior. He wasn't sure on how to tell Anzu about your current predicament. Yes, she is your fellow producer and your senior but wasn't sure on what kind of situation you are in. He tried to guess everything until he heard you muttering under the sheets. "I acted stupidly..." You muttered. He wasn't sure if he heard it right. "President... what would you do if you have a crush on someone?" Well, that wasn't expected. Mao felt the blush creeping up this face to that question you asked him. He tried to look for an answer but instead, he gulped it all in and breathed heavily. "To be honest, I don't know." He hesitantly replied as he scratched the back of his neck. It was quite confusing indeed when the topic is about crushes unless you understand and relate to them. You revealed yourself under the blanket and sat there, looking away from Mao. You inhaled deeply and exhaled to calm yourself down. "Actually—" Your words cut off when you heard someone entering the room. You turn your head to see Mr. Sagami walking his way towards you and checked on you. "You're quite lucky you're alright. I can clearly remember what happened to Anzu the first day she got here." He chuckled. Mao chuckled nervously at the memory. Well, that was the time before she signed herself to become Trickstar's producer and help them rise up to form a revolution and defeat fine, which led them to step up to the shining stage at DDD.” Mr. Sagami continued and teased, "Who knows, maybe it's your turn to follow her footsteps and make ALKALOID shine like how Trickstar did last year." "Mr. Sagami..." You look down in embarrassment. Hiiro popped up from behind the teacher and looked at you. Mao saw that and he was so sure he is like a child in a teenager's body. '(Name) is quite lucky to be ALKALOID's producer. ALKALOID is also lucky to have them.' "Anyways, it seemed like you're fine and recovered fast. Rest here and you can leave after school hours." Mr. Sagami said and turned to Hiiro and Mao. "Watch over them and don't let them leave." He left the room and excused himself to leave. He is a busy teacher, after all. "Well, I better get going. I have work to do in the office. Watch over her, Amagi." Mao said and left the infirmary. He is a busy student council president, after all. Your eyes widen in sudden realization. With Mr. Sagami and Mao left the room and gone, it's just you and Hiiro in the infirmary. You and Hiiro Amagi. The silence suffocated you after Mao left. You broke the ice and asked him, "Hiiro, don't you have practice after this?" He shook his head and answered, "Practice is cancelled today because Mayoi hid somewhere and Aira is looking for him and Tatsumi is having a check-up right now." "...I see..." Your hopes went downhill, much to your chagrin. You lied down on the bed and waited for the day to end. You're all alone with your crush, sitting on the chair beside the bed and watched over you. You know how he looked at you. Those are nothing but pure innocence unlike those eyes his brother has. All of a sudden, you felt safe now that Hiiro is here. You mentally facepalmed yourself and waited for the day to end like nothing had happened.
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"It's a good thing that you're alright, (Name)." Anzu comforted you the next day at the staff dining room. It's a bright Saturday morning so you had time to work with Anzu as a producer at Ensemble Square. "Somehow, it reminded me of the day before I met the others and knew about what fine had done in the past. Stars who are revolutionarists fighting the heavenly orchestra. Now, this time, card soldiers battling the buzzing bees who are complete misfits." She chuckled, making you blush. History repeats itself, they say. "Not to mention, you began to fall for one of them. You better be lucky that it's not an ex-flirt or a parental figure wannabe or a buzzing gambler you're falling for." She sighed. You nearly choke and spat your hot mocha when you knew who it is. You raised your brow in annoyance and she wasn't wrong. It's your first year as a student of Yumenosaki Academy and a fortunate one to work as a producer in Ensemble Square and you're glad you knew almost everything about the rest of the units from your upperclassman and senior, Anzu. "Anyways, I have to go. 2wink is calling for me." Anzu stood up from her seat and left. You waved her goodbye and watched her leave until someone kidnapped her and brought her somewhere to god knows where. In a panic, you stood up from your seat and chased them. You stopped when the doors of the elevator closed and saw it going up. You rushed to the flight of stairs nearby and stopped in front of the elevator to check where the lift will stop. Surprisingly, it stopped at the 18th floor. Tired from all of the running, you heard a ding from the elevator. What revealed is a pair of familiar ginger-haired twins exiting the lift. You deadpanned when you realize that it's 2wink who kidnapped her. 'Seriously?' You deadpanned at the sight of the twins carrying her with most ease. You look at Anzu and her face was completely written in "A deja vú, indeed". The twins still carried Anzu all the way inside to CosPro office, making you offer your condolences and hoped that she won't receive the same fate as you do few days ago at StarPro— to which you tried to ignore and forget it out of embarrassment. You entered the elevator and pressed the 20th floor button. Just as before the doors close, a foot stopped it from closing and automatically opened to reveal the older Amagi. You held your breath in absolute fear that you felt like you're turning blue from the loss of oxygen. You can see that snarky smirk etched on his face, a face that you wanted to punch so badly. You pressed the stop button on the controls because you are so sure that he's not going inside the lift when you saw a smirk that is so perfectly drawn on his punchable face. "Heh, what do we have here? It's the lil' producer. Nice to meet ya lil' sibling-in-law." Heh...? Little... sibling-in-law...? "You have two options Mr. Amagi. Enter the lift if you wanted to go up and see your brother or step back and leave me alone because I'm not in the mood to entertain you and I'm late for the meeting with Trickstar." You blankly glared at him. The wave of fear that washed over you a moment suddenly returned back to the ocean in your conscience. Hearing his signature hyena laugh after your retort made you glare at him even more. You wanted to kick him but you don't want to lose your dignity as a student and a producer. Him being a leader of a unit makes it even worse. What if you'll be reported to the deputy leader of CosPro? What if you'll be banned from working in Ensemble Square. You shook your head to remove the negative thoughts and calmed yourself down. "Er, I just show up to greet my brother's future partner and to warn ya 'bout his relationship with his little girlfriend." He remembered what he was supposed to tell you and your heart sank when you heard the word girlfriend. "For the last time, I'm not his girlfriend!" You heard Aira outside and that made Rinne snicker in amusement. "Welcome to my brother's harem, (Name)." He grinned at you again as he stepped away from the lift. He waved goodbye as he entered the office while letting out his hyena-like laugh and cackled. You gave him mental insults in return while you saw his figure disappear in the distance. You sighed as you exited the lift and you bumped onto someone, which made the other alarmed. "Whoa, (Name). We're heading to the same location." You look up to see the last person you wanted to see. "Why are you leaving the elevator?" Those cyan eyes, those innocent-looking cyan eyes made you stare at him. You are trying to hold the urge not to blush right in front of the younger Amagi. You are aware that the older Amagi is watching from the office and witnessed everything that unfolded. You cleared your throat to look away from him. "R-Right," you stuttered. "Amagi, Shiratori, please enter the lift first." They did as you said and you followed them. As the three of you are inside the lift, you pressed the button to close the doors and pressed the button with the number 20 on it to go up. The silence is completely deafening to you in the lift. You fiddled your thumbs to not to lose your patience and prayed to the gods to save the remaining amount of your sanity— which is an ounce. You prayed for an ounce before. Why not a few grams or a pound? Those seconds felt like an eternity and you are getting impatient. You closed your eyes and slowly breathed to calm yourself down until the lift stopped. Your body felt light that when it shook, you lost your balance that you tumbled down. Your back didn't felt the impact to the floor but you felt a pair of arms holding you with ease. Aira fake vomited because he saw a potential love story incoming. He is so going to see this happening in Hold Hands when someone caught these soon-to-be-lovebirds flirting in front of the heart soldier. Life is so not lovely for Aira right now. An irritated look was etched on the blonde's face. He is giving judgemental quarter French stares behind you two. "Are you alright, (Name)?" Hiiro asked you as he helped you up. You nodded and briskly walked out of the elevator to avoid him. Hiiro tilted his head in confusion and walked out of the elevator and Aira followed him all the way to the office. That irritated look was still evident on Aira's adorable features. He's going to get wrinkles at this rate and for sure Arashi and Hiyori will point that out once they have a circle meeting. Your meeting with Trickstar went well in the meeting room but you are too shy to talk normally like you always do to your friends who are in the same age and year as you. These upperclassmen are the revolutionarists who took down the angels of the heavenly orchestra at the finals of the first DDD in Yumenosaki last year. You were expecting that they are serious but YOU ARE COMPLETELY WRONG. You began to wonder how the hell did Anzu tolerate this unit which it contains of two idiots and two brains— one is obsessed with anything sparkly and shiny and one is who seemed cool and smart but is an actual idiot whose brain is a size of a plankton and both are sons of solo idols— one is at six feet under and one is going strong, an ex-model that was always obsessed by his senior from Knights and a gamer, and an overworking StuCo president with natural talent that was always attached by someone also from Knights. You are literally selling your body, mind, and soul to this job. You're expecting hell but this... is a circus, which you heard from her.
But seeing them on stage is literally making the whole venue sparkling and shining. Was it because of the son of "that" Akehoshi? Because of Seiya Hidaka's son? Because of the current StuCo president who took the title and responsibility from the current manager of Ensemble Square and Starmaker Production? Or was it because of that gamer/ex-model that was an actual beauty behind those blue frames of his glasses? Turns out, it was because of their growth from this past year with a help of a producer and their growth as a unit. It was all proven that BIGBANG and it made your eyes sparkle in delight. "(Name), can we talk for a moment?" It's Mao. You nodded and he sat down beside you. You remember the question you let out to that said StuCo president and you always avert your gaze whenever he talked to you. If only, if only you didn't ask him that question back then, none of this had happened. 'Gods... why am I so unfortunate since yesterday?' "To answer your question from yesterday, I think it depends on the person. Most of the answer you'll get from me is coming from cliché romance mangas." He chuckled awkwardly and apologized. You told him that it's alright and sighed but it was cut short when a certain ginger caught its attention to this and asked Mao. "(Name)'s asking for an advice? About what?" Your eyes met with his reef blue ones. Mao hesitantly answered, "Love advice... I have no experience to that or to any of us here. Why not ask someone from UNDEAD, Eve, Knights, or Switch?" Makoto shuddered at the mention of the unit name where his senior who was completely obessed with him as long as he could remember. "Hardly doubt for those. What about Crazy:B or fine?" Hokuto chimed in and everyone except him shrugged at the names of the units he mentioned. "What? That masked perv— I mean Hibiki of fine has experience to that." Hokuto internally grimaced as he mentioned the name of his senior from Dramatica. "What about ALKALOID?" Mao asked you and you felt like imploding as you heard that name. Just as you're about to tell them to drop that conversation down, someone fell from the ceiling and landed on the floor outside of the meeting room. You saw who it was because the door is wide open and it was forgotten to close by either Subaru or Hokuto who arrived a little later after Mao and Makoto that you banged your forehead to the table and that scared Trickstar. You weren't surprised who fell from the ceiling and you knew who it was. "Huh? Isn't that Mayoi Ayase from ALKALOID?" Subaru looked at the violet-haired clover soldier lying on the floor outside of the room. "Mayoi? Are you here?" A voice outside of the meeting room called for Mayoi. It was then revealed a certain red head that you wished to see last. Luckily for you right now, your soul flew away from your body the moment Mayoi "showed up" outside the room in the most surprising way possible. Aira showed up behind Hiiro and apologized profusely and dragged Mayoi away from them. 'Well, damn, I hope he didn't hear everything...' Actually, Mayoi heard all of those since the beginning.
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Your next schedule is meeting with ALKALOID and it dreaded you. You felt like diving into the depths of hell the moment you saw that unit's name on your schedule. Seems like your luck washed away the moment you saw that TV show about your zodiac sign being unlucky for a month. Now, all you need is a partner for life, the one who could make your unluckiness wash away for life, which you let out a loud groan as you chided in your thoughts. Luckily, this isn't about work so you're rest assured. Well, you don't need one right now now that you brought one of the lucky charms that Tsumugi gave you when you produce for Switch few months ago. You forgot that you have it in your pocket for the whole time today due to work. At least the bad luck won't come to you right now. "(Name)! It's been a while!" Just as you jinxed it... "Uchuu~" Someone pounced on you from behind with full force that you both fell to the cold floor. You made sure to protect your face from the fall or you'll have a broken nose and unconscious when it hits your head. With a loud thud from the fall, all of the papers spread around you. "U-Uchuu..." You felt someone straddled on your back and smacked your back a few times as if he's patting your back and forgot to control his strength. "Mr. Tsukinaga, why are you here outside Café Cinnamon? Aren't you supposed to be with the others? " You groaned out and asked the person on your back. "Whahahahaha! I came here to visit my favorite junior producer." Leo laughed and smacked your back multiple times. You could feel the oxygen in your system flying away at a single smack you received from him. "You look like a pancake right now! Inspiration! Inspiration is flowing— No! Overflowing! Whahahahaha!" "Mr. Tsukinaga, before you could—" You could feel the weight on your back lifted away from you and followed by nagging. "Leo, didn't I tell you not to disturb your underclassman? Look at what you did to them. Soooo annoying~" 'So, I guess I'm saved...?' You thought but you could see the sly smirk drawn on his face even without seeing it. 'I guess I'm not...' You wanted to punch, slap, or scratch his face but you'll get sued for that so you let him do what he wants. You slowly stood up and picked the papers on the floor. You saw two other hands helping you picking them up. It's Arashi and Tsukasa. What is Knights doing here, you asked. Well, they're looking for a certain ginger-haired composer who is wandering around ES to look for inspiration and somehow fate dragged him closer to you. "Senaaaa~ let go of me!" Leo flailed his arms and struggled to leave Izumi's hold on his collar. "I just found a perfect inspiration! Let me compose it!" "Not until we return to the practice room, Leo. Leave (Name) alone so they could work properly." Izumi said and dragged Leo as he walked away. What is it with you and gingers today? You heard Leo scoffed from the distance and pouted, "Pretty sure that (Name) could help me in this one for Valentines' Day live. I mean, isn't crushing on someone could be useful for Knights' next song? It's about a young maiden who fell in love with a soldier— Aha! I can see it coming! Inspiration! Inspiration is overflowing! Senaaaaa! Let me compose it~!" Oh you were in for a punch. You exhaled and thanked the other two knights for helping you picking up the papers. Now you're going to sort this out... again, much to your dismay. Before you could charge towards Leo, a door in front of you opened. You just remembered that you're right in front of Café Cinnamon's entrance. What revealed behind the door is the saint, the missionary, the priest himself, Tatsumi Kazehaya, the diamond card soldier of ALKALOID. You could recognize him well because of his teal hair, violet eyes, and two moles lined up perfectly under his left eye. "My, (Name), you're right on time. Come inside." He gestured you to come inside the practice room and you excused yourself to enter. The moment you entered the café, you felt the dread hitting you once again but this time, it felt like a storm surge the moment your eyes met his again. You felt like a meltdown is coming to a close and breaking down on the moment you saw that bright red clump of hair and shining azure orbs behind its innocent frames from the windows of his soul. As if you're trying to look away, a song automatically played in your mind in random. Those ocean blue eyes looking at yours made you felt that you might sink and drown and die. Your right eye twitched the moment you both locked gazes in silence and your brows burrowed in annoyance. How many times have you locked gazes with him? One? Ten? Fifty? Only the gods knows how many times you've done that with him. Bestie, he didn't do anything to you and he's sitting on the sofa right beside Aira. Boy, you could've seen his brows burrowing and eyes twitching because you are literally in the same room with ALKALOID's leader. You broke the staring contest with Hiiro and cleared your throat. You took a seat and began to have a conversation with them, which was quite rare for you because you've spent a lot of time being trained by your upperclassmen at the producer course and guided by the other units for most of the time. "Heya, (Name)! Here, have some tea." Niki placed a teacup on a saucer on the table. Before you could say a word, he interrupted you with a grin. "Doncha worry. Someone paid it for ya~" He waved as he walked away and returned to the counter. Strange, for someone to mysteriously buy you tea before you arrived here. Whoever this is, you're so going to repay them something in return as a mark of gratitude. "Before I could say something about your next live, do you have any questions you wanted me to answer?" You asked them and Hiiro raised his hand like a good student. "What is your question, Amagi?" You picked up the cup from the handle and sipped meekly. "It's actually everyone's question for you but... Are you alright? You seemed down since yesterday?" You accidentally choked and spat your tea at his question. "Whoa— (Name), are you okay?" Aira worriedly asked you and sat beside you. He patted your back to calm yourself down while you coughed up to subside the pain in your throat. "My apologies, everyone... No need to worry. I am alright." You said to reassure them but instead of seeing their relieved expressions, it was full of worry. "A-Are you sure, (Name)? Was it because of me falling on top of you yesterday?" Your eyes widen at Mayoi's question and he saw it. "M-My apologies, (Name)! I didn't get to apologize to you yesterday because I was scared that you'll hate me...! You're our producer until after ALKALOID's live and I hurt you... I'm sorry. I'm sorry...!" He began to panic and frantically apologized. "No, no! None of this is your fault, Mayoi. None of this is your mistake in the first place—" You tried to calm him down by telling him that none of this is his fault but he kept apologizing. "But I hurt you..." "Mayoi, I forgive you so please, calm down..." You sighed in defeat. You tried to reassure him but nothing worked. So, to prove that none of it is his fault, you told them about your worries yesterday. "Actually, it's because of my luck decreasing year by year. Now, it happened every month and it lessened it to a week. It bothered me ever since the month started that I have no other choice but to carry a lucky charm with me— which I forgot almost every day and finally have an ounce of luck when it's always in my blazer's pocket." You confessed. Everyone at the whole table went quiet and listened to you. "Yesterday morning, there is this tv show that it said that my zodiac sign is going to be unlucky until I have the lucky charm— which is a significant other. I didn't even believe at that kind of stuff but somehow, I ended up having the same amount of luck with someone I knew." In New Dimension's office, a sneeze was heard. "Bless me..." He chuckled afterwards and continued his work. Silence. There was mere silence. You broke the ice. "So, now I've answered your question and you've heard all of my worries, any more questions?" "(Name), it's nice to know about your worries and let the weight in you released. It's alright to tell us about your problems. We'll help you." Tatsumi said and you shook your head. "I didn't want anyone else to be bothered by my problems, Mr. Kazehaya. You can forget what I had just said and move on to our discussion for the next live." You began to discuss about the stage setting, their outfits, and the number of people coming to see their performance. Hiiro listened like a child listening to its parent's wonderful and interesting story but his mind wandered to such places. His braincells rubbed on to each other as he began to contemplate on how to protect you from every worst case scenario possible that will occur to you because of your bad luck. Unfortunately for him, you're at the different building and at the different course. You could only visit them after school hours once you have the time or to have a meeting with any unit on campus. But in ES, you could only see the whole unit if you're producing for them full-time or past-time. Mostly, you would be focused on work and rarely had the time for a leisure. He knows that. He knows he couldn't protect you if he wanted to. Gladly, Anzu and Kurone is there with you at the Producer Course to that's a good one for you. But sadly, you're a year apart with Anzu and you're in a different class from Kurone. So that's a cross mark on his list. If there's only a way to protect you, then it'll be just being with you anywhere you go— when he have free time of course. The other braincells of his thought on how to shoo that bad luck away from you. If he's going to use one of the rituals his hometown did to remove the bad luck away from you, it'll be good for you but isn't sure if it's actually that good for you. It's an another cross mark on his list. Another one is him telling you to follow the instructions given to you from what the text on the TV told you. He knows that you don't believe at that but it's worth giving a try, right? "...gi... Amagi? Are you listening to me?" Hiiro was deep in his thoughts that he could barely hear anything around him. He kept thinking and thinking but nothing good came into his mind. "Amagi? Amagi, the meeting is over." You waved your hand in front of his face to check if he's awake. But no, he spaced out and his mind wandered to the gods knows where. You look at Aira who rested his head on the table, tired for today's work and sighed all of his problems away. You felt his tiredness from here and somehow, it added to yours. "I knew I shouldn't stayed up late last night researching..." He quietly muttered. 'I think it's better not to disturb him...' "Hm? Hiiro seemed to be deep in thought. I have a feeling it's not about the discussion but it seemed like it's something else." Tatsumi pondered and you look at him. "I wonder what was this one about this time...?" You sighed again. You wanted to wake him up from his trance but he suddenly stood up and shouted from the top of his lungs. "I got it!" His eyes sparkled and huffed out of determination. Aira jolted up from his resting position and sleepily panicked. "Wh-What's going on...?" "Aira, I finally thought of something! Come with me!" Without hesitation, Hiiro took Aira's hand and dragged him out of the café, leaving their seniors stunned from the sudden burst of excitement from their leader. "Oh dear... Amagi, please give Shiratori a break from your shenanigans... You're just like your brother." You uttered with a sigh and facepalmed. Poor Aira's going to have a field day after this. "I'll be heading off. It's getting dark out here and I have to catch up with Anzu." You pack up your things and excused yourself to leave the café. Just as the two seniors heard the bell ring and the door closed shut, Mayoi chuckled which that concered the teal-haired saint. "Fufu... Ah, youth~ Seems like the innocent, little producer doesn't know what was running inside Hiiro's mind. It better not be known to them on this little game of theirs~" Mayoi smirked and his smirk widen when he knew everything— almost everything on what was going on between you and Hiiro.
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You spent your entire night sleeping like a log until the morning that you are late after your second alarm rang. You are completely tired that you didn't hear the snooze on your alarm because of your heavy and blank mind. You began to blame everything on your bad luck and it horrified you to the core. You. are. late. You thought. And you wanted to bury yourself six feet below the ground. You are sprinting towards the school gate like your life depends on it. You are not blaming your bad luck but you are blaming your carelessness that you tripped on one of the cracks on the stone-paved path on the side of the road. You could feel the time ticking slowly as your body fell down to the ground. Gravity loves you suffering. You closed your eyes and waited for the impact but you felt like you were swept off from your feet by someone who has the strength to carry you so easily. You could feel the wind brushing past your hair and a tight embrace on you. You opened one eye and you realized that someone carried you in a princess carry. That was when both of your eyes look up to see who carried you and your heart fell to the pits of your stomach when you recognized those familiar blue eyes and red hair. "Amagi?" "(Name), are you okay? Are you hurt?" Hiiro looked at you full of concern and worry while running. You nodded in response. You could see the faint black circles around his eyes. You were about to question him where did he get those but someone from behind stopped you from doing so. "Hiiro, you idiot! We're late because of you planning and go for an all-nighters!" A cry from the heart soldier was heard behind Hiiro. "We're going to have a field day after this!" "Relax, Aira. There's thirty minutes before the first period starts." Hiiro shouted back at Aira and still made a mad dash even after entering the school gates. Aira huffed and puffed for air but failed that he fell to the ground, tired. "At least... let me breathe..." Hiiro didn't let you go and yet he still carried you. For someone whose body is like a teenager, he has a strength of an adult. "Aira, I'm taking (Name) to the infirmary. See you later." And there he left with you in his arms. Aira felt like puking that he saw him with you but seems like Hiiro's plan is working earlier than expected. Poor blonde lied on the spot and the other students feared that a dead body was seen at Yumenosaki entrance when it was actually just Aira tired from the sudden vigorous physical activity. You were taken aback for what was going on at this whole Hiiro-carrying-you-while-you're-running-late-on-the-way thing. You felt embarrassed because this caught the attention of the students at the hallway. You covered your face out of shame using your bag. You are hoping that no one you know will see this. You are praying that anyone at the student council won't see this. You know that Shinobu is a chuuninja and Mayoi is always hiding at the vents and you are not going to be able to hear the end of it once it reached the StuCo President's ears. It'll be worse is anyone in Trickstar will talk about this and passed on to anyone in Knights— especially Arashi and Ritsu. Your head is spinning at every single possibility that will occur once the word is spread. As scandalous as it seems, you are not going to see the light of day once it was spread around Yumenosaki and ES. Hiiro opened the door to the infirmary and said, "Excuse me! Is Mr. Sagami in here?" "Lower your voice, Amagi. You're too loud." Jin stood up from his seat behind the desk and pointed one of the beds have you seated there. "What happened to (Name) this time?" "(Name) sprained their ankle on their way here—" "Nononononono I'm completely fine, Amagi. Thank you very much. Now if you'll excuse me I must head straight to class and good morning, Mr. Sagami. I want to apologize for the sudden disturbance Amagi and I had caused." You immediately left the bed and stood up but you felt a stinging pain on your ankle that you hissed in pain and fall down. Luckily, Hiiro caught you in time and put you back to the bed. Hiiro looked at you out of concern and you are not immune to those unintentional puppy eyes he just did. You quietly groan and facepalmed. "I give up..." You mentally slapped yourself and spoke. "Amagi, return to your classroom. I'll be fine here." He only shook his head and replied, "I'll stay here."
'What is he? A loyal puppy?!' You thought and you are so sure that your face became redder at any second. 'Goddamn! He's too cute!' You could hear Jun's voice the moment you mentally swore. 'Is this what one felt like when they have an adorable puppy-sized pet?! He's just like one!' Your mind automatically visualized Eve's little princess, Bloody Mary. "But you have classes to attend to. I don't want you to hold back from your studies. "I'll be fine, I promise." You tried to make him leave the infirmary but he only replied; "Big Brother told me I'll stay beside the person I care the most. I'm staying here and that's final." You internally screamed when he said that and looked at you with the most innocent-looking child-like eyes out of determination. 'Okay Rinne Amagi, I want to thank you for this adorable sight right in front of me and I want to punch you in the face for saying such things to your brother. That's what a couple should do when one of them need the other when they needed them the most!' "I..." You wanted to say something but you failed. You mentally raised and waved the white flag and let out a distressed sigh. "You're too stubborn. I want to hit you in the head for some sense of reality and common sense." You muttered, guilty and stressed. "Fine... I'll let you stay here but you have to return to class once I'm out of the infirmary. I'll be in your care, Hiiro Amagi." His eyes widen at your words and he seemed like a child who caught its interest. Inside Hiiro's mind is him cheering at hismself at his own progress. Meanwhile your mind repeated the words Hiiro just said like a broken recorder. 'The person I care the most... The person I care the most... The person I care the most... The person I care the most... The person I care the most... goddamnit, Hiiro Amagi.' You didn't care about the fact that this is the second time he brought you to the school infirmary.
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Hiiro became protective and followed you almost everyday. It concerned you and your fellow producers on why in the world Hiiro Amagi, the leader of ALKALOID, followed you like a lost puppy. He knows almost all of the entrances and exits, lefts and rights, and almost every room in the school because of you and he kept following you. This made you felt paranoid but that innocent gaze of his made your mind remove all of those worry in you when he was there before your situation got more worse. Whenever you trip, he was always there to catch you on time. Holding a stack of documents that was supposed to be the paperworks for the student council but was mistaken as a stack of proposals. You were told by your seniors at the producer course to return the papers to the student council— which it was at the idol course and the last person you wanted to meet is seated at the seat of the student council president, Mao Isara. All of the embarrassing encounters you made with him made you quiver. You wanted to decline but the other producers there is busy so you had no choice but to accept it. You're currently at the hallway and headed towards the student council office. Like a klutz you are, you tripped on something from the floor and tumbled down. Gravity loves you and you loathed it back. You waited for the painful impact but you were caught by someone. The papers dramatically fell from your hands which that made you reveal the person who caught you in their arms. "Good afternoon, Amagi..." You slightly grimaced the moment you recognized that bushy vermilion hair and azure eyes. "Before you could ask if I'm fine or whatsoever, let me answer it right away. I'm fine. So no need to ask or worry about me." You pushed yourself away from him but his hold on you is too firm. 'Cursed these Amagi genes...' "Mind if you let go? I have papers to pick up." Which you internally cried because you have to organize them... again. When you left something somewhere in the campus or at the workplace and began to look for it, the item you've been searching for was found and given to you by Hiiro himself. "Shoot! Where's my phone?" You frantically rummaged the contents of your bag. "Mr. Sena's going to skin me alive if I'm not on the studio on time..." Dread began to spread across your system. You wanted to forget the last time where you are beautifully late and got scolded by Izumi. Succumbing yourself in despair, you knelt on the floor and prepared yourself to face the wrath of Izumi Sena and feel the glare from his frosty blue eyes. Before the dread invades your mind, the sight of an item made out of modern technology was seen from the corner of your eye. "Is this yours?" He asked. You nodded and tears began to come out from your eyes. "Thank you very much—" You froze when you saw the same person who's been following you back at Yumenosaki and the same person who hid from every corner of ES. "Ah, it's you, Amagi..." Your voice faltered from the sudden realization. "Now if you'll excuse me. I have to meet up with Knights at the studio." And you left without an another word. When you're rushing and was late for something like a meeting or class, he would be there to carry you and bring you to your next destination. Or other times, he'll remind you that you're early when he knows that you thought you're late. 'Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! I'm late!' You made a mad dash on your way to the entrance of Ensemble Square. You are so sure that the gods forbade you to be early and leave your home late. And that late in context is you arriving the place thirty minutes before work hours. You panted for air and sat on the seats on the lobby. You've really had enough of running for your life and arrive later than your desired time. "Goddamn... I'm late... again..." "(Name)? You're quite early today." Hiiro walked towards to the seats and sat beside you. "Actually, I'm late. My feet ache because of these most uncomfortable shoes I wore after all of the running. I picked the wrong pair for today... Not to mention, I have a meeting with fine on 8'o clock sharp and Tenshouin will behead me if I arrived at ES like a huge mess." Without a word from Hiiro, he immediately carried you and entered the elevator. "I'll take you there. That's where I'm also heading to." You arrived at StarPro office fifteen minutes before work hours thanks to Hiiro. It still lasted after ALKALOID's previous live and it concerns you that he was always there before an unfortunate scenario will occur. He is also attentive to anything important and yet it worried you that he used most of his time on you. He should use his time for himself, for school, and his unit. If there is a way to avoid Hiiro, and that is to stay at the producer course's area or not having ALKALOID at your schedule. You don't want him to hear your heart beating loudly when he's near or close to you. Because of this, you wanted to ask for an advice on how to make a certain redhead leave your radar. Getting a ton of luck will work but it's impossible. Another one is your big fat crush towards him developed even more that it made you faint. The cold wind brought you back to reality and realized something when you asked yourself this question. 'Why am I here and why at the rooftop of all places...?' Asking for an advice from a senior who have no love experience is really hard to talk to. You're not close to almost everyone at the producer course so you decided to ask someone at the idol course. Since Valentine's day is coming to a close, you had to prepare since love is going to spread all around Yumenosaki. For sure, you're going to see your fellow producers have a mountain of gifts on their desk. "Senior Narukami..." You weakly called the girl who is applying make-up in class 3-B classroom. "I need your help..." You were practically crying anime tears at this point as you clapped your hands and begged. This caught her attention and she saw the way you begged for her help and to her, it's an adorable sight to see for her to see her adorable junior producer at this time of hour. "If it's about your crush on Aira's unit leader, I'd be happy to talk to you about it." Said the knight and it left you in shock. 'I almost forgot that rabu~i shortie is in the circle Narukami is in...' "Little Aira told me about that yesterday when our circle had a little meeting at Café Cinnamon. When I heard that you'll meet with ALKALOID, I couldn't hold the urge to buy tea for you~♡" Your mouth open agape. She really did buy you tea few days ago— one of the person who is most likely to treat you something on the spot. You rarely met her due to work and school purposes that you heard news from her very later than the said date of event. Arashi put her cosmetics on the desk and stood up from her seat. "Come inside and take a seat. I need you to answer my questions while I make you pretty." Arashi pulled you in the classroom but you were too stunned to notice everything around you and have you sat down on one of the chairs nearby her desk. The moment she raised her brushes and palettes, you shook your head and covered your face. "Senior Narukami, I'm not here for a make-up session. I'm actually asking for an advice—" "Alright, first question, is it really infatuation you are feeling towards him or was it something else?" You gave up. She asked you while she carefully apply sunscreen on your face. "Infatuation... perhaps?" "Perhaps? You didn't know about your feelings? My, what an innocent one you are." Well it's your first time so it can't be helped. "Unlike Anzu who is at an all-boys school and never had any romantic relationships or interests, this is the first time a girl in Yumenosaki— also a producer, had a romantic interest with someone. It seems like this is your first time feeling like this so it seems like it." As if she read your mind, Arashi applied foundation on your face and blush on your cheeks. She proceeds to grab an eyeshadow palette and applied the right color to her liking. "Natural skin tone colors are right for you and a little color that matches your eyes. Now, close your eyes." "Naru—" "Just call me Arashi." "Okay, Senior Arashi, why are you applying make-up on my face? I don't even need a makeover." "That's because you're meeting someone." You could feel her soft hands cupping your cheek firmly and gently. "Aira and I agreed to have you meet a certain someone and give you both an alone time. Thankfully, Tori told me that you have a vacant schedule thanks to the president's kindness. It seems like he knows what we're planning since it's closely related to you. Now open your eyes and look up. Your eyelashes are next." You did as she said and applied the liquid mascara on your eyelashes and brushed it carefully. 'Goshdarnit, Isara. I hope Senior Ritsu will hog up your time alone.' You cursed and mentally threaten Mao that he sneezed in the student council room. "Bless me..." "Actually, what I'm trying to say is—" "Now, hush. It's time for the lip balm." "Arashi..." "This is the first time you said my name," Arashi began to apply lip gloss on your lips carefully. "Almost done... and there!" She said as she closed the container and gave you a mirror. You looked different from your usual self. Arashi did a perfect work of art on using make-up on you. "Fufu, you look like a model (Name)." Arashi said as she placed her hands on your shoulders. "Now, you wouldn't mind if I make a few changes on your outfit..." Arashi did grabby hand gestures over your shoulders and you know that you won't last a day there. "A-Arashi?! I mean, Senior Arashi, I'm fine with this!" "Tut tut, I promised Aira you'll look pretty, Little (Name)~ Now, behave and let me make you look beautiful in his eyes~♡" "I don't think you need to do it..." "Mika~ Mind lending me and (Name) a hand?" She still did anyway. Aira and Arashi (+Mika and Mayoi) planned this. It was unexpected but all you could think is leaving but Arashi and Mika watched you from the rooftop's entrance. You wanted to jump down from the building and it seemed so tempting that you held the railing. But the gods know that the lady is watching you so you stayed there near at the bench under the tree and sighed in defeat. Speaking of Arashi, she suddenly went out of the door and hid behind the wall on the far end of the rooftop entrance and followed by Mika who was frantically dashing his way where Arashi is. You could guess that it's a sign that the person they've wanted you to expect to see is closer for this arranged date they've prepared. You are not mentally prepared for this. You have a great feeling that they're tired of seeing you pining over him. They wouldn't admit but it was clearly evident. And for some reason... "Why did they prepare for this three days before Valentine's day...?" To cut this short, someone carried you here out of your will and definitely it's not Arashi who bridal carried you all the way here and ran to hide from your view and not Mika fussing over you not wearing a coat and scarf to keep yourself warm. "If this happens at work, then I won't let myself see the light of day." The door opened with a loud bang. You stood up to see who's at the door. "Speaking of, he's here with..." your voice faltered when you only saw just him walking his way to you and you could only look at Aira and Mayoi discreetly walking away to the corner and hid there. "Only him..." "Hi (Name)," Hiiro greeted you and you returned his greeting with a small hello. "Aira told me to meet you here. Do you have something to tell me about?" Ah, yes. "Well, it's about you." Hiiro's listened carefully and closely. "These past days, you're following me. Not to mention, you saved me multiple times whenever my clumsy self showed up. Another thing is you spent your whole time these past days doing these on your free time and all both on work and school." "Is there a problem with that?" He innocently asked. "Yes and no. Yes, because you're always there when I don't need help or anything and no, because it's my problem and not yours. So why bother wasting your precious time saving me and having yourself occupied by following me?" "Well..." "Another reason is because of you giving me multiple heart attacks when you're close that I'm close to fainting because of me having this stupid crush on you. Because of this... you saving me a lot of times that I couldn't count, I began to think to myself and began to pine over you that I talked about this whenever I wanted to have a conversation with Senior Narukami and Senior Anzu—" You went on and on until you realized what you had just said. You covered your mouth and apologized when you saw his stunned reaction. Little did you know, he felt the same. Oblivious as he was and followed the culture of courtship in his hometown, he hardly noticed about his feelings that when he talked about once with Aira, the blonde immediately pointed out that he's infatuated deeply for you. He also pined for you. It wasn't obvious that he earned for your attention because he made it seem platonic when he had no romantic cell in his body in his seventeen years of his existence. The way his heart jumped at your words and a small blush with a shade of rosy pink dusted on his cheeks. Currently, he brought Kohaku's hair to shame. Aira always mention whenever Hiiro blushed and it never fazed him in the slightest. You cleared your throat and look away. "Apologies, Amagi. If you'll excuse me." And you left, leaving him stunned under the tree. Arashi and Aira sighed, Mayoi froze, and Mika weakly groaned. A fail but there's progress. "Oh dear. Should we arrange for an another date this Chocolate DreFes?" Arashi asked and the rest nodded in agreement.
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Valentines Day— or in Yumenosaki, Chocolate DreFes arrived like a truck crashing on you and transported you to an another world. You arrived at the school building and entered the hallway and the first thing you see is an arch decorated with roses and red and pink hearts. You are literally thinking if it's Aira day or what. Your day will be so not rabu~i. Wandering at the halls seemed like a bad idea. Why? It's because there is a group of student idols following you and watching every move you'd done. Violet orbs are watching you worriedly and bit her fingernail thumb because you are too aware of your surroundings. Her gaze bore holes in yout back and it sends you shivers on your spine. "It's no use. (Name) knows we're here." Arashi uttered. "We'll add a little distance and we'll be at the far end of her radar." "But that also means one thing if we add a little distance— we'll lose sight of them." Aira gritted his teeth. "Where is Hiiro when he need him?" "Didn't Lord Ayase brought him to their meeting spot?" Shinobu asked the two blondes and Aira grimaced. His emerald orbs bore holes into the chuuninja's soul. He glared and asked him, "And why the school farm of all places?" "(Name) likes animals, you know? So why not?" Ritsu looked at you and stealthily followed for a moment "I—" Aira calmed down for a moment and sighed. "Wasn't it supposed to be the school garden...?" Ritsu stopped in his tracks. They both realized their mistake. "Oh..." Ritsu then ran towards you and carried you like a sack of potatoes. It startled you that you panicked. Aira and Shinobu saw this and it frightened them. Knights are obviously known for kidnapping a fellow student in the past and it was obviously started by a model slash idol. "Wait— who?!" "Sorry dear... we really need to do this." Someone covered your eyes with a blindfold and you are so sure that it's the same unit who was known for kidnapping fellow Yumenosaki students. You felt the person carrying you moved and you paled. "So, I'm an another victim of kidnapping that was done by Knights? Seriously! Who taught you? Mr. Sena?" ‘Glad they didn't mention Tsukasa...' The two internally sighed in relief. "Hush down, (Name)." You heard Arashi. "It's better if you don't ask what will happen to you after this." Shinobu and Aira looked at the two knights and looked at each other and back to them. A question popped in to their mind. 'Should we tell this to the president...?' A red streak flashed all the way past the two confused juniors that left them being surrounded by question marks. And they realized it's the young leader of Knights, Tsukasa Suou. "Senior Narukami, Senior Ritsu, put (Name) down! That's KIDNAPPING." Tsukasa's voice was heard from the other end of the hall and ran towards the two third years carrying you. Arashi yelled back, "Says you, Tsukasa~ Ritsu's the one who started this." "Says the one who blindfolded them," Ritsu retorted and didn't look back. He could see the eyes staring at them and it literally says, "Knights are kidnapping someone again..." and it was obvious to the ravenette. "It'll be better if we surprise (Name) on their precious Valentines' date with a certain someone~ Someone like..." "Naru, don't. You'll spoil the surprise." Ritsu chuckled and pinched your thighs, making you squeak. He wants to know if you're still alive from all of the running. He immediately stopped and followed by Arashi and Tsukasa who nearly tripped. "Okay, change positions. Naru, help me put (Name) on my back. My shoulders got stiff." "Rest well, Ritsu," Arashi carried you away from Ritsu and held you in her arms. "I'll take her to the dating spot in your place." Arashi left and squealed as she ran. "See you later~" Tsukasa felt something like plastic held on his hand and saw that it's a bag of chocolates. He saw this and yelled, "Senior Narukami, wait!" The red haired knight followed Arashi and left the tired vampire on the floor.
He groaned, "At least help me up... wha?" Mauve streaks dashed through the halls and picked up the vampire on the floor out of habit. Ritsu sloppily greeted him. "Hey, Maa-kun~" "Hey, Ritsu..." Mao greeted back and nervously looked at Ritsu who is looking at him with that lovestruck look and it was clearly evident that there are hearts forming on his vermilion irises. Two students saw this and followed the srudent council president on the pursuit. 'Seems gay, amirite?' Shinobu and Aira thought as they ran. 'The power of love/The power of Valentines.' Aira mentally grumbled to himself and contacted Mayoi to take Hiiro to the garden. 'Today is not so lovely~ at all!' Airabui: mayoi pls take hiiro to the garden asap Mayoi: what happened? did they change the location? Airabui: yes and they're heading to the garden PLS HURRY Airabui: arashi said that they'll wait for him at the gazebo NOW PLS HURRY BC PRES IS WITH THEM Arashi placed you on a bench near the gazebo of the garden. She carefully took off the blindfold and you were blinded by the morning winter light shining down on the cold land. You raised your brow the moment you laid eyes on her violet irises. She chuckled at your reaction and sat beside you. "Now, now, don't be mad. I have to make you pretty like last time." Arashi took out her make-up kit out of her bag and revealed various brushes on her hands. You dropped a sweat even the weather is cold but you are pretty sure nothing goes well after all of this. After a swift makeover thanks to Arashi Narukami, the most beautiful Knight known in Yumenosaki Academy (Cue Izumi probably shed crocodile tears because he graduated. Sucks to be him.), you look even more prettier than last time, as what she had told you after that. You could hear her happy sigh when she saw someone from the distance coming closer to where you two are. "I did say you have a date right?" You were about to answer but she just squealed and became jittery. "He's already here so that's my cue to leave. Good luck, dear♡" And she left... again. You sighed when you heard Mayoi telling someone that they'll head somewhere and look for someone near the gazebo. It was faint but you felt glad for your good hearing. You look around to see what part of the garden you are and to your surprise and dismay, you are close to the gazebo. "What a cliché plan. It was inevitable is not an overstatement." You muttered and turn around. Your eyes widen when you saw those same eyes that you've admired to see as long as you remembered. "Amagi..." You whispered his name. A tone that only you two could hear. "Hi, (Name)." He greeted you and looked at your eyes, which you look away because you wanted to avoid any eye contact. You cleared your throat to break the short silence. "What brings you here...?" He answered, "Mayoi told me I'll look for someone near the gazebo but it turns out he wanted me to see you. Do you need me for something." "I..." You just had a mental block but you suddenly recovered. " Actually, Senior Narukami— No, I mean, Knights brought me here out of my will because of this certain day." "I see..." He uttered quietly. "Do you want to hang out with me today? You seem like you have no plans this whole day." You began to contemplate if you want to spend time with him today or not. A part of you wants to run away and another part of you wanted him to be with you here. "I..." Suddenly, a memory of you came into your mind. You made chocolates last night and brought it here to school to give it to him. One is obligatory and one is a Valentines' Day chocolate. You opened the zipper of your bag and rummaged through the contents. You internally sighed in relief to see that they aren't damaged after all of this kidnapping shenanigan that Knights had done. Hiiro was surrounded by question marks that he was wondering what got you so relieved after looking what inside your bag. "Amagi... No, Hiiro..." He stood straight when you said his name. This is the first time you said his name. "This is the first time I called you by your name..." He looked at you as if you're saying his thoughts. "I wanted to give you something..." You let out a bag of chocolates. It was wrapped in red plastic and sealed with a gold ribbon. You thought it was the obligatory one and you didn't know which bag did you let out. You closed your eyes and bowed while holding out the bag on your hand. "I like you, Hiiro Amagi! Please accept this chocolate and please be my...?" You opened your eye and it twitched when you saw your Valentine chocolate on your hands and continued. "my Valentine date..." Arashi saw this and she was so sure you didn't expect to take the Valentine chocolate instead of the obligatory one. Arashi told you to pour all of your love on the Valentine chocolate and make the obligatory one simple. Another thing she said is to put it in different colored bags and seal it with diffrent colored ribbons. If the bag is red, then it's a Valentine chocolate. If the color is beige, then it's obligatory. Unknown to you, she took your bag and took out the obligatory chocolate and threw it to Tsukasa when he nearly tripped. She got a bit impatient at the whole scene they had caused but she is so sure that it'll be worth it. She mentally facepalmed at what she had done but she became even more jittery and bit her lip while enjoying the scene behind the bushes. "Valentine date...?" Hiiro tilted his head in confusion. Then he remembered what Aira had told him yesterday. "Okay, Hiiro. Here's a small lesson about the difference of Valentine choclates and obligatory chocolates." Aira pointed at the cardboard of his presentation which Hiiro listened. "Obligatory chocolates are mostly accepted when someone told you that it's obligatory— meaning it's required to give it to the receiver. If someone give you an obligatory choclate, accept it whether you like it or not." "Aira, what if it's a Valentine chocolate?" Hiiro asked and Aira didn't hesitate to answer. "Hiiro, if someone give you a Valentine chocolate and confess to you, it's either you accept it or not. But if it's someone you like, accept it or not. It depends on you." "Even if it's (Name)'s choclate?" Hiiro asked. "Even (Name)'s chocolate." Aira answered. "Even if it's (Name)'s Valentine chocolate?" "Even (Name)'s Valentine cho— wait..." Aira paused and looked at Hiiro. He could probably see a tail wagging real fast behind his back. "Pardon?!" "I know it's illegal for a producer and an idol to be in a relationship but please accept this as (Name) and not as a producer." "I'd be happy to accept as your date, (Name)." That only answer can make everyone's jaw drop, including yours. "W-Wait! I—" You rummaged your bag again and the obligatory chocolate wasn't seen in your bag.  You paled and began to regret your actions. "Something wrong?" Hiiro asked you and you shook your head. "N-Nothing's wrong. Something just slipped out of my mind and forgot. Haha..." 'Arashi... you took the obligatory chocolate out of my bag, right...?' "Yes I did." As if she read your mind, she smirked devilishly and that scared the young knight, which that made him look at the bag of chocolates he held. Hiiro smiled and chuckled, "I wouldn't mind becoming your Valentine date, (Name)." "But it's only today and—" "Hm? I thought we'll be a couple after this." And he remembered what his brother told him. "Hiiro, if ya accept someone's Valentine chocolate, savour it. If there is a certain someone in your mind givin' ya that kind of chocolate, accept it. Maybe they want to date ya and become yer partner for life." Rinne snickered at his own answer when he knows that it's you who he's thinking of. "Then what if I accept (Name)'s Valentine chocolate and have them as your sibling-in-law?" "Heh, that's something the first thing I'll hear before you date someone like— huh?" Rinne's mouth was open agape and the lollipop he savoured fell from his mouth after hearing his brother's words. He didn't expect that. Talk about hearts jumping and sprinting a marathon. "It's— It doesn't work that way...!" You yelped. Your face became redder than before, making you putting Hiiro's hair to shame. "You're supposed to reciprocate their feelings after they confess! Not just accepting a confession like that if you actually want to accept it." "Then what if I felt the same as you do?" Hiiro innocently asked and you felt like fainting. "Then that was a little enough for the receiver to accept it." "Then what will you say when I remove the what if and tell you directly?" You could feel your heart skipping multiple beats and had an another mental block. "I—" Hiiro held your hands and smiled. You could see an another Subaru right in front of you because it was too bright for you to see. "I like you too, (Name). I felt the same way. I accept you, your confession, and your chocolate. I wouldn't mind becoming your Valentine date and please accept as my partner for life. I wanted to tell you this as Hiiro Amagi, not Hiiro Amagi of ALKALOID." He said and you felt your knees weak and wobbly like a tubeman dancing outside of stores. "I... accept your confession, Hiiro Amagi..." "They did it! (Name) finally confessed!" Arashi cheered first and jumped out of the bush but Ritsu and Tsukasa stopped her before your situation takes a wild turn. You and Hiiro look around to see who screamed but saw no one. He looked at you and held out his hand and said, "Mind if I escort you to your classroom?" "I can go there by myself, Amagi." You said and you could see puppy ears folded down. "I insist." He said as he let out a small pout. You scratched the back of your head and surrendered. "Alright, fine." You could see him brighten up like the sun. His aura can be mistaken as an another Subaru, indeed.
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The next day, you met Anzu at the main entrance of Ensemble Square and told her everything what had happened yesterday at campus until you both reached the lobby. She listened while seeing you smile like a child finally appreciating something they cherished deeply. Little did you know is that she was at the other side of the garden, away from where Arashi and the others are. It was all fine but the two of you got interrupted when your names are called by a certain someone. "(Name)! Anzuuuuu! Uchuu~" An eccentric ginger dashed towards you two and you both managed to dodge him. He tripped on his feet and fell to the floor. He sputtered and turned to face you two. "How mean! I wanted to hug you both and this is what I get?" He pouted. "Leo, you can lower it down if you like. It's morning." You held out your hand and Leo accepted it and helped him up. Leo noticed something and it clicked in his mind. "Everytime I'm a few seconds close to hug you, you always fall down. This time, you dodged it. How come?" "Pure instinct." You plainly answered. "Dunno. This morning, I felt a wave crashing onto me and everything went well. I was completely wondering  how did that happen, to be honest." Anzu knows and she preferred not to say it. "Hm, I see—" "Tsukippi... Time to practice. Secchan is waiting for us." Ritsu grabbed Leo by the collar and dragged him away. "Ritsuuuuu... I want to talk to (Name) and Anzu." "Talk to them later." Ritsu yawned and left the area with Leo in tow. Anzu looked at you and asked you something that made your cheeks red. "I heard that you confessed to someone. Is it true?" "Wait— does anyone in Yumenosaki know?" You covered your face to hide the blush. She answered, "Not everyone... I think I saw Knights yesterday at the garden. I was just passing by and went there for air until I saw them. It caught my attention because of those suspicious bushes  near Trickstar." 'Knights and Trickstar?!' "Please kill me..." "Good morning, Anzu. Good morning, (Name)." A voice from the entrance of Ensemble Square was heard from where you are and the first thing your eyes had seen is red. And it's your boyfriend, Hiiro Amagi. "You're pretty early today, ALKALOID." Anzu said You calmed yourself down and checked your schedule. "Seems like your unit is the first on my schedule, Hiiro." "Mhm, Tenshouin told me that yesterday at Starmony Dorm." Hiiro responded and smiled. "Looking forward to work with you, (Name)." "Same here, Hiiro." Tatsumi, who isn't aware of yesterday's incident was left confused and curious at the same time. He looked at Mayoi who acted like a proud parent and Aira just sighed. You and Anzu excused to leave and went to StarPro office to meet with Eichi. As you two left and out of the radar, Tatsumi asked his fellow unitmates. "Did something happen at Yumenosaki?" "Hiiro... he..." "Hiiro..." Mayoi and Aira hesitatntly answered at the same time. "He's dating someone." They said it at the same time again but lower in volume. "Did (Name) helped Hiiro confess to someone?" Mayoi nodded and Aira shooked his head. Tatsumi asked again and pondered, "I don't see him as someone who will date anyone..." "That's because he's courting someone and you didn't notice." Aira said and looked at his leader. "Care to elaborate this, Hiiro?" Hiiro was about to answer but Aira covered his mouth. "W-We're at a public area so why not talk about this somewhere private." Then it all connected to the teal-haired senior's head. Hiiro can only just nod because Aira still covered his mouth. "And since when did it happen?" Tatsumi asked again. "Since the day when Hiiro dragged me out of Café Cinnamon..." Aira only answered for Hiiro. He feared that his loud voice can spread rumors and scandals. "And who is it?" "Ithwathmmhmm" Hiiro tried to say something but all the three could hear is muffling noises from Hiiro and Aira pressed his hand harder on Hiiro's mouth. But Aira paled when he saw Mayoi whispering to Tatsumi's and the teal-haired nodded. "I see..." He chuckled. "Good luck on your relationship with them, Hiiro." "Aihwul" He still answered but Aira couldn't just let him say it out. He gritted his teeth and told him, "Don't say this out loud or rumors will spread like wildfire. Understand?" Hiiro can only nod. "Ah, young love..." "Tatsumi, you only graduated..." "I feel like an old man when you're feeling the youth, you two."
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*Googles on how to get a Hiiro irl* and realizes that that kind of person doesn't exist.
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