#Loki did the 9 realms a favour on that one
trickstar5654 · 1 year
Rewatched Thor 1 the other day and man. Does anyone else ever think about how Thor used to act before he got banished to Earth because Jesus Christ
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So the thing is in the first "Thor" Sif and the warriors three are so desperate to get Thor back on Asgard they commit treason but Thor was fine he was never in any danger. Who knows maybe Loki might of let his brother come home if he managed to pull off his scheme successfully. Not trying to advocate for genocide but just saying people miss the first Film is a tragedy because of everyone's actions not just Loki's.
Sif and the Warriors 3 were downright ridiculous in the first movie. They agree to go to Jotunheim and disobey Odin (that's cool) but they show up there with no backup and no one on Asgard knowing they're there except for Heimdall - who has told them if there's any danger to the realm he will leave them there to die.
Then they approach Laufey and Thor's attitude is arrogant and childish, so much so that Loki feels the need to intervene to deescalate the situation so they can leave unharmed, but it all goes to hell when Laufey calls Thor a "princess". Now, the warriors and Sif have watched all this, they know the reason they're fighting is not because the Jotuns infiltrated Asgard and tried to take the Casket, they're fighting because Thor was insulted and his ego couldn't take it.
If Loki didn't know Thor was going to get banished for that I bet the warriors didn't either but after that incident how can they go straight to Odin to ask him "oh please bring him back"? Didn't they see anything wrong with what he did, starting a war and putting Asgardian lives at risk? And what happens after he's back, they will ask for him to take the throne? Did they forget that at the time all this is going on they're quite literally at war with another realm? And none of them knew how the Jotuns had gotten to Asgard in the first place, if they did it once they could have done it again and cause even more harm.
But as you say everyone here is making mistakes and handling the situation the wrong way. Loki's plan was good but he was using the Jotuns like their lives weren't valuable, bringing them to their deaths for his own purposes. The strategy was good but I can't say I liked what he did. Then after Sif and the warriors 3 betray him he goes after them and tries to kill them and Thor, at this point Loki is out of his mind (understandably so, don't get me wrong, but he is).
Odin handled it wrong too because that peace treaty wasn't so, he had invaded their realm and taken the source of their power, leaving Jotunheim to wither and die, calling himself the "protector" of the 9 realms but leaving one of them in that state? For centuries? And then he acts all surprised when Laufey agrees to infiltrate Asgard. Dude, you're lucky he didn't do it sooner. Then of course he's guilty of mistreating Loki, favouring Thor, and not seeing how much damage he was inflicting on both of them. And at the end when he says no to Loki he's a damn hypocrite: he had done much worse than Loki in the past.
Thor was reckless, arrogant (I sound like Loki, ha!) and sure as hell not ready to take the throne. The damage he could have caused not only to his home but the other realms would have been immense. He needed to humble down but mostly he needed to get out of his father's grasp and see his mistakes. Too bad Marvel chose to retcon his trilogy instead.
So yeah this ask got super long because I love this movie but you're definitely right. Thor is a tragedy and most of the characters make mistakes, not just Loki.
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starscreamloki · 6 years
Ragnarok lost feeling
The other day I read posts about Thor Ragnarok and how people viewed their relationship. Since my brain was a bag of cats at the time of reading, I couldn’t put my feelings into words why I didn’t like TR. But after a good night's rest and some thinking, I can now voice it. It all came down to one word “feelings”. So hear me out...
The first and foremost thing about the movie that put me off was the fact that there were almost no scenes where emotions are being displayed. In Thor, The Avengers and Thor; The Dark World we get to see these characters that go through a lot of emotions and that is what makes them strong in my opinion. It makes them relatable, it makes one care. But in TR we hardly get that, and the only scene where they tried to achieve something like that is when Odin dies, and here again, shoved under the carpet.  A point in the story that is very important for both Thor and Loki and yet the camera is on Thor and Odin all the time and we only get a glimpse from Loki as the scene unfolds. Thor shows no emotion after all, and the emotion we get to see from Loki is put away in brief shots. FGS! You casted Tom Hiddleston, a guy who’s able to parray with big stars as Anthony Hopkins and such and yet they didn’t use that properly.
Tom once said “don’t be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve,” and he basically said he is wearing his heart on his sleeve. Well, so is Loki, and we got to see three movies of that raw emotion and Loki wearing his heart on his sleeve, even though Loki tries to hide it. I, for one, am a person who wears her heart on the outside and no matter how hard you try to hide it, you’ll never succeed in that, and neither did Loki. In a lot of scenes that was very powerful.
Then there is the prison and elevator scene. I think all the tagged people beneath this post have already voiced that properly here, and also in those scenes there is a lack of raw feelings displaying in the characters.
I also like to address some other things that struck me as odd or embarrassing throughout the movie.
First of all, Valkyrie. As she enters the movie I caught myself thinking “oh, she is awesome, this could work out great,” and then she just falls of her ship because she is hammered. Really?! She is a Valkyrie and the problem you give her is a drinking problem?! She is Asgardian, not Midgardian! She is trained and hardened through the years so how would she ever fall for the bottle? Isn’t that a little low for her characteristics? I think her story could’ve been far more interesting if she had been manipulated by the GM because he has captured her sister or another Valkyrie or something.
Then I would like to address the warriors of 3 and Sif. As Hela enters Asgard she just kills them straight out. No epic battle scene, no emotions, just *wham* dead. They are the warriors of 3 and should’ve been able to put some sort of a fight. But all we got is a Hela who just wipes them from the screen. I’m a larper and we have two words who sum up that type of characters: Over Powered (OP).
And how about the scene of the GM frying his cousin? Really? Was this necessary for the movie or plot?
And what about Thor screaming while in that chair and being put through that weird vision? He is a God! He just fought Surtur and has seen the worst of the worst, and a little vision like this makes him screaming like a little girl?! So OOC.
Then there is a little thing that doesn’t add up considering Norse mythology, but that has happened in the other movies as well. Fenris and Hela. In Norse mythology they are both Loki’s children. I think it would’ve been far cooler if Loki could’ve controlled Fenris and even bonded with him. Why is that possible? Because Fenris is an animal. And as studies have shown, animals are able to pick up feelings of humans around them. Fenris has been with Hela for so long, and her problems and emotions, thus Fenris should’ve been able to pick op on Loki’s feelings and the similarity between Hela and Loki.
Then “the pile of rocks”. The character could’ve been far more in my opinion but they covered it up with one liners and bad humor. Yes, it is good there is some sort of leader in that prison, but not with those characteristics. Also his tone of voice didn’t fit the character for me.
And that brings me to the point of humor and one liners in this movie. In the other Thor movies, and The Avengers as well, the movies also have humor. But that humor is dark, lustrous and can be interpreted in many ways. Mostly Loki is the one with that dark sense humor and that is why I love him. But now all he got were one liners which weren’t all that funny. I recently watched all the Thor movies again and when Loki displays this dark humor I find myself smiling every time, but not so in TR. The one liners get boring after hearing them one time. Ugh.
But back to Loki. The savior scene also strikes me as odd. Would the Asgardians really take it from Loki after he has been imposing Odin for 9 years? Of course, they were with their backs against the wall and had nowhere to go, so they had to comply, but the scene would’ve been far stronger if someone had spoken up and challenged Loki’s authority just as happened in The Avengers. If I had been an Asgardian I would’ve spoken up to him and not taking kindly what he had done. I remember watching this scene for the first time. I didn’t want to watch it unfold because it felt embarrassing.
Tom says “I think they are now closer than ever”. Some have already elaborated on that here (also tagged), and I want to add my two cents to that. Yes, Loki and Thor have grown closer, because they HAD to because Loki is running out of options. He is out of realms to flee to. Let’s make a list for that:
Asgard; no longer exists
Midgard; if Loki goes there SHIELD will hunt him down
Realm of the dark elves; nothing but a barren wasteland
Sakaar; as stated in TR loki felt out of favour of the GM and this planet isn’t an option
Thanos; well... No need to elaborate since we’re heading towards IW
Jotunheim; he kinda tried to destroy that and we all know why this is a horrible idea
There are other realms, but the options are getting less and less for Loki. Thus he has to stay with Thor.
To wrap it all up, I just want to say I fear for IW. There will be a lot of characters in that movie and I’m so afraid none of them will get enough screen-time to really get into the depth of those characters. And the second fear is, that if they get enough screen-time, it’ll be covered up (yet again) with bad humor and one liners.
@kaori04, @imnotakangaroo-imabunny​ , @latent-thoughts, @getcreative19, @lokiloveforever, @yume-no-fantasy, @nooo-body, @ladylaufeyson1, @snape-and-other-tricky-subjects
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1275
Monday, August 19, 2019
It was so hot and humid outside just now when I went to get the newspaper (yes, we still have it delivered) that it felt like I was walking into a sauna. I hope it rains to cut the humidity down. We certainly need the water as our gardens are wilting. It's been so dry that there's a burn ban in effect. I couldn't make a fire in the fire pit up at the cottage, much to my disappointment. The pleasure of sitting around a fire must be a primitive thing hard wired since we first were able to make fire.
Detective Comics #1009 – Peter J. Tomasi (writer) Christian Duce (art) Luis Guerrero (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). A new story starts here and it's a doozy. Deadshot is the bad guy and he might have been contracted to kill Bruce Wayne. The next issue can't hit the racks fast enough for me.
Event Leviathan #2 – Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Alex Maleev (art) Josh Reed (letters). I'm late to this because I had to wait on reorders. I think the identity of who Leviathan is gets revealed this issue. I'm glad it didn't take the team of the world's greatest detectives too long to figure it out.
Event Leviathan #3 – Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Alex Maleev (art) Josh Reed (letters). Psyche! Leviathan isn't who the detectives suspected it was last issue. It's still a mystery and the real deal does show up this issue. You may recall that Amanda Waller has been MIA, well not anymore. She's a big part of this thing. This story has fans talking and that's always fun.
The Amazing Spider-Man #27 – Nick Spencer (writer) Kev Walker (pencils) John Dell (inks) Laura Martin (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). The new Syndicate has been hired to capture Boomerang and Spidey is forced to help his roommate Fred/Boomerang. Things don't turn out so well for the good guys. The last page has a shocking surprise that harkens back to the good old days of Stan Lee.
Powers of X #2 – Jonathan Hickman (writer) R.B. Silva (art) R.B. Silva & Adriano Di Benedetto (inks) Marte Gracia (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). The X in the title also represents the Roman numeral for ten. The scope of this issue is huge. We go from year zero of the X-Men to year 1000 as the mutants try to find a way to survive. There's not a lot of action but a heck of a lot of planning and strategising. I think our patience will be rewarded when Jonathan Hickman starts cooking with gas.
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #10 – Tom Taylor (writer) Ken Lashley (art pages 1 – 14, thumbnails pages 15 – 17) Scott Hanna (inks pages 15 – 17) Luca Maresca (art pages 18 – 20) Nolan Woodard (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). The team-up with Hobie Brown, the good guy Prowler, ends with a cameo from Iron Man. I like bad guy makes good stories.
Catwoman #14 – Ram V (writer) Mirka Andolfo (art) Arif Prianto (colours) Saida Temofonte (letters). Hermosa Heat part 1. It's a new story with a new writer. There's a bounty on Catwoman and she going to find out who put it out there. I'm not a fan of the new cut-outs on her cat suit. I think it's just to show more titillating skin for the fanboys and that's creepy. The panels with the side boobs is what makes me think that.
Ironheart #9 – Eve L. Ewing (writer) Luciano Vecchio (art) Geoffo (layouts) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Riri goes to Wakanda in search of the mystical Wellspring of Power. She and Shuri meet for the first time and the young women's personalities clash like oil and water. Fortunately, a crisis bonds them later. A new character joins the story on the last page and she's related to someone that Ironheart fought against back in Chicago. I want to learn more about Silhouette.
Silver Surfer Black #3 – Donny Cates (writer) Tradd Moore (art) Dave Stewart (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). The planet Ego helps Norrin Radd to recover from his battle with Knull and it's a good thing because then the Silver Surfer can return the favour and cure Ego of a type of cancer. The surprise is what's causing the cancer. This weird story just got a lot weirder.
Loki #2 – Daniel Kibblesmith (writer) Oscar Bazaldua (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Loki visits Tony Stark to ask to join the Avengers. 'Tis to laugh, as they say. This issue ends in a most unlikely place and I can't wait to find out what happens next.
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #9 – Saladin Ahmed (writer) Javier Garron (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Is it time for Miles to be rescued from his kidnappers? Yes it is. His dad Jeff and his uncle Aaron team up to save Miles. Aaron getting a new Prowler suit might mean trouble in the future. I wonder how long Miles's mysterious kidnappers are going to stay a mystery?
Batman Universe #2 – Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Nick Derington (art) Dave Stewart (colours) Josh Reed (letters). I think Brian Bendis is using this book to play with all the heroes and villains in the DCU. Batman teams up with Green Arrow briefly and goes to Gorilla City. By the end of the issue he's on another planet and I don't know if the Thanagarians are going to welcome him nicely or not. Oh, and we find out who the big bad is. I groaned.
Punisher Kill Krew #1 – Gerry Duggan (writer) Juan Ferreyra (art) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This is what I love about comic books. You can tell whatever far fetched story you want and have it beautifully illustrated. This is a spin off from War of the Realms where Frank Castle continues his war hunting down a frost giant named Kasyckla. But how is he supposed to get to Jotunheim? Wouldja believe via chariot pulled by one of Thor's goats? I wonder who is going to be in his Krew?
Once & Future #1 – Kieron Gillen (writer) Dan Mora (art) Tamra Bonvillain (colours) Ed Dukeshire (letters). I don't know why people are speculating on this book but it seems to be the hot buy of the week. This new 6-issue mini is a twist on the Arthurian legend with it not being clear whether Arthur is a good guy or a bad guy. There's a group of people wanting to resurrect the dead king to make Britain great again. This faction will kill to get their way. Duncan gets roped by his grandmother Bridgette into stopping this group of bad guys. I like the feisty Bridgette so I will keep reading this to see what else she and Duncan get up to. It's jolly good fun.
Gwenpool Strikes Back #1 – Leah Williams (writer) David Baldeon (art) Jesus Aburtov (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). I never got into this fourth wall breaking comic book character before but I read a story that she was in recently and liked how fun she was. This issue is a great introduction to this whacky character and you needn't have read any of her previous appearances to get what's going on. You will get an extra kick out of Gwenpool if you're a dyed in the wool Marvel Maniac like me though. The rest of this 5-issue mini is going on to my “must read” list.
Age of Conan Valeria #1 – Meredith Finch (writer) Aneke (art) Andy Troy (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). I was not impressed with Age of Conan Bêlit because I liked the book version of Bêlit more than the comic book version. Valeria is another matter however. She fought alongside Conan in “Red Nails” my all time favourite Conan comic book story. The way Barry Smith drew her made me fall in love with her. This origin story has Valeria hunting down her brother's killer and even though she looks like Betty Cooper with a sword, I like this enough to find out if she succeeds in her quest.
Silver Surfer The Prodigal Son #1 – Peter David (writer) Francesco Manna (art) Espen Grundetjern (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Now that the Fantastic Four have gotten him off Earth, Prah'd'ghul's adventures take him into space. Where there's space, there glides the Silver Surfer. This story flashes back to when the Silver Surfer was the herald of Galactus. In this issue he's just an Uber for Prah'd'ghul.
Fantastic Four #13 – Dan Slott (writer) Sean Izaakse (art) Marcio Menyz (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). The conclusion of the Thing versus the Hulk fight. I won't tell you who the winner is but I will tell you that the biggest loser is the Puppet Master. You won't like him when he's angry, and the Puppet Master made the Hulk extremely angry.
Conan the Barbarian Exodus #1 – Esad Ribic (writer & art) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). This was an easy job for VC's Travis Lanham. There are no captions or dialogue other than a few Hyborian Age word balloons. This is the story of a young Conan wandering the land and surviving against man and beast. It won't take long to “read” but I spent a lot of time just taking in the beautiful artistry. Any time Esad Ribic draws a comic book it's worth picking up.
Doctor Strange #17 – Mark Waid (writer) Barry Kitson (pencils) Scott Koblish (inks) Brian Reber (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Herald Supreme part 6 is the conclusion to Stephen Strange's adventure with Galactus. This is a classic “deal with the devil” story when Mephisto enters the picture. Oh my god what a corny ending. Mark Waid also writes History of the Marvel Universe and he includes the whole thing right here. I did not finish the first issue of that chronicle and I am taking this opportunity to stop reading this title as well just because it got too maudlin.
Symbiote Spider-Man #5 – Peter David (writer) Greg Land (pencils) Jay Leisten (inks) Frank D'Armata (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). Here's another weak ending. There was never a doubt that Spider-Man and the Black Cat would win against Mysterio but boy was it ever done in a mundane way. I will think twice about reading this title the next time this book hits the racks.
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