#Loki season 2 finale
atomicradiogirl · 11 months
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mobius scuffing his shoe fondly over the “time” in “for all time, always” since loki literally holds time in his hands now always and the way i see it this is his way of thanking him.
also because mobius and loki Are “for all time, always.” mobius was the time, loki was the always. now it’s flipped and loki is the time and mobius is the always. BYE.
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mischivarien · 4 months
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Tiny tree🤏🌳
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love-loki-laufeyson · 11 months
Listen - it might be a very unpopular opinion, but I think the Lokius/Sylki dispute has been handled extremely well.
As a Lokius shipper, of course I'm sad about Loki and Mobius not ending up together, but then again, I never actually really expected them to in the first place. It's Marvel after all.
The "for you" with both Loki and Sylvie in the frame was actually a brilliant move. Hear me out - no matter whose side you're on, there are different people in this fandom who want different things and the filmmakers will always try and satisfy as many people as they can. That's just the truth.
I don't think there was any better way to handle it, honestly.
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sserpente · 11 months
One last time. Let's do this. *hands out tissues*
Okay. Let's face it. I was sobbing, you were sobbing, we were all sobbing, right?!
This episode was so damn good. An absolute cinematic masterpiece and a finale worth a beloved character like Loki.
If you've seen my Instagram story today you'll know that I was ugly crying and struggling to breathe.
Honestly. I was a mess. I still am a mess. I'm tearing up again as I'm writing this. I'm still processing. And I have so many questions!
First of all... Loki learned everything O.B. knew about the Temporal Loom and the mechanics of the TVA, spent fucking centuries doing this? Can we please talk about the commitment? I realise there was a comical aspect to this but UM?! The commitment!
The winks throughout killed me. Betcha. His calm professor-like voice had me feral, thank you very much.
When he realised that there is nothing that could fix the Temporal Loom... I immediately thought he's gonna have to stop He Who Remains from dying. When he went back there... my heart almost stopped.
For a moment, I honestly believed that he would kill Sylvie. I thought that's where the conversation he had with Mobius (which was so damn heartbreaking and epic and such an amazing verbal conclusion to Loki's way of thinking and realisation... you could practically see him struggling with the right decision and the fact that he went to ask Mobius for help is just so damn heartbreaking and sweet!) was leading. That he'd sacrifice the one person who was truly like him, who he was on one wavelength with, an outsider like him.
(That conversation with He Who Remains... him saying he paved the way for him to be able to manipulate time... and Loki outsmarting him and finding a way to keep everyone alive?! PLEASE CAN WE JUST?!)
But instead... damn, talk about a sacrifice. Loki is a fucking hero. Even writing this is so damn satisfying. Loki is a hero. And you know why that is so damn special? It's not because we wanted to prove that he's not a villain, it's not because we desperately wanted to see something in him that we obviously knew was there but it's because we didn't need him to be. He's our Loki, our cheeky God of Mischief. We loved him regardless. And now he is a hero.
Loki, the God of Stories. Loki, the God of Time.
The very moment he went down there I started sobbing. I knew at that moment that there was going to be a sacrifice of some sort. As he walked out there... and the cape appeared and those HORNS. THOSE HORNS that looked just like the cracked marble of the Citadel and He Who Remains' TemPad... I was screaming, sobbing, ugly crying... is it silly when I say that I was actually struggling to breathe?!
Can we please talk about how powerful Loki is? The fucking most powerful being in the entire multiverse? He practically became the Temporal Loom. He controls everything now, sees everything, protects everything... I still can't wrap my head around this!
It is epic. It is so fucking epic and such an amazing conclusion to his arc. Is it the end? I'm not sure. I don't want to think so. There's gonna be a multiversal war, there's gonna be Kang Variants...
We saw purple light when Renslayer woke up in the Void and I'm sure as hell that was a Kang Variant who came to pick her up. So she's gonna make another appearance for sure. So I am 100% sure this is not the last we've seen of Loki or Sylvie or Mobius. There's gonna be more, I'm sure of it.
But it was epic. Epic, epic, epic. I loved it so much. When that throne turned golden and he sat down on it, I lost it. That last scene where he smirked? THE MUSIC? The fact that his cape turned into fucking time branches?!
I have so many damn questions still. Will he be there forever? Will he be alone? Loki said that he's afraid of being alone... and now he is and that is so fucking tragic and heartbreaking. Is that the true sacrifice? The true act of heroism here, the Loki lesson to be learned? Is that how it has to be for the rest of his existence? He doesn't deserve to be alone even if this was the most selfless thing of him to do. Selfless. Loki. Beyond him saving his family I never thought I'd write something like this. Gods, damn it. And what will happen once the multiversal war breaks out which, inevitably, it will?!
Guys... let's do a group hug. I think we all need it after this epic finale.
EDIT: I forgot to mention how epic I thought the Yggdrasil reference was. I immediately cried out Yggdrasil when I saw it!
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janewkn · 11 months
I cannot believe 2023 is the year when all my favorite tv shows came back (Good Omens, Our flag means death, Loki) and every single finale has traumatized me in different ways.
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things i like about loki s2 finale:
this is why the time stone is green
loki is now instrumental to the timeline of the mcu, he’s not just a little side character they kill off for comedic purpose anymore
the visuals were gorgeous, restored my faith in marvel’s cinema
he’s so powerful and majestic and i’m so proud of him
he’s the best marvel character, talk to the hand :D
things i didn’t like about loki s2 finale:
he’s alone
this feels like a very very very final ending and i’m not ready to say goodbye to my favorite boy
no shining sun (he’s literally in the goddamn dark wtf)
no final end credit scene
last look at loki is him CRYING
no ‘loki will return’ banner
‘i don’t want the throne’ *gets a throne*
i loved the episode, don’t get me wrong, but like. i feel like i just lost him and it makes me very sad. he’s my biggest comfort character. if this is the last we ever see of him, i will be so upset. it’s a good ending for the season, but not for loki. please marvel, don’t just be undermining his character and his growth by handing him what he doesn’t want and has said he doesn’t want.
give him a good ending. for once. because somehow this hurts more than every time he’s died.
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geek-talk000 · 11 months
Loki season finale be like:
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i made something guys!!! look!! (im totaly not deranged and so normal about loki series)
last ep and loki's final words broke me and i wanted to make this since then. this parallel came up to me immediatly when i saw new tva posters and i've never been the same. but finally im finished! anyway lokius nation stay winning love youuuu
I want to say a big thank you to everyone who is behind this series. they did a great job.
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venator-arts · 10 months
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a comic and poem by me, venator-signum, aka rosi
He who sits atop a golden throne, within the Tree of Life.
She who sits all alone, fated to never die.
They who are the god of chaos, mischief, trickery, and lies.
Loki who is the god of stories, and the god of time.
He within the trunk of Yggdrasil connecting the roots to the branches.
She took on the burden for her friends to get their chances.
They once upon a time, wanted the spotlight and the fame.
Loki who is eternal. Loki who remains.
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lettingtimepass · 11 months
Loki Season 2 Finale Watch #2 Thoughts and Feelings (Spoilers)
Ok, it's time for round 2 of pain!!!
THE INTRO IN REVERSE!!! God that’s sexy.
Mobius immediately noticing something’s up when Loki came back 😭
"It looks like Mobius but it's actually Victor Timely" asjdkalks Loki pls was that necessary
"I'm a-coming I'm a-coming" 😭
*Deadpan* "Be Brave. You're being so brave."
Loki laughing and tearing up when Victor finally does it - I'm so sorry my baby boy 😭
Why does Victor say "Pumpkins" after he comes back hahaha
The fact that the camera is flipped in the Loki/Sylvie and Loki/Mobius scenes is a cool editing trick.
Is it just me or did Johnthan use a slightly different voice for HWR? I wonder if it's just because he's being more honest with Loki?
Also did HWR give Loki the ability to timeslip once he went through the door? Kind of a cheap explanation but ehh.
*Loki: Stops time* "And what makes you think this is the first time we've had this conversation? 👉" That's cunty sir. 🔥
I absolutely love the theory that the 8-year-old boy Mobius couldn't prune was Loki 😭 And that's what originally caused Mobius to study Loki.
The fact that Loki actually got to spend hundreds of years with his friends - but they were all spent frantically trying to save a world that couldn't be saved. 💔
Someone needs to put Loki's transformation and Thor's appearance in Wakanda side by side 😭😭😭 Sunshine brothers saving the day...
When Loki breaks the loom, rainbows are reflected on everyone's faces... gay rights 🌈
The parallel of the gangway and the Bifrost...... Loki's actions caused the destruction of the Bifrost. Now he'll use this bridge to fix everything.
I think it's just a coincidence that the Time Stone is green, but it's a really, really good coincidence.
"I made the hard choices, I get the big chair." Sighhhhhh.
The gold being pulled up the chair?? What good effects.
The reveal of the TREE!!!! I was shooketh!!! Like it makes so much sense considering the timelines were referred to as "branches" the entire time but I didn't see it coming!!! It's so damn beautiful!!!
Do we think they're able to see the Tree in place of the Loom in the TVA?
The little poster that says "Let's Grow Together" is so damn adorable 🥺 Under it says "Nurture our Nature of a Stable Future." And the Tree Monitor is so cool!!!
I wasn't expecting Miss Minutes to come back lol
Sad Mobius not having a purpose at the TVA without Loki 😭😭😭
...What DID happen to Timely? Did they just put him back on his branch?
What do we think was different in the new TVA handbooks that OB unboxes? I guess maybe just info about the Tree and maintaining all the branches instead of the Loom and the Sacared Timeline.
When Mobius and Sylvie are talking on the branch, the green and gold light is only on Mobius. Between that and Loki explicitly hearing Mobius' words, that's basically the confirmation that Loki did all this for Mobius. As one twitter user put it, Lokius Nation, we won, but at what cost?
Also. GREATEST SCORE OF ALL TIME! NATALIE HOLT!!! I can't wait for the final part to drop 🖤
Disney Plus suggesting Secret Invasion after is actually so insulting 😩
Okay, I definitely enjoyed that better the second time when my heart wasn't fucking racing for 55 straight minutes 🙃
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atomicradiogirl · 11 months
um sorry what do you mean that loki saved all of humanity? wasn’t he that silly villain who destroyed new york in 2012? no yeah same guy. he did change. he’s good now. he did it for love, because of love.
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iamthehamburglar · 11 months
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lokiusly · 10 months
Why do I feel like the “History Is Now” is kinda of a meta title?
This show is making MCU history. It’s the biggest step forward to the multiverse saga, making Loki the god of stories, but—
Since this played at the last scene, with Loki, one of the first bisexual, genderfluid characters portrayed in the MCU, and Mobius, their special partner.
Maybe, just maybe it also includes…
The start of the first openly queer relationships that will be the heart of the MCU multiverse saga.
History IS now.
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kanejpercabethstan · 10 months
yk what was really sad about the loki season 2 finale?
it was that the majority of his arc during the show was learning not to want a crown or a throne and learning the importance of family and love, but then at the end, in order to save his new family that he had gained he had to give them up and forever be burdened with a throne at the end of time he would never be able to escape.
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janewkn · 11 months
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yup, that’s it.
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annoyingboing · 11 months
me: ok the loki brain rot isn't too bad my textbook: "variables" me writing notes: "variants" me: Fuck
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