#Loki: When I see the Tesseract it's like I'm finally home
cozykali · 1 year
MCU Multiverse Explained
I have seen some confusion in the MCU fandom regarding the multiverse, specifically the difference between an ‘alternate universe’ and a ‘timeline’. I wanted to create a crash course for you. I plan on updating this as we get more content in the Multiverse Saga.
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In Avengers Endgame, the Avengers figure out time travel thanks to Tony Stark’s ‘Mobius Strip’ and Hank Pym’s quantum tunnel when Scott Lang returns from the Quantum Realm. Although it had been 5 years for those on earth, Scott had only been in the Quantum Realm for 5 hours as time moves differently in that demotion. The Avengers decide to go back in time to retrieve the infinity stones from the past to undo Thano’s snap.
When Bruce Banner goes back in time to retrieve the time stone from the Ancient One, we learn that altering the past does not change the future, but instead, it creates another timeline. She says, “If I give up the time stone to help your reality, I'm dooming my own.” We understand now (thanks to the Loki series) that this is likely because the TVA (Time Variance Authority) will show up and eradicate the branched timeline.
At almost the same time, Steve Rodgers attempts to retrieve the Tesseract, which contains the space stone, from the Battle of New York. However, Loki escapes with it then he is captured by the TVA soon after.
In Loki season 1, we learn the TVA is a bureaucratic society that controls the flow of time. If there is a branch in the timeline, they have a window of opportunity to capture whoever caused it (AKA a variant) and reset the timeline before it reaches a certain threshold. If left unchecked, it will branch off and cause a Nexus Event. A Nexus Event is the birth of another universe or reality.
In the final episode of Loki, we learn that the TVA is run by ‘He Who Remains’. He has isolated the current MCU timeline (AKA the sacred timeline) to prevent a multiverse war. He explains that he is from earth, born in the 30th century, and he discovered the multiverse. At the same time, other versions of him were doing the same but some had ill intentions. He is killed by a Loki variant named Sylvie. In doing this, she unlocked the multiverse.
Now the sacred timeline no longer exists without He Who Remains. All the work the TVA has done has been undone. It didn’t just change future events, but past events as well. Every timeline that branched off can now become a Nexus Event, creating another universe.
In the show, What if…? We learn there is a being that observes the entire multiverse called The Watcher. He can view all of time and space but is unable to interfere until the existence of the multiverse is threatened by Ultron.
In Spider-Man: No Way Home, we get introduced to the multiverse again. Different versions of Peter Parker (and his villains) are transported to the current MCU timeline due to a spell that Dr. Strange performs that does not go according to plan.  These are not alternate timelines of Peter. Instead, they are Peter’s from totally separate universes that the current one would not have had access to when He Who Remains was alive.
 At the end of WandaVision we see Wanda, now the Scarlet Witch, reading a book called the Darkhold. Then, in Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, we learn that she has been using the Darkhold to study the multiverse to find her children that she lost using a method called ‘Dreamwalking’.
We are introduced to a Character named America Chavez, who has the power to travel through the multiverse. Wanda wants to harness America’s power. In this story, we get to see brief images of what some of those universes look like. Some are very similar to the main timeline (referred to now as 616) and others are incredibly different, like a world where everything is made out of paint.
Also, in Multiverse of Madness, we learn about a phenomenon called an ‘Incursion’. This happens when two or more universes collide, resulting in the annihilation of one or all of them.  In the post-credit scene, we are briefly introduced to a sorceress, named Clea, when she approaches Stephen Strange. She explains that his actions have created an incursion and needs his help to stop it. They enter the ‘Dark Dimension’ which we saw in the first Dr. Strange film when Stephen entered it to face Dormammu.
We have seen an incursion once before in What if…? when Dr. Strange becomes Strange Supreme. In this universe, Stephen loses his love interest, Christine Palmer, in an accident and tries to undo it using the time stone. We learn from the Ancient One that her death is considered a ‘Universal Point in Time’ and cannot be undone. His attempt to do so results in the destruction of that entire universe.
Let’s circle back to He Who Remains for a moment. In Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania Scott, Cassie, Hope, Hank, and Janet are trapped in the Quantum Realm which is a subatomic dimension that was explored briefly in the previous Ant-Man films. Here we meet a variant of He Who Remains who goes by the name Kang the Conqueror.
Kang has a ship that allows him to travel the multiverse, but the engine (AKA power core) of his ship is not functioning. We learn that this variant of Kang was banished here by the ‘Counsel of Kangs’ and he is trying to escape. Ant-Man enters the power core to repair it for Kang to save Cassie. Here he is trapped in a paradox where every probability becomes a reality creating countless versions of himself. He eventually fixes it with the help of Hope. They defeat Kang as he is seeming sucked into the power core himself.
The credit scenes show the Counsel of Kangs (including Rama-Tut and Immortus) announcing that the Kang they had banished to the Quantum Realm is dead. Then we see Loki and Mobius, in the early 20th century, find another Kang called Victor Timely, setting us up for Loki season 2.
So, that’s the facts and basically everything we know so far in the MCU about the multiverse. I do briefly want to get into my opinions and interpretations.
When He Who Remains was killed, it altered the reality of the current timeline in other ways as well. Not every branch in the timeline can cause a Nexus Event or a new universe. Some branches may end naturally on their own, or eventually re-join the timeline they started from.
We know that the events of Endgame and the time heist they performed were part of the sacred timeline and were supposed to happen.  I have seen some people asking what [insert character that was introduced in Phase 4] doing during the events of Infinity War and Endgame. My theory is, they did not exist then.
Let’s take America Chavez, for example. She has the ability to travel across universes. However, there is no way she would have been able to reach 616 as the timeline was completely isolated from the multiverse thanks to He Who Remains. Plus, if she did somehow reach it, she would have been swiftly pruned by the TVA.  
I have another example, in the sacred timeline, a meteor containing vibranium crashed into earth, eventually creating the Kingdom of Wakanda. However, it is possible that a branch in the timeline means that two (or more) vibranium meteors crashed into earth allowing Talokan to emerge. When the sacred timeline existed the branch involving the second meteor could have been reset. Instead, the timeline branched out and re-joined the current timeline instead of creating another universe. This could be why Namor was not around during Thanos’ attack.
There are, of course, other possibilities as well (Namor might have been among the snapped, or did not want to reveal himself to the surface world) but there is a possibility Talokan only exists due to the death of He Who Remains. The same could be theorized about other characters like Shang Chi, the Eternals, and Moon Knight.
Anyways, I’m excited to see where the Multiverse Saga takes us next! Let me know your thoughts.
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valeriethepussycats · 4 years
Chapter 3
Pairing- Loki x Reader x Steve (one side)
Warning- cursing 
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics.
Flashback Bold
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The next day.  Y/n  is standing outside a gym trying to keep her powers under control but but it’s hard when your surrounded by people.
What’s in my fridge right now?....Do I have any milk?
I think I’m pregnant with my brother in-law baby’s
How come you never read about a psychic
winning the lottery?
Am I Ashy? I hope I’m not Ashy.
Why is  Batman a superhero when he brutally Beats up bad guys for saying hello.
When I get home I’m watching A Bug’s Life.
Calming down the voices she finally walks inside the gym and see Captain America. He’s beats the punching bag harder, like physically hurting it will repress the memories.
Hydra base, Captain America is running through a forest, didging mortar shells, gunfire and Tesseract energy blasts.
“There's not enough time! I gotta put her in the water!” Steve’s Voice echoed.
In the present, Steve's punches become harder and more violent.
Steve places the compass he has, featuring a picture of Peggy Carter, on the dash as the plane plummets towards the ice.
The present, punches become voilent and agressive.
“You won't be alone.” Peggy declared.
Red skull picked up the Tesseract, and vanishes.
In the present, Steve is beathing the bag with everything he has, destroying it and beating his fists.
“Oh my god!”
Steve is lying on a table, half frozen, and still partially trapped in a slab of ice. Two SHIELD scientists run equipment over him, checking for his vitals. Something flickers...
“This guy is still alive!”
Y/n  gets pulled out of Steve’s mind. “Wow. That one way to come backwards to the world.
“You punch any harder your fist is gonna go though it.“
Steve stops punching the bag and turns around and see Y/n. “Agent Munroe ma’am. Phil told me that you were coming.”
“Y/n. Just call me Y/n.” She said with a smile.
Steve starts to punch the bag again. “It's nice to meet.”
“Likewise. So how do you feel?” Y/n asked showing concern for a man she just met.
Y/n walks up to a punching bag next to Steve and, starts playfully punching it.
“Like I belong in a different time.....all of this is so strange. Flat screen TVs, cars that run on electricity.....” Steve trailed off.
“It’s understandable but look at the bright side you can have food deliver to your house.” Y/n said with a fond look.
Steve looks at Y/n confused.
“Pizza. Chinese food... Oh men we have to make some stops before we go to Shield.” Y/n  proclaimed.
“We don’t have time to make stops. They need us this is important.” Steve protested.”You’re right they do. But you need to experience this first and I know you're hungry.” Y/n insisted.
Steve sigh defeat. “Ok fine but only for an hour two at it’s tops.”
“Yes! You dont know it yet but This the start of an beautiful friendship.” Y/n said With a sincere smile as her and Steve walk out the gym.
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Inside the Quinjet, Steve is sitting down with a tablet, watching the footage of the Hulk's attack on the Army at Culver University.
“We're about forty minutes out from base, sir.” One of the pilots said
Agent Coulson stands up from his seat and wipe his face with a napkin.
Francis’s pizza is so good.
Y/n chuckles as Coulson and walks over to her and Steve.
“So, this Doctor Banner was trying to replicate the serum that was used on me?” Steve asked.
“A lot of people were. I was assign to stop some of them. You were the world's first superhero.” Y/n  replied.
“Banner thought gamma radiation might hold the key to unlocking Erskine's original formula.” Coulson informed Steve.
The Hulk roars with fury as he slams a jeep apart.
“Didn't really go his way, did it?” Steve queried.
“Not so much. When he's not that thing though, guy's like a Stephen Hawking” Coulson explained.
Steve looks confused.
Y/n leans over and whispers. “He's a smart person.”
“I gotta say, it’s an honor to meet you, officially.” Steve smiles at Coulson as he continues. “I sort of met you, I mean, I watched you while you were sleeping.”  Steve looks down then a Y/n. He stands up, closes his laptop and walks to the side with Coulson following. “I mean, I was... I was present while you were unconscious from the ice. You know, it's really, it's just a... just a huge honor to have you on board.”
“Smooth. Real smooth Coulson.” Y/n lied.
“Well, I hope I'm the man for the job.” Steve remarked.
“Of course you are you’ve done amazing things in the past. You’re the perfect person for this job.” Y/n said sincerely and with a small smile.
“Ya Absolutely. Uh... we've made some modifications to the uniform. I had a little design input.”  Coulson told Steve.
“The uniform? Aren't the stars and stripes a little... old fashioned?” Steve supposed.
“With everything that's happening, the things that are about to come to light, people might just need a little old fashioned.” Coulson stated.
As Steve takes in Coulson's sentiment. The Quinjet lands down a massive battleship known as the Helicarrier. It has two runways. One with direct access to a hangar at the rear is aligned along the spine of the vessel.  Y/n walks up to Phill.
“Does the name Ororo Munroe mean anything to you?” Y/n questioned.
“No. Does it suppose to.” Coulson lied.
“No I guess not.” Y/n remarked not hiding her disappointment.
Agent Coulson, Y/n, and  Steve walk down the ramp, meeting up with Natasha.
“Agent Romanoff, Captain Rogers.” Coulson said introducing the two.
“Ma’am?” Steve replied.
“Hi.” She looks at Coulson. “They need you on the bridge. They're starting the face-trace.”
“Nat” Y/n said happily. “I didn’t know you were going to be here Coulson doesn’t tell me anything.” Y/n hugs Natasha then they both look at Coulson like ‘explain.’
“See you there.” Coulson said walks away, leaving Steve and Y/n with Natasha, the pair walking towards the railing of the Helicarrier.
“It was quite the buzz around here, finding you in the ice. I thought Coulson was gonna swoon. Did he ask you to sign his Captain America trading cards yet?” Natasha wondered.
“Trading cards?” Steve asked confused.
“They’re vintage, he's very proud.” Y/n disclosed.
Bruce Banner is seen walking around the ship, trying to stay out of the way while people walk in his way.
“Dr. Banner.” Steve called out.
The three walk up to each other and shake hands.
“Oh, yeah. Hi. They told me you'd be coming.” Bruce began. “You must be agent  Munroe.”
“You can call me Y/n it’s nice to finally meet you.” Y/n replied.
“Thanks.” Bruce said in a casual tone.
“Word is you can find the cube.” Steve Inclined.
“Is that the only word on me?” Bruce questioned.
“Only word I care about.” Steve answered.
Bruce takes in the sentiment. “It must be strange for you, all of this.”
Steve looks off to where a group of men in training are running, remembering his days in the army. “Well, this is actually kind of familiar.”
“Gentlemen, you might want to step inside in a minute. It's gonna get a little hard to breath.” Natasha disclosed.
The Helicarrier starts to shake as it prepares to take "sail". Others abord strap down planes and Quinjets in preparation.
“Is this a submarine?” Steve asked Y/n.
“Really? They wanted me in a submerged, pressurized metal container?” Bruce Said with sarcasm.
“No no it not a submerged.” Y/n answered.
The two both move closer to the edge of the Helicarrier. Four huge lift fans mounted on the sides starts to lift into the air as the ship takes flight. Steve watches in awe while Bruce just smiles.
“Oh, no. This is much worse.”  Bruce said with mock astonishment.
The doors part and we enter the bridge of the ship. A flurry of activity, dozens of agents sit in front of their viewscreens. Agent Hill shouts instructions to leave. The camera turns to Nick Fury who is at the command chair.
“We're at lock, sir.”  Agent Hill disclosed.
“Good. Let's vanish.” Nick answered.
The Helicarrier rises high into the heavens. Suddenly the entire ship is covered in reflecting mirrors, which then camouflages in the sky. Steve, Y/n and Banner walk through the glorious, gleaming bridge
“Gentlemen.” Nick started.
Steve gives Fury 10 bucks, referring to his earlier statement about never being surprised again. “And agent Munroe what a Surprise I thought you were in Sydney.”
“Well I got tired of helping Umm Marlin look for Nemo.” Y/n said with fire.
Fury walks over Banner and extends his hand. Banner, reluctantly shakes it.] Doctor, thank you for coming.
“Thanks for asking nicely. So, uh... how long am I staying?” Bruce asked.
“Once we get our hands on the Tesseract, you're in the clear.” Nick replied.
“Where are you with that?” Bruce asked.
Nick Fury turns to Agent Coulson to explain, while Natasha eyes an image of Clint Barton on a computer screen.
“We're sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet. Cellphones, laptops. If it's connected to a satellite, it's eyes and ears for us.” Agent Coulson explained.
“That's still not gonna find them in time.”  Natasha mumbled.
“Couldn’t we use spectrometers to speed up the process?” Y/n said pondering out loud.
“Yes that could work. How many spectrometers do you have access to?” Bruce voiced.
“How many are there?” Nick asked Bruce.
“Call every lab you know, tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays. I'll rough out a tracking algorithm based on cluster recognition. At least we could rule out a few places. Do you have somewhere for me to work?” Bruce said with determination
“Agent Romanoff, would you show Dr. Banner to his laboratory, please.” Nick order.
Natasha nods and walks off, leading Banner down the hall. “You're gonna love it, Doc. We got all the toys.”
Y/n goes to leave as well but gets stop by the sound of Nick Fury.
“Agent Munroe my office.” Nick announced.
“No offense but I don’t think you want that right now.” Y/n said fire.
“My office now.” Nick hissed ordered
Y/n and Nick walks to his office in silence. Y/n is barely holding back her anger and this Conversation with Director Fury is not going to help but she needs to get this off her chest or she’ll explode.  Director Fury opens the door to his office and Motion for Y/n to walk in. She walks past him into the room and sit down in the chair in front of his desk. Director Fury closes the door and looks at Y/n.
“What are you doing here?” Nick asked.
“I’m here to help.” Y/n declared.
“You were supposed to be in Sydney.” Nick pointed out
“How do you know I was supposed to be in Sydney I haven’t called to do a check in.” Y/n teased.
I wonder if he’s going to tell me that he has a Tracking Device on me.
“Agent Coulson told me of your whereabouts.” Nick answered.
“Hmm I bet he did.” Y/n replied.
”Your assistance is no longer required we can we can handle it from here head home.” Nick ordered.
“Are you kidding me.” Y/n shouted. As she shot up from her seat. “I’m the only one here that knows anything remotely about Loki and you’re gonna bench me.”
”And how would you know that.” Nick questioned.
“re.....search.” Y/n lied.
Nick gives Y/n ‘the I’m not believing you’ look.
“Ok fine I was there ok I fought The Destroyer.” Y/n  confessed.
“I already knew I was just waiting on you to tell me.” Nick replied.
“Of course you knew why wouldn’t you know.” Y/n said dryly.
“I’m not saying you’re not best the person for the job I’m saying  it’s not safe with your condition.” Nick remarked.
“My cond- what is my condition?”
“It is not....it’s not safe for the people on this Helicarrier if you don’t have control your powers.”
“You want to talk about safety of the people, was you trying to keep me safe by not telling me my mother is alive or keeping me away from Gambit.” Y/n Stated.
The anger she felt roll off of her like a wave which made the room begin to shake.
“Y/n I didn’t tell you because-“
“You are afraid another November 18 is gonna happen.....ye have little faith. I want Gambit here now and if you can’t get him here I want a number. I’m not talking those stupid pills anymore.” Y/n declared as she throws the pill bottle in trash. “And I’m going to stay here and help and you’re going to allow it.”  Y/n finished as she walks out of the room not waiting for his response.
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Back in the underground lab, Loki is looking Looking through all the Shield Agent portfolios until he comes across one in particular. Agent Munroe’s portfolio. As Loki opens portfolios to read it he finds every page in there to be blank.
“Agent Barton a word.” Loki called.
Clint walks over to Loki like a puppet with strings.
“What do you know of Agent Munroe?” Loki asked.
“She is a powerful mutant that can control the weather and read minds.” Clint answered.
“Read minds hmm that will be all.”  Loki said smirking.
Erik and several scientists work around the CMS device. Clint walks in, holding a tablet.
“Put it over there!” Erik told Clint. “Where did you find all these people?”
“Shield has not shortage of enemies, Doctor.” Clint Stated as he holds up a screen showing information on Iridium. “Is this the stuff you need?”
“Yeah, iridium. It's found in meteorites, it forms anti-protons. It's very hard to get hold of.” Erik explained.
“Especially if Shield knows you need it.” Clint Mumbled
“Well, I didn't know!” Erik said gruffly. Then he Sees Loki walking in. “Hey! The Tesseract is showing me so much. It's more than just knowledge, it's... truth.”
“I know. What did it show you, Agent Barton?” Loki wondered.
“My next target.” Clint voiced
“Tell me what you need.” Loki replied.
“I'll need a distraction.” Clint said grabbing his bow. “And an eyeball.”
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That night in the Helicarrier bridge. As they are waiting to locate Loki using satellite facial recognition, Coulson is standing with Steve.
“I mean, if it's not too much trouble.”Coulson suggested
“No, no. It's fine.” Steve reassured Coulson.
“It's a vintage set. It took me a couple of years to collect them all. Near mint, slight foxing around the edges, but...”
“We got a hit. Sixty-seven percent match. Weight, cross match, seventy-nine percent.” Agent Jasper Sitwell announced.
“Location?” Coulson asked.
“Stuttgart, Germany. 28, Konigstrasse. He's not exactly hiding.” Agent Jasper Sitwell answered.
“Captain, you're up.” Nick disclosed.
Steve nods and walks off the bridge. Walking down the hallway he passes Y/n.
“We found Loki he’s In Germany.” Steve informed Y/n as he’s walking down the hallway.
“Radio silence  and now he’s making appearance that’s not strange at all.....You got this Cap now go show him who’s he’s Messing with.”  Y/n sincerely with a smile.
“Yes ma’am.”  Steve said with a fond look and a head nod.
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Outside the Stuttgart Museum, it’s night. Loki is standing in front of the museum, dressed in 21st Century attire with his scepter disguised as a cane. He walks up to the entrance of the gala.
A lavished gala with an orchestra playing is interrupted as the head doctor walks up to the mic.
Inside Helicarrier where Steve's locker is. Steve walks into the locker room. As he approaches to the steel cabinet, the doors already reveal the updated Captain America uniform, along with the famous shield. He stands in silence.
Outside the museum. German guards stand in their positions. One of them is standing on tip of the roof, scoping. He then hears a sound. He looks down. One of his guards is shot with an arrow. He raises his gun. He is shot dead by an arrow. Falls down. Barton and his crew arrive at the doors of the locked science building. Barton looks at the retinal scanner.
He pulls out a Shield eye scanner instrument. Inside the gala, Loki looks from above the museum and descends down to where the head doctor is. As he makes it down and near the stage, he flips his cane the other end. The guard there notices him, pulls out his gun, but Loki clubs his head in. Chaos erupts. Guests begin to leave the museum. Loki grabs the doctor and flips him over onto a marble table of the mythological creatures bilchsteim. Loki pulls out an optical torture device. He plunges down the doctor's eye. The doctor twists in pain.
Outside the museum.
Suddenly from Barton's instrument, a holographic eye of the head doctor appears and the image of the doctor appears on screen. The doors to the facility open. Barton walks in and finds in a cabinet, a glass thermos with a cylinder of iridium. As the crowd runs away, Loki slowly walks out and materializes in his gold armor and helmet. The police arrive and with no hesitation, he blasts the cars, flipping them over and over.
“Kneel before me.” Loki voiced but  crowd ignores him. Three more Loki's appear, surrounding and blocking the crowd from escaping. “I said KNEEL!” Loki yelled. While the crowd quietly kneels, Loki embraces out his arms with a wide smile
“Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel.” Loki declared.
As the words resonate to the kneeling crowd, an elder German man refuses to kneel and stands, heroic. “Not to men like you.”
“There are no men like me.” Loki specified.
“There are always men like you.” Elder German Man remarked.
“Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example.” As Loki is about to execute the man with his scepter as the light glows blue. Right as the energy beam shoots out, Captain America arrives, diving in just in time to block the blast with his shield, and knocking down Loki.
“You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing.” Captain America explained
Loki Standing up. “The soldier. A man out of time.”
“I'm not the one who's out of time.” Captain America replied.
From above Captain America, the Quinjet arrives. A machine gun is pointed towards Loki, while Natasha speaks from inside the aircraft.
“Loki, drop the weapon and stand down.”
Like greased lightning, Loki sends a blast of blue at the Quinjet. Natasha maneuvers it just in time, giving Cap the time to throw his shield at Loki. They both began to duke it out. Loki flings Cap to the ground, and then Cap throws his shield, but Loki swats it away. As Cap is knocked down by Loki, the scepter is pointed to Cap's helmet.
“Kneel.” Loki ordered.
“Not today!” Cap flips and knocks him out with his leg. Loki grabs him and flips him over]
“This guy's all over the place.” Natasha mumbled.
Suddenly AC/DC's "Shoot to Thrill" overdrives to the Quinjets speakers.
“Agent Romanoff, did you miss me?” Tony Stark wondered. Both Cap and Loki look up at the sky. Tony flies over in his Iron Man suit and blasts Loki right back to the ground. Iron Man touches down. He stands up and pulls out every piece of weaponry the suit has. “Make your move, Reindeer Games.”
Loki puts up his hands and surrenders. His armour materializes away
“Good move.” Tony said in a level tone.
“Mr. Stark.”
Part 4
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dukereviewsmovies · 4 years
Duke Reviews: Avengers Endgame
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But As For The Quantum Realm, Banner Says That Quantum Physics Is Outside Of His Area Of Expertise But He Agrees To Help Them Try..
Meanwhile At His Lakeside Home, Tony Does Dishes Only To Discover A Photo Of Peter Parker Which Makes Him Change His Mind And Look Into Time Travel And It Turns Out It Is Possible...
Returning To The Avengers Facility The Next Day, Tony Tells Steve That He's Agreeing On The Condition That In Trying To Reverse What Thanos Did It Won't Reset What Has Happened Since Then As He Doesn't Want To Lose His Daughter With Cap Agreeing The 2 Men Set Their Differences Aside And Get To Work...
Banner And Rocket Fly To New Asgard In Norway Which Is Home To The Asgardians That Are Left Including Valkyrie And Korg And Miek Who Survived...
But As For Thor (Who Has Put On A Considerable Amount Of Weight, Become An Alcoholic And Spending Most Of His Time Playing Fortnite)...
I Always Saw Thor As An Overwatch Guy But If That's His Game, Hey I'm For It!...
He Gets Upset At The Mention Of Thanos' Name To The Point That He Wont Go With Banner But When Rocket Mentions Beer, He's In...
Meanwhile In Tokyo...
Barton Who Now Goes By Ronin, Attacks A Group Of Yakuza Only To Be Confronted By Widow Who Wants To Bring Him In, But Wanting Nothing To Do With The Plan At First Barton Eventually Changes His Mind And Goes With Her...
Back At The Avengers Facility, Banner And Stark Complete Construction Of Their Own Quantum Tunnel And Advanced Tech Suits As The Team Prepares For Test Runs With Barton As The Test Subject...
And It Works, Barton Is Sent Back To A Time On His Farm Before The Snap Which Leads Them Into The Next Phase: Determining The Location Of Each Infinity Stone In The Past Which Proves To Be A Problem As They Only Have A Small Supply Of Pym Particles To Do So...
Deciding To Go After The Time, Mind And Space Stones During The Battle Of New York, The Reality Stone On Asgard With Jane Foster, The Power Stone On Morag With Star Lord And The Soul Stone On Vormir...
Their Destinations And Teams Are Set With Tony, Cap, Banner And Scott Going To The Battle Of New York, Nebula And Rhodey Going To Morag, Barton And Widow Going To Vormir And Thor And Rocket Going To Asgard...
Starting With Team 1 With Stark, Cap, Banner And Scott, Banner Visits The Sanctum Sanctorum Where He Meets The Ancient One Who Doesn't Want To Give Him The Stone At First But After Hearing That Strange Gave Thanos The Stone, She Gives It To Banner Realizing That It Must Have Been For A Reason...
Infiltrating Stark Tower In The Aftermath Of The Battle Of New York, Lang Plants Himself Onto The 2012 Tony Stark As Him And The Other 2012 Avengers Head Downstairs Only To Be Confronted By Alexander Pierce Who Wants The Tesseract And Loki...
But Scott Causes A Distraction By Sending 2012 Tony Into Cardiac Arrest Which Leads Our Tony Stark To Get The Tesseract But When 2012 Hulk Bursts In, Past Loki Manages To Get The Tesseract Which He Uses To Escape To His Disney + Series...
But As All That Happens, Cap Manages To Get The Loki's Scepter From Brock Rumlow And Jasper Sitwell Only To Be Confronted By 2012 Cap Who Believes He's Loki...
(Start At 0:16, End At 1:48)
Regrouping With Cap, Tony And Lang Tell Him That They Screwed Up But Tony Realizes That He Knows A Place Where He Can Not Only Get The Tesseract But Pym Particles Too, So Giving Scott The Scepter, Tony And Cap Travel To Camp Lehigh In 1970...
Arriving In 1970, We Get Our Last...Stan Lee Cameo..
Stan Lee Cameo!
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A Moment Of Silence For A Great Man...
Splitting Up, Tony Gets The Tesseract In The Place Where Cap And Widow Found Arnim Zola In Winter Solider But While Down There He Runs Into His Father, Howard Who Is Looking For Arnim While Also Talking About The Birth Of His Son Which Is Expected Next Month...
While Talking With Howard, Tony Sees His Father In A Whole New Light And Now Understands What He Went Through Being A Father Himself Now But As Tony Makes Up With His Father, Cap Distracts A Young Hank Pym So He Can Get The Pym Particles Necessary To Return...
So With Everything In Hand Tony And Cap Leave 1970, Which Takes Us To Asgard With Thor And Rocket But As Rocket Gets The Reality Stone, Thor Runs Into His Mom, Frigga, Who Realizes That He's From The Future...
Attempting To Tell Her About Her Soon To Be Coming Death At The Hands Of Malekith, Frigga Doesn't Want To Listen Insisting That Thor Fix His Future Rather Than Hers, So With Rocket Having The Reality Stone In Hand, Thor Reclaims Mijolnir Before Saying Goodbye To His Mom And Leaving...
Now On Morag, Romanoff And Clint Use The Benatar To Fly To Vormir To Get The Soul Stone While Nebula And Rhodey Knock Out Star Lord In A Scene That Ruins One Of The Best Scenes In The Original Guardians Movie...
Thanks Alot Russo Brothers...
And They Get The Power Stone And Rhodey Returns To The Present However, Nebula Becomes Incapacitated When Her Cybernetic Implants Link With Her 2014 Self, Allowing The Thanos Of That Time To Learn About His Future Successes And The Avengers Attempt To Thwart It...
Determined To Rebuild The Universe So No One Will Remember What He Has Done, Thanos Replaces Present Day Nebula With 2014 Nebula As Barton And Widow Arrive On Vormir And Learn The Price That Must Be Paid Which Leads Them To Fight Over Who Will Make The Sacrifice...
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Eventually It's Widow That Sacrifices Her Life For The Soul Stone...
Well, I Guess That Black Widow Movie's Not Happening...
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With Everyone Reuniting In The Present They Are All Saddened At The Loss Of Black Widow But They Realize That They Must Not Let Her Sacrifice Be In Vain And Continue Their Plan...
Creating A Nano Gauntlet To Harness The Stones They All Have A Debate Over Who Will Unsnap Everything But Eventually It's Banner That Does It Because Of His Physical Form And His Relationship With Gamma Radiation...
But Despite Unsnapping Everything, 2014 Nebula Activities The Quantum Tunnel And Brings 2014 Thanos' Ship Into The Future Where It Blows Everything To Kingdom Come...
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Yeah, They May As Well Have Done That...
Convincing 2014 Gamora To Help Her, Present Nebula And Her Kill 2014 Nebula After She Refuses To Help Them...
Ok, I Know They Made Their Own Time Travel Rules Here But Seriously, With 2014 Nebula Dead, Future Nebula Should Be Dead As Well...
With The Avengers Separated, With Thor, Tony And Cap Being Up Top So They Decide To Attack Thanos On Their Own But Thanos Outmatches Them And Summons His Army From His Warship, But Luckily They Have An Army Too...
Shortly After That, Captain Marvel Arrives On The Scene And Destroys Thanos' Warship, But Thanos Overpowers Her And Gets The Gauntlet...
And So, With Thanos Defeated, Tony Is Weakened By The Raw Power Of The Stones Before Succumbing To His Injuries After Being Comforted By Pepper...
After Tony's Funeral, Thor Appoints Valkyrie As The New Ruler Of New Asgard As He Joins The Guardians Of The Galaxy...
Only To Not Appear In Guardians Vol.3 But His Only Movie Which Chris Hemsworth Is Only Doing To Wrap Up The Character...
And Cap Returns The Infinity Stones And Mijolnir Back To Their Original Timelines Only To Decide To Stay In The Past With Peggy Carter While Back In The Present An Old Cap Passes On His Shield To Sam Wilson To Tie Into That Disney + Series As Our Film Ends...
While There's No Mid Credits Or End Credits Scene, That Was Avengers Endgame And What Can I Say About It?..
Despite Everyone Being Divided On It, I Absolutely Enjoyed It, The Story Was Interesting, The Characters Were Well Written, I Thought Thanos Was Equally Good Here As He Was In Infinity War. However, Some Of The Time Travel Logistics Kinda Had Me Questioning Things Still Though I Say See It...
Next Week We Finish Our Look At The Marvel Cinematic Universe By Looking At Spider-Man Far From Home, Till Then, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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valeriethepussycats · 4 years
Chapter 2
Pairing- Loki x Reader x Steve (one side)
Warning- cursing 
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics.
Flashback in Bold.
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At night, a slum in India it attacked by a sickness. A little girl runs into the middle of a makeshift hospital in someone's home, pushing through the crowd frantically. She runs up the steps inside to greet the only doctor, Bruce Banner.
“What are you doing here?! Get out! You shouldn't be here.”  The Women scolded.
“I have to see the doctor. It's my father.” The little Girl explained.
“Calm down. What's wrong?” Bruce Asked.
“My father...” she looks to the other sick people, laying down and moaning in pain.
“Is he like them?” Bruce wondered.
The little girl holds out money, crumpled and looking desperate. “Please.”
Banner and the little girl run quickly to the edge of town. She leads him quickly through narrow passageways, and is proving too fast to keep up with. Banner spots a nice car, and looks around, worried. He runs into the girls house, when she leaves through a window, untraceable.
“Should have gotten paid up front, Banner.” Bruce scoffed.
Natasha entering the room behind him, making Banner turn around. “You know, for a man who's supposed to be avoiding stress, you picked a hell of a place to settle.”
“Avoiding stress isn't the secret.” Bruce started.
“Then, what is it? Yoga?” Natasha said sounding unduly curious.
“You brought me to the edge of the city, smart. I uh... assume the whole place is surrounded?” Bruce wondered.
“Just you and me.” Natasha say trying to convince Bruce.
“And your actress buddy, is she a spy too? Do they start that young?” Bruce  wondered.
“I did.”
“Who are you?”
“Natasha Romanoff.”
“Are you here to kill me, Miss Romanoff? Because that's not gonna work out for everyone.” Bruce explained.
“No. No. Of course not. I'm here on behalf of Shield.” Natasha replied
“Shield. How did they find me?” Bruce questioned.
“We never lost you, doctor. We've kept our distance, even helped keep some other interested parties off your scent.”
“Nick Fury seems to trust you. But now I need you to come in.”
“What if I said no?” Bruce stated.
“I'll persuade you.” Natasha said in a voice soft.
“And what if the... other guy says no?” Bruce said uncertainly
“You’ve been more than a year without an incident. I don't think you wanna break that streak.” Natasha replied.
Bruce gently pushing a cradle. “I don't always get what I want.”
“Doctor, we're facing a potential global catastrophe.” Natasha commented.
“Well, those I actively try to avoid.” Bruce mumbled.
“This is the Tesseract. It has the potential energy to wipe out the planet.” She shows him a photo of the Tesseract on her cell phone. Banner takes a closer look.
“What does Fury want me to do? Swallow it? Bruce said in a sarcastic voice.
“Well, he wants you to find it. It's been taken. It emits a gamma signature that's too weak for us to trace. There's no one that knows gamma radiation like you do. If there was, that's where I'd be.” Natasha explained.
“So Fury isn't after the monster? Bruce hesitated.
“Not that he's told me.” Natasha replied.
“And he tells you everything?” Bruce queried
“Talk to Fury, he needs you on this.”
“He needs me in a cage?”
“No one's gonna put you in a...”
“STOP LYING TO ME!” Banner slams his fists onto the table.
Natasha grabs a gun hidden under the table, pointing it at him. Banner stays still, grinning.
“I'm sorry, that was mean. I just wanted to see what you'd do. Why don't we do this the easy way, where you don't use that, and the other guy doesn't make a mess? Okay? Natasha...”
Natasha, still wary, doesn't lower her gun. She lowers her gun and speaks into her earpiece.
“Stand down. We're good here.”
Dozens of soldiers armed to the teeth have surrounded the small house, but at her signal they back off a bit.
Bruce smiles back at Natasha. “Just you and me?”
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This isn’t real that’s all Y/n could think about as she walked home. The rain hammered against the roof of a nerdy houses, thunder rumbled as The dark sky was lit up by lightning flashing across.All she wanted to do was believe that Magneto was lying but she knew he was telling the truth. She knew it her mother is alive, has been this entire time.
Get it under control calm down. Come on remember what Gambit said “don’t let it control you you control it.”
Y/n was slowly starting to lose control. She was starting to hear what everyone around her was thinking and then Y/n starts to hear a ringing noise. Can deal with a sound Y/n place her hands around her head in a way to stop the voices.
“Excuse me, Miss are you alright?” Someone asked Y/n as he gently grab her on the shoulders.
Y/n looks up to the person in front of her and see red eyes. “Remy?”
“Is that someone I can call for you?” The man that looks like Remy asked.
Y/n finally comes to she realizes that the man in front of her is not with me not even trying to hide her disappointment she nods no, then walks away then her phone begins to ringing and vibrate in her pocket. She fishes her phone out of her pocket and then pushes answer.
“Where are you because I know you’re not in Sydney, Australia.” Said Coulson.
“Walking home.” Y/n answered  honestly. “Why?”
“There’s someone I need you to pick up tomorrow. Is that some thing you can do?” Coulson voiced.
“I’ll be bright eyed and bushy tail.” Y/n said Tightly.
“I’ll send you all the information.”  Coulson replied. “Is something wrong?”
“You’re supposed to ask questions because I’m an agent and you’re my superior officer.” Y/n said in a dry tone.
“I’m asking this question as a person who’ve known you since you were ten.” Coulson replied.
“No it’s not.” Y/n answered. “But um..I’m gonna go home and watch some Y/t until I fall asleep.”
“Ok i’ll see you tomorrow.”
Y/n hangs up the phone.
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Inside a Shield analytical room, filled with monitors of partially silhouetted people. Fury stands in the middle, frowning. They make up the World Security Council.
“This is out of line, Director. You're dealing with forces you can't control.” Council Member 1 commented.
“You ever been in a war, Councilman? In a firefight? Did you feel an overabundance of control?”  Nick said in a level tone.
“You saying that this Asgard has declared war on our planet?” Council Member 1  wondered.
“Not Asgard, Loki.” Nick corrected
“He can't be working alone. What about the other one? His brother.” Council Member 2 Chimed in.
“Our intelligence says, Thor is not a hostile. But he's worlds away, we can't depend on him to help. It's up to us.” Nick answered.
“Which is why you should be focusing on phase 2, it was designed for exactly...” Council Member 1 trailed off.
“PHASE 2 isn't ready, our enemy is. We need a response team.” Nick stressed.
“The Avengers Initiative was shut down.” Council Member 1 told Nick Fury.
“This isn't about The Avengers.” Nick Remarked.
“We're running the world's greatest covert security network and you're gonna leave the fate of human race to a handful of freaks.”
“I'm not leaving anything to anyone. We need a response team. These people maybe isolated, unbalanced even, but I believe with the right push they can be exactly what we need.”
“You believe?” Council Member 2 Chimed in.
“War isn't won by sentiment, Director.” Council Member 1 noted.
“No, it's won by soldiers.”  Nick replied.
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A brooklyn gym at night. Occupied by one man, beating a punching bag in the gym lights, alone in the floor, lost in the fight. The gym is old, as old as the man inside, Steve Rogers. Steve punched the bag, easily a hundred pounds, across the room with one swing snapping the metal chain and pummeling it back a dozen feet, sand spilling out from where he cracked the fabric. He stands up, breathing hard, and grabs another bag, resuming a more normal routine. Fury walks in.
“Trouble sleeping?” Nick Announced.
“I slept for seventy years, sir. I think I've had my fill.” Steve answered.
“Then you should be out, celebrating, seeing the world.” Nick replied.
Steve stops punching and walks over to the bench, unraveling the tape off his hands. He sits down.
“I went under, the world was at war, I wake up, they say we won. They didn't say what we lost.” Steve explained.
“We've made some mistakes along the way. Some very recently.” Nick commented.
“You here with a mission, sir?” Steve wondered.
“I am.”
“Trying to get me back in the world?” Steve supposed
“Trying to save it.”  Fury hands Steve a file on the Tesseract, along with other files on Hydra’s  projects.
“Hydra's secret weapon.” Steve disclosed.
“Howard Stark fished that out of the ocean when he was looking for you. He thought what we think, the Tesseract could be the key to unlimited sustainable energy. That's something the world sorely needs.” Nick explained.
“Who took it from you?” Steve wondered.
“He's called Loki. He's not from around here. There's a lot we'll have to bring you up to speed on if you're in. The world has gotten even stranger than you already know.” Nick shared.
“At this point, I doubt anything would surprise me.”  Steve put forth.
“Ten bucks says you're wrong. There's a debriefing package waiting for you back at your apartment.” Nick started.
Steve turns and picks up a punching bag. Fury starts walking out of the gym.
“Is there anything you can tell us about the Tesseract that we ought to know now?” Nick finished
Steve without missing a beat. “You should have left it in the ocean.”
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Out in the Atlantic Ocean, Tony Stark, in his Iron Man suit, is cutting a pipeline transport with a laser cutter coming from his hand. He then places a Stark Energy Reactor. It lights up. Iron Man rockets out of the water and flies towards Stark Tower.
“You're good on this end. The rest is up to you.”
Pepper Potts on the other line. “You disconnected the transition lines? Are we off the grid?”
“Stark Tower is about to become a beacon of self-sustaining clean energy.” Tony grinned.
“Wow. So maybe our reactor takes over, and it actually works?” Pepper supposed.
Inside the Suit, Pepper appears on his hud Monitor.
“I assume. Light her up.” Iron Man flies to the Stark Tower Building, the power is switched on the Stark sign lights up.
“How does it look?” Pepper asked.
“Like Christmas, but with more... me.” Tony answered.
“Gotta go wider on the public awareness campaign. You need to do some press. I'm in DC tomorrow. I'm working on the zoning for the next three buildings.” Pepper revealed.
“Pepper, you're killing me. Remember the moment? Enjoy the moment.” Tony proclaimed.
“Then get in here and I will.” Pepper requested.
Tony arrives at his skyscraper penthouse and is in the process of taking off his Iron Man suit through a hi-tech gauntlet of gadgets.
“Sir, Agent Coulson of Shield is on the line.” Jarvis informed Tony.
“I'm not in. I'm actually out.” Tony remarked.
“Sir, I'm afraid he's insisting.” Jarvis stressed.
“Grow a spine, Jarvis. I got a date.”  Tony teased.
Pepper Potts stares up at the monitors of the reactor device. “Levels are holding steady... I think.”
“Of course they are, I was directly involved. Which brings me to my next question: how does it feel to be a genius?”  Tony asked.
“Well, ha, I really wouldn't know now, would I?” Pepper replied.
“What do you mean? All this came from you.”
“No. All this came from that.” Pepper Said Pointing to the energy in his chest plate.
“Give yourself some credit, please. Stark Tower is your baby. Give yourself... twelve percent of the credit.” Tony disclosed.
“Twelve percent?” Pepper voiced.
“An argument can be made for fifteen.” Tony pointed out.
“Twelve percent? Of my baby?”
“Well, I did do all the heavy lifting. Literally, I lifted the heavy things. And sorry, but the security snafu? That was on you.”
“My private elevator...”
“You mean our elevator?”
“Was steaming with sweaty workmen. I'm going to pay for that comment about percentages in some subtle way later, aren't I?” Tony wondered.
Pepper pours herself and Tony a glass of
champagne. “Not gonna be that subtle.”
“I'll tell you what. Next building's gonna say 'Potts' on the tower.” Tony disclosed.
“On the lease.” Pepper murmured.
“Call your mom, can you bunk over?” Tony asked.
“Sir, the telephone. I'm afraid my protocols are being overwritten.” Jarvis stuttered.
“Stark, we need to talk.” Coulson Announced.
Tony picks up his phone and looks into it at Coulson. “You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark, please leave a message.”
“This is urgent.”
“Then leave it urgently.” At that moment the elevator door opens and Coulson appears. “Security breach.” Tony turns and looks a Pepper “That's on you.”
“Mr. Stark” Coulson started.
“Phil! Come in.”  Pepper beamed.
“Phil? Uh, his first name is Agent.” Tony remarked
“Come on in, we're celebrating.” Pepper
“I can't stay.” Coulson told Pepper.
“Which is why he can't stay.” Tony agreed with Coulson.
“We need you to look this over.”  Coulson said as he holds out a file towards Tony. “Soon as possible.”
“I don't like being handed things.” Tony voiced.
“That's alright, 'cause I love to be handed things. So, let's trade.” Pepper said as She pases her glass of champagne to Coulson, takes the file from him, then takes Tony's glass of champagne while passing the file over to Tony. “Thank you.”
“Official consulting hours are between eight and five every other Thursday.” Tony disclosed.
“This isn't a consultation.” Coulson replied.
“Is this about The Avengers? Which I...I know nothing about.” Pepper lied.
“The Avengers Initiative was scrapped, I thought. And I didn't even qualify.”  Tony pointed out.
“I didn't know that either.” Pepper lied. Again.
“Yeah, apparently I'm volatile, self-obsessed, don't play well with others.” Tony explained
“That I did know.” Pepper commented.
“This isn't about personality profiles anymore.” Coulson stated.
“Whatever. Miss Potts, got a minute?” Pepper walks over to Tony who places the files into his own databases. “You know, I thought we were having a moment.”
“I was having twelve percent of a moment. This seems serious, Phil's pretty shaken.” Pepper replied.
“How did you notice? Why is he Phil?” Tony questioned.
“What is all of this?” Pepper asked ignoring Tony’s previous question.
“This is, uh....” Tony expands his arms and different profiles appear in holographic form floating in the air in front of Tony and Pepper.
Screens appear of Captain America in action, the Hulk roaring as he attacks the army at Culver University, and Thor and Y/n fighting the Destroyer in New Mexico. Another is of Loki and the Tesseract to which Tony and Pepper look at in awe.
“I'm going to take the jet to DC tonight.” Pepper Announced
“You've got homework. You've got a lot of homework.”
“Well, what if I didn't?”
“If you didn't?”
“You mean if you finished?” Pepper asked and Tony nods his head. “Well, um...then.” Pepper whispers something into Tony’s ear making him gasps. While Coulson looks away in embarrassment.
“Square deal. It's the last date.” Tony answered.
Pepper kisses him.”Work hard.”
As Pepper leaves with Agent Coulson, Tony grabs the Tesseract in holograph form, worried.
part 3
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