#Lonel: Her Howl
tryingtimi · 9 months
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The short story for the 60 days short story challenge hosted by @the-wip-project, because I promised (to you and myself) that I'll finish this project. It's set in Lonel's universe, but around the medieval times. The idea is something I've came up last year when I brainstormed something for the current prompt of Elegant Literature's contest. Ended up not making it, however, I shelved the story because I liked the seed. There's not much to it yet, even though I've already started writing it back then.
My wiriting schedule for this, and all in all is about an hour writing every day so far. Feels realistic, because I have at least that much free time a day. Still, we'll see how it changes overtime.
Three things I would like to include in the story: First and foremost would be the theme of losing control and the horror of realising it. That was the main reason why I started werewolf stories anyway. Then, to include the little details of the town's culture, especially their superstitions. And lastly, many-many descriptions of the night hehe. I just love creating eerie atmosphere. (you'll be the judge if i can at all tho lol)
Very excited to work on it more, and can't wait to see what other's come up with for this event. Good luck for everyone!
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tryingtimi · 8 months
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Aight, I'll catch up with the short story updates of #60daysshortstory by @the-wip-project, because the extra working hours are finally over and I've got a fairly proper rest. Here we go.
Rejiggle your plan. Which changes does your writing plan need for the next week?
Left off here I think. I needed to put my writing hours at the end of the day, because life didn't let me have those morning sessions as I have ten minutes before I hop on a bus to work when I have morning shifts. They are not as productive, because my mind is a mush at the end of the days. But, they are something.
Why do you want to write your story?
The theme is very close to my heart, and I promised myself last year that I'm not going to abandon the idea.
Does your plan work? What will you have to change to make it fit for your life?
It does not work in the moment lol. I've burnt out pretty nastily because of the extra hours at work. I had brainrot a lot and ideas and bumps to write, but I couldn't put words on the page. However, it's not the schedule's fault, and in regular circumstances I think it would be ideal. (the rest is under the cut, because it became long)
Have a little thinking about your Why. Why do you want to write this story? What do you want to achieve?
I want the story to convey the terror of losing control over yourself. Not even the revelation itself, but the process of slowly realising it. The uncertainty of knowing if you've stepped over the line or not. It is a theme that is close to me, because it's one of my deepest fears too.
And as additional questions: What's the name of your main character(s)? Why did you pick it?
Her name is Amity. It'll sound weird but I picked it because it has an old, werewolf sounding hehe. And now that I looked after it, the meaning – which is friendly relations if my source can be trusted – gives a nice contrast to the theme. Plus a little hint for Amity's personality, when she can control herself.
If you get writer's block, what do you do to get out of it? Do you have trick, as special technique to help you out of a slump?
Very great timing! I don't really have one other than trying to work on other things. My first attempt goes to writing other stuff, but if that doesn't work because my work is completely empty, then I paint. Usually after a painting session I'm bursting with energy to write. (mostly because I realise my skill is lacking more than I anticipated and I get frustrated OR I end up with a painting I like but that's more rare)
What emotions do you want to induce? What do you want your readers to feel as they read your story?
Anxiety and terror, but at the same time familiarity and understanding. The fear of losing control is kind of universal I think, but it still can be personal. Even losing control can mean many things, and can show up in many forms.
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tryingtimi · 8 months
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To be painfully honest, I spent the first week of #60daysshortstory by @the-wip-project very distracted, hehe. To decidedly work on something, I need a week to get everything other than that drained. Meaning: I had creative juice for any entirely different story I shoved into the backburner, and worked on that most of the time. However, still managed 79 words for the second draft of this story.
What times could you write best? Could you make these times part of a routine?
I happen to be someone who can have utter and total focus on writing in the early morning. Right after waking up. Not even after breakfast. And that showed this week as well. Sadly, I can't make this a routine as I have weekly changing shifts, but whenever I have a chance (afternoon shift), I live with it.
What genre is your story? 
Horror, no question in that. In atmosphere, I would like to achieve a The Witch vibe.
What theme or message could your story develop?
The terror of losing control, and the dread of not trusting your own mind. Well, realising you can't trust it. Something I always wanted to play with, and can't really leave out from any story completely. So, honestly, it was time to do something that revolves around it.
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