#Long Term Care Insurance St. Augustine
healthinsurancediva · 1 month
"Best Dental Insurance for Seniors in St. Augustine: What to Look For"
As we age, dental care becomes increasingly important, but it can also become more expensive. Finding the right dental insurance plan for seniors in St. Augustine is crucial for maintaining oral health without breaking the bank.
Seniors’ Dental Needs:
Seniors often face unique dental challenges, including the need for dentures, crowns, implants, and treatment for gum disease. Therefore, a good dental insurance plan for seniors should cover a broad range of services.
Top Plans for Seniors:
AARP Dental Insurance: Tailored specifically for seniors, with comprehensive coverage options. Delta Dental: Offers plans with extensive coverage for preventive and restorative care. Humana Dental: Known for its affordable plans and coverage for major dental procedures.
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Coverage to Look For: Seniors should look for plans that offer coverage for major procedures, including dentures, crowns, and periodontal treatments. It’s also important to consider plans that cover preventive care, which can help avoid more expensive treatments later on.
Conclusion: Choosing the right dental insurance plan is key to ensuring affordable and comprehensive dental care in your golden years. Health Insurance Diva in St. Augustine can help seniors find the best plan to suit their needs.
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phawareglobal · 4 years
Roz Jones - phaware® interview 358
Rosalind Marshall-Jones is an innovative speaker with more than 15 years of experience in the caregiving industry. She is a seasoned health care provider, who runs Jacksonville’s Best Caregivers, an organization that provides short and long-term health care. In this episode, Roz discusses the impact #covid19 has had on home healthcare from anxiety, depression to feelings of isolation. Learn more: thecaregivercafe.net
Hi, I am Roz Jones, I'm the CEO and owner of Jacksonville's Best Caregivers, and we are located in the Sunshine State of Jacksonville, Florida. My company, we are a nonmedical home healthcare business, and we provide four levels of service to your loved one: sitter, homemaker, companion, home health aid, and certified nursing assistant. Our mantra is, "If you can't do it all, you give us a call." Today I just want to talk to you all a little bit about caregiving during #COVID19, what has changed, is anything still the same? As many of us know, it's not the nursing homes that many of our loved ones may be in or may eventually be in, were not built for isolation. So with them being isolated in the nursing home, it's caused many problems. It's caused depression. It's caused anxiety, as well as death. Some people have died from loneliness. So how do we reverse this? How do we make sure that this does not continue on? We have to make sure that either you have to make sure you stay in contact either by phone, or by writing letters, or sending cookies. I'm going to give you a good example, the client that I'm taking care of today, her great nieces and nephews and friends during #COVID19, the children drew pictures, someone baked cookies for her, someone sent her a really nice bottle of scotch. Yes. So they have sent her all kinds of wonderful things to keep her going, and they have called, and that is so important. The isolation, even though it stops the physical contact, you still can contact through letter writing and these other things. So that's part of the way #COVID19 has impacted the nursing homes. Now, so far as doctor's visits, that's another impact, because many of the people living in facilities have doctors come in. Well, now they're doing the telemedicine to where they're doing it over the phone. So the lady that I'm taking care of, we have had to talk to the doctors by phone, and we have actually had to do the actual assessment of her body for the doctor, or for the nurse, or whoever, because either they're not able to get in because they didn't take the #COVID19 test, or they won't come in because of the high risk to the population here in the different facilities. So that's another way #COVID19 has impacted. Also too, #COVID19 has impacted when it comes to advanced directives. Many people did not, during #COVID19, they didn't have their advanced directive. So when it was time to make decisions to move people, they didn't have that information already taken care of, so they didn't know how [the patient] wanted to be treated, do I want a DNR? Do I want to be incubated? These were decisions that were not discussed nor prepared for prior to #COVID19. So now, since #COVID19, you have to sit down and have this conversation. I know people don't want to talk about death and all of this, but it's a conversation that has to be had. There's no way to get around it, none of us can get around it. So make it easy for your family. Have everything in order, your advanced directive, your will, your trust, so that this stuff does not go to probate. Let's not make the courts rich. Let's leave a legacy for your family by getting your life insurance, make sure it's up to date, make sure all of this stuff is taken care of because now #COVID19 is pushing us… is forcing us, to have this conversation that we didn't want to have before. One of my clients, she was supposed to have hip surgery, and for many of any type of major surgeries or minor surgeries, they pushed it back. The reason why they pushed it back was because the hospitals needed either the ventilators or the PPE to take care of people with #COVID19. So that was a priority. So if your surgery was not life-threatening, you had to postpone it. But now since you postpone it, you have to do different things for pre-op, during the surgery, and post-op that you didn't have to do before #COVID19. Also too, during the #COVID19 crisis, we asked people and I beg, "Please, ma'am, please, sir, go and get tested." Not only for your peace of mind, but then to keep the people that you are around, your loved ones, to keep them safe. Not only get the #COVID19 test, but get the antibody test to see if you have had come in contact with someone in the past, or if you currently have it, because the antibodies will tell you instantly whether or not you have been in contact. So those are just some of the ways that #COVID19 has impacted caregiving. And another way it's impacted too, is that going to the grocery store is different. We have to go during non-high peak hours to the grocery store, or they can't go at all and I have to go out and do the shopping, or we have to use Instacart or some of these other shopping companies to bring the food in. Then in some of the facilities, they have cut out dining completely, and they deliver the food to the resident because of #COVID19. Now some of the facilities here in Florida, and I'm not sure about everywhere else, but here in Florida, they are just getting to stage one to where they are allowing them to come back out and have some type of interaction with one another. But for months, for six months, many of us have had to take care of the person inside of the facility, or, I'm blessed with my client, she has a car. So we go out and do what we call field trips or excursions. We ride around the city or we may take a trip. Many of you may be familiar with St. Augustine, so we ride through St. Augustine. We may go somewhere else, but getting out once a week, those are the things that you have to remember when you have a loved one in a facility, and not even at a facility, at your house because of the isolation, get them out of the house. That is so important. Then also too, another thing that we've had to do is Amazon has been huge here in a lot of the facilities. They deliver here at least four or five times a day because they work with Whole Foods, so they bring the food, they deliver undergarments, they deliver the bed pads, medicine, pill boxes, all these types of things that we took for granted that we used to go to the store for, now we've had to alter our shopping because we cannot go out like we used to in the public. Even me as a caregiver, I have had to alter a lot of my life. I, too, only go to the stores here in Jacksonville. They allow essential personnel to come in on Thursday mornings and Friday mornings before anybody else to do shopping, which is nice. So that means that we don't come in contact with the general public that much, other than the employees at the store. I used to take my uniforms to the dry cleaners. I don't do that anymore because I don't know who may or may not have #COVID19 that's cleaning the clothes, so I do everything myself. When I go home, it's a different process. I Lysol my shoes before I come in. I change my clothes in the garage, and I'll wash them separate from everybody else in the house. So #COVID19 has taken a significant impact, not only on the people receiving care, but also on essential employees. I bathe with a different soap. I don't bathe with Dove or Dial. I bought a special surgical soap that I use to make sure that I'm clean. These are the precautions that I take since #COVID19. Then on a weekly basis, I go and get a #COVID19 test. Every week, I have a standing appointment to where I go and get a #COVID19 test. The new normals are, I'm going to give you an example, at the end of our shifts, before I leave out, we have to wipe down the doors with Clorox wipes. All the high touch areas. We make sure that we have it clean, the refrigerator door, the microwave, the toilet seat handle, the guard rails that they pull up with. All of that is things that of course we would clean, but now we clean it more often to reduce the opportunity for #COVID19. So it's a new norm. Are we going to go back to the way we were? No, no, I don't think so. I really doubt it. One of the first things when #COVID19 first came out, the concern was because of my age if I go to the hospital with #COVID19, will they treat me or would they let me die? That was heart clenching for me to hear one of the clients say that. It wasn't even a client, it was just one of the residents, excuse me, walking in the hallway and having a conversation, "Will they treat me or will they let me die because of my age?" So that was the mentality for a lot of them until it started coming out that they're treating the elderly as well as the young, and everybody was being treated the same. But initially when it came out, that was scary. They were saying that we weren't going to treat the elderly and they were going to let them die. That was real scary. Even with the veterans, a lot of them, again, isolation. So we're sending them back through another trauma, it's almost like another war. My parents, my dad is a Vietnam vet. It's been very hard on them because they are so isolated as well. So we haven't even been able to visit my parents. Now, my client here, she's very lucky. We get to go and see her daughter and her granddaughter, but some people aren't that lucky where they get to actually go and see their loved one. But we still take the precautions when we go out and visit. We have the mask. We have the hand sanitizer, we do all of that, but it's important to her. She always says, "I want to see my babies. These are my babies. That's my only grandchild." So we make sure that we take her on a field trip to go see her children, because they're so isolated and they can't get out like they want, they're not coping well. A lot of them have lost weight. A lot of them don't eat. They don't have an appetite. That's when depression sets in. So some of them have had really gone to a deep depression. Now here it is six months later, they're starting to get out, and it's almost like a flower being blossoming that they're able to get out. Just like this weekend, I will make sure that we get out at least two or three times in the next couple of days to make sure that they see each other. That's part of it is to make sure that we try to get back to some, normal way of visiting and some normal way of being able to see family and friends. So those are the things that they don't have. Because when they were able to visit during #COVID19, they had to visit on the other side of a screen or look outside their window to visit with their loved ones. That was horrible. That was horrible. Or they had to do a drive by. With my client, her daughter has done drive-bys, and we've sat outside and spoken from a distance, but that's all we could do. That's all we could do. We are a country of human touch and touch is so important in thriving, and healing, and living. When you lose that touch, they lose a lot of their identity and who they are. So we try our best to make sure that if they can't do a hug and a kiss that at least they can see them, at least from a distance. But now, they're going to allow some hugging and things like that. So hopefully it's going to be a turnaround for a lot of them. This isolation has been horrible. This has been horrible. I can't wait for them to be able to get back out and mingle with their community. These facilities were built for them to be able to still thrive in a community that's similar to what they had when they're at home. And we shut that off for six months. It was like taking six months of their life away. My optimism for 2020, I think we are going to be able to start having more interaction but we have flu season coming up. That's the scary part. So still we have to take those precautions, even in flu season, just remember that. This is not over, so we have two things that's going to butt heads. We have #COVID19 and we have the flu season. Take the same precautions. And get your documentation in order. That's my biggest thing. Please, ma'am, please, sir, sit down with your family members and get your documentation in order, and don't let it go to probate. My name is Roz Jones, and I am aware that I am rare.
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miektastic-blog · 6 years
Free Diabetes Alert
But why wait and be bothered by frequent dieting when you can practice moderation without entirely giving up your favorite food? That is why it is important for us to understand this all important link to diabetes rates. Higher education is available in Trinidad and Tobago at the St. Augustine Campus of the University of the West Indies, canadian online pharmacy located on the outskirts of Port of Spain. German U-boats stalked allied supply and troop ships headed for the war in Europe, sinking many in the waters surrounding Trinidad and Tobago. All pets imported into Trinidad and Tobago except birds, are subject without exception to a six-month quarantine. Since so many cryptocurrency-related businesses are relatively new, it’s difficult to know which ones are legit. To be fully insured, the benefit must have been vested before the plan terminated, and the benefit level must have been in effect for 60 months, or benefits are proportionately reduced. We have rats in our backyard, and they have built an elaborate tunnel system in our back hill, strategically exiting under each of my bird feeders. We have taken down all bird feeders. With the persuasive power of online reviews, these have become a means for digital astroturfing. We also believe in the power of markets to allocate resources where they’ll create the most value and to drive innovation that improves peoples’ lives. The meal you consume or skip, the beverage intake or skipped, whether you exercise or not and stress you feel all affect the blood sugar level. Once you have used charcoal some you will begin to get a feel for how much is helpful to you. 1. Do warm-ups before you begin a more intense exercise so that your blood will get pumping thus getting your body ready to exercise. In terms of its financial impact on the family, long-term disability is more severe than death. And those above age 65 or on disability can choose from several prescription Part D insurance plans. CBD oil can inhibit hepatic drug metabolism and activity of some liver enzymes, such as cytochrome P450. There are non-weight bearing exercises too like bicycling, swimming and other aquatic activities; exercises on the chair can be done by most everyone. There seems to be a lot of concern about the expiration dates. 1. Mistakes made on the blood glucose can be eliminated by exercise. These documents are to be written in "plain English" so they can be easily understood. Employers are more likely to provide short-term benefits to a wider range of employees, and it is not unusual for short-term plans to cover all full-time employees. It is domestic and seems more legitimate than most. It was done in 1959 as the year of the 350th anniversary of the settlement of Bermuda by the British. 500 for every Coloradan per year. Every Coloradan deserves the healthy, dignified retirement they’ve earned through a lifetime of hard work. Nitrazepam may make levodopa not work so well. No one seemed to mind my removing the reptiles in order to enlist their help, but they can be purchased as well. What is needed is a large number of similar risks so statistics can be developed to determine an accurate probability of loss for each risk being evaluated. Oxygen administration is a treatment that can only be provided by trained medical personnel, uses relatively complex technology, and is used to treat serious injuries and illnesses. Through the 1940s, the Blues were the predominant providers of medical expense coverage. Perhaps most importantly, this plan takes the guesswork out of seeing a doctor in your network and navigating different levels of health care plans. The plan provides you with a national network of over 50,000 pharmacies. A POS plan is a hybrid arrangement that combines aspects of a traditional HMO and a PPO. Spaying or neutering a pet helps control the animal populations within a region. What if I tell you, you don’t have to lose that much weight to prevent, reverse and control the condition? As a result of reorganizations and administrative experience under ERISA, many requirements have been adjusted, resulting in a reduction of the regulatory burden. Some cities and housing communities have dog waste clean up laws. Forget calling 911 for help, cellphones and landlines will no longer function either. The claim is often that the person sending the email has been hired to kill you and will relinquish their role in exchange for a fee.
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woodworkingpastor · 3 years
Say What?! Money is the root of evil? -- 1 Timothy 6:3-10, 17-19 -- Sunday, August 29, 2021
In his Confessions, one of St. Augustine of Hippo’s reflections is of an event when he was sixteen years old: he and a group of boys stole some pears from a neighbor’s tree. I would imagine that this is the kind of misbehavior that most of us can relate to—what we might call, “not real trouble,” but still something that need swift discipline from our parents. Reflecting on this experience, Augustine notes that there was nothing desirable about these pears; they were ugly, they tasted bad, and he had access to good pears. All the boys did was steal them and throw them to the pigs. But what Augustine came to realize was that there was something depraved about their hearts that made them not desire the pears but made them desire stealing the pears. It was the desiring to sin that was attractive.
That’s probably a harder take on this event that we might take. For Augustine, it was the sign of a heart in desperate need of a Savior.
The love of money
That might seem an unexpected introduction to our last Say What?! sermon, this one on the phrase “money is the root of all evil.” This misquotation of Scripture is one that gets repeated a lot—it’s especially popular on social media; there is even a way to fold a $1 bill so that the words on the bill are rearranged to say this! For all of the sermons in this series, though, this one might be the simplest illustration of the point of the sermons. If you were listening carefully when Eli read the Scripture, you might have heard the correct reference in 1 Timothy 6:10:
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil…
As with many things, it’s the subtle differences that are significant. As we will see when we go along, money itself is not the issue. There is a God-honoring way to be in relationship with our money, and Paul will talk about that with Timothy. Before we get to that, however, let’s look at the real focus of this portion of Scripture. It’s found just two verses prior, where Paul says,
if we have food and clothing, we will be content with these (1 Timothy 6:8).
My question to us is, “Do we believe this?” Don’t give me the “church answer”—the “If the Bible says it, then I believe it!” answer that we’re supposed to give. Tell yourself the truth: do our lives validate the truth of this verse? Are we content with food and clothes—essentially the necessities for living? Or do we find ourselves desiring other things, not fully aware that our desires lead us to dangerous spiritual places?
The occasion of Paul’s letter
The Pastoral Epistles represent a development in Christian thought and writing. When we get to the letters to Timothy and Titus, enough time and space have passed since the era of Jesus and the apostles, that first-generation church leaders are beginning to write guides to second-generation church leaders, instructing them on right belief and practice. As Christianity spread beyond Jerusalem and began to incorporate non-Jewish persons into their life, church leaders not only had to teach people about God’s activity to reconcile all things in Jesus, they also had to provide a whole new ethical framework based on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
One of the areas of instruction involved attitudes towards money and possessions. There are some members of Timothy’s church who feel that the Gospel is a pathway to wealth, that “godliness is a means to gain.” The idea is that being a faithful Christian will provide material blessings recognizable by the standards of living of our times. It’s an idea that remains with us to this very day. What we are told is that this idea ultimately comes from those whose lives aren’t being shaped by the Gospel and are instead characterized by
envy, dissension, slander, base suspicions, and wrangling among those who are depraved in mind and bereft of the truth (1 Timothy 6:4-5).
Doesn’t that sound like the world we are living in? I’m particularly curious about the word “wrangling.” It turns out that this word is unknown in Greek literature other than here—apparently, it’s a word Paul made up and it means something like “constant friction” or “constant disputation.” It always interests me when a Biblical writer makes up a word to describe something; how much controversy and trouble were these teachers stirring up that the words that existed were insufficient to describe?
This is when Paul makes the pivot in his argument to describe the situation at hand. Actually, he says, godliness does bring gain, but only if it is combined with contentment for what we have, not a drive to accumulate more wealth or possessions. Godliness and the love of money are competing values. It’s an idea that’s seen throughout the Scripture. From the Old Testament, Proverbs 30:7-9 reads:
Two things I ask of you; do not deny them to me before I die: Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that I need, or I shall be full, and deny you, and say, “Who is the LORD?” or I shall be poor, and steal, and profane the name of my God.
What a prayer! This is someone who has come to terms with their heart, isn’t it? We pray the Lord’s Prayer each Sunday—perhaps we add this to our liturgy every so often!
From the New Testament, we hear Jesus say something similar to us:
But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well (Matthew 6:33).
This brings us back to the question I posed a few minutes ago: “Are we content with having enough food and clothing—having our basic needs met?” Do our lives proclaim the truth of 1 Timothy 6:8? Last Sunday we met with a few the persons who have been attending our congregation for a short while. One of the things I told them was that we really work hard at building connections among our members. Each of these persons has already been assigned a deacon, and that deacon was present for our gathering.
Should I also have told these persons, “If you follow Jesus with us, your finances will get rearranged, because we are a congregation who loves to be generous, and we invest in outreach all the time through our regular offerings and lots of special offerings. We are a congregation of deep pockets and long arms that reach all the way to the bottom. Hang out with us long enough, and you’ll be just like us!”
Should I have told them that? For those of you who are new-ish, would you have stayed away today if I had? Has our association with Jesus (our discipleship) and our connection with this congregation (our fellowship) led us to be more financially generous?
I believe it has. But the other temptation exists as well; it’s a temptation described by country music singer Chris Jenson in his song, Buy me a boat:
I know everybody says money can’t buy happiness, but it could buy me a boat; It could buy me a truck to pull it; It could buy me a Yeti 110 iced down with some silver bullets; Yeah, and I know what they say, money can't buy everything; Well, maybe so but it could buy me a boat.
Money can’t buy you happiness, but if I’m going to be unhappy, I’d rather be fishing! Or so the song suggests….
“Sermons about money make me uncomfortable!”
Why is it that sermons on money make us uncomfortable? Could it be because it’s one place—perhaps the first place—where our commitment to Jesus begins to cost us something (pun intended).
The thing is, a significant aspect of the Bible’s instruction on wealth and possessions really isn’t focused on our attitudes about money; it’s focused on our attitudes about God. Do we believe that God is who Jesus said he is, and are we willing to trust God in the places where our commitment to our faith is measured by sacrifice? Perhaps not, if our image of God is a Lincoln Memorial-type of figure, high and immovable, cold and distant. But this isn’t the picture of God that Jesus gives us; Jesus tells us that God is “Abba,” someone we can approach with confidence. Jesus tells us that God is like a woman who loses a coin and searches her house until it is found; God is like a shepherd who leaves 99 sheep to go in search of the one that is lost; God is like a father who welcomes a wayward son back home, in spite of what anyone else thinks of him.
We measure our beliefs about God and money and the temptation to desire wealth and riches in relation to very real challenges: mortgages, college tuition, economic challenges, job insecurity, health insurance, nursing care—and our own temptations to maintain a certain status of living.
When we come to believe in this God; when our lives validate that yes, we can be content with clothes and food, we will know how to properly handle money—we will be generous, ready to share, seeking the good of the kingdom. Then we will have “taken hold of the life that is really life,” instead of having handfuls of ugly, sour pears that are only worth throwing to the pigs.
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufQu388S9lc)
Assignment Solutions, Case study Answer sheets
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 Principles and Practice of Management
 Case Studies
CASE STUDY (20 Marks)
General Electric Company (GE) was a major conglomerate and one of the biggest companies in the world. One of the factors that was believed to be responsible for the company's steady growth for more than a century was its tradition of stable and long term leadership. One of the most successful phases in GE's history began when Jack Welch became its CEO in 1981. Welch attempted to make GE one of the top companies in every segment in which it operated. He also supervised several acquisitions that added value
to the business portfolio and was instrumental in creating a performance oriented culture at the company. Welch retired in 2001 after20 years at the helm. He was succeeded by Jeffrey Immelt, who was chosen by GE's board after a long and careful succession planning activity supervised by Welch himself. In September 2001, Jeffrey Immelt (Immelt) became the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the General Electric Company (GE). He succeeded Jack Welch (Welch), who was acknowledged as one of the most
successful CEOs in business history for his management of GE in the twenty years he headed the company (1981 to 2001). Welch studied chemical engineering at the University of Massachusetts, from where he graduated in 1957. He then moved to the University of Illinois, where he received his Masters and PhD in chemical engineering. Welch joined GE in 1960 as a junior engineer. After a year, Welch wanted to leave the company, unhappy with the bureaucratic culture of the company, but was convinced by his superior to stay back... This case discusses the strategic and cultural changes at GE as a result of the change in leadership. It compares GE's strategy and operations under Welch, with those under Immelt. It also talks about the changes in the company's culture under Immelt. The case concludes with a discussion on the challenges facing Immelt, as of mid2006.
 Answer the following question.
Q1. Discuss the relationship between leadership and growth in large and diversified companies.
Q2. Debate the effects of a change in leadership on company strategy and culture.
Q3. Compare the leadership styles of two leaders in the above case.
Q4. Analyze the effectiveness of their individual styles.
 CASE STUDY (20 Marks)
Casimiro Jr.’s only child, Adela, was a concert pianist who gave regular piano performances at Columbia. Later, Adela married concert violinist, Cesar Gonzmart (Cesar). In the 1950s, Casimiro Jr. brought Cesar into the business. Subsequently, Cesar and Adela became the third generation owners/operators. Adela and Cesar struggled to keep Columbia open during the 1950s and 1960s. This was a period during which Ybor City deteriorated due to a decline in the cigar industry. The poor economic prospects of the city led to a subsequent fall in population as people moved away to the suburbs and to other cities. Over the years, Columbia restaurants were opened at several other new locations in Florida. In 1983, a restaurant was opened in the historic district of St. Augustine, Florida. At Sand Key, on Clearwater Beach, Florida, another restaurant was opened in 1989. In the 1980s, Columbia also opened a few Caribbeanthemed bar and restaurants under the brand ‘Cha Cha Coconuts’. After the death of Cesar in 1992, both brothers began to manage the day to day operations at the restaurant. They then became the fourth generation owners/operators. However, it was not all smooth sailing for the business. After taking over the business, the brothers discovered that Columbia was under a large  debt, something that had been concealed by Cesar. The debt had the potential to threaten the very existence of Columbia. Gonzmart said, “Cesar would provide whatever numbers he wanted. None of the bankers believed it, but it was a different world, handshakes, etc. Instead of going in for an expansion, Columbia decided to invest in existing restaurants. In 2001, a new building was constructed to house a five thousand square feet kitchen for the Ybor City restaurant at a cost of US$ 2 million. It was built in a parking lot/delivery area on the south side of the restaurant. The new kitchen had a unique waste disposal system, water recycling capability, and quickchill technologies, which were expected to minimize labor and utility cost, as well as theft and shrinkage. Some of the valuable lessons learnt by the HernandezGonzmart family to successfully run the business were to maintain the traditional style and atmosphere, to keep the menu fluid, and to cultivate a personalized management style. Though the HernandezGonzmart family tried hard to keep up to date, they knew that a major part of the restaurant’s appeal was its age. All Columbia restaurants were designed to project an old world atmosphere through extensive usage of colorful arabesque Spanish tiles on the walls. Moreover, framed photos of previous generations were displayed prominently. The restaurant also paid very close attention to the menu layout. Columbia continued to be a completely family owned venture. Over the years, Gonzmart and Casey decided to let go of prominently displaying fancy titles for family members working in Columbia. While the brothers’ business card read ‘Fourth Generation’, their children’s visiting cards read ‘Fifth Generation’. Speaking about the new business cards, Gonzmart added, “We take pride in these titles; not many companies can make the same claim. Besides, it creates issues when you give family members titles.” In 2010, the Columbia was mentioned in a list of 50 ‘All American Icon restaurants’, compiled by leading restaurant trade magazine, ‘Nation’s Restaurant News’. According to the magazine, the restaurants on the list highlighted ‘longtime concepts that are not only intriguing, but also offer a broad representation of industry segments, foods, and locales’. As of 2012, six restaurants across Florida and two Cha Cha Coconuts outlets were owned and operated by the family. According to Gonzmart, 2012 was the best year in Columbia’s history. He added, “During the slow economy, the last five years, we’re up same store sales, I think 26 percent. No price increases.”
 Answer the following question.
Q1. Debate the succession strategy adopted by Columbia.
Q2. How the traditional style and atmosphere was maintained by the HernandezGonzmart family and why?
Q3. Debate the reasons for Columbia being under a large debt.
Q4. Discuss how the family business was sustained and revives.
 CASE STUDY (20 Marks)
Progressive Chemical Industries Ltd, is engaged in manufacturing and export of specialty chemicals, having turnover of Rs 300 crores. The Company is growing and having good export orders. The CEO is in mood to expand the business and aiming to reachturnover of Rs 1000 crores in next 5 years. The CEO is worried about the increase in input costs and workers’ demands. Union has threatened to go on strike indefinitely. Union has demanded 50% increase in salary and other benefits. But is not agreeing to link it to productivity. It has also raised issues like unsafe, hazardous working conditions, leakage of poisons gases affecting the health of workers. The consultant has advised the CEO to be strict and take strict action against the erring employees and be ready to declare lock out if situation warrants.
 Answer the following question.
Q1. What are the various laws which could be applicable in the above problems?
Q2. Do you feel management policies/practices are right? As a CEO how will you convince the union and workers?
 CASE STUDY (20 Marks)
Medical secretaries know better than anyone the hard work that goes into running an efficient private medical practice. John Morgan, Accounts Director of the Jenny Morgan Secretariat, is no exception. Starting in 2000 with only 6 clients, today the firm Mr Morgan runs with his wife Jenny manages the affairs of 16 specialists. So how did the firm get to where it is today without a huge increase in overheads? Mr Morgan believes that a major factor in the firm's success is the support provided by Health code’s web based management solutions. To boost capacity, Mr Morgan knew that he needed an integrated practice management system. "When we started out I was able to devise my own systems for invoicing, correspondence and so on" he says. "But we grew to the extent that an integrated system that managed all the administrative tasks we carry out was the only way forward." Health code's Practice manager system allows Mr Morgan to generate and print standard letters, receipts, invoices and statements; batch print documents; enter bulk payments; enter patient alerts and notes and set up and manage patient identifiers. Electronic billing comes as part of the package, saving Mr Morgan a huge amount of time and expense. "We use electronic billing for roughly 60 per cent of our invoices and the Health code system streamlines everything for us" he says. "All we have to do is enter a few details and then submit the bill directly to the insurer through the secure network. Payments are made much more quickly as a result which is good for cash flow." Mr Morgan also uses the system to invoice self paying patients, finding the system straightforward and easy to use. He uses the reporting facilities for monthendand to track invoices and payments, with the aged debtors listed by payor particularly useful when chasing insurers for money. Mr Morgan concludes: "We have built our business based on the simple principle of delivering excellent service. The innovative management solutions Health code provides us to maintain these high standards while giving us the capacity we need for future growth."
 Answer the following question.
Q1. Drive a conclusion of this case study.
Q2. How does the package help to reduce the workload in the system? Explain.
 Assignment Solutions, Case study Answer sheets
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healthinsurancediva · 1 month
The Importance of Preventive Care with Individual Health Insurance in St. Augustine
Preventive care is a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle, and with individual health insurance in St. Augustine, you can ensure that you and your family have access to the preventive services you need. Preventive care includes regular check-ups, screenings, immunizations, and wellness visits that help detect health issues early before they become serious.
Most individual health insurance plans cover a range of preventive services at no additional cost to you, making it easier to stay on top of your health. These services can include routine physical exams, cholesterol tests, blood pressure screenings, cancer screenings, and vaccines. By taking advantage of these benefits, you can maintain better health and avoid costly medical treatments down the road.
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In addition to physical health, preventive care also encompasses mental health services. Regular mental health screenings and counseling can be crucial for maintaining emotional well-being. When selecting an individual health insurance plan, make sure to review the preventive care services covered to ensure that you and your loved ones are fully protected.
St. Augustine's trusted health insurance consultant. Let our knowledgeable, caring advisors simplify benefits for individuals and businesses. We offer clear guidance on Medicare, group health insurance, dental, and more. Schedule a free consultation today.
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healthinsurancediva · 2 months
How Accidental and Critical Illness Insurance Supports Families in St. Augustine
Accidental and Critical Illness Insurance plays a vital role in supporting families in St. Augustine during times of medical emergencies. This specialized insurance offers a range of benefits that help alleviate the financial and emotional burden on families when a member is diagnosed with a critical illness or suffers a severe accident.
One of the primary ways this insurance supports families is by providing financial stability. Medical treatments for critical illnesses like cancer, heart attack, or stroke can be exorbitantly expensive. Even with comprehensive health insurance, out-of-pocket expenses such as copayments, deductibles, and non-covered treatments can strain a family's finances. Accidental and Critical Illness Insurance provides a lump-sum payout that can be used to cover these costs, ensuring that the family doesn't have to deplete savings or go into debt to afford necessary care.
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In addition to covering medical expenses, this insurance also helps replace lost income. If the affected family member is the primary breadwinner, their inability to work due to illness or injury can create a significant financial gap. The insurance payout can help cover essential living expenses such as mortgage or rent, utilities, groceries, and childcare, allowing the family to maintain their standard of living.
The emotional support this insurance provides is equally important. A severe illness or accident can be a highly stressful and emotional time for families. Knowing that there is financial support available can reduce anxiety and allow family members to focus on providing emotional support and care to the affected person. This peace of mind can be invaluable during such challenging times.
Moreover, Accidental and Critical Illness Insurance offers flexibility in how the payout is used. Families can choose to use the funds for various needs, including experimental treatments, rehabilitation, or even everyday expenses. This flexibility ensures that the insurance can adapt to the family's unique situation and needs.
In conclusion, Accidental and Critical Illness Insurance is a critical tool for families in St. Augustine. It offers financial stability, income replacement, emotional support, and flexibility, making it an essential part of a comprehensive financial plan. By providing a safety net during medical emergencies, this insurance helps families navigate difficult times with greater ease and confidence.
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healthinsurancediva · 2 months
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Health Insurance Consultant | Luann Allen 904-826-6633
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healthinsurancediva · 2 months
Affordable Individual Health Insurance Options in St. Augustine
Discover Affordable Individual Health Insurance Options in St. Augustine
Navigating the world of health insurance can be daunting, but finding affordable individual health insurance in St. Augustine doesn’t have to be. With the right guidance, you can secure a plan that offers the coverage you need at a price you can afford. Luann Allen, a trusted health insurance consultant, is here to help you explore your options and find a plan that fits your budget and healthcare needs.
Understanding the Need for Affordable Health Insurance Healthcare costs in the United States are among the highest in the world. Without insurance, even a minor health issue can lead to substantial medical bills. Affordable health insurance ensures that you have access to necessary medical services without incurring overwhelming expenses.
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Utilizing Subsidies and Financial Assistance The Health Insurance Marketplace provides subsidies to help lower the cost of health insurance premiums for those who qualify based on their income. These subsidies can make a significant difference in the affordability of your health insurance plan. Additionally, some states offer their own financial assistance programs to help residents afford health coverage.
Why Choose Us? At Health Insurance Consultant | Luann Allen, we understand that navigating the health insurance landscape can be challenging. Our knowledgeable and caring advisors are dedicated to simplifying the process and helping you find affordable individual health insurance options in St. Augustine. We offer clear guidance on a variety of insurance options, including Medicare, group health insurance, dental, and more.
Schedule a Free Consultation For more information and to schedule a free consultation, contact Health Insurance Consultant | Luann Allen at 904-826-6633. Let us help you secure affordable individual health insurance tailored to your needs and budget.
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healthinsurancediva · 2 months
Personalized Medicare Planning with Luann Allen in St. Augustine
Medicare planning should be personalized to fit your unique healthcare needs. In St. Augustine, Luann Allen offers expert guidance and tailored solutions to ensure you get the best coverage.
The Importance of Personalized Medicare Planning Every individual has different healthcare needs and financial situations. Personalized Medicare planning ensures your coverage is tailored to your specific requirements, providing optimal benefits and peace of mind.
How Luann Allen Provides Personalized Solutions With over a decade of experience, Luann Allen offers a personalized approach to Medicare planning. Her independent status allows her to provide unbiased recommendations, ensuring you get the best possible coverage.
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Key Services Offered by Luann Allen Personalized Plan Analysis: Luann assesses your healthcare needs and recommends the best plans. Latest Plan and Cost Updates: Stay informed about changes in Medicare plans and costs. Continuous Support: Luann offers ongoing support, helping you adjust your coverage as needed.
Bullet Points on Personalized Planning Tailored Recommendations: Get a plan that fits your specific healthcare needs. Expert Guidance: Benefit from Luann’s extensive knowledge and experience. Peace of Mind: Enjoy continuous support and updates for ongoing confidence.
Schedule a Consultation with Luann Allen Don’t settle for one-size-fits-all Medicare plans. Contact Luann Allen today for personalized Medicare planning and expert guidance. With her help, you can ensure your coverage is optimized for your needs, providing peace of mind and optimal benefits.
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healthinsurancediva · 3 months
Long-Term Care Insurance in St. Augustine - Health Insurance Diva
The Necessity of Long-Term Care Insurance in St. Augustine Health Insurance Diva, led by Luann Allen, offers essential long-term care insurance solutions in St. Augustine, ensuring financial security and quality care as you age.
Long-term care insurance is about preserving choice and dignity, not just planning for worst-case scenarios. Over 5 million seniors nationwide need long-term care, with annual costs ranging from $50,000 for home care to over $90,000 for nursing facilities. These expenses aren’t covered by Medicare or traditional health insurance, making long-term care insurance crucial.
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Florida's large elderly population means that over 3.5 million people will soon need daily assistance. Without adequate planning, the financial burden can be devastating. Long-term care insurance helps cover these costs, ensuring you receive the necessary care without draining your savings.
Health Insurance Diva offers competitive rates and reduces administrative burdens, making the process simple and effective. By investing in long-term care insurance, you protect your assets and provide peace of mind for yourself and your family. Consult with Luann Allen to find the best plan for your future.
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healthinsurancediva · 3 months
Common Misconceptions About Individual Health Insurance in St. Augustine
Health Insurance Is Too Expensive Many people believe that individual health insurance is unaffordable. However, there are a variety of plans available at different price points, and subsidies may be available to lower costs for those who qualify.
Only Necessary for Older Individuals Health insurance is crucial for individuals of all ages. Even young and healthy people can face unexpected medical issues that result in high medical costs. Having coverage ensures financial protection.
Coverage Is Limited Modern health insurance plans offer comprehensive coverage, including preventive care, emergency services, and prescription drugs. Understanding the specifics of each plan can dispel the myth of limited coverage.
Difficult to Understand While health insurance can be complex, there are many resources available to help individuals understand their options. Health insurance advisors in St. Augustine provide valuable assistance in navigating plans and coverage details.
Conclusion There are many misconceptions about individual health insurance, but understanding the facts can help you make informed decisions. Health insurance is a valuable investment that provides essential coverage and financial protection.
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healthinsurancediva · 3 months
Health Insurance Diva - Dental Insurance St. Augustine
Types Of Health Insurance Plans Offering Dental Insurance in St. Augustine When it comes to dental insurance in St. Augustine, there are several types of health insurance plans that offer dental coverage. Understanding the different options can help you choose the best plan for your needs and ensure that you have access to the dental care you require.
Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: Many employers in St. Augustine offer health insurance plans that include dental coverage as part of their employee benefits package. These plans often provide comprehensive coverage for preventive, basic, and major dental services. Employer-sponsored plans typically have lower premiums and better coverage than individual plans because they are group plans, benefiting from the collective bargaining power of the employer.
Individual Health Insurance Plans: For those who do not have access to employer-sponsored health insurance, individual health insurance plans are an option. These plans can be purchased through the Health Insurance Marketplace or directly from insurance providers. Some individual health insurance plans include dental coverage, while others may offer it as an optional add-on. It's essential to review the details of each plan to ensure it meets your dental care needs.
Family Health Insurance Plans: Family health insurance plans are designed to cover multiple members of a household. These plans often include dental coverage, making them a good option for families in St. Augustine. Family plans can provide comprehensive dental care for both adults and children, covering preventive services, basic treatments, and major procedures. Ensuring that all family members have access to regular dental care is crucial for maintaining overall health.
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Medicaid and CHIP: Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provide health coverage for low-income individuals and families in St. Augustine. Both programs include dental benefits for children, and in some states, Medicaid also provides dental coverage for adults. These programs are essential for ensuring that low-income families have access to necessary dental care.
Medicare Advantage Plans: While traditional Medicare does not cover most dental services, some Medicare Advantage plans offer dental benefits. These plans are provided by private insurance companies and can include coverage for preventive, basic, and major dental services. Seniors in St. Augustine can benefit from these plans by receiving comprehensive dental care as part of their overall health coverage.
In conclusion, there are various health insurance plans available in St. Augustine that offer dental coverage. By understanding the different types of plans and their benefits, you can choose the best option for you and your family, ensuring that you have access to the dental care you need to maintain good oral health.
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healthinsurancediva · 3 months
Long-Term Care Insurance: A Critical Component of Retirement Planning
As you approach retirement, it’s essential to consider all aspects of your future, including the potential need for long-term care. Long-term care insurance (LTCI) is a critical component of comprehensive retirement planning.
Why Include LTCI in Retirement Planning?
Retirement planning isn’t just about ensuring you have enough savings to cover your living expenses; it’s also about preparing for potential health care needs. With over 5 million seniors currently requiring long-term care and costs averaging $50,000 to over $90,000 annually, it’s clear that these expenses can significantly impact your retirement funds.
Protecting Your Retirement Savings
LTCI helps protect your retirement savings by covering the high costs of long-term care. Without insurance, you may have to dip into your savings or sell assets to cover these expenses, which can deplete your financial resources and jeopardize your financial security.
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Ensuring Quality Care
Having LTCI ensures that you can afford quality care without compromise. Whether you need home care, assisted living, or nursing home services, LTCI provides the financial means to choose the best care options available. This not only protects your health but also your quality of life.
Relieving the Burden on Family
Without a plan in place, the responsibility of providing care often falls on family members. This can be a significant emotional and financial burden. LTCI alleviates this burden by covering the costs of professional care, allowing your family to focus on their own lives and well-being.
Planning for the Unexpected
Life is unpredictable, and health conditions can change rapidly. LTCI provides a safety net, ensuring that you’re prepared for unexpected health changes and the need for long-term care. This foresight allows you to face the future with confidence and peace of mind.
Long-term care insurance is a vital part of retirement planning, offering financial protection, ensuring quality care, and relieving the burden on family members. By including LTCI in your retirement strategy, you can secure your financial future and enjoy peace of mind. Luann Allen offers trusted expertise that can’t be matched. She stays on the cutting edge of our state’s long-term care options, costs, and regulations so you have the latest facts. Plan wisely and ensure a secure retirement with long-term care insurance.
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healthinsurancediva · 3 months
Simplifying Accidental and Critical Illness Insurance in St. Augustine with Luann Allen
Accidents and critical illnesses can occur unexpectedly, leading to financial instability. In St. Augustine, securing proper insurance coverage is crucial. Luann Allen offers personalized guidance to help you navigate this complex landscape and ensure you are adequately protected.
The High Cost of Being Unprepared
Not having the right insurance can result in:
Loss of Income: Accidents or illnesses can lead to a significant loss of income, jeopardizing your financial stability. Medical Expenses: Uncovered medical bills can quickly deplete your savings. Time Wasted: Hours spent researching insurance options often leave you confused and without adequate coverage.
A Better Way to Prepare
The Simpler Supplemental Insurance Solution
Luann Allen’s approach to insurance offers a clearer, simpler path:
Clear Guidance: Luann demystifies the complexities of insurance, providing clear and understandable advice. Time Efficiency: Her hands-on approach saves you countless hours of research. Reliable Support: As your knowledgeable ally, Luann ensures you get the proper coverage tailored to your specific needs. Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Luann
Begin your journey to secure insurance by scheduling a consultation with Luann Allen. During this session, Luann will:
Evaluate Your Needs: Assess your current insurance status and identify any gaps. Recommend Plans: Suggest insurance plans that fit your needs and budget. Assist with Enrollment: Guide you through the enrollment process. Strategize Premiums: Help you manage your premiums effectively. Provide Year-Round Support: Offer continuous guidance throughout the year.
Secure your financial and health future with Luann’s expert assistance in St. Augustine. Don’t let uncertainty jeopardize your well-being. Let Luann simplify your accident and critical illness insurance.
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healthinsurancediva · 4 months
Individual Health Insurance in St. Augustine: Your Path to Peace of Mind
Finding the right individual health insurance can be a complex and overwhelming process. Fortunately for residents of St. Augustine, Luann Allen offers expert guidance tailored to your needs and budget, ensuring you gain the clarity, confidence, and peace of mind essential for making informed health insurance decisions.
The Health Insurance Diva Advantage
With over a decade of experience in the Florida individual health insurance market, Luann Allen, the Health Insurance Diva, brings unmatched expertise and a commitment to transparency. Her personalized approach simplifies the insurance process, making it easier for you to secure the right coverage.
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Advantages of Individual Health Insurance
Personalized Plans: Individual health insurance provides the flexibility to choose coverage that aligns perfectly with your health needs and financial situation. Flexibility in Care: Enjoy the freedom to select your preferred healthcare providers and services, ensuring the best care for you and your family. Portability: Your individual health insurance stays with you regardless of job changes, offering consistent and reliable coverage. Consequences of Lack of Coverage
Financial Vulnerability: Unexpected medical expenses without proper insurance can drain your savings and cause significant financial strain. Confusion and Inefficiency: Navigating the insurance market alone can be time-consuming and confusing, often resulting in inadequate coverage. Health Risks: Without insurance, you might delay or avoid necessary medical care, leading to worsened health conditions and higher long-term costs. Personalized Solutions for St. Augustine Residents
Luann Allen’s approach is all about customization. She carefully evaluates your specific needs and budget to provide the best possible coverage. Whether you need comprehensive plans, high-deductible options, or specific coverages like dental or vision, Luann’s expertise ensures you get the optimal plan.
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How Luann Allen Can Assist
Detailed Plan Analysis: Luann offers a thorough evaluation of available plans, clarifying their benefits and drawbacks to help you make informed choices. Simplified Selection: With her expert guidance, the process of selecting the right insurance plan becomes straightforward and stress-free. Ongoing Guidance: Luann provides continuous support, helping you navigate changes in the health insurance landscape and maintain optimal coverage.
Choosing individual health insurance in St. Augustine doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With Luann Allen’s expert guidance, you can secure the right coverage tailored to your needs and budget, ensuring peace of mind and financial stability. Schedule a free consultation today and take the first step towards comprehensive health insurance.
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