#Lore Olympus Episode 188
lore-o-hoe · 3 years
Episode 188: Review/Theories!!!
Possible spoilers ahead if you haven’t seen up to Episode 188 so be warned!
So episode 188 is one of the last three episodes before hiatus and god it really feels like it!:
- In the opening scenes we have Demeter and Hera arguing about the relationship between Hades and Persephone. This argument is kinda small potatoes compared to the rest of the chapter but…
Points are being made 🤷🏾‍♀️
On Demeters side she doesn’t have a high opinion of Hades and fears that he’ll treat his daughter more as a pretty object, rather than a person… I could argue that Demeter herself has done this a bit already with Persephone being the face of Barley Mother without wanted her out and about to be seen by others…. But this isn’t a Demeter drag post so I’ll be moving on.
Let’s take what we already know about Demeters thoughts into consideration. She already believes as of Episode (145) that Persephone is an ultra-powerful Fertility Goddess. She fears that like her mother, Rhea, and Gaia before her, that she’ll suffer an awful fate and be bound to a man who uses her for his own means.
But Hera points out that Persephone is getting older and should be able to make her own decisions and live her own life. Part of Persephone’s moving to Olympus and away from her mother in the first place, was to put distance between them and try to forge her own path through life. I feel like Hera is covertly trying to tell Demeter that further hampering her choices and smothering her won’t help anyone least of all Persephone.
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- And of course we have our hint back at the overarching villain once again, while it’s been a while since we’ve seen Kronos, we know the effect he’s been having on at least two of the 6 traitorios dysnasty with Hera’s horrific nightmare, at first I thought that it was maybe stress from the trial and everything that’s been going on but…
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With Demeter and Hera’s horrified expressions that may not be so, as we’ve seen with Hera and hers bleeding after her nightmare about Kronos, does this mean that his return is coming up soon? I have a feeling that how the trial pans out may be the key into how Kronos comes back, but that’s a theory post for a different day…
- Demeter is on the stand and begins to ask for leniency on Persephone’s part, and god the more time goes on the less I dislike Demeter. I still don’t agree with most of her actions/decisions concerning her daughter, but still.
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- Also she hits the nail on the head here, Zeus clearly plays favorites among the gods and its no secret, also not to use an overused term but the gaslighting in this panel really got me: When have I ever been unfair to you?
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So a refresher:
1. Burning her fields when she refused to hide one of his many mistresses (Ep. 96):
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2. Putting out a warrant for her arrest despite her role in helping him win HIS THRONE
There’s probably more, but that’s all I can think of, off the top of my head, suffice it to say, Zeus is full of crap and I’m sure almost every god or goddess there could attest to that.
- But that’s gonna have to wait BECAUSE Y’ALL WHO IS THAT????
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Okay so this is the part that I was super excited to get to!!!
In the last few panels we seen a rather obscure figure, but for casual myth fans I’m sure you already know.
With the black wings, exact words, and everyone’s terrifies expressions, I’d have to say that this god is most likely the goddess of discord herself, Eris.
Now Eris is best known for being one of the many, MANY factors that kicked off the Trojan War, since I’m half sure y’all already know the tale I’ll keep it brief. Due to not receiving an invitation to the wedding of Thetis (Yes, THAT Thetis) and Peleus. So you know she tossed a golden apple to Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena saying ‘To the Fairest’ and well I’m sure you know the rest.
Now the big question is, why? Why is she here? Why now?
With all the crazy stuff that’s been going on in the span of the comic why hasn’t she popped up sooner? I could make the case that with this being the final statements (I think?) were the verdict is supposed to drop, this is the ‘height’ of the drama and discord that’s been happening.
Y’all know me, this seems a little too suspect.
As you can recall a certain dirtbag made a very not innocuous statement at the end of Episode 184:
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Now what’s something that would in his words ‘Take Persephone down a peg’?
A public revelation.
Of what?
I think we all already know. I mean what could cause more discord than such a thing? And if he gets out his version of events during such a trial, it could prove disastrous for all involved. Especially dear Persephone.
Though there’s another possible candidate for who told her…
Yes our sweet yet malevolent war god himself, Ares. In some myths Eris is the daughter of Zeus and Hera, so Ares having a way to contact her wouldn’t be a stretch if that was the case.
There’s also her coloring, if this god that busts in is who I think it is, it could make sense. Colors matter in LO not just personality wise, but also family wise. While yes, there are unrelated beings who share the same coloring, more likely than not, this gods coloring (dark orangish and gold?) seems to point to a possible connection to Zeus and Hera.
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But oh lord y’all things are heating up!
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