#Lori has a lot to say about Elara...
banditllamas · 1 year
I've been replaying chapter 4 so so much and I have discovered A LOT of dialogue from doing things in different orders. I'm going to post all the dialogue from and concerning Elara cause oh my god theres a lot. (Even if its pretty standard "hey go find her" tips)
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celestialallstars · 5 years
Episode #7: “That was what we in the business call a "bruh" moment.” - Stephen
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Oh I am so PUMPED! Kori leaving has all but confirmed most of the things we all thought already- Michael/Drew/Matt/Chloe are together. On top of that, Alyssa and by extension, Jack probably is also with them. Which leaves the remaining 4 of the OG Tuatha group (Rhys/Mitch/Stephen/Bryce) then Mitch. This also leaves Bryce/Loris/me. What does this tell me? I can't have Orfeo lose because it is sudden death for Bryce/Stephen/Loris...so I need to make sure my tribe loses. BUT I also need to make sure one of Jack or Alyssa leaves. Whether they are numbers for the others or not, I need people I'm with to gain upperhand before it is too late and if Orfeo keeps losing, even if we get to merge, I don't think it will matter because they will get numbers. So Operation: Snakegrass is now in effect
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That was what we in the business call a "bruh" moment.
KORI WAS SLAIN! Not by an idol like I worried, but by an advantage that was much more powerful in that given situation! My game has effectively changed here on the Orfeo Tribe. I'm no longer trying to form an alliance that controls the outcomes of votes, I can only really look out for myself.
Michael, Matt, Drew, and Chloe are very likely to let go of the majority now that they have it. They aren't my rivals anymore. Not until the merge, anyway. Unfortunately, that means if we lose another challenge, Bryce and Loris will need to be the people who go home, barring any insane changes. I'm going to need to pander like I've never pandered before. I can't be mad with Michael until his time comes. Don't worry though, if I have any say in it, he won't make it past the first merge vote.
But, that's assuming I survive that long! I'm sure Bryce and Loris are just as freaked out as I am, so I need to out-pander them. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but that's just how the cookie crumbles.
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Operation: Snakegrass so far got the first half downpack with us losing. Jared talked with Mitch who says he is close to me and Rhys. With Zach in the mix, we might be bale to get something going, but now we gotta be careful...anything can happen at this tribal methinks!
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WOOP WOOP WOOP WOOP. Safe again! It’s so good to be back on the immunity train Choo choo. It’s also really good because I really don’t want to vote out anyone on my tribe and all the people I’m not as connected with are on the other tribe so keeping my tribe safe even tho I know Stephen and Bryce may not trust me 100% right now is CRUCIAL for my game going forward.
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likeee ok. i have some hot goss i suppose. so i knew kori was leaving pre-tribal. bryce leaked the vote steal (michael - > loris - > bryce) and so it was meh. i was truly fine with either kori or matt leaving though because those two are legit like 2 of the only 3-5 people i dont feel like i got a connection with.
throughout the time between tribal results to challenge, i get asked by a few people to throw [bryce, loris, drew, stephen somewhat, chris]. chris mainly proposes that bryce and loris are with us and they're in danger, which is likely true. i just like.. i didnt throw because im triggered by that but i also like probs didnt try my hardest. who knows ! not me. anyway. AFTER I FLOPPED I LEGIT HAD LIKE 4 OF THEM PM ME SAYING 'THANKS FOR THROWING KING' LIKE FUCK OFF LKSDJGLDKGMLKDSGMLKDSG I DIDNT THROW but tbh i might play that up so they think im a generous queen xx
chris seems to want jack or alyssa out, as does jared. chris/rhys made alliance with me them jared and mitch which is cute. i feel like i should leak bc someones going to but im also too lazy to.
im lowkey really anxious though cuz i dont want my tribe to snap at me for thinkin i threw or blindside me. like NNNN and we're so close to merge.  BUT if things go accordingly, one of alyssa or jack should leave. i like both a lot but i think i'd prefer alyssa out. we have a 'f2' or smth but we dont rlly talk and i feel like because we never were on the same tribe til now, our allegiances just fell elsewhere (which is fine but its just hard to maintain that).
i dont want to get blindsided/voted off yet. 14th isnt cute... and like... im so close to merge. my guess is merge will be at 12/13 so... im so close. (its probs f8 but who cares). i just hope i can be safe enough that i dont go. i feel rlly good with chris/jared... rhys decent too. mitch not so much but im gonna try to forge a stronger bond. i think the girls are gonna choose 2 rid of jack but idk.. i hate this cuz i really like jack and getting to meet him beyond just a VL was great n i truly enjoyed this. so if he ends up leaving, and he reads this, i want u to know u are great n i love u n playing w u was fantastic!! same with anyone. like everyone left is fairly active and deserve to be here so im content.
god. anyone wanna speak up is gonna come out when i get blindsided LOL.
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Sooo the 24 hour puzzle challenge cracked some things out of the water. Alliances got exposed left and right and now im in a 5 man alliance with og orfero and og tuatha against og cyrena. This is all becauase sharky leaked an alliance in one of his screenshots consisting of drew/michael/clohie/alyssa/jack/matt or some varient. In order for their numbers to weaken, we need to get rid of jack or alyssa. It doesn not help their case that they have not been on a tribe with anyone outside of og cyrena except drew and michael (who are on the other tribe). Right now, my alliance is debating on splitting the votes or making it unanimous but we are afraid of idols. We think that regardless of what happens, the one og cyrena left standing won't trust us any longer. I am excited to see where this tribal goes because the game is finally picking up speed!!!!
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this game is carzy i hate it im legit. this is a video of me:
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Hello I’m typing this compassionate with them with voice to text hello and say do you want to be your day because Drew Carey dick completely but now I’m scared Zach is going and I don’t want him to which is sad and I don’t know at the last round nothing at the boots that I thought he didn’t I kind a got fucked over
ok that was a disaster I give up. hi . drew carried immunity thank god. but now I’m scared Zach goes because I love Zach. umm I’m basically guaranteed merge unless I get super blindsided because I can just legacy if I think I’m going :^). I voted Matt just in case his vote steal was fake because either he lied and went home or he told the truth and lived but like the thing is Michael and drew don’t want me to tell Matt I knew so I can’t justify why I voted him to him MEANWHILE I told Bryce about it. and Bryce tells Matt he knew completely throwing that out the window but oh well. I love chloe... Bryce.. Michael.... Zach... drew..... Jared... Mitch..........I definitely forgot someone there oh RHYS.... love him and idk I think I’m good with a lot of the cast wooo because I like everyone else too 💗💗💗 when I win we won’t be shocked
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The other tribe is super boring like I don’t know what’s happening and there’s like an hour and a half left so like I’m just sat here bored as shit like DO SOMETHING!
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Audio might be bad, so basically, Chris has taken me under his wing as maybe his most trusted ally, and pitched me on a side vs. side type deal.
Side 1- Chris, Bryce, Loris, Zach, Mitch, Stephen, Rhys Side 2- Alyssa, Michael, Drew, Jack, Matt, Chloe
I am fully feeding into Chris' game at this point because for myself, working to advance his plan puts me in a much more powerful position than I believe he is anticipating.
Having incredibly close relationships with the Chris/Zach duo, a F2 with Bryce, an alliance with Mitch/Stephen, Rhys confiding in me about his game fears (and Rhys' thoughts being fed to me by Bryce), and an idol--- I really just need to work on Loris some more to establish myself with the most powerful position.
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So, I've been very busy. But this tribal I have yet again sat back and haven't done much into it as I have been preoccupied. However it allows other people to take the heat, and I'm aware I'm not doing a lot. So I can spin it into a winning case as long as I do enough come the merge.
The vote is set to be a split on Alyssa and Jack, However Alyssa and Jack havent spoken about the vote which scares me. Which t hen puts me in a paranoid states as I've spoken to people less today. But we just made a new 5 person alliance (chris, me , jared, zach an mitch) which seems super extra if theyre planning on blindsiding me.
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It is 7:18 PM and I have no idea who is going home. This is the most stressful fucking tribal I've ever been to
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omg so alyssa going home wooh? she talks to me more than jack so i wish he left but like one has to leave so w/e. chris is a king i love him so much he threw for me zach is so annoying and didnt throw said he was but like he literally was trying 80% like girl just throw. i love rhys still and jared.. hope he still likes me idk we feel off. wooh yaa um like loris and i hate that michael and drew both told him about the double vote but not me like isnt that so quirky we hate those elara girls (is that the season they played)
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Alyssa is voted out 3-2-2.
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banditllamas · 1 year
Chismest Dialogue (Part 2)
Part 1 here. Lotta Lori in this one.
Continuing on, Mirriam has a little more to say, she'll get excited about blasting something if you find Elara after attempting the overseer song.
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Bard: “I found an astronomer who wants to take down the factory.” Mirriam: “So what do I blast?” Bard: “What?” Mirriam: “She’s a scientist right?” Mirriam: “So she knows where to hit to knock out the whole system!” Mirriam: “What do I blast?!”
Beth's got some things to say about Elara, makes sense, we do have our meetings there.
“Lotta fun characters come through here, oh yeah.” “That astronomer from outta town’s always here. Middle of the night.” “Like midnight till 5AM. Always orders the same thing.” “Why? Who knows. Who cares.”
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“You part of that group that meets here every night?” “Ain’t gonna lie… you are a very suspicious bunch.” “Don’t bother me none, though.”
Beth and Tanya will gossip about all the recruits as you help them; For Winston:
Beth: “‘Parently the purple whiny guy took up care of the town stray.” Tanya: “WHAAAaaaaat! Ya don’t say…” Tanya: “That punk ain’t cared for a thing in his life, Beth!” Beth: “Just what I heard.”
For Peter/Mirriam:
Beth: "Well, apparently that guy on the roof found himself a girlfriend." Tanya: “Gaaaaaaaaaaasp! Ya don’t say…” Beth: “Something like that, anyway.” Beth: “They go Traipsin’ about at 9PM.” Beth: “Girl’s new in town. Nobody knows her.” Beth: “Never thought I’d see the day…”
Talking to Tanya:
Beth: “Well, the astronomer from outta town is scheming something.” Tanya: “Scheming? Whaddaya mean, Beth?” Beth: “Something big.” Beth: “She’s gonna try to overthrow the factory.” Tanya: “Whaaaaaaat??? That’s crazy talk!”
When you have all the recruits she has more to say to Tanya:
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Beth: “Apparently the astronomer is gonna try her factory takedown soon.” Tanya: “Whaaaaaaat??? That wasn’t some kinda joke?” Beth: “Don’t think so. She's crazy.” Tanya: “That’s scary, huh?” Tanya: “What would be left without the factory?” Beth: “No idea.” Beth: “But I'm a little excited to see.” Tanya: “You’re crazy too, Beth.” Tanya: “What else is new.
Katya also appears in the diner around the same time our subterfuge group does.
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“I always see weirdos here early in the morning…” “Like… plotting something?” “Are you one of them?”
Lori has a lot to say about Elara! Probably meant as tips but she mentions her a LOT.
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“Oh evenin’…” “Just doin’ my nightly sweeps!” “Us late nighters got a special bond eh?” “Ya ever get a chance to meet the astronomer?” “Never talked to ‘er myself, but i’d give ‘er a knowin’ nod when we pass!”
“Bein’ out as late as me, ya see some funny stuff!” “Like that astronomer from out’a town, eh?” “She goes to Beth's diner every midnight!” “Only time she’s ever in town, don’cha know…”
“Wonder what’s keeping the astronomer up so late…” “She’s not one to stop and chat don’cha know!” “She’s only got eyes for her telescope… or Beth's diner.”
Thats not all, she goes to Beth's diner right after Elara leaves.
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Lori: “Ohai there Beth! Just the usual today.” Beth: “Same as always.” Lori: “Astronomer come by again last night?” Beth: “Uh huh. same as always.” Beth: “Same as always.” Beth: “Same as always…” Beth: “Same…” Beth: “…” Lori: “…”
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Lori: “That astronomer gal is just so mysterious, don’cha know…” Lori: “Wonder what she sees up there what with all the smog?” Beth: “I just take orders.” Beth: “Heck if I know.”
Beth: “So how's the weather out there?” Lori: “Ah well. Ya know…” Lori: “Cold.” Beth: “Yeah.”
Thats all for now, If people wanna know about the other npcs in Chismest i'm happy to post them.
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