#Louis bonnets ghost stories
ask-louis-bonnet · 5 months
oo i get to tell the bedtime stories this time.
i was asleep (honest, i was.) when i got woken up by loud banging and yelling coming from my closet. so i went to check it out.
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@ask-alma-bonnet was there. she can vouch for me.
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the-late-one · 2 years
In today’s episode of “Ideas for fanfictions I will never write” :
What if in season 2, Ed start searching for Stede for some reason (I don’t know, maybe he wants to check on death rumors), and end up at Mary’s house...
Someone banged at the door. Mary went to open, wondering who was banging so violently.
“ Yes ? She said, rising her eyes to the stranger behind the door.
Edward was standing in front of her with a threatening face.
         - Mary Bonnet ?
Mary hesitated.
-   Y-Yes ?
      - Wife of Stede Bonnet ?
        - Well... yes but-
       -  Is Stede here ?
She raised her eyebrows.
        - I'm afraid you missed him.
   - He escaped ?
Mary looked at him from head to toes as Edward passed a head through the door to look inside from left to right.
      - Not really. He is deceased.
Edward slowly moved back, turning his look at her without words, mouthing “What ?” but no sound escaped between his teeth.
      - He died two months ago, continued Mary. Rolled over by a carriage.
Ed eyes widened. He tried to guess if the woman was lying to him, but couldn’t. His ears started to ring.
       -  And crushed by a piano. He really didn’t get any chances.
The pirate face became as pale as a ghost. He couldn’t believe what he just heard. Stede dead ? Mary kept going.
       - We held funerals for him and everything. Maybe you want to know where we buried him ?
Edward tried to talk, but his throat tightened. He turned over to hide his face, while realising the truth.
        -  I’m sorry. Maybe I can help you ? What do you want ?
Ed grumbled as an answer, before starting to walk away. Stede is dead. Dead. Not that he wasn’t planning on maybe killing him but... No. Of course he wasn’t planning that ! How could he ? He never wanted this. Not for real. He wanted to see him, hold him, tell him-
         - Excuse me ?!
Mary yelled at him from the porch.
         - Who are you ? She asked.
Ed stopped. He thought for a second before turning back at her, hesitating.
         - I’m B-... I’m Edward. Edward Teach.
Mary nodded with a little smile. The captain was about to walk away when suddenly-
         - Ed ?
Edward almost jumped and turned completely to her, crossing his eyebrows.
       - You are Ed ? You’re his Ed ?
Ed stared at her like he just got shot.
        - Oh my god... But he said he was joining you. Is he not with you ?
Edward open his arms in disbelief.
       - I thought you said he was dead ?
Mary’s expression changed completely in a frightened face.
        - ... He might be now.”
Mary was sitting in the salon while Edward walked around the room, discovering every detail of his friend’s old house. The captain was holding a glass of wine offered by the so-widow as he left his fingers tracing the lines of all the objects hanging on the wall.
Mary finished telling the story of the fuckery and how Stede escaped.
“That’s what happened for what I know. I really thought he was with you, he looked so determined."
Edward wasn’t answering, too focused on his exploration. Mary put her own glass away.
         "You... I’m sorry but, I really wasn’t imagining you... like that ?"
Ed finally looked at her.
         "I mean, when you look at Stede, I was imagining someone more... You know... Less..."
They stared at each other in silence.
       "Anyway, you look perfect as you are (I suppose). He talked about you a night long before he left. You really turned his brain inside out."
Edward was about to say something, when the kids entered the house. Mary stood up. After some brief salutations, she turned back to Ed.
         "Oh, these are our kids. Children, this is Mr. Teach. A friend of your father. Or, sorry, should I say Captain Teach ?"
The pirate tilted his head with a little growl of approval.
         " Are you a real pirate ?" Asked Louis.
Edward hesitated, exchanging a look with Mary.
        "Woah !"
The children approached him, exploring his look with their eyes.
         "You look so cool !"
         "You’re a captain ? You have your own ship ?"
Edward was overwhelmed before the two replicas of Stede. He couldn’t help but smile a little as the kids stared at him with stars in their eyes.
         "Woaaah !"
        "Is that a real gun ? Don’t pirate have a sword ?"
        "Did you kill a lot of people ?"
        "Okay kids, time to leave the adults talk about adults things."
And Mary guided them away. Once they were out, she turned to Edward.
         "I’m sorry. They always loved pirate stories. Stede was good at reading them. I never really approved that."
         "I should go now. Thank you for telling me the truth."
        " Can I ask you something ? Before we never meet again ?"
Edward looked at her right in the eyes.
        "Can you find him for me ? Just make sure he don’t die for real. Not stupidly at least. Can you ?"
The captain headed for the door.
         "I’ll try.”
Izzy got dumped from the Revenge by Edward. He found a ship and got captured, or more left him get caught. What a surprise it was to find that on that same boat, the rest of the Revenge crew got enrolled too, with of course, their captain.
“Stede Focking Bonnet...”
He got taken as part of the crew.
Izzy and Stede found themselves brushing the deck together. Izzy sneaked next to Stede.
“How small is the world uh ? "
         "What are you doing here ?" Asked Stede. "Is Edward waiting somewhere ?"
        "Oh no. It’s more the inverse. See, he was searching for you lately-"
         "Really ?"
         "Yeah. I don’t really know his attentions, but he found you wife. Or should I say your widow..."
Stede face blanked. Mary ? Why would he find her ?
          "Don’t look at me like that Bonnet. You know him. He didn’t touch her. No you know what they did ? They talked. And when he came back, he rejected everything that happened on me. He fired me, and said he was gonna find you."
         "She told him about the fuckery..."
         "I don’t know what she told him exactly, but she turned his brain upside down, like you did before. He is the shadow of himself again."
         "Anyway. He shipped in the wrong direction. So no. Edward is not around. I’m alone here, starting to think about retiring. The rest of your stupid crew is alright by the way. Well, minus one."
         "Someone is dead ?"
         "Most likely, he disappeared one night after a walk on the deck."
Stede contained himself to grab Izzy by the collar.
         "Who ?"
         "The whore of Babylon."
        " ... Lucius ?"
        "Oh my god..."
Stede took a minute to realise it. Poor Lucius. What happened ? He gave a quick look at Pete at the end of the ship. But the time was not at mourning. He hired back his face.
"Why did you let yourself being captured ?"
        "Why did you ?"
Stede swallowed hard.
         "Tell me Bonnet. Where you planning by any chance to go in mutiny ?"
The captain stood silent. Izzy continued.
         "Funny thing is that I have the same idea. And with you and the bunch of degenerates you got on board, I’m starting to think it could work."
        " Are you trusting us ?"
         "Not a fucking bit. But Edward is" looking for you right now, and he is lost and panicking. I saw what losing you was turning him into. I hated it, but Blackbeard is dead again, I can’t do anything about it anymore. If I can take this ship, and bring you back to him, he would be the happiest in the world.
         "And he would take you back ?"
         "I don’t think so. He made a choice, and I was getting really tired of his shit anyway."
         "But why would you do that ?"
         "I already told you Bonnet. My only goal in life is to make Edward happy. If bringing you to him is my last chance to see him smile, I’m taking it."
Stede looked at Izzy without understanding completely what he was saying. The pirate turned his face away from him, his eyes looking weter than usual.
         "We have a lot more in common than you think Bonnet. I think that’s why you’re so annoying to me."
         "Oi ! Get to work you two !" Yelled a member of the ship crew at them.
The two men started to brush the deck harder.
         "...Can I trust you ?"
      "You better Bonnet. You better...”
It worked. Stede and the crew are back on the Revenge blah blah blah... But when Ed see Izzy on the other boat, Stede  convince him to give him another chance. Without Izzy, they wouldn’t be here. So he does.
Then I got carried away and thought “Hey that makes three ships ? Why not create a fleet ?” The Revenge with Stede, The Queen Anne with Ed, and the other one with Izzy.
Please someone stop me...
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thequeenhasnolife · 7 months
Title: Keep 'Em Rolling Author: TheQueenHasNoLife Artist: PhantomEllie Beta reader: Anonymous
Stede Bonnet
Blackbeard | Edward Teach
Jim Jimenez
Oluwande Boodhari
Alma Bonnet
Louis Bonnet
Mary Allamby Bonnet
Doug (Our Flag Means Death)
Lucius Spriggs
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Oluwande Boodhari/Jim Jimenez
Mary Allamby Bonnet/Doug
Mary Allamby Bonnet & Stede Bonnet
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags:
Ghostbusting (Ghostbusters)
I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost (Ghostbusters)
Magical Realism
Body Horror
Psychological Horror
Angst and Hurt/Comfort
Stede Bonnet's Fucked Up Childhood
Stede Bonnet is Not Okay
Blackbeard | Edward Teach is Not Okay
Jim Jimenez deserves a raise
Embedded Images
child endangerment
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
After saving New York City from a ghost attack, the Ghostbusters -- a team of spirit exterminators -- is disbanded as the mayor blames them for demolishing parts of the city during the battle. When former Ghostbuster Stede Bonnet learns that spirits have taken an interest in his kids, after the death of his ex-wife. The Ghostbusters launch a rogue ghost-chasing mission. The quest quickly goes awry, landing them in court. Not only for the property damage but for the child endangerment. The world had shifted off its axis and the only people to call have retired.
As a warning Stede's children are an active danger during the story. There are malevolent forces at work. And that isn't resolved in this half of the story. Things are going to get worse before they get better.
Wordcount: 19k+
Link to art masterpost
Link to story
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The Haunting of Château Badminton
by ripkarl (tangerinefic)
The Bonnets just need a fresh start. When an opportunity presents itself in the form of an unbelievably-priced bit of real estate in France, Stede Bonnet jumps at the it. But this charming old château may be home to more than just a friendly staff and a few spiders.
A lot more...
Words: 2256, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Stede Bonnet, Mary Allamby Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Israel Hands, Lucius Spriggs, Jim Jimenez, Oluwande Boodhari, Buttons (Our Flag Means Death), Frenchie (Our Flag Means Death), Wee John Feeney, The Swede (Our Flag Means Death), Roach (Our Flag Means Death), Louis Bonnet, Alma Bonnet, Nigel Badminton, Chauncey Badminton, Spanish Jackie (Our Flag Means Death), Geraldo (Our Flag Means Death), "Calico" Jack Rackham, Black Pete (Our Flag Means Death), Fang (Our Flag Means Death), Ivan (Our Flag Means Death)
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Israel Hands/Lucius Spriggs, Oluwande Boodhari/Jim Jimenez, Mary Allamby Bonnet/Doug
Additional Tags: Haunted Houses, Canon-Typical Historical Inaccuracy (Our Flag Means Death), POV Stede Bonnet, POV Mary Allamby Bonnet, POV Blackbeard | Edward Teach, POV Israel Hands, POV Lucius Spriggs, Ghosts, Demons, Demonic Possession, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Suicide, Paranormal Investigators, Ghost Sex, Inspired by The Haunting of Bly Manor (TV), Spooky, writing jump scares is hard, baby's first horror story, idk what else to tag this tbh, will update as needed - Freeform
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42741450
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ask-louis-bonnet · 5 months
i’m not afraid of anything, but this ghost really startled me.
i heard stede-dad talking about the “foliage” of this place being “unkempt,” so like any normal person i went to see if there were any creatures living in the bushes.
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thats where i met wet ned.
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he was covered in seaweed and smelled like fish. he was soaking wet so thats why i called him “wet ned.”
… i didn’t like him…
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so i kicked him in the nuts.
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ask-louis-bonnet · 4 months
in the woods and i saw a bald ghost that had a really weird missing/dangly eye.
i know i probably should have been scared but i was more thankful that i have 3 dads and a mom with great hair.
i don’t wanna be bald. it only looks good on certain people and i am definitely not one of them.
neither was the ghost.
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ask-louis-bonnet · 5 months
this one i’m actually still unsure about. I don’t think it counts as a ghost. allow me to explain.
I was sitting outside eating one of ed’s fish specials, when suddenly i was attacked.
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my fish was stolen from me by a seagull. but before i could chase after it, something strange appeared in the bushes where it flew into…
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i think she was an angel.
(with a combover.)
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The Ghost and Mr. Bonnet
by BucketsofOdo_13
Stede Bonnet, newly divorced, is about to embark on a new chapter in his life. What he didn't expect was to fall in love with the ghost currently occupying his house.
Words: 2516, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Mary Allamby Bonnet, Alma Bonnet, Louis Bonnet, Oluwande Boodhari
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Suicide, Mentions of Suicide, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir - Freeform, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Ghosts, Supernatural Elements, Ed as a pirate captain ghost, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Death, ghost story
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41239644
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