#Louis fanboy
sunshineandlyrics · 1 year
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❤️ Another happy Louie!
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stomach-rental · 1 year
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Watch your step!
Will and Louis belong to @peachnewt and her series, Getting in Deep.
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miniminiujb · 1 year
Gente, que vergonha, eu tenho Tumblr por um ano e não sei mexer nisso😭.
Não vou forçar você a fazer, mas vou pedir mesmo assim.
Você poderia fazer um do Louis com um gato carnívoro que é quase bem menor que ele, tipo do tamanho da Haru (no qual ele faz a piada com o próprio tamanho). Basicamente, o Louis ficando P da vida porque algum outro carnivoro (de qualquer gênero, não precisa ser específico) deu em cima da gente, ai ele começa a ter um ataque de ciúmes e começa a ficar muito grudento. Eu quero muito ver ele pedindo pra gente morder ele pra marcar ele como nosso😍😍 Isso iria ser muito engraçado de ler.
Específico, eu sei, mas se puder, você pode fazer?
Tenha um Otimo Dia! Tchau tchau 👋
Adoro pedidos detalhados! Gostei do pedido 😃
Luis com um gato carnívoro como namorado
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"Gostaria de ir tomar um café depois?", A pergunta veio de outro gato, ele tinha um sorriso doce no rosto. Você deu um aceno de cabeça e um sorriso confortante.
"É claro! Me leve aquele livro que você me falou também", você respondeu e se despedindo logo em seguida. Entrando em um corredor e cantarolando uma música qualquer. Você parou quando percebeu a presença de Louis parado no corredor, apoiado com as costas contra a parede.
"Pelo o jeito você vai estar ocupado mais tarde", Louis falou olhando para você de canto de olho.
"Sim", você respondeu olhando atentamente para o seu namorado. "Mas por enquanto estou livre". Caminhando na direção dele e agarrando um pedaço do terno dele, e puxando de leve.
"Interessante...", Ele respondeu caminhando em direção do quarto dele. Louis andava em passos pequenos, um costume que ele teve depois que percebeu que você não conseguia acompanhar os passos dele.
Louis abriu abriu a porta e deixou você entrar antes de fechar. O cervo sentou na cama e observou seus movimentos.
"O que está acontecendo com você?", Você perguntou estranhando a atitude do rapaz. "Você está com ciúmes? Qualquer coisa venha comigo, o meu amigo não vai se importar com isso", você comentou sentando ao lado dele.
"Não seja idiota, não estou com ciúmes", Louis respondeu calmo, ele ergueu uma das mãos e tocou o seu nariz delicadamente. Desceu levemente para os seus lábios, puxando-o levemente para cima e expondo suas presas. "Você é pequeno, um gatinho. Mas... Suas presas são grandes e afiadas", Louis falou pressionando a palma da mão contra os seus dentes afiados. "Me morda...". Você arregalou levemente os olhos, mas balançou a cabeça. Louis colocou a cabeça para o lado, expondo o pescoço para você. Sua boca tocou os pelos curtos do cervo, abrindo levemente e mordendo, seus dentes cravaram em um lugar que qualquer um poderia ver. Um gota de sangue manchou o pelo marrom do cervo, sua língua percorria a pelagem retirando todo o sangue.
"Não tente me enganar, Louis...", Você disse em um sussuro. "Posso mostrar um lado meu que você nunca viu". Você comentou, apertando de leve o pescoço dele. Sentindo a respiração dele engatar em suas mãos.
"Você vai se atrasar para o café", Louis disse deitando na cama.
"Isso pode esperar", você respondeu sorrindo, suas presas sendo mostradas para o seu namorado.
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blouisparadise · 2 years
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Upon request, here is a rec list of BL fics featuring groupie or fanboy Louis! We previously had a short groupie rec list and we decided to add those fics to the fanboy fics that we’ve compiled here. If you enjoy this rec list or any of our others, please be sure to like and reblog this post to spread the word. Happy reading!
1) See You Lookin’ Up | Explicit | 3321 words | Sequel
Part of Harry’s brain tells him that he says this with every other fuck, but he’s convinced Louis’ ass is the best ass he’s been in.
2) Not Crazy, Just Obsessed. | Not Rated | 9072 words
Louis is a hardcore fanboy who nobody seems to understand.
Until Harry comes along.
3) I Must Confess (I'm Addicted To This) | Explicit | 14620 words
Louis Tomlinson prides himself for being a very successful groupie. He always knows the tricks to get backstage to see his favorite artists and bands, and about 90% of the time, he gets way past third base. He even has an entire list of artists he wants to bang (although 3/4 of them have already experienced what his ass feels like)...
...Tonight is the night Louis has been waiting for for about seven months. Zayn really came through this time; he got two front row tickets to see Harry Styles perform live. Among all of the names on Louis' list, "Harry Styles" has been underlined, starred, circled, and capitalized. He was the one that Louis has been practicing for, the whole reason why he started being a groupie in the first place.
4) When The Sun Goes Down | Explicit | 47109 words
Harry Styles is a rockstar who has written too many songs about love and Louis Tomlinson is a nobody with too many issues for a 22- year old.
5) Obviously | Explicit | 64564 words
Louis is blind and a fan of One Direction, aka Harry Styles, and when they meet Louis' life turns upside down.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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vettelcore · 10 months
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this article where Louis talks about Robert makes me so 😭 the day they stop being teammates im gonna be so sad
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Everyone remember my “frev x piercings” post I made with one concept, and one concept only?
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St Just, the French revolution’s affectionately named “angel of death” with angel bites.
You’re welcome.
Or Im sorry.
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dreamings-free · 4 months
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oh no steven 😣 17/12/23
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magnetic-dogz · 6 months
If I had a nickel for every time a Seinfeld actor voice acted on a Nicktoon I'd have 4 nickels. Which isn't that many but it's weird that it's happened that many times right
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twofallinghosts · 10 months
any user ideas requests?
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starlightervarda · 2 years
So, as a ~brown person~ I take issue with most cases of racebending because they are either done for the wrong reason or done with zero effort to flesh out a wholly new incarnation of a character. They never make adjustments to fit the new existence this character has now gone through life with. It’s just a paint-job to pat themselves on the back for being ‘progressive’ or get free press from audience outrage.
It’s even more egregious in fantasy settings where it seems like they have no specific land of origin, no culture, no history, no explanation for how we ended up sticking out like a sore thumb in this society we are clearly not native to. Like we’re not even worth passing specifics, character-history or being fleshed out in the narrative. We exist to make fanboys mad and showrunners feel smug, we’re never as ‘real’ on-screen as we are off, if that makes sense. 
But what AMC’s Interview with the Vampire did with Louis is exactly what I’ve been waiting to see.
I get people are upset that it diverged so hard from canon but, let’s be honest. It was necessary. 
Louis has been updated. Rewritten with care, sense and awareness in regards to appearance, location, time period and original characterization. He was always quite dull and unbearable, and the fact that he was a colonialist slave-owner did not help matters. Like, I’m sorry they just couldn’t have kept him as-is and expected most of us (especially from lands that have been colonized) to care for his bullshit. 
Yes, yes, they’re all vampires and monsters and blahblahblah but...at the end of the day, they’re pure fantasy. People like book!Louis did exist though, and we’re still suffering from their actions towards our ancestors/grandparents. I don’t want to hear someone who benefitted off human rights violations whining.
Louis now being a Creole pimp whose instigating death-in-the-family went from a ‘wife in childbirth’ he didn’t care enough for as a person to give details on, to a brother he loved but had a difficult relationship with made him more real, interesting and sympathetic. He’s now more active in his own narrative, with emphasized struggles we can relate to (race, religion, sexuality, family responsibility, grief), and it explains how, even while being tortured over it, he chose to escape into the dark freedom Lestat offered. 
I went in expecting the usual bullshit of them just keeping everything the same and not acknowledging anything different, but I am now relieved. 
Also, the second Molloy asked him ‘How long have you been dead’ and he laughed, I was sold.
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alwaysxlarrie · 8 months
harry is louis’ baby fic rec masterlist part 2 :)
hi hello, so, i actually started putting together this masterlist at the end of april (since then, ‘ain’t that a kick in the head!’ has been deleted, which was on the original list. big rip) but then life just kept getting in the way. & i have like 57485 fic rec masterlists that i want to get out but i wanted to post this one first, so. here i am. i usually do 50 fics per rec list, but this is 25. so it seems i can do a (semi) shorter fic rec list. who would’ve thought? anyway, enjoy!!
a million roses (bathed in rock n’ roll) by deLILAh
i’d come across this fic a number of times before i actually read it because i don’t listen to lana del rey (thank you jennifer & @hlkings for showing me the wonders of her music) so i wasn’t sure if i’d be able to follow the storyline. but!!! worry not. that knowledge isn’t required. amazing strangers to lovers, good smut, 10/10 relationship development & individual character development 
and the truth shall set you free... by @jaerie / jaerie
jaerie knows i love this fic. my friends know i love this fic. i’m pretty sure most of the world’s population knows too. the relationship development in general & portrayal of inexperienced!harry/experienced!louis is top tier. it’s interesting reading harry going through his journey, in a generally pretty accurate way (from the perspective of someone who grew up religious), so i love that it’s in harry’s pov. i love how louis goes from teasing to soft to guiding so naturally, as well.
a rose, by any other name by @canonlarry / iwillpaintasongforlou
this fic portrays protective louis so well while harry’s still independent & in charge of his own autonomy. there’s some mentions of violence in this, just a disclaimer, but it’s veryyyyy minor! really good (dark) plot twist at the end too!
a cage for every ugly spirit by sarcasticfluentry
listennnnnnnnnnnnn. this fic??? & it’s sequel???? amazing. top tier. i just love how all the different elements of religion, kink, romance, smut, etc connect
be my little good luck charm by 100percentsassy
the flirting!!!!!! my heart!!!!!!!!!! i know larry hitting it off right away is a canon trope & all that but it’s not always easy to write in a way that doesn’t feel rushed & this fic depicts that perfectly. there’s so much wonderful humor, fluffy moments & lots of domesticness.
baby we could be enough (i’ll make this feel like home) by orphan account
i am an absolute sucker for fics where either harry or louis is a single father & the other one just swoops into their life & fits. & that’s exactly how this fic is. i’m not an angst person at all, but i also love how there’s realistic angst/concerns that a single parent would have about bringing another person into their lives. other than that bit, there’s still a whole lotta fluff !!
breathless for eternity by cabinbythesea
wow another fic where they’re strangers, hit it off immediately & have the cutest dynamic!! i’m a walking cliché atp but listen, although this is mostly pwp imo, the way louis picks up on harry’s mannerisms, what he needs as a sub, how to tease, etc is beautiful???? that takes talented writing!! we love to see it?? thank you for this???
boy for sale by @ohpleaselarry / ohpleaselarry
i mean, listen. do be mindful of the tags & what not, but. at the very core, harry is simply louis’ baby & you will not be convincing me otherwise. i would absolutely die for a prequel or a sequel. the undertones throughout this fic are *chef’s kiss*
baby thinking of you keeps me up all night by ballsdeepinjesus
i am nothing if not consistent with loving famous!louis/fanboy!harry fics, alright? you gotta give me that at least. the internal struggle louis goes through throughout the majority of this fic is so funny but also so real of him??? plus, we love thigh fucking here, so. a winner in my book!
do not falter (there’s a star ahead) by @londonfoginacup / ladylondonderry
all you need in life is harry feeling safe surrounded by louis’ scent. shit, me too, harold. there’s so much cuteness in such a short lil fic & altho it’s open ended, we all know they got together & lived happily ever after, thank you v much
gotta get (me) outta my head by @parmahamlarrie / parmahamlarrie
i have severe adult adhd & the way bee wrote this is phenomenal at making anyone who has adhd feel so seen & understood. i dream about writing my struggles w adhd as wonderfully as she did. & the way louis helps harry & is there for her in just the right ways so, so fantastically done. top tier fic for sure. 
heartbeat (fire on fire) by @larryficwriter / theifinlife
this fic was written for my @notjustsmutficfest & i adore it. louis being so vulnerable to comfort harry, louis’ family being so supportive, the check ins during the smut, the way harry makes sure louis is okay too??? I’M CRYING PEOPLE (also, there’s great smut, too)
i love this feeling (but i hate this part) by @lululawrence / lululawrence
i love the crack mixed with cute dynamic mixed with dealing with very real life situations. & the teasing at the end????? i cry!!! give this a read asap rocky
i’ll crash until you notice me by @aliensingucci / stylinsoncity
i love the pacing & how it brings in realistic elements of a boss/employee relationship while not taking out you out of the fic. top tier smut & dirty talk. the bar + bathroom scene??? that shit was art. also i love how much harry went to bat for the natives & kept coaxing louis to respect the culture of the buildings & all that. (like it’s the bare minimum really but i do like the fact that the fic went into that aspect & acknowledged it!)
late night talking by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything
this is simply just me continuing to not let lauren forget how much i love this fic. i could talk about this fic for hours & i’ve included this on a masterlist before but idc bc listen. the sneak dating?? the flirting?? the tension building?? there were a few plot points that kept me on my toes (everett, i’m looking at you & how long you managed to stick around for) & i respect that. i have so much more i could say about this fic but i’ll stop here so i don’t spoil anything lol.
my pleasure (to make you mine) by @zanniscaramouche / zanni_scaramouche
i don’t think i’ve let zanni have a moment of peace about this fic since i read it. for that, zanni, i’m sorry. but i’m also really, really not. the way their dynamic right off the bat is so seamless & louis does his best to make harry feel comfortable is what we in the industry like to call cinema. prior to this fic i didn’t really care one way or the other about nipple play in fics & now i don’t understand why it doesn’t occur more in fics?? zanni, you’ve changed me as a woman thx bb
meow or never by velvetnoodle
as a cat lover who has attempted to discreetly bring cats home before & a louis lover, i understand harry’s dilemma. i would also do exactly what he did if given louis’ offer. i will leave it at that & will let you bask in the magic that is this fic.
no bunny but you by @crinkle-eyed-boo / crinkle-eyed-boo
this is another fic i will simply never shut up about. louis is smooth as shit??? like. i WISH a guy would do for me what he did for harry in this. there’s just so much to adore in this from the flirting, the teasing, the relationship developments, the softness, all the little plot twists. 10/10, top tier, no notes
promise not to fade away by @nobodymoves / you_explode
i adore the way this toed the line of angst & fluff so well. it’s so sweet & cute & hot & has an open/ambiguous ending that still gives you a sense of closure imo. as someone who typically is not an open/ambiguous ending fic fan, i absolutely endorse this fic. 
stood up by panda_bear21
the pop punk!louis/popstar!harry (or the bad boy!louis/good boy!harry) trope will always give me the will to live. i love this fic bc it’s cute & does sexual tension well & while it does bring up closeting & general hollywood shittiness, it does a good job of making you feel like it’s not the actual focus of the plot & still leaves you with some hope, if that makes sense & i appreciate that v much
three french hems by 100percentsassy & gloria_andrews
idk if it’s because i started reading fan fics on wattpad (i mean, really my journey started w fanfiction.net & the fics that had the actual fic in the youtube description box & the video was a slideshow of pics but i digress) but i have a soft spot for smaus. & they can be....tricky (the wattpad homies know) but this is done so well & i need someone to get louis some perfectly cooked prawns pls!!!! also louis having a thing for harry’s thighs rly makes this baby a winner imo
to be a better man by @thedevilinmybrain / devilinmybrain
i have a weak spot for fics where harry or louis cheat on their significant other w each other. it’s my guilty pleasure. sue me. jen is so good at describing feelings, actions, etc to make you feel like you’re in the fic watching it happen. i adore the changes in larry’s dynamic, how smoothly it all happened, how much louis cared & understood exactly what harry needed, how easily harry gave in &let louis take care of him. i would absolutely read a part 2 of this w harry & louis together
wrapped in light, in life, in love by orphan account
i will never not be obsessed w fics that have the louis is gemma’s best friend & harry’s in love w him trope. that mixed w how easily & instantaneously harry & louis get along even after not seeing each other for years? add a dash of harry having louis’ baby & how obvious they are about their feelings for each other? GIMME
when we were young by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16
ok so this is a series, not a fic B U T i feel like  you can read the fics stand alone & you can feel the vibe from each fic, but i think since they both have the ~vibe~ you just feel it all so much more when you read them together. ANYWAY. they’re so obviously smitten w each other & of course everyone else can see it but them. harry is an oblivious shit but we love him (&so does louis).
you took my heart by surprise by @loveislarryislove / livelaughlovelarry
it takes a while for harry & louis to warm up to each other, but once they do, it is just...so, so good. annika’s writing will make you feel like you’re actually experiencing the same emotions as the characters are. louis’ protectiveness & how adamant he is to not let anything get in the way of protecting harry, including himself is so heartbreakingly sweet. i cry. i adore how annika describes the emotionally conflicting emotions & situations while keeping the undertone of how much they care about & want each other. annika does not play when it comes to angst & that is a warning (although this is def not her most angst-filled fic by any means)
your heart can love again by sloganeer
this fic speaks to the famous!louis/fanboy!harry stan in me. a shocker, truly, i know! it’s so cute. i love how their relationships transitions in a way that’s quick but doesn’t feel forced & just makes sense -- the way they get domestic so quickly is simply *chefs kiss*
**friendly reminder to please leave kudos & comments on any of the fics you end up reading from this !! show the writers some love :)**
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delicatepointofview · 2 years
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Louis being an Oasis fanboy
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I shall share but a small morsel of information that my brain came up with on the topic of frev and piercings, which involved a certain nickname of a certain “emo fanboy”…
Louis Antoine de Saint Just, the “angel of death” of the french revolution, with angel bites.
Thank you, that is all.
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lefreck · 9 months
Part two already even though the other one isn’t done because I have the brain rot and I’m deathly bored at work and it’s Friday !!!
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twofallinghosts · 10 months
hellloooo! i’m back after 2 years haha, i don’t know if i’ll continue uploading users ideas, what do you think?
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