#Love that I've tagged Jiang Cheng more times than Lan Wangji
amynchan · 2 years
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I posted 2,891 times in 2022
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I tagged 2,191 of my posts in 2022
Only 24% of my posts had no tags
#mdzs - 959 posts
#wei wuxian - 496 posts
#xd - 474 posts
#jiang cheng - 355 posts
#lan wangji - 309 posts
#x'd - 231 posts
#jin ling - 167 posts
#lan sizhui - 107 posts
#nie huaisang - 101 posts
#lan jingyi - 98 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#he plays chenqing and from beneath the wooden floors a corpse emerges screaming about how their spouse killed them for life insurance money
My Top Posts in 2022:
yk, I was p okay with going along with the interpretation that Lan Zhan chose 'Sizhui' because he was longing for Wei Wuxian, but what if it's something else? 'Sizhui,' according to the translations, means to remember and long for. The second half is what makes everyone go "Lan Zhan is just so in love with Wei Ying!" While that's true, the courtesy name should show what you want for the kid, right?
So, when Lan Zhan chose 'Lan Sizhui,' what if he was just saying "I want you to remember, eventually, where you came from and who protected you in this world"? He already remembers Wei Wuxian and the Wen remnants, and I wonder if it ever killed him that little A-Yuan had forgotten?
186 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
See the full post
218 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
Everyone's got a right to their own experience with characters.
Like, it's more than an opinion. People experience things when they're faced with characters that act a certain way. Characters are often exaggerated in order to help the story along, and stories are meant to affect people, so good characters affect people. Some of the effects are intentional, some of them aren't, and it's 100% okay that people have a different experience than you.
Like, when I was watching Encanto, I was so excited for Abuela to come talk to Mirabel. To me, that was a step towards healing. Abuela knew where Mirabel had gone and had actually gone to talk to her. Not only that, Abuela was being real and ate her own words of her own volition. That was amazing for me, who doesn't see that happen a whole lot and wishes to high heaven that it would happen more often, and I was thrilled. However, my siblings, who've had older people come to talk to them when they just wanna be left alone, immediately wanted Abuela to fall into a ditch. They wanted Mirabel to get angry and stand up for herself and defend her worth and her actions.
Neither of these interpretations are the wrong way to interact with Abuela because our difference didn't mean that we instantly hated each other. Instead, it was kinda fascinating to see where they were coming from because I'd never seen someone actively coming up to you and being straight up as a bad thing, and I hope they thought my POV was at least a little interesting. We didn't belittle each other or call each other names or accuse one another of being xyz because we interacted with a set of characteristics differently from one another.
Characters are characters. Good characters—not "moral" or "righteous" or "best," but "good"—make the audience feel things.
In Fruits Basket, Shigure makes me so infuriated because I met him when I was wrestling with this gray morality thing. I know several people who love him and his conniving little ways. The two reactions can—and, tbh, probably should—coexist in this world.
In Steven Universe, when Pearl and Amethyst fight, their division makes me hurt because I've been drawn to care about both characters. There were lots of people who took Pearl's side. There were lots of people who took Amethyst's. Both could be justifiable, and a lot of people got so invested. Pearl and Amethyst made the audience feel things, and that's kinda the point.
In Modao Zushi, Jiang Cheng is an incredibly divisive character (for good reason!), but he's a good character. Some people hate him and can back that up with the text and their own experiences. Some people love him and can back that up with the text and their own experiences. It's great! It kinda sucks to see an excess of an opposite opinion, but, like, they're allowed to have that. My experience doesn't make yours invalid, and your experience doesn't make mine invalid. They're just... different.
You're allowed to look at the same text, the same character, the same story, and feel different things from another person based on that text, character, and story. It's honestly part of the fun. And if you can't interact with people who hold that different opinion (for literally any reason ranging from "this is my chill spot and I'm not about to argue with somebody over something that doesn't matter" to "the opinion I hold is tied very closely to core aspects of my personality [trauma, strongly held beliefs, etc] and seeing its opposite physically and mentally unsettles me" to "stars. not today."), then that's fine. Block the tags. Ignore. Let it goooooo (had to).
They're characters. We love them, we hate them, they make us feel things, and we sometimes do some self-reflection using them as a guide (I find that this is where a lot of anger comes from? Maybe that's just me.). But we don't have to sit there and accuse someone else that they're xyz for hating/loving/not appreciating a character.
These are stories. These are characters. They may touch on our heartstrings and make our experiences and traumas feel validated, but they do the same thing in different ways for other people. And that's okay.
We can use that to learn about other people instead of immediately condemning them. If you don't want to engage with the other interpretations/experiences, then cool. If you wanna hate a character in peace, just make sure you've got the 'anti-' tag ready to go so people don't walk into your shop ready for something they ain't gonna get.
Just... yeah. Characters, experiences, and fandoms. We don't gotta be at each other's throats all the time.
252 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
I know a lot of us go 'poor baby Mo Xuanyu' because of how shittily he was treated, but do we or do we all not just collectively gloss over the fact that he thought 'I am going to summon the most horrifying demon so he can slaughter my family and then I'm gonna let him loose on the entire world because I am so fucking done'?
Like, he was wrong, of course, but that was the goal, and I kinda wonder what other 'plots' he might have tried if the whole Yiling Patriarch thing hadn't worked out?
362 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I think a lot of us really want someone to have survived the burning of Lotus Pier, and I've seen some stories say that some survived because they were out of the pier for one reason or another, but something just hit me.
The Wens placed a restriction on night hunts before they attacked. All of the cultivators, including Jiang Cheng, the actual heir of YunmengJiang, were forced to stay in Lotus Pier. They were all bored out of their skulls when the invasion knocked upon their door because they were all forced to stay inside.
Everyone in Lotus Pier died except for Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian.
Because they were trapped there.
And the Wens knew because they orchestrated it.
For some reason, the massacre is one thing to me. It takes on a whole new layer when I realize that the Wen kept the cultivators there, waiting and ready to be slaughtered.
After everything, Jiang Cheng really was alone, wasn't he?
733 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
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dengswei · 6 months
2023: A Year in Review
tagged by the wonderful @weiwuz thank you!!
rules: link your favourite and/or most popular post from each month of this year (it's totally fine to skip months and tag some CCs you love!)
i'm going to link more than one because i feel like i've improved a lot over this past year as i adapted more to using photopea & explored a lot more when it comes to giffing using it & i'm proud of how far i've come this year! (also you can see when i went from only doing 1 gif a month to like multiple 🤣) apparently i didn't make very many sets in may that aren't in my eyes "boring" 🤣
first love: hatsukoi + terminal by lewloh & julia gartha
kurodachi | cherry magic + moment by jeff satur — for userdramas event 3: beginnings
lan wangji | the untamed (golden core reveal & all the things he said to wwx when he didn't know he was coreless because i love inflicting pain)
kodama sakuko | koisenu futari — for userdramas event 4: love
asatsune | reversal orchestra (with a quote by r.m. drake)
asatsune | reversal orchestra ep 8
mike chinnarat in midnight museum ep 2 (this one might also be most popular people were rightfully unhinged when they saw this set/him in this drama)
asatsune | reversal orchestra ep 9
core four | brush up life
jiang cheng | the untamed — for userdramas event 6: second time to shine
takahashi satoru | koisenu futari — for userdramas event 7: identity (it's rainbow coloured what else can i say)
jeff satur lucid mv (aka the set i still kick myself for forgetting i could've used this for userdramas bingo)
wasteland by kang daniel set (another set where i kinda used b&w and didn't hate it also i just love the blending in this set, & the og mv for SOS was like yellow)
wei wuxian | the untamed — for userdramas get to know me bingo: character
takahashi satoru | koisenu futari — for userdramas event 9: icon
xiyao | the untamed — for userdramas event 10: emotions (i really loved how this one turned out with the transition of the colours & just the colouring in general i really love)
asatsune | reversal orchestra — for userdramas get to know me bingo: relationship (i had a lot of trial and error with this set, it took a whole like 7 months for me to finish it because i kept going back and redoing the colouring because reversal orchestra if you haven't seen it is like literally colour coded yellow/orange, you can also tell it took me this long because this is one of the few sets after like july where i used my old gif size)
xiyao | the untamed — for userdramas event 11: inspiration
songxiao | the untamed — for userdramas event 12 loss (this one is actually probably my favourite set of mine of all time)
yaojing | lost you forever — for asiandramanet nov bingo: animation (fade transition effect used, this one took me a long time to make & it turned out so much better than i expected)
tushan jing | lost you forever — for asiandramanet nov bingo: quote (i'm not a lover of using yellow in my gifsets & i actively tend to avoid it but i wanted to use yellow because i think it embodied the quote well and i surprisingly loved how it turned out)
tang lian | the blood of youth — for asiandramanet nov bingo: blending
zhening | story of kunning palace — for asiandramanet dec bingo: black & white (b&w is another thing i tend to avoid with my gifsets because i usually dislike the outcome but i really loved how this turned out)
yunqing | reset — for userdramas secret santa + asiandramanet dec bingo: overlay
jinwoo/moeun | tell me that you love me — for asiandramanet dec bingo: free choice (i've been wanting to use this quote for agessss and it was just perf for them & this set has grown on me a lot)
yaojing | lost you forever (ep 33) — for asiandramanet dec bingo: typography (ironically for this what i love about it is the colouring)
jinwoo/moeun | tell me that you love me (ep 9) — for asiandramanet dec bingo: comfort
i'm too lazy to tag people so please feel free to say i tagged you, & if you read the whole of this post ilysm
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veliseraptor · 3 years
Ship that is canon but you don’t ship: 💤
I feel like...ehhh, I feel like most canon ships I'd say I don't ship in terms of "feel lukewarm about/don't really care about" with a very short list of exceptions, but also there aren't a lot of canon ships that I actively don't ship in terms of "I don't like this pairing." it's a whole lot of *shrug*, mostly.
it really is an exception when I actually end up having a significant amount of Feelings about a canonical (romantic) ship and I'm always sort of surprised by it.
I guess if I'm considering some ~notable~ canon ships that I am more Don't Care about than generally...I don't know that there are any that stick out to me in my current fandom(s). Faile/Perrin is kind of this for me in that of the three ta'veren boy relationships it's the one I care about least.
with the exception of Jane/Thor, partly out of spite, I don't think there's been any MCU ~romance~ that I've cared about let alone actively shipped. I guess I had sort of average-level positive feelings about Pepper/Tony (what I still think is probably the best executed romantic relationship in the MCU, but that's a low bar) and non-unfriendly feelings about Nakia/T'Challa (but that's not really something that formed into a relationship per se in canon). Overall though the MCU shows me a romance and I'm like. eh. give me more dysfunctional siblings.
oh! to go way back in my fandom life - I simply do not care for Daemon/Surreal as a thing that happened, but then again ultimately it seems neither did Anne Bishop.
Ship that is unpopular but you still like: 💘
Are we talking "unpopular" as in "rarepair" or "unpopular" as in "has a lot of people who don't like it"? I guess I should go with the latter because there's the "ship that needs more love" question on here also, which otherwise would be pretty much the same.
And I mean...most of the things I really ship sort of come prepackaged with at least some contingent of people who have very strong negative feelings about it? with I guess the exception of Steve/Loki which didn't seem to have that. Until recently I would've said Mat/Tuon too! but it seems I was wrong in that impression. (Or maybe that's a more recent development.)
I feel like XueXiao could be one that fits here because of the vehemence of objections to it that I've seen, but it's also a pretty popular ship in the scheme of "things that people in its fandom ship" as far as I can tell (not super popular, but, like. It's in the top 10 relationships tags for CQL on AO3).
other fandoms...well, as far as "pairings with a solid contingent that a number of people still really don't like" I could also throw Sandor/Sansa out there, though I don't see that one as a pairing since the show came out as often as I used to back in book fandom.
back in the old Avatar fandom days, Mai/Zuko I feel like was kind of this, and that's probably the reason why I never got into Zutara, tbh. (I would've read Zuko/Mai/Katara but as far as I could tell no one was writing it at the time.)
Ship that needs more love: 💖
First that comes to mind ofc is Hua Cheng/Mu Qing (pool noodle!!!) which is an excellent/awful pairing that I wish there was more of. There could also always, always be more Xueyao, which yes, I could be working on myself and haven't lately, which has been derelict of me. Should do something about that, probably.
I haven't checked on the state of Steve/Loki in a while but while it definitely got more popular over my time in MCU fandom that ship could always use more love, because it's obviously the best and most important MCU ship, clearly.
several Xue Yang ships that mostly only live in one or two fics and/or that I want to read but only to my exact specifications. also Lan Wangji/Jiang Cheng hate/grief/proxyfucking, I want more of that. to be fair haven't looked in a hot minute but I'm going to go ahead and assume there's not enough of it
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biromantic-nerd · 2 years
tag game!
tagged by @romanticism-is-maudlinism thanks! 💙
Rules: tell us the titles of all the WIPs you are currently working on right now and a little about them. Then tag five other writers.
1. You Don't Dare (You Say Love Is A Hell You Cannot Bear)
Merlin BBC. This is my Febuwhump fic. I'm basically done with it, so it's not super a wip, but I'm still going through and editing and might write more for it. Chapter 1 will be posted on uhh this Sunday, I believe.
It's Arthur pov. Set in early season 1. Sleeping Beauty themed events, minus any romance and more focused on Arthur's insecurity.
2. box
another Merlin BBC febuwhump fic, however I don't think I'll be finishing it in time. Merlin pov.
Basically Merlin hits his head and gets a teensy weensy bit held hostage.
3. somehow a SVSSS amnesia fic??
SVSSS. Okay I started writing it as a personal joke! But you know what, I might end up going for it.
So it's a canon divergence - a what if Shen Yuan really did have amnesia from the start type of plot when he wakes up. It's third person narrator, however it's heavily focused of the disciples (Ming Fan especially) losing their minds over this
4. Damian training?
DC. Damian pov. Set before he arrives at Gotham. (Maybe will add a chapter for after too??) A slight compare and contrast of what Damian's learned to be true and what is true, but mostly just a small outtake of a possible training scene.
5. The fabrication of the story is where divergent truths emerge
The Untamed. So this one is probably never going to see the light of day bc it's a massive project and I'm terrible at keeping track of timelines! especially in alternate canons where changing the timeline can have a huge ripple effect.
It's basically a canon divergence (set in the short span of post Core Transfer but pre Yiling Laozu) where Jiang Cheng politically, platonically marries Wei Wuxian to save him. No, really.
Political shenanigans ensue. Jiang Cheng, Wei Ying, and Jiang Yanli protect each other through it.
Somehow I think Lan Zhan suffers the most in this; but somehow incredulously Jin Zixuan is a close second.
(Yes this is Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji endgame.)
No clue who the main pov (bc all I have is the title and a very bad outline) but I suspect it'd be Jiang Cheng with the occasional WWX scene and one Jin Zixuan scene.
But I really do love the title for this actually. I think it sums up the future "misunderstandings" tag very well.
6. Clark Kent pov of Brucie Wayne and his new ward Dick Grayson
DC. So this one is mostly a practice run to see if I liked writing Clark's pov. So far, I'm not impressed with my characterization of him; which makes me delay working on it bc it doesn't vibe right yet to me.
Characterization is something I try hard to get how I want. It's usually not canon characterization, exactly, but I like to try and make characters feel like a real version of themself. So far, this Clark is very... imitation feeling.
Anyways, it's basically just a bunch of reporters at a press conference about Dick and Clark idly musing over it as he does his job.
7. chronic pain + chronic illness Eddie Brock
Venom. This one has been a long time coming. I had originally wanted to do this idea for Big Spoon, You Have So Much To Do but in order to make that one manageable to write, I didn't touch upon the idea of chronic pain+illness Eddie and focused more on figuring out boundaries involved when sharing a body.
So the original concept was far more serious in tone than the one scene I've now got drafted out so far. But it's basically at the core the same premise. Just... funnier and more light-hearted. We'll see how it goes! Who knows, maybe as I write it, it'll get heavier again. Either way is fine with me.
8. They'll speak of me (oh in whispered tones) and say my name like it shakes their bones
Merlin BBC again. Been shaking out the old cobwebs lately of fic ideas I used to have. Morgana pov. It's more of a character study warm up, like the Clark Kent wip. I have written Morgana before, but I've fallen out of practice in her vocal tics and characterization, and I wanted to spend a fic trying to to recapture that feeling of writing her again.
Plus, I really, really wanted to write a fic with these lyrics as a title. And Morgana suits them well.
Feel like I'm forgetting a bunch since I always just have a wide ongoing shuffle of wips I bounce around from.
tags: @daringyounggrayson and anyone who wants to. (yes I know this isn't five but)
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I posted 2,763 times in 2021
24 posts created (1%)
2739 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 114.1 posts.
I added 84 tags in 2021
#wei ying - 12 posts
#wei wuxian - 12 posts
#mo dao zu shi - 10 posts
#mdzs - 9 posts
#cql - 7 posts
#jiang cheng - 7 posts
#lan zhan - 7 posts
#lan wangji - 7 posts
#grandmaster of demonic cultivation - 7 posts
#the untamed - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 76 characters
#im gonna read tgcf just so i understand the other half of this post bc wtf??
My Top Posts in 2021
(Sorry for the excessive commas, it's been a while since i've written this type of posts :) )
(Also, triger warning for mentions of death in the whole post and a reference of suicide in the last paragraph)
Sometimes i think about how almost nobody in mdzs could keep the promises they made
The Jiang siblings didn’t stay together, even after guanyin temple, jc and wwx’s relationship will never be the same, that is not to say that they can’t try to mend it but it just will never be the same, they’re missing a whole person, as much as they try, they cannot be the Twin Prides of Yunmeng, they can be more than just cultivators that bump into each other sometimes, more than Sandu Shengshou and the Yilling Patriarch, maybe even jl’s other uncle, but it will be a long time before they can be the brothers again
lwj also couldn’t keep his promise to wwx, he didn’t stay by his side, regardless if he couldn’t or he didn’t want to, that didn’t matter at the end, wwx still died before his own eyes and he couldn’t do anything to stop it, wwx damaged his body and soul just like lwj told him
And even after his death, the promise of aiding the weak, seek righteousness and live with no regrets, lwj couldn’t keep it, as much as he became the best person he could after wwx’s death, even as he adopted lsz and treated him as his own son, how he thinks wwx would have, he had regrets, he had so many regrets and one of the most painful and will breaking things ever is not being able to correct a wrong doing, specially in lwj case, he regretted and suffered because of it, and as much as he help other, being lsz needing a father or people needing a cultivator willing to help, he couldn’t do stay at the sideof justice like wwx did, even when that would ultimately lead him to his dead
wwx also broke promises, and they are almost always the most painful to witness, as I already said, he didn’t stay with jyl and jc, their relationship during the sunshot campaign was already affected by jfm and yzy deaths, by the golden core transplant (even if nobody knew), by the demonic cultivation, by his inability to ask for help because he feared people would discover he was coreless, because he knew that would affect their relationship with his sibling even more, they didn’t need another person to take care of, they needed someone that took care of them, so he did
But he didn’t only care about the jiang sibling, wn and wq were also important to him, so he did it again, he protected them, again at his own account and giving up something, in this case, gave his relationship with the rest of the cultivation world, with his sect, with the family that he so desperately tried to keep together
And then he couldn’t keep his promise with the wens either, he protected them until they protected him, something he never thought was even a possibility because he was always the one to give, give his cheerfulness, his light, his work, his life force, his fame, his place in the jiang sect, in the cultivation world besides the people he loves. So, when other gave up something for him, he didn’t know what to do, so when he saw that they sacrifice was useless, when he could protect them anymore and break up his promise, there wasn’t anything keeping him there
So...this really lost its initial theme but my train of thought lead me here and i just kept going
42 notes • Posted 2021-05-10 01:26:59 GMT
I like when in yunmeng sibling fics wwx and jc say something like "how DARE YOU say that Miss Jiang Yanli, my a-Jie/Shijie, would EVER even consider saying/doing that? She is the most polite, gentle and understanding person to ever walk and if you ever even hint at her being any less respectable than that, you'll face the consequences"
Cue jyl going apeshit in the background
46 notes • Posted 2021-06-01 21:35:30 GMT
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@stiltonbasket <3
49 notes • Posted 2021-11-25 04:51:17 GMT
Imagine JC going to Cloud Recesses and finding a lotus pond, he finds out LWJ made it for WWX and he immediately remembers when JZX did the same for JYL, when he brought a piece of her home, of her clan, of her family, to her so she would feel like she could still be herself and not only the young madam jin, so she could still be as much Jiang as she was Jin
And now LWJ did the same for WWX, but this time it has quite a different meaning
Maybe WWX thinks that’s the only way he can feel connected to his sect, the only way he can remember the feeling of picking lotus pods after swimming all day during summer, the only piece of Lotus Pier he can take to his new home without feeling like he’s stealing it from someone
JC tries to put those feelings aside during his visit but he does end up telling WWX to go to Lotus Pier one day so he can remember what proper lotuses look like and stop comparing his little pond to the ones at their childhood home that are obviously superior to both koi towers and cloud ressecess’
75 notes • Posted 2021-05-25 03:44:22 GMT
I know we all cry when we think of young Lan Wangji waiting for his mother kneeling outside the jingshi
But have we thought about a world where A-Yuan doesn’t forget Wei Ying and he does the same? He grieves, he cries, he wishes for a single minute with him, he wishes he could have more memories of him, wishes he could always remember the sound of his voice and the warmth of his hug even years after his death
And Lan Wangji, also grieving, also heartbroken and having only light in his life in the form of this kid, helping him to not forget Wei Ying, helping him so he can remember him in the way that Lan Wangji does, as a cheerful and selfless person, and not a monster, allowing him to grieve but not to get lost in sadness and emptiness
I just want you to picture them sharing their memories of Wei Ying, the way his smile will part his face in two, his tries on cooking something for the Wens, only to be then prohibited by Wen Qing to ever get close to their “kitchen”, the way he would tie his ribbon on his hair, the way he could spin chenqing with one hand, promising A-Yuan that he would teach him how to do it when he was a little older
At the end A-Yuan did not learn how to do spin a flute, regardless if he chose the guqin as his spiritual tool, he could have asked Uncle Xichen, but he didn’t think his uncle would be familiar which such a trick, but he also wanted to have that trick connected to a single person in his memory
Neither A-Yuan nor Wagji could replace Wei Ying with each other, but could at least find light and comfort in the single thing in the world that Wei Ying still had a good connection to, even if they had to live with people cursing his name in every way possible, they knew better than to believe the rumors, as much as Wei Ying hide and lied, they knew he had a heart, they knew he loved, they knew he cherished those around him with every fiber of his being, and they knew he was always loved, even if he didn’t know
He was loved in life and in death, even if it was just only by them
93 notes • Posted 2021-05-22 00:42:07 GMT
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