#This is Interesting
53v3nfrn5 · 4 months
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Scheherazade, Georges Barbier, from a series of drawings based on the ballets of Vaslav Nijinsky (1913)
Betrayed by his wife, the king of Persia, Shahriyar, decides to exact vengeance by marrying a different virgin every day and having her put to death after the wedding night. To put an end to the massacre, the daughter of the grand vizier, Scheherazade, offers herself to the sultan. On the evening of the wedding, she begins to tell him a riveting story, but is careful to leave it unfinished. Desperate to learn how it goes on, Shahriyar affords her a stay of execution. Scheherazade continues for one thousand and one nights, at the end of which the sultan abandons his revenge. Captivated by the imagination and the storytelling talents of his new wife, he decides to keep her close by him forever. Intelligent and cultivated, Scheherazade is a positive incarnation of a woman who frees herself from male oppression by her ingenuity and mastery of language.
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mj-ackerman · 1 year
Twilight hesitated when he saw it was Yuri! if it was a different SSS agent, he might've pulled the trigger right away, but it was Yuri, the brother of his wife! I'm sure Twilight doesn't want to hurt him or it will saddened Yor.
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pharaohgargamel · 4 months
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Жук олень или по народному "Жук рогач"
Краснокнижный вид.
Stag beetle
Red Book species.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 7 months
Having a Strong Sense of Justice has Shaped My Whole Life…
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The Autistic Teacher
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krasytoonz · 11 months
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I found something from tadc when Caine gave us a website
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foxsketch6543 · 4 months
This looks oddly familiar…. 👀🤯
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I’ve been watching s2e4 of Smiling Friends and I feel like I might’ve caught a very FANTASTIC reference on this episode.
IDK I actually thought it was a cool reference! ;;
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kwisatzworld · 6 months
Palmist Joan Elizabeth read Vale's hands, knowing only that they belonged to a bike racer, nothing more. 'His past lifeline curves round the base of the thumb. Nothing to do with longevity; it's how a person lives their life. This chap is very independent. Childhood may not have been an easy time. It's not a criticism of parenting; his very strong, independent spirit made him someone who wasn't easy to parent. It seems his life has gone in blocks, with some difficulties.
'He's unsure - not from his lack of commitment but other people's. With that sorted I see him zooming into the future in a controlled way; this chap has control over his life. Something of a temper I'd suggest, but he's probably only lost it once or twice because he likes to be in control.
I know he's a racer but I have to say I'm surprised. It's almost as if he got into what he's doing by default. I'd assumed that, because of the strong determination in his hands, he'd be very clear about what he's doing. In fact there seems to be a sort of vagueness. He probably found that he was very gifted and thought "I'll have a go". One day he'll wake up and say "I've had enough of this", and do something completely different. It'll certainly be creative. He's a very intelligent chap who could choose any career.
'Whatever he does needs movement, people, changes. Repetition is like death to him. A very emotional man too; his heart line shows more than his share of emotional events, some of which he's vowed never to repeat. He's buitt a strong defensive mechanism around him.
'He has a very sympathetic nature, but he likes to get on with it. Money-wise there's strong financial security. He's a very intuitive man who sums up people quickly. He doesn't suffer fools gladly, I wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of him. He may have a lot of acquaintances but very few real friends, If he makes a friend, that's it, you've got him for life.'
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depressedraisin · 3 months
also also armand didn't know daniel was communicating with the talamasca till the end??? like daniel had been pulling out things he shouldn't have known about and armand had been eyeing him suspiciously since atleast ep4 but he never found out....??
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Hey Riot! 👋 It's been a bit since I've been temporarily on break from Tumblr. Clearly, this means I need to start back with a new au.
Hmm. Kind of want an AU with amnesia Prowl. Like when Chromedome does the thing at the beginning of MTMTE he ends up resetting Prowl not just ripping out the memory Prowl was threatening to reveal to Rewind and you know fucking up Prowl’s mind enough that Prowlastator happened and Bombshell napped him easy. So Chromedome leans back and he has a fresh baby Prowl looking up at him with big confused innocent eyes and promptly freaks out enough to use the Overlord smuggling operation to smuggle in Prowl while he figures out what to do with him.
Cue confused Prowl waiting, trying to be well-behaved for his supervisor. That is what Chromedome is right (?), gives him orders, but he's very lonely and would like to leave the box now.
Eventually, he gets out and finds himself in a cell with a criminal (?). Who refers to him by his designation he hasn't told anyone yet. Overlord having been trained by Trepan recognizes the damages and at least has something (new to) interesting to fill his time with.
Chromedome, meanwhile, doesn't realize he didn't put Prowl in stasis correctly and is trying to figure out the best way to handle Prowl 2.0 with Brainstorm that doesn't involve killing him.
Prowl and Overlord talk, and Prowl feels uncomfortable because basically all he has is old laws and the Autobot Code, which he is now taking as the Law For Living, and this isn't proper prisoner treatment. Which is upsetting for him. He starts taking notes on things he needs to report and eventually finds handcuffs and perks up. All while Overlord watches Prowl do the Transformer equivalent of a puppy stumbling around getting used to his legs.
Overlord is talking to him the entire time mentioning things the Prowl can only respond with a disgruntled "I don't know what that is."
When Prowl pulls out the handcuffs, Overlord makes a kinky joke, which Prowl completely misses, and then watches in bemusmenet as Prowl stands up in front of him and asks if he will cooperate and allow him to switch him to standard prisoner restraints. He says of course officer and Prowl undoes his restraints.
Overlord snatches him up without hesitation, and Prowl squeaks. Overlord considers crushing him but despite his amusement he is still in a Megatron Funk and has no real desire to escape, so he sits up and perches Prowl on his thigh, telling him sweetly he wouldnt be able to reach from down there. Prowl is wary and certain this is Not Normal Prisoner Behavior, but Overlord does let him handcuff him with basically to him streamers and adjust the holding cell to fit regulations better.
He decides to start "processing" Overlord and begins to ask him to fill out paperwork, which Prowl is mentally compiling. Overlord answers Prowl's questions and then mentions he has yet to be able to seek legal counsel or give his charges, which Prowl believes, and the rules say that has to happen.
So Prowl goes on a mission to get Overlord his lawyer. Overlord, feeling vaguely suicidal, gives him Tarn's number. Prowl still instinctively knowing his override codes opens the door and makes the call.
Through a series of slightly murderous attempts due purely to Tarn's curiosity of "what the fuck Prowl?!". He ends up carried off with Overlord who barely even fights which pisses Tarn off just the right amount to store him until later. He has more important things.
Like Converting Autobots.
I've seen amnesiac!Prowl in. A fic and another I didn't click on yet, so it's very interesting to see how he acts without his memories
mm mnemosurgery, which I still think is terrifying
well that's not good
The fact that you can just wipe someone's entire fucking everything like that scares me but hey! It's mnemosurgery. That makes sense for mnemosurgery.
Prowl 2.0:
Chromedome: fuck it, come with me
So leaving Overlord and Prowl alone together has to be fascinating, well ruh roh raggy!
So Overlord has been released early, fuck.
and then mentions he has yet to be able to seek legal counsel or given his charges, which Prowl believes
Suggesting the hilarious imagine that initially Overlord might've had these things, and I'm imagining Overlord in a trial absolutely being a menace the entire time (which does not help his case)
How does he have Tarn's number
Can someone just up and call Tarn and say "hey Mr DJD? I have a traitor for you." and snitch on their one friend who did one (1) Mildly (or more than mildly) Traitorous thing but also happened to piss Character One off at the wrong time?
Can someone just fucking lie to Tarn and frame someone as a traitor?
Even Tarn doesn't know what's up here (he'll learn)
Wonder how well received the sudden arrival of the fucking DJD is :)
Is Prowl about to be possibly converted to a decepticon right now? :D?
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dipplinduo · 8 months
I made an interesting connection today.
We all know how apple-centric Dipplinshipping is, right?
Well, what is one of the most well-known stories involving an apple?
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I rest my case
I need to know who the witch is LOL
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dhaaruni · 3 months
This is, on the face of it, anti-white ideology - all of the bad stuff in the world happens as a direct result of white actions, white power. Yet I have always felt that there’s something else going on in these debates. I suspect that placing all of the blame for historical crimes on white people is strangely comforting for white leftists: it advances a vision of the world where only white people matter. It says that the sun rises and sets with white people. It suggests that white people wrote history. It assures white people that, no matter what else is true, they are the masters of the world. That all of this is framed in terms of judgment against the abstraction “white people” is incidental. I think if you could strip people down to their most naked self-interest and ask them, “would you be willing to take all the blame, if it meant you got all the power?,” most would say yes. And of course in this narrative people of color are sad little extras, unable even to commit injustice, manipulated across the chessboard by the omnipotent white masters whose interests they can’t even begin to oppose. All of this to score meaningless political points in debates about inequality and injustice.
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pedropascal24-7 · 8 months
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6flyingosprey6 · 8 months
Since their polls are up, I am here to spread more of my tazercraft are 'betas' headcanon.
They both growl and purr all the time, vocal ass bitches. (<- partially inspired by the creature Pac hc). Richas and now Ramón have started copying the way they purr specifically.
They both smell vaguely like nature (even if their scents aren't particularly strong separate). Pac smells like roses, and Mike smells like petrichor (the smell after it rains). Though in reality it's hard to tell which of them smells like what since their scents are also so intertwined.
Maybe I'll write about them soon, I accidentally fell in love with my own headcanon.
YES CREATURE PAC MY BELOVED these two are so fucking vocal you have no idea they do not shut up it annoys the fuck out of anyone who isn't used to them
and I love your ideas for their scents! (i also didn't know that petrichor was a thing, very epic). My personal headcanon is that people were only able to figure out Pac's scent when Mike went missing/comatose for months.
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dsm--v · 3 months
You'd make a really awful friend but you're also really funny
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rebecca--barnes · 2 months
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Now… now why would they post this?
Either they know something we don’t or they are clowning too
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This is what I look like when I'm stressed and or having a mental breakdown.....
I surprisingly don’t have mental breakdowns I just run my radio full volume while I have a table cloth in my mouth and it helps me relax and I then just slowly turn my radio down volume by volume. One time Toy Freddy walked in on me doing this and said “ok. *sigh* tell me what is wrong.” I just said “nothing is wrong this is just my Way of cope’ing” he was about to say something when my 2nd head just shook his head no and Freddy just said “ok, just call me if u need me tho” I just said “ok” and went back to “cope’ing”
still the most awkward interaction we’ve had so far
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