lseeducation · 10 years
'Course Collection' Space and Beanbags!
This summer I’ve been working with the library on some projects which relate to my priorities for the year and which will help to benefit all LSE students who use the library.
Primarily, we've been working together on student space. Space is, and will continue to be, a key issue for LSE students. Increasing numbers of students, as well as a short term decrease in available space due to the campus redevelopment, means that securing enough space for students will be something for which we will have to fight during the next 5 years at least. The LSE library, which can be accessed by students from other universities too, can be extremely busy, even (and especially) during the summer term when priority is given to LSE students over students from other universities. So expanding and improving student space in the library and beyond was a key part of my election manifesto and will continue to be a priority in my year as Education Officer.
In order to address this issue, myself and the library have been working to provide some LSE-students-only study space in what used to be the course collection area; a large part of which was previously used to store texts which either haven’t been taken out in years or are now available online. The space to be used is huge and students should be able to study in that space from next week!
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  The other way I've worked with the library to improve space around LSE is by ensuring that the SU inherits some library beanbags for the Saw Swee Hock student centre! They’re now placed around the second and third floor of the building so we’ve got some places to relax (and possibly nap) in our Union building.
There are two other changes in the way the library will be doing things this year. First, the library will no longer be issuing fines! Instead students will not be able to take out any further books until they return or renew due books. This policy will be piloted in the first term of this year and then reviewed (I’ll blog details of the review nearer the time).
Secondly, during October the library will be prioritising LSE students joining the library, meaning that new non-LSE students will not have their applications to join the library approved until the 5th of November.
I think that these changes will help improve LSE students' experience of the library. However while these steps are positive and the library has been great at listening and responding to student concerns, more needs to be done. And getting more done for students is my job, so I better get on with it!
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lseeducation · 11 years
Registering at LSE
You can register for your LSE programme in Clement House, Hong Kong Theatre. Don't forget your ID! You must do this during Orientation
When you register for your programme, you instantly become a member of LSE Students' Union. We are run by you, for you and are a not-for-profit organisation who's mission is to make your time at LSE the best it can possibly be! Look out for our purple events and t-shirts this Orientation week and throughout the year! 
Here's a map to help you find Clement House if you're having difficulty!
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lseeducation · 11 years
Hi there! I'm an undergraduate student currently enrolled for the BSc Management program. I wanted to ask you if its likely that one gets permission to request an unlisted course in their first year? Thanks and best wishes, your posts are amazing! :)
Hi. Thank you so much!
 I think it is possible to get permission for an unlisted course, although perhaps uncommon. Best to make friends with your Academic Advisors early so that they will okay your choice! Also make sure you know why it is you want to be allowed to take the course: if your argument is clear they will find it more difficult to say no! However don't be too disappointed if their response is not what you want: sometimes the school do know best about what complements mandatory departmental choices. You could always try again the next year if they do not allow you in your first year.
 Hope this helps :)
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lseeducation · 11 years
The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark.
Thomas Paine
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lseeducation · 11 years
The secret in education lies in respecting the student
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