#Luba x Reader
seanfalco · 2 years
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† word count: 556 † tags/warnings: luba x f!reader, sex toys, overstimulation, bondage, multiple orgasms, squirting, slight degradation, little slut used as a pet name † a/n: just a short one today, but it’s extra smutty to make up for it ;p
[ kinktober masterlist ]
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“Squirming will do you no good, liebchen,” Luba taunted, a haughty note to his voice as he tilted his head to watch you, not letting the vibrating wand in his hand leave your cunt.
“Luba, please,” you whined, entreating him with your eyes.  Your muscles were beginning to tire and you’d lost count of how many times he’d made you cum already.
“Please what, liebling?” he asked, grinning wickedly, watching you strain against the restraints that left you helpless, unable to escape or close your legs.  There was a hunger in his lidded gaze, a sadistic glint to his eyes that made you shiver—in fear or excitement—you didn’t know which.
“I d-don’t know how much more I can take,” you whimpered, the sheets beneath you sticking to the sheen of sweat that covered your body.
“You know what you have to do to make me stop, y/n,” Luba reminded you, his low voice turning husky.  “But obviously you want more or you would’ve used your safe word, little slut,” he purred delightedly, clearly enjoying the power he held over you and you shuddered at his words, another orgasm threatening to overtake you.
“You like it when I call you that?” Luba asked, noticing your reaction.  “Are you my little slut, liebchen?  Are you a good little girl, hmm?”
“I-I am, you know I am!” you cried, tensing as another orgasm ripped through you, stronger than the last, leaving your lashes damp with unshed tears and your muscles cramping, but before you could relax, Luba switched the vibrator’s setting, turning it up higher as he pressed the head harder against you, forcing another orgasm on the heels of your last.
This time your mind went blank as you arched off the bed in a desperate attempt to escape the almost painful amount of pleasure that coursed through you, a high pitched cry ripping from your throat.  Before you knew what was happening, you felt your muscles completely let go, and unable to stop it, a stream of liquid shot from you, saturating the sheet beneath you and surrounding you with warmth.
Finally, Luba shut off the toy and let you come down, your eyelids fluttering open.  “Did I…?” you began, feeling your cheeks heat with embarrassment at the mess you’d made.
“I knew I could get you to squirt,” Luba exclaimed, his voice pleased as he deftly unbuckled the worn leather cuffs at your wrists and ankles, carefully massaging them with his skilled hand and placing a chaste kiss to each before lifting your limp body in his arms.
“But what about the mess?” you asked wearily, eyeing the ruined bedding as he carried you toward the bathroom.
“Don’t you worry about that, my dirty little thing.  I’ll clean up and put fresh sheets down once you’re in the bath,” he drawled lightly.
You merely hummed in reply, too exhausted to respond much lest barely able to hold your head up.  “You better not leave me all alone in here for long,” you pouted as he set you down to turn on the water and get it up to temperature.
“I won’t schnucki, I promise,” Luba assured you, stroking your cheek fondly.  “You were so good for me, my liebchen,” he praised, and despite your exhaustion, you felt rather pleased with yourself at his sweet words.
“Next time let’s see if you can last even longer.”
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taglist: @super-unpredictable98​ @salvador-daley​ @firstpersonnarrator​ @vonkimmeren @love-is-dirty-baby
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Can you write a fic where the reader is sick and luba takes care of them?
The Very First Christmas
Fandom: Mute
Pairing: Luba x Reader (Foreign Dreams’ verse)
Word Count: 1,1 k
Warning: Strong language, mild sexual content, periods and stuff
a/n: Sorry it took me a while, anon. I hope you like it <3 also just in case the other anons are seeing it, I'm working on your requests too. Happy new year to everyone!
"Kling, Glöckchen, klingelingeling
kling, Glöckchen, kling!
Mädchen, hört, und Bübchen
Macht mir auf das Stübchen
Bring euch viele Gaben, sollt euch dran erlaben!"
You heard Luba singing gently as he prepared a simple lunch in the kitchen. It smelled delicious, but you immediately felt something was wrong. Your head was throbbing and your cramps were killing you. 
Most of the time your period was an inconvenience, you fought cramps and other symptoms with meds, but it was probably the coldest day of the year, which also didn't help and only intensified that horrible feeling. 
"Good morning, Mausi," he called when he heard you groan, standing by the doorway. "It's Krampusnacht, there's a parade nearby, we should go! I used to love them as kids and since you never celebrated Christmas, I thought you'd- what's wrong?"
Your face probably gave you away, that months the pain was so horrible that you almost felt sick to your stomach. You couldn't stand straight, you could barely even move. 
"Cramps... This month is kicking my ass."
"Aw, Mausi!" Luba rushed to your side and took you in his arms. "I know a very good solution for cramps," he smirked, his hand creeping up your thigh.
"Not now, sweetie, I don't think I can do it."
He frowned, the situation was probably serious for you to refuse sex, a very rare sight. Back in the day when Naadirah got cramps he usually bought her medicine and a heating pad, all of her favorite sweets, and took the day off to watch movies with her. 
Suddenly that memory came to him and twisted his stomach. As much as he loved you, remembering her still hurt, he never even got the chance to say goodbye. 
"What's wrong?" You asked.
"I don't know what to do. I'm afraid you might get angry if I tell you."
"I won't get angry," you fell back into the pillows. "Go ahead."
"There's a ritual I can do to take care of you, but- I used to..." 
"You used to do it with her?"
Luba nodded, embarrassed by the thought. You were his girlfriend and he wanted to be completely devoted to you. The thought of you thinking about another man made him seethe, so why should you be okay with him thinking of another woman?
"I'm so sorry, Mausi."
"Lu, I don't care about what happened before. You're mine now, right?"
"All yours," he nodded, pushing his blonde curls away from his face, the long sleeves of his blue jumper nearly swallowing his hands.
"Then I don't mind, I just want my boyfriend to take care of me when I don't feel well. If anything, I'm glad you've had some practice," you moaned, squirming as another wave of pain took over your stomach.
"I don't wanna leave the house and leave you alone," Luba pulled you closer. "But I don't have the right medicine or the heating pads."
"Do you have Tylenol? It works too," you groaned and he nodded. "And a hot water bottle or maybe a towel you can soak in hot water?"
"I can do that! Let me check what we have in the pantry," Luba looked down at his smart bracelet and pulled the list of items you had bought on your last trip to the grocery store. "We have knoppers, schoko-bons, milka bars, goldbären..."
"Sounds pretty good to me."
He perked up, happy to be useful. He placed a gentle kiss on your lower stomach before moving up to your lips and sighed. 
After asking you to pick your favorite movie, he ran to the kitchen to prepare your care kit. You ended up choosing some old movie you found laying around and got back under the blankets. 
"Hey there, pretty lady," your boyfriend came in carrying a tray just like he did almost every night at the club. "I'm Luba and I'll be your waiter tonight. And yes, I do accept my tip in kisses."
"Silly..." you shook your head, a tired smile on your face. "I have lots of kisses for you."
"Perfect! I have some snacks, some tea for you to take your meds, and a hot towel for your tummy," he said as he put down each of the items on the bed. "Come here, let me help you, Mausi."
You swallowed the pill with the warm chamomile tea while Luba lifted your oversized shirt to put the hot towel in place. It already started to feel better, not exactly because of the stuff he brought, but because he was there with you, he cared. 
"I also made some lasagna, it's in the oven," he pressed a gentle kiss to your temple. "Do you need me to order pads or tampons or anything?" 
"No, I still have some," you sighed, leaning into his embrace and pressing play on the movie. "You're really good at taking care of people."
"Yeah, being a prostitute does that to a person," he joked, pulling you closer to massage your belly. "I love you so much."
"I love you too," you turned to catch his lips. "I'm sorry about Krampusnacht, I really wish I could go. We can still catch the parade if I can walk by then."
"Don't worry about it, we have the rest of our lives to celebrate Krampusnacht. Believe me, you'll wanna be able to run, here they like to chase people around," Luba laughed. "We can go next year, it's okay." 
"Are you sure?" 
"Yeah, of course," he assured. "Besides, soon it will be Christmas, your very first one, right? It's still Weihnachtszeit, we can make cookies, go to the market and drink glühwein, decorate the tree... My mum taught me how to make gänsabraten when I was a boy."
"What's that?" 
"It's goose, you know, for Christmas night." 
"Ew! No! Can't we just make a turkey?"
"How is a goose that different from a turkey? They're both birds," Luba chuckled. "People eat duck, quail, chicken, even pheasant. What's wrong with the goose?"
You had to agree he had a pretty solid argument and you didn't want to be rude, it was already near blasphemy that you avoided pork in Germany, you were not about to talk badly about your future mother-in-law's traditional recipe. 
"Fine, I'll try the goose, but only if you feed it to me."
"That's my girl, my good girl," Luba purred, placing a shoko-bon between his lips and leaning closer so you could take it. You giggled, accepting the chocolate and stealing a kiss in the process. "And once you do feel better... I don't mind spreading my red wings for you."
Tag List: @seanfalco @elliethesuperfruitlover @messengeronthemoon @badsext @salvador-daley @firstpersonnarrator
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zepp-l1n · 9 months
The Same
Pairing: Daniel Matthews x Fem!reader
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summary: Daniel meets someone in the same boat as him at a "Jigsaw victim therapy group" session. fic type - hurt/comfort, post Saw 2, fluff?? warning - 2000s emo x 2000s emo, canon level Saw violence, both reader and Daniel have PTSD, mentions of past drug use, mentions of body scarring from the traps, self harm (??) word count - 1,779 a/n: hiiii! sorry my posting has been kinda off and on for the past few months, but I'm hoping now that school and my personal schedule is a little more chill, I'll be able to write and post more often. <3 (also, what's up with the lack of Daniel fics?)
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Group therapy wasn't Daniel's idea. He knew he needed to talk about the things he had gone through and seen, which is why he had originally gone to one-on-one therapy, but when his therapist had suggested joining Bobby Dagen's group he had been very apprehensive. At first, Daniel had been very against the idea. He found Bobby very pretentious and overzealous, and the entire "Jigsaw victim therapy group" to be a scam for Bobby's fan's entertainment. For months his therapist and his mother brought up the group again and again, leading to Daniel finally deciding to go in the hopes of getting them to shut up about it.
Now, Daniel found himself in the room Bobby would rent out for each session. They were all sitting side by side in the formation of a circle, letting each person have a clear view of everyone else. Not one person in the room, other than bobby, looked elated to be there.
Daniel sat in his folded out seat, arms crossed and head turned downward. So far, the entire experience had been uncomfortable. Bobby had gone on one of his regularly scheduled "We should be grateful!" spiels, and multiple people had shared their sob-stories. For 30 minuets Daniel had to endure the same arguments and conversations over and over. He sat in silence, never once making himself known - choosing to sit and pick at his black, long-sleeved undershirt the entire time.
Daniel had been so focused on his own thoughts that when he finally glanced back up, he noticed all the eyes on him. "Daniel?" Bobby called out.
"Hmm?" his reply was short and uninterested.
"I asked if you would like to share your story with the others. Would you?" Bobby asked. The smile he gave Daniel as he spoke made him divert his eyes. Daniel shrugged, not knowing if he truly wanted to. "If you'd like to wait that's okay. Whenever you're ready, Daniel."
The other's diverted their attention to Luba afterwards, taking in her story. Daniel silently listened, just waiting for the session to be over. They continued this way, story after story, until the door swung open, creating a loud noise. In it's opening was a girl, presumably around Daniel's age from what he could see.
"Ah, (Y/N), nice of you to finally join us." Bobby sarcastically spoke.
The teen stepped into the room, waving at a man in the corner that Daniel hadn't noticed before, and continued towards the circle. The silver chain hanging from her belt loops lightly rattled against her black cargo-jeans as she walked his way. "Oh shut up, Bobby. Some of us have lives outside the whole Jigsaw shit." she scoffed, her eyeliner covered eyes glaring at the older man. The girl, (Y/N) as Daniel her Bobby call her, took a open seat a few chairs down from Daniel, giving him a tight-lipped smile and a wave of her ringed hand before turning towards the others.
"Now, now, (Y/N). There's no need for hostility here - we're all the same." Bobby cheerfully stated, causing the girl to roll her eyes. "Here, since you missed when everyone else did it, why don't you introduce yourself to out newest member. This is Daniel." his arm directed (Y/N)'s eyes to her fellow teen.
(Y/N)'s dark-red lips turned up into a forced smile before she spoke. "Hi, I'm (Y/N). I'm the girl who was found a week after a trap that wasn't even hers, half dead and tied to the mutilated corpse of her sister. Nice to meet you!" The smile dropped immediately after she finished her sentence.
"Sorry Daniel. Just ignore her. She's still a little apprehensive to be doing this." Daniel awkwardly nodded at Bobby's explanation. "Good, now why don't we continue..." Daniel couldn't focus on Bobby as he spoke - his attention was solely caught on (Y/N)'s appearance. On top of the jeans and chain, she also had a shirt similar to what he would usually wear. It was red and white, and he could tell it was showing some kind of band-logo, but he couldn't get a clear enough look to tell what band. Glancing down at his own white t-shirt, he caught similarities between the two, finally realizing who it was. "Wrath of the Gods." he whispered.
(Y/N)'s head lightly turned her head, seemingly asking him to repeat himself.
"Your shirt. It's 'Wrath of the Gods' - like mine." he lightly smiled. "You like them?"
She glances down, taking in her own shirt and then his. "Huh... Yeah, my sister, she uh, introduced me to their music a few years ago. This was her shirt actually; she gave me it when she got a new one before the trap."
"Sounds like she was pretty cool." Daniel muttered. By this point, (Y/N) had moved over a seat so they could talk without bothering any of the others.
She smiled before whispering back, "She was."
Now that she was closer, Daniel could see the scarring on her face, neck, arms, and hands. He couldn't help but wonder what she fully went through if that was the result of her trap. It also made him wonder if the same scarring would cascade down her legs and torso too. Did the scarring all look the same; how many were there; were some more gory than others? Hundreds of questions flew through his mind as he looked at her.
"How'd you get them?" Daniel didn't even register the fact that he had spoken.
"Huh?" (Y/N) whispered.
"Sorry, uh, your scars. If you don't mind me asking, how'd you get them? I mean, you don't have to tell me. Y'know, I don't want to cross any boundar-" Daniel's rant was cut off by (Y/N).
"It's fine, Daniel." she sighed, giving him a sad smile. "I got these during my sister's 'game'"
"Your sister's game?" Daniel asked, hoping she would clarify.
(Y/N) looked over at the others, making sure no one was bothered by their conversation, before continuing. "Yeah. My sister was the one being tested. It was my fault, but she was the one who got the consequences." she paused, taking a moment to fully think about how to explain her experience. "My parents died when I was little, and my sister had turned 18 a few weeks before they did. After that, she took me in; became my legal guardian, y'know. She was a nurse too, so a lot of the time I was either by myself or out with friends. When my friend Amy finally got her learners, we went out one evening and ended up in an accident. That led to me being on a shit-ton of pain meds, and eventually I got hooked. It was really bad. Jane, my sister, had access to a lot of pain medication, and I used that against her. I begged for weeks for her to steal me them. She, uh... She eventually couldn't take seeing me so bad, so she broke a lot of rules and brought me some. I guess Jigsaw found out, and he thought I was pulling her down. When he took us, his whole argument in the tape was that I was bad for her, and if she got rid of her baggage - me - then she'd be free and would go places in life. If she didn't get rid of me, she'd die." Once again, (Y/N) paused, collecting herself. "He had us tied together to this weird chair set up. It was on these rails, and in front of either of us were these things I could only describe as 'the open-faced turkey sandwich version of a woodchipper'. She was supposed to kill me - push me into mine. I begged and pleaded for her to just do it, cause, I mean, he was right. I was the only bad thing in her life. She would've been better off without me."
"If she died, and didn't want to hurt you, then how did you end up with all the scars?" Daniel quietly asked.
"I did it to myself." Daniel's eyes widened at how casually she said it. "She wouldn't push back and put me into the woodchipper, so I did it myself. I put my feet on the edges of the rails and pushed myself forwards into it. I got close enough to cut myself up a bit. I thought I was gonna save her." (Y/N)'s eyes began to water, and she quickly wiped it away. "Jane was always stronger than me, though. She pulled back and kept us at the midpoint. We were there when the timer went off. I guess it was motorized, cause when the timer went off, we moved backwards. Jane went straight into it. There was nothing I could do but sit there and listen to her screams. Jigsaw and his little groupies never came for me. I was supposed to die, so they left me there. For about a week I was strapped to the trap and what was left of my sister, out of it from blood loss, hunger, and dehydration. Some homeless guy eventually found everything and called the police."
"Wow..." Daniel muttered.
"Yeah, I know." (Y/N) hesitantly chuckled. "Since then I've been doing two sessions of regular therapy a week, this, and rehab."
As she finished her sentence, Bobby loudly spoke up. "Alright guys, today was great! It is time we wrap up though. I hope to see everyone again next week, and I hope you have a great rest of your week." The two teens watched as he walked back to the doorway of the room, stopping next to his wife, lawyer, bestfriend, and publicist.
"Well, I guess that's enough trauma dumping for today." (Y/N) glanced back over at Daniel. "Listen, uh, y'know, 'Wrath of the Gods' has a show this weekend. You should come, so we could hang out some more. To be honest, I need more friends who listen to music I like." she laughed.
Daniel grinned, "Yeah, why not?"
"Good, good." (Y/N) mumbled. "Listen, I gotta go, my foster dad picks me up from these things, but I'll see you this weekend."
"Yeah, yeah, see you later." he smiled. Daniel contently watched as she got up, and headed for the door.
As she got closer to the door, (Y/N) turned back around and waved at him. "Bye, Danny."
(Y/N) turned back around and exited, leaving Daniel to sit in the room alone, thinking over what had just happened. "Holy shit." he dramatically exhaled. Maybe coming to the "Jigsaw victim therapy group" wasn't that bad of an idea.
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20 questions for fic writers
tagged by: @merrilark
how many works do you have on ao3? None. but i do a large percentage of my fic reading on ao3. my acc is ells_bells
what's your total ao3 word count? uhhh also none
what fandoms do you write for? uhh ive written for my hero academia, a good amount of robert sheehan's cinematography, corpse bride, heaven's design team, dream daddy, and uhhh nijisanji en but finna drop a fuu-chan fic soon
what are your top 5 fics by kudos? uhhhhhhhh idk
do you respond to comments? why or why not? yes, i respond to comments when i get them. they make me giggle and kick my feet and i gobble them up.
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? none of my fics have an angsty ending, besides the shitty two-shot i did of robert RPF where they never saw each other again after hooking up
what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i like the lucien one bc i was feenin for a relationship at the time and just needed it. but any of the nsfw fics where any character has any satisfaction is a good ending to me
do you get hate on any fics? no
do you write smut? if so, what kind? egregious, down bad, horrifically horny smut
do you write crossovers? whats the craziest one you've written? the only crossover i think i wrote was klaus x luba x reader (sensual soliloquies), and that one wasn't even crazy. thats 100% a possibility to happen
have you ever had a fic stolen? no, i have not. im happy i havent. bc the thought makes me go????
have you ever had a fic translated? no, not that i know of.
have you ever co-written a fic before? no.
what's your all-time favorite ship? i have So Many. just ask me and i will scream.
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? ummm the desire fic i started writing. when the sandman comes back, i may find the hyperfixation energy to finish it, but im not finishing it rn.
what are your writing strengths? um. idk. i know my writing is considered good....but idk why. mutuals pls inform me as to why. maybe my detailing?? idk
what are your writing weaknesses? dialogue description
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i think its neat. but sometimes im like "ok this could be better" (see some of the miguel o' hara fics written with fuckshit spanglish)
first fandom you wrote for? i think it either the flash or harry potter.
favorite fic you've written? the one im about to post.
tagging with no obligation: @seancekitsch, @super-unpredictable98
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Break My Heart Right: Borrowed (Luba x Reader)
Halloween Request by @misskittysmagicportal (which underwent some changes and therefore doesn’t get to be conveniently formatted as an answer and I had to make a real title. Boo). Prompts were “Stop trying to bite me” and Possession.
Word Count: 1887 Rating: T - angst, ghosts, discussion of death and afterlife, spoilers for Mute 
The undercity of Berlin was never more alive than in the Halloween season, con artists and genuine believers alike offering everything from old-fashioned seances and ghost-hunting expeditions to simulated murder sprees where you could play the part of the Slasher or the Final Girl. You had lost track over the years of the number of times someone had wanted to one up their competition in some club or another’s party and asked you to help them forgo a costume to simply become a werewolf or a pumpkin-headed demon, or the number of ways you’d explained that it was a terrible idea and the work you did was, largely, permanent. By your reckoning it was probably almost as often as Luba, or Naadirah in the old days, was invited to participate in a ghostly orgy/summoning ritual or play the part of the Cold Open Victim in the live-movies. (The cruel irony of how much Naadirah loved those roles, figuring that three and a half minutes of fame a few times a season was worth far more than fifteen minutes all at once, did not escape you, though you tried to push the thought away.) 
You pulled your jacket closer around you as you wandered the streets, heading in the general direction of the club to meet up with Luba after his shift. This area was practically a new place for the month of October, transforming into a bazaar of narrow streets and temporary buildings or tents all offering the “best” of seasonal scares. You seemed to be the only one daring to appear without an elaborate costume, and it made you feel strangely naked, and not in the way Luba had teased you might enjoy. 
“Come inside child,” a voice called to you from one of the tents claiming to offer communion with the dead. “It’s not often the Spirit is the one that wishes to speak to the Living.” 
The woman emerged to the door, eyes seeming to lock onto you as she beckoned, making sure you could not mistake that her meaning was you. Something about it sent a shiver down your spine, even as you stepped closer to the star-painted canvas.
“Don’t dawdle now, the Dead don’t like to be kept waiting.”
She seemed insistent, and it wasn’t like Luba had never been late to meet you before, he probably wouldn’t mind...
The tent was small, but oddly homey, a plush rug on the floor, piled high with pillows for seating. She didn’t seem interested in wasting time with gimmicks like crystal balls or tarot cards, and was sensible enough not to have lit incense or candles around all the fabric. 
“So, what’s happens now? I pay you and then you give me some generic, comforting message from a dearly departed loved one?” you asked, settling yourself cross-legged on one of the cushions. 
“Normally, yes.” You blinked, taken aback by her honesty. “But I don’t play around when the Dead come to me.”
“O...kay…” you thought about getting up and leaving, feeling uneasy about the whole thing, but something kept you rooted in your seat. The woman held up a hand to stop you from continuing. 
“There is a woman here. She says that she needs something from you. A favor.”
“What woman? And what kind of favor?”
Luba tapped his foot impatiently. Tardiness was usually more of his trait than Y/N’s and it made him nervous. He tried to tell himself that he was being paranoid, that she had probably just stopped at some amusement or another and lost track of time. But still he couldn’t help the nervous clench of his stomach, which continued until she finally strutted into sight. 
“Y/N! Thank god!” he cried, wrapping his arms around her waist, hugging tightly. “I was worried.”
“Luba,” she practically sang his name, looping her arms around his neck in return. “You worry too much. What would happen to me here?”
He raised one slim, carefully styled eyebrow at her in response and she laughed. 
“I’m fine, and the night is so young. Let’s not waste it around here.” 
He smiled, forced to acknowledge her point as she stepped away and turned dramatically, arms outstretched in a twirl.
“I was thinking that we should try one of those 'evil psycho terrorizes a town of innocent people' sims, to  be the heroes for once. It might be cathartic. Or are you hungry. Some of the vendors smell amazing this year. But if we're going to do both, we should eat after just in case it gets gory, or we have to run, so we don't vomit.”
Y/N continued to carry on, surprising Luba. He had barely been able to get a word in edgewise. Still he shrugged, slinging a casual arm over her shoulder and walking them in tandem away from the club and back toward the bustle.
“Stop trying to bite me, Luba,” Y/N laughed, playfully pushing his head away as he tried to kiss her. “You’re not even dressed like a vampire.”
He pouted, not really meaning it of course, as she rebuffed his advances for the fourth time that night. 
“I wasn’t biting,” he purred anyway. “I only do that when you ask really nicely.”
“Then what do you call that?”
“Kissing you?” He frowned, eyebrows knitted.
“Not with that many teeth, it's not,” she laughed.
“So mean,” he sang, joining in. 
Even as he rolled with the joke though, something in the back of his mind tickled, the situation seeming odd, again, but he couldn't put his finger on why.
“Y/N what is going on?” Luba finally snapped. He took her by the arm, dragging her off to a quieter space, where they could talk. 
“What do you mean Luba?” she asked, tilting her head and smiling, the light not quite reaching her eyes.
“You’re acting like you’re a totally different person. All night tonight.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Is everything alright?”
“No. Everything’s not alright. I don’t know who you are, or why you stole Y/N’s body. But I want you to give her back. Now.”
“You’re being insane Luba. Maybe we should go home.”
“We’re not going anywhere until you fuck off and give me my girlfriend back.”
She laughed, a low, musical sound that tickled the edges of familiarity, but wasn’t her. It was like an impression or an old memory. He frowned. 
“You never fought this hard for me, Luba,” she said bitterly. “Or for Y/N before.”
“What are you talking about? Who are you?”
“Oh come on, you know who it is. You just don’t want to say it.”
His throat felt dry. He paused to light a cigarette and bring it to his lips with trembling fingers in order to buy an extra moment. 
“Naadirah?” he asked softly, even though she was right and he already knew. He needed confirmation.
“Hi Luba,” she said, almost sheepishly tone shifting to one that sounded more like her in life, but very wrong from those lips.
“What are you doing?”
“Borrowing Y/N for a little while. I’ve been trapped since Cactus killed me. And then tonight, it’s just like the old stories, Luba, things are thinner and I could get through.”
“Couldn't you get through the other way? Stop being trapped and move on?” 
“I could but...I miss being alive. It wasn't fair. I had to take the chance.”
“And what about Y/N? It's not fair to her either!”
Naadirah rolled her eyes.
‘Not her eyes,’ he thought again.
“It's one night. She won't even remember.”
“No. Give her back.” He frowned. “I miss you, Naadirah, but this isn’t right.”
Suddenly her face twisted into a scowl. "I'll give it back by sunrise. Not a minute sooner.”
He wasn't expecting her to push past, knocking him off balance, and then she was gone, running through the narrow streets. He cursed Y/N for always wearing such practical shoes as he tried to follow, his own heeled boots and tight pants making chase nearly impossible.
It took a while but eventually he found Naadirah, relaxing and eating some sort of pastry that was pitch black and filled with red goop, like blood. 
“Hello Luba,” she said with a smile, as if nothing had happened. “I got you one too.” She held out a paper dish with another pastry inside. 
“What the hell Naadirah?” he snapped, one hand planted on a hip. 
She raised her eyebrows, tipping her head as if to say she didn’t know what he was talking about. 
“Stop this. Please.” 
“How do you know I don’t have permission?”
Luba paused, unsure for the first time. Y/N was frustratingly selfless sometimes, and she and Naadirah had been friends. But not very close friends, and he was fairly sure it would take a special bond to be willing to let someone else where you like a suit. It didn’t make sense, nothing about the night did, but it also wasn’t so absurd to dismiss off-hand.
“Do you?” he asked eventually, eyebrow raised challengingly.
“Do I what?” she smirked.
“Have permission?”
She shrugged. “There wasn’t time for it.”
“I’m sorry Luba. I just wanted to be alive again.” 
She looked like she was about to cry and it felt like a hand clenched around his heart, for either of them to be upset.
“I know. I want you to be. You don't think I don't? But you can't just do that, to your friend. Where is she right now? While you're in her body?”
“I don't really know…I think it's a one spirit per body thing, so she might be in Limbo for me?”
“Naadirah!” He felt horrified, at the response and her nonchalance to it. 
“I should just go, shouldn't I?”
“I...don't know. Naadirah…I…”
Suddenly she took his hand, starting off at a rapid pace. 
“Where are we going?” He asked, struggling to keep up.
“Back to the medium. She'll help us talk to Y/N and figure this out!”
You woke up, feeling groggy and confused, almost hungover. 
“What...the fuck...happened?” You groaned, rubbing your temples. 
“Y/N?” Luba had never sounded so hesitant as he swam into your vision. 
You frowned, puzzled. When had he gotten there? You were still sitting, or you supposed laying, on the plush floor of the tent, and he was waiting for you. There were so many tents, he shouldn't have found you. And why did he look so concerned. 
“Luba?” Your throat felt scratchy and dry. Something odd had definitely gone on. “What's wrong?”
“She said you wouldn't remember...I guess she was right.”
“What are you talking about Luba?”
He laughed, tears of relief in his eyes as he pulled you into a crushing hug. 
“It's a long story.”
“O...kay…” you hugged him back, feeling him trembling, your heart twisting. “Well whatever it is, I'm fine.”
He nodded, cheek pressed to your hair. 
“So should we go check out the festivities…?”
“No. I've had enough Halloween. Let's just go home. We can watch those old vampire movies you like?”
“The last time we did that, you tried to bite my neck for a week.” You laughed.
“I promise I won't this time.”
“I didn't say it was a bad thing.”
Taglist: @firstpersonnarrator 
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Would you consider an imagine in which we learn where Luba went after he realized he needed to disappear? Preferably someplace terribly sexy, meeting someone terribly sexy, who eventually loves him for real.
I decided to poke my head up out of semi-retirement to write this wee drabble of pure sappy fluff. It is a lovely idea, isn't it, to see Luba settled somewhere, safe and happy? @firstpersonnarrator thanks so much for your interest in my writing, and you can find my main masterlist here.
Luba x Fem!Reader (third person) Words: 377 Warnings: none
Luba swiped a hand across frosted glass and sighed as he watched the heavy falling snow. Not long ago, there may have been a time when the concept of being snowed in would have alarmed him and made him feel trapped, but tonight, he only gazed contentedly through the window.
Arms snaked around his torso, buffered by his soft jumper, and YN planted a soft kiss on the side of his neck. Luba smiled, and turned his head toward his companion. “Liebling,” he said softly. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
She chuckled softly before moving to stand beside Luba.
“A giraffe could have come in and you wouldn’t have noticed. You’re lost in your thoughts.”
Luba couldn’t help but grin. “You do know me well.”
“What is it?” his lover asked. “Are you thinking of... before?”
Luba thought for a moment. “Yes and no,” he replied carefully. “Right after I fled Germany, I had horrible nightmares. I was haunted by the images of what I lost; I feared for my life and thought that people would come kill me. But…” he broke off, thinking.
“What is it?” she prompted gently.
“I’m not afraid anymore, nor sad really. I simply…remember.”
He turned his head to face his companion and placed his palms gently on either side of her face. “You’ve ignited a spark in me that I thought could never awaken. You’ve brought the light back to my life. It has helped push away the shadows; helped me remember joy. Thank you, liebling.”
YN smiled as her heart swelled with happiness. “Thank you for finding me and letting me in to your heart. We’re on this journey together now.”
Luba’s warm answering smile melted into an expression of adoration as he looked upon the face of his love. He bent his head and kissed her simply before breaking away and folding her into a warm embrace.
He had gotten away. He had been through hell and back and had managed to escape with his life and sanity barely intact, but nevertheless, he survived. As he stood with his love safe and warm from the falling snow, he knew that possibly for the first time in his tragic life he could finally be happy.
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Hi I hope I’m not too late for thirsty Thursday? I had this thought of a Robert character (of your choice) going to an adult store with the reader/ to surprise the reader
Maybe trying new things/ positions/ accessories👀
Your wish is my command 💋
LoveGame (Luba x Fem!Reader)
Word Count: 1900
Warnings: NSFW smutty as hell. Pegging, masturbation, m/f penetration
A/N: Reader is getting married. Luba wants to make sure her last night goes out with a bang 😉
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You stood outside Foreign Dreams hugging your arms against the cold. You checked the digital clock chip newly implanted in your wrist. Half eleven. Luba, as always, was late.
You tapped an icon of a phone and waited. Five minutes went by and a beautiful face with lengthy platinum eyelashes answered.
“Guten nacht,” his bored voice greeted you with a hint of mischief. Just a trace of a smile on his full lips.
“Hooker where are you? I'm freezing my tits off out here.” You delighted in archaic epithets.
“Back off hündin (bitch),” a laugh now. “Nicky needed me to pick up one last table. Let me grab my cape, and I'll come warm your tits up in five.”
Rolling your eyes you sighed, “Better not let Benjamin catch you massaging them again.”
“He's a boring prick. Why do all of my exes leave me for the dullards?” You could see him moving around a back room. “These strong, silent types,” he mimicked a gash across his thick neck.
“Because you never fucking shut up. They let us talk hours at a time for once. Just get your tiny ass out here so we can get to Oswald’s store. It was rather nice of him to open on his day off.”
The side door to Foreign Dreams opened and the transmission on your wrist ended. Luba in his leather and tiger skins strode towards you with his muscular arms open. That sweet smelling cigarillo smoke hung in the air around him. Cherries tonight.
He was shirtless as always under the fur with his skin the color and texture of pearls. He hugged you in that dramatic fashion and you melted into his taut chest. Your heart skipping a beat.
“Liebchen you're freezing. Is that why you’re simply trembling?” He began rubbing your arms swiftly.
“Sure, that's why.” It wasn’t at all because he was breath-taking with a heat under his skin. If you lingered it was because you couldn't help it. Luba was hypnotic.
Shaking it off, you linked arms with him and headed towards your simultaneous wedding present and “hen party” for two. One that started off with Luba taking your hand and tipping a white powder on your skin between your thumb and index finger.
“Inhale, you'll feel better.” He held his pinky nail up to his nose and snorted. “It's a little this and that. Nicky's special mix for just tonight. Everyone misses you.”
Following suit you took a breath and the powder went straight to your brain as you seemed to float to the sex shop. Why did you trust Luba to never steer you wrong?
Inside the store, Oswald and his inappropriate Geisha makeup behind the counter. An amused smirk across his exaggerated red lips waved you both on as you followed Luba around the store.
“It's all on me poppet! We just want to make sure none of us catches Benjamin with any of the girls,” he paused and winked at Luba, “Boys or otherwise in between or nothing at all. At the parlour you know.”
Luba was standing in front of a wall of dildos. He was biting his pinky nail as he so often did when he was anxious.
“Ozzy this is too much! These choices, it's overstimulating to my brain and not my penis. Look at this,” he pried a massive cock from the wall using his hands. The suction made a satisfying snap sound that sent you both into giggles. “Who does this fit? Their pussy or asshole MUST be like a cavern. Too much. Ach.”
Luba waved the dildo around in your face and your head dodged out of the way. “STOP! I don't like you wiggling a dick in my face!”
This sent the two of you into further hysterics. Luba’s laughter between infectious and obnoxious as it bounced off the walls.
Your arms already full of lube (I know how you can be if they don't kiss you right. Sahara Desert! Look remember me, its LUBE- A) and vibrators (One for while you fuck, it's a clit stimulator. I remember how you need that. You just.. settle it right in here. The other for when he's gone away or you sex dream about me. You know Clit and G Spot?) Your eyes grow wide with each suggestion.
“Luba, I know how to masturbate. Benjamin knows how to get me off,” you started to put some stuff back in random places. Except for the wireless egg shaped clit stimulator that matched your own vaginal (OR ANAL!) rhythms. That one you pocketed happily.
Luba walked to a curtained side room and threw back the red velvet material. “That's because I told him what you like and how to do it. Ozzy Ozzy darling, what HAVE you been hiding from us?!”
You followed him inside, your mouth hanging open. Everything looked positively medieval, but you both knew it was mostly from no earlier than fifty years earlier.
“Mid- 1990s BDSM. How delightful. Berlin, London, New York. They all had a renaissance after the AIDS pandemic terrorized the world. We're like cockroaches, you can't eradicate any of us in the community.”
Luba was lost in his own diatribe. His long white fingers running over the leather binding of whips and flogs. He nicked one and slung it over his shoulder. Then clicked his tongue a few times deciding between a realistic flesh penis attached to a harness or a silver metal one.
“See this, THIS!” he held out the slender metal version towards you. “I might be a sex worker but this is what fits my holes best.”
“LUBA that's a strap-on. Are most of your clients even into that?” You took it from him and held it up. Fascinated despite your protest.
“Liebchen, don't be so judgmental of others appetites. You were hungry for all of this once,” he ran his hand dramatically over the length of his torso.
You still were. The way you were staring at his svelte body and pert nipples as you bit your lip slightly, he knew it too. His eye brow was arched in satisfaction as he took your hand and dragged you towards the back of the room.
“Why don't we test some things out?” Luba tossed the question over his shoulder while closing the curtains to block Oswald from catching a glimpse.
“I'll try it on, but I'm not pegging you.”
“Sure you won't. I am curious what’s in these drawers though.” He had made his way over to a cabinet with wooden drawers and began pulling them out one by one. “JACKPOT!”
You joined Luba, strap-on still in hand. The drawer was lined with crushed velvet that matched the curtains. It was lined with rings and clamps. There were other devices, but you didn't have the guts to ask.
“Vier.. Fünf.. Six.. Ja this would fit,” Luba held up a deep jade cock ring. “Look it even matches my eyes!” He giggled and held it up to his face. “Take my jacket. I'm going to try this on.”
He tossed his coat but you dodged. Luba paid no mind as he unbuttoned and zipped his leather pants. He let out a satisfactory sigh as his cock was let free. You covered your face and chortled unable to understand that this was your life right now.
“Come here, liebe. I want you to put it on me.” Luba’s eyes sparkled.
“What does it even do?” You took the ring from him and held it in your palm.
“It keeps the cock erect so you last longer. I'm getting hard just thinking about it,” he gestured towards his junk.
Shrugging your shoulders you used your fingertips to slip the cock ring on much like Benjamin had your engagement ring. Almost tenderly and with great care. Luba twitched just ever so slightly as your hand and the smooth jade traveled the shaft so that it fit snug at the base above his balls. You let your fingers glide back upwards towards the head and made a circular motion with your thumb over it. Repeating yourself a few times
“Fuck. You always were good at that.”
Luba gazed up at the ceiling in ecstasy. His eyes closed and throat exposed as he moaned under the pressure of your touch. You pressed your mouth into the warm, ivory skin and lingered a moment over his Adam’s apple. Your fingers pumping harder over the shaft and head, twisting and stroking. Your tongue leaving a wet trail down to his clavicle. Your other hand was free to grab his ass and squeeze.
“If you're going to play with my ass, make it worthwhile, darling.” Luba demanded.
You stumbled a bit away from your ex standing naked without a care. His cock completely erect and being held steady by a jade ring. You did that, you thought. He loves sex, but you still can get him hard.
“Only this once, right?” you informed him as you stepped out of your skirt.
It took a few minutes of struggling, of swatting Luba off when he offered assistance, but you finally had the harness over your legs. In place as the metallic and futuristic dick hung between your legs. It was a strange sensation, one you weren't quite sure why you never tried before.
“Did you keep any of that lube?” he asked as he sat down on an old fashioned settee against the back wall.
“Of course.” You pulled it out of your discarded jacket on the floor and held it up.
“Güten. I'm sure you can figure out what to do with it.” Luba flitted his hand towards the device you were wearing as he kneeled on all fours. His forearms purchased on the arm of the couch so that his ass was higher than his head.
You climbed up behind him and put one hand on his thin hip. The other on the slick silver cock that you positioned outside of Luba. You bent to kiss his shoulders and once again allowed your lips and tongue to trace over his spine as you tentatively pushed the cock inside of him.
“Is that ok?” you asked.
“Deeper. Keep going. I want your hips to touch my ass.”
So they did. You lost yourself and let the sensation take over as you pumped completely inside him. God it felt good. Weird and new but good as you slid out almost entirely. Repeating. Your nails scratching at his perfect skin.
“Your ass is tight. This is fucking amazing.”
There was no more control as you started pulling him towards you at the same time as your thrusts in.
“Jerk me off,” he begged. His breathing was labored with pleasure.
“At the same time?” You were confused but silently agreed.
Your hand taking his cock again, it found a rhythm with your rutting. Your future husband would never, you thought as you almost yanked roughly on Luba’s erection. Your hips bucking wildly into him as he struggled to stay upright.
Plunging fully inside of him only two more times, Luba exploded in your hand. You pulled the strap on out of him and gasped as you were covered with that warm, sticky substance. He laughed in return, still moaning and jerking barely as he came again. Yet his dick was immediately hard because of the cock ring
“Tell me liebchen, why are you marrying him again?”
There wasn't time to answer because Luba had flipped underneath you, parting your legs and maneuvered the metal cock out of the way. He buried his own inside of your cunt taking you by surprise for the umpteenth time this evening.
Luba lifted his hips off the couch and pulled you forward so that he could penetrate you as far as he could manage. All you could do was cry out in pleasure. It was the only way you thought to answer him.
Tag list: @elliethesuperfruitlover @super-unpredictable98 @sean-falco @magic-multicolored-miracle @robertsheehanownsmyass @slutforrobbiebro @nightmonsters @badsext @bisexualnathanyoung @firstpersonnarrator
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Loving me is like chewing on pearls
Let's have some fun this beat is sick. Wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Like ice cream topped with honey, but we ain't got no money
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Luba brought to you by Lady Gaga and The Fame
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hometown - luba x male reader
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(for the movie mute)
y/n and luba both come from traditional families. they were childhood best friends, almost never apart. they were each other's first everything, crushes, kisses, but they had to hide from it all from their conservative families. when luba grows tired of having to hide, they beg y/n to come out and leave with them, but y/n, too scared of the outside world from what he'd been taught his whole life, refused. luba was heartbroken, but they left anyway, and for years the two never saw each other. it wasn't until y/n had no choice but to come out, that he finally began to realise that luba had been right about the outside world. they meet again only by chance when y/n finds himself in the club where luba works, and as soon as they see each other, all the feelings they left behind all those years ago come flooding back.
tw for: homophobia, transphobia, internalised homophobia, violence
i refer to luba with they/them pronouns because that is my personal headcanon
y/n had always been a timid child. he always listened to his parents, he believed them when they told him about the evils that the modern world tried to push on everyone who dared to enter it, and he always promised he would never their traditional path. his best friend luba, however, was a different story. luba was always a 'problem child' and at first y/n's parents had worried they would influence their child, but y/n still remained his same timid self no matter how much time he spent with his friend, as far as they knew at least. for y/n and luba however, it was a completely different story. while y/n was still the god fearing child his parents had raised him to be, he would always come out of his shell around them. luba was always there for him, and over the years the two grew exceptionally close.
when they were both ten, they both had their first crush, on each other of course. they knew it was wrong, their parents told them so, everyone around them did, though it never actually /felt/ wrong. when they were thirteen, luba confessed to y/n, and y/n tried his hardest to deny he felt anything back for his friend, tried to say it was wrong and disgusting, but he couldn't even get out a full sentence before he broke down in his friends arms and confessed right back, begging them to keep it all a secret. of course luba promised they would, and they both sat their, clinging to each other for comfort.
they were fourteen when they first kissed. they had been laying under the starts on the roof of y/n's house playing truth or dare, when y/n dared luba to tell him their biggest secret, of course y/n was sure he already knew what it was being how close they were, but when luba responded with "i think i love you, but i've been too scared to tell you", y/n froze. luba was never scared. they were always the one to tell y/n to stop being a pussy and just do whatever stupid idea they'd dragged him in to, so y/n was shocked. luba took the silence as a bad sign and sat up, pulling their knees to their chest. "i'm sorry.. i shouldn't have-" for the first time since they'd know each other, y/n was finally the one to initiate something as he sat up and pulled his best friend into a kiss, closing his eyes as they shared their first kiss together. when they finally pulled away for air y/n looked back at luba, reaching out to hold their hands. "you know we can't tell anyone about this. we'd be exiled.." he murmured. luba reached a hand out and cupped the side of y/n's face, stroking his cheek gently. "one day we won't have to hide anymore" and as much as he wanted to, y/n just didn't believe it.
when they were seventeen, they'd been dating in secret for three years. in that time, luba has come out to y/n as nonbinary, and while at first y/n didn't quite understand, he supported them from the moment they'd told him. it was only a few weeks out from their birthdays, they'd only been born a week apart, when luba suggested they run off together. "we wouldn't have to hide anymore, out there they embrace people like us" they had reasoned, but y/n wasn't convinced, while he loved luba more than anything, his parents had always taught him to fear the outside world, and it still stuck with him. "i just don't think it's safe out there.. you know what everyone says. all that technology, you have hide away just to get some peace.." he looked down at his lap and began to play with his hands before luba spoke again, and what they said made y/n freeze. "isn't that exactly what we're doing here?". they were right, y/n knew that, but he was still so scared. "i'm sorry, i love you but.. i can't move there. i just can't" luba knelt down in front of y/n, taking his hands in theirs. "aren't you tired of having to live in the shadows like this?" they motioned to the barn they were currently stowed away in, and y/n shrugged, staying silent. "we wouldn't have to hide who we are anymore, isn't that what you want? you can't seriously tell me you actually enjoy having to come here just so we won't get lynched, right? if we leave, we'll never have to do this again. we can go out on dates, like normal people do-" y/n abruptly pulled his hands away and stood up, tears filling his eyes. it was all so overwhelming, he wanted to go, but he was so scared. everything he'd ever known was here, and if he left he'd never be allowed back. "but we're not normal- we never will be.. we- we're wrong. that's what everyone says about people like us. we're disgusting" he stepped back when luba tried to grab his hand again, beginning to shake as he grew more and more upset. he didn't really mean what he said, he was just so scared he didn't know what else to do. "you're wrong, people like you.. they're sinners, they're disgusting- you're disgusting, my parents were right, you tried to turn me- make me think this was okay, boys kissing other boys, boys like you pretending to be something they're not" y/n was nearly sobbing at this point, and when he saw the tears in his friends eyes he couldn't take it anymore. "leave if you want, but don't come and see me again" he whispered shakily, rushing out of the barn in tears. he felt disgusted with himself, not because of who he was, but because of all of the disgusting hatred he'd shown the person he was in love with. he wanted to scream, he wanted run back and tell luba how sorry he was, and that he was just so terrified at the idea of leaving behind everything he knew, but all he did was lay there, sobbing into his pillow that still smelt like luba from the nights they were able to slip in through the window and lay with him.
when it was luba's birthday the next day, y/n woke up to his parents frantically asking if he'd seen them anywhere, and he broke down again. they were gone, y/n knew that, and they left thinking he hated them, when it couldn't have been anything further from the truth. luba had left letters, one for their parents and one for y/n. in their letter to their parents they came out, and explained that they wouldn't ever be back, y/n was grateful they hadn't left in any details about their relationship, though at this point he began to wonder of it would be better for them to know, he wouldn't have had to debate leaving with luba if he didn't have a choice. the letter they had left to him was short, and y/n couldn't get through it without bursting into tears.
dear y/n
part of me wants the believe you didn't actually mean any of those things you said yesterday, but i know how good these people are at making you believe whatever they want. i have to believe deep down you don't mean it, i don't know what i would do if you actually did feel that way. if you ever change your mind, you can always try and find me, but i don't know how long i can make myself wait for you, i know if i never see you again i have to let you go or i'll end up coming back, and i can't ever do that. i'll always love you, and i'll never forget about you, even if i have to move on.
love, luba
y/n kept that letter with him everywhere he went, for years he held onto it even when it became tattered at the edges and rain water had made a few of the words bleed off the page. he could never let luba go no matter how hard he tried. he still always thought about them, and more than once he'd planned to run away, though he'd always ended up backing out when he became too nervous. when he was twenty five, he didn't have to worry about making the choice anymore. he still loved luba, but he'd tried his hardest to move on. josef, someone y/n had known since they were boys, though they'd never gotten close, was like him. he'd discovered one night when they were out in the fields, tending to sheep. it was dark out, only a candle giving off a small glow as they sat on the hill and watched over the sheep to make sure nothing came out to get them. they'd been talking when all of a sudden josef lent over and kissed him. y/n was stunned at first, but he quickly relaxed into the kiss, and that night they made love on that very hill.
that was the start of their secret relationship, and for months it went by unnoticed, until the night y/n's whole world was changed. josef was a married man, a family man, though he would take off his ring whenever he and y/n would make love. this night had started out like any other they spent together, both of them wrapped in each other's loving embrace after the passion that had been shared between them. y/n was still only half dressed when they both heard footsteps coming up the hill, someone coming to tell josef his wife was in labour, and before they could ever break their kiss there was a loud gasp. josef pushed y/n away, and y/n fell back, looking up with wide eyes as josef stood and began to spew hatred at him, claiming that y/n had forced himself on him and that josef wanted no part in it. of course, everyone had believed him, he was married and a father after all, and within days, y/n had been kicked out with nothing but a suitcase and the clothes on his back.
with the little money he got from selling anything of his that he could, y/n was just able to find himself the cheapest apartment possible in berlin, and without even a bed to sleep on, y/n spent his first night in the city curled up and sobbing on the floor. work was nearly impossible to get when he was so new to all of this technology, and y/n was slowly becoming more and more worried he'd end up on the street. it was a last resort, but y/n knew he was running out of options. he'd seen an ad for a bartender at some bright flashy club, the name of which he never could remember, and he walked in to apply. it was instantly overwhelming, people everywhere, bright flashing lights, half naked people dancing up on stage, and music so loud he could hardly hear himself think.
y/n looked around aimlessly as he took everything in, and a sudden voice behind him startled him out of his trance. "you look lost, you're new out here aren't you" y/n froze, he'd never thought he would ever hear that voice again, and part of him thought his mind was simply playing tricks on him, but when he turned around and saw that he had not been imagining it, he nearly fainted. standing right in front of him, the person he'd never stopped loving. he could see luba was more than surprised to see him too from the way they paused and looked at him like they'd seen a ghost. y/n finally broke the silence as he said "you look different", motioning up to their highly styled white hair. luba laughed, y/n could see tears in their eyes as they grabbed his hand and motioned for him to follow them.
as soon as they were outside luba threw their arms around him, and y/n hugged back, resting his chin on their shoulder as they clung to each other just like they had the night they first confessed to each other. "i never thought i'd see you again" they whispered, pulling back from the hug only to cup y/n's face and kiss him so hard y/n lost his breath. when they both pulled back, y/n just looked at luba with such adoration in his eyes, even as he finally spoke up. "i'm so sorry. i never should have said what i said all this years ago, i swear i didn't mean it. i was just- so scared. everything i'd ever know was back there. i should have just ran away with you, i should have stayed with you" luba shook their head, stroking y/n's cheek while they took his hands with their free hand. "i know you didn't mean it.." they whispered, and y/n let his head hang as he spoke up again. "they kicked me out.. i have nothing" he spoke with such sadness in his voice that it broke luba's heart to hear it, and they shook their head, pulling him close. "that's not true, you have me, and i promise i'll never leave you again" they pressed a kiss to the top of y/n's head as they both stood there clinging to each other. they'd spent so long apart now that being together was a dream come true. it had taken him loosing everything, but y/n had gained back the most important thing he'd ever lost, and he'd go through it all again just to be with them.
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seanfalco · 2 years
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† word count: 1k † tags/warnings: luba x f!reader, voyeurism, masturbation, fingering (f!receiving), omorashi/piss, praise/degradation † a/n: I kinda ran out of steam on this one, pls forgive me lol. 
[ kinktober masterlist ]
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“Is Luba free?”
The blonde behind the desk glanced up at you as you fidgeted with your sleeves, a knowing grin playing at the corner of her painted red lips.  You’d been there to see him already once this week, but she wouldn’t point that out.  Instead, she checked the appointment book for you.
“I’m afraid he’s in the middle of a session,” she answered after reading over the ledger.
“Oh…” you breathed, trying not to pout.  You couldn’t exactly wait around either, or you’d be late returning to work from your lunch break.  “I guess I’ll come back some other time.”
The woman behind the desk knew better than to ask if you’d like to see someone else, every time you came, you asked for Luba directly.
“Actually,” she spoke up, tapping her lips thoughtfully.  “There is an alternative, if you’re interested.”
“Like what?”
Instead of answering, she motioned for you to follow, and intrigued, you did.
Moving down the hall, she led you past Luba’s door and you frowned, confused, until she popped open a hidden compartment in the wall.  Your curiosity piqued, you followed her into the narrow closet-like space.
“If you’re so inclined, you may watch through here,” she explained, opening a small hinged plate in the wall to reveal a peephole.
Moving aside, she let you get a closer look and you gasped softly at the glimpse of Luba’s bare back as he leaned over the person on the bed.
“Will this satisfy you?” the woman asked, her lips twitching in amusement as you nodded wordlessly, already feeling arousal tingling through you.
“When he’s finished I’ll see to it that he comes to see you,” she said, slowly closing the door behind her as she stepped out of the tiny room.
Tearing your eyes from the peep hole, you realized you’d forgotten to ask if you could use the restroom, but she was already gone and you didn’t wanna miss anything.
Just hold it, you told yourself, awkwardly struggling out of your coat as you pressed your eye back to the peephole.  You vaguely wondered if anyone had ever used this little room while you were in there with Luba, though surprisingly you weren’t too worried–from the angle you were at, you couldn’t really see the other person’s face.
Luba’s leather pants hit the floor and your breath hitched at the sight of him, his lean body now familiar to you.  It never failed to turn you on, seeing him like this, and though you worried you might grow jealous watching him fuck someone else, as he thrust into them, your cunt only clenched in response.
As you watched, your breathing shallow, the warm ache between your thighs only grew and you couldn’t take your eyes from Luba.  Unable to take it anymore, you bit your lip and slipped your hand down your panties, groaning softly when you felt how wet you were.
Parting your folds with your fingers, you slowly circled your puffy clit as Luba’s hips snapped forward, his muscles tensing and straining beneath his sweat sheened skin.  Rubbing your clit desperately, your slick fingers speeding up, a breathy moan left your parted lips as Luba rut faster, his graceful movements giving way to shuddering jerks of his slender hips and your mouth fell open as he pulled free to spill his load over his partner’s heaving chest.
“Oh fuck,” you breathed, whimpering as you lost your rhythm, your pleasure slipping away like water through a sieve.  All too soon, Luba was getting dressed and you closed the peep hole with a grimace, now extra conscious of how full your bladder was.
Before you could decide what to do, the door you’d come through swung open, admitting Luba.  
“Heard there was a little birdie waiting for me,” he drawled, looking you up and down.  “I didn’t expect it to be you, back so soon.”  His emerald eyes snapped back up to your face.  “You miss me that much?” he teased, amusement dancing in his gaze.
“I–” you began, only to be silenced as he moved closer, pushing you backwards against the padded wall behind you.
“Did you enjoy the show, liebling?” he breathed, running his thumb along your bottom lip, tugging it down slightly as he invaded your space.
“Did you touch yourself while you watched?” he purred and you swallowed, nodding your head.
“You dirty thing, you.  Did you get off?”
When you hesitated, Luba tilted his head, reading the answer on your face.
“No?” he cooed, a hint of condescension in his voice and you felt your face warm.  “You poor thing, would you like some help with that?”
“I–” you spluttered, gasping as he cornered you, his hand sliding under your skirt.  
“Don’t you want that, hmm?  Isn’t that what you came here for?”
“I do, want that,” you managed to get out, your breath trembling as his hand slipped under your soaked panties.  
“But I–I have to, uhm–fuck.”
Luba merely waited, his thumb slowly circling your clit.  “Spit it out.”
“I have to go to the bathroom,” you whispered, embarrassment coursing through you afresh and you wanted to melt into the floor. “You can hold it just a bit longer, can’t you, liebling?” Luba purred, placing more pressure against your cunt, two fingers pressing into you to curl against your spongy g-spot as his thumb rubbed your clit more intensely.
“O-oh!” you cried, your eyelids fluttering as your knees nearly buckled beneath you with pleasure.  
“It feels good, ja?” 
“U-uh huh,” you managed to breathe, the coil in your belly compressing further with each stroke of his fingers.  “I’m close, I’m close!” you panted, your back arching, your hips stuttering as you came undone.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!”
The words spilled from you as your orgasm washed over you, but Luba didn’t stop and a spike of alarm quickly followed—you didn’t know if you could hold back.
“Luba, I—!” Trying to push him away was futile and with a wave of embarrassment, your felt warmth run down your legs as you let go, followed by instant relief.
Luba merely chuckled at your mortified expression, finally pulling his soaked fingers from your cunt.  “Now that’s more like it,” he drawled and you wanted to melt into the floor.
“Luba!” you groaned, fighting back the urge to cover your face with your hands.
“Don’t you feel better, libeling?”
“Yes, but—“ you began, ready to snap at him until you heard his next words.
“I quite liked seeing you completely lose control for me.”
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Taglist: @super-unpredictable98​ @salvador-daley​ @firstpersonnarrator​ @vonkimmeren​ @love-is-dirty-baby
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The Tale of a German Prince
Fandom: Mute
Pairing: Luba x Reader (Foreign Dreams’ verse)
Word Count: about 2 k
Warning: Strong language, mention of death and abuse
a/n: It only took me forever to bring you more Luba and this seems to be a favorite of my readers, so I hope you all like this soft version of him XD
"Leo!" you ran across the room to greet him at the beginning of your shift. The club was still pretty much empty, so it wasn't hard to see Luba from afar with the most unpleased face anyone could possibly imagine. "Do you want me to get you a table?"
"No, I'm actually here to talk to you, both of you," he quickly clarified as his gaze met Luba's angry stare. "Do you guys have a second?"
"Sure, come on in. Lu, Leo wants to have a word with us," you leaned over the counter and your boyfriend ran to pull your skirt down and cover more of your thighs. Incredible how jealous he turned out to be after getting into a monogamous relationship.
"We're at work, so we can't right now," Luba tossed his blonde hair with a scoff. "What do you want with y/n anyway? She's my girlfriend now, you know? We're serious, so if you're here to invite her for coffee or whatever your boring ass likes to do, you're out of luck. She doesn't even like you bulky muscular men, she's more into-"
"It's about Josie," Leo said before the conversation could escalate any further.
"What about Josie? Is she okay?"
"Yeah, she's great. I just wanted to ask you two for a favor."
"Fiiiine... What do you need?"
"I have a business trip, I'll be gone for one night. I usually leave Josie with her grandma, but this week her grandma had to leave town for a friend's funeral, so you're the only people I can trust," Leo said, hoping to hear a rejection and a string of insults from Luba.
"When?" he asked instead.
"I leave Monday at five, I'll be back the next day around three."
"Are you okay with this, Liebchen?" Luba looked over at you and you simply nodded. "Okay, we'll take care of her. But that's for Josie, not for you."
"Thank you so much! Thank you Luba, thank you y/n! You're saving my life right now. I'll bring her over after school, is that okay?"
"Yeah, sure..." your boyfriend tried to fight a smile.
"Oh, just one thing," Leo lowered his voice, the robotic voice you were used to by now. "Don't tell her anything about Cactus, or Duck, or how Naadirah died. Don't talk about the parlor or the club, just- she blocked most of the bad memories, and I really don't want her to relive that stuff."
"Of course, don't worry," he agreed. "We won't say anything bad."
By now you knew that Cactus was Bill, Naadirah's crazy ex-husband who ended her life because of Josie. He practically lived at the parlor with his friend Duck, a creepy pedo way too into age play.
That doting father would constantly leave his daughter in the care of prostitutes, including Luba, while he ran his illegal errands. Both men were dead now, killed by Leo in his search for his girlfriend, leaving Josie all alone. All of that was incredibly traumatic, no wonder the girl chose to forget most of it.
"You seem pretty happy," you smirked, looking over at your boyfriend and the insistent grin on his face despite how much he disliked Leo.
"I miss that little girl. I love her," Luba murmured.
"It might be good practice... You know, one day when we have our own little baby."
"Oooh no, Mausi! Us, having kids? Can you imagine that?" he laughed sarcastically.
"Yeah, why? Can't you?"
"Well- I never thought about it!" he yelped, grabbing his buzzing pager. "Sorry, gotta go, duty calls."
Your boyfriend ran off before you could say anything else. Seems like the kids conversation would have to wait a little longer, but maybe taking care of Josie would give him some motivation after all.
So the day finally came. You two took the night off, Luba would take the opportunity to catch up on homework, you could relax a bit after working so hard with no breaks to help him pay for university. It was perfect.
"Uncle Luba and aunt y/n will take care of you tonight, okay? I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Be good, don't forget to take your medicine after dinner, and if you need anything just call me," Leo kissed the top of his daughter's head. "I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too. Be careful, dad," Josie waved, weirdly collected and calm for a child who's gonna spend the night away from her parent, but the truth was she was pretty used to being watched by other people for long periods of time. She trusted him enough to come back the next day like he promised.
"We're gonna have so much fun! You won't even notice dad is gone," Luba said cheerfully, picking the girl up easily. "We can watch movies and go to bed late, eat sweets before dinner, play games..."
"You're the nice lady with the scar," Josie pointed at you with a smile. "From the grocery store."
"That's me, we don't know each other very well, but I hope we can have fun together," you shook her hand, scared that she might be too shy or closed up after what happened, but she was a surprisingly bright kid, not too talkative, but trusting and gentle.
"y/n is my girlfriend, she's really sweet, just like you! Now come on, little Schnecke, are you hungry?" Luba asked.
"A little bit," she admitted, not wanting to cause problems that soon into her stay.
"I'll make American pancakes, do you like American pancakes?" you exclaimed, running your fingers through her long dark hair.
"Yes! My other daddy and uncle Duck used to make them for me all the time!" those words made your stomach twist with disgust, but you were determined to not let it show for her sake.
"I'll have some too, Mausi, with lots of syrup," Luba put on a smile. "Do you wanna see the dresses I've been making for school while y/n gets everything ready? Have a little fashion show?"
"Yessss!" Josie cheered.
Carrying the girl around, all excited, with his loose ponytail and frilly shirt, Luba looked like Madoka Takatori from this anime you used to watch growing up, Shonen Maid. It was kinda hot, there's something about guys who are good with children...
You saw him working all night long on a pink princess dress with a sheer cape that changed colors depending on the angle, he was very dedicated. What a waste that a guy like him never wanted to be a father.
"Hey there, I hope these are as tasty as the ones you used to eat," you placed on the desk a tray piled with pancakes covered in maple syrup and chopped strawberries, two forks, and two glasses of cold milk. "Oh, you look so pretty, Josie!"
"Thank you, uncle Luba said I can keep it," she twirled before taking a seat.
"Uncle Luba is so nice, isn't he?" you sat on his lap as he finished a croquis before grabbing his fork.
"Only to people who deserve it," he said, resisting the urge to tease you, kiss you all over, cover himself in that syrup for you to lick him clean. "But y/n is right, you look so beautiful, it would be a crime not to let you keep the dress."
"You're so good at making clothes, I don't know why you need to go to school for it," Josie murmured.
"Because I need to be better, this way one day I can design your entire wardrobe," he winked at her with a smile. "And one for y/n, since she's the one who gave me the idea to start making clothes."
"And for making the best pancakes in the world!" she added,
making your fragile heart melt with such kindness.
Turns out having Josie there didn't really change anything or disrupt the routine (well, except for the fact that you couldn't have sex and walk around naked). Luba ordered a pizza, like you do on Fridays, and you watched movies together while munching on cookies.
It's pretty easy to take care of a child, you caught yourself thinking. Of course you had no idea, but at least for one night it seemed pretty easy.
When the time came for your guest of honor to go to sleep after a warm shower, she requested that the door would stay ajar so the lights coming in through the giant window in the living room could seep into her room and protect her from monsters and nightmares.
"She likes you a lot, you know?" Luba whispered as you both watched her getting into your old bed from when you first moved in. "Josie never talks to people, it's very rare, but she's not quiet around you."
"Awww that makes me glad, I like her too," you cried, leaning against your boyfriend.
"Do you think you can be quiet?" he asked suddenly, his hand sliding down to your ass discreetly. "If you can, maybe we can have some fun after the little gremlin is asleep? My Mausi looks so sexy playing housewife."
"Lu..." you shuddered just from that slight touch, it was unfair how much power he had over you. "I can be quiet."
"Good girl, I'll destroy you, Mausi," he breathed right next to your ear, evoking goosebumps all over your arms as he left to tuck Josie in. "Are you cozy? Do you need anything?"
The girl shook her head before stopping to think for a moment as she fidgeted with her wood beads bracelet. "Could you guys stay here until I fall asleep? I'm a little scared to be alone."
"Of course," Luba quickly jumped into bed, laying behind her and snuggling closer. You thought about joining, but you didn't want to make her uncomfortable since it was essentially her second time seeing you, so you sat on the purple inflatable chair in the corner.
"Would you like to hear a story?" you suggested.
"Yes!" Josie nodded excitedly.
"Oh! I know one!" Luba chimed in, very proud of himself. "Once upon a time, there was a prince, he was tall and elegant and handsome, with long blonde hair and green eyes like two mossy puddles."
"Is the prince you?" she laughed.
"Whaaaat? Me? Where did you get that idea from?" he gasped dramatically, making you laugh as well. "The point is, this prince liked to go to parties and... Dance with every other prince and princess around. One day he fell in love with a beautiful princess, she was sweet and gentle, with beautiful blue hair and the most captivating smile."
"Oh she sounds pretty!" she mused. "Did she fall in love with the prince too?"
"Not exactly," Luba sighed. "The princess had already given her heart to someone else, a man who lacked the elegance and poise the prince had, but... he had a beautiful heart. One day, the princess disappeared, so the prince was left all alone wondering where she was. What he didn't know is that she was secretly a mermaid. Her underwater kingdom needed her as their queen, so she had to leave."
"But that story is so sad."
"It would be if that was the end," he chuckled, running his fingers up and down her arm. "The mermaid queen knew the prince and the other man with the beautiful heart and an acceptable face would be very sad when she was gone, so she left them both wonderful gifts. For the handsome prince, she left a bottle. When he opened it, the most beautiful fairy came out, she was kind and sweet. She fell in love with him even after he danced with so many people, and he fell for her too, mending his broken heart. They lived happily ever after in their castle."
"What about the other man?"
"The other man got the most precious gemstone in the universe, a shiny jewel that would always be with him as a reminder of the mermaid queen's love," Luba managed to say while trying not to yawn.
"I'm glad they were both happy in the end."
"Me too, Josie," you murmured as your boyfriend slowly drifted away, his eyes way too heavy to stay open. "I'm gonna go to bed, but uncle Luba will stay with you, okay? Goodnight, little gem."
"Goodnight, auntie y/n," she mumbled sleepily.
"I'm gonna destroy you, Mausi..." you giggled to yourself as you entered your room. "Guess that'll have to wait, prince charming."
Tag List: @holidayspirits @salvador-daley @seanfalco @firstpersonnarrator
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sheehalloween · 3 years
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We’ve already seen a few WIPs going round today, so please see this as your official invitation to send us some more! We want snippets and sneak peeks of your Sheehanksgiving creations!
Just five more days to go till the Sheehanksgiving feast begins! 😱😱
Reblog this post with a little morsel of your delicious WIP and don’t forget to tag your writer friends from other fandoms. ❤️❤️
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maerenee930 · 3 years
so question for anyone who can help me, please! i so badly would love to see more fics of Robert Sheehan’s characters with a plus sized partner (like maybe someone who i dentifies as she/they, you know? 🥺) i wouldn’t mind writing one but i’m gonna be honest, i don’t think it would be that good. i haven’t written any kind of story since high school (it’s been almost 10 years since i graduated high school 😅) and idk i just feel like i wouldn’t be good at it. i make up stories in my head with his characters or play out scenarios of things that would happen if i were apart of the story 😅 but i feel like i’d have a hard time trying to write all of them out. if that makes sense? like i would love to write something about Klaus having a shorter plus size, female, identifies as she/they, bi/Pan/queer best friend or partner. but i have a hard time collecting all of those thoughts and ideas so it’s cohesive and just not an extremely chaotic mess 😅 i just would love to also see more plus size people in the fics because as a plus size person, i feel like i don’t see a ton of fics like that. it’s just nice to felt like i’m being seen, heard and my body type is something to embrace rather than be embarrassed by it. you know? there’s a few other reasons why but that’s honestly just a whole lot of personal issues that i’m working on when it comes to my self image 😅 anyway, i would really love to see more of that in fics but also have a hard time summoning up the courage to ask anyone i follow if they could write something like that. so my question is, would anyone be willing to help me out, give me pointers or suggestions as to how i could go about starting to write some fics of my own? i mean i figure if this is something i really want, (and it is) then there is no reason why i can’t push myself out of my comfort zone and try to do it. just cause i’m a little unsure of how it would turn out isn’t a good enough reason to not do it. so yeah, if anyone would be willing to help me out and give me some tips or suggestions as to how i can not only start writing my own fics, but also maybe give some suggestions as to how i might be able to organize my thoughts so maybe it’s not as chaotic and possibly overwhelming...? please? I would greatly appreciate it!! sorry this post is kind of long! and i’m sorry for any spelling or grammar errors! (i really struggle with proper grammar) and thank you to anyone who reads this! i really appreciate it! 😊 (hopefully all of this makes sense! i’m sorry if it doesn’t and it just sounds like i’m a rambling! and i apologize for being kind of awkward 😅)
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firstpersonnarrator · 3 years
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Fic Request for Thirsty Thurs: Hopefully this image is all the prompt you need.
Bogman: Optional
Rob character: Any
Smut level: Mid-range 3 out of 5 Purple Demons 😈😈😈
@misskittysmagicportal @miss-kittys-magical-library @sean-falco @conduitandconjurer @super-unpredictable98 @robertsheehanownsmyass @imagine-you
If anybody above doesn’t do non-klaus fics, please forgive the intrusion.
@super-unpredictable98 Better Than Cake (Luba x Reader)
@sean-falco A Definite Possibilty: Duncan Taylor x Reader x Luba
@miss-kittys-magical-library Dancing in the Moonlight - A Tupelo Honey one-shot
@badsext Lunar Exploration: Klaus Hargreeves x Reader x Leon
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Luba (Mute) NSFW Alphabet
A/N: This came to me very easily, and I’ve been wanting to do this one for a while. Soo, here it is. Enjoy!!
Warnings: BDSM, creampies, a lot of sex lol, roughness
Cheeky Tag List: @misskittysmagicportal, @joz-stankovich, @super-unpredictable98, @the-freckled-luba, @the-novel-on-the-left, @neuroticpuppy, @iamsexytrash, @wasabimia, @bisexualnathanyoung, @imagine-you
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)  I feel like Luba’s extremely caring after a nice fuck, y’know? Being in sex work, he has to make sure he caters to the person’s every need. If it was more rough, he’ll pop out the lotion and rub on the more raw places on someone’s body. If he’s tired, he’ll probably have a couple post-coital cuddles and kisses. Luba also likes candles. I feel like he might order food, and have calm music playing. Very chill.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) I feel like Luba likes his chest a lot for some weird reason. Even when it might be fake, he really likes when people might place their hands on it, or slide them down his chest. Also, lay your head on that chest please, he likes it. Titties or not. On his partner’s, thighs. Small or thick, he really likes them lol. He likes to squeeze someone’s thighs, or gently kiss them. If you’re walking around the house with tight shorts on, or where your thighs are exposed, he’ll be all over them. Also, if he’s going down on you, he likes to be between them, and his head to be squeezed. He also likes slapping your thighs.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person) Okay, so Luba’s a very quiet orgasmer (is that a word). Kat and I share a HC that all of Rob’s characters might not say anything, but their breathing will pick up, and it’ll just be hot and heavy for a bit. I also feel like Luba really fucking likes giving people creampies. He also likes getting sucked off to orgasm, so if you swallow, he’s in shock. If you’re covered in it, even better,
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) He likes calling other people daddy or mommy. A form of praise. He really like spanking, giving or receiving.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)  Luba is extremely experienced, he has to be for his profession. However, if you want something specific, or only get off from a particular part of stimulation, let him know, He wants to learn about what you like.
F= Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual) I feel like Luba likes missionary a lot. He can slowly fuck someone, or have their legs hiked on his shoulders, and absolutely pummel them into the mattress, kitchen counter, whatever it may be that he’s fucking them into. He can also see them and their reactions. and titties lol.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) I have a strong feeling that Luba doesn’t really like to fool around, especially with sex. He’ll tease you, but I don’t think he’ll pop any jokes, but one or two might come out.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) He’s clean shaven, but I won’t pass up the opportunity to say that Luba dyed his pubes once. (they were light blue)
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) Luba’s very romantic, and likes to focus on the emotional aspect of sex. So he’ll be very serious, and be focused on trying to pleasure you.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) Luba doesn���t really touch himself, unless it’s something like mutual masturbation, or if he’s REALLY horny. And if that happens, it’s typically quite rough masturbation, and he’ll be extremely loud.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) Like I mentioned earlier, a hidden daddy/mommy kink. He also likes tits, so pls motorboat him. Also, PLEASE peg him. He wants it. Also, smack that ass all you want.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do) He’s not too particular, as he really fucking likes to tease you in public. So, I feel like at home is first, the parlor is second, and anywhere public is next. Especially semi-public. He won’t hesitate to fuck you at a restaurant, or something where people are bound to see you.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) He likes when you’re whining at what he’s doing, and when you’re getting impatient. He really likes teasing you. If you bite his neck, or kiss it, or start playing along, oh yeah, he’s hard. Or, if you decide to switch roles and want to top him.  Also, if you’re wearing particularly titty revealing, or if you’re not wearing a bra, and he knows that you’re letting them be.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Anything too BDSM’y. Like, no blood play, no bodily fluids other than cum, nothing like that. Nothing gross.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) Luba loves to fucking give oral. and he’s bomb at it as well. It doesn’t matter whomst he may be sucking or licking, he likes to see and hear how they react. However, I won’t rule out the fact that he likes to get oral too. He’ll have his hand on their head, and just lean back and enjoy them pleasing him. He doesn’t get much of that as an escort. He enjoys being treated, and given something he may want, especially sexually. ALSO, I’M ADDING THIS ON. I feel like Luba REALLY fucking likes getting head. Like, if you deepthroat him, it’s a done deal, he’ll be fucking your mouth. Or if you moan around him, he’s cumming down your throat in a matter of seconds.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) It depends on how he feels. If he’s particularly horny, he’ll fuck you nice and hard, and make sure you can’t feel your legs. If you’re in public, he’ll start slow, but then speed up, simply because he wants to hear you suffer. He’s a good mix though, but most nights, he’ll be really slow.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) Luba really likes quickies, and if your job time differs, y’all might be having more quickies than actual sex. He likes actual sex though, but if you’re in a rush to work, but he’s really horny, he’ll fuck you on the car, or on the kitchen counter while you’re eating. Doing your hair? Doggy style. Simple as that. He’ll also finger you if you’re in a BIG rush.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) Luba does tease a lot, and that’s risky, especially if you’re in the verge of an orgasm, and he suddenly takes his fingers out and licks them clean. (slowly)Yeah, you’ll be wanting to fuck him REAL bad. I feel like he will experiment though, he’s open to a lot of things.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) Luba lasts VERY LONG. He has to for his job, but with you, he puts extra in. 4, sometimes 5 rounds.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) YES LUBA OWNS TOYS. He also owns quite a lot of them, and likes to use them quite often. Mostly dildos and cock rings, but he does have vibrators, and likes to tease you with them. If you request it, he’ll fuck himself on a dildo as well. Also, a strap for obvious reasons.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) LUBA IS THE BIGGEST FUCKING TEASE OUT HERE AND I STAND BY THAT SHIT. I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL. Y’all could be in public and he’ll be kissing up your neck, or his fingers’ll be tickling your waist. If it’s getting to the main event, there will be fingers everywhere besides where you’ll most want them. And when you ask him for what you want most, you’ll get a short “What, I don’t think I’m doing anything?”, or a giggle from wherever his mouth may be residing. He likes hearing the desperation in someone’s voice, and hearing them beg. If you start pulling his hair, that’s when the tongue appears, the fingers start moving, all that.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) Luba is very fucking loud, thank you very much. I know I said heavy breathing, but my god, get behind him with a strap, he’ll be screaming. If you may be 69′ing, he’ll be really loud, as it does add to the sensation. If you’re sucking him off, yes, he’ll be very loud. Anything high stimulation really gets him going.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) If you come into the parlor, he’ll fuck you after he’s done with a client, or if he’s free. That’s all I’m saying. He also likes external orgasms like squirting, and he WILL drink it. And if it got on your body, he’ll lick it clean.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) Luba’s a little average, but I feel like he’s a little on the thick side. Not like you’ll look at his dick and be like “this won’t fit”.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) It’s high, but not rabbit fuckingly so. He likes sex a lot, but doesn’t want it all the time. But, most days a week, y’all are fucking.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) If you two did something physically taxing like 69′ing or another complicated position, he’ll be tired, or if you went for more rounds than usual, he’ll be really sleepy. However, he does wait until you fall asleep to drift off. Every now and then he beats you to it though.
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*jumps down from your ceiling* may i please request 7 for scenarios and 1 from tropes for dearest luba? (feel free to let me know if i need to be more specific, give more description, etc.)
A/N: Alright, I'm trying something a little different here (sorry you're my experimental scapegoat, but I figured you wouldn't mind). Instead of this being some sort of AU for the same reader/oc I usually imagine while writing for Luba, I'm using a different one, and the usual one is sort of a side-character in the fic? I hope it'll make sense when you read what I mean. And more importantly, I hope you enjoy the fic. 😊 Word Count: 2087 Rating: T - mild language, implications of sex in the most PG-13 but it's still Luba way possible
You hated Berlin. Really every city was far from where you preferred, but something about Berlin seemed even worse than the rest. So there must have been something pretty special to bring you into the heart of it.
Both pretty and special could definitely be used to describe the person you were looking for, a person who was practically a ghost. You only had a single name to go by, Luba, and the single comment he'd left you with before winking and disappearing: "If you're ever in the city, I'll take good care of you."
You felt your face flush hotly at the implication, even in your memory, and then you raised a hand to knock on the door of the very rundown-looking apartment building. A staticky voice greeted you and asked you to identify yourself.
“Um, hi,” you said nervously, shifting from foot to foot from both that and the cold. “I'm looking for Luba? My name is Y/N.”
“How did you find this address? What makes you think there's a Luba here?” The voice sounded annoyed, or maybe even scared, even though it was still robotic. 
"I have something of his to return. Tanya at Foreign Dreams told me where to look?"
There was a long silence, long enough that you were starting to think you were wasting your time. Just as you were considering walking away, the door buzzed. 
“You can come on in, sweetie,” the robotic voice (which you were beginning to realize was a person and a bad speaker) purred now. “Luba and I are on the third floor.”
The hallway was narrow and dark, your shoulders almost brushing the walls as you wound up the two flights of stairs. You didn’t even get a chance to knock on the wooden door at the top of them before it swung open, a petite woman greeting you with a broad, welcoming ‘come in’ gesture. 
“Oh, no that’s okay,” you stammered nervously. “I don’t want to intrude. I just…” you bit your lip sheepishly.
“Y/N! I wondered if you’d ever take me up on my offer,” a familiar voice called from down the hall. “Come in, Liebling.”
“You heard him,” the woman said with a shrug and a fond smile. “We love the company."
The small living room was cozy, lights soft and dim, a plush rug on the floor, and some old movie droning in the background. But the thing that caught and held your attention was Luba. You had called him an angel once, when his face had appeared through the frost of the window and he'd offered you the heavy, rainbow-colored knit blanket now folded neatly in the bag on your shoulder. Now, he seemed to be anything but, filling your head with thoughts of decadence and temptation and sin with the way he reclined across the couch, half dressed and smirking at you.
A fierce blush heated your face as you sputtered another apology for interrupting whatever the two had been doing, and then for insinuating that they might have been doing anything. And then you continued to blunder on until you finally stopped when the woman’s laughter rang out and you had a moment to consider how deep of a hole your mouth had dug you. 
“Please, relax,” Luba said, standing up and gliding to your side, his proximity making your face feel even more like you might catch flame at any moment. He slowly looked you up and down from under his thick lashes. “Although you are quite cute, all flustered like this, but I’d rather make you that way myself.”
He giggled at the stunned expression on your face, from the proposition and the fact that he’d done it so boldly in front of who you had assumed was his partner. 
“Ryne and I, we are used to people making far worse comments than that. I am a whore by trade after all.”
“More importantly,” Ryne cut in with a roll of her eyes at him. “We wouldn’t have let you come up if you were interrupting anything that we minded being interrupted.”
You looked in confusion at Luba and he nodded. 
“I have to get to work soon anyway,” she said, checking the time. “So I’ll leave you to chat. Y/N, feel free to stay for dinner. Luba, play nice.”
“I always play nice. Very, very nice.” He winked and you weren’t sure which of you it was directed at, maybe both.
Ryne shocked you with a kiss on the cheek. “I mean it. Stay as long as you like, or as short. He’s a menace but he’s good, unless you don’t want him to be.” Then she kissed Luba in a short, fierce kiss before throwing on a leather jacket and leaving in a flash, with one last call of “you two kids have fun” over her shoulder. 
As the door closed behind her, you found yourself and Luba and standing there in awkward silence. Suddenly you remembered why you came here in the first place and reached into your bag to fish out the blanket. 
“I uh…I was really just here to return this,” you said, holding the folded material out to him. “It was a really nice blanket, so I figured you’d want it back…it might really have saved my life by the way, I ended up sitting there huddled in it for hours waiting for a tow.” 
“I had forgotten I gave that to you, although how I forgot such an adorable thing like you I have no idea. Thanks,” he took it, a sudden shift in his demeanor telling you this was odd territory for him as well. “I’m glad it served you well. At least I could help somebody.” The last sentence was muttered in a way that you thought you weren’t supposed to hear, so though you frowned at it, you didn’t comment.
“So, I should just go then, yeah? I mean I don’t want to waste anymore of your time…”
“No! Stay, stay. Have a seat, I’ll get you a drink.”
“Oh no thank you, I don't drink.” Not to mention you didn't want anything lowering your inhibitions or clouding your judgment around a man already so intoxicating. 
“No alcohol then. No problem. We have all these lovely, fancy teas that a client of Ryne’s gave them. I’m sure I can figure out how to make one?”
He seemed determined to do something for you, and to have you stay, and you couldn't help the butterflies in your stomach or the curious spike in your heart rate at the thought. You hesitated for a moment before giving in. It wasn't like you had anywhere else to be for the day, so maybe it wouldn't hurt to get to know him better.
“Okay, sure. A cup of tea would be lovely. Do you have any with lavender?”
After the tea was made, you and Luba sat on the couch, a space between you that might have been a canyon full of snakes for all you feared to cross it. Each of you had a mug. Luba's held carefully, posed to somehow be more enticing than it had right to be, and yours cradled in both hands and held before you like a talisman or a charm against evil. The movie still droned on in the background but you couldn't focus on anything but him (meanwhile Luba was watching, eyes intent on the tv, or so he seemed to be). 
“Should I guess what you're thinking?” He asked suddenly, lilt striking you like an electric jolt. 
He laughed, the delightful sound making your stomach do flips. “It'll be a fun game to get to know each other. If I'm wrong, you give me a clue and I try again.”
“And if you're right?”
“Then I win, and we'll be having a conversation.”
“We're having one now.”
“Touche.” He turned to you with something curious and expectant in his brilliant green eyes.
“Ok,” you said, taking a deep breath to steel yourself. “Take your best shot.”
One long, graceful finger tapped his chin and his glossy lips twisted in thought. You raised an eyebrow, almost a challenge, when he remained silent. 
“You're thinking about how attractive you find me,” he guessed finally, with a smile and a wink, “and about what kind of things we could be getting up to.”
“I'm sure for a lot of people, that'd be right. But not me.” You laughed, a blend of embarrassment and amusement before quickly adding, “right now.”
“You're wondering what Ryne and I are to each other?”
You shook your head. You were curious but it wasn't your main thought at the moment. 
“How I am a tea expert and the best you've ever tasted?” He asked as you sipped your drink.
You laughed, coughing slightly as you accidentally inhaled the liquid in question. “Why would that be it?”
“Because you were drinking and the sensation we're experiencing is usually our first thoughts.”
“It would make sense, but it's still not correct.”
He sighed, seeming quite put out that his game wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. “I think I'll take my hint now.”
“It’s not about you, directly.”
“Oh really?” He seemed shocked and positively delighted by the idea, green eyes sparkling. “That does pose a challenge. Hm, let's see…”
You couldn't help the giggle that escaped at his theatrics, certainly the reaction he was hoping for. “Do you always assume people are thinking about you?”
“Have you seen me liebling? They usually are. Although it seems like you're the one distracting me.” 
Your cheeks heated as he flashed you a wink and you fought the urge to bury your face in your hands for some reason. After a few minutes of intense thought (and studying your face), his lips turned downward into an adorable pout. 
“I give up. Your mind is a mystery to me Y/N.”
You laughed. “That was a quick surrender. I hope you're not done that fast with everything.”
He gaped, clearly surprised by your innuendo and then joined your laughter, sound high and bright. 
“I was thinking about the weather.”
“The weather?!”
“Yeah,” you looked down at your hands curled tightly around your rapidly cooling tea, knuckles white with nerves. “The storm was already getting bad when I got here. So as much as I want to stay…which is a lot...I probably shouldn't. If I get stuck...anything could happen…”
He hummed in agreement. “Anything indeed.”
He stood to glance out the window, barely taking a glance before returning and taking one of your hands in his. He began turning it back and forth, playing with your fingers.
“I can't let you go out there,” he said finally, earnestly. 
“Y/N. You sweet, precious thing. I insist you stay. I cannot bear to think of something happening to you.”
You stared, confused by this dramatic shift. You couldn't imagine the storm had already picked up so much, or why he would care.
“I can't stay…” you protested half-heartedly. “I want to, but I don't think it would be right. I don't even know you. And Ryne–”
“Ryne would be delighted for you to stay, trust me, I could tell. Besides, I'd hate to have to give up my blanket again to save you, I just got it back. And it's much better used to cuddle up under and...get to know each other better.”
You bit your lip. Every part of you was screaming to say yes, to stay, to do whatever he liked (and let him do whatever to you). So you did, smiling and nodding.
His answering grin was dazzling and he leaned in to kiss you, closing the gap between you swiftly at the same time he removed your tea from the equation and set it aside. You reached up, pulling your fingers out of his hold to circle his shoulders and tangle into his platinum locks. His tongue danced deftly over your lip and you let inside to map your mouth as you returned the gesture. Kissing him was like an instant addiction and you sighed into it. 
“So you just care about the blanket then?” You teased when you finally broke away for air reluctantly.
He shook his head with a laugh and a fond smile, pulling you onto his lap. 
“I'm so very glad you want to stay, Y/N,” he said instead of answering, resting his forehead on yours. 
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