#luba (mute) fanfic
Can you write a fic where the reader is sick and luba takes care of them?
The Very First Christmas
Fandom: Mute
Pairing: Luba x Reader (Foreign Dreams’ verse)
Word Count: 1,1 k
Warning: Strong language, mild sexual content, periods and stuff
a/n: Sorry it took me a while, anon. I hope you like it <3 also just in case the other anons are seeing it, I'm working on your requests too. Happy new year to everyone!
"Kling, Glöckchen, klingelingeling
kling, Glöckchen, kling!
Mädchen, hört, und Bübchen
Macht mir auf das Stübchen
Bring euch viele Gaben, sollt euch dran erlaben!"
You heard Luba singing gently as he prepared a simple lunch in the kitchen. It smelled delicious, but you immediately felt something was wrong. Your head was throbbing and your cramps were killing you. 
Most of the time your period was an inconvenience, you fought cramps and other symptoms with meds, but it was probably the coldest day of the year, which also didn't help and only intensified that horrible feeling. 
"Good morning, Mausi," he called when he heard you groan, standing by the doorway. "It's Krampusnacht, there's a parade nearby, we should go! I used to love them as kids and since you never celebrated Christmas, I thought you'd- what's wrong?"
Your face probably gave you away, that months the pain was so horrible that you almost felt sick to your stomach. You couldn't stand straight, you could barely even move. 
"Cramps... This month is kicking my ass."
"Aw, Mausi!" Luba rushed to your side and took you in his arms. "I know a very good solution for cramps," he smirked, his hand creeping up your thigh.
"Not now, sweetie, I don't think I can do it."
He frowned, the situation was probably serious for you to refuse sex, a very rare sight. Back in the day when Naadirah got cramps he usually bought her medicine and a heating pad, all of her favorite sweets, and took the day off to watch movies with her. 
Suddenly that memory came to him and twisted his stomach. As much as he loved you, remembering her still hurt, he never even got the chance to say goodbye. 
"What's wrong?" You asked.
"I don't know what to do. I'm afraid you might get angry if I tell you."
"I won't get angry," you fell back into the pillows. "Go ahead."
"There's a ritual I can do to take care of you, but- I used to..." 
"You used to do it with her?"
Luba nodded, embarrassed by the thought. You were his girlfriend and he wanted to be completely devoted to you. The thought of you thinking about another man made him seethe, so why should you be okay with him thinking of another woman?
"I'm so sorry, Mausi."
"Lu, I don't care about what happened before. You're mine now, right?"
"All yours," he nodded, pushing his blonde curls away from his face, the long sleeves of his blue jumper nearly swallowing his hands.
"Then I don't mind, I just want my boyfriend to take care of me when I don't feel well. If anything, I'm glad you've had some practice," you moaned, squirming as another wave of pain took over your stomach.
"I don't wanna leave the house and leave you alone," Luba pulled you closer. "But I don't have the right medicine or the heating pads."
"Do you have Tylenol? It works too," you groaned and he nodded. "And a hot water bottle or maybe a towel you can soak in hot water?"
"I can do that! Let me check what we have in the pantry," Luba looked down at his smart bracelet and pulled the list of items you had bought on your last trip to the grocery store. "We have knoppers, schoko-bons, milka bars, goldbären..."
"Sounds pretty good to me."
He perked up, happy to be useful. He placed a gentle kiss on your lower stomach before moving up to your lips and sighed. 
After asking you to pick your favorite movie, he ran to the kitchen to prepare your care kit. You ended up choosing some old movie you found laying around and got back under the blankets. 
"Hey there, pretty lady," your boyfriend came in carrying a tray just like he did almost every night at the club. "I'm Luba and I'll be your waiter tonight. And yes, I do accept my tip in kisses."
"Silly..." you shook your head, a tired smile on your face. "I have lots of kisses for you."
"Perfect! I have some snacks, some tea for you to take your meds, and a hot towel for your tummy," he said as he put down each of the items on the bed. "Come here, let me help you, Mausi."
You swallowed the pill with the warm chamomile tea while Luba lifted your oversized shirt to put the hot towel in place. It already started to feel better, not exactly because of the stuff he brought, but because he was there with you, he cared. 
"I also made some lasagna, it's in the oven," he pressed a gentle kiss to your temple. "Do you need me to order pads or tampons or anything?" 
"No, I still have some," you sighed, leaning into his embrace and pressing play on the movie. "You're really good at taking care of people."
"Yeah, being a prostitute does that to a person," he joked, pulling you closer to massage your belly. "I love you so much."
"I love you too," you turned to catch his lips. "I'm sorry about Krampusnacht, I really wish I could go. We can still catch the parade if I can walk by then."
"Don't worry about it, we have the rest of our lives to celebrate Krampusnacht. Believe me, you'll wanna be able to run, here they like to chase people around," Luba laughed. "We can go next year, it's okay." 
"Are you sure?" 
"Yeah, of course," he assured. "Besides, soon it will be Christmas, your very first one, right? It's still Weihnachtszeit, we can make cookies, go to the market and drink glühwein, decorate the tree... My mum taught me how to make gänsabraten when I was a boy."
"What's that?" 
"It's goose, you know, for Christmas night." 
"Ew! No! Can't we just make a turkey?"
"How is a goose that different from a turkey? They're both birds," Luba chuckled. "People eat duck, quail, chicken, even pheasant. What's wrong with the goose?"
You had to agree he had a pretty solid argument and you didn't want to be rude, it was already near blasphemy that you avoided pork in Germany, you were not about to talk badly about your future mother-in-law's traditional recipe. 
"Fine, I'll try the goose, but only if you feed it to me."
"That's my girl, my good girl," Luba purred, placing a shoko-bon between his lips and leaning closer so you could take it. You giggled, accepting the chocolate and stealing a kiss in the process. "And once you do feel better... I don't mind spreading my red wings for you."
Tag List: @seanfalco @elliethesuperfruitlover @messengeronthemoon @badsext @salvador-daley @firstpersonnarrator
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sheehalloween · 3 years
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We’ve already seen a few WIPs going round today, so please see this as your official invitation to send us some more! We want snippets and sneak peeks of your Sheehanksgiving creations!
Just five more days to go till the Sheehanksgiving feast begins! 😱😱
Reblog this post with a little morsel of your delicious WIP and don’t forget to tag your writer friends from other fandoms. ❤️❤️
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Luba (Mute) NSFW Alphabet
A/N: This came to me very easily, and I’ve been wanting to do this one for a while. Soo, here it is. Enjoy!!
Warnings: BDSM, creampies, a lot of sex lol, roughness
Cheeky Tag List: @misskittysmagicportal, @joz-stankovich, @super-unpredictable98, @the-freckled-luba, @the-novel-on-the-left, @neuroticpuppy, @iamsexytrash, @wasabimia, @bisexualnathanyoung, @imagine-you
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)  I feel like Luba’s extremely caring after a nice fuck, y’know? Being in sex work, he has to make sure he caters to the person’s every need. If it was more rough, he’ll pop out the lotion and rub on the more raw places on someone’s body. If he’s tired, he’ll probably have a couple post-coital cuddles and kisses. Luba also likes candles. I feel like he might order food, and have calm music playing. Very chill.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) I feel like Luba likes his chest a lot for some weird reason. Even when it might be fake, he really likes when people might place their hands on it, or slide them down his chest. Also, lay your head on that chest please, he likes it. Titties or not. On his partner’s, thighs. Small or thick, he really likes them lol. He likes to squeeze someone’s thighs, or gently kiss them. If you’re walking around the house with tight shorts on, or where your thighs are exposed, he’ll be all over them. Also, if he’s going down on you, he likes to be between them, and his head to be squeezed. He also likes slapping your thighs.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person) Okay, so Luba’s a very quiet orgasmer (is that a word). Kat and I share a HC that all of Rob’s characters might not say anything, but their breathing will pick up, and it’ll just be hot and heavy for a bit. I also feel like Luba really fucking likes giving people creampies. He also likes getting sucked off to orgasm, so if you swallow, he’s in shock. If you’re covered in it, even better,
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) He likes calling other people daddy or mommy. A form of praise. He really like spanking, giving or receiving.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)  Luba is extremely experienced, he has to be for his profession. However, if you want something specific, or only get off from a particular part of stimulation, let him know, He wants to learn about what you like.
F= Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual) I feel like Luba likes missionary a lot. He can slowly fuck someone, or have their legs hiked on his shoulders, and absolutely pummel them into the mattress, kitchen counter, whatever it may be that he’s fucking them into. He can also see them and their reactions. and titties lol.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) I have a strong feeling that Luba doesn’t really like to fool around, especially with sex. He’ll tease you, but I don’t think he’ll pop any jokes, but one or two might come out.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) He’s clean shaven, but I won’t pass up the opportunity to say that Luba dyed his pubes once. (they were light blue)
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) Luba’s very romantic, and likes to focus on the emotional aspect of sex. So he’ll be very serious, and be focused on trying to pleasure you.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) Luba doesn’t really touch himself, unless it’s something like mutual masturbation, or if he’s REALLY horny. And if that happens, it’s typically quite rough masturbation, and he’ll be extremely loud.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) Like I mentioned earlier, a hidden daddy/mommy kink. He also likes tits, so pls motorboat him. Also, PLEASE peg him. He wants it. Also, smack that ass all you want.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do) He’s not too particular, as he really fucking likes to tease you in public. So, I feel like at home is first, the parlor is second, and anywhere public is next. Especially semi-public. He won’t hesitate to fuck you at a restaurant, or something where people are bound to see you.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) He likes when you’re whining at what he’s doing, and when you’re getting impatient. He really likes teasing you. If you bite his neck, or kiss it, or start playing along, oh yeah, he’s hard. Or, if you decide to switch roles and want to top him.  Also, if you’re wearing particularly titty revealing, or if you’re not wearing a bra, and he knows that you’re letting them be.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Anything too BDSM’y. Like, no blood play, no bodily fluids other than cum, nothing like that. Nothing gross.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) Luba loves to fucking give oral. and he’s bomb at it as well. It doesn’t matter whomst he may be sucking or licking, he likes to see and hear how they react. However, I won’t rule out the fact that he likes to get oral too. He’ll have his hand on their head, and just lean back and enjoy them pleasing him. He doesn’t get much of that as an escort. He enjoys being treated, and given something he may want, especially sexually. ALSO, I’M ADDING THIS ON. I feel like Luba REALLY fucking likes getting head. Like, if you deepthroat him, it’s a done deal, he’ll be fucking your mouth. Or if you moan around him, he’s cumming down your throat in a matter of seconds.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) It depends on how he feels. If he’s particularly horny, he’ll fuck you nice and hard, and make sure you can’t feel your legs. If you’re in public, he’ll start slow, but then speed up, simply because he wants to hear you suffer. He’s a good mix though, but most nights, he’ll be really slow.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) Luba really likes quickies, and if your job time differs, y’all might be having more quickies than actual sex. He likes actual sex though, but if you’re in a rush to work, but he’s really horny, he’ll fuck you on the car, or on the kitchen counter while you’re eating. Doing your hair? Doggy style. Simple as that. He’ll also finger you if you’re in a BIG rush.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) Luba does tease a lot, and that’s risky, especially if you’re in the verge of an orgasm, and he suddenly takes his fingers out and licks them clean. (slowly)Yeah, you’ll be wanting to fuck him REAL bad. I feel like he will experiment though, he’s open to a lot of things.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) Luba lasts VERY LONG. He has to for his job, but with you, he puts extra in. 4, sometimes 5 rounds.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) YES LUBA OWNS TOYS. He also owns quite a lot of them, and likes to use them quite often. Mostly dildos and cock rings, but he does have vibrators, and likes to tease you with them. If you request it, he’ll fuck himself on a dildo as well. Also, a strap for obvious reasons.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) LUBA IS THE BIGGEST FUCKING TEASE OUT HERE AND I STAND BY THAT SHIT. I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL. Y’all could be in public and he’ll be kissing up your neck, or his fingers’ll be tickling your waist. If it’s getting to the main event, there will be fingers everywhere besides where you’ll most want them. And when you ask him for what you want most, you’ll get a short “What, I don’t think I’m doing anything?”, or a giggle from wherever his mouth may be residing. He likes hearing the desperation in someone’s voice, and hearing them beg. If you start pulling his hair, that’s when the tongue appears, the fingers start moving, all that.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) Luba is very fucking loud, thank you very much. I know I said heavy breathing, but my god, get behind him with a strap, he’ll be screaming. If you may be 69′ing, he’ll be really loud, as it does add to the sensation. If you’re sucking him off, yes, he’ll be very loud. Anything high stimulation really gets him going.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) If you come into the parlor, he’ll fuck you after he’s done with a client, or if he’s free. That’s all I’m saying. He also likes external orgasms like squirting, and he WILL drink it. And if it got on your body, he’ll lick it clean.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) Luba’s a little average, but I feel like he’s a little on the thick side. Not like you’ll look at his dick and be like “this won’t fit”.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) It’s high, but not rabbit fuckingly so. He likes sex a lot, but doesn’t want it all the time. But, most days a week, y’all are fucking.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) If you two did something physically taxing like 69′ing or another complicated position, he’ll be tired, or if you went for more rounds than usual, he’ll be really sleepy. However, he does wait until you fall asleep to drift off. Every now and then he beats you to it though.
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maerenee930 · 3 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the inbox of the last 10 people who have reblogged something from you. Get to know your mutuals and followers, have fun!
thank you for sharing this with me!! 🖤
i realize i already did this, but i have more things that make me happy that i’d like to share with everyone so they can get to know me a little more/better 😊
so, 5 (more) things that make me happy :
- Robert Sheehan’s characters 💙 (specifically Klaus, Luba, Nathan, Vincent, Billy and Sean 🖤 those one just hold a very special place in my heart)
- robert sheehan’s characters fanfics (specifically smutty ones 😅)
- music and singing!! 🖤 music and singing makes me unbelievably happy! (i get those are technically two different things but they just kind of go hand in hang for me. if that makes sense? like i always sing when i listen to my music 💙 i just do ☺️)
- acting! i adore acting! i have since i was a kid and it’s all i’ve wanted to do since i was a kid! i’ve only been in plays and musicals when i was in school but it’s something i’d love to do professionally! it makes me truly so happy and i have so much passion for it! it’s my dream to be able to be in a movie or a show! and i’d love to be able to play a character that could be someone’s favorite/comfort character and help someone through everything the way my favorite/comfort characters, movies, shows and actors/actresses have helped me and have made me feel so much less alone when i’ve going through some really tough times 🖤 hopefully all of that makes sense 😅
- hanging out with friends makes me happy ☺️ whether it’s in person or over facetime, i love being able to hang out and talk with my friends 💙 even if it’s just us watching something together and we don’t do much else, i love being able to spend time with them 💖
thank you so much @salvador-daley for sharing this with me!! 💙
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She couldn’t - Mute fanfic
ao3 link
Summary:  Luba and Naadirah have a conversation about lousy tastes in men.
Characters: Luba, Naadirah
1267 words
The aesthetics of this movie are really great and I loved these two characters the moment I saw them. Wish I could draw something for them, so this is the next best thing. 
One of the most fascinating things happened while finishing to type/edit this though: I listened to the unreleased Linkin Park song 'She Couldn't' for the first time. While similar situations have happened to me before, I have no words for how this one made me feel. I've been having such a hard time lately, I've barely been able to sleep let alone write or have some artistic release at all, and then when I'm finally at least trying to get this simple thing out, Chester and Mike and LP come and it's just perfect. I obviously named the fic after the song. 
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The Tale of a German Prince
Fandom: Mute
Pairing: Luba x Reader (Foreign Dreams’ verse)
Word Count: about 2 k
Warning: Strong language, mention of death and abuse
a/n: It only took me forever to bring you more Luba and this seems to be a favorite of my readers, so I hope you all like this soft version of him XD
"Leo!" you ran across the room to greet him at the beginning of your shift. The club was still pretty much empty, so it wasn't hard to see Luba from afar with the most unpleased face anyone could possibly imagine. "Do you want me to get you a table?"
"No, I'm actually here to talk to you, both of you," he quickly clarified as his gaze met Luba's angry stare. "Do you guys have a second?"
"Sure, come on in. Lu, Leo wants to have a word with us," you leaned over the counter and your boyfriend ran to pull your skirt down and cover more of your thighs. Incredible how jealous he turned out to be after getting into a monogamous relationship.
"We're at work, so we can't right now," Luba tossed his blonde hair with a scoff. "What do you want with y/n anyway? She's my girlfriend now, you know? We're serious, so if you're here to invite her for coffee or whatever your boring ass likes to do, you're out of luck. She doesn't even like you bulky muscular men, she's more into-"
"It's about Josie," Leo said before the conversation could escalate any further.
"What about Josie? Is she okay?"
"Yeah, she's great. I just wanted to ask you two for a favor."
"Fiiiine... What do you need?"
"I have a business trip, I'll be gone for one night. I usually leave Josie with her grandma, but this week her grandma had to leave town for a friend's funeral, so you're the only people I can trust," Leo said, hoping to hear a rejection and a string of insults from Luba.
"When?" he asked instead.
"I leave Monday at five, I'll be back the next day around three."
"Are you okay with this, Liebchen?" Luba looked over at you and you simply nodded. "Okay, we'll take care of her. But that's for Josie, not for you."
"Thank you so much! Thank you Luba, thank you y/n! You're saving my life right now. I'll bring her over after school, is that okay?"
"Yeah, sure..." your boyfriend tried to fight a smile.
"Oh, just one thing," Leo lowered his voice, the robotic voice you were used to by now. "Don't tell her anything about Cactus, or Duck, or how Naadirah died. Don't talk about the parlor or the club, just- she blocked most of the bad memories, and I really don't want her to relive that stuff."
"Of course, don't worry," he agreed. "We won't say anything bad."
By now you knew that Cactus was Bill, Naadirah's crazy ex-husband who ended her life because of Josie. He practically lived at the parlor with his friend Duck, a creepy pedo way too into age play.
That doting father would constantly leave his daughter in the care of prostitutes, including Luba, while he ran his illegal errands. Both men were dead now, killed by Leo in his search for his girlfriend, leaving Josie all alone. All of that was incredibly traumatic, no wonder the girl chose to forget most of it.
"You seem pretty happy," you smirked, looking over at your boyfriend and the insistent grin on his face despite how much he disliked Leo.
"I miss that little girl. I love her," Luba murmured.
"It might be good practice... You know, one day when we have our own little baby."
"Oooh no, Mausi! Us, having kids? Can you imagine that?" he laughed sarcastically.
"Yeah, why? Can't you?"
"Well- I never thought about it!" he yelped, grabbing his buzzing pager. "Sorry, gotta go, duty calls."
Your boyfriend ran off before you could say anything else. Seems like the kids conversation would have to wait a little longer, but maybe taking care of Josie would give him some motivation after all.
So the day finally came. You two took the night off, Luba would take the opportunity to catch up on homework, you could relax a bit after working so hard with no breaks to help him pay for university. It was perfect.
"Uncle Luba and aunt y/n will take care of you tonight, okay? I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Be good, don't forget to take your medicine after dinner, and if you need anything just call me," Leo kissed the top of his daughter's head. "I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too. Be careful, dad," Josie waved, weirdly collected and calm for a child who's gonna spend the night away from her parent, but the truth was she was pretty used to being watched by other people for long periods of time. She trusted him enough to come back the next day like he promised.
"We're gonna have so much fun! You won't even notice dad is gone," Luba said cheerfully, picking the girl up easily. "We can watch movies and go to bed late, eat sweets before dinner, play games..."
"You're the nice lady with the scar," Josie pointed at you with a smile. "From the grocery store."
"That's me, we don't know each other very well, but I hope we can have fun together," you shook her hand, scared that she might be too shy or closed up after what happened, but she was a surprisingly bright kid, not too talkative, but trusting and gentle.
"y/n is my girlfriend, she's really sweet, just like you! Now come on, little Schnecke, are you hungry?" Luba asked.
"A little bit," she admitted, not wanting to cause problems that soon into her stay.
"I'll make American pancakes, do you like American pancakes?" you exclaimed, running your fingers through her long dark hair.
"Yes! My other daddy and uncle Duck used to make them for me all the time!" those words made your stomach twist with disgust, but you were determined to not let it show for her sake.
"I'll have some too, Mausi, with lots of syrup," Luba put on a smile. "Do you wanna see the dresses I've been making for school while y/n gets everything ready? Have a little fashion show?"
"Yessss!" Josie cheered.
Carrying the girl around, all excited, with his loose ponytail and frilly shirt, Luba looked like Madoka Takatori from this anime you used to watch growing up, Shonen Maid. It was kinda hot, there's something about guys who are good with children...
You saw him working all night long on a pink princess dress with a sheer cape that changed colors depending on the angle, he was very dedicated. What a waste that a guy like him never wanted to be a father.
"Hey there, I hope these are as tasty as the ones you used to eat," you placed on the desk a tray piled with pancakes covered in maple syrup and chopped strawberries, two forks, and two glasses of cold milk. "Oh, you look so pretty, Josie!"
"Thank you, uncle Luba said I can keep it," she twirled before taking a seat.
"Uncle Luba is so nice, isn't he?" you sat on his lap as he finished a croquis before grabbing his fork.
"Only to people who deserve it," he said, resisting the urge to tease you, kiss you all over, cover himself in that syrup for you to lick him clean. "But y/n is right, you look so beautiful, it would be a crime not to let you keep the dress."
"You're so good at making clothes, I don't know why you need to go to school for it," Josie murmured.
"Because I need to be better, this way one day I can design your entire wardrobe," he winked at her with a smile. "And one for y/n, since she's the one who gave me the idea to start making clothes."
"And for making the best pancakes in the world!" she added,
making your fragile heart melt with such kindness.
Turns out having Josie there didn't really change anything or disrupt the routine (well, except for the fact that you couldn't have sex and walk around naked). Luba ordered a pizza, like you do on Fridays, and you watched movies together while munching on cookies.
It's pretty easy to take care of a child, you caught yourself thinking. Of course you had no idea, but at least for one night it seemed pretty easy.
When the time came for your guest of honor to go to sleep after a warm shower, she requested that the door would stay ajar so the lights coming in through the giant window in the living room could seep into her room and protect her from monsters and nightmares.
"She likes you a lot, you know?" Luba whispered as you both watched her getting into your old bed from when you first moved in. "Josie never talks to people, it's very rare, but she's not quiet around you."
"Awww that makes me glad, I like her too," you cried, leaning against your boyfriend.
"Do you think you can be quiet?" he asked suddenly, his hand sliding down to your ass discreetly. "If you can, maybe we can have some fun after the little gremlin is asleep? My Mausi looks so sexy playing housewife."
"Lu..." you shuddered just from that slight touch, it was unfair how much power he had over you. "I can be quiet."
"Good girl, I'll destroy you, Mausi," he breathed right next to your ear, evoking goosebumps all over your arms as he left to tuck Josie in. "Are you cozy? Do you need anything?"
The girl shook her head before stopping to think for a moment as she fidgeted with her wood beads bracelet. "Could you guys stay here until I fall asleep? I'm a little scared to be alone."
"Of course," Luba quickly jumped into bed, laying behind her and snuggling closer. You thought about joining, but you didn't want to make her uncomfortable since it was essentially her second time seeing you, so you sat on the purple inflatable chair in the corner.
"Would you like to hear a story?" you suggested.
"Yes!" Josie nodded excitedly.
"Oh! I know one!" Luba chimed in, very proud of himself. "Once upon a time, there was a prince, he was tall and elegant and handsome, with long blonde hair and green eyes like two mossy puddles."
"Is the prince you?" she laughed.
"Whaaaat? Me? Where did you get that idea from?" he gasped dramatically, making you laugh as well. "The point is, this prince liked to go to parties and... Dance with every other prince and princess around. One day he fell in love with a beautiful princess, she was sweet and gentle, with beautiful blue hair and the most captivating smile."
"Oh she sounds pretty!" she mused. "Did she fall in love with the prince too?"
"Not exactly," Luba sighed. "The princess had already given her heart to someone else, a man who lacked the elegance and poise the prince had, but... he had a beautiful heart. One day, the princess disappeared, so the prince was left all alone wondering where she was. What he didn't know is that she was secretly a mermaid. Her underwater kingdom needed her as their queen, so she had to leave."
"But that story is so sad."
"It would be if that was the end," he chuckled, running his fingers up and down her arm. "The mermaid queen knew the prince and the other man with the beautiful heart and an acceptable face would be very sad when she was gone, so she left them both wonderful gifts. For the handsome prince, she left a bottle. When he opened it, the most beautiful fairy came out, she was kind and sweet. She fell in love with him even after he danced with so many people, and he fell for her too, mending his broken heart. They lived happily ever after in their castle."
"What about the other man?"
"The other man got the most precious gemstone in the universe, a shiny jewel that would always be with him as a reminder of the mermaid queen's love," Luba managed to say while trying not to yawn.
"I'm glad they were both happy in the end."
"Me too, Josie," you murmured as your boyfriend slowly drifted away, his eyes way too heavy to stay open. "I'm gonna go to bed, but uncle Luba will stay with you, okay? Goodnight, little gem."
"Goodnight, auntie y/n," she mumbled sleepily.
"I'm gonna destroy you, Mausi..." you giggled to yourself as you entered your room. "Guess that'll have to wait, prince charming."
Tag List: @holidayspirits @salvador-daley @seanfalco @firstpersonnarrator
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Bearer of Good News
Fandom: Mute Pairing: Luba x Reader (Foreign Dreams’ Verse) Word Count: about 2,4 k Warning: Strong language, smut (anal) a/n: Okay, I'm sorry it took me so long to produce more Luba content for you, this seems to be everyone's favorite series and I'm so happy to bring you updates. I promise I'll try not to take as long for the next installment lol
"Oh, thank you," you smiled as a customer placed his tip on your tray. The night was going pretty well, some of the club regulars were there, things have been going swiftly. That was until Luba dragged you to the backroom out of nowhere.
"Mausi, come with me," he took your hand.
"Sweetie, we're working..." you giggled, thinking you knew what he wanted to do, it wouldn't be the first time he pulls you to the corner to blow off some steam during your shift.
Ever since he quit the parlor he had lots of energy to spare, and sometimes it had to come out while you were at work, not that you were complaining.
"I know, I know," he made sure you were alone, looking around like someone trying to hide from a murderer.
"So, you wanna fuck me from the back or do you wanna look at me?" you ran your hands over Luba's bare chest.
"Oh," he laughed, and you froze, what was going on? "As much as I'd love to fuck you right now, that's not why I brought you here."
"It isn't?" you tried not to frown.
"No, I just got a response from the school, I don't have the nerve to open it, can you do it for me?" he handed you the phone he keeps around his neck.
"Ah, okay..."
"Don't worry, Mausi," he leaned closer to whisper in your ear. "When we get home I'll give you exactly what you want, as many times as you need... If you open this message for me."
"I don't know why you're so scared. You studied so hard, the drawings you submitted were gorgeous, of course you're in."
"I don't know that yet," he pouted, showing you his best puppy dog eyes.
"You're the bravest person I know, where is this coming from?" it was odd for you to see your boyfriend, who has been sticking up for you ever since you first met, so scared to read a message.
"Just do it for me, please?" adopting another tactic to convince you, he pinned you against the lockers, pressing his body onto yours and brushing his lips softly along your neck. "For your Luba? I'll be so grateful, I'll find ways to say thank you all night long."
"Fuck," you breathed, feeling your entire body heat up. "Fine, you win."
He proudly fixed his hair with a smug grin as he watched you go through his messages.
"Sooo?" he didn't wanna look, but at the same time, couldn't take his eyes from the scene.
"Well, that's a shame..." you muttered.
"What?" Luba frowned. "I'm not in?"
"It's a shame that you don't believe in yourself, because the Berlin Institute of Fashion and Design says they are proud to accept you!" you exclaimed, showing him the screen.
"Oh my God! Oh my God!" he jumped in excitement, on the verge of tears. "I'm gonna be a stylist!"
"Yes you are," you grinned, it always made you happy to see your boyfriend like that.
"And all because of you," he took your hands, kissing your knuckles lovingly. "Because you helped me see my potential. I love you, y/n, more than you can ever imagine."
"I love you too," you ran your fingers through his blonde curls. "I knew you were getting in, there's no way they could say no to you. No one can say no to you."
"Not only they can, but they have..." Luba mumbled, remembering that sharp pain of rejection he knew so well.
"You are gonna be great, I know you will," you pulled him in for a kiss, not a hungry urgent one, a tender one.
"I can't wait to make you all the clothes you could possibly want, you'll have the most amazing wardrobe in Germany... No! In the world!" he laughed against your lips.
"You'll end up spoiling me, Lu," you teased, your hand snaking down to his ass. "Are you sure you wanna wait until we're home to thank me?"
"I never wanted to wait, you were the one scolding me because we're working," he bit his lip coyly.
"Yeah, but maybe we can-" you huffed when your pager vibrated, letting you know you had to go back to your table.
"We're going home soon," he squeezed your ass, drawing your bottom lip between his teeth before letting you get back to work. "Think of me."
He didn't even need to ask, you couldn't think of anything else for the rest of the shift. It was a miracle that you didn't get any of the orders wrong, especially when Luba kept flashing you that gorgeous smile and winking any time your eyes met. Sometimes he'd wet his lips while looking you up and down, that was almost like a silent promise, it drove you absolutely insane.
When it was time to clock out you rushed to the locker room to get your coat and your purse. Luba was already there, letting his hair down and taking off his high heels. You tried to steal a kiss, but he quickly pulled away.
"Ah ah, don't be impatient," he teased.
"Lu, please! Just a kiss."
"Hmmm... Okay, just because you asked nicely," he curled his fingers under your chin, tilting your head up to meet his lips. He moved slowly, not letting things get heated. "Now let's go home? The sooner we get there, the sooner you get what you want."
"I thought you wanted it too," you followed him outside, putting your hood on to escape the snow.
"I do, now that you're the only one I have sex with, I'm like a ticking time bomb, but teasing you is so much fun. I know you like it."
"You take pleasure in my pain," you grumbled, holding tightly to his arm.
"No, I take pleasure in your desperation," Luba countered. "See, can you imagine how amazing it's gonna feel when we get home? Take a nice shower, or not... You decide, and I kiss you that way you like so much, that way only I can do."
"Stop!" you whined, hiding against his shoulder. "Don't do that."
"What? Telling you what I wanna do to you once we get home?" he looked down at you, amused. "So you don't want me to tell you that I'm feeling my pants get tighter just thinking about you naked? Or that I can't wait to hear the cute little noises you make as I fuck you? And I'll make you come again and again and again..."
"Luba! You're gonna kill me if you keep going!"
"Ugh, can you imagine how nice and sweaty I'll be after I'm done with you? How many hickeys I'll leave behind? I wanna make you feel so good, you'll be screaming for me," he smirked.
All the way home, Luba kept telling you in detail what he wanted to do, how he was going to touch you. By the time you arrived, you were burning with desire, taking your clothes off as soon as the door closed.
"Why are you in such a hurry, Mausi?" he slowly hung his coat, fighting his own urges.
"I want you, so bad, Lu, please..."
"How bad?" he giggled, slowly unbuttoning his vest that barely covered any skin.
"I never wanted anyone like I want you, I'll do anything you ask," one of your hands went to the back of his neck while the other roamed his bare chest. His skin was warm, almost feverish from the heating.
"And I thought I was the one saying thank you for being so nice to me earlier," he lifted you in his arms on the way to the bedroom.
"Well, yeah... But we're also celebrating you getting into school."
"I can't think of a better way to celebrate," he finally gave in, kissing your neck hungrily. "What do you want me to do for you, Mausi? My beautiful sexy Hasi..."
"You choose tonight. You're the one who was accepted in college."
"There's a thing I've been wanting to try, but I'm not sure if you'd like it," Luba nearly whispered.
"What is it?"
"I kinda wanted to try anal... with me on top, I mean."
"Oh! I-I never thought of that, but I'm not against it. I'd try it," you stammered, slightly scared.
"You don't have to! If you're nervous, I totally understand, I was nervous my first time too, it can be a little overwhelming."
"I am a little nervous, but I wanna try," you were quick to assure. "Do I need to go wash or something? Do that thing with the water and the...?"
"No, it's alright," he chuckled. "I'll wear a condom, I don't really mind."
"Are you sure? I'd be so embarrassed if... You know."
"There's no reason to be, it happens, even if you do the cleaning sometimes," Luba explained calmly. "Besides, like I told you, I'll be wearing a condom and I know where I'm putting it, I know the risks. I've done this a million times, I can tell you, you don't have anything to be ashamed of."
"Okay, is this gonna hurt?"
"I don't think so, I'll make sure to lube you up very well, I'll be very gentle with my Mausi. And if you don't like it, you can always ask me to stop and I will, just use the safe word."
"I love you," you mumbled as you turned around, getting on all fours for him.
"I love you too, my darling, so much," he searched for a condom and the bottle of lube on the toy box next to the bed. "Remember, huh? If you're hurting or if you just don't like it, use the safe word."
"Yes, sir," you giggled, it was so sweet that he was worried like that. Yeah, obviously that's the least any partner can do to make sure the other person is okay, but you grew up used to being treated unkindly, so any small gesture already made your heart flutter.
"Good girl," he drawled, rolling the condom on before coating himself with the lube.
He took his middle finger and massaged your hole very gently, working up to pushing his finger inside, slow and steady. "How does it feel, baby? Everything okay?"
"Yeah, so far so good," you took a deep breath, trying to relax and make it easier.
"Do you like that?"
"I don't dislike it."
"Do you want me to stop?" his voice sounded worried.
"No, no, I just gotta get used to it. Keep going," you looked back at him.
Luba leaned over you, breathing against your warm skin while moving his fingers, his boner grinding against the back of your thigh.
"Wow, you're really getting off on it, aren't you?" feeling how hard he was made you feel more turned on and relaxed.
"It's really sexy, I'm getting to take your virginity again, the other half," he joked, his other hand reaching between your legs to rub your clit. "And you feel really good, so tight... Are you ready for more?"
"Yeah, I think I am, but be careful," you moaned, lost in that feeling only his fingers could bring.
"Of course, Mausi, I want you to feel good," he purred before pressing into you.
Okay, so that's not horrible... You thought to yourself. Initially, when you accepted to do it, you were more trying to please him than anything else, but you could get used to that, it was a weird sensation, but along with his nimble fingers rubbing your clit, it felt pretty good.
"Talk to me, baby, how do I make you feel?" he kissed your shoulder gently.
"I like it, you can go faster," you gasped softly, each second getting more and more used to it and able to enjoy it more.
"Yeah? You like that?"
"I do, you make anything feel good."
"You're so sweet, aren't you? My good girl," he growled, still kissing you softly as if to remind you how much he loved you. "You feel amazing, baby. I love knowing you're all mine, I'm the only one who has ever been inside you."
"And you're the only one who ever will be," you breathed.
"I'm the only one who gives you pleasure."
"Yes, please, Luba!" you moved against him, wanting more.
"I love to hear you moan my name like that," a few weeks ago he confessed that was because while he worked at the parlor, people would very rarely address him by name while having sex, feeling like they didn't have the intimacy for that (even though they were literally fucking) or for some reason wanting to imagine they were having sex with someone else. "Do it again, Mausi? For me?"
"Luba, my Luba," you managed to say as that familiar tingle grew in your lower stomach, swallowing you with pleasure, his fingers never once slowing down or changing the pace.
"All yours, for as long as you want me."
"I'll want you forever, silly, you're mine forever."
Those words seemed to send him over the edge and he jerked, coming without a warning. Luba had enough stamina to go on for a long time, but the idea of taking your virginity again, combined with how tight you were, how excited he was about getting accepted into college, and your romantic words? It was too much even for him to handle.
"Oh fuck," he panted, slowly pulling out of you, but still working his magic with his fingers. "Are you close, my darling?"
"Yes, just like that, don't stop," you begged.
It wasn't long until you came as well, collapsing on the bed while he quickly ran to the bathroom to get the condom off and wash his hands. Every single time still felt like heaven, you hoped that it would be like that for the rest of your life.
"Sorry I came too fast, that hasn't happened to me ever since I was... 16 I think," Luba blushed as he joined you back in bed, hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
"Don't apologize, you're still a human being, that's okay," you ran your fingers through his slightly damp curls. "It happens. Even to sex gods like yourself."
"Did you enjoy it? Was it good for you? I can always have you sit on my face and make you come again if you want."
"It was perfect, I felt amazing."
"Pinky promise. Maybe I can sit on your face later though."
"I love you, Mausi."
"I love you more, Lu."
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @firstpersonnarrator @spanishmossmagnolia @a-ghoulish-tale @seanfalco @messengeronthemoon @badsext @salvador-daley @magic-multicolored-miracle
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Foreign Dreams (Mute AU - Luba x Reader)
Chapter 3: Machinery Malfunction
Warning: Strong language, harrassment, smut 
(Foreign Dreams Masterlist)
(gif by: @circumstellars​)
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"Excuse me," Luba was getting a tray full of drinks from the bar and leaning over you in the process, 'accidentally' brushing his bulge against your ass and his biceps against your breasts. "Sorry, Mausi."
You looked over your shoulder to check him out as he was serving the drinks. He looked back at you and winked, biting his lip teasingly. The entire night has been like this, he decided to be a huge tease after what happened earlier... 
Well, it's been a few weeks since you moved in with him. Living with Luba was awesome, he is a lot of fun and when one of you isn't feeling so great, the other is always there to help. You have been building your confidence working at the club and going out with your amazing roommate. 
So earlier that day you decided it would be a good idea to try and... Touch yourself. You haven't had any other sexual experiences ever since that night at the parlor, and you couldn't deny Luba did something to you. You just had to get some relief from all that build-up desire. 
You didn't really know how to do it, but you just tried to imitate with your own fingers what he did that night. Soon you found out it was not something to learn, you just knew, and it felt amazing. You looked at the clock, 3:30 pm on a Wednesday, he was gone by now, so you allowed yourself to be a bit more vocal. 
"Oh please, Luba..." you moaned softly. "Ah, Luba."
"You look so sexy moaning my name."
You immediately stopped moving, not wanting to open your eyes. Maybe his voice was a figment of your imagination, maybe you just wanted him so bad that you started hearing things... When you opened your eyes, though, there he was. All dolled up and ready to leave, with a smirk on his face.
"Luba!" you jumped, immediately getting your hand out of your panties. "I thought you left."
"I bet you did..." he giggled. "But you don't have to be embarrassed."
"Well, I- I think this is... Oh God."
"You don't need to stop, I'm flattered actually. It was about time you finally masturbate, you spent too long without it. You have such a pretty little cunt, it needs attention."
"I can't believe this... This isn't happening!" you covered your face.
"Aw, come on now, Mausi," Luba moved your hands away and leaned in to press a kiss on your lips. "If I weren't late already, I'd help you with that. But on the other hand, thanks for giving me something to think about at work to get me going." 
Ever since the moment you arrived in the club, Luba hasn't left you alone. You tried to gloss over it, you tried to pretend it never happened, but he wasn't going for it and, as you knew very well, he was a master at teasing, so it hasn't been easy.
From looks to smirks, from apparently accidental touches to him pinching your ass as you served drinks... He has been using every trick on the book to get you riled up. It was like a game for him, at least that's what you thought.
"You want a smoke?" Luba offered you the joint he was holding.
"You know, you're an asshole," you sighed as you both got a second to breathe outside.
"Asshole? Me?" Luba took a long drag. "Why do you say that?"
"You know why..."
"I have no clue what you're talking about, Hasi, really..." his grin said otherwise.
"Cut the crap. You're trying to drive me insane," you laughed, your cheeks  burning red.
"Is it working?" he pulled you closer by the waist, making your back hit his chest.
"You know it is..."
"Yeah, I just wanted to hear you say it," he purred. "I know you want me, Sonnenschein... Tell me you haven't been thinking of me, of how good I can make you feel."
"This is torture," you cried.
"It's so much fun though, don't you think?" he let his chin rest on your shoulder and planted a kiss on your cheek. "I think you like it."
"That's the problem, Lu, I like it... How am I supposed to focus on serving tables when you're trying to distract me like that?"
"That's the fun part," his arms snaked around your middle, holding you tight.
"Why are you doing this?" you shook your head. "Just to mess with me?"
"I've been thinking about you moaning, crying out my name all day, I think you deserve some payback," one of his hands slowly slid up to fondle your breast. 
"Oh, have you?" your head rolled back slightly.
"That was really hot. I’ve been thinking about that night too, you know? I had never fucked a virgin before."
"It must suck, cause I don't know how to do anything."
"I'm a great teacher..."
Before things could get any more heated a loud noise coming from the inside made you both jump, you clutched your chest, trying to calm your racing heart.
"What the fuck was that?" you mumbled.
"I don't know... Let me go check, you wait out here, okay?"
"But, Luba..."
"You wait out here," he insisted.
Luba walked to the back door and opened it to have a look inside, after a few  seconds he came out looking relieved. 
"What was it?"
"It was just one of the robots, it broke... Come on, let's go back before Rhonna notices we're gone."
As you walked back inside, you saw the huge commotion around one of the 'strippers', a robot with huge tits and ass. Rhonna was giving instructions to the security team to remove it from the stage. 
"It's almost two..." she looked at the clock. "Looks like we'll have to close a little early tonight."
"No," you said before stopping to think twice. "I'll dance a couple of songs."
"Really?" Rhonna smiled. "Thank you so much, y/n, you're a life-saver."
"Didn't know you pole danced..." Luba muttered.
"Neither did I," you shrugged before getting on stage.
The crowd stared at you, the men whistled and cheered as the first notes of 'Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?' started playing. That song was from the year you were born, an interesting choice, for sure, but you liked it.
You had no idea what you were doing, but you did your best to look sexy, twirling on the pole, hooking your legs around it, and spinning while bending backwards, your hair falling gracefully behind you. Luba was leaning against the wall, watching very closely your every move, you couldn't tell what that look on his face was, but he seemed pleased.
As the song grew with that nice crescendo, you turned your back to the pole and ran your hands over your body, feeling the music pumping inside of you. When the speakers blasted the final chorus you dropped to your knees with your legs spread, leaning forward and turning your head to make your hair whip, looking directly at Luba, who was agape.
"Hey, sweetheart," a man's voice made you turn around as you made your way to Luba . “You were amazing up there.”
The guy talking to you looked like some sort of businessman, he wore a suit and tie, and if you had to guess by the Rolex on his wrist, he was filthy rich.
"Thanks," you politely nodded and tried to keep walking, but he held your wrist.
"No, don't leave... You're such a cutie, maybe we can talk a little, I'm staying at a hotel nearby, I bet we could have a nice time."
"Sorry, that's not really my thing," you tried to leave once again, but once more he held you in place.
"Drop the act, baby girl, you might have this innocent face, but I know what you want. I know what you need... Just be good and come with me, will you?"
"No, let me go..." you asked firmly. "I'm not interested."
"Is it money you want? I have plenty, how much do you want?"
When Luba spotted you in that situation, he snarled, taken by an inexplicable rage. He didn't know where it came from, but he knew he had to do something.
"Hey, Mausi," he took your hand. "Let's go home, alright?"
"You're not going anywhere," the man growled.
"Yes, she is!" Luba was a lot thinner than the guy, but he didn't seem intimidated in the least. "Have you never heard that when a lady says no, it means no?"
"Leave us alone, Schwuchtel."
"Oh, wow! So original, never heard that one before!" he scoffed. "Geh mir aus den Augen, verstanden?"
"Who do you think you are?"
"I'm the one who's gonna fuck you up if you don't let her go right now!"
Before the man could try to do anything, security arrived. You were petrified, Luba was about to get in an actual fight with that man... You have never seen him so angry before. 
He put his arm around you and looked back to make sure the man wasn't following you as you left the club, heading back home. 
"Thank you," you put your arm around him as well, seeking his warmth in that cold weather.
"It was nothing, that guy was a fucking cunt... But let's not think about that," Luba did his best to put on a smile. "So, you never told me you were a dancer."
"I'm not," you laughed.
"Then where did all that come from?"
"Did you like it?" you tried to sound casual.
"Like it? That was so incredibly sexy, you've been holding back..." 
"I liked to see you watching me," you admitted. "It made me feel beautiful."
"Well, it should... You are beautiful," he kissed your forehead. "Very, very beautiful."
You were convinced he was just saying that to be a tease, but part of you wanted it to be true, wanted him to think you are sexy and beautiful... So you chose to believe it.
On the way home, you managed to keep your mind busy talking to Luba and looking at the neon lights of Berlin, but when you got into the shower, that man from the club came back into your mind. The way he held your arm, it was the same way your dad used to do it, you felt helpless. 
You didn't understand why you didn't react, why you didn't try to yank away or scream. It was like you were so used to being treated that way that your body didn't even bother doing anything else. Like your mind has been molded to accept all that abuse, and that pissed you off.
"You seem upset," Luba gently rubbed your back, joining you in bed as you were getting dressed. "Is it about that Ficker from the club?"
"Yeah... I was so scared I couldn't do or say anything."
"It's okay, I told him off. It's okay to be scared, especially after everything you've  been through. From what you've told me, it makes a lot of sense that you're scared actually."
"I guess it does..."
"But you don't have to be, not anymore. Now I'm here, me and my taser."
"I just can't fucking believe this!" you nearly cried. "I feel so useless and ashamed and..."
"Aw, Mausi," Luba massaged your shoulder with his surprisingly strong hands.  "Don't be sad, you're not useless and there's nothing to be ashamed of, you were harassed."
"How can I not be sad? This is bullshit!" you shouted.
"You know... I could help you blow off some steam," he drawled.
"Don't I need an appointment for that?" you quirked an eyebrow.
"It's on the house, my treat," he joked before kissing your neck softly. "I know the way you like it... You'll feel so much better after a good fuck."
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" you were already melting in his arms.
"I think it's a great idea, you deserve a little something after putting up with all that teasing earlier and I have been thinking about it all day. Do you want me, darling?"
"I do, I want you so bad..." you wrapped your arms around his neck, finally able to say it after weeks of holding it back. 
"Then come and get me," he smiled, tilting his head.
You could barely believe your ears, he actually wanted to be with you, wanted for real. You kissed his strawberry chapstick covered lips while your hands roamed his exposed skin.
"Touching myself is nice, but this is so much better..." you ran your fingers through his blonde curls. "I think you ruined me for anyone else."
"That was the plan, sweetie," Luba pulled the towel rolled around your body and lowered you to the bed, kissing a trail from your lower stomach to your tits. "Spread those beautiful legs for me, I wanna hear you moaning my name again."
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @crisis-of-joy @misskittysmagicportal @slutforrobbiebro (let me know if you’d like to be added)
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Foreign Dreams (Mute AU - Luba x Reader)
Chapter 4: Sex Buddies
Warning: Strong language, SMUT, alcohol.
(Foreign Masterlist)
gif from: @i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky​
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"God, Luba..." you looked in the mirror as you got ready for your shift. "You always leave me covered in hickeys, how am I supposed to hide this?"
"You don't," he hugged you from behind and kissed every single mark on your neck. "You look sexy with them."
"Are you trying to mark your territory?" you turned around in his embrace.
"What if I am? The creeps at the club see you're getting fucked already and  leave you alone," Luba pinned you against the wall, pressing his whole body on yours. "Unless you're interested in someone..."
"That's not it," you chuckled.
"You can tell me if you are. We're friends, right?"
"I'm not."
"The new bartender is pretty cute," he backed off, you could tell he was uncomfortable, but you didn't know why. "Don't you think?"
"He's cute, but not my type. He's too butch, too many muscles..."
"Oh, really?" a smug smile took over Luba's face. "And what is your type?"
"The opposite," you sprayed some perfume on your neck and your wrists.
"So... Me?" he quirked his thick eyebrow.
"Shut up," you rolled your eyes, opening the door to leave. "You're already cocky enough."
When you least expected, you found that you were starting to get used to the weather. You didn't even have to zip up your coat anymore, It actually felt kinda nice to get that cold air against your skin. It gave you a thrill, made you feel alive.
You didn't notice the guy walking down the street in the opposite direction checking you out, but Luba did. He quickly wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close as if to send a message.
"Luba? Is there something wrong?" you looked at him, his clenched jaw, his flaring nostrils.
"No, Mausi, everything’s fine."
"Come on... I know you. It's only been a couple months, but I became pretty good at picking up when you're upset. You have the same face you had yesterday at the mall."
It was true, he did have the same face. The two of you were enjoying your night off with some shopping and burgers from this American themed restaurant. That's when he noticed a guy looking at you with a stupid grin on his face.
You didn't see it, way too oblivious and not used at all to the attention. So you didn't think much of it when Luba draped his arm around your shoulder and planted a kiss on your lips, but you did see his bothered face.
"Well, it's nothing, it doesn't matter," Luba tried to brush it off. "Don't worry about it, y/n."
This type of behavior has been persisting for a couple of weeks now. At first, you thought Luba might be jealous of you, but it was stupid to think that. You were not his girlfriend, you were far from exclusive, so why in hell would he be jealous of you?
You had to admit you felt jealous of him sometimes... When you thought about him at work, having sex with all sorts of people and making them feel as good as he makes you. Or at the club, when customers make comments, stare at him with desire, or place their tips on the low waist of his pants.  
Deep inside, all of that bothered you, but it was just how things were. The best you could hope for was for you to get home at the end of the night and fuck each other's brains out. Those were the moments when you allowed yourself to feel wanted, to feel liked.
When you arrived at the club, there couldn't be more than 10 people there, in less than half an hour everyone was set with their drinks and snacks.
"Slow today, huh?" Luba joined you against the counter.
"It's only seven," you mused.
"Hey, come here, dance with me," he pulled you by the hand onto the dance floor.
"Lu, everyone's looking at us," you covered your face.
"Who cares? No one's paying our bills."
"I mean, they technically are..."
"Come on, Mausi, live a little!"
One, two, three songs you danced together before the club started to get packed and Rhonna dragged you two back to work:
"y/n, you take care of table two. Luba, table four," she handed you both the glowing pager that lit up whenever the customers needed something.
"Ugh, fine!" Luba rolled his eyes, huffing dramatically, making you laugh.
As you went your separate ways to serve your respective tables, Luba flashed you a smile, not a sexy smile or a taunting one. A happy smile, your absolute favorite.
"Hi there," Luba cheerfully greeted his table, where six guys in their mid-20s were chatting. "What can I get for you?"
"Three bottles of champagne, please," one of them ordered. "We're celebrating tonight!"
"Wow, what's the occasion? If you don't mind me asking..."
"Walter over there is getting married," another guy replied. "Putting on the cuffs tomorrow."
"Oh, congratulations!" Luba tried his best not to show how much that subject was complicated to him. "I'll be right back with your drinks."
Yeah, he never really pictured himself as a married man. All that dress, ring, officiant, party shit was not really his thing, but at the same time, he did want someone who wanted to marry him. Someone to spent the rest of his life with, even if they eventually slept with other people, just a person to come home to at the end of the night.
He used to think Naadirah would become this person, that eventually she would realize she was in love with him. Like in those silly teen movies when the protagonist finally sees that her best friend, the guy who's been right in front of her the entire time, is actually the one she's supposed to be with. 
When she passed, Luba thought he would never find someone else who made him feel that way, but there you were... Making him question everything, making him want more of life again.
"One more thing," a quiet, nerdy-looking guy in the corner called. "Your friend, the one you were dancing with... Is she single?"
"You mean y/n?" Luba swallowed nervously. "Um... No. She's actually with me."
"Really?" the guy grimaced, and Luba tried not to take his surprised look too personal. "Sorry, man."
As Luba walked to the bar, he couldn't stop thinking about it: "why the fuck did I say that? She's not with me... I mean, she is, but not only with me."
He felt selfish and immature, it didn't seem right for him to go around having sex with a bunch of people while you could only have sex with him. Even though it was just work, nothing more than his job. A job he doesn't even like. Why was he still working there?
The alarm woke you up at 6 after a little less than four hours of sleep. You couldn't wait to go back to bed, but first, you had other plans. You went to the bakery down the street and then headed to the parlor, where Luba would be ending his shift soon.
"Hey, y/n," the same young lady from the reception greeted you.
"Hi," you waved timidly, still slightly embarrassed to be there.
"Luba is coming out in a second."
"Thanks, Liesel," you sat down on the couch to wait.
Yeah, this is definitely not what you imagined it would be like picking your boyfriend up from work, but again... Luba wasn't your boyfriend. You always had to remind yourself.
A few minutes later, he came out of one of the many doors down the hall in full drag: long blonde ponytail, red dress, and high heels, make-up slightly smudged. He looked tired as all hell, but when he saw you, it was like a spark lit up inside  him.
"Mausi," his grin made you forget how sleepy you were.
"Hey, Lu," you quickly opened your backpack and handed him a pair of vintage All Star sneakers. "Thought you might wanna walk back home in these instead."
"Oh, God," he groaned, sitting down to put on the new shoes. "You're an angel,  you know that?"
"Wow, if you're saying that now imagine when I give you... This," you handed him a steaming hot paper bag.
"Franzbrötchen..." Luba sighed as the sweet cinnamony smell hit him. "Why are you so good to me?"
"You're just so amazing in bed, I feel like spoiling you sometimes," you joked, although it was kinda true.
"Once I eat, take a shower and get some sleep, I will fuck you so good you'll forget your own name, Sonnenschein," he whispered next to your ear in an almost threatening tone.
On the way home, you just observed Luba while he devoured the food you brought, sometimes humming softly with satisfaction.
"What?" he laughed, noticing your stare.
"I like to watch you eat."
"Oh, is that like a fetish of yours?" his voice lowered playfully. "I've met a few people like that before."
"I don't think so, I just like how excited you look. I get to see behind all that graceful exterior."
"Well, you must have fetishes, everyone does."
"I don't," you looked away.
"I know you do," he huffed a laugh. "You know you can tell me anything, right? I would never judge, you have no idea the things I've seen since I started at the parlor..."
"Do we have to talk about this?"
"Yes! Whatever it is, I wanna be able to do it for you."
"I like when you tease me in public and I have to pretend I'm not horny."
"I knew it... You always complain so much, but I see how turned on you get."
"And then there's... No, forget it."
"No! You can't just start and say forget it!" Luba pouted.
"I'm a little ashamed of it."
"Believe me, nothing you tell me can surprise me. Not after that one couple from London, the girl had me dri... Actually, I better not tell you that, you might lose all geilheit for me after this."
"You know when we get home and you're all sweaty, your make-up is a mess, your hair is drenched... Then you take a shower and we fuck, right?"
"Well, sometimes I kinda wish you didn't take a shower before."
"Oh!" Luba exclaimed suggestively. "You like that... You want to have messy, sweaty sex with me!"
"Don't say that out loud," you hid your blushing cheeks with your hands.
"Mausi, it's okay," he kissed your forehead, leaving a red lipstick stain. "I think this primal thing is very hot. When we get back home tonight, you're in for a treat."
The entire night Luba wasn't able to take his eyes off of you. All he could think about was how amazing he was gonna make you feel. But it certainly didn't help his concentration to watch so many people thirsting over you.
Luba made sure to keep you on your toes all night long: soft neck kisses, ass smacks, sultry whispering, fingers spreading a feather-like touch all over your shoulders...
"I can't!" you whined as the shift was nearly over. "I can't control myself if you keep doing this."
"If you behave and wait until we're home, you'll get as many orgasms as you want."
"As many as I want?" the proposition was interesting.
"Until you pass out from pleasure."
"Deal," you nodded.
"That's a good girl," he cooed. "My good girl."
Luckily there was only about an hour left until you could go home and finally release all that tension. This was probably the longest hour of your life. Every look, every smile was a jolt of pure lust washing over the both of you.
Luba was much better at hiding how excited he was when you left the club. He simply held your hand and started chatting about the most trivial things. You didn't wanna seem desperate, so you went with it, but inside you were screaming.
As soon as you got home, Luba shed his coat and walked straight to the thermostat on the wall as you were getting out of your shoes.
"What are you doing?" you asked.
"Raising the temperature, isn't that what you wanted?" Luba smirked, making your knees grow weak. "It will be nice and hot for you."
"Sounds good," you pulled him close pressing your forehead to his as you swayed to an inaudible song.
"I know I'm already all sweaty and gross, but... By the time we're done, we'll both be dripping."
"Ah," your breath hitched and you felt your entire body tense up.
"What?" Luba purred innocently. "Did I do something to you?"
"Take these clothes off..." you nuzzled his neck, hypnotized by the shiny droplets rolling down his toned shoulders. "God, you smell so good."
"Why don't you take them off for me?" Luba suggested. "Take your time."
You went behind him, sliding his very revealing vest off his body. Next, you undid his pants and lowered them along with his underwear, never taking your eyes from his. Luba's cock was not completely hard, but it wasn't soft either, so you started to stroke it slowly as you used your other hand to let his hair down.
"You learn so fast," Luba waved his head, letting his slightly wet curls fall on his shoulders. "You became very good at this."
"Well, I had a lot of practice."
"Lay down, Mausi, let me take care of you," he drawled as he ripped your skin-tight dress off and unhooked your bra with a quick motion. "Let me show you what you get for being so good."
"I want to feel you against me" you whimpered.
"Don't worry, darling, you'll get it, but first I wanna worship you like you deserve."
Luba moved in a cat-like way towards you, getting on his knees and taking your feet in his hands. He kissed them both, you could feel the adoration in his touch. He moved, kissing his way up your legs, your thighs, your hips, your stomach... Taking his sweet time to really pour all of his devotion over you.
You patiently waited, each open-mouthed kiss sending a shiver right through you. When Luba finally reached your lips, you were about to burst from the build-up, you were ready to beg for his cock. He knew, and that only made him want to tease you further.
"Please, Luba..." you pleaded with a moan. "I need you."
"I love to hear you beg," he hovered over you, sweat dripping onto your chest, and his fingers quickly making their way between your legs. "Oh, Mausi, you're so ready for me, aren't you?"
"Fuck me, please," you ran your hands over his chest.
With a pleased smirk, Luba gently slid himself into you, making you desperately grasp for his shoulders.
"Like this? You want my cock in you tight little cunt?" he growled.
"Yes!" you shouted helplessly.
"And I'm the one you want?"
"You're the only one I want," you melted in his arms as he held you close, covering you with his drenched body.
"The only one?" he kissed your neck, marking you up with more hickeys.
"The only one... No one can make me feel like this."
"Such a good girl," his thrusts got faster and more intense as your words filled him with confidence, one of his hands snaked down to rub your clit. "You like that?"
"Yeah!" you felt overwhelmed with pleasure. "Luba..."
"Say my name again, Mausi, say it for me."
"Luba, my Luba," his name like a prayer in your mouth while you bucked your hips to meet his hand, inebriated by the irresistible scent of his pheromones. "I'm getting close!"
"Good, baby, I wanna watch you come, do it for your Luba. Show me what I can do to you..."
The two of you came almost at the same time, it felt like heaven to have him release just as you were contracting around him, a panting mess under his gracious figure.
You felt lucky, even though he did have sex with tons of other people, you were the only one seeing him like this, vulnerable, open, imperfect. Luba felt the same way, very lucky to be the one who gets to make you feel so great, who gets to hear your beautiful moans and hold you when you're spent.
"That was... Fantastic" you bit your lip, snuggling against him.
"Was that messy enough for you?"
"Oh yeah," you chuckled. "You look so sexy covered in sweat."
"So do you," Luba gave your breast a tentative squeeze, rolling your nipple between his long fingers. "Especially with my sweat."
"I should tell you about my fetishes more often."
"Oh, you have more?" he mumbled teasingly.
"I might, I'm still figuring it out."
"When you do, I'll be more than happy to make it happen for you," Luba slowly made his way down, spreading your legs and kissing your inner thighs softly. "So, are we ready for your second orgasm of the night?"
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @crisis-of-joy @badsext @slutforrobbiebro (let me know if you’d like to be added)
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Foreign Dreams (Mute AU - Luba x Reader)
Chapter 6: Taking Chances
Warning: strong language (homophobic slurs), smut, violence, mention of death, physical abuse, blood, and alcohol.
a/n: The support you guys have been showing for this series is overwhelming and I wanna thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Since the end is never really an end for me, I’ll be starting on one shots and drabbles for the Foreign Dreams’ verse, so if you have any requests and ideas, send them my way! 
(Foreign Dreams Masterlist)
gif from: @i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky​
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You woke up to Luba's desperate cries. He was squirming and mumbling incoherently. You stroked his hair gently planting kisses all over his shoulder.
"Lu?" you whispered. "Luba, wake up, sweetie."
He gasped as he sat up abruptly, holding onto you as if he was scared you'd run away, shuddering and panting.
"Thank God," he sighed. "You're here."
"I'm not going anywhere, it was just another bad dream."
"I love you," he squeezed you even tighter. "I just get scared something bad is gonna happen to you."
"Do you want me to check the door and the windows again? Get you something to drink?"
"No... I already checked them before we went to bed," his tone was not convincing at all. "You don't have to."
"It's okay, I want to. You can never be too safe," you kissed his forehead. "And what would you like? Hot cocoa or tea?"
"Hot cocoa," Luba smiled sheepishly. "With marshmallows and whipped cream."
You looked at the oven clock as you poured the milk into the self-heating mugs, 11 am, a lot earlier than you usually woke up, but you didn't feel tired.
Luba has been having these really bad nightmares ever since you started dating, it's like now he was even more terrified to lose you.  He would never talk about those dreams, and you didn't push him. Sometimes you also had bad dreams, things you didn't like to share with anyone.
All you wanted when you woke up was to have someone to hold, to tell you everything is fine, so that's what you've been doing for Luba, hoping that soon all those fears would disappear.
"There you go" you handed Luba his mug and sat by his side.
"Thank you, Mausi."
You turned on the TV for distraction and let Luba pick whatever he wanted to watch. You finished our drinks and cuddled for a while, it was nice to have these moments with him, these simple gestures of love that were at the same time so trivial and so meaningful.
"You wanna go back to sleep?" Luba asked.
"No, I'm good. Why? Do you want to?"
"No, but you have that look on, that one when something's bothering you..." he stared at you for a few seconds, like a mathematician analyzing an equation. "You're horny, aren't you? Why didn't you just say so?"
Luba quickly moved to kiss your neck and run his hands over your body. As good as it felt, that's not really what was bothering you:
"Lu, what do you like?"
"What you mean, darling?" he murmured in between kisses.
"You're always putting on a lot of effort to make me feel good, but you never told me what you like in bed."
"No one has ever asked me that before... I like to make you feel good."
"There has to be something I can do for you," you quirked an eyebrow.
"Like what?"
"I could suck your cock, would you like that?" your hand traveled to the waist of his pajama shorts.
"Oh? I would love that," he breathed.
You giggled at his reaction and got on your knees, pulling down his shorts while kissing him eagerly. To be honest, you didn't know exactly how to do it, but you were hoping Luba would guide you through it.
"Are you sure you're ready, Sonnenschein?" he asked as you palmed his hardening cock. "You don't have to do it if..."
"I want to, Lu," you assured him. "Just tell me how you like it, okay?"
"Okay, but if you need to stop just let me know."
"I will, don't worry, I'm not made of glass," you chuckled.
When you took his boner in your mouth, Luba's breath hitched, making you very proud. His hand gently stroked your hair, but without pushing you down by any means.
"Just like that, Mausi..." he murmured. "You're such a good girl."
Intoxicated by his praise, you picked up the pace, bobbing your head, trying to take more and more of him in your mouth as you did so. At times he would almost hit the back of your throat, making you choke slightly, but you didn't care.
"Am I doing good?" you stroked him as you stopped for air.
"So good, baby," he moaned, bucking his hips as your hand worked his length.  "Feels amazing... You look so beautiful with my cock in your mouth."
"Feel free to tell me what you want."
"Put a bit more pressure, squeeze just a little... Ah, fuck!" Luba hissed as you tightened your grip taking just the tip in your mouth and swirling your tongue around it as if it was a lollipop. "Do that again."
You did so and Luba lost it once again, one hand tugging at your hair, the other at the sheets. His reactions only fueled you even more, making you put all the effort into it, wanting to hear his praises and his delicious moans.
The longer you did it, the more comfortable you got, testing to see exactly how Luba likes to be touched, how fast, and how hard. Your other hand roamed around his body, lightly scratching his chest, kneading his thigh, and massaging his perineum, which drove him absolutely insane.
"Oh, God," he cried. "Right there! Don't stop! I'm gonna... I'm gonna..."
Luba expected you to finish him off on your tits or somewhere else, but you didn't stop. You went faster and deeper, taking all of him in. It wasn't long until he exploded in your mouth while whimpering your name.
You quickly swallowed his load before you had time to taste it and slid his cock out of your mouth with a loud pop. Luba's face was a mix of ecstasy and surprise, his eyes staring at you in awe.
He used the heel of his hand and his thumb to wipe around your mouth and pulled you on top of him for a kiss.
"Did you like it?" you smiled coyly.
"That's an understatement, Hasi," he panted. "I can't believe that was your first time."
"Oh, you're just saying that..."
"No, really! You're actually good at it. I think you deserve a great reward."
"I didn't do it expecting anything, Lu, I wanted to pleasure you."
"Aw, my darling, I know," Luba pulled down your shorts. "But that just makes me  want to pleasure you even more."
"What are you looking at?" you giggled as you got ready at the back of the club, feeling Luba's gaze on you.
"My girlfriend..." he twisted a blonde curl around his finger.
"You love to say that, don't you?"
"Yeah," Luba rested his chin on your shoulder, holding you against his nearly bare chest. "I love you, my Mausi."
"I love you too," you finished your make-up under his observing eyes.
"That's a nice lipstick you have on... Can't wait to smear it as I fuck you senseless."
"You're such a tease!" you whined. "Now I'm gonna be thinking about that all night."
"Good," Luba pouted teasingly. "When we get home, I'll just turn the heat on and have my way with you."
"I don't know if I should be thankful for having a boyfriend oozing stamina or if I should be worried that I'm dating a borderline nymphomaniac."
"You say it like you're not just as horny as I am..." he smacked your ass as you left for the main hall.
"I'm making up for lost time, what's your excuse?"
When you walked into the empty dance floor, ready to clean the tables and prepare everything for the club to open in a few minutes, your heart stopped and you thought you were going to faint. Your face turned pale, your legs nearly gave out, you were shaking with fear:
"So here's where you've been hiding, young lady?"  
"Luba!" you shouted, recoiling behind a table to run from the man waiting for you. "Please, help!"
"Who's this?" Luba ran towards you, standing between you and him.
"It's my dad..." your voice trembled with the tears you were holding back.
"y/n what the fuck are you doing in this dump? You're coming back to Texas with me, either you like it or not! I'm so tired of chasing you, you fucking slut!"
"Hey, asshole! Fuck off, you're not touching her!" Luba stopped your father from reaching for your arm.
"Who do you think you are, you little faggot?" your father sneered.
"I'm her boyfriend, you fucking cunt!"
"Boyfriend? So you have a boyfriend now..." the man laughed maniacally. "And he's a goddamn pansy! You are not allowed to date, y/n, you know that! Do you need a reminder?
His hand went to his belt, making you flinch. It was like your body remembered everything despite your brain's best efforts to forget all the abuse.
"Rhonna! Call security right now!" Luba screamed. "Before I have to kick this piece of shit out myself... I'll show you what this 'pansy' can do to your face!"
"I'd like to see you try," your father mocked. "A scrawny little bitch with twiggy ass arms... I'm taking my daughter and ain't nothing you can do to stop me."
You simply watched helplessly. Something about your dad simply made you feel like you had no power, like you couldn't speak, just like that man a few months back. Rhonna held you, pulling you away from the scene as she called security.
Before they could come, however, your dad tried to punch Luba. Luckily he was able to dodge it and grab his mini-taser, always waiting in his back pocket. You started to cry, wondering how in hell your dad was able to find you, would you never be truly free until he's dead?
"Try me," Luba pointed the taser at him. "If you do as much as breathe on y/n I'll fuck you up."
"Real men don't bring little guns to a fist fight, but then I guess you're far from being a real man..."
"I'm more of a man than you'll ever be!" Luba sneered, his voice filled with venom "Taking advantage of your own daughter, keeping her like a caged animal, like a hostage in her own home? She's not your property, you fucking psycho... I know everything, I know you gave her that scar! God, I wish I could do the same with you!"
Luba wasn't scared in the least, the rush of adrenaline running through his veins was too strong to let him feel anything. He had the chance to protect you and stand up to this bastard, something he couldn't do with Cactus.
"You don't know shit, fruitcake..."
"I know, I know the monster you are, who could ever look at their own daughter and do the things you did to her?"
"Lu, he has a knife!" you warned as you watched your dad reach for his pocket, knowing full well he never left home without his switchblade.
"Stay away from my girl, you fucking pervert!" Luba noticed your dad was looking at you instead of him and didn't think twice before shocking him with the taser. "You're not taking her anywhere!"
Security came just as your dad fell to his knees, dropping the blade. Luba punched him square in the face for good measure, drawing blood. He couldn't deny how great that felt and it only got better as the guards dragged him outside, where a police car was already waiting.
"If you ever come back, it will be way worse," Luba's roar echoed throughout the  salon. "I'll fucking kill you if I have to!"
When your dad was taken to the police station, you were finally able to breathe again. Luba sighed relieved and motioned with his hand for you to come closer. You ran to him and he took you in his arms, just like you do when he wakes up from a nightmare.
"I can't believe you just did that," you mumbled.
"Me neither," he huffed a laugh. "But it felt amazing, I think he won't be bothering us anymore, Mausi."
"Thanks to you... My hero," you kissed him tenderly on the cheek.
"Oh, stop that," he rolled his eyes with a smile.
"Thank you, Luba," you held his face firmly. "For everything."
"I had to protect you, you're all I have... I love you so much."
"Not more than I love you."
"You guys want the night off?" Rhonna asked, still shaken by the scene she just witnessed. "You can go home if you have to..."
"No," you felt like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders. "I think a little  work can keep our minds busy, right, baby?"
"Right, nothing a couple of shots can't solve," Luba agreed, still holding you tightly.
It's been a few days since your dad showed up at the club, security let you know that according to the police, he had been deported.  You have never felt so relaxed your entire life, you and Luba were enjoying your newly found freedom and everything seemed perfect. Well, almost everything.
"I'm leaving, my love," Luba pulled you in for a kiss. "See you later, huh?"
"Okay... I'll miss you," you tried to hide your disappointment.
"Hey, I'll be thinking about you the whole time," he winked on his way out. "Just wait until I'm back, Mausi, I'll give you anything you want."
You have never been the jealous type, you thought that Luba was like a wild bird, he had to fly and do his thing. You were just happy that he always came back to you at the end of the day, but of course it wasn't exactly nice to think of your boyfriend with other people every day. The longer you spent time with him, the more you wanted him just for yourself, not that you had the nerve to tell him that...      
That night you were sitting in front of the TV, eating some popcorn and watching old movies, patiently waiting for your boyfriend to come back from his shift at the parlor. Looking at the clock, you realized he still had about three hours left, so you just sighed and leaned back, thinking of taking a nap so you could be awake when he arrived.
Although, your thoughts were interrupted when the door slid open and Luba came in, with the biggest grin on his face. You looked confused as you got up to give him a kiss, getting even more puzzled when he lifted you in his arms, spinning around the room.
"Why are you home so early, Lu?"
"I quit!" he exclaimed.
"You did what?" you nearly screamed.
"I quit the parlor, no more fucking around... Well, only with you."
"I can't believe this! What made you quit?" you couldn't hide how happy you were.
"You did, I couldn't stop thinking about what you said that day,"  Luba pressed his forehead to yours. "I wanna go to college, I wanna become a stylist."
"Luba... I'm so proud of you! I know you're gonna be amazing!"
"Thanks, darling, but there's still a long way to go. I need to apply to schools, I need to apply for student benefits... I have some money saved, we should be good until I am accepted somewhere."
"Yeah, sure, I can pick some more shifts too, or get another job if I have to."
"No, I wouldn't want you to, because I think you should go to college as well."
"Me? No... I've never even been to school, I can't do it."
"You can always get into an adult education program, I'll study with you and all.  You are good at so many things, Mausi, you can sing, you can cook, you can dance... There must be something that you're passionate about, something you wanna do! And I'll help you get there like you did for me."
Your mouth dropped as you thought about it. Never before you considered anything like that, because you never thought you were capable, but Luba did. He was there to hold your hand along the way, to restart your lives together, and build something better despite all the pain and suffering from the past.
"I would love to," you felt tears running down your face, happy, hopeful tears. "Are you sure you want to go on this jurney with me? It's gonna be hard and..."
"You did so much for me ever since you came into my life, it's only fair I get to lift you up as well, you deserve to be happy, y/n. I'm here for you, and I know you're here for me, it's you and me against the world, Sonnenschein."
"I wanna be someone you can be proud of."
"You already are, I want you to be someone YOU can be proud of."
That moment was the first time you truly felt like the past was really gone. Your father, the cult, the scars (both inside and out)... That was all a bad memory, nothing more than a nightmare from many nights ago. What you had now, the person you became, that's all that mattered, and you have never in your life felt happier.
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover​ @joz-stankovich​ @slutforrobbiebro​ @badsext​ @nightingale-rose​ @salvador-daley​ @firstpersonnarrator​
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Foreign Dreams (Mute Au - Luba x Reader)
Chapter 5: Bright
Warning: strong language, angst, mention of death.
(Foreign Dreams Masterlist)
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"I believe that we're just one dream away from who we're meant to be, that we're standing on the edge of... Something big, something crazy, our best days are yet unknown. That this moment is ours to own, 'cause we're standing on the edge of great!"
"Julie and the Phantoms, huh?" Luba's voice made you jump as you were making breakfast.
"Jesus Christ... I thought you were asleep," you mumbled shakily.
"You have a really nice voice, you know? I love that show, by the way."
"You watched it?"
"Of course, what else was I supposed to do as a 12-year-old queer stuck at home in that fucking pandemic?"
"That was my favorite show as a kid, it was one of the only things my dad let me watch. I had a huge crush on..."
"Luke?" Luba huffed a laugh. "I know I did."
"But he was gay."
"I know, but I was 7 and thought he was cute, that's all. Plus I like guys with a feminine side."
"Clearly..." Luba teased. "What are you making?"
"I've made bauernomelett," you proudly set the plate on the table.
"You're becoming more German every day," he joked. "What's the occasion that got you into the kitchen?"
"We finally get a full day off, so I thought that deserved a celebration."
"Oh, it does! I can't believe I won't have to go to the parlor today..." Luba started eating. "God, this is delicious. It's just like my mom's, have you been talking to her?"
"Thanks," you smiled, taking your first bite. "Why do you still work at the parlor if you don't like it?"
"To be honest with you... I have no idea," he mused.
"Then why not quit? What do you wanna do with your life?"
"When I was a little boy I didn't dream of becoming a prostitute, that's for sure... But you're gonna laugh at me."
"No I won't, I swear."
"I wanted to be a stylist," Luba covered his blushing face.
"What's stopping you?" you tilted your head.
"I don't know... I would need to go to college and I think I'm too old for that."
"You're never too old to follow your dreams, Lu. If you wanna be a stylist, then go to college instead of working at the parlor, I'm sure we can manage with what we get at the club, plus there are student benefits..."
"This is crazy, I should just settle down. Those are just silly dreams I had as a kid."
"They don't have to be."
"You really believe I could do it?"
"I don't see why not... You should think about it."
"Oh, y/n," Luba sighed. "How the fuck did I end up with a gem like you?"
"What do you mean?"
"You just drop unannounced from America, we have amazing sex, you become  my best friend, you lift me up when I'm down, you take care of me, we have more amazing sex, and now you tell me that you actually believe in me and think I can be more than what I am?"
"Well, I do believe in you, your sense of style is undeniably great."
"See? You're just an angel!"
"Maybe I'm your reward after a selfless act."
"It could be..." Luba smiled sadly, sometimes he did get the feeling you were almost like a gift from Naadirah, someone who can care for him like she couldn't.
"We could've just ordered all of this at home," Luba moaned as he followed the automatic shopping cart, arm locked with yours.
"I know, but it's such a beautiful day, the sun is out for the first time in weeks, I need some vitamin D."
"I think I give you enough of that already," he pinched your ass cheekily.
"That's not what the D in Vitamin D means..." you laughed. "Now quit being whiny and go get us some onions and potatoes, will you?"
"What don't I do for you, Hasi?" he held your face with one hand and placed a quick peck on your lips before heading to the fresh produce section.
You smiled to yourself as you looked at the entire aisle of cookies in front of you. It was a difficult decision, but after some very careful consideration, you opted for a box of Hanuta. You reached for it on the top shelf, but it was much too high for you.
For a second you just thought of asking Luba to get it once he came back, but a big strong hand grabbed it and handed it to you.
When you turned around you were surprised by the sheer size of the owner of that hand: the man was over 6'4'', he was huge, with very broad shoulders. He had dirty blonde hair, his eyes were tender, and he had a gentle smile.
On his other arm, he was holding a young girl so effortlessly, one would think she was actually a rag doll. On his neck there was a scar, like yours, though his was much bigger, meaning whoever did that to him did a lot more damage than your dad.
"Thanks," you felt a little intimidated by him.
"No problem," his slightly robotic voice scared you a bit, but you realized he probably had surgery after whatever happened to his neck. "Do you need anything else?"
"No, that's all..."
"Daddy," the little girl pointed. "She has a scar, like you!"
"Josie, that wasn't very nice," the man reprimanded the girl, firmly, but without being unnecessarily mean. "Lots of people have scars, it's normal. I'm sorry about that, she's just so..."
"It's okay," you chuckled, running your fingers over the thin white line on your neck. "Having a scar just means you survived to tell a story."
"I guess you're right," he grinned widely. "I'm Leo, by the way."
"y/n," you shook his massive hand.
"Your accent, you're from America?"
"That's nice, which part?"
"Um... All of them, I've lived pretty much everywhere, but I was born in Texas."
"That's really interesting, what made you move around so much?"
"My dad," it wasn't a lie, you were not about to tell a complete stranger and his kid about your severe trauma. You had done that with Luba, but it was different.
"And now you ended up in Germany... Is it your first time leaving the U.S.?"
"Yes, it was a bit scary at first but..."
"Leo," Luba's voice trembled as he approached you, immediately wrapping his  arm around your waist.
"Do you know each other?" you suddenly felt a lot less nervous.
"Yes," he sneered, but his face changed completely when he saw the little girl. "Hey, Josie!"
"Hi, uncle Luba," she reached for him, giving him a tight hug.
"You're growing up so fast!" his eyes were darkened with a shadow of melancholy. "She's looking more and more like..."
"Yeah," Leo agreed, giving Josie a pair of headphones so she could listen to music instead of your conversation. "Just like her mom."
"So, you've met y/n," Luba went back to looking upset.
"She was telling me about moving to Germany, and all the places she's been to."
"I see..." he sighed heavily. "We should probably get going, y/n, I think we have everything we need."
"Maybe we should go out for coffee sometime?" Leo looked down at you. "I'd love to hear more stories..."
"Don't you dare," Luba uttered angrily. "You're not taking her from me like you did before."
"I never took Naadirah from you, she was..."
"Who's Naadirah?" you asked.
"Well, I see you two have a lot to talk about, I don't wanna intrude," Leo took a deep breath. "It was really nice to meet you y/n, and it was nice to see you, Luba. I guess I'll see you guys around."
"Nice to meet you too," you were still confused, nothing that just happened made any sense to you.
"Goodbye," he seemed more than glad to get rid of Leo, but he waved happily at Josie.
"Wow," you inhaled sharply.
"Scheißkerl..." Luba shook his head.
After paying for the food, the drone was ready to deliver everything to your apartment. So you and Luba were walking back home in a very uncomfortable silence.
"So... Who is this girl?" you asked timidly.
He looked at you for a few seconds before a few tears rolled down his face, you immediately wiped them away with your thumbs, regretful for bringing it up.
"Remember when you moved in? I told you my roommate left?"
"That wasn't entirely true, she was killed. Her name was Naadirah."
"And you loved her..."
Luba didn't have the nerve to answer and simply nodded, more tears running down his beautiful face.
"She was the reason why I started working at the parlor, she was married to this crazy bastard and they had a daughter. She needed money to get Josie's custody and run away so I said I would get it for her, and I did... "
"Did she make you do this?"
"No, I did it because I wanted to see her happy."
"And what does Leo have to do with it?"
"She fell in love with him, he worked as a bartender at the club. One day she just disappeared, I thought she ran away from me, but it was Bill, her ex-husband, that fucking psycho... He killed her to stop her from taking Josie."
"Where is this Bill?"
"Dead, thank God... At least Leo did one thing right."
"Is that why you were so scared of me staying at the hostel?"
"Yeah," now Luba was full-on sobbing as you held him tightly against your chest. "I was scared something would happen to you. I didn't even know you, but something inside of me just... That's why I never asked you to be my girlfriend, that's why I was never able to tell you how I feel about you."
"What do you mean?" your heart nearly jumped out of your mouth.
"I'm terrified of the way I feel, because I love you," he choked on his words. "And the last time I loved someone not only she didn't love me back, but she died! I had to lose her twice... I'm afraid because there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you, I would give my life to you if you asked. I tried not to feel this way, but I couldn't help it."
"Luba," you held his face gently with both hands.
"I know, I know what you're gonna say. You're gonna say you like me, that I'm a good friend and a good fuck, but you..."
"Can you listen?" you giggled softly.
"I can't, it will hurt too much and I can't take it, not again," he shut his eyes to avoid facing you. "Please, just don't say anything, Mausi. Let me believe that one day you can love me back."
"Luba," you started to cry as well. "I already do."
"What?" his big green eyes were shining for you like stars in the clearest sky.
"I love you, I love you more than I ever loved anyone," you pressed your forehead to his. "I agree with you, it's scary as fuck, this feeling... It's terrifying, but it's also good, makes me feel alive."
"You love me?" he stared at you incredulously.
"Say it again," he pleaded. "Please, I need to hear it again."
"I love you, Luba," you paused, kissing him after every word to emphasize your point.
"Oh my God..." his voice nearly disappeared in his throat. "You're not just saying that because you feel sorry for me, are you?"
"No, of course not. That would be even worse than saying I don't love you. I  would never do this to you."
"Okay..." he pulled back to look at you. "So are we boyfriend and girlfriend now? I don't know how this works, I haven't done this thing before."
"Me neither, but I guess we can be if you want."
"I do, I want you to be my girlfriend."
"Then I am."
"You love me," he let out a silly high-pitched laugh. "You're mine."
"And you are mine," you couldn't help but laugh with him.
"Yes, yes I am!" he held you close. "Let's go home? I really want to kiss you, all over."
"Let's, It's sunny, but it's still freezing out here."
Luba held your hand, but after a second he decided to lock arms with you, pulling you as close as humanly possible.
"My Mausi..." he murmured, still unable to believe it.
That night Luba insisted on taking you on a "proper date". He dressed very nicely and so did you. First, you two went to the movies.
Luba was really turning out to be the most loving boyfriend you could ever imagine. He spent the entire time with his arm around you, kissing your temple every two seconds, he would feed you popcorn and candy, and gently stroke your shoulder with his hand.
After the movie, you went bowling, something you had never done before, so of course you were a little embarrassed by how horrible you were going to be:
"Don't worry about it," Luba scoffed. "Here, just put your fingers in here and roll it."
You tried to do what he said, but the ball didn't even come close to hitting a single pin. Luba covered his grin, amused at how cute you were when frustrated.
"I give up, I'm no good at this..." you huffed.
"Let me help you," Luba gave you a ball, but this time he stood behind you. His hand on top of yours while his other arm was wrapped around your stomach. "You need to aim as straight as you can."
Luba swung his arm, taking yours as well and you rolled the ball together. This time you managed to knock down over half of the pins, which was a great improvement.
"Yes!" you celebrated, turning around to kiss your boyfriend.
"See? It's not that hard, you just needed a little... Do you hear this?"
You narrowed your eyes as you heard a soft melody and faint voices singing somewhere.
"What is this?"
"It's coming from the second floor, wanna see what's going on?"
You nodded excitedly. The two of you went down to the second floor where you found a huge commotion.
Someone was singing into a flying microphone with a hologram projector attached to it that showed the lyrics of the song.
"Karaoke night," you squeezed Luba's hand.
He immediately ran off to the computer where the songs were picked. You didn't know what he was doing, but you could imagine... Luba jumped on stage and the flying mic followed him.
"That beautiful girl over there" Luba pointed at you. "My girlfriend, she's an  amazing singer. Would you come here and sing with me, darling?"
"Luba... I can't," your shyness was definitely getting the best of you. "I'm not really..."
Your protests were met with cheers, everyone on the dance floor, insisting that you go on stage. Luba simply shrugged with a smirk, knowing you'd have to say yes and join him.
"You can punish me later," he whispered as the song started. "But just remember now you have your very own blonde femboy, I just gotta learn how to play the drums..."
The melody was quickly recognizable, 'Bright' from Julie and the Phantoms. Your anger slowly faded away when you heard Luba's choice.
"Sometimes I think I'm falling down, I wanna cry, I'm callin' out for one more try to feel alive. And when I feel lost and alone, I know that I can make it home. Fight through the dark, and find the spark..." you started, trying to ignore the fact that everyone was watching.
You always felt a really deep connection to that song, it was about being able to break free and find that one thing that makes your life brighter. Something that, as a kid, you never even imagined to have.
"In times that I doubted myself, I felt like I needed somе help, stuck in my head, with nothing left. I feel somеthing around me now, so unclear, lifting me out..." Luba's voice was surprisingly very nice. You have never once heard him sing, at least not properly, and you wondered why he's been hiding that from you.
"Life is a risk but we will take it, close my eyes and jump," you looked over at him, meaning every single word you sang. "Together I think that we can make it, come on, let's run! And rise through the night, you and I, we will fight to shine together, bright forever!"
Tag List: @crisis-of-joy @elliethesuperfruitlover @slutforrobbiebro @badsext @joz-stankovich @nightingale-rose​ (let me know if you’d like to be added)
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Foreign Dreams (Mute AU - Luba x Reader)
Chapter 2: Safe and Sound
Warning: Strong language, nudity, mention of death
(Foreign Dreams Masterlist)
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When your shift was over you could barely believe how easy that was. Looks like seduction was natural for you after all, or maybe it was your pure, chaste front that attracted the guys so much and a few girls as well. That was arguably messed up, but as long as the money was coming, you were happy. 
It wasn't as weird as you thought it was gonna be, most people were respectful and fun to talk to, which you were grateful for, and if someone wasn't, Luba was quick to take care of it. Rhonna and the security team seemed very much worried about everyone's well being.
"Here, sweetie," Luba handed you half of the tips for the night.
"Are you sure?" you took the money reluctantly.
"Oh, yeah... This is way more than I usually get, you really made those horny bastards open their wallets," he chuckled.
"That's good I guess..." 
"I might wanna keep you around for a couple more nights, Mausi" he winked, putting on his long faux-fur coat. "So, would you like me to walk you home?"
"Sure," you smiled.
Oddly enough, Luba wasn't always this sexual creature you met at the parlor. He could be sweet, funny, and even goofy at times, you were enjoying seeing this new side of him as you talked about anything and everything on the way to the hostel. 
The conversation never felt forced, there were no awkward silences, it was like the two of you really connected on a deeper level, like long time friends. You were never able to open up to anyone before, but something about him just made you feel protected.
"Well, this is it, home sweet home," you stopped and turned to face the not-so-inviting establishment.
"You're living here?" Luba grimaced.
"Yep, that's all I can afford right now, the plane tickets left me pretty much broke."
"Ok, this might be insane and if you're some kind of serial killer I'm totally fucked, but my roommate just... She just... Went away," He shook his head as if trying to shake away a bad memory. "Why don't you stay with me? At least for a couple of weeks while you get back on your feet?"
"Luba... I don't know what to say," you stared into those deep mossy eyes. No one has ever been so nice to you without any ulterior motives, it almost felt like a trap, but you trusted Luba.
"Say yes, this place isn't safe, especially not for a girl like you."
"See, you keep saying girl like me," you giggled. "I'm not this damsel in distress  that you think I am."
"I know, but you're inexperienced, you spent your whole life sheltered from the world, and trust me... I know how bad people can get. Worse than your father, worse than anyone you've ever met." 
"Why are you so worried about me?" part of you expected him to say he liked you, but it was silly to think of that, you barely even knew each other.
"I've heard stories, insanely scary stories," he held tightly to your arms. "I don't know what kind of people are in there, for all I know one of them could be like Ca... One of them could hurt you and I would never forgive myself for knowing I could've done something to stop it."
"Okay, let me get my things, I'll be right out."
"It's not much, but it's safe," Luba opened the door to his flat and gestured as if to say 'ladies first'. "Help yourself, darling, if you're hungry or thirsty the kitchen is over there, the bathroom is the door on the left, and I'll show you where you can put your stuff in a minute, make yourself at home."
"Not much, you say? This is a palace compared to that hostel or the tiny room I grew up in," you spun around the living room, fascinated by the massive window that was almost like an entire wall. You could see all of the beautiful lights of Berlin and the drones flying around, but no one could see you, just like you always wanted.
"See? That's why I like to have you around, you get impressed so easily," Luba dropped his stuff on the couch and sat in front of the huge vanity on the corner to take off his make-up.
"That's the only reason then?"
"What other reason did you expect?" he quirked an eyebrow.
"I don't know... That you think I'm a nice person?" you filled a cup with water and sat on the couch.
"Well, that goes without saying, I wouldn't have invited you if I didn't like you."
"What's this?" you pointed at the wigs and foam pads piled up next to the vanity.
"Oh, this is my drag paraphernalia."
"Drag? What's that?"
"It's an art form, usually it's when a guy dressed up as a girl, but anyone can do it, it's like an exaggeration of the female features. Some of my clients like it."
"I think I've seen a couple of those back in Hollywood."
"I bet you did," Luba laughed. "I love doing it, it's a lot of fun, except for the shoes... ARGH, those high heels kill me! I always feel stupid when I'm walking in heels, looks like I'm drunk."
"You seem so graceful, I can't imagine you ever looking stupid."
"Well, thank you, but I definitely do..."
Luba got up and grabbed your bag, waving for you to follow him into the room. This room hasn't been used ever since Naadirah died, so it was hard for him to be there, but he couldn't stand the idea of letting you stay in that hostel with all those potentially dangerous people.
You couldn't help but watch as he placed your bag on the desk by the wardrobe and got a fresh set of sheets and a blanket. He looked very different without the make-up and with his hair down, just as handsome, but very different.
"What?" Luba looked back at you with a silly smile when he noticed your eyes on him.
"Nothing," you looked away from his pretty face, feeling your cheeks blush. You had no idea a person could be this beautiful.
After you two made the bed, you went straight to the shower, exactly what you needed after a long night of trying to look sexy for people you didn't know. 
It was still hard to believe that you actually had a huge bed like that for yourself and a bathroom that you only shared with one other person... It was like a dream.
"Hey, y/n, what would you like for dinner?" Luba came into the bathroom as you were drying yourself.
"Jesus Christ!" you jumped, covering your body with the towel by instinct.
"Oh, Mausi, let's not pretend like I haven't seen you naked before... Well, I  actually did much more than just see" he giggled and ran his fingers over your naked shoulder. "Is that why you left the door unlocked? You secretly wanted me to come in?"
"I just got scared," you panted. "I-I forgot to lock... I'm sorry"
"It's fine, here, it's not a big deal," Luba said as he took his own clothes off. "It's just a body, right?"
Your widened eyes and heaving chest brought an amused grin to his face as he stepped into the shower.
"I guess..."
"Tell you what, why don't you order some food? Take my phone, order whatever you want and we can watch a movie or something."
"Don't you think it's a bit late?" You rolled yourself on the towel, trying very hard not to stare at Luba's nakedness.
"Well, my shift at the parlor doesn't start until 4 and our shift at the club doesn't start until 8, it's not like we have to get an early night." 
"Yeah, yeah, of course... Is pizza ok?"
"Sure, sounds great," as you took the phone and headed to the living room, Luba turned to face you. His blonde curls damp and his body dripping hot water. "You can stay and watch me if you want. I don't bite... Unless you want me to."
"I don't think that's a very good idea," you reached for the door, feeling that growing tingle on your lower stomach.
"Are you scard of me, Sonnenschein?" he taunted.
"N-no... Why would I be?"
"Oh, I see," he looked you in the eye while rubbing soap on his chest. "You're scared of yourself, of the way I make you feel." 
You ignored the commend and left to order dinner, but deep inside you knew, his words couldn't be more accurate. The worst (best) part was that Luba seemed to enjoy how flustered you got, so something was telling you that the teasing was just beginning.
The pizza arrived just as Luba was leaving his room, he was wearing a pair of pink pajama shorts that matched the pink flowy silk robe. His curls were still wet, heavily falling on his shoulders and he smelled like lavender. 
You both sat on the couch, the box between you two, and Luba put on an old movie you had never seen before: The Princess Diaries.
"What year is this from?" you asked.
"2001, my mom loves it."
"Nice, I love classic movies," you finally started to get comfortable there, it felt like home.
"Why is this pizza half plain?" Luba grimaced as soon as he opened the box.
"It's my favorite," you shrugged.
"Not even some pepperoni?"
"I don't eat pork."
"And you chose to come live in Germany?" he laughed. "Oh, Mausi..."
That was the first night, in a very long time, that you could actually enjoy yourself. The food was delicious, the movie was great and the company was nice. 
You have been living on the run ever since you managed to escape the farm, at times you felt like that chase would never be over, but now... Now you had finally found your place. Maybe this is where you're supposed to be after all. 
You didn't remember falling asleep, it must've happened somewhere in the middle of Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. You didn't wake up on the couch though, you woke up in your bed, with the sound of a soft melody coming from the living room.
When you walked out of your room, you couldn't hold back a loud gasp: Luba was in front of his vanity, finishing up his make-up, his hair completely up. He was wearing a black mini-skirt and a matching black top that usually would be too big for him, but he had a pair of fake boobs on. 
"Oh, hi there, Dornröschen," Luba smiled as he put on mascara. "How did you sleep?"
"I haven't slept that well since... Ever," you smiled. "I just don't remember going to the room."
"That's because I carried you," he looked at you through the mirror. "I couldn't let you sleep on the couch, right?"
"Thank you, that was really nice of you."
"No problem, you looked so adorable, I didn’t have the nerve to wake you up... So do you think this outfit goes better with blonde hair or red hair?"
"I like the red."
"Yeah, me too... Makes me look like Jessica Rabbit."
Luba quickly put on a wavy red wig, it was obvious he had lots of practice. Then he put on the high heel shoes and stood up, he turned to give you a full view. 
"You look... Fantastic," you stared in awe.
"Danke," he walked towards you, noticing you staring at his breastplate. "Do you like them?" 
"They look good on you."
"I'm glad you think so... I gotta go to work now. Do you know how to get to the club from here?"
"Yeah, don't worry," you assured. "If I need help I'll just use the self-navigation."
"Okay, if you need anything send me a text, huh?"
"Sure, have a nice day at work, and thank you so much again... For letting me stay."
"It's nothing, it's good to have company" Luba held your face with one hand and gave you a long kiss on the cheek that made your knees tremble. "See you later, Mausi."
Tag list: @elliethesuperfruitlover @crisis-of-joy @badsext (if you wanna be tagged, let me know)
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Foreign Dreams (Mute AU - Luba x Reader)
Chapter 1: New Girl in Berlin
Warning: Strong language, SMUT, mention of physical abuse.
(Foreign Dreams Masterlist)
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Germany was cold, way colder than Florida. You were not exactly sure why you ended up choosing Berlin as your destination, maybe because it was the last place anyone would think of looking. Maybe because under all the bright colorful lights, you could disappear in the shadows and hopefully never be found.
There was no denying how beautiful that city was, it was somehow intimidating and inviting at the same time, just like the night club you were standing in front of. 
"If he saw me here," you thought. "If he saw me here he would beat me so many times with that belt, I probably wouldn't be able to sit down for a month".  
You tried to push those thoughts to the side and simply walk in, but it was harder than it seemed... Foreign Dreams was the name of the place and it made sense, you were a foreigner with lots of dreams, it could be a sign, right? 
“The new girl is here,” the new owner of the place, Rhonna, smiled as soon as she saw the young, scared-looking girl come in.
“Good for her, what do I have to do with this?” Luba was fixing his hair in front of the mirror.
“You're training her,” Rhonna said, already knowing the reaction she was about to get.
“Me? Why me?”
“Because you're the most experienced, now go get her. Make her feel welcome.”
Luba rolled his eyes as he dragged himself to the entrance. When he saw you waiting, he couldn't believe his eyes. This was some romantic comedy shit right there, and it really bothered him how happy he felt:
“Hey there, y/n.”
Your heart raced when your eyes met his figure, that intriguing beauty: the platinum blonde hair slicked to the side, the long white lashes, the torso nearly completely exposed, and the long legs embraced by the tight leather pants.
“Are you okay, Mausi?” Luba chuckled, noticing you looking him up and down. “You seem a bit... Nervous.”
“I-I'm fine,” you quickly redirected your eyes. “Luba, right?”
“That's right, I didn't think you could forget my name after moaning it so many times...” he teasingly wet his lips.
Your cheeks blushed, remembering that night, it was just last week and it has  not left your brain since. His body, his touch, his sexy voice next to your ear...
A week prior, you arrived in Berlin. You were fascinated by the newly found freedom, you couldn't even decide where to go first. So you were homeless and money was very tight, but you deserved some fun, right? 
“I'm new in town, where should I go for a good time?” you asked one of your hostel mates.
“Well, depends on what type of good time you're looking for...”
“I'm a 22-year-old who has literally never done anything fun in life, I'll take what I can get.”
“Sounds like you need to visit the parlor,” the guy smiled.
“Parlor? What parlor?”
“Here,” he wrote an address down on an old receipt. “Just go to this place and take your pick.”
You decided to take his advice, after everything you've been through back in America, there wasn't much you were scared of these days. No one could hurt you more than he did.
The place you were sent to didn't look flashy, in fact, you barely were able to find it squeezed between buildings and stores. Once you did go in, you were taken aback, that place looked like a brothel, a moderately classy one, but still a brothel.
“Hello, dear,” a nice young lady at the reception greeted you with a smile.
“Hi, someone said I should come here to have a good time...” you were  completely frozen and apprehensive at this point.
“That's the place for that,” the lady snickered. “What is it you're looking for?” 
“Um... What do you mean?”
“You know, boy? Girl? Someone in between?”
“Oh, this is a... Okay,” you tried to not freak out. “I don't really have a preference.”
“Well, we have someone for everyone, come here, take a look.”
Before you could go behind the counter something caught your eye: A creature walking down the hall, he was probably the sexiest human being you ever laid eyes on, his bare chest was adorned by a thin black tie, his pants were covered in frills and sequins, his blonde hair was dramatically pushed back with a few curls draping gently on his shoulders. 
“Who is that?” your breath hitched.
“That's Luba, would you like me to check if he's free?”
“Please,” you tried to control the shivers that took over your body.
“Okay, seems like you're in luck,” the lady looked at the hologram of a calendar in front of her. “I'll let him know you're coming. You can freshen up if you like.”
“Thank you,” you nodded on your way to the bathroom.
Leaning over the sink you thought: "What the fuck am I doing? Do I really want my first time to be with a German prostitute in a secret brothel in the middle of Berlin?" 
You splashed some water on your face and looked at yourself again: "If he saw you here, about to do what you're about to do... He would strangle you again."
The image of that man walking so gracefully down the hall gave you the strength to leave and walk into the room. It was beautiful, with lots of red and black velvet, a huge bed, dim lighting, and a vanity with a big mirror...
“Hello, Mausi,” that voice, that voice alone made you shudder. “What's your  name, sweetie?”
Luba walked towards you and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear with a sexy smile. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing... Well, he's a prostitute, of course he knows what he's doing.
“I'm y/n,” you nearly whispered, unable to move, staring at his gracious slenderness.
“Well, y/n,” Luba bit his lip. “You seem a bit nervous, is this your first time?”
“Yeah... It is, actually.”
“It's not that different from having sex with anyone else. Except, I doubt any guy you ever have sex with will be nearly as good.”
“No, it's not just my first time with a... Professional. I'm a virgin,” you mumbled.
“What?” Luba grinned while embracing your body and slowly stripping you at the same time. “Is virgin a new slang in America?” 
“No,” you laughed at his silly joke.
“Why is that? I'm sure it wasn't a lack of suitors...”
“Growing up I was forbidden from doing anything like that, I couldn't even touch myself, there were cameras all over the house.”
“Aw, Mausi,” Luba kissed your neck slowly, covering you in goosebumps. “So does that mean you never had an orgasm?”
“I guess... I don't think I did.”
“I can make you feel so good, Sonnenschein,“ he whispered next to your ear.
“Oh...” you twitched, surprised with your own arousal.
“Sensitive, are we?” he giggled.
“Can you say that again?” you were most definitely embarrassed to ask, but it felt so good that you just had to. “I like the pet names.”
“Sonnenschein...” he drawled. “Du bist so hübsch. Lay down, let me take care of you.”
You let your body fall on the bed, the cold sheets against your skin made you yelp, which Luba seemed to find very amusing. 
“Have you ever kissed someone?” 
“No,” you shamefully admitted.
“Don't worry, just follow my lead, okay?”
He leaned over you and took your lips in an urgent kiss. When he slid his tongue between them, your body stiffened for a second before you let that high take over. 
“You like that?” he asked.
“Uhum...” you stared at his slightly swollen red lips. “Am I doing it right?”
“You're doing great, just relax, let it flow.”
His kiss moved slowly to your neck, down your chest, stopping to tease your nipples. He would lift his gaze to see your reaction to his touch, enjoying how easy it was to make you squirm.
“You moan so nicely,” Luba murmured, his hot breath against your skin. “I love the sounds you make.”
His hand traveled between your legs, his slender fingers slowly creeping under the waistband of your panties. You felt a bit scared, the closest you've ever been to a situation like this was while showering and even then, you stopped at the slightest sign of pleasure.
“Oh God,” you spluttered as the pads of his fingers found your clit, circling it gently. 
“So wet for me,” he purred next to your ear before resuming his soft kisses along your jaw. His fingers gathered your arousal, making it easier to rub your sensitive mound. 
The feeling was so overwhelming it made you shake and whimper. You had never felt this way before, this growing wave of heat traveling through your body.
Luba snaked down your body and his fingers were replaced with his mouth, as he licked, kissed, and sucked gently on your clit. Your hand instinctively grasped his curls, he lifted his head slightly to look at you with those sensual mossy eyes.
“Luba, I feel like I'm about to explode... Is this it?”
“Oh, you're gonna come for me, Mausi? Does it feel good?” he murmured against your cunt.
“S-so good,” you cried, tightening your grasp on his hair. “Please, Luba, don't stop! Oh, Luba!”
His tongue didn't stop, in fact, it got even more eager, flickering at a steady pace. You let go, completely inebriated by that delicious feeling. Nothing could compare to that, the jolts of pure ecstasy washing over your every ounce of reason.
“How the fuck did I spend 22 years without this?” you sighed.
“I have no idea,” Luba licked his lips and his fingers covered in your slickness. “Are you ready to pop that cherry, darling?”
“You're gonna make me come again?”
“As many times as I can, to make up for lost time,” he slowly lowered his pants. You gaped, chest heaving when you saw his erection, you couldn't help but stare.
“Wow...” you mused at his delicate beauty.
“Like what you see, don't you?” Luba stroked his cock a few times, showing off his throbbing boner. “It's adorable how needy you are... Have you ever seen a cock before?”
“No,” you could barely talk, drowning in anticipation, wanting him inside of you more than anything. “Not in person.”
“Really? Would you like to touch it?”
You sat up, still drunk from your first orgasm, and grabbed his cock firmly. He groaned, enjoying as your inexperienced hands stroked his length. Feeling a little frisky you put the tip in your mouth, wondering what it would taste like.
“Is someone hungry for me?” he chuckled softly. “Such a dirty girl... I'm gonna fuck you so good.” 
Luba was quickly putting on a condom as you laid back down, the way he looked at you made you feel like a goddess, like the most beautiful woman in the world.
“Let me know if it hurts okay?” he whispered. “If you want me to stop just tell me.”
“Okay,” you agreed.
He slowly slid his cock inside of you, giving you time to stop him if you wanted,  but you didn't. He stretched you in a way that made your entire body collapse with pleasure. The fact that you were already very turned on helped a lot and it didn't exactly hurt, it was a little discomfort that slowly faded away.
“Good?” Luba breathed.
“Very good...”
“You want me to go faster?”
“Please, please Luba,” you whined.
“You naughty little minx...” 
As he increased the rhythm, his lips connected to yours again and you felt like that's what being alive is meant to be like. That's how true happiness feels, like this rush of euphoria and pure bliss. 
You came many more times that night within the hour you had with Luba, but when you left, you felt this growing emptiness. You knew where to find him, but a sting of fear haunted you with the idea that you might never see him again.
Though he was a prostitute doing his job, that thought pained you. No, you were not in love with him or anything, but he just treated you so well, like a human being. Like a person with desires and wishes, he did everything he could to grant every single one of them. He cared more than your father, or anyone, ever did.
“What is a girl like you doing in a place like this?” Luba's voice brought you back to reality.
“A girl like me?” you raised your brows.
“A cute little Hasi, only ever touched by one man...” he ran his fingers over your shoulders, knowing that was enough to drive you insane. “Unless that changed since last week.”
“No, it hasn't... But I need the money, I just ran away from Tallahassee.”
“Ran away?” Luba laughed. “From the nutjob that didn't let you masturbate?”
“Yeah... My dad, he wasn't very nice. I was raised in a cult, he's the leader. I was forbidden from leaving the house, and there was a camera in every room, like I told you, to make sure I never did anything I wasn't supposed to. I tried hiding all around the US, but he kept finding me,” your voice was almost too quiet to hear.
Luba turned to you with sorrow and genuine worry, he ran his long fingers over a thin white line on your neck.
“Did he do this to you, Mausi?”
“Yeah, with a zip-tie...”
“I'm so sorry, dear,” his eyes filled with tears, but he didn't want to cry.
“It's okay, at least I'm here now.”
“If anyone ever tried to stop me from coming, I'd kill them,” Luba was now fixing your hair for the shift, trying to lighten up the mood.
“Well, I had no idea what I was missing on...” 
“Enjoyed yourself, did you?”
You looked away from those piercing green eyes, feeling your cheeks burn from embarrassment. Luba smirked, watching your reaction.
“So, is this like waitressing? I've been a waitress in so many different places...” 
“It's more like seducing the customer, you're like a performer who also serves drinks.”
“Oh... I'm not very good at seducing anyone.”
“You seemed pretty good to me,” Luba handed you a tray and looked down at your crooked cleavage. “May I?”
He slid his clever fingers under the shiny fabric, getting a hold of your breast and adjusting it, repeating the process on the other side. You tried not to think about his soft skin or his minty breath so close to you, but in the end... You were lucky that the fabric was thick enough to hide your nipples.
“You're gonna help me tonight, you bring half of the order, follow my lead and we split the cash.”
“Do you really think I'm capable of seducing anyone?”
“With this cute little innocent face?” he brought your chin up. “There's no way anyone can resist.”
Tag list: @elliethesuperfruitlover​ @crisis-of-joy​
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Foreign Dreams Masterlist
Summary: How much can you learn about yourself when sharing your life with someone else? A young girl running away from her old life rediscovers happiness in Berlin with her coworker, Luba.
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Chapter 1: New Girl in Berlin 
Chapter 2: Safe and Sound
Chapter 3: Machinery Malfunction
Chapter 4: Sex Buddies
Chapter 5: Bright
Chapter 6: Taking Chances
Foreign Dreams’ verse drabbles and one shots:
-  Bearer of Good News
- The Tale of a German Prince
- The Very First Christmas
- Foreign Dreams Playlist -
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Better Than Cake (Luba x Reader)
Fandom: Mute Word Count: a bit over 1k Warning: Strong language, SMUTTY SMUT (threesome, all that jazz) a/n: as requested by @firstpersonnarrator here’s my first threesome smut piece and also my first time writing for Luba! I hope this is what you were looking for XD I was gonna do it with Mark and John, but since they’re brothers and all, that might’ve been a little controversial... LOL
A special gift, that's what your boyfriend, Lukas, promised you for your birthday, a gift you'd never forget. You thought he bought concert tickets or maybe that you were going on a trip somewhere, but right now, you were wandering around the center of Berlin, looking for an address written on a napkin.
- What the fuck is this gift? - You insisted once more.
- You'll see, patience, y/n - he smiled - I'm sure you're gonna love it.
When you finally arrived at the place, you didn't exactly know what was expecting you. Lukas asked you to sit down and wait while he talked to the receptionist. You looked around at the red walls, the long hallway of doors... Was that a brothel?
- Come on, sweetie, let's go - Lukas took your hand, and with the other, he covered your eyes.
- Where are you taking me? 
- To heaven...
When his hand finally came off your eyes you realized you were in a room, like a motel room, but a lot nicer. Maybe he rented a special room for you two? Like a little sexy adventure...
- Hey there - a soft, sultry voice coming from behind made your breath hitch as you turned around.
A tall blonde man dressed in nothing but a plaided skirt and a thin scarf, with the prettiest green eyes you've ever seen and a killer smile was standing right next to Lukas.
- Lu? 
- Yes - both men responded to the nickname, confusing you for a second.
- Lukas, what exactly is happening? - You stared at them awe.
- I thought you might like to try something new on your birthday... Don't you want to?
- Oh, I definitely do... - You bit your lip at the sight.
- I'm Luba - the tall blonde ran his long fingers through your hair - what's your name, sweetie?
- y/n - you murmured.
- Such a pretty name, suits you - he brought your hands gently to his chest, encouraging you to touch him.
- Oh God... - You breathed, making him giggle with amusement.
- Since it's your birthday - Lukas said - you get to decide what we do to you, you're the boss, right Luba?
- Whatever you want - Luba agreed - anything for the birthday girl.
- Kiss me... Both of you.
- Both? - Lukas cocked an eyebrow.
- There's enough of me to around - you shrugged coyly.
- Straight to the point, I like that - Luba chuckled before pulling you in to meet your lips.
Meanwhile, Lukas made a trail of wet kisses down your neck, your shoulder, and your chest. He was right, It felt like heaven to drown, suffocate in passion, caught in the middle of the two handsome men.
When Lukas pulled you to taste your lips, Luba moved to unbutton your shirt, revealing your breasts. He took one of your nipples in his mouth while teasing the other with his nimble fingers.
It wasn't your first time being shared by two guys, it was usually a bit awkward at first, no one knew who was doing what, but with them, things just worked out perfectly.
Lukas swallowed your moans when Luba bit you softly, sending shivers down your spine. Wow, he was really good at this... His other hand traveled to your panties, already damp with your arousal, gently circling your clit with his thumb while pumping his slender digits into you, curling them up just right to hit your sweet spot.
- Someone likes to be spoiled, huh? - Luba panted - You greedy little minx.
- So wet for us... - Lukas purred next to your ear.
- Well, maybe fucking me is a two-person job - you giggled, rolling your head  back and enjoying the feeling of their mouths and hands all over you.
When you reached for their cocks, both rock hard, you saw they were enjoying it as well. One of your hands fumbled with Lukas' zipper, the other went underneath Luba's skirt, eventually managing to palm both erections and stroke them at a steady pace.
By then, the three of you were a mess of limbs, sweat, and lust. You felt your body aching with pleasure as you got closer and closer to cum, but before you could, Luba pulled his fingers out of you and leaned in to whisper in your ear:
- Lay down.
You did as he said, watching him suck on his fingers, now covered in your wetness like he was licking frosting from a cake. Both men joined you in bed and you pulled them close, trying to get lost between them, inebriated by their scents combined in a perfect hormonal haze.
Without stopping to explain, you got on top of Lukas in sixty-nine position, he immediately started eating you out, something he was quite good at. Luba watched you while wetting his lips, knowing exactly where you wanted to get with this.
- Fuck me - your voice sounded like a beg.
Luba didn't have to be told twice, he got up and smacked your ass once before teasing your entrance with the tip of his cock. He slid his length into you with one swift motion, making you scream with pleasure.
He leaned over you, nuzzling your hair and kissing your neck. You took Lukas' cock in your mouth and started bobbing your head, blowing him as Luba kept fucking you mercilessly from behind.
It didn't take long until Lukas was squirming and twitching, you knew exactly what he likes, but he did his best to continue eating you out through his orgasm. He blew his load in your mouth and you happily swallowed. 
After the build-up from earlier, you felt that wave of electricity taking over your body again, that tingle in your lower stomach that spreads through every inch of you. Luba's cock combined with Lukas' tongue made you see stars, all the overstimulation drove you to the edge and you came undone, moaning and crying their names.
- Where do you want me to finish, darling - Luba drawled while trailing kisses down your back.
- Inside - you sighed, drunk on that post-orgasm glow.
- Such a naughty little thing... - He groaned.
With a few more thrusts Luba came inside of you, filling you up, while Lukas had moved to kiss your lips once again. When Luba pulled out you felt your cunt dripping with his load as the three of you laid down for a second to catch your breaths.
- Happy birthday, y/n - Lukas chuckled.
- This is so much better than cake... - You joked.
- Oh, your gift isn't over yet - Luba flashed you a devilish grin - unless you're too tired for me to go down on you...
- No, not at all - you giggled.
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Hey, I'd love to read a fic where Luba goes to reader's workplace and just teases the shit out of her while she's trying to work. Love ur blog!
A/N: This is a request based prompt for Lubaaaaa. I also got another request along some of the same lines, and I think I’ll just have them along the same storyline, but with different characters, if that makes sense. I do enjoy writing for Luba lol.
Warnings: severe teasing (look at the title lmao), hickies, grinding, food and drink, Luba being Luba
Cheeky Tag List: @misskittysmagicportal, @neuroticpuppy, @iamsexytrash, @the-freckled-luba, @joz-stankovich, @super-unpredictable98, @bisexualnathanyoung, @the-novel-on-the-left
 It was going to be a fairly calm day at work. You and Luba had a soft morning, and he cooked, under your supervision of course. He’s even offered to drive you to work, as he works at night, so it was a pass off of tasks. However, when he got dressed with you, and even did his hair in finger waves, you were confused.
“Luba, why the fuck have you voluntarily showered, dressed, and doing your hair? What's the occasion?” you ask, doing mild cleaning before you had to head off.
“Oh, I was planning on going out to do some errands, get groceries. I thought about preparing something special for dinner, but I can’t tell you. It’s a surprise.” he said, hands wrapping around your waist. You looked at his head, which was resting on your neck, breathing you in. You felt a mild grinding against your ass, and Luba looked at you in the mirror, eyes clouded with lust. You smiled, but pulled away, smacking his ass.
“We can finish this....once I get home from work.” you reply, switching as you walk out of the door,
“But I’ll have cum many times before you get back. My cock and I’ll be waiting!” he shouted, blowing you a kiss.
 You shake your head as you walk out of the door, and go to your workplace, setting your things down, and getting started, customers coming in every now and then. You worked at a self-owned antique shop. In Cyberpunk 2077 style Germany, it was hard to find artifacts without consulting robots first, but you made do. It started very simple, like a cute little thing, but my god did it get chaotic really quickly.
“Enjoy your windchimes!” you yelled to a customer, and their child waved back, giggling on the way out. You smiled at them, and as they walked out, another person walked in, and they were almost instantly recognizable. It was Luba. Didn’t he say that he had errands to run?
“Luba, what are you doing here? It’s getting close to rush hour, I’ve got some people coming in for some pickups today.” you ask, kissing his cheek.
“Oh, I was just walking by and thought I could give you a little bit of a visit. It’s just about lunchtime, right?” he asked, eyes searching yours.
“Lunchtime is after rush hour, you know that.” you said, fixing him with a stern look.
 Luba giggled and bugged off, looking through your store and glancing back at you every now and then. Every now and then he went up to you and played with your hair, or wrapped his arms around your waist, playfully of course. He peppered kisses along your neck, and brushed his lips against tender spots, ones he knew would get you riled up.
“My, you’ve got yourself a passionate one I see.” one of your customers said, you called her Ms. Doris, and she was the sweetest little lady. She was always bringing you German dishes, and asking how you were. You blushed at her comment, and went out of your way to help her pick out some things, her grandkids were coming over, and she wanted to make sure they had gifts. Ms. Doris was around one of the corners, looking over bracelets.
 Luba came from behind you and kissed your neck, harder this time, and his grip around your waist tightened as he bit into it. Your eyes rolled back into your head as you pressed back into him, ass digging into him. Luba’s hands brushed their way across your chest, lightly teasing your nipples. His nimble fingers pinched them through your shirt, and you continued to grind against him, almost slipping a moan a couple times.
“Come on, you know I want to hear you. Let go baby, let me hear those sweet noises of yours. Just for Luba, hmm?” he teased, length pressing even harder. His lips brushed against the shell of your ear, and he nuzzled against you.
 You whimpered, but only for a moment, as Ms. Doris rounded the corner, trinkets in hand. Luba jumped from you and gave you one last kiss, moving to help Ms. Doris.
“Oh, young lovers. How interesting to see when it’s not you being fucked over, huh?” Ms. Doris said, looking up at Luba.
 Luba giggled at the woman, and shook his head. You two helped her load her things into her car, sending her the best wishes on her journey. Soon enough, she went off on her way, but not after dropping off food for you, which you nibbled on throughout the day, almost dripping sauce on your top. Luba kept stealing sips of the drink she prepared, and when you caught him, his almost spewed it on your counter. Your day finished soon enough, and when you closed the door, Luba followed you.
“I’m done with teasing for now. But you might have to clock out for tomorrow, you’re not going to be able to walk.” he whispered in your ear, and the wetness between your legs grew, and you floored it to the house.
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