#Lucas is a sucker for Prog rock
crypticalwitch · 1 year
Hey, people with ocs and charatcer like em, I've got a world request;
Tell me a weird fact about them, in the same way you'd give a headcanon about a popular character
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celirvaethil · 7 years
tagged by @echtspitze​ (thank)
Answers under the cut
3 things your followers don’t know about you [1] I perform with a semi-professional Ukrainian dance group, and have been dancing for 17 years (ballet for 12 and Ukrainian for 16 and counting). My dance group is doing a tour in Eastern Europe this summer. [2] My major is interactive systems design, which is basically a mix of computer science, art, and psychology. [3] I did a lot of sports and stuff when I was in elementary school and high school. (track, basketball, volleyball (those three only in elem school), and curling, fastball, and badminton)
Answer 10 questions and tag 10 amazing people!
[1] What’s the last movie you watched?
Princess Diaries 2, I think.
[2] What was the last song you listened to?
Automaton by Intervals
[3] What was the last show you watched?
Silicon Valley (unless you count youtube, then I’ve been watching cryaotic’s playthrough of The Vanishing of Ethan Carter)
[4] What was the last book you read?
uhhhh if you count manga, the latest chapter of Boku no Hero Academia. 
[5] What was the last thing you ate?
Spaghetti with cheese and an egg on top
[6] If you could be anywhere else, where would you be?
Somewhere in Europe maybe... 
[7] If you could pick a decade to travel back to, what would it be?
maybe to like, an ancient civilization or something.
[8] If you win the lotto and millions of cash, what would be the first thing you’d do?
Pay off debts, help out family and friends, maybe buy a couple things and then put the rest in savings.
[9] Which fictional character would you like to hang out with for the day?
[10] What was the last fandom you joined?
12 Monkeys technically but I don’t think the fandom is that big? I don’t really participate either I just basically watched the show and liked it.
Favourites Tag:
[Place] I dunno [Person] also dunno [Colour] blue, black [Food] oh man...  nalysnyky (Ukrainian dish; savoury, cottage cheese filled crepes), kvass (the Doukhobor cold cucumber soup kind), pasta, pears, ramen, and a bunch of other stuff [Smell] peach, vanilla, cinnamon/apple cider smell [Book] The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien, The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini, Inkheart by Cornelia Funke, The Silverwing Saga by Kenneth Oppel, The Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan, Harry Potter... ok time to stop lol. [Movie] Spirited Away, John Wick (1&2), Lord of the Rings trilogy, probably some others I’m forgetting [Music artist] uhh right now my top 3 (not in any order) are Intervals, Blue Stahli, and Kamelot [Genre of Music] like, jazzy prog rock/metal (djenty stuff??) symphonic metal and like cyber punk stuff. [Genre of literature] im always a sucker for fantasy  [Day of the week] Friday [Social Media] none of them??? maybe instagram i guess? [Thing to do when bored] watch youtube  [Celebrity] ??? dont really have a fav i think? [Website other than Tumblr] youtube i guess [Drink] green tea (usually jasmine), ceasers, paralyzers, hot chocolate, mango hurricane smoothie from booster juice. [Animals] Dogs, cats, sneks,  [Flower] i dont have one [TV show] uhhhhhhhhhhh i cant choose... parks and rec is always good [Fruit] pears, mango [Vegetable] potatoes, pickles [Store] dunno [Quote] ive never really been one for quotes? idk its more like i like things in passing when reading/watching something and then i forget them [Boy’s name] Lucas [Girl’s name] Claire [Ice cream flavour] chocolate maybe? i like fruit sorbets a lot too [Popcorn flavour] butter and salt [Season] Autumn [Month of the year] September or October [Disney Princess] Never really had a fav? [Insult] i dont use it but i always chuckle when walnut is used as an insult [YouTube channel] cryaotic i think [Eye colour] blue/grey [Language] english  [Thing about yourself] I’m an INTP if you’re interested in that sort of thing, and gemini-cancer cusp (my birthday is the last day of spring)
I tag @teddileah @a-v-erian @britishatheartamerican @hobkir @gin-toki @darklordsfavorite and anyone else who wants to do this. Optional, as always :)
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