#Lucideus and Tilibubble cats
ima-ghost-art · 1 year
If you're still doing oc prompts how about somecats "moment of happiness"
(The OCs - 1, Bellona - 2, Pennyfathing, 3, Kismet, 4, the kittens) (THIS time in canonical order)
Bellona smiled, stretching back on the old boxes she was sitting on, hand on her bump as she stared lovingly at her mate and eldest kit. Merlinite was teaching their little Alonzo how to do pirouettes.
She truly couldnt believe how much she loved her little family, and the fact that they were so soon to welcome two more kittens just made her heart sing.
Bustopher had dropped by not long ago, with enough rice pudding to last a few days, Bellona knew he would be back in time for her to give birth, along with Jenny and Jelly of course.
She missed the rest of jellicles dearly, but this was what was safest for her family, and as an now ex Protector, she wouldnt hesitate to make sure her family was safe. So she chose to live in the moment, and embrace the life she and her mate were making together.
Merlin picked up Alonzo and spun him around, filling the air with bubbles as the kit laughed. Bellona smiled, as she enjoyed her moment of happiness.
Penny grinned as Quaxo twirled around him in dizzying circles. Their impromptu picnic turned dance show being their entertainment for the evening.
He clapped as Quaxo took a bow, the kittens fur glittering like star light. Pennyfathing was entranced, his bestfriend was capable of such wonderful things and he was lucky enough to be allowed to watch him and the little bits of magic he would harness when he preformed.
You could probably call the kit star struck, and Penny wouldnt bother denying it. He loved Quaxo. And he loved every little moment he was able to spend with him, even if it was eating a mouse on a dusty old blanket in a forgotten alley.
Penny moved to let Quaxo snuggle up against him, tired after doing so much spinning.
A warmth spread through his chest as he remembered the offer he was given a few days ago, a new tribe looking for magical cats and fighters. He knew now he was going to except the offer, and bring Quaxo with him so they could become powerful mates just like he had said!!
But for now, Pennyfathing let them just sit there in comfortable silence, two kittens cuddling on a dusty old blanket, enjoying a moment of happiness.
Kismet was a blushing mess! Never once before, had they met a person who could get them this flustered than Etcetera.
Once a calm and collected Protector of the Streat Cats Tribe, now a blubbering bundle of words trying to make sence, and they couldn't be happier!
Their tibes had been working together more closely after the passing of old Deuteronomy, and so they had bumped into eachother as if only fate itself had brought them together!!
And well, Kismet couldn't help it, they were smitten at first sight. Etcetera was just so sweet and excitable, if only a bit loud, but that didnt matter when she looked at them like they carried the sun in the sky.
Their leaders had approved, Old Jillymonty and Lady Jemima even offering for them to switch tribes if they wished, but the two had agreed of spending time in both for now.
Kismet had fallen in love with the best queen in the world, and the moment she asked to be mates was the happiest moment of all.
The Kittens
Hiraeth and Eglantine sat talking on top of the old car, and Cecily sat not too far away on the tire. Together with Lucideus and Tilibubble, as they were the oldest, they were all on babysitting duty while most of the adults were all of hunting.
They didnt mind the arrangement, it was nice not to spend the morning getting dragged around by Jelly and Asparagus doing chores.
Most of the younger kittens were in the main clearing, being entertained by Luci as she put on a mini show with all the dance moves she had learned from Bombalurina! Melon and Diotima stepping in to be her back up dancers, as Hiraeth sang for them from his little perch.
Yippee, Dyluela, Aggie and Pumpkenna sat at his feet, switching from watching Hira and the show.
Atlas sat up near Tili in the watch tower, Noddy, the youngest, sat on his lap as he chatted quietly to his aunt. The three much preferring to watch their friends where it wasnt as loud.
The Deuteronomy - Jones litter were mostly watching the performance, the triplets making sure to join in singing with their cousin, along with Russet and Azalea, when the moments called for it! Though the oldest, Maxinellie was taking a nap by Cecily's feet.
Admetus and Aristotle were also having their morning snooze in the pipe.
Finally MollyMay, Oopsie daisy and Elysian were all cuddled making daisy chains by the nursery.
All in all, the day wasnt that special, it was normal as any other, but if you would find there the meaning of what happiness is, in a moment like this.
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ima-ghost-art · 1 year
Macavity’s Kittens!!
in age order, they would be 
Lucideus & Tilibuble (twins)
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im not a big fan of how i coloured Plato or the twins (tili looks a bit to much like Electra for my liking) but honestly i couldn't make myself sit here longer to do anything about it right now lol 
They all have separate mothers besides Alibi and Admetus who both share my oc Lyre as a mother (post about her here) 
This drawing would be set right after Ali brings her brother to the junkyard after reuniting with her old babysitters Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer reveals to her their whole unknown family that Macavity and Lyre kept them hidden from. In choosing to meet their siblings, the two are subsequentially disowned by the hidden paw and Old Deuteronomy accepts them as new members of the Jellicle tribe.
Out of the six only 3 developed any magical gifts, Jemima who’s powers match similarly to old doot (as she will be the next Jellicle leader) Alibi whom possesses a more sorta toned down mix of her father and Mistoffelees magic and Admetus who seemingly has a limited version of Macavity’s magic as well!
Out of the group Plato is an incredibly protective older brother, especially over Jem and the Twins (even more so over Tilibubble since she is born mute and his mate Victoria has to teach her how to communicate)
All of the siblings have different relationships with their dad Macavity, but it doesn't stop them from all becoming inseparable once they all finally meet!! 
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ima-ghost-art · 1 year
My Cats OCs as actual cats!!
Macavitys kittens!!
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Lucideus & Tilibubble
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Admetus (technically not really an oc but I wanted to add him!!)
Platoria's kittens!!
(All Jones's)
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Diotima, Atlas and Aristotle (i usually draw them older but how could I not use this image its perfect)
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Other Kittens!!
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Oopsie Daisy
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Cecily Jones
Part 2 > here < and part 3 > here <
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ima-ghost-art · 1 year
This is a sorta master list of my Cats Oc’s so far!!
(this is all set about a year after the current Jellicle ball for age reference)
Bellona Jones (Bustopher's sister and mother of the monochrome siblings and Ex Jellicle protector), Merlinite (Bellona's mate and father of the monochrome siblings, a magical cat who joined the junkyard as a favour to old Deuteronomy before having to leave with his wife for safety when she first became expecting)  (both deceased)     
Magnolia and Magdalene (Merlinite’s sisters who both live in the care of some nuns at a convent, both love their nibbling's very much and try to visit the three often after the death of their brother and sister-in-law!) 
Lyre-Bone (Daughter of Griddlebone and Apollo and current open partner/ unofficial mate of Macavity and mother of 2 of his kittens)                                     
Apollo (father of Lyre and used to live in an Opera house) (deceased)
Tililith (friend of Mungojerrie, mother of Macavity’s twins) (deceased)
Mollycoddle (mother of Jennyanydots, Jellylorum, and Griddlebone, was the Jellicle choice the year before Grizabella) (deceased)
Old Jillymonty (Leader of the street cats tribe. She lives in a bookshop and is about the same age as Old Duet, they are also good friends and have knitting dates together every fortnight!!)
Pippa (Jillymonty’s granddaughter and protector of the street cat tribe who has a big ass crush on their tribe’s storyteller)
Knoxly (Storyteller for the Street Cat tribe, hopelessly in love with Pippa but he is too shy to tell her) 
(Old Jilly definitely knows of the two’s affections for one another and finds it quite amusing watching it play out. She can’t wait to bless them as mates when they finally pluck up the courage to admit their feelings!)
Pennyfathing (He is a member of the Hidden Paw and ex-friend of the Jones family) (status unknown)
Kismet (They are a member of the Street Cat tribe as Pippa’s second in command and becomes the mate of Etcetera and parent to their daughter!!)
(I’m not adding Plato Jem or Admetus to this list since they are all cannon cats in at least one Cats stage show but just know they are there!!)
Alibi (daughter of Mac and Lyre and second oldest of Macavity’s kittens! She is a Magical cat with abilities similar to her father and Mistoffelees, her biggest trick is being able to teleport herself and others, however, using her powers comes with her body overheating exponentially (which can be really dangerous) and a chronic feeling of fire and soot in the back of her throat. she manages to keep the side effects of her powers hidden from the tribe (except Electra who finds out on accident) for most of her time there, Sadly she is the first Jellicle choice after Old Deuteronomy) (yes I accidentally wrote her entire life story shut up I love her)
Lucideus (eldest of her and her twin sister and daughter of Mac and Tililith. She is really close with her two younger siblings as well as Hiraeth (who is technically her nephew but they sick with calling themselves best friends lol) Like her Grandmother Grizabella and Tribe idle Bombalurina, Luci strives to be the next glamor cat, and often is found dancing while Hiraeth sings for her!!)
Tilibubble (younger of the twins and also the daughter of Mac and Tililith, she is closest with her fellow youngest siblings, Hiraeth and later on Russet! Tili was born mute, but surprisingly she finds it can be a great help (but also sometimes a big pain) at her job as when she’s old enough she trains under her Uncle Munkustrap and Brother Plato to be a Protector!)
Eglantine (Middle sister of the Somali cat trio that gets lowkey adopted by Tantomile and Rumpleteazer! She is a magical cat who later gets mentored by both the Physic twins, Mistoffelees and Alibi) (She also finds Hiraeth can be a terrible bore but she also can’t help but enjoy his company)  
Hiraeth Jones (Eldest son of Victoria and Plato!! He is fully blind due to an attack from a member of the Hidden Paw a few weeks after his birth. He is the next flirt of the junkyard and a great singer too!) (he may also have a crush on the newest magical cat in town tho)
Atlas Jones (one of Victoria and Platos triplets and probably the most protective of his siblings and cousins (like both plato and vicky in my hcs) he trains under Munk Alonzo and Cass to become a protector he is also aroace!!)
Diotima Jones (also a Platoria triplet!! She comes across very pessimistic and often very blunt (like her favourite uncle Misto) but she is also a hopeless romantic with a very detailed outlook on love! She also adores to dance with her mother and her auntie Jemima!!)
Aristotle Jones (final platoria triplet!! Ari is a mini Bustopher just with his uncle Alonzo patches!! Hes just a big friendly outgoing guy and loves to gossip with Jennyanydots! Like his triplet he also becomes a protector!!)
MollyMay Jones (May is the youngest of Victoria and Platos kittens and she is probably the most curious of the bunch! She is the reincarnation of Platos mother, and when she was born plato was shocked in that realization and it took time to come to terms with it. MollyMay is also the only one of Platos kids to not meet her aunt Alibi)
Azalea (Eglantines sister!! Aza is the oldest and she is also trans! She loves her siblings a lot and is very thankful for the Jellicle's but she also longs for a life on stage, she loves sitting with Jellylorum and learning about Gus (who was the last years Jellicle choice she didn’t get to meet) Later in life she fulfils her dreams and becomes the next theatre cat!)
Russet (Russ is the youngest of his siblings but definitely the most outgoing! Sadly he is the reason they had to leave their human family as he was born with no front legs (arms?) and was rejected by both their parents and their humans. His sisters didn’t want to leave him so they took him and ran away, bumping into Rumpleteazer who then gave them a home with her and her mate!!)
Oopsie Daisy (Daughter of Etcetera and Kismet!! absolute ray of sunshine like her mother, and just as big of a fan girl! The moment she’s able to speak, she had already appointed herself as Hiraeth’s biggest fan!!) (when she’s older she likes to spend her time split between her parent’s tribes!!)
These are the seven kittens Tugger talks about in his song about Misto!! They are normally under the care of Pippa but one day they ran off and she came to ask the aid of the mystical Mistoffelees to help her pull them from a magical Top Hat the group had gotten stuck in!!
Dapple doo (oldest and a bit of a ring leader)
Checker, Morrison, and Chip Butty (Chaos Triplets who all admire Tumble Brutus and Pouncival the moment they meet them!!)                                      
Dylula (magical cat in training and has Sass that will leave you crying)              
James (somehow has the best aim for kicking you in the back of the knees)        
And finally Piccadilly! (youngest and has the pickpocketing skills that would leave even Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer impressed!!)
WOW, this ended up way longer than planned but tbh this is here to help me keep track of all my OCs XD
At least half of these were created to help add more to cannon characters’ backstories, or to help be NPCs for a Cats DnD campaign I dream of running!! There are a couple other OCs i could of added too but i think im going to keep them as a surprise for now!
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