#cats bellona
ima-ghost-art · 1 year
pre/ start of the monochrome family (with young Bel and Merlin looking after their kitten Alonzo)
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Bellona Jones and her beloved mate Merlinite (plus a lil sketch of Merlin teaching their eldest son Alonzo to dance!!)
(also unlike Misto's sparks, Merlin's magic makes bubbles!!!)
EDIT: i can't believe i forgot Alonzo's eye patch in the 'line art' one and i wanna cry bc i can't fix it rn T^T
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regegade · 1 month
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sometimes i remember the only reason I decided to make Bellona was finding out the female courier could fuck Benny and decided i needed to make the sluttiest courier in history-
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wondyvillains · 1 year
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Wow, check out this AMAZING piece by artist Rich Bernatovech! What a great showcase of Wonder Woman's rogues gallery!
Here's a list of villains that I've managed to find among the over 100 villains:
• Adjudicator • Aegeus • Alkyone • Anann • Andres Cadulo • Angle Man • Anglette • Apollo • Ares • Armageddon • Astarte • Atomia • Badra • Baroness Von Gunther • Barremargox • Baundo • Bellona • Blue Snowman • Cassandra • Cassie Arnold • Cat Eye • Cheetah (Barbara Ann Minerva) • Cheetah (Debbi Domaine) • Cheetah (Priscilla Rich) • Circe • Crimson Centipede • Cronus • Cyborgirl • Dark Angel • Decay • Deimos • Devastation • Disdain • Doctor Cyber • Doctor Poison • Doctor Psycho • Drax • Dreadnought • Duke of Deception • Earl of Greed • Echidna • Egg Fu • Eris • Euryale • Eviless • Fausta Grables • Fireworks Man • First Born • Genocide • Giganta • Glop • God With No Name • Grail • Gundra • Hades • Harrier • Hecate • Hera • Hercules • Hypnota • Inventa • Janus • Julianna Sazia • Karnell • Liar Liar • Lord Conquest • Mask • Mayfly • Medusa • Minister Blizzard • Mob God • Mouse Man • Nemesis • Oblivion • Osira • Paper-Man • Phobos • Queen Clea • Queen of Fables • Red Panzer • Savage Fire • Sharkeeta • Silver Swan (Helen Alexandros) • Silver Swan (Valerie Beaudry) • Silver Swan (Vanessa Kapatelis) • Slaughter • Sontag Henya • Stheno • Superwoman • Tigra Tropica • Titan • Trinity • Veronica Cale • White Magician • Zara
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p-perkeys · 2 months
Another Snikt au/head canon for you, because I know you will appreciate it.
Zelda and Bellona do have mutations. Just not a healing factor.
So, they are clones of Laura, who in turn is the daughter of Logan who is a feral mutant who’s abilities include:
Heightened sense
Claws(or no claws depending on which timeline you want to follow)
Animalistic charactistics
The only real thing that you can see of these is the claws and healing.
So, Zelda and Bell probably inherited the others.
So I headcanon that they are both got the heighten senses. And animalistic parts too
But neither of them realise it. Because they think with their “training” it’s normal to be able to smell someone from across the room. They think it’s normal to be able to hear someone on the other side of the door. They think that they being able to track someone down is just you know, what they were trained to do.
Bell has the more animalistic side, tbh. She is all rage and snarling and god damn she will bite and not let go.
Zelda is like a big cat, watching with sharp eyes waiting for the right moment to attack.
But since none of these things really scream clone of Laura, everyone thinks they have no mutation and thus are just baseline human.
Here you go again with your geniusness and I’m so obsessed and I love all of these!! ❤️❤️❤️
It’s my understanding that they were the only three of the ten clones with self awareness too, so I feel like it definitely makes sense for Bellona and Zelda to also have **some kind** of mutation!
I’m also obsessed with your idea of them just not knowing that what they can do isn’t normal, that’s a really fun concept. Like they get both girls back and ask them about capabilities and even they are like “no we don’t have any powers at all actually” - whole time LOADED with hyper senses.
I definitely agree with Bell being animalistic and Zelda being more calculated in what she does. She’s the set of eyes lurking in the bushes. Bellona is the shadow you see pouncing over you and then that’s it 😅
These are so perfect! Thank you for sharing your ideas!! ❤️❤️
I wrote a fic last year of Bellona finding Akihiro and included past bits of Zelda, but I really have wanted to write a “what if” if they resurrected Zelda on Krakoa. Before I knew who Talon was gonna be, when we first just saw “another Laura” being brought from the vault, I had entertained the idea of what if Laura did die in the vault and they used Zelda’s body to transfer her mind to since they didn’t have a body to use. But I couldn’t figure out all the stuff with that and then I kept reading each issue with Talon and lost all motivation for it 😂 this makes me wanna try it though! Maybe not the Talon/Zelda bit, but definitely something! I’m sure Akihiro would appreciate having another calm sister 😂
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blood-mocha-latte · 9 months
tag game!
get to know me
tagged by the wonderful @whollyjoly and the lovely @grumpy-liebgott
- name:
full name? Rie Adelasia Wilma Reallastnamewithheldforlegalreasons. my initials are rawr bitch
- pronouns:
- star sign:
leo and idk anything else about it lmao
- # of siblings and fun facts about them (if you have any):
i have One! my stepbrother, who is Great. he's actually the one that got me into a lot of hbo war shows, bc he was a marine. he's Cool. walked me down my aisle at my wedding
- # of pets & their names:
i have. 10. two dogs: frankie and bellona. four cats: bean, owen, finn, and bear. and four guinea pigs: perdita, mei, meg, and piper
- fandoms:
a Lot, but most noticeably hbo war and btvs. relistening to the magnus archives, as well
- favorite color:
dark purple. because Space
- favorite song:
- favorite author (of anything readable - books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, whatever!):
it's a tie between fyodor dostoevsky and kate chopin tbh. i can't choose
- favorite fic type:
the Chronicled fic. the very long one. that's like an odyssey. obsessed w/ those dhasfjdsa
- Favorite Holiday:
christmas, but specifically things like la festa di san, santo stefano, AND my personal favorite, immacolata concezione :)
- Do you have a partner (romantic, qpr, anything!)?:
i am Wed to an Incredible Woman. lesbians for the WIN
- Hobbies:
i paint (poorly), write (poorlier), crochet and foster cats
- Fun facts about you:
i speak five languages. grew up in louisiana. have been told i have a Strange Accent bc of this. i got stabbed last week. we are moving from the far east to the west in like. a month. i have an md. what else
tagging (sorry if you've already been tagged lol): @lamialamia @dcyllom @frstcorinthians @almost-a-class-act @musicalfreak24601 @mutantmanifesto @murphybedard @ariesbilly and whoever else wants to do it
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crows-junk-pile · 1 year
PERCY JACKSON AU GO! Ok so this takes place post PJO and during HOO but as I haven't started it TAO aren't cannon to this au .... yet . This au is will be kinda just a collection of story with very little things relating to the plot of HOO. The reason there are a lot more Big Three God kids than one might expect is I can't think of anyone better to make these people their godly parent(and hey now the cannon big three kids won't be as lonely ) . Here's a list of everyone's godly parents(and some notes) edit : thanks to @skylardoesthings almost everybody who needed a godly parent got one! :
Bdubs : Hypnos
False : Athena
Cleo : Hades
Notes : Makes creepily realistic statues out of bones, lots of stitches
Jimmy : Poseidon
Lizzie : Poseidon
Scott : Boreas
Impulse : Poseidon
Zed : Satyr
Alex(Ex) : Zeus
Grian: Hermes
Pearl : Demeter
Notes : Tilly is a Hellhound she made freinds with and Froggy is just a normal cat
Gem : Faun
Note : Is really good at fighting
Shelby : Hecate
Fwip : Hermes
Note : Him and Gem adopted each other as siblings after a week
Sausage : Aphrodite
Notes : He is Fwip's cousin, Him and Joel made a small automaton that they named Hermes he is basically their son.
Pix : Athena
Kathrine : Aphrodite
Note : She reminds some people of Selina a bit too much
Joey : Glaucus
Joel : Zeus
Oli : Apollo
Joe : Apollo
Mumbo : Hephaestus
Stress : Demeter
Tango : Hephaestus
Doc : Saytr
Note : Hags out w/ the Hephaestus cabin most of the time, has made too many weapons of mass destruction
TFC : Hestia
Note : He's a half-bold who made it to adulthood and works to look after the camp w/ Chiron and Mr.D
Xb : Poseidon
BigB : Hestia
Beef : Saytr
Pris : Poseidon
Note : She's more of a minor character but let it be know she is there
Scar : Saytr
Notes : Bad legs uses a cane, Insanely good at archery
Etho : Boreas
Wels : Nike
Ren : Muses(do they have a cabin?)
Iskall : Hermes
Hypno : Hypnos
Xisuma : Bellona
Skizz : Harmonia
Jevin : Hermes
Note : Thanks to a prank w/ some dye his skin is a bit blue tinted
Xornoth : Hecate
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Monarch meets Bellona Nyx!
Monarch: What’s your goal in life?
Bellona Nyx: To make the Encantos pay for the misery they have put me and my uncle through, and to show my city what kind of “heroes” they truly are.
Monarch: Let me guess. They’re some pompous assholes pretending to be heroes, and they arrive on the scene of a crime like twenty minutes after it just started? Also, they’re total attention hogs who just pose for the cameras and do a bunch of power moves without caring about the damage they cause?
Bellona Nyx: Exactly! They act as if they are gods amongst mortals, that nothing can touch them when that’s a load a bull. I want to make them suffer the way they have made me suffer for so many years. They turned me into this. They pushed me away, belittled and looked down on me, and now they’ll pay until I decide that they have had enough!… So, what about you?
Monarch: I’m going to use the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous to ensure that my father never dies.
Bellona Nyx: … Well, I feel a little selfish, now.
Monarch: Hey, don’t. Your feelings are valid. Those people sound like assholes. How do you know them?
Bellona Nyx: They’re my family.
Monarch: … Oh, you poor, poor thing. Well, if you want, I could team up with you.
Bellona Nyx: But what about your wish?
Monarch: It’ll just be for a bit. Plus, I really wanna mess with those guys. I can even call Prince Paon to help.
Bellona Nyx: Who?
Monarch: Oh, he’s my boyfriend, and he uses the Peacock Miraculous.
Bellona Nyx: No kidding! My primito uses that Miraculous! Only he calls himself Azure Caballero. He’s been helping me, and I couldn’t be more proud that he betrayed those bastards.
Monarch: Aw, I can’t wait to meet him.
*French accent: Later*
Monarch/Prince Paon: *Hugging Azure Caballero* Oh my God!/He’s adorable!/You should’ve warned me how cute he is!/He looks so cute!
Bellona Nyx: Hey, if you two are done smothering him, let’s get to work.
(Bellona Nyx belongs to @maddascanbe-blog )
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elshells · 1 year
Find the Word Tag
Got tagged by @tisiphonewolfe, @writernopal, @clairelsonao3, and @captain-kraken. Thank you all so much!!
(No Pressure) Tagging: @dragonedged-if, @mysticstarlightduck, @outpost51, @cosmiccoincidence, @writingmaidenwarrior, @liv-is, and anyone else who wants to jump in!
Your words to find are: FOUR, CIRCUMSTANCE, FAVOR, SHADOW, and EMBRACE
Asterisk (*) denotes a passage from an unreleased chapter that may contain out-of-context spoilers
Round One: @tisiphonewolfe
Words to find: HEAL, FINGER(S), WORLD, SPLIT, and SCRAPE
HEAL - Agent Ace, Chapter 5 (Sophia's POV):
“You definitely sustained yourself a nasty bit of head trauma. Mild concussion, as you put so aptly, but nothing so serious. I’d be thankful for such a dim living space with a condition like that. City lights can be overstimulating, even for a healthy brain. Though the wound in your arm is rather deep—thank you, Bellona—I expect that, too, will heal without any complications. So long as you don’t behave foolishly with it.”
FINGER(S) - Agent Ace, Chapter 2 (Harley's POV):
“I spoke to an inquisitor about the phone call, and he said he’d pass the information on to the field agent.” Jade wrapped a coil of hair around her finger and tugged on it gently. “The rest, I’m still piecing together. The Watch has been acting hush-hush, to avoid alarm, I guess. You know how they work. It’s an ongoing search, but I don’t think they’ve found anything yet. At least, they haven’t released any updates on the case.”
WORLD - Agent Ace, Chapter 3 (Sophia's POV):
“Wait!” The word slipped past Sophia’s lips before she could stop it. He paused and looked back to her. “Yes?” “Who are you people?” Janus hesitated, his mouth twisting into a wry expression. When he finally spoke, all he said was, “We’re the ones who’ll change the world.”
SPLIT - Agent Ace, Chapter 10 (Harley's POV):
Jade dropped the can with a loud clatter. She met Harley’s gaze for a split second—long enough for her to see another flash of gold—before she broke down into tears.
*SCRAPE - Agent Ace, Chapter ?? (Sophia's POV):
She’d almost drifted off when Janus’ voice startled her awake. “I’ll keep watch. If anything happens, I’ll wake you.” “I’m fine. I don’t need rest,” Sophia grumbled. She sat up straight and resisted the urge to rub the sleep from her eyes. “Mm-hm.” Janus used the pointed end of the rod to absentmindedly scrape moss off the side of the apartment wall.
Round Two: @writernopal
SUFFER - Agent Ace, Chapter 8 (Sophia's POV):
“No use lying to us, kid,” the vigilante growled, swinging his hook back and forth like a pendulum. “We know damn well you can read.” Max flinched. “N-No, not like that. I mean, uh… I’m farsighted. I can’t see the screen.” The vigilante caught the hook in one hand and went deadly still. The color drained out of Max’s face. “Oh, for heaven’s sake!” Mulciber shooed the vigilante toward the door. “Put that thing down and go get the boy his glasses. We don’t want him to suffer from eye strain!” The vigilante turned on his heel and stormed out of the cell. Mulciber chuckled to himself.
ESTEEM - Agent Ace, Chapter 8 (Sophia's POV):
Mulciber ignored the question. “Look at you! That mask suits you well, my friend. I knew it would. How are you feeling today?” “F-fine, sir.” The vigilante said anxiously. “Uh, Apollo said you wanted to see me. Have I done something wrong?” “No, no, quite the opposite.” Mulciber clapped his hand on his shoulder and led him over to the table. “I have an introduction to make.” He made a gesture toward Sophia. “This is Agent Sophia Colbo, an esteemed enforcer of the Watch who’s been hot on our trail. Agent, meet our newest recruit. Our newest Prophet.”
SMILE - Agent Ace, Chapter 10 (Harley's POV):
“Did you make this?” Harley asked breathlessly. “Only partly.” Jade stood next to her, staring at the window and looking as mesmerized as Harley felt. “A couple of weeks ago, I came by here and found another artist leaving her mark. I didn’t know her, but she caught me watching and asked if I wanted to join her.” A smile grew on her face as her eyes drifted over the painting. “I didn’t want to at first—it’s sort of a rule that you shouldn’t paint over someone else’s art—but she insisted. Said that we could be partners. So I helped her finish it, and I added Max’s name, with her permission.”
Didn't have this word!
CAT - Agent Ace, Chapter 12 (Harley's POV):
The vigilante stopped in the middle of the room. Harley couldn’t see anything above her boots, but she could imagine her eyes scanning the room, like a cat stalking a mouse.
Round Three: @clairelsonao3
Words to find: SHINE, LOSE, and CARE
Didn't have this word!
*LOSE - Agent Ace, Chapter ?? (Sophia's POV):
Chuck took the money and leaned under the desk. When he surfaced, he held two key cards and a set of car keys in his hand. “Use these to get into the room—don’t lose them,” he said, passing them to Janus. “Car’s in the lot when you need it. Be mindful of quiet hours, and don’t make a mess.” He paused, then ripped a piece of paper off of a notepad and handed it to Janus. “And this week’s net password is ‘wagyu beef.’ No capitals, no spaces.”
CARE - Agent Ace, Chapter 4 (Harley's POV):
“Of course I am!” He spoke in a hushed tone, but there was a detectable edge to his voice. “I have no idea where she is. But you know all about that, don’t you?” The next pause was much longer, and Ahren’s brow furrowed in anger. “I don’t care what the policy is. Is Sophia in danger or not?”
Round Four: @captain-kraken
Words to find: FAINT, LONELY, GROW, and MEMORY
FAINT - Agent Ace, Chapter 8 (Sophia's POV):
Max set the tablet down on the table, took a deep breath, and tapped the screen. A faint blue glow emitted from the device, casting shadows over his face. He squinted long and hard at the screen, concentration etched on his face.
*LONELY - Agent Ace, Chapter ?? (Sophia's POV):
She entered a clearing at the end of the path, a glade blanketed in pine needles. A lonely outhouse with peeling paint stood amongst a copse of trees, marking the fork of two split paths. One led out of the woods and down towards the lake, while the other inclined uphill, towards the outcropping of rocks that peeked out from the canopy above.
GROW - Agent Ace, Chapter 2 (Harley's POV):
Blumoore was as vibrant as ever. The Vibe, a grungy music club and one of Harley’s favorite night time hangouts, was on full display as usual. Crowds flocked in and out of the venue, and she could almost feel the pump of hard rock vibrating in her bones. As the club disappeared from the window, she caught more familiar sights. The Equinox Cafe, Dorian’s Garden—her mother’s favorite florist—and the corner bookstore where Harley had practically grown up. Even the overpriced juice bar she’d never set foot inside before brought a calm wave of nostalgia washing over her.
*MEMORY - Agent Ace, Chapter ?? (Sophia's POV):
The car lurched to the side as it took a turn and picked up speed. Sophia shifted back upright in her seat as they left Harmont behind, disappearing into a glittering city skyline. If they hadn’t been seen, they’d be in the clear, for now. But Sophia didn’t feel better in the slightest. She’d been unable to shake that memory of her father since she first encountered the vigilantes. It used to be a fond memory—a solace in times when she was feeling nostalgic—but now it left a sour taste in her mouth.
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negative-speedforce · 9 months
What made you decide your OCs names/what do their names mean?
Sivonne Alessandra Thawne: Sivonne is a bastardized version of the name Siobhan that 14-year-old me heard for the first time, and I thought it sounded cool. Alessandra, their middle name, means "Defender of men" and I thought that worked pretty well for her.
Jason Luca Barron: Jason means "Healer", Luca means "Light". It works pretty well for his personality.
Cassandra Addison Stevens: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Hailey Tuyet Laurence: "Hailey" chosen at random based on vibes, means "hay's meadow" and "Tuyet" is Vietnamese for "snow".
Jessica Esmeralda Wells: Jessica was just chosen to establish her as the E-2002 version of Jesse Wells, and Esmeralda means "emerald". It was just chosen at random.
Regina Maria Rivera: "Regina Maria" is a reference to her family's Catholic faith, meaning "Queen Mary", which refers to Mary, mother of Jesus.
Ember Mallory Del Rosario: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Aryazana'canwr'mwyar'nos: Aryazana doesn't mean anything, I made up the name myself, and "canwr mwyar nos" means "Night Singer" in Welsh, a reference to her abilities from being half Siren. Her human name, Arya, means "Illustrious".
Catherine Danielle "Cat" Stewart: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Kyle Nolan Spencer: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Maxwell Samuel Seng: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Eric Matthew Akintola-Stevens: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Jacob Devon Stevens: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Khalil Marcus Stevens: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Antonio Carlos Rivera: Named after the little brother in Disney's Encanto, aka the character he was based off.
Ameerah Jade Carmine: "Ameerah" chosen at random. Her middle and last names are colors, as to reference her ability to use the visible light spectrum to warp people's emotions.
Regina Catherine Barron-Stevens: Named after Gina and Cat, close friends of her parents.
Rania Rayan Al Qallaf-Martinez: Rania was chosen because it means "Queen", due to Rania's original status as a villain before I revamped her character, Rayan was chosen at random, it means "Door Of Heaven".
Lydia Angeline Hawke: Lydia was chosen at random, Angeline was chosen because it is a name similar to that of one of my most difficult coworkers.
Meredith Nadia Alatorre: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Kelsie Saoirse Gupta-O'Riordan: "Kelsie" chosen at random, "Saoirse" chosen because it means "Freedom" and is relevant to her role in-universe as Siv's therapist.
Cory Faye Fields: Name chosen at random based on vibes
Delilah the Cat: Named after the biblical Delilah, a cunning woman who uses trickery to get what she wants (like a tiny half-feral kitten lmao)
Sivonne Bellona Thawne: "Sivonne' to establish her as E-2022's Siv Thawne, "Bellona" because it's a Roman war goddess, and I think that fits Onnie's vibe.
Penelope Lowe: Name chosen at random based on vibes
Jessica Marina Wells: "Jessica" establishes her as E-2022's Jesse Wells, and "Marina" was based on "Marina and the Diamonds", one of my favorite musicians.
Moon Hyun-Ki: Hyun-Ki means "Clever" and I thought that would be a good narrative choice because he keeps trying to outwit Jessi and would be able to if she wasn't OP af.
Qiara Lucia Bradshaw: Qiara as an alternate spelling of "Kiara", but with a Q since she technically doesn't have a real name, she's just "Q". Lucia was chosen because it means "Light".
Marie Kiyoko Kaneyama: Marie chosen because it means "Bitterness" and Marie's one of my Angst Blanket OCs, "Kiyoko" after "Hayley Kiyoko", aka Lesbian Jesus.
Liah Amina Abdul: "Liah" was chosen because it sounds vaguely similar to some other Cardassian names, (It also means "delicate" so that's an extra bonus), Amina was chosen because it means "Faithful".
Soraya Farwah Al-Sharif: Named after a couple of close friends I had in middle school.
Thalia Xanthe Sylvan: "Thalia" after Thalia Grace of the Percy Jackson novels, "Xanthe" after one of the mythical Amazon warriors.
Athena Stonehenge: Not her real name, but was chosen because it's giving "Mysterious, wise, and cunning". Her real name, however, is Mollie, and she will kill you if you call her that.
Laila/Experiment 669: Laila is Arabic for "Dark night", which is a homophone for "Dark Knight", aka Sith lmao. Her experiment number is a cross between "666" and "69" because I am very mature.
Reyna Blazestar: Chosen because it sounds like some 13 year old's power fantasy Mary Sue OC name, which it technically is, because Reyna uses a fake name to distance herself from her abusive stepmother.
Aldrich Tobias Morgan: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Samira Nasrin Yazdani: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Sohelia Morgan Yazdani: "Sohelia" means star, and I thought that'd be funny because Vampires and the sun, y'know? And Morgan as her middle name is a subtle way of giving her father's last name without outing her as half-vampire.
Vanessa Leah Wolf: Name chosen at random based on vibes, HOWEVER, her last name, Wolf, was chosen because she gets transformed into a monster by a mad scientist and I thought that was subtle and fitting for her.
Matthew Avi Rosenthal-St. James: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
Dolores Valentina Aguilar: "Dolores" means "Sorrows" and I thought it was fitting for a vampire. "Valentina" was chosen based on vibes.
Victorie Amelie Bernard: Name chosen at random based on vibes.
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mr-writes · 2 years
last line tag
i was tagged by @pinespittinink and i didn't have anything to share but my fomo is so strong that i went and wrote about 400 words just so i could play the game
i am too tired to think of people to tag so consider this an open tag
"Mouse," she hissed, nearly tripping over him in the dim light. Mouse looked up at her, yellow eyes wide, and let out a pitiful cry. "Did you get lost again?" she asked, bending to scoop the cat into her arms. He buried his face in the crook of her elbow and purred. Rowan rolled her eyes -- he was such a dramatic little thing. "Let's go find Juniper, hm?"
Her sister's room was in a separate wing, making Rowan about as far removed from her family as she could get while still being in the same home. Juniper's door was slightly ajar and, once Mouse recognized where he was, he leapt from Rowan's arms and squeezed his small body through the crack. Rowan contemplated going to knock, but Juniper was probably still down at dinner and had simply forgotten to close her door as per usual. Besides, Juniper didn't need to worry about Rowan anymore than she already did.
Retracing her steps, Rowan found herself back in the spot where she found Mouse and it was only then that she realized that particular spot led to two places -- right and she would be back in the dining room, where Bellona and Frederick were no doubt making sure their guests forgot all about Rowan and her silly little outburst. But left. Left and she would be in the main entrance, with no one around to stop her from walking through the doors and out of the grounds.
It wasn't a choice at all.
taglist (ask to be + or -): @wildswrites @the-orangeauthor @amywrites256 @whumpy-writings @akindofmagictoo @decodamalion @zmwrites @smallboyonherbike @dreamerhennessy @tate-lin
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ima-ghost-art · 1 year
If you're still doing oc prompts how about somecats "moment of happiness"
(The OCs - 1, Bellona - 2, Pennyfathing, 3, Kismet, 4, the kittens) (THIS time in canonical order)
Bellona smiled, stretching back on the old boxes she was sitting on, hand on her bump as she stared lovingly at her mate and eldest kit. Merlinite was teaching their little Alonzo how to do pirouettes.
She truly couldnt believe how much she loved her little family, and the fact that they were so soon to welcome two more kittens just made her heart sing.
Bustopher had dropped by not long ago, with enough rice pudding to last a few days, Bellona knew he would be back in time for her to give birth, along with Jenny and Jelly of course.
She missed the rest of jellicles dearly, but this was what was safest for her family, and as an now ex Protector, she wouldnt hesitate to make sure her family was safe. So she chose to live in the moment, and embrace the life she and her mate were making together.
Merlin picked up Alonzo and spun him around, filling the air with bubbles as the kit laughed. Bellona smiled, as she enjoyed her moment of happiness.
Penny grinned as Quaxo twirled around him in dizzying circles. Their impromptu picnic turned dance show being their entertainment for the evening.
He clapped as Quaxo took a bow, the kittens fur glittering like star light. Pennyfathing was entranced, his bestfriend was capable of such wonderful things and he was lucky enough to be allowed to watch him and the little bits of magic he would harness when he preformed.
You could probably call the kit star struck, and Penny wouldnt bother denying it. He loved Quaxo. And he loved every little moment he was able to spend with him, even if it was eating a mouse on a dusty old blanket in a forgotten alley.
Penny moved to let Quaxo snuggle up against him, tired after doing so much spinning.
A warmth spread through his chest as he remembered the offer he was given a few days ago, a new tribe looking for magical cats and fighters. He knew now he was going to except the offer, and bring Quaxo with him so they could become powerful mates just like he had said!!
But for now, Pennyfathing let them just sit there in comfortable silence, two kittens cuddling on a dusty old blanket, enjoying a moment of happiness.
Kismet was a blushing mess! Never once before, had they met a person who could get them this flustered than Etcetera.
Once a calm and collected Protector of the Streat Cats Tribe, now a blubbering bundle of words trying to make sence, and they couldn't be happier!
Their tibes had been working together more closely after the passing of old Deuteronomy, and so they had bumped into eachother as if only fate itself had brought them together!!
And well, Kismet couldn't help it, they were smitten at first sight. Etcetera was just so sweet and excitable, if only a bit loud, but that didnt matter when she looked at them like they carried the sun in the sky.
Their leaders had approved, Old Jillymonty and Lady Jemima even offering for them to switch tribes if they wished, but the two had agreed of spending time in both for now.
Kismet had fallen in love with the best queen in the world, and the moment she asked to be mates was the happiest moment of all.
The Kittens
Hiraeth and Eglantine sat talking on top of the old car, and Cecily sat not too far away on the tire. Together with Lucideus and Tilibubble, as they were the oldest, they were all on babysitting duty while most of the adults were all of hunting.
They didnt mind the arrangement, it was nice not to spend the morning getting dragged around by Jelly and Asparagus doing chores.
Most of the younger kittens were in the main clearing, being entertained by Luci as she put on a mini show with all the dance moves she had learned from Bombalurina! Melon and Diotima stepping in to be her back up dancers, as Hiraeth sang for them from his little perch.
Yippee, Dyluela, Aggie and Pumpkenna sat at his feet, switching from watching Hira and the show.
Atlas sat up near Tili in the watch tower, Noddy, the youngest, sat on his lap as he chatted quietly to his aunt. The three much preferring to watch their friends where it wasnt as loud.
The Deuteronomy - Jones litter were mostly watching the performance, the triplets making sure to join in singing with their cousin, along with Russet and Azalea, when the moments called for it! Though the oldest, Maxinellie was taking a nap by Cecily's feet.
Admetus and Aristotle were also having their morning snooze in the pipe.
Finally MollyMay, Oopsie daisy and Elysian were all cuddled making daisy chains by the nursery.
All in all, the day wasnt that special, it was normal as any other, but if you would find there the meaning of what happiness is, in a moment like this.
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riku-izanami · 2 years
Smite au
OK, here web go
También RWBY
Ruby: Mercury becouse of her semblance and becouse in game Mercury have speed abilities.
Weiss: Merlín becouse the mage could teach her how to use and control her glyphs.
Blake: Bastet becouse she and the godess are cats and can bond over cats things.
Yang: Bellona becouse she is the godess of war and I picture her and Yang having the same desair of a good fight.
Jaune: King Arthur becouse both of them are héroes of their history.
Nora: Thor, lightning semblance and lightning god.
Pyrra:I Know you chose Athena for her but I think Achiles is better pick (Pyrra represent Achiles in RWBY).
Ren: Ganesha, I picture them meditating and helping others Witherspoon their powers (Ganesha isnthe god of success).
If you are going to add the others teams an villains i am going to send you a part 2.
I like it so far. However i will say for merlin, arthur, & Achilles aren't technically deities, but mortal chanpions held in high regards. Essentially, they'd be resurrected to help train, teacher, & motivate the beacon crew.
Oddly enough, for ruby i was gonna do neith cause they both seem liked they be very hyperactive together. But mercury works better
Weiss i haven't though of one yet. But looking at the mage Roster, its gonna be between
Eset , goddess of magic (still a high chance)
Persephone, queen of the underworld
Blake & yang are fine. Already had those two goddess set for them.
Jaune....i choose hades, no idea why. But he might get horus, or i may keep hades as his guardian. If i do keep hades for jaune, i have a fun scene which he & cardin get into. That and his family having wholesome moments with cerberus
Nora was gonna be possessed by, freya queen of valkyries, and thor goes to taiyang.
Pyrrha was the interesting one. Cause in the AU, athena & bellona wanted to possess Pyrrha, but we beaten to it by amaterasu due to her kinda and some what pure nature. Leading her to be the mother figure of there troop.
Ganesha works for ren. I was gonna choose hou yi.
As for the other teams and villians here's the pitch.
Sun= sun wukong (for obvious reasons)
Sage= sobek maybe
Scarlet= work in progress
Neptune= poseidon. Namely cause poseidon forces Neptune in water alot, constantly reminds of his namesake
Coco = serqet. They both have a tendency to love fashion.
Fox: maybe tsukuyomi. Still open to change
Yatsuhashi = guan yy
Velvet = Chang'e obvious reasons
Cardin = zeus, namely because zeus loikes looking powerful, and cardin offers that (note cardin won't be a complete douche, but still kinda a douche)
Russel = maybe loki or not in this
Dove = wip or not gonna be featured
Sky = wip or not gonna be featured
Cinder = originally gonna be hel, but will change to sol or izanami
Emerald = maybe awilix or da ji, for her illusions
Mercury = chernobog
Neo= was gonna be izanami, but probably change to hel
Adam= susano, obvious reasons
Ilia = wip
Qrow = thanatos
Taiyand = thor previously mentioned
Goodwitch = possibly anthena since she's a teacher. Or Nox or hera. Still subject to change
Port= odin for his love of the hunt
Oobleck=thoth obvious reasons
Ironwood = vulcan or tyr
Ozpin= Kronos, obvious reasons
Hazel= maybe atlas, cabrakan, or ravana. Subject to change
Watts = wip
Tyrian =bakasura. For reasons to be explained
Salem = the morrigan
Other characters are available from the rwby verse, but haven't put much thought into them honestly. So and suggestions work adrian is getting the powers of cupid. I will not argue this, for now
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ghost-of-box-five · 1 year
Bustopher jones adopted his sisters children (Alonzo Victoria and Mistoffelees) when the twins were 3-4 month old, after an accident that left themselves orphaned.
When they were nearing 6 months (Alonzo nearing a 14 months at this point) Mistoffelees gets taken by Macavity, so to protect the other two he sends them to the junkyard for protection.
While taken by mac this is were misto meets Demeter, Bomba and Mungojerrie and the 4 get really close while misto is forced to learn about his magic the hard way. ALSO Grizabella is there which causes alot of tension but she does try her hardest to make life there comfortable for them since she knows she already failed the tribe.
They are rescued/ escape 3 months later along with baby Jemima!
There are tearful reunions at the junkyard (other small hc but dem and bomba are mungo and teazers older sisters and they are all Jenny and Skimbles kids!) (Also plato is Macavitys son but his mother left him to the jellicles after he was born so mac couldnt be involved)
They have the first Jellicle ball after they're back around 10 months later (the shows ball with Macavity stealing old doot)
Now a few ocs!
Bellona Jones and Merlinite are the monochromatic siblings parents!! Bellona is Bustophers late sister and was once a jellicle protector, and like her brother she is not the most skilled dancer. She is also a tuxedo cat!
Merlinite is a smaller than average pure white cat. He is a magical cat and an excellent dancer (he was thrilled when he was first able to teach Alonzo (and then the twins) to dance when they were kittens!!) Although he was not born as a jellicle, he was adopted in by old deuteronomy and Grizabella partly in hope he could teach their eldest son how to control the more volatile parts of his magic, when it didnt work he and his mate Bellona chose to live away from the junkyard as a means to protect there soon to be born kitten!
Last oc for now bc this is getting really long sorry T^T is Hiraeth!! Hiraeth is the first kitten of Victoria and Platos, hes a mix of white and gray, and a result of their mating dance at the last jellicle ball!! Just like his uncle Tugger he is a flirt and a singer, while also having his uncles Alonzo and Mistos sass!! He is also blind but that does not stop him from trying to take over from Tuggers place in the junkyard as being the one for the ladies lol
(I wish I had pictures but I havnt drawn them digitally yet T^T)
I love this, the way Misto meets Demeter,Bomba and Jerrie is such an interesting idea!
And jdjsks Plato being Mac's son is a headcanon I also share and hold dear to my heart.
Your OCS are so good too tho jsjshs and the image of Merlinite teaching Lonzo and the twins to dance?
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As for Hiraeth, I believe should take over as a treat. 🤌 Lonzo and Misto's sass and being flirty like Tugger make him sound like such a fun character
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abookishdreamer · 1 year
Character Intro: Enyo (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Bloody Goddess by the people of Olympius
Vicious E by Ares
Bullet Babe by Zeus
Age- 39 (immortal)
Location- Little Sparta, New Olympus
Personality- An ultimate bad-ass, she's well known in the pantheon for her short temper! She's unapologetically brutal, harsh, & unforgiving. Positively, she's fiercely determined and passionate. She's recently married.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess. As the goddess of war, destruction, bloodlust, & devastation her powers/abilities include pyrokinesis (her fire burns a bright red), limited geokinesis (can cause earthquakes- not to the level of Poseidon), odikinesis (manipulating the feelings of rage, anger, & violence in others), flight (due to her black swan like wings), telumkinesis, being able to communicate with/shapeshift into her sacred animal- the swan, haemokinesis (blood manipulation), and summoning weapons out of thin air.
Enyo's main abode with her husband is the top floor of The Stratios, a luxury high rise apartment building in the Little Sparta neigborhood of New Olympus. They also own a mansion estate in Sparta & are thinking about getting a beach house in Themiscyra. Inside the apartment, the ceilings and walls are made out of pure bloodstone while the floors are a flawless black marble. There are lots of metal & leather furniture with many decorative pieces of armor, helmets, and weapons lining the walls. There's a separate war room as well as a room that's filled with a wide arsenal of various weapons. When Enyo is not in the mood to use her wings, she gets around in her sleek black sports car. She has two pets- twin dragons (a boy & girl) named Bellum and Bellona. Their bright crimson & silver scales are often complimented on!
A go-to drink for her is a cranberry martini. She also likes red hot shots, bloody marys, mulled wine, beer, negronis, manhattans, red wine, dark cherry cola, & black raven cocktails. Her usuals from The Roasted Bean are the large cranberry cherry spalsh and olympian sized roast coffee (with a bit of sugar).
Enyo starts off her mornings with a super intense cardio workout along with a session of kickboxing at the gym. She then goes to the spa for a session of acupuncture.
She loves steak & eggs for breakfast, putting way too much inferno hot sauce on top! She likes her bacon extra crispy and nearly burnt & she also likes when her husband makes his eggplant-ground pork stuffed steamed buns.
Enyo surprisingly has her own glamour doll collectible!
One notable moment in her godly career was when she awarded the gold medal to a giantess named Atonia at the Olympic Tournament who broke the record for the javelin throw!
A favorite sweet treat of hers is chocolate cherry ice cream.
Enyo is well versed in many fighting styles including mixed martial arts, capoeira, kyusho jitsu (pressure point martial arts), muay thai, and pankration!
She once almost came to blows with Themis (Titaness of justice) after she rendered a verdict in a court case where Enyo was in attendance.
In the pantheon she's friends with Aegaeon (god of sea storms), Hysminai (goddess of fighting & combat), Gymnasia (goddess of excercise & gymnastics), Philotes (goddess of sex, friendship, & affection), Dyssebeia (goddess of ungodliness & impiety), Proioxis (goddess of attack, onrush, & battlefield pursuit), Dione, Adikia (goddess of injustice & wrongdoing), Kéfi (goddess of mirth), Atë (goddess of mischief, ruin, blind folly, delusion, & downfall of heroes), Hybris (goddess of insolence, hubris, & reckless pride), Lycana (Titaness of lycanthropy), Perses (Titan god of destruction), Menoetius (Titan god of anger, violence, & rash actions), Poena (goddess of punishment), Alastor (god of blood feuds & vengeance), Felis (Titaness of cats), and Kakia (goddess of vice & moral wrongdoing).
Enyo doesn't mind Athena (goddess of wisdom) and has on more than one occasion been impressed with her.
Outside the pantheon, she has friends who are Giants & Amazonians.
Enyo has been a mentor twice- to Lyssa (goddess of rage & frenzy) and Eris (goddess of strife & discord).
She loves getting the spicy BBQ rib sandwich from The Bread Box.
Enyo recently got married to her husband Polemos (god of the war cry) three months ago on a private beach in Sparta (this particular beach is known for its black sand). They first met a year ago during construction of the Thereitas military base in the city. To say their chemistry was instantaneous is an understatement! Perses jokingly remarked that the initial meeting was akin to "a bomb meeting a stick of dynamite." They couldn't keep their hands off each other during photos at the grand opening of the 2nd largest military base in New Olympus. A week after his divorce from Ioke (goddess of pursuit, tumult, & battle rout) was finalized, Polemos proposed to Enyo with a yellow gold band custom oval cut rhodolite garnet ring surrounded with yellow canary diamonds, rubies, & white diamonds. Her wedding dress was far from traditional (garnering an audible gasp from Hera)- a backless curve hugging sheer black dress with a corset bodice and tulle sheer skirt.
She loves the Olmorfia matte lipstick in "Carnivorous", a dark red color.
Enyo has a good relationship with her step-daughter Alala (goddess of war cry). When Alala visits they'll go shopping, check out the latest action movie at the cinema, & go to the gun range.
A guilty pleasure of hers are olympian sized cajun fries from Olympic Chef!
Her main job is overseeing the Thereitas military base with her husband. For other sources of income, she models for/endorses Delicious Xtasy, Megaleio, & atelier fantaisie. She also sometimes writes for The Oracle newspaper and O Dianooumenos. Enyo is also a professional wrestler! Her stage name is Black Widow & some of her signature moves include the riptide, pop-up body toss, prism trap, stalling suplex, & full nelson slam. There's excited and frightened buzz about an upcoming match between her & the cyclops Maneater.
She once knocked a mortal guy out cold when her tried grabbing her ass while she was walking with Alala.
One of her favorite gifts she Enyo ever got was the white gold bloodstone & onyx charm bracelet from her husband.
Kéfi gave her a swan shaped jeweled clutch from Diamond Ave. for Christmas.
Her & her husband are HUGE basketball fanatics! When watching games, they always rep for their favorite team- the Sparta Spears!
Some of Enyo's favorite foods include sausage & pepper skewers, feijoada with white rice, baião de dois, steak (well done) smothered in onions, lamb souvlaki, & moussaka.
In her free time she enjoys working out, sword fighting, boxing, mountain climbing, basketball, riding on dragonback, volleyball, archery, cliff diving, baseball, volcano boarding, clubbing, and lava surfing.
"I don't know of any lesser evil than war."
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elshells · 1 year
Happy Storyteller Saturday! I hope you’re having a good weekend😊
My question this week is a silly one: One of your characters is changed into an animal on the spot.
Who is it?
What animal?
How do the others react?
What would be the most inconvenient moment for it to happen?

Happy STS, Sam! It's been a pretty good week, and I hope the same for you 💕
I love this question! But I've gotta be honest, I have a serious answer and a joke answer.
The joke answer is that I want Max to change into a horse, but specifically during the scene where he and Sophia are attempting break out of the vigilante complex. I just love the mental image of Sophia fighting the Prophet while a horse just watches from a window. It's giving 'horse in a hospital' vibes and I'm here for it.
If I'm being serious, though, I would either choose Janus or Bellona, and they would both be cats. Janus would become a fluffy black kitten that no one could take seriously (not that anyone takes him seriously as is, but that's besides the point). Sophia would find this incredibly amusing, and she'd pick him up and carry him around by the scruff of his neck just to annoy him. Harley, Jade, and Max would be so confused and, knowing Janus, they'd be initially wary of him. But after awhile, they wouldn't be able to resist giving him scritches, which he would secretly enjoy. Bellona, on the other hand, would derive sooo much joy from seeing him in this state, and Janus would pretend to be cranky about it, except 1) I know he would love being a cat, and 2) he hasn't seen Bellona genuinely laugh or smile in a long time.
But if Bellona was the cat instead... I would picture her as a beautiful white cat, perfectly pristine with giant blue eyes. But she would be the meanest, angriest, and most feral cat you've ever seen. Basically, she would just be herself. Screeching, spitting mad and filled to the brim with murderous rage—no one is getting close to her without her drawing blood. Everyone else would be so conflicted, because on one hand, she's much less likely to kill anyone and seeing her like this is actually pretty funny, but on the other hand, those teeth and claws are still sharp, and no one's keen on getting mauled. So they would probably lock her in a room by herself and stay as far away as possible.
These scenarios are equally hilarious, and I accept them both. The vigilantes as cats is just so perfect because it's inconvenient for them in that occupation, but it's the optimal state for literally everyone else they know.
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brookston · 6 months
Holidays 3.24
Abracadabra Day
Billboard Pop Album Chart Day
Breakfast Club Detention Day (in “The Breakfast Club”)
Cherokee Nation Remembrance Day
Commonwealth Covenant Day (Northern Mariana Islands)
Concordia Asteroid Day
Day of Remembrance of the Victims of NATO Bombing in Servia
Exxon Valdez Spill Remembrance Day
Feast of the Trickster of Liberty
Flatmate’s Day (UK)
Golden Saxifrage Day
Great American Takeout Day
Heroes’ Day (Congo DRC)
Independent Accommodations Dat
International Day for Achievers
International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims (UN)
International Houdini Day
International Love Your Cat Day
International Right to the Truth Day
International Whistleblower Day
Kazimiras Diena (Return of the Larks; Ancient Latvia)
Lipoprotein(a) Awareness Day
National Adverse Drug Event Awareness Day
National Each Person is a Person of Worth Day
National Life Day (Poland)
National Orange Day (New York)
National Remembrance Day of Poles Saving Jews under German Occupation (Poland)
National Revolution Day (Kyrgyzstan)
National Side Boob Appreciation Day
National Stephanie Day
National Tree Planting Day (Uganda)
National Women of Color in Tech Day
The Office Day
See if you Can Remember How to Play Parcheesi Day
Student Day (Scientology)
Truth and Justice Day (Argentina)
Tulip Day (French Republic)
World Freedom of Thought Day
World Kabaddi Day (India)
World Tuberculosis Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Sauerkraut Day
National Cake Pops Day
National Cheesesteak Day
National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day
National Cocktail Day
4th Sunday in March
Black Marriage Day [4th Sunday]
Sunday League Day (UK) [4th Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning March 24 (4th Week)
International Peace Syndrome Awareness Week [Last week in March]
National Cleaning Week [begins 4th Sunday]
National Second-Hand Shopping Week [4th Week in March]
World Irish Dancing Week [4th Week in March]
Independence & Related Days
Commonwealth Covenant Day (Northern Marianas Islands)
Greece (Formally Declared a Republic; 1924)
New Year’s Days
Nowruz (New Year) [Day 5, Around Spring Equinox] (a.k.a. ... 
Navruz (Tajikistan)
Nooroz (Iran)
Novruz (Azerbaijan)
Festivals Beginning March 24, 2024
Hilton Head Wine & Food Festival (Hilton Head, South Carolina) [thru 3.30]
Maine Maple Sunday (Maine)
Paella Challange (San Antonio, Texas)
Feast Days
Akhnaten, by Philip Glass (Ancient Egyptian Opera; 1984)
Baghwan Shree Rajneesh Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Blessings of Birch Water, The Silver Lady of the Woods (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Catherine of Vadstena (a.k.a. Catherine of Sweden; Christian; Saint)
Dario Fo (Writerism)
Day of Blood (Ancient Rome; Everyday Wicca)
Dies Sanguines (Day of Blood, a.k.a. Bellona’s Day; Sacrifices to War Goddess Bellona; Ancient Rome)
Festival of Cybele (Fasting & Mourning Attis’ Death; Ancient Rome)
Frank Weston Benson (Artology)
Gabriel the Archangel (Christian; Saint)
Hildelith of Barking (Christian; Saint)
Irenssus of Sirmium (Christian; Saint)
John Smibert (Artology)
Komoeditsi (Celebrating Meveshii Bog, Great Bear God, including sacrifice to Great God of Honey; Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Left-of-Field Fanciers Fortnight (Shamanism)
Mac Cairthinn of Clogher (Christian; Saint)
Morton the Beaver (Muppetism)
Orest Kiprensky (Artology)
Origen (Positivist; Saint)
Óscar Romero (Catholic Church, Anglican Communion, Lutheranism)
Pandia (Festival of Zeus; Ancient Greece)
Paul Couturier (Church of England)
Red Wine Day (Pastafarian)
Sacred Pillar-Stone Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Simon the Infant (a.k.a. Simon of Trent; Christian; Martyr at Trent)
Walter Hilton (Church of England; Martyr at Norwich)
William Morris (Artology)
William of Norwich (Christian; Saint)
Christian Liturgical Holidays
Holy Week begins [thru 3.30]
Sixth Sunday in Lent (Western Christianity) (a.k.a. ... 
Branch Sunday
Jack-’o’-Lent Day (England)
Flower’s Day (Bulgaria)
Flowers’ Sunday (Duminica Florilor or Floril; Moldova, Romania)
Palm Sunday
People's Sunday
Pussy Willow Sunday (Latvia)
Semana Santa (Spain)
Sul y Blodau (Flowering Sunday; Wales)
Virpominen (Finland, Karelian custom)
Yew Sunday
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Shushan Purim [14-15 Adair II]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [12 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [36 of 71]
Prime Number Day: 83 [23 of 72]
Akhenaten, by Philip Glass (Opera; 1984)
...And Then There Were Three, by Genesis (Album; 1978)
The Brandenburg Concertos, by Johann Sebastian Bach (Six Concertos; 1721)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, by Tennessee Williams (Play; 1955)
Cilly Goose (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1944)
Concerto in B Flat Minor (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1942)
Country Bear Jamboree (Disneyland Show; 1972)
Crazy Over Daisy (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Dirty Work, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1986)
Dolores Claiborne (Film; 1995)
Do The Freddie, by Freddie & the Dreamers (Song; 1965)
Funny Little Bunnies (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1934)
The Godfather (Film; 1972)
The Good Eleven (Multiplication Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1973)
Hannah Montana (TV Series; 2006)
Haunted Mouse (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1965)
Ice Dragon: Legend of the Blue Daisies (Animated Film; 2018)
Is There a Doctor in the Mouse? (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1964)
John Wick 4 (Film; 2023)
No One Is To Blame, by Howard Jones (Song; 1986)
Nuthin’ Fancy, by Lynyrd Skynyrd (Album; 1975)
The Nutty Network (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1939)
The Office (US TV Series; 2005)
Rocky Horror Picture Show (Musical Play, U.S.; 1974)
The Saint Goes West, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories; 1942) [Saint #24]
Scenario, by A Tribe Called Quest (Album; 1992)
Scent-imental Romeo (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
Symphony No. 7 in C Major, by Jean Sibelius (Symphonic Fantasy; 1924)
Tall Tale (Film; 1995)
3 Years, 5 Months and 2 Days in the Life of…, by Arrested Development (Album; 1992)
Tweet and Sour (WB LT Cartoon; 1956)
Watch the Birdie (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1958)
Withering Heights (Film; 1939)
Today’s Name Days
Elias, Karin, Katharina (Austria)
Didak, Katarina, Latin (Croatia)
Gabriel (Czech Republic)
Judica, Ulrica (Denmark)
Albe, Albi, Albina (Estonia)
Gabriel, Kaapo, Kaappo, Kaapro (Finland)
Catherine, Karine (France)
Elias, Heidelinde, Karin (Germany)
Gábor, Karina (Hungary)
Attilio, Didaco, Flavio, Gabriele, Romolo, Tiberio (Italy)
Kazimirs, Spulgis (Latvia)
Daumantas, Donardas, Gabrielius, Ganvilė, Liucija (Lithuania)
Rikke, Ulrikke (Norway)
Dziersława, Dzierżysława, Gabor, Gabriel, Marek, Sewer, Sofroniusz, Szymon (Poland)
Zaharia (Romania)
Gabriel (Slovakia)
Catalina (Spain)
Gabriel, Rafael (Sweden)
Gabe, Gabriel, Gabriela, Gabriella, Gabrielle, Gigi (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 84 of 2024; 282 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 12 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 15 (Ding-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 14 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 14 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 24 Green; Threesday [24 of 30]
Julian: 11 March 2024
Moon: 99%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 28 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Plato]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 6 of 92)
Week: 4th Week of March
Zodiac: Aries (Day 4 of 31)
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