#Lucifer s4 bts
tomellisfan45 · 5 months
Lucifer S4 bts and set pictures and Kevin Alejandro looks as If he coaching Lesley-Ann Brandt in one of the pictures. I don't know if that's what's happening but thats the way it looks like to me
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abouttomellis · 4 years
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darkrayne12 · 6 years
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Lucifer S4
Behind The Scenes Photo.
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spirantization · 3 years
Looking Ahead to Lucifer Season 6
Now that we've got all of season 5 and season 6 is somewhere on the horizon, here are some thoughts about what the final season might look like and where I would personally like to see the characters go.
This posts contains no spoilers or BTS information for season 6. I don't know anything beyond a couple interviews with writers and cast members. Everything here is purely speculation. If you have been following BTS and have speculations based on them, kindly do not spoil me here.
Warning! This assumes you've watched all of Lucifer 5B. Do not read unless you've seen the latest episodes.
I get that season 5 was all about Dan's journey of discovering and coming to terms with the truth about the celestial world. Thinking about season 5 as a whole, it made sense not to do an Ella reveal, which would have only taken the focus off of Dan's arc. I very much get it and I agree that was the best choice to make. That being said: let Ella find out the truth. If Chloe is leaving the LAPD and they're not going to have homicide cases every episode, then Ella's role as case-of-the-week-infodump is obsolete.
I'd love to see a reveal that does not hinge on Lucifer's identity; ideally, I would love for them to bring back Azrael again and have the reveal happen through her. Season 5 went to great pains to establish that Boo Normal is canon; if that's the case, then they need to follow through on the rest of what that episode set up. Ella's life has been deeply impacted by interacting with Azrael. She's struggled with thinking she's crazy and dealing with her darkness, and all of that stems from that relationship. There are plenty of shows that throw out reveals for everybody by the end of the run; I don't think that is the case with Ella. At this point, it is doing a disservice to Ella's character not to do a reveal for her.
Dan died so that we could watch him get stuck in a Hell loop and find his way out of it. We know it's possible, since Lee is now in Heaven, and now it's Dan's turn. Of all the characters, Dan's story is the clearest to me in terms of how to move it forward. It's a natural continuation of the arc that was established in 5B.
This is a chance for Dan to relive his mistakes, realize he's in Hell, and then work on getting past it. The show is quite firm that Dan has to be the one to get himself out of Hell. I imagine we might see Lucifer (or others) visit Dan in Hell and try to guide him out, but I don't think it's as easy as picking up his soul and plonking it in Heaven. It has to come from him.
I enjoyed Maze's reaction to her newfound soul. She wanted a soul, she got one, and then whoops, actually, having a soul is really hard and uncomfortable and maybe she didn't realize what she was in for and now she wants off this rollercoaster.
I would like to see an exploration of what having a soul means for her. If she can self-actualize a soul, what does that mean for her brothers and sisters down in Hell? Are all demons capable of manifesting a soul? The show set up Mazikeen, Queen of Hell, but I don't know they'll actually follow through with that. If they reform Hell, ruling it may not be what Maze thinks it is. Less torture, more reform.
We know that Amenadiel is all set to join the police force, and the show wants to discuss BLM and examine its role as copaganda. All of this has the support of its writers and cast and I think it's an important story to tell. They touched briefly on the subject in S4 but, much like Brooklyn Nine Nine, came down on the side of "a few bad apples". This is a good opportunity to course correct and really dig deep into the issue, and Amenadiel is the only character who can do that.
Aside from his role in the police, I would like to see more of Amenadiel, his relationship with raising a human son, and his struggle between being a celestial and living amongst humans. Will living on Earth be a permanent decision?
We know that Linda is displaying some (not unreasonable) helicopter parenting. I would love to see Linda come to terms with that and examine how she can't control every aspect of Charlie's life, and that sometimes she has to let him fall.
I would also enjoy seeing Adriana return, and maybe explore how their relationship could develop. That would be a good way for Linda to dig into her guilt associated with abandoning Adriana.
I don't need a Michael redemption arc, and to be honest I don't think the show is interested in doing one, but I want to see Michael doing his forced, wingless penance on earth amongst the beings he despises. Maybe we'll see him briefly haunting the bar at Lux or trying to run a taco truck.
Trixie is a hard character to predict, simply because Scarlett is not able to be in all the episodes, or even most of them. (She was in 5 out of 16 episodes in season 5, and no doubt even fewer in season 6 due to COVID.) So I recognize right off the bat that my wishlist for Trixie most likely will not come to pass for reasons that have nothing to do with the writers. She will probably spend most of the season offscreen visiting her grandparents.
What I would love to see is Trixie dealing with losing her father, probably by lashing out at Lucifer and/or Chloe. I loved the Chloe & Trixie bonding we got in season 5, and would love more in season 6. It would also be great to see Trixie in therapy to deal with these issues. I don't think that a reveal for her is necessary (although I do headcanon that she already knows), but I would like to see her resolve her issues with Lucifer and come to terms with him a parental figure who is not a replacement for her father.
My girl. So, what does it mean to be a consultant for God? I don't know, and Lucifer & Chloe didn't seem to know either. She's leaving the LAPD, so her story does not have to be tied to a case of the week. That being said, is she going to be involved with police cases at all, as a consultant, or even a PI? Her story is very much tied to Lucifer's at this point, so it's hard to separate the two, but it would be interesting to see a Chloe-centric episode: what life is like when Lucifer isn't there.
Chloe has said several times that Lucifer makes her a better detective; I like to think that for Lucifer, Chloe makes him a better God. She has a strong sense of justice, right and wrong; I think it's important for her to continue challenging Lucifer and his decisions.
(So happy for Chloe that she's been promoted to God!)
I'm not interested in seeing a Deckerstar wedding (and I think Lucifer putting his ring on her finger was the closest thing to that happening) but they've fought so hard for each other. It would be nice to see the two of them enjoying being a couple. I don't ask for much! Some cuddles. An omelet. No backsliding.
Godifer has some choices to make. What exactly are his newly-actualized powers? Does he have all the omnis? If he does, what does that mean for his relationships with everyone else, and especially Chloe? How does he go about ruling the universe now that he's got the job? How is he going to reform Hell?
Season 5 left Lucifer in a good place, emotionally. Becoming God brings in a lot of new lessons to be learned.
Episodes I would like to see, in no particular order:
Lucifer puts himself into a groundhog day scenario because everything goes wrong and he keeps resetting the day to try again; Lucifer learns a valuable lesson that he can't control everything.
Lucifer tries to stop everyone from worshipping him; his divine appearances and miracles go unnoticed or mocked online. I don't know what the lesson would be, I just think it would be funny.
Lucifer tries to do something good, like save a life, which has unintended negative consequences later down the line; he learns that he can't interfere all the time, even if it means that people will suffer and die because of it.
Some of Lucifer's siblings (who were not invited to the super exclusive archangel voting ceremony) are unhappy with Lucifer being God and stage a mini-rebellion. Lucifer gains a new appreciation for his father.
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sanoiro · 3 years
Hi sanoiro. Why are you blocking multiple accounts on tw? What happened?
I joined Twitter back in 2010 just because I liked amazon.co.uk deals.
In S1 & S2 I mostly lurked but when Lucifer was cancelled in S3 I rebelled along with several friends and other fans. 
I used the bts and the daily #SaveLucifer count to fuel the campaign and slowly people started following me in great numbers.  The campaign succeeded on getting a S4 but I ended up with almost 3000 people watching my account. In order to stop more from following me, I protected my tweets and set my account to private.  Still, people were randomly taking the bts and spoilers I posted violating my now private space.
Before and after protecting my tweets there were bitter arguments, absurd one-sided notions of bts sharing being a duty on Twitter and other platforms without consequences and me always being the source. I hated it. I hated the insults and the accusations. The blackmails in some incidents. Behind every single one of those incidents the words attention seeker, bully and criminal bluntly accompanied my username. 
I wanted to share things with some people who put an effort to find more not be exposed and used from people to take and monetize in fandom currency(! God this is crazy) what I spent 4h per day to find, for growing their following numbers, enriching sites & forums. I find the whole notion of followers ridiculous. 
I wanted to fight back when something was used and instead the trend of our time branded me in some cases as a bully while I was never the initiator. When someone has expressed their wishes for things to be left alone and people ignore that whilst twisting spoilers, what do you expect? 
I never contacted any crew member for spoilers, paid someone or used material from private accounts. I just learned how and where to find things. I treated crew members as diary holders. As people with fascinating stories, not a source but an origin of great and beautiful things. Not of the Lucifer show but of their work. 
So what happened...?
I had enough. 
I don’t give a damn about numbers. 
I care about people, friendships and interactions. 
So how something I loved so much could carry so much disdain and drama in my life? It had to stop and that was my last attempt at regaining control of my fan activity and very self in the Lucifer fandom. 
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helpagirlout-lander · 4 years
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With a resume spanning nearly thirty years, Graham’s got a REP!! This post got long REAL fast as you factor in he’s been spotted in (by my best count) 137 television episodes! He’s no stranger to film either and now a fan fave in more than one fandom. He’s the only actor to have worked with Sylvester Stallone in films as both Rocky AND Rambo. Take a peek!!
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Return to Treasure Island (TV Mini Series, 1986): Ned: S1E2 - Mutiny
Highlander (TV Series, 1996): Charlie Tarvise: S4E21 - Judgement Day
Casualty (TV, 1998): Gerry Talbot, 5eps: S13E10 Clip (Graham @ 7:01), Two / S13E18  Clip (Graham @ 8:34), Two (Graham scenes @ 5:01 & 6:12), Three (Graham AND Tobias Menzies @ 7:43), Four (Graham & Tobias @ 4:56, again @ 7:28), Five (Graham @ 8:14) / S14E1: Clip (Graham @ 7:44 & 8:23), Two (graham @ 4:35 & 5:57) / S14E3: Clip (Graham @ 7:42), Two (Graham @ 9:00), Three  / S14E6 : Clip (Graham @ 1:28 & 4:47, 5:43, 7:10), Two (Graham @ 2:54, 4:51, 7:19), Three (Graham @ 3:48, 6:15, 7:23, 8:16), Four (Graham @ Beginning, 0:36, 1:09, 1:48, 2:40 )
Red Dwarf (TV Series, 1999): Ackerman, 5eps: S8E3 - Back in the Red Pt3 / S8E5 - Krytie TV, Making of (Graham @ 7:46) / 30th Anniversary
Heartbeat (TV Series, 1999): Derek Flowers: S9E2 - Tricks of the Trade
Dinotopia (TV Series, 2002): Ajax: S1E3 - Handful of Dust
Rosemary & Thyme (TV Series, 2003): DI Taylor: S1E3 - Language of Flowers
Murder City (TV Series, 2004): Noel Fredericks, S1E4: Clip
Empire (TV Mini Series, 2005): General Rapax, 5eps: Episodes 1-3: Clip (Graham @ 1:58), Two (Graham @ 0:48), Three (Graham @ 3:19 & 4:28), Four (Graham @ 5:09), Five (Graham @ 2:38) // Episodes 5-6: One (Graham @ 4:39), Two (Graham @ 7:47), Three (Graham @ Beginning), Four, Death (Graham @ 3:27) // Watch Entire Series
Rome (TV Series, 2005): Urbo, 2 eps: S1E9 Clip 
The Bill (TV Series, 2005-6): Pete Larson, 6eps: S21E68 - The Boys Are Back in Town / S21E72 - The Scapegoat / S21E85 -  A Mean Game Pt1 / S21E86  - A Mean Game Pt2 / S22E8 - Spirits / S22E20 Connections Pt2
Jekyll (TV Mini Series, 2007): Gavin Hardcastle, S1E6:  FanVid
NCIS (TV Series, 2007): Aleksei, S5E6: Fanvid (Graham @ 2:05)
Lost (TV Series, 2008): Sergeant, S4E5: Clip (Graham @ 0:38), Two (First 20 Seconds)
CSI Miami (TV Series, 2008): Mitch Davis, S6E16: Clip (Graham @ 0:21)
Pushing Daisies (TV Series, 2008): Hansel Von Getz, S2E3: Clip
24 (TV Series, 2010) Mikhail Novakovich, 7eps: S8E16: Promo, Full Ep (ReDubbed in French) / S8E17: Promo, Full Ep in French / S8E18: Promo, Full Ep / S8E19: Promo, Full Ep / S8E20: Promo, Full Ep (In French) / S8E21: Promo, Full Ep (In French) / S8E22: Promo, Full Ep (in French)
The Good Guys (TV Series, 2010): Dolph: S1E7 - Hunches & Heists
Outlander (TV Series, 2014-2020): Dougal MacKenzie / Buck MacKenzie, 19eps: See Master Post
Colony (TV Series, 2018): Andrew MacGregor, 3 eps: S3E3: Clip (Graham @ 0:57), Two (Graham @ 0:15), Three / S3E4: Clip, Two (Graham @ 0:19) / S3E5: Clip, Two (Graham @ 0:31), Three (Graham @ 0:29)
Lucifer (TV Series, 2019): Father Kinley, 6eps: S4E1 - Everything’s Okay / S4E2: Clip / S4E3: Clip, Two, Three / S4E7: Clip, Two / S4E9: Clip / S4E10: Clip // Jibland2019, Two, Three
Preacher (TV Series, 2016-9): The Saint of Killers / The Cowboy, 42 eps: TVGuide / KTLA5 // S2 Saint Promo, Two, Three // Premiere: AP //  S1 Trailer / S3 Intro / S4 Teaser, S4 Featurette // SDCC 2016: IGN, MTV, IMDb Q&A, Panel Part One & Two, AMC, TVLine, Vulture // SDCC 2017: EW, MTV, Panel - Saint Clip, Full Panel,  IMDb, TVLine // Clips: Saint Shoots Thru Planet / Jesse & Saint in Australia // S1E9 Finish the Song - Clip // S2E1 On the Road - BTS, Clip  / S2E2 Mumbai Sky Tower - BTS, Two - Clip / S2E4 Viktor - Deals w/ Satan / S2E5 Dallas - Viktor / S2E6 Sokosha - BTS, Jesse & Saint, “Get On Your Knees” / S2E12 On Your Knees - Returns / S2E13 The End of the Road - BTS // S3E7 Hitler - Trailer, Visits Hitler (Graham @ 2:11) / S3E10 The Light Above - Saint vs Satan, Meets w/ Satan, Sydney // S4E3 Deviant - Turtle Pie / S4E6 The Lost Apostle - Preview / S4E7 Messiahs / S4E8 Fear of the Lord / S4E9 Overture - Trailer, Saint vs God / S4E10 End of the World - Jesse vs Saint, Saint vs God
Men In Kilts (TV Series, 2019-): See Master Post
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For Queen & Country (Film, 1988): Lieutenant: Full Movie (w/ a young Denzel Washington!)
Freedom Fighter (TV Movie, 1988): Guard: Full Movie
Erik the Viking (Film, 1989): Thangbrand, Etc: Full Movie (Starring: Mickey Rooney, Eartha Kitt, John Cleese, and fellow S1 Outlander Alum Tim McInnerny (Father Bain))
Macbeth (Film 1997): Banquo: Full Movie
Dot the I (Film, 2003): Detective #1: Trailer (No Graham) / BTS with Tom Hardy & Charlie Cox, JUST BECAUSE (No Graham)
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (Film 2003): Submarine Captain: Deleted Scene
Good Girl, Bad Girl (Film, 2006): Gromek: Trailer (Graham @ 0:35)
Rambo (Film, 2008): Lewis: Mercenaries Clip / Die for Something Clip / Collider Interview / Wellington Con Interview
Sisterhood (Film 2008): Martin: Trailer (Graham @ 1:29)
Secretariat (Film, 2010): Earl Jansen: Trailer (No Graham)
The Wicker Tree (Film, 2011): Sir Lachlan Morrison: Trailer / Full Movie / BTS / Clip
The Hobbit: Unexpected Journey (Film, 2012): Dwalin: Announcement Trailer, Trailer #1, Trailer #2, Trailer #3 / Full Movie // BTS, Two, Three, Four, Dwalin’s Chair, Mr Baggins, Graham Does Metalica, “Middle Earth” (Graham @ 0:56), “Windybeard” (Graham @ 0:10), Archery Training, Beard Envy / Dwarf Bootcamp // Clip, Two, Three, Four, The Fish, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven // Premiere
Note: I tried my best to get the numbered clips in the right movie’s category. I haven’t seen the films, so I may have misattributed some...
The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug (Film, 2013): Dwalin: Sneak Peek, Teaser, Trailer #1, Trailer #2, Trailer #3 / Full Movie / Berlin Premiere /  Clip, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six / Costumes
Plastic (Film, 2014): Steve Dawson: Trailer (Back of Graham’s head @ 1:03) / Premiere (Graham @ 4:42) / Full Movie
The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies (Film 2014): Dwalin: Teaser, Trailer #1, Trailer #2 // Full Film // Premiere, Two, Anglophile / Clip, Two, Three,  Four, Five, Six, /  Deleted Scene / SDCC 2014 Full Panel
Creed (Film 2015): Tommy Holiday: Interview / Trailer (No Graham) / Clip (Graham @ 1:36), Two (Graham @ 1:08), Three (Graham @ beginning & 1:15, 2:25)
The Finest Hours (Film, 2016): Frank Fauteaux: Trailer (Graham briefly in background @ 1:53), Trailer #2 (Graham @ 1:07), TV Spot (Graham @ 0:40) / Clip, Two / BTS (Graham @ 5:09 and on) / Full Movie
The Stolen (Film, 2017): Bully: Trailer (Graham @ 0:42)
Aquaman (Film 2018): King Atlan: Extended Trailer (Graham @ 2:09) / Clip, Two (Graham @ 0:39)
Stakeout (Film 2019): Ibrahim Kozlov: Trailer (Graham @ 1:20) / Full Film
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Actors Talk About Themselves / TheCouchCast
iFit: New Zealand / Scotland
2013: HobbitCon, Two, Singing, Closing Ceremony (Bonn, Germany) / DragonCon: “Dwalin”, Panel #1 Full, Panel #2 Full / SupernovaCon, Two, SeaFM Interview @ 2:39, Q&A // 2014: FantasyCon: Who’s Line Is It Anyway, Dwalin, Kickoff Panel, Dwarven BootCamp / Wales ComicCon // 2015: Cincinnati ComicExpo, Two / MTL ComicCon / LIGeek / RingCon (Outlander) One, Two // 2016: RingCon: “Dwalin, Gloin and Bombur - At Your Service”/ MegaCon Tampa Bay: Hobbit Panel / “Finding Your Inner Dwarf” / Welligeddon: “Dwarves Believe They’re Giants”, “That’s Not Creepy At All”, “Fish Scene”, “Dwalin”, “HobbitCon” / MotorCity ComicCon // 2017: SupernovaCon: Lightsaber Presentation / CollectiveCon // 2018: SideshowLIVE! / TheOneRing Interview  // 2019: GalaxyCon
Breakfast for SickKids - FanExpo Canada 
Ford Focus (2005): One & Two
Jaguar (2017)
Upcoming Projects:
This Guest of Summer (2021): Mallory: Welcome / Caitriona Balfe “Auditions” / Sideshow Live! / Twitter w/ Stephen Walters
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tarysande · 4 years
Follow the...
wardrobe department?
A tale of dissecting the chronology of a trailer (in which chronology is made up and the voiceover definitely matters—but doesn’t always align).
Me: I avoid spoilers!! Don’t spoil me!!
Also Me: Hark! Is that a trailer I see before me?? Better analyze it frame by frame!
So, the truth is, I don’t know most of the other BTS stuff and I really don’t want to. I haven't seen the episode titles. I do know Neil Gaiman’s not ... reprising his role. I’m going on ONLY what’s in the trailer, so some of this speculation may already be wrong.
First: a moment of AWWWWWWW YEAAAAAHHHHH because I’ve wanted Twin!Michael for years.
Okay. Moving on.
Trailers are not chronological. They are magic tricks, designed to manipulate their audience.
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Now, chronologically, the crime scene with Ella is at (or very near) the beginning because I’m preeetty sure the victim is Mr. Said Out Bitch (RIP; obviously they did not think they were getting a S6!). It’s hard to make out exactly what Chloe is wearing. Dark jacket, dark shirt with a t-shirt-like collar.
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Okay, we know this is Lucifer; we know this is what he was wearing when he went to Hell. Very, very, glowing in the black light white shirt. This could be at the beginning? We assume it is because of how it’s placed right after the goodbye from s4, anyway.
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Look how haggard he looks. Like, Lucifer. You need some sleep, buddy. Those dark circles have dark circles. My heart hurts.
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Okay wtf, my heart hurts here, too. We assume that Chloe’s pajama(?) stakeout and drinking/dancing and her looking up (and looking super sad on what I think is Lucifer’s balcony) are part of the “since you’ve been gone (everything sucks)” montage. 
I will say it’s very possible that “shots at the bar” happens after “crime scene with Ella.” Chloe’s wearing a black jacket and Maze’s arm is bare. Perhaps this night of drowning sorrows (again) is what leads to the conversation (the next day, I think) between Chloe and Maze (“We don’t need him”). In that scene with Maze, Chloe’s wearing a pinstripe blazer and grey t-shirt. Which is important, because that’s the outfit she’s wearing here (in what I would guess is Mr. Said Out Bitch’s home):
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I know the assumption is that this is Michael. Although, I wonder how Michael knows the crime-solving Devil song, and the mannerisms (tugging on the sleeves, “Hello, bad guys” as he strolls in) are definitely Lucifer’s. As is the outfit, which is a perfect mirror of the one Lucifer wears in Hell: black suit, white shirt with texture, red pocket square. (Also, no evidence of Michael’s injury.)
Other questions: If he’s so good at playing Lucifer here, why isn’t anyone taken in by him when the grey sateen shirt (hold that thought) appears? Where has Michael been? Why is he here now?
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So, I think it’s the combination of his non(?)-reaction to Chloe kissing him and the expression on his face that Michael this up, right? That it’s shown while Michael is voiceover monologuing is also an indicator (but could just as easily be a misdirect because Michael’s not speaking in the image in front of us, and it’s not like we’ve never seen Lucifer make this kind of face before).
(Incidentally, the non-reaction to the kiss could also be seen as in-character for Lucifer; he can’t be sure of his reception, which also plays well with his hello-bad-guys/cocky-to-cover-insecure entrance.)
If it is Michael in the shooting/hug scene, he may START by playing Lucifer perfectly, but that degenerates.
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We know this is Michael. There’s some evidence of Michael’s injury in the unevenness of the shoulders. It is NOT a white shirt. It is a grey shirt with a bit of shine; sateen, if you will. We’re going to see a lot of this shirt.
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Michael: grey sateen shirt. Also, Chloe’s wearing the white and black striped (VERY FUNNY, COSTUMING DEPT.) shirt she’s wearing when she tells Linda that Lucifer is acting different—so we assume this is the day(?) after Michael shows up. (There’s also a slight possibility that his Lucifer 2.0 bit is his introduction.)
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Michael. Black wings. TINY STRIP OF GREY SHIRT at the wrist. So, we assume this happens right after the previous Chloe-with-Gun moment. Michael might want to mess with his brother, but he doesn’t want Chloe to die—there’s even some protective head cradling. So. There’s that.
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Michael. Lux. Still the grey sateen shirt. Important: Amenadiel is wearing a shirt and tie. 
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In the bit where he’s (presumably) talking to Lucifer in Hell (“He’s stronger than you think.”), he’s wearing the same Lux-grey-sateen-shirt-Michael suit and tie. I’m guessing Amenadiel was like “Do not pass Go, do not collect $200″ and pops down to Hell ASAP.
The “He is stronger than you think” line also makes me wonder if Lucifer hasn’t worried—or even thought—about Michael because he believed his twin was broken beyond the possibility of being a threat (presumably by Lucifer; I think there’s a Rebellion-related, bad-blood, mutually-assured-destruction story behind Michael’s injuries). That hubris/pride is pretty much what gets Lucifer into 925% of his problems, after all, so it would be in character. 
Oh, Luci. Why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room? Soon that attitude may be your doom. 
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Michael is ALSO wearing the grey sateen shirt when Maze shows up and he admits he’s not Lucifer. A lot happens on the day of the grey sateen shirt. To me, this means everyone’s onto him right from the beginning. Also, it means the trailer is pulling pretty heavily from just this one out of the eight episodes. The first episode, unless I miss my guess.
Now, going by wardrobe, we enter a very jumbled section. We’ll call this the Dark Days of the Turtleneck.
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During the Dark Days of the Turtleneck, we see Michael fight with Amenadiel in the time-stopped precinct. One assumes Michael’s not even pretending to be Lucifer anymore because ... turtleneck? Bloody hell, might as well be board shorts and Crocs. Note: Michael is NOT wearing (Lucifer’s) ring, here.
Again, the voiceover is misleading because suit-and-tie Amenadiel in Lux and Hell wouldn’t have had a chance to fight (wearing a red jacket) with Turtleneck Michael yet.
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At yet another point, we see grey-knit Amenadiel fight with zip-up-halter Maze. Whatever’s going on, Amenadiel is getting around (on different days). And apparently everyone is mad at him.
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Okay, so this happens after Michael’s had time to “make a mess.” Of what sort, though? I mean, the penthouse looks fine, so ... what haven’t we seen? What has happened between grey sateen shirt Michael and brown blazer turtleneck Michael? Note: Michael’s also not wearing (Lucifer’s) ring, here. I think Michael’s true lack of fashion sense is turtlenecks and roomy blazers. Yikes.
Well, we assume it’s a mess of Lucifer’s life on earth ... but is that possible? All the evidence points to pretty much everyone knowing sateen-shirt Michael isn’t Lucifer right away, so how could he have had the time or the leverage to make a mess that involves them? 
And if Michael doesn’t mean he made a mess of Lucifer’s life on earth, does he mean a more far-reaching mess? A much older mess? Something celestial? Something involving Hell? Something involving the Rebellion (have they seen each other since?)? Something involving God? Something involving whatever or whoever the REAL Big Bad of the season is (because I really doubt it’s Michael)?
How long has Michael been ... watching? stalking? Lucifer? Has he been involved in any of the other stuff that’s happened over the years? Was he the one who let Mum out of her cell?
But MOST IMPORTANT: How does he know the crime-fighting-devil song????
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Well, whatever that mess is, Lucifer’s pretty pissed off about it. 
White shirt, white wings is Lucifer (he was also wearing his black jacket, but not a red pocket square. Note: he has had time to remove his jacket and put his wings away before throwing a punch!). TRAGIC turtleneck under a blazer (with different-colored trousers) and the obvious injury is Michael. But it’s not grey-turtleneck Michael—more than one turtleneck, how dare—so we’re at a different time, chronologically speaking. Could be before Michael’s precinct-fight with Amenadiel, even; we don’t know the chronology of those turtlenecks. We just know Michael, for some unknown reason, chooses them. 
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Okay, I think these two scenes happen in the same episode; Chloe’s outfit is the same. And I think that episode happens a bit later in the chronology. Why?
‘Cause Chloe doesn’t have bangs, yo. And anyone who’s tried to grow out bangs can tell you IT DOESN’T HAPPEN OVERNIGHT.
Head-scratching brown suit aside, that’s Lucifer and not Michael. Because this has to be after Michael has shown his true turtleneck colors. Lucifer also seems to have trimmed down his post-hell angst-beard. 
Chloe’s hand-injury is probably from that explosion. Her heart-wrenching anguish, though? I don’t know what caused it, but my hurt/comfort-loving little heart wants it now.
We have no idea what Michael’s doing at this point: we don’t see Michael with no-bangs Chloe.
Which leaves the scenes that have had Twitter freaking out for most of the day:
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This might be after black-shirt-Chloe-anguish-explosion. I know it looks like bangs, but I think it could also be hair-pushed-behind ears; in the shot where you see her standing in front of the elevator, her “bangs” look long enough to be tamed into a no-bang ponytail. But then ... no hand injury. 
It could also be a dream (looking at you “Love Handles”) or a Hell-torment. 
In any case, it is 1000% Lucifer and not Michael. Every single moment of every single micro-expression is entirely That Look Lucifer Only Gives To Chloe Decker (I wrote a thread about this on Twitter today), and Michael is just NOT that good an actor.
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I actually find this shot more baffling. It’s Lucifer’s shirt; it has men’s-shirt buttons. Is it a morning after? (But not the morning after the wall scene, because Lucifer was wearing a black shirt there.)
Is this a dream?? A HELL TORMENT?? Look, I just do not trust anything that looks like something the fans have wanted so badly. We were all there for elevator dream sex and Lucifer wing dream reveal. We know how these people work!
(Granted, they also sometimes give us axe scenes and beach kisses, but...)
I have about 32634 things to say about LIGHT AND DARK TWIN BROTHERS IS EVERYTHING and also FURTHER EVIDENCE OF QUESTIONABLE CREATION/PARENTING, but I’ve already been working on this for hours, and that screaming is, I think, best reserved for another post. 
In conclusion, ahh the sweet, sweet song of hyperfixation. I missed you, buddy. You and your neurotransmitters. Welcome back.
For now, I’m just gonna tricycle off to hell in anticipation of August 21st.
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Guys, seriously, how the hell does Michael know the crime-solving-devil song???????
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I am going to say something so unpopular. But I don’t want to rain on anybody’s parade so I’m going to put this under a read more but please don’t read this if you’re excited for Lucifer getting a 6th season because I’m not going to be super positive and I don’t want to take anybody’s joy about this news away, that’s not my intention so just continue on your way if you’re super happy about this. 
I love Lucifer. I think it’s a great show. I highly recommend it, it has a very talented cast, I love all the characters, it’s one of the few shows where I will praise the writers and EP’s and go so far as to say that I love them, and I will be watching the sixth season. 
But I’m not excited for it. 
I am worried and apprehensive. I don’t want this show to last longer than it should by which I mean I don’t want it to last so long that it stops being amazing, and I fear season 6 might be one season too many. 
It also concerns me that the fifth season had already been planned out, and filmed with I think the exception of the last episode, as the final season. I don’t know if the writers will be able to make s6 a continuation of the past five seasons and have it not feel like it’s just tacked on or retconning something established.  
And I know Netflix said season 6 is going to be the final, final season but I don’t trust them, I feel like there’s a wink added to the end of their claim of that being the true final season- also I feel like they played fans with the whole season 5 is gonna be the end thing cause they supposedly they gave it this (s6) “bonus” season due to the numbers s4 pulled in but if that was the case then they shouldn’t have announced s5 as they final one.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: You want a show to end when it’s good, and have it leave you wanting more rather than have it end when it’s bad. Trust me. 
Maybe once s5 airs, or we have more info on s6 or s6 airs I’ll change my mind but for now, this is where I stand. 
I really, really hope s6 is not the downfall of this great show. And I really, really hope that if Netflix does keep renewing it that the people bts know when to pull the fucking plug. 
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haleyjames · 5 years
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BTS of the day: Last read through of S4 with the unbelievably talented and equally beautiful @InbarLavi #Lucifer #LuciferOnNetfflix
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skaoi-on-ao3 · 5 years
I haven’t seen any BTS stuff for Lucifer S4 and I straight-up LOVE it.  I’m hoping the tone of the promo materials means Netflix wants more Dark & Snark.  That would be so grand.  
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pellaaearien · 6 years
Hello! Saw your tweets, and I just wanted you to know that you're not alone. It's the everyday and not the outrageous that I love about Lucifer, and I do wish the show would pay more attention to developing the relationship dynamics between Lucifer and Chloe -- there's so much, too much potential there to just abandon it in favour of cheap thrills and just-for-laughs. (1/3)
I'm not *in* the fandom and wouldn't know much about its politics, but I know from experience that fandom is inherently toxic and divisive. For what it’s worth, I’m genuinely grateful for writers like yourself who devote so much heart and effort into fixing the faults of the show — I don’t think I’d be as invested in, and in love with Deckerstar if not for writers who painstakingly explore *and* PROTECT their relationship dynamics so, so carefully. (2/3)
There are bits of BTS that excite me (ngl, it’s the h/c), but there’s also much that’s questionable — and there’s nothing more I’d want than to be proven wrong, and to be bowled by Season 4. We do *need* better writing for the show to be renewed beyond S4 after all, and unconditional love from the diehards is not going to achieve that: the show needs to prove itself worthy to casual viewers, new audiences, and to Netflix. And let’s hope it does. Honest conversations are important - lots of love!
“It's the everyday and not the outrageous that I love about Lucifer” I really love that line. Back in the day I was saying that it felt like they were plotting their episodes around the stingers for the promos, and I think that line nails the reason why. It definitely feels like they’re writing for tropes, fitting the characters around the story rather than the other way around. I’m not quite sure why. I just think there isn’t enough critical thinking going on - they’re so obsessed with whether or not they can do a thing they don’t stop to wonder if they should. Deckerstar is such a wonderful dynamic and a joy to work with, I don’t know why it doesn’t seem to be enough for them. 
I’m genuinely happy for the people who could enjoy season 3 but I’m still going to call out the problems where I see them. Those people need to realize that for the rest of us, we were attracted to the show by other elements that were not in evidence in season 3, and that the tone shift is going to disappoint those of us who want more than cheap gags from our show about the Devil. I’m really tired of the all or nothing mentality some people have. It’s possible to like something and still be critical of it. If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t bother. 
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awed-frog · 7 years
I have asked myself why – while I like the ideas and themes – the pacing of the show doesn’t seem to work for me? I think Dabbs style, which makes his episodes so great, doesn’t translate well into showrunning. Dabb often leaves one part or scene open which becomes relevant later. During a season, however I feel this gets very confusing, because nothing seems to happen, e.g. the Mary/Dean conflict in s12. (1/2)
The conflicts in the show also seem to be everywhere and so many, while on the other hand everything is missing depth? It feels like the show is leaving loose ends all over the place? What also doesn’t help is that he seems to favor a grand finale (dragging out the conflict until the very end). I’m just wondering if I’m the only person who feels like this? I hope this doesn’t come off as wank, it’s really not my intention. Thank you for answering! (2/2)
Well, the thing is - I don’t see this as wank at all, but I’m definitely the wrong person to discuss this kind of stuff. I studied mostly books and art - stuff that generally has one mind behind it, not several - and I don’t keep up with bts stuff, which means I’m missing too many crucial bits of information about the screenwriters and their personal interests to write an informed meta about that. So, you know - since you asked me, I’m going to tell you what I think, but please keep in mind that it’s just my random-ass opinion.
Also, I generally don’t rewatch episodes - back when I really liked the show, I used to watch the same episode twice before writing my meta, but it’s been a very long time since I sat down and rewatched the entire thing from the very beginning, so I never remember who wrote what. Looking at the list of Dabb episodes, I know there are some I really liked, but others that left me quite meh. I think that so far, the only screenwriter I’ve been consistently in love with is Yockey, and that’s not only because his writing is phenomenal and his characterization spot-on, but also because what he finds interesting about Supernatural and the people in it mostly resonates with what I like. With Dabb, on the other hand, that has been very hit and miss - which, of course, it’s not about fault or quality, but simply about a difference in sensibilities.
What I don’t like, on the other hand, and think is objectively bad, are his choices as a showrunner. I don’t know where he’s going if we’re talking ‘final act’ of Supernatural, and that’s okay, since we don’t even know how many seasons we have left, but S12 was a disaster. As you say, there are too many subplots, most of them go nowhere, the tension peaks and disappears whenever, and the resolution just didn’t work for me - like, at all. It felt so, so rushed. In fact, the whole thing felt so outlandishly incoherent I’m not even sure they knew what S12 would be about when they were filming the S11 finale. 
Because, in theory, we had two main conflicts heading into S12: the fact that Mary was back, and the BMoL as new players on the board. That, in my opinion, should have been plenty enough to build a convincing season - with Mary alone, there was a lot of potential for angst and feels and unsettling stuff - instead, the choice was made to bring Lucifer back to life and include that weird-ass subplot about him becoming president and having a kid who brainwashed and killed people from the womb but now is good (?), and uhm.
(And, again, I don’t know how any of this works - it’s likely Samantha Smith could only be in a limited number of episodes, hence the now infamous ‘let’s find an excuse to make this crucial character disappear’, but still - it’s beyond ridiculous the fact she’s back from the dead was resolved so quickly.)
Mary’s return and the BMoL means that Dabb’s goal was probably to ‘go back to the basics’ and explore who Sam and Dean actually are, after all this time, and why they do what they do, and whether they’re the heroes or the villains in their own story. The problem with this is that the answers were self-evident from the start, because this show is about them and by now we know them fairly well. So what happened instead is that the BMoL became a cartoonishly bad organization - what was interesting and worth discussing (ie, how they’d managed to eradicate the supernatural in the UK, thus saving countless lives, and how they’d done that by using very questionable means) was swept aside in favour of a narrative that was 100% in black and white. And the same thing, for different reasons (namely, that you can’t unfridge a woman and then turn her into any kind of Stepford mother) happened with Mary, whose storyline consistently evolved only through her relatonship with men and about whom, after two years, we still know next to nothing. Not to mention everything else: for instance, how both she and Sam made very uh-uh choices last year, but that was never delved into at all. How the same thing happened with Crowley’s characterization, which would have deserved more time in the spotlight if he was going to get his Heyward moment so soon, and with Cas, whose seemingly momentous pronouncement in 12x12 - that he’d chosen his human family once and for all! that he had human feelings! - was never mentioned again.
As for this season, so far the problems are exactly the same: about 25 villains, all of them childishly and uncomplicatedly evil, plot points all over the place, conflicts that go nowhere, characters who appear and disappear without having accomplished anything - it’s a mess.
Something else that’s been a problem in the Dabb era is that ethically grey choices are increasingly presented as good ones - from Kelly’s immediate attachment to a demon baby that was going to kill her and potentially the rest of the universe as well, to Mary working with Ketch, to the boys ripping holes in space-time to get their relatives from one place to the next without even considering the possible damage to everyone else.
So, look - I don’t know. I won’t say being a showrunner is an easy job, because I’m sure it’s not, and it must be hard to manage content in any rational way when a) you can’t tweak the format of a show even when that format has been woefully outgrown and b) you don’t even know when the story will finish, but they should still find a way to do better than this. Last season basically amounted to nothing at all, and this year I feel like I’m watching a bunch of disjointed and disconnected stories that have no definite purpose. Even the way Sam and Dean keep seesawing between faith and despair rings hollow - mechanic and out of touch with any kind of reality - not to mention, those feelings are never explored in any way. Dean suddenly got better because *subtext*, of course, but what is Sam even up to? Does anyone know? And what about Cas? He went from abject misery to PTSD to a raw desperation to prove himself, and then he was brainwashed by Jack (or was he?), and now he’s - back to what he was in S4? The ‘war needs trump morality, Dean’ commander? Really - it’s rushed and weird and uncomfortable to watch.
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Anyway - sorry this got so bitter and thanks for sharing your opinion with me. Here’s to hoping to a satisfying ending for S13!
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abouttomellis · 4 years
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darkrayne12 · 6 years
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More bts Photos of Lucifer S4
Via: Inbar Lavis Instagram
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skamyou · 8 years
get to know mutuals
thanks for the tag @cactinouis!!  💖 💖 💖
Name/nickname/whatever you prefer to be called? ZN. (like zee-ann^^)
Pronouns? she/her. although it doesn’t matter to me cuz i identify as androgynous
Age? 21. Turning 22 this year~~~
Fav Skam character? i really love the boy squad, but imma go with Even (it’s a close one with Jonas too), because I relate with him the most, and minuttforminutt has literally saved my life 
When did you start watching Skam? UHM i can’t rmb, prob Nov? Before Ep 6 came out.
When did you make your blog? omg i ditched my main for my side lmao, this is pretty new! Created it on 16.12.16!
Who are you cheering for to be s4′s main? Jonas, Eskild, Even!!! 
Who do you think is most likely to be s4′s main? Even?? i honestly dw it to be penetrator chris cuz it’s so random lmao
What are your main interests? Singing, rapping, music (hiphop, r&b, post hardcore, kpop, indie, anything really, c-pop etc), 1d/zayn, writing, graphics, coding, learning norwegian, i love orphan black too, photoshop, illustrator
Something you’re always up to discuss? (besides skam) Anything under the sun! But you can always come talk to me about 1d/zayn/ziam/zarry/larry/etc, orphan black, spn, cm, the flash (lmao), MUSICCCCC PLEASE COME, bigbang, bts, lmao anything, i’m also looking for fanfic writers to be friends with :’) even politics! gen. knowledge is impt also if anyone needs tips for ps im most willing to share and do tutorials!
Something you refuse to discuss? can’t think of anything for now :O
Other favorite shows aside from Skam? here goes nothing: criminal minds, supernatural, orphan black, dexter, shameless us (but fuck you producers for breaking up gallavich), the flash (here and there), lucifer, shadowhunters. starting on black mirror!
tagging: @tarjeiandhenrik @prolarry @evenbechz @evenandisak @evakvaltersen @evakforever @isakvaltrsvn @isaked @shamep3 @isakssaetre @obscurialskam @ziamnerds @disconnectedformuke @evakposts @harry-boner @isaknewt @malecisl0ve @sanaandthesun @nothing-but-a-fangirl @skamuniverse @snapbackisak @sweaterisak @tarjeisandvikmoe @tarjeitrash
and whoever wants to do this feel free to do so! sorry if y’all’ve been tagged alr, and this isn’t mandatory! xxx
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sanoiro · 4 years
Lucifer 5x09 - Family Dinner -Spoilers & Speculation
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Written by Joe Henderson
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Directed by Nathan Hope
Nathan Hope has directed
1x02 - Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil 1x13 - Take Me Back to Hell 2x01 - Everything's Coming Up Lucifer 2x07 - Trip to Stabby Town  2x10 - Quid Pro Ho 3x05 - Welcome Back, Charlotte Richards 3x19 - Orange Is the New Maze 5x07 - Our Mojo He will also direct Episode 2 or 3 of S6
Behind The Scenes Video 
Ignore the fact that I accidentally watermarked it with the number 519... 
The Case & Deckerstar
Now we can start with the case of the week.
The murder happens at Golf n Stuff which is rather popular due to the scenes that were shot there for The Karate Kid. Rafferty was actually giddy over that.
So we have a murder. After over 70 episodes we know that the case of the week is somehow connected to the main plot and that it leads to a resolving of Lucifer’s issues or at least a small or big breakthrough.
The victim in this case was burned to death or at least he was… charred. A bit like how Mum ‘enlightened’ Jared in 2x17 but worse.
(In order to make sure most bts are included I have put them in the same file in their original resolution and you need to open the image and zoom. You can do it from your PC, MAC or mobile)
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The mini golf has several fun statues like knights and pirates but what was not supposed to be there was the figure at the hole where nearby the victim was found. To be more You might have guessed it has many teeth by the photo and the answer is, it’s a reddish dragon head.
Back in December I came across the props building it and I thought it was cool but I wasn’t aware it was for Lucifer as the account is not affiliated with our crew or production. So imagine my surprise when a friend told me about what she had seen on the lot and going through the archived bts I found the victim photo as well.
You may have noticed it but in two particular episodes more dragons made their appearance. First it was at the second showrunner’s office in 503. There we see a dragon impelled by a sword, it seemed really out of place but I then correlated it with Baphament’s blade which is a representation of Azrael’s blade.
Later on I saw something else. In 508 Pete’s apartment had shelves dedicated to dragon figures as well as some knights. All along I was wondering can I even meta about that? What can it symbolise if it means anything at all? For some reason all I could think was the movie ‘Dragonheart’.
But let’s assume they have laid some hints, so far we have seen that they go very basic on bible and comic material so it’s funny how dragon-like Lucifer was presented in Series 3 of the black label of DC/ vertigo. But there are also more tidbits.
Now in 1x12 you all remember the Angel who was defeating a very Lucifer-looking Satan?
That was a prop. But it is derived by the work of Guido Reni ‘Michael and Satan’ (1636) Who was in turn influenced by Raphael’s painting ‘St. Michael Vanquishing Satan’ (1518) and if we go to Raphael’s early works... St. Michael (1504-1505)
The investigation of this ‘week’s’ case has its usual suspect chase which leads us to an arcade where we can spot some members of the crew doing rounds with the go-carts on that location. What I do know is that we are looking for someone young as far as guest posts go but other than that not much is known. The case seems to be progressing slowly but at some point the murderer appears to want to skip town so the leads bring us to L.A.’s train Union Station.
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We also have scenes at the precinct during the case as we have seen from Aimee’s bts but not much is known there. 
Now the suspect might be played by the elusive guest of this episode John Clover whose appearance was posted on Reddit and had sparked the first speculations over the title of the episode.
We should now wonder whether the theme of this episode’s case which takes us to gaming areas has anything to do with how Lucifer views his Father’s appearance in the mid-season finale and whether it will provide him with a resolution to not act in a rush way. The same after all happened with Mum.
Do not forget that Lucifer in Season 2 and especially at the beginning with Mum and when he thought Earl Johnson was his Father, Lucifer’s plans changed as his vengeance turned to a slow paced questioning over why their relationship deteriorated. 
For an Angel who was ‘forced’ - not yet clarified so let’s not take that for granted- to punish the guilty Lucifer seems to be more merciful, understanding and open to explanations in the long run especially with the people who wronged him. Amenadiel, Michael, Uriel, Azrael, Mum, and Earl ‘God’ Johnson.
As Amenadiel said in the Pilot Lucifer away from Hell showed restrain and mercy… Perhaps it is true that we cannot escape from what we truly are. In any case that’s meta talk!
Back to the Union Station. 
In the train station we have a bts where we can see Chloe and Lucifer chasing the suspect and from the photos and videos outside of it we can safely say they are successful on apprehending the murderer.
Now a funny incident was that during the shooting the area was closed to the actual travelers but somehow a Japanese tourist ended up sitting where the background actors were. No idea if it was her Pizza or it was given by the craft service but the girl was obviously bewildered on what was happening. It’s the little absurdities of life I guess…
It seems though as a lighthearted episode at first...
Do not be mistaken, the writers, cast and showrunners have revealed that in S5P2 we enter the emotional and equally dark (In P1 I missed the darkness aside from Pete of course) part of this season. It means that by the end of 5x09 as we roll on the last minutes of this episode, Lucifer is heavily conflicted and a resolution is needed, one that seems to be somewhat provided.
Since P1 I thought it would be weird to have Deckerstar break up for effect, in order to break us, especially since S5 was supposed to be the last season and S6 is effectively from what they imply (again cast and showrunners) an epilogue. So do not expect Deckerstar to break up but on the contrary as we saw Lucifer and Chloe in 507 they pull each other back up. 
It is why I’m wondering what will be unraveled after the arrest of 5x09’s murderer.
The end of the episode takes us at night to L.A.’s Grand Park. The Grand Park is across the City Hall by the way, and for the Christmas season it was decorated with a Christmas tree made out of light bulbs.
In the bts the prominent colour of that tree is deep lilac. That’s where our next Deckerstar moment will unravel. We should also be ready for the Lucifer Universe to acknowledge yet another holiday of the human world, Christmas!
A tiny break here but you should remember that on each side of the elevator we have two bronze plates depicting the transfer of Christ after he was taken down dead from the Cross. So in the most discrete of ways Lucifer’s Universe has acknowledged Christ and perhaps it was because before the Sumerian text set Amenadiel as the favourite son, in Season 1 and for the majority of S2 we knew Lucifer as the favourite one.
On the cross Christ (no I didn’t write Lucifer at first :P) according to the scripts in a moment of lapsed faith “Father, Father why do you abandon me?”. In a way we might meta that for 516 but also for what Lucifer has experienced so far and has so eloquently expressed in 3x11 and in 1x09.  
But back to the Deckerstar moment…
It takes place on the ‘balcony’ above the fountain as the purple Christmas tree is behind them. The setting happens at night and provides the place for our characters to talk, to open up and perhaps even express certain fears but also be urged to take advantage of the current circumstances.
From my perspective is the scene of a couple that talks a difficult matter but at the end of that talk they know each has the other’s back so they can step forward, take that chance and their partner will always be there to catch them if they fall. It is also how we will experience Lucifer finally opening up without Linda probing him. But whatever comes forward also gives space to truths and a realisation which will break our Devil as we have seen from the bts of the next episodes.
We might even have an understanding why ‘I love you’s’ are difficult for Lucifer and for Chloe to also realise that. We might even get Lucifer to say it. Here is to hoping…
On a final note. Maze in this episode seems to have gone MIA but many times we do not see the bts of every scene so all we have is Lesley-Ann’s bts from her trailer during that time. Also do not forget how things ended in 508. Maze did betray Lucifer and with God on Earth... 
The Dinner
This episode is expected to open back to the precinct. The reason is because it is a mid-season finale which means that the in between scenes are not implied but also because of some spoilers we had back in December.
As you remember the actress who played officer Cacuzza had posted on Twitter that she and Lauren were in a ‘very small’ room which had just been painted. That room we can safely say is the ‘evidence room’ and that Cacuzza managed finally to find a way to close the surveillance in order to take a nap.
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Now do remember that back in S4 Cacuzza was also the officer who let Lucifer ‘sample’ the drug busts… I’m not sure if that will come back somehow but we do know that Cacuzza will appear later this season, whether alive or not is yet to be seen.
What we do know is from the clues that were given by the actress.
1) She will be in the same room as Chloe meaning we will revisit the evidence room once Dad arrives and perhaps it will be a comic moment? Perhaps a random human will figure things out? But what was interesting is that according to the bts photo we see the actress and Lauren in their own clothes while Dennis is in his ‘Dad/God’ clothes.
2) Both Chloe and Officer Cacuzza were supposed to act distressed and shaken. If we take the ‘I love you’ element from that scene for Chloe let’s remember that the evidence is suddenly a bit of a mess. A glass has broken, the sound and effect will be heard once the time has started running again and they are two cops in a room with no idea of what is happening outside. So perhaps the shaken and distressed effect comes before they open the door (or walk out) and are sure there is no imminent threat.
3) In my opinion in this episode Cacuzza has some lines no matter how brief they might be.
Now the question here is how to proceed.
We obviously have a Family Dinner from which only two bts exist. 
If we assume that the Family Dinner is arranged after the brothers have hid their wings and then Dad has met Linda then the dinner is set up by a very flabbergasted Linda.
I do expect Linda to bow by the way and for this dinner to bring some elements from 1x10 Pops. For this speculation I’ll include the video of the scene from that episode and I’ll try to tie them up with 5x09.
All the episodes in P2 are meant to do a full circle and the writers have based most of their storytelling on the events of S1 and S2.
So first the spoilers of what we know from 5x09 and then the ties we may find with 1x10 and some more past episodes.  
The 11 minutes are quite long but is it really all things concerning? 
Henderson tweeted that there will be 5 actors but as we know know Ellis plays two characters which is why the dinner scene may have taken three days to shoot so we should count six people at the Dinner Table.
The location will be (most probably) at Linda’s house as we have seen from a bts that her main table is full of different varieties of fruits and food in an attempt to recreate an Olympian affluent meal. For Linda is only normal to be out of her element and try to impress God. So far she has been almost killed by his ex, has a child that can be snatched away to the Silver City if she is not deemed worthy perhaps or even because of Charlie’s half genetic code.
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Remember there was a stand in actor for Michael 
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The problem Linda also faces is that she has supported Lucifer. Yes, he is her friend but how will God react to that? Having a human siding with His rebellious son? Linda as it has been written knows how far pissed off celestials can go and I’m sure she remembers Lucifer’s agony and fear over his Father where Chloe was concerned. So she tries, really tries to present a wonderful setting for the grandfather of her child.
So we do have Linda in the mix. Obviously God, Amenadiel, Lucifer and Michael. That makes us five characters and four actors. Little Charlie also makes an appearance as far as I’m aware as the twin babies were on set and that also contributes on why the scene took so long to be shot. However the babies do not count as the sixth character. Chloe though does.
In short we have:
Another thing we should take into account for this scene is Rafferty’s posted script page of the midseason finale.
While Amenadiel and Lucifer appear shocked and in awe, Michael seems rather pleased. I mean he literally ‘Grins with excitement’.
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Amenadiel in 5x03 said that the only one who was talking to the throne meanwhile Henderson as far as I remember in one of the post P1 interviews, revealed that God and Michael have a relationship that Lucifer wishes he had with Him. D.B on one of the virtual cons (or ET interview. I have issues with keeping track of them now) have said that the scene at the family dinner would be gut wrenching and absolutely fall down hilarious’.
So in this dinner we will get to know our characters more and as Ildy and Henderson have said Lucifer will go back being a 14 year old at the Thanksgiving table. That perhaps is the reason why the script episodes 510 and 511were reversed. The last time that had happened was in S1 in order for Lucifer’s vulnerability to not come too soon in the season. In the case of these two episodes I believe it has to do with Lucifer’s emotional state but also the constant collisions he will have with his father in the Family Dinner but also during the Musical episode.
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Another aspect to consider is that if 5x09 reminds us a lot of 1x10 -Pops right now and 5x10 the Musical episode is directly influenced by 2x16 - God Johnson.
The next section will now be dedicated to a quick recap of 1x10 - Pops and the possible connection to Michael and his story.
Michael in 5x09 teases Chloe as she is kept captive that there is a bigger plan and ‘Spoiler Alert’ it will be EPIC. That can be left alone as a promise to see more of that plan in S5P2 but before we go forward we should also go back in 2x04 - Weaponiser.
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Do you see the parallel? How far Uriel’s view of the ‘Patterns’ could go was always a meta I couldn’t crack. Sure Michael hinted as per one Anon hinted on Tumblr that Michael might have been the one to urge Uriel on Earth to kill Mum and hopefully Lucifer as well. It is also perhaps why we were reminded of Azrael’s Blade in 5x03 - Diablo with Baphament’s blade, the only blade that could kill the Devil. Perhaps that was Michael’s plan back then but it didn’t work out.
But is Michael the big villain? According to the showrunners no. There are more things happening but Michael has a reasoning, has a story, one that explains his deformity and is the hero of his own story as all  the other season ‘villains’ so far were. Mum, Amenadiel, Malcolm, Kinley, even Cain.
What the Interviews say about Michael:
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Beginning with the parallel between the dinner we had in 1x10’s dinner and plot, and in what may have in episode 5x09 I would like to remind you- 
- at this point I have censored some spoilers, not speculations, spoilers for episodes of P2 that will not be added in the S&S -
I’ll return to this topic and explore it thoroughly as the S&S are written but for now remember that 1x10 might tell us more than what we think right now and it might take us as a point of reference even up to 5x16.
Between 1x10 and 5x09 we can also wonder what are God’s intentions, can we attribute them all to Michael’s manipulation or it goes beyond that because the showrunners have promised us an emotional P2. I do believe issues are addressed and Lucifer will have to come face to face with some hard truths without that meaning that Dad was always right.
In the Pilot - wait.. Pilot? Yes, 5x09 is an episode that slowly builds us to the very end. There are spoilers and references that need to be addressed from past and future episodes before and after 5x09.
We need to address that in the Pilot, Lucifer told Delilah the very truth he uttered to Linda where he was concerned in S4 (4x08). God has nothing to do with your mess. Like Delilah, Lucifer was putting the blame to others, circumstances and even questioned God. He was wasting his eternal life and his talent, which he eventually found in crime solving.
On cue we get to the scene with Chloe asking God what she is doing to a bar with Lucifer. And what follows is Chloe telling Lucifer how she saw things differently from everyone and she paid for it. That story for me at least rings a bell.
We still do not know why Lucifer was cast out, the actual reason. No matter the sexescapeding with Eve or the rebellion what was the core of all that acting out as Linda called it in season 2? Whatever it was if we go back to 3x11 we will see that Chloe in the Pilot is basically Lucifer in 3x11.
They feel alone, misjudged and while Chloe tries to move on and later in S1 finds what actually happened, in Lucifer’s case he gives up on waiting for forgiveness from his Father until Michael comes, and tells him that even his Fall was a manipulation.
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In Pops Lucifer asked something very interesting what did the sous chef wanted? And the answer was to surpass Pops. I do wonder if that’s what Lucifer wanted in a way and of course Michael on Lucifer’s expense. Two ‘children’ fighting for attention but only one was groomed to take over.
Speaking of taking over at the end of the episode of 1x10 we learn that Pops despite what Junior had done still had his son in his mind for taking over the restaurant. Pops believed in his son but allowed him space to grow eventually when everything failed.
If you remember Zadkiel’s spoiler we see that in 5x15 for some reason Lucifer wants to re-join the Host. That aside from a reconciliation shows that like Junior, Lucifer for his own reasons - we do not know what has happened but we will go back to that in the S&S of 5x15 - wants what divine power has to offer.
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What happens next is again interesting -censored-. I just want you to see how we do not deal with standalones but everything progresses towards a point, a familiar yet innovative point for the series.
In episode 2x01, Lucifer asks mockingly an offended Chloe who did she thought he took after, his Dad? That happened because Lucifer believed to have taken more after his mother but as we know genetics is a funny thing, Celestial genetics even more so.
God’s absence from Lucifer’s life shaped him. He did drove Lucifer to become something he wasn’t but after 4.5 seasons can we claim that Lucifer and God are nothing alike? 
Maze I believe was spot on on the similarities God and Lucifer held.
Lucifer believes in justice, in truth and is able to love. He has been more of an Angel than any non fallen Angel has ever been so far. 
Amenadiel tricked a dead human to kill Lucifer thus condemning him again in Hell however as we know from Charlotte’s case a redemption was not impossible. 
Uriel wanted to kill his mother and wouldn’t hesitate to kill Chloe in the process. Azrael is basically a liar and manipulator, Remiel would gleefully cut open a human for their half-celestial baby while Michael is really-really messed up.
So what has happened?
Like with Junior, Lucifer was pushed by his Father to become the man he is today. And Lucifer likes what he is, who he is because he sees the change and is even afraid of not being real when that change is questioned or exposed to him.
The same happened with Amenadiel, once he decided to embrace humanity and brotherhood. He changed for the better and became more ‘angelic’.
So yes, Junior’s story does apply to Lucifer on many levels. But Junior didn’t have that dinner with his Father, Lucifer will as they will do two more of his siblings. Some will be hurt, some will feel betrayed and some may walk out.
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Which brings us to a very big question. 
Was Mum truthful when she said to Lucifer, his Dad wanted to destroy him? If the answer is yes, how will both deal with that? Because Lucifer may have not totally believed Mum.
If that answer comes to play we should consider it as the common question children come forward to when they learn they were not planned or their parents had opted at first to have an abortion. The fact that they didn’t get on with the abortion or had willingly made a child does affect their feelings towards that child now? Do they regret it? Do they want what that child has become?
These are all tough questions and sometimes the answers are not easy either. Mainly because humans like celestials with human emotions as it seems, are secure and balanced only with the totality of a circumstance. Everything or nothing, the rest in between are not welcome and it’s bound to hurt.
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Finally, on this 1x10 weird reminisce. Can we say that Lucifer will be allowed in the end to create something that represents him? I think he may but more about that in 5x16 S&S.
Probably the story will not end with redemption but with Lucifer finally becoming his own person one that resembles a lot of Dad and Dad may accept or even encourage that path. That does not mean he will start anew though
Which brings us back to the adversary of 1x10 - Pops. The sous chef believed that Junior was not worthy of his father’s tolerance and reward so she made sure to destroy his reputation and went as far as trying to kill him. That sounds a lot like Michael.
Michael’s speech towards Maze about what was happening in the Silver City in 5x02 did echo the sous chef words:
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So we should wonder if Michael will succeed to a point to ruin Lucifer’s chances and leave Lucifer live with the consequences in the end as our hero learns to move on from whatever injustice happened or the writers will provide a catharsis.
And a final question here… Is Amenadiel really the favourite son? I somehow doubt that, perhaps I’ll be proved wrong as in many interviews Henderson has gone back to Amenadiel’s arc as he learns he is the ‘favourite’ and so far he has not said anything to contradict the belief 2x17 brought to us with so many translated Sumerian words.
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But as we said teh Dinner will not be cathartic on the contrary so does that mean that Lucifer eventually walks away? Probably.
At the photos that were posted near Christmas we have two bts one crystal clear and the other more hazy which shows Lucifer at the Penthouse and Dad being there in his white cardigan. I do suspect that meeting at the penthouse happens after the dinner but it does not resolve things between Father and son. it is also possible that it’s why we need the very emotional scene from the musical to be moved forward and 511 script to become 5x10 aired episode.
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Perhaps the comment on it’s not just Lucifer who hits the keys was referring to Dad and not Maze in 5x01.
Although we cannot be sure on what will happen in the penthouse and whether Scarlet was meant to join that scene or simply was on set for the day (highly probable) for another scene, we do know that in this episode we had a LUX night. A most perhaps unconventional one.
By this point you know that the writers are ready to address everything or at least make parallels and so somehow we have one with 1x09 - A Priest Walks Into A Bar. This time however it is seems like God Walks Into His Son’s Bar.
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If the camera is clear enough we can see God (?) talking to a white person. I would have loved it if it was Dan but I cannot tell for sure.
Whether that visit happens before or after the family dinner I believe it may happen before as the clothes Dennis wore at the lot around that time were different from the white we saw him appear with in the end of 5x08. Of course that does not say much as we will see Dad in the same/similar white clothes in at least three different episodes in Part 2.
Therefore in the conclusion of this S&S we should speculate that the Dinner is placed at the middle of the episode and a resolution is reached for Deckerstar in the end of the episode but Lucifer’s turmoil did fit better through the musical episode hence the change. 
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