#Lucky the Cat
squishmittenficfan · 10 months
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Happy Black cat appreciation day to my own little furry hooligan, Lucky.
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memeclassheroes · 4 months
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My darling girl lost her vision in her left eye this morning. We're taking her to the vet shortly to see what's wrong and hopefully we can get her right as rain soon enough. Please send her love so that she may keep her strength in this time.
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wilwywaylan · 13 days
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Happy Barricade Day where our lovely characters have fun in the park and go to a protest that goes perfectly well before going to the park and laying in the grass and everything is perfect and...
I had that idea floating around since Feuilly's week last year, and this is as good a Barricade Day drawing as any :D I call it the "Because" drawing because of the pose they used during the song "Because" in the movie "Across The Universe".
That one took "only" 19 days to do, and I'm very, very proud of it !!!
Bahorel's awesome shirt comes from @crow-songs-at-dawn.
Happy Pride, everyone !
That one also has a text by @crow-songs-at-dawn that goes with it !
Nothing or no-one could resist Prouvaire's puppy eyes. This was a well-known fact among the Amis : when their resident dreamer wanted something really, really badly, he'd use his ultimate weapon. Even R knew to stop ranting about the bleakness of life and the futility of the cosmos when those heterochromatic eyes turned to him. So when Montparnasse felt the puppy eyes turn on him, he crossed his arms and shook his head.
No. It's not happening.
A picnic in a park with all your friends sounds like a special kind of hell. Will I have to sign a petition?
Three, at least.
Oh joy.
Must you be so dramatic? It's just for an afternoon, it'll change from your usual nightly hobbies, I know. Montparnasse rolled his eyes and :
I'm not sure I'd enjoy spending all that time having Enjolras look at me like a disapproving parent, or lecturing me about something or other that really doesn't need to be his problem.
I know he can be intense.
He likes the sound of his own voice. A bit like - whatshisname - Alphabet Boy. Prouvaire cocked his head and tried to hide a smile.
You're just being difficult on purpose. You like R and don't even try to deny it.
Not enough to share a martini with.
You don't share martinis with me, either.
You don't like martinis.
I like you when you've had a few, though…
Flirting won't get me to say yes to -
But Prouvaire didn't let Montparnasse say another word before pushing him down on the bed and kissing him. They were still undressed and it was a sunny summer morning, and kissing Montparnasse was always one of Prouvaire's favourite things to do. Usually because it got his grumpy night-owl boyfriend to mellow out and smile. Ah, there was the smile he was looking for, along with a crinkle in those dark eyes.
Me trash-talking your friends turns you on a little, does it?
Only because I know you're not really serious.
Is that a challenge? Alright then. Someone really should tell Pontmercy that the entire "starving student with a heart of gold" aesthetic wasn't cool even when it was.
No-one says "cool" anymore, 'Parnasse.
Of course they do. What they don't say anymore is anything on the lines of "fantastic" or "amazing", or whatever else Mothman seems to have read in Pride and Prejudice. Or those wierd interjections Joly seems to emit like some sort of human shaped infrawave.
Prouvaire couldn't help but smile and placed a kiss on Montparnasse's collarbone.
You're horrible.
Promise, I won't tell them you find me hilarious.
I'm dating a criminal, I like to live dangerously.
I applaud your bravery. But I'm still not spending the afternoon with them. Seeing so much sweetness makes my teeth ache.
Cosette and Marius are adorable, I know.
Still amazes me she'd choose him, she seemed to be the only sensible one of your group. I suppose appearences are decieveing, she chose Eponine as well, after all.
So did you at some point, if rumours are true. Did Montparnasse feel the tell-tale signs of a blush creeping up his neck? If he did, he ignored them and countered with a cocky grin.
The same rumours like those who say you and Muscle Man had a burning romance before he turned his sights to the resident squirrel?
Well, you've seen the muscles Bahorel has, you can understand the attraction.
Hmmm… I've seen more attractive since.
Now who's attempting flattery?
Prouvaire managed to slip out of bed and out of Montparnasse's arms. It was soon going to be time to leave if they were going to be on time for the picnic. Everyone would be bringing a dish and he'd spent a good chunk of the previous evening making rice salad and some special brownies. Enjolras would frown at the extra ingredient but even he would eat some because he was nowhere near as tight-laced as Montparnasse tended to think. Rummaging through his drawers while getting dressed he found something he'd forgotten he ever had and threw it towards the bed, smiling as the other young man caught the object. And then turned those pretty brown eyes towards him.
How are heart-shaped sunglasses supposed to make me change my mind?
They're not, I just think you'd look really really good in them. You'll be turning heads.
I do that already.
Sue me for wanting to show you off. There came an almost amused laugh. This was a very good sign - he could read Montparnasse like an open poetry book and they'd be on their way to Montsouris Park together. He just needed a little more time.
Come on, get up.
Jehan. I'm not coming.
Please? Don't you want to see how verbose R can get after a couple of space brownies?
Does the man ever shut up is the thing I'm more interested in.
Bossuet and him have been known to talk an entire night, I've been witness to a few of those conversations, and Musichetta has said so herself.
Why are all the women in this friend goup attracted to wierdos?
Says the one who dated Eponine.
Better dating 'Ponine than, I don't know, Pontmercy. I'd have died of boredom.
Oh, you'd have found a thousand ways to spice things up. So, will you be wearing black, or black to our little picnic?
I hate you so much.
Montparnasse finally relented and got out of the messy bed and started to dig through his clothes. Those damn puppy eyes had won again.
I swear if Gavroche says one single thing about these sunglasses, I'm gone.
You get riled up so easy by a ten year-old.
He's extremely annoying. Perhaps Feuilly can take him on his next boring museum trip and lose him there. Prouvaire came closer and grinned, playing with the heart-shaped sunglasses on Montparnasse's nose.
You're finding less and less reasons to rag on my friends, it's funny.
Some are less annoying than others.
You didn't find anything to say about Courfeyrac, I noticed.
He wears a bowtie.
The audacity~
Happy Barricade Day, everyone :D
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pixeldolly · 2 months
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The Mori household
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gnarrwhals · 4 months
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Baby girl
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yelmosaur · 8 months
I draw these cats a lot actually
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bakso-bakar · 9 months
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hey guys i love them
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51-queer-frogs · 10 months
hell yeah someone put this together, truly a masterpice.
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gay-ass-cats · 8 months
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I am grinning ear to ear
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birdthebanana · 8 months
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It's been a fun ride, but alas, we've reached the final day of CRINGETOBER. For the last prompt I've given in into my seasonal brain rot and went all in with Magic Cat Academy. Happy Halloween!
(From 31/10/2023)
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gee-arid · 1 year
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The google cats share boba tea!!!! I love them!!! Skrimblos!!!!
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lollipopsie · 1 year
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cat gfs getting boba with SO many pearls
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wilwywaylan · 2 months
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Happy JBM week, I put them in a bottle to shake them around ! Poor them, how will they get out...
Of course Bossuet gets one of those stupid ParAs sweatshirts. Because I can.
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dandyonmain · 10 months
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Found out today that the cats from the sports island and witch academy google doodle games are implied to be girlfriends or at least close buddies in another google doodle game where they get one boba tea to drink together, its a silly tiny thing but I thought it was cute.
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pixeldolly · 2 months
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