#Lucy Zipple
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I heard the news today: the bell tolls for thee
I draw my pen: the pen tolls for thee.
Whose pen this is I think I know:
I played Doki Doki Literature Club.
Am I Yuri? Can I be Monika? Thou art more lovely
and more temperate. I draw my bottle.
I'm coming out of my cage and I'll be doing just fine,
but this time I took your reading list in mind,
the one in the dumpster (they told me that's how you
sent code to your wives.)
Ayn Rand, The Ethical Slut, Michael Crichton, The Bible,
Times New Roman, Margaret Atwood:
I read them all, or did i?
(i miss you. I'm beginning to talk the way I think you do now.
Can I be you again? Let me count the ways.)
I watched the TV show they made for you.
They said you kissed people
and then left.
I'm afraid I'm not as lovely, or as temperate.
Whose kiss this is I think I know.
Can I be the Lucifer to your Samael?
The Chloe to your Decker?
The Dexter to your Dexter's Lab?
I can't do what you do, angel hair,
but maybe I can become something more,
something they cannot kill,
a symbol,
a Dark Knight...
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and you guessed it: i was closely-related to my ex Lucy Zipple (deceased). just look at me and her dad! apparently there was some Pinoy on her dad's side of the family that goes way back. also Lucy was the same kind o' German that Alexis "Rex" Wood Trujillo was and we all know i'm related to THAT family, so there's that. i'm actually informed that the kind o' German that got mixed with the Trujillos was the EXACT SAME FAMILY that got mixed with these Zipples lmao. there are other connections too, but i'm a bit bored o' talking about her tbh. talking: that's what we call writing here in the year 2000. writing: that's what we call typing here in the year 2012, capiche? and you guessed it: i did a short study o' her face when she smiles sometimes and I've deduced that Lucy Zipple was also some kind o' ancient Greek
now this doesn't mean o' like her again all o' a sudden, capiche? she was still a mvrderer, mayabang, wealthy, a whyte nationalist, and o' course, whyte enough for me to make fun of despite us both being German Jews and you guessed it: we are/were also the same kind o' German-Jewish that Elana Belle Carroll-Manz (deceased) was. can't you tell by our various "Elana" demeanors wherein we "act like a child?" let's also never forget that her broader family was former n4zis once named Zippel (is that some kinda very-smart German Roman English moving-the-letters-around way o' escaping the law or transforming your name into another name?) which isn't bad in and o' itself considering my wife Lara is indirectly related to H1tler, but some o' them never stopped, capiche? but you guessed it: despite how closely-related i was to Lucy never forget that me and Lara are technically uncle and niece, twice-removed, in that order, capiche? as i love to say, though, we look nothing alike and exhibit very different phenotypes: a strong sign for any potential children!
i might update this post later with o' ancestral chart o' me, Lucy, and Elana all with German-Jewish "acting like babies" demeanors but you guessed it: Elana was also the same kind o' ancient Greek as Lucy what kinda looked like Kathy Najimy with the nose all crinkled cute when smiling. more on that later, but don't think that suddenly means i like Elana or Kathy Najimy all o' a sudden, capiche? 'cause you guessed, i'm also slightly that kind o' ancient Greek but just o' little bit...
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i'd love to make an hilarious comment section about Turkish history but i'm afraid it's extremely rusty, but you guessed it: what am i the Ottoman Emperor or something? that's about it. i know they came after the Seljuks, i know they scared the rest o' Europe, which i respect. i know the Greeks o' today hate that they were conquered, which i don't necessarily respect but i have no idea what Greece was up to during the middle ages, so there you have it. i mean, the Ottomans were an empire. were they empiring just to defend themselves from other empirers? was it a hobby? how come there aren't any Turkish-looking gunmen in the computer game Empire Earth? i spent so much time as a kid making anachronistic medieval and renaissance age maps in the scenario editor but kept sticking the later era gunmen on the Ottoman side because it never looked right with those spanish arquebusiers, and then i'd spend hours, sometimes days, doing weird stuff to try and balance the forces out. i'd have to skip the imperial age musketeers because they had crosses on their backs and i'd go right to the elite guard and grenadiers or whatever. those almost FEEL turkish, right? lol. but i digress
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looked through my pretend boyfriend's laptop again
using the internet or something. my dad helps me out.
wondered why he had so many pictures of him and elana,
elana and nico, nico and miles read,
miles and elana, miles and nico, gabe and salgado,
alex nathanson at the bat barn, but where am i?
(i actually found where he keeps me uwu)
is he a spy agent? i'm not sure, i can't get the thought out of my head
that they're all in Providence without me, the leader of the band.
"Where's Perri?" I imagine them asking, 24/7, 7 days a week.
he's in a new band where elana plays the bass drum and
nico plays the tuba. are they kissing without me?
it's not fair. where's grace marston? i at least kind of
look like her. i look like him too, but only sometimes.
grace marston is white. i wish i were white like elana,
instead i'm like my boyfriend: an anarchist rogue.
i saw them play once in baltimore, behind a giant dumpster i think.
it was outside. he wasn't wearing any sleeves.
what did they do to him? what did they make with his clothes?
where's lucy zipple?
at least i kind of look like lucy zipple.
she makes duck face like me.
elana only made big mouth face
where she'd open her tiny mouth as tall as possible.
i didn't see elana make big mouth during the show.
i think i saw miles read on the tritoms, but his hair was long
like my boyfriend's and he was really tan.
i think i saw my boyfriend on the tritoms at some point too,
when miles read let his hair down.
i don't know how they switched out so quickly.
i ran away as fast as possible when i saw him but
i took some secret pictures.
i hope he downloads them from my laptop
using the internet too
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