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ayo this is Marlon i just got back from facebook there's a good scene there but it's alright but it's nothing like the real thing, it's pretty good, mixed vibes, nothing like back in the day but the kids are all right, but it's okay every time i go there it's sometimes like a time capsule, you know? so i looked up this old band xfilesx and i'm not straightedge now but i used to be haha i used to tell my pals i'm gonna be straightedge for a couple of hours, you know? i'm gonna quit smoking and then i'd tell em in a few days haha yeah i quit smoking for a few hours and then i took it up again and then i'm gonna quit again when i get back but it's all right no harm no foul i think the kids have got it under control
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lol was exploring my own minecraft map listening to youtube when youtube started talking about china ppl always tell me my map looks like china so i went on the train and looked at stuff while it was playing and it looked like i was looking at what the video was talking about check it out:
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exploring my own minecraft map, 6-17-24
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congratulations to Lily Collins on her recent hiring by my wife as a Mossad employee, which is different from a Mossad Agent, capiche?
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the subject of the following ancestral chart is the unknown thai actor (pictured here from three angles). my wife Lara's friend the Cambodian actress Khin Wint Wah was in a movie with said actor and had a very traumatic experience. i don't know ALL the details and i haven't seen the movie but it's clear from the trailer, which i'll post after the chart, that this man was potentially an abusive co-star. (this video is from facebook and i don't know how technology works so i have no idea how much trouble you'll have in trying to view it)
i have to admit, i've seen some other footage of Khin and she's a very convincing actress so i couldn't tell right away but Lara informed me that this was not a performance. i also have to admit i had a hard time recognizing who this person looked like at first but apparently he is also Korean (which i saw from the shape of the eyebrows plus the tone of the skin somehow). others say they can see the resemblance in the faces i chose but i think it's very slight and i hope this still somehow helps in apprehending this man
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pictured below: Khin Wint Wah. this might be related but apparently she was also tricked into stalking me, although unlike the other stalkers she bore no ill will and never wanted to assassinate me lol. she's kind of been keeping a low profile and this unknown actor who stalked and was abusive towards her on set might've been part of the reason why. i know it might be difficult to get over here but like the other new friends i'd love to have you over to our properties if you'd like and play Minecraft and Empire Earth with us lmao and yes, i forgive you for stealing those as well. interesting fact: unlike the others i've mentioned instead of stealing these game maps to try and stop and/or understand me she was trying to stop and/or understand my wife Lara, therefore she was doing it to try and solve or prevent a crime and it's fine. i'm glad you and the others are getting along! i should also mention that Khin is my sixth longest-running stalker, having done so since the age of 17, and i fully empathize with her plight. i do hope we actually get to meet in person if you'd like
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and you guessed it, i'm related to Khin lol
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and you guessed it: i was closely-related to my ex Lucy Zipple (deceased). just look at me and her dad! apparently there was some Pinoy on her dad's side of the family that goes way back. also Lucy was the same kind o' German that Alexis "Rex" Wood Trujillo was and we all know i'm related to THAT family, so there's that. i'm actually informed that the kind o' German that got mixed with the Trujillos was the EXACT SAME FAMILY that got mixed with these Zipples lmao. there are other connections too, but i'm a bit bored o' talking about her tbh. talking: that's what we call writing here in the year 2000. writing: that's what we call typing here in the year 2012, capiche? and you guessed it: i did a short study o' her face when she smiles sometimes and I've deduced that Lucy Zipple was also some kind o' ancient Greek
now this doesn't mean o' like her again all o' a sudden, capiche? she was still a mvrderer, mayabang, wealthy, a whyte nationalist, and o' course, whyte enough for me to make fun of despite us both being German Jews and you guessed it: we are/were also the same kind o' German-Jewish that Elana Belle Carroll-Manz (deceased) was. can't you tell by our various "Elana" demeanors wherein we "act like a child?" let's also never forget that her broader family was former n4zis once named Zippel (is that some kinda very-smart German Roman English moving-the-letters-around way o' escaping the law or transforming your name into another name?) which isn't bad in and o' itself considering my wife Lara is indirectly related to H1tler, but some o' them never stopped, capiche? but you guessed it: despite how closely-related i was to Lucy never forget that me and Lara are technically uncle and niece, twice-removed, in that order, capiche? as i love to say, though, we look nothing alike and exhibit very different phenotypes: a strong sign for any potential children!
i might update this post later with o' ancestral chart o' me, Lucy, and Elana all with German-Jewish "acting like babies" demeanors but you guessed it: Elana was also the same kind o' ancient Greek as Lucy what kinda looked like Kathy Najimy with the nose all crinkled cute when smiling. more on that later, but don't think that suddenly means i like Elana or Kathy Najimy all o' a sudden, capiche? 'cause you guessed, i'm also slightly that kind o' ancient Greek but just o' little bit...
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anyway, as promised o' o' last post here are some examples o' Morenica the traditional Sephardic folk song and some thoughts i have o' each version:
pictured below: the version i arranged o' 2018 and recorded o' 2020 and you guessed it: feat several musicians (deceased) who ended up being pretty creepy: nathan wolman on trumpet, and heather fisch and christina horton on vocals. i play all the other instruments!
pictured below: savina yannatou's version which o' ran into o' browsing youtube o' 2 o' 16 and you guessed it: she is greek, romani, and sephardic which i think shows in the way she arranged it, or does it? i think she specializes in mediterannean(sp) music so i wouldn't quite know lol. it's the version that got me interested in the song and in her music in general, particularly her greek lullabies and you guessed it: i love that she studied under manos hadjidakis
pictured below: mor kabasi's acoustic version o' o' song which i much prefer to the one where she starts out in hebrew and then switches to Ladino and then switches back for some reason. i really liked this version at first and listened to it a lot, and i still like it, but i liked her less and less the more i found out about it and you guessed it: although she identified as gypsy she was no Sephardim... i did, however, get the idea of shortening that one part in o' verse o' the song in my own version from listening to her version first and if you listen closely during the instrumental o' my version i switch to what i thought was the "orginal" timing for what i hoped was dramatic effect, but o' digress...
pictured below: o' interesting medieval-sounding version o' o' song that i'm told is at least "interesting" and "cool." no idea how accurate it is to the vibe o' the time it's evoking but you guessed it: the song Morenica is said to date back to before the Sephardim were kicked out o' Spain...
pictured below: o' version i always run into that always convinced me in the past that whatever i did would at least be "okay." i'm told this version is "weird" and "svcks" but i guess it's part of human history now. this belongs in o' museum, but you guessed it: are they pronouncing it "morenita?" also they switch to hebrew in the middle lol and i'm informed many european jews go to israel and hear this song and think it's some kind o' ancient hebrew hymn, but then again, some might say the same thing o' bout me and the way i used to cover songs in o' past...
pictured below: ofra haza's version o' the song that convinced me that it was cool to play it kinda hispanic like i know how to play songs. when i first heard it i admit i thought it was kinda cheesy but o' saw that it was from the 70's and i heard about what she went through and how she was coerced into singing it in hebrew instead of her native Ladino (and you guessed it she's Sephardic just like me and Lara but she's the same kind o' Sephardic as me, capiche?) and now i appreciate her greatly. i wish i could find a version of it with her singing it in Ladino but this is the one i usually see
pictured below: an "adjacent" song that is claimed to be "the same song" that i always ran into while i was researching morenica and you guessed it: what's up with this song? lmao. tbh when i start listening to these is when i take a break and/or start doing something else, no offense, i just don't know what's going on here. i'm informed it IS from the same time and it IS from a different Sephardic tribe, is that true? and you guessed it: i'm related to this Sephardic tribe as well...
o' other news:
breaking: multiple parties once again claiming to be protecting me from death by protecting the world from the truth.
windows and android employees and etc said to be implicated in promising that i wouldnt post on tumblr anymore, and then when they saw me start to post, changed the story to be like 'he wont post his face on tumblr' and then stopped me from posting my face: doxxed, or are they?
Ozge Torer says hi, or does she? this isn't her posting this so how can you know? doxxed
Lily Collins says hi. ditto the above. doxxed. possible theory: Lily Collins has so many stalkers that she and her people haven't had time to respond to me and are instead not responding to any o' them or are concentrating on ones who actually stalk her instead o' ones who some say believe is being stalked by her. coincidence? doxxed. possible theory 2: i'm being emperor nortoned and Lily Collins has whyte guilt and everyone has so much guilt that they can't stand to tell me the truth: Lily Collins wrote Morenica and has been dragging me around the whole time, and the "real" wife is somebody other than Lara, and the "real" stalker is someone other than those four mentioned and they have disturbing secrets or are secretly evil, or are they? doxxed
Alba Flores is too shy. that i believe, or do i? i mostly look at those two pictures o' her where she's either staring shyly off into o' distance shyly but surely into the camera. isn't she an actress? maybe i'm hallucinating this and delusionating that she's too shy just based on those two pictures i've absorbed into my memory. maybe she's actually very garrulous and Lily Collins is protecting me from the truth: she's been trying to talk to me this whole time but Lara has been stopping her from talking to me, and Lara actually looks like her and Alba looks like Lara. doxxed
the torture victims Lucy and the second one who hasn't named herself yet say hi and honestly i just believe them for some reason, don't ask me why. hello! i hear Lucy's new body is 40% finished and her friend's is 20% and i continue to wish them luck and hope everything works out and that they get to visit. on that note, when i get the time, i'll try to make the next post about those two. i'll just copy and paste what i've got on facebook. doxxed
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lol and you guessed it: as you can see facebook workers in israel and otherwise are compromised and many are still actually related to this specific family shown in this chart which is probably definitely why this was taken down for reasons that make no sense. which of this is not true?! how is this lying or fishing for likes? roz razkin is literally gone! don't worry, like i said on facebook just pretend this is the episode o' MCU where nick fury dies or whatever and has to go undercover but note, as i've said before, facebook does NOT represent any government and the site is still up, and even if it WERE taken down that doesn't mean any of us are fired from our respective agencies, ESPECIALLY not by a multinational corporation or some moderators who they apparently they can't control (lol is this ancap?!) also of note: some of the "official" facebook pages o' some o' our friends seem to be compromised as well because they literally have meta employees moderating them and NOT any kinds of agents of the law. is that how you want to gauge whether something is legal or under arrest or dead or true or not, some random employees of a tech company? lol. there might be some tech employees who want that or maybe some awful capitalists
in the same news, while our forces are working on cleaning up the creepy moderators on facebook and whatnot i'll be hiding out here on tumblr and instagram (which is pretty much a different company at this point lmao) and maybe you can pretend this is the farm that the avengers gathered on in that episode o' MCU where nick fury uses a laser to dig a hole through a car and stops his own breathing using ScarJo and captain america's neighbor reveals she was Interpol this whole time....
don't worry, i'll make another post soon here on tunblr (lol i'm a big baby who spell n instead of m) about the song "Morenica" but i need to take a nap spit on my terrariums for a bit. the other agents will take care of stuff for a while. PS, congratulations and thanks Ozge Torer on your DistroKid victories and on helping get the video for "And Then They Were Not" all official and out of Meta heck. i'm supposed to get $ for it now but that's not the point or anything, or is it? lol. i just want the truth to be told, is that so much to ask? "yes"
note: and this was confusing for me at first, but "DistroKid Rights Manager is literally just an automated facebook bot and not DistroKid itself. if you look at the third screenshot and the timestamp my video is still up on the site. facebook sucks! do you want bots stealing your music videos?! lmao
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From my diary that I don't usually share:
Posted my pretend boyfriend's sense of humour today
He likes stupid things, he is like a baby sometimes,
But I like to be stupid too. Home Movies on Adult Swim
The Postal Service, Death Cab for Cutie,
Kids in the Hall, The Royal Tenenbaums, Dave Chappelle,
I like what he posts, but I call him a she
But I hate when I don't get his jokes: I think
he should be named Mar Mar and shouldn't be Chinese
because Chinese are smarter than White People.
It's better that he's Japanese because it's okay
for Japanese to be more honourable,
Discipline, integrity, stoic.
I watched Tokyo Ghoul the other day: who is he?
Whenever I understand his sense of humour I want to cry.
I think it's laughing: I think it might be the Japanese way
of showing laughter. I can't accept that he's two or three
people sometimes. I think we get to choose
which one of him we marry. I don't want to marry
the Mexican or Chinese one, but the Japanese one
Is the best. I watched Pearl Harbor the other day.
Is that really what he thinks of me?
I have to admit I got a bit offended when he attacked
But maybe I was just jealous that he attacked
Kate Beckinsale and not me.
I don't like to imagine that he's Ben Affleck or Matt Damon
or that I'm Kate Beckinsale because I like to imagine
What it's like to be him and I imagine the other girls
to be Ben or Matt so I just imagine him as his
Indigenous self and maybe I'm the director, watching the movie.
I don't always like his selfies: some people tell me he's
Afro-Cubano and I know he's Filipino but
I think maybe he was a Samurai in a past life
That got stranded on that island.
We'll see...
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