#The Bottle Tolls for Thee
ineffablymanic · 11 months
@noneorother your The Metatron manipulation meta series drove me slightly insane so I wrote these notes last night while half delirious from sleep before I forgot them. I would've sent you a msg or ask but alas those were blocked so here's a post instead (warning S2/S3 speculation spoilers down below):
Before the Beginning 
Did The Metatron make Aziraphale fly to Crowley? To introduce them, to make Aziraphale see how lovely angel Crowley was? To crave how happy he used to be?
Crowley had a written permission directly from God to cause destruction. Aziraphale had NO reason to be there and act all high and mighty… Unless The Metatron planted him there 
After revealing the crow-goats, Aziraphale notes he knew the angel Crowley had been, playing into The Metatron's pocket, pointing out his (heavenly) goodness
The ox rib scene, while it may have superficially counted as a temptation, it was an event that strengthened their mutual trust 
Together they fooled the angels and saved Jobs kids. Crowley refuses to take Aziraphale to Hell, even after he disobeyed the Heavenly Plan and lied to his siblings. Once again making Aziraphale wonder why this demon had Fallen in the first place
Like you said, the Edinburgh flashback didn't have that dramatic introduction. I'm guessing it didn't need manipulation, Crowley went overboard with his good deeds and got punished for it, the unfairness of which Aziraphale recalls, horrified, in a later scene.
Why did they go to the club? The day was long and stressful enough, almost getting blown up in a church. Why didn't Crowley just fuck off when the bottles were broken, who the fuck cares? Aziraphale saw his chance to pay back to him, sure. Crowley was truthful and encouraging his magic act skills, and they strengthened their bond of trust even more.
This is super duper far fetched, but I thought the Nazi zombies were way too decomposed if their bodies were just a few hours old. Their limbs shouldn't have fallen off. Obvi it could've been just for the comedic effect, or... Did The Metatron plant them, too? And the effects of Hell took their toll in the replays? Aziraphale sucks at sleight of hand. How many repeats it took for him to manage hide the picture?
 I'm hypothesizing The Metatron went through all this effort to make Aziraphale truly believe that not only did Crowley deserve to be restored as an Angel, but that it could be allowed and possible, he's Too Good to be a Demon. And now he has one experience where he has saved Crowley from Hell's punishment, so in future he may feel that same rush of hope again.
These things just came to mind, some curious and odd stuff. My deduction skills are insignificant nor do I have the education in media literacy so I live vicariously through all the talented meta miners who dig up all the clues and references this lovely show has to offer. I commend thee 🫡
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minarcana · 1 year
@ichoric / i meant to write affection but i got carried away.
Minfilia's fallen ill, which really shouldn't surprise anyone. She's been isolated for a long time and since breaking free, been under great stress for most of the time. Urianger feels like he's the only one who isn't shocked that it took its toll. He walks up to the room that became designated as 'hers' since she first set foot in the Shelves a mere visit or two ago. He's carrying tea and small snacks and, at the demanding behest of some of the pixies, a.... thing? in a glass bottle that has some beneficial charm for the newest playmate.
She's staring guiltily at him from where she's cocooned herself in blankets. "I thought thou would be asleep, child," Urianger says as he sets down his plate of accoutrements. Minfilia mumbles a reply, shrinking away from him. He sits at the edge of the bed, looking off to the side of her. "'Tis no concern if thou are not. I brought tea to ease thy symptoms, if thou would like to partake."
After a pause, Minfilia shuffles around and carefully sits up, keeping the blanket around her shoulders. Uringer smiles at her and gives a quiet word of thanks before he passes her the mug he brought. She takes it and holds it close to her before she drinks a little.
Urianger watches as she stares down for a good few beats. "...Thancred's mad at me," she says in a tiny voice, a bit hoarse. "I'm holding him up."
Urianger blinks in surprise then cannot help but let out a quiet laugh. "No, not at all, my dear." He feels a little bad for laughing, especially as she looks at him with big worried eyes. Sorry, it's just that... well, Thancred is a bit difficult, isn't he? Urianger really will have to bother him more about being gentler with Minfilia, even if he's unsure that will work. "Thancred simply expresseth his concern poorly. Thy illness giveth him deep concern that shapeth itself as stress, I do believe. Whatever it is, 'tis not anger at thee, I assure thee fully."
He can hope that will ease Minfilia's worry, now and in the future when Thancred doubtlessly continues to express worry in only the most confusing ways possible for a sheltered teenager. She mulls it over, at least. "But it's my fault he can't bring us back on the road."
Ah, yes. He forgot that was actually supposed to be a problem. Urianger leans and gives a conspiratorial stage whisper for the first clause of his rebuttal. "I shall tell thee a secret, Minfilia, thou should convalesce as long as thou can get away with, for my hope is that it forceth Thancred to rest as well, and I much preferreth when I can see thee both safe." He flashes her a quick smile. "Do not let it slip, lest Thancred's gunblade find its way to my throat, but I did send him on his current quest to ask the good neighbours for some herbs largely to keep him from wearing furrows in mine floor with his pacing. 'Twas all a trick of mine own rather than thy imposition."
He does need some more supplies, and some would be of aid to Minfilia's current case, so it's technically not a lie, but Urianger is also well aware Thancred will take about twenty times longer on this quest than if Urianger did it himself.
Urianger reaches over and gently lays his hand on Minfilia's head. He doesn't miss the second where she flinches away from him, but it's too late for him to stop the movement by the time he realizes. The touch is soft and he leaves his hand harmlessly on her crown for a second. She seems surprised, honestly. "Never shalt thou be a burden, 'tis my gladness to be a help and Thancred's greatest concern that thou survive."
She relaxes. It makes Urianger feel rather victorious, especially when Minfilia looks up to meet his eyes with the hint of a smile. There, he's accomplished something in the way of reassurance, in some way making Minfilia a little more at ease in Il Mheg. She shifts a little closer, tension ekeing its way out of her position, and Urianger sits in more comfortable silence with her, mentally figuring a list of books he thinks she would like, so he can offer something while here.
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artcallednaturalviews · 3 months
Rockstar Manhunt, So Say I
To go back
Scared in an alley
I’ve never felt the same pulse
In a game
Dead Souls just brutally hard
But scary
There is
I’m beyond Slender man sorry
And Five nites
The scare to terrify
Breath thee only sound
Creep willfully!
That was like PS2
Without prescription drugs
Extravagant attack
Small clovers killed
Just pulled out
Contracts of
Rockstar manhunt
We go back
For arena
Nother day of death
Pull out roll in grab a plastic bag
Eerily subjugated causalities
Early synapse
With filigree top head never cut sprinkled
over to a side pedigree chained to a golf cart spouting of words off like a sprig engine
Killing for a taproot
And let’s kill on
Rockstar make a Netanyahu game
It will be just for killing numbing
Play on
You fore’s are thee abundantly handicapped
In missiles leading mislead humans
And a whole even taxed abundantly tied
Connected arms
Around a World
For I tell and toll
In my crosshairs
With out
Ex producer
My country
Yet soon
My nativity
So help me
Dear baby Jesus
What the fuck is with
Standers of Trump
God help Them
So on and more for the ones just don’t understand!
Dang it !
Oh my God
So speak to all of US
Hold the Bible again Trump!
Day after day
Fourth of July!
Still partying
Do say rump T
I’m not done !
Did you yelp for yeti!
Criss cross the Trump into thinking back again
All the simple plays in America. I’m pointing from down under looking up at America
The coke bottle fell from the sky
No fake Moon land necessary
Eat tha chumbs and crackers
Slithery sinnestars
Sin the nest of ours so sly
In all digestions
Could agree?!
We need boxed up shit
In all atmospheres
Holding the smells
Under concrete decomposing
De fore under oppression from the evil Hamas therefore Governing ruling over and Palestinians dinning in the mathematical process covered in rubbish ties too
….i can believe
Trump involved
Add Putin
Sew through threads North Korea
Set your place marker after the fourth!
The World is Ours!
Wrong harbors & haircuts
Fuck you
Bill Kim Jong Un You
And the Provider’s
From South America
They may be, they could be, while holding that fob for seat placement
When it lights up
You now know your place
Seek the drugs
Oga bunga style
Say please, me
Say what
Say what
Thought from beginning creeping back
You can love some one
Take ‘em out of focus
No longer a problema’
: words from my American Terminator @
In parenthesis
(My problems are my own through all the ages even with magical Moon landings and don’t forget about the food pyramids and the just thee excuse for medical insurance not living up to doctored standards or the carrying out of eating desserts as the lonely spread the lower bottom rungs in this task carried out by thee upper above)
It’s all Marketing!
She said
And then sum!
Over and since 1920’s again
Well that’s a hundred years of same ol
Dust bowls
Tornados all else where
Hurricanes for land masses
I tape it on
With duck or duct
I’m confused now
As when laughing at Satie
In a comedy
A writers missed constitution
You are Wallace and Ladmo!
Sue me Trump Rump T
Come on
Come one
Sue me Trump Rump T
Come one
Come on
Big ass Sally
Letting the glide right in
Make it open forum
Make it open forum!
Add your sneer ( )
You bully!
Trump from Apprentice
Give the show out stories!
They don’t exist apparently
You none parent
Formulate riding on Underscored
It’s easy to see!
I’m bringing the Ace suit!
For bringing humans for killings
Like a vide game
(You shouldn’t reach out)
(Nah, reality)
(You shouldn’t reach out)
(Nah, reality) (You shouldn’t reach out)
(Nah, reality) (You shouldn’t reach out)
(Nah, reality) (You shouldn’t reach out)
(Nah, reality)
(You shouldn’t reach out)
(Nah, reality)
Tripled finger above
Look closely up above
Watch the head lines
For a Manhunt from Rockstar again!
Hope prey before gta 6
I will do tha Macreana
Manhunt 2
Manhunt II (tha second)
It’s been done
A story to the mayhem
Just a sum thang in something more scored
(Your own breathing was in first soundtrack)
As the last
Speak up again it’s been 2000 add 24 years
Don’t say it like that!
Last stab carried for
Two thousand and twenty four years ago
I stated & punched oiled buttons
Without a healing potion
Art for more gain
Had healing powers
Let’s combine
Ohh tha Silo’s
[Let’s prey pray upon tha masses of disease and buying into tha conglomerates to make themselves feel special especially against the reported enemies while trying to overcome the entities of leadership reminding thee to kill others before self]
My words granted by Trump rump T
Point all Nuclear wares towards tha Moon
Thee after shock will
Take out Republicans pelican the easy and touched in swallowing, former Dear President Trump {he said [I took acceptances only after being paid], I’m always everywhere no never elsewhere without tie jacket and long sleeves
He said I’m just a man
Please allow me to take shoes socks and pants off
Jung Un
Will cease to exist!
And some little girls and boys
The reaches of Woman
In the Arts
Has been ridiculed by Man
Openly define!?
Not a can I tie my own shoe test
Or what did I eat this morning
Define, Openly
It is after the debate
But you, and bretheren and Some Dis Social
Other Democrats
Easy dones
Simple drones
It’s all s and s
For former
Putin Nazi-ism add Jong Un
Nobodies of Hamas
You tied with Netanyahu too
So say I
Rockstar Manhunt, So say So say I
Rockstar Manhunt, So say So say I
Rockstar Manhunt, So say So say I
Rockstar Manhunt, So say So say I
Rockstar Manhunt, So say So say I
Rockstar Manhunt, So say So say I
Rockstar Manhunt, So say So say I
Rockstar Manhunt, So say I
Like a Trump ex President
Don’t grope me
Or poke my stomach in a Boys Room
I have been assaulted!
Never like Covid
Took it out on others!
Rump T dance needed now
And fast
Due the steps you all
Bombs on children and other civilian lives
Through domesticated America formication
In allies ( that says really all lies) dependent on the out reach
What frame you in mind?
I speak upon conglomerates and political figures
And those in the sames
But senates seat for forever
Well that should be calculated as wrong and not above
Stupid American zombie
The book of ZAS
States:£\ Established when eating brains started
(brought by non Frasiered haircut man lowered the regulations, he then shut down UNITED STATES OF AMERICA & to add to the mayhem
it was behind
Bulletproof glass
He was standing in front
Pointed them towards
Thee esculation
Deferring deflowering stated by built a building belonging to the same Country
It’s our lower case a-Merica mess
It’s mixed & fucted UP
I please, I pledge aggressively
I plead, I piss
I subtly, fuck you
I Abruptly say
I pledge Allegiance to my Flag!
No test needed
But let’s compare minds
For your sakes!
A sorry Atari
Flick Commadore54
Only a PS
Grabbed my attention
Finger Nintendo
And grasping X Box
But obnoxious in controller size
And not just the hand holder purchased merchandise
Ask thee ex pose the ex spouse
But cordially
The public broadcasting stations are still needed
And some frontiers
Ended in public branding’s
Those names at thee ends!
Oh awe oh ho La ga in which a tha flavors for the Mari mi Maro lar go
As Marlboro Will considering
I’m connected
Wenever considered!
Wenever considered
We never considered
Oh really
I was born to wear pomp owns pawns as
In the like of what they thoughts
The pops of trumps grope
As stated from get-fore or as in be-fore’s
Emigrate golfing ties
Fork her Rocker
In above symbol!
(It’s mine in calibration with Apple)
I’m punching in oils for in prognosis
I’m not tha Doctor
For de-ablitated
See my symbol
Full bodied above now!
(A dedication for we all CONNECTED)
Taxes, son’s & daughter’s; it’s enough
For numbers!
Holy overstated opera
Starvin’ Gazians
25 to one Israeli
Thumb next picture next
For the nest of US
No tin awe tee ya hoo
In aware of the change in quarter’s
Up holy America
And music, movies, games, books,
(Automobile, biker, tricycles, swings & slides for catastrophe in the all of U.S.)
Stocks bonds & colours
0 notes
human-antithesis · 2 years
Castrum Doloris
Lyrics: Perceive how our shadow and movitz mon frere Within a darkness en closes How gold and purple in the shovel there To gravel and rags disposes From his torment river charon waves And three times thereafter the digger of graves Ended it all this your last groan Therefore movitz come do what I grave Help raise our sisters? tombstone
Oh that wistful and forgotten place Under the branches that hushes Where time and death one hideous face Unites into ashes You who never once by envy was struck Although your time came when you ran out of luck Amongst the graves always narrows Enemy there armed with face carved in rock Gently breaking ones arrows
The little Bell tolling the grand Bells Groan Cantor with flowers in the gate And with the Bellowing prayer like Tone Hallows those who met their fate Path that leads up to this grand yard Of tombs Tramples on roses fading yellowing Bloom Moulding hoardings and biers Until this long black clad row of doom Deeply bows down in tears
Past on to rest fistfight and ball Gone is the love of your life At where the grass yet don't grow at all You look back at your buried wife She from wine and liquor parted today And with her all the joy that kept death away Bottle who will now command thee? Thirsty was she now have become deaths prey We are all thirsty as can be.
0 notes
infinitevariety · 4 years
With a cup of tea on his desk, some Bach playing on the gramophone, a good book in his hands, and Crowley out for the afternoon, Aziraphale takes a breath and relaxes.
It takes a considerable amount of his time to look after his books, including their general care and upkeep, organisation, and not selling any. Then there are the meals out, trips to the countryside, and nights in with Crowley. Plus the occasional trips further a field for choice blessings and such (choice being the operative word, now Aziraphale is a free agent). It all takes its toll, and Aziraphale doesn’t get as many opportunities as he would like to take some time for himself.
Sometimes what he wants—needs—to do is let go of all his obligations and take some time for himself. A long hot soak in the bath, an afternoon wandering The National Gallery, or, like today, a peaceful afternoon with a book.
Fate, it seems, has other ideas.
The bell above the bookshop door rings only a second before the door rebounds off the wall with a resounding bang. Aziraphale literally jumps in his seat, fingers tightening around his book. He looks up to see Crowley charging through the door, across the shop, and into the small kitchen. He is muttering and swearing under his breath and radiating tension.
“Everything alright?” ventures Aziraphale.
“Only got bloody malt vinegar, and that won’t do.” Cupboards are pulled open and slammed closed as Crowley speaks loud enough for Aziraphale to hear. “Ah!” he cries, before there is the final slam of a cupboard. “I’m just going to borrow this.” Crowley is holding up a bottle of white vinegar.
Without further fuss Crowley passes back through the shop and out the front door, which closes swiftly behind him.
Aziraphale sits for a moment, all the calmness he has carefully cultivated firmly disintegrating. He pushes down the unsettled feelings brimming inside of him. Instead, he reaches for patience as he reaches for his tea. Taking a sip, he pulls a face. In the time it has taken Crowley to blow through the shop like a tornado, his tea has gone from a the perfect temperature to tepid.
Heaving himself from the chair with a sigh, Aziraphale goes to the kitchen to make himself a fresh cup. The kitchen, of course, is a mess. Pots and pans, tins of tea leaves and jars of dried food litter the counter. Aziraphale takes 20 minutes and tidies up, putting everything back where it should be, before making himself another cup of tea.
As he lowers himself back into his chair, steaming cup of tea in hand, Aziraphale lets himself relax into the seat. It’s fine. He still has plenty of the day left. He will have time to himself.
Aziraphale has read thee pages and is about to turn a fourth when the bookshop door opens again. Thankfully with less aggression this time. Crowley strides over and collapses on the sofa.
“Hi, angel,” he says before pulling out his phone and scrolling.
Aziraphale blinks.
“Aren’t you supposed to be out and about doing—” Aziraphale isn’t actually sure what it is Crowley said he’d be doing, only that it involved not being at the bookshop… and white vinegar, apparently. “—something?”
“Yeahhhh.” Crowley draws out the word without looking up from his phone. “Didn’t pan out.”
“So, you’re back?” The calmness that Aziraphale has been nurturing freezes, heavy and uncertain in his chest.
“Mmmm,” hums Crowley.
For a few minutes, Aziraphale simply sits, waiting. Expecting Crowley to talk to him, engage him and demand his attention. When he doesn’t, the heavy uncertainty in Aziraphale’s chest eases slightly.
He can make this work.
Crowley being there changes the atmosphere considerably, but not necessarily in a bad way. If he remains occupied on his phone, Aziraphale can let himself be occupied with his book. He can still relax.
Aziraphale picks up his cup of tea—still hot, this time—and opens his book.
Five minutes. He gets five minutes.
“Ha! Oh, that’s good.” Crowley is looking at something on his phone.
Aziraphale pauses, unsure whether Crowley expects a response or wants to share whatever is so amusing with him. When nothing further comes, Aziraphale goes back to his book.
“Look at this, angel.”
Crowley turns his phone in Aziraphale’s direction and stretches across the space between them. Aziraphale looks at the screen, which shows an image of an elderly lady looking at what appears to be a computer. There are also some words about cookies.
“Yes?” he says, not really understanding.
“It’s a joke—because cookies are bits of computer data.”
“Oh, I see, yes. I can see why that would amuse you, my dear.”
Crowley grins at him, clearly pleased, before going back to his phone. Aziraphale fidgets in his chair and wishes he had a cookie. He spares another glance at Crowley before getting back to his book.
By now, Aziraphale has given up on the idea of the genuine relaxation he has been hoping for. Maybe next week, if he doesn’t open the shop on Thursday and sends Crowley on an errand to the other side of London, he can sneak enough time to himself for a bath.
“Whatcha reading, angel?”
Aziraphale looks up to see Crowley, phone gone and fingers tapping on his knees. Bowing to the inevitable, Aziraphale slips a bookmark between the pages and puts the book down.
“Nothing, my dear.”
“Do you want to do something?”
“Sure, what were you thinking?”
“Early dinner? My treat.”
Aziraphale smiles. Crowley knows he can never turn down food.
“Well,” he admits, “there is a new fusion place in Kensington that we really should try.”
Crowley all but bounces up from the sofa and offers Aziraphale his arm.
“We already have a table booked—let’s go.”
Aziraphale stands and takes Crowley’s arm, letting himself be led from the shop.
Next week. Next week Aziraphale will find the time to truly relax by himself.
Written for the Summer Omens challenge that @thetunewillcome was hosting back in August. IDK, this was about the quickest thing I’ve ever written because i have so much first hand experience.
(Series on AO3) (Sand) (Ice Cream) (Burn) (Camp) (Grass) (Pride) (Bloom) (Sunset) (Freckles) (Sweat) (Festival) (Snooze) (Lavender) (Lightning)
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mnthpprt · 4 years
Chapter 45: Skeletons In The Garden
It has been almost a week since I decided to give William a chance. More than that, I decided to earn his trust, no matter what it took. I think I am succeeding so far, but there is a price I have to pay. With every day we spend together in town, with every night we join our bodies into one, we become closer. Just as I have gained his trust, he is beginning to gain mine. I have to constantly remind myself why I came here, but then he looks at me with that smile, that light in his eyes... It takes all my effort not forget the reason I agreed to be with him in the first place.
I sleepily stumble around the kitchen in search of the jar of ground coffee, wearing nothing but William’s dressing gown. I borrowed it again last night to head back to my bedroom and fell asleep in it. Though the sleeves are way too long for me, the fabric is luxurious and soft, and I have taken up the habit of stealing it after our nightly activities.
A few minutes ago, William woke me up without bothering to knock on my door.  He said we were going somewhere, but did not explain any further. I was too tired to ask. Though it is not that early, I have been having more trouble sleeping than usual, and I have the feeling it has nothing to do with my new vampiric condition. Fuck, this man drives me insane in every way possible: I either want to kiss him, break his nose, or both. That last one gets very confusing, and usually ends up involving lots of bites from me, out of anger, and from him, in retaliation. 
I pour a cup for him before taking my coffee up to my bedroom. I stare at my clothes, which are laid out on the bed, as I drink it. I have been putting off returning to the mansion for my stuff, but I do need more dresses. I would also like to resume my research, so I’ll have to borrow some books for that.
When I return downstairs, empty cup in hand and hair loosely braided, William is waiting for me on the sofa. He offers me a bottle of rouge, and I pet Puck as I take it.
“Today is the troupe’s day off,” I observe.
“I know,” he simply replies. Where is he taking me? As if he could read my mind, he smiles and sips his rouge before explaining. “Dost thou remember how I wanted thee to meet someone?”
I nod, but narrow my eyes as the implication sinks in. Either he really trusts me enough to introduce me to his deranged accomplice, or this is his way to get rid of me once and for all. Sure, he has been nothing but charming and sweet since I moved into his house, but this is William. If there is a God, even He doesn’t know what he’s plotting.
An hour later, our carriage pulls up next to an old church. From the outside, I see no signs of it being used. It looks rather abandoned. However, as we approach the entrance, I catch the scent of burning candles, meaning there must be people inside. What is this place?
The wooden door creaks loudly when William pushes it open, just enough for us to pass through. Once inside, he closes it behind us.
“Please lock that, will you?” a man’s voice chimes from the altar. I cannot see him, but I hear glass tinkering behind the decorative screen in the back.
“Do not worry, we shall be quick,” William says, but obliges anyway. Great, now I am trapped here with a stranger who might have killed me.
He takes my hand and guides me down the nave. Our steps echo ominously under the high stone arches, and I have to take a deep breath to relax. Do not show them you are nervous, Anaïs, for they might take it the wrong way. For God’s sake, act normal.
We walk past the altar and into the ambulatory, where the stranger in question seems to have set up a lab of sorts, packed with all kinds of flasks, beakers, and, uh... medical equipment. Creepy. He is slightly taller than William, slender and dressed in clothing as black as his hair, and wears glasses with a chain around his neck.
“What do we have here?” he asks with a malicious grin that gives me shivers. He has a mild German accent. “Is this the neophyte you mentioned? She would make a fine guinea pig...”
“No, thank you.” He raises an eyebrow at my quick reply, while William chuckles and wraps his arm around my waist.
“My nightshade, this is Johann Georg Faust. Johann, meet Anaïs.”
“Faust like the legend?”
“The very same,” William smiles.
“Oh. Nice to meet you, I guess. So, um... What are you doing there?” I ask, pointing at the collection of scribbled on papers and lab equipment.
“Nothing you need to concern yourself with, fräulein Anaïs. I am sure you would find my experiments rather tedious...”
I ignore the condescending tone of his answer. A sculpture behind him has caught my eye. Faust interrupts his deceivingly polite excuse when I march past him to approach it.
“Oh, hell no,” I mumble. “María, cariño, ¿qué te han hecho? (Mary, honey, what have they done to you?)”
 I reach up to touch the Virgin’s gilded coat and, sure enough, the gold leaf crumbles in my fingers, leaving behind a glittery mess. I turn to the bespectacled man, only for my look of indignation to be met with his, equal parts intrigued and offended.
“She’s falling apart! See?” I show the golden dust on my palm to the two men. “I need to fix this before it gets-” Oh no he didn’t. Right beside Faust, on his work table, I see a clean rag neatly folded beside a bottle of clear liquid. ‘Carbolic acid’, the label reads. I bring the cloth to my nose and immediately put two and two together. “You wiped it with phenol?!” I exclaim, incredulous, as I furiously wave the rag around. “I don’t know why you needed to disinfect poor Mary over here in the first place, but for fuck’s sake, don’t do it again. God, no wonder everyone hates this stupid century, y’all discover something and decide to use it for everything without ever thinking about what it might do.”
“Everyone?” William asks, confused.
“This century?” Faust says almost at the same time.
“In my line of work, I mean,” I explain, completely ignoring the second question. I am not sure how safe it would be for me to mention that I come from the future. “Seriously, the amount of damage I’ve had to undo is insane. Why you people use so many questionable compounds is beyond me. Can I borrow a scalpel?”
“You came through the door,” Faust states. Shit, I guess he knows about it.
“Yes, I’m from the future,” I sigh, before grabbing a scalpel myself, not bothering to wait for permission.
I return my focus to the sculpture and carefully examine it. The state it is in is poorer than I had previously noticed. Judging by the proportions, it looks gothic. That makes it around 300 years old at least. Though the passage of time has obviously taken its toll, I have no doubt that its degradation has been made worse by well-meaning yet ignorant attempts at preserving it. Or, in Faust’s case, by his attempt to prep the area for whatever freaky surgical shit he has going on here. I must admit, the fact that he allegedly sold his soul to the devil for knowledge does not exactly reassure me about his intentions.
“The year 2020, to be exact,” I continue as I awkwardly manoeuvre around the sculpture to scrape some paint and gesso off the back in order to check the state of the wood underneath. “I’m guessing you’re not a pureblood... Do you know how to use a shotgun, by any chance?” I ask casually without looking up from my delicate task.
“Is this about Salieri?” Judging by Faust’s tone, I can tell he is rolling his eyes. “That would be Charles,” he sighs. Whoever this Charles is, Faust sounds like a bored babysitter. He has no interest in the conversation whatsoever. “May I have my scalpel back? You’re going to blunt it.”
“I’m almost done.” I manage to cut a cross section just in time to see him approach and forcibly take the sharp object from my hand. I then make my way back to the work table and search for what I need, carefully holding the thin slice of wood and gesso between my fingers. “Do you have a... What are they called, those round looky things with the handle?”
“Magnifying glass,” William aids.
“Yeah, that. Actually,” I change my mind when I see a pile of neatly stacked glass slides, “I’m gonna take one of these. I forgot that microscopes already exist. Where is yours, anyway?”
“Safely locked away,” the alchemist deadpans. Oh well, it looks like I’ll have to save my sample for later, then.
William takes my hand and gently ushers me away from the improvised lab, I assume to stop me from annoying its owner any further. Though he acts polite, I can tell it is nothing more than a weak façade that could drop any second.
“My dearest,” he says, “we should move on to the reason of our visit?”
“Vlad, was it?” I nod. He merely mentioned the name in passing days ago, but I have hung onto that minuscule snippet of information like my life depends on it. It might.
He leads me to a discrete door nestled in the corner of the transept to our left. Before we can reach it, however, Faust calls out from behind the altar.
“I look forward to studying you, fräulein.”
“Well, I do not!” I sing in response. He lets out an unnerving chuckle that I decide to ignore.
I follow William through the door and up a dark staircase. As we walk along the hallway, I get the feeling that he does not know exactly where he is leading me, either. Still, he finds the person he was looking for inside a small room. It looks like it had been used for storage in the past, but now is completely empty save for a desk and a few chairs. The white haired man sitting on one of them looks up when we enter through the already open door. This must be him. The pureblood that is going after the residents.
He is strikingly beautiful, despite the unnervingly red shade of his eyes. Dressed in expensive clothes, he moves elegantly to greet me. I instinctively do the polite thing and offer my hand for him to hold.
“Anaïs Bertran, I presume?” His voice is slightly breathy, and as delicately controlled as his poise. “You are as beautiful as a rose.”
I do not dare to complain out loud, but I give William an exasperated look, causing him to laugh. I smack his arm.
“Stop being a dickhead,” I scold him, even though I have to hold back a smile.
“Ah, I see you have thorns as well,” the other man chuckles. “It is rare for such a pretty flower to be so foul mouthed. I must confess I appreciate it, it adds character. Was that some kind of joke between you two?”
“I guess you could call it that,” I sigh. “I just think there are more interesting flowers to be compared to.”
“Such as?” he prompts.
“I don’t know, lisianthus, dahlias... Sunflowers are pretty nifty, and I’ve always liked orchids. People tend to think they’re really hard to grow, for some reason, but they just need a bit of attention and the right amount of light. Chrysanthemums are also really cool...” I ramble.
“Those are an old favorite of mine, but not as much as roses, I’m afraid. Do you enjoy gardening?”
“Is it that obvious?” I chuckle, embarrassed. “But yeah, I worked as a florist for a few years.”
“Oh?” he smiles. “I own a flower shop in town. I sense we are going to get along well, Anaïs. Oh my, how rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself. You may call me Vlad.”
“Well, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” I politely say before tilting my head. “I have to say, I find it a bit strange to be here, speaking to you. I mean, you sent a sniper after Salieri to stop him from revealing your identity, yet here we are, being formally introduced,” I remark.
“Yes, I am well aware of the incident that took place. Quite a fortunate outcome you got, don’t you think?”
“If by fortunate you mean bleeding out in a sewer, then sure, but I beg to differ.” A cold smile accompanies my response. Not only did dying obliterate any semblance of a schedule I had, it also caused me to be turned into... this. I have nothing against vampires, but I’d rather not go through the pain of being a neophyte, or whatever these people call it. 
“Pardon my crudeness, but isn’t that what happens when you jump in front of a bullet that is not meant for you?” Vlad quips.
“Yeah... That is the stupidest thing I have ever done, can’t argue with that logic,” I mutter, resigned. “By the way, if you’re gonna play with gunpowder inside a tunnel, I’d recommend finding another one that isn’t full of highly flammable methane gas. Just a tip,” I wink.
Our tense exchange is interrupted by a knock on the door frame. Under it stands another man with a boyish smile and shaggy hair.
“I bought those strawberries you- Oh.” He pauses when he sees me, his eyes growing wide in recognition. “Hello there.”
“Are you Charles?” I innocently ask, approaching him. When he nods, I smirk. 
There is no warning when I grab his jacket and shoot my knee into his groin at full force. I hear William’s incredulous snort behind me, along with a muffled chuckle belonging to Vlad.
“Argh, putain!” Charles groans, folding over in pain. I observe him as I wait for him to recover. “Why?” he cries from the floor. I simply pull my dress down to reveal the scar on my cleavage. His mouth opens and closes quickly, not knowing what to say.
“Sorry, just had to get that out of my system,” I explain with no trace in my voice of the violence I just displayed. “I’m Anaïs,” I smile, offering my hand. He takes it, and I pull him to his feet. The boyish grin returns to his face as he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck.
“I am so sorry about shooting you, it was an accident. You jumped out of nowhere! I didn’t even want to in the first place, but- Ehem, sorry.”
I follow his gaze when he suddenly interrupts himself with a fake cough. Vlad’s eyes are slightly narrowed in what I can only assume is a look of warning. Okay, something’s going on. Well, yet another thing, on top of the long list of unexplained actions from this strange group of people.
“Don’t worry about it,” I say before the silence becomes awkward, “we’re even now.” I turn to the pureblood and look at him inquisitively. “Anyway, I have a lot of questions. I don’t want to judge until I know exactly what your intentions are for doing whatever it is you’re doing. I have to admit I am finding it hard to keep my emotions under control, so we better get on with it, yeah?”
I do not need to justify my volatile state. Vlad knows perfectly well that he was the one to cause it.
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aresfms · 4 years
// @nccdy-mimi​ 
ares was well aware that he was still under probation in mimi eyes, frankly it was deservedly so. his actions had taken a toll vegas specifically,  putting her in the middle of two people she cared a great deal about. it had scared him straight. the idea that he could’ve messed up so bad that it ruined gracie but ruin things with mimi too. he missed when they’d be able to talk, they’d spent at least one night a week together going back months if not a year now. ares knew, maybe not quite fair but there may have been things to persuade mimi. namely a bottle of wine. there was now more than ever plenty to catch up on and he wanted to hear it from her. belongings under his arm but wine firmly in his hand ares knocked on the door. seeing mimis face appear before long had a grin encapsulating his lips. ❝ wow, my wife sure does look beautiful today......❞ eyes had lit up just knowing her reaction to his outlandish arrival. ❝ i thought maybe.. if you let me in we could talk? i’ve really taken this punishment seriously. you can even further yell at me over this wine while we wear facee masks and eat pizza. or i’ll sit in silence.❞ shaking thee bottle in the air ares glanced over. ❝ what do you say? ❞
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fridays--child · 5 years
Chapter 1 - But the darkness holds it all in: figures and flame, beasts and me.
Read on AO3 or Wattpad
After the hubris that followed the Industrial Revolution, scholars and civilians are terrified when a new plague epidemic steadily begins killing off not only their way of life, but their population. When Hedy Leander, a foreign volunteer medic gets posted at Morrigan’s Ranch, a rural farming-turned-resort town that’s one of the few unaffected, she’s expecting a reprieve from the death and disease that clings to the bigger cities. But as things become bleaker, the small community will have to learn what desperation to survive can do to not only to their idyllic existence, but to those they thought to rely on.
“No man is an island, entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less…”
Hedy had never been a God-fearing woman. Even in her twelve years of Catholic school, her family had been too involved in science and rationality to believe in an eternal and all-knowing watcher, and church visits were mandated to weddings and funerals. But if there was a big guy up there, presiding over her every movement, after the past few days she highly doubted he’d mind too much if she let herself doze for a few moments.
Her Pa had died. After nearly seventy years in the service of medicine, he finally, quietly, gave in to the very disease he tried to cure. The same infection that was sweeping the country like the locust in Exodus. Or so he likened it to. She had cried all she needed to over her reluctant hero, the man who rarely showed paternal love, but showered her in accolades when she, in some form, began to follow in his career path. And though she felt an ache in her chest, in the dimly lit cathedral, with the air thick and sweet with smoke, it could be so easy to put a hand over her eyes and rest quietly. She had been awake for over twenty-four hours.
“Each man’s death diminishes me, for I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee."
"Now, please rise for the final hymn.”
“Yes, he was too involved in mankind, the foolish old man,” Gran muttered filthily, as Hedy gently grabbed her elbow and helped the older woman stand. The tip of her ugly feathered hat hit Hedy’s face and obscured anyone behind her’s view. Hedy hoped the small lace veil she wore hid her blush. “He thought he could play God.”
“I think he just wanted to help.” Hedy responded, nodding politely when some of the other mourners turned around in response to the outburst. True or not, it was too soon to speak ill of the dead. “It was his life’s work, he couldn’t just sit by while this happened.”
“Yes he could of,” she retorted, grabbing her small handbag and rifling through it. The pall-bearers were gathering around to carry the empty casket to the cemetery. “He was too proud of his own intelligence, and too damn stupid to realise he couldn’t outsmart it.”
Hedy nodded, too worn to argue back. Though her Pa had only married her Gran in during her childhood, Hedy had learned early on there was no point taking Elenora Leander on. Her previous two husbands had testified to that.
“It was nice that they chose to honour him here, in the city.” Hedy changed tactics, walking along the green lawn of the adjoining cemetery to where his headstone now stood. Four feet high, the stone featured a winged man holding off a skeletal harbinger. A testimonial to the very arrogance Gran was bitter about.
“Though I guess it was nice that they had a ceremony at all.” Gran sniffed.
It was true, however unfortunate it seemed. The death that was occurring on mass across the company meant that funerals had lost any sense of rarity , any sense of closure. Everyone was mourning. There were no bodies to bury, the government decreed that any person who died from this plague, as well as their clothes and anything they came into contact with during their incubation, was to be burnt and then buried. Pa’s body would have been burnt a week ago, and buried in the mass grave they all pretended was not only a few miles out of the city’s gates. This funeral, with the casket and headstone, was a laughable luxury.
“I suppose this put you out of a job.” Gran retorted, pulling a small vial from her purse. Delicately, she let four drops fall onto her tongue, grimacing slightly as she swallowed. Hedy rounded on her, taking the small vial from her grasp.
“I was out a year before this happened,” she replied, taking a sniff of the concoction. She did not recognise the label on the bottle. “And what is this, Gran?”
“One of your Pa’s students gave this to me, said it would help my nerves today.”
Hedy popped a drop on the back of her hand, looking around to make sure no other funeral attendees were watching. Most had already begun to leave. There was to be no wake, no viewing, and no body to bury. She tentatively licked it off her gloves.
“Gran, this is nothing more than brandy with some lavender in it!” Hedy exclaimed, before licking her hand again. “And maybe some form of opiate.”
“Oh good,” Gran took the bottle back, taking a few more drops for good measure. She placed the small vial daintily back into her handbag and closed the clasp with a sharp snap. “I couldn’t very well bring out a flask, could I? The only thing worse than a drunk widow is a hysterical one.”
Goodbyes at the train station were a short affair. Despite having lived at Morrigan Ranch for the past twenty years, Gran had decided to live in the city, citing she was old and had nothing left at that ‘run down hick town.’ When Hedy had mentioned was worried about her on her own, she snorted. “Sweetheart, worrying is just something we do to feel busy.”
The train ride itself was uneventful. Morrigan’s Ranch was located three hours out from the city, far enough away to feel rural, but close enough for a weekend trip. Originally a small farming town, its rugged, wild beauty, and relative proximity to both the city, and a quaint coastline hotspot, had made it somewhat of a resort town in recent years. The rich and bored came there to experience living off the land, spending a weekend or two with their hands in the soil before they gleefully returned to their life of privilege. Why a woman like Elenora chose to live there in retirement, Hedy would never understand. But she had enjoyed her childhood trips when she was in the country there, where the livestock and people did not mind an overly curious child with the heavy accent bothering them. She hadn’t been there since she was freshly eighteen, and, despite being posted there for work, was looking forward to staying at a place that was, if fadingly, familiar.
The seven-mile trek between the station and Morrigan’s Ranch via carriage was, unfortunately, less pleasant. The weight of nearly forty hours awake was beginning to toll on Hedy, her head throbbing over every bump and ditch. Despite all her recent practice, she had never been a great traveller. The uneven swaying was threatening her to be ill all over her Sunday best and stupid, too small shoes. Cecil, Morrigan’s own preacher and the organiser of her volunteer unit, had apologized profusely. Cars were already a rarity, and, in this time too expensive for the average person to run. Morrigan’s Ranch only had one vehicle in working order, and it was currently in use. Hedy had waved his apology away, but now, groaning and resting her sick head between her legs, she could really curse whoever was selfish enough to take it away from her.
Sitting across from her, Declan blanched slightly at her green complexion. “If you throw up on me, princess, I will throw you from this carriage.” He had a shotgun casually strapped across his back, and unfortunate part of being an escort on the roads in recent months. Firearms had stopped alarming her a long time ago.
Hedy threw him up a hand gesture, swallowing hard at the saliva pooling in her mouth. “As if I haven’t cleaned you up more times than I can count.” When he chuckled, she continued. “Just please tell me we’re fucking close already.”
“We should be.”
In the encroaching darkness, the surrounding forest and shrubbery around Morrigan’s Ranch seemed more overgrown than it was seven years ago. Everything rustled and echoed through the branches, accentuated by the poor horse who was carrying their load’s heavy stomps as they approached the lights glowing in the distance. She could hear voices in the distance, brutal yet cautious, asking questions about their approaching carriage. If she hadn’t gotten used to feeling afraid, she would have been nervous right now. She saw Declan’s hand twitch towards his gun.
“Pull over.”
Their group was met with a small convoy of armed men and woman, their expressions in the dim light dark and questioning. The carriage driver agreed, and Hedy quickly slid out, glad to feel solid ground beneath her swollen feet. However, her relief was short lived, as one gripped her forearm, roughly taking her Pa’s medicine bag, one of her few prized possession, from her grasp. She could hear Declan arguing with another as they began to surround the carriage and began rummaging through the possessions of the other carriage riders. When no one responded, the same voice spoke again.
“Who are you?” She could hear another gun slowly being loaded and cocked.
“My name is Hedy Leander,” Hedy spat, trying to retrieve her medicine bag from out of her aggressor’s reach. She still hadn’t let go of her forearm. “Anton and Elenora’s granddaughter.”
No reply.
“I’m part of the medical team stationed here. If you give me my bag back, I can show you my pass and papers.”
The woman holding her arm looked up to the first voice.
“Show me.”
Indignantly, Hedy snatched her bag back and quickly retrieved her papers. Beckoning for one of the men holding a lantern to come over, she at last could see where the demanding voice came from. His face was mostly obscured by long dark hair and a beard, with only the tips of his cheekbones and eyes visible in this light. Though she couldn’t see much more of him, or anyone surrounding him, she noticed he might be one of the few men that had been taller than her. He looked at her pass for a long moment, before handing it back. His voice was softer, but no less authoritative, than before.
“Where’s Cecil?”
“Dealing with border control. Trying to get our luggage through quarantine faster.” She shrugged. “I’m only allowed this bag because it’s got medical supplies.”
One of the other party members, a man who was wearing a wide-brimmed hat despite the night sky, stared inquisitively at the man named Samson. He nodded slightly.
“Okay, let’s get you in.”
Tensions slightly decreased, Declan and Hedy walked the remainder of the short trek by foot, with Hedy downright refusing to get on the now-spooked horse’s carriage again. The one with the hat spoke again.
“Sorry about the, uh, showdown there. We’ve had some issues with poachers recently.”
“I understand. I get why you have muscle here.” She motioned to Samson. Hat man chuckled.
As they approached the town hall, the only building illuminated by candles despite it being evening, a shrill yet excited voice called out. Hedy found herself in the arms of Moira, who had run to the convoy and promptly enveloped her with a kiss on the forehead. Though she had not known her long, Cecil’s young wife had always been kind, if slightly over-affectionate, to Hedy and the rest of her team.
“Are you alright, darling?” She held Hedy’s face in her hands.
“Yes, thank you Moira. Cecil did a lovely job today.”
“That’s sweet.” She linked arms with Hedy and bought her forward, into the building. “I apologize for the lack of a welcoming party. It must have been hard to find us here in the dark.”
“Do you have electricity here? I thought Gran said it was recently installed.”
Moira nodded. “We do, only in the town hall and a few of the homes who could afford it. It’s hit the skitz, but we only turn the generators on from 6-10pm each night, and then it’s all candlelight.”
Hedy nodded along, tuning out as Moira quickly explained how the village ran. It had been a damn long time since she had been here.
Ave moved as silently as she could, trying to use the wind and night sky to her advantage. Creeping towards the old shed next to the generator, she thought it was ironic that, until only a year or two ago, she was terrified of these forests and what lay in them. She had been raised around a campfire full of tales of wraits and folk in animal skins, who would trick and spirit away those who disturbed their peace. But there was nothing here to be scared of, she knew. The only scary thing out here were the men who tried to steal from them.
Finally reaching the shed, she quickly took a peek at the generator, before removing the loose glass in one of the windows and wriggling her way in. Ave had heard that poachers had been seen in the area scouting for food, and when their trusty generator had broken down a few days later, she could only assume they were the culprits. She had spent too much fucking time, covered in muck, growing those vegetables for them to be stolen by lazier men.
Ave didn’t have to wait long for her suspicions to be confirmed. Raising herself slightly, she peered through the shed window at the two men approaching. She couldn’t recognise either of them, and as they reached the generator, she knew they weren’t a welcome member of their little community.
“The idiots haven’t fixed this yet, think we’re still good?”
“Yeah, should be. You start here, I’ll check one of the other sheds. See where they stock their produce before we go for the livestock.”
Fingers nimble despite her building rage, Ave quickly tested the sharpness of her arrow before loading it into her bow. The poacher had disappeared, and she flattened herself against the wall, pressing her ear to the thin shield between them. She could hear him circle the shed, and as he rattled the knob of the long-broken door, she cocked her bow. Despite herself, she jumped and swore when a fist smashed through the window she had entered through and knocking over a ladder.
The poacher, hearing her, paused for a moment at her outburst. Ave bit her lip, praying that if she stopped breathing it would still her furiously beating heart. She was certain he could hear the violent rattle of it through the heavy silence. Curiously, he raised a lantern to the glassless window.
“What do we have here?”
She lined up a shot, hitting his shoulder.
“You fuck!” His hands reached for his holster at his hips, but she was much faster. Aiming blindly, she closed her eyes and hoped for impact.
Luck was on her side that day. Foolishly, she dared not open her eyes, but strained her ears as she heard him stumble, before a heavy weight hit the ground. Ave counted to sixty three times in silence, before tempting to move again.
She wasn’t sure how long he’d be incapacitated, and at this point, she did not want to find out. Moving as stealthily as she could, she eased herself through the now shattered window and pawed her way to his body. The lantern lay discarded, but it’s light spilled over the man’s spreadeagled body. Tentatively, she placed two fingers on the pulse point of his wrist, relieved yet sickly annoyed at the slow, steady thump that showed life. Moving quickly, she liberated him of his pistol, throwing her bow and arrows back through the window of the shed.  
Pulling the safety off with shaky fingers, Ave pointed the gun to the sky and pulled the trigger. Twice. Then she ran like all hell.
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Hi! Okay, so posting this is terrifying, but here it is in all it's rough, dirty, and unedited glory. I've had this story floating around my brain for about four years, and chronic illness has finally given me time to write it. I haven't written for fun in about 84 years, so hopefully it isn't fucking terrible. There's about 15 chapters planned so far, so there should be an update once a week.
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Credits: The title comes from 'Rilke’s Book Of Hours: Love Poems To God: The Book of the Monkish Life p. April 1905,' by Rainer Maria Rilke. The reading during the funeral is Meditation XVII Devotions upon Emergent Occasions,' by John Donne.
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siderealsentinel · 5 years
~Core Headcanons~
⇛ Titania was once a follower of Aaravos. She, too, believed humans could and should learn magic. However, she never anticipated that it would be dark magic that they gained, and never practiced it for herself.
⇛ Mostly unknown, those that knew her referred to her as ‘The Evenstar’ or ‘The Evening Star,’ Aaravos’s younger and lesser skilled counterpart. Fully content to let the archmage take the limelight, Titania herself was ignored by history.
⇛ A short while before the revolt that lead to Aaravos’s imprisonment, a human, becoming adept in the ways of dark magic, turned on Titania. Hungry for power, he used dark magic to seal her into a magical relic, an amulet, turning her into a tool to be used over and over.
⇛ While described as a ‘genie in a bottle,’ Titania is not an actual genie, and cannot grant wishes. The term only describes her relationship to the amulet. Her physical form and abilities are the same as any other elf.
⇛ Titania is both mortal and immortal. Her soul itself is bound to the amulet, trapped within. When called out, it is only her body and mind that are freed. Titania can and does experience pain and death.
⇛ When Titania does die, her active contract is nullified and the amulet becomes inactive, unusable for as long as it takes for her body to decompose beyond recognition. Depending on the circumstances of her death, this may take months. The quickest solution is to cremate her body, reducing the amulet’s ‘cooldown’ to as little as a day or two. When the amulet is inactive, the ruby within it will lose all colour. While her body does not retain the marks and scars of her deaths, she remembers all of them clearly.
⇛ The only arcanum other than that of the stars she has connected to is that of the moon, and her skills with such are limited. Her focus is mainly on illusion magic, changing her form in whatever ways necessary to carry out her contracts.
⇛ She is called from the amulet by reading the short passage engraved on the back, ‘I command thee.’ For elves and other magical races, this can be simply read forwards. For humans, it must be read backwards, becoming essentially its own spell of dark magic, which can take a toll depending on the user.
⇛ Once called out, Titania has ‘one cycle of the sun’ or 24 hours to forge a contract with her master. Failing this, she will be forced back into the amulet and the process must begin again. Once a contract is formed, it will last for as long as it takes to be completed, unless it is nullified.
⇛ A contract can only be nullified under the following circumstances; Titania dies - her master dies - the person or object she is sent to retrieve or protect is killed or destroyed - a target she is sent to eliminate is killed by someone else first.
⇛ Titania may have contracts with several people at once, but each person may only form a contract with her once, unless it is nullified. A forged contract cannot be changed. Should a master change their mind, they may ‘reset’ the contract by killing Titania - but she will not do this willingly, and she will resent anyone that forces such a situation upon her, save for very specific situations.
⇛ After everything that has happened, and the way she has been treated by some during her time in the amulet, Titania dislikes humans, despises dark magic, and feels Aaravos is to blame for her struggles. Should she ever meet him, he should not expect a warm reception immediately.
⇛ The amulet does hold other secrets, and a skilled mage, dark or otherwise, might just be able to discover them.
May be edited at any time. All headcanons in this post are tentative and any RP partners with issues with one or more headcanons should discuss it with me - I do have alternatives and workarounds. Titania is not related to Aaravos, nor does she canonly have any relationship with him other than comrades. This can however be altered for plots, as can her opinion of him.
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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Book Of Genesis - From The Latin Vulgate (1859 - Haydock Translation of The Roman Catholic Bible) - Chapter 21
The Hebrews now entitle all the Five Books of Moses, from the initial words, which originally were written like one continued word or verse; but the Sept. have preferred to give the titles the most memorable occurrences of each work. On this occasion, the Creation of all things out of nothing, strikes us with peculiar force. We find a refutation of all the heathenish mythology, and of the world’s eternity, which Aristotle endeavoured to establish. We behold the short reign of innocence, and the origin of sin and misery, the dispersion of nations, and the providence of God watching over his chosen people, till the death of Joseph, about the year 2369 (Usher) 2399 (Sal. and Tirin) B.C. 1631. We shall witness the same care in the other Books of Scripture, and adore his wisdom and goodness in preserving to himself faithful witnesses, and a true Holy Catholic Church, in all ages, even when the greatest corruption seemed to overspread the land. H.
This Book is so called from its treating of the Generation, that is, of the Creation and the beginning of the world. The Hebrews call it Bereshith, from the word with which it begins. It contains not only the History of the Creation of the World, but also an account of its progress during the space of 2369 years, that is, until the death of Joseph.
The additional Notes in this Edition of the New Testament will be marked with the letter A. Such as are taken from various Interpreters and Commentators, will be marked as in the Old Testament. B. Bristow, C. Calmet, Ch. Challoner, D. Du Hamel, E. Estius, J. Jansenius, M. Menochius, Po. Polus, P. Pastorini, T. Tirinus, V. Bible de Vence, W. Worthington, Wi. Witham. — The names of other authors, who may be occasionally consulted, will be given at full length.
Verses are in English and Latin. HAYDOCK CATHOLIC BIBLE COMMENTARY
This Catholic commentary on the Old Testament, following the Douay-Rheims Bible text, was originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849). This transcription is based on Haydock’s notes as they appear in the 1859 edition of Haydock’s Catholic Family Bible and Commentary printed by Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, New York.
Changes made to the original text for this transcription include the following:
Greek letters. The original text sometimes includes Greek expressions spelled out in Greek letters. In this transcription, those expressions have been transliterated from Greek letters to English letters, put in italics, and underlined. The following substitution scheme has been used: A for Alpha; B for Beta; G for Gamma; D for Delta; E for Epsilon; Z for Zeta; E for Eta; Th for Theta; I for Iota; K for Kappa; L for Lamda; M for Mu; N for Nu; X for Xi; O for Omicron; P for Pi; R for Rho; S for Sigma; T for Tau; U for Upsilon; Ph for Phi; Ch for Chi; Ps for Psi; O for Omega. For example, where the name, Jesus, is spelled out in the original text in Greek letters, Iota-eta-sigma-omicron-upsilon-sigma, it is transliterated in this transcription as, Iesous. Greek diacritical marks have not been represented in this transcription.
Footnotes. The original text indicates footnotes with special characters, including the astrisk (*) and printers’ marks, such as the dagger mark, the double dagger mark, the section mark, the parallels mark, and the paragraph mark. In this transcription all these special characters have been replaced by numbers in square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3], etc.
Accent marks. The original text contains some English letters represented with accent marks. In this transcription, those letters have been rendered in this transcription without their accent marks.
Other special characters.
Solid horizontal lines of various lengths that appear in the original text have been represented as a series of consecutive hyphens of approximately the same length, such as .
Ligatures, single characters containing two letters united, in the original text in some Latin expressions have been represented in this transcription as separate letters. The ligature formed by uniting A and E is represented as Ae, that of a and e as ae, that of O and E as Oe, and that of o and e as oe.
Monetary sums in the original text represented with a preceding British pound sterling symbol (a stylized L, transected by a short horizontal line) are represented in this transcription with a following pound symbol, l.
The half symbol (½) and three-quarters symbol (¾) in the original text have been represented in this transcription with their decimal equivalent, (.5) and (.75) respectively.
Unreadable text. Places where the transcriber’s copy of the original text is unreadable have been indicated in this transcription by an empty set of square brackets, [].
Chapter 21
Isaac is born. Agar and Ismael are cast forth.
[1] And the Lord visited Sara, as he had promised: and fulfilled what he had spoken. Visitavit autem Dominus Saram, sicut promiserat : et implevit quae locutus est.
[2] And she conceived and bore a son in her old age, at the time that God had foretold her. Concepitque et peperit filium in senectute sua, tempore quo praedixerat ei Deus.
[3] And Abraham called the name of his son, whom Sara bore him, Isaac. Vocavitque Abraham nomen filii sui, quem genuit ei Sara, Isaac :
[4] And he circumcised him the eighth day, as God had commanded him, et circumcidit eum octavo die, sicut praeceperat ei Deus,
[5] When he was a hundred years old: for at this age of his father was Isaac born. cum centum esset annorum : hac quippe aetate patris, natus est Isaac.
[6] And Sara said: God hath made a laughter for me: whosoever shall hear of it will laugh with me. Dixitque Sara : Risum fecit mihi Deus : quicumque audierit, corridebit mihi.
[7] And again she said: Who would believe that Abraham should hear that Sara gave suck to a son, whom she bore to him in his old age. Rursumque ait : Quis auditurus crederet Abraham quod Sara lactaret filium, quem peperit et jam seni?
[8] And the child grew and was weaned: and Abraham made a great feast on the day of his weaning. Crevit igitur puer, et ablactatus est : fecitque Abraham grande convivium in die ablactationis ejus.
[9] And when Sara had seen the son of Agar the Egyptian playing with Isaac her son, she said to Abraham: Cumque vidisset Sara filium Agar Aegyptiae ludentem cum Isaac filio suo, dixit ad Abraham :
[10] Cast out this bondwoman, and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with my son Isaac. Ejice ancillam hanc, et filium ejus : non enim erit haeres filius ancillae cum filio meo Isaac.
[11] Abraham took this grievously for his son. Dure accepit hoc Abraham pro filio suo.
[12] And God said to him: Let it not seem grievous to thee for the boy, and for thy bondwoman: in all that Sara hath said to thee, hearken to her voice: for in Isaac shall thy seed be called. Cui dixit Deus : Non tibi videatur asperum super puero, et super ancilla tua : omnia quae dixerit tibi Sara, audi vocem ejus : quia in Isaac vocabitur tibi semen.
[13] But I will make the son also of the bondwoman a great nation, because he is thy seed. Sed et filium ancillae faciam in gentem magnam, quia semen tuum est.
[14] So Abraham rose up in the morning, and taking bread and a bottle of water, put it upon her shoulder, and delivered the boy, and sent her away. And she departed, and wandered in the wilderness of Bersabee. Surrexit itaque Abraham mane, et tollens panem et utrem aquae, imposuit scapulae ejus, tradiditque puerum, et dimisit eam. Quae cum abiisset, errabat in solitudine Bersabee.
[15] And when the water in the bottle was spent, she cast the boy under one of the trees that were there. Cumque consumpta esset aqua in utre, abjecit puerum subter unam arborum, quae ibi erant.
[16] And she went her way, and sat over against him a great way off as far as a bow can carry, for she said: I will not see the boy die: and sitting over against, she lifted up her voice and wept. Et abiit, seditque e regione procul quantum potest arcus jacere : dixit enim : Non videbo morientem puerum : et sedens contra, levavit vocem suam et flevit.
[17] And God heard the voice of the boy: and an angel of God called to Agar from heaven, saying: What art thou doing, Agar? fear not: for God hath heard the voice of the boy, from the place wherein he is. Exaudivit autem Deus vocem pueri : vocavitque angelus Dei Agar de caelo, dicens : Quid agis Agar? noli timere : exaudivit enim Deus vocem pueri de loco in quo est.
[18] Arise, take up the boy, and hold him by the hand: for I will make him a great nation. Surge, tolle puerum, et tene manum illius : quia in gentem magnam faciam eum.
[19] And God opened her eyes: and she saw a well of water, and went and filled the bottle, and gave the boy to drink. Aperuitque oculos ejus Deus : quae videns puteum aquae, abiit, et implevit utrem, deditque puero bibere.
[20] And God was with him: and he grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became a young man, an archer. Et fuit cum eo : qui crevit, et moratus est in solitudine, factusque est juvenis sagittarius.
[21] And he dwelt in the wilderness of Pharan, and his mother took a wife for him out of the land of Egypt. Habitavitque in deserto Pharan, et accepit illi mater sua uxorem de terra Aegypti.
[22] At the same time Abimelech, and Phicol the general of his army said to Abraham: God is with thee in all that thou dost. Eodem tempore dixit Abimelech, et Phicol princeps exercitus ejus, ad Abraham : Deus tecum est in universis quae agis.
[23] Swear therefore by God, that thou wilt not hurt me, nor my posterity, nor my stock: but according to the kindness that I have done to thee, thou shalt do to me, and to the land wherein thou hast lived a stranger. Jura ergo per Deum, ne noceas mihi, et posteris meis, stirpique meae : sed juxta misericordiam, quam feci tibi, facies mihi, et terrae in qua versatus es advena.
[24] And Abraham said: I will swear. Dixitque Abraham : Ego jurabo.
[25] And he reproved Abimelech for a well of water, which his servants had taken away by force. Et increpavit Abimelech propter puteum aquae quem vi abstulerunt servi ejus.
[26] And Abimelech answered: I knew not who did this thing: and thou didst not tell me, and I heard not of it till today. Responditque Abimelech : Nescivi quis fecerit hanc rem : sed et tu non indicasti mihi, et ego non audivi praeter hodie.
[27] And Abraham took sheep and oxen and gave them to Abimelech: and both of them made a league. Tulit itaque Abraham oves et boves, et dedit Abimelech : percusseruntque ambo foedus.
[28] And Abraham set apart seven ewe lambs of the flock. Et statuit Abraham septem agnas gregis seorsum.
[29] And Abimelech said to him: What mean these seven ewe lambs which thou hast set apart? Cui dixit Abimelech : Quid sibi volunt septem agnae istae, quas stare fecisti seorsum?
[30] But he said: Thou shalt take seven ewe lambs at my hand: that they may be a testimony for me, that I dug this well. At ille : Septem, inquit, agnas accipies de manu mea : ut sint mihi in testimonium, quoniam ego fodi puteum istum.
[31] Therefore that place was called Bersabee: because there both of them did swear. Idcirco vocatus est locus ille Bersabee : quia ibi uterque juravit.
[32] And they made a league for the well of oath. Et inierunt foedus pro puteo juramenti.
[33] And Abimelech, and Phicol the general of his army arose and returned to the land of the Palestines. But Abraham planted a grove in Bersabee, and there called upon the name of the Lord God eternal. Surrexit autem Abimelech, et Phicol princeps exercitus ejus, reversique sunt in terram Palaestinorum. Abraham vero plantavit nemus in Bersabee, et invocavit ibi nomen Domini Dei aeterni.
[34] And he was a sojourner in the land of the Palestines many days. Et fuit colonus terrae Palaestinorum diebus multis.
Ver. 1. Visited, either by the angel, C. xviii. 10, or by enabling her to have what he had promised, at the return of the season.
Ver. 3. Isaac. This word signifies laughter; (Ch.) or "he shall laugh," and be the occasion of joy to many, as S. John was. Luke i. 14; and thus Sara seems to explain it, v. 6.
Ver. 7. Gave suck; a certain proof that the child was born of her. M. --- His old age, when both the parents were far advanced in years, v. 2. The mother being ninety at this time, would render the event most surprising. H.
Ver. 8. Weaned. S. Jerom says when he was five years old, though some said twelve. The age of men being prolonged, their infancy continued longer. One of the Machabees suckled her child three years. 2 Mac. vii. 27. 2 Par. xxxi. 16. C. --- Feast. The life of the child being now considered in less danger. From the time of conception till this place, the husband kept at a distance from his wife. S. Clem. strom. iii. Samuel's mother made a feast or present when she weaned him. 1 K. i. 24. M.
Ver. 9. Playing, or persecuting, as S. Paul explains it. Gal. iv. 29. The play tended to pervert the morals of the young Isaac, whether we understand this term metsachak, as implying idolatry, or obscene actions, or fighting; in all which senses it is used in Scripture. See Ex. xxxii. 6. G. xxvi. 8. 2 K. ii. 14. M. --- Ismael was 13 years older than Isaac; and took occasion, perhaps, from the feast, and other signs of preference given by his parents to the latter, to hate and persecute him, which Sara soon perceiving, was forced to have recourse to the expedient apparently so harsh, of driving Ismael and his mother from the house, that they might have an establishment of their own, and not disturb Isaac in the inheritance after the death of Abraham. H. --- In this she was guided by a divine light; (M.) and not by any female antipathy, v. 12. Many of the actions of worldlings, which at first sight may appear innocent, have a natural and fatal tendency to pervert the morals of the just; and therefore, we must keep as much as possible at a distance from their society. --- With Isaac her son. Heb. has simply mocking, without mentioning what. But the sequel shews the true meaning; and this addition was found in some Bibles in the days of S. Jerom, as he testifies, and is expressed in the Sept. H. --- Ismael was a figure of the synagogue, which persecuted the Church of Christ in her birth. D.
Ver. 11. For his son. He does not express any concern for Agar. But we cannot doubt but he would feel to part with her also. It was prudent to let both go together: and the mother had perhaps encouraged Ismael, at least by neglecting to punish or watch over him, and so deserved to share in his affliction.
Ver. 14. Bread and water. This seems a very slender allowance to be given by a man of Abraham's riches. But he might intend her to go only into the neighbourhood, where he would take care to provide for her. She lost herself in the wilderness, and thus fell into imminent danger of perishing. H. --- This divorce of Agar, and ejection of Ismael, prefigured the reprobation of the Jews.
Ver. 17. Of the boy, who was 17 years old, and wept at the approach of death. --- Fear not. Yare are under the protection of God, who will not abandon you, when all human succour fails; nor will he negelct his promises. G. 16. H.
Ver. 20. Wilderness, in Arabia Petrea. --- An archer, living on plunder. C.
Ver. 22. Abimelech, king of Gerara, who knew that Abraham was a prophet, and a favourite of God. G. xx. 7. H.
Ver. 23. Hurt me. Heb. "lie unto me, " or revolt and disturb the peace of my people.
Ver. 24. I will swear. The matter was of sufficient importance. Abraham binds himself, but not his posterity, who by God's order fought against the descendants of this king.
Ver. 27. Gave them; thus rendering good for evil. D.
Ver. 31. Bersabee. That is, the well of oath; (Ch.) or "the well of the seven;" meaning the seven ewe-lambs set apart. M. --- This precaution of Abraham, in giving seven lambs as a testimony that the well was dug by him, was not without reason. See G. xxvi. 15. C.
Ver. 33. A grove: in the midst of which was an altar, dedicated to the Lord God eternal; to testify that he alone was incapable of change. Thither Abraham frequently repaired, to thank God for all his favours. Temples were not probably as yet known in any part of the world. The ancient saints, Abraham, Isaac, Josue, &c. were pleased to shew their respect for God, and their love of retirement, by planting groves, and consecrating altars to the supreme Deity. If this laudable custom was afterwards perverted by the idolaters, and hence forbidden to God's people, we need not wonder. The best things may be abused; and when they become a source of scandal, we must avoid them. H. Jos. xxix. 26. Deut. xvi. 23. Jud. vi. 25.
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Firelight Tales of Exandria, Ch.11 - “Dungeons and Dragons”
Thank you all for coming, and let us tell some stories...
“Our party had completed their mission and had filed their claim on the bounty at the Freeman’s Lodge. Unfortunately, several other adventuring parties had done the same, and, in order to sort everything out and get to the bottom of the matter, the Westruun Shields launched a series of investigations into each individual claim. This also meant, that the party had become “persons of interest” in the investigation, and so were “invited” to stay at the Garrison barracks for a period of five days while the voracity of their claim was being investigated. This did not sit well with a few members of the party, Song especially, who seemed particularly averse to getting involved with any sort of law enforcement or being under scrutiny from authority figures.
“As such, Song dismissed himself, saying he would meet up with the rest of the group soon, and, despite the protests and reassurances of the others, he said a tentative goodbye and departed alone into the night. This reminds the rest of the party that, despite getting along so well and having weathered dire tribulations in such a short time, they are all very much relative strangers to one another. It is here we rejoin our heroes, as Song bids them, a hopefully brief, “fare-thee-well.”
Cezika, begrudgingly, makes a point that the group should leave for the Garrison. Shadow asks if the Margrave’s word can be trusted, to which Cezika says that she doesn’t make it a habit of trusting politicians in general.
With Song having made himself scarce, the rest of the party make their way to the Westruun Garrison, but not before Cezika buys a couple bottles of "not good” wine from the Sloppy Satyr (having finally asked the owner/manager his name, Aeden Brors).
Upon reaching the sentries posted at the Garrison, a clerk is summoned to process the group. The clerk, one Sergeant Jenkins, asks each of the party their name, occupation, and place of origin.
Cezika: Cezika, “tourist”/dilettante, Ank’harel
Nakiya: Nakiya, mercenary, Cliffkeep Mountains
Leaf: Leaf, healer (?), *did not list point of origin*
Ladryssa: Ladryssa, hunter, “the woods near the mountain city with the white stones” / rural Whitestone
Shadow: Shadow of the Moon, “mehrsinaree”, Syngorn
When asked about the absence of “Storyweaver”, Cezika says they were “eaten by a bear”. She says they left his name on the claim as “penance for the dead”.
The group is then taken to a guard station and each receives an arcane mark that will allow the Shields to keep track of the party’s whereabouts as part of the investigation. They are then asked to surrender their weapons while lodging at the barracks, and are in turn given a claim ticket for their arms if they choose to leave each day.
Jenkins explains that the party will be lodged for five days, and they are to remain within the Garrison premises from dusk until after dawn each day, and may be called to provide testimony to the official inquiry council. When pressed as to why they are to be confined to quarters and tracked, the clerk explains that claimants are being guarded against foul play and tampering by other parties, making specific mention of the difference between the conduct of Westruun Shields and the freemen and mercenaries they are playing host to.
Though the party has been given two barracks units, they choose to pass a wary night sharing one unit, with Shadow and Nakiya keeping a mistrustful watch.
For the first time, the party witnesses Shadow perform some type of short ritual with a pendant of black volcanic glass/stone they wear. It briefly glints with an internal flash of power, but then falls limp once more.
Our haggard heroes are woken before dawn by reveille, and the sound of the Westruun Shields’ morning exercises. In spite of the disturbance, they finish their rest before the smells of breakfast rouse them.
Before heading out to morning chow, a courier, Redshirt McGillicuddy #1, gives Leaf and Ladryssa a summons to the Margrave’s Manor, to the court of inquiry, later that morning. Cezika says they are all being called separately that the group’s story lines up. They all agree to omit Ladryssa’s past with the hag and that “Storyweaver” was eaten by a bear after the hag was slain.
Nakiya is delighted to discover that she can still have eggs under her new “diet”. Meanwhile, Shadow gives the cook the warm and fuzzies by asking for seconds and then thirds.
The time of Leaf’s hearing comes, and they are escorted to the judicial chamber of the Margrave’s Manor. The rest of the party finish breakfast and wait by the guarded passageway for Leaf to be done.
After Leaf returns from their inquiry, a soldier approaches them, the brother of one of the injured lumberjacks Leaf saved. The soldier overheard Leaf’s concern about the Green Men, and offers to call in a favor with the floor warden of the Garrison Dungeon to allow the firbolg to visit them briefly.
Leaf takes Cezika with them, and the two are escorted through a few checkpoints and under one of the Garrison towers, into the dungeon. The warden leads them to a cell with two wounded Green Men and gives Leaf and Cezika five minutes to speak.
One of the Green Men is well enough to speak, but still severely injured. Leaf apologizes for their predicament, tells them of their efforts to clear their names, and expresses grief over their friend’s death and thanks them for his sacrifice. The druid is distraught, but thanks Leaf for everything they have done for them and asks Leaf to plant the dead Green Man’s staff to memorialize him.
As the warden signals for their time to be up, Leaf casts a healing word to ease the pain of the Green Men. The warden barks a warning as the spell is cast.
As Leaf and Cezika turn to leave, they hear a muffled whimper down from the end of the dungeon. Cezika tries to usher Leaf out, but the firbolg will not be deterred. In the darkest corner of the dungeon, Leaf finds Buddy, bound and muzzled amidst a cell of long-deceased prisoners. The irate, menacing floor warden threatens to throw both of them in with the gnoll unless they immediately leave.
The two meet back up with the rest of the party and lead Leaf out into the square, under the comfort of a tree. Cezika explains what happened. The party has a range of reactions: Ladryssa and Cezika try to comfort Leaf, while Nakiya walks off, looking for something to hit and not wanting to be near people.
Cezika: “The way they are being treated downstairs... They definitely think that Buddy and/or the Green Men are responsible for this.”
Leaf: “But I told them they were not.”
Cezika: “I know, aile, I know.”
Shadow: “Cezika, I think I know what you mean now; that certain people cannot be trusted.”
Cezika: “I wish I could say this was the first time I have seen things like this happen, but I would be a liar.”
The party simmers in despair and impotent rage, but they resolve to make things right. A little old lady peddles fruit nearby, which puts the group on edge, since they no longer trust little old ladies.
Cezika asks Shadow to stay with Leaf for a moment and excuses herself down an alleyway. When she returns (in a fouler mood), she is followed by a broad, looming, blue-scaled dragonborn. Shadow and Ladryssa inspect him within his personal space, as the dragonborn follows each with a different eye.
The dragonborn introduces himself as Cezika’s cousin, Ghurvoon. Leaf, Shadow, and Ladryssa are introduced, but Ghurvoon asks where the others are. The dragonborn, with a broad smile, offers to buy lilies for Shadow, which perplexes the group. Ignoring their concerns, Ghurvoon calls a nearby flower girl over, grilling her about appropriate flowers for new friends.
Ghurvoon: *sends obvious facial cues drawing attention to the flower girl*
Cezika, tired of his shit: “This is why I don’t send you letters.”
Ghurvoon: “You really learn nothing I try to teach you.”
Cezika: “I don’t pay attention to half the shit you try to teach me.”
Ghurvoon: “Well, if you did, you may not be in *this* situation.”
Cezika: *mumbles in Marqueesian* “Yell at me later. Let’s just-- 12 dasies, I think? I don’t even care anymore.”
Shadow: “I do no longer want flowers.”
As Shadow looks around to see if the guards are taking notice of them, and wary of any move the Dragonborn makes to give them flowers, Ghurvoon continues to press the flower girl.
Flower girl: “It doesn’t really sound like they want flowers, now does it?”
Ghurvoon: “Perhaps not. Perhaps, a Song or two?”
Song, disguised as the flower girl: *sweating across dimensions and astral projecting into space from anxiety* “.......ah....I...well there are places where they could go grab that, not here, as you can see, I sell flowers--”
Ghurvoon suggests to Cezika that her whole party be present for what needs to be said. Shadow points out that Ladryssa will be summoned to the inquiry soon, so Cezika suggests they all meet up at the Satyr before dark to talk.
Ghurvoon draws attention to the flower girl once more, and they start to notice she looks similar to someone they just said goodbye to, as the dragonborn disappears into the crowd. The group finally recognizes Song, and Cezika catches him up on the day’s events.
Cezika asks if Song could find where Nakiya went, and he asks her to take care, before beetling off once more.
The temple bell rings ten tolls, and guards escort Ladryssa to the doors of the Chamber of Judgement.
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the-energon-hole · 7 years
The tfp bots and their s/o who they find curled up in dark room (either by accident or frantic searching) crying because theyve been very stressed and depressed lately and its taken a mental toll on them. I just really need some bot comfort my heads gone to shit and im confused in life. Sorry for blurting my feelings but i need bot love and thank you love the blog. ❤️
((A/N I am proud of how this one turned out, and I am sorry you feel so awfully about something- I get like that too every now and again, but I have a great network of support around me to hep perk me back up when I am feeling bad. You didn’t specify bots, and I kind of wanted this to be special and written well, so I just picked my top three from TFP if that was ok. The bots I am most comfortable writing for and the ones whose characters I know very well… I wanted to diversify emotions and situations each bot would find you in- I hope you feel better soon and I hope this is adequate enough for you to read))
Optimus Prime
-He was a rather busy bot- he did  a lot of work to make sure this whole Autobot/Decepticon conflict didn’t blow up the entire planet, and harm more people than it already has, it was a full time job. He sometimes felt bad because he did not have time to constantly spend with you, but it was what you agreed to when you decided to be together- as no offense to you, certain things have to come before you, like the welfare of your planet. Though, he has noticed that you have been rather distant lately- and that scared him a little bit, truthfully he tried very hard to distance himself from you, mostly to protect you, but you were always so open with him it almost felt wrong not to seek you out. He had the time to do so now, or at least time in the moment where the world wasn’t hanging in the balance by a small thread, so he sought you out in all of your normal get away acces. Places you told him about where you like to go when the weight of the world became to much for you- and you just needed somewhere to go to forget everyone and everything. He doesn’t want you to forget for to long the troubles you face, after all, the way you handle a situation is very important- and it is avery terrible thing to run and hide all of the time. He found you in one of the first places he looked, a small dark corner of the base that had been abandoned by everyone but you, and he could see you curled up and sobbing slightly- and he felt his spark tug  little in sadness, he should have been there for you more and he was very sorry for that.
-He learned long ago that it was just easier to allow someone to vent their feelings, rather than interrupt them and cause a conversation to happen to early- and the person not be fully tady to share their feelings. He approached you slowly, and took you into his servos as you continued to cry as if he wasn’t there- he had time now, so he just sat in the corner you once were hand held you while you sobbed, he would wait for you to be ready to share. It was only a few minutes more of your sobbing, before you sniffed a little and began to perk up to look at his sparkling energon blue optics, you noticed he was waiting patiently to hear what you had to say when you were ready, and it was always something you appreciate about him and his character- his patience and never ending love he seemed to hold for all kinds of people ad bots, it almost made you feel undeserving. You spilled your feelings to him- your fear of the future, your fear of the present, and even some fears about the unknown- and he just stared and nodded as you continued to rant and rave while tears fell heavily from your eyes. He didn’t respond right away, but sighed as he leaned in close and touched your face with one of his digits- “It is hard carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders all the time, it is a difficult task to not only take care of yourself , but take care of those around you” he began “allow me to take some of that burden, allow me to bare some of your fears- if we are to be one, than your anxiety will be my anxiety, and I will do what I can to help quell all of thee fears you have.” You thanked him for his kind words and loving gestures, as you embraced his faceplate with your body in a tight embrace- he was the leader of the strongest Cybertronian force and was an icon to all who needed him to be, qnd right now he was all yours and was here to love and listen to you- you never in your life have felt so lucky to have him to yourself, even if you have to share him majority of the time. He was always there when you needed him to be your rock, nd in the end, that was all that really mattered.
-A lot of people considered him to be a great comfort in times of need- mostly because he doesn’t have a real voice to respond to problems presented to him. In a way though, losing his voice has made him mush more of a sympathetic bot- he finds that he enjoys helping those who are just so frustrated and sad vent out their problems to the world and actually try to solve them. He thinks it’s always better to just let it all out rather than bottle it up inside and let it fester and grow into something ugly and resentful. He isn’t the best at comforting words or gestures, but if you find yourself in need of someone to talk and cry to- he was always the first in line to be that someone. You appreciated how kind hearted the gentle Bumblebee was, he thinks he isn’t much of a comfort and is only good for listening- but really he was the best bot to go to when you had problems. He loved hearing you talk and he loved hearing you complain, ironically, as you two had such similar thought patterns it was as if you were communicating for the both of you sometimes. He wouldn’t know what to do without you anymore, you were such a big and impactful part of his life now that everytime he thought about you it gave his spark little flurried of electric excitement to even be thinking about being in your presence. That’s why when you disappeared and hasn’t returned for awhile, he grew a little restless and worried. He knows sometimes you liked to run and pretend life didn’t exist, but you had been gone much too long for his comfort and he needed to seek you out and make sure for himself that you were ok- even if the others insisted that you were most likely unharmed. He didn’t care, they didn’t know you like he did- and he knows that you shouldn’t run and hide from your problems when you have a perfectly good bot to bring them to whenever you needed him to be there.
-He found you after a little bit of a frantic search, he wasn’t really thinking clearly through is worry and distraught, You were simply sitting alone, looking forlorn and sad as you hugged yourself a little while just staring into the empty void of space. He knew that look, he had seen it on you many times before when you were racked with worry over something you had little control over. He noticed that is what cause you most of your stress- worrying over the things you can’t seem to change because it is out of your scope of power to do, he can relate, as there is a lot of things he isn’t able to do or change in his life too. He can sometimes spiral downwards into a depression about it too, the only difference is he has a great support network to build him back up after he has been feeling down, before him you had almost no one- and that was a big travesty. You were such a nice and kind person, you deserved better than to be wracked with constant fear all the time, so he made it his life’s mission to be your network of support- he would be there for you even if you didn’t want to be there for yourself. He never felt like this about anyone before, so he took it upon himself to make sure you were always hapy and you always felt the same way he did- it was a big job, but e was down for the wok if it meant he could spend more and more happy moments with you. He just sat next to you, as you leaned into him for physical support, and you just sat and continued to stare off into space. He didn’t mind- sometimes just actually being there was enough to let you know that everything will be ok, he can be that ground you need to keep you on track and thinking clearly.It was another hour or so before you were ready to go somewhere to maybe get something to eat, or just change your dreary scenery so you would be more willing to talk and engage, and Bumblebee was always more than willing to be or personal car- it was nice always having a ride somewhere when you needed it. Little did you know though, that he would always be there when you need it- he might not be the best at words, but his attempts at comfort were always so sweet and caring.
-When you look at a bot like Arcee, you are under the assumption that she is pretty hard core and isn’t exactly the nurturing and caring kind of femme. You would be right to assume that, but it’s not fair to just write her off like that because she isn’t very good with words or comforts. She is the definition of being a product of her upbringing- and war and fighting is all she really knows how to do, not to say she isn’t familiar with the physical aspect of relationships, she was just a little fuzzy when it came to comfort and love. Not to say she doesn’t enjoy cuddling and spending time with you doing all these mushy things, she is just a little more conservative when it comes to special times like that- she wants them to remain that way, special. She understand thought that you weren’t always the best of head spaces, she can relate to that one very well, so when you were feeling off about something or unsure about something else- she was always there to reassure you in her own special way. She was a little more harsh in her comforts than you would like, but you know that it is just her way of trying to perk you back up and make you feel stronger and wiser. She is a little funny when it comes to sharing her real feelings- as in you thought Bumblebee was bad with words, Arcee was probably the leader when it comes to cotton mouth syndrome where she swears her mouth dries up and she cannot speak properly. It was cute that she was so bad at what she was trying to do, and it was endearing that she tried so hard to please you with her words- even if majority of the time they absolutely fell flat and had no leverage whatsoever. It wasn’t her words as much as it was her attempts at making you feel better, she was much sweeter and kinder than she liked to let on, but that was ok since you were one of the rare few that got to see that much softer and squishier side of a bot who has gone through so much heartache and war- that thought was almost always enough for you to feel better, knowing you had the undivided love and adoration of such a wonderful femme- she was like the light at the end of your tunnel. Granted, she was a blistering light that shone a little too bright at times, but that’s ok, because you know that in the end she will always be there for you when you needed it most. WHich was why when she noticed you hasn’t turned up for quite awhile, she decided that it was time to seek you out, whether you wanted her to or not.
-She found in in an unusual spot, which was why it took her so long to find you, and she could tell right away that you had been crying recently. Your eyes were red and your cheeks a little puffy and stained from all the liquid that forced its way through even if you protested it. She felt her spark tug a little as she saw how much anguish and pain you seemed to be in- since you weren’t bonded she had no idea what was bothering you, she didn’t know exactly how to comfort you in this moment. She went with her instinct and gut feeling, and slowly approached you as she sat close enough to you to where you could lean to one side and she would be there- it was nice to feel sometingwarm like her frame, rather than the cold emptiness you felt inside during times like this where you just can’t control how your emotions come out. The weight of the world sometimes just felt so crushing, and knowing there was so much that you couldn’t fix or change, it was hard and ade your heart clench a little in sadness. You felt her use one of her digits run through the locks of you hair, and it was comforting and soothing to feel how gentle she can be when you needed it. She was somewhat a constant in this crazy life you live in- and even if sometimes you had to share her with the younger Jack, you knew that she had enough room in her spark for the two of you. Besides, she’s here with you right now and not with him, that certainly says a lot- as it was almost like she could sense when you were feeling bad and would come running to your rescue like this. You leaned into her touch and smiled a little through a new wave of tears that were falling, and you spilled a lot more than you wanted to in her direction when she asked was what was troubling you. In the end you felt like you might have overwhelmed her a little with your words, but she took it rather well and was just there to sit and listen-she didn’t offer any words of comfort or any kind of kind gesture of warmth. She was just there, and you were just there, and sometimes that’s enough to let you know that everything would be ok.
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trackunknownblog · 6 years
Last Month In Review_0318
Parquet Courts - Wide Awake
Gang of Youths - Let Me Down Easy
Mating Ritual - U + Me Will Never Die
The Kills - List of Demands (Reparations)
The Drums - Meet Me In Mexico
Little Dragon - Best Friends
Yuno - No Going Back
Sunflower Bean - I Was A Fool *03/01 @ The Moroccan Lounge
Young Fathers - In My View
Unknown Mortal Orchestra - Not in Love We’re Just High
Stephan Kreussel - Mermaid
Ssion Feat. Ariel Pink - At Least The Sky Is Blue
Jadu Heart - I'm A Kid
Mcbaise - Le Paradis Du Cuir
Look Vibrant - Last One to Survive
Mellow Gang - Temps
Hatchie - Sure
Biig Piig - Flirt
Nosaj Thing - U G (Les Sins Remix)
Let's Eat Grandma - Falling Into Me
Smerz - Bail on me
Thee Madkatt Courtship - Death Toll Cinema
A.A.L - Some Kind of Game
Barrie - Canyons
Lorde - Buzzcut Season *03/14 @ The Staples Center
Cornelius - The Spell of a Vanishing Loveliness (Beach Fossils Rework)
Lykke Li - Time In A Bottle
Whyte Horses Feat. La Roux - The Best of It
Surma - Hemma
Now, Now - AZ
Yellow Days - Gap in the Clouds
Holly Miranda - Do You Recall
The Voidz - ALieNNatioN
Vince Staples - Get The Fuck Off My Dick *03/12 @ The Novo
Billie Eilish - MyBoi (TroyBoi Remix)
Famous Dex - JAPAN
Superorganism - Reflections On The Screen
Hinds - The Club
La Luz - California Finally
Anna Burch - Tea-Soaked Letter
Sjowgren - Beginners
Speedy Ortiz - Lean In When I Suffer
Soccer Mommy - Last Girl
Frankie Cosmos - Apathy
Wolf Alice - Sadboy - Edit *03/19 @ The Mayan  
Amen Dunes - Believe
Yo La Tengo - Shades of Blue
General Vibe - Nectarines
Stella Donnelly - Mechanical Bull
Lucy Dacus - Yours & Mine *03/22 @ Teragram Ballroom
Bonny Doon - Long Wave
The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - I Won't Hurt You *03/30 Isle of Dogs
Casper Skulls - Lingua Franca
Courtney Barnett - Need A Little Time
Damien Jurado - Over Rainbows and Rainier
Wet - There's a Reason
Lo Moon - Thorns
Oklou - Samuel
serpentwithfeet - bless ur heart
Aisha Badru - Fossil Fuels
Vlad Holiday - Children
Dr. Dog - Buzzing in the Light
Khruanghin - Evan Finds the Third Room *03/23 @ The Lodge Room
The True Loves - A Love That's True
Sudan Archives - Paid
The Avalanches - Because I’m Me - Bondax Remix
Twin Shadow Feat. Rainsford - Brace
ZHU Feat. Tame Impala - My Life
Ben Salisbury & Geoff Barrow - The Alien *03/02 Annihilation 
A Tribe Called Red Feat. Tanya Tagaq - Sila *03/18 Thoroughbreds 
Miguel Feat. Travis Scott - Sky Walker - Niko The Kid Remix
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scaplivingtogether · 7 years
Seven Crimes and Punishments- Living Together: Father and Daughter
Chapter 7
Father and Daughter
The sky was getting dark, turning into a nice shade of gray and the keyhole shaped sun was going behind the trees, indicating that it's sundown, just then a yellow speck of light appeared in the sky and started to fly down to the flat's doorstep, the speck then formed into Lucifer with a cardboard box filled with food. The demon placed the food on the patio ground and starts ringing the doorbell, the person who answered the door was Behemo, holding a riding crop.
"Hello, little Marie." Behemo teased.
"I'm not little, Barisol! And it's Lucifer now!" He...or she stomped on the patio. "Look, Held wants you back a half-hour ago."
"It's that late?" Behemo looks at the clock on the wall and saw that it was a quarter to Six in the evening. "Oh my, I didn't realized that I've been here that long."
"What are you doing in here anyways?" She looks inside.
"Oh just giving the trouble maker from earlier what for." He said wiggling his eyebrows. He then heard footsteps coming down from the attic, the demon looked and saw that it was Gallerian without his cloak and Kayo, finally finished with punishing the Duke. "...Please don't tell Held what I did here." Behemo said to the demon with a sheepish smile on his face.
"Oooooook? Anyways I got the food the sinners wanted as a make-up from this afternoon." She picks up the box.
"Oh right, that gluttonous animal was whining about it."
"I heard that, you drag queen!" Banica yelled.
"Is that Lucifer?" Allen said at the door.
"Yes, "HE" brought supper."
"Thank you." Allen takes the box, he then saw Lucifer stick her hand out.
"I believe payment is an order?" Lucifer said while brushing her fore and middle finger together up and down against her thumb.
"Nemesis, get the money." Nemesis went up stairs, possibly to the men's room.
Soon enough, Nemesis came down from upstairs with the money in toll. "Here you go." Nemesis gave the money to Lucifer, the demon counted the money and found that she dug 300 evs from Gallerian's safe.
"That would do, come Behemo." She flew out.
"Well everyone, I bid thee farewell, pleasure making acquaintances with you all." He left.
"You fascists bitches!" Gallerian was on his knees as he whined after having his money spirited away.
"Ahhh shut up, Old man." Riliane told off the Judge with irritation in her voice. "You have more money than what you need to do with it."
"I need it for Michelle."
"I thought it was our vessels." Margarita squeaked.
"That too."
"Pfft, Greedy bastard." Nemesis sneered as she rolled her eyes.
"Ok ok enough said, your all hungry and cranky so let's untie the Duke and eat to our hearts content." Allen said while bringing the box to the dining room, Gallerian got up and went with Kayo to the attic to untie him, Sateriasis was tide in a hogtie position while hang from the ceiling in the attic with red rope, he seemed to have received many slaps to the face and a pair of eastern scissors lodged into the right side of his head. Kayo proceeded to untie the rope from the ceiling, causing Sateriasis to fall to the floor.
"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh." He groaned.
"Learned your lesson yet?" Gallerian said.
"Alright." He untied the rope on the Duke's back, he then tried to stand up. "Stand up like a normal person." He did, "Come on you it's supper time."
"Oh food's here?" He asked tilting his head with half-lidded eyes.
"Oh joy." His face looked dreamy, even his voice sounded dreamy.
~Downstairs, Dining Room~
Allen set out the plates on the table and started to open the box, it contained food from Mukoku: white rice, pork, sweet and sour chicken, chow mein noodles, shrimp egg rolls, little fortune cookies, steamed vegetables, and a bottle of Jakokunese Sake, it smelled delicious.
"Ooooh that looks good." Riliane said as she brought a pitcher of water, she then saw Banica who was eyeing on the food Lucifer brought over. "Down woman."
"Awww." Banica pouted, soon enough the others arrived and sat at the table, Nemesis and Gallerian fought over a chair.
"HEY!" Allen slapped his hands together at them, forcing one of them to sit in another chair next to Margarita, Allen also took notice in Sateriasis's dazed expression, "What's wrong with him?"
"I think me, Gallerian, and Behemo made him into a Masochist." Kayo said.
"Why does that not surprise me?" Riliane rolled her eyes.
"What's a masochist?" Margarita asked as she passed the rice to Nemesis.
"Not at the dinner table." Nemesis said. "I'll tell you later though." Once she passed the food to Kayo, Nemesis started snapping her fingers at him, nothing happened, then Kayo pulled her scissors out of his head thus bringing out of the daze.
"What just happened?" Sateriasis asked, he seemed to be back to normal.
"You looked like you we're in a daze." Banica said as she got some pork on her noodles.
"Well that's new."
"I'm sitting right here about to lose my appetite." Gallerian said as he broke his chop sticks apart, he started to sound sluggish.
"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell then let's not just sit here with our tummies rumbling, everybody dig in." Margarita said.
"Oh don't mind if I do, Marchioness." Banica grabs the chop sticks.
"AFTER...we say grace." Allen said. "I thought we can try clearing our minds a bit since you want to be with your loved ones in the heavenly yard, now everyone hold hands." Talk about awkward, but since they're hungry they have no choice, they took each other's hands and closed their eyes. "Dear Levia, we give our thanks and ask for your blessings for the meal we're about to partake in, Amen."
"NOM NOM NOM!" Banica then processed to stuff her face in chicken and rice.
"Have some manners lady geez." Riliane said in disgust as she is about to grab a sake bottle.
"Don't drink that." Kayo said as she snatched it away. "It's rice wine, your too young for it."
"But I was old one time, plus were all spirits now."
"I'm sorry your majesty, but you're still underage here, and drinking at such a young age is something I won't allow." Unaware that Gallerian sneaked the bottle, poured himself a glass of sake, and gulped it down.
"Thank you Kayo." Allen said.
"You know Kayo, I never give my underage harem alcohol until they're eighteen." Sateriasis said.
"Disgusting, yet responsible." Margarita replied.
"*Hic* I-I-I don't see da problem here." Gallerian slurred as he took another gulp before pouring himself another glass. "This sssake is not at all bad *hic*." His face was all flushed.
"Hey! Dad! Stop! Don't drink that!" Nemesis tried taking the bottle, but he snatch it.
"You c-c-can't hafe it! *hic* yer only *hic* a minor!" Gallerian slurred again as Banica sneakily poured some into her glass from his hand.
"I'm physically nineteen here, dumb-ass, we're not in Levianta."
"How did you get drunk that fast? you only took two small glasses?" Sateriasis exclaimed in surprise.
"He's a lightweight drinker, I know it and he knows it, he never goes to drinking socials as a result. I don't even understand why he would choose this time to drink now?" Nemesis said, eating chow mein.
"*Hic* Because *hic* because *hic* because I'm the king of Marlon, that's why *hic*." He took another gulp, unaware that the glass is empty.
"No you aren't." Margarita said, holding her giggles.
"Yes I am! I g-got blue hair! *hic* It's a royal birthright! *hic* Sh-sh-show respect for da king!" He belches, Margarita waves her hand in front of her nose to brush the smell of his breath away.
"That's it." Nemesis got out of her seat and went to where her father is. "Come on Dummy, your laying down until you sober up." Nemesis dragged him out of his chair by the collar of his shirt.
"Eh!?" He exclaimed as he was dragged out of the room.
"Aww, but he was hilarious." Sateriasis sighed.
"Totally. *hic*" Banica said with a flushed face while holding the now empty sake bottle, "And Galley was right, this sake is delicious!...hurk." Just then Banica stood up..."BUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP!" Banica let out a huge burp that even cracked the empty sake bottle she was holding. "Excuse me *Hic*." She left everyone completely stunned by her loud belch.
~One hour later, In the Living Room~
Gallerian was laying on the couch next to Nemesis while wearing an ice pack on his head, he has just sobered up from the sake he consumed.
"Uuuuuugh, my head." He groaned. "I'm never drinking again."
"Serves you right, you light weight." Nemesis said while reading a book. "Can you remember?"
"I got to the table...Sateriasis became a masochist...I started eating...I saw sake...and that's it."
She patted his head. "Close enough."
"Whatev-...Uh...Ne-Nemesis, bucket! Hurk! Now!" Nemesis put her book face down so she won't lose her place, grabbed a bucket, and gave it to her Father, Gallerian ran to another room and did his business there. "BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHH!" After a minute or two, Gallerian sluggishly came back through the door, Nemesis cringed from what she heard as Gallerian laid back down, "Do you have a mint?"
"No, get it yourself, I'm reading." She continued reading, unaware of her father glaring, he kicked her book out of her hand, losing her place that she's reading. Enraged by this outcome, she tackled her father and the two started brawling again, Allen happened to have stood by the door for a bit now.
"Ugh, I swear to Levia these two are gonna make me wish I was under the guillotine right now." Allen groaned in frustration while rubbing his eyes with his fingers, as if having a headache. "How can I stop them?"
"Watch this." Riliane said, she walked in and yelled: "HEY! STOP THIS TOMFOOLERY OR I'LL HAVE YOU BOTH BEHEADED!" In a loud, deep, masculine voice, it scared the two silent, they sat back on the couch as quick as a flash.
"Thanks, Sister."
"No problem."
"Look you two, I'm getting very annoyed by you two bickering like a pair of siblings."
"SHE/HE STARTED IT!" They pointed at each other.
"SHUT UP! I have had it with you two acting like this everyday 24/7 so you left no choice but to use "this" method until you two learn how to get along."
"Oh, and what's that boy?" Gallerian sneered.
"EH!?" in a blink of an eye, Allen used a pair of long handcuffs on them and cuffed Nemesis's right hand with Gallerian's left.
"Starting now, you two are gonna wear these cuffs until you guys learn how to love each other like a real father and daughter should! NOW STAY THAT WAY!" Allen stormed off up stairs, they can hear the door slam shut. The two were silent over what just occurred.
"...It's gonna be awkward to use the restroom eh?" Riliane said, popping from behind the couch.
"Your not helping kid." Nemesis said pulling her chains.
"This is just great, I'm stuck with a fascist hussy." Gallerian said as he pulled back.
"I was eradicating hell, you judicial mutt!" She pulled back.
"By blowing up the world? Oh how heroic." He sarcastically replied and pulled.
"I was stuck with Be-Beelzebub wh-who annoyed the heck outta me *hic* how d-do you think I feel? *hic*" Banica slurred.
"No one asked you." Nemesis sneered, Banica raspberries her. "Ugh! This is too much for me, I'm going outside." She walked up to the door, but stopped when she felt a tugged, her Father was still sitting down. "Oh right.' She tried pulling him but he wouldn't budge. "DAAAAD!"
"I'm not going anywhere." They began tugging on the chain.
"I wanna walk!" She pulled.
"And I wanna lay here!" He pulled back.
"I don't think the chain thing is working out at all." Margarita said while the two bicker.
"Me too." Kayo said as she watches them.
"Hey look, Michelle!" Nemesis said pointing.
"Michelle!?" He exclaimed excitedly but was then pulled to the ground.
"I win."
"You cheated!"
"Don't care, I'm walking." She began to drag him the handcuff outside.
"You're right, this isn't working out." Kayo said.
~Later, outside the flat~
Nemesis was taking a walk outside the flat with Gallerian getting dragged from behind, the sky is already popping stars above them despite being in a box, and the keyhole in the sky is now colored white. Nemesis was then held back. "Hm? Huh?" Gallerian was laying face down on the ground, much to her surprise.
"Nemesis, we've been out for a half-hour, and my feet are getting tired." He whined while laying down.
"I'm getting fresh air, isn't that the Elphegortian dream?"
"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine." She lightly kicked him to get up. "Stupid bastard ruining my evening walk."
"Did I stutter? You heard what I said."
~In the bedroom~
Nemesis sighed irritably while sitting next to Gallerian's bed. Gallerian was laying on his bed counting the money he was able to save, normally this was to make him smile but now he just wasn't in the spirit, he put his money away the safe and laid down on his side. Nemesis who had been sitting next to him took notice.
"You haven't even finished counting your money." For once, she sounded concerned despite her father's avarice.
"I just don't feel like it now." He sighed.
"That's new, normally you keep yourself occupied through money."
"I know, but i'm just...in a bad mood..."
"Bad mood? Is it because of what happened today at that Academy?" She asked him. Gallerian didn't say a thing, but instead began shivering. After a long silence, he got up and began walking out of the room. "What are you doing?" She was then tugged from the handcuffs that binds them.
"There's three cartons of Ice Cream and a bottle of Yatski Lopera wine I saw earlier." He pulls her up by the arm.
"Oof! Don't drink Dad, you're a lightweight."
"I don't care." He goes out of the room with Nemesis being dragged behind.
~45 minutes later~
Gallerian was knocked out, snoring loudly, and hugging the now empty bowl of ice cream with a spoon in hand, there was some residue of wine in the bowl, indicating that he has poured wine into the bowl of ice cream, sitting on the table are three half empty cartons of Ice Cream consisting of Mint Chocolate, Strawberry, and Rocky Road. His face was flushed from the alcohol and the area around his lips was covered in Ice cream. Nemesis was just sitting there, bored, and her face slightly red, possibly from drinking the wine her Father consumed. Just then, Riliane walked by and found the two sinners like this, she was stunned by the state Gallerian was in.
"Don't ask, this is what I'm currently dealing with at the moment." Nemesis said, Riliane quietly nodded and walked out of the room backwards, Nemesis sighed as she looked at the half empty bottle of Yatski Lopera wine. She drank straight from the bottle and shivered due to it's strong flavor of both the sweetness from the Trauben Fruit and the bitterness of the alcohol.
but then felt like the wine has taken a toll on her. She slapped the back of her Father's head. "Dad!"
"Huh?" Gallerian sluggishly got up.
"I'm going to the bathroom, now come on!" She pulled him up and dragged him out with her, but before Gallerian grabbed a carton of Rocky Road Ice Cream.
Gallerian was sitting on the floor in front of the door, still eating the Rocky Road he grabbed earlier.
"H-h-h-how long d-does it take for you to use the restwooom? NOM." He slurred.
"I'll be out in a minute!"
"Are y-you on your p-period again?"
"Shut up!"
"I'm jus' asking NOM." Soon enough Nemesis opened the door, causing Gallerian to fall backwards. "OOF!"
"Heh heh heh." She walks over him and drags him, leaving the Rocky Road behind.
"My Rocky Roooooooad." He pathetically groaned.
~Back in the Living Room~
"Three letter word! guess what I am!" Margarita said as she starts making weird poses.
"Ummm a rat!" Kayo said.
"A dinosaur! ow." Banica exclaimed, she seemed to have suffered a hangover from the sake.
"That's eight letters, it doesn't count." Sateriasis said. "A cat? is it a cat?"
"A dog!." Riliane said, Margarita pointed at the princess while touching her own nose, indicating that she won a point. "I'm good at charades." Riliane said with pride.
"My turn, Nemesis said." She got up, but she couldn't move with Gallerian sitting down eating a carton of Mint Chocolate ice cream and drinking more wine. "Get your ass up! I can't play if you sit."
"Do not want."
"Fine." She stood there next to Gallerian. "Ok, six letter word." She does her poses.
"A-a-re yer stupid? th-th-that has six letters." Gallerian snorted, but then let out a high-pitched squeal when Nemesis kicked his "little friend" hard, falling to the ground as a result.
"Ooooooh, that's gonna hurt." Banica said.
"Karma for today." Sateriasis sassed.
"Now you ruined it Dad, I'm ou-OOF...Dammit, keep forgetting about the cuffs." She watched as her dad recovers from the blow and tries standing up, he was having a hard time standing straight due to the alcohol.
"Like I said before: the handcuffs was not a good idea, it just makes it worse for the both of you." Margarita said. "I don't see how it supposed to make you bond if you two don't want to see eye to eye."
"Maybe I'll get that little brat to talk." Sateriasis suggested.
"Nooo no you've done enough trouble for one day Sati, it's my turn now." Riliane said standing. "Besides he's my brother, I'll get him." She marched upstairs.
"Good because Dad's being a whiny butthead doing nothing but whining, sleeping, drinking, and eating his feelings non-stop for the past hour, He even can't count his money." Nemesis said while lightly kicking her father's father's shin.
"Stop it." He moved away, but then he covered his mouth, indicating that he's gonna vomit again. "HURK!" He stumbled out of the room with Nemesis close behind.
"Oh god no no no no no NO NOOO!" Nemesis started to panic as she doesn't want to see her father vomit.
"Oh heavens." Sateriasis said in both disgust and concern, the other sinners sat there extremely worried. Gallerian and Nemesis then returned to the living room, with Gallerian still feeling sick while Nemesis had a look of horror on her face, Gallerian sat on the couch. Banica gave him a bottle of water and he took it willingly.
"Are you ok, Gallerian-San?" Kayo asked as she stitched someone's pants.
"...Am I ok?" His speech seems to have straightened up a little. "No, I am not ok. Me and the word "ok" had parted ways a long time ago, Sudou. I am in a bloody state of misery."
"Well that doesn't seem like the Gallerian we know." Gallerian then had let out a sigh, it had shown signs of irritation. Soon enough, he snapped.
"HE'S DEAD THAT'S WHY!" Gallerian yelled suddenly throwing a bottle of water at her.
"Whoa!" She dodged.
"Gallerian!" Margarita yelled at him irritably."
"Do you kissed your mother with that mouth?" Sateriasis said in disgust over the use of a filthy curse word and how he's acting around the girls.
"Yeah, Galley! And you should be ashamed of yourself acting this way in front of these two."
"How dare you menti-" Banica was gonna say something but was stopped by Sateriasis, he was shaking his head at her to not start with him.
"Forget it, dear. It's the alcohol talking." Sateriasis said. Just then Riliane arrived down stairs.
"Well? What did Allen say?" Nemesis asked, finally having enough of her Father's drunken rage.
"Iiiiiiii couldn't get him to talk." Riliane said, sheepishly."
"Why?" Kayo asked.
"He's not in his room, he's not even home."
Hearing this, it was the last straw for Nemesis, she clenched her fist and yelled: "THAT'S JUST GREAT! NOW THE KID LEFT US BECAUSE YOU WERE BEING A PRICK, DAD!"
"WHY DON'T YOU BOTH SHUT UP!" Riliane yelled. "Your senseless bickering is what drove my brother off, you stupid idiots! Now come here!" She then grabbed the two by the ears and starts dragging them off into the closet.
"Owowowowowowowowowowow!" They both exclaimed.
Riliane threw them in the closet and locked the door, "You may come out when you two learn to shut your big mouths!" She looked at the other four. "You wanna join them?" they shook their heads in fear and left.
~In the Closet~
They're sitting on the floor in the closet. "Now this is just perfect! Allen's gone, Riliane's tormenting us, and now I'm stuck with a bastard like you!"
"Would you shut up?"
"What about you?" The two began strangling each other's throats in an attempt to choke the other to death, however it was not meant to be, for they slowly began to stop upon realizing that they're just spirits in the afterlife, so killing each other is now off limits to them. They let go of each other and began taking in some air, they turned around and sat back to back from one another. "Ass hat." Nemesis sighed in irritation.
"Bitch." Gallerian followed the same suit. They stayed silent, not looking at each other in the eye.
~One Hour Later~
Nemesis was beginning to feel tired, she kept trying to keep her eyes open until she finally nodded off to sleep, after a long while however..."Uuuuuuugh, my heaaad." She woke back up when she heard her father groaning, Nemesis looked back and saw Gallerian rubbing his temples with his fingers, his hangover has now taken it's toll on him. After a few minutes of him groaning, she finally spoke.
"You've been acting weird today ever since we got back from Capriccio Academy, binge eating and drinking, oversleeping, lashing out, and you stopped counting your money. Is something troubling you?" She asked.
Gallerian hanged his head low before answering "...Yes."
"But I don't wanna talk about it."
"Dad, just tell me."
"Fine...*sighs* it's your Mother."
"All that over her?" She said.
"Yeah, for years we've worked together as partners of the courthouse, and later in search of the vessels of sins. Usually we fought physically and verbally but nevertheless she was one of the only friends I have...I loved her, though I had considered her as just a friend despite her pleas of wanting to settle down with her after I can get Michelle to walk again." He sounded like he was gonna laugh, but then he started to sound melancholy,"...However, during the Civil war, she left me for dead along with the Vessels of sins, then you murdered me. I felt betrayed and used...and learning that your Mother, Ma, was an HER of all things was the last straw for me. The way I am now was all because of her...Now all I want is to make amends with my family after what I've done behind the scenes."
"Heh, That makes sense." She snorted, "Can't say I blame you for being manipulated by a witch like her because I felt the same way...no, I've experienced it in a similar fashion, now we're even."
"You may not like what you'll hear if I told you, Dad."
"Hey, you're the one who got me to talk, now's not the time for being a hypocrite."
"Fiiiine...she and I were pretty close y'see? I was happy being taken under her wing since the day I was born...until she left me...locked up in our house to go insane by Hansel and Gretel."
"Ah, so she hasn't told you? Wanting to keep her "favorite toy" without spilling the beans about me...I don't remember the full detail on why she abandoned me, but one thing's for sure is that she had left me for dead, I became emotionally broken, I've forgotten what smiles or tears were like...just wrath...I began to delude myself that she was gone because she was a busy playwright, but that was false..." Gallerian was completely shocked by this revelation, he had hated Nemesis for what she did to his family and killing him, he knew Ma can be a witch at times, and he was known to be uncaring to anyone's well being no matter the crime, age, race, and sex. Just as long as he has his money...but after discovering what Ma did to him and Nemesis? That can never be forgiven, especially if it leads to Nemesis going on a berserk rampage and destroying the world. Nemesis started to feel him shiver and hear him sniffle, she turned and saw that he was trying to hold back his sobs. "Come on, don't cry on me."
"...That traitor."
"You were greedy from the start."
"I know...but that's not it...*sniff*...All my life...*sobs* I THOUGHT I WAS HAPPY WITH WHAT I'VE GOT! AND EVERYONE WHO WAS CALLED "MY FRIEND" BETRAYS ME FOR THEIR SELFISH GAIN!" He screamed as tears streamed out.
"YOU'RE NO BETTER EITHER DAD!" Nemesis yelled at his face. "YOU USED ME AND THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU JUST TO GET RID OF YOUR ENEMIES AND TO GET THOSE STUPID VESSELS!, INCLUDING MY LOVER OF ALL PEOPLE! HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL!?...But you never cared." Gallerian covered his eyes as she silently watched him sobbing, a minute or so, she can't help but hug him tight, something she should've done for a long time ever since they met, even if he's corrupted, he hugged her back as he cried on her shoulder...why he's letting it all out now was probably from the wine, but she can't help but feel sorry for him nevertheless, Nemesis felt a tear rolling down her own eye. "Just to be clear, Dad: I still won't forgive you for what you done to everyone...nothing changes."
"*Sob* I know..."
"*Sniff*" They heard someone sniffing outside the door.
"Who's there?" Nemesis asked, the person who unlocked the door was Allen Avadonia himself. "You?"
"*Sniff*...My apologies for what I did earlier, I was just frustrated with you two constantly bickering that I had to take a small leave of absence, I returned because I realized the handcuffs doesn't work on anyone like I thought it would."
"*Sniffed* Then why are you crying?" Gallerian asked wiping his tears.
"You laugh if I told you Judge, so don't push it." He was rubbing his eyes.
"...You listened to us didn't you?" Nemesis asked.
"...Yeah, it's a weakness of mine from childhood."
"Fair enough." They existed the closet and Allen began to unlock the handcuffs, after doing so Margarita gave Nemesis a huge hug to make her feel better.
"I'm sorry...for what I said earlier...Kayo, Margarita, Banica." Gallerian apologized to the women he insulted earlier, the didn't say a thing, but instead smiled as a form of forgiveness. Sateriasis gave Gallerian a gentle pat on the back.
"Well everyone, it's been a long and very stressful day, so we might as well get some sleep, hopefully we'll all feel better in the morning." Allen said while wiping his eyes.
"Good idea." Kayo said. They all headed upstairs to get ready for bed, except for Margarita who cannot sleep and stays in the living room, she turned off the main light in the living room. Hopefully their first day in the box will be all but a forgotten memory.
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ebola-chan-love · 5 years
Chinese Coronavirus Came From Wuhan Institute of Virology, Was The Leak An Accident Or Was It Done On Purpose To Stop Hong Kong Protests?
At an emergency meeting in Beijing held last Friday, Chinese leader Xi Jinping spoke about the need to contain the coronavirus and set up a system to prevent similar epidemics in the future.
As the coronavirus from China continues to infect and kill the Chinese people, it is also doing damage in Algeria, Italy, Bahrain, Thailand, Spain, Austria, Croatia, Japan, Turkey and the Canary Islands. Today scientists warned that it could be coming to the United States as well. The death toll in China now stands at 2,663 souls and rising hourly with 77,600 confirmed cases. These are scary numbers but the Wuhan coronavirus is not a pandemic yet, the flu is still killing more people. But if the virus was released intentionally from a lab, wouldn’t you like to know that? I think you would, I sure would. Now evidence is sure starting to turn in that direction.
“For I will at this time send all my plagues upon thine heart, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people; that thou mayest know that there is none like me in all the earth. For now I will stretch out my hand, that I may smite thee and thy people with pestilence; and thou shalt be cut off from the earth.” Exodus 9:14,15 (KJB)
For all the tin foil hat conspiracies theories floating around right now, there is a thread of truth running through them. The coronavirus originated as SARS-CoV-2 research was being carried out at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. Meaning, the coronavirus was made in a lab, we are not questioning that. But the question that arises, and it is a very good one, is did the Chinese government release it one purpose as a means of population control, or was it an accident?
Whatever the case, it sure ended the protests for freedom that had been going on in Hong Kong pretty quickly. See? You had forgotten about that, didn’t you? Well played, China, well played.
China has unleashed a plague on its own people.
FROM THE NY POST: A national system to control bio-security risks must be put in place “to protect the people’s health,” Xi said, because lab safety is a “national security” issue.
Xi Jinping didn’t actually admit that the coronavirus now devastating large swaths of China had escaped from one of the country’s bio-research labs. But the very next day, evidence emerged suggesting that this is exactly what happened, as the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology released a new directive titled: “Instructions on strengthening bio-security management in microbiology labs that handle advanced viruses like the novel coronavirus.”
Read that again. It sure sounds like China has a problem keeping dangerous pathogens in test tubes where they belong, doesn’t it? And just how many “microbiology labs” are there in China that handle “advanced viruses like the novel coronavirus”?
It turns out that in all of China, there is only one. And this one is located in the Chinese city of Wuhan that just happens to be … the epicenter of the epidemic. That’s right. China’s only Level 4 microbiology lab that is equipped to handle deadly coronaviruses, called the National Biosafety Laboratory, is part of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
What’s more, the People’s Liberation Army’s top expert in biological warfare, a Maj. Gen. Chen Wei, was dispatched to Wuhan at the end of January to help with the effort to contain the outbreak. According to the PLA Daily, Chen has been researching coronaviruses since the SARS outbreak of 2003, as well as Ebola and anthrax. This would not be her first trip to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, either, since it is one of only two bio-weapons research labs in all of China.
Does that suggest to you that the novel coronavirus, now known as SARS-CoV-2, may have escaped from that very lab, and that Chen’s job is to try to put the genie back in the bottle, as it were? It does to me. Add to this China’s history of similar incidents. Even the deadly SARS virus has escaped — twice — from the Beijing lab where it was (and probably is) being used in experiments. Both “man-made” epidemics were quickly contained, but neither would have happened at all if proper safety precautions had been taken.
And then there is this little-known fact: Some Chinese researchers are in the habit of selling their laboratory animals to street vendors after they have finished experimenting on them. You heard me right.
Instead of properly disposing of infected animals by cremation, as the law requires, they sell them on the side to make a little extra cash. Or, in some cases, a lot of extra cash. One Beijing researcher, now in jail, made a million dollars selling his monkeys and rats on the live animal market, where they eventually wound up in someone’s stomach.
Also fueling suspicions about SARS-CoV-2’s origins is the series of increasingly lame excuses offered by the Chinese authorities as people began to sicken and die.
They first blamed a seafood market not far from the Institute of Virology, even though the first documented cases of Covid-19 (the illness caused by SARS-CoV-2) involved people who had never set foot there. Then they pointed to snakes, bats and even a cute little scaly anteater called a pangolin as the source of the virus.
I don’t buy any of this. It turns out that snakes don’t carry coronaviruses and that bats aren’t sold at a seafood market. Neither, for that matter, are pangolins, an endangered species valued for their scales as much as for their meat.
The evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 research being carried out at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The virus may have been carried out of the lab by an infected worker or crossed over into humans when they unknowingly dined on a lab animal. Whatever the vector, Beijing authorities are now clearly scrambling to correct the serious problems with the way their labs handle deadly pathogens.
China has unleashed a plague on its own people. It’s too early to say how many in China and other countries will ultimately die for the failures of their country’s state-run microbiology labs, but the human cost will be high. READ MORE
Coronavirus Doctor Dies in Wuhan, Leaving Pregnant Wife Behind
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Now The End Begins https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/chinese-coronavirus-came-from-wuhan-institute-virology-lab-china/
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arabellaflynn · 5 years
Advent Calendar: "The Cat And The Mouse"
From The Cat & The Mouse: A Book of Persian Fairy Tales, edited by Hartwell James. Henry Altemus, Philadelphia, 1906.
One might wonder why the cat is allowed to get away with being such an asshole here. Other than 'because cat', I mean. The reference to being a "Mossulman" (i.e., Muslim) puts this story in a mainly-Muslim region, and according to Islamic tradition, cats are beloved of the prophet Mohammed. A shorter, much less-murderous folk tale holds that Mohammed had a pet cat whom he loved so much and spoiled so thoroughly, that one day when the cat laid down for a nap on the sleeve of the robe he was about to put on, he fetched scissors and cut the sleeve off rather than disturb it.
I try not to repeat that to any actual cats. I don't want them getting ideas.
According to the decree of Heaven, there once lived in the Persian city of Kerman a cat like unto a dragon—a longsighted cat who hunted like a lion; a cat with fascinating eyes and long whiskers and sharp teeth. Its body was like a drum, its beautiful fur like ermine skin.
Nobody was happier than this cat, neither the newly-wedded bride, nor the hospitable master of the house when he looks round on the smiling faces of his guests.
This cat moved in the midst of friends, boon companions of the saucepan, the cup, and the milk jug of the court, and of the dinner table when the cloth is spread.
Perceiving the wine cellar open, one day, the cat ran gleefully into it to see if he could catch a mouse, and hid himself behind a wine jar. At that moment a mouse ran out of a hole in the wall, quickly climbed the jar, and putting his head into it, drank so long and so deeply that he became drunk, talked very stupidly, and fancied he was as bold as a lion.
"Where is the cat?" shouted he, "that I may off with his head. I would cut off his head as if on the battlefield. A cat in front of me would fare worse than any dog who might happen to cross my path."
The cat ground his teeth with rage while hearing this. Quicker than the eye could follow, he made a spring, seized the mouse in his claws, and said, "Oh, little mouse, now will you take off my head?"
"I am thy servant," replied the mouse; "forgive my sin. I was drunk. I am thy slave; a slave whose ear is pierced and on whose shoulder the yoke is."
"Tell fewer lies," replied the cat. "Was there ever such a liar? I heard all you said and you shall pay for your sin with your life. I will make your life less than that of a dead dog."
So the cat killed and ate the mouse; but afterwards, being sorry for what he had done, he ran to the Mosque, and passed his hands over his face, poured water on his hands, and anointed himself as he had seen the faithful do at the appointed hours of prayer.
Then he began to recite the beautiful chapter to Allah in the Holy Book of the Persians, and to make his confession in this wise:
"I have repented, and will not again tear the body of a mouse with my teeth. I will give bread to the deserving poor. Forgive my sin, O great Forgiver, for have I not come to Thee bowed down with sorrow?"
He repeated this so many times and with so much feeling that he really thought he meant it, and finally wept for grief.
A little mouse happened to be behind the pulpit, and overhearing the cat's vows, speedily carried the glad but surprising news to the other mice. Breathlessly he related how that the cat had become a true Mussulman; how that he had seen him in the Mosque weeping and lamenting, and saying:
"Oh, Creator of the world, put away my sin, for I have offended like a big fool." Then the mouse went on to describe how that the cat had a rosary of beads, and made pious reflections in the spirit of a true penitent.
The mice began to make merry when they heard this startling news, for they were exceedingly glad. Seven chosen mice, each the headman of the village, arose and gave thanks that the cat should at last have entered the fold of the true believers.
All danced and shouted, "Ah! Ah! Hu! Hu!" and drank red wine and white wine until they were very merry. Two rang bells, two played castanets, and two sang. One carried a tray behind his back laden with good things, so that all could help themselves; some smoked water-pipes; another acted like a clown; others played various tunes on different instruments of music.
A few days after the feast, the King of the mice said to them, "Oh, friends, all of you bring costly presents worthy of the cat!" Then the mice scattered in search of gifts, but soon returned, each bearing something worthy of presentation, even to a nobleman.
One brought a bottle of wine; another a dish full of raisins; others came with salted nuts and melon seeds, lumps of cheese, basins of sugar-candy, pistachio nuts, little cakes iced with sugar, bottles of lemon juice, Indian shawls, hats, cloaks and many other things.
Discreetly they bore their gifts before the King of the Cats. When in the royal presence, they made humble obeisances, touching their foreheads on the ground, and saluting him, said:
"Oh, master, liberator of the lives of all, we have brought gifts worthy of thy service. We beseech thee to deign to accept of them."
Then the cat thought to himself, "I am rewarded for becoming a pious Mussulman. Though I have endured much hunger, yet this day finds me freely and amply provided for. Not for many days have I broken my fast. It is clear that Allah is appeased."
Then he turned to the mice, and bade them come nearer, calling them his friends. And they went forward trembling. So frightened were they that they were hardly aware of what they were doing. When they were close the cat made a sudden spring upon them.
Five mice he caught, each one the chief of a village; two with his front paws, two with his hind ones, and one in his mouth. The remaining mice barely escaped with their lives.
Picking up one of their murdered brothers, they quickly carried the sad news to the mice, saying: "Why do ye sit still, oh mice? Throw dust on your heads, oh young men, for the cruel cat has seized five of our unsuspecting companions with teeth and claws and has killed them."
Then for the space of five days they rent their clothes as do the mourners, and cast dust on their heads. Then they said: "We must go and tell our King all that has befallen the mice. We must not fail to tell him this calamity."
Whereupon they all rose up and went their way in deep sorrow; one beating the muffled drum, one tolling the bell; all had shawls around their necks; their tears the while running in little streams down their whiskers.
Arrived where the King was sitting on his throne, the mice paid homage to him, saying: "Master, we are subjects and thou art King. Behold the cat has treated us cruelly since he became a pious follower of Mahomet. Whereas, before his conversion he was wont to catch only one of us in a year, now that he is a sincere Mussulman his appetite has so increased that only five at a time will satisfy him."
Whereupon the King fell into such a violent rage that he resembled a saucepan boiling over. But to the deputation of mice he spoke very kindly, calling them his newly-arrived and welcome guests, and to comfort them vowed that he would give the cat such a chastisement that the news of it should circulate through the world.
Then, observing their grief, he commanded that the dead mouse should be buried with all pomp and ceremony. Accordingly they made lamentation for a whole week, as though it had been for one of royal degree; and having prepared delicious sweetmeats, they placed them in baskets and carried them with streaming eyes to the grave.
After the burial service, the King ordered the army to assemble on a given day on the great sandy plain that stretches as far as the eye can see around the city. Then he addressed them, saying:
"Oh, men and soldiers, inasmuch as the cat has so cruelly ill-treated our countrymen, he being a heretic and an evil doer, and brutal in nature, we must now go to the city of Kerman and fight him."
So three hundred and thirty thousand mice went forth, armed with swords, guns, and spears; and with flags and pennons bravely flying. A passing Arab from the desert, skilfully balancing himself on the back of a swift-traveling camel by means of a long pole, spied the great army in motion, and was so overcome with astonishment that he lost his balance and fell off. Several regiments of mice were put out of action by his fall; but nothing daunted, the army pressed on.
When the army was ready for battle, the King again addressed them saying: "O young men, an ambassador must be sent to the cat, one who is able, discreet, and eloquent." Then they all shouted: "The King's orders shall be carried out! Upon our heads be it."
Now, there was present a learned and eloquent mouse, the ruler of a province, and he it was that the King commanded to go as an ambassador to the cat in the city of Kerman. Almost before his name was out of the King's mouth, he had jumped out of his place in the ranks, and, traveling swiftly as the winds of the desert, he went in boldly before the cat and said:
"As an ambassador from the King of the Mice am I come, bowed down with grief and fatigue. Know this, my master has determined to wage war, and is even now come with his army to take off your head."
The cat roared out in reply, "Go tell your King to eat dust! I come not out of this city except at my good pleasure!" Then he sent messengers to bring up quickly some fighting and hunting cats from Khorassan—the land of the sun—to Kerman.
As soon as the cat's army was ready, the King of the Cats gave them marching orders, promising to come himself to the battle on the next day. The cats came out on horseback, each one like a hungry tiger. The mice also mounted their steeds, armed to the teeth, and boiling with rage. Shouting "Allah! Allah!" the armies fell upon each other with unsheathed swords.
So many cats and mice were killed that there was no room for the horses' feet. The cats fought valiantly, their fierce attacks carrying them through the first line of the mice, then through the second, and many Ameers and chiefs were killed. The mice, thinking the battle lost, turned to flee, crying out:
"Throw dust upon your heads, young men!"
But afterwards, rallying again, they faced their pursuers and attacked the right wing of the cat's army, shouting their battle cry of "Allah! Allah!"
In the thickest of the fray a mounted mouse speared the King of the Cats, so that he fell fainting to the ground. Before he could rise, the mouse leaped upon him and brought him captive to the King. So the cats were defeated on that day and sullenly retreated to the city of Kerman.
Having bound the cat, the mice beat him until he became unconscious. Then the plain echoed with the beating of tom-toms and shouts of joy. Then the King of the Mice seated himself on his throne and ordered the cat to be brought before him.
"Scoundrel!" he said to him, "Why hast thou eaten up my army? Hear now the King of the Mice." The cat hung his head in fear, and remained silent. After a few minutes, he said: "I am thy servant, even to death." Then the King replied:
"Carry this black-faced dog to the execution ground. I will come in person without delay to kill him in revenge for the blood of my slaughtered subjects."
So he mounted his elephant, and his guard marched proudly before him. The cat, with his hands tied together, stood weeping. Upon arriving at the execution grounds and discerning that the cat was not yet executed, the King said angrily to the hangman: "Why is it this prisoner is still alive? Hang him immediately!"
At that very moment a horseman came galloping furiously from the city and besought the King, saying: "Forgive this miserable cat; in future he will do us no harm." However, the King turned a deaf ear to his entreaties, ordering that the cat be killed at once. The mice hesitated, being unwilling, through fear, to carry out the order.
Of course, this made the King very angry. "O foolish mice!" he cried, "Ye will all take pity on the cat, in order that he may again make a sacrifice of you."
Directly the cat saw the horseman, his courage revived. With one bound he sprang from his place as does the tiger on his prey, burst his bonds asunder, and seized five unfortunate mice. The other mice, filled with dismay and terror, ran hither and thither, crying wildly:
"Allah! Allah! Shoot him! Cut off his head, as did Rastam his enemies on the day of battle!"
When the King of the Mice saw what, had happened, he fainted; whereupon the cat leaped on him, pulled off his crown, and placing the rope over his head, hanged him, so that he died immediately.
Then he darted here and there, seizing and slaying, and dashing mice to the earth, till the whole army of mice was routed, and there was none left to oppose him.
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