#Luisa's first period was AWFUL
It’s time for another random Reincarnation Drabble!!
About one of the girls meeting at Disney, where Mirabel finds it all a bit too much and reacts as expected. As in present day, Bruno will be adored for every action and heralded as a hero by thousands of people who never knew him… One of the few who did know him might disagree.
You’re the Real Gift, Kid, Let Us In
“Oh, enough,” Mirabel exclaimed, interrupting. Her head almost in her hands. “I can’t take any more of this. I need air.”
Everyone looked at her in puzzlement but she didn’t stay sat down long enough for anyone to say anything, quickly getting to her feet and heading for the door. The spike of confidence fizzled out of her as soon as the door closed behind her, realising she didn’t quite know her away around the building and had been too anxious on her way in to memorise it. Fortunately, one of the far walls had directions and she managed to find a long staircase, leading her back to the ground floor.
It’s such a big place. Not necessarily busy, but it certainly isn’t quiet either. She doesn’t want to gather attention - well, not more than she already is because dressing of her time period is just so bizarre and foreign to these morons. She shuffles off into an empty spot by a large window, looking out onto sunny street, fanning herself in growing irritation.
They had been talking about Tío Bruno, which still felt strange to her. She hadn’t lived long enough for that unofficial household and town rule to be dropped, and in her new life, she was glad to continue to avoid any mention of the man who was her executioner in all but name. Much less without her sisters there to filter and control the conversation, but Luisa was at the toilet and Isabela had gotten bored, wandering off to go exploring.
She hadn’t wanted to be here in the first place. She never wants anything to do with Disney, their fortune and fame can be left at the bottom of the ocean for all she cares. But Isabela, Dolores and Luisa do like the film and are close with the cast and most of the creative team, so she ends up going along with it.
There isn’t much she can do to stop them because of the limits in reincarnation. She is a child with no power over herself. Not even that, she is a plaything to this company. She has read every book, paper and document, praying to God that there might be an answer: a way to put a stop to the film and its branches. The best she can do is threaten to sue and file for pity cash that will supposedly make her quiet and apologise. And even then, she’s not getting anywhere near as much as Encanto is giving them; Disney is rich, they can afford to hand off pocket change.
Her scars burn on her neck, as though feeling left out of the ‘making her feel awful party’. With her empty-fan hand, she pulls the ribbon loose and shoves it into her pocket. The air stings against the cuts, it hurts in that familiar way, that will either make everything worse or possibly distract her into calming down.
In hindsight, she should have taken her medication with her. She hadn’t thought about it at the time. Nor does she know where it is, somewhere in Dolores’ little red handbag that now seems to be part of every outfit. Isabela and Luisa barely have pockets on most of their clothes, let alone remember to carry bags for their belongings - she and Dolores usually end up having to carry their things. She hadn’t brought a bag this time. She didn’t think she would need anything; she already had eyes to roll after every stupid comment.
What should she have to apologise for anyways? She wasn’t the one who made animated feature about a child’s short life. Selling off identity and making it something marketable, rendering her freedom and the ability to use her own voice useless. Having to live with the horrendous things people have to say about her and her life, what she should and shouldn’t have done. Why do they expect her to grovel and bow before them in gratitude for this? This has ruined her. This has ruined the whole point of reincarnation, the purpose of a second chance. Disney should have made the film a comedic tragedy as oppose to a musical, then it more be slightly more accurate to real life.
And Bruno is one of the biggest inaccuracies.
Disney has rendered her voice useless. She can’t tell her own story, she knows that. But even Disney hadn’t made Bruno perfect. There had been signs - red flags is the popular term in media nowadays - that what he had done and was doing was wrong. If there was one good thing the film had done, it hadn’t painted him in the right. It was left as an implication, as not to be picked up on by children, its subtext. So, why do people get it so twisted and wrong?
Bru— he was never a hero. He was a coward. He was never acting for her benefit. He was acting for himself. They were not close. He had never spent time with her in those first five years. He did not feel bad for her. He saw her as a stepping stone to get out of the mess he had made for himself. He was not the (only) person in her corner. He was not a guardian or a parent or a saviour or a friend or a mentor or anything else good to her. He was a bad, bad man.
It was easy to believe he wasn’t, in the beginning of reincarnation. She thought he was a nice guy. He was willing to help her and gave her a vision, he seemed to like her company and swore that she was exactly what their family needed. It felt like she was finally being seen. And yes, she was being seen - pinned like a butterfly and being cut open, having its insides put on display. He did and said what he needed to, in order to keep her under his thumb. Keep her sweet and loyal. Don’t tell her about the deadly part of the vision. He let her kill herself for a candle, just so he could return to the family, barely a minute after her head had fallen off her shoulders.
She has tried speaking up, both to people at Disney and the occasional fans they meet. She is dragged for filth for it. It’s not fair. They don’t, didn’t, know this man. She did. And it cost her her f—ing life. Why is she the villain here for defending her child self against a cruel, adult man when speaking to other adults, who are supposedly old enough to know better? When this modern world is so insistent on listening and communicating and giving a voice to the weak and helpless? Why don’t people listen?
The sound of footsteps pulls her from her thoughts. She rubs her spare hand under her eyes, drying tears before they can form.
“I am not going to apologise for my behaviour, Dolores,” she says over her shoulder. “I didn’t leave impolitely and that is more than anyone in this company deserves.”
“That’s okay. We aren’t Dolores and we don’t need an apology.”
Her fan clatters to the shiny floor, goosebumps spreading over her skin like wildfire as she processes the voice and realises. Some naive part of her thinks that maybe, just maybe, by some dumb stroke of luck that could be considered a miracle, the toilets weren’t as far away as Dolores said they were and that Luisa came back shortly after she left, has been caught up on what happened and already made her way to find her. But, no. Curse the insanely good casting of Luisa! As she turns to find their four voice actors standing behind her.
Oh, and Isabela has decided now is a good moment to reappear from wherever the hell she had adventured off to. A comedic tragedy, indeed.
“Finally got off the fucking elevator,” Isabela grumbled, making her way over. “Lesson learned: when you press all the buttons to annoy a man you got stuck in there with - because he said you were his ‘high school wet dream’ - it affects you too… So, what are we all doing standing here? Where’s Dolly, Lulu and everyone else? Is the meeting over?”
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the-weirdos-mind · 7 months
Estella Garcia: Profile Update
Link to old profile of interested (btw this will mention SH and suicide so be warned)
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Name: Estella Madeline Garcia
Nicknames: Stella (by pretty much everyone), Henchman (by Grim), Herbivore (by Leona), Shrimpy (by Floyd), Potato/Little Potato (by Vil), Trickster/Reine des Secrets (by Rook), Child of Man/Child of Magic (by Malleus), Siren (by Lo), Big Sissy Stella (by Castor)
Twisted from Cinderella, Mirabel Madrigal, Luisa Madrigal, Jim Hawkins, Milo Thatch, Loki, Wanda Maximoff/the Scarlet Witch
Age: 16
Height: 5’2
Weight: 120 Pounds
Species: Human
Homeland: Somewhere in the South of the US, Earth/The Forgotten World
Rafael Garcia (Father)
Kendra Garcia (Mother)
Oriane Garcia (Older Sister)
Consuelo Garcia (Parental Grandmother)
Austin Garcia (Cousin)
Selena Garcia (Cousin)
Carlos Garcia (Cousin)
Dorm: Ramshackle
Best Subject: Literature/History
Class: 1-A
Club: Pop Music Club
Pet Peeves: Being underestimated
Favorite Food: Chicken, Chocolate, Ramen
Least Favorite Food: Sour and bitter things
Talents: Writing, singing, and playing guitar
Estella was born into a seemingly normal family. However her family was far from normal, her family is one of the only families in her world to practice magic. It’s kept secret so the government doesn’t know and use the families against each other. They have a secret job; protect their world from the Heartless. Over the centuries the Garcia’s have defeated and protected their home from the Heartless. When a child is 18, they know the family secret and begin their training to help. Their magic unlocks during their training and they spend two years training to perfect their spells. Those married into the family can’t use magic but are offered magical weapons for self defense against their foe.
As a child, she was bullied relentlessly by her schoolmates when she first enrolled in school. She doesn’t know why but she sadly has the aurora that makes her an easy target for bullies. Until her disappearance from her world, she was bullied constantly. In fifth grade was when she grabbed a razor and harmed herself. Due to years of bullying and some family history of mental illness she gained depression and anxiety. She has tried to take her life but chickened out. At times she felt that her parents favored her sister more than her due to her negative emotions and seeing the three head off somewhere to do something. It also didn’t help that she felt like a failure and screw up, thinking her parents saw and were ashamed of her. Whenever she would make a bad grade it was known right away and her parents would scold her on the grades.
It wasn’t until she finally told her parents after three more years of bullying about everything in school and home life. Her parents felt awful as they didn’t see the signs, since they were busy with her sister and she hid everything well. Her relationship with her family had strained during this period and they were just starting to patch things up when Estella suddenly disappeared one night, just like her cousin Selena. They didn’t find a note and feared the worst.
She ended up in Twisted Wonderland and discovered she had magic. Something she wasn’t supposed to know. The Dark Mirror couldn’t read it when she first appeared but the more she stayed, the more it showed.
Estella comes off as a shy and reserved girl due to her trauma. She has learned to put up a shield to protect herself from others. She slowly lowered that shield as her friends had managed to move past those walls. When she feels like she can trusts you then she’s really nice and friendly with you. She’s often sarcastic and mischievous, cracking jokes and making wise remarks that makes her friends laugh. To cope with her issues, she got attached to fiction and would imagine herself in a different world to escape from everything, making her a massive geek. She will ramble on about the fandoms she likes and fictional crushes. There are times when she doesn’t want to do much and would rather stay inside but there are times when she has the need to do some work. It’ll vary depending on what she feels like doing. She would rather stay away from fights but if she’s challenged then she will fight back. Good.
She seems to have everything together but it’s a facade. She hides behind a smile to not worry people and feel like a burden. When she’s alone, she lets it out. If she’s made angry by someone then it’s best to run. Latina’s have a reputation for a reason and she’s not immune to a hot temper. If you mess with any of her loved ones then you better run.
Signature Spell
From Fiction to Reality
This spell allows her to bring any object she has written into the real world. It’s as she described it and the details match. She can’t use the spell to bring living beings into life or alter anyone living. Just objects. When she’s done she simply erases the object away.
Since her arrival in Twisted Wonderland, she has no control over her magic. It comes and goes as it pleases with the sign being the magestone glowing a lavender hue
She speaks with a Southern accent
She knows Spanish and is fluent in it
She taught herself to play guitar to cope with her issues
She wrote as a way to get some thoughts out of her head
She has a cat named Nemo back home
Her cousins taught her to fight
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @marrondrawsalot @anxious-twisted-vampire @achy-boo @abyssthing198
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Can we please have more fluff. Specifically one of julieta reacting to Luisa's first period since she got it before her older sister
Oh we absolutely can, i LOVE a good fluff prompt
"Mami! Mami!!!"
Julieta got up out of bed faster than she ever thought possible. There was nothing more nerve-wracking to a mother, than hearing her child screaming. She bolted out of the room with Agustín following right behind her, right into Isabela's room. Isabela and Luisa wanted a sleepover tonight, hence why both were there. Julieta was usually comforted by the flowers in the room, but now, they were her hellscape. She immediately looked at her freaked out daughters, with Isabela who was comforting a crying Luisa.
"Luisa! What happened?! Did you fall?!"
Luisa wiped her face free of tears as her parents approached her, but it seemed to only get worse.
"I w-woke up because I was thirsty, and there was blood all over the bed!"
Julieta looked over at the bed, taking note of a giant red spot. Agustín raised a brow as he looked over his daughters.
"Oh. So you didn't fall, didn't cut yourself anywhere?"
Luisa shook her head, and both the parents sighed in relief.
"Oh Gracias por Dios- it's okay, Luisa. Isabela had her period, JUST like your prima Dolores!"
Isabela, who was only a few months older than Dolores, had been whining that her prima got her period first. She seemed excited about it, a twinkle in her eyes.
"Wait, so I'm a woman now?! COOL!"
Agustín chuckled, gently patting her head.
"You're growing up, but not a woman just yet. You're on the road to it though! Now, I'm going to put your sheets in the wash, and mami is gonna take you to get a shower."
Julieta couldn't be more relieved. She took a hold of Isabela's hand, letting Luisa calm down with her papi. She looked down at Isabela, who looked oddly...chipper, for what was happening.
"So, how are you feeling?"
"Great! I thought you said this period thing was bad! I didn't even feel the bleeding!"
"Huh. Well sometimes people get lucky with symptoms."
Julieta got her a spare change of clothes, and started the water for her. Isabela got undressed, and Julieta was expecting to throw her bloody underwear in the bin, but saw nothing. She stopped her daughter, curiously eyeing her clothes.
"Wait, hold on. There's no blood on these. Are there any on your thighs?"
Isabela checked her thighs, and even her crotch, but shrugged.
"Well then how did you...oh no."
Isabela didn't have her period. It was her younger sister, Luisa. They thought it was Isabela, given the fact that she was overdue for one, but apparently not. The bathroom door opened just a crack, with Agustín holding onto little (and still crying) Luisa's hand.
"Think we had a mix up. She thought it was pee, but nope."
Isabela scoffed, fists clenched in anger.
"What? It's not MY period?! No FAIR!"
Julieta lightly patted her daughter's head, handing her clothes back to her.
"Please be sensitive, Isabela, this isn't easy for your sister right now. Come here, mi bebé, let's get you cleaned up."
They swapped kids, but Luisa held her hands out to Agustín. He was always her favorite.
"B-but I want papi..."
Agustín leaned down to kiss her forehead, taking a second to wipe away her tears.
"Easy, mi vida. I'll be back. I know you're sensitive right now. I promise, after your shower, we'll take a nap in your room for as long as you'd like. I'll even go into town and get you something, would you like that?"
Luisa sniffed as she wiped her face yet again, before nodding.
"I...I want Bandeja Paisa."
Julieta and Agustín shared a look. Getting Luisa to eat was like Agustín NOT getting into an accident. Half the time they had to bribe her to eat, often with toys. But here she was, requesting such a big meal. Agustín nodded quickly.
"Yes! You can have that, absolutely! From the good place, not the other one. Anything else?"
"Can you make that hot chocolate too? Please?"
Agustín nodded again, trying not to look so excited. Their daughter, wanting to EAT!
"Of course! I'll make you ANYTHING! After you take your shower, okay?"
Luisa nodded, though she looked mourning as Agustín walked out with Isabela. She got undressed, and sure enough, blood ruined her underwear, and even her dress. Julieta got the water ready, and sat on the toilet as Luisa started to clean herself. She waited till Luisa was done (a good twenty minutes at least), before helping her dry off with a towel. She looked at her from under her towel, softly smiling at her.
"Now, you remember what I told you about pads? You're going to have to wear them now, okay?"
Julieta got one of the bigger pads from under the sink, and Luisa whined loudly.
"It's big and bulky. I hate it."
"I know, mi vida, but you have to wear it, until you get comfortable with a tampon."
"I don't want this."
"I know it's difficult, but you're a growing woman, you need to-"
Luisa stomped on the floor, causing a big indent in the size of her small foot. Julieta looked at her, and poor Luisa immediately started to cry again.
"Luisa, no-"
"I'm sorry mami! I didn't mean it!"
Luisa immediately hugged her mother, and Julieta gave her a good squeeze.
"It's okay, it's okay. I know you just aren't feeling well. You're going to be just a bit angry sometimes, it happens. Your tìo will fix the floor."
Luisa looked up at the glass mirror, whimpering.
"I'm s-sorry, Casita, I didn't mean to hurt you."
Casita's tiles fluttered and flipped, letting her know it was alright. Julieta helped her get dressed, showed her how to properly put the pad on her underwear, and went to take her to her room. To her surprise, Dolores and Camilo were there, alongside Félix. Dolores saw her immediately, and rushed over to hug her.
"I heard what happened, Lulu. It's okay, me and Camilo brought you stuff to make you feel better!"
Félix, who had clearly just gotten out of bed, nodded at Julieta.
"Dolores woke me up right when she heard something. Been up all morning making her cards and bringing her toys."
Camilo was holding a fair bit of the stuff, including a box of chocolates.
"I even brought my chocolate stash. It's not full, but you sound like you need it more than I do, so you can have what's left. And I promise nothing in it is half eaten."
Dolores smiled at her prima, clinging to her side.
"You can eat the chocolates, play with the toys, and I brought my makeup kit so we can do your hair and your makeup! Because I know you feel kinda gross right now, I know I did."
Luisa looked at her cousins, and immediately started to tear up again. She gave Dolores a squeeze that made SOMETHING in her pop.
"You're the best prima EVER!"
Félix chuckled as he ushered them to Luisa's room.
"I'll watch the kids if you make some coffee?"
"Sounds fair. And I'm pretty sure Agustín is picking up breakfast."
"Good, neither of us should be cooking today."
He chuckled as he went into the room with the kiddos. Julieta was about to go into the kitchen, when he noticed Agustín was still at the front door, Isabela at his side. She approached him, finding him arguing with some townspeople.
"What is happening here?"
Agustín gestured to a group of angry looking men.
"They're mad because I told them Luisa can't do her chores today. I TOLD them she's on her period, but they won't listen!"
One of the men huffed.
"I was promised my fence was going to be fixed today, I need someone to carry the lumber. It's just her period, can't she hold it?"
Julieta had never felt more offended. Grown men, trying to push her daughter, and so ignorantly. He was about to speak again, when Julieta grabbed his ear, making him yelp as she brought him to her level.
"She can't 'hold it', just like you can't control your tongue. A grown man, wanting to put a little girl to work. You should be ashamed. You will ALL do your work by yourselves today. I want no ifs, ands, or butts. Grosero, all of you."
She let go of his ear, and pointed at them to leave. They grumbled bitterly, but did so anyway. Agustín chuckled at his wife, a big, dumb look on his face.
"I love you, SO much. Let's have another baby."
"Let's focus on one baby at a time. Isa, see if you can find something nice for Luisa while you're out, something pretty."
"Was already going to, it's why I brought my purse!"
Julieta smiled, kissing her baby's face a few times.
"Such a nice sister. And you, are going to be a nice husband and get enough breakfast for everyone."
"I can't promise I'll fill up Camilo, but I'll see what I can do."
They shared a quick kiss, and Julieta watched as they left. This was a hard time for her baby, but she was lucky she had such a big family to care for her.
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buckybees · 4 years
22, 53, and 89 💕💕💕💕
Luisa!! ❤️❤️I’m so sorry this is from like...10 days ago and I’m only just answering 😅thank you so much for sending it anyway! I hope you’re having a great day ♥︎
22 - Last movie you watched?
It was The Hangover (for the millionth time) with my housemates!! :)
53 - Favourite time period in history?
Ohhh I love that you picked this one hehe! But so hard to choose!! I love both medieval and early modern to death...but I’ll go with medieval at the moment because I have 3 early modern exams coming out on Monday and I don’t want to deal with that 😂and the medieval period is fricking awesome. Edward II is my fave English monarch from then, he had two very intense ““friendships”” with his male favourites. (It didn’t end well for any of them, but him and Gaveston were just iconic together! And partly inspired Lionheart - Steve is descended from Edward 😂). Man I miss that module so much! Did it in my first year before corona and met one of my housemates there :)
89 - Three things you like about yourself?
Aaaah I’m so awful at picking these haha, I like that I finally got around to answering this ask, that I work hard and that I try to always be kind! ❤️
Thank you bby! Lotsa love 😚
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