#Lumboo the light ghost
Nightmare AU part 24
SPOILER: GORE AND A LITTLE DEATH, you have been warned:
This idea hit me for the walls of the motel, it was a nightmare for me to choose the perfect ones but i figured out in the end... Also the motel is big and has different rooms color. 😅
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Le souris bonbon neige:" New faces are always welcome, i'm also hungry, when is lunch?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"I heard someone calling me, oh hello, new faces i see."
Hester the photo marksmen:"Weren't you at the lake just now?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"At the lake? Why would i be there? I was with Rosalinda."
Sky Coeur the detective:"Did someone let the main entry open? I saw the locket unlocked, what if there is a thief?"
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Lumboo the light ghost:"It's getting late, you should go home Jenna Heart! Tell your father we need at least four more kilograms of fish,maybe Gliudinius."
Jenna Heart:"You are right, i will, hope he can catch them for some reason the fish become hard to catch like they are afraid of something."
Yan-naifu the ghost:She can stay here, looks like a storm is coming soon."
Jenna Heart:"That would be ovely unfortunately i have to go, i don't want to catch me on my way back."
Panel 3
Jenna Heart:"Help!Let me go, you jerk! Nooooo...nooooo,let gooo!"
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Guys, over here, they took Jenna Heart!"
Le souris bonbon neige: Ice! Velvet icee storm ignite!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"Let her go, now! Le souris bonbon neige take left i will take right, let's hurry!"
Panel 4
Jenna Heart:"Put me down! Felix Reddison be careful, no don't harm them!You monster, leave them alone!"
Sweet Lime:"I'm taking care of them, you take her and go..."
Luna the moon demon:" Who are you?Stay right there!"
Sweet Lime:"You can't stop this, we will have the energy for the machine, bags of bones."
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Nishya the dream cat: "Oh no, how horrible! How can they do something like this?"
Luna the moon demon:"This is what Feliciano the intoxicated cat warned us about."
Red the future teller:"They use their own people life force, we have to move."
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Hester the photo marksmen:"You did this, come here!
Sweet Lime:"I may not be powerful, but i'm not gonna get killed so easily. Poison is my speciality."
Le souris bonbon neige:"Ah, be careful, it's very corrosive, like an acid or something."
Hester the photo marksmen:"You can try your little tricks but that won't work on me!"
Panel 7
Moon on fire:"You are the cat with a purpose, to only serve our False king desire, let the nightmare era begin."
Vanessa the 3 knight:" You sure have a big mouth, eh, shut up, stop crying like a child!"
Le souris bonbon neige: "Ice, now Faith the head rabbit hit them, trap them!"
Faith the head rabbit:"Time ignite zero!"
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Staran the galaxy man:"Guys over here, they need help, it's ok Red the fortune teller, we got them."
Amstran the moon dancer:"It's not your fault, Red the fortune teller."
Red the fortune teller:"I should had protected her, but i couldn't do anything...They will be after my sister as well, this... Dream cat is not just a title, you know!"
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Amstran the moon dancer:"We can't do anything else, we lost this battle but not the war!"
Melinoë the princess of nightmares:" This is horrible, i feel like this is all my fault, they were after me."
Le souris bonbon neige:"It's nobody fault, at least we know more how this works, we just need to be better prepared."
Felix Reddison:"Well, i think i know who can help you, with that..."
Part 1 till part 23
Also, happy birthday to my pumpkin oc Amstran the moon dancer:
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furryfury496 · 7 months
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Pick your favorite to date 🤑🤑🥹😜🍇🍊🍉
1,Non-binary: Polestar the star sprite, Lumboo the light ghost, Carrot the bunny
2. Asexual: Luna the moon demon, Lonely chi
This is where they came from
3. Aromantic:Feliciano the intoxicated cat, Yoldeing the cat
4. Lesbian: Phoebe the blue fox
5. Bisexual: Fire Lily the demon
6. Gay: Staran the galaxy man
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caprin-fishie · 5 years
🍬🌟🌹, 🍓☇🌊,👘💫👻, ❤☉♠, ⏳❄🔮
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Rosa the singing starlet and a strawberry soda creature named Pink
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Lumboo the light ghost
A beacon for ghosts to lead them heaven or the underworld
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Deckard the royal advisor to
lady snowdrop the ruler of the iceberg kingdom
Hope you enjoy!
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Nightmare AU part 25
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Amstran the moon dancer:"This day was something, looks like a storm will come soon, i will contact Dandelion the white flower and the others tomorrow, i miss my family too, maybe we can take a break."
Felix Reddison: "Yan-naifu the ghost have already brought the herbs, i will send for someone to bring the oils."
Red the fortune teller:" How are you feeling dear sister? Does it still hurt? I should take her home, this can't go on."
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Amstran the moon dancer:"It's late, we should get some sleep, tomorrow we will see how we can help Felix Reddison and the funeral... On the other hand Red the fortune teller, i know how worried you must be, i want to see my family too, see how the situation is in the real world but we have to postpone for now."
Nishya the dream cat:"I will not stay aside, stop treating me like a child Red the fortune teller! I am in this just like every one here, i can do this!"
Faith the head rabbit:"Listen here stop arguing, it won't help us, we made progress till now, i am with Nishya the dream cat on this one, we need all the help!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"Well, good night and sleep tight, i need my energy!"
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Luna the moon demon:"What a horrible night, i can't even hear my thoughts..."
Hester the photo marksmen:"Yes, this is usually the weather, everybody is afraid of storms, the powerful ones."
Staran the galaxy man:"Can't sleep? I'm worried for many things too you know...Itwill be alright!"
Lumboo the light ghost:"Why is everybody awake at this hour? Go back to bed and oh, i want to ask you not to use the electricity use a candle, those storms are not pretty and i dislike to have to double work after them tomorrow. Good night!"
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Yan-naifu the ghost:"Breakfast is ready, Faith the head rabbit could you please tell the rest to come down, we have lot's of work today!"
Red the fortune teller:"Nishya the dream cat isn't coming for breakfast, i want her to stay in bed, i will do her tasks as well."
Sky Coeur the detective:"It is alright if i will take some food for Nishya the dream cat as well, i would like to read the newspaper amd think about our new move in silence."
Lumboo the light ghost:"There isn't much in the newspaper only i read that another girl went missing, Acrylia the sour candy, poor her, she only was 13..."
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Lumboo the light ghost:"Oh, great... I dislike the storms, looks like it affected the west part of the motel, i will need some new lightbulbs with sockets as well, i just saw two that was almost melted."
Felix Reddison:"Looks like the power cables was cut too, it might be that the electricity pole was affected too... Things like this happens almost all the time! It's a nightmare with this weather."
Staran the galaxy man:"Well, me and Hester will go in the town to buy what is needed, if that is alright with you."
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Oh, and buy some snail pasta and jelly slugs , we just run out of them."
Panel 6
Polestar the star sprite:"Oh, hello, new customers, how can i help you?"
Staran the galaxy man:"We are looking for a shop that has snail pasta..."
Polestar the star sprite:" That would be the next shop around the corner on the left.I wpuld love to show you and your friend around here."
Hester the photo marksmen:"That would be nice but we don't want to bother too much, plus you are busy."
Polestar the star sprite:"Yes, i sell herbs and medicine, old cures...and so on."
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Red the fortune teller:"Are you coming too, Nishya the dream cat? You should stay here with Le souris bonbon neige to guard you till we come back."
Le souris bonbon neige:"Funerals are not my thing, i really don't want to see all that sadness it's heart breaking, poor Felix Reddison."
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Are you all ready? Five more minutes, the rest are already at the door, hurry up...!"
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Polestar the star sprite:"I've heard about this, i'm sorry i brought some flowers and some scented chopsticks."
Staran the galaxy man:"Hope you don't mind bringing a new friend from the town."
Felix Reddison:"Oh no, i don't mind at all... Excuse me now i have to check on her father... Iwas wondering if i would keep her crown, she loved this so much, i bought her this but..."
Sky Coeur the detective:"You don't want to keep it because it's too paintful, we get it."
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Felix Reddison:"Thanks you guys for being here, it's a long funeral... That is why it's a nightmare, i don't know what to say... I'm trying to be strong!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"We are here, take your time, sorry for your lost!"
Faith the head rabbit:"Life is too short, but i know you made her happy even if we didn't know Jenna Heart for a long time."
Luna the moon demon:"You made her happy, that's important, i know you look after her and loved her as well... Jenna Heart showed me some old photos."
Part 1 till 24:
So, to explain, the lover leave the first white flower near the grave not on the grave, the bords of the thumbstone is always a shade of red if not red red, they let special candles on the grave... And the rest is a short ceremony.
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So whom is it?🤑🫨
Non-binary: Polestar the star sprite, Lumboo the light ghost, Carrot the bunny
Asexual: Luna the moon demon, Lonely child
Aromantic:Feliciano the intoxicated cat, Yoldeing the cat
Lesbian: Phoebe the blue fox
Bisexual: Fire Lily the demon
Gay: Staran the galaxy man
I'm asexual and aromantic!!
Thank you for the ask! 🌹
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This is a filler part of the comic, it has nothing to do with the actually action... I made it for fun as a break...
Filler 1- Amstran the moon dancer (A nightmare in pieces)
(it will have 3 more diferent fillers with this)
Panel 1
Felix Reddison:"Be careful with that packet, we should move it to the west wing... Bring the others, this should be going to the charity donation..."
Donut:"What is going on here? Where can i put my luggage, i also have a few new things i have bought recently."
The cigarette ghost Smoky:"Maybe room 113-C would be better, let me help you move in it..."
Red the fortune teller:"Donut, it's good to see you, later we will have a show where I will predict the future and read tarrots cards, you must be there."
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Donut:"This room is perfect, oh this is a huge mirror in the middle of it..."
Lumboo the light ghost:"Yes, it hasn't been occupied for at least 17 years by now...
Yan-naifu the ghost:"I got you some more new blankets, this room gets cold on night, it has always been like this."
Amstran the moon dancer:"Hi Donut, i just wanted to see the new room, um...Do you need anything else, i see there aren't any cupboards for clothes... In our room is one small that me and Hester the photo marksmen can lift it up and move it here."
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Luna the moon demon:"Amstran the moon dancer watch it... It was only a rat."
Donut:"Is everything alright? I heard some strange...noises...Who is she?"
Fem Amstran the moon dancer:"Yo-yo bitches, call ma Nana*... Where is the party?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"Oh no... What have i done?"
Nana*:Why the look, ugh, smells like depression... Ah, damn, where is the beer?"
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Felix Reddison:"Amstran the moon dancer, this can not continue like this... We must resolve this problem! Watch it, not the carpet..."
Lumboo the light ghost:"We have to catch your female version Amstran the moon dancer, she fried the electrical circuit at least three times already!"
Trisha the hour glass:"I sense it was a problem, new faces i see...we have to get this reflection of yours back into the mirror..."
Panel 5
Amstran the moon dancer:"The mirror i broke it..."
Le souris bonbon neige:"Oh no, that means 7 years of bad luck!"
Trisha the hour glass:"I'm afraid only the local keeper can help you now, there might be another mirror somewhere, it's sister!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"Let's not waste any more time come on...we shouldn't play with our reflections..."
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Donut:"Hello, is anyone here? This place gives me such a bad vibe...and it's cold just like in the palace..."
Trisha the hour glass:"Deep breath, my dear, it will pass...This place is worst than i remember..."
Hester the photo marksmen:"Look at all these mirrors, i see my younger self in here..."
The owner of the shop:"Oh i see you found my favorite ones...Let me guess you need a replacement."
Donut:"How do you know so much about us? Do you know what every customer wants?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"Well, sir... We need the twin sister of the mirror, the one which gives you your female or male version..."
The owner of the shop:"Ah, yes... such a lovely mirror, It was bought many years ago by the grandfather of the actual motel owner. If you ask me those can be a gift or a big pain somewhere, it will be yours for 2471 z.i.o, so anything else you would like?Ialso have those lovely paintings, makes such a cute gift, half the price and no curse on them?"
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Nana*:"I love those colorfull fishes, they are so free, I wish I Was a fish..."
Donut:"The fishes around here are beautiful and simple, it's a beautiful fountain... Look, i know how that feels, but it's time for you to move on..."
Luna the moon demon:"lt would be good for all of us and Amstran the moon dancer too... It was just an accident."
Amstran the moon dancer:"Come on, sister... Let's go... But before that for this to work what would you like?"
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Nana*:"Wait, before you send me back, i just want something!"
Trisha the hour glass:"That would be? lt better not be something we can't afford. "
Nana*:"Well, you said yourself that i have to go with an agreement, so i want a big partyyyy, that will shake this motel!"
Felix Reddison:"Absolutely not! You already killed a room and ruin at least five carpets with who knows what drink."
Le souris bonbon neige:"Come on it can't be that bad, i will be the DJ, i have some electronic music."
Felix Reddison:"Oh, ok fine...We didn't have a party for such along time...Ok...I am in! And also to save my flowers!"
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Nana*:"Drink up... What's up party peooopleee?! Make some noise!"
Luna the moon demon:"Do i really need to be here?"
Nishya the dream cat:"So we have the artistic moment where we sing each other a song, want to start it?"
Nana*:"Yeahh, i will go first... Check this out, only for you freestyle bitches... Let's make some noiiise!!"
Le souris bonbon neige:"This better be good, i did not knew my cousim Amstran the moon dancer has this hidden passion."
Panel 10
Nana*:Well, i guess this is goodbye... I am gonna miss you all. Take care... And you, Amstran the moon dancer, i am happy i was your feminine gender part."
Luna the moon demon:"Can you just already leave? Sorry, but i really don't like this tear jerk scene."
Nishya the dream cat:"That is just Luna the moon demon, you were a great girl to have around, party girl!"
Donut:"Goodbye Nana..."
Nana*:"Bye, see you later bitches!"
The next filler will be called İce İce mouse, so yes, if Le souris bonbon neige your favorite, join us in this filler as well...
The 29 part will be posted at 20 pm/8 pm Europe time zone + or - if you are in Europe, example for Poland and France: the time will be 7 pm/19 pm 😅 Don't know when yet 😅
Thank you for your support!
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Donut belongs to @caprin-mallow
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Nightmare AU part 28
Panel 1
Trisha the hour glass: "Not everybody has control over it, many of us have different colors but it's no use to us.Yes, the color represent us, but do not worry, it's the same as jinx, you can't do much harm with it."
Amstran the moon dancer:" l should go, thank you! We will come soon, there is something we want and it might help us!"
Trisha the hour glass:"Sure pumpkin of course, i will wait for you to come back... Till then, take care!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"Alright, again, this time hit harder and a little bit to your left, Polestar the star sprite!"
Luna the moon demon :"Nishya the dream cat if you want to learn how to win in a sword fight you need to stop being so tense, relax and focus."
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Does anybody want a snack, you should eat something, this is a new receipe."
Faith the head rabbit:"Oh no, not another receipe experiment on us..."
Panel 2
Felix Reddison:" Guys, it's time for a break, who will help me with some orders?"
Polestar the star sprite:"I will, sorry Amstran the moon dancer..."
Sky Coeur the detective:"I have some important news! May I have your attention, thank you!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"This belongs to Donut, where did you find it?"
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Lumboo the light ghost:" There it is, the second entry, my old man was a butler here before he died..."
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Are you sure it belongs to her?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"I gave this to Donut as a friendship gesture, i can't believe they got her...i swear if they dare harm Donut..."
Luna the moon demon:"Look i know how important she is but right now it's not the time, we have to move."
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Amstran the moon donut: "Donut, where are you? Donut answer me if you can hear us!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"This place has so many rooms, she could be anywhere, i'm taking right and you left."
Yan-naifu the ghost:"I don't think it's a great plan to split up, there are some demons dogs, very powerful."
Le souris bon bon neige:"You don't have to come with us, it's better to stay here and wait."
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Excuse me?I want to help Donut as much as everyone else...I'm not a weak ghost you know!"
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Staran the galaxy man:"Star dust galaxy ink!"
Le souris bonbon neige: Ice! Velvet icee storm ignite!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"This dog is bigger than my last one!"
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Yan-naifu the ghost:"I told you there were some demons dogs and now a statue because apperently this place isn't bad enough..."
Le souris bon bon neige:"Why this gives me the Harry Potter vibes?I already have a wand where is my letter?"
Staran the galaxy man:"Yes, and i'm sure every broom in the castle is a Nimbus 2001, come on ice mouse, use your spell and make a hole in the wall..."
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Amstran the moon dancer:"This mirror is so strange, this house gives me those vibes like this is a nest at some point."
Hester the photo marksmen:" Don't move Doctor Bird, one step and you will feel the blade, now turn slowly, no more tricks!"
Donut:"Amstran the moon dancer is that you? Help! I'm tied up by some chains."
Amstran the moon dancer:"Donut i'm coming, hang on!"
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Donut:"Amstran the moon dancer you have found me,i'm so happy to see you...Sorry, i keep getting myself in this situations..."
Amstran the moon dancer:"Donut, it's alright and you are safe now. How did you end up here, did they hurt you?"
Donut:"I don't know, i just got here and no, i'm a smart taugh piece of a donut,they can't harm me...i'm just a bit confused!"
Luna the moon demon:"I think they wanted us to be here, but for what purpose?"
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Sky Coeur the detective:" We will think about it when we get out of here.Donut do you know the main path for the first door?The second door is not safe anymore since we had to block it..."
Luna the moon demon:"Where is Hester the photo marksmen? We have to get him too and get out of here now."
Faith the head rabbit:"Great now we all begin to disappear, i better use my time slow power to buy us at least 10 more minutes,better hurry our..."
Donut belongs to @ caprin-mallow 😊
Check her lovely drawings as well 👍
Ok, so now that i made that Harry Potter it's time to sort my ocs in Hogwarts but before that i want to say that i was only 12 years old when i saw the first movie HP amd the Chamber of secrets and i wished that JK wasn't a bad person but she is and i don't agree with her...plus in my country there is a limited Harry Potter merch for exemple rare clothes and books only and i am not that rich to go to London to buy the merch so please no hate for me.
My ocs:
Females *good team
Luna the moon demon: Ravenclaw
Yan Naifu the ghost:Slytherin
Red the fortune teller:Ravenclaw
Nishya the dream cat:Hufflepuff
Dandelion the white flower: Hufflepuff
Rocky Flame: Gryffindor
Trisha the hour glass: Ravenclaw
Elenora the rainbow joy: Hufflepuff
Celena the trophy ice skater: Slytherin
Males *good team
Staran the galaxy man:Slytherin
Hester the photo markmen: Hufflepuff
Le souris bon bon neige: Slytherin
Felix Reddison: Hufflepuff
Sky Coeur the detective: Ravenclaw
Amstran the moon dancer: To be honest i don't know...
Tommie the farmer cat:Hufflepuff
The they/them genderfluid *good team
Lumboo the ghost light: Ravenclaw
Polestar the star sprite:Gryffindor
The cigarette ghost Smoky:Gryffindor
The tiny helpers we see like the bell and so on, all of them are:Hufflepuff
Females *bad team
Melinoë the princess of nightmares: Slytherin
Vanessa the fourth knight: Hufflepuff
Lavinya the lamb servant:Hufflepuff
Feryoni the flower cat muse:Slytherin
Males *bad team
Luciano the candle of secrets: Hufflepuff
Moon on fire: Gryffindor
Clause the king assasin:Slytherin
Doctor Bird:Ravenclaw
Sweet lime: Gryffindor
Duo the ballon prince:Slytherin
Acrylia the sour candy: Gryffindor
Victim 1: Gryffindor
Victim 2 and 3: Slytherin, Hufflepuff
The guard demon dog name is Dooffy, they are 4 of them... Lucky they only found one! Lmao
Part 1 till part 27
I haven't draw for such a long time Donut persona, i'm sorry for such a long hiatus time for the comic... I have not forgotten about you, one of my dear friends...
+ a corrupted Amstran the moon dancer
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Nightmare AU part 27
And with this part we are at the half of the comic 👀
Warning:Blood and a small death:
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Doctor bird:"Soon very soon, this will be over, we are so close to victory, i can taste it."
The fake Nightmare king:"This is the heart of your machine, Doctor Bird! Such a wild energy at my small finger, all those worlds soon will be mine."
Growlian:"Such a wonderful show, my Highness, delightful even."
Panel 2
Luciano the candle of secrets:"This is for you Moon on fire, the doctor found out our next target."
Moon on fire:"Her name is Katelyn, will any knights come with me to capture her, i know about the others."
Luciano the candle of secrets:"They are indeed such a problem, but for now you must bring the next target!"
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Katelyn:"Who are you? Why are you here? Help, someone!
Clause the assassin king:" They always try to run, pitfull, i feel like only us are working too hard."
Moon on fire:" We are not here to ask question, we need to work, or else they will use us in the experiments.
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Luciano the candle of secrets:"I see you finished already, i guess the poison did it... That is such a shame."
Moon on fire:"I need more of those poison, is really hard to not get unwanted attention these days, my blade are sticky from blood."
Doctor bird:"A small price for such a specimen, now excuse me, i have work to do... Meet me at about two hours and 10 minutes from here."
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Doctor bird:"Excelent, a fine work indeed... Don't touch her, why can't anyone understand how delicate is this process... I have what i need now to extract the essence."
Luciano the candle of secrets:"How many do you need? Can't this machine work any faster? Such a waste of resources, our king will not be pleased!"
Clause the assassin king:"When we will see them again, after i took an arrow on my shoulder i want to take their neck for this?!"
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Amstran the moon dancer:"I feel a little dizzy, i have to lay down for a minute."
The cigarette ghost Smoky:" Sir, you have a telephone call from someone named Trisha the hour glass."
Sky Coeur the detective:"Amstran the moon dancer i need your opinion, tell me honest did i bought the right one?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"Yes, hello?!"
Trisha the hour glass:"You are the pumpkin Felix Reddison told me about, meet me at the local library at 5 am in the morning, come alone!"
Panel 7
Luna the moon demon:"Are you sure it's a good thing to go alone?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"I have to know, maybe she has answers...Excuse me...!"
Trisha the hour glass:"Ah, finally we meet Amstran the moon dancer, come in... There are still 2 hours till the fog will be lifted up."
Amstran the moon dancer:"Strange weather, i can't get used to it. Is that why i feel so sick in the last days, i don't say anything to them because i don't want them to be worried."
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Trisha the hour glass:"Let's practice something simple, choose a book and give it to me. Close your eyes first!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"I don't see how this works, i just..."
Trisha the hour glass:"Shh, don't... Trust yourself, and repeat the first word it comes to your mind."
Amstran the moon dancer:"Dove."
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Trisha the hour glass:"Looks like your power is not healing pumpkin. My friend Felix Reddison told me you felt a little off since you couldn't heal Jenna Heart wound, poor girl."
Amstran the moon dancer:"I don't know l, i just had to try something, she did not deserved that...I feel so sorry!"
Trisha the hour glass:"Even so, poison can not be cured that simple, it's not your fault, let's try another one...and then bring your friends too... It's time for the questions to get their answers!"
Panel 10
Le souris bonbon neige:"He is where? Who though it was a good idea to let him alone by himself!"
Lumboo the light ghost:"He is fine, no one wakes up at that hour, not even your enemies."
Staran the galaxy man:"If you may sit down, Amstran the moon dancer is more capable alone, plus this Trisha the hour glass only invited him alone not us."
Sky Coeur the detective:"Le souris bonbon neige, he is right, all this fight is to no avail, we have to trust him, there is nothing we can do...This is not how i wanted to spend my honey moon!"
Part 1 till part 26
Also, i forgot...You can tell me which part is your favorite, i am a curios little bean...And if till now the comic is kinda boring well, the next part will have a little action...Sorry, no spoilers!👀😅
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Nightmare AU part 26
Panel 1:
Sky Coeur the detective:"I will propose to Nishya the dream cat in this afternoon..."
Polestar the star sprite:"Wonderful, i know exactly the best bakery for the wedding cake!"
Le souris bonbon neige:"Wait, my big brother is getting married?I don't have any plans for the bachelor party, i'm such a failer little brother in the world!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"I've heard about a proposal possible a marriage?"
Panel 2
Luna the moon demon:"This time better be true, i haven't eat a piece of cake in ages."
Hester the photo marksmen:" Oh, and here i thought you want me to propose to you too Lunica... My dreams are crushed, woah..."
Faith the head rabbit:"Back off, masked man, my master deserve only the best!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"We should buy them a wedding gift!"
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Le souris bonbon neige:"Why in the world the stuff is so expensive here?!"
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Because things that cost a lot of money is the usual nightmare in your world."
Felix Reddison:"That and rich people, some of us are rich so it doesn't bother us too much, plus we have jobs that are paid well, that are the employer nightmare in the real world!"
Red the fortune teller:"Let me guess, finding quality stuff is also a nightmare?"
Panel 4
Doctor bird:" I just need a few more wires and there this should be enough!"
Luciano the candle of secrets:"When will the machine be complete?"
Doctor bird:" I'm afraid i will need more lab rats since the others were disposable!"
Growlian:"I've heard that Doctor, our master won't be very kind to us if this machine of your doesn't work properly."
Duo the ballon prince:" What if we hunt down the marshmallow demon?"
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Growlian:"The marshmallow demon is perfect for the machine, yes...But don't harm her too much, she is mine, will become my perfect puppet."
Luciano the candle of secrets:"We tried to put her children in danger but that didn't get us anywhere, hasn't change her form at all."
Moon on fire:"Then i propose to do something more drastically, it won't be enough if we attack them, Melinoë the princess of nightmares can change them one against another."
Clause the assassin king:"Till then we need to lure them, killing more villagers for the machine will certain catch their attention."
Growlian:"I will send our special crows to spy on them, where they are we will know."
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Luna the moon demon:"So now that you are married what it will be? Nishya Coeur the dream cat, Nishya the dream cat Coeur or just Nishya Coeur?
Felix Reddison:" That is wonderful, you can take the brown with yellow room it has some roses painted as a pattern, what flowers would you prefer, have you thought about the food meniu?
Yan-naifu the ghost:"We have so many to prepare, our friends are getting marry!"
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Lumboo the light ghost:"I just heard the news, congratulations you two!"
Nishya the dream cat:"Thank you, Lumboo the light ghost, would you like to be one of our best man?"
Le souris bonbon neige:"Come on, Amstran the moon dancer, get a break, we deserve this! Working extra hard is not too good for our health!"
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Felix Reddison:"We are here to unite this man with this woman in the Holy Sacrament of Marriage..."
Luna the moon demon:"I always cry at weddings..."
Faith the head rabbit:"Woah, weakling, sniff sniff... So beautiful, this is the first marriage i attempt too... Woah..."
Felix Reddison:"Will take each other at good and the bad, at health and sickness, at poor and rich... Till death do them apart... If there is anyone who knows a reason they can't be married speak now or forever be silent!
Red the fortune teller:"My little sister is so beautiful and happy, i'm so glad she found someone!"
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Sky Coeur the detective:"With this ring i seal our marriage, making you my oficial wife, i give my word that i will love you at bad and good time till death do us apart!"
Nishya the dream cat:With this ring i seal our marriage, making you my oficial wife, i give my word that i will love you at bad and good time till death do us apart!"
Felix Reddison:"You can kiss the bride!"
Luna the moon demon :"Congratulations!Wish you the stone house and many children to come in the future!"
Nishya the dream cat:" I will never get used to Mrs Coeur name, hehe!"
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Sky Coeur the detective:"I'm the luckiest mouse in the world, in so happy to have you Nishya the dream cat... Thank you!"
Nishya the dream cat:"And I'm the luckiest cat in the world, finally we are together as a family!"
Sky Coeur the detective:"This day is now on my collection as one of my happiest days album!"
Part 1 till part 25
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Nightmare AU part 18
Warning: Blood and selfharm (well, he tried to stop him from killing her, so it's not really self harm but how do you name it?)
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Amstran the moon dancer:"Good thinking with the photos, i never ride a horse before but now i'm impress with my skills..."
Hester the photo marksmen:" Less talk more action, Amstran the moon dancer, we need to get as far as possible."
Amstran the moon dancer:"Is that Donut? What is she doing out here in the opening like that? Has our plan failed?"
Donut:Amstran the moon dancer...
Luciano the candle of secrets:"Finally you show up, exactly what i was looking for."
Hester the photo marksmen:"Donut, Watch Out!"
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Clause the assassin king: "Look, what we have here, what a beautiful captures! What is wrong sugar, are you in pain? Oh, is taking an arrow in the arm so painful?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"LET GO OF HER, NOW!
Clause the assassin king:"Slow down lover-boy, or i might cut her beautiful throat, look at this velvet skin... It would be such a shame!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"Maybe i haven't made myself clear enough, i said...DON'T TOUCH HER! Hester the photo marksmen take Donut, go to safe... Place..."
Donut:"This is all my fault, i've made things worst!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"No, you... Didn't... You co... me for us, just worried, glad you and your children are safe."
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Luciano the candle of secrets:"Did you wanted to see me, your Highness?"
The fake king of nightmares:" Did you manage to take the final ingredient?"
Luciano the candle of secrets:"Yes, your Highness, everything is now in your capabile hands for the next plan phases."
The fake king:"Good! Now go, take this scroll with you and the fake four sacred path, it's time for another battle."
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Faith the head rabbit:"What happened? Who did this?"
Hester the photo marksmen:"Amstran was hurt while trying to protect Donut, the knife was poisoned..."
Felix Reddison:"Oh my...This is not good, have you seen the color of the poison?Yan-naifu the ghost gave me all the ingredients for it, we should have it on the first aid shelf."
Donut:"It was yellow with dark green, will he be alright?"
Lumboo the light ghost:"Yes, this type of poison isn't lethal, come on let's treat your shoulder wound!"
Luna the moon demon:"I don't like the mist it is raising, i have a bad feeling about it!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"You always have a bad feeling about everything, Lunica! Luna the moon demon:"No, and stop calling me by that ridiculous nickname!"
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Doctor Bird:"I have the love potion you asked me for... I don't understand, i'm a doctor not a wizard, why do you need such a thing?"
The fake Nightmare king:" You will see, come to the Chambers i need you to meet someone."
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The fake Nightmare king:"This is my late creation, made by my blood and magic, it's time to rise to the surface and bring pain to the one who is my foe! Behold my beautiful half daughter, Melinoë!"
Growlian:"She is the one who will send our enemies into the embrace of death, Melinoë the princess of nightmares we welcome you."
Melinoë the princess of nightmares:"Who dares deceiving my father, in my father name i will have their blood on my sword!"
Donut belongs to @blogdeepdonutfatality
Ok, so Amstran can teleport but only when he is nervous enough, he did stab Clause the assassin king in the shoulder while taking Donut, and Hester the photo marksmen shot Clause the assassin king in the other shoulder.
Clause the assassin king crown moves and is a part of him... That is why it's acting that way...
Part 1 till part 17 ->
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Nightmare AU part 21
(A few words before i begin, Amstran the moon dancer and Selena the trophy ice skater had a 3 years relationship, before the marriage proposal, the Nightmare world does those things to their face so they are weird sometimes...so yes, I will try to make them not so pretty...sorry for the disaster, you will see Donut (she is not my oc) later don't worry, maybe i should make a part with the human world and how the situation is? Hm...)
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Amstran the moon dancer:"So this is my ability, i will try my best to use it... I kinda like it..."
Hester the photo marksmen:"How about we to train together, Luna the moon demon? Every time we make progres we get a kiss on the cheek from each other, sound good?"
Luna the moon demon:"You wish, i don't have time for this, Hester the photo marksmen!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"Come on darling don't be like the moon, be the sun at least this one time!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"I'm going to bed... Yes, this early, i'm tired... Good night!"
Luna the moon demon:"Wait Amstran the moon dancer don't leave me with this pervert!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"Auch, that hurt Lunica!"
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Hester the photo marksmen:"Amstran the moon dancer are you alright? You don't look very well..."
Amstran the moon dancer:"Sort of, i have a migraine...What's wrong?"
Nishya the dream cat:" I heard something, Amstran the moon dancer your knuckles are bleeding..."
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Le souris bonbon neige:"Amstran the moon dancer, stop worring everybody with this attitude!"
Felix Reddison:"Le souris bonbon neige, you should watch it, his girlfriend just break up with him, it's alright mate... Here some drink from the House..."
Le souris bonbon neige:"May I have some?"
Felix Reddison:"Only if you gave me some ice cubes, i need them for the drink!"
Lumboo the light ghost:"I just heard the news, sorry mate! Look, i made those fly lanterns for your room, so it will be more colorful."
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Amstran the moon dancer:"Ugh, what is wrong with me!? Why i'm suddenly so dizzy?"
Sky Coeur the detective:"Hester the photo marksmen would you please take our picture?"
Hester the photo marksmen:"Hm, that is odd, what is this strange fog that appear? Is it this world or something else?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"Ups, i just tripped, and why is the water so agitated unless is there someone in?!"
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Felix Reddison "Wait, what? How... Amstran the moon dancer wait it's too dangerous and cold!"
Luna the moon demon:"Why is everybody yelling, what is wrong?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"Where are you? Oh, there... Hang on, little one... Ah, he wasn't joking when he said the water is cold... Hope, i'm not too late, let's get you out of this water..."
Hester the photo marksmen:"What is taking him so long, i must jump in!"
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Amstran the moon dancer:"That won't be necessary my friend! Has anybody a blanket with a first aid kit on handy?"
Nishya the dream cat:"Where is the poor soul?"
Hester the photo marksmen:"Right here..."
Faith the head rabbit:"Um, doesn't she look somehow familiar?"
Amstran the moon dancer:"Yes, she looks like... I'm worried about her..."
Yes, everybody in this AU are like: -> -> ->
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Part 1 till part 20 ->
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Nightmare AU part 15
I've finish with part 16 already so stay tuned, more to come today...Thank you! 🌹
Panel 1...
Staran the galaxy man:"It's time to go, is everybody ready?"
Selena the trophy ice skater:"Amstran the moon dancer wait, can't i come with you? Please!"
Le souris bonbon neige:Hey don't look at me for answers, she is your girlfriend after all, still happy i'm single."
Sky Coeur the detective: "We should find a a temporary shelter. Donut, lead the way!"
Donut:" Alright i remember a motel near by, but we will need some money..."
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Unknown voice:"Ah, new costumers... Welcome, welcome my dear guests...Welcome to the Scarlet Ghost Ship motel for every money pocket, one of the cheaper motel from 20 miles!"
Donut:"Um, hello, we don't really have money but may we stay here for a short period of time? We will even help with the motel tasks."
Urialny the porcupine:"Since i need new staff, the old one are old and well i can't refuse such thing, alright... I pay 173 Z.I.O, may you sign, i will give you tags with your name...You will works 8 hours, and you can't get rid of the tags till i tell you the secret word. Felix Reddison come here we have new customers and staff, show them the rooms."
Felix Reddison:"Hello, my name is Felix Reddison, i will be your guide, i'm the one responsible for food, room Black 123B is for the gentlemen and room Red 321C is for the ladies, the motel has 347 rooms each one with their color."
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Felix Reddison:"So this are the rest of the staff:Ring star the mouse will help you with the laundry, Yan-naifu the ghost with the food supplies, me i'm the one who cooks, the House mimics will help you with the rooms, Lumboo the light ghost is our electrician, he helps with the lights, Tickingsworth the clock demon is the motel housekeeper and waiter and the last one is the ghost of the cigarette Smoky, he is our butler..."
Yan-naifu the ghost:" So happy to meet you, we must have a party...You come right on time, usually we don't have many visitors , unless is the sacred festival or the summer season."
1 z.i.o= 23 dollars and 25 cents, also Z.I.O doesn't exist in our world so...
Donut belongs to @blogdeepdonutfatality
Part 1 till part 14 ->
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