#Lumoise City Ghost Girl
mandibuzz-unsolved · 6 months
Lumiose City Ghost Girl
Welcome to the first Mandibuzz Unsolved mystery where I, Bianca, and my partner Blue will tackle one of the most popular urban legends of the Kalos region, the Lumiose City Ghost Girl.
For those who don't know, the Lumiose City ghost is said to haunt the second floor of an ordinary office building on the North Boulevard strip.
Many accounts of the ghost follow a similar pattern. Flickering lights, coldness, and an apparition of a ghostly girl telling visitors that, "No, you're not the one," before disappearing. The girl is described as having long, shaggy black hair, pale skin, and long black dress.
I think we saw 5 hex girls matching that exact description in the past month. Man... oh god Bianca, the ghosts are multiplying!
Oh hush! Anyways...
One visitor claims, "It was like the world went dead silent. I couldn't hear the sounds from the street or the thrum of electricity, only my own heartbeat in my ears as a chill shot up my spine. All I knew is that I wasn't alone."
Despite this, most people report that they didn't feel a particular malevolence coming from the spirit. While most talk about the terror they felt, some accounts claim they felt a sudden sense of calmness wash over them, like they knew there was nothing to fear.
The questions no one seems to be able to answer is, "Who is she? And who is she looking for?"
More under the cut.
While Lumiose City is rich with history, this little to say about the office building. The building was constructed in the early 1920s and rented out. Over the course of many decades, it's housed a multitude of companies, and none of them have ever had a reported death inside the building.
Talks about the office being haunted started around the 1950s, most accounts following similar threads as above.
People who work in the building talk about how they 2nd floor is mostly used as a storage space, cubicles sitting empty unless the use is absolutely necessary. They report hearing footsteps above them and lights flickering.
I mean, I think we need to acknowledge that it's an old building. Maybe they need to take a look at their electrical work.
I mean, that's a possibility, but before we get into the theories, what do you think, Blue?
Well... you already know that I don't believe in ghosts. It's just a rumor that's spun out of control.
You don't think the legend stemmed from something?
I think people love a good spooky story.
Well, theory #1:
Murdered Lover
One of the more popular urban legends about this ghost is that she was a teen girl meeting up with a crush after school. Her parents didn't allow dating, so they'd sneak up to the unused 2nd floor of the office to spend time together. Only, it turned out that she wasn't alone and someone else was using it as their hiding spot. The poor young girl was murdered and now haunts the space, still waiting for her lover to show up.
Is there any evidence backing this up? I thought you said that there were no reported deaths in the building.
I'll be honest: not really. Though if someone WAS murdered, don't you think the building owner would cover it up?
Fair enough. Does she even have a name?
Maria is a popular one, but so are Camille and Anna.
What about the killer?
Well, there actually WERE a handful of serial killers in the Kalos region at this time. Lumious City specifically having Honedge Slasher. There is in fact a victim named Camille! But she was murdered in the South Boulevard.
So... just a spooky tale?
Theory #2
Vengeful spirit
Now the ghost is an adult woman going by the name of Charlotte Dubois who worked on the first floor. The rumor goes is that she was blatantly favored by management and was the office tattle tale. Out of anger, or perhaps because she was going to report something big, one of her coworkers murdered her after she stepped off the elevator. She now haunts the space trying to find her killer.
Any evidence for this one?
Actually, there is in fact evidence of a Charlotte Dubois working in this building! But not evidence of one ever actually living in the city.
Yeah! Employment records say she exists, but there's no evidence of anyone with that name actually living within the city. No death record either, aside from a woman sharing the name who died in 2013.
Theory #3
A curse
There's a rumor that the ghost isn't actually real at all and is just a curse placed upon a building by an angry customer. There was a short lived insurance company that scammed thousands from its customers on 1952. It is said one elderly woman got nothing after the death of her husband and was so engaged she cursed the building to scare away any new costumers.
Well that seems kinda silly.
How so?
Well, nearly every story says she only appears on the second floor, and that the ghost isn't particularly malevolent. Why curse ONLY the second floor?
Well, two floors were actually owned separately during that year. And she wanted to scare away business, not hurt people.
Hm. Fair enough.
And final theory #4
Pokémon having a goof
And that's pretty much it. Just some Pokémon having a blast trolling people.
Now THIS is the kinda theories I like!!! We love little guys having a goof.
Although there's no proof any Pokémon calls that office space home, I must add. People have gone in there in search of a Pokémon and have come up empty handed
As opposed to people finding concrete proof that this ghost is real.
There's honestly an ENDLESS amount of theories as to why this ghost haunts the building, many of which I could spend hours going on about, but these are the biggest, and in my opinion, the most likely.
I would ask you what you think but I already know...
Well, if it's not people faking for attention, then WOO Pokémon having a goof, baby!!!
What about you?
I'm honestly partial to the Charlotte Dubois theory. I think it's odd that she only exists on employment records... seems like maybe there was something people tried to cover up.
But in the end this case will likely remain unsolved.
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Tag: 🎶 │ ( pkmn verse ) the crossing fate wears the wind ❞
Status: Single Ship (tentative, depending on muse)
Open for Interactions
All right to start things off. This verse isn’t entirely fleshed out in concern to each characters individual background. A majority of this verse reflects the main verse with the characters being famous idols from both Daikoku Production and Brave Entertainment along with their respective groups ( Kitakore, MooNs, KiLLER KiNG, and THRIVE the collective group being called B-Project ).
Verse Notes
Daikoku Production and Brave Entertainment are based out of the Kalos region. Atsushi Daikoku is the President of Daikoku Production where as Shuuji Daikoku is the President of Brave Entertainment. 
Both agencies share/own a Training School together that produces their idols. 
Sakutaro Yashamaru, is the director of the Training School as well as the Manager for B-Project and its respective units: Kitakore, MooNs, KiLLER KiNG, and THRIVE. His character is a rather suspicious as not many know what’s on his mind.
Tsubasa Sumisora is the A&R of B-Project and its respective units. She new to the game, but she learns and adapts quickly to things thrown at her.
B-Project has had an increasing popularity since their debut in the Kalos Region. With a year of ups and down behind them Atsushi and Shuuji want B-Project and their music to reach others outside of their home region.
Muses involved in Verse
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Ryuji and Tomohisa are both part of the unit called Kitakore. Kitakore is a idol Prince type unit of two sweet and cute princess. The two charms is as mysterious as the elegant atmosphere they give. They wish to express their feelings in their songs.
Hometown: Castelia City, Unova
Korekuni, Ryuji: Ryuji isn’t much of a battler and prefers Pokemon Contests to them. Finding it to be more of his area of interest. If he forced into a situation where he has to fight, Ryuji will have no problem with leaving claw marks in his opponent. Pokemon: Purrloin, Absol, Nidorino, Litwick, and Venmoth NOTES: Ryuji is the youngest and only son of the Korekuni family. He has two older sisters before him that along with his mom enjoyed dressing him up as a girl when he was child. Often he was mistaken as a girl because of this. Tomohisa and Ryuji are childhood friends who had enter the training school for idols in Kalos together. The two know each other inside and out, though Tomohisa tend to know more about Ryuji than the cat does about himself.  He best friend with THRIVE’s Ashu Yuta who he pulls pranks together with as well. Ryuji trades skin health care tips with THRIVE’s leader Aizome Kento.
Kitakado, Tomohisa: Tomohisa is either or having no preference to Pokemon Battles or Contests. Merely enjoying the presence and company of his Pokemon. Though, it a bit of a lie as he does prefer battles over contests. He doesn’t want to upset Ryuji with this, so Tomohisa has been keeping it to himself. Pokemon: Alolan Ninetales, Persian, Rapidash, Empoleon, and Salamence
NOTES: Tomohisa is the son of a well known doctor and actress. When his father eventually steps down as director he’ll be taking his place. Though, Tomohisa is rather conflicted by this as he enjoys being an idol. He childhood friends with both Ryuji and Kazuna,but somehow neither have met the other despite them constantly coming over.
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Kazuna, Momotaro, Hikaru, Mikado, and Tatsuhiro together form the unit known as MooNs. The group’s name being made up of the first letter in each members last names. MooNs is a lively type unit made up of five individuals each with their unique talent and personalities. They sing more of pop songs during their lives, appear on variety shows, and are bright, impressionable idols.
Home Town: Castelia, Unova
Masunaga, Kazuna Kazuna is also a childhood friend of Tomohisa, but for some reason had not once met Ryuji once the entire time he known Tomohisa. Kazuna is more of a battler than a coordinator. He could never quite grasp the categories and everything else that went with it. More so that it changed to include more in the future. His mom had gone missing from his life months before he went to the Training School in the Kalos region to become an idol to find her. Pokemon Team: Vaporeon, Altaria, Dewgong, Persian, and Arcanine
Home Town: Ecruteak City, Johto
Onzai, Momotaro Momotaro comes from a long line of mediums. He is able to see and communicate with the spirits of the decease and help them move on if they so chose to. His team mostly consist of ghost and psychic type Pokemon as they’re the most helpful to him and his abilities. Somehow he had befriended one Sekimura Mikado when he had gone to the Training School. Though, he not complaining. Pokemon: Mismagius, Mega Sableye, Espeon, Drifblum, and Starmie
Home Town: Iki Town, Alola
Osari, Hikaru Hikaru grew up surrounded by family and friends in the Alola Region. Being a major pillar of support for his mom and siblings after his dad walked out on them at a young age. He had somehow befriended an Aipom that had escaped captured from some questionable people. Eventually they became trainer and partner. He is childhood friends with Nome Tatsuhiro. Pokemon: Aipom, Swellow, Chansey, and Maractus
Nome, Tatsuhiro Tatsuhiro grew up in the house next door to Hikaru’s and somehow quickly bonded with the energetic elder Osari. He a passionate boy with a pure heart and cares deeply about his friends. Tatsuhiro is one to chase after his dreams no matter what. One such dream is to become an idol. Pokemon: Mienshao, Golduck, Crobat, Bisharp, and Kangaskhan
Home Town: Lumiose City, Kalos
Sekimura, Mikado One of the few members of B-Project who originally from Kalos than from another region. Mikado grew up in a household strict on studying. When he aspired to become an idol his parents weren’t exactly thrilled with the idea. Eventually relenting and allowing him to attend the Training School when he scored top marks in all his classes. He an intellectual idol overflowing with knowledge. As an idol he is quite versatile and good at caster jobs due to his intellect. Pokemon: Delcatty, Gardevoir, Dragonair, Quilava, and Slowking
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Kento, Goushi, and Yuta all form the unit THRIVE. THRIVE is a Wild type unit who intend to become great artists. Though, their clashing personalities (mainly Kento and Goushi) can often lead them into arguments. Despite this their awareness as as artists is strong and won’t allow them to lose to anyone. THRIVE’s unit name is inspired by the number three and means ‘to prosper as a prisoner of love’. 
Home Town: Sunyshore City, Sinnoh → Lumiose City, Kalos
Aizome, Kento Kento is the result of a love affair his mother had with another when she was still married to his father. His mother had subjected him to a lot of mental abuse and blamed him for her failing marriage to her previous husband. Once a family member heard about the abuse they immediately took him out of that environment and took him with them when they moved to Lumiose City in the Kalos region. Kento managed to recover but has formed insecurities from it. Wanting to be desired and needed by others he had strive to become an idol enrolling in the Training School in Lumoise City. Pokemon Team: Altaria, Dewgong, Alolan Ninetales, Wartortle, and Primarina NOTE(S): When Kento isn’t attending to business pertaining to being an idol he participates in Pokemon Contests. Finding a certain thrill to them. He trades skin health care tips with Kitakore’s Korekuni Ryuji.
Home Town: Cherrygrove City, Johto
Kaneshiro, Goushi Goushi grew up next door to the Teramitsu twins: Yuzuki and Haruhi. He pretty closed to the twins and most of the time can’t be found without the two of them close by. He can be temperamental at times and tend to clash with Kento when it comes to THRIVE’s music as he tend to let his like of rock influence some of their songs. Despite not liking some aspects of being an idol he does take his job seriously. Pokemon Team: Houndoom, Misdreavus, Murkrow, Liepard, Pangoro, and Bisharp NOTE(S): Goushi has a fear of Ghost Pokemon, though it primarily aimed towards Ghastly evolutionary line than anything else. As he had a traumatizing experience with them as a kid. So, it doesn’t help at all that Daikoku Shuuji has a Gengar on his team.
Home Town: Lilycove City, Hoenn
Ashu, Yuta Yuta grew up being around Pokemon Contests for a good portion of his life before he went to the Training School in Kalos. He has a natural talent for contests as well as being an idol. Before becoming an idol he had somehow amass a small following of fans in Lilycove. Though, he not entirely aware of this for some reason as he tend to be oblivious to some things. Pokemon Team: Togepi, Pachirisu, Ambipom, Growlithe, and Pidgeout NOTE(S): Yuta is able to get along with just about anyone. Which can explain him somehow being able to friend Goushi with how temperamental the rocker tends to be. Yuta competes in Pokemon Contests with Ryuji when the two of them don’t have duties as idols to fulfill. Yuta is also and unfortunately has no sense of direction and will easily get lost.
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Akane, Miroku, Haruhi, and Yuzuki together form the unit KiLLER KiNG. KiLLER KiNG debuted a year after their senpais in THRIVE and were later added to B-Project some time later. Yuzuki and Haruhi are twins with Akane and Miroku being childhood friends. This give their group their atmosphere feel of boys high school. Their objective is ‘to become your only one’.
Home Town: Dewford Town, Hoenn
Fuda, Akane Akane may be small but he an impressive young man as powerful as anyone else. He grew up being childhood friends with Miroku. Akane was often seen with Miroku around Dewford Town whether it was just goofing off, training, or practicing martial arts together. His first Pokemon is Spoink he had received the Bounce Pokemon as a present from his parents. Akane is the type of a person that once he has his mind set on something it hard to sway him. Pokemon Team: Grumpig, Flareon, Pom-Pom Oricorio, Wigglytuff, and Lanturn NOTE(S): Akane knows Karate. His likes consist of Karaage and Hamburg Steak. Do not allow Akane to get a hold of spray paint or silly string. It will not end well. Do not leave him alone with either Yuta, Ryuji, or both. Dooming yourself to an endless line of pranks.  Akane and Miroku auditioned at the Training School together and both got in.
Shingari, Miroku Miroku is the serious half of his and Akane’s friendship growing up. He the one who would setup their time for any additional training outside their karate lessons. Though, half the time it usually Miroku having to chase Akane and his Spoink around Dewford’s sandy shore with his Meditite than actual training. Never the less it has always proven fun to Miroku. He enjoys getting back at Akane for this. He a low-key sadist when it come to training and Akane has yet to learn this. Pokemon Team: Medicham, Passimian, Persian, Mightyena, and Pa’u Oricorio NOTE(S): Despite being the most mature of KiLLER KiNG (along with Yuzuki) he Miroku is often mistaken as being the oldest in the group. In reality he is actually the youngest in the group being a year younger than Akane, Yuzuki, and Haruhi. He has a muscle fetish.
Home Town: Cherrygrove City, Johto
Teramitsu, Yuzuki and Haruhi Yuzuki and Haruhi are fraternal twins and would have been identical if it weren’t for their hair color. The twins are exact opposites of each other and it really shows with how they act. They grew up as childhood friends with Kaneshiro Goushi and were normally seen with him or close nearby. Both at one point had shown an interest in participating in Pokemon Contests, but have never truly pursued it in the end. The twins have a great relationship to each other. Even if Haruhi has a tendency of dragging Yuzuki out when the latter just wants to stay home with a good book. Yuzuki’s Pokemon Team: Lunatone, Espeon, Sensu Oricorio, and Female Meowstic Haruhi’s Pokemon Team: Solrock, Monferno, Baile Oricorio, and Arcanine NOTE(S): Yuzuki and Haruhi have different atmospheres to them. Yuzuki is mysterious and elegant where as Yuzuki is energetic and rambunctious. Haruhi has a butt fetish and a brother complex when it come to Yuzuki. 
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Hometown: Celadon City, Kanto → Lumiose City, Kalos
Daikoku, Atsushi Atsushi is the eldest of the Daikoku children and a pain in his younger brother, Shuuji’s, side. He was once an idol in his prime coming out of the Kanto Region and extended his popularity beyond his home region. Atsushi didn’t specialize in any specific genre more or less dabbling in each one. Some time after he retired from the idol life he had established Daikoku Production in Lumiose City along with Shuuji establishing Brave Entertainment at the same time. Pokemon Team: Hypno, Arcanine, Crobat, Scizor, and Empoleon NOTE(S): Atsushi and Shuuji had purposely planned to establish both their respective agencies at the same time. The Training School that would produce their idols, actors, actresses, etc. would be under both their agencies name. Atsushi is a sadist when it come to Shuuji. Dragging his younger brother to events he would rather not be caught dead at. Thus, becoming a pain in the ass to the younger even when he is trying to help him. Atsushi and Shuuji had moved from Celadon City to Luminose City when they were teenagers due to their father getting a job transfer to another branch of a company he worked at in that region.
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Home Town:  Celadon City, Kanto → Lumiose City, Kalos
Daikoku, Shuuji The youngest of the Daikoku children and the one with the most attitude to him. Which probably stems from the torture he has to endure from having Atsushi as an older brother (asshole). Regardless Shuuji does know how to lighten up a little from his normal serious and blunt personality. Shuuji had debuted before Shuuji did and his popularity soured not just because of his music but his persona as well. He specialized in rock and metal more than anything else. There are a few popish songs he done, but he really doesn’t talk about them at all. When he went into retirement he established Brave Entertainment in Luminose City at the same time Atsushi had established Daikoku Production. Pokemon Team: Gengar, Nidoking, Honchkrow, Houndoom, and Weavile NOTE(S): Atsushi and Shuuji had it planned from the start that they would established their own respective agencies and a Training School would be shared between them. Shuuji has a real strong aversion to Pokemon Contests thanks to another idol from a different agency. Thus, he plans Atsushi’s death on a regular basis each and every time Atsushi drags him to one. He a battler through and through, but he does hold a healthy respect for coordinators. Being as he friends with a couple of them. In particular to the one who caused his strong aversion to contests. Though, he not so keen with listening to Kento and Yuuta talk about them. Normally having to kick both of them out of his office. It a common sight to see Shuuji having Atsushi in a headlock when you come into his office. As much as he appreciates his older brother’s help he wish he didn’t. Most time it just to be a pain. Since Goushi has never mentioned nor brought it up, Shuuji is unaware of Goushi’s strong fear of Ghastly and its evolutionary line. His Gengar tend to be out and about in his office when he out. Shuuji was the one who had recruited Tsubasa as B-Project’s (and it respective units) A&R. He had done so upon a recommendation from a mysterious source. He has a slight suspicion on who it was, but hasn’t pursued it.
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Home Town: Ultra Megapolis, ???
Yashamaru, Sakutaro His origins at best have always been questioned even by those who have known him for a long time. Sakutaro comes from Ultra Megapolis residing within the alternate dimension called Ultra Space. Ten years prior to Daikoku Production and Brave Entertainment being established in the Kalos region. Sakutaro had emerged from a rift in space appearing in an isolated area in the Alola Region. Not else is known about Sakutaro aside from an untold vendetta against Tsubasa’s dad and a need for revenge against him. Pokemon Team: Ariados, Mismagius, Zoroark, and Medicham NOTE(S): Yashamaru does not blame Tsubasa for the actions her father had taken against his family. So he does not seek revenge through her to get to him. The only ones who know of Yashamaru’s origins best are his Pokemon and the family he had while living in the Alola Reigion. Somewhere along the line he had become the Director of the shared Training School between Daikoku Production and Brave Entertainment. Soon after he had become the manager of B-Project and its respective units. He cares about the boys’ success more than anything else and is willing to step on others to make it possible.
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Home Town: Floaroma Town, Sinnoh
Sumisora, Tsubasa Even though her parents are from a big city they had decided to rise their daughter in the small town of Floaroma. Thanks to this Tsubasa has a sixth sense when it comes to sensing change in the environment. Tsubasa has a love for music that come from both her parents and could be found singing and dancing in the flower fields of the town. She is able to recognize the differences in music, when asked how she able to do so Tsubasa immediately changes the topic. It had to do with her father, the man that had disappeared from her and her mother’s life before she became a teenager. Talking about him just brings down her mood dramatically. Pokemon Team: Sylveon, Nidorina, Rapidash, Lapras, Mega Pidgeot, and Meloetta NOTE(S): Tsubasa didn’t technically catch Meloetta as she had befriended the Legendary Pokemon when she was young. Every now and then Meloetta will join her party and travel with her. Most often times Meloetta can be seen following Tsubasa around when it isn’t part of her party. Tsubasa always has an open spot reserved for the Melody Pokemon. Tsubasa didn’t come to the Kalos Region until she was sixteen when her mother decided to move them from the Sinnoh Region. She is completely unaware of her father’s whereabouts and situation as she had lost complete contact with him when she was fourteen. Since then she hasn’t tried to contact him. Unaware of who the man was at the time Tsubasa was ‘scouted’ as B-Project’s A&R when she was mere worker at a music store. Later she found out the one who had recruited her was Daikoku Shuuji. The vendetta Yashamaru has against her father is something Tsubasa is aware of and chooses to acknowledge. Though, she is unaware of what her father was doing at the time and what his exact involvement with Yashamaru is. She glad he isn’t taking his revenge out on her just to get to him.
This now brings you to the end of on the information of B-Project’s Pokemon Verse.
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