#Lupan Evezan
jennyeverywhereday · 1 month
Here’s a brand new story by Lupan Evezan.
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New Story - "The Reviews Are In" by Lupan Evezan
“What’s this?” Frederick asked.
“A commercial the Crew tried to film, almost five years ago.” Jenny said. “It didn’t go very well, for anyone involved.”
“ThEiR aNnIvErSaRy Is CoMiNg Up.” Thymon explained. “So We ThOuGhT, aS tHaNkS fOr AlL tHaT tHe CuPiDs HaVe DoNe FoR uS, wE’D sOrT oF… rEmAkE iT fOr ThEm.”
Jenny nodded.
“And this is the only place we could get everyone together without raising suspicion.”
“Everyone?” Roz asked suspiciously, glancing at her fellow waiter. “Who’s everyone?”
“Oh, don’t worry.” Jenny replied. “No one you wouldn’t know.”
She switched on the camcorder, then angled it at the empty chair.
“Now,” she said, putting on an announcer’s voice, “Won’t you happy people tell us how the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids changed your life?”
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I wrote a book!
Well, cowrote and edited, rather.
It’s a short story collection featuring four short stories and as many ‘Fact Files’ of the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids, the kooky band of clockwork robots I created alongside Lupan Evezan (@drleevezan). 
It’s available for free download as a pdf at this link! Please consider giving it a look. I can’t guarantee all my followers will like it (it isn’t by any stretch of the imagination Haunted Mansion-related, although it does have a demon in it), but I’d appreciate it if you lot gave it a try. Again, it’s free. And fun! …I hope. But it’s definitely free. 
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New Story - "A Fish in Time" by Lupan Evezan
Larrikin shook his head.
“That’s because you’re inexperienced,” he declared.
“Inexperienced?” roared the Captain. “Us? Why, I oughta… !”
Larrikin clasped his hands behind his back, gazing imperiously at the Fish as he paced back and forth.
“Oh, out in th’ multiverse ya might be top notch stuff,” he continued. “But in here, you’re outta your depth. You’re like, uh — like some kinda animal tryin’ t’ live outside the place where it usually lives.”
He pointed to himself.
“Ya might be pretty good at what ya do, pals — but when it comes to prankin’ the Homeworld, you’ve got a lot to learn from me.”
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jennyeverywhereday · 1 year
Jenny and Oblivion
Lupan Evezan is back with another Jenny story. Check out the ominously named "Jenny and Oblivion".
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New Story - “Tales from the Void” by Lupan Evezan
Stories for you, my friend. I shall tell them, you shall hear them. There is little else to pass the time here in the bowel-decks of a dying ship.
Sit back, oh fearful thing, and do not pre-judge me. My stories may frighten, for I think of little else, but I mean them with the best of all intentions. I bring what comfort I can, and you would be kind to indulge me.
Playback engaged.
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New Story - “Remember” by Lupan Evezan
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She sipped her own tea, then fixed Lethe with an intense gaze.
“So, then,” she said, putting the cup down on the table and folding her hands in front of her, “Would you like to?”
“Like to… what?”
Monita smiled again.
“Why, what else! Remember.”
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jennyeverywhereday · 2 years
Extradimensional Experiments
Here’s a prose story written by Lupan Evezan.
It’s called “Extradimensional Experiments”
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jennyeverywhereday · 3 years
The Disappearance of Jenny Everywhere
Here is a story written by Lupan Evezan featuring all sorts of characters.
The Disappearance of Jenny Everywhere
Pulling her scarlet overcoat tightly around her, Jenny Anywhere leapt towards her foe. The villain dodged, darting around her, and reached for a weapon - but Anywhere was faster. In an instant, she had grasped her opponent by the collar and thrust her down onto the damp stone floor of the castle.
Her foe struggled, then tried to shift away, only to be pulled back by Anywhere's opposing force. Removing a length of chain from her pocket, the red-clad heroine fastened her to a wall.
"Where... is... she?" Anywhere hissed, staring into the profoundly evil eyes of Jenny Nowhere. "Answer me, or this shift-proof chain stays in place for the rest of eternity."
Nowhere looked confused. "What are you prattling on about, knockoff? I can't speak for my other incarnations, but I haven't
kidnapped any sacrificial maidens in, oh, months now."
"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Anywhere snarled. "She's gone - all of her - and you're the only shifter twisted enough to pull something like that off. One of you, anyway, and this incarnation works as well as any other for interrogation purposes."
Realisation dawned on Nowhere's face. "Oh, that! Well, of course I've noticed, copycat, but you can't possibly think - look, if I was capable
of something like that, I'd already be ruling this slice of perceivable omnireality. Come now."
"Funny - for some reason, I just don't believe you."
Turning towards the table in the corner of Nowhere's hideout, Anywhere picked up the weapon that her foe had reached for earlier - some sort of aether-bladed dagger. She angled it towards the captive Nowhere.
"Look, I don't want to hurt you - which is why you'd better start talking. Tell me what you've done with her."
"Tsk, tsk." Nowhere clucked. "Would she approve of all of this? I'm impressed, mind - it must have taken you ages to find these chains. But I'm afraid all of your effort has come to naught, because I'm just as baffled as you are. Whether you believe me or not, it's the truth."
Anywhere kept her grip on the dagger - but something in Nowhere's words seemed genuine, beneath the mocking tone. It could be a trick - was almost certainly a trick. But she'd never heard the anti-shifter sound so sincere.
"Fine. Give me a reason to believe you, then. Or - to reiterate - I leave you tied up here. Forever. If you ever want to leave this room again - let alone this universe..."
"A reason?" Nowhere asked. "Fine. Simple: I would never do something like this."
Anywhere snorted incredulously. Nowhere shrugged.
"Yes, I suppose it is a bit hard to reconcile. But it's the truth, completely. I may hate her, yes. I may want to see her destroyed, defeated, foiled at every turn. But wiped completely from the multiverse?" The captive villain blew a strand of hair from her eyes before continuing. "I am Nowhere. What significance can that concept hold without its opposite? What would my purpose be, if she were truly gone? Individual incarnations, certainly - but I would never truly want all of her eradicated. I really wouldn't."
"But she is." "She is." Nowhere acknowledged. She sighed. "And I really, truly don't know why."
Anywhere stared at her captive - something in her eyes, while still evil, seemed genuinely sad. She bit her lip, thinking.
"Fine. I'll believe you. Provisionally." "You'll let me go, then?" Nowhere asked. "Not yet. But I'll be back." Anywhere turned her back to her foe. "And she'll be with me." "I'll hold you to that, wannabe." came Nowhere's voice from behind. "Give her my worst regards." "Count on it." With a flash, Anywhere shifted away.
She rematerialised in a rain-soaked city and sat down on a nearby bench. The local incarnation of Jenny lived nearby, and they would often meet at this corner, guided by the intuition that the other was waiting. She stayed put for many minutes, hoping against hope that she'd show up - but she didn't. Of course she didn't.
Anywhere sighed, resting her head in her hands. There was no denying it. She was gone. Every single one of her, across every reality.
Jenny Everywhere had disappeared. And Anywhere had no idea what the multiverse was going to do without her.
Tying her frizzy orange hair into a bun, Laura Drake got to work.
Jenny was gone. Jenny - her best friend. Her only friend, really. Jenny, who had defended her from bullies in grade school, who had helped her secure her current position with one of the world's leading scientific innovators, who had once fought off a demon for her (well, they couldn't all be normal life events - this was Jenny, after all).
Laura still remembered the first time she'd learned about Jenny's powers - how could she forget? That was a memory that would stick with her for the rest of her life, she was sure. She'd walked into her best friend's bedroom just in time to see her vanishing from reality. That had been an interesting discussion.
It had, obviously, been a fairly shocking thing to witness - but she'd gotten more or less used to it eventually, after seeing it happen so many times. Up until the very last shift, which Jenny still hadn't returned from. That had been almost as shocking.
Of course, Jenny had disappeared for long stretches plenty of times in the past. But she'd always let Laura know that she'd be away, without any exceptions. Leaving without a warning, Laura was sure, could only be a sign of something very bad. And she absolutely was not going to let something very bad happen to Jenny.
Stepping back, she admired her handiwork. Not bad for something whipped up so quickly - the fact that she'd used... borrowed technology from work had helped on that front (and if the Altern Corporation didn't like it, tough luck). But looks weren't everything. Would it work? That was the real question. There was only one way to find out.
Taking a deep breath, she connected the power supply. With a crack, reality seemed to stretch before her eyes before snapping back into a bright blue vortex that hung within the frame that she'd created.
So far, so good.
Glancing nervously about her workspace, she donned her protective gear - which she really should have been wearing all along, but it had slipped her mind. Steadying herself, she strode forward.
This is fine. It's all fine. It's all going to go perfectly without a hitch. No chance for accidents here. I'll just be in and out. Find Jenny, come back - nothing to it. Easy as pie.
She stood before the portal. The mental reassurances weren't helping much - this was still undoubtedly very frightening. Jenny had taken her on a few trips to other worlds before, and even that had been nerve racking - but it certainly didn't compare to diving off into the unknown without anyone to guide her.
But Jenny was gone. And she was going to find her.
Taking another breath, she stepped into the crackling rift. ****
With a shout, Jenny Anywhere leapt into the gaping maw of a serpentine abomination. Darting swiftly past the outstretched fangs that dripped with sickly-green venom, she plunged onward towards the back of the throat and landed a pulverising kick to its uvula. The creature retched, then careened into a nearby mountainside as Anywhere jumped out between its teeth and skidded to a stop on the ground below.
The thing unleashed a strangled roar, its snake-eyes locking on to to its pink-haired foe. Anywhere crossed her arms.
"Had enough yet, beast?" she yelled up at it. "Ready to tell me where she is?"
The creature choked again, then spat a drizzle of venom droplets. Anywhere dodged, watching as the spray burned away the undergrowth.
"I have already told you!" the monster hissed, rising painfully from the mountain where it had landed. "That I have no idea where your friend is - and I certainly didn't eat her! Now, don't mistake me - I absolutely would have, had she been through this way. But - and this bit is crucial - I have never so much as laid eyes on her! I promise! Please don't kick me again!"
As Anywhere considered the creature's words, someone cleared their throat behind her. She turned to see her travelling companion, the shifter known as Hakhe. The two had run into each other shortly following Anywhere's interrogation of Nowhere, and had decided to continue their search together.
"While I understand and appreciate the thoroughness and... ruthlessness of this investigation - " Hakhe began, in Thai, "in an infinite multiverse, I think it might be best to limit our interrogations to those who have actually heard of her."
Anywhere crossed her arms. "I know, I know - but we've pretty much exhausted every twisted villain and horrible monster that she's ever told me about, so I just figured..."
Hakhe nodded. "You're right. But maybe this isn't the best way to go about finding her at all. We could be at it for the rest of our lives, at this rate, and still be no closer to finding any answers."
"I guess you're right." Anywhere sighed. "I just don't know what to do. This is all completely wrong. One incarnation might go missing, or even a few hundred - but all of them? Every single incarnation of Jenny Everywhere, in every single universe - all vanishing at once? It just... isn't supposed to happen."
"But it did. As far as either of us can tell, anyway. And to address a possibly-unprecedented problem, I think we're going to need an unprecedented solution. Or something close to that." Hakhe adjusted her red scarf, the garment that she held in common with their missing friend. "And I think I might have an idea."
"Oh? Do tell!" "Did Jenny ever mention something called 'the Infinite' to you?" Hakhe asked. "Oh, yeah - the bridge-reality that only she can shift to. But what does that - ?"
"Well..." Hakhe mused. "She once told me that there are a few incarnations who stay there full-time, to make sure the dimension is functioning properly. And if only she can get in - well, maybe whatever made the rest of her disappear couldn't affect those Jennys."
"Of course! And they might know what happened to the rest of them!" Anywhere exclaimed. "But, er - we can't get in, either."
"Maybe not - but I think I know someone who might be able to."
"Another person? I don't mind working with you, Hakhe, but I'm really not much for teams."
"I know - but this could be our only chance." Hakhe reminded.
"Oh, alright. Let's go, then."
With a nod, Hakhe refracted reality around her and jumped into one of the dispersive universes. Anywhere followed. The serpentine abomination slithered off to get some bed-rest.
Laura Drake spiralled through an interminable vortex of space and time, passing through the membranes of the universes. She tumbled past alternate timelines, parallel dimensions, pocket realms - each of them completely Jenny-less. She could sense it.
But Jenny had to be somewhere. She had to.
As Laura fell, she tried to cast her mind out into the muddle of realities - to search for some echo of her friend. Jenny. Jenny Everywhere. The Shifter. Goggles. Scarf. Flower pin in her hair. Come on, come on... where is she?
Laura wasn't sure if she'd be able to leave the vortex even if she did spot a sign of Jenny - and she certainly didn't know how she was going to get home. But that was a worry for later. For now, she just needed to find her.
Scenes from across existence played out before her as she drifted by - a tranquil rainforest, a war-torn dystopia, a world made entirely of swiss cheese.
Come on, multiverse. If you can show me this stuff - show me Jenny. Please.
Something flickered, then changed. And Laura saw her.
She could tell, somehow, that what she was seeing wasn't happening 'live', so to speak. But the scenes had morphed into images of Jenny - of thousands of versions of Jenny, playing out events from prior to her disappearance.
Laura watched in awe as her vanished friend saved reality a hundred times over, vanquished evil again and again, explored countless worlds and embarked upon billions of adventures. There she was, fighting off villains - liberating entire planets - riding a dragon - taming a comet - flying with Amelia Earhart - doing anything and everything imaginable. Across the universes, there was one constant - one person who could defy any limits, who couldn't be held down by any artificially-imposed constrictions. A person who could take on any mission, any story, any challenge that arose. A shifter. The Shifter.
A person that the multiverse absolutely needed to have around. And I can find her, Laura told the multiverse, If you'll just show me how.
There was another flicker. Something buzzed, and then - a portal opened in the vortex-tunnel before her.
Bracing herself, she dove in.
On the bridge of the starship Wilson, a blond-haired man in a purple uniform prepared the computers for an unprecedented jump.
"Michael, pardon the interruption - " one of his companions began, raising a finger as the blond-haired man finished hooking an unspeakable number of back-up generators to the main server.
"What is it, Ill? I'm busy."
"Actually, I've been going by 'Lit' recently - er, but that's hardly the point. I just... feel the need to reiterate the point that trying to 'brute-force' reality-shifting like this is liable to destroy the entire ship."
Michael shrugged.
"Yeah, that's why I left the crew over on that moonbase."
"Yes, and I have chosen to remain with you in the hopes of shielding you from a similar fate - but such an intervention would be completely unnecessary if you would - "
"Look, I'm sorry, but Jenny is missing. The synchs aren't telling me where she is - so I'm going to look for myself. The Infinite seems like a good place to check, and I can't get there on my own, so - "
Michael gestured to the mess of equipment that he had connected to the Wilson. The Abstract of Illumination, embodiment of the concept of light, sighed.
"So you've decided to connect yourself, a cache of Jenny's genetic makeup, and a ludicrous amount of power to the ship's computers, make the jump, and hope for the best?"
"Now you're getting it!"
As if to prove the specifics of his scheme, Michael connected a wire to the bulky headset that he had fastened to his forehead. The ship's terminal blinked in seeming confusion at the new input. The Abstract pinched the bridge of his nose, exasperated.
"Have you considered that this might be a trap rigged by Chaos or one of his ilk?"
"Sure I have - but this still seems like our best course of action. Without Jenny - well, without Jenny, all of existence is in Chaos's grasp already. We have to try to find her, no matter what it takes. Flip that switch for me, will you?"
The Abstract reluctantly flipped the indicated switch. Energy coursed into the server, causing it to hiss. Michael prepared for the shift.
"So... coming?" he asked, looking over his shoulder. "Not to late for you to go join the others." "Oh, I'm not worried about myself - it's you who should give this a good mulling-over." "Done! Let's get going, then!" The Abstract rubbed his temples as Michael Wherever initiated the jump.
**** Somewhere in space, a dark force shifted.
It had been watching, lurking, spying on the crew of the Wilson as they made their preparations. It had heard it all - it knew of Jenny's plight.
Besides, it could feel it - the lack of the Shifter. They were connected, in some twisted way - the Shifter and the Fallen One. After all, it was not just one being, not one entity. No, it was the gestalt consciousness of thousands of the many monsters felled by the Shifter - held together by hatred and vengeance and the all-consuming power of Chaos that blanketed this universe. It hadn't had anything to do with the Shifter's disappearance - but it was certainly not averse to taking advantage of the situation. Far from it.
Jenny had destroyed it time and time again, ended a thousand of its lifetimes. Now it was her turn to feel that pain. She was out of the picture - she could no longer defend her allies.
It would pick them off one by one, consume them, and finally, finally have its revenge. Nearly chuckling to itself with a hundred mangled voices, the horrid amalgamation crept into the
proverbial shadows of the universe, ready to strike. ****
"So... let me get this straight: you want me to take you to the Infinite?"
"That's right!" Hakhe confirmed. Anywhere nodded.
"And... you think this is something I can do? Really, I'm asking - I have no idea."
"Well, all of the Jennys can get there, right?" Anywhere said. "And you're - well, you're not quite a Jenny, but you are a clone of her. Same DNA and whatnot. That's more than either of us can say."
Jenny Somewhere nodded.
"Yes, I suppose that's true - but it's not like we're connected or anything. I mean, all of the proper Jennys disappeared, right? But I'm still here. And even if I could get in - well, maybe you don't realise this, but I can't exactly aim. We'd probably end up in some kind of death dimension or something, instead."
"Well, yes, we do know that." Hakhe replied. "But we can, so we thought - maybe we could be your navigators, so to speak?"
"Oh. Well - I guess that might work. But - are you sure she'll be there?" "No... no, we're not." Anywhere admitted. "But it's the only real idea we've had. If - if she isn't
there, I don't know what - "
"Don't worry." Hakhe reassured her. "We'll find her. No matter what, we will find her."
"Well, I'd like to help, if I can." Somewhere told her new companions. "And I suppose it can't hurt to try. Probably. But my living room might not be the best jumping-off point. Let's go to the void
between the universes first - sometimes I have slightly better aim from there, to begin with, since it connects them all."
Somewhere held out her hands. Anywhere took one, Hakhe took the other, and they shifted. ****
They stood in the void, gazing into the surrounding nothingness.
Well, stood wasn't quite the right descriptor. Floated, was more like it.
"Only a short jump from here to the Infinite." Somewhere said. "Er, you know. Hopefully."
"Well, we're off to a good start." Hakhe noted.
"No time to waste - let's shift!" Anywhere put in.
The three shifters clasped hands again, preparing their most difficult reality-jump yet. Anywhere and Hakhe focused intensely. Somewhere summoned her strength.
They shifted.
The void melted away. The universes seemed to part. They fell, tumbling through an endless wormhole. They pushed onward - they glimpsed the Infinite - they touched the boundaries of the bridge-universe...
Then snapped back into the howling void.
"It... didn't work." Anywhere mumbled. Hakhe put a hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry. We'll figure out some other way to - "
A tremendous rending sound cut her off as, beside them, something tore open in the nothingness. A woman with frizzy orange hair stumbled out.
They stared at her. She stared back. "Wait... Jenny?" she asked. Somewhere shook her head. "Not quite."
"But we are friends of hers!" Anywhere put in. "You're one of the Lauras, right?"
"One of the - ?" Laura shook her head. "No, that's not important. Yes, I'm Laura - you know Jenny, too? Do you know where she is?"
"No - we're looking for her, though." Anywhere replied. "And we think we might be on the right track. Er, how did you get here, by the way? That was some entrance."
"Oh, it was... quite a journey." Laura said, brushing residual ashes off of her protective gloves. "But that's not important, either - the right track to find Jenny, you said?"
"Well, hopefully." Anywhere answered. "We're following the best idea we've had, anyway."
"Well - can I help, then? I'll do anything to get Jenny back."
"Hmm..." Hakhe rubbed her chin. Her eyes lit up. "Actually, yes - I think you could. The three of us couldn't quite enough to make that jump work on our own - but it's my understanding is that the Lauras of the Multiverse tend to have a special connection with the various Jennys, unlike any other. So..."
"So adding her to our, er, biological navigation system here might actually increase our odds!" Anywhere exclaimed. "Great idea!"
Hakhe nodded, then held out a hand to Laura. She took it. "So - what is your plan, then? Where are you trying to go?"
"We'll explain on the way." Anywhere answered. "But I don't think we should waste any more time around here. The roving abominations are starting to look hungry."
The others nodded. Clasping hands, the four companions focused, then shifted with a bang. ****
They hadn't expected the Infinite to be so... infinite.
Physically, yes, they had been fairly sure that it would live up to its name. But it wasn't just the dimensions of the bridge-universe that were endless - it was everything. The very concept of the place seemed to encompass every possible experience, assimilated from every other reality. Standing there, the four world-travellers felt as if they were living a billion billion lives all at once. It was just a fragment of a feeling, of course - an echo of what it must have been like to be Jenny, when she tapped into the network of all of her infinite selves.
Despite everything, it wasn't overwhelming - it was exciting. The sheer possibility of every imaginable adventure seemed to dangle before them.
But they hadn't come for adventure. They had come to find their friend. And the Infinite, in addition to being unimaginably vast - was empty.
"She... she has to be here, right?" Anywhere sputtered. "Right? She has to be! How could... I mean - she has to!"
Anywhere ran off through the Infinite expanse, with Laura tagging closely behind. The others followed.
"Jenny!" Laura called, her words echoing back to her alongside the words of countless others throughout the multiverse. "Jenny?"
She stopped. "I... I don't think she's here." she mumbled. "I don't know why, it's just - it doesn't feel like she is."
Somewhere nodded. "Yeah, I can usually feel some kind of connection when she's nearby. But I'm not really getting anything here, unfortunately."
Anywhere shook her head. "She has to be here. She has to be."
"She's somewhere, even if this isn't the place. We'll keep looking." Laura declared. "I'm not giving up."
"Neither am I." Hakhe said. "But - "
Hakhe stopped, then squinted at a ripple in the distance. As she stared, it opened into a rift. A large space-vessel popped out with a crash, then skidded to a stop before them, its engines fried.
A hatch opened, and a blond man in a spacesuit fell out. A pale person with black hair followed him.
"See!" said the blond man. "See, I told you that would work!"
"If by 'worked', you mean 'blew out all of the ship's mechanisms and probably would have killed you if I hadn't invoked a favor from the Abstract of Life', then..."
"Hey, we're here, aren't we?" As the two new arrivals continued their bickering, Anywhere rushed over to their ship. "Hey! Are you here to find Jenny, too?" "Sure am!" "Do you have a scanner on that thing? Something you can use to see if she's - ?"
"Oh, yeah - we do! Nearly forgot about that." Michael ducked back into the ship as the others waited anxiously outside. "Hey, it still works! Now, let's see..." came Michael's voice. It fell silent again. "Well?" Anywhere called. "...no, I guess she's not here." he replied, before exiting the ship again, looking forlorn. Anywhere was silent for a moment. "...oh." The group of companions took another look around the Infinite. "So... she's really gone, then."
Hakhe placed a hand on Anywhere's shoulder. Michael exchanged a sad glance with the Abstract of Illumination. Laura wiped the tears from her eyes, as Somewhere removed her goggles and gazed at them wistfully. They stood together in the middle of all realities, wondering if they'd ever see their friend again.
A dismal fogbank rolled over the small seaside town to which the grieving party had relocated. Ordinarily a peaceful place, it had taken on a gloomy atmosphere this morning - which suited the moods of the six travelling companions well enough.
The town was one of Jenny's oldest haunts, home to some of her oldest friends. It had been the first place different incarnations of her had shown both Laura and Anywhere. It was familiar to all of them, and they had all decided that it was the best place from which to mourn.
They had held out hope that they might happen upon her here, unlikely though it would be. That they might find her at the coffee shop or down by the pier, getting into some kind of scrape. But they hadn't, of course.
So they sat, dejected, on a secluded beach. And they hoped that they might find her eventually.
As waves broke against the shore, the six companions stared out at the sea. There were still places that they could check, of course - but what were the odds of finding her within any reasonable span of time? In an infinite multiverse, they didn't look so good.
The waves continued to roll in - and so did the fog. It seemed to gather around them, growing darker and thicker with every passing second. It blotted out the sun, covering the sand in shadows.
And then it spoke. "companions of jenny everywhere..." it hissed in a thousand broken, sibilant voices. "mourn not
your missing friend. mourn only for your own pitiful lives - for WE have come to take our revenge."
The fog closed in, stitching itself together into a tower of shattered faces. A tendril formed.
"What... is this?" Laura asked.
"Not good. This is not good." Hakhe replied.
The Fallen One lashed out at the six companions, knocking Michael off his feet. A shockwave of pure hatred shoved Somewhere into a sand dune.
"W - what do we do?" Laura breathed.
Hakhe looked up at the thing, scared.
"I don't know. I... I don't know. If Jenny were here..."
"But she isn't." Laura said. "We're... completely on our own. The multiverse is on its own."
Hakhe nodded. The beast drew closer, howling mouths opening along its incorporeal form. Somewhere's scarf was sucked in and turned to grey ash.
Anywhere stared at the monster. Her eyes narrowed. She stood, leaping in front of it. "No!" "No?" Somewhere asked, rubbing sand off of her jacket. "no?" the nightmare-being hissed.
"No." Anywhere confirmed. "We may be on our own - but the multiverse isn't. Jenny may be gone, but we're not. We've all managed to break the rules of reality within the last day or so - I think we can stop this thing from wreaking its havoc. It's what she would want!"
"You're... you're right!" Hakhe shouted. "We're not going everything she's done go to waste!" "I'm certainly not!" Laura added. "Yeah, and besides, it's my duty as a clone!" Somewhere put in. "Er, probably." "Jenny's prepared us for this!" Michael nodded. "I assume!"
"I'll certainly not let such a creature of darkness blot out the light on my watch!" the Abstract of Illumination agreed.
"foolish creatures. total destruction is your only destiny."
The Fallen One rushed towards them in a roiling ball of energy. They rushed right back.
Anywhere leapt into the air, landing a pulverising kick to one of the monster's warped faces. It recoiled, hissing, before spotting Hakhe. Forming a pair of jaws, it leapt towards her - but she dissipated on contact. Behind, the real Hakhe collapsed her dimensional projection and struck the unsuspecting thing in an unguarded eye.
It fell to the ground under the combined force of the blows, only to find itself caught in the searing beam of a handheld weapon.
"I actually forgot that I had this with me." Laura explained, as the creature writhed. "It was supposed to be a gift for Jenny. For making toast quickly."
The beast broke free, rising into the air once more. Somewhere ran towards it, crossed her fingers, and reached into another universe. Pulling, she produced a sword.
"Huh. I was going for some kind of laser gun, but - eh, this is cool."
She dealt the beast another blow, and it shrieked, letting loose another shockwave. As its opponents recovered, Michael appeared behind it in a puff of purple smoke and whacked it with a large plank that he'd found on the shore.
"Teleportation!" he called. "Whaddya think of that, Lit?"
The Abstract of Illumination smiled, then undid the collar that he wore around his neck. His full powers unleashed, he directed a beam of undiluted light towards the creature.
It collapsed again, and all six combatants rushed it. The struggle raged on, kicking up sandstorms and causing the sea to churn. The monster fell, rose, and fell again. It lashed out, screamed, then seemed to fall silent for a final time.
The companions gathered around it. "Is it - ?" Laura began. She was quickly cut off.
"foolish... things..." it hissed. "you have defeated but one form. but WE... are hate. WE... have thousandssss."
The clouds swirled as more twisted forms flowed into the universe, joining the creature on the ground. It rose again, becoming a tentacled hydra.
"We can't give up." Anywhere decared, stumbling forward. The thing snapped its jaws, ready to strike.
Something flickered in the sky above. A flash of red cut through the darkness, and the Fallen One recoiled.
"no... no. it is... impossible!"
The burst of red became a solid form - a human. A scarf flowed behind the figure - a pair of goggles glinted on its forehead.
Jenny Everywhere leapt into the Fallen One. With a final scream, it shrunk away and was gone. The Shifter landed on the beach and dusted off her parka. Everyone stared, disbelieving. She waved. "Oh, hi! Er... what did I miss?"
"So, well, what with existing everywhere all the time - sometimes I have to... rejuvenate, you know? Not absolutely every one of me - but enough that you might not be able to find me. Enough of the shifter-network gets worn out, and we automatically zap off to some secret realm beyond time for a week or so. And I... honestly don't know what happens there. Some elements of me are secret even to, well, me! It's extremely rare - only happens, oh, once every few millennia. And, well, these last two decades have been so cosmically chock-full that it turned out to be just about the right time for it! But I'm sorry I wasn't able to warn any of you."
Jenny took another bite of the toast that Laura had whipped up with her heat-ray and looked out at the sunset of the seaside town.
"Aw, it's alright. I know how these things are." Anywhere assured her. "I'm just glad to have you back. We all are!"
The others nodded. Jenny grinned.
"Aw, thanks! And thanks for dealing with that monster, too - it's good to know that if I ever really disappear, I've got a great group of friends to take care of any loose ends out to get me!"
"But please don't disappear again." Laura said with a smile. "We'd miss you too much. Everyone would."
"I second that." Hakhe agreed. Michael and Lit nodded. "Yeah - can't have my ortet disappearing on me!" Somewhere chuckled. Jenny smiled again.
"Don't worry. Whatever happens, one thing's for sure: I'm here to stay. Now... how about a toast?" They each raised a slice of toast. "To the Shifters! And to every story we've had - and will have!"
Written by Lupan Evezan
The characters of Jenny Everywhere, Jenny Anywhere, Jenny Somewhere, Laura Drake, and Hakhe are available for use by anyone, with only one condition.This paragraph must be included in any publication involving these characters, in order that others may use these properties as they wish. All rights reversed.
The characters of Michael Wherever, the Abstract of Illumination, and Chaos were created by Benj Christensen and released into the public domain.
All concepts and plot events introduced in this story are hereby declared open-source and may be used in any work provided that a paragraph is included noting their status as open-source concepts.
Happy Twentieth Anniversary to Jenny Everywhere!
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jennyeverywhereday · 4 years
Jenny Everywhere and the Lord of Hell
Here’s a fun prose story with Jenny written by Lupan Evezan.
Jenny Everywhere and the Lord of Hell
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On March the 30th, 2019, we released our first prose story. A year later, it felt only proper to mark the first anniversary of this milestone with another rip-roaring Cupid adventures with an eye (and a temporal rift) to the Past! And it was, once more, Lupan Evezan who provided, via the continuing adventures of the unlikely team of Tracker, Marksmanship and Bibliophile, cut off from the homeworld…
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A year ago, the dastardly Collective of the Retconning Crocodiles were first glimpsed, haunting the comments section of Joe Torcivia’s comics blog. Since then, they’ve grown into some of the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids’ most fearsome enemies, and even tried to break out of their own franchise to invade @tardistogongen’s 10,000 Dawns universe. But all this wanton retconning has consequences. 
Today, in commemoration of this anniversary, “STRANDED AT MEMORY’S END”, the newest installment in the ‘Rifts Saga’ by Lupan Evezan (@drleevezan) sees Marksmanship, Tracker and Bibliophile land in the Oblivion — the non-realm where all things which have been erased from existence find themselves mired! And they’re not the first Cupids to come here…
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What Could Have Been #3 - The Scrapped Alchemist Story; or, who are Minbare and Sherit, anyway?
A few weeks ago, we published a story titled Stranded at Memory’s End, in which Marksmanship, Tracker, and Bibliophile found themselves in a realm made up of people and things that have ceased to exist. Among them were a few things that even the most savvy Cupid reader probably didn’t recognize - including two mysterious nobles known as Lord Herry Minbare and Countess Anmida Sherit, and a strange, flying beast with both fur and feathers. So, where did these most extraordinary characters originate from? Why, a scrapped draft, of course!
The story below, penned by Lupan Evezan, was abandoned midway through production - and now we’ve posted it here, for your reading pleasure (hopefully)!
Lord Herry Minbare was locked in a fierce battle of wills with the Countess Anmida Sherit.
Both had a claim to the Empire. They were cousins, the late Empress Regnant had been their grandmother. As no intermediate relatives still lived, and the two nobles were fairly equal in station (titles held no real meaning among the nobility anymore), they both had about equal claim to the post of Emperor or Empress of the Northern Isles. The official governing body of advisors was more or less a sham, a ploy to make it seem as though all decisions were not made solely by the ruling official (which they were), and so there was no real way to decide which of the two would rule.
But one thing was certain: they would have to work it out quickly, before one of the other nobles decided that they had ought to claim the position themself.
Countess Sherit had invited Lord Minbare to dinner at one of her estates, supposedly for the purpose of working out the issue once and for all. Minbare suspected an assassination plot, and had brought no less than thirty of his own soldiers, who were now posted around the large hall. He had also brought his own meal, which he ate instead of the food Sherit had provided. This, she felt, was the height of all rudeness.
"Listen, Minbare." The Countess began nonchalantly. "We have to settle this somehow. You know how eager Earl Rabare is to snatch the position. Why, with his army, he could have it done already - he's trying to follow the old customs, I suppose, but it won't last long."
"No, I don't suppose it will." Minbare took a bite of the poultry he had brought with him.
Sherit glared.
"Then what do you propose we do?"
Minbare simply shrugged.
Infuriating. Absolutely infuriating.
"We could... turn it into a duarchy?" Sherit suggested. "Rule together?"
Sherit absolutely did not want to share power with her halfwit cousin, but she also didn't want to have to settle this by violence, if it could be helped.
"No, I don't think that'll work for me." Minbare took another bite of the poultry.
Sherit knocked the bird out of his hand and stood up.
"If you're not going to settle this in a civil manner, then I have no choice but to best you in a duel."
"Ha! Best me? Hardly likely!" Minbare chuckled. "But, go ahead. Set the conditions. When will it be?"
"Now. Here."
"Here? Now? With what?"
Sherit produced a small, clear vial containing a sickly greenish liquid.
"Venom of the Naddersnatch."
"How, exactly, do you duel with, er, poison? Going to throw it at each other?
"No. A servant is going to poison one of these." Sherit held up two biscuits. "Neither of us will know which. We'll each choose one. Whoever eats the poisoned one will die. The other rules. More of a battle of luck than of skill."
"Ha! As if I'd agree to that. Of course you'll know which is poisoned beforehand."
Well, that wasn't quite the plan. She would know, but this wasn't Naddersnatch venom at all - just a dormaficient, an elixir to induce sleep, made from one of the common weeds which grew in the woods that made up much of her lands. Minbare would eat the biscuit, lose consciousness, and a servant would transport him to some far away place from which he could not return. The empire would believe that he was dead, and Sherit could take the throne. It wasn't a great plan (and it was in fact her secondary plan, after Minbare foiled her first plot to slip the stuff into his food by bringing his own), but it was the best she had at the moment. She couldn't try anything sneakier, with Minbare's army occupying the place.
"Oh, come now, I'm more honorable than that!" she protested.
"You are not! Don't you remember the time you pushed me into the Great Lake so you could win the royal games?"
"When we were children, Herry? Really? Can you hold a grudge that long?"
"I nearly died! Anyway, I'm not eating your poisoned biscuit, and we're obviously not going to settle this tonight! Farewell!"
Minbare stood and walked swiftly to the nearest exit into the vestibule.
Sherit pulled a sword from the wall.
"Fine! Then we'll duel the traditional way. Draw your weapon!"
Minbare chuckled.
"Very well."
He drew his own sword.
"To first blood?"
"To death."
The two nobles crossed their swords, signalling the official commencement of the duel.
Suddenly, a blinding flash filled the hall, and a cloud appeared just above the table.
Minbare and Sherit looked up, bewildered.
A copper head peered over from the top of the cloud. A winged creature leapt down.
It was a strange being, formed of metal in the image of a cherub - although real cherubs were far more terrifying than this. It reminded Sherit of the golems employed by some of of the old wizards of repute.
"What are you, creature?" Sherit inquired.
"A sign from the gods?" Minbare suggested.
"Er, hello. I'm from the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids. I'm supposed to romanticise someone around here...."
The creature turned its head from side to side.
It spotted a sad looking maidservant standing at wait in a corner.
"Ah-ha! You!"
The creature produced a bow. It nocked an arrow. It drew the bow and fired at the girl.
The arrow hit her. It was obviously an enchanted arrow, judging by the fact that she did not die. Instead, she smiled.
"Why, I feel good! Very good! In fact, I think I shall go out into the world and sing!"
The girl rushed out the nearest door, singing.
The nobles blinked, unsure of what was happening.
"Right! That's done!"
The creature turned and seemed poised to fly back up to the cloud.
"Wait, wait!"
The being turned.
"What are you? Where did you come from?" Minbare asked, inspecting the cloud. It was a ship, he realized, cleverly disguised.
"I'm a Clockwork Cherub! You know, a robot! I'm from the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids - we travel the Multiverse, you know, and romanticise people!"
"Multiverse?" Minbare inquired.
"Yes - all of the dimensions and universes and realms and such that make up... well, everything, more or less!"
"You mean to say that there really are other universes?" There were legends, of course, but even the wisest wizards surely believed that they were only that.
"Sure! I've got to be going - nice meeting you!"
The Clockwork Cherub leapt back up to the cloud, which vanished.
The nobles stared for a moment.
Then Lord Minbare turned and ran into the vestibule and out of the estate.
With a sputtering pop, a Fog Ship materialized in the Void. The pilot of the ship managed to steer it into the parking lot of the Interdimensional Tavern and leap out. The ship was in a terrible state of disrepair.
But it hadn't been, moments before. What could have gone wrong?
The Cupid who had been piloting the ship opened a hatch in the front and gazed in at the inner workings of the ship. The dematerialisation circuit was there - but the dimensional warp drive was entirely missing. Without it, the Ship could leave one dimension, but not quite warp into another. The two bits were meant to work in tandem - the ship was useless without one.
"But where could - ?"
Suddenly the Cupid remembered that rather nosy gent who had been poking around the ship.
Blast. The Parliament won't like this.
Well, there were bigger problems at hand. The Cupid needed to get out of the Void, somehow.
First, though, he decided to pop in to the Tavern and have a drink.
Deep beneath the Minbare Palace was a twisting maze of catacombs, at the very center of which was located a laboratory.
Not a Prime Earth sort of scientific research laboratory. Nor a mad scientist type of laboratory (although it was closer to that).
No, this was more of an alchemist's laboratory. Perhaps a wizard's laboratory. A laboratory of dark magic.
The laboratory belonged to Lord Herry Minbare, and he was there now.
Minbare was an alchemist, although no one knew it. It was his secret. It was the secret of the Minbare family, passed down from antiquity, along with this laboratory.
"Other universes - it really is true! All of my research was not in vain!"
Minbare produced a bit of circuitry from his coat.
"And this! This is the missing piece! This is what I need to complete my device!"
Minbare thought a moment.
"Well, I hope it is."
The lord strode to the center of the laboratory, where an intimidating creation towered over everything. It was carved from materials Minbare had researched extensively and determined to be conducive to opening a dimensional rift - the topic he had been researching ever since he first heard, from a wizard to whom he had apprenticed in his younger years, that there may really be other universes out there. And now, proof!
Minbare set the thing he had stolen into his device and turned on a low electrical current beneath the monolith. The circuitry began to spark and then hum. The entire creation followed suit, buzzing and humming intensely. A flicker appeared in the area in space directly above the device. It flickered and began to warp, until it finally tore through the fabric of reality and became a rift.
"Yes! Yes!" Minbare began to cackle like a villain in a Prime Earth cartoon show, not that he knew what that was.
His fit of laughing was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a strange, twisted creature with a tooth-filled beak, glaring eyes, and horns. It was covered with strange mix of fur and feathers, and had claws and talons.
"Er, master?" the beast snarled. "Your evening tea, master?"
Minbare glanced over.
"No, no! I'm in the middle of something! Go away!"
The creature bowed and retreated.
Minbare had created the beast, along with others like it. They had been among his first creations, formed from the bones of animals and given life with an elixir he had brewed.
He called them the greckles.
~Here ends the draft~
Stay tuned for more “What Could Have Beens”!
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Welcome to the official Tumblr blog of the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids website! (thecrewofthecoppercoloredcupids.wordpress.com)
Managed by Lupan Evezan (@drleevezan) and Aristide Twain (@ask-the-hatbox-ghost).
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