livesunique · 1 year
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Muskau Castle, Upper Lusatia, Germany
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countriesgame · 3 months
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
If you have any fun fact about Lusatia, please tell us and I'll reblog it!
Be respectful in your comments. You can criticize a government without offending its people.
Info: Lusatia is not a country. The blog is open to non-country polls now. In this case, it refers to a region in Germany and Poland.
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rjana-luzica · 5 months
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Philipp Franck (1860-1944): Spreewälderinnen beim Spinnen (1907), oil on canvas.
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diespulcher · 3 months
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In ordentlicher Krabat-Manier habe ich heute morgen schweigend mein Osterwasser geholt - Auf das mir ein Jahr Glück und Schönheit winkt!
Like a true Krabat fan, I went and silently fetched the Easter Water - May it bring me beauty and luck in this year!
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itsagrimm · 3 months
local tales of german origin: murder, war, mean kings and evil ghost women who are punished for not believing in god. local tales of sorbian origin: come here my sweet child. there is this mini dragon in the house. feed it with cookies and you will have luck.
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furordinaricvs · 1 year
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Ralbitz, Germany: Men of Lusatian Serb minority ride decorated horses during an Easter procession.
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itsagrummel · 10 months
when she wears lace like a properly dressed lady of the lusatian region.
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ulmicola · 11 months
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Unrealized proposal for an independent Lusatian/Sorbian state after World War II.
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wgm-beautiful-world · 3 months
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Schloss Muskau - DEUTSCHLAND
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velthurvik · 6 months
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Die Winterbrücke
In einem kleinen Schlosspark führt diese Winterbrücke über den Schlösspark-Teich.
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rjana-luzica · 1 month
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Lower sorbian school girl with a Zuckertüte (Słodka tutawa)
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mintoxhitsuji · 18 days
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Lusatia is a physically 16 years old landmass spirit. He is 165 cm tall and actually over 900 years old. Landmass spirits are immortal beings that are born when a landmass is named, even when the landmass looses its name, the spirit lives on. They have special powers related to their origins. All landmass spirits have brightly coloured nails that match their eye colours. Lusatia’s nails are sea foam green. He goes by he/ him, identifies as asexual and is biromantic, but refuses a relationship due to the fear of loss. But someone will step into his life who will change that.
Lusatia is at his core laid-back with a rather sunny disposition. But he often struggles with his depressive and psychotic episodes. He is very much scarred from everything that happens in his eternal life, which makes him isolate himself and run away from the people he loves, just to protect himself.
Lusatia grew up in a small hut in a forest in Germany, together with his 6 siblings, that took him in as a baby. These 6 siblings took care of him, until their downfall. After they died, Lusatia started to see his sisters as hallucinations. He always struggled with his mental health, and seeing all the people he loved, and the world around him wither, made his schizophrenia break out. In his delusion, he went to Strasbourg, since he firmly believed his brothers were still alive. But soon he realised that this wasn’t the case. He passed out from the gas underneath the dome and the building that collapsed over him. When he woke up, he found himself in shelter 1647, greeted by Julika, who became somewhat of the mother the boy never had.
Lusatia’s part of the exploration team, but still needs to take a lot of care of himself due to the gas of his lungs.
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layla-carstairs · 10 months
#ok so this probably really random and personal but whatever#so my hometown has a main street right? and my great grandfather was on the first town council & was active in the community#so the main street is named after him#& he's 'german'. kinda. both his parents were born in Lower Lusatia which is in East Germany & immigrated to Australia as teens#so he's Sorbian/Wendish but nobody knows what that is (including me until I was 16) so from all outwards appearances he was German#like his mother tongue was german & learnt at school his name is very German etc#anyway there's two parts of this#so when he was born my great great grandparents gave him an obviously German name & told whoever to write that down#on the birth certificate & this was the name he went by for a lot of his life#however when he was 35/40 he decided to buy land & he needed his birth certificate to complete the deal#but literally NO ONE with his name existed. however there was someone else with all the same details with an Obviously English Name#so someone change HIS NAME without telling anyone & we don't know who#and because it's the 1920s he decides to keep the name + he mainly went by a nickname anyway#also I imagining changing your birth certificate would be somewhat complicated in the 1920s?? idk tho#so remember the main street? yeah so it's his last name right?#the only part of his name not anglicized is his last name#there's a bakery on this street that supplies bread to the local supermarket#and a few months ago I happened to look at the bag more closely where they added their contact information#THEY SPELT THE STREET NAME WRONG#it could be a typo but it's on their socials too :/ & it's a small change#but distinctly anglicizing it (-mann -> -man)#it's probably not that much of a big deal but it pisses me off soooo bad#like don't touch that. don't do more :(#that's my grandmother's name#anyway 🤪🤪 descendant of immigrants thingz#bella talks
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furordinaricvs · 4 months
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Handrij Zejler (1804-1872), author of anthem of Lusatian Serbs "Beautiful Lusatia".
"Lusatia, beautiful,
gracious, dutiful,
land of Serbian forebears' toil,
land of dreams, resplendent soil,
sacred are to me thy pastures.
May thy future be blooming joyously!
Oh, may from thy womb appear
people that the world holds dear,
worthy of eternal memory!"
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bernhard-schipper · 6 months
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'Black God’ Digital Collage, 375 x 375 mm, 2023 Fine Art Pigment Print under Acrylic Glass, Black Aluminium Art Box
This is the second picture in the new 'Timeline Pictures' series: 'Black God'. The subject of the Black God has been part of my work since 2021. In autumn 2021, there was an attempt in Bautzen to rebuild a Bismarck monument on the highest mountain in Upper Lusatia, the Czorneboh. The Czorneboh is named after the black god of the Slavs (Upper Sorbian: Čorno Bóh).
The actual meaning in Sorbian mythology is scientifically disputed and was given a new meaning in the 19th century in the form of a re-romanticization, as pagan cult sites may have existed on the mountain.
The appearance of a god (idolatry) is always difficult. But I found it very charming to establish Lew Kerbel's Karl Marx Monument in Chemnitz as a counterpart to the new-right Bismarck cult. Especially since the Chemnitz monument itself can be considered a very impressive atheist idolatry. The Black God images that I created in 2021 are more likely to be understood as quotes and humorous comments.
Integrating Karl Marx as a figure into the Neue Sorbische Kunst canon is long overdue because, as a misunderstood superfigure of the international left, he fits perfectly into the ranks of tragic heroes such as Ernst Thälman, Herman Potočnik, Maria Grollmuss, Alfons Bauer, etc.
The present image in the layout of the timeline images is an attempt to integrate the Black God into the canon of early Neue Sorbische Kunst. Socialist agitation and propaganda liked to appear avant-garde - but in the GDR it is more petty bourgeois and small-minded party folklore with the absent context of modernity. In the spirit of over-identification inherent in NSK, I use these set pieces that can be recombined as desired.
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bismarckczorneboh · 7 months
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'mmmmmmmake Bismarck Čornobóhgreatagainnnnnnn'
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