#Lutz and Misha
Who proposed, Lutz or Misha?
"Let me tell it! Let me!" Ludwig squeals, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Mikhail wraps him up in a hug & kisses him.
"Da. Alright. Doktor tells it."
"So! It was our first checkup after returning to work for RED. We were all still a bit shaky with each other, & I was feeling..." Ludwig scowls, "Guilty, quite frankly. Over what happened with the Classics. I could see the rest of the team treating me with some distance, much like when we first started working together in '68."
Mikhail stays silent, but he is holding his doktor nonetheless.
"Misha, during his checkup, complained of a pain in his stomach. I didn't know what it was from just a cursory checkup, so he suggested surgery. I couldn't pass that up, now, could I? Especially not when he was offering it."
"Then, doktor cut me open like when first installing Uber charge." Mikhail says with a fond smile.
Ludwig pouts, "Who is telling this story? Me or you?" He can't keep the pout up for long, however, "Ja, I cut him open & rummaged around in his innards. He was so warm & I had forgotten how much I loved this, exploring him on the inside as well as on the outside. And then! I came across some small obstruction in his large intestine. I was quite shocked, I had expected a kidney stone or something of the sort, but instead I pulled out a ring. I still have it, give me a moment!" Ludwig zooms off, leaving Mikhail to finish the story.
He is smiling as he continues, "Doktor put ring on & started crying right then and there. Put face in Heavy's open stomach & got blood all over his cheeks, looked so adorable. Asked him to marry me, said I wanted to do this before, before RED & BLU dissolve. Doktor climb up on top of operating table, on top of Misha, & just cried of happiness!"
Ludwig rushes back in, holding a silver band in his hand, encrusted with a single blood red ruby at the top, "I found it! Look at how pretty it is. It even has engravings on the inside!"
"To the man who holds my heart in his hands." Mikhail recites, wrapping his arms around Ludwig & staring at the silver ring. Ludwig slips it onto his finger, on the opposite hand to his wedding ring, & stares at them both.
"I can't remember why I stopped wearing it."
"Birds tried pecking stone out."
"Oh. Right."
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The same lil she gremlin sees medic and drops her stuff she was carrying. WHOA… he is the THE LUDWIG… she drops all her engie stuff and races to him and hugs him. She’s never seen THE LUDWIG, before. She looks like this is the best day of her life. She’s clearly young and very impressionable. But she looks like the engie debockle has completely been forgotten meeting The Doc. She looks elated
Ludwig looks down at the little gremlin hugging his leg.
"Doktor?" Mikhail sits up in their bed, looking over. Maria, who had been sitting on his chest & playing a very chaotic game of patty cake, slides off him & onto the bed, right into the semi-neatly ordered line of organ plushies. Emil lets out a little growl & begins fussing at having his toys messed with.
"Ja? I'm coming." Ludwig picks up the little gremlin by the scruff & sets her down on the cot near Heracles. He's not happy that the two gremlins are here, but Heracles refused to move from his spot, & the baby gremlin clearly doesn't want to leave him either.
"What is doktor thinking about?" Mikhail asks him, opening his arms for Lutz to slide right into a cosy hug.
Ludwig rubs his face against Misha's cheek, humming, "I'm thinking about what this would be like if we hadn't returned to work for Mann Co. If we had moved to a cottage somewhere where it is warm for most of the year, but not stiflingly so, & we were just far out enough to not be bothered by civilisation. Just the two of us, & the Kinder, & all the time in the world for napping together & playing chess & reading & cultivating strawberries."
"Doktor wants strawberries?" Mikhail asks with a chuckle.
"They're my favourites. We would have a little garden, & I would learn how to make jams, & juices, & I would make us strawberry popsicles to have in the summer. Or I could make strawberry syrup to put into our tea, & we might sell the extras to our neighbours even though we wouldn't need the money after our contracts ended. Wouldn't that be amazing?"
Mikhail smiles down at him softly, leaning down until he is certain his husband can see every little detail of the love in his eyes, "Da. Would let babies play in strawberry bushes & then laugh when they get juice all over them."
"Yes, муж."
"Sometimes, I want to just run away with you & start my life anew. Change my name, cut my hair differently, & forget about that entire period of my life since I first joined the army. I want to be with you, as if I was still a young man & we were only just beginning to fall in love." Mikhail adjusts them both, until they can comfortably press their foreheads together, breathing in tandem & their hearts beating in unity.
"Four years. Four years, & then we do leave. We do whatever we want, doktor, even change identities."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"Ich liebe dich."
"я тебя люблю."
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How do the rest of the team interact with Lutz and mishas tots?
Ludwig gives you this face & says, "With supervision."
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Mikhail shoves a book into Ludwig's face & pushes him behind himself, "Doktor, don't intimidate guests!"
Ludwig giggles very, very loudly.
"Teammates are like uncles & aunts. Help out with babies, take them on walks, play with them. Are lots of help."
Ludwig sighs, "If only they were lots of help when it came to the Kinder waking us up in the middle of the night. My sleep schedule was almost fixed!"
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Autizum medic :3
And the little blorblos that go with them :D
Friedrich's lip wobbles, "Someone made me art."
James pats his boyfriend's back, staring at the picture, "Is that me as a cat?"
Ludwig looks down at his comm while they're all walking towards the food store, "Is that me?" Mikhail peeks over his shoulder at the pixelated picture on his screen.
"Look, doktor. Is Heavy with babies!"
"What is this curious creature? Have you ever seen anything like it before?"
"Nyet, but is very cute."
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- 🤡
Ludwig chuckles, "A bit too late, aheh."
"Too early!" Mikhail guffaws.
"Just right." Jacques grins.
"WAITWAITWAITWAIT!" Jeremy zooms over with a chocolate covered face, still holding a melting marshmallow in his hand, "GERMANY & RUSSIA HAVE DIFFERENT FATHER'S DAYS?"
"Ja, in Germany it's in May."
"In Russia it is in October."
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Who’s the best dancer out of the mercenaries?
Ludwig hums in thought, "I think Spy is better at classic dances, Misha excels at folk dances, while Scout is the best at freestyles."
Mikhail smiles, "Aw, doktor think Misha is best dancer?" He picks his husband up & gives him the biggest hug.
Ludwig giggles, "You are! You even taught all of us that kick dance."
Mikhail gives him a big smooch, "And doktor does it so well. Only one who doesn't flail arms & legs around like floppy fish." Ludwig giggles again, hugging him back.
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It seems so! Though from what I understand it's not as strong as from an animal or human source, so you end up needing more plant matter and to do more refinement, but people will still grow these hybrid healing plants at home for minor injuries and wounds. I've heard of people growing a variety hybridized with mint since it's very hardy and easy to spread. It just can be a little difficult to get your hands on one of these plants in my time. You either get ones that are more difficult to keep alive but do a better job of healing or you get hardier plants but the healing factor isn't as strong.
Though before all the science was going towards the... whole.... parasite... thing... I'd heard they were trying to see if they could use mushrooms too, seeing as the healing factor seemed to mess with the chlorophyll of plants, but if they can get it to work with mushrooms there's no chlorophyll to effect!
Maybe looking into either avenue could be beneficial!
(I love science fiction, I love theoretical science, I love science that may someday become reality, I love youuuuu。・:*:・(✿◕3◕)❤)
Mod B: I'm not a huge fan of sci-fi, especially sci-fi that takes place in space or on other plants, but man do I adore some speculative biology!
Ludwig watches you carefully as you talk, nodding along in certain moments, "Mhm, I see. That is all very fascinating. I will have to look into this myself, maybe I'll manage to start the research process for such plants earlier in this timeline than in your original one. I will have to bring back one of these plants with me when we go to the future." He bounces Maria on his knee a bit, looking around himself for something to write on.
#Lutz and Misha#tf2#tf2 ask blog#tf2 medic#tf2 ocs#🦖 anon#sue me i took your previous ask & ran with it#I HAVE CREATED THE HUMBOLDT-NABOKOV FAMILY LINE!#so basically the line continues with maria whos wife gets pregnant using the bone marrow technique & emil helped with that#maria & her wife have a son while in their 30s (120 years before tala) named albrecht who looks like a mini ludwig#albrecht lives until his sixties before marrying & having a child (but physically looks to be around 45-48 as all all od ludwig's#descendants inherited his self-heal & his slower aging)#so albrecht has his daughter sasha around 60 years before tala comes to the past#albrecht grew up to become a doctor like his uncle emil but sasha (who turned out to be trans but kept the name sasha) decided to go down#the mercenary route#sasha had twins named kira & ada 30 years before tala went back to the past#kira is a splitting image of ludwig & is a doctor while ada looks like a genderbent mikhail & stuck to their father's mercensry life#kra & ada are still alive during talas time but sasha died during a mission trying to clesr out zombies from a safe zone#so that is 4 generations aftee mikhail & ludwig & since the humboldt-nabokovs live so long they also know who their ancestors are#& i believe that kira was the one to popularise the use of plant matter for the healinf fluid usinf her great great grandfather ludwig's#research that was later continued by great geandfather emil but not picked up by grandfather albrecht for reasons unknown
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Ludwig tilts his head, "What is a... Burly Beast?"
Jeremy can't help but snicker, "Remember when the Pyros ripped your shirt open that one time?"
"We had a joke going where we called ya a burly beast."
Ludwig just looks at him with so much confusion, & a touch of disappointment, before turning back to you, "If my shirt was ripped during a match again, would my binder have to be ripped open too, to count it as a 'Burly Beast'? That would be... Uncomfortable. Running around with all that extra weight but no support," Ludwig starts rubbing his chest, "It hurts to even imagine! Not like you would know anything about that, Scout."
It takes a moment for Jeremy to realise what Ludwig just said, "Hey! I wasn't that small."
"Yes you were, it was the easiest surgery I ever performed. There was almost nothing to extract!" Ludwig grins at him, & Jeremy crosses his arms & pouts. He perks up a bit, however, as he looks over Ludwig's shoulder. The doctor's smile falls, & he is about to ask him what's going on, when a large pair of arms snakes around him & pop all the buttons on his work shirt.
"MIKHAIL!" Ludwig roars, whipping around to glare at his husband. Mikhail & Jeremy are both snickering.
"Is not quite Burly Beast, but is very Cute Beast instead." Mikhail giggles, motioning at Ludwig's white binder with little, red crosses all over it.
"I gotta give it to ya, doc, you're dedicated to your aesthetic." Jeremy snickers again, unable to hold back a laugh as Ludwig glares at him.
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How do battles work now that you guys have a couple of kids?
"Ooh! Our first question!" Ludwig giggles.
"Simple. Battles are shorter, lunch breaks longer." Mikhail nods to himself.
"Also," Ludwig cuts in, "We have changed from 9v9 battles, to 6v6 battles instead. We switch around who stays & who fights on a daily basis."
"At least until babies are older."
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(Yes this is meant to be off anon, I'm being a brave boy!)
*Tala runs back into the infirmary, up to Ludwig*
Here! I was drawing this earlier! I haven't finished it, some of the proportions are off, and I think I drew the kiddos too small, but I just thought it was really sweet and I wanted to capture the moment!
*turns sketchbook around to show:*
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(Hello hi I am trex anon! *does a little bow*)
The twins both babble at the drawing, fascinated by it.
Mikhail gasps, "You are such good artist! Doktor looks so handsome! Doktor! Come see!"
"Hmm? What?" Ludwig peeks an eye open, pulling himself out of his chair & over to you. All the while, Emil is babbling excitedly & reaching his little hands towards the drawing.
"Is that me? With the Kinder?" Ludwig asks. His eyes have grown a bit wet, & he can't take his gaze away from the drawing.
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what if the twins choose a different path other than the medicine or science fields in the future, or are there signs they're starting to take interest in their vati's duties?? 👀
Ludwig shrugs, "Whatever they want to do, I'll be happy for them. I myself went against my father's wishes when I decided to study medicine, & I would hate to be anything like that man."
Mikhail chuckles, "But Emil likes little organ plushies. So maybe Emil will continue legacy for doktor."
Ludwig grins, "We'll see, we'll see."
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Can we hear a bedtime story? Again, it can be any of the mercs, whoever you feel like writing, though I feel like Misha would be particularly good at bedtime stories. He's had practice, 3 sisters and all.(❁´◡`❁)
Mikhail rubs his chin & thinks, "Bedtime story? Da, I can do."
"Long, long time ago, there was prince. He was handsomest prince in history of world, loved by all. Many people want his hand in marriage, because he is so beautiful. But prince has secret, he does not want princess or queen to marry, but another prince! Tragedy strikes when cruel, evil queen ask him for hand in marriage. Prince says 'no! You are not one for me!' So, she turns him into stone for eternity!"
"Many, many years pass. Old kingdoms fall, new kingdoms are built. Everyone forget about beautiful prince & evil queen, they are only myths now. But, one day, hunter rides through forest & finds ruins of evil queen's old castle. He goes through these ruins, searching for treasure because he is poor hunter, & any money is good money. He eventually finds statue of handsome prince, & thinks to himself 'what beautiful statue! Such thing could sell for many coins!' You see, hunter does not know prince is not statue, but enchanted. So, he grab prince & decides to take him to nearest town to sell."
"In town, wizard approaches hunter, & tells him 'this statue you have, it is not a statue! It is enchanted person turned into stone!' 'How do I free him?' Asks hunter, & wizard tells him that only love's true kiss can free handsome prince. Hunter asks around town, asks anyone who will listen. 'Please, please, kiss statue, there is person stuck inside stone. Only love's true kiss can save him!' Everyone try, but no one succeed, handsome prince is still stuck in stone. As last effort, hunter stands before prince, & kisses his stone lips. And then woosh! Magic! Stone cracks & from statue emerge handsomest prince! He thank hunter for saving him, & kiss him again, & they..."
Ludwig pops up behind Mikhail, "And they kill everyone in town in cold blood, MUAHAHAHAHA!"
Mikhail snorts & pushes Ludwig away, "No! Bad Lutzenka. They live happy ever after. Handsome prince & his saviour."
"Aww. No murder?"
"No murder," Ludwig drapes himself across Mikhail's shoulders, nuzzling him while pouting, "Ok. Maybe a little murder."
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hi my favorite mercenary blorbos (and hello unfathomably based author ily and I love this fic/platonic)
What is the stupidest thing anyone on base has ever done? (incl Miss Pauling haha)
:] have a nice day
Mod B: I am unfathomably based :D!
Ludwig rubs the bridge of his nose, "Stupidest thing anyone has ever done? My my, you are not making this easy on me."
Mikhail nods, scratching his chin, "Hard choice, hard choice. Doktor once got stuck in wall during match, because he forgot to take backpack off."
Ludwig snorts, "That is hardly THE stupidest thing anyone has ever done. Scout recently drank antifreeze!"
"Second time. If it happens more than once, is not as stupid." Ludwig levels him with a glare, but he does have to admit there's some truth to that.
"Engineer built us a tactical disco ball only once."
"Da, but was fun until little Scout throw something at it & activate guns on it."
"Sniper once brought a live crocodile to the base."
"Is Australian. I ask Engineer afterwards, & he say it was normal."
"What about Pyro making molotov cocktails to throw into piles of paperwork & taxes?"
"Doktor helped her."
"I'm the only man on this base who fills out the paperwork, it was catharsis. Ok, but you have to admit that Soldier rocket jumping with leg casts was both stupid, & weirdly smart."
"Maybe. Maybe... Oh, I know what is stupidest thing someone on base once did." Mikhail grins down at Ludwig cheekily.
Ludwig swallows nervously, "Aheh. Go on?"
Mikhail grins even wider, "Someone on base, Heavy won't give out name, once threw temper tantrum at dinner, because he got months messed up & thought someone else forgot their anniversary."
"I wouldn't call it a 'temper tantrum'." Ludwig huffs.
Mikhail comes up behind him & hugs him, "Nyet, just being whiny, needy baby." Ludwig crosses his arms, even as Mikhail begins to kiss him.
"It was a moment of weakness... You love me, don't you, Kuschelbär?"
"Forever, мой голубушка."
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Gifts for the children!!! :D Some plushies and a children's book!
*Two plush doves are snuggled into a box attached to the letter, along with a copy of Маленький принц*
Ludwig gasps & his eyes sparkle, "These are beautiful! Kleine Tauben." He coos, picking up the toys. Mikhail comes over to look at the book.
"Hmm, did not have this book as child," He flicks through it, "Looks like good practice for when babies are bigger." He turns to say something to Ludwig, but sees him running off down the hallway with the dove plushies, his coat flapping behind him. Mikhail smiles fondly & shakes his head.
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Well, I was thinking, if Dell gets the little car up and running and we take some smaller trips, he might just be able to figure out how to rework the system to outfit a larger vehicle. It's one of the parts we'll have to play by ear, but we'll take everything a step at a time.
I would totally understand though if going to the future is not something everyone wants to do, especially given all that's in store. I'm just happy any wants to help at all.
"We get to crush little zombies like bugs, team will gladly help." Mikhail grins down at you, bloodlust shining in his eyes.
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I've been real anxious today, but that got me thinking; what do y'all do to calm down when you're feeling real anxious? Figured it might be a lil weird while on base vs while at home.
(I know the blog is mainly for Lutz & Misha but feel free to answer as any of the mercs, id like to hear from all of them but I don't wanna take up too much of your time, just whatever inspires you!)
"Good book & good music is always nice." Mikhail explains. He's currently sitting with his reading glasses on, a book in Russian sitting in his lap.
Ludwig is sitting leaning against him, holding the twins, "I like spending time with my birds. They understand me, they never judge, & they always have nice things to say."
Bug is at the table, doodling, "Balloonicorn says nice things too. But I think drawing relaxes me more. I can put all of my emotions into it, good & bad. Mickey?"
Mick shrugs, cleaning his rifle on the other side of the living room, "Naps are great. Don't have to think about what's bothering ya when you're conked out."
Jeremy snorts from beside him, "Nah, getting all that energy out is the best. Like going for a run."
"Affirmative!" Jane shouts from the corner where he's sat with Tavish & his raccoons, "Get all that anxiety out, private! In any way you can! Like doing 100 pushups in a row! Tavish?"
Tavish is leaning against him, waving his bottle, "Well, I, um... I'm obvious, I suppose..."
"Demo." Ludwig pouts at him from the sofa.
"Fine, fine. I've been trying tae quit lately. So, instead, I've been working on me bombs more. You know, laddie or lassie, doing something monotonous that you know how tae do through muscle memory. Really relaxes the brain."
"I can agree with that, pardner!" Dell raises his own bottle of beer, his helmet & goggles off since Ludwig forced him to take a break, "What about you, Spah?"
Jacques sets his magazine down, "I agree with Heavy, good music is a great way to relax. Putting on a record & indulging in something you enjoy, in moderation of course," Tavish rolls his eyes, "Can do wonders when you are stressing yourself out."
"Do you know what else I like to do, to relax me?" Ludwig pipes up again after a few beats of silence.
"Yeah, Lu?"
"Kicking some BLU ass." The entire living room erupts into applause, even the twins squealing in excitement with all of the adults.
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