#Luxury ingredients from Kinki
summary-cooking · 6 months
料理トリビアのまとめ #0017
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cooking256 · 6 months
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近江牛 近畿の高級食材
近江牛(おうみぎゅう)は、滋賀県で飼育される高級な和牛のブランドの一つです。その名前は滋賀県の旧名「近江国」に由来しています。近江牛は、和牛の中でも優れた肉質と風味が特徴で、柔らかく上質な肉質が評価されています。 1. 上質な肉質 きめ細かく柔らかな肉質が特徴で、脂肪のきめ細かさと旨味があります。肉自体がきめ細かく、甘味が感じられることが特徴です。 2. 風味 独特の甘みと深いコクがあり、肉質がしっとりとしていてジューシーな味わいがあります。 3. 霜降りの美しさ 肉に霜降りが見られ、脂肪がきれいに入り込んでいることが特徴です。 4. 調理の幅広さ ステーキ、すき焼き、しゃぶしゃぶ、焼肉など、様々な調理法に適しています。 近江牛はその優れた肉質と風味から、高級食材として評価されており、京都や大阪などの高級レストランや焼肉店などで提供されています。滋賀県内の飲食店や旅館でも、地元ならではの近江牛料理を楽しむことができます。
Omi beef Luxury ingredients from Kinki
Omi Beef is a brand of high-quality Wagyu beef raised in Shiga Prefecture. The name comes from the former name of Shiga Prefecture, ``Omi Province.'' Omi beef is known for its superior meat quality and flavor among Wagyu beef, and is praised for its tender, high-quality meat. 1. High quality meat It is characterized by its fine and soft flesh, with a fine texture of fat and flavor. The meat itself is finely textured and has a sweet taste. 2. Flavor It has a unique sweetness and deep richness, and the meat is moist and juicy. 3. The beauty of marbling It is characterized by the fact that the meat is marbled and the fat has penetrated neatly. 4. Wide range of cooking Suitable for a variety of cooking methods such as steak, sukiyaki, shabu-shabu, and yakiniku. Due to its excellent meat quality and flavor, Omi beef is valued as a high-class ingredient, and is served at high-end restaurants and yakiniku restaurants in Kyoto, Osaka, and other areas. You can also enjoy local Omi beef cuisine at restaurants and inns in Shiga Prefecture.
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sketchfanda · 7 months
A Little Moxxie Love:Oh Joy.....
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We begin this tale not in Hell but rather a luxury sized domicile somewhere within the suburban jungle of Hollywood California. To be precise, this was the home to the infamous Herron family. To say this family had something of a pornographic history was as understated as saying how wild and twisted their family tree was but one thing couldn’t be denied or unsaid about the women in this brood. They were all sexual bombshells who aged like fine wine and hit jackpots when it came to puberty. The most bubbly of boot is, the most exquisite juicy tits snd luscious set of lips that seemed just made to be classified as dick sucking. To say nothing of the unreal balance they had between muscle tone and sensual curves BUT this all made for a combination of what could only call these women bimbo size queen sluts!! It is one particular bedroom within this residence we find ourselves with Joy Herron. Among her sisters and cousins, Joy was the most gothic and satanic, an occult wet dream made flesh. A succubus in human skin with the reputation to match. To call her kinky and freaky as fuck is understatement and right at this very moment, she was taking advantage of a rare moment of having some alone time to herself. No sign of her roommate Jacqui or any of the other bombshells who she shared space with under this roof which of course was an opportunity she was taking advantage of. The witchy bimbo sitting hunched over her laptop as she vividly examined each and every key detail of the web page she was currently on. Looking back and forth between the monitor and whatever she had set up on the floor just a few feet away from hers and Jacqui's respective beds.
Joy:*narrowing her eyes as she looked over each step of information* "Once you're sure you've written the proper runes and inscriptions, begin lighting the candles and pour the ingredients over the symbol of brimstone. Then begin to invoke and chant the incantation as displayed....."*The gothic satanic ho looked from her monitor to the elaborate pentagram circle she'd drawn and written up. The inverted 5 pointed star's circling and inner lining decorate with elaborate runes, markings and alchemic symbols. Withing the centre of it being the mark for sulfur or brimstone. The very essence of Hell itself as the occult bimbo licked her lips with sensual anticipation. Getting up from her mattress as she pickedup a chemical rack of vials filled with numerous ingredients.* "Alright now, let's get this show on the road..."
Joy in case you can't tell was something a major freak when it came to witchcraft and the occult. Her darkest, wildest fantasies and wet dreams consisted of nothing less than wanton lust for big cocks of the demonic variety. To have some shadowy fiend ravish her with tentacles of get fucked stupid and broke by some massive devil dick. Think nothing of less selling her soul for a night or more with some burly, virile hellhound only to be taken to the deepest, darkest pits of the cirlce of lust where she'd no doubt be the glorified bitch toy of some infernally endowed demon king. Christ it got her wet just thinking about it but on this occassion? More so than usual as she was about to make her depraved fantasies since happening upon that website and finding that summoning ritual page. To think that all this required was a few easy steps and instructions with the right amount of effort and time which was about to pay off. As she began to proceed with the final steps and took out each vial from the chemical rack. Pouring onto the brimstone symbol in the centre of the pentagram, much of it exotic or simple household materials and items that were easy to find and acquire. Some others certainly not legal before she finished by pouring the last ingredient in her occult recipe. Blood generously provided by some nimrod from the local slaughterhouse as her blood red eyes twinkled with mischief. Her room dark thanks to the curtains being drawn closed as the light of her laptop screen was now joined by that of the candles she lit on each point of her pentagram summoning circle. Proceeding to begin chanting the invocation with a mix of English and ancient Latin.
Joy:"I call on you, nameless and faceless ones within the unknown. You who cast shadows on darkness itself...hear my voice, hear these words and bring me the finest stud in all of Hell itself. Let me give myself to your most virile and well hung beast..bring me a man among demons that will make me want to die with ectasy..." *The gothic Herron spoke, her lust and passion showing in her tone as she began the Latin portion. Who knew finding some website about demonic summoning would come up from browsing the net out of boredom?! As the candlelight flames took on a shift from golden fire to as crimson red as blood. A dark black mist forming in the centre of the pentagram as it began to mix with the smoke and fire of the candles. The summoning circle glowing with a flame like energy as the infernal vortex swirled. Joy living up to her as she felt the sensation of it course through her very being. It was working, it was actually working!! Christ on a stick, she was about to make sweet hot fuck with an actual demon!!*
The vortex of infernal smoke and hellfire cleared away as suddenly as it came, leaving the bedroom bathed in the light of the candles and the laptop's LED screen. Joy's erotic excitement deflating like a balloon losing its air as she beheld the results of her efforts. her expression a comical mix of absolute WTF and deadpan disappointment as standing within that pentagram summoning circle was not what she'd been expecting or promised. Instead of some hulking manmountain fiend with a horsecock or a snarling rabid hellhound looking ready to knot her and make her his bitch, she got this? Some 4 foot 6 little runt of a devil in a stupid cute suit and bow tie, looking around at his current surroundings as he was no doubt puzzled to how he got here, let alone how and why. Joy mentally cursed whoever came up with that ritual as she knows damn well she followed every single damn instruction down to the letter. Talk about flagrant false advertising. he was hoping for something like right out of one of Jacqui's hentais!! Not a dwarf of a pipsqueak who was likely Satan's butler or something, even if he did look stupidly adorable with that confused expression on his face. A fork and plate in his hand indicating he was no doubt in the middle of...breakfeast? Lunch? Whatever time it was, she hadn't been keeping track as she pinched the bridge of her brow, making a mental checklist on how to find the stupid bitch or dumbass who provided that info for the ritual when the runt suddenly spoke up after swallowing his meal.
??:"Uhm Hi there, Miss? I take it this is the living world? Any reason how or why I'm here? My name's Moxxie and uhm...wow,uh quite the bod you got there, say listen can you maybe see to undoing whatever it was you've done there? I kind of need to get back home, my wife's gonna worry if I'm gone for too long....."*The little dude whose name she now learned spoke up,sounding so damn adorkable. Here he was in the presence of a hot piece of ass and yet he was more worried about his wife? Who knew devils and demons could be married or have relationships? Left unsaid by Moxxie was not only would Millie get concerned but s would the other ladies in his life. Believe you me, this little dude got around...and that's not even taking dudes into account. Just don't ever ask him about his and Millie's mutual douchebag ex...there's a good reason the name Chaz is blacklisted as a babyname choice for them.*
Joy:*began calming down as the demon, Moxxie she now knew him as, started talking. He was awfully polite and afable and on second lookover, first impressions aside, he was sort of cute and easy on the eyes at least. Besides which the ritual did actually work so that was a plus for her mood. Okay so sure she got some little bottom of the pecking order runt, he was here so why not right?* "Sooo Moxxie,right? What're you exactly?"
Mxxie:"Hmm? Oh I'm an imp, ma'am. I also happen to be in a line of work that happens to involve making people disappear,in a manner of speaking to put it mildly. Now about my being here and sending me back home..."*the Imp answered the gothic satanic bimbo as he paused in his earlier thoughts, only for his brain to hit the figurative breaks again as he noticed Joy's eyes gleam with a twinkle of mischief. the sort he knew all too well from a few of his intimate liaisons and regular booty calls. Seeing her lick her violet,painted and pierce lips sensually with the manner of a predator. Making him feel like a mouse cornered by a very large and hungry cat.*
Joy:*reached out to grab the imp by his shirt collar and that rather charming little bowtie as she picked him up. faces inches apart from each other as he let out a little eep. Golden eyes locked on blood red ones as she grinned with those dick sucking lips of hers.* "Oooh I'll send you home soon enough little Imp. After I've had my fun of course. You're here, my summoning paid off so why waste a chance for some easy fun, right? Besides I'm sure your cute little mouse of a life would LOVE to hear about he hubby getting with a real woman..." *Moxxie gulped, knowing he was in danger and unable to respond to Joy that she more or less hit the nail on the head. Millie would love this if she were here to see what he felt was about to happen between him and this gothic E-girl wet dream on legs. But something told him Joy wasn't in the mood for details.*
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it wasn't long before Moxxie found himself pretty much thrown onto the Joy's bed, as the crimson streaked tattooed Goth bombshell lifted the lapotop off and set it aside at her desk. According to the ritual details, moxxie's presence would only remain for as long as the candles stayed burning which gave her more than a few hours to kill for her pleasure. At the most and least? She figured she could get her erotic rocks off on using the runty little Imp as a boy toy to break. The adorable little shortround native of hell scrambling on the skull printed sheets as she grabbed and pulled off his suit coat and shirt. bow tie and all as they were ripped off to shreds in her eagerness to indulge in her sadomasochistic tendencies. A sultry giggle at the indignant look he gave her, making it clear that was very rude of her and just so happened to be his favourite outfit. Only to take frther delight in the dumbstruck expression he now wore as she began to strip right in front of him. Peeling off and shedding her ensemble and accessories of leather, fishnets, mesh and latex. Exposing her pale alabaster skinned, toned and curvy form before him. Like any Herron woman, joy was a sexual work of art. The muscle tone of an amazon fitness model, the curves of the most sensual pornstar highlighted with the thickest set of child baring hips and thighs and a T&A that was bubbly and bouncy in all the juiciest ways. All with the tattoos and styling flavour of a goth flair. The Satanic occult bimbo licking her lips at his wide, panicing eyes and the slight bump forming in the crotch of his pants. Her dominatrix streak kicking into gear as she reached out and grasped the waistband of his pants, boxers and all.
Joy:"Alright little man, first thing's first is getting these out of the way. Followed by me working your little..."*Anything else Joy would've said came to a halt, along with her brain screeching as it hit the breaks. Feeling herself knocked for a loop as the moment she pulled down Moxxie's pants, she felt something heavy hit her. Uppercutting her chin as she stumbled a bit before the Satanic size queen regained her barings. Shaking the cobwebs out as she glared at the Imp for what she presumed was him daring to kick her. Only to widen her eyes as he jaw dropped, stunned at what she beheld before her.*"....Oh....My...God...."
Moxxie:*nervous and admittedly feeling pretty scaroused right about now. Rubbing the back of his neck nervously at how intently she was staring at him.*"huh, you know you're not the first girl to react like that. in hindsight I should've warned you,I'm uuh kind of a grower..." *The Imp hitman modestly explained, though as far as Joy was concerned? Why would he be so modest when he had SUCH A BIG FUCKING COCK?!! The length and girth of his Imp shaft on full display as it stood as rigid as a flagpole. Inches of crimson skinned fuckmeat, twitching and pulsing as if it senses the presence of a sexy bitch who was down to fuck.*
Joy couldn't believe what she was seeing but there it was. She'd often heard that old chestnut of wisdom about big things in small packages but to think the summoning ritual hadn't just actually worked. if anything it went above and beyond as before her was a cock that was most any Herron girl's ideal. A long, thick shaft of womb hammering, pussy pounding meat that would ensure her G spot would get more than its share of hits. A Perineum muscle so firm looking that if every muscle of that short yet quite toned frame of his was built like it? he could probably press lift her with just his cock alone, to say nothing of those smooth, massive bals so round and heavy with rich, warm lifegiving seed. The only thing drooling as much as the goth's mouth right now was her pussy lips, as her slit gushed like a waterfall as it ran down her thighs with sticky warmth. Grasping that alpha imp cock in her hands as if she was taking hold of a sacred treasure like excalibur. Or sexcalibur in this case as she began to pump and stroke the absolute unit of a dick, Moxxie shuddering as Joy proceeded to assault his shaft with sloppy, thirsty licks and kisses. Wasting no time at all as per the instinct of a Herron woman, she latched her lips upon the tip and began to suck and blow away, bobbing her head like a woman possessed. Which wasn't too far from the truth as the size queen slut was overcome by her raw, primal lust and desire. Her womb burning with a fire that needed to be quenched with a rich shower of the babybatter contained in those imp balls as she deepthroated that dick, more than willing to die of pleasure as she lived and played out her dark fantasy made reality.
Moxxie:"Oh crumbs,oh crumbs..."*The imp with the virility and prowess of an alpha male groaned and shuddered out his personal phrase like a mantra. Hands grasping and masaging the luscious hips and bubbly, clapping asscheeks of the gothic Satanist Herron. Who rode him cowgirl style as his quite sturdy and strong pelvis braced itself against her heavy bouncing motions. The sight of her swaying tits and her face an expression of absolute,mind numbing bliss. An ahegao to be precise as her pussy's firm,tight muscles massaged and squeezed his imp shaft as a display of how badly she wanted his hot white cream.*
Joy:"Fuck fuck yes harder Daddy!! Fucking wreck me with your massive demon cock!! Pump me with your imp babies!! Make me your eternally damned baby mama!! Breed me!!" *Just among the many lewd remarks that came out of the goth bombshell bimbo's mouth. That is actual words and not just screams and moans as she howled with ecstasy. Moxxie's alpha imp cock hitting not just her G spot but the whole damn alphabet. All the while he showed that for a little guy like him his four and a half foot frame really knew how to give it to a woman. All the best positions to deepen his penetration and ensure that bitchhammering cock of his was getting her womb at its door.*
Doggy style, mating press, sideways spooning, prone bone, any and every position they could do, it was done. But ooh that he could pull some of them off despite their size and height difference? It made the gothic Herron wonder how many other lucky bitches in Hell besides this wife of his also enjoyed this cock. She couldn't help but think he was some sort of pornomancer crime boss or some big shot with a harem bitches of laying at his feet. A demon sex god in the modest skin of a cute little imp stud as her fantasies ran wild. Moxxie not even leaving her ass untapped or her mouth plowed with an damnation worthy facefuck. Streams of rich, hot and heavy cream painint her inside and out as her bedsheets became stained with a mix of their sweat and juices as hours passed by, orgasm after orgasm with the walls and ceils echoing with the erotic music of skin slapping skin and primal howls of passion. The candles getting smaller and smaller, the wax melting before one by one, their lights began to snuff and go out. The room going dark with the last one fading out just in time as Joy climaxed together simultaneously with her imp Daddy just one very last time......
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Back in hell, to be precise in Imp city and the cozy little lovely apartment Moxxie called home with Millie. The sexy shortstack wrath farmgirl concerned as she was speaking on her cellphone. So far she'd not heard of or seen hide nor hair of her man since he suddenly seemed to vanish off the face of hell. Starting first with checking up with their usual sex friends, all listed under the category she called "Moxxie's Boootycalls". So far no such luck as she was currently speaking with Loona. The hellhound seemed one of the most likely contenders to have an idea when suddenly,in a flash of hellfire, her Moxxie was back!! Falling out of midair like he was Nightcrawler from the x-men pulling his classic teleportation trick. Landing in their living room couch in a heap as the poor guy looked exhausted like he just managed to survive getting drained. Panting and wheezing as his dick stood in a state between ready to get erect and ready to go limp from overexertion. Millie stunned yet relieved all at once.
Millie:"Nevermind Looney,pass it on to the other girls,he's back. Later girl..."*the imp cutie hanging up as she went to the couch to hug and cradle her man. Glad to have him back but so concerned.*"Moxxie baby welcome home!! Sweetie what happened,where ya been? You look like you just got through a succubi in heat convention or something...."
Moxxie:".....where,do I even begin?!" *The imp blurted out,coughing a bit,he could really use a drink right about now. So glad the summoning ritual finally ended. Any longer and he thought Joy might've fucked him to death or drained him bone dry. If he ever got called by her again? He knew he'd need to level up his stamina....*
Back in the living world, Joy slept peacefully in her sex stained bedsheets. Basking in the afterglow as she thought of when she might want a repeat performance from Moxxie again in the future down the line. The summoning ritual's page on the website having a fine print that claimed this ritual was for bringing forth one of,if not Hell's most gifted and virile lover. The goth Herron unaware of course that a few of her relatives had been peeping on and overheard her imp marathon. And were thinking of when and how they might get their own shot with that sexy cute imp boy.....
The Beginning...of Moxxie's Herron Hell!!
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hungry-tum-stuff · 10 months
Thank you for responding! I suppose you wouldn't mind indulging in a few more questions regarding your characters, I love them and find them interesting, both from a kinky and design standpoint! 1) What are their favourite foods? How much do they allow themselves to indulge? 2) Has there been any moments where characters are flustered by the other's belly or tummies in general? After knowing each other for a while, have they grown to being more comfortable with more personal stuff? 3) How do they deal with a particularly prolonged session of being starved or stuffed, either alone or with somebody else? 4) Let us know, do you have any specific fantasies that you like to imagine with your characters, OC or otherwise? 5) If you had to pick one, and there are no repercussions, which character do you want to see in real life? What might you wanna do with them? 6) Can I give belly rubs to your characters? :3
Haven’t checked my asks in awhile, but I’m gonna tackle this one!
1. What are their favorite foods? And how much do they allow themselves to indulge?
🦊 - Azeban likes things with a lot of different and interesting textures, and for a long time that was just meat. But once he’s introduced to regular food it’s all over. He’s found he likes stew the best, it does a great job of filling his belly and it can be prepared with so many different ingredients! He will take any chance he can get to stuff himself to the gills if he’s presented with a pot of stew.
🖋️ - Cecil has pretty high standards when it comes to food. He’s partial to any kind of shellfish though: Scallops, clams, shrimp, he loves seafood! He hardly ever gets to indulge in such a luxury anymore, but even if he got the chance he probably wouldn’t stuff himself the same way Azeban would. He’d eat until he’s content, even if he really wants to eat more.
🧶 - Lumen’s favorite food is tricky. Obviously there’s only one thing they can really indulge in until they’re full, but they’ve found that they adore Jonah’s baking. Cookies, muffins, cakes, they’re just such a welcome change of pace from meat. They indulge in Jonah’s cooking every chance they get <3
🥧 - Jonah loves starchy, carb-rich foods. He can’t resist anything with bread or potatoes. And he certainly isn’t one to hold back when it comes to sitting down and enjoying a meal: if he’s sitting down to eat he’s going to eat.
2. There’s less getting flustered by someone else’s belly but instead getting flustered by their own tummies. Cecil gets incredibly embarrassed whenever his stomach speaks up, he thinks the noises are impolite and that’s not helped by the fact that Azeban has very sensitive ears. Thankfully Azeban doesn’t care much about politeness. Lumen is also quite embarrassed by the noises their tummy makes, only because they’re so loud. Azeban and Jonah could care less about the noises their bellies make, they just continually worry about their friends getting enough to eat.
3. How do they deal with a particularly long session of being starved or stuffed, either alone or with someone else?
🦊 - Azeban does not handle being hungry very well. Despite having to hunt and forage for every meal, his appetite is big enough that going hungry for more than a day really saps his energy. It heightens his senses and makes him hunt better of course, but that doesn’t make the ache in his gut feel any better until he actually catches something. He is perfectly content being stuffed however, it is not often that he gets to experience a truly full tummy and he relishes every moment when he gets the chance.
🖋️ - Similarly to Azeban, Cecil is awful at dealing with hunger. He’s not used to going hungry for any prolonged periods of time, and he finds that he mentally and physically shuts down when he’s starved. He also gets pretty whiny. He’s not any better when it comes to being stuffed though, he hates the sensation of being too full that it makes him nauseous, so if he’s full for a prolonged period of time, he will also not be enjoying it :(
🧶 - Lumen, of course, is used to prolonged stretches of starvation. That’s just everyday life for them. That doesn’t mean they like it though, and they absolutely hate the exhaustion that comes with the starvation. But unfortunately, being full doesn’t bring much respite either, because when they give in and ‘eat their fill,’ they only feel guilty.
🥧 - Jonah used to be able to handle going hungry. He didn’t grow up with much, and starvation isn’t a new feeling to him. Now that he’s older and more spoiled however, he finds that it’s much harder to miss a meal and not get grumpy. As a result, he also really enjoys the feeling of being full. Being overstuffed is no big deal to him, because he knows he can just sleep it off until work in the morning <3
4. See my writing masterpost :3 That’s pretty much in line with my fantasies for these guys
5. Azeban, just so I can give him a big ‘ol hug and tell him I’m sorry for all the tragedy I’ve inflicted upon him 🥺
6. Absolutely! They definitely need it <3
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aveedigitalmarketing · 2 months
Nurturing Kids' Skin and Hair: Essential Ingredients for Healthy Growth
Ensuring the well-being of our kids' skin and hair is a priority for every parent. From choosing the right products to establishing a nurturing routine, there are several factors to consider when it comes to promoting healthy growth and maintaining vibrant skin and hair. Let's delve into some key ingredients to look for in kids' skincare and haircare products and how they contribute to overall health and vitality.
Oat Extract: Renowned for its soothing properties, oat extract is a gentle yet effective ingredient for both skin and hair. It helps to calm irritated skin, alleviate itchiness, and provide hydration, making it ideal for kids with sensitive or dry skin. In haircare products, oat extract nourishes the scalp, promotes healthy hair growth, and enhances shine.
Olive Oil: Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, olive oil is a versatile ingredient that benefits both skin and hair. It moisturizes and nourishes the skin, leaving it soft and supple, while also strengthening hair strands and promoting growth. Olive oil is particularly beneficial for kids with dry skin or brittle hair, providing much-needed hydration and protection.
Vitamin B5 & E: Vitamin B5, or panthenol, is essential for skin and hair health. It helps to improve skin elasticity, promote cell regeneration, and enhance moisture retention, resulting in smoother and more resilient skin. In haircare products, vitamin B5 strengthens hair follicles, reduces breakage, and adds volume and shine. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin and hair from environmental damage, nourishing and rejuvenating them from within.
Oat Oil: Similar to oat extract, oat oil is rich in fatty acids and antioxidants that benefit both skin and hair. It moisturizes and conditions the skin, soothing irritation and inflammation, while also improving hair texture and shine. Oat oil is an excellent choice for kids with eczema or sensitive skin, as it provides relief from itching and discomfort.
Cocoa Butter: With its ultra-hydrating properties, cocoa butter is a luxurious ingredient that deeply moisturizes the skin and hair. It forms a protective barrier that locks in moisture, preventing dryness and maintaining soft, smooth skin. In haircare products, cocoa butter adds shine and luster to hair strands, making them more manageable and less prone to breakage.
Shea Butter: Another natural emollient, shea butter is deeply nourishing and hydrating for both skin and hair. It softens rough, dry skin, and improves elasticity, while also strengthening hair follicles and reducing frizz. Shea butter is particularly beneficial for kids with curly or kinky hair, as it helps to define curls and prevent breakage.
Plant Keratin: Derived from plant sources, plant keratin is a protein that strengthens and repairs damaged skin and hair. It helps to improve skin texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and promote a more youthful appearance. In haircare products, plant keratin restores strength and elasticity to hair strands, preventing breakage and split ends.
When choosing skincare and haircare products for your kids, look for gentle formulas that contain these nourishing ingredients. By incorporating them into your kids' daily routine, you can help promote healthy growth, protect their skin and hair from environmental damage, and instill good hygiene habits that will last a lifetime.
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sulomhaircare · 3 months
Natural Beauty with Hair Custard and Best Haircare Products in UK
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In the vast landscape of haircare, navigating through shelves of products can feel overwhelming. But fear not, for we've curated a comprehensive guide to the Best Haircare Products UK, with a special spotlight on the game-changer for natural hair – Hair Custard. Let's embark on a journey to discover the gems that will revolutionize your hair care routine and help you unleash your hair's full potential.
First and foremost, when it comes to maintaining luscious locks, moisture is key. These multitasking marvels not only nourish your strands but also provide protection against environmental stressors. Look for formulas enriched with natural oils like argan or coconut for an added boost of nourishment. Brands like SheaMoisture and Cantu offer an array of options tailored to different hair types, ensuring there's something for everyone.
Next up on our list are the superheroes of styling – hair oils. Whether you're battling frizz, seeking shine, or aiming for smoother strands, a few drops of hair oil can work wonders. Opt for lightweight formulas that won't weigh your hair down, and embrace the power of botanical extracts like jojoba and grapeseed oil for a dose of natural goodness. From cult classics like MoroccanOil to indie darlings like Percy & Reed, the UK market boasts an abundance of choices to suit your hair care needs.
Now, let's delve into the star of the show – Hair Custard. Designed specifically for natural hair, this innovative product has taken the haircare world by storm with its unique blend of nourishing ingredients and unbeatable hold. Formulated with a creamy texture that melts into your locks, Hair Custard effortlessly defines curls, tames flyaways, and adds a lustrous sheen without any greasy residue. Whether you're rocking coils, curls, or waves, this versatile styling staple will become your new go-to for achieving flawless hair days.
What sets Hair Custard apart is its commitment to quality ingredients that prioritize the health of your hair. Free from harsh chemicals like sulfates and parabens, this powerhouse product harnesses the power of natural extracts such as shea butter, coconut oil, and aloe vera to promote moisture retention and enhance hair elasticity. Say goodbye to dry, brittle strands and hello to soft, supple locks that radiate with vitality.
But the benefits don't end there. Hair Custard also offers heat protection, making it the perfect companion for those who love to switch up their hairstyles with hot tools. Whether you're blow-drying, straightening, or curling, this trusty ally will shield your strands from damage while locking in moisture for a silky-smooth finish. Plus, its long-lasting hold means your style stays put from morning to night, so you can slay all day with confidence.
In addition to its performance prowess, Hair Custard for Natural Hair embraces inclusivity by catering to a diverse range of hair textures and types. Whether you're rocking a coil, or kinky curls, this versatile product works its magic on all hair textures, celebrating the beauty of natural diversity. With Hair Custard in your arsenal, you can embrace your unique hair journey with pride and confidence, knowing that your locks are in good hands.
In conclusion, the UK is home to a treasure trove of hair care products that cater to every need and preference. From nourishing leave-in conditioners to luxurious hair oils, the options are endless. And at the heart of it all lies Hair Custard – the ultimate solution for natural hair that combines nourishment, styling, and protection in one revolutionary formula. Say hello to healthy, vibrant hair that's ready to take on the world – one fabulous hairstyle at a time.
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davronatural · 2 years
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The ultimate collection of Curly Girl Approved Haircare from DAVROE
­­­­CURLiCUE Cleansing Clay 300ml
CURLiCUE Deep Conditioning Rinse 300ml
CURLiCUE Hydrating Hair Oil 50ml
CURLiCUE Curl Balm 200ml
CURLiCUE Curl Activator 200ml
CURLiCUE Rapid Dry Hair Wrap
The ultimate collection of Curly Girl Approved Haircare from DAVROE
We’ve carefully formulated Davroe’s CURLiCUE Range to embody effortless, manageable curls through a selection of luxurious products, including a shampoo, conditioner, treatments, and styling products. Fortified with rich botanical oils and extracts,
CURLiCUE leaves curls soft, hydrated, defined and voluminous. Creamy Avocado Oil provides intense hydration that nourishes the hair shaft from the inside out; smoothing coarse texture and strengthening the hair. Nutrient-rich Kakadu Plum Extract protects the hair against damage whilst moisturising to leave dull, coarse hair silky and glossy. Revitalising Lotus Flower Extract improves overall hair health by hydrating and repairing to add strength, shine and body, while restoring the hair’s natural lustre. This unique blend of hard working ingredients defines a range that leaves kinky, coily, or curly hair feeling and looking its best.
­­­­CURLiCUE Cleansing Clay 300ml Lightweight detoxing shampoo to gently clean without stripping natural oils
CURLiCUE Deep Conditioning Rinse 300ml Extra rich and hydrating whipped conditioner.
CURLiCUE Hydrating Hair Oil 50ml Lightweight ultra moisturising oil.
CURLiCUE Curl Balm 200ml Hydrating balm to activate and enhance natural curls.
CURLiCUE Curl Activator 200ml Anti-frizz spray to instantly enhance, define, and refresh curls.
CURLiCUE Rapid Dry Hair Wrap A soft, absorbent hair towel that minimises frizz and reduces drying time by 50%.
CURLY GIRL APPROVED – formulated without Silicone, Sulphate or Drying Alcohols.
Shop Now:-->
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fitnessbeautyarts · 5 months
Maintaining healthy natural hair starts with using the right dandruff shampoo. In this article, we'll explore the top 5 best dandruff shampoos that are highly recommended for keeping your hair healthy and free from dandruff. These shampoos are known for their effectiveness in addressing dandruff issues while promoting hair growth and scalp health. Let's dive into the key takeaways of each of these top-rated dandruff shampoos! Key Takeaways Nizoral A-D Anti-Dandruff Shampoo is best for chemically-treated hair and offers effective dandruff treatment. Head & Shoulders Royal Oils Moisture Boost Shampoo is a lightweight formula that balances and restores scalp health. Maple Holistics Tea Tree Special Formula Shampoo is ideal for sensitive scalp and offers natural cleansing and soothing properties. CLn Healthy Scalp Shampoo is a dermatologist-tested formula that helps control dandruff and scalp issues. The Roots Naturelle Virgin Hair Fertilizer Shampoo is great for boosting volume and suitable for all hair types. 1. Nizoral A-D Anti-Dandruff Shampoo I've found that Nizoral A-D Anti-Dandruff Shampoo stands out as a top choice for those struggling with dandruff. Its key ingredient, 1% ketoconazole, is a game-changer, binding to the hair's natural protein to effectively eliminate dandruff. The shampoo not only tackles flaking and itching but also leaves hair manageable and shiny. The luxurious formula of Nizoral A-D not only combats dandruff but also helps in preventing hair loss, making it a safe option for color-treated and chemically processed hair. Here's a quick guide on how to use it: Wet hair thoroughly. Apply shampoo and lather generously. Rinse thoroughly. Use every 3 - 4 days for up to 8 weeks or as directed by a doctor. With consistent use, I've noticed a significant reduction in dandruff accumulation on my scalp. It's no wonder this product has garnered over 16,176 rave reviews. Learn more: 5 Best Flakes Shampoo Choices for Dandruff-Free Hair Battle the Flakes: How Suave Dandruff Shampoo Can Change Your Hair Care Game Conquer Your Flakes: Inside Ouai’s Anti-Dandruff Solution 2. Head & Shoulders Royal Oils Moisture Boost Shampoo After trying numerous products, I found that the Head & Shoulders Royal Oils Moisture Boost Shampoo was a game-changer for my natural hair. It's designed to balance and restore scalp health, which is crucial when dealing with dandruff. The shampoo not only cleanses but also relieves the dryness and itching that often accompany dandruff. With its creamy lather, it effectively removes buildup while providing lightweight hydration that lasts. I've noticed that with regular use, my scalp feels more hydrated and my hair retains moisture better. The fresh coconut scent is a delightful bonus, offering a long-lasting odor protection that keeps my hair smelling great throughout the day. Here's a quick overview of what makes this shampoo stand out: Balances and restores scalp health Relieves dryness and itching Designed for kinky and coily hair types Rich, creamy lather for effective cleansing Lightweight, long-lasting hydration Fresh coconut scent with odor protection It's not just my personal experience that speaks volumes; the shampoo has garnered over 11,000 reviews on Amazon, making it a popular choice among users with natural and curly hair. 3. Maple Holistics Tea Tree Special Formula Shampoo I've found that the Maple Holistics Tea Tree Special Formula Shampoo stands out for its ability to nourish and soothe my sensitive scalp. Its skin healing properties have been a game-changer in reducing itchiness and flaking. The blend of tea tree, rosemary, and lavender oils not only keeps my scalp clean but also promotes strong, shiny hair. The shampoo's formula is impressive, boasting a combination of natural oils and ingredients that work together to unclog hair follicles and balance the scalp's natural oils. Here's a quick rundown of what I appreciate about this shampoo:
Cleanses and balances the hair and scalp Boosts circulation Paraben-free, sulfate-free, and silicone-free Cruelty-free and safe for color-treated hair However, it's worth noting that some may find it slightly drying. It's always a good idea to follow up with a nourishing conditioner, especially if you have dry hair. Overall, this shampoo has been a reliable addition to my hair care routine, especially when dealing with dandruff. Learn more: Embrace Your Roots: The Best Dandruff Shampoos Tailored for Natural Hair Nurturing Every Strand: Discovering the Ultimate Care Shampoo for Healthy Hair Unlocking Luscious Locks: Finding the Perfect Hair and Scalp Shampoo for You 4. CLn Healthy Scalp Shampoo I've found that the CLn Healthy Scalp Shampoo stands out for its dermatologist-tested formula, specifically designed for those with normal to oily scalp types. It's a product that not only addresses dandruff and flakiness but also tackles an itchy scalp with a potent blend of salicylic acid and sodium hypochlorite. These active ingredients work together to exfoliate dead skin cells and remove excess oils, leaving the scalp feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. The shampoo's effectiveness extends beyond just cleansing; it's also a hypoallergenic solution that promotes a healthy scalp environment. This is particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with conditions like folliculitis or seborrheic dermatitis. Despite its strong formula, the shampoo is gentle enough for daily use and can even be applied to beards. It's a versatile option that doesn't compromise on hair moisture, ensuring that even kinky and coily hair types remain hydrated. Here's a quick glance at the pros and cons based on user reviews: Pros: Dermatologist-tested Clinically-proven to cleanse the scalp Fragrance-free Effective against various scalp conditions Hypoallergenic Cons: Some users report an unpleasant scent One user shared their experience, saying, "My scalp feels healthier, and I've experienced hair regrowth. Despite its unique scent, it's a game-changer for my scalp health." 5. The Roots Naturelle Virgin Hair Fertilizer Shampoo I've found that The Roots Naturelle Virgin Hair Fertilizer Shampoo stands out for its ability to tackle dandruff while promoting voluminous hair. It's a relief to discover a shampoo that not only addresses dryness and flaking but also nurtures hair growth. The unique blend of ingredients like jojoba seed oil and tea tree oil has been a game-changer for my hair care routine. The shampoo's formula is designed to rejuvenate thinning and over-processed hair, leaving it soft and smooth. It's particularly popular among those with natural black hair, and I appreciate how it calms my irritated scalp. Here's what I've noticed since incorporating this shampoo into my regimen: Relief from symptoms like scaling, itching, and flaking A noticeable boost in hair volume Enhanced hair growth While some may find the consistency a bit thin and it may leave hair tangled, the overall benefits are undeniable. A user's review caught my attention, stating, "In just three weeks, my hair felt longer and softer." This echoes my experience with the product, and it's reassuring to see others have had similar positive outcomes. Conclusion In conclusion, maintaining healthy natural hair requires the use of effective dandruff shampoos that not only treat dandruff but also nourish and moisturize the scalp. The top 5 best dandruff shampoos highlighted in this article offer a range of benefits, from addressing scalp itchiness and dryness to promoting hair growth and managing curls. Whether you opt for a dermatologist-tested formula like CLn Healthy Scalp Shampoo or a lightweight option like Head & Shoulders Royal Oils Moisture Boost Shampoo, these shampoos provide restorative care and control dandruff effectively. Choose the right dandruff shampoo based on your hair type and needs to maintain a healthy scalp and vibrant hair.
Frequently Asked Questions How often should I use these dandruff shampoos? It is recommended to use dandruff shampoos 2-3 times a week for best results. Can these shampoos be used on colored hair? Yes, most of these dandruff shampoos are safe to use on colored hair. However, it is always best to check the product label for specific instructions. Do these shampoos have any side effects? While rare, some individuals may experience mild scalp irritation or dryness when using dandruff shampoos. It is advisable to do a patch test before regular use. Are these shampoos suitable for all hair types? Most of the recommended dandruff shampoos are suitable for various hair types, but it is advisable to choose one that matches your specific hair needs. Can I use these shampoos daily? It is not recommended to use dandruff shampoos daily as they are formulated for specific scalp conditions. Overuse may lead to dryness or irritation. Do these shampoos have a strong scent? The scent of dandruff shampoos may vary, but most are formulated to have a pleasant fragrance that is not overpowering.
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Erik has a new girl who has a baby prior to dating him and they become one big happy family. The baby daddy is jealous and he tries to one up on Erik but they end up being cool with eachother afterwards.
Warnings: Mentions of SMUT, Fluff.
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Erik is currently staring at a picture of little Sasha. She was only one month on the photo. Now, Sasha is turning one.
When he first met Y/N and Sasha, they were in a Caribbean supermarket. Erik always shopped there. He decided to go and grab what he needed before heading home to his new apartment. If you ever wanted to shop for Afro-Caribbean ingredients, the best place to go to was a Caribbean supermarket. He wanted to cook up some beef patties, oxtail, rice and peas, and some fried cabbage. Already picking up the spices he needed, Erik wasn’t paying much attention when his cart bumped into Y/N’s. The loud clanking sound woke Sasha up. She cried a little bit but it didn’t last very long.
“Shit, my bad. My eyes were on the shelves looking for curry powder. Ah, I woke up this pretty little mama right here.”
“It’s alright, you don’t have to apologize. It happens to the best of us.”
The corners of Erik’s mouth turned up into a smile and his eyes widened slightly at the sight of her. Pushing a yellow cart with a light grey strapless sundress on that hugged her ample curves was one of the most beautiful women Erik has ever seen. Her skin was a beautiful mocha with tan lines. Short blue-black curly fro and nutmeg eyes with a bright white smile. She looked like she lived on an island and not California. That’s where the pretty new born baby got her looks from for sure.
“Here’s your curry powder.”
Erik blinked out of his trance, staring down at the beautiful woman’s hand holding up a bag of curry powder. Erik grabs it, his full lips still holding a dimpled smile.
“Thank you, ma.”
“No problem,” She looks down at her daughter in the cart, smoothing her black hair, “Well, let us get out of your way, I’m sure you have shit to do.”
“No rush, just got off of work,” Erik held out his hand, “My name is Erik.”
“Y/N,” she grabs it gently, shaking Erik’s hand slowly.
“And what’s her name?”
“She’s very beautiful like her mama.”
“Thank you,” Y/N blushes.
Erik licks his lips, “This is probably the only time I’ll ever see you...so I was wondering if I could have your number? I mean,” Erik looks Y/N up and down, “You are so damn beautiful. Make a nigga hold up traffic doing a U-Turn if I see you walking down the street.”
Y/N nibbles on the corner of her pouty bottom lip, “Just like that, huh, Erik?”
“It’s now or never honestly.”
Y/N cocked her head to the side, “You didn’t even ask me if I was single. I do have a new born baby. I could have a boyfriend, be engaged, already married-“
“My fault,” Erik chuckles, “It’s just in my nature to go after what I want.”
“I can see that,” Y/N shakes her head with a big smile.
“Aight, so, are you taken?”
“No. Not anymore.” Y/N sighs, “Long story.”
“I’m sorry to hear that gorgeous.”
“I’m okay. My Sasha is okay. That’s all that matters.”
“Well, she looks like she’s in good hands, no doubt.”
“Yes,” Y/N’s eyes sparked and her lashes fluttered, “Do you still want my number, Erik?”
“Hell yeah,” Erik pulls out his phone from his suit jacket. Y/N grabs her phone from the cart, handing it over to Erik. They both exchanged numbers before swapping back. They didn’t really know what else to say, Y/N looking at Erik bashfully and Erik is honestly enamored by how beautiful and chocolate Y/N is.
“Promise we will talk?” Erik says while walking back to his cart.
“I promise, Erik.” Y/N giggles, turning to her cart, giving Erik a view of her tantalizing voluptuous hips.
“Yeah, I’ll hold you to that, ma. Bye bye Sasha.”
Sasha just looked at him with her black eyes
Y/N and Erik talked that night, Y/N agreeing to go on a date with him but she definitely wasn’t ready for anything intimate. Erik respected that, he started falling deeper and deeper for Y/N and they didn’t start having sex until after a month of getting to know eachother. Ever since then, they were inseparable and Erik took care of Sasha like she was his child. They would spend the night the first 11 months into dating but by month 12, just weeks before Sasha’s birthday, Erik asked Y/N if she wanted to move in with him. Y/N instantly agreed without hesitation.
Sasha’s Birthday
“Rayvon is getting on my last nerves!”
Erik looks up from the photo of Sasha on her birthday cake at Y/N entering the kitchen in their apartment with a scowl and her lips pouting. She went back to stirring the potato salad, Erik’s eyes unable to ignore her ass jiggling in her yellow sundress.
“What happened with that nigga now?”
“He keeps asking me why I moved in with you. It’s none of his goddamn business!” Y/N kisses her teeth, “I am so sick of him questioning my decisions when he couldn’t even figure out if he wanted Sasha in his life. While he was out there screwing around I was dealing with my pregnancy alone.”
“Want me to talk to him?” Erik walks over to Y/N in the kitchen, his hand rubbing her back, “Cuz you know I will.”
“No, baby,” Y/N looks up at Erik with her doe eyes, “It’s not something I want you to get involved in unless it’s absolutely necessary. Ray is just jealous.”
“His loss. The nigga should have been on his shit but then again, I wouldn’t have you.”
“You won me,” Y/N turns, wrapping her arms around Erik’s neck, “I’m yours now. This may sound fucked up but...I was thinking the other day that I wish I would have ran into you in that market 9 months earlier. Then, you would have impregnated me and not Rayvon.”
“Aye,” Erik kisses Y/N’s forehead, “Sasha is a part of Rayvon. As much as I would have loved to meet you, Sasha wouldn’t be so fucking amazing if it wasn’t for him too-“
“You’re right. I don’t want you to think I’m saying that I don’t want Sasha-“
“Stop,” Erik rubs Y/N’s arms, “I know what you meant. You’re a great mother, baby, just... relax, okay?”
“Ugh,” Y/N smiles, “I’m so glad you’re here. Ray will be here and if you weren’t with me I wouldn’t survive-“
“You’re a strong woman, don’t let that nigga make you think otherwise,” Erik grabs her chin, “Look at me. Never let that nigga make you feel weak. Ever.”
“Okay,” Y/N stands on her tiptoes to kiss Erik.
“Good girl,” Erik gave Y/N another kiss, sucking on her bottom lip.
“Mmm, baybeee,” Y/N whimpers, “make me feel good before the party starts?”
“Damn,” Erik felt himself growing stiff, Y/N felt it too. Her hand came down the length of Erik’s body before resting gently over his crotch. She drags her nails up his length, her tongue poking out to sweep across her upper lip.
“Mm, Daddy. He’s so big-“
“Chill, ma, you can’t be doing that. You want yo’ mama to see how big of a freak her daughter is?”
“I just want it so bad,” Y/N kisses Erik’s neck causing him to groan, “So bad, Daddy-“
“I don’t want a quickie with you, I want it all, ma. Let’s wait until after the party. Isn’t Sasha going with Ray so he can take her to his parents?”
“Yeah,” Y/N had a sad expression, “I’ll wait the four hours I guess.”
“Trust me, it’s worth the wait, baby girl. I plan on wearing your ass out. Fix that pretty face, ain’t no pouting around here.”
“Okay, Daddy.”
“That’s right,” Erik takes both of his hands to reach around Y/N squeezing her generous buns and then making them bounce in his hands.
Everyone showed up to Sasha’s first birthday, even some of Erik’s friends came out to support. The party was themed Disney Princess with Tiana from Princess and The Frog. Erik even got a dress made to match Princess Tiana’s for Sasha. She also had a little gold crown to match the gold anklet Erik gifted her for her birthday.
Are you Sasha’s Daddy?
You look like you could be Sasha’s Daddy.
I like you better than that dumb ass Rayvon.
The questions and comments circulated around multiple times. Erik did feel a little uncomfortable answering that with Ray there. Speaking of Ray, he was giving Erik a cold look the entire time. Whenever Erik gave Sasha or Y/N a kiss, held Sasha, accepted Y/N sitting on his lap, or gave Sasha a gift, Rayvon would scowl or clench his jaw like he was itching to say some foul shit. Y/N definitely did have a type. Rayvon looked about Erik’s height and weight except he was dark skin with a kinky fro. Rayvon is a kick boxer. He looked like he wanted to kick Erik out of one of his luxury apartment windows so he could watch him fall twelve stories.
After gift opening time with Sasha, Rayvon, and Y/N, Y/N allowed Sasha to walk around so she could get used to moving on her feet. Sasha is so fast and every time someone tried to pick her up she would twist and turn her body. As soon as Y/N felt Sasha pulling on the bottom of her yellow dress, smacking her little lips, Y/N knew that her daughter wanted some food.
Y/N sat bouncing Sasha on her lap while feeding her some Mac and cheese. Erik took a seat next to Y/N on one side while Rayvon approached to take the empty seat on the other side. Y/N rolls her eyes, glancing over at Erik before going back to feeding Sasha.
“Can I feed her?” Rayvon spoke with a deep voice.
“Yeah, she’s your baby,” Y/N passes Sasha over to Rayvon.
“Oh? No arguing with me? Shit, I’m shocked.”
Rayvon pinches Sasha’s cheek, grabbing some Mac and cheese with his fingers to feed her.
“Since I’m here, you gon’ introduce yourself, homie?”
“Erik,” Erik looked over at Rayvon with humor, “Nice to meet you, bruh.”
“Hmm,” Rayvon reaches out his hand across Y/N, “Nice to meet you.”
“Cool,” Erik shook his hand but he held just as tight as Rayvon. Erik gave Rayvon a sly smirk before pulling his hand away.
“Since you around my daughter so much, what do you have to offer? I need to know especially since Y/N is living here now-“
“Chill out Rayvon, shit,” Y/N was ready to cuss Rayvon out but Erik’s hand on her shoulder calmed her down.
“It’s all good, baby, he’s just asking questions,” Erik looked up at Rayvon with unwavering eyes, “I’m not tryna take your place but I care about her and Y/N so I WILL be around. I love them both, and that’s real. I’m finna treat Sasha and Y/N with nothing but respect and mad love just like I’ve been doing for the past year.”
Rayvon sat quiet but he kept his eyes on Erik. He honestly couldn’t think of anything to counter what Erik just said. For some reason, Rayvon could see that Erik was telling the truth. The jealous part of him wanted to hate Erik’s existence but he has been nothing but amazing towards Sasha.
“And I understand the energy, bruh, I get it,” Erik shrugs, “I don’t have a problem with you but I will back this woman up right here. She means a lot to me.”
Rayvon glances at Y/N, “Yeah, she has that effect on people.”
“For sure,” Erik wraps an arm around Y/N’s waist, “She don’t play though,” Erik chuckles.
“You got yourself a hard woman. Ain’t that right, Y/N?”
“Shut up, Ray,” Y/N rolls her eyes.
“Where are you from, Erik?” Rayvon tried to make small talk.
“Oakland, you?”
“Shit, we might know the same people.”
Rayvon, shrugs, “We might, what area?”
“East Oakland, you?”
“Bro...same. What high school?”
Y/N looked from Rayvon to Erik with a perplexed expression.
“Castlemont High School for my junior and senior. I was at Oakland High at first but I got put out. What year did you graduate?”
“06’. I went to Oakland High school. I don’t remember you though.”
“Probably because I stayed in the office and getting suspended,” Erik laughs, “Juvie too.”
“I’m sure we know the same people. Same niggas still out there on the corners.”
“Shit, who you telling. I had to let some of my homies go. I ain’t tryna get dragged down in that mess.”
“Best move, honestly.” Rayvon agreed.
Y/N couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. Rayvon was actually being nice to Erik after all the shit he talked about how he was going to beat his ass when he saw him. Now, he was having conversations about their childhood, laughing and getting along. They were so invested in talking that Y/N went unnoticed.
“I’m gonna take Sasha to see if she needs to be changed,” Y/N stands, reaching out for Sasha.
“Go to mommy, little mama,” Rayvon gives Sasha a kiss on her neck causing her to giggle before handing her over to Y/N, “she’s looking more and more like you every damn day, girl. Look like you created her on your own.”
“That means she’s gonna grow up to be pretty like her mama,” Y/N grabs Sasha’s hand to kiss, “ain’t that right cutie pie!”
Rayvon sat back in his chair admiring Y/N. Erik caught him staring at her frame while chewing on his bottom lip with a crease in the middle of his brows.
“We will be back, behave Ray,” Y/N gives him a stern look.
“I’ll keep Erik company, seems like we’re vibing.”
“Okay,” Y/N walked up to Erik, giving him a kiss on his cheek. Before she could even step away from him, Erik reached out to slap her ass. Y/N looked back at him while shaking her head before placing Sasha on her hip, walking away.
“Still looks soft,” Rayvon said without a care for Erik being there.
“It is,” Erik side eyed Rayvon, “Still jealous?”
A muscle in Rayvon’s jaw twitched before he gave a half smile, “I can be a man and admit that I’m a little envious. You enjoying what I had...that would make any man feel some type of way.”
“If you don’t mind me asking-“
“Why did I fuck it up?” Rayvon finished Erik’s question, “Because I couldn’t handle the fact that she was pregnant. I wasn’t ready to take care of a baby. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was going to take care of Sasha regardless, I knew I had a big responsibility I just...it was unexpected. I never imagined being a father. I never imagined falling for Y/N at all, period. She just has this energy man, Hmm, I mean, you know that energy. I kept telling myself not to fall for her but, damn, she really sunk her nails deep, you feel me?”
“Oh, I feel you. I’ve been there. I’ve never had a baby but I’ve been in that situation. I didn’t want that type of commitment either. Now, I love that shit. When I saw Sasha and Y/N for the first time, I couldn’t leave without at least getting her number. She had me and I barely even knew her.”
“Where did y’all meet again?”
“Erik smiles, “Caribbean supermarket. Bumped carts.”
“Get the fuck out of here,” Rayvon laughs, “I met her walking past her on Telegraph Ave. I couldn’t keep walking without getting her number. All she had to say was hi and my ass was sprung.”
“All she had to do was look at me and I was hooked,” Erik lifted an eyebrow before turning to Rayvon, “I heard you’re a kick boxer?”
“I am. Been doing it for five years now. I love it. I want to teach Sasha some day.”
“She already kick and punch like a beast so I can only imagine how she will be when she gets older.”
Rayvon leans forward, resting his elbows on his thighs, “What do you do?”
“I work for the Outreach center here in Oakland.”
“Serious! Could you help out my brother? He’s been trying to get a job there for at least two years now. They still have him on like some sort of waitlist.”
Erik ponders for a second before answering, “What’s his name?”
“Davon. Ex Military, Masters in Computer Science, wants to help design technology to help struggling communities. He also interned for Stark.”
“He sounds perfect. I’m like, in charge of all of that. Well, I’m in charge of a lot but I oversee the technology aspect of things more. I’ll give you my business card and you can have Davon call me Monday morning at 8:00 AM. No later.”
“Chill, you’ll really do that for him? Damn, you’re really a stand up guy, Erik. And here I was tryna hate you for taking Y/N away from me. I ain’t got no reason to hate you man,” Rayvon held out his hand for Erik to shake out of respect.
Erik sizes Rayvon up, “You were tryna come up in here and one up on me?” Erik’s tone was rough and angry. Rayvon leans back, brows furrowed and hands up like he didn’t want any problems.
Erik’s face slowly morphed into that of humor. He snorts a laughter before clapping Rayvon on his back, “All jokes, homie, I don’t want no beef. We good.”
“Shit,” Rayvon let’s out a suppressed laugh before fixing his denim jacket, “I thought you were about to put hands on me.”
“Nah, that’s not in my character. Ain’t no reason for me to beat your ass-“
“Aight, nigga,” Rayvon chuckles.
Y/N walks back without Sasha in her arms, hands on both her hips as she stood before Rayvon and Erik.
“So, did you both exchange words while I was gone or was everything good?”
Erik and Rayvon exchanged looks, faux anger on their faces.
“Seriously? Damn, that didn’t last long. Listen, I can’t have-“
“CHILL,” Erik couldn’t control his laughter, “We’re good, just messing with you, baby.”
“Erik don’t do that!” She hits Erik’s broad shoulder, “I thought I was going to have to separate you two until the party is over, and Rayvon stop laughing! You’re the one that gave threats about wanting to strangle Erik with your bare hands!”
“No worries, girl, we talked, got to know eachother, and...I can honestly say that you chose right, probably better than me.”
Y/N didn’t know how to respond to that. She could see that Rayvon wished he would have done better but the maturity in his response is what won her over. Never in a million years did Y/N expect Rayvon to say those words about any man she decided to be with besides him.
“That really makes me happy, Ray, I just want all of us to get along for Sasha.”
“I agree,” Rayvon gave Y/N a charming smile before standing to give her a hug. Y/N accepted his hug but she made sure to look at Erik to see if he was okay with it. He didn’t seem bothered, he actually looked happy.
“Aight, where is my baby girl? The party is basically over I’m ready to take her home so she can chill with her cool Daddy.”
Y/N pointed to her mother and her aunts, “She’s over there eating ice cream. You’re gonna have a lot of diapers to change, Ray.”
“Eh, I’m prepared,” Rayvon turned to Erik bringing his fist towards him to bump, “Good talking to you man, see you again soon.”
“Same, bro. Let me get you a card for your brother.”
“Good looks.”
Erik stood up, heading towards his small office area to grab one of his business cards. When he returned, Sasha was already on her Daddy’s hip, her Minnie Mouse baby bag in Rayvon’s free hand.
“Erik, come say goodbye to Sasha,” Y/N waves him over. Erik came over, planting a kiss on Sasha’s cheek, “See you, cutie pie. It’s never a goodbye when it comes to you, ain’t that right?!”
Sasha giggles with her gums and drool.
“Have fun, birthday girl.” Erik turns to Rayvon, “Glad we talked, man, see you soon.”
“No problem, take care of her,” Rayvon was referring to Y/N.
“That’s a promise.”
Rayvon gave one final goodbye to the others who lingered around to help clean before strolling out of the apartment with Sasha.
“Look at you, being nice. I like it.”
Erik wraps an arm around Y/N’s soft waist, “Daddy can be nice too.”
“Will Daddy be nice to me later?” Y/N whispers, “Or will Daddy make me beg for it?”
“Depends on how good of a girl you are before the rest of your family leaves.”
“Then I should be on my best behavior then,” Y/N flashed Erik a sexy smile earning a hard slap to her ass.
“Not with an ass like that,” Erik bites his lower lip, “Gon’ girl before I bend you over.”
“Okay, Daddy,” Y/N made sure to walk away extra slow so Erik could watch her.
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Introducing: the girlfriends - Angel
Hello bumblebees!
Since the girlfriends will feature as original characters in some of the pieces I’ve planned, in this small serie you will find some general information about the girls, presented with their aesthetics. Here you will find Jin’s Angel.
You can find her profile below the cut. It contains explicit material.
Here you can find Namjoon's Vixen
Check my NEW MASTERLIST and vote for next prompt in my bio! ✨💖
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Angel is a bit younger or maybe the same age as Jin. I see her working as a shop assistant in a jewellery, probably a luxury store. She hasn’t studied much and she was not the traditionally booksmart; this does not mean she is not smart: she is incredibly independent and she is excellent at managing money and resources. She is very streetsmart, so to say, with a strong practical sense. She comes from a middleclass family and she is perfectly self-sufficient, she has her own small apartment. Physically, I imagine her being medium sized, not excessively short, and having a very pretty face probably adhering to the traditional Korean standards; her body is not excessively curvy but she does have quite large breasts for her physique. She could be Korean or Japanese.
She has pure, innocent charms that make her look sweet and girly: she looks and acts like a Disney princess and Jin adores this. Even though her big eyes and her cute face make her look innocent, we all know that the pure looking ones are always secretly the kinkiest.
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Angel likes animals a lot, and she is really gentle. When she goes out on walks, she is not ashamed to ask strangers if she can touch their dogs. She likes picnics, going to the zoo and all the stuff that allows her to spend time in nature and close to funny animals; on the outside she is very traditionally romantic with cute café dates, going to the restaurant and to the cinema, but also staying in, building blanket forts, watching films at home and cooking together. 
She likes romance and Jin loves indulging in this trait of hers: he buys her flowers pretty often (especially to ask for forgiveness when he accidentally makes her upset, which happens at minimum twice a month because she is a bit petty). He also likes to earn her forgiveness through food, cooking for her, and spoiling her a little. Plus, she’s extremely vulnerable to his puns and normally she cannot stay angry at him when he keeps telling them one after the other, usually she seals her lip tight in a straight line, trying to hold it in until she finally explodes in a loud belly laugh.
They might not be affectionate in public, Jin usually prefers some quiet, inconspicuous handholding, and Angel appreciates this. They communicate affection through tender glances and soft smiles; sometimes you can catch Jin bending down to whisper something in her ear, followed by them looking at each other and giggling conspiratorially. When being on public appearances, Jin might be shy or anxious: Angel reassures him by squeezing his hand, twining their fingers together or placing her hand on the small of his back.
She is not skilled in terms of housekeeping, therefore Jin usually takes care of the house for them, although she tries to learn and helps him quite consistently. Jin secretly enjoys this, he likes feeling like he can provide for her, especially since he feels like he was made for her and this is only one more reason why they complete each other. When cuddling at home, they usually sit on the sofa, with Jin’s arm around her shoulders and her head resting against his shoulder, normally she also curls her legs up, resting them on top of his thighs. When in bed, he normally sleeps with her head on his chest as he lays on his back. Sometimes they fall asleep facing each other, talking about their day, the news, tv programmes, their jobs, random stuff while Jin caresses her face and her hair. 
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Angel is kinky. Very. Her previous relationship was based on sex, and was interrupted because of her ex's unfaithfulness. This clearly caused a scar on her, which Jin is really aware of: their relationship actually begins while she’s still recovering and the moment they get more physical, he usually focuses on offering her the kind of romance that she hasn’t received before, showing her love and adoration beyon limits. Still, this keeps him from exploring a darker, more passionate side of her, of which she cannot go without. However, the moment they move past this self-imposed taboo, they both start exploring their kinkier sides and needs. Angel is open to her own pleasure: she in not afraid of exploring and she likes doing so with a wide selection of toys; Jin familiarises with it pretty quickly, much to Angel’s chagrin.
Their favourite position is missionary or any position that allows Angel to receive that wondrous jackhammering that drives her absolutely wild. When engaged in more tender sessions, Jin likes Angel to ride him, usually hugging her chest to him as they reach their climax. With him it’s either super romantic and emotional, with tantric foreplay that focuses on reaching complete relaxation, or mindblowing hard and rough, with harsh orders and a fair bit of pain, always made sweeter by his caring and adoring attentions during aftercare.
Disregarding kinky or vanilla, these two are the king and queen of foodplay: Angel’s favourite things is coming back home to Jin in the kitchen, his recipe book open on that scribbled section, where he keeps all the recipes explicitly meant for the bedroom. Seeing him there standing, preparing the sauces and creams and ingredients is the actual beginning of foreplay, when she starts realising what is going to happen.
Although their relationship started as vanilla, they managed to discuss things and come to an agreement, much to Jin's surprise and enjoyment. This classy, funny, adorable couple will surprise you with their naughty, passionate ways in the bedroom.
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Local Competition
There are various different competitors within the market of ethnic children hair products. However, many of the companies that provide these products are not based out of Toronto or Canada. The market is continuously growing, and the power of online presence is making it easier to access products from anywhere in the world. Although, none of our local competition is based out of Toronto, Canada some of our overall competition includes:
1.       SheaMoisture (https://www.sheamoisture.com)
SheaMoisture children product line-up includes hair and skincare products for babies and kids; this includes a variety of shampoos, soaps, lotions. Products are created from natural, sustainably produced ingredients. The company has been in market for the last several years and is very committed to using natural ingredients. They are a highly sought brand amongst ethnic children hair products and can be found in various marketplaces including their company website, beauty supply stores, retail stores and much more.
However, the high price of the product is discouraging to some. Therefore, the company is limited to those who can afford to splurge on these luxury, natural products.
2.       Curly Kids (https://shop.curlykidshaircare.com/)
Curly Kids was developed by a founder who was determined to create a product that would reflect their cultural diversity. After creating a product that was unique to all their curly, coily, kinky, frizzy and wavy hair textures they created a line of products to address the needs of ethnic hair. The products are fairly priced, and provide much needed moisture and conditioning without being greasy or sticky.
Nevertheless, this companies products rarely include natural ingredients as other competitors.
3.       Mixed Chicks (https://mixedchicks.net/)
Mixed Chicks Kids provides cruelty-free non-sticky, lightweight curly hair products for children. Created by two biracial women, the company focuses on providing products that help tame hard to handle hair. 
However, rather than creating a product for all ethnic hair, the company has opted to create a product specifically targeted to biracial curly haired children. The product pricing the is disheartening to some, which is a disadvantage to the company.
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Sally's, Ulta, and Sephora: Which Store Carries the Best Products for Black Hair?
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Finding the best products for black hair takes a little bit of effort. Here are some brands to keep your eye on from your local beauty retailer!
The best products for black hair aren’t easy to come by.
Here’s what you can expect to find at Sally’s, Ulta, and Sephora!
Finding the best products for black hair can be challenging, to say the least. Most big box stores carry only a handful of natural hair products. Thankfully, popular retailers like Sally’s, Ulta, and Sephora have dedicated sections for ethnic hair. Here are some of our favorite products!
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Sally Beauty Supply
Sally’s was founded and opened in 1964 by C. Ray Farber. Farber named the now notorious beauty store after his daughter, Sally. Now over 50 years later, the beauty retailer has proudly signed four female-owned beauty brands through their Cultivate Cohort Program. The Cohort program was implemented to help female-owned beauty brands gain a leg up in the industry. Three of the recently signed brands are black and female-owned. This is excellent news for the black hair care industry and the beauty industry as a whole!
UniQurl officially started in 2018. However, Alexis Stanley started her hair journey far before that — all the way back to 2005 on online forums and discussion boards. What originally started as a kitchen DIY project has blossomed into a multi-million dollar brand, helping thousands of women achieve their hair care goals across the globe.
One of UniQurl's high-rated products is their Aloe line. You can find 2-in-1 Deep Conditioners, Moisturizing Hair Oils, and even a 4-in-1 Styler for your busiest days.
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Peculiar Roots
Peculiar Roots is a Black female, and the family-owned brand started in March 2020. Tara and Carl Darnley created their hair care line with natural hair and locks in mind. These products can be used on any hair type, but they shine with natural hair and locks.
One of the brand's standout products is their Cherry Blossom Refresher Spray. Their 8oz spray bottle was designed to be used daily, keeping your natural locks moisturized and hydrated without additional product build-up. Their vegan-friendly Loc Pomade is another fan favorite you have to try.
Ulta Beauty
Whether you're familiar with them as Ulta Salon, Ulta Beauty, or even Ulta3, this beauty retailer has been around since the early 90s. What separates Ulta from its competitors is its wide range of products. If you're looking for luxury cosmetics or drugstore discounts, you can find them at Ulta.
Ulta has a section of its website dedicated to black-owned beauty brands. You can find high-profile brands like BLK/OPL and Mented Cosmetics here. However, Briogeo has to be one of the top black, female-owned companies on this list.
Although a bit on the pricey side, the Don't Despair, Repair! Deep Conditioning Hair Mask is well worth every penny. Packed with beneficial oils, extracts, and vitamins, this deep conditioning hair mask is a non-negotiable for dry and damaged hair.
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Sephora has had its fair share of controversies and may not be the first retailer that comes to mind for black hair care products. However, they carry over 340 curated brands and more than 45,000 products. You can find a wide range of black-owned brands and hair care products for all styles.
Qhemet Biologics
The hair care products by Qhemet Biologics were designed for kinky, coily, and natural hair. Inspired by African, Mediterranean, and Ayurvedic roots, the company's products are made using premium ingredients and nutrients.
Try their Egyptian Wheatgrass Cleansing Tea for a gentle cleansing solution made with all hair types in mind! You can also find a wide array of detanglers, creams, and other products for affordable prices.
It seems some of the best products for black hair are hiding in plain sight! Although we listed some of the greatest brands available, there are plenty more options online and in-person. With the right eye, you can find the perfect product at your local beauty retailer!
Too tired to retwist your hair? Try an in-home hair appointment with the MOBILESTYLES App today! Download the app at https://mobilestyles.com/download.
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elibelt-blog · 7 years
Amortentia - Draco Malfoy
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Y/N  
Summary: While attending Slughorn’s potions class, Y/N is introduced to Amortentia (love potion), the smell alone reminded her of the times her and Draco spent over the last couple of years. Bonus: fluff at the end (followed up with smut.)
Warnings: smut, kinky, lowkey dd/lg, high key OOC
Word Count: 1428
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In Potions, Professor Slughorn was rambling on about the cauldrons in front of us with Granger. My focus, however, fell to my purple bruised knees, barely covered by my long socks. I felt Draco shuffle behind me, he came impatient on his feet and began to try and find a way of entertainment. It started off with trying to get my attention by lightly snag on the end of my robe with his foot.
After a couple of minutes, Potter and Weasley abruptly entered the room drawing all eyes onto them. Draco did differently, he took his opportunity to jolt forward and whisper in my ear.
“Don’t try and cover your bruises, love.” My body tensed as he grasped on my hip for reassurance. In response, I shifted my long socks past my knees, loosen my tie and unbuttoned a couple of buttons; exposing the hickeys he left. The class’s attention fell back Slughorn, Hermione turned to me giving a slight disgusted yet down-hearted look as Draco stepped back. Harry and Ron took a few quick steps towards the small crowd wafting the steam of the potion in our direction.
At first, I smelt the soapy suds of the prefects’ room. My face emerged from the water I was a couple of metres from the edge where Draco unknowingly sat with his feet slowly swinging through the water. He had a sweetened smiled as I turned towards him. Our bodies bare brought us closer.
Weasley sniggered beside me, Harry following slowly after. I rolled my eyes pulling my robe across my torso covering myself completely. My knees buckled as the next smell came through.
Mint Chocolate. I remembered the oversized cone in my hand with the light green ice cream in both of my hands. Draco insisted I used two hands since I always had the tendency to drop it and beg for a new one. The small decorative mint leaf began to become soggy from the rapidly melting ice cream, I used my fore and thumb to pick at it.
“You’re a problem.” Draco laughed next to me, picking up the leaf for me then attempted to hand it over. I rolled my eyes grabbing the luxury leaf and then tossing it to the floor. The residue of the cream remained on his fingers, I took the liberty to clasp at his palm to introduce his finger to my tongue. Licking slowly before inserting the entirety of the fingers into my mouth. Pulling himself out, he smirked that same that he always did. He grabbed his clean middle finger dipping it into the ice cream cone then slowly smeared it at his bottom lip.
 I snapped back when Professor finally placed the lid onto the cauldron. The smells disappeared the memories didn’t. When Professor Slughorn finally sent us to our stations. In front of us was a variety of peculiar ingredients, I didn’t know what was even going on. The liquid began to bubble, and the fire started underneath, I picked up the knife examining the shine reflecting from the nearby window. My feet fidgeted unsure and confused the knife slipped from my hands all eyes fell to me except the pair I only cared about. Draco continued reading the potion’s directions, like the potion next to her she bubbled green from envy. She bit her lip, grabbing her knife and a frozen Ashwinder egg.
Slipping once again, she began to bleed. The gash went past the top of her hand, blood dripped into the cauldron; a dark smoke arouses quickly. A nearby student placed the lid onto the pot, then assisted me by grasping a cloth onto my hand. She showed me to the door, signalling the professor.
“Hey, I don’t feel so good.” I stopped for a moment just outside the room, clasping harder onto the cloth. Letting my support fall the wall nearby, I slipped to the floor. Professor Slughorn, startledly, walked through the door looking upon me. The student was waved away in which she responded by returning into the classroom.
“Oh, that doesn’t look good.” He was slight more shaken than I. Scrambling into his cloak he searched for his wand. “This isn’t good either.” Slughorn mumbled. “Hang there for a moment.” H returned to the room, my hand was pressed between my thighs adding more pressure.
“Don’t worry students, Miss…” Professor trailed off, signalising that he forgotten my name.
“Y/L/N, Y/N Y/L/N” a muffled voice returned. “Honestly, Professor you’re the most useless.” I heard loud large footsteps approach me, upon the ajar door a head of slicked platinum hair. Draco pulled the door behind him then crouching to my level, asking for my injured hand. I placed it lightly on his, dripping blood fell to her thighs. Wand in hand, Draco un wrapped the cloth to touch his wand to the gash.
“Vulnera Sanentur.” His voice whispered, the spilling blood retrieved back into my hand. My skin began to tighten; it felt like a seam slowly been sewn. “Now, Y/N, why were you so careless?” Draco ran a delicate thumb on the thin scar. I kept my lips tightly closed looking at his concerned eyes. “Y/N?”
“I wanted…” My voice trailed off as his free dominate hand fell to my thigh. “You know it doesn’t matter.” Eyes dropped to both of his hands on still cradling my left and the right grasping to a point that I may leave with bruises. His head spun to the door, I looked up assuming someone was there however there wasn’t. We made eye contact once more before he dropped my left hand to attach his palm to my neck. He brought me into a sweetened kiss with his freshly tender lips from tense lip-biting. I pushed off the wall I was leaning on to deepen, in reaction draco removed his hand from my thigh and then onto the back of my knee pulling me closer.
“Come on, let’s go to the Prefect’s Lavatory.”
I tried to catch up his long strides with my quick small ones, he watched my struggled and began to reach out for my hand. After taking it, it wasn’t long till reached the Prefect’s Bathroom.
The monstrous bath was already running, bubbles rose as the water became scorching. Draco stayed by the door locking it ever slowly as I reached the edge of the bath, I looked upon my legs in the mirror on my left they were soon compliment with another. He was standing behind me, hands gracefully removed my cloak and loosened my tie. Draco placed the neatly folded a couple of steps back, I gave the curiosity to begin to remove the rest of my clothing; starting with my shoes. It was difficult as my shoes were double knotted, he always told me to double knot or I’ll ‘trip’. I unbuttoned my shirt, dropping in to the floor next to me, along with that my skirt.
 When I raised my head, Draco was walking with a disappointed look.
“What?” I questioned, looking down at my nearly bare body. “Are we not getting in?” My eyes furrowed as he was obviously in the process of undressing; with his shirtless torso and lack of trousers. I swung at my feet as he finally reached me, he kissed my jaw lovingly before dropping to his knees. His left palm grasped at my outer thigh, another kiss was placed as he began to remove my knee length socks. “oh.” He chuckled as he stood up.
“You are quite something Miss Y/L/N.” his fingertips reached my neck. Our lips connected. Finally, it wasn’t a small kiss like before. I felt my lips tingle as he pressed my body to his.
Draco had his hands in my hair, tangling his slender fingers in my hair pulling me closer. My shivering finger tips on his hip bones, slightly scratching calming the nerves as my lips tasted his neck. The sensitive skin between my teeth and the soft disappearing smell of his over-expensive cologne. He released a minute satisfied sigh as my lips fell lower. He clasped tighter at my hair, following the speed of my head not forcing anything but taking the shy licks tough he craved more…
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abundantlyyou · 5 years
For just $4.27 Whipped Body Butter | Natural Lotion | Hair Butter | Homemade Body Butter | Shea Butter In the hustle and bustle of today, busy has become a badge of honor. Whether it’s a single moment or a full afternoon, it’s important to take time to pamper yourself. Stock your at-home spa with a luscious treat for your skin. Abundantly You’s Whipped Body Butter is an affordable luxury that you can’t afford to pass up. Natural fragrance options include: * Lavender Essential Oil * Vanilla Orange Clove * Lemon Creme * Fragrance Free (no added fragrance) This decadent moisturizing lotion is rich in vitamins and nutrients that support your soft, healthy skin. Nourishing, 100% all natural ingredients such as shea butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter, sweet almond oil, apricot oil, grapeseed oil, beeswax, arrowroot powder, mango butter, and vitamin E oil drench your skin for long-lasting hydration. For best results apply after a warm, relaxing shower or bath. This lavish skin cream’s gentle, alluring natural fragrance, with subtle hints of cocoa and penetrating moisture, create the gift of a perfect moment for yourself amidst the to-dos and timelines of the day. This butter can also be used for natural, kinky and curly hair textures to condition, style, and seal in moisture. While many moisturizers only coat your skin, our proprietary blend of oils and butter moisturizes from the inside, out. Storage Instructions: Store body butter in a cool, dry place. Do not leave body butter in warm temperatures.
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gethealthy18-blog · 4 years
Black-Owned Clean Beauty Brands
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/black-owned-clean-beauty-brands/
Black-Owned Clean Beauty Brands
The area where I’ve probably had the most growth and “aha” moments in the last few weeks as I unravel my own white privilege is in the Clean Beauty Space. First and foremost, we need to acknowledge that clean beauty in and of itself is privileged. Clean beauty has and probably will always be more expensive. Without the use of cheap fillers – which are oftentimes the culprits of toxic ingredients – the product will cost more. To be able to choose to intentionally spend more on your body care products is a privilege. To be able to even think about the idea that there are harmful ingredients in body care products is a privilege.
I’ve had to think about whether or not I want to continue to support the clean beauty space if it’s not accessible to everybody and honestly, I still don’t have it figured out. One place I knew I could start was by sharing black-owned clean beauty brands. I’m ashamed to admit I had only heard of about 2 of these brands before putting this together. While I’m sure C isn’t totally stoked that I’m about to fill up our bathroom again, I’m excited to try out some of these black-owned clean beauty brands and discover some new products.
Quick reminder: if you don’t have the funds to buy from these companies, follow, comment, share and purchase when you can!
BLK + GRN – Highly recommend starting your search here! “An all natural marketplace by all Black artisans.”
Black-Owned Clean Beauty Skincare + Bodycare
Klur – Besides being completely obsessed with their branding/packaging, their facial products look so luxurious! Cannot wait to try their serums and oils.
Organic Bath Co. – Running low on soap or hand sanitizer? Stock up from Organic Bath Co. Their scents sound amazing!
E Honey Skin – Huge fan of honey so obviously I’m a fan of this company! Glow + honey? Sign me up!
The Butter Bar Skincare – This skincare company targets it all… acne, hyperpigmentation, eczema, sensitive skin… everything! Buy individual products or a kit to address a certain skin concern.
Unsun – Well it looks like I’ll be testing a new facial sunscreen! Excited to see they not only carry tinted face sunscreens but hand moisturizer with sunscreen too!
Oui the People – Looking for a more luxurious shaving experience? This company is a must see! I cannot wait to try their body oil and this may have to be my first foray into safety razors!
Black Girl Sunscreen – This natural sunscreen was created for women that doesn’t leave a white residue, which of course is even more apparent on POC. Definitely going to check this one out.
Eleven by Venus – Recently launched at Credo this is a another natural sunscreen brand made in partnership with Venus Williams. Looking forward to expanding my natural sunscreen collection.
Golde – My old co-working space carried their superfood drinks and they are amaaaazing. Excited to discover they also carry face masks!
KNC Beauty – Never knew I needed these lip scrubs and masks until now. Love that they offer travel sizes for masking on the go!
Eu’Genia Shea – In Greek, the words Eu-Genia means the origin of goodness and goodness this contains! It is a family-run social enterprise dedicated to all natural premium shea butter moisturizers. They are dedicated to fair wages and opportunities for their female workers in Ghana and donate 15% of their profits back to them in the form of an education fund.
Beneath Your Mask – A healing balm, body scrub, body elixir and so so much more! All of their products are microbatched by hand in southern California.
hanahana beauty – So inspired by this company! “Hanahana Beauty is an all-natural, skincare + wellness brand whose mission is to disrupt the global beauty industry. Our intention is to increase accessibility, transparency, and sustainability in all aspects of what we create.” Hell yes!
Freedom Apothecary – Another luxurious skincare company that has face and body oils my skin can’t wait to try! Sorry not sorry, C for an influx of skincare products!
Líha Beauty – “In the Yoruba (Nigerian) tradition making beautifying oils, soaps and lotions from the nuts, tree bark and plants that grew in abundance was a skill that was traditionally learned by all young women. My mother is an English aromatherapist, so I naturally started to blend the two disciplines together.” Umm… so cool!
Rooted Woman – Non-toxic, ethical nail polish created with the vision of women taking care of themselves! Another company and I can 100% get behind!
Lauren Napier Beauty – I don’t know if businesses get any cooler than this. Female owned and operated, manufactured with solar energy and co-packed by the Foundation of the Handicapped… I mean they clearly have their priorities straight!
Wild Lather – Stocking every sink, shower, bathtub with these soaps! They also make custom triangle soaps for events… making a mental note!
hyper! – This company speaks to me! Struggle with dark spots, scarring or hyperpigmentation? (Raising my hand!) These products were developed to heal and brighten your skin!
Luv Scrub – As a chronic dry skin sufferer, I am so excited to get these cloths. Users have said that these help with ingrown hairs, back acne and more!
Piperwai – I tried Piperwai deodorant when I put a bunch of natural deodorants to the test and their activated charcoal deodorant was one of my faves!
Black-Owned Makeup Brands
Mented Cosmetics – This company was started over a glass of wine so obviously I love! They set out to create nude lipsticks for every skin tone.
Range Beauty – “Created out of a need for more diverse shades and less toxic ingredients.” Yesss!! Why isn’t this every natural beauty company’s mission?!
Luv + Co – Another company that created safe, natural and organic beauty products for women of color – specifically Black women. Their mission is to “help equalize eco-beauty and offer inclusive green beauty products”. YES!
Black- Owned Clean Beauty Haircare
Briogeo Haircare – Have you ever thought that you should put as much thought and care into your hair as you do with your skin? Briogeo set out to do just that.
Hair Rules – Celebrating every single texture of hair – straight, wavy, curly and kinky. Love seeing this!
Sienna Naturals – Clean haircare products for textured hair! Rebuild the health of your hair with these nourishing products.
Oyin Handmade – ” ‘Oyin’ is the Yoruba word for honey. It also stands for the principles of sweetness, joy, and love — elements we seek to inspire in our customers’ daily acts of self-care.” These products focus on restoring moisture in highly textured hair!
I just put in a huge order of a bunch of different products so stay tuned for actual product reviews in the next few months!
Want more? Here is an amazing round-up of 125 Black-owned beauty brands thanks to Cosmopolitan Beauty Director, Julee Wilson!
Like this post? Here are some other clean beauty posts you might enjoy:
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Under € 20 styling products for natural hair
There is a lot to celebrate and a lot to complain about when you are on a natural hair trip. Fortunately, the pros always outweigh the disadvantages. For one thing, you have hair that can be easily manipulated into a variety of styles. Plus, the natural hair community is so saturated with bloggers and vloggers that you're never short on advice. And when it comes to natural hair styling products, well, there is no end.
As someone who literally can not go for more than a few weeks without trying something new, I'll say the following: Deciding on just one routine is simply overwhelming. Yes, I am grateful for the lotions, oils, creams, gels and sprays (I could go on, but I will not). But when you try to drink cocktails without drying out your strands or drying them completely, it often feels like the search never ends when you test and test various combinations.
If you're in the same boat as me and need a little (correction: a lot) relief, here are 20 top-rated and best-selling stylers that make at least the time between washdays less daunting. They not only cost less than an expensive lunch, they are also full of healthy ingredients that fit all different curls patterns.
Styling products-for-nature royal hair
A light, fast-drying, medium hold cream that fits all curls.
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Taliah Waajid Curly Curl Cream
Another light cream whose claim to fame is the taming of frizz and flyaways without the sticky residue.
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Mixed Chicks in the morning after redefining foam
For two-day hair that has fallen flat after washing, this volumizer reshapes and adds definition to lack of shine curls.
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Aunt Jackie's Do not Shrink Flaxseed Curl Lengthening Gel
Flaxseed is a natural source of vitamin E that can strengthen hair follicles and promote growth. So do not sleep on this light, not crispy option.
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Eden Bodyworks Coconut Shea Curl Defining Cream
If you need a cream that works like a gel and your curls do not fall flat in damp temps, this formula is for you.
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Curls Twist N Shout Glaze Cream
Use this fragrant cream for your next twist out, and as your styling, the organic blueberry extract, coconut oil and safflower oil will strengthen your strands.
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Kinky Curly Curling Custard
A natural, botanically infused formula that gives locks curls and shine, especially when wet.
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VERB Curl Cream Cream
Sunflower seed extract, olive oil, glycerine and Moringa seed oil are the main ingredients of this light, very moisturizing cream.
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Camille Rose Naturals Aloe Whipped Butter
For those less concerned with definition and hydration, this jojoba-infused butter is a godsend for parched hair.
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As I Am Double Butter Rich Daily Moisturizer
Extra thick and made with several oils and butter, this daily treatment is best for thick hair that has little moisture.
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Vernon Francois Mist ~ Nursing Water Size
Before applying your cream or lotion, prime the hair with this light mist, made with a powerful amino acid blend that moisturizes and repairs surface damage.
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Cantu coconut curls cream
The formula of this cultfave is simple but effective, thanks to the moisturizing powers of shea and coconut.
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Tresemme Between Washes Style Foam Curl Revive
This light lather is a curl activator that does not require you to moisten your hair first. Do we have to say more?
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DevaCurl Beautiful Mess Curl Pomade
The cupuaçu butter in this gel pomade is the secret to the effortlessly reversed look that DevaUrl fans rave about.
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Design Ess Natural Honey Curl Forming Custard Chamomille
This luxurious, creamy pudding – enriched with honey, chamomile, almond oil and avocado oil – provides just enough hold and plenty of moisture for twist-outs and bantu notes.
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Lotion Curl Enhancing Mizani
This leave-in conditioner, formulated with coconut oil, olive oil and marula oil, is light enough to layer with other products, yet sturdy enough for plenty of moisture.
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carol 's Daughter Black Vanilla
This outstanding edge control is made with soothing aloe and reparative honey, so your fragile hairline hair does not have to suffer from footsteps.
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Garnier Hair Care Fructis Style Curl Treat Butter Moisturizing Leave-In Styler Curls
Made from 98 percent naturally sourced ingredients, including cocoa butter, this hydrator is best for thick coils.
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It's a 10 Miracle De-frizzing Gel
This gel-oil formula is a must for finer curl types that want definition and moisture at the same time.
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Tigi CATWALK Curls Rock Amplifier
Smooth Flyaways and hydrate dry hair, thanks to a unique blend of essential oils and heat protection.
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Under € 20 styling products for natural hair
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