piecesofacrow · 1 year
You Fight Me ~Closed RP~
Five years. It had been five years since he'd seen the shores of his home. Marley. What an unwelcome sight on the horizon. Had they really made it back already? He was hardly conscious during the entire boat ride home, it felt like it at all passed by so quickly. It took a couple days, but he felt like he had simply blinked and here he was. A blur. That's what it was. That's what the past five years suddenly felt like. A blur. There was very little he truly could think of right now.
And it was the blood.
His mind was so focused on the lives lost, the look of terror in their eyes. Ravaged, torn corpses of those he once called his comrades. Flesh and limbs scattered like dust in the wind. Titans content to gorge themselves on the meal provided, mindless to the slaughter of their own kind.
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All it took, was staying quiet. How in the hell had everything fallen apart so rapidly? His refusal to open his mouth led to this? He just felt guilty, like every life lost was on his hands. They rested uneasy in his conscious, their screams echoed in his skull, rattling his very soul with each voice.
It was a cacophony of madness.
He barely even noticed that he was stepping off of the boat, walking onto the docks. There was a crowd, waiting for them to return, and the chatter of everyone was tuned out. He doubted anyone was paying attention to him anyway, despite the red armband. He wasn't present for the parade five years ago. How were they supposed to know who he was? He just walked forward with a vacant expression, pushing through the crowd.
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worldhell-archiving · 10 months
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❝ come on, I said I was fine. ❞ porco waved a hand, his set frown managing to deepen. he was fine, he was just (...) a bit spacey. what did they expect? all the other warrior's had to go through this right? memories that weren't his own invading his mind and throwing him off. just made his head hurt trying to focus. he tried to play it off, take himself outside for a break; but nah, when could they ever have that. not like he blamed (@lyanna-aarvik) for it (...) guess he was just a bit pissed off watching that bastard play the dedicated solider through the eyes of someone else.
❝ not like I didn't know this was coming. I already gave a report if that's what you wanted. ❞
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mercurialstorm · 1 year
Starter with Chi💜
Lyanna was walking through the decayed walls of the old building hastily, her skirt hanging and flowing at her quick pace. She was overwhelmed with the backup and speed of work responsibilities, the paperwork, the research, the studies and the Marleyan military watching every ounce of her slow progress, only to apply more pressure on her shoulders. Not to mention the fact that she had to cue a part of the clueless military personnel on her studies subject during reports, on the regular, and she hated it. It was a meaningless waste of time, as they seemed pretty ineducable on such matters; afterall they were trained on completely different fields. And Lyanna had no time for wasting, it seemed as if she was always behind.
It has already been nightfall for the past few hours, and that meant she could finally clock off and have some peace of mind, at least until the next shift at the lab. She turned at the quiet hall and something caught her attention. Yes, the rooms and halls of the complex were supposed to be quiet at this time of day, everyone had already headed out. But there were voices talking, and it was quite odd. She thought she was alone on this section of the building.
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104teaghlach · 1 year
continued from x @lyanna-aarvik​
Jean blinked for a few moments before he seemed to stop and think. “Wait, what?” He asked. This week had gone by so quickly. He felt the stress of the work building. Had he literally forgotten that he came up to her? Was he actually so tired that he completely forgot what he was doing in a matter of seconds.
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“Shit.” He mumbled under his breath before taking a quick breath and shaking his head. “Sorry, the past few weeks have been long and busy.” He said, putting a hand to his head and growing even more frustrated.
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multimuse-citadel · 11 months
Jean tried to hold his breath from the smoke. "Somebody! Help me!"
The fire was preventing him from making an escape.
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104thsquadfam · 7 months
🕯️[ um, Reiner for Lyanna ] 💜
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
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" Lyanna...she seems to remember who I am but I can't seem to jog my memory of them....although I don't really trust my memories anymore but perhaps I can get to know them again....I wonder how much she knows about me....Hopefully nothing embarrassing. She seems nice though so I don't think she'd make fun of me even if she did know something embarrassing."
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jxwz · 2 months
@mercurialstorm ♥'d the starter call.
He knows the father better. Daryo Aarvik, despite the Eldian blood in his veins ( and likely because of how much he despised it ) was a formidable man to anyone that shared it with him. His loyalty to Marley had rewarded him with a high-ranking position, granted him enough power to deem himself better than the rest of them. Somehow. He might think so, but the red he still has to wear would say otherwise.
Daryo should be at tonight's events as well. It was a mandatory affair, begrudgingly attended by them all—some sort of 'gesture of good faith' they aren't likely to keep. It comes complete with the expected formal wear; the white shirts and black ties, and don't forget, the bands around their arms. His daughter's spotted first, following all the same rules that Porco is. Looking just as equally pleased about it too. That's sarcasm.
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He acknowledges her with just a glance, dark shadows formed from the tether that's furrowed his brows down low—his typical countenance, not a personal scowl. Even if he isn't that close with Lyanna, he still knows her, and Porco regards her well enough.
The sins of the father are to be laid upon the children, in just about every other aspect of their lives. But he's never gone out of his way to see if she's just like her dear old dad.
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kerothi · 4 months
‘rough touch’ for a random starter off the list, because I'm a bad mother and I like to torture my muse by placing her in weird situations// also hello hello ✨
@lyanna-aarvik | an insanely ancient meme but i fancied the challenge 6. My muse roughly grabs your muse’s arm.
It'll seem like such a cowardly act. To them, in his 'final moments', as they watch the Cart Titan charging up on them all with remarkable speed, its long mouth agape, drool spattering off its waving tongue.
Onyankopon and Yelena are already by his side, on their knees like the Jaegerists demanded. Jean spins around as fast as he can, his eyes darting quickly between every face he sees until he finds the one that he's looking for. Lyanna. And thankfully she's just within his reach, if he's fast enough.
He knows she doesn't belong here either.
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It'll likely look as though he was trying to pull himself to safety, but Lyanna is so much smaller than him she never stood a hope in hell of holding her ground. As he shoves Floch as hard and as far as he can, Jean snatches her arm in his other hand and yanks her towards him, using that momentum to send Floch flying just a little bit farther.
And then everything snaps to black.
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foreverascout · 7 months
which imaginary illness do you have?
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Storm Syndrome
You never really knew how to be yourself, distancing yourself from your own existence - standing outside of the house even as the storm closed in. You are going through the motions of everyday life, uncaring except for the toughest storms. Each one feels like the one - the one that will finally be too much for you. Somehow it isn't - it never is (except the last one). And as the people around you pick their lives back up and move on, barely bothered by the storm, you still carry it in you - one foot in your life and one out of it. And when they'll ask about you, asking questions about your future, your plans, your dreams the only honest answer would be "i don't know, i never thought i'd make it this far".
tagged by @lyanna-aarvik
tagging: you who should be doing something else
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a-lile-angel · 10 months
see bellow for my muses demeanour and mannerisms :) ~
bold is for what applies often. italics is for what applies sometimes/in specific circumstances.
tagged by - @lyanna-aarvik
tagging - @ausdauer @ssatxr @104thsquadfam @orphicsanctuary
(any muse! ^)
eyes. avoids eye contact when nervous, maintains eye contact, avoids eye contact due to being neurodivergent, enjoys eye contact as a means to read and convey emotion, looks down when emotional, looks up when emotional, cries openly, wipes tears quickly, suppresses tears, wandering gaze when lost in thought, holds gaze while thinking, seeks out eye contact for reassurance, seeks out eye contact to gauge enthusiasm during conversations, eyes move constantly during conversation, expressive eyes, emotions only evident through eyes, uses eye contact to intimidate, looks up while thinking, looks down while thinking.
hands. clasps behind back, rests in lap, fidgets with clothes, twiddles thumbs, chews at nails, pushes back cuticles, draws patterns on table/counter surfaces, animated gestures while speaking, only gestures to emphasize, utilizes sign language, speaks only through sign, callouses, scars, smooth, wrinkled, worn, soft, delicate, boney, slender, thick, veiny, touches others while speaking, reaches out while laughing, reaches out to comfort others, reaches out to seek comfort, places face in hands when exasperated, places face in hands when exhausted, places palms over eyes to hide when overwhelmed, rests chin in hands, taps fingers when impatient, taps fingers when nervous, taps fingers while thinking, scratches scalp, strokes chin, rubs back of head, toys with objects around them, runs fingers over surfaces while walking by
mouth. chews lip, chews at inside of cheek, licks lips, bites tongue, chews on straws, resting frown, resting smile, neutral resting expression, resting pout, grinds teeth, flexes jaw, covers mouth when laughing, covers mouth when shocked, covers mouth when concerned, hands to lips while thinking, covers mouth when chewing, chews with mouth closed, chews with mouth open, smirks, grins, subtle smiles, wide smiles, sad smiles, intimidating smiles, menacing grins, openly smiles, tries to suppress smiles, bares teeth when angry, lips quiver when emotional, stutters, speaks quickly, speaks slowly, good pronunciation, poor pronunciation, moderate pronunciation, purses lips, sucks in lips, holds mouth open when shocked or confused.
legs. bounces leg when 'nervous', draws knees to chest when sitting, draws knees to chest as a means of comfort, sits on knees, sits with legs criss crossed, sits with legs spread open in chairs, crosses legs when sitting in chairs, sits with one leg folded under the other, places feet on furniture, never places feet on furniture, sits on counters, sits on desks, sits on tables, sits on edge of seat, sits hunched over with forearms on knees, arches one knee up, sits on the arm of chairs/couches, feet on dashboard, swings legs back and forth when sitting somewhere elevated, wiggles toes when nervous, wiggles toes as a general tick, shuffles feet, kicks foot into ground, stomps feet, loud footsteps, quiet footsteps, silent footsteps.
hair. runs fingers through hair, tugs at hair, picks at scalp, chews on hair, twists locks of hair while thinking or nervous, smooths out locks of hair while thinking or nervous, prefers hair out of face, prefers long hair, prefers short hair, wears hair back, keeps hair down, smooths back hair, plays with other’s hair while talking, plays with own hair while talking, strokes hair to 'comfort' others, likes having hair stroked for their own comfort, braids others’ hair while talking, braids own hair while talking, flips hair out of face, pushes hair out of face, leaves hair alone even when falling into face.
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
FAVORITE COLOR: Teal. Specifically the teal used on Hero units in StarCraft 1. I always think of my boi Fenix when I think of teal and it brings back a lot of awesome memories.
CURRENTLY READING: The Fellowship of the Ring
LAST SONG: Forget Me Too by Machine Gun Kelley Featuring Halsey
LAST SERIES: Uhhh. The Indiana Jones movies.
LAST MOVIE: Goodfellas
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY: I like them all but I have a major sweet tooth,
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: Settling into my new life in another country. I’ve got an audio play that I’m writing that’s heavily inspired by Star Wars. Israel’s novel is a slow and steady process. DnD campaigns that I wanna run. Just started a new playthrough of Jak and Daxter.
Tagged by: @104thsquadfam​
Tagging: @lyanna-aarvik​ @ofthestcrs​ @ama-tcra-su​ @gradient-ravens @whenmirrorimagestalk
    -Note that no one tagged is obligated to complete this. ღ
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osmosisdreams · 10 months
“Get away get away… get away…” [ in the hopes of not being very late with these starters, hello hello 🌻 ]
He didn't know her, and nobody on Paradis reacted to him like that. Anyone who might have had already left to live in Marley. This person must have been one of them - someone from Marley. Most of them didn't even visit Paradis. Sometimes they had the odd person who did, but it was usually someone like Yelena or Onyankopon who already had ties to the people here. Not many others were interested enough to try their luck here. Not in a place where their hated enemy was revered.
For the most part, he didn't engage others anymore. They had to speak to him first unless he was checking on Historia. It was easier that way - no confrontation; no conflict. No need to think about things he didn't want to think about. If someone spoke to him, well, he'd at least answer them... but this was no ally nor friend of his. "In my own home, too..." Most of the time he felt nothing. Emotions struggled to come out of him and he had simply gotten used to that. This... was aggravation though.
There was always a part of him that wasn't sure if he deserved to live a normal life. Perhaps it was just raw humanity that he was aggravated by someone treating him this way even on Paradis. Back when he had his titan, it had happened before... but that was before people saw him as their beacon of hope. It hadn't happened in a long time. Still, for someone from Marley to come to Paradis and tell one of its residents to "get away"... It felt like a whole lot of nerve.
"If you want to get away from me, you can do it yourself. You're not in Marley right now. I'm not obligated to keep my distance from anyone in my own home." Had he been in Marley, he would have avoided people anyway - at least, anyone he wasn't already familiar with and on good terms with. That was, specifically, his old friends. Had they been in Marley, he would have actually done as she desired... but they weren't in Marley. That bit of humanity he still had left in him was enough to deter him from that and stick to at least having some respect for himself, or at the very least, where he came from.
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mercurialstorm · 11 months
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Fragments of Lyanna.
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104thsquadfam · 7 months
Let me assign you an affection language
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a knife called grief
You have left your house, you have left those people behind, but what are you going to do about the memories which have taken root in you? You can run but not without them. You want someone to sit with you on this cool marble floor while the sun burns everything.You want them to cut your rotten heart and theirs too. You want to sit with it in front of you, let them see you with all your flaws, which haven’t been your fault but you have been made to believe so, and you want them to love you anyways. Because you know you’d do that for them.
Tagged by: @lyanna-aarvik
Tagging: No one, feel free to help yourself to it if you'd like.
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mercurialstorm · 11 months
Starter for @theyvedied because they liked for a starter!
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Lyanna found herself walking through the streets of Liberio, carrying books and heading home. She couldn't help but smile at the sight before her. The buildings were filled with people going about their daily lives, as if nothing could ever go wrong. But she knew better. She had experienced the oppression of the Eldians at the hands of Marley, she knew that this world was far from perfect. As she made her way through the crowd, she couldn't help but wonder if there was anything better out there for her and her people. A sudden burst of wind blew her hair back, snapping her out of her thoughts...
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piecesofacrow · 1 year
Umf, obviously [ Lyanna to Israel ]
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Blinks. "What?"
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