#Lydia Carrow
nithrissa · 1 year
Two regal thestrals pulled the last carriage towards the awaiting emerald-clad trio. They had been amongst the last to leave the train, content to let the younger students run on ahead, hopeful that they might get a carriage to themselves. Lydia approached the closest thestral and pulled some treats out of her bag. It extended its large black leathery wings in excitement as it ate out of her hand. "Good girl." Lydia cooed as she ran her fingers along its snout. She then moved onto the smaller, grey one and fed it in kind.
"Are you just about done?" Sebastian called through the carriage window. "I would like to get to the feast before the pudding is all gone." He smirked as she rolled her eyes.
"Oh hush, Sebastian." She chided before placing a small kiss to the thestrals snout and moved around the carriage to step inside. As she pulled herself into the carriage she heard frantic footfalls racing towards them from the path.
"Wait!" A voice called and the trio looked to see Leander Prewett, red faced and disheveled. His usually perfectly coiffed hair hung limp on his forehead as he leaned forward onto his knees to catch his breath. "Glad…glad I caught you." He managed to say between breaths.
"Sorry, Prewett, we're full. I suppose you'll have to walk." Sebastian grinned unapologetically as he reached around Lydia to usher her inside and close the carriage door.
The defeated look on Leander's face made Lydia feel pity for the lad and so she stuck her foot out to catch the door. "Don't be cruel, Sebastian." She said as he slumped into the seat beside her. 
Leander climbed into the carriage and sat beside Ominis. "Thanks." He said softly and closed the door behind himself.
"Why are you so tardy anyway, Prewett?" Sebastian asked as the carriage began to move. "Bit late to set a reputation for bunking off."
Leander attempted to smooth his hair back from his brow unsuccessfully. There was something about seeing him so unkempt that made Lydia's stomach flutter, which she chose to ignore. "My baby sister is starting this year." He answered, defensively. "She was nervous and asked me to walk her to the boats."
"Don't worry, Sebastian, no one is coming for your title." Ominis smirked before he turned his attention to Leander. "You're quite fortunate that Lydia stopped to pet the thestrals, or else we would have been gone." 
"Yes, if Lydia wasn't obsessed with the ugly beasts you would be walking to the castle." Sebastian interjected. "How fortunate." He frowned and stared grimly out the window.
Lydia gaped at Sebastian in horror. "Ugly?" She scoffed. "They're majestic." 
"The fact that you find those lanky, emaciated, chiropteran creatures majestic is maddening." Sebastian spat playfully and turned to Leander. "What about you, Prewett. What do you think of our leathery friends?" 
Leander's dark eyes glanced between the pair before they fell to the floor. "I uh…I can't see thestrals." He admitted, as if disappointed.
Sebastian sighed. "Of course you can't." He said bitterly as he continued to stare out the window. Sebastian always held a degree of contempt for Leander no matter the occasion.
"Don't feel bad, Leander. I can't see thestrals either." Ominis gave him a comforting smile that Leander returned before realising that Ominis, a blind man, could not see anything. 
Lydia giggled at Ominis' antics, much to Leander's shagrin. The rest of the ride to the castle was far too quiet as Sebastian pouted and Leander attempted to fix his mildly disheveled state. Lydia felt a blush rise through her freckled cheeks as she watched him try and straighten his robes and tidy his hair. She felt a strong urge to rake her fingers through his hair and muss it up more than it already was. Not to be cruel, but because there was a part of her that liked seeing him so unkempt.
He caught her eye as she stared at him and her body felt like it had been struck by lightning. Her eyes flickered away as her heart beat heavily in her chest. Suddenly the air inside the carriage was stifling, and Lydia found her robes far too warm. What was happening to her? She was glad when the carriage finally came to a stop and, before anyone else could move she burst through the door and back into the cool evening air of the Scottish Highlands.
"Uh…are you alright, Lydia?" Sebastian asked as he stepped out behind her.
She turned to her friend. "Fantastic." She squeaked. "Never better. Just really excited to get to the Sorting Ceremony, you know. Last one…" She smiled somewhat off-kilter and tried to convey with her eyes to Sallow to shut it before Leander and Ominis exited the carriage.
Together they all followed their classmates into the Great Hall, not as delayed as Sebastian eluded, and parted with their Gryffindor counterpart to join the rest of their fellow Slytherins.
Reminiscences were soon cut short as Professor Weasley began the sorting ceremony. She led a gaggle of first year's into the Great Hall and towards the dilapidated old hat that had placed Lydia in Slytherin two years prior.
One by one Professor Weasley called the names of the eleven year old students; Selena Abbot, Edison Birch, Novella Bulstrode, Mason Cooper, Albus Dumbledore, Galena Goldfinch, Rosie Hatch, Melania Macmillan, Gregorio Oleander, Ramona Prewett…
Lydia felt her ears prick up and a blush overtake her cheeks once more. This is getting ridiculous. She thought as she watched the small ginger haired girl sit upon the stool and have the great Sorting Hat placed upon her tiny head. Lydia found her eyes wandering the Gryffindor table in search of Leander, his hair still mussed and a proud smile upon his lips, and found herself unable to look away. As soon as the hat announced 'Gryffindor', Leander excitedly cheered along with his table, and Lydia couldn't help but smile to herself. 
She found it hard to focus on anything but the lanky Gryffindor as the ceremony concluded with another Yaxley being sorted into her house. She began to grow frustrated that, even as she ate and caught up with her friends she found her eyes wandering to his stupid face. It's just because of his hair. She thought. 
"So…what do you say?" Imelda asked as Lydia glared at her pumpkin juice. How she wished she had sat on the other side of the table, at least he wouldn’t be in her line of sight. "Lydia!?" 
"What?" She growled as she broke from her stare to address her friend who gave her a glare of her own.
"What's gotten into you tonight?" Imelda said defensively. 
Lydia hung her head. "Sorry, Imelda. I…I must be tired." She lied. "What were you saying?" 
Imelda narrowed her eyes suspiciously but moved on. "I was wondering if you gave any thought to trying out for quidditch this year?" She smiled as sweetly as she could. "We need a new seeker, and I know how good you are on a broom." 
Lydia had thought about trying out for quidditch in her sixth year, but had enough extra work on her plate from being so far behind the rest of her year. "I don't know, Imelda. N.E.W.T's are this year and I've got a full course load." 
"Ugh, boring." Imelda groaned. "At least think about it." She said before Professor Black addressed the students, made his usual announcements and sent them off to their dormitories. 
Lydia was glad to finally be free of her torture and could not get to the dungeons fast enough. Her only hope, as she lay in her bed, was that her nightmares would take a break for one night so she could get some rest.
The following morning, Lydia sat with her back turned towards the other tables so as to avoid any unwanted distractions. However, that did not stop her stomach from flipping wildly when she heard Garreth call his name. 
Sebastian noticed her surly mood immediately. "Nightmares?" He asked as his spoon stilled over his porridge. 
"Yes." She lied. Yes, her Nightmares had persisted over the summer, but that wasn't what plagued her. "If they continue, I'll have to move back to the Room." Sleeping in the Room of Requirement did nothing to rid her of her Nightmares, but at least her roommates could sleep soundly without the fear of being jinxed in their sleep.
"You can always come see me or Ominis if you can't sleep." He said softly and Ominis nodded beside him.
Lydia smiled at her friends. "That's sweet, boys, but I can handle it." Her thoughts were interrupted as a flash of red silk in her peripheral vision made her heart beat intensify. 
"Good morning, Lydia." Natty greeted as she sat down beside the flaxen-haired Slytherin. "Have you received your time table yet?" 
"Natty!" Lydia yelped. "You startled me!" She said as she took a deep breath to slow her heart rate. "I have." She said as she produced a piece of parchment from her bag. "I'm so glad you convinced me to take Alchemy, I'm looking forward to studying together!”
Natty immediately hung her head shamefully. “That is what I came to talk to you about.” Her dark brown eyes were apologetic as she spoke. “I had to drop alchemy due to being accepted into the Early Auror Training Program.” 
Lydia felt a mixture of joy and sorrow at her friend’s news. “That’s wonderful news, Natty.”
"Are you sure you do not want to join the program too? You have so much experience." Natty had found a love for fighting dark wizards and Lydia appreciated it. But after what she had gone through in fifth year, she discovered that she preferred a quieter life.
"I don't think so, Natty. I think I've had enough dark wizard fighting for one lifetime." She glanced over her time table, she had alchemy every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening. The latter of which it currently was. She didn't know anyone else who was taking the class, as it was an elective that just enough students signed up for. "I suppose I'll have to find a new study partner." She mused.
"I am sorry, Lydia." Natty frowned. "If you would like, I can speak with Leander. I'm sure he would be willing to help you." 
Lydia felt her stomach flip once again. "No!" She quickly yelled before she covered her mouth. "That's fine, Natty. I don't want to be a burden. I'm sure I can manage." 
Lydia found herself unable to escape the constant distraction that was Leander Prewett during her first day back. He was evidently in all of her classes, and although his hair was perfectly tidy once more, Lydia found her eyes drawn to him. 
After supper, Lydia made her way to the dungeons for Alchemy. Due to the small class size, they would be in a smaller room with less desks to sit at, which became apparent to her when she entered the room to see that the only available seat was beside the man she was trying to avoid. 
Leander was seated at the furthest desk from the front, his book already opened and a full set of laboratory equipment before him. Lydia glared his way before scanning the small room once more to double check that there were no other empty seats. 
She felt like someone had hit her with a jelly-legs curse as she made her way over and perched as far from him as the seat would allow. Her heart pounded hard as he turned to her, a small smile on his plush lips. "Evening, Lydia."
"Evening." The nonchalant tone of her voice was in direct contrast with the anxiety that rattled her brain. 
He turned more towards her, his leg moving dangerously into her territory. "Natty mentioned that you might need someone to study with." His eyes grew wide. "Not that you need help, per se. I just know that if I started in my fifth year I wouldn't have as much experience…" He stopped as if searching for the right words, of which he seemed to discover, there were none. "Sorry." He mumbled as he straightened himself.
Seeing Leander almost flustered as he spoke to her surprised Lydia. Gone was the bravado he had when they first met. It was endearing. "No. You're right. I could get by on my own, but having a partner would really help." She placed her Alchemy text book on their shared desk. 
His mouth turned up into a small smile as he turned his head towards her. "Brilliant. To be honest, I could use the help as well."
"Alright class." Professor Sharp entered through the door and made her way to the front of the room. "Alchemy is a specialized form of Transfiguration magic that utilises a laboratory and has a similar practise to that of potion making. Due to the complex nature of alchemy, you will be working in pairs and will be graded as such." Their partnership in the class seemed inevitable. "In this class we will be studying the base elements and learning how to transform their natural states…"
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friendofhayley · 3 years
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Hooray for all content creators in all fandoms! Y’all make the world go round! This is April’s round-up of fics I read and recommend from multiple fandoms. This fic rec includes 9 fics from the Teen Wolf, Harry Potter, and One Direction fandoms!
Drarry (Harry Potter)
1. Nero su bianco by @zuzallove | oblivious boys in love - we get to see what Draco could have been thinking during 7th year Hogwarts - lots of drama, if you’re into it - Narcissa knows all and is great - 40k
September 1997. Hogwarts is under the regime of Voldemort and the Carrows. Finding himself alienated by both his friends and his supposed enemies, Draco puts quill to parchment, and writes letters. He addresses them to the only person he can think of, as Hogwarts rapidly falls into chaos and ruin: Harry Potter. He goes to great lengths to ensure the letters are never discovered, and he’s pretty certain he’s done a great job.
Until the day of his trial.
2. What’s Eating Draco Malfoy? by @actual-howlinglikeaseaturtle | this is a re-read so it’s v v good - cw eating disorder, suicide ideation, alcoholism - Ginny & Draco being friends is just so special to me - also everything is handled very well - 75k
"Tragedy struck today when Anorexia Nervosa claimed a young boy's life," he spoke loudly. "Very sad. He will be missed by one person, maybe two. Awful. Now to the weather with Carl!"
Ginny could not help herself; she burst out laughing. She didn't know what was more absurd. The way Malfoy joked about his own death or the fact that he had watched muggle TV. Muggle news even.
"You're a bloody lunatic!" she snorted, and Malfoy's smile widened.
Sterek (Teen Wolf)
3. Exactly Like You by Jerakeen | Pride and Prejudice AU whoo whoo!! - werewolves are known - stereotypical A/B/O - but everything else is the same except Scott leaves town with Derek after S1 - 70k
“It was Jackson’s idea,” Lydia explains, looking perfectly serious while standing in front of a March Madness bracket of Beacon Hills’ eligible bachelors.
Jackson looks smug. “It only makes sense.”
Stiles meets Isaac’s eyes over the heads of all the crazy people in the room. Isaac shrugs with a slight wince. “’Tis the season.”
4. But Then What... by Stoney | Derek is the same age as Stiles! - I just love how they’re written like real (horny) teenagers - they’re just so bad at communication - also Jackson is a Jackass - 24k
Senior year is almost over, and all Stiles needs to do is keep his head down to survive. A teacher calls in a favor, leaving him stuck tutoring Derek Hale, one of the most popular jocks in school and a member of a group of douchecanoes who have bullied Stiles for years. He's someone Stiles totally hates. Totally. Like, doesn't like him even a little bit. DEFINITELY isn't attracted to him.
Except that is a total lie. Fuck his life, seriously.
5. We’ll be Better Around the Second Time by @jordansaysno | I don’t know about y’all but this hits my wish fulfillment for running away from home in high school - side Isaac/Scott which is very cool - Stiles deserved better tbh - happy ending - 26k
It's been months. Months of fading contact with the pack. Months of the silent treatment from his father. Months of nothing but himself and the occasional lesson with Deaton to entertain him.
It's too much, and eventually, Stiles leaves.
For years, everything goes great, until of course his dad gets injured, and he is suddenly forced to deal with people he thought he left behind in his past for good.
6. Fireman Derek’s Crazy Pie [Cheeseburger Baby] by @thegloryof | this is such a classic and what I turn to when I’m really craving pie - NYC fic - some parts are just delicious to read (and not just for the food porn) - misunderstandings - 17k
“He can't blame me for the fact that I live in a building full of people united in the singular effort to ogle Hot Fireman as often as humanly possible."
Laura laughs, loud and echoing in the empty restaurant. "Hot firemen can make a girl do crazy things," she agrees, nodding towards her brother's name on the menu. "Derek won't let me date anyone from his company, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the eye candy."
"Send them my way," Stiles suggests, finally loading up a forkful of pie. "Apparently I'm incompetent enough that I need to be babysat at all times, because it would be cheaper than dispatching a truck every time I try to use a kitchen appliance."
7. Don’t Feed the Wolves by Amazonia_8 | another classic fic that’s also hot - cw: Derek thinks Stiles can’t consent - werewolves are known - the jailhouse scene is constantly replaying in my head - 30k
Stiles took the dare, because what else was he supposed to do when the whole lacrosse team was chanting his name? Even though the werewolf pack had left Beacon Hills years ago, nobody was stupid enough to set foot on the Hale property.
Except, apparently, Stiles.
Now he's got a feral werewolf following him around town with the sole purpose of claiming Stiles as his own.
Larry (One Direction)
8. take my hand (and my heart and soul) by @anylessreal | aaaaaa this was so good! - just so much misunderstandings, but it’s so cool that the audience/Harry don’t know what’s going on too! - amnesia - friends to strangers to lovers - 45k
Harry feels nauseous when he opens his mouth. "Hey. Um, hi. It's me," he mumbles before realizing with a jolt that Louis might not have his number anymore. "It's Harry... Styles," he tacks on, screwing his eyes shut and pinching the bridge of his nose. This was a terrible idea.
There's silence on the other end for a long time. Harry understands. He shouldn't have called. He tries not to let the static swallow him whole.
"I – yeah. Hi," Louis finally answers, slowly, awkwardly. "I um. Sorry. I heard about your accident. You're alright?"
9. thinking about the t-shirt you sleep in by @absoloutenonsense | this was another re-read!! - traditional A/B/O - misunderstandings due to past abuse (not done by the boys) - get ready for some high/low emotions - 52k
Harry's alpha fraternity donates to a local thrift shop (because of Liam's latent crush on a cute beta in his lecture). Louis' financial situation (and confusing omega instincts) lead him to make some interesting fashion purchases. Lots of pizza, feelings, and not-really-lying.
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irresistiibles · 4 years
okay i know this is late and i’ve already rpelied to almost everyone’s starter calls but i tried to like not do too many in case people wanted stuff back from me, i just could not in good concious let myself post this until i got some thesis work done (i still have more to work on but i have at least started). with that said under the cut is an event starter call for all my characters! please reply with who you want a starter from (and preferably for as well) and i will hopefully have them ready to post right when the event starts! if you want any info about what any of them will be doing during the event i have my plotting post here. i have capped them at 4 for each but if i reach the limit on a lot i will consider extending them. 
asami sato (1/4) lydia martin
ben hargreeves (3/4) - luther hargreeves, martin blackwood, vanya hargreeves
blue sargent (1/4) -  trinity marrow
ciel phantomhive (1/4) - elizabeth midford
dominique weasley (3/4) - victoire weasley, roxanne weasley, bill weasley
elsa of arendelle (3/4) - ben wyatt, cullen rutherford, rapunzel
entrapta (1/4) - adora
glinda upland (1/4) - orpheus
haruhi fujioka (1/4) - fleabag
howl jenkins pendragon (0/4)
ji eun tak (0/4)
jaskier (1/4) -  jean-ralphio saperstein
karolina dean (1/4) - jean gray
kyoshi (0/4)
lavender brown (1/4) - melinda halliwell 
lily evans (3/4) - severus snape, dorcas meadowes, marlene mckinnon
ling yao (0/4)
link (1/4) -  marie o'malley,
michiru kaioh (3/4) - usagi tsukino, haruka tenoh, chibiusa
pansy parkinson (4/4) - draco malfoy, luna lovegood, theo nott, astoria greengrass
rita skeeter (2/4) - alecto carrow, rabastan lestrange
sam giddings (1/4) - josh washington
tessa gray (1/4) - clary fray
thanatos (1/4) - zagreus
toph beifong (1/4) - katara
victor nikiforov (0/4)
zhongli (1/4) - paimon
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alterxgos · 5 years
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starter call? starter call!
below is a complete list of my muses, even though i haven’t finished my muses pages yet. if you’d like a starter, please like ( or reblog ) this post and comment below which muse / fandom you’d like!
asoue muses!
beatrice baudelaire
beatrice baudelaire ii
bertrand baudelaire
dewey denouement
duncan quagmire
ellington feint
ernest denouement
frank denouement
friday caliban
isadora quagmire
jacques snicket
kit snicket
klaus baudelaire
lemony snicket
uncle monty
moxie mallahan
quigley quagmire
sunny baudelaire
violet baudelaire
marvel muses!
alex wilder
alexi shostakov
amadeus cho
america chavez
anya corazon
anya lishkeva ( oc )
brock rumlow
carol danvers
cassie lang
chase stein
curtis hoyle
feliks castle ( oc )
frank castle
gert yorkes
hope van dyne
james barnes
james rhodes
jane foster
jemma simmons
kamala khan
karolina dean
kate bishop
leo fitz
lily fitzsimmons ( oc )
lorna dane
luke fitzsimmons ( oc )
mapone romanova
marcos diaz
melinda may
molly hernandez
monica rambeau
morgan stark
nedezhda shostakova ( oc )
nadia pym
nico minoru
nina gurzsky
phil coulson
sam wilson
scott lang
viktor romanov ( kinda oc )
cassandra clare muses!
alastair carstairs
alec lightwood
alexei de quincy
aline penhallow
amélie pontmercy ( oc )
anna lightwood
annika kreigsmesser ( oc )
beatriz mendoza
cameron ashdown
cecily herondale
celia whitelaw ( oc )
charles buford fairchild
charlotte fairchild
christopher lightwood
clarissa “clary” fairchild
cordelia carstairs
daniel highsmith ( oc )
diego rosales
eoin leifssen ( oc )
erec kingsson
fenya kreigsmesser ( oc )
freja carsmith ( oc )
freida kreigsmesser ( oc )
gabriel lightwood
gaia erdersen ( oc )
gideon lightwood
grace blackthorn
henry branwell
isabelle lightwood
isobel konigsson ( oc )
jace herondale
jaime rosales
james “jem” carstairs
james herondale
jeremy starkweather ( oc )
jessamine lovelace
jesse blackthorn
jessica beausejours
jocelyn fairchild
jordan kyle
josiah kreigsmesser ( oc )
josiane pontmercy ( oc )
kaelie whitewillow
katherine whitelaw ( oc )
kieran kingsson
lina kreigsmesser ( oc )
louis pontmercy ( oc )
lucas whitelaw ( oc )
lucie herondale
luke garroway
luna starkweather ( oc )
lydia crews ( oc )
maia roberts
marisol ( rojes ) garza solcedo
matthew fairchild
max lightwood
oscar kreigsmesser ( oc )
rachel haynes ( oc )
rafael lightwood-bane
raphael santiago
raven ( oc )
reinhardt kreigsmesser ( oc )
robin ( oc )
saul highsmith ( oc )
sebastian verlac ( not jonathan morgernstern )
solomon highsmith ( oc )
sophie collins
sparrow ( oc )
tatiana blackthorn
tessa gray
william herondale
wren ( oc )
various muses!
abigail dudley ( the haunting of hill house )
akkarin ( magician’s guild trilogy )
aleksis kaidonovsky ( pacific rim )
allison hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
amara namani ( pacific rim )
beatrice “tris” prior ( divergent )
ben hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
cameron weiss ( sense8 oc )
carmen cortez ( spy kids )
ceryni ( magician’s guild / traitor spy )
coraline jones ( coraline )
cosima neihaus ( orphan black )
dannyl ( magician’s guild triology )
diego hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
eleanor crain-vance ( the haunting of hill house )
five hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
hugh crain ( the haunting of hill house )
jake pentecost ( pacific rim )
jayan ( magician’s apprentice )
juni cortez ( spy kids )
kala dandekar ( sense8 )
lena knowles ( sense8 oc )
liesel meminger ( the book thief )
lito rodriguez ( sense8 )
lorkin ( traitor spy triology )
lorlen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
mako mori ( pacific rim )
mei lin gao ( pacific rim )
mia davies ( sense8 oc )
nathan “nate” lambert ( pacific rim )
olivia crain ( the haunting of hill house )
osen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
raleigh becket ( pacific rim )
riley blue ( sense8 )
rothen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
sarah manning ( orphan black )
sasha kaidonovsky ( pacific rim )
shirley crain ( the haunting of hill house )
sonea ( magician’s guild trilogy )
stacker pentecost ( pacific rim )
stephen crain ( the haunting of hill house )
sun bak ( sense8 )
theodora crain ( the haunting of hill house )
tobias “four” eaton ( divergent )
uriah pedrad ( divergent )
vanya hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
viktoriya malikova ( pacific rim )
will gorski ( sense8 )
wolfgang bogdanow ( sense8 )
zeke pedrad ( divergent )
wizarding world!
albus dumbledore
alecto carrow
amelia bones
amycus carrow
andromeda tonks
antinoch peverell
arthur weasley
atticus mulciber
augustus rookwood
aurora sinistra
bellatrix lestrange
cadmus peverell
charity burbage
charlie weasley
claudius crabbe
corban yaxley
cornelius fudge
corvus lestrange
cuthbert binns
edward “teddy” lupin
evan rosier
felix rosier
filius flitwick
frank longbottom ii
fred weasley
fred weasley ii
george goyle
george weasley
ginny weasley
horace slughorn
hugo weasley
ignotus peverell
james sirius potter
john dawlish
kingsley shacklebolt
leta lestrange
lily luna potter
lucius malfoy
ludovic bagman
madam pince
mafalda hopkirk
malcolm mcgonagall
marcus avery ( sr )
marcus avery ( jr )
minerva mcgonagall
molly weasley
narcissa malfoy
percy weasley
peter pettigrew
pius thicknesse
pomona sprout
porpentina goldstein
regulus black
remus cedric potter ( replaces albus severus )
remus lupin
rolanda hooch
ronald weasley
roxanne weasley
rufus scrimgeour
septima vector
sybill trelawney
theolonius nott
thorfinn rowle
ulysses travers
victor rosier
walden mcnair
bill weasley
fandomless ocs!
micah thompson
various others pls ask me about them
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am-a-c-u-in-hell · 5 years
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 —— isn’t that amycus carrow? yeah that is them, sitting there at the slytherin table with those other seventh years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees bruised and bloodied knuckles, rowdy drunk boys, overfilled ashtrays that fill a room with smoke, a kitten trying its’ paw at being a parrot, unbridled rage that’s only ever a breath away, and an escapist attitude that can’t be outrun. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty surly, uncooperative, and combative. apparently they’re a death eater and pureblood but i’m sure that’s not related. ——
→ NAME: amycus apollo carrow → NICKNAMES: carrow, am, ams, amy, bastard → AGE / D.O.B.: 18 / 31 october 1958 → SPECIES: pureblood wizard → GENDER / PRONOUNS: cismale / he&him → SEXUALITY: heterosexual
FAMILY → PARENTS: alcaeus and calliope carrow → SIBLINGS: alecto → COUSINS: none? → PETS: kitten - iglika (iggy)
LIFESTYLE → BORN:   idr  , england → RAISED:   england, primarily, but they have a lot of properties and he doesn’t care enough to really think this one out - but you could ask alecto... if you can find her. → CURRENT RESIDENCE: hogwarts castle / again with the effort → NATIONALITY: english → LANGUAGES: english, russian, bulgarian, greek, french, german, sarcasm → OCCUPATION: student, beater, professional asshole, → DRINK | SMOKE | DRUGS: yes, yes, yes → RELIGION: he believes in something, but he won’t tell you what
PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES → FACE CLAIM: alexander ludwig → ETHNICITY: caucasian → HEIGHT: 6ft. 2 in. → WEIGHT: 210 lbs → BUILD: tall, broad, and burly - TREE BOI → HAIR: blond, shortish → EYE COLOR: blue → DOMINANT HAND: right → SCENT: pine, bergamot, and lemon → NERVOUS HABITS: paces, glares, picks fights (but he does that anyways)
CHARACTER → MORAL ALIGNMENT: neutral evil → MBTI: estj → WESTERN ZODIAC: scorpio → SONG: lydia - highly suspect
MAGIC → WAND: cyprus, doxy wings, 10″, sturdy → PATRONUS: he can’t make one → BOGGART:  looking into the mirror and seeing his father’s face - then, behind that (over his shoulder) he can see the people he loves, limp, as he’s taken their lives.
he’s the oldest twin and yes it fucking matters
he’s also the biggest bastard in this bitch and that matters too
surrounded by a dorm full of other bastards amycus would say he has a pretty good time with the bros
he was the first of the lot to take the mark - being the older twin does have perks (he’s not 100% sure this was one of them but he’s not mad about it either)
alecto has always been his number one - don’t test this
loves to build a swamp and/or flood rooms/floors/homes as a petty vengeance
he’s a dick to almost everyone but he does genuinely care about people
he likes to fight
loves it
he doesn’t need a reason to fight you
he will just throw hands in your direction
if he calls you by a nickname feel special
he likes cats and stops to pet every cat he comes across at the castle and dares you to judge him for it
sybill gave him a christmas kitten - he named it primrose (aw) but he did it in bulgarian so no one would know how cute he was being
he hates his parents (he’d be a momma’s boy if his mother wasn’t a useless, absent, drunken whore with a drug problem ..... god, amycus, that sounds familiar, you okay buddy?)
has a stabbing problem
he wouldn’t call it a problem, he’d call it a solution
this last birthday was the best one yet, as far as he’s concerned. it was so good, someone literally d i e d
prefers the not literature in any …. oddities shop, shall we say
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carelessgraces · 5 years
verses i need to type up, but that will be / are available – 
astoria’s canon verse / harry potter verse: astoria is a former death eater, marked at the request of her godparents and mentors, amycus and alecto carrow; she develops a strong alliance, behind the carrows’ back, with draco malfoy ( found @potterstillstinks ), and the two rely on one another to get through the war. after the war’s end, astoria completes her education, and begins work as an auror alongside harry potter ( found @goldensaviour ), an unexpected ally, friend, and partner. 
shipping: limited. main ship with draco malfoy ( @potterstillstinks ). 
notes: regarding shipping – while this verse is open to shipping, most threads will default to astoria being married to draco. shipping in this verse will be very limited, and only available after significant plotting.
alchemist au: on offshoot of astoria’s harry potter verse. rather than joining the auror department, astoria — who had once dreamed of being a healer — trains in alchemy instead. she joins the family business and works with her father, henry ( @acciortum ), hoping to become heir to the business.
shipping: limited. main ship with theodore nott ( @acciortum )
historical verse: astoria grimani is the illegitimate granddaughter of alessandro grimani, head of the grimani family, and ileana salviati, from an illegitimate branch of the salviati family. because astoria is illegitimate, she is able to be educated in ways that legitimate daughters typically were not, as she will not need to focus on more marriageable skills or qualities. though it is possible that she can be married, as she is her grandfather’s favorite and can therefore direct grimani alliances, favor, and protection, she fully expects that she will become someone’s favored mistress instead. 
shipping: open. 
notes: typically set in renaissance venice and florence, though this can be adapted easily to fit other time periods. this will be the background for astoria in any interactions based around medici, the borgias, the tudors, etc.
vampire verse: an offshoot of astoria’s historical verse. she is turned by a spanish nobleman with whom her family has negotiated an alliance; she kills him, and goes into hiding, allowing her family to believe that she is dead. her sister, daphne – who cannot be convinced that astoria has been killed – seeks her out, and astoria eventually turns her. astoria remains peripherally involved in politics throughout her many centuries. 
shipping: limited. main ship with draco malfoy @potterstillstinks. 
notes: a general vampire verse, usually following tvd lore. can be adapted for bloodbound ( astoria is a member of clan vega, working as senator vega’s campaign manager; she joins clan castellanos after senator vega is killed, and her alliances as of book three will be determined when the book is finished ), or underworld ( she is a member of amelia’s coven; this will be expanded upon after a rewatch of all films ). 
witch verse: a practitioner of ancestral magic and the descendant of a line of powerful italian witches, astoria is deeply embedded in coven politics. her magical interests lie primarily in the body – slowing and reversing aging, in particular, as well as immortality. she has a tendency to take what she wants, whether or not she has any right to it, and occasionally acts as a black market artifact dealer under the name ‘lucrezia salviati.’ she is particularly skilled in glamours and manipulating others’ perception.
shipping: open. 
notes: the rules for magic are based partially in tvd’s lore, but primarily in italian history and folklore. 
this is my default verse for interactions in a tvd universe, in which astoria is among the witches allied with klaus mikaelson, until she is banished for lying to him – this verse has been developed with @sacrificeal‘s hope mikaelson and @mythborne‘s marcel gerard. astoria eventually becomes hope’s guardian, after the events of legacies s1, and becomes headmistress at the salvatore school.
in a caos verse, astoria is the member of an italian church, who comes to greendale to teach glamours and manipulation at the academy. this verse is heavily under construction while i watch, and is developed with @risenwtch‘s sabrina spellman. 
related – astoria’s shadowhunters ( warlock ) verse is a combination of her historical verse, and her witch verse. her warlock mark is snake eyes, and she is the daughter of mammon, a very minor prince of hell and demon of greed. her main ship in this verse is with @createdivine‘s jace herondale.
shadowhunter verse: astoria is the illegitimate daughter of one of london’s best known and most highly lauded shadowhunters. having more skill in politics and diplomacy than battle, astoria serves as a representative of the clave, and is located primarily in alicante; however, she is assigned to the brooklyn institute, initially as an assistant to lydia branwell. 
shipping: limited. main ship with jace herondale @createdivine. 
notes: based strictly on the show. any influences not taken from the show come from the collected works of sherrilyn kenyon. 
grisha verse: astoria grim is a tidemaker who fled fjerda after she killed two drüskelle – both of whom were her cousins and godparents. she joins sturmhond’s crew just past the ravkan border, keeping her grisha abilities secret from everyone but the captain. after the crew battles the darkling, astoria offers to remain with nikolai as a spy, to better undermine vasily and to help nikolai obtain the throne. she remains in nikolai’s court after the darkling is defeated.
shipping: open.
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.: Master Timeline :.
Noah Davenport - January 5th - 31 y/o - Capricorn Drake Wright - January 11th - 31 y/o - Capricorn Clarice ‘Clary’ Dagny - January 27th - 439 y/o ( turned at 25 ) - Aquarius Esther Hearst - February 8th - 210 y/o ( turned at 23 ) - Aquarius Eden Sinclair - February 21st - 21 y/o - Pisces Nina Howard - February 21st - 24 y/o - Pisces Kai Hunt Dagny - February 27th - 885 y/o ( turned at 26 ) - Pisces Elliot Bishop - March 2nd - 20 y/o - Pisces Reed Acton - April 6th - 25 y/o - Aries Rowan ‘Xidhe’ Abram-Pace - April 15th - 927 y/o ( looks 26/27 ) - Taurus Boyd ‘Andrzej’ Masterson - May 20th - 903 y/o ( looks 22 ) - Taurus Kenna Abram-Pace - June 4th - 22 y/o - Gemini Garrett Cooper - June 10th - 31 y/o ( looks 25/26 ) - Gemini Elizabeth ‘Effie’ James Wright Cooper - July 13th - 20 y/o ( turned at 17 ) - Cancer Jezebel James - July 13th - 20 y/o ( turned at 17 ) - Cancer Kessie Donovan - July 17th - 20 y/o ( cursed at 18 ) - Cancer Taleasin ‘Ty’ Parker - July 27th - 103 y/o ( looks 19 ) - Leo Samuel ‘Sam’ Crane - July 30th - 37 y/o - Leo Jackson Dubois - August 28th - 69 y/o ( turned at 38 ) - Virgo Aurelia ‘Auri’ Dagny Hayes - September 2nd - 444 y/o ( turned at 31 ) - Virgo Sebastian Hastings Silas Hastings - September 7th - 978 y/o ( cursed at 27 ) - Virgo Abigail ‘Abbey’ Fairchild - September 9th - 22 y/o ( turned at 20 ) - Virgo Logan Booth - September 12th - 29 y/o - Virgo Remington ‘Remy’ Wright - October 2nd - 27 y/o ( turned at 22 ) - Libra Gwendolyn ‘Wendy’ Wright Hastings - October 2nd - 27 y/o - Libra Thomas Valentine - October 9th - 879 y/o ( turned at 27 ) - Libra Seth Hastings Wright - November 11th - 976 y/o ( cursed at 24 ) - Scorpio Seth ‘Asher’ Hastings - November 11th - 976 y/o ( cursed at 24 ) - Scorpio Brant Hayes - November 29th - 775 y/o ( turned at 33 ) - Sagittarius Riker ‘Xiomar’ Moriessy - December 4th - 1,941 y/o - Sagittarius Bexley ‘Bex’ Adger - December 9th - 28 y/o - Sagittarius Aslyn Bishop Masterson - December 13th - 21 y/o - Sagittarius Zoey Harris - December 19th - 18 y/o 62 y/o ( turned at 17 ) - Sagittarius
Nicolette ‘Lettie’ Devereux - July 7th - 30 y/o ( turned at 28 ) - Cancer Bellamy Scott - August 6th - 28 y/o - Leo Frank Davies - November 1st - 33 y/o - Scorpio Maryn ‘Ryn’ Hensley - December 10th - 194 y/o ( looks 23 ) - Sagittarius
UNKNOWN Anastasia Carrow - N/A Diego Miller - N/A Tiber Knight Dagny - N/A Oliver Dagny - N/A Winifred ‘Winnie’ Fairchild - N/A Elijah Barnes - N/A Quinn Faustess - N/A Cael Decker - N/A Noel Santino - N/A - 26 y/o Cain Holloway - N/A - 24 y/o
Lysander Wright - January 11th - ( would be ) 31 y/o ( turned at 26 ) - Capricorn Roman Reeves - January 21st - ( would be ) 31 y/o - Aquarius Kim Lui - April 9th - ( would be ) 27 y/o - Aries Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Wright - April 10th - ( would be ) 12 y/o - Aries Breelyn Grimaldi - May 13th - ( would be ) 33 y/o - Taurus Aerin Beauchene Dagny - August 20th - 19 y/o ( turned at 15 ) - Leo Paxton Adger Crane - December 10th - ( would be ) 13 y/o - Sagittarius Imogen Baker - December 11th - ( would be ) 32 y/o - Sagittarius Claire Hooley - N/A  Hayley Wright - N/A Lydia Cooper - N/A
Sydney Crane - January 14th - 2 y/o - Capricorn Luca Cooper - March 4th - less than 1 y/o - Pisces (before Effie changed the timeline) Hazel Dagny - Born Isabelle Rose Miller - celebrated birthday is March 16th - 4 y/o - Pisces Margaux Wright Hastings - March 29th - 1 y/o - Aries Grace ‘Gracie’ and Samuel ‘Sammy’ Wright - April 3rd - 1 y/o - Aries Luca Cooper - April 13th - 1 y/o - Aries Daisy Dubois - May 9th - 1 y/o - Taurus Ezra Abram-Pace - May 18th - less than 1 y/o - Taurus Wyatt Wright - May 28th - 2 y/o - Gemini Kayden Hayes - June 4th - 5 y/o - Gemini Lucy Wright - June 6th - 10 y/o - Gemini Luther Masterson - July 2nd - less than 1 y/o - Cancer Brandon Crane - July 20th - less than 1 y/o - Leo Morgan Moriessy - July 23rd - less than 1 y/o - Leo Jace Dubois - September 7th - 1 y/o - Virgo Sophia Hastings - September 15th - less than 1 y/o - Virgo Paisley Valentine - September 23rd - 8 y/o - Virgo
UNBORN Albus ‘Albie’ Hearst - Due June 20th, 2021 Unborn Hastings baby - Due November 22nd, 2021
Future/Timeline/Alternate Dimension timeline
September 7th - Remy is tricked by Malachi to walk in front of a car and die.  He turns her into a vampire and she takes the name ‘Alecta’ as her new alias.  
September 23rd - Clary decides to check out the supernatural town in Canada she’s heard so much about and likes what she sees.  She ends up moving in, finally planning on settling in one place and stay there. 
September 30th - Clary gets a job working at a local coffee shop called Espresso Yourself.
October 2nd - Remy turns 23.
October 29th - Remy hunts down her father and kills him.
December 2nd - Clary is reunited with Kai Hunt, the asshole who got her arrested in London back in 1910. 
December 6th - Kai meets a human girl named Abbey.  He plans to mess with her but ends up enjoying her company instead and the two become friends.
December 10th - Clary is forced by Damien Hunt to adopt a stray cat.  She names him Freeloading Asshole Cat or Freebie for short.
December 25th - Clary goes to the Hunt home for a Christmas party.  Her and Damien sing carols and throughout the night, Kai and her are able to reconnect and put the past behind them.
December 28th - Clary finds out Kai has left town again and once again is mad at him. December 31st - Clary attends a New Year’s Eve party and is kissed by Damien.
January 3rd - Seth sees Remy for the first time in one of his classes but doesn’t speak to her for several more weeks.
January 16th - Seth and Remy officially meet.
January 17th - Clary is reunited with William and discovers Madame, their mentor, has passed away.
January 18th - 21st - Clary is trapped at the Sheriff’s Department because of a freak snow storm.  It’s there that she meets Dante Cortes.
January 20th - Abbey moves out of Red Creek and goes North with her parents.
January 24th - Clary is reunited with her blood brother, Malachi, and lets her darker side out when she slaughters a random girl in an alley.
January 27th - Clary turns 436.
February 14th - Seth gives Remy Valentine’s flowers and a stuffed wolf.
February 24th - Clary finds out her sire currently lives in town.  Malachi and her start to think of a plan to kill him.
March 3rd -  Clary invites Dante over to her place and after getting a little drunk, the two end up sleeping together.
March 5th - Seth and Remy’s first picnic date.
March 7th - Kai comes back to town.  Matilda gives him a job working at the cafe and let’s him live with her for the time being.
March 9th - Clary and Mila throw a party at Matilda’s house (without her knowing).
March 10th - Clary and Kai go on their first official date to a warehouse he’s decorated to look like London.  When he takes her home, she kisses him goodnight.
March 18th - Clary and Malachi kidnap their sire and plan to torture him.  Instead, Clary beheads him right away; leaving her in a dark state of mind.  Malachi isn’t happy about her ruining his plans.
March 23rd - 26th - Seth and Remy’s first trip to Ireland.  During the trip, Seth starts to realize he might have stronger feelings for her than he originally thought. 
March 25th - Clary and Dante Cortes begin dating.
April 14th - Clary goes to Kai’s place in an attempt to cheer him up.  He suggests they move in together and she rejects his offer, telling him she is dating Dante.  They part ways, not on the best of terms.
April 17th - Malachi leaves Elias’s severed head on Clary’s door step.  She wraps it and leaves it in her kitchen, not sure what else to do with it.  Seth goes to Remy to talk to her about the bad things she’s been doing lately and she lashes out, telling him she’s no good and he should stay away from her.  They have sex for the first time and start dating instead.
April 19th - Clary attends Damien’s ‘welcome home’ party and gets far too drunk.  After forcing him to take her back to his place, they end up having sex.  Before she leaves, she asks him not to tell Kai about it.  Kai meets a woman named Mercy, who also happens to be friends with his brother.  He decides to play a couple mind games with her.
April 20th - Damien visits Kai at work and mocks him for having a job, thinking it’s just a joke.
April 21st - Seth and Remy’s bowling date.
April 23rd - Seth temporarily moves in with Remy to avoid his family.
April 27th - Clary and Kai have a big fight in the cafe which leads to him confessing his feelings for her.  She storms out and goes straight to Dante’s house to talk to him about everything that’s been bothering her including the fact she slept with Damien.
May 1st - Kai invites Mercy over for dinner and they talk about her connection to his brother.
May 8th - Clary and Kai have a fight via text.  She goes to the warehouse where they had their first date to collect her thoughts.  While there, the entire town is destroyed by way of dark magic.  Remy and Seth have a fight about the Malachi and family stuff.  They’re separated as the town is destroyed.  Remy and Seth find each other and promise to meet up again later.  Clary goes back in town to look for Kai but is unsuccessful.  Damien finds her and takes her to Ashbourne where a lot of others have fled.  Bex loses her son, Pax, when red creek falls and she heads to Ashbourne on her own.
May 9th - Seth and Remy find each other again in Ashbourne.  She stops going by Alecta and starts going by her real name again.
May 10th - Matilda and Clary get a room together at the Atlantis Seria Hotel.  They go shopping to buy new clothes, spending Damien’s money while he’s still away.  After shopping, she is reunited with Dante.  He offers himself to her as a meal and she reluctantly accepts.
May 11th - Clary and Kai are reunited and make up for their arguing in the past.  Kai meets up with Ruth, an old co-worker, and they decide to start dating.  Matilda tells Clary she’s going to re-open the cafe in this new town and she agrees to be an employee again.
May 13th - Kai invites Mercy over for dinner again but this time he tortures her as a way to get back at his brother.
May 14th - Clary is reunited with her older sister, Aurelia, who she thought was dead this whole time.  Later, she goes to have lunch with Ruth.  They decide to be room mates and Ruth tells her about dating Kai.  Clary is angry and jealous about the news but says she’ll support them anyway.
May 16th - Remy suggests Seth teach her to fight against wolves.  The sparring match goes horrible wrong though and he almost kills her.  
May 17th - Clary and Damien go to the coast to play some games.  He teaches her about compulsion and decides to give her a make-over on another date.  Malachi and Remy confront Seth about what happened the day before.   Malachi and Seth end up fighting and right before he bites the sire, Remy jumps in the way getting bit instead.  Seth is able to cure her but leaves, deciding it’s better for them not to be together. 
May 18th - Seth officially breaks up with Remy via text.  Clary asks Dante to move in with her once they find a place.
May 20th - Seth moves in with Noah.
May 24th - Kai meets a girl named Laura and decides to make her his latest victim.
May 26th - Clary and Dante attend the Welcome to Ashbourne Street Fair and Neeley Corp dinner event.  Seth and Noah attend a town event together, as do Kai and Ruth, and Malachi and Remy. While there, a man is attacked in front of them all.  It makes Seth realize the town might not be as safe as he originally thought and he worries about Remy.
May 30th - Clary and Ruth go apartment hunting and find the perfect place for the two of them and Dante.
June 1st - Clary meets up with Malachi who teaches her the dark side of compulsion.  Seth can’t stand being without Remy any longer and goes to her house to apologize.  She says how much she missed him and that they both were idiots.  They start dating again.
June 3rd - Matilda opens La Petite Café Rouge and Clary begins working as the assistant manager/barista.  Seth moves into Remy’s little yellow house. He also finds out his siblings, Landon and Helena, recently moved into town.  He tries to reconnect with them but things are immediately strained when they find out he’s dating a vampire.
June 4th - Remy takes Seth with her to the foster home she volunteers at.  He meets Lucy for the first time.
June 6th - Clary goes looking for a victim to practice compulsion on.  She finds Cael and tortures him to the brink of death before leaving.
June 12th - Clary goes out to buy an anniversary gift for Dante.  She goes to Eve’s Apple and upsets Amen, the employee working there, who decides to give her a cursed charm as pay back.  Kai goes to see Ruth and they end up having sex for the first time.
June 17th - Clary and Kai go bowling together and during this time they both openly admit they have feelings for each other and end up make-out a bit.  They both realize it was wrong and they part ways.  Clary goes home and puts on the amulet Amen gave her to see if it’ll help her forget the ordeal.  Instead, it makes her realize she’s made a huge mistake.
June 18th - Sebastian, Seth’s brother, goes missing.  Seth is hysterical and becomes overly protective of Remy, fearing she might be next.
June 19th - Clary makes a special anniversary dinner for Dante.  She tells him about her feelings for Kai, breaks up with him then compels him to forget her.  She stays over at Damien’s place for the night, feeling horrible that it came that far.
June 20th - Clary goes to work the next day, still in a daze over the break-up.  While at work, she’s attacked by Laila who found out she was the one who hurt Cael.  Clary ends up with a broken wrist, broken fingers, a couple bruised ribs and crack in the back of her head.  Though the wounds heal fast, she’s taken to the hospital where she spends the rest of the day.  Henryk helps break her out and she goes back home and cries some more about the break-up. 
June 23rd - Clary meets up with Damien to get the make-over they talked about doing a while ago.  He takes her to Crow’s salon to do her hair.  Clary becomes a blonde.  Later that evening, she meets Kai in the park and they talk once again about their feelings towards one another.  He says he’s going to break up with Ruth so they can be together.
June 27th - Seth finds out he has a grown daughter named Demi.  Seth’s family doesn’t approve of her. 
July 5th - Kai finally works up the courage to break up with Ruth.
July 8th - 12th - Seth and Remy go to Greece and Ireland to get away from the drama back home.
July 10th - Kai moves out of Matilda’s place and gets a little house of his own.
July 11th - Clary goes to see Kai’s new place.  Kai tells her about how he broke up with Ruth and mentions someday he wants to marry Clary.
July 16th - Remy and especially Seth start to have horrible nightmares due to some kind of curse around the town.
July 20th - After avoiding her for some time, Clary finally talks to Ruth about Kai.  Ruth ends up kicking Clary out of the apartment.  She stays at the cafe for a while as a temporary home.
July 21st - Seth and Remy decide to start communicating with each other more and begin telling one another secrets they’ve hidden away from the other.
July 22nd - Clary goes over to Kai’s place for dinner.  He tells her he wants to take her on a surprise trip in a week.
July 25th - Kai goes to Damien and tells him about his plans to marry Clary. 
July 27th - Seth and Sebastian go out of town for the weekend to spend some brotherly time together.
July 28th - Clary dyes her hair back to red while she’s in London for the weekend.
July 29th - Kai proposes to Clary and she says yes.
July 31st - Clary becomes cafe manager and tells Matilda about her and Kai’s engagement.
August 3rd - Clary moves in with Kai.  She tells Damien about the engagement but he’s not very happy about it.  Kai buys the Monastery
August 5th - Seth proposes to Remy.
August 7th - Seth becomes over protective of Remy again and, in a jealous rage, threatens Liam.
August 11th - Clary is unaware she’s been cursed by Cael Mercer and Desmond Browne.
August 13th - Clary and Kai attend the Beach Bonfire event together.  Remy and Seth attend the town’s bonfire event.  They have a fight during it and part ways.  Seth runs into Liam on the beach and they get in a fist fight.  After realizing his mistake, Seth goes to find Remy and apologizes.  During the firework show, a spell is cast on everyone there and they lose their senses.  Remy, Kai and Clary become blind and Seth becomes deaf.
August 14th - Clary starts having horrible nightmares and finds it’s hard to keep blood down.
August 27th - Clary gets her vision back but is still cursed.  She doesn’t tell Kai about it.  Seth and Remy get their senses back and celebrate together in town.
August 30th - Abbey moves to New Orleans.
September 1st - Remy visits her family in Salem.
September 3rd - Clary reaches her breaking point and almost kills Freebie in order to get a meal down.  At the last minute, she stops herself and rips apart a stray outside instead.  To keep her fur baby safe, she gives him to Simone for safe keeping.  Helena tells Seth he needs to leave Remy or he is out of the pack.  He chooses to leave the pack and his family instead of lose her again.   Helena is disappointed and frustrated with her younger brother.
September 4th - Clary finally tells Kai about her curse and he promises to find a cure.
September 9th - Gwen comes to Seth and tells him if he doesn’t kill Landon, she’ll kill Remy.  He is conflicted what to do and decides to go after his family in order to keep Remy safe.  Sebastian intervenes and tells him to leave town or else Seth will be targeted and he won’t hold back.
September 10th - Seth and Remy have to say goodbye in order for them both to remain safe. He asks Remy to go to Gwen to have her memories erased.   Reluctantly, she does and Seth goes to Ireland.
September 11th - Seth makes it to Ireland and changes his last name from ‘Hastings’ to ‘Wright’ as his way of shedding his former life and looking to a possible future with Remy.
September 18th - Seth opens a candy shop in Ireland called ‘Candy Done the Wright Way’.  Meanwhile, Remy sleeps with her friend Nolan. 
September 23rd - Morrighan gives Kai a potion to give to Clary to help her appetite.  She’s finally able to drink blood and kills a guy in an alleyway to get her fill.
September 25th - Kai comes home with his face bashed in after a fight with his brother.  Clary helps clean him up and forces him to stay home for a couple of days.
September 26th - Remy opens ‘Bake my Day’.  She starts shopping for a second home in case something happens with the little yellow house.
September 29th - A supernatural convention comes to town.  And some crazy stuff happens during it.  After what happened during the convention, Clary decides the town is no longer a safe haven and asks Kai to leave Ashbourne with her.  
October 2nd - Remy celebrates her 24th birthday.  People begin to tell Remy about how she had another life with someone but she doesn’t believe them.  Liam is the one who ultimately convinces her of it.
October 3rd - Kai is finally able to find a witch to get Clary’s curse removed.  After it’s over, the two leave town to start their new life together.
October 9th - Seth begins to feel more depressed about losing Remy and fears he’ll never be with her again.
October 13th - Seth buys a gun and a handful of silver bullets as a ‘last resort’.
October 19th - Remy adopts Lucy.
October 20th - Remy leaves Ashbourne with Lucy to go to Ireland to find Seth.
October 21st - Seth decides he can’t live without Remy any more and plans to kill himself with a silver bullet after work.  As he’s leaving the house, he finds Remy on his door step.  They vow to start their new life together as a family.
October 23rd - Clary and Kai get a small house in New Orleans.
October 25th - Clary is reunited with Thomas Valentine.  Seth finds out Demi has been turned into a vampire / werewolf hybrid.
October 27th - Sebastian surprises Seth by showing up and they talk about how each other has been.
October 28th - Clary meets Riker Moriessy. 
November 1st - Sam is reunited with Angel and her coven is misfits.  She tells him she has a plan involving Demi Hastings and Remy Wright.  While he doesn’t particularly care, he decides to join in anyway.  Seth meets one of Violet’s adopted kids, Effie.  She seems wary of him but they exchange phone numbers anyway.  
November 3rd - Seth and Remy are kidnapped by a man named Roman.  They go through a series of tests and make it out alive but unfortunately, one of Remy’s friends doesn’t.
November 4th - Sam and Bex go to spy on Seth at his business.  They get bored and end up fucking in an alley instead.  Riker confronts Kai for the first time and the two get into a argument.  Kai warns him to stay away from Clary and leave him alone.
November 5th - Sam makes himself known to Remy and tells her he can give her back her magic if she agrees to go on a date with him.  She does reluctantly.  
November 6th - Kai finds out Abbey is living in New Orleans and the two are reunited.  Sam and Remy go on their date.  He takes her to a hotel room in the hopes of getting lucky but she threatens to kill him instead.  He gives her some of his magic and she leaves.
November 7th - Clary runs into Aurelia again and finds out she is also living in the area.  Sam leaves Ireland because he’s afraid of Remy trying to kill him again.  Sebastian tells Seth he has a lead on the witches that have been around lately and he’ll be away for a few days.  Bex talks to Seth and he tries to set up Sebastian with her as an under cover operation.
November 8th - Remy and Demi go after Angel and kill her.  Remy becomes a witch / vampire hybrid.  Sam and Abbey meet on the street and exchange phone numbers. 
November 9th - Sam is reunited with Riker and starts living on his couch.
November 11th - Seth turns 972 years old.  Angel messages Sam telling him she’s not happy about him leaving so sudden.  
November 13th - Bex texts Sam asking where he is.  He tells her he’s in New Orleans and she decides to go see him.
November 17th - Kai decides he wants to open a new business and asks Clary to do it with him.  She says yes and they begin planning together.
November 20th - Angel shows up at Sam and Riker’s apartment and tells him she’s not done with him yet.
November 21st - Seth takes Sebastian to Silgo to show him the underground werewolf fighting ring.  Kai gives Abbey an envelope and inside contain two tickets to Japan.  Sam meets up with Bellamy and asks her to kill Angel for him.  She agrees and they spend the rest of the day fucking around with people in the park.  
November 22nd - Clary and Kai have a nice Thanksgiving with Kai and Boyd.
November 23rd - Clary texts Thomas to see what he’s been up to and finds out Riker has taken him hostage.  She tracks him down via Thomas’s cellphone and rescues the other vampire.  Sam sees a blonde woman on the street and decides to start stalking her.
November 24th - Clary hunts down Riker and stabs him in the neck with a small iron rod, warning him to leave Thomas and Kai alone.  He tells her to ask Kai about an event involving Central Park.  She gets drunk and texts Kai about it and they get in a small fight.  Angel shows up at Seth’s shop and threatens his family.  Sam talks to the woman he’s been stalking named Aurelia.  
November 26th - Sam and Aurelia start dating.  He gives Riker advise on what to do about Clary and Kai. Riker asks for a love potion and Sam agrees but wants something in return.
November 25th - 27th - Kai and Abbey go out of town to Japan on a spur of the moment friend-trip.  When Kai gets back, Clary apologizes for their fight before.  He of course forgives her.
November 29th - Seth goes to New Orleans to team up with Bellamy to stop Angel once and for all.  Sam and Bex hang out and talk about what’s been going on.  He asks her to help him make the love potion and she agrees to it.  They end up fucking even though he’s dating Aurelia.  Riker walks in and catches them but isn’t all that surprised.  
December 1st - Clary tries to patch things up with her brother but it doesn’t work.  Sam is shocked to find Remy in New Orleans and even more surprised to learn she’s a hybrid.  They end up playing around with magic together and accidentally bring a dead guy back to life.  
December 2nd - Abbey meets a girl named Effie who is living on the streets.
December 3rd - Effie leaves New Orleans and goes back to Violet’s. They talk about her running away and Violet assures her it’s okay and she can come and go when she wants if she keeps in touch.
December 4th - Sebastian’s first full moon as Alpha of the pack.
January 6th -  Effie hangs out with Seth and he shows her around town.
December 7th - Seth and Remy go out during the full moon together for the first time.  Sam gives Riker the love potion him and Bex made.
December 9th - Remy tells Seth that Ashbourne has been destroyed along with their friends and family.
December 10th - Abbey runs into Effie again and offers to buy her lunch.
December 11th - Seth tracks down Angel and with Bellamy’s help, they kill her.
December 12th - Bellamy texts Sam, telling him she’s killed Angel but that she might have been turned into a vampire.
December 13th - Seth and Remy return to Ireland.  He runs into Marcus and without hesitation kills him for what he did to Remy in the past.  He tells Remy about it later and they get in a huge fight.  They both leave the house angry at one another.
December 14th - Seth goes back home and apologizes for the things he said and did. 
December 16th - Clary finds a baby and after talking to her sister about it, decides to keep her.  Kai agrees to it and they name the little girl, Hazel.
December 18th - Effie calls Seth and tells him she killed someone.  He buys her a plane ticket and flies her out to Ireland to be with them.  
December 19th - Abbey gets a job working at the ice cream parlor.  Aurelia invites Sam to spend the holidays with her. 
December 25th - Seth, Remy and Lucy celebrate Christmas as a family for the first time in Salem with Remy’s mom.  Kai, Clary, Hazel, Aurelia, Thomas and Boyd have a nice family Christmas together in their small apartment.
December 26th - Kai shows Clary their new house in the country side.
December 27th - Seth and Lucy return to Ireland but Remy stays in Salem for Marcus and Drake’s funerals.
December 28th - Abbey goes to Sam’s apartment to talk to him but runs into Riker instead.  He decides he wants to use her for the game he has planned.  He gives her a potion and asks her to give it to Kai as a late Christmas gift.  Sam goes to Aurelia’s place, apologizing for not seeing her on Christmas.  They end up sleeping together.
December 29th - After everything that happened, Remy’s reluctant to go back home.  She texts Seth, telling him she wants to stay longer.  They get in a fight over the phone and end on bad terms. 
December 30th - Remy flies overnight to get back to Ireland to talk about their fight.   After a long talk, they decide to cancel the wedding so they can focus on repairing the damage they’ve caused in the relationship.  Sam calls Remy but Seth answers the phone instead.  He’s annoyed but it helps him realize some things.
December 31st - Kai introduces Abbey to Hazel.  Abbey gives him Riker’s present and he rushes off without an explanation.  She calls Riker later but he says he doesn’t know why Kai would act that way.  Riker tells Sam about how he’s been playing with Abbey.  
January 1st - Riker pretends to be Boyd and kidnaps Kai.  When Clary goes to get him back, Riker tells her he’s put a bomb inside of Thomas.  Abbey goes to the apartment later and sees the damage Clary’s caused.  Seth and Remy keep their promise of starting fresh by leaving each other little notes and doing small fun gestures to one another again.
January 2nd - Clary tells Thomas about the bomb inside him and they go to get it out.  Riker has Abbey over and she checks on him not knowing what he has been up to. She tells him how upset she is Kai is missing and he acts like he has no idea. He tries to play the victim. Sam texts Riker and tells him that Kai and Clary adopted a kid.  Seth admits he fell out of love with Remy and considered ending the relationship altogether.  He then says how much of a mistake it was and that he promises it will never happen again.
January 3rd - Sam gets Hazel for Riker and hands her off.  He tells Aurelia that she was taken when he wasn’t paying attention.  Aurelia tells her sister about Hazel being kidnapped and Clary yells at her about it.  Riker texts Clary and taunts her about having Hazel.  He texts Abbey and tells her he found Hazel himself and they can take her home and that she’s safe.  Clary shows up and about attacks Riker and Abbey defends Riker while he plays victim.
January 5th - Riker texts Clary Kai’s location.  She goes to the cemetery and takes him home.
January 6th - Seth and Remy decide to try sparring again.  This time goes much better than the last and they even end it by making love in the forest.
January 11th - Riker kidnaps Bex as a way to blackmail Sam.  Sam saves Bex and almost kills Riker for hurting her.  Instead, they leave him unharmed and get out of town.  
January 14th - Abbey calls Kai to check in on him after not knowing if he was found or not.  He tells her he’s fine and that they’ll get lunch soon.  Riker tries to apologize for what he did to Abbey.
January 18th - Jackson is approached by a girl named Imogen who asks if she can be part of the pack and he agrees.
January 20th - Sam and Bex go out for ice cream and he tells her about the crap Riker’s been up to.  Bex tells him to dump Auri and date her instead and he agrees but only if it doesn’t change them or make it weird.
January 24th - Seth, Remy and Lucy go to London to visit Sebastian and his pack.  Sam goes to Aurelia’s place and tells her they can’t date anymore.  
January 26th - Abbey goes to talk to Riker about everything and he decides to play Russian Roulette with her as a way to try and scare her away. 
January 27th - Clary turns 437.
January 31st - Seth goes out during the full moon with Sebastian and the others while Remy and Lucy stay back at the ‘den’ with Jackson.  A wolf attacks Remy and while she’s okay, it gets to her enough that Seth has to do damage control.  Effie and Abbey get caught up on what’s been going on in each others lives. 
February 1st - Clary and Aurelia make-up.
February 4th - Sebastian talks to Jackson for what happened during the full moon and the fact Remy was nearly attacked by the wolf.  Remy wakes Seth up suddenly and takes him to the woods.  Another wolf is waiting for them, set up by Remy herself as a way to test a theory she has.  Seth passes her test but is upset she’d put herself in danger like that.  They go home and after talking about various thing, Remy reveals she may or may not be pregnant.
February 12th - Sam and Bexley visit Ireland and via magic they confirm Remy is 100% pregnant.  While using the spell, Sam sees that Remy and the baby are going to die during child birth but he doesn’t tell her about it.  
February 13th - Sam tells Remy about what he saw in his vision and she vows to keep it from happening.  
February 14th - Kai surprises Clary with an impromptu backyard wedding.  She officially becomes Mrs. Clary Masterson.  Seth surprises Remy with a picnic in the woods.  He then asks her if she’ll marry him again and she accepts.  They plan for a March wedding.  Sebastian calls Abbey to wish her a happy Valentine’s day.
February 17th - Abbey decides she wants to research supernaturals for a living.  Jackson texts Remy, telling her he’s excited about the baby.
February 18th - Abbey goes to check on Riker.  She decides to play a drinking game to learn more about fey.  While intoxicated, she kisses him. 
February 19th - Riker and Sam make-up.
February 21st - Sebastian makes a surprise visit to Ireland to see everyone.  Remy and Seth corner him about asking Jackson out or not and say he should.
February 24th - Bex refuses to have sex with Sam as a joke.  He gets back at her by making a voodoo doll and literally fucking with it.  She gets back at him by freezing him in place and touching him all over to turn him on before leaving him to suffer.  
February 26th - Abbey wishes Kai and early birthday and gives him an envelope of money to repay him for buying her the plane tickets.
February 27th - Clary buys a building and gives it to Kai for his birthday, figuring it would be the perfect location for his bar.
March 1st - Seth goes out during the full moon and is attacked by a hunter.  He takes silver bullets in the neck, leg and side.  Thankfully Remy shows up and saves him.  He’s then put under ‘house arrest’.
March 2nd - Riker takes Abbey on a surprise trip.  Sam and Bex go to Mexico.  
March 4th - Jackson and Sebastian go out for lunch for the first time and get to know each other better.
March 5th - Sebastian is attacked by a hunter.   Seth, Remy and Lucy fly out to London so they can all stick together.   It turns out Imogen is working with Bellamy to try and get rid of the last of the originals.  Imogen takes Lucy and Seth confronts her about the girl being missing to which she plays it off like it’s nothing. Jackson confronts her and points a gun at her to get her to talk.  He shoots her in the shoulder.  During the fight with Bellamy, Jackson learns how to shift at will but gets stuck like that for a couple hours.  They manage to fight Bellamy off but are worse for wear.  Lucy ends up with a broken finger.  The compound is destroyed and they part ways to get some sleep.  Effie is kidnapped and locked in a hotel.  She meets Jackson and gives him his clue.
March 6th - After a quick nap, Seth wakes to find Remy gone from the hotel.  He calls Sam to see if he’ll come out to help them.  Seth and Sam hunt down Bellamy and stop her once and for all.   Reunited with Remy, they go back to the hotel, finally free of the hunter.  Sam keeps an eye on Remy while Seth goes to check on his brother.  He checks on the baby again but this time he sees a different future.  Sebastian tells Jackson he wants to date him.
March 7th - Effie calls Abbey and is upset about what happened to her.  Abbey tells her that her and Riker will be there first thing in the morning.  Bex tells Sam that she’s been invited to join a coven in California.  He agrees they should go and that she should join.
March 8th - Riker and Abbey arrive in London to check on Effie and Sebastian.  Imogen talks with Jackson again and they discuss packs being families and that he doesn’t understand why she did what she did.
March 10th - Bellamy texts Sam telling him she’s disappointed in his choice to help Seth and Remy.
March 13th - Clary goes over to Boyd’s house to see where he’s been for the past month and comes face to face with her worst nightmare.  Seth warns Sebastian about taking things slow and that maybe they don’t know Jackson well enough after all.
March 15th - Seth tells Effie she’s always going to be a Wright in his eyes.
March 16th - Sam teases Riker about Abbey being his girl but he denies it.
March 17th - Jackson goes to Imogen’s apartment and they play a game with the plants. He finds the right one and she tells him they like him and he can stay.  He asks her to go to a psych ward and she considers it.  Kai asks Nicolette to meet up with him and he locks her up in the basement of her old house.
March 18th - Sam calls Bex his wife as a joke and it freaks her out.
March 20th - Seth and Remy decide to officially adopt Effie James.  She accepts and becomes their fourth child.  Sam, Bex, Abbey and Riker go on a double date of sorts while in London together.
March 21st - Effie calls Abbey and tells her about how Seth and Remy adopted her.  Riker is taken to where Lettie is being held hostage by Kai and he lets her go.  She starts living with him.
March 22nd - Kai finds out Boyd hasn’t been telling him the full truth.  Kai goes home and tells Clary more about his past with Nicolette before leaving for the night.  Clary has Boyd come over where he reveals even more secrets.  He ends up leaving but not before Clary stabs him with an iron rod.
March 23rd - Kai comes home and the two decide whatever happens they’ll face together.  Remy’s brother, Drake, shows up seemingly from the dead.  Seth and him don’t hit it off right away.  Riker introduces Abbey to Nicolette.  Imogen breaks into Jackson and Sebastian’s apartment and stays in one of Sebastian’s shirts when Jackson finds her.  Her and Jackson end up sleeping together to which she asks if they can do it again another time.  He says he’ll think about it if she agrees to go to the psych ward and she does.  
March 26th - Sebastian visits with Abbey.
March 31st - Drake sees Seth in his wolf form for the full moon.  He playfully attacks Drake but he takes it as an act of aggression and tells Remy he’s dangerous.
April 1st - Seth, Remy and the girls go to her mom’s for Easter.  They tell her all about Drake being alive, about what happened in London and about what happened with Marcus.  She freaks out, naturally, and the family ends up leaving early and staying in a hotel for the night instead.
April 2nd - Seth and Remy choose the name Wyatt for the baby but won’t know for sure until after he’s born.  Imogen is at the apartment and Sebastian almost shoots her as pissed off as he is.  Jackson has to get in the middle to stop it.  Sebastian learns Jackson and Imogen slept together but Jackson insists it’s nothing.  Sebastian believes him.
April 8th - Riker gets a mysterious text from someone telling him to meet them for tea and breakfast.  He doesn’t want to but they tell him they know his real name so he has no choice.  When he goes to meet up with the person, he finds a hunter named Piper who specializes in fey.  She tells him she wants to toy with him a bit before killing him.
April 10th - Abbey calls Effie and tells her she thinks Riker and her are dating but she’s not positive.  Sam gets a job working at Petsmart.  Piper tracks down Nicolette.  She talks to the girl to assess if she can use her or not in the future.
April 11th - Similar to Nicolette, Piper tracks down Abbey at the local library and threatens her.  Abbey manages to get away but is spooked by the encounter. 
April 12th - Abbey tells Riker about the woman she met the day before and he tells her she needs to be careful.  To keep her safe, he puts her on a plane and flies her to Ireland to spend some time with Effie.  Seth calls Hayley to apologize for what happened at Easter but she doesn’t seem to want to hear it.  They get in a fight and Remy calls Drake to tell him what happened.
April 13th - Piper and Riker meet up to have a chat but during their talk, he changes his face to look like Kai and pretends it was a spell and that he’s not Riker.  Piper runs off to find the ‘real Riker’ who is actually Kai with a spell to look like him as a way to trick Piper long enough for Riker to get out of town.  The plan back fires when Piper realizes she’s been tricked and she almost kills Kai.  Nicolette gets in the way and is stabbed instead.  Clary gets a phone call from Nicolette saying a hunter has attacked them.  Kai is badly injured but survives while the other woman isn’t so lucky.  Drake talks to his mom and Seth and Remy and tells her he thinks they were wrong in accusing Seth of being a monster. 
April 14th - Hayley shows up at the house to take Remy and the girls away from Seth.  He turns into a wolf and attacks her.   She is able to leave with just a few scratches.  Riker finds out what happened to Kai and Nicolette and feels guilty.  He calls Abbey to make sure she’s okay then tells her he doesn’t want to be her friend anymore as a way of keeping her safe.  Unbeknownst to them, Piper wire tapped Abbey’s phone and hears the whole thing.
April 15th - Hayley makes a voodoo doll of Remy.  Remy tells Drake about it and he becomes pissed at hearing the news.  He goes to his mom and demands she give it to him but she says she gave it to a coven of witches.  Enraged, he turns her into a keychain and decides to keep her that way until she changes her mind.  Sebastian and Jackson look at buildings to be their new compound.
April 16th - Bex asks Abbey if she loves Riker and she’s unsure how to respond.
April 17th - Seth and Remy celebrate their one year anniversary.  
April 18th - Clary, Kai and Hazel go to Ireland to visit Seth, Remy and their kids.  Piper kills Abbey’s parents and kidnaps her from the airport.  Riker goes to Abbey’s house to save her.  He kills Piper with Abbey’s help.  He puts her on a plane to California to be with Sam and Bex while he does damage control.
April 19th - Sam asks Bex to marry him on a whim.  She says no and he thinks he fucked up their relationship.  Bex leaves the apartment to get some air while Sam texts Remy to tell her about it.  Jackson rescues Imogen from the psych ward when Morgan kills a bunch of people after going after her.  He get her an apartment to stay in instead of going back.
April 20th - Sam is fired from his job for not showing up too many times.
April 21st - Abbey calls Effie and tells her about how her parents were murdered.  Angel comes back to Sam but it turns out to be a prank by another witch.  Sam gets freaked out thinking something’s going to happen to Bex.  He asks her to come home right away and she does but he discovers it’s not her at all.  Thomas disguised himself as her to get back at Sam for cheating on Aurelia.  Sam manages to track down the real Bex and get her back home safe and sound.  
April 23rd - Clary finds out Nicolette is still alive after all.  She’s been turned into a vampire and is living with Boyd in Alaska.  
April 24th - Drake turns his mom back to normal and demands the voodoo doll again.  She tells him where it is and he gets rid of it.  He then tells Hayley to leave Seth, Remy and the girls alone or else.
April 27th - Seth and Remy accidentally switch species because of the baby’s uncontrollable magic. 
April 28th - Abbey leaves voice messages for Riker over the past week but gets no response.  Jackson visits to check on Imogen and the two sleep together.  Jackson bites her shoulder and claims her as his mate.  Sebastian goes to Ireland to try and help Seth and Remy with the species switch situation.
May 1st - Hazel’s grandma sees her and Kai in the park and tries to take the baby back but is unsuccessful. 
May 2nd - Sam starts job hunting again.
May 3rd - Nicolette shows up at Kai and Clary’s house asking for help on how to be a vampire.
May 6th - Someone mails Abbey a package but Bex opens it first.  Inside is an eye they assume belongs to Riker.  Sam tracks down where it came from and finds Riker in bad condition.  He manages to save him and bring him back to the apartment.  Abbey comes home later and after he wakes up, she tells him she loves him.
May 8th - Remy flies Drake out to Ireland because they’re having weird magic issues with Wyatt.
May 9th - Abbey wakes up the next morning and finds out Riker is gone.
May 11th - Clary finds a kitten outside and decides to keep it.  Kai names it Mittens.
May 12th - Seth goes outside to test out how fast he can run.  He accidentally goes too fast and falls off a cliff, breaking several bones.  Upon healing, a bear comes to investigate and he kills it.
May 13th - Riker calls Abbey and tells her he loves her too but that it would be better if they stayed away from each other.  Drake tells Remy how he delved in dark magic a long time ago and she tells him she doesn’t approve.  Jackson tells Sebastian he wants to break-up with him.  Later that night, the witch that attacked Imogen appears again and curses Jackson. 
May 14th - Drake shows back up at the house to try and help switch them back.  Seth and him have a heart to heart and slowly start to become friends.
May 21st - Abbey goes back to New Orleans and tries to live her life as normal as possible.  Remy asks Sam if he could make Seth a daylight ring.
May 23rd - Auri contacts Clary and tells her about the mysterious vampire deaths happening around town.  Sam mails Seth the daylight ring he’s made for him.  Sebastian goes out to lunch with Garrett who thinks he needs to loosen up a bit and the talk for a while. 
May 24th - Clary confronts Kai, asking him about what’s going on.  He admits werewolves have moved into town but that he’s not sure what they want.
May 25th - While home alone together, Drake accidentally cuts himself and sends Seth into a frenzy.  He drinks and almost hurts him further but Drake manages to get him off.  Seth tells Remy about it later to which she forgives him.
May 26th - Clary gets in touch with Thomas and he mentions hearing weird messages on the radio.  They decide to come up with a game plan in case anything goes wrong.
May 27th - Jackson starts feeling the true weight of the curse and starts hearing and seeing an invisible Sebastian.
May 28th - Seth and Remy switch back during the full moon but in doing so, Wyatt’s heart stops.  Remy revives him and they rush them both to the hospital.  She has an emergency c-section to make sure Wyatt is alright.  After some panic, both the baby and Remy are fine.
May 29th - While Remy and Seth stay in the hospital with Wyatt, Drake becomes temporary guardian of Lucy and Effie back at the house.
May 30th - A woman tells Clary not to try and flee town in anyway or she and her family would be killed.  Shortly after telling her the message, she slits her throat.  A panicked Clary goes to tell Kai what happened and worries things are going to get a lot worse.  A little girl talks to Abbey and tells her to not do anything stupid.  The girl then kills herself and Abbey rushes back to her apartment to stay where it’s safe.  A woman tells Sam not to do dark magic or he’ll be targeted.  He doesn’t listen to her and she ends up killing herself.  Jackson hears more and more voices and starts going even more insane. 
May 31st - Abbey, terrified about what happened to the day before, decides she’s going to take her life in her own hands and plans to kill herself.  She doesn’t do it but the lady a few doors down ends up dead instead.  Jackson asks Imogen to go to the compound for safety.  She is attacked and taken back half alive after being injected with silver.  Sebastian asks Garrett to keep an eye on her for him.  No one knows Sebastian is the one who attacked her in the first place.  Remy tells Sam about what happened during the full moon.  He asks Bex if they can go check on Remy and the baby and she reluctantly agrees.  
June 1st - Nicolette shows up at Abbey’s apartment.  She realizes she’s been brainwashed and turned into a vampire.  Riker shows up before Nicolette has a chance to hurt Abbey.  He breaks Nicolette’s neck then tries to get Abbey out of there.  When she’s not willing to cooperate, he kisses her and begs her to trust him and she does.  He takes her outside of New Orleans where they’ll both be safe.  Sebastian tricks and frames Garrett for trying to murder Remy as part of Wendy’s evil plan.  
June 3rd - Clary gets a mysterious text from someone claiming a ‘present’ is on the way to her and to remember the rules.  Later she receives a doll that is all shredded up.  Thomas tells her he is prepared to take Hazel away from New Orleans if things get worse.  Seth calls Sebastian to tell him Wyatt was born.  His brother reveals that something big is happening and to be on the look out.  Drake and Sam run into each other at the hospital.  They both conclude something bad is going to happen to Wyatt in the future.  Imogen goes to Jackson’s when he won’t talk to her despite still being injured.  She finds out he’s losing his mind and decides to help him since no one else will.
June 4th - Sam meets Remy’s twin sister, Wendy.  Bex is nearly killed by her but Sam comes to her rescue.
June 6th - Sebastian shows up with a woman that looks exactly like Remy.  Seth finds out she’s one of the people responsible for everything happening so he kills her.  In doing so, he almost kills Sebastian.  Drake and Lucy spend her birthday together.  Remy calls him later and asks him to take the girls to a hotel because the house isn’t safe.  
June 8th - Garrett is saved by a woman named Emma.  She tells him she needs his help to kill her father and he agrees to do it to help everyone.  Effie asks Drake if it’s okay for her to go to Ireland for a while and he agrees, not knowing the danger that’s there.  
June 9th - Emma tells Garrett it’s time to put their plan into action while Sebastian is in Ireland.  As he goes to stop her father, he runs into Effie.  They two of them decide to work together but their plan backfires.  Sebastian wakes up and tells Seth everything.  Enraged, Seth goes to London without telling Remy so he can finally end it.  When him and Sebastian arrives, they find Emma about to kill Garrett but they manage to jump in and save him and Effie at the last minute.  Seth hunts down Emma’s uncle and tells him he’ll spare his life if he never comes after them again.  He agrees and Seth goes back to Ireland, reluctantly telling Remy what he did.
June 11th - Seth tells Kai that the threat is gone and that they’re safe again.  Drake and Remy go to see Wendy down in the morgue.  Remy brings her back to life and she tells them about the awful things their parents did.  
June 12th - Helena starts texting Sebastian but he doesn’t realize it’s her. 
June 15th - Meets up with the mysterious texter and learns it’s his sister whose alive after all. He agrees to help her with taking care of Remy and taking the kids from her and Seth.
June 16th - Bex and Sam go on a museum date together.  They end up fucking in one of the back rooms after they check out the rain exhibit.  Imogen gets her job at the cafe.
June 18th - Sebastian comes back to Ireland and tells Seth that Helena is still alive and coming for them.  Feeling betrayed again, Seth tells Sebastian to leave and not come back.
June 19th - Garrett gets Effie’s phone number from Sebastian’s phone and starts texting her to make sure she’s alright after what happened.  She says she’s fine but grounded and he tells her he’s outside willing to break her out.  They end up going out to the caves and hanging out for a while before Effie has to rush back home.
June 20th - Seth and Remy bring Wyatt home.
June 21st - Bex gets a dog (she names Harry after the prince) and leaves it in the apartment.  Sam freaks out when he sees it and threatens to dump him out on the street. 
June 22nd - Abbey goes to talk to Kai about everything that’s been going on.  He insists Riker is bad news and that she shouldn’t associate with him but she still refuses to listen.
June 23rd - Thomas decides to leave New Orleans and move to Virginia.
June 24th - Seth starts to miss his brother but knows there isn’t time to focus on that.  Him and Remy come up with a plan to get rid of Helena once and for all.  Effie texts Garrett and she sneaks out with him again to go get sandwiches.  He kisses her and admits he has a crush on her.  They then go to the castle and sneak into one of the towers where they begin making out only to be interrupted by Seth texting.  Effie rushes back home yet again before she’s caught.
June 25th - Helena texts to ask if Sebastian is having doubts but he insists he is and everything is okay.
June 26th - Jackson finds out Imogen got a cafe job and congratulates her.  She in return tells the voices in his head to leave him alone.  They do for a short while.
June 27th - Effie and Garrett send each other naughty pictures.
June 28th - Helena comes to the house like Sebastian said she would.  Remy and her fight and trash the house in the process.  Remy gets bit on the leg but manages to drink Seth’s blood in time to save herself.  Seth ends up snapping his sisters neck and with Remy’s help, they bury her in the backyard.  It leaves them both emotional wrecks.
June 29th - Effie holds Wyatt for the first time.
July 1st - Sebastian goes to the house to see Seth and the family.  They make up but Seth is still wary of his brother.  Sebastian visits with Lucy for a few short minutes.
July 2nd - Sebastian goes MIA and Garrett tries to find where he went.  Drake calls Wendy to see if she’d like some company.  She says yes and the two go to Paris together.
July 3rd - Riker is visited by an old fey friend named Rowan, who isn’t happy about hearing he’s dating a human girl.  
July 5th - Seth and Remy decide October 21st will be their wedding day.  Sam and Bex go to the beach with Harry and get in a small fight.  Later, Bex tells Sam she’s pregnant.  He walks off to clear his head and comes back telling her he’s scared and isn’t sure he wants to keep it but he will if she wants to.  Sebastian goes to find Jackson after having no contact with him and finds him unstable at his apartment hearing voices. Sebastian tries to help him and takes him back to the compound. The two end up sleeping together for the first time.
July 7th - Sam texts Riker and tells him he’s going to be a dad.  Riker suggests faking an accident so Bex loses the baby.
July 9th - Seth asks Sam to be a groomsman in the wedding.  He agrees.  Abbey and Riker take a trip to Turkey together.  Rowan stalks them from a distance.
July 10th - Abbey bumps into Rowan on the streets.  As the day goes by, she starts feeling dizzy and sick.  Later that night ‘Riker’ takes her to a hotel and convinced her to sleep with him. 
July 11th - Kai and Clary change their last name to Dagny instead of Masterson.  Seth, Remy, Effie and Garrett get lunch together so the can officially meet.  Abbey wakes up that morning with Riker there.  He tells her that it wasn’t him who slept with her the night before and that it was actually Rowan.  They leave Turkey and head back to California.  Sam has a sleepless night and decides to spend the time talking to Bex’s stomach.  
July 12th - Abbey tells Bex about how she was raped by a fey Riker knew.  She admits she’s scared and confused but confesses she can’t leave Riker because she loves him.  Sam and Riker get drinks meanwhile and end up bonding, which is something they don’t do often.  
July 13th - Effie’s 18th birthday.  Her and Garrett go to Mexico on a mini vacation.  They go to the beach and a taco truck then go back to the rented house and sleep together for the first time.
July 14th - Garrett sees Effie drinking from a blood bag in the kitchen and she feels awkward about it and apologies. They play truth or dare together and end up having sex in the kitchen.
July 18th - Drake runs into an old friend named Roman while in Paris.  Sebastian tells Imogen he’s not fighting with her anymore and they can have a shared relationship with Jackson. Jackson and Imogen also talk about it and what it might mean.
July 20th - Effie gets back from her birthday trip.   Seth and her get lunch together and catch up.  Meanwhile, Remy has lunch with her mom but it doesn’t go so well.  Seth arrives and tells Hayley to stay away from Remy and their family.  Roman and Drake go to a club together.  Later, he gets a call from Remy and she tells him about what Hayley said and did. 
July 21st - Seth and Remy get in a big fight.  They make-up a few hours later.
July 23rd - Drake goes back to Salem and kills his mom.  He burns down the house to get rid of any evidence and then makes his way back out to Ireland.  On the way, he tells Remy how she’s dead but doesn’t go into any details.  
July 24th - Drake and Roman meet up in Ireland.
July 26th - Effie tests her vampire limits and goes to the caves only to fall off the top and break her arm.
July 27th - Seth and Lucy go out to London for the full moon.  Rowan goes to New Orleans to mess with another old pal, Kai.  Drake and Roman go to Remy’s place.  They’re surprised to find Wendy there.  Drake tells Remy a little more about what happened to their mom but still doesn’t go into much detail.  Wendy shows up at the house while Seth and Lucy are gone.  Effie confronts Wendy about being there and compels her to go upstairs and thank Remy for letting her stay.
July 28th - Seth and Lucy get back from their trip only to find Drake, Roman and Wendy in the house.  Feeling overwhelmed, Remy asks them all to leave.  Seth talks to Wendy for a bit before she goes to get her own place in town.  Remy tells Seth her mom is dead.  Drake, Roman and Wendy go out for dinner later that night and talk about a couple personal things.  
July 29th - Kai and Clary try to celebrate their one year anniversary but Rowan disguises herself as Kai and kidnaps Hazel.  Rowan sends Kai on a wild goose chase while Clary calls Boyd and asks for his help.  Kai finds out Rowan sold Hazel to another fey and tries to kill her but she gets away.  Clary finds out Boyd was only using her to get to Nicolette and had no plans to help find Hazel.  Clary stabs him and breaks his ankle.  With Nicolette’s help, they manage to find Hazel and get her back home safe and sound.
July 30th - Sebastian makes Jackson the beta again and they discuss a bit about his agreement with Imogen but Sebastian insists it’s nothing to worry about.
August 1st - Quinton sees Imogen working at the cafe and starts stalking her.  Garrett and Effie face time after the full moon and catch up. She tells him about going to London for school and the two play a get to know game. Seth also almost walks in on her shirtless.
August 3rd - Rowan goes to hide back at Riker’s old place and finds Boyd there instead.  As part of a game, she hunts down Nicolette and alters her memories so she thinks Kai is the bad guy and Boyd is the one she’s in love with.  Bex is ten weeks pregnant.
August 6th - Abbey asks Riker to go to Ireland and visit Effie for a little while.
August 7th - Kai, Clary and Hazel go to Ireland to visit Seth, Remy and the kids.  Sam tells Bex he’s a little more willing to be a dad.  She tells him she’s pretty sure they’re having a girl but he’s doubtful.
August 12th - Jackson has a weird talk with Imogen.  He tells Sebastian about it and he assures him it’s probably nothing to be worried about.
August 14th - A supernatural police officer comes to the house and asks Seth about Marcus’s death.  Seth goes to the station and confesses that he’s the one who killed him.  Seth’s arrested and thrown in jail.  Garrett surprises Effie by coming to Ireland.  They go out to the castle together and end up having sex in one of the towers.  Seth calls Sebastian from jail freaking out. Sebastian assures him he’ll get Jackson and head out there to help. Garrett gets a phone call from Sebastian telling him what happened with Seth and they go back to the house.  Effie tries to go back to London with Garrett but Remy doesn’t let her.
August 15th - Garrett goes back to London and is put in charge of the pack until Sebastian returns.  Drake goes out to the house to help support Remy while Seth is gone.  He talks to Kai and admits he used dark magic to kill their mom.  Remy overhears and becomes distraught over the news.  Effie texts Abbey about what happened to Seth. She also has a heart to heart with Sebastian.  Jackson tells Imogen he’s leaving for Ireland with Sebastian for Seth being arrested and she gives him the cold shoulder about it.  Bex tells Sam she did a future seeing spell and saw she didn’t make it but she doesn’t want to stress over it any.
August 16th - Remy comes to see Seth in jail.  Abbey and Riker show up at the house to see Effie.  While Abbey and Effie hang out in her room and catch up, Riker angers Clary and Kai by being there.  Effie gets weird texts that sound like a threat.  She asks Riker and Abbey to go with her to the compound on the full moon.  They agree to it but he’s not happy about it.
August 17th - Imogen finally approaches Quinton in the cafe.  He introduces himself and she gives him her phone number so they can hang out later.  Garrett plans on having a big full moon party while Sebastian and Jackson are gone.  Jackson gets a break in the case and comes up with a plan to get Seth out of jail.
August 18th - Clary decides it might be best for Remy’s sanity if Kai and Hazel go back to new Orleans.  Kai agrees and they leave in the morning.  Jackson tells Seth he will have a trial on the 22nd to get a proper sentence.
August 19th - Imogen checks in with Jackson and tells him about staying at her apartment instead of the compound.  She also tells him about Quinton.  Sebastian and Jackson talk and Sebastian assures him everything will be fine.
August 22nd - Seth has his trial where the judge concludes he is guilty but that he does not need to be locked up.  He is told to pay the Reed family 1.5 million dollars in damages and is let go on parole.  He has to wear an ankle monitor and if he shifts outside of the full moon for any reason, he’ll go to prison for five hundred years.  Effie tells Garrett Sebastian is on his way back to London.  Jackson stays behind to finish the paperwork and follow-up of the case.
August 23rd - Clary goes back home to New Orleans.  Imogen calls Jackson to see how things are going and learns the trial went well.  Jackson tells her he chose Sebastian and she quickly hangs up.  She calls Quinton to meet-up and they go on a friend-date around London.
August 24th - Remy decides to finally talk to Drake about what happened with their mom.  He gets annoyed, calling her a hypocrite, and goes back to his hotel room annoyed. 
August 26th - Effie surprises Garrett by showing up at the compound before the full moon.  Enzo locks them in his room with magic and Garrett shifts.  He ends up mauling Effie’s arm and jumping out the window to get away.  Effie manages to get back to Abbey and Riker’s hotel after drinking the vial of Seth’s blood she brought with her just in case.  She calls Seth to tell him what happened and Remy uses magic to teleport him there to check on her.  Riker and Abbey go to look for Garrett and are attacked by Enzo instead.  They manage to get away but Riker insists they leave for New Orleans as soon as possible.  He also suggests they get a place and she move in with him and she says yes.
August 27th - Abbey and Riker move to New Orleans.
August 29th - Garrett calls Effie and is surprised to find out she’s alive.  They both apologize for what happened and he tells her he loves her.  He then says they shouldn’t be around each other anymore because he’s afraid he might hurt her again.
August 31st - Lucy accidentally kills another kid because he threatens her family.  Rowan pretends to be a guy named Brandon and befriends Aurelia.
September 1st - Garrett goes to Ireland to talk to Effie face to face.  They make up and agree to move forward with their relationship.
September 2nd - Sam calls to check up on Remy and asks her if she’d be willing to take the baby if Bex dies.  She says she will but that she doesn’t like thinking about it.  Jackson gets a call that his mom has passed away.
September 5th - Drake and Wendy take a trip out to Dublin together.  He decides to check out Roman’s coven again since she’s given him permission to.
September 7th - Sebastian turns 976 years old.  Kai lures Rowan out and asks her to reverse what she did to Nicolette.  She says she will but only if he gets her a water bottle filled with original blood.  He agrees, even though Clary is very upset with him about it.  Sam and Bex talk about the baby and about how they’ve changed too much.  Bex decides to quit her job and get rid of her ‘no magic’ rule.  They plan a trip to Australia together to try and rekindle that flame they since have lost.
September 8th - Kai goes to Ireland to ask for Seth’s blood.  Neither Seth or Remy agree and Kai leaves empty handed.  He calls Clary to tell her he’s coming back but she tells him she won’t be there when he does.  Abbey and Riker pick out a house they want to move into and while there, they open up to each other.  After some making out in the house, they got back to their hotel and have sex for the first time.
September 9th - Abbey turns 20 years old.  Clary goes back to the house and sees Kai came back home and he apologizes for his behavior.  She forgives him and they turn to Riker for help in saving Nicolette.
September 10th - Clary and Kai meet up with Rowan and make her a deal.  She goes to fix Nicolette’s memories but accidentally erased them instead.  Rowan flees.  Nicolette then tells Clary and Kai that she faked it and is actually fine.  She leaves town shortly after to finally begin her life on her own.
September 12th - Drake goes back with Roman to his coven and talks to a woman named Emma.  She tells him he has no choice but to join them.  He reluctantly agrees to keep his family safe.
September 13th - Drake is officially accepted into the coven. 
September 14th - Rowan goes to Aurelia’s place and asks to stay for a couple days.  She agrees.  Sam and Bex go to Australia on a vacation and Sam finally officially proposes to her.  Bex says yes and they decide on naming the baby Sydney.  Later in the day, they find a chapel in town and officially tie the knot.
September 20th - Drake meets another witch named Ana.  He finds out Wendy is being held against her will and they plan a jail break.  Emma catches them and he decides to play nice instead.  Effie surprises Garrett by showing up in London.  He takes her to an underground fighting ring for supernaturals and she runs into a wolf named Vivienne.  Garrett then takes her to some castle ruins to explore.
September 21st - Abbey calls Kai and asks if he’d want to get lunch to catch up.  He says he will and they decide to make it a double date.
September 22nd - Abbey, Riker, Clary and Kai go out to lunch together.  Clary gets upset and jealous over how Riker and Abbey are acting and she blows up on Kai, even going so far as to suggest leaving him.  She changes her mind but they both part ways to think about their relationship.
September 23rd - Rowan accidentally gives Aurelia a love potion and decides to use it to his advantage.  Kai comes home and him and Clary talk about everything once again.  She apologizes for what she said and they decide to give it another shot.
September 24th - Wyatt rolls over for the first time.
September 25th - Lucy shifts for the first time.  Seth and her play together once he’s sure everything’s fine.
September 28th - Seth texts his brother to talk about the upcoming wedding.  They plan to get together and buy tuxes at some point.
October 1st - Imogen shows up in Jackson’s room and tells him they’re going out for a good time.  She takes him to the underground fighting ring and enters both of them into a fight.  He’s unsure at first but then decides to participate.  After the fight, they go for a walk and go back to her place.  She drugs him with wolf’s bane and tries to kill herself after marking him.  Sebastian shows up and calls paramedics to help her.  They manage to save her but Jackson is left shaken up.
October 2nd - Remy and Wendy celebrate their 25th birthdays.  Seth surprises Remy with a week long trip to Greece while Drake surprises Wendy with a birthday cupcake and necklace.
October 5th - Boyd tells Rowan about how Riker and Abbey are living in town.  Furious at the thought of him becoming domesticated, Rowan decides to change their plans a little.  She goes back to Aurelia’s apartment and asks for a vial of her blood.  The vampire agrees to it.
 October 7th - Remy and Seth get back from their Greece trip.  Effie finishes packing and getting ready for her move.  Kai, Clary and Hazel go to a pumpkin patch on a family day trip. 
October 8th - Nicolette calls Clary to check in on her. Sebastian calls Seth to tell him about what happened with Imogen and asks what he should do next.  Seth suggests Sebastian tell Jackson to choose once and for all. 
October 9th - Sebastian talks to Jackson and tells him to choose between him and Imogen.  He chooses Sebastian and asks to see her one last time.
October 11th - Rowan runs into Riker and tells him she’s planning one final game.  She goes to Boyd’s place later with the blood she got from Aurelia and they decide to go through with their plan.  To celebrate the future victory, they got out for a night of fun.  Meanwhile, Riker tells Abbey about what Rowan said but they try not to let it bother them.  Jackson goes to the hospital to see Imogen.  He tells her he can’t see her anymore.  She gets angry and yells at him to leave.  He goes back to the compound and has a mental break down over it.  Wendy visits Remy and Seth.
October 12th - Effie moves into her apartment in England.  Sebastian goes to check on Jackson to see how he’s doing.  He admits he’s mad at the alpha but that he knows it’s better for everyone this way.  Rowan and Boyd go to Riker and Abbey’s place like they planned.  They end up killing Abbey and turning her into a vampire.  Riker is badly hurt during the attack.  Kai comes over to help them. 
October 15th - Drake gets a visit from a cop named Noah.  He pretends to be Emma’s brother in order to get him to go away.  The cop buys his story for now but knows something’s going on.
October 19th - Clary goes to Ireland with Hazel for the wedding.  She and Remy have a Bachelorette party in town, drinking and dancing.  Drake tells Emma he’s going to Ireland for his sister’s wedding and that he’s taking Roman with him.  She makes him drink a potion that will slowly poison him unless he gets the cure from her when he comes back.
October 20th - Kai asks Aurelia to come watch Riker and Abbey while he goes to the wedding in Ireland.
October 21st - Seth and Remy get married!  Finally.
October 22nd - Seth takes Remy to South Korea for their honeymoon.
October 23rd - Sebastian watches the kids while Seth and Remy are on their honeymoon.  Jackson goes back to the compound for the full moon.
October 25th - Abbey finally leaves her library to go find Riker and talk to him.  She assumes he wants to leave her but he reassures her he doesn’t.  He tells her to look at the book he got her weeks prior to find the answers.  She goes back to the library and finds it.  Attached to the ribbon bookmark is a ring and he comes in later and officially proposes to her.  She says yes.
October 26th - Drake reluctantly goes back to the coven. 
October 27th - Clary, Kai, Sam, Bex, Drake, Roman, Wendy, Sebastian and Jackson all find themselves in Winchester Mansion.  They’re picked off one by one until Drake is the last man standing.  It’s later revealed that the whole thing was orchestrated by Noah and Ana to get information from him.  When Drake goes back to the coven, he tries to apologize to Roman for his behavior at the mansion but they get in a fight instead.  Wendy finds Drake later to make sure he’s alright and reveals she wasn’t at the mansion at all.  Someone was only pretending to be her.  Seth and Remy get matching triangle tattoos, with each side representing one of their kids.
October 29th - Abbey texts Effie to ask her a few questions about being a vampire but doesn’t tell her what happened.
October 30th - Seth and Remy return from their honeymoon.
October 31st - Clary and Kai take Hazel trick or treating.  Seth and Remy take Lucy and Wyatt out trick or treating in matching Star Wars costumes.  Vivi shows up at the hospital, pretending to be Imogen’s sister, and breaks her out.  They then go to the compound to find Jackson.  The voices and Vivi all tell Imogen to kill Jackson so she stabs his arm, much to his surprise.  Vivi stabs him in the neck right before Sebastian shows up.  Vivi and him shift into wolves and go outside to find while Imogen comforts a dying Jackson.  Sebastian wins the fight and Vivi runs away.  Imogen, assuming Jackson is dead, flees the compound before the alpha can return.  Sebastian manages to call an ambulance to get Jackson to a hospital.  Imogen runs to the cafe and waits until Quinton shows up.  He says she can stay with him in his dorm for as long as she needs to.
November 1st - Jackson wakes up in the hospital a little worse for wear.  He tells Sebastian he doesn’t care what happens to Imogen anymore.
November 2nd - Sam visits Riker and Abbey.  The boys go out to a local bar to have a few drinks and catch up on each others lives.
November 3rd - Sam calls Bex to check in and tells her about Abbey being turned.  Bex later calls Abbey to make sure everything’s alright.
November 5th - Clary meets Kai for a cafe lunch date.  Roman and Drake have a long chat and more or less make-up.  Roman tells Drake he needs to leave the coven and that he’ll distract Emma.  Drake leaves and stays in a hotel outside of Chicago for the night.
November 6th - Sam makes Abbey a daylight ring.  Drake texts Wendy to find out where she is and says he’ll meet her there.  He gets a mysterious call from someone (he assumes is Emma) telling him not to come back to the coven and that Roman is dead.  He goes back to see for himself and finds ‘Roman’ dead on the coven steps.  He finally snaps and attacks Emma, turning her into a key chain.  He then announces he is the new leader of the coven, much to everyone’s surprise.  He has Ana get rid of Roman’s body but she finds out it was actually her friend and not Roman at all.  Drake finds him in the basement and frees him before telling him Emma is gone.  Effie visits Jackson in the hospital and brings him comic books to read, much like she did when Sebastian was hurt.
November 8th - Drake calls Effie to tell him there might be a witch after her.  She calls Garrett to tell him and he and the pack go to the apartment to keep her company.
November 10th - Sam comes back home to find a sick Bex.  For safety reasons, he decides to check the future but nothing has changed.  Feeling upset and helpless, Sam does the unthinkable and sells his soul to the devil in order to protect them.  He goes back home and checks again, finding the future has now changed and everyone’s alive.  
November 11th - Seth turned 973 years old.  He spends the day with his family.  Roman asks Ana to look for the hit list but when she’s about to break into the office, Drake shows up.  He threatens her and shows her what happened to Emma.  Ana goes and tells Roman about it and he confronts Drake.  Drake burns the list and tells Roman to leave or else he’ll be next.
November 12th - Roman calls Seth to tell him about what’s happening with Drake.  He tells Remy and she calls him to scold him but he doesn’t listen.  Rowan and Boyd disguise themselves as babysitters so Remy and Seth will leave Wyatt with them.  They go to dinner and come back to the house a mess.  They’re able to track down Wyatt but the fey managed to take a couple vials of his blood and steal his voice temporarily.  Rowan and Boyd head to California. 
November 13th - Garrett invited Effie to his house for Thanksgiving to meet his family and she agrees.
November 21st - Effie and Garret go to Surrey to visit his family.  Effie hits it off with Anne, Olivia and especially Lydia but makes an enemy out of Marie.  Jackson tells Sebastian he should go to Ireland to be with Seth, Remy and the kids.  He invites the beta to join but Jackson decides to stay there and watch the compound.  Thomas surprises Clary by showing up for Thanksgiving.  He tells her about how he’s officially adopting in December.
November 22nd - Drake and Wendy visit Remy and Seth for Thanksgiving.  They play a game of Never Have I Ever while Seth fights with making dinner.  Effie has a nice visit with Garrett’s family and manages to keep away from Marie.
November 23rd - Effie goes to London to spend the full moon at the compound with Jackson.  Sam starts to hear things in the dark.
November 26th - Clary takes Hazel to look at day cares.
November 28th - Clary calls Riker to ask if he’ll help her get Kai a Christmas gift.  He reluctantly agrees.  Drake goes back to Salem and makes up with Roman.
November 29th - Clary and Riker go out together to get Kai’s gift.
December 1st - Rowan and Boyd disguise themselves and show up at Sam and Bex’s house.  They drug them with fairy wine and talk them into sleeping with them.  Drake decides to let Emma go but warns her not to try anything or he’ll kill her next time.
December 2nd - Bex and Sam wake up the morning after their night with Rowan and Boyd.  Sam’s disgusted by it but not as affected as Bex is.  They get in a big fight and angrily keep away from each other.  Sam calls Remy and tells her about what they did and also tells her about him selling his soul to keep Bex and Sydney safe.  She warns him things could go very badly for him and they plan to do something when the time comes.
December 3rd - Effie calls Seth to talk to him about mortality and getting engaged.
December 6th - Effie asks Garrett to marry him and he says yes.
December 7th - Jackson sees Emma at the compound.  He talks to her for a little bit and accidentally mentions how Garrett is living with Effie. 
December 8th - Clary and Kai take Hazel to get their Christmas tree.
December 9th - Bex calls Abbey and tells her about what happened with Rowan and Boyd and about how Sam sold his soul.  Abbey tells her they’ll look into finding a solution to save him.
December 10th - Abbey tells Riker about Sam selling his soul.  Sebastian talks to Jackson about Emma being there.  Jackson tells him she needs to leave and they get in a fight about it.  Sebastian finally agrees she should go and puts her up in a hotel somewhere, but she’s not too happy about it.
December 15th - Wendy calls Drake and asks him to come help her with something in Paris.  He gets there and finds out the vampires that raised her are back.  He manages to save her but not kill them.  Wendy is pissed about it but he tells her he won’t ill anyone anymore.  She goes back with him to the coven for safe keeping. 
December 16th - Clary and Kai take Hazel to see Santa.
December 21st - Effie and Garrett surprise Seth, Remy, Lucy and Wyatt by showing up a few days early for Christmas.  They tell Seth and Remy about the engagement and while shocked, they approve of it. 
December 22nd - Emma goes to Effie and Garrett’s apartment and leaves something for them to find later.
December 23rd - Clary, Kai, Hazel, Riker and Abbey go to the New Orleans winter festival together.  They ice skate, look at lights, see Santa and do other activities together without any fighting.  When they get back home, Riker surprises Abbey by giving her her Christmas gift early.  A scarf, hat and glove set with tickets to New York for New Years.
December 25th - Kai gives Clary a bracelet and key for Christmas.  The key belongs to a building down town that she can do whatever with.  Clary decides to turn it into a cafe once the new year comes.
December 26th - Riker calls Rowan and tells her to meet him in Texas.  He tries to trick her into selling her soul in exchange for Sam’s but it backfires and he accidentally sells his soul instead.  He calls Sam to ask if Bex’s future has changed and tells him about what happened.  Sam later tells Bex about what Riker did and tries to see into the future but is unable to.  Riker goes home and tells Abbey about it who isn’t very happy.  They catch their flight for New York and while at the airport, Abbey calls Effie and leaves her a voicemail to ask for a favor.  Drake (using Roman’s blueprints) starts construction on the coven building. 
December 27th - Effie and Garrett get back from their Ireland trip.  Garrett starts to hear something strange and it begins to drive him mad.  Eventually, he’s forced to shift and turns into a berzerker wolf.  Effie manages to get away and calls her dad.  Seth calls Sebastian and they both head to her apartment.  They tell her they might have to kill him which upsets her.  When they’re not paying attention, Effie goes into the woods to find Garrett.  Sebastian tells Seth that it’s his fault this happened because he was still talking to Emma.  Seth gets pissed at his brother yet again but decides to handle it later.  Effie finds Garrett and starts to talk to him and get through to him but Seth shows up and shoots him.  Effie gets mad at her dad and storms off.  Sebastian and Seth manage to get Garrett back to the compound and lock him up.  Meanwhile, Remy goes to the coven to get Wendy for help.  They destroy the thing that caused Garrett to go crazy in the first place.  Effie goes to the compound to see Garrett and starts to talk to him.  Eventually she gets him to not be hostile to her and she goes into his cage to stay with him until he’s better.  Wendy asks Remy for help to get rid of the vampires since Drake didn’t.  Remy agrees to do it.  Drake gets a call from Emma telling him she’s stopping by for a visit.  She shows up at the front door but he doesn’t let her in.  Remy calls Drake and tells him Emma did it.  He takes out his anger on Emma after hearing what she did to Effie and Garrett by killing her in a man’s basement.  Bex calls Rowan and tells her she wants to do a trade to save Riker.  Rowan tells her she’ll get back to her after she’s thought about it.
December 28th - Jackson and Sebastian track down Emma’s uncle and take him back to the compound with them.  Sebastian then leaves and doesn’t come back for a while.  Jackson tells Remy about Nathan being in Garrett’s old room and she kills him.  She later calls Drake and both confirm the witches are dead.  Remy goes to find Seth to tell him but he’s too upset about Sebastian to care much.  He comes up with a theory that Garrett and his wolf self switches places.
December 29th - Garrett is still stuck as a wolf and starts to get antsy in the basement.  He asks Effie to let him out and she makes him a deal to stay put.  He immediately runs away which pisses her off.  Seth tells her that he thinks it’s not actually Garrett and is actually the wolf inside him.  She chases him down and yells at him before starts crying about how she wants Garrett back.  The wolf sympathies with her and lets Garrett come back.  Effie and Garrett go home so he can rest for a couple days.
December 31st - Abbey and Riker celebrate New Year’s Eve in New York city.  Aurelia shows up at Clary’s house and tells her she wants to go on a skiing trip.  Clary agrees to it and promises to spend more time together in the new year.  Clary gets a call from Nicolette saying she’s in town and wants to get lunch together.
January 1st - Clary calls Thomas to wish him a happy new year but he’s cynical and rude to her.  Clary and Hazel meet up with Nicolette later for lunch and have a nice visit.
January 2nd - Abbey and Riker get back from their trip to New York.  She tells him she has a plan to get Rowan and Boyd to trade their souls for him and Bex but Riker doesn’t want her to go.  She uses his true name against him to get information then leaves.  Abbey calls Effie to ask for her help and then calls Boyd to command him to come to New Orleans with Rowan.  Boyd is pissed but manages to tell Rowan about what’s going on.  She decides it’ll be fun to see what Abbey has planned.  Effie leaves Frank in charge of watching Garrett while she goes to New Orleans. 
January 3rd - Effie meets up with Abbey and they go to a nearby park to prepare everything for the soul switch.  Boyd and Rowan show up and pretend to be controlled by the two vampires before turning it around on them.  Effie and Abbey manage to get the upper hand still and both fey trade themselves.  Boyd and Rowan leave but Rowan comes up with an idea to turn themselves into demon.  Abbey goes home and tells Riker what they did and that he’s safe now. 
January 4th - A group of wolves show up at Seth and Remy’s house seeking revenge for Seth killing their pack mate.  They kidnap Remy and torture her by taking her daylight ring off and burning her with the sun.  Lucy and Wyatt manage to hide and call Seth.  He comes home to find the house in shambles and calls Sam to come watch the kids while he gets Remy back.  He finds where they’re keeping her and kills them but gets shot in the process.  Seth and Remy go back home beat-up but alive.  Sam stays for a while to help take care of the kids until they’re feeling better.  Riker calls Sam to tell him that he and Bex are safe.  Sam goes back home a few hours later and tells Bex everything’s alright.  Sebastian comes home after vanishing for a while.  He tells Jackson he’s fine and that he has plans for the compound.
January 5th - A man named Brant shows up at Kai’s bar asking for a job.  He says he knew Damian and Kai decides to hire him.
January 6th - While walking home after his shift, Brant runs into Aurelia.  They begin talking and while she seems to like him, she’s cautious due to past events. 
January 7th - Imogen comes to the compound to see how Jackson’s doing.  She lets it slip that she has multiple personalities and that they’re slowly taking over control.  Clary asks Kai if he wouldn’t mind her and Aurelia going out of town for the weekend on a sister trip and he agrees it would be a fun idea.
January 8th - Remy’s aunt shows up at their house for a visit. 
January 9th - Aslyn goes to Garrett and Effie’s place to check up on him.  He’s in good spirits but bored and missing Effie.  They play a game and end up getting too drunk together.  They start making out which leads to more but at the last minute Garrett stops himself, saying it isn’t right.  They awkwardly part ways.  Aurelia goes to the bar and finds Brant working.  He asks her to dinner and she agrees to it.  After his shift ends, they go to an Indian restaurant where he reveals he knew her dad.
January 10th - Effie comes home after her visit with Abbey.  Garrett is happy to see her but nervous to tell her what happened with Aslyn.  He tells her and expects the worst but Effie reassures him she’s okay even though she’s not.
January 11th - Drake gets a call from Remy wishing him a happy birthday.  While on the phone, he tells her he’s worried about Wendy since he hasn’t heard from her in a while.  He decides to do a locator spell to find where she is.
January 11th - 13th - Clary and Aurelia go on their sister weekend to Colorado to ski.
January 13th - Bex’s water breaks in the evening and Sam rushes her to the hospital.
January 14th - Sydney Melody Crane is born.  Asyln goes to talk to Jackson about what happened with Garrett.  He tells her as bad as it was, they’d forgive her because she’s like family.  Effie calls Abbey to tell her she’s not okay with what Garrett did and Abbey suggests she talk to him about it, even if it seems scary.  Effie goes home later and opens up to Garrett about how she really feels.
January 15th - Drake uses a locator spell and finds Wendy is in Paris.  He teleports there and finds the coven of vampires is keeping her hostage.  He tells Remy he needs her help to rescue her.  They get Jackson, Kai and Riker to join their party to save Wendy.  Riker disguises himself as the vampire leader (Alex) while Remy pretends to be Wendy.  They get in and manage to find Wendy and get her to safety while Jackson, Kai and Drake kill the coven members.  Drake leaves Alex for dead and they all go back to Chicago.  Everyone calls their significant others to tell them they’re safe.  Sebastian is angry about Jackson going without telling him.  Kai comes home with Riker and Clary tells Riker that she still hates him but it’s okay if he wants to hang out with Kai more.
January 18th - Clary goes to the bar to spy on Brant.  Effie goes to the house to talk to Garrett some more about what happened.  They end up getting in a big fight and angrily leaving.
January 19th - Boyd gets the idea to go visit Bex and Sam for one last adventure.  Rowan reluctantly agrees.  Sam and Bex bring Sydney home but not even an hour later, Boyd and Rowan show up.  They threaten to kill Sydney if Bex doesn’t do what they saw.  Rowan tries to rape her but Sam manages to get the upper hand at the last minute.  He kills Rowan and Boyd runs off.  The ordeal leaves Bex broken and upset.  Effie shows up at Seth and Remy’s house late at night after her fight with Garrett.  She finally tells Seth about what happened and he tells her everything is going to be okay.  Drake and Wendy go on a brother-sister shopping trip together.  When they get back home, Wendy uses a spell to bring Drake’s memories back of her.
January 20th - Effie calls Garrett and they both apologize for what happened.
January 21st - Abbey shows Riker a picture of Sydney and after a little bit of bedroom talk they decide to go exploring the city.  Jackson and Aslyn go out on the full moon together.  Garrett goes out on his own but blacks out during it. 
January 22nd - Effie comes back to the house and finds Garrett covered in blood.  They apologize again about the fight and promise to do better.  He tells her about how he blacked out and she uses compulsion to try and figure out what happened.  She ends up bringing out his wolf side though and they discover there are two Garretts.
January 23rd - Rowan shows up in Boyd’s hotel as a demon.  She tells him he belongs to her and that she has a plan to get a new vessel.  They head to New Orleans.  RIker calls Sam and they talk about Bex, Sydney and Abbey.
January 24th - Bex contemplates leaving and not coming back.  Sam and her have a serious talk about what she’s been going through and while she feels a little better, she’s still very upset about everything that happened.
January 25th - Noah goes to the coven building with enough evidence to finally arrest Drake.  He calls Jackson to be his lawyer and the wolf goes to Chicago to handle it but isn’t confident he can do anything.  Jackson tells Remy what happened and she tries not to panic.  Wendy on the other hand is a complete mess about it.  Auri shows up at the bar to ask Brant if he’d like to hang out.  They go on a ghost tour but end it early so they can walk around instead.  Brant tells her they should take a risk and get married so they go to the court house and make it official.
January 26th - Sebastian promotes Aslyn to pack Omega.  Wendy shows up at Jackson’s hotel room and demands he get Drake out of jail or she’ll break him out herself.
January 27th - Sebastian calls to check on Jackson and he tells him he’s feeling a lot of pressure about the Drake case.  Clary celebrates her birthday with Kai, Hazel and Aurelia.
January 28th - Rowan and Boyd track down Nicolette in New Orleans.  Rowan possesses her body and they decide to take advantage of her while they can.  Effie stops by the compound to see the guys and confront Aslyn about what happened.
January 29th - Sebastian shows up in Ireland to spend some time with Seth and his family.  It turns out it’s not Sebastian though and it’s actually a hired assassin pretending to be him.  He knocks out Seth and disguises himself like him.  Seth wakes up in a cage with Immy saying she planned it all.  He gets away and makes it back to the house but by then everything’s a mess.  Remy is stabbed to death, Lucy is poisoned, Effie has wolf venom injected into her.  He manages to save them but feels like a failure.  Effie calls Garrett and he rushes out there to comfort her.  After everyone’s calmed down, Seth tells Remy he got them a house in new Zealand and that they can stay there for a couple days to regroup.
February 1st - Rowan (as Nicolette) meets up with Kai and tells him he should be with her after all.  He storms off after the conversation, finding it weird she’d be talking about that stuff with him.  After he leaves, Boyd disguises himself as Kai and they ‘accidentally’ call Clary.  They have the same talk but ‘Kai’ admits he thinks about being with Nicolette after all.  Kai goes home after work to find a very upset Clary.  They end up screaming at each other and split up to cool down.  They make-up but aren’t sure how to feel.  Kai leaves to stay at the bar while Hazel stays with Auri.
February 2nd - Rowan (still as Nicolette) calls Abbey to meet up.  She agrees and they go to a cafe together.  After talking for a little while, Rowan takes her into a bathroom and switches bodies with her.  She snaps Nicolette’s neck to leave her there then heads back to Abbey and Riker’s place with Boyd following close behind.  When she gets there, she pretends to be Abbey and stabs Riker twice with an iron knife.  She says she never loved him and had only been faking the whole time.  Riker manages to get out to Kai and Clary’s house.  Clary dresses his wounds and insists it wasn’t Abbey who did it.  Brant goes to the bar and sees Kai staying the night.  He gives him advice on how to fix things with Clary.
February 3rd - Jackson calls Wendy and they meet up to try and find Emma’s body.  Once they find it, Wendy uses her magic to turn a pile of trash into a body so they can make it look like they’re the ones who killed Emma and not Drake.  They go back to the hotel and play a few ‘get to know me better’ games before getting the call.  Jackson goes down to the police station and Noah tells him Drake is free to go.  He goes back to the hotel is reunited with Wendy.
February 6th - Seth takes Remy and the kids to the summer house in New Zealand to stay for a couple days.  Garrett turns into his wolf to play with Effie and Wyatt but Seth mistakes this as a threat.  Effie manages to talk them both down.  Garrett and Effie go for a walk on the beach and have sex in the water while Seth shows Remy, Lucy and Wyatt around.
February 7th - Thomas moves back to New Orleans with Paisley.  Clary stays the night with him.  Brant goes to the bar and sees Kai there.  He tells Kai he needs to apologize and make it up to Clary if he wants to fix things with her.  He also tells Kai about him and Auri getting married.
February 8th - Nicolette calls Clary and tells her that Boyd and his friend possessed her and now have Abbey. 
February 9th - Clary goes to the bar to apologize to Kai.  She tells him about Boyd and his friend possessing Nicolette.  Kai forgives Clary but says they still need to work on things.  Clary ends up leaving New Orleans while Kai angrily goes home.  Rowan and Boyd finally part ways.  Rowan gets an angry phone call from Riker who says he’ll hunt her down for as long as it takes.
February 10th - Rowan goes to the compound in London and runs into Aslyn.  The wolf suspects something’s wrong and calls Sebastian to come back immediately.  He does and tricks Rowan into revealing herself.  Jackson comes back and calls Effie to tell her what’s going on.  Effie tells him to tell Riker so he does and the fey goes to the compound since he was already in London looking for her.  He tells Rowan to take his body in exchange for Abbey and she agrees.  Sebastian uses Riker’s true name to get Rowan to obey them but they still have no idea how to get her out of him.  Aslyn brings Abbey a couple blood bags, they talk and become friends.
February 11th - Clary comes home after spending some time in London.  She apologizes to Kai again and they try to work on their relationship some more.  Kai tells her about Aurelia and Brant getting married.  Abbey goes to check on Riker and Rowan taunts her for it.
February 12th - Clary goes to Aurelia’s apartment to talk to her about her marriage with Brant.  Auri admits they did in fact get married and Clary bites her tongue and congratulates her sister instead.  Boyd goes to Effie and Garrett’s apartment, trashes the place and waits for them to come home.
February 13th - Effie and Garrett go back to the apartment and find Boyd.  He attacks Garrett which gets the wolf to come out.  He goes to bite Boyd but the fey pushes Effie in the way and she gets bit instead.  Garrett calls Sebastian and he rushes out to help them.  Effie is saved but badly hurt.  She later calls Abbey to make sure she’s alright.  After Abbey gets off the phone with Effie, she thinks she finds a way to save Riker.  She calls up Boyd, pretends to be Rowan and asks him to meet her in town.  Once they meet up, she takes him to the compound and orders him to obey her.  She pulls Rowan out of Riker’s body and binds her to Boyd instead.  Boyd gets away and after talking to Rowan, they decide to go to California to find a cure.
February 16th - Riker wakes up covered in blood but it’s not his.  Abbey asks him what happened but he can’t remember.  He tells her it’s probably nothing and won’t happen again.
February 18th - Effie starts job hunting.  Abbey and Riker go back home.
February 19th - Garrett and Effie go out on the full moon together.
February 20th - A mysterious girl appears at Seth and Remy’s house late at night.  Remy catches her and she insists she’s not a threat and that she only is there to take Wyatt’s baby blanket.  Remy reluctantly gives it to her before falling asleep.  Rowan and Boyd make it to California.
February 21st - Remy tells Seth about their late night visitor and they use a locator spell to track the girl down.  She tells Remy her name is Hazel and she’s from the future.  Remy helps her get back home but she and Seth have a fight because of it.  They later make-up and she tells him enough of what she knows without ruining anything.
February 23rd - Boyd goes to Sam and Bex’s apartment, pretending to be a cursed boy, to try and get their help to get Rowan out of him.  Sam helps Boyd and seals Rowan inside a stuffed rabbit.
February 25th - Aurelia gets a letter from an old cult member.  Brant tells her it’s nothing to worry about and they celebrate a month of marriage.
March 1st - Jackson asks Sebastian to marry him and he says yes.  Effie calls Seth asking about side effects to werewolf bites.
March 3rd - Effie tells Garrett she hasn’t been feeling too well and shows him the wolf bite that hasn’t healed properly.  They worry her body has become immune to the cure and call Seth to come out to help.  Riker wakes up in the middle of the night but he isn’t himself.  He tells Abbey he wants to play a game.  She doesn’t want to be he forces her to anyway.  She locks herself in the bathroom but he catches up to her.  He reveals he’s not quite Riker and is actually a part of the demon still inside him.  He tells her he plans to stick around before giving Riker his body back.  Abbey tells Riker what happened and he leaves to get some air.  While he’s gone, he calls Sam to tell him what’s going on.
March 4th - Seth shows up at Effie’s apartment and gives her some of his blood but instead of cure her, it makes things worse.  Effie starts to say her goodbyes but instead of dying, she shifts into a wolf.  Seth and Garrett manage to talk her down and she turns back in a panic.  They realize she’s now a vampire and werewolf hybrid.
March 5th - Thomas, Clary, Kai, Auri, Brant and the girls celebrate Mardi Gras.  Boyd goes to the compound in London and knocks Aslyn out so he can transfer Rowan into her body.  They decide to get back at her for what she did to them.  Boyd fucks her hard in an alley and then they head to Effie and Garrett’s to mess with him.  Rowan is surprised to see Effie there and despite her attempts to flirt with Garrett, he doesn’t take the bait.  She tells him the pack doesn’t want him around anymore because he’s dating Effie.  He accidentally tells her that Effie is a hybrid now and Rowan goes back to find Boyd, fairly pissed her plans didn’t work how she wanted them to. 
March 6th - Garrett texts Sebastian to ask him about what Aslyn said and Sebastian assures him it’s false.  Sebastian texts Aslyn and demands and explanation but she ignores him.  Effie goes out to test her new abilities and see which ones work and which ones don’t.  Jackson goes to Effie and Garrett’s place and tells them Aslyn must be possessed.  They split up to look for her and Effie’s the one able to do it with the help of her new nose.  Aslyn is able to push Rowan out of her body while Garrett, Sebastian and Jackson capture Boyd.  They take the demon and the fey back to the compound to imprison them while Aslyn stays at Effie and Garrett’s for a little while.
March 9th - A young vampire named Aerin runs into Clary in the quarter and asks for money.  Clary decides to take her to the bar to get a bite of eat but when Aerin sees Kai she freaks out, recognizing him as one of the people who slaughtered everyone in the coven.  Clary gets her to calm down and after talking for a little bit, she asks Aerin to stay with them for a little while.  The young vampire accepts the offer.  Jackson tells Aslyn about him and Sebastian getting engaged and she congratulates him.  Sebastian tells Seth about the engagement also and while less enthusiastic, he also congratulates him.  Remy does a spell to try and see into the future while Seth is still away.
March 10th - Sam calls Riker and tells him he has an idea on how to get the demon essence out of him but it involves putting Rowan back inside him.  Seth returns home and has no idea about what Remy did while he was gone.  She eventually tells him and while he’s a little disappointed, he tells her he’s okay with it.
March 11th - Sam goes to Riker and Abbey’s house to fix things with him.  He wakes up the demon inside Riker and they go to London to find Rowan.  He manages to get her to go inside him and pulls her back out which seems to cure him.  Abbey, meanwhile, goes to visit Bex.  After spending a few hours in London, Sam and Riker go back to California.  Riker finally meets Sydney.  Riker also lets it slip he has kids but that he doesn’t know anything about them.
March 13th - Aslyn finally opens up to Jackson about what happened when Rowan was inside her body.  She also reveals to him she’s pregnant with Boyd’s child.  He assures her everything will be alright and that the pack will be with her every step of the way.
March 14th - Kate shows up at the coven and demands Drake tell her where Wendy is.  He refuses and she threatens to take him instead.  Wendy overhears and goes into the room to confront her aunt.  Kate tries to kill Drake so Wendy snaps her neck in a panic.  Drake suggests they try to bring her back since they can’t involve Remy.  They manage to do it and it freaks Kate out enough to leave them alone for the time being.  Lydia shows up at Effie and Garrett’s place for a short visit.  Effie tells her about being a hybrid.
March 15th - Jackson tells Sebastian about Aslyn being pregnant.  He also tells Sebastian he would like to adopt the baby.  Aurelia surprises Brant with a week long trip for the two of them to get away from New Orleans for a bit.  Remy tells Seth she doesn’t want him going anywhere for the day because in her vision, he vanished.  He tells her he’ll stay inside but when he senses something strange, he goes out to investigate.  Someone knocks him out and when he wakes up, he’s in a coven chamber.  Nicolette and another woman are there and the woman calling the shots uses a spell to wipe him from existence.  They go to the house and steal Wyatt, despite Remy’s best efforts to protect him. 
March 16th - After a sleepless night, Remy is visited by Hazel again from the future who tells her everything has changed.  In a panic, Remy goes to look for Wyatt while Hazel stays behind to watch Lucy.  Remy finds where the witches are keeping him and makes a deal with the woman to get Seth back.  She agrees and brings him back only to have him shift to a wolf and slaughter the whole coven.  Remy absorbs the magic from the dead witches so she can have her magic working again.  Once they know it’s safe, they go back home and tell Hazel everything should be back to normal.  Lucy tells Seth she feels like him and Remy are too distant now and they promise to be better.  Using some of Wyatt and Remy’s magic, Hazel goes back to her own time.  Sebastian calls Seth and tells him about Aslyn and his plans to adopt the child with Jackson.  Meanwhile, back in New Orleans, Hazel turns two years old and Clary hires Aerin to work at the cafe with her.
March 18th - Kai uses the wish amulet Clary gave him to wish that they wouldn’t have to worry about losing Hazel.  Noah shows up at the compound to take Boyd and Rowan away.  He tells Jackson to assemble anyone who might want to testify against them so they’re locked away for a long time.  Jackson tells Aslyn and she starts making phone calls. 
March 21st - Effie and Garrett go out during the full moon together.  Clary calls Remy to ask her about Effie and how she knew she wanted to adopt her, thinking she might want to do the same with Aerin.
March 22nd - Aerin goes into town by herself and is unable to control herself.  She kills a cat and someone from her past shows up to try and take her back.  She gets away and run back to the house in a panic. 
March 23rd - Lucy has her sleepover like Seth promised.  Riker talks more about his past to Abbey. 
March 24th - Aerin tells Clary about what happened with the woman.  Clary tells Kai later about what Aerin told her.
March 28th - Kai tells Aerin she needs to leave because he thinks she’s dangerous.  Clary finds out and yells at him about it.  She storms off to go look for Aerin and finds her at the edge of town.  She tells her she’s sorry for Kai’s behavior and they get a hotel together until they can figure out what to do.  Clary asks Aerin about the woman and Aerin informs her that Alex isn’t dead.  Clary calls Kai to warn him and Kai calls Drake to do the same.  A woman named Loraine shows up to be Noah’s new partner.  She is later revealed to be Piper Riler’s older sister.  
March 29th - Drake tells Wendy Alex isn’t dead yet and promises to find a way to fix everything.  Riker and Kai go out to Paris to see if Alex is dead or not.  When they can’t find his remains, it confirms what they feared and he is still alive after all.  Kai calls Drake to tell him and he asks Kai to bring him something of Alex’s so he can do a tracking spell to find where he is.
March 30th - Kai and Riker go to Salem to talk to Drake and give him the stuff to track Alex but he’s not there so they leave it then go back to New Orleans.  Drake goes to Kate’s house to talk to her about Alex.  She tells him she was the witch working with him the whole time and reveals she has a house full of vampire children.  He tells her how to make a witch hybrid in exchange for Alex not targeting his family.  He leaves, disgusted, and goes back to Salem to tell Wendy what happened.  Drake calls Kai and warns him that Alex is probably in new Orleans and wants Aerin back.  Meanwhile, a young boy attacks Clary at the hotel in an attempt to get Aerin back.  Kai shows up sometime later and they leave the city to keep Aerin safe.  In the car, they call Drake and he does a locator spell to find that Alex is actually in Chicago.  They get a hotel for the night and Kai comes up with a plan to trick Alex in exchange for Aerin.  Clary says they have to kill him to make sure Aerin stays safe and Kai agrees. 
March 31st - Roman and Wendy try to take the pressure off Drake by going to find Alex themselves.
April 1st - Roman comes back to the coven, frantic and saying how they messed up.  Drake asks him what happened and he says Alex attacked them.  He also tells him Wendy is dying.  Drake goes to the lobby and talks to Wendy right before she dies.  He takes her back to his room and does the spell to bring her back in exchange for his own life.  While he’s dead, he sees his mom and talks to her about everything.  She says she’s sorry and that she forgives him.  His dad appears and tells Drake he’s proud of him.  He also sees Charlie, who is the spitting image of her mom.  Hayley brings Drake back to life but both Roman and Wendy are pretty shaken up over it.  Drake tells Wendy about what he saw then goes to apologize to Roman for scaring him again.  While he does that, Clary, Kai and Aerin show up.  They tell Wendy about their plan to kill Alex but she insists it won’t work.  Despite that, she gives Clary some of her magic and they go to find him at an abandoned theater.  Clary is able to trick him and while he’s distracted, Kai stabs him with a wooden stake.  They set him on fire to make sure he’s really gone this time and head home but Kai is feeling the affects of what they did.
April 2nd - Loraine gets an anonymous call (from Wendy) that there is a house of vampire children in Salem.  Noah and Lor go there and question Kate about everything but she doesn’t tell them anything.  Noah goes upstairs and kills all the kids and Lor puts a bullet through Kate’s head.  They leave and call a clean-up crew to take care of the mess.
April 3rd - Drake and Roman go to Kate’s house to ask her some things about Alex but they are attacked by an unknown figure.  They realize it’s Kate, who is now a newborn vampire.  They also find out the kids are all dead.  Drake feels bad for her and decides they can’t leave her.  As the police start coming, they escape out the back and take her to the coven building.  Drake tells Wendy about what happened and she insists they kill her.  Drake doesn’t want to do that though and instead locks her up in one of the rooms.
April 4th - Kenna shows up at the compound and runs into Garrett.  She tries to get information out of him about the pack but he doesn’t tell her much.  She tells him she’s part of a new pack and will be seeing them soon.  He goes to Sebastian and informs him Kenna is back and they should be on the look out.  After he’s done talking to him, Garrett goes to check on Aslyn.  Nicolette shows up at Riker and Abbey’s door and insists they go out for lunch.  Abbey is hesitant at first but then agrees to it.
April 5th - Kai finally tells Clary what’s been bothering him the past couple days.  They’re able to talk about all of it and feel, for once, they’re getting better about communicating with each other.  Back in London, Loraine goes to talk to Rowan to see if she’s the fey she’s looking for.  Rowan says she’s not but tells her where to find Riker.  In exchange for the information, Lor agrees to help get Boyd and Rowan out of jail.  Drake finally calls Remy and tells her about what’s been going on.  This upsets Remy but Seth is able to talk her down.  They decide to go to the New Zealand house for a couple of days to regroup and Seth suggests stopping by her mom’s grave along the way. 
April 6th - Loraine is getting ready to go to New Orleans to find Riker when they get a call about Kate missing from the crime scene.  Noah and Lor go back to Salem to try and find her.  They are able to track Drake’s magical signature at the house and get some fingerprints to who else might have been with him.  Lor insists Noah should handle this case while she takes care of the one in London.  He agrees.  They get to Chicago and arrest Drake.  Wendy starts mouthing off and confesses she was the one who was actually there.  They arrest both the Wright’s and take them in for questioning.  Roman tries to call Seth but he and the others are on a plane so it goes straight to voicemail.  Drake doesn’t say anything to Noah but Wendy sticks to her story that she was the one who let Kate get away.  Lor injects her with a truth serum and Wendy tells her what actually happened.  Drake makes his one phone call to Roman to make sure he’s alright but he’s not.  Roman took Kate from the compound and is on the run trying to figure out what to do.  Drake insists everything will be fine but is unaware Noah drugged his water with truth serum also.  He tells him what happened with Kate along with the truth of what he did to Emma.  Noah arrests Drake for her murder then goes to talk to Wendy.  She tells him that she hid Emma’s body and should be arrested also.  She accidentally lets it slip that Jackson helped her and Noah send more cops to arrest him.  Wendy is able to call Jackson to warn him the cops are on the way.  He tells Sebastian and Aslyn about it and Sebastian swears they’ll find a way to get him out.
April 7th - Loraine heads to New Orleans to track down Riker.   She finds him and shoots him in the leg.  She tells him to go with her or she’ll kill Abbey.  She takes him to Abbey’s parents old house and reveals she bought it after her sister died and has been planning her revenge for the past year.  She shoots him again and then tortures him by removing the bullets with an iron set of tongs.  She then injects him with iron to make him pass out.  Back at the house, Abbey comes home and sees the blood.  She is unable to find Riker and starts to panic.  She calls Kai and tells him what happened and he comes out to the house to help look for him.  He calls Sam to ask for help and the witch insists they wait at least a day to see if Riker comes back on his own.  Noah talks to Jackson about what happened and Jackson admits he did it but that Wendy was only going along with his plan.  He tells Noah he will be their attorney for their trial but he’s not very confident about it.
April 8th - Loraine tortures Riker some more then leaves him to his own demons.  When Sam finds out Riker still isn’t back, he tells Bex and she says the three of them should go out that way.  Sam teleports ahead while Bex and Sydney take a plane.  They find out Riker is being held at Abbey’s parent’s old house and she assumes it has something to do with Piper.  They get there and Sam waits around back while Abbey and Kai go inside.  They find Riker and set him free right before Lor shows up again.  She shoots Kai in the shoulder a few times but he manages to stab her hands to pin her against the wall.  He then forces her to drink his blood and threatens to turn her if she tries anything again.  They are able to bring Riker back to the house but everyone is a little worse for wear.  Abbey is having a hard time with her control, Kai is seeing red again and Riker is half dead.  Sam manages to heal him enough but isn’t sure his leg will make it.  Abbey tells Kai she wants to kill Loraine for doing this to him and he insists she shouldn’t because it’ll change things.  Bex and Sydney show up and try to help Riker some more but they’re pretty sure Riker won’t walk right again.
April 9th - Clary and Aerin decide to have a sleepover while Kai is still gone and invite Auri to join.
April 10th - Clary texts Kai trying to find out where he is or when he’ll be back home but he doesn’t give an exact answer.
April 11th - Kai comes home and while things go back to normal, Clary knows something isn’t right.
April 16th - Lorraine goes back to the London office and lets Boyd and Rowan out in exchange for helping her get rid of Kai.  She temporarily lets Rowan possess her body while Boyd suggests they head to Effie and Garrett’s place for some fun.  Rowan, Boyd and Lorraine show up at Garrett and Effie’s apartment in the middle of the night/early morning.  Rowan possesses Garrett and Lor leaves them to handle things on their own.  Rowan and Boyd plan to torture Effie but she’s able to get the wolf to come out and push Rowan out of Garrett’s body.  Rowan goes into Boyd and they both get away.  Garrett comes back and apologizes for not being able to help Effie more.  Wendy and Jackson talk about what they’re going to do to stay out of jail.  Wendy comes up with an idea to get Jackson out and Jackson has a plan to get her and Drake out.  They part ways feeling confident about how it’ll work out.
April 17th - Garrett texts Sebastian to warn him Boyd and Rowan are out of jail.  Effie texts Abbey to ask her if there’s a way to track fey.  Abbey says Bex can do a locator spell to find Boyd.  Bex and Abbey teleport to London to meet up with Effie.  Garrett says it’s a bad idea but they go anyway.  The girls find Boyd and think they have him caught but he is able to get the upper-hand.  He leaves Effie for dead then takes Abbey and Bex to a nearby abandoned building.  Rowan possesses Bex while Abbey is stuck under Boyd’s control.  When Effie wakes up, she calls Garrett and he goes to find her.  They find the building and plan to rescue the others.  Boyd and Rowan put a ring of fire around Abbey and threaten to burn her but Effie shows up and demands Rowan put the fire out.  When she refuses, Effie slices Boyd’s neck and kills him.  Then she stabs Rowan (as Bex still) in the stomach to get her out.  Rowan leaves but Bex is in bad shape.  Garrett tells Effie to go get help before she bleeds to death.    Bex gets a couple staples but is otherwise fine.  Sam leaves Sydney with Riker while he teleports to London to check on Bex.  Aslyn has her first doctor’s appointment.  After it’s over, Sebastian tells her Boyd and Rowan are out.  He promises that everything will be alright.
April 18th - Noah tells Jackson their trial will be held on the 30th of April.  Jackson says that’ll work fine.  Noah also mentioned how Boyd and Rowan escaped.  Jackson suggests Lorraine might have had something to do with it and Noah rushes off to investigate.  Jackson calls Sebastian to warn him about Boyd and Rowan but the alpha is already aware.  He also tells Sebastian his plan on how to get out of jail.  Garrett comes home but is still weird about what happened.  After talking things out, Effie decides she doesn’t want to wait much longer and they decide to have a July wedding.  Abbey goes back home to New Orleans to make sure Riker and Sydney are alright.  Riker asks her what she thinks about them having kids and she says they probably shouldn’t because it’s unsafe.  He agrees but is fairly upset about it.
April 19th - Sebastian texts Seth to tell him about Jackson’s plan to get them out.  Seth tells Remy about Drake and Wendy being arrested and says he’s sorry for keeping it from her.  She’s not mad though and understands why he did.
April 20th - A woman named Claire shows up at the jail to talk to Jackson.  She tells him she can get him out if he helps her with information regarding Rowan and Boyd.  He agrees and tells her what he knows then catches a plane back to London where he’s reunited with Aslyn, Sebastian and the pack.  Noah confronts Loraine about Rowan and Boyd escaping.  She brushed him off but Claire shows up to take over her case.  Thomas surprises Clary with a visit.
April 21st - Kai finally opens up about what’s been bothering him.  Clary apologizes and together they promise to do better.
April 22nd - Claire talks to Drake in jail.  She tells her she’s a supernatural assassin and that she’d been after Emma also.  She lets him know him and Wendy will be able to go home after the trial and that Roman and Jackson are already out.  He’s skeptical but goes along with it.
April 24th - Clary surprises Kai with a fun date to the NOLA Motorway Park to try and make up for all the stuff she’s done lately.  Jackson tells Asyln about how he was arrested and that Boyd’s dead but might come back as a demon also.
April 27th - Boyd comes back to see Rowan and tells her he’s a Hell Hound now.  They decide to have some fun in Ireland for a bit.  Rowan possesses a little girl and goes to Remy and Seth’s house to talk to Lucy.  Her and Boyd convince Lucy that her parents don’t actually like her and they trick her into doing pranks on them.  Lucy puts tacks on Seth’s chair and calls Wyatt names which results in them grounding her. 
April 28th - Boyd and Rowan come back the next day and give Lucy some silver dust to put in Seth’s food.  She puts it in a cupcake and gives it to him to apologize for the night before.  Seth is poisoned from it and blacks out.  Lucy takes Remy’s daylight ring then brings Wyatt outside to Rowan and Boyd.  Rowan tells Lucy to use a rock and break Wyatt’s arm but Lucy refuses.  Hazel from the future shows up to stop them.  Lucy gives Remy her daylight right again and Remy confronts the little girl, not realizing it’s Rowan.  Boyd possessed Remy and they decide to go to the compound to cause trouble.  Lucy apologizes to her dad and Hazel gives him a potion to help get rid of the silver in his body.  Seth has Lucy call Sebastian and he comes to Ireland to look for Remy.  When he finds out they’re going to the compound, Hazel teleports them there so he can stop them.  Rowan possesses Kenna who is a willing participant.  Boyd, as Remy, shows up but Jackson knows it’s him.  He turns to a wolf and scares him out of her just as Sebastian shows up.  Boyd vanishes to look for Aslyn while Hazel goes after Rowan.  Sebastian goes to look for Hazel and finds Rowan has her.  He offers himself in exchange for Hazel and Rowan accepts.  Rowan and Kenna decide to go to Cairo to lay low for a bit and find a way to make the possession permanent.  They then come up with the plan to get Kenna pregnant with Sebastian’s baby as a way to get back at him.  Remy sends Hazel back to the future then her and Jackson try to track Rowan down but aren’t able to get to the airport before they leave.  Jackson calls Claire to ask for her help and she agrees to meet them in Cairo to find Kenna and Rowan.  Effie goes to Ireland to check on everyone there while Garrett goes to the compound to help.  Remy, Jackson and Claire track down where Rowan and Kenna are.  Rowan agrees to go with them and let Sebastian go if they leave Kenna alone.  They reluctantly agree and Rowan does what she says.  Jackson, Remy and Sebastian head back home but he‘s not himself.  Effie and Seth decide to draw Lucy a hundred ways she’s special to them in an attempt to cheer her up.  Abbey goes to visit her parents grave and decides she doesn’t want to keep playing things safe.  Remy goes back to Ireland for a couple days before going to Chicago.
April 29th - Roman visits Drake and tells him about Kate suing the police for what they did.  He also tells her she’s living in a hotel not far from there.  Jackson checks on Sebastian who isn’t quite himself.  They end up spending the day in Kingston together.  Sebastian lets it slip that Rowan was trying to get Kenna pregnant with his child. 
April 30th - Drake and Wendy have their trial and are set free like Claire said they would be.  Remy shows up and Drake and her have a small fight before patching things up again.  Claire talks to Rowan about demon things.  She tries to get her to summon Boyd but it doesn’t seem to work. 
May 1st - Remy and Seth talk about being positive despite all the things happening.  Seth tells Remy about the wedding and Remy tells Seth she’s pregnant.  He faints and tells him it was just a joke but that the spell is still in affect so they do need to be more careful just in case.  Boyd breaks Rowan out of her cell.  She finds a guy to possess and they go back to the hotel where Kenna is.  Boyd leaves when Rowan and Kenna start having sex and they plan on where to go next.  They decide to go to New York to lay low for a while.
May 2nd - Claire calls Jackson and tells him Rowan got away again.  He tells her about Rowan’s plan to get Kenna pregnant and Claire promises to find them.
May 3rd - Clary and Aerin finish the cafe and plan on the grand opening.  Garrett goes to Ireland to visit Effie and Lucy.  He manages to cheer Lucy up.  Seth and Remy decide it would be fun to go on a day trip to Silgo with everyone.
May 6th - Auri and Brant find a nice plantation home they decide to move into.  Riker and Abbey go for a walk around the Quarter just to get out of the house for a bit.  Riker suggests they go on a trip and Abbey picks Japan. 
May 7th - Aerin meets a girl named Zoey who turns out to be a young vampire like herself.  Zoey takes her to a vampire bar for a fresh meal before giving her her phone number and leaving.  Aerin goes home, excited to tell Clary about her new friend, but Clary is wary of the friendship.  After Aerin goes to her room, Clary tells Kai about what happened and he says he’ll talk to her about it.  He goes back to work and Clary does her house chores but Boyd ends up sneaking in the back and taking Hazel hostage.  Kai comes home and Boyd lets Hazel go before possessing the vampire.  Clary manages to get Kai to take over again but they’re not sure how long it’ll last.  They drop Hazel and Aerin off with Auri then go to talk to Nicolette about what to do.  She is able to seal Boyd but not remove him.  They call Remy who says she can’t help right now so they try Wendy instead.  Wendy gets Boyd out of Kai and puts wards around the house so they’ll be safe from demons.  Sebastian destroys Aslyn’s surprise banner and Jackson tells her about how he’s not himself.  They decide the best thing to do is lock the alpha up until they can find a witch to fix him.
May 10th - Jackson calls Drake to see if he has any ideas on how to help Sebastian.  He says he doesn’t but tells him to call Sam.  He tries to call Sam but it goes to voicemail.  
May 13th - Abbey tells Riker she doesn’t want other people to make decisions for their life and that she wants to have a baby with him after all.  They decide to talk about it more after their trip.  They go to Japan later that afternoon.
May 14th - Jackson finally gets ahold of Sam who says he can help but only if they have Rowan too.  Jackson tells Claire and they are able to track Kenna by using her phone, in hopes that the demon is with her.  They don’t find Rowan but Jackson takes Kenna back to the compound.  Sam comes out and is able to put Kenna’s soul in Sebastian’s body temporarily to pull out the last of Rowan’s influence.  Sebastian is cured and while him and Jackson go back upstairs to rest, Rowan shows up and frees Kenna.  Kenna goes back to New York and finds Rowan again.  They decide to stay in the city for a while and have a good time.  Aslyn goes to check on Kenna and finds out she escaped again.  Jackson gets pissed about it and goes off on her.  She goes off on him also and after getting everything out, they both apologize to one another.  Aslyn then tells him she has the gender results for the baby so they go to Sebastian’s room to read them.  Jackson announces they’re having a boy and the pack celebrates the good news.
May 15th - Boyd shows up to visit Loraine.  He tells her his plan failed but he’d try again later.  She’s annoyed by the news but says she’ll keep Claire off his trail so long as he does his job.
May 16th - Aerin sneaks out of the house to go hang out with Zoey at the vampire club for a little while.  When she comes back home, Clary catches her and grounds her.  Sebastian texts Seth to tell him they’re having a baby boy.  A vampire girl named Andy shows up at Kai’s bar and interrogates Brant.  She claims they know each other but he says he doesn’t remember.
May 17th - Bex goes to take the trash out after Sam and Sydney are asleep and goes missing.
May 18th - Sam wakes up and finds Bex missing.  He calls Abbey and Riker for help but they’re still in Japan so the calls go straight to voicemail.  He calls Remy instead and she comes out to the house to watch Sydney.  He uses a locator spell and find Bex at some human warehouse.  They meet a woman named Sarah who is wearing Bex’s face but they leave before getting any real answers.  Remy calls Seth to tell him about it later and he brings up urban legends of shapeshifters.  After looking into Bex’s memories, Remy and Sam come to the conclusion there might be more truth to that theory then they realize.  
May 20th - Kenna takes a pregnancy test and the results are positive.  Rowan tells her to get rid of it but after seeing how upset Kenna is about it, she changes her mind and says she can keep it so long as she agrees to still give it up after it’s born.  
May 21st - Ana shows up in Chicago having no memory of how she got there or what happened.  Roman tells her she can stay with them.  Meanwhile, a man who looks exactly like Kai shows up in New Orleans.  Imogen moves back to London after an incident during the full moon; and Bellamy ends up in Ireland after hearing about the shapeshifter rumor.  She goes to Seth’s house to ask him about what he knows and he tells her everything even though he still doesn’t trust her.  After she leaves and Remy comes home, Seth tells her about Bellamy visiting.  She says she doesn’t want her around again but Seth tries to give the hunter the benefit of the doubt.
May 23rd - Boyd goes to the bar looking for a way to get at Kai and Clary.  He possesses Brant when he finds out he’s married to Clary’s sister.  Aerin texts Zoey to tell her she’s grounded and Zoey decides to come over for a secret sleepover.
May 24th - Boyd (as Brant) texts Clary to ask him to meet up with her in town.  She does and while she buys his act at first, Brant manages to push Boyd out of his body.  He marks Boyd with strange demon seal that will suppress his powers before he manages to get away.  Brant and Clary go back to Aurelia’s apartment and tell her what happened.  After some talking, Auri and Clary are able to make amends with one another.  Meanwhile, Boyd goes back to New York and finds Rowan.  He tells her about what happens and she suggests to find a witch to reverse it.  Kenna says behind while Rowan and Boyd go to California to find Sam.  Sam gets the jump on them though and their plan fails miserably.  Sam manages to get stabbed before the two demons flee.  They get in a big fight and Rowan goes back to New York on her own, leaving Boyd to deal with the mark on his own.
May 25th - Abbey texts Kai to ask if he’ll meet her for lunch.  When he gets there, she tells him about the wedding and about her and Riker planning to have a baby.  He’s unsure how to feel at first but is happy for her.  She then asks if he can help her with her control and he says he’d gladly help.  Meanwhile working at the cafe, Clary comes across a man named Christian who looks exactly like Kai.  She calls Kai to come out to get to the bottom of it.
May 26th - Bellamy stops by Sam’s place for a visit.  She confirms the shapeshifter rumor and tells him she’ll handle it.
May 28th - Everyone visits Seth and Remy to celebrate Wyatt’s first birthday.  After a talk with Bex, Garrett begins to doubt his capability to take care of Effie.  He promises when they get back to Kingston he’ll start looking for a job.  Brant tells Aurelia that he killed her father years ago.  Auri is upset about the news but refuses to let it ruin their marriage. 
May 30th - Kai finds Nicolette and tells her about Christian.  Later, Nicolette goes to the house to talk to Clary about the mysterious clone.  She explains that they think her old coven are the ones responsible for creating him.  She says that her half brother is still part of that coven but that they relocated to Chicago.  She then lets it slip that Roman is her half brother.  Nicolette meets up with Abbey later for lunch and brings up that she died while carrying Riker’s child.
May 31st - Rowan and Kenna end up having a fight which prompts Rowan to go visit Riker to ask him about his relationship with Abbey.  Meanwhile, Kenna contacts Jackson to come to New York and finish her off because there’s nothing left for her.
June 1st - Jackson shows up at the hotel early that morning with a gun to get rid of Kenna.  Rowan shows up in time to knock him out and save her.  She apologizes for her behavior and tells Kenna they need to leave.  Kenna picks up Jackson’s gun and asks if she should kill him but can’t do it.  She gives the gun to Rowan and the demon puts a bullet through Jackson’s head.  Kenna is terrified by this but leaves with Rowan to go to Germany anyway.  Hours later, Garrett sees a report on the news about a man being murdered in New York.  The photo of the victim looks like Jackson so he calls Sebastian to tell him.  Sebastian goes out to New York to prove it’s not Jackson but finds it actually is.  He calls Seth and he teleports out there to be with his brother.  Seth calls Remy and asks if she can try to bring Jackson back.  Remy, Wendy and Drake are able to heal Jackson and revive him but he’s not quite the same. 
June 2nd - Kenna and Rowan arrive in Germany.  Rowan tries to leave Kenna, saying she’d be better off without her there but Kenna refuses to let her go.  Sam meets a guy named Logan who apparently knows about the shapeshifters.  Brant gets another visit from Andy who threatens Auri.  He text Auri about it later, warning her to be careful.
June 3rd - Bellamy texts Sam to tell him she’s taken care of Sarah.  He tells her about his encounter with Logan.  She says his name sounds familiar but she can’t quite place it.  Boyd shows up in Germany after realizing the bind Brant put on him is only temporary.  He decides to stay with her and Kenna in laying low but they go in town to mess with people anyway.  Aslyn summons Rowan and finds out she’s the one that killed Jackson.  Aslyn tries to attack Rowan but the demon gets the upper hand and almost kills her instead.  Later that evening, Aslyn tells Garrett she wants his help in finding a way to get rid of Rowan but after doing research they’re unable to find an answer.  Kai goes to Clary and tells him he wants to frame Christian so Loraine will target him, solving two of their problems.  Clary doesn’t like the idea though and asks him to reconsider.  He reluctantly does.
June 4th - Jackson tells Sebastian he wants to step down as beta and have Aslyn take his place.  Sebastian refuses to go along with it and promises they’ll get him better.  Brant gets another visit from Andy.  She tells him she killed Auri and gives him a box with her fingers inside.  He rushed to Auri’s apartment and finds her daylight ring and Max lying on the ground dead.  He goes out to the house and finds Auri inside.  He gives her back her daylight ring before she’s burned by the sun and tells her about Max.  Once she’s safe, he goes back to his apartment to find Andy and kills her.  He sets fire to the apartment to get rid of her body then goes back to the house.  He apologizes to Auri but she tells him that she’s the real reason Andy was after them. 
June 5th - Sebastian asks Remy if there’s any way she can help Jackson get back to normal.  Wendy goes to the compound instead and tries to fix Jackson’s memories but it back fires.  She calls Sam for advice then tries again.  This time it looks like it worked and he’s back to normal but something still isn’t right.  Auri goes to Clary’s house for a little while to talk to her about what happened with Andy.
June 6th - The Wright’s celebrate Lucy’s 9th birthday by going to Dublin for the day.
June 9th - Clary calls Drake to tell him about the coven, Christian, Nicolette and Roman.  When he goes to talk to Roman about it, he admits it’s all true.  Feeling disgusted, Drake breaks up with him and goes to Paris to stay with Wendy.  Roman tells the coven members to leave which makes them upset.  They snap his neck and leave Ana alone with the body.  She calls Drake and both he and Wendy go back to try and revive Roman but are unsuccessful. 
June 10th - Effie and Garrett celebrate his birthday together and plan the wedding for June 22nd.  Abbey runs into Christian for the first time.  He tries to convince her to go on a hunt with him, but she’s no interested.
June 11th - Effie goes to visit Jackson at the compound.  Wendy calls Seth to tell him about what happened to Roman.  Seth tells Remy and she goes to Paris to check on her brother.  She does and the three Wright siblings hang out for a while. 
June 14th - Sam gets a visit from Hudson.
June 15th - Loraine goes to New Orleans to talk to Nicolette.  Since it leads to a dead end, she decides to stop by and check on Riker.  She threatens to kill him but he isn’t afraid of her and she leaves without doing much damage.  Christian bumps into her on the street later and she thinks he could be the key to getting rid of Kai.  They come up with a plan to have him switch places with Kai.
June 16th - Riker tells Abbey that Loraine came to the house.  He tells her she broke a few of Abbey's figurines but didn't do anything else.  Abbey insists they need to get rid of the woman but Riker tries to talk her out of it.
June 17th - The London pack gets ready to go out for the full moon but Jackson doesn’t feel right.  He finds he’s unable to shift and is worried what it might mean. 
June 18th - Sebastian finds Jackson the next morning and asks him where he was the night before.  Jackson says he stayed at the compound to keep watch.  They talk about the baby and decide on the name Jace.  Drake goes back to Chicago for Roman’s funeral and meets Nicolette.  Him and Ana have a hard time saying goodbye to Roman but know it’s their last chance.  After it’s over, they head to California to move on with their lives.  Remy goes back home and after a serious discussion, Seth and her agree to not live in fear anymore. 
June 23rd - Garrett goes job hunting but has no luck landing one.  He runs into a vampire who says he knows a way he can get money and even though he’s skeptical, Garrett takes his card to think it over anyway.  Christian and Loraine go through with their plan and capture Kai.  Christian pretends to be him and Loraine makes a bet with Kai that if Clary figures it out, she’ll let him go, but if she doesn’t, then she’ll kill him.  He agrees to the terms and they watch on a set of monitors to see what happens.  Hazel knows right away Christian isn’t Kai and soon Clary figures it out too.  She sends the kids to bed then uses a knife to hold Christian down to try and get answers about where Kai is.  Loraine lets Kai go like she promised and he rushes home.  When he gets there, Clary becomes distract and Christian takes the knife from her.  He stabs her in the chest then goes and slits Aerin’s throat.  Kai manages to snap his neck and tie him up while Clary tends to Aerin.  Once everyone is alright, they talk about what to do with the look-a-like.  Kai calls Abbey to warn her Loraine might be on her way to them.  Loraine shows up at the house and tries to kill Riker again.  He turns into Piper to spook her.  It’s enough of a distract for him to take her gun but she uses his name to command him into killing himself.  Abbey steps in and cancels out the command but Loraine orders him to kill her instead.  Having no choice, Abbey takes the gun and shoots Loraine dead.  Once they’ve calmed down, Abbey uses Riker’s real name to try and make it so he never has to obey it again but he freaks out on her and demands she not do it.  She removes the command but it leaves them both out of sorts.  Later that night, Aerin wakes up from a bad dream and Clary comforts her.
June 24th - Garrett calls the number and sets up an appointment.
June 26th - While Kenna is on a walk, Boyd talks to Rowan about how things are weird between them now.  She admits she had feelings for him and the two end up sleeping together but nothing changes.  
June 28th - Garrett goes to his appointment and goes through the study.  He blacks out when they ask him to shift for them but things seem fine.  They pay him and he goes back home to celebrate.  He tells Effie he paid for their rent in advance and got the honeymoon figured out.  She’s skeptical but goes along with it as to not rain on his parade.  A witch named Mias talks to Thomas after one of his shows.
June 29th - Effie calls her dad to ask him about Garrett’s new job.  Abbey goes to London for a couple of days to talk to Effie.  Effie asks her to be her maid of honor, which she gladly accepts.  Drake and Sam talk about Roman and Drake gets a tattoo of his name on his shoulder.  
July 6th - Drake calls Noah to ask him about possibly joining the supernatural police force.  Noah says he’ll put in a good word for him and that they’ll talk more when he gets back to Chicago.
July 7th - Abbey goes home after being in London for a while and apologizes for their fight.  Kenna and Rowan decide on going to Iceland next and Boyd says he’ll continue to tag along.  Remy suggests they go on a trip to Hawaii.
July 8th - Clary and Kai talk about adopting Aerin.  Jackson surprises Aslyn with a baby shower/thank you party for all her hard work.  While Sam is babysitting Sydney, she suddenly goes missing.  Him and Bex track her to a park and they realize she teleported herself there by accident.  Sam suggests they seal her magic to keep her from doing something like that again but Bex isn’t too sure about it.
July 9th - Garrett finally tells Effie what his ‘new job’ is but she isn’t too happy about it.  She calls Seth later to talk to him about it and he agrees it’s not anything good.  He tells her to keep an eye open in case something does go wrong.
July 10th - Effie sneaks around while Garrett is in the shower and gets the number for the lab from his phone.
July 11th - Effie calls the lab and sets up an appointment to go in.
July 12th - Malachi comes back from the dead and possesses Seth in the middle of the night.  He snaps Remy’s neck then heads back to Ashbourne.
July 13th -  Remy wakes up in the morning and calls Drake.  He goes to her house and they find where Seth is.  They go to Ashbourne and Remy tries to convince her sire to let Seth go.  He says he will so long as Remy finds him a new body and promises to stay with him like before.  Drake calls Sam and they are able to knock Seth out to subdue Malachi.  Sam pulls him out of Seth’s body and puts him in his old daylight ring.  They leave town and are able to seal it so no one can go in and out ever again.  Meanwhile, Effie goes to the lab for her appointment.  She accidentally lets it slip that she’s a hybrid and they decide to keep her as a lab rat.  She’s able to talk to one guy who convinces Garrett to go there.  Effie and Garrett are able to escape and blow up the lab before heading back to the apartment to celebrate Effie’s nineteenth birthday properly.
July 14th - Clary texts her sister and Thomas to tell them to come stay with them at the house since things are getting crazy in the storm. 
July 15h - Bellamy shows up at Sam’s place but he’s not there.  She runs into Drake instead and they decide to hunt down the shapeshifters together.
July 16th - Jackson stays in during the full moon again since he’s unable to shift.  Garrett goes out to get Effie and him some pre-run food.  While he’s out, Marie shows up and tries to kill Effie.  Effie shifts and defends herself which gets Marie to leave.  Garrett comes back, pretty upset his sister tried to kill his fiance.
July 17th - While Riker and Abbey are out, a vampire woman breaks into their home and steals one of Riker’s shirts.
July 18th - Abbey and Riker talk about having their wedding in Japan, sometime during the winter.
July 21st - Abbey and Riker fly out to London.  Abbey and Effie have a relaxing spa day kind of Bachelorette party while Riker hangs out with Garrett and the pack.  
July 22nd - Effie and Garrett get married.  Seth suggests Remy stay a couple days to help Jackson and Sebastian get Jace’s baby room set up.
July 23rd - Effie and Garrett go on their honeymoon to Santorini.  Riker tells Abbey he wants to be able to move forward with her and he asks her to use his real name to make it so he doesn’t have to obey any commands ever again.  
July 24th - Boyd suggests they go to Ireland to mess with Seth like old times.  Rowan agrees to go while Kenna says she’ll stay behind.  Kenna and Rowan end up fucking in the hotel hallways.  When they’re finished, Rowan tells Kenna she loves her by accident but doesn’t take it back.  Neither of them have any idea Boyd heard the whole thing.  On the way to the airport, he tells Rowan he heard them and admits he loves her and that after they’re done in Ireland, he’ll leave her and Kenna alone.  Rowan gets pissed about his confession, unsure of what to feel about anything anymore.  They go to the house and make Seth have nightmares about his family dying over and over again.  After they’re finished, they go their separate ways.  Remy helps Jackson set up Jace’s room and he tells her about not being able to shift.  She digs into his memories and thinks she fixes him.  To test it out, Jackson suggests she feed on him.  She does and they both almost lose control but are able to stop in time.
July 25th - Remy goes back home and finds Seth a mess.  It takes her a while, but she’s able to talk him back to normal, though he’s still haunted by the nightmares. 
July 26th - Boyd shows up at the compound and tries to kill Aslyn.  Jackson is able to distract him long enough before shooting him between the eyes.  Aslyn is okay and they talk about Jace and the adoption but the topic upsets her.  Noah and Drake meet up.  Noah tells him he’s enlisted in the police academy and that it’ll take six months to complete.
July 27th - Kenna asks Rowan about what happened and Rowan tells her about Boyd confessing.  She says she doesn’t regret being with the wolf and they decide not to let it bother them.  Kenna comes up with an idea to haunt everyone and Rowan helps set it up.
July 28th - Kenna manages to do a spell that makes it so anyone with unfinished business can come back for 24 hours.  Emma shows up at Drake’s place.  Piper and Loraine go after Riker and Abbey.  Damien comes back and taunts Kai, which leaves him in a bad head space, though Clary is able to talk him down.  Landon and Helena show up at the house in Ireland.  They’re able to kill them once but they come right back.  Seth freezes and the kids almost die because of it.  They’re able to make them leave but Remy is shaken pretty bad by it.  She tells Seth they can’t move forward in that house and that she wants to move.
July 29th - Remy takes the kids to New Zealand for a couple days while Seth stays behind in Ireland.
July 30th - Jackson tells Sebastian he feels guilty about the baby stuff and suggests they don’t take him after all.  He says he feels bad for Aslyn and doesn’t want her to leave because it’s too much for her.  Sebastian gets upset and says he’ll raise Jace all alone if Jackson doesn’t want to and that he should take to the omega about it.  Jackson goes to talk to Aslyn and she insists yet again she’s fine.  She says if he doesn’t take the baby then she’ll leave because it’ll be like he lied to her.  He apologizes and says he’ll take Jace after all.  Before he leaves her room, he feels the baby kick.  He then goes to apologize to Sebastian and they decide to try and be better to one another for the baby’s sake.  
July 31st - Remy and the kids come home early from their trip and find the house stripped.  She calls Seth and he comes to meet them.  He says he bought them a new house in Riverstown and takes them to see it.  They all agree they love it and start to settle in.  Boyd shows up at Abbey and Riker’s house and tells Abbey about Kenna being brainwashed by Rowan.  Despite knowing it might be a trick, Abbey goes with him to Germany to help rescue Kenna.  Boyd distracts Rowan in another room while Abbey tries to get Kenna to go with her.  The werewolf threatens her but Abbey is able to use compulsion to get away.  Rowan finds out Boyd was distracting her and is pissed about it.  Kenna snaps Abbey’s neck in the hotel lobby while Rowan bashes Boyd’s head in and tells him to leave them alone.  Rowan and Kenna decide to leave Germany and head to California next.  Rowan texts Riker to tell him where Abbey is and he shows up to take her home.  Drake officially starts his police training.
August 2nd - Kenna and Rowan go to California and decide to mess with Sam and Bex.  Kenna distracts Sam while Rowan goes to the house and tortures Bex.  She stabs her in the leg then carves the word ‘Slut’ into her chest.  She also carves an ‘S’ on Sydney’s arm before leaving.  Sam comes home, finds them and helps clean up.  Even though they heal the wounds enough and hide them, Bex is still shaken up over the ordeal.  Rowan brings up the idea that Kenna should keep the baby afterall and they can raise it to be a terror.
August 4th - Effie tells Garrett she thinks she found a house she wants to get.  Garrett says it seems a bit big but that he’ll be find living there if that’s what she wants.  They decide to take a look at it together and decide then.  Clary’s brother, Oliver, shows up at the cafe and makes amends with her.  She’s happy to see him again and suggests he stay with them at the house for a while.  Aerin asks Zoey about her parents some more and Zoey admits she lied and that she actually doesn’t have parents.
August 5th - Bellamy texts Drake about the shape shifters.  He ditches his police academy training to go help her.  Bex calls Seth to ask about advice on the situation her and Sam are going through.  He tells her to just talk to Sam about it but to know they’re there if she ever needs anything.  Bex goes and apologizes to Sam for shutting herself off and he forgives her.  They both agree to not let what happened stop them from living their lives.
August 6th - Seth and Remy decide to do a pregnancy test.  The results come back as positive and they’re excited to add another member to their family.  They share the news with their friends and family and Effie also tells them that her and Garrett are planning to get a house soon.
August 10th - While on the beach, Rowan runs into Wendy and finds out she’s Remy’s twin sister.  She flirts with her for a bit and they meet up later that evening while Kenna goes to the hospital for a check up.  She finds out she’s having a girl.  Rowan goes to Wendy’s hotel with her and tries to sleep with her but the witch changes her mind.  Rowan rapes her and films it then leaves her.  Wendy calls Jackson for help.
August 11th - Jackson flies out to California and with Wendy’s help, they catch Kenna and Rowan and take them back to the compound.  Rowan is sealed in a small box while Kenna is locked in a cell.  Wendy calls her brother and tells him what happened and he goes to the compound to be with her.  Jackson and Drake look into finding a demon hunter.
August 12th - Jackson gives Kenna her lunch and she chokes on it.  He opens her cell and saves her but she gets the better of him and gets out.  She makes a deal with Rowan in order to get her unsealed.  Rowan goes in Kenna’s body to try and get away but Aslyn stops her.  Rowan leaves Kenna while Kenna is recaptured.  Jackson, Sebastian and Aslyn make the hard decision to kill Kenna and the baby.  Drake finds where a demon hunter is and Aslyn gets in contact with Brant.  Rowan finds a new vessel and Boyd offers to help her save Kenna.  When they get to the compound, Rowan takes control of Reed’s body instead.  Sebastian and Jackson manage to snap Kenna’s neck and kill both her and the baby which upsets Rowan.  She retaliates by slashing Reed’s neck and killing him.  Sebastian calls Seth to tell him what’s going on and to warn him Rowan is on the loose and possibly very pissed still about what happened.  Jackson breaks the news to Aslyn that Reed is dead.  Drake comes back from New Orleans with Brant and sees Reed dead.  Him and Wendy manage to bring him back to life but it makes Drake wonder why he couldn’t do the same to Roman.  Sebastian talks to Jackson afterward and tells him he wants Jackson to take his place as alpha.  Jackson is reluctant at first but he eventually accepts the offer. 
August 13th - Rowan finds Kenna in Hell and they come up with a plan to get back at the compound for what they did.
August 14th - Rowan and Kenna go back to the compound to get revenge on the pack but find they can’t get in because there’s a barrier.  They start setting the building on fire and when Drake goes to help put it out, Rowan possesses him.  She uses his magic to take down the barrier and once inside they start to kill wolves.  They break Sebastian’s legs and try to kill Aslyn but Wendy manages to stop them.  Boyd and a new demon named Elijah show up to help wreck things.  Brant puts a seal on Kenna and manages to use a spell to get them to leave but they take Wendy with them.  Jackson makes sure everyone is alright then he calls Remy to tell her the news.  Remy tells Seth and he goes out there to help.  The demons find a house in London and kill the family so they can take over.  Elijah rapes Wendy in the basement then Rowan does the same while in Drake’s body.  Kenna films the whole thing on Drake’s phone.  Rowan and Kenna go back upstairs and leave the two of them a mess.  Rowan suggests Elijah go to New Orleans and he agrees to do so.  Jackson, Brant and Seth show up and Kenna shows them what she filmed.  Rowan possesses Seth and Boyd tries to possess Jackson but Brant manages to exorcise them back to Hell.  Kenna and Elijah get away while Seth and Jackson are knocked out.  Brant goes to find Wendy and Drake and take them back to the compound but Wendy doesn’t want to.  He takes her to his home in New Orleans instead.  Bex and Sam joke about Sam being a psychic.  Rowan and Boyd wake up in Hell and try to get back but find their unable to do so.
August 15th - Elijah shows up at Riker and Abbey’s house and does a number on them.  Abbey begs him to leave them alone and he says he will if she turns Riker into a vampire.  She refuses at first but then tries just so he’ll go away.  He kills Riker but he does manage to come back as a vampire.  Elijah leaves while Riker and Abbey try to figure out where to go from there.  Kenna shows up in Hell once her mark wears off and Rowan tells her she’s stuck there.  They decide it won’t slow them down and Kenna plans to get revenge and find a way to bring Rowan back.  Rowan tells her if she manages to do so, then they’ll get married.  Brant let’s the pack know Wendy is safe with him in New Orleans.
August 16th - Jackson tells Aslyn about how Sebastian wants him to be the new alpha.  He struggles with the decision as he watches over the pack and begins to repair the compound.  Remy goes to Brant’s house in New Orleans to see how Wendy is doing.  Wendy is about to jump from the roof but Brant and Remy talk her out of it.  Remy takes Wendy back to her house in Ireland so she can recover there.  Auri comes home and Brant tells her about all the crazy stuff that’s been happening.
August 17th - Garrett gets a job working at Petriti’s.  Clary and Kai celebrate Aerin’s birthday and plan to take a trip to Spain to see a live soccer game.  Remy calls her brother to check on him but it pushes him over the edge.  Feeling overwhelmed with guilt, Drake decides to kill himself.  He goes to the coven building and takes a bottle of pills and falls asleep.  Remy finds him and rushes him to the hospital but they’re not sure if he’ll live or not.  While in limbo, Drake sees Roman.  He begs to stay there with him but Roman tells him he needs to go back.  Drake apologizes for everything and Roman tells him he forgives him.  Drake goes back to his body and apologizes to Remy for what he did. 
August 18th - Remy calls Sam to ask for his help to see if Wendy is pregnant or not.  He looked into the future and tells Wendy she is pregnant and that she has a little girl.  Wendy is overwhelmed by the news but is willing to give it a chance.  She texts Drake later to tell him and supports her decision even though he’s still unsure about it.  Sam also looks into the future with Remy and finds out his prediction was right and that she’s having twins.  Elijah shows up at Sam and Bex’s house later.  He stabs Bex, carves the rest of the words ‘slut’ into Sydney’s arm and makes sexual advances on Sam before leaving.  
August 19th - Abbey texts Kai to ask him to help her look for Riker since he still hasn’t come home.  They find him at one of the old houses he use to go to and he admits he wasn’t going to go back because he keeps hurting Abbey.  Abbey doesn’t like his answer and asks him to come back home.
August 20th - Brant and Oliver try to get to know each other better.  Effie comes home and suggests they have a relaxing night.  Garrett gets suspicious though and realizes it’s Kenna possessing Effie’s body.  He tries to get her out but it doesn’t work.  She calls Seth in tears and he thinks Garrett’s snapped.  He saves her from him but then discovers it is Kenna after all.  He tries to fight her but it doesn’t work.  He offers to trade himself for Effie and Kenna agrees to do it.  They go to California to convince Sam to bring Rowan back.  Effie tells Remy and Remy warns Sam though so when they show up, he’s able to seal Kenna inside one of Sydney’s toys.  Seth goes home and apologizes for being reckless.  
August 21st - Drake goes back to the police academy and apologizes to Noah for disappearing for so long.  Garrett and Effie are reunited and Effie tells him she’s pregnant.  After getting over the initial shock, they decide it’s great news and head back home.  On the way, Garrett gets a call from Lydia saying Marie’s gone missing.  Effie and Garrett go to her apartment to check it out and notice it has the same scent as the supernatural facility.  They follow it and find another lab.  Garrett goes on ahead but while he’s gone, someone sneaks up on Effie and knocks her out.  When she wakes up, she’s in a room with Marie.  Marie explains how she’s tried to get out and hasn’t been successful.  She starts to warm up to Effie and they end up escaping when two of the scientists come in to do tests.  They barricade themselves in one of the rooms and Effie escapes out the window, promising to go back for Marie.  She finds Garrett and he tells her to stay put, the pack is on their way.  A few minutes later, Garrett’s family pack shows up and breaks in.  Lydia finds Effie and the two of them go to save Marie.  On their way out, a guard shows up and shoots Lydia.  They get the gun from him but Lydia is badly hurt.  Marie goes to get help and Effie does her best to keep her awake.  She tells Lydia about the baby right before she dies in her arms.  
August 22nd - Bex decides she doesn’t want to be in the apartment with Kenna there, so her and Sydney go to Ireland to stay with Seth and Remy until Sam gets rid of the demon.
August 24th - Kenna gets out of her seal and goes back to Hell to rest with Rowan for a while.
August 25th - Riker calls Clary to come over.  She does and finds out he’s a vampire.  She tries to give him advice on what he should do now.  
August 26th - Wendy shows up at the compound and talks to Jackson about Elijah and being a new mom.  She tells him she’s planning on the name Margaux for the baby and he agrees it’s very pretty.  She also tells him about Remy having twins.
August 27th - Kenna possesses Oliver’s body and goes to Brant and Auri’s house.  She gets Brant to tell her all about demon spells and how to bring Rowan back before revealing who she is.  Elijah shows up to help and the two strike up a deal with Brant that if he helps them, they’ll leave Auri alone.  He reluctantly goes with them and lets Elijah possess his body.  After one failed attempt, they’re able to bring Rowan back.  Elijah goes off on his own (while still controlling Brant) while Rowan and Kenna go to look for new bodies.  They find two they like and steal a couple things before heading to a nearby church.  They are officially married then find a hotel to start making their family.  Effie and Garrett try to move on from Lydia’s death but find it’s harder to do than they thought.  Effie puts on a brave front for him but they’re both shaken from what happened.
August 28th - Effie goes to a supernatural equality protest.  Rowan and Kenna kill a family in upstate New York and take their house.
August 30th - Effie goes to visit Seth and tells him about what happened with Lydia.  He tries to reassure her it’ll be okay and that she needs to talk to Garrett about how she feels.  Seth hears the baby’s heart beat inside Effie but brushes it off, thinking he’s hearing things.  Bex tries to get Sam to talk about what happened but he refuses.  She decides to take him on a vacation to get him out of the house.  They leave their phones behind and head to Brazil.
August 31st - Garrett and Effie attend Lydia’s funeral.  Marie tells Effie she knows about the baby and Effie suggests they don’t keep it a secret anymore.  Drake and Noah go out to celebrate his one month anniversary of being in the academy.  Drake gets drunk and Noah kisses him just to mess with him.  Drake ends up going home with Noah.
September 1st - Effie and Garrett tell Seth and Remy about the baby.  They’re not happy about the news but agree to support them.  
September 2nd - Rowan brings Boyd back.  They decide to have a little fun and murder a couple people.  Brant surprises Auri with a at home spa day for her birthday. 
September 3rd - Claire texts Jackson to tell him she might have a lead on finding the demon that helped Rowan and Boyd.
September 4th - Elijah finds Claire’s been snooping around so he captures her and brings her to Rowan.  Rowan cuts off her finger and threats to do worse if she comes back again.  Claire goes to a hospital then heads to London to warn Jackson that Rowan is back.  Kenna tells Rowan she’s officially pregnant and they go out to celebrate.  Claire shows up at the compound and tells Jackson about Rowan.  He warns her not to get involved anymore and tells her to go home and be with her mom instead.  She lies to him and says she’ll do that before going off on her own again.
September 5th - Claire goes back to Rowan and Kenna’s house and tells them she wants to join their group.  Rowan pretends to go along with it, then assaults the girl by kicking her knees in.  She shoves her into the basement and uses a broken mirror shard to cut her tongue out then leaves her there.  Effie plans to go to a second protest over the weekend and Garrett finds out about it.  She gets upset with him when he tries to make her stay home.  She calls Abbey to cool off and tells her about the baby.  Abbey tells her about Riker and says she’ll try to come out over the weekend.  Abbey does admit to Riker that it bothers her a little but she wants to be supportive to her friend.  Effie apologizes to Garrett for being so bitchy lately.
September 6th - Rowan goes to check on Claire and bring her food but the girl stubborn resists it.  Jackson tries to get ahold of Claire but is unable to.  He has a bad feeling and decides to go to Rome to check on her.  Wendy uses a locator spell and tells him Claire is actually in New York.  He goes out there instead and tells Sebastian if things go wrong, to send a rescue team.  He finds the house but doesn’t recognize Kenna until it’s too late.  She uses a meat tenderizer to bash in his legs and hand, then takes him to the basement also.  They inject him with silver and torture the two of them for a while.  Eventually, Kenna cuts out his eye and Rowan forces Claire to eat it.  Wendy gets worried about Jackson and tells Sebastian.  He contacts Brant to try and get help but the demon hunter refuses.  The demons go out to celebrate and while they’re gone, Sebastian, Seth and Reed show up.  They find Jackson and Claire and manage to get them to a hospital in Ireland.  They patch up Jackson and he starts to heal himself but Claire doesn’t make it.
September 7th - Noah and Drake go to Ireland to investigate what happened.  Rowan summons Elijah and asks him to get rid of Jace as a final payback.  He goes to the compound and stabs Aslyn in the stomach with a syringe filled with liquid silver.  She’s rushed to the hospital and Reed tells Sebastian what happened.  Him and Jackson head back to London, fearing the worst.  Aslyn turns out to be alright but Jace is in the NICU since they had to get him out of her before he got worse.  Elijah goes to Effie and Garrett’s place and attacks them.  He starts to take Effie to the bedroom but Garrett begs him to take him instead.  Elijah fucks Garrett then leaves.  Effie and Garrett both decide life isn’t worth living and go to kill themselves but Abbey shows up.  She stops them and the two realize the mistake they were about to make.  Effie apologizes and promises she’ll never think like that again.  She decides to do whatever it takes to be a good mom and wife.  Drake goes to Ana and tells her what happened between him and Noah.  He admits he doesn’t know what it means for them.
September 9th - Sebastian calls Seth and tells him about Jace being born and what happened.  Seth tells Remy and they decide to take a trip out to see them.
September 10th - Aslyn hears voices trying to convince her to either kidnap Jace or kill herself.  She ignores both.
September 11th - Remy, Seth and the kids go to visit Jackson and Sebastian in the hospital.  Aslyn texts Jackson to check in on him.  He says how much they miss her but that he understands why she needs to be with her family.  Drake calls Wendy to check in on her.  She tells him she decided to name the baby Margaux.  Brant goes to Kai and tells him about everything going on.  He decides to train him so he can be a demon hunter and hopefully the wolves will leave him alone.  They summon Boyd to test it out and once they know it works, Kai lets the demon go.
September 12th - Oliver goes to Clary’s house and he tells her about how he doesn’t trust Brant.  She insists everything is fine but he’s still not sure.
September 13th - Auri and Clary get kidnapped by a demon named Tiber.  He makes Clary answer a couple riddles in hopes she gets them wrong but she doesn’t.  He still stabs her and Auri and leaves them there to bleed out.  Brant finds out Auri is missing and tells Kai.  They use Boyd to find out who took them and where to find them but Kai isn’t happy with Brant’s methods of doing so.  They find the girls and take them home.  Kai tells Clary about how he’s been learning about demons and how it could have been a factor.  Zoey and Aerin hang out with Hazel and Zoey starts to ask Aerin some personal questions.  When they go back to the house, Zoey and Aerin go to her bedroom and Zoey teaches Aerin about sex.  Kai walks in on them after their done but suspects what was going on.  Aerin and Clary have a small fight which results in Aerin and Zoey sneaking out the window and going back to Zoey’s place.  Zoey convinces Aerin to live with her instead.
September 14th - Aerin calls Clary and Clary yells at her to come home.  Aerin says she’s going to live with Zoey which upsets Clary even more.  Clary tells Aerin that if she wants to turn her back on family then she un-adopts her.  Clary then calls Kai in hysterics over what she’s done while Zoey tries to comfort Aerin.  Kai gets upset with Clary and goes to find Aerin.  He begs her to come home but she doesn’t want to yet.  He goes back to the house to get Hazel and tells Clary they’re leaving for the night.  She begs him not to go but he says they need time apart.  Clary goes to the cafe to get away from everything else.  She calls Aerin and tells her to forgive Kai at least.  She then turns off her phone, leaves a note and her rings and leaves town.
September 15th - Remy stops by Effie and Garrett’s house while they’re in town.  He tells her about what they almost did and she helps him feel better.  Aerin and Kai look for Clary but have no luck.  Aerin asks Brant for help and they find a witch in the quarter who tracks Clary down.  Aerin uses a portable portal to go get her while Brant scolds Kai for not doing more.  Aerin convinces Clary to come back home but things are strained between her and Kai.  Aerin goes back to the apartment to spend time with Zoey and forget what happened.
September 16th - Sam, Bex and Sydney come back from their vacation.  Aslyn wakes up and finds she has the spell to bind a demon to someone like what Kenna did to Rowan.  Boyd tries to convince her to use it but she refuses.  She panics and is almost hit by a car.  
September 17th - Effie goes to the house to talk to Seth about everything.  Eden kidnaps Abbey and goes to the house, pretending to be Riker’s wife.  Riker calls Nicolette and she helps find where Abbey is.  Nicolette finds Abbey and they head back to the house to get rid of Eden.
September 18th - Aslyn goes to Effie and Garrett’s house to talk to him about everything going on.  She admits she’s hearing Boyd’s voice and he insists she stay with them for a couple days just to be safe.
September 20th - Effie goes to pick up lunch at the sandwich shop and runs into the scientist who wanted to experiment on her.  After taunting her, she snaps and kills him.  She runs into an alley and calls Seth.  He goes to get her and brings her back to her apartment while Garrett is still at work.  She tells him everything with the lab and he insists it’ll be fine.  Meanwhile, Noah gets the call to go out and investigate the murder.  He has Drake go with him and Drake realizes it was Effie.  He begs Noah to go easy on her and the cop says he’ll try.  They arrest Effie and bring her to the London police station to be tried as a minor.  Seth calls Remy to tell her what’s going on and they agree not to get Jackson involved.  Effie tells Garrett what happened and he goes to his family to see what he can do to get her out.  Remy calls Drake and he admits he was part of the arrest.  She gets mad at him and angrily hangs up on him.  Seth tells Effie that they’re going to gather as much evidence as possible but it might take up to a week to complete.  Noah lets Effie call Drake to update him on everything being alright.  Effie is taken to her temporary holding cell. 
September 22nd - Noah goes to check on Drake.  He admits he feels bad but that that’s how the job is.  They go out drinking, deciding they need it to unwind.  They play a game of truth or dare at a local pub.
September 23rd - Garrett asks a pack mate to help him dig into the computer files and they find plenty of evidence to support Effie’s claim.  
September 24th - Aslyn goes to visit Jackson and Jace.  After holding the baby, she feels better and tells Jackson she’ll be returning to the compound.  Boyd shows up at Rowan and Kenna’s place and decides to stay for a while.  Rowan and Boyd go to one of the neighbors house to kidnap the couple so they can have fun later.
September 26th - Garrett goes to visit Effie in jail and tells her what they found out.
September 27th - Some of the girls at the jail pick of Effie to the point where Noah has to step in to help her.
September 28th - Effie has her trial with Anne acting as her lawyer.  Effie gives her testimony of what happened and the judge decides to change the case so it focuses more on the laboratory.  They decide to have the trial a later day for that but Effie is free to go.  Seth and Remy throw a small family get together that night to celebrate.  Drake and Wendy talk face to face for the first time since everything happened.  
September 29th - Sebastian gives Jackson the good news that they get to go home with Jace the next day so long as everything checks out.
September 30th - Sebastian and Jackson take Jace home.
October 2nd - Seth and Remy celebrate her birthday by taking the kids to an Irish harvest festival in Dublin.
October 12th - Seth and Lucy go out during the full moon while Remy and Wyatt stay in and have a fun family night.  Abbey brings Nicolette a fruit basket for helping her with the Eden situation.  
October 13th - Seth and Lucy come back from their run and find Remy is missing.  They try to find her but have no luck.  Effie and Garrett go to a supernatural specialist who does an ultrasound and let’s them know they’re having a boy.  They decide on the name Luca for the baby.  They also talk about marking each other and after some hesitance, they do.  Later, they go to tell everyone the good news about the baby.  Seth is happy about it but still worried about where Remy is.  Meanwhile, Remy wakes up twelve years in the future due to the twin’s accidental magic.  She starts to adjust to the new life but realizes future Seth isn’t the same as he use to be.  Future Sam tells her he’ll look for a spell to get her back but when he tells future Seth what they’re planning, he kills him.  Remy calls future Drake and tells him she’s scared of future Seth.  He does a locator spell and finds future Sam’s body in the art studio.  Remy finds the spell Sam brought and uses it to get back to her own time but is pretty shaken by what happened.  Aerin works at the cafe for the day with Clary and Clary tells her about her past with Dante and why she knows her and Kai will be okay.  She also suggests that Aerin should tell Zoey about her feelings but Aerin is reluctant because she’s worried it’ll mess things up between them.
October 14th - Remy calls Sam and tells him about what happened.  When Bex comes home, he tells her about it.  Wendy visits Jackson at the compound and watches Jace to give the wolves a small break.  Drake finds out Noah’s gone missing.  He goes looking for him but all the spells he tries says he’s in his apartment.  He calls Wendy and she leaves the compound to go help him.  While Sam and Bex are in the middle of having sex, Drake tries to call Sam for help.  He ignores his call but then Wendy calls several more times until Sam finally picks up.  Wendy tells him what’s going on and suggests Noah might have time traveled, to which Sam says it’s a possibility.  Sam tells her she can potentially pull him back to his own time but it’ll be very dangerous.  Wendy does it anyway and manages to bring Noah back but she ends up brain dead because of it.  They rush her to a hospital and the doctors tell Drake Margaux is okay but Wendy is on life support.  Unsure about what else to do, Drake finds the spell to sell his soul to bring Wendy back.  It works but at a cost.  Meanwhile, Noah isn’t quite himself.  He tells Drake about how he thinks he went forward in time.  Drake calls Remy and finds out that’s exactly what happened.  He tells Noah about how he went twelve years into the future and that they were married, making things a little awkward.
October 15th - Abbey tells Riker about her surprise to take him to Italy for a small vacation.  He is excited about it and admits he should call Sam later to check in on things.
October 16th - Aerin talks to Zoey about how she has a crush on her even though she’s worried what she’ll think.  Zoey admits she has a thing for Aerin too and they decide to start officially dating.  Zoey proposes they go on a trip to Paris and Aerin is eager to do so.
October 17th - Elijah goes to Rowan and Kenna’s place and tells Rowan about what happened.  They decide to collect Drake’s soul so he has no choice but to join them.  Elijah goes to get Drake and when the witch refuses, Elijah threatens his loved ones.  Drake reluctantly goes with him to Rowan and Kenna’s place.  Kenna starts making out with Drake but he blasts her away with magic.  Kenna and Rowan are pissed about it, worried it might have hurt the baby.  Elijah gets annoyed that they care so much about the baby and not about having fun, so he takes Drake back to Chicago to decide what to do on his own.  Ana shows up and trades her soul for Drake’s.  He is reluctant to go but she forces him to.  Elijah brutally murders Ana once Drake is gone then calls the police to come and clean up his mess.  He specifically asks for Noah and Drake and when they get there, they see what he did to Ana.  Drake admits he was there and that it’s his fault.  Noah yells at him and Drake teleports away.  Drake goes to look for Elijah but Ana shows up and begs him not to.  Elijah eventually appears and Drake attacks him but it doesn’t do much.  Elijah snaps his arm and offers Drake a chance to become a demon and in exchange they work as allies.  He even offers to turn Roman into one too.  Drake almost accepts but last minute changes his mind.  Elijah vanishes and Noah appears since Ana told him what was going on.  Drake tries pushing Noah away again but Noah refuses to leave this time.  They end up back at Noah’s place for the night and they talk about how they can’t seem to find any sort of happiness until they let their exes go. 
October 18th - Seth and Remy go to Germany to celebrate their one year anniversary of being married.  Aslyn and Reed stay at the house to watch the kids while they’re gone.  Riker calls Sam and finally tells him about becoming a vampire.  He admits he’s not happy about it but is still trying for Abbey.
October 21st - Sydney says ‘Dada’ for the first time.  Bex later talks to Sam about having more kids sooner rather than later.  They decide to halt their infertility spells and let nature take its course.  Garrett gets a job working at a pet store.  Aslyn tells Jackson about how she got accepted into the university.  She also tells him about what Boyd did and how she almost gave up.  He says he’s proud of her for sticking around and going towards a future.
October 23rd - Ana goes to visit Rowan.  They kill a guy in the basement then Ana starts talking about Elijah and how he could potentially come after Rowan.  Rowan isn’t bothered by it and gives her the warning that if Elijah tried anything with her, she’d have no problem starting a war with him.  Kenna comes home later and Rowan tells her about their visitor.  They’re not too worried about her being there though and agree to do something if it happens again.
October 24th - Wendy calls Sam to ask for a favor.  He calls Drake to check in on him and see if he sold his soul to save Wendy but Drake doesn’t say much.  Sam calls Wendy back and let’s her know what happened.  He also opens up to Wendy about how scared he is to have more kids but doesn’t want to disappoint Bex.  After getting off the phone, he tells Bex about how he’s scared but thinks they should try to have another kid sooner rather than later.  Garrett surprises Effie by buying them a car.  Wendy goes and finds Drake and asks him about what’s going on.  He tells her about how he sold his soul to save her and that Ana is now a demon.  Meanwhile, Ana in hell, tells Elijah about how Rowan isn’t afraid of him.
October 28th - Elijah shows up at Rowan and Kenna’s house along with Ana, Tiber and Marcus.  He threatens them and warns them not to take him lightly.  After he leaves, Rowan throws a fit about how she’s not going to do what he says.  Kenna has the idea to go after Ana since Elijah seems to favor her.  Kenna and Rowan switch bodies so Rowan can stay behind with the baby while Kenna goes and has some fun.  Rowan summons Boyd and pretends to be Kenna.  She sleeps with him then let’s it slip it’s her.  Neither seem bothered by it though and they continue to have some fun.  Kenna tracks down Ana and kills her over and over again until she agrees to leave them alone.
October 30th - A hunter shows up and targets Aerin because she’s a vampire child.  She begs for him not to hurt her or her family but he doesn’t listen.  Kai and Clary show up right in time and save her.  Clary takes Aerin home but the girl is convinced everything is a lie and everyone is bad.  Kai lets the hunter go with a warning never to come after his family again.  Zoey shows up at their house later, looking for Aerin.  Kai tells her what happened and she goes upstairs to talk to her.  Aerin tells her to leave but she doesn’t.  She makes Aerin feel a little better and they decide to stay at the house for a while until they know it’s safe.
October 31st - A witch casts a spell that makes loved ones return for the night.  Charlie spends time with her family and they bake cupcakes together.  Sam is able to officially meet Paxton and even though he’s skeptical, he thinks it’s nice for Bex to have real closure.  Lydia visits Effie and Garrett and helps get them more prepared for when the baby comes.  Roman tells Drake that it’s okay for him to move on and live his life.  Claire tells Jackson to stop feeling guilty about what happened.
November 1st - Remy goes to visit Jackson and tells him about how overwhelming things are.  She is able to get a lot off her chest and feels better afterward.  She goes home later and tells Seth about it.  He’s relieved she feels better but feels bad she was struggling like that in the first place.
November 2nd - Noah goes to find Drake and tell him about Halloween.  Drake tells Noah about how Roman visited him and told him to move on with his life.  Noah explains that Nicolas came and said the same thing.  Drake asks if Noah wants to try dating and he agrees.  
November 3rd - Remy wakes up twelve years in the future again and assumes it’s the same as last time.  She tells Drake and Seth that she was kidnapped and forced to have hybrid babies for the past twelve years which upsets them.  She realizes it’s not the same timeline and that things are different now.  Since everything seems better, she decides to stay for a while and check in with everyone.  At the end of her visit, she goes to Sam’s house to ask him to do the spell to get her home.  He does and after a tearful goodbye to Seth, Remy returns to her time.  She tells Seth that things turned out okay and that they’ll be fine after all.  
November 4th - Riker goes and visits Clary.  While he’s away, Bex shows up at the house to visit Abbey.  She tells her about how stressed she is because of everything going on.  Effie finds a box at a shop that sounds like it’s whispering to her.  She buys it and brings it home to show Garrett.  He hits it against the coffee table to loosen it and manages to open it but when he does, he’s somehow pulled forward in time.  He finds out that he and Effie got a divorce and nothing is the same.  He goes to Remy to get her to help him but her and Seth don’t trust him.  After he’s able to convince Remy he’s telling the truth, she manages to send him back to his own time.  He tells Effie about what happened and even though things are okay, he’s a little shaken by it. 
November 5th - Sebastian and Jackson go on a lunch date to get out of the compound for a while.  They finally start to make Wedding plans and decide to have it at the end of the month.  Effie goes out to the house and tells Seth what happened with Garrett.  He tells her he’s sorry but everything will be okay now.  She doesn’t buy it and they get in a big fight.  Remy over hears everything as Effie storms off.  Seth admits he got so angry he wanted to hit Effie and both of them worry they haven’t actually changed anything.  Seth goes for a run to cool down while Remy thinks of what to do next. 
November 9th - Wendy goes to New York and asks Rowan to protect Drake from Elijah, and in return she can have Wendy’s soul.  Rowan almost does it then stops last minute and let’s her go.  Wendy goes to Chicago and tells Drake about what she tried to do.  She admits she needs help and he tells her he’ll help find her something.  Meanwhile, Kenna comes home and Rowan is in a bit of a slump.  She admits she is sick of everyone calling her weak and decides to do something about it.  She goes to Riker’s house and asks for his help in getting rid of Elijah.  He says he’ll consider it if she marks him and Abbey so they’re protected.  She agrees to the deal and tells him to meet her in New York once he’s talked to Kai about banishing the demon.  Abbey comes home a little while later and Riker tells her what’s going on.  She says she’ll go with him but doesn’t trust Rowan.  Elijah sends his demon army out to recruit more members.  Tiber marks Clary, Marcus marks Drake and Ana attempts to mark Brant but is unsuccessful.  Clary tells Kai that Tiber said if she helped the demons, she’d get the mark removed.  If she didn’t, then her soul would become Elijah’s.  Drake realizes the demons are starting a war and warns Noah not to get involved.  Brant goes home to Aurelia and sees the house is trashed.  He tells her about the demon he ran into but she isn’t convinced the break in is related.  Aslyn summons Rowan and tries to get information about the so called war but Rowan doesn’t have much to tell her.  She offers to mark the entire pack but Aslyn doesn’t take the bait.  Drake calls Wendy and Remy and they meet up at Remy’s studio to talk about what’s going on.  They split up to try and get more information on who might be marked.  Drake goes to Sam and Bex and is relieved to find out they’re alright.  Wendy talks to the pack and has similar results.  She then goes to Brant and asks for his help.  He reluctantly agrees to this time.  Jackson scolds Aslyn for putting herself in danger again and they up the security on the compound.  Riker and Abbey go to talk to Kai and he mentions how Clary was marked.  Abbey says it’s too risky to go to Rowan now but Riker does anyway.  Rowan and Riker come up with a plan to summon Elijah and try to seal him until they find a way to get rid of him completely.  Rowan calls Wendy and Boyd to help before summoning Elijah.  The plan backfires and Elijah kills Riker before he is sealed temporarily.  Wendy runs off and calls Drake to come get her while Rowan and Boyd finally admit they’re in over their heads.  Riker is greeted in limbo by a mysterious woman who says she can give him a second chance.  He accepts her offer and is turned into an angel.  He returns to Earth and shows Abbey then goes to find Elijah.  Meanwhile, Drake gets Bex and Brant and goes to find Rowan, Kenna and Boyd with the plan to banish Rowan to get Elijah to back off.  Elijah breaks out of the key chain and kills Boyd before they can do anything though.  He grabs Bex and does something to her as Riker appears.  He is able to get rid of the demon and sends Rowan and Kenna away.  He tells Drake and the others to leave them alone and that it’s over now.  Everyone parts ways, knowing it’s not a full victory but at least it’s something.  Tiber, Ana and Marcus realize Elijah is gone and each mourn in different ways.
November 10th - Ana goes to see Drake after everything that happened.  She asks about Elijah and he tells her they got rid of him.  She gets upset and says she’s going to find a way to bring him back.  She vanishes and he tells Noah about it.  They decide not to let it bother them and to have a nice, relaxing day regardless.
November 11th - Seth celebrates his birthday with his family and finally feels better about things.  Boyd goes to the compound and tries to burn bridges with the wolves.  He apologizes for his behavior but Jackson doesn’t believe him.  Jackson bashes his head against the wall and tells him not to come back again.
November 12th - Clary’s cafe wins a small business excellence award.  Boyd goes to Riker’s safe house to talk to Rowan since they’re still staying there.  He tells he about what he did at the compound while Rowan looks for a new body.  She ends up going to New Orleans and getting a witch to recreate her old male body.  
November 13th - Marcus shows up at Seth and Remy’s gate and taunts them both.  As they’re about to walk away, he grabs Remy and make a comment about her losing the twins.  Seth snaps and kills Marcus again with Lucy watching.  Marcus goes back to hell to rest while Seth’s depression gets worse.  Bex does a spell to see if she is pregnant and the results are positive.  She thinks it’s strange and begins to have magic issues.  Sam does a future seeing spell to check and finds out she is pregnant but the baby is somehow infected by Elijah.  They call up Riker to see if he can fix it somehow but he says he’s not sure.  He asks them to give him a couple days to look into it and they agree not to do anything rash but both are ready to get rid of the baby before anything bad happens.
November 14th - Bex runs away from home and goes to the pier.  She tries to drown herself but is unsuccessful.  Riker goes to Wendy to ask her to talk to Brant since the vampire seems to like her more and might respond better.
November 15th - Effie texts Seth and they make up for fighting.  He tells her he isn’t doing very well and she tells him he should talk to Remy.  Seth reluctantly tells Remy everything that’s been on his mind lately and after they go back and forth for a while, he finally starts to feel better. 
November 16th - Sam finally texts Bex to ask where she is.  She returns home and tells him she tried to kill herself.  He scolds her and both agree they don’t want to get rid of the baby but that they’re scared of what to do next.  Aslyn flies out to New York to talk to Rowan.  Rowan convinces her to become a demon and join them.  Seth and Remy go to the compound to visit Sebastian, Jackson and Jace.  They get ready to go out for dinner when Jackson realizes Aslyn is gone.  He hears she went to New York and asks Remy to make him a portal.  He rushes out there and stops Aslyn from doing anything but he is stabbed by Rowan in the process.  Aslyn begs him to leave her alone but he refuses.  Remy tells Sebastian about what’s going on and makes another portal so him and Seth can go help Jackson.  Sebastian shoves Aslyn away from the alpha and she stabs herself in an attempt to end it.  They call an ambulance and she is rushed to the ER while Seth goes back to the compound.  Sebastian and Jackson have a small fight but make up right away.  Sebastian goes back to the pack while Jackson stays behind to look after Aslyn.  Kenna and Boyd come home and Rowan tells him Aslyn is dead.  He’s upset but tries to get over it.  Wendy goes to the bar to talk to Brant about the demon baby stuff but he has no answers.  She then goes to visit Clary since she’s in the area.
November 17th - Aslyn wakes up tied down to the hospital bed.  She begs Jackson to let her go and says she belongs with the demons.  He says he’ll let her go but if she does become a demon, she’ll be their enemy.  She reconsiders and goes home with him, promising to be better.
November 18th - Sam texts Riker to see if he learned anything new but he has no news for him so Sam decides to take it into his own hands.
November 19th - Sam summons Elijah and asks him for the cure to save Bex and the baby.  Elijah says he’ll tell him if he kills Brant, Drake, Wendy and Riker.  Sam agrees to killing Brant and Drake and Elijah accepts the arrangement.  Sam goes home and tells Bex he’ll handle it then he leaves.  He finds Brant and breaks his neck then tracks down Drake and stabs him.  He shrinks them down then goes back to summon Elijah again.  He tells him they’re dead and demands to know how to fix Bex.  Elijah tells Sam he’s removed the spell then breaks the wards and gets away.  Sam texts Riker to tell him what happened and that he might be in trouble.  Noah finds out Drake is missing and calls Wendy and Remy.  The twins go out to look for clues and Remy finds Sam’s signature at the apartment.  They go to his house and demand to know what he did and he tells them about Elijah getting out.  He gives them Drake and Brant and they quickly leave but are ambushed.  Elijah grabs Drake and Remy, mistaking her for Wendy, and takes them to an abandoned hotel in the area.  Wendy goes to Seth’s house and tells him what happened.  He calls Noah to help and Noah gets Logan involved.  The three of them go to the hotel while Wendy watches the kids and gets Brant back home.  Ana possesses Remy’s body to keep them from hurting her or Elijah.  They kidnap her and take her back to the house but Elijah gets away again.  They convince her to let Remy go and Drake reluctantly watches Ana leave, finally accepting she is one of them.  Noah, Drake and Wendy stay the night with Seth, Remy and the kids and try to have a nice family night. 
November 21st - The hunter that was after Aerin shows up again and goes after her.  She fights back this time and even though he shoots at her, she’s able to get the upper hand.  She kills him then calls Zoey to come help her.  Zoey takes her back to the apartment and tells her not to feel bad for killing him.  Reed sneaks into Aslyn’s room to talk to her but she wants nothing to do with him.  Riker calls Sam to ask how things are.  Sam admits he’s not doing too good.  Riker says things should be fine now but won’t say why he thinks that.  Auri tells Brant she isn’t feeling very well.  He grows concerned, especially since vampires aren’t suppose to get sick.
November 22nd - Remy calls Sam to apologize.  He says he wants nothing to do with her and hangs up.  Ana shows up and begs Drake to banish her to hell.  He is hesitant at first, thinking it’s a trap, but he eventually does it.  
November 23rd - Seth asks Remy if everything is alright and she says she’s upset about Sam.  He tells her to go out and see him so she does.  Sam and Remy make up but he is still concerned about Bex.  Remy has the idea to go forward in time and see if they can have find a cure but she accidentally goes to another dimension where she’s married to Sam and Seth is married to Wendy.  She upsets Wendy and Seth and just as he is about to attack her, she goes back to her own dimension.  Jackson checks in on Aslyn and she tells him she doesn’t want to be a demon or go back to Boyd and them.  He is happy to hear it and asks for her help picking out a tux for the wedding.  Bex goes to visit Abbey and talks to her about everything that’s bothering her.  She leaves but doesn’t feel much better.  When Riker comes home, Abbey asks him about what’s going on and he tells her about how he was able to get rid of Elijah but in exchange, he had to sacrifice Aurelia.  She grows upset and tells him they have to fix it.  Riker isn’t sure how but agrees to trying.  Auri goes to tell Clary how she’s sick and doesn’t think she’s live much longer.  Clary insists they’ll find some kind of cure.  Riker goes to the house and tells Clary what he did.  She yells at him and demands he fix it.  He says he’ll try and is able to heal Auri.  He then tells them that he is an angel and that’s how he was able to.  Clary says she’s still mad at him but that she’s thankful for his help.
November 24th - Rowan and Kenna go to the doctors and find out they’re having a boy.  On their way home, Kenna says she doesn’t want Aslyn involved with their group.  Rowan assures her she won’t. 
November 26th - Kenna kidnaps a girl and brings her back to the house.  Rowan fucks her while Kenna chokes her to death.  Kenna then admits she feels like she’s one step away from being replaced by Aslyn even though Rowan assures her yet again that would never happen.  Sam does research to figure out how to help Bex.  He tells her that he’s pretty sure the baby is fine and that Elijah was only able to claim any unborn babies inside Bex.  She’s happy to hear the baby is alright but also sad at knowing she almost killed them for nothing.  They try to focus on the positives and work on a solution to help Bex once and for all.
November 27th - Abbey tells Riker she’s two weeks pregnant.  Effie and Garrett babysit Jace to get use to having a baby around.  Logan shows up looking for Noah but talks to Drake instead.
November 30th - Sebastian and Jackson get married.  A girl named Ryn bumps into Logan and tries to make friends with him.
November 31st - Aerin tells Clary about killing the hunter.  Clary gets frustrated thinking Aerin is going to continue killing.  Kai and her get in another fight which results in him sleeping on the couch and her in the closet.
December 1st - Clary goes and talks to a witch to try and fix her problem.  She gives away her essence so she won’t argue with anyone anymore.  A demon named Rose taunts Elijah in Hell, telling him he needs to get rid of Kenna, Rowan and Boyd or else he’ll pay the price.  Elijah possesses Effie and goes to Sam’s house.  He flirts with Sam in her body then possesses him.  He goes to Rowan and Kenna’s house and kills Boyd.  He stabs Rowan and says he’ll do worse if she doesn’t get her act together.  Rowan leaves Sam’s body in an alley for Bex and Garrett to find then tells Kenna they need a plan to keep Hell off their backs.  They decide to kidnap Seth, torture and kill him, in the hopes it’ll do the trick.  Boyd is trapped and tortured in Hell in the meantime.  
December 3rd - Rowan possesses Remy in order to lure Seth out of their barrier.  She knocks him out and takes him back to the house so Kenna can have some fun.  She cuts Seth and puts silver beads in him to weaken him.  Remy wakes up later and calls Drake to help her rescue him.  He’s hesitant but agrees to help.  He calls Logan to join him since he doesn’t want to bring Noah into it.  They go to the house and Remy managed to save Seth.  She uses magic to get the silver beads out but it leaves him in bad shape.  Drake and Logan try to kill Kenna and Rowan but Rowan takes Logan’s body and threatens to kill him if Drake hurts Kenna.  Remy comes back and demands Rowan let him go or she’ll kill Kenna.  The demon does as told and the witches all leave in (mostly) one piece.  The ordeal upsets Kenna and she locks herself in the bedroom.  Boyd comes back later and tells Rowan what he went through.  Rowan accidentally let’s it slip that Aslyn might still be alive but is quick to change the subject.  
December 4th - Garrett and Effie go to look at the house and put a down payment on it.  Aerin tells Zoey about how her mom is acting strange.
December 9th - Kai demands to know what’s wrong with Clary and she admits she used a spell to change herself.  He calls Wendy and she reverses it.  Even though Kai is upset, he promises not to leave and to work on them.
December 10th - Rowan and Boyd go to Effie and Garrett’s place to torture them and Garrett tells Boyd how Aslyn’s still alive.  He doesn’t believe him so he calls her.  Boyd gets pissed and yells at Rowan before running off to go see for himself.  He ends up at the compound and begs Jackson to lock him up.  The alpha is hesitant but does so.
December 11th - Aslyn goes to see Boyd down in the basement.  Jackson catches them and they get in a small argument.  Jackson realizes there’s no way to keep them apart so he offers Aslyn a deal that she can go with Boyd for a week.  She takes it and they leave the compound together and head for New York.
December 12th - Seth wakes up in the future.  He finds out him and the kids were all murdered and Remy is less than stable.  He finally convinces her to let him go back and he tells Remy about what he saw and heard.  They put plans into motion to keep that future from happening.  Boyd and Aslyn show up at the house in New York.  Rowan is a little annoyed but tries to adapt.
December 14th - Zoey suggests her and Aerin get matching tattoos and Aerin agrees it’d be a good idea.
December 15th - Bex’s eyes turn black and she worries the demon stuff might be effecting her more than they realize.  Oliver comes over for a visit and asks if he could work at the cafe.  Clary gladly hires him.
December 16th - Aslyn comes back to the compound after a couple days and decides she wants to stay with Boyd and the other demons.  Jackson reluctantly lets her and informs the pack of her decision.  Another wolf named Kim shows up to try and join the pack.  Reed is pissed but informs Garrett what’s happened.  Garrett and Effie are approved to get their house.
December 17th - Aslyn and Rowan try to get use to one another.  Aslyn kills a guy in the basement then Rowan takes her out to buy new clothes.  Jackson comes back to the pack and calls Wendy to change the wards on the compound.  They also make it so Aslyn can’t get in.
December 19th - Kim goes back to the compound and talks to Sebastian about joining.  He talks to Jackson and let her join but have Reed shadow her for a month to make sure everything checks out.
December 20th - A girl named Esther shows up at Seth’s candy shop.  It turns out she’s a friend from his past and the two catch up.  He offers to let her stay at the house with them to help Remy a bit with the kids.  Reed goes to Aslyn’s house and tells her family that she joined the demons.
December 21st - Elliot, Aslyn’s brother, goes to the compound to ask if he can join the pack.  Jackson allows him too and introduces him to Jace.  Kim goes to check on Reed and cheer him up with pizza and games.
December 22nd - Rowan, Kenna, Boyd and Aslyn go out to dinner together.  It’s a little awkward at first but they start to warm up to one another.  Aslyn proves she’s serious about being there by telling Boyd she wants him to mark her.
December 25th - Boyd marks Aslyn for Christmas.  Everyone spends the holidays with family and friends.  Aslyn goes by the compound and sees Kim with everyone and assumes she’s been replaced.
December 29th - Aslyn goes to the compound again to confront Jackson.  They end up in a fight and Aslyn threatens to take Jace away.  Jackson snaps and shoves her off the second story banister.  She breaks her neck and dies instantly.  He starts to turn into a berzerker wolf but Sebastian talks him down.  Jackson breaks the news to Elliot and Elliot tells his mom.  Jackson says hi final good bye to Aslyn while she is tortured in hell to begin her transformation.  Kenna suggests they go to a supernatural town outside of London for a festival and Rowan agrees it could be fun.  Noah convinces Drake to join him on an assignment to supervise the same supernatural town.  Effie also brings up the festival, to which Seth says they might join.
December 30th - Aerin visits Clary after the holidays and brings up the festival going on in London.  Clary talks to Kai about it later and they decide it might be fun to go as a family.  Wendy visits the compound to check in on Jackson and see what his plans are for the new year.
January 1st - Rose talks to Elijah down in Hell again.  She tells him he has no choice as has to go to the festival.  Aslyn comes back but isn’t quite herself.  Rowan talks to the girl and snaps her out of it.  They end up sleeping together before Rowan gives her a lesson in possession.  Sam calls Riker to ask for his help in fixing Bex.  That night, Bex attacks him and warns him that they are find without Riker’s involvement.
January 2nd - Aslyn’s family holds a funeral service in her honor.  Bex wakes up and has no memory of the night before.  Sam tells her what happened and they try to find a cure before it happens again.  They contact Riker to help and he tells them he can’t help because Bex is missing half her soul.  Sam throwing a huge fit and storms out.  When he comes back later, he apologizes and asks Riker to watch Sydney while they solve it.  Bex and Sam summon Boyd and blackmail him into helping them.  Boyd reluctantly agrees.  Aslyn goes with Rowan and Kenna to New Orleans to mess with Clary and Hazel.  They are about to kill the girl when Kai walks in.  They get scared and rush back home.  Rowan accused Kenna of fucking up and they get in a huge fight.  Meanwhile, Kai calls Riker and he comes over to heal Hazel.
January 4th - Drake and Logan meet up and Logan tells him about joining the academy.  Drake congratulates him on getting in and gives him some pointers.  Logan admits he was killing covens for a long time and Drake finds out his coven was part of that.  He also finds out they were living in the town where the street fair is happening.  He’s a little hesitant but tries to stay positive about it.
January 5th - Boyd finally talks to Elijah and they come up with a deal.  Elijah gives Boyd Bex’s soul and in exchange, he wants Drake.  Boyd agrees and if he doesn’t do it, then Elijah gets Aslyn instead.  He brings Bex her soul back then goes home to tell Rowan the new plan for the street fair.  
January 10th - Dunwich runs a street fair to try and get people to move into the town.  A handful of people attend including Clary, Kai, Aerin, Zoey, Effie, Garrett, Seth, Remy, Reed, Kim, Aslyn, Boyd, Rowan, Kenna, Elijah, Wendy, Drake, Noah and the kids.  Aslyn tricks Drake into going with her and Boyd.  They take him to the house where he raped Wendy.  Boyd chains him to the wall and leaves him for Elijah.  While that is happening, the shape shifters cause mass explosions to happen.  Everyone panics and frantically looks for their loved ones.  Elijah goes to the house and marks Drake before stabbing him.  He leaves him to bleed to death.  Drake tries to heal himself but can’t because of magic dampeners.  He calls Remy, Wendy and Noah to say his final goodbyes before blacking out.  Wendy gets the message and is able to find him and heal him.  Drake survives and the two of them head back into town to help look for everyone.  Everyone slowly finds their loved ones again and although they’re all shaken, everyone is alright.
January 11th - Effie goes to her doctor to make sure everything is alright with Luca.  Since his test results are reading low, she’s put on bed rest.
January 13th - Seth goes to visit Effie.  She apologizes for putting them all in danger but says she’ll still go back once she’s better.
January 18th - Rose shows up at the police station and asks Noah to help her find her brother.  It turns out her real name is Lilith and she is a higher up demon.  She stabs the cop and breaks his wrist then forces him to drink an entire bottle of vodka.  After she’s had her fun she leaves and he calls Drake.  Drake comes to get him and heals his wounds.  Noah asks him about being marked by Elijah and he insists it’s not a big deal.  They go back to Noah’s place and Noah mentions how they found an unknown magical signature at the street fair.
January 19th - Elliot goes to New York and tracks down Rowan.  He pretends he’s a tourist looking for a good time.  She takes him to a club and thinks he might be Aslyn’s brother.  When he tries to leave, Rowan kills a girl there and heads home to tell Aslyn what she found.  Rowan tells her that she has no interest in killing him so she doesn’t have to worry.  Aslyn is nonchalant about it and brings up how her and Boyd plan to get married that weekend.  Rowan is jealous about the news but Aslyn assures her nothing will change.  Effie goes to her doctor appointment and everything checks out.  Instead of going home, she leaves town.  Garrett texts her but she doesn’t respond at first.  When she does, he finds out she’s in Ireland at the caves and he goes to meet up with her.
January 20th - Frank tells Jackson that Elliot is missing and he freaks out.  A minute later though, Elliot walks in the front door.  Jackson calls him into his office and scolds the boy for leaving.  Elliot admits he wanted to see what was so great about the demons and why his sister left but it wasn’t worth it.  He also breaks down saying he doesn’t want to be in his sister’s shadow anymore.  Jackson comforts the boy and tells him he’s sorry and that he won’t compare him to her again.  Drake calls up Logan because he assumes the shapeshifters blew up the town.  Logan tries to deter Drake from looking into it but her keeps pushing so the two of them decide to go look.  They go to Dunwich and try to find a magic signature but all they find is Logan’s.  Logan ends up taking Drake to one of the shapeshifter hide outs and they run into Hudson.  Drake attacks him and out of fear, Logan admits it was him.  Drake lets Hudson go but snaps at the other witch.  He breaks Logan’s arm and leg and threats to kill him but Logan convinces him not to.  Drake warns him not to go near his sister again or he will do it next time.
January 21st - Drake visits Roman’s grave to wish him a happy birthday.  Aslyn and the demons come up with a plan to get into the compound, steal Jace and kill the others.  Aslyn texts Seth to try and get him to lure Wendy out.  Seth warns Wendy they’re after her but she goes to the meet up spot anyway.  Seth also texts Sebastian to give him a heads up.  Sebastian tells Jackson what’s going on and they come up with a plan to protect the compound.  Rowan and Kenna go to the meet up spot and after a distraction, Kenna possesses Wendy’s body while Rowan takes over Kenna’s vessel to keep Ezra safe.  They go back to the compound to meet up with Aslyn and Boyd and use Wendy’s magic to take down the wards.  Boyd goes upstairs to get Jace but Kim is waiting for him.  Aslyn kills one of the pack members and Jackson orders Reed to get everyone out.  After the others are safe, Reed comes back and Aslyn threats to snap his neck if Jackson tries to stop them.  Kenna, still in Wendy’s body, stabs her shoulders a few times to cause the witch pain.  Aslyn ends up blasting Reed with a fire ball that burns him pretty bad.  Sebastian gets to the compound as Rowan slices Wendy’s neck.  He retaliates by snapping Aslyn’s neck and sending her back to hell.  Rowan and Kenna set fire to things while Sebastian and Jackson try to stop the bleeding.  Upstairs, Boyd and Kim fight but he gets the upper hand and takes Jace with him.  Frank and Kim tell Sebastian what happened and he snaps at them to get out of his sight.  He calls Drake and tells him Wendy is in trouble.  Drake shows up and heals her then takes her to a hospital to make sure everything’s okay.  Jackson and Sebastian mourn losing Jace and call Brant to help them get him back.  He reluctantly agrees and they head to New York.  Kim checks on Reed and the others and tells him she’s going to leave since Sebastian and Jackson are going to kick her out of the pack anyway.  Before she leaves, she decides to get Jace back and heads to Dunwich to find a witch to help her.  Jackson, Sebastian and Brant get to the house and see Boyd with Jace.  They demand to get him back and Boyd marks the baby to make sure he belongs to him.  Brant takes away Kenna, Rowan and Boyd’s powers temporarily but Elijah and Aslyn show up and grab Brant.  Aslyn says they’ll trade Jace for Brant and Jackson doesn’t hesitate to accept.  They leave the house with the baby and run into Kim who gives them a teleportation coin to get back home.  She stays behind while they go back to the compound to set up plans for moving.  Aslyn threatens Brant but he is nonchalant about it and tells her he doesn’t care about helping the wolves or the demons, he just wants to stay alive.  She lets him go when she realizes he’s not going to do anything to them.  Meanwhile at the hospital, Wendy wakes up and Drake tells her she’ll be okay and that Margaux is fine.  He goes to get her something to eat and while she’s gone Logan calls her to warn her about her brother.  He teleports to the hospital to talk to her in person.  Drake comes back and sees him which causes him to snap.  He tells Wendy to choose between Logan and him and she chooses Logan because she knows Drake isn’t himself.  Drake leaves but warns Wendy he’ll kill her next time.  He goes back to Noah’s place and rants to him about what Wendy did.  Wendy goes to Seth’s place and tells him what happened and they come up with a plan to capture Drake and take him to catacombs until they can cure him.  They go to Noah’s place and Drake snaps again.  He tries to kill them but Wendy knocks him out before he can.  She takes him to the catacombs and chains him to the wall while Noah summons Rose and makes a deal with her in order to fix Drake.  She says she will but in exchange, Noah will die in a year.  He agrees and she goes to find the witches.  She removes the mark on Drake and they part ways.  Drake goes back to Noah’s apartment while Wendy goes home to rest.  Drake asks Noah what he did in exchange for saving his life but he doesn’t want to say.  Drake keeps pressing and eventually Noah let’s it slip that Rose gave him one year left to live.  Drake insists they’ll find a way to stop it from happening but isn’t sure how.
January 25th - Boyd and Aslyn get married.
January 26th - Drake graduates from the police academy.  Reed talks to Jackson about going to get Kim back and he allows him to do so.
January 27th - Wendy calls Drake and talks to him about Logan.  He asks her to tell the other witch to turn himself in and they can maybe go easy on him.  She tells Logan and he meets Drake at the police station.  He confesses to everything and Drake has no choice but to arrest him.  Reed shows up at Kim’s house and convinces her to come back to the pack.
January 28th - Wendy goes to New Orleans to visit Brant.  He tells her she can stay with them while she’s visiting so she decides to do that.  Bree goes to Seth and Remy’s home and apologizes for what happened.  Seth holds nothing against her and he introduces her to his family.
January 29th - Riker surprises Abbey by buying her parent’s house for her.  She’s unsure how to feel about it but agrees to give it a chance.  Roman summons Rose and tells her to back off Noah, Drake and Wendy. 
January 30th - Ryn shows up and helps release Logan.  She tells him they’ll fake his death so he’ll need to lay low.  He says he can live with that and teleports away.
February 2nd - Aslyn finds out it was Christian that Kenna killed, not Kai.  She tells Rowan about it and the demon apologizes to Kenna for accusing her of messing up.  Logan is found dead in his prison cell.  Drake calls Wendy to tell her Logan is dead.
February 3rd - Auri goes to the compound and yells at Jackson to leave Brant alone.  He apologizes to her and promises they won’t ask him for anymore favors.
February 4th - Drake summons Rowan to see about getting answers on how to help Noah but she gives him nothing.
February 6th - Jackson calls Brant to apologize for his behavior.  Brant accepts the apology and tells Jackson where he might be able to find help.
February 9th -  Abbey and Riker go to look at her parent’s old house and Abbey says she wants to live there afterall.  Jackson calls Wendy to apologize.  She tells him about Logan being dead and how it’s effecting her.
February 10th - Sydney comes from the future to talk to Sam.  She tells him that she killed Bex because she got angry at them for taking away her powers.  She tells him to leave Bex to prevent it but he refuses.  They get in a fight and she storms off to New York to harass Rowan.  She finds the demon and tells Rowan that Ezra banishes her and Kenna back to Hell.  Rowan isn’t sure she believes the girl but takes note of it anyway.
February 15th - Aslyn is drawn to her mom’s house and watches her hang herself.  Bex tries to get Sam to open up about what’s bothering him and he tells her about his visit from the future Sydney.  They try to come up with a plan on how to stop it from happening and future Sam shows up to talk to them.  He gives them advice on what to do then leaves to go find Sydney. Ezra goes back in time to look for Sydney as well.  She tells him she doesn’t know how to get back on her own so they go to look for Wendy.  Ezra threatens Wendy and in turn, she threatens Sydney.  He calls her bluff and she lets the girl go, then manages to do the spell to send them back.  Future Sam shows up a minute later and gives Wendy some advice before leaving.  Kim goes to check on Elliot since he’s been acting strange.  He tells her his mom killed herself because of what happened with Jacob and Aslyn.
February 16th - Aslyn feeling upset about what happened with her mom decides to go to visit her own grave.  Before she goes, her and Boyd get in a small fight that results in her using some kind of new power on him.  Jackson goes to bring flowers to Aslyn’s grave and instead finds Aslyn there instead.  They end up in an argument before apologizing to one another for everything that happened between them.  They eventually part ways, feeling a little better.  Remy calls Garrett to check in on him and he admits he’s been feeling stressed about Luca.  Remy admits the same thing about the twins.  Bex and Sam move to New Orleans.
February 17th - Aslyn realizes she has the ability to banish demons back to hell.  She tells Rowan and Boyd about it, which freaks them out.  They suggest they just ignore it and it’ll go away.  Aslyn lets it slip that she talked to Jackson and Rowan grows paranoid, thinking she’ll leave them.  Aslyn reassures that she has no plans to return to the pack.
February 18th - Drake summons Lilith and asks to trade himself for Noah.  She refuses though and says there’s no way to save him.
February 19th - Elliot goes to talk to Jackson about his mom.  He also offers to help out around the compound more.  Jackson gives him the task to design the game room which he happily accepts.  Garrett tries to set up Luca’s room with no luck.  Effie tells him that Bree knows how to seal supernatural powers and that she wants to do it to seal her vampire side so she’ll be just a werewolf.  He’s hesitant but goes along with it, saying if she’s fine with it then so is he.  Logan continues to travel around the world to avoid being found out.
February 20th - Aslyn goes to look for Lilith and finds he down in Hell.  She asks for help with her new power and the demon says she’ll do it for a price.  Aslyn agrees and Lilith wipes Aslyn’s memory from everyone.  Wendy calls Brant to ask him to train her to be a demon hunter.  He says he’ll try if she really wants to and they make plans to start that weekend.
February 21st - Sam texts Riker to let him know they moved into town.  Riker is excited about the news and invites Sam over to chat about things.
February 22nd - Reed takes Kim to the cereal bar at long last.  They have a good time until Kim starts to ask questions about Jace’s parents.  Reed admits he doesn’t know the answer and is confused by it.  Wendy goes to Brant’s place and he teaches her the basics of demon hunting.  They test a few spells on Boyd and when they are satisfied with their work, they go to get lunch to celebrate.
February 23rd - Reed goes to talk to Jackson and asks about Jace’s parents.  Jackson finds he can’t remember who they are either and begins digging around but finds no answers.  He goes to talk to Sebastian but he says it’s probably just because they’re over working.  Jackson isn’t so sure about that and Sebastian offers to talk to Seth to see if Remy can come out to clear things up.  Drake lets it spill that Logan is alive and that Wendy has run away with him to Noah.  Noah says they should report it but Drake begs him not to and eventually he agrees not to.  Drake also tells him about talking to Lilith and says there isn’t a way to reverse her spell.  Noah isn’t sure how to take the news.
February 25th -  Clary, Kai and Hazel go to Mardi Gras.  Sebastian calls Seth to talk about the memory problems everyone is having.  Seth says it’s probably nothing but convinces Remy to go for a visit anyway.  Remy talks to Jackson and tries to see if there is something missing but they both are unable to come up with a solid conclusion.  They decide it’s probably stress from over working and go to lunch to forget about it.  Aslyn tells Boyd about her talk with Jackson and Lilith and he gets upset.  Rowan gets in the middle of their argument but sides with Aslyn on things not changing.  Boyd angrily leaves the house and after a quick chat, Rowan goes to look for him.  She tells him everything is alright but he’s worried Aslyn might leave them to be with the pack after all.  Bex goes to visit Abbey and talk to her about baby things.
February 26th - Zoey gets a visit from Marcus who kidnaps her and takes her to an empty house.  He talks to her about Elijah before forcing her to open a box.  When she does, Ana appears in a cloud of smoke and possesses her.  Aerin shows up at the cafe, concerned about Zoey since she can’t get ahold of her.  Clary insists it’s nothing but agrees to help look for the other vampire.  They track Zoey to Chicago and find she’s been possessed.  Clary trades herself for Zoey and Aerin takes her back to New Orleans while Ana talks to Drake.  She tells him she’s planning on getting rid of Elijah and he worries about what might happen if she tries.  He offers to help her if she lets Clary go and she does it.  They go to the old coven building to try and lure Elijah out.
February 28th - Aslyn goes to London to get out for a bit and bumps into Garrett.  She’s surprised to learn he still remembers her and is afraid he’ll ruin everything by talking to the pack.  She kidnaps him and forces him to leave Effie a note saying he’s leaving her.  He leaves a clue in the note, so she knows it was the demons.  Aslyn takes Garrett back to the house and the demons torture him.  Effie goes to Jackson and tells him what happened.  Reed and Jackson go to New York to get Garrett back.  The demons cut off Garrett’s ear and is about to cut off the other one when Jackson shows up.  Aslyn let’s them take Garrett and Jackson starts to remember her.  Jackson and Reed call Wendy for help and she’s able to heal him a little but can’t reattach the ear.  Boyd and Rowan get pissed as Aslyn for letting them go and after a long fight, Rowan decides to give Aslyn a week to do whatever she wants.  Boyd storms off.  Rowan goes to talk to Kenna about it and Kenna admits they’re not on the same page.  Kenna decides to take a week off to do whatever she wants and Rowan lets her after they switch vessels.
March 29th - Garrett wakes up the next day and panics because of his missing ear.  Effie reassures him it’ll be okay and takes a couple days off from work to stay with him while he recovers.
March 1st - Jackson summons Aslyn and starts to fill in the blanks in his memory.  She explains most of the situation to him and he offers to take her back to the pack once they’ve sorted a few things out.  She decides to go home but promises to see him again.  Rowan goes to talk to Boyd and admits she screwed up.  She says it might be best if she stays in Hell.  Boyd doesn’t like the idea but doesn’t stop her from going.
March 2nd - Kim wishes Elliot a happy birthday.  He finally opens up about his drug and alcohol problem and she tells him she’ll help him get over his addiction.  Logan goes to the bar to interrogate Brant about Wendy.  Brant admits he cares about her and that if Logan gets her hurt, he’ll go after him and make him pay.
March 4th - Effie decides to practice banishing demons by summoning one.  She summons Lilith and mouths off to her.  Lilith tells her to leave or she’ll make her pay but Effie doesn’t listen.  Lilith stabs Effie in the stomach and leaves her there.  Effie is able to get home and Garrett has Frank call an ambulance.  They rush Effie to the hospital and Effie is sent straight to surgery.  They remove Luca but Effie and Garrett aren’t able to see him.  Effie tells Garrett what happened and he leaves to get some air.  She calls Seth and tells him what happened.  Seth and Remy go to the hospital and try to assure both of them it’ll be alright but a nurse comes in and tells them Luca's heart has stopped.  In limbo, Lydia and Hayley watch everything and are able to revive the baby.  The nurse tells them Luca’s stable again and they’re allowed to see him.  The nurse tells them he’ll be in the NICU until his lungs are better developed.  Effie and Garrett aren’t sure how to feel towards each other.
March 5th - Elijah finds Rowan down in Hell and asks her why she’s there.  She tells him she plans to stay down there since she’s not on the same page as the others anymore.
March 6th - Effie and Garrett are still trying to figure things out between each other.  They’re able to hold Luca for the first time which helps a little but things are still strained.  Effie makes a promise to stay inside from now on as a way to prove she’s serious about everything.  
March 7th - Lilith goes to Kenna and taunts her about everything going on.  Kenna wants to make a deal to become a true demon and in exchange wants to get rid of Aslyn.  Lilith agrees but tells her it will mean Kenna dying again and trading her vessel.  Kenna asks for a day to think about it.  The pack moves into the new compound.  Drake catches Noah drinking again and scolds him for it.  Noah finds out Drake is planning on talking to Lilith again so he makes a deal not to drink again if he doesn’t talk to the demon.  They agree on it and try to have a nice evening.  A new doctor named William makes friends with Auri.  He invites her to dinner after work and they have a nice evening together.  Auri opens up to him about her family, not knowing it put them in danger.  Wendy accidentally kills a cop for snooping around.  It causes her a Logan to flee New Orleans for a bit.
March 8th - Lilith goes to see Kenna again to get her answer.  Kenna is in a different vessel as a loophole to keep Ezra safe, much to Lilith’s annoyance, but they make a deal.  Before they’re able to shake on it, Rowan appears to stop Kenna from doing it.  They go back to the house but Kenna is pissed about it.  Aslyn talks to Rowan about everything and Rowan admits she doesn’t know what to do anymore.  Remy goes to visit Garrett at the hospital to check in on him.  He tells her he still doesn’t know how to handle everything and she assures him it’ll work out.  Meanwhile, Seth goes to the house and finds one of Remy’s spell books open and Lucy missing.  He realizes a demon must have her.  He goes to the hospital and tells Remy.  She calls Sam to help look for her.  He tracks her to a house and meets an unknown demon.  He is able to get Lucy back but finds she’s not breathing.  Remy is able to bring her back but both her and Sam are shaken by the whole thing.
March 9th - Oliver goes to Zoey and Aerin’s apartment to get to know Zoey better.  Drake gets a call from Logan who tells him about what Wendy did.  He freaks out and demands to talk to her.  She tries to tell him it’s not a big deal but he protests otherwise.  They agree to meet at the old compound in London to talk about everything going on.  He eventually convinces her to turn herself in to save Margaux, since he’s positive he can get her out.  
March 10th - William goes to the cafe and kidnaps Clary.  Hours later, a news report comes out that an apartment was set on fire with a woman inside.  The police identify the body as being Clary and after Brant and Auri go to the station, they confirm it is.  Auri takes a walk to clear her mind and while she’s out, she bumps into William.  He takes her to his house and drugs her.  He tell her he is the Nightingale murderer and then confesses to killing Clary in order to get to her.  Brant has Oliver come to the house and tells him about what happened to Clary.  Oliver goes to check on Kai and the kids while Brant tries to get ahold of Auri.  William checks on Clary and tells her how everyone thinks she’s dead.  Kai tells Aerin what happened and Aerin tells Zoey about it.  They both feel guilty for treating Clary poorly and go to the house to stay with Kai and Hazel for a while.
March 11th - Effie starts to dress more conservative and removes her piercings.  William goes back to the apartment to drug Auri more and eventually tells her that Clary is actually alive.  Brant calls Oliver to tell him Auri didn’t come home that night and they go looking for her.  They’re able to track her to William’s apartment and save her.  Auri tells them that Clary is still alive somewhere.  Brant takes Auri home to rest while Oliver beats William until he tells him where Clary is.  He let’s him go and finds her.  Clary goes back home and Kai is relieved to see her alive.  He apologizes for not being a better husband and promises to do better even though Clary insists it’s fine.  Thomas surprises Clary by being there.  He tells her he found out about her dying and came to check on things.  She’s happy to see him and he says he plans on staying in town.  She’s also reunited with Aerin who apologizes for her stubborn behavior.  On his way out of town, William bumps into Abbey and compliments her on her blond hair.
March 12th - Garrett tells Effie he doesn’t like how much she’s changed and asks her to be herself again.  She says she’ll do her best even though she’s not sure what that means exactly.  
March 13th - Kenna finally talks to Rowan about what’s going on.  Rowan finally tells Kenna some of things that she’s been bottling up for a long time.  They’re finally able to come up with an agreement on things and start to get better.  Jackson summons Aslyn and tries to remember more memories.  She decides to try and reverse the effects and is able to.  With his memories restored, Jackson tries to find some kind of middle ground so Aslyn can still be with him but also be with Boyd.  He asks to talk to Boyd but they’re unable to come up with a solid compromise.  Jackson goes back to the compound and tells Sebastian about everything.  Sebastian let’s Jackson continue his relationship with Aslyn so long as he’s careful about it.
March 14th -  Aslyn goes to Lilith and brags about how she’s just as good as she is about being a demon.  Lilith puts her in her place though and warns her not to mouth off again.  Kai goes to Brant’s place to check in on him and Auri.  The two of them make ammends and decide to stop running from things.  The demon that kidnapped Lucy goes to a cafe and meets Imogen.  He makes her his next target.
March 15th - Drake talks to Noah about Wendy and they come up with a plan to hopefully get her out of trouble with the law.  Since they’re stuck inside on lock down, Drake temporarily gives Noah his powers so they can have some entertainment that way.  A nurse tells Effie that they can take Luca home first thing the next morning as a way to keep him safe from the COVID-19 virus going around.  Both Garrett and Effie are excited about the news.
March 16th - Reed asks Kim on a date.  She agrees and they plan to do dinner that night.  Effie and Garrett take Luca home from the hospital.  Boyd summons Lilith and makes a deal with her.  He turns back into a fey and in exchange, she kills Jackson.  Jackson gets stuck in limbo, causing Sebastian and the rest of the pack to panic.  Kim wonders if it’s a demon’s fault and Reed goes to try and save him by summoning a demon for himself.  He gets Lilith to come and asks her to bring Jackson back.  She says she will if he gets Aslyn to agree to becoming her apprentice.  He summons Aslyn next and asks her to do it.  She does in order to save Jackson but isn’t happy with Boyd about it.  Boyd goes home and brags to Rowan about how he finally got rid of their wolf problem.  Rowan says it’ll more than likely backfire but promises not to tell Aslyn anything.
March 17th - Lilith explains to Aslyn how all the demon stuff works.  She tells her that ‘Lilith’ isn’t one person but rather an idea and that there have been many Liliths in history.  She also says she wants Aslyn to be the next one.  Aslyn goes along with it and gets half of Lilith’s powers.  She goes back to the house and punishes Boyd for what he did to Jackson.  Rowan begs her to come back to them and forget all this but Aslyn is unable to and goes back to hell.
March 18th - Lucy tells Seth about when she died and mentions how the ‘abandoned’ demon showed her bad things Seth did.  Wanting to find answers, Seth goes to the art studio and summons the demon who killed Lucy.  He makes it so the evil Seth Remy saw in another timeline switches with Seth.  The evil Seth takes over the house and Remy desperately tries to protect her family.  She ends up going back in time to stop Seth from summoning the demon.  Everything goes back to normal and they ask Lucy about what happened.  She tells them that she saw Seth snap and kill Wendy and Margaux.  They’re both shaken by this but figure it’ll be okay so long as Seth stays away from Wendy until after Margaux is born.
March 20th - Reed and Kim are finally able to go on their date.  They have a good time talking about their families, the pack and discussing literature.  Aslyn asks Lilith for her next lesson and she tells her about demons being immune to the effects of time and space.  After teaching her about bending reality, she gives Aslyn the last of her powers and makes her the new Lilith. 
March 21st - Aslyn shows up at the house again and tells Rowan she’s back this time.  Rowan is confused and Aslyn explains the situation of how she tricked Rose.  She also says that she’s the one in charge now and has given Rowan and Boyd power over other demons as well so they no longer have to worry about anything.
March 22nd - Logan calls Brant to tell him about Wendy but Brant already knows.  He warns Logan that if anything happens to her and she doesn’t get out of jail, he’ll kill the witch.
March 23rd - Riker and Abbey decide on the name Morgan for their baby.  Jackson summons Aslyn again and they are able to have a decent conversation for once.  He gives her pack updates and she says she’ll give Elliot his memories back since it wasn’t fair to take them in the first place.
March 24th - Brant tells Auri he wouldn’t mind adopting a kid since he knows it’ll make her happy.
March 25th - Abaddon shows up at the house and messes with Rowan.
March 27th - Hudson goes to the police station to turn himself in in the hopes it’ll get Logan off the hook.
March 28th - Bree contacts a number of people to form a supernatural counsel to try and finally make peace between the species.  She will represent witches, Clary will be vampires, Jackson will be werewolves, Brant will be hunters, Effie will be hybrids, Riker will be angels and Aslyn will be demons.  They all agree and they set their first meeting date for April 11th.  Wendy shows up at the house for a visit and Seth panics about her being there.  He tells her what Lucy said about him snapping and killing her.  They decide it would be beneficial for Wendy to travel a few months forward in time to see what happens so they can prevent it.  Instead, Wendy ends up in an alternate world where Drake was the one who was given away and not her.  Wendy is married to Seth and their life is perfect.  She decides to stay there.  Remy comes home and Seth tells her about what they did and that Wendy isn’t back yet.  Remy tells Seth she’s trapped there because she didn’t have the spell to return home.  She calls up Sam and he comes over to help pull Wendy back to their timeline.  Wendy is upset about coming back and angrily leaves.  Aslyn gives Elliot his memories back and he drinks to try and forget the pain from it.
March 29th - The other Seth talks to the Sam in the other timeline and is able to go to where Wendy and the others are on the main timeline.  He tracks down Wendy and she agrees to go back with him.  They go back to Remy and Seth’s place so Wendy can say one last goodbye but instead Remy and Seth try to stop Wendy from going.  Both Seths get in a fight until Wendy and the other Seth are able to get away.  Remy calls Drake to tell him about Wendy and the other Seth.  He goes to Wendy’s home in Paris and confronts her about what she’s doing.  He’s able to convince her not to go and gives them one last night together to say goodbye.  The other Seth begs Wendy to come back with him and they come up with a plan to have Wendy fake her death so they’ll leave her alone.  In order to keep Margaux safe, Wendy forces herself to go into labor and the other Seth helps her deliver the baby. 
March 30th - The other Seth watches over Margaux while Wendy goes to the house and purposefully pokes at Seth until he snaps.  He pushes her into the coffee table and she uses a spell to make it look like she died.  Remy hears the noise and sees her sister dead.  Seth is emotionally distraught over what happened.  Remy calls Drake to ask him to come to the house right away.  Drake gets there and sees Wendy dead on the floor.  He goes to kill Seth but stops himself before he can go through with it.  After examining her body, Remy and Drake realize something isn’t right.  After a few minutes, Wendy wakes up and they discover she tries to fake her death so she could leave with the other Seth.  She makes a portal to run but Drake follows her.  He sees Wendy, the other Seth and Margaux and tells Wendy she can’t leave and needs to get better for Margaux’s sake.  They argue back and forth for a while until Wendy agrees to stay in that timeline so long as she can keep her baby.  Drake agrees and shrinks the other Seth down until they can get rid of him.  He takes Wendy back to his place for the night while he tries to think of what to do next.  Remy tells Seth how Wendy faked her death and that he isn’t to blame but he’s still convinced he’s a monster.
March 31st - Drake spends the day looking at hospitals for Wendy.  After he finds one, he tell her she needs to go or she can’t ever get Margaux back.  She reluctantly agrees and he takes her to the ward to get settled in.  Remy goes to Sam’s place to talk about everything going on and how stressed she is.  She also brings up that the twins are due any day now and that she’s worried what’ll happen.  Sam offers to help her deliver the babies when the time comes.
April 2nd - Logan shows up at Brant’s house to ask about Wendy.  They call Drake and find out she’s in a psych ward so Brant snaps and tries to kill Logan.  He almost rips his heart out but Auri steps in and saves him.  Brant texts Drake and they go to Chicago to check on Margaux.  Auri determines she’s healthy and doing alright.  Brant calls Wendy to check on her and she asks if he’ll watch Margaux for her until she gets out.  He reluctantly agrees.  Effie calls Jackson and asks if she can be an official member of the pack.  He says he’d love to have her join them.
April 3rd - Remy goes into labor.  She calls Sam and he goes out to the house to help with the delivery like he said he would.  Gracie and Sammy are born with no problems.  Aslyn orders Rose to kill Zoey and turn her into a demon.
April 5th - Aerin tells Zoey she wants to move to Paris because hunters have been showing up in town lately.  Rose shows up at the house and attacks Aerin.  She tells Zoey she’s there to turn her into a demon and Zoey goes along with it to keep Aerin safe.  Aslyn shows up once Zoey is in Hell and tells her that she has to obey her from now on.  Zoey says she will if she’s still allowed to go back and be with Aerin and Aslyn allows it.  Kim goes to check on Elliot and he admits he slipped in his sobriety.  She forgives him and asks why and he tells her it was because he remembered a sister he’d forgotten about.
April 6th - Wendy calls Drake to tell him about her progress.  He doesn’t believe it but she convinces him to let her out sooner rather than later.  He tells her if she waits another couple of days and the doctors says it’s okay, then she can leave and get Margaux.
April 9th - Sebastian goes to the old compound and finds Aslyn there.  He warns her to leave Jackson alone but she refuses.  She also tells him to watch his back.  Wendy gets out of the psych ward and goes to get Margaux.  Drake meets her at Brant’s place to make sure everything is alright.  They end up having a disagreement and he leaves.  Wendy is upset but Brant cheers her up.  Kenna shows up at Abbey and Riker’s place to ask for advice on what to do about Rowan.  Abbey helps her come up with a plan.  Meanwhile, Riker goes to Rowan and Kenna’s place and talks to Rowan about how things have been.  After a little pushing, Rowan convinces Riker to sleep with her.  Bex and Sam try to come up with baby names but have no luck.  They also decide to wait and be surprised by the baby’s gender.
April 10th - Kenna decides to talk to Rowan about what her and Abbey discussed.  After thinking it through, Rowan decides she doesn’t want to be boring and settle anymore.  She burns down the New York house and they go to Barbados to celebrate.
April 11th - The first council meeting is held.  Everyone introduces themselves and they come up with a rule to not turn children into whatever species.  They also decide to limit the number of people being turned but don’t decide on a number yet.  Riker goes back to the house and finally is unable to hold back any longer.  He tells Abbey he slept with Rowan and she leaves.  The angel that turned Riker shows up and warns him he gets one last chance or he’ll be forced to die again.  She also warns if that happens, all memories of him will be wiped out.  She tells him he’ll be getting an angel mentor in the near future.  Abbey goes to Kai and tells him about Riker cheating and he asks her to stay the night to give them some space.  Clary goes to talk to Riker about what he did and scolds him to fix it.  Imogen runs into Jackson on the street and they get caught up.
April 12th - Elijah goes to Effie and Garrett’s place and after some warnings from Garrett, he eventually leaves with plans to do something to them later.  An angel named Cael shows up and tells Riker he’s his new babysitter and teacher.
April 13th - Jackson runs into Imogen on the street and they catch up.  Later that evening, Jackson tells Sebastian about it.  They get in a fight and Sebastian spends the night on the couch.
April 14th - Jackson goes to apologize to Sebastian but is unable to find him.  After asking around, he ends up at the old compound and finds one of the bird watching books torn up.  He asks for Boyd’s help but he has no real answers.  He summons Aslyn and she tells him Sebastian is over at Effie and Garrett’s place so he goes there next.  Effie tells him that Sebastian was there but she snapped and killed him.  He doesn’t believe her though and has Drake come out to do some tests.  They find out the body in the bathroom isn’t Sebastian and that it’s all a trick.  They also find out Effie isn’t actually Effie but a shape shifter instead who is trying to get revenge on Drake.  Drake makes a portal so Garrett and Jackson can find the real Effie and Sebastian.  Effie is alright but Sebastian is badly hurt.  They get them home but Sebastian doesn’t make it.  Sebastian is reunited with Spencer in the afterlife.
April 16th - Aslyn brings Zoey to an old church and has her torture and kill some people.  When they’re finished, they burn the place down to hide any evidence.
April 19th - After avoiding each other for a week, Riker and Abbey finally sit down and talk about what happened.  They make up and move into the new house that evening.  Sebastian’s funeral is held at the compound.  Everyone pays their respects, including Aslyn.
April 21st - Brant sees a hunter killing a vampire in the square.  He introduces himself and lets her know he’s on the council representing hunters.  Noah tells Drake he found out where Logan is.  He offers to give him the location if the witch takes a vacation.  Drake agrees and goes to find Logan.  Logan denies knowing about Sebastian and Effie but after Drake calls one of Logan’s informants, he finds that not to be true.  He take Logan’s phone, shoots him and leaves him for dead.
April 22nd - Rowan and Boyd go to Riker and Abbey’s place to mess with them.  Rowan tells Abbey about how Riker and her slept together multiple times and that he didn’t regret it.  Riker doesn’t deny it and she storms off.  Boyd goes to comfort her and they end up making out.  Riker comes in a little while later and sees them.  He beats up Boyd right before his mom shows up.  She banishes the demons and wipes Abbey’s memory of what happened.  Riker tells her to leave him alone and after he makes sure Abbey is okay, he leaves to get some fresh air.  Esther shows up at Seth and Remy’s house after hearing what happened to Sebastian.  She offers to stay and help as long as they need and they gladly accept it.
April 23rd - Aslyn finds Rowan in Hell and they get caught up.  Rowan jokingly says how Aslyn should get pregnant with Jackson’s baby and they decide to actually do it.  They lure him to the compound and Rowan possesses him.  Rowan has sex with Aslyn once with Jackson watching in the back of his mind, then switches them so Rowan is still in control but Jackson can talk.  Aslyn tells him how he messed up and how it’s all his fault before they finish with him and lock him up in the basement.
April 24th - Boyd taunts Jackson in the basement then blackmails him to force him to sleep with Aslyn on his own.  Instead, Aslyn and Jackson talk about how they hate the way things are.  Aslyn has a mental break down about it and decides it’d be best for everyone if she banish herself.  Jackson talks her out of it and instead has her come to the compound for a night.  While there, Aslyn meets Kim and gets to spend time with Jace.  Garrett tells Reed who Aslyn is which makes Reed upset.  He confronts Jackson and Aslyn about it then storms off.  Aslyn decides it’s best if she leave after all.  Aerin goes back to the apartment and apologizes to Zoey.  They’re able to make up and still plan to move to Paris.  Drake talks to hudson about Logan being dead.  Hudson says that makes him in charge now and makes a phone call. 
April 25th - Aslyn contacts Rowan and tells her the plan is off and Jackson is gone.  Aslyn also tells her that she’s going to stay in Hell for a week.  Rowan gets annoyed that Boyd ruined their plans again so him and Kenna come up with a plan to torture him.  They go to the old compound and force Boyd into a woman’s body so they can have their way with him but Riker shows up to stop them. 
April 26th - Drake calls Remy and tells her about the shapeshifters possibly targetting Seth.  He calls Wendy to warn her to be careful but Wendy isn’t concerned.  She tells Drake she’s looking into Logan’s death and he admits he killed the witch.  Wendy get upset and hangs up on him.  She later calls Brant to ask him how she should handle her brother.
April 27th - Boyd shows back up at the house and is pissed about what Rowan and Kenna tried to do.  Rowan is able to talk him down though and they make up.  Boyd decides to spend alone time with Aslyn for a while.  While Drake is out, a shapeshifter goes to the apartment pretending to be doing a check up.  They steal the other Seth and are able to bring him back.  He goes to Wendy’s place and promises never to leave again.  They plan to get married in a week right before turning her on the full moon.  Remy talks to Seth about what Drake said to her on the phone.  They both confirm Esther is who she says she is but come up with a safe word just in case.  
April 28th - The council meets for a second time and discuss the shapeshfiters being an issue.  Riker brings up the stuff the demons have been doing and they decide to make a rule that the demons can’t attack innocent people.  Jackson goes back home and apologizes to Reed for his behavior and inviting Aslyn there.  Reed forgives him then makes his rounds to talk to the pack about it.  He stops by Kim’s room first and asks if she wants to be his girlfriend.  She says yes and they go on a date that night to make it official. 
April 29th - Aslyn appears at Drake and Noah’s apartment and removes the deal Lilith put on him.  Noah no longer has a time limit to live and they go out to celebrate.
April 30th - Garrett and Effie decide to have a little fun and turn the living room into a stay-at-home Mexico.
May 1st - Auri talks to Brant about the council stuff then tells him she looked into the foster kid stuff.  They get the paperwork done so they can start looking into fostering.
May 2nd - Aslyn asks Jackson to meet her at the old compound.  She tells him she’s pregnant and that the baby is his.  He’s shocked and doesn’t know what to think of the news but he promises to help support her through the pregnancy.
May 3rd - Wendy calls Brant and invites him to her wedding.  He happily agrees to be there.
May 4th - Aerin summons Rowan and asks her to turn her into a demon like Zoey.  Rowan goes to do it but Riker shows up and stop her.  Rowan marks Aerin before vanishing and Riker takes Aerin back home.  Clary scolds her then asks Aslyn to remove the mark.  She does and apologizes for Rowan’s behavior.  Drake talks to Noah about what Wendy said about him needing therapy.  Noah mentions that someone was at the apartment and Drake freaks out.  He finds out the other Seth is missing so he does a locator spell to track him down.  He goes to Wendy’s new place in Salem and attacks them but before he can kill Seth, Wendy manages to get him to back off.  She threats to call the police if he doesn’t leave and after a sudden realization hits, Drake leaves.  He goes to the old house where he murdered his mom and thinks about everything he’s done.  He calls up Noah and says they shouldn’t be together anymore.
May 5th - Remy goes for a walk and is kidnapped.  Seth realizes she’s missing and calls every witch he knows to help look for her but is only able to get in touch with Bree.  She does a spell but is unable to find where Remy is.  She makes some calls to let everyone know something is happening.
May 6th - Wendy and Seth get married then go to Belize for their honeymoon.  Rowan is kidnapped next and wakes up in the same place as Remy.
May 7th - Abbey is kidnapped and taken to where Remy and Rowan are.  She is able to pick their locks so they are out of their chains but they’re still trapped there.  Seth bites Wendy and turns her into a werewolf.  Effie goes to the house to ask Seth if Remy can watch Luca for them.  He says he can since Remy isn’t there right now.
May 8th - Kim is kidnapped next.  Bree and Jackson find there’s a pattern in who is getting taken and they try to warn any witches that they could be next.  Bree calls Sam to warn him that he and Bex could be next and to be on the look out.  Jackson calls Wendy to warn her also but she tells him she’s not a witch anymore and that it doesn’t matter.  Riker is taken to where the others are.  He lets Remy feed on him since they’re all growing weaker by the day. 
May 9th - Immy shows up at Sam’s place to kidnap him but fails.  He does end up going with her though in the hopes he can save the others.  Meanwhile, Kai, Clary, Aslyn, Reed, Seth and Bree get papers that tell them to meet at the Paris catacombs.  When they get there, they see Riker, Abbey, Kim, Rowan and Remy in nooses and on platforms.  There is a barrier so they’re unable to get to them though.  Logan comes out and reveals they did it to send the warning that the council will not work and that it’s pointless to try.  Sam shows up as they push Riker off the platform and hang him.  Bree is able to distract Logan long enough for Seth to get to him.  He punches him out as the others are about to be pushed off their platforms.  Kai saves Abbey, Reed saves Kim and Aslyn saves Rowan.  Clary goes to save Remy but she goes over the edge.  Sam helps get her up and aside from some neck burns, she’s alright.  They all go home, fairly traumatized by the ordeal they’ve just gone through.  Aerin tells Zoey about trying to turn into a demon and Zoey insists she doesn’t need to do something like that.  They fight over it and Aerin ends up going back home.  She tells Clary how she’s pretty sure they broke up and Clary tries to comfort her.
May 10th - Boyd has a break down about the stuff with Aslyn, Jackson and the baby.  Aslyn agreed to spend time away from Jackson.
May 12th - Cael teaches Riker how to create copies of himself.
May 13th - Effie talks to Garrett about the council and everything going on.  They start to talk and admit things aren’t the same anymore.  They agree to work it out though, even if it might be difficult.  Aslyn tells Rowan about how she’s pregnant and isn’t sure how to handle it.  Rowan opens up about her past.  Wendy shows up at Drake’s hotel and tells him to go back home and get help but he refuses to listen to her.  Reed goes to check on Kim and after some talking then end up sleeping together.
May 14th - Noah goes to Drake��s hotel and asks him to come home.  Drake is hesitant but eventually agrees to go back and see someone about his issues.  They get back together and Noah tells him about the shapeshifters and what they’ve been up to.
May 15th - Wendy starts to recall memories from the other Wendy.  Boyd checks on Rowan and admits he doesn’t like that Aslyn is pregnant with Jackson’s baby.  Rowan says she’ll get rid of it in exchange for sexual favors.
May 16th - Drake calls Wendy to let her know he’s back home and apologizes for his behavior.
May 18th - Kenna goes into labor and Rowan takes her to the hospital.  After several long hours, Ezra is born.  Aslyn talks to Elliot and Elliot relays her message to Jackson.  She apologizes for Kim being taken since it was one of her demons and Imogen who sold her out.  Bree cancels council meets until she can sort more out.
May 19th - A woman named Anise shows up at Sam and Bex’s house and invites Bex into her coven.  Sam is wary of it but Bex promises she’ll be careful.  Hazel from the future shows up again but this time she goes to Oliver.  She tells him how he’s going to die the next day and she wants to prevent it.  Aslyn summons Zoey again and tells her she has free reign over her next kill.  Zoey finds a man and takes him to Kai’s bar.  She murders him then Aslyn does the same with a woman.  Zoey asks Aslyn for a favor and to see if Aerin is hellbound like she was or not.  They go to Kai and Clary’s house to spy and Aslyn confirms Aerin isn’t.
May 20th - Logan shows up at Wendy’s house bloodied and in need of help.  Seth answers the door and tells him they can’t help him.  Logan is upset about Wendy moving on without him and leaves to go get help from Drake.  Drake reluctantly tries to help Logan but says he can’t since he is now a vampire and there’s no way to reverse it.  Logan gets angry and tells Drake it’s his fault this happened and when Drake counters that Logan did it by selling out his family, Logan admits he has no idea what he’s talking about.  Drake does a spell to see if Logan is telling the truth or not and he is.  They realize Logan was framed but are unsure by who or why.  Drake tells Logan he’ll try to get him out of his criminal charges if he calls off the shapeshifters.
May 22nd - Effie calls Sam for help with a spell and goes back in time to stop herself from getting stabbed by Lilith in an attempt to make things better between her and Garrett.  She is able to stop it from happening and goes back to her time.  Things are different but in a good way.  Her and Garrett are more on the same page again.
May 23rd - Bex goes to her first coven meeting.  Remy opens up to Seth about what happened while being kidnapped and how she’s still having nightmares over it.  Boyd confronts Rowan about holding up her end of their deal.  Rowan (sleep deprived from Ezra) gives Boyd some pills she got from the hospital that will cause Aslyn to lose the baby.  Boyd takes the pills so he can slip them into Aslyn’s food later.
May 24th - Boyd tries to drug Aslyn so she’d lose the baby but Riker steps in and stops it from happening.  Aslyn is furious with Boyd and leaves.  Boyd angrily leaves as well.  Rowan takes out her frustration on Riker and yells at him for not doing more out of fear their group will fall apart.  Eventually she calms down and they have a nice conversation.  Riker admits he does want to be there but that he can’t because of Abbey.  Rowan says she’ll take care of it for him.  While Riker goes to the store later and Abbey takes a nap, Rowan sneaks into their room and pushes some of her demon essence into the vampire.  When Riker gets back, he notices Abbey isn’t acting like herself.  Aslyn ends up calling Jackson to meet with her and she tells him about what Boyd almost did.  He invites her back to the compound so she can relax for the night.  He tells Reed about her being there and when he gets upset, Jackson tells him about Aslyn’s pregnancy and what Boyd did.  Reed is a little more lenient but still unhappy about it.  Kim runs into Aslyn in the hall and they have a nice albeit awkward conversation before parting ways.  Reed rants to Kim later about how he doesn’t like Aslyn being there and she says she won’t talk to the demon anymore.  Boyd goes to Kai and Clary’s house to talk to Kai about how to fix it but Kai is out doing damage control at the bar so he’s stuck with Clary instead.  She does her best to give him advice but isn’t happy about him being there.  Riker goes to see Rowan later that evening with Abbey’s permission.  Rowan talks him into killing a guy and he admits he likes it.  His mom shows up and is disappointed in him for failing to do better.  She rips his wings and turns him human but he is unable to die.  She wipes everyone’s memories of him before leaving.  Riker run away to one of his old hide outs, unsure of what to do now.
May 25th - Wendy’s memory problems start to get worse.  They end up going to Remy and Seth’s place for a visit and the other Seth begs Remy to help Wendy.  Remy agrees even if it means killing the Wendy from his timeline.  She is able to split the two apart but the other Wendy slowly dies and fades away, leaving everyone a bit of a mess.  Wendy and the other Seth decide to stay for a little while.  Aslyn goes back to the house and gives Rowan her memories back of Riker, telling her she needs to go help him.  Rowan tells Aslyn that she was the one who gave Boyd the pills but that she’s sorry.  Aslyn forgives her and Rowan goes to look for Riker while Aslyn watches over Ezra.  Rowan convinces him to come back to the house with her but before they do, she takes him to see Abbey.  Abbey doesn’t remember who he is and worries they’re there to hurt her but Riker assures her he isn’t.  They part ways with Riker unsure of what to do now.  Abbey texts Kai and goes over to his house to stay a couple of days.
May 26th - Aerin texts Zoey to meet up.  Zoey tries to break up with Aerin again but Aerin is stubborn and refuses.  They end up making up and plan to move to Paris, despite Zoey being a demon.
May 28th - Remy and the other Seth have a nice talk while he makes breakfast.  They realize they’re not what each other thought they’d be like after all.  Brant and Auri go to the agency to look at fostering a kid.  They’re introduced to a boy named Kayden and decide to bring him home with them.
May 30th - Wendy and Seth talk about how strange the situation is but he tries to warm up to the idea as long as she’s happy.  They have a little birthday party for Wyatt later in the day.  Boyd comes back to apologize but Aslyn isn’t home at the time. 
May 31st - Riker’s mom talks to an archangel in an attempt to make a deal to give Riker’s friends their memories back.
June 1st - Aslyn goes to talk to Jackson and shows him her first ultrasound.  She also mentions how she banished Abaddon and killed Imogen.  Jackson is upset about it and scolds Aslyn for being so harsh.  She leaves and goes back home to rant to Rowan about how annoying he is being.  Rowan does her best to cheer Aslyn up and tells her she should try and make amends with Boyd, even if she doesn’t want to.  Kim and Reed go over to Effie and Garrett’s place for a dinner double date.  Later that night, Jackson goes to Imogen’s apartment and cremates her body.  He spreads her ashes on one of her plants then brings it back home with him to plant it in the garden.
June 3rd - The third council meeting takes place.  Clary brings up knowing about Aslyn’s pregnancy but doesn’t say Jackson’s the father.  Jackson mentions how Wendy might be beneficial to have on the council to represent the shape shifters.  Rowan surprises Kenna with a trip to Australia so they can get away from the house for a bit. 
June 4th - Riker’s mom shows up and tells him she fixed everything.  Everyone will get their memories back but he has to stay an immortal mortal.  She tells him she traded her wings in order to do it and that she’ll die in a months time.
June 5th - Wendy shows up at Drake’s apartment to try and apologize so they can get back to how they use to be.  Drake admits he wants to fix their relationship also.  After some talking, they’re able to make amends.
June 7th - Bex and Sam have a heated discussion about their life.  Sam ends up storming off and ranting to Remy about it.  He goes back home later and apologizes to Bex about it.  They both decide to do better at communication and not letting things stop them from being themselves.  Aurelia goes to the house and introduces Clary to Hayden.  Zoey and Aerin move to Paris.
June 8th - Riker talks to Abbey about what happened the last couple weeks.  The news startles her and they argue a bit but she eventually decides to let him hang out with Rowan and the others again.  Meanwhile, Kai goes to talk to Rowan and warns her to back off.  Rowan becomes pissed about it and snaps Kai’s neck.  Rowan and Kenna go over to the Dagny house to get rid of Clary and Hazel.  They kill Freebie in the process.  Clary has Hazel hide in the closet while she tries to figure out how to get rid of the demons.  They slash Clary open and she almost dies.  Kai manages to get back to the house and scare them away but Aslyn cut off his hand before he could get there.  Brant and Auri help the two of them and they slowly try to recover.
June 10th - Clary calls Bree and tells her about what the demons did.  She also tells her that Jackson is the father to Aslyn’s baby.  Bree calls Seth and asks him to join them for the next council meeting.  She also tells him about Jackson and Aslyn having a baby together. 
June 11th - Sebastian comes back and talks to Seth.  Then he goes and scolds Jackson for what he’s been doing.  Jackson promises to do better and breaks things off with Aslyn.  She is upset with him and decides to spend the rest of her life down in Hell, feeling unwanted.
June 12th - The council meets for a fourth time.  Kai is there in place of Clary, Seth sits in and both Aslyn and Riker are absent.  Bree decides it’s time to take action to get rid of the demons.  Jackson agrees but doesn’t say much else.  They decide to come up with a plan and implement it in the near future.  Aslyn comes back and realizes she doesn’t want to waste her time with the wolves anymore.  The demons go to Australia to have a little vacation.
June 13th - Brant asks Wendy to join him while he goes to the Vatican to find out more information about the demons.  They come up with a plan to bind Aslyn to a figurine and send her to another dimension.  They ask Bree to borrow her magic for it and she agrees.  Aslyn calls Jackson to tell him she’s done with him.  He’s sad about it but decides it’s a way for him to move on.
June 14th - Riker texts Rowan and says they can hang out again.  Rowan picks him up and brings them to the beach house for a fun day.  Effie texts Abbey to check in n her and Abbey mentions Riker being with the demons.  Effie pushes Abbey into getting their location from Riker.  Abbey does and tells Effie where they are.  Effie tells Brant and even though he’s reluctant to act on it yet, she convinces him to.  Brant, Wendy and Effie show up at the beach house and ruin the demon’s fun day.  Effie kidnaps Ezra to distract the demons while Wendy uses Bree’s magic to trap Aslyn in a figurine.  They manage to get away but Rowan manages to mark Effie before they can.  Effie is covered in hundreds of demon marks and Brant doesn’t know how to remove them.  They decide to go back the next day to talk to the demons to get rid of the marks.  Garrett flies out there to be with Effie.  Wendy sends Aslyn to another dimension.  Once they’re gone, Boyd snaps at Riker that it’s his fault Aslyn is gone, since he told Abbey.  Riker calls Abbey and yells at her for what happened.  Abbey begs Riker to understand that the demons are bad but he refuses.  Abbey can’t take it anymore and burns down their house.  She spends the night at the cemetery by her parents’ graves.
June 15th - Garrett shows up and tries to cheer Effie up.  Brant, Wendy and Effie go back to the demon’s beach house and demand they remove the marks.  Rowan removes all but one and tells them to bring Aslyn back or they’ll start a war.  Rowan gives them one hour.  Aslyn breaks out of the figurine but finds herself in a different dimension where she is Satan and married to Jackson.  Rowan and Boyd are married also, but don’t know who she is.  She gets frustrated and with Jackson’s help, she’s able to go back to her own time.  Back in the current dimension, Brant, Wendy, Effie and Garrett put wards up all over Brant’s house and come up with a plan to send the other demons to other dimensions also.  However, the demons comes with reinforcements and they are outnumbered.  They are able to bind Elijah to a figurine but that’s all they manage.  Right when the demons are about to kill all them, Aslyn shows up and tells them to back off.  The demons leave everyone in mostly one piece.  Bree comes to the house to help heal any wounds they have.�� Abbey goes to a local witch to ask for a new daylight ring since she threw hers in the fire.  The witch also helps her put a ward on herself so the demons can’t track her down.  Last, the witch makes a portal so Abbey can go to Nova Scotia, where she grew up.  Abbey uses compulsion to buy the house she lived in as a child with the intention to start over with Morgan.
June 16th - Bex suggests the name Brandon for their baby and Sam says he likes the name.  Elliot goes to Jackson and tells him he’s going to leave so he can be with Aslyn.  Jackson begs him not to go but Elliot does anyway.  On his way out, he runs into Kim and they go for a walk together.  She asks him not to leave but he says he has to be there for Aslyn.  Noah tells Drake that he thinks Logan has over stayed his welcome and they need to work on getting him out.  Drake reluctantly agrees and promises to do something about it.  Rowan takes Riker back to his place but the house is burned down.  Riker worries about what might have happened to Abbey but despite using her demon powers, Rowan is unable to find where the girl is.
June 17th - Riker talks to a witch and is able to find where Abbey went.  He yells at her about changing her mind and says he doesn’t plan to stop talking to the demons.  He tells her either he gets both or nothing.  Abbey reluctantly tells him she can’t give him both and he leaves again.
June 18th - Cael talks to Riker and tries to understand his side.  Riker asks Cael to make it so he can die and the angel does so.  He tells Riker he should give Abbey another shot before taking his life.  Riker goes back to the house and tries to make up with Abbey.  He gives her the same choice, both or nothing.  Abbey lets him have both this time, wanting Morgan to have a better life, even if it means sacrificing her own free will.  Riker looks for a new house for them then calls Rowan and tells her about what happened with him and Abbey.  Rowan tells him he should work on fixing his marriage first, then they can figure out what to do about them.
June 19th - With Elijah being gone, Tiber goes to Clary’s house.  He tells her he doesn’t like being a demon and wants her help to find a way to stop being one.  She gets him a hotel and calls Brant to help find a way to keep him safe.  Brant comes out and puts a seal on Tiber so his powers won’t work.
June 20th - Marcus shows up at Seth and Remy’s place and taunts him.  Seth is annoyed but doesn’t do anything to the demon this time.  Marcus then goes to mess with Wendy but she and the other Seth are not having it.  Wendy goes to trap Marcus in a figurine like what they did with Elijah, but Marcus makes a deal with Seth.  He says he’ll have Aslyn send him back to his timeline if they let him go.  Seth decides to take the deal so he can see his friends and family one last time.  Sam’s Ex-fiance, Gemma, shows up.  She tells him she was able to use time travel to be there in the hopes that they can fix everything and go back to how they were.  Sam says it’s impossible and tries to get her to leave.  She threatens to go back and change it so she didn’t die but Sam manages to stop her.  Eden, one of the demons who attacked everyone, shows up and apologizes to Garrett.  He is suspicious but she tells him she’s only a half demon and that she really is sorry.
June 24th - Aslyn shows up at Wendy and Seth’s place as part of the deal they made with Marcus.  She makes a portal and they are able to go to his timeline.  They run into his siblings and introduce them to Margaux.  It’s bitter sweet because they don’t want them to leave but Seth insists they can’t stay.  They have a nice day with his family then go to have dinner with hers.  After they’re done, they find the other Sam and he helps get them back home.
June 25th - Elliot tries to summon Aslyn but Rowan comes instead.  He asks her to relay the message to Aslyn that he’s still there for her.  Rowan says she won’t because Aslyn doesn’t care.  He doesn’t believe her and gives her one of Aslyn’s necklaces.  He asks her to give it to his sister and she says she will before disappearing.  Remy texts Sam to check in on him and he tells her about how Gemma is causing problems.  She offers to help and he says he has an idea that might do the trick.  She goes out to his place and he says if Remy goes back in time and makes it so the past him still kills her, then everything should be okay.  They trick Gemma into going back to her time then Remy follows.  Remy uses compulsion to get Gemma to cheat like before then she finds the past Sam and plants the seed in his mind to kill her.  After she knows it worked, she goes back to her time.  Everything seems fine and normal so they know it worked.  While Remy is helping Sam, Bex goes to their house and talks to Seth to get some advice about things. 
June 27th - Rowan gives Aslyn the necklace Elliot gave her.  Aslyn says she doesn’t want it and that her brother was an idiot for talking to Rowan.
June 28th - Remy tells Seth about what her and Sam did.  He thinks it’s a little weird but is glad everything worked out.
June 30th - Effie surprises Garrett with a trip to LA.  When they get there, she takes him to the spots she grew up.  Garrett confront her, asking if she regrets her life with him.  She tells him she doesn’t but he doesn’t believe her and they get in a heated argument.  Effie lets it slip that she went back and changed the timeline to avoid Garrett leaving.  After going back and forth, they realize they’ve both been wrong about things and apologize.  They try to move forward and have a nice family vacation. 
July 1st - Aslyn goes to Zoey and Aerin’s apartment and tells Zoey she has an assignment for her.  Zoey reluctantly agrees to it.  She finds a guy and brings him to an abandoned house so they can torture and kill him.  Aslyn ages him to an old man then kills him.  Before letting Zoey leave, she tells her to kill five people or else.  Zoey does it but is annoyed.  Aslyn tells Rowan that she can age a person anyway she wants.  Rowan suggests using it so she can have her baby sooner to get it out of the way.  After talking about a few things They end up going out on a small shopping trip together.  They get some lingerie, have sex in the shop then burn it down.
July 2nd - Drake takes Logan down to the police station so he can finally turn himself in.
July 3rd - Riker goes to Clary and Kai’s house and talks to her about everything going on between him and Abbey.  Clary gives him some advice on how to defuse the situation.
July 5th - Aslyn goes to the compound and introduces Jackson to Luther.  Jackson is startled by seeing the boy, especially when his eyes turn black.  Aslyn hands the baby to another demon and they take him to Hell for safe keeping.  Boyd, Rowan and Kenna appear and Aslyn tells them to destroy the compound and the wolves inside.  Jackson fights to keep them out and in the process he is killed by Rowan.  Aslyn and the others start to burn the compound to lure the wolves out.  They kill three and injure others.  Frank is burned, Kim gets her leg broken and Elliot does his best to protect Jace while Reed makes calls to try and get help.  Meanwhile, Sebastian appears to Jackson and tells him he’s dead.  He steals an angel sphere though, and gives it to him so he can go back.  Jackson returns to Earth as an angel and scares Aslyn and the other demons away.  He helps heal anyone who is hurt and apologizes for his behavior.  He asks Reed to become the new alpha of the pack and he accepts.  Jackson decides he’s done letting the demons push them around.
July 6th - Rowan, Aslyn and Boyd celebrate their victory from the day before by having a three way on the couch.
July 7th - Reed checks in on Kim who is mostly healed by then.  He tells her he’s nervous about being the new alpha but she tells him he’ll do a great job and that they all have his back.  Bex suggests going to the future and seeing if everything turns out alright.  Sam says it’s a bad idea but she insists it’ll put her mind at ease once and for all.  He finally agrees and does a spell so there are two Bex.  He sends the original into the future to see how it pans out while he stays with the clone so the timeline will flow as normal.  Bex finds the future Sam and future her and talks to them.  They tell her everything works out and she goes back home to tell Sam.  She apologizes for causing him so much stress and he says it’ll be okay.  They fuze the two Bex back together and decide to move forward.
July 8th - Jackson texts Bree and tells her that he is an angel now and that he plans to get rid of the demons.  Bree agrees it’s a good idea, even if it means killing Luther too.
July 9th - An angel named Winnie shows up to help train Jackson.  He is a natural and figures out how to use his powers almost immediately.  Kenna has the idea to get a few vessel to spice things up.  Rowan thinks it would be a fun idea and they go out to do some shopping.  Kenna settles with a male body this time and Rowan admits it’s sexy to see her like that.  Effie goes for a visit to talk to Seth about things.  She admits she’s not connecting with Luca like how Garrett is and worries she’s not a good enough mom but he comforts her about it.
July 10th - After not speaking for weeks, Riker begs Abbey to talk to him.  She finally opens about everything and what’s been bothering her.  They com to a compromise and promise to do better.
July 11th - Winnie gives Jackson another angel lesson.  She shows him how to banish and kill demons.  She also tells him that when he’s proven himself, he’ll be able to see his loved ones again.  The news makes him even more excited to be an angel.  After he’s done, he decides he doesn’t want to wait and goes to find where the demons are.  He takes Luther and threatens to throw him over the banister.  Boyd, Rowan and Aslyn beg him not to and he tells them he’s sick of them hurting everyone and that it’s their turn to fear him.  He drops Luther but Rowan catches him.  While they’re tending to the baby, Jackson finds Kenna and kills her.  Rowan finds her body right after but is unable to bring her back.  Fearing Jackson might come back to finish the rest of them, they flee the house.  They go to the Australia beach out and bury Kenna then go to Japan to hide out.
July 13th - Noah gets a call from his sister, Nina, and she asks if they can do lunch sometime soon.  He agrees to it and tells Drake.  He also mentions his sister doesn’t know about the supernatural and that when they do meet up with her, that they should keep it on the down low.  Garrett surprises Effie with breakfast in bed for her birthday.  Wendy goes to the compound to check on Jackson.  He tells her things are going well for once and she’s glad to hear it.  Riker texts Rowan to see how things are and she tells him how Kenna is dead and that Jackson’s the one that did it.  She’s worries she might eb next so she starts to confess things to him.  He tells her it’s not over and to stop being an idiot.
July 14th - Winnie congratulates Jackson on his victory and says he’s doing a great job.  He asks her questions about demons and their powers so he understands it better.  After he does, he decides to go back to finish the job.  Boyd checks in on Rowan and they both admit they’re terrified of dying.  Rowan confesses to Boyd and he does the same.  Rowan promises if anything happens to Boyd, she’ll take care of Aslyn and Luther for him.  Boyd promises the same if anything happens to her with Ezra.  They order food and plan to relax for the evening but Jackson shows up.  Rowan realizes Jackson is there for Boyd and tells him to run but he isn’t able to.  Jackson prevents them from stopping him as he kills Boyd then leaves again.  Rowan takes Aslyn and the baby’s to Riker and Abbey’s place and beg them to stay a couple days.  Riker says they can and after talking to Abbey, she agrees.  Aslyn and Rowan go back while Luther and Ezra stay behind and they bury Boyd with Kenna.
July 15th - Riker texts Clary and tells her what happened to Boyd.  She tells Kai and he goes out to the house to check on everyone.  He runs into Rowan first and he says he’s sorry for what happened.  Rowan says how it doesn’t feel real and apologizes for what they did to him.  She also admits all she ever wanted was to fit in with them.  When Kai comes home that night, him and Clary talk about how it isn’t fair what happened.  Clary suggests they make a demon sanctuary and he agrees it could be a good idea.  Elliot goes to check in on Kim and she in turn asks how he’s doing.  He says it’s weird to know Aslyn is really gone but that he’ll be alright.  Esther tells Seth that she saw an old gang member in town.  Seth decides it’s time to tell Remy about their past.  He tells her about how he joined the gang and what his role was.  Esther lets it slip that her and Seth had a fling once which makes Remy a bit uncomfortable.  Later, Seth checks in on Remy and mentions taking a possible trip on the next full moon with Lucy and Esther.  Remy says she doesn’t like the idea and admits she’s a little jealous of Esther.  Seth apologizes and instead asks if Remy wants to go instead.  They decide to go a family outing since it’s been so long and Remy is excited about it.
July 16th - Abbey texts Jackson and asks him to meet up to talk to her.  He agrees to it and says he’ll be there later.  Abbey checks in on Aslyn and Aslyn apologizes for their behavior in the past.  Abbey forgives her and mentions that she’s going to see Jackson.  Aslyn asks to tag along and Abbey reluctantly agrees.  They go to a cafe in town and meet up with the former alpha.  Abbey asks Jackson to leave the demons alone and he says he has no interest in them anymore.  Him and Aslyn have a heated argument about everything before her abruptly leaves.  When they get back to the house, Abbey apologizes for not understanding the demons before.  Aslyn forgives her then goes to find Rowan.  She tells her that Jackson isn’t going to be their problem anymore and that they need to stick together.
July 17th - Clary calls Nicolette and they meet up in town.  She tells her what happened to Boyd then they go to Riker’s house to check on everyone.  Nicolette and Riker have a small reunion and talk about what’s been going on.  Aslyn and Nicolette meet, despite the less than ideal circumstances.  While there, Clary talks to Aslyn and offers to represent the demons on the council.  Aslyn says it would be a good idea.  Clary talks to Kai about it later and asks if he’ll take her place as vampire representative and he accepts.
July 18th - The fifth council meeting takes place.  Clary asks if Kai and join and Bree says it’s fine.  While there, Clary and Kai tell the others what Jackson did.  Jackson says it wasn’t wrong and that the demons deserved it.  Kai gets pissed about it and the two fight until Brant steps in.  Clary tells them how she’s going to represent the demons from now and Kai will be for the vampires.  They also tell them they want to make a demon sanctuary.  Bree and Effie are on Jackson’s side that the demons should be dealt with period but Clary, Kai and Brant don’t want that.  They finally decide to let the plans go through but no one is very happy about it.  After the council meeting, Effie goes home and tells Garrett about what happened.  He says the demon stuff makes no sense and that if the others want to try they can but he asks Effie to stay out of it.  She says she will.
July 19th - Kai meets up with Abbey and they get caught up.  Effie goes to the compound to talk to Jackson.  He tells her the story of how the demons showed up and killed him along with three others.  Effie agrees it’s good he’s an angel and is going to get rid of the demons.  He appreciates her support and she tells him she’ll come by again another day with Garrett and Luca.  Riker summons Cael and yells at him about what Jackson did.  Cael has no compassion about it and says it’s just how things work.  He also lets it slip that the demons won’t be able to just lay low and that if they try, a higher up demon will probably kill them.  He mentions that they could probably be turned mortal like when Riker got his wings ripped but he says he doesn’t know the details.  Riker goes to find Rowan and suggests they try to find a way to turn her and Aslyn into something else.  Rowan isn’t sure about it but wants to try if it means keeping Ezra and Luther safe.  She goes to talk to Aslyn about it but she refuses to give up that easily.  She tells her that she’s looking through spell books to bring them back.  Rowan doubts it’ll work but leaves her to it anyway.  Ana shows up at Zoey and Aerin’s apartment and apologizes for her behavior in the past.  She also warns Zoey about the angel problem.
July 20th - Bex and Sam welcome baby Brandon into the family.  Sydney is unsure how to feel about it.  Bree shows up at Seth and Remy’s place to talk to Seth about what’s been going on with the council.
July 21st - Wendy gives Seth a coin that’s able to make a portal so he can go to his timeline anytime he wants.  Noah and Drake meet up with his sister at a local cafe.  She tells Noah about how she recently got in a divorce and he shares the news that him and Drake are engaged.  It comes up and Drake tells her about Margaux.  She is understandably freaked out about hearing that and goes to leave but Noah stops her and tells her about the supernaturals.  She doesn’t believe him at first but then Drake does some magic to prove it.  She ends up leaving to give herself time to think about it.
July 23rd - Aslyn ends up digging deeper into how to get Kenna and Boyd back.  Rowan insists it’s useless and they should move on but Aslyn refuses.  Cael warns Riker that he needs to get Aslyn to stop looking into how to bring Boyd and Kenna back or bad things will happen.  Riker tells him they aren’t going to stop so Cael decides to make them a deal.  He tells Aslyn he’ll bring Boyd back if they behave.  He also says he’ll let Kenna come back in a month if they keep their end of the bargain.  Aslyn agrees and Boyd is able to come back.  Clary and Kai find an old abandoned private school to buy so they can turn it into a santuary for demons.
July 24th - Deigo shows up at the barrier by Seth and Remy’s house.  Seth talks to him to try and see if he can be trusted or not.  Rowan talks to Boyd about how things have been.  He tells her that when he was dead he could still hear and see them and says Kenna can hear and see them too.  Rowan comes up with the idea of taking over as Satan.  Boyd says that would be good because then no one can stop them from doing whatever they want.  Effie goes to the pack to say hi to everyone.  Kim tells her how Reed is the new pack alpha and they talk about if Kim loves him or not. 
July 25th - As a ghost still, Kenna summons Cael and tries to make a deal with him so she can go back.  He tells her he’ll send her back right now if she never goes to the demons again.  Kenna contemplates the deal but turns it down.  Cael goes to the hospital afterwward and introduces himself to Morgan.  He tells Riker and Abbey that because Riker was an angel at the time, Morgan is one also.  He tells them he is assigned to be her guardian angel.
July 26th - Eden introduces herself to Jackson and tells him about her being a half demon.
July 27th - Kenna talks to Cael some more about her being dead and wanting to change.  He starts to feel bad for her and ends up telling her about how she can enter people’s dreams to talk to them.  She enters Rowan’s dream to talk to her.  Kenna says she wants to change and be better.  Rowan says she wants to change too.  Ana shows up to talk to Drake.  She warns him that something bad is going to happen and that people are going to get hurt.  He doesn’t heed her warning.  Tiber asks Clary if he can start working at the cafe.  She says it would be a great idea.
July 28th - Eden shows up and talks to Rowan to try and convince her to take the Satan position after all.  Kenna goes to talk to Jackson in his dreams.  She tells him how much she hates what he did and after going back and forth for a while, they open up to each other.  He apologizes for not being better to her and for killing her and her baby.  She tells him how she wants to change and he says he believes her.
July 29th - Jackson summons Winnie and Cael and decides to reverse what he did to Kenna so she can go back.  Cael says he’ll do it and leaves to do so.  Winnie then tells Jackson he’s done a good job overall and teaches him how to see Sebastian.  He goes to see him and Sebastian tells him he’s proud of what he’s been doing.  Rowan tells Kenna about the Satan stuff but Kenna insists it’s a bad idea.  While in the middle of talking, Cael summons Kenna and says he’ll let her go back so long as she obeys the rules.  She says she will and that she genuinely wants to change.  He lets her go back and she celebrates with Rowan.  Abbey introduces Kai to Morgan and tells him about how she is an angel.  Clary introduces herself to Eden as an ally for demons. 
July 30th - Hazel goes back in time to try and cheer up Kai.  Since the timeline never stays put, she decides to tell him who she is which makes him even happier to see her.  She even tells him how she’s a witch.
August 2nd - Aslyn talks to Rowan about how things are different now.  Rowan says her and Kenna want to live in New Orleans and Aslyn says she wants to move her and Boyd to London.  Noah texts Nina to see how she’s doing and offers to show her more proof about the supernatural.  Kenna goes to talk to Abbey.  She brings her a gift for Morgan and apologizes for the past.  Abbey accepts her apology and they decide to start over.  Aerin goes home for a little while.
August 3rd - Kenna and Rowan talk more about turning back into humans.  Rowan is uneasy about the idea but Kenna says it’s what she wants.  Bree is found dead.  Drake begins to look into it while Jackson tells the council and everyone else about it.  Jackson then goes to find Aslyn, demanding answers but she says it wasn’t them.  He feels powerless to help Bree and blames himself for her dying.  Eden shows up at the police station to give her testimony since she was there when Bree died.  Drake does a memory projection spell and sees Sam was at the scene of the crime when it happened. 
August 4th - Drake tells Noah he knows who killed Bree but feels conflicted about it.  Noah asks him who did it and he says it was Sam.  Drake calls Remy to get Sam’s new address.  He tells her that he’s being pinned for murder and she refuses to believe it.  Drake goes to Sam and Bex’s house and arrests Sam.  They take him to the police station and leave him in a holding cell until they can figure out what to do.  Logan is in another holding cell and talks to Sam about what he did.  Remy tells Seth how they think Sam was involved in Bree’s murder but he knows that’s not true too.  Eden talks to Rowan some more to try and manipulate her.
August 5th - Kenna summons Cael and tells him about how she got her job.  He congratulates her and they talk about the idea of her and Rowan becoming human again.  Rowan is conflicted about how to feel about everything.  She isn’t sure if she wants to be human or become the new Satan.  Nina shows up at the police station to talk to Noah.  He apologizes for ditching her the other day.  They talk about how they’ve been and Nina opens up about her drinking problem and how it’s the reason she lost her family.
August 6th - Effei goes to Bree’s office to investigate what might have happened to her.  While she’s there, Eden and her mom show up.  They knock her out and kidnap her.  Ana shows up again and tells Drake this was what she worried about.  She also says someone else is going to die if he doesn’t stop it.  Drake worries it might be another original and calls Remy to warn her.  Garrett calls Remy to ask if Effie’s there but she tells him she’s not.  She offers to help look for her though.  Remy calls Drake back and says Effie is missing.  He’s worried Effie might be the next to die so he goes to the holding cells to let Sam and Logan free.  He borrows some of Sam’s magic then takes Logan to Remy’s place to help do a locator spell.  They’re able to find Effie but she’s hurt very badly.  Logan calls Jackson using Drake’s phone and tells him that Effie’s hurt.  Jackson shows up and manages to heal her before it’s too late.  When he finds out Eden is behind what happened to Bree and Effie, he goes to find her.  She tells him it was her mom doing everything.  He takes her powers away then locks her mom up in jail, hoping that will be the end of it.  Effie goes home after she’s healed up some more and tells Garrett about what happened.  He’s relieved she’s okay.  Since Logan helped, Drake is able to get him pardoned so he can be set free.
August 7th - Seth runs into Diego again and they talk some more.  Kenna and Rowan ask Aslyn to turn them back into humans.  Boyd is furious about it and storms off while Aslyn agrees to do it if they really want to.  She says she’ll need a few days to practice first.  Thomas goes to the pack in London and asks if he can be of service to them.  Jackson asks Reed if it would be okay for Thomas and Paisley to stay with them for a while and he’s fine with it.  Jackson starts to open up to Thomas about everything going on in his life.
August 9th - Eden texts Garrett and asks him to meet up with her at the old compound.  He tells Effie he’s going to a job interview but goes to meet with Eden instead.  While talking to her, Boyd shows up, marks him and kills him.  Garrett dies and wakes up in Hell as a new demon.  Boyd gives Eden her powers back before parting ways.  Effie calls Jackson, looking for Garrett.  He says he hasn’t heard anything but has a bad feeling.  Kenna goes to the compound to tell Jackson what happened to Garrett.  She goes down to Hell to keep him company while Jackson tries to figure out how to handle everything.  He goes to Effie’s house and tells her what happened.  She doesn’t believe him so he goes to get Garrett’s body and bring it to her.  He promises to find Boyd and make him pay.  Kenna calls Rowan to tell her what Boyd did.  Rowan texts Aslyn to tell her and they both go to find him.  When they find him, he’s at the Australia beach house acting like nothing’s wrong.  They both yell at him and tell him how he’s fucked everything up.  Aslyn leaves and before Rowan goes, she tells Boyd she wished her understood how much they love him.  Seth shows up at the house to tries to comfort Effie.  She packs her things, grabs Luca and they go back to his place to stay for a little while.
August 10th - Remy can’t take the stress of everything lately and has a break down.  Seth does his best to reassure her everything will be okay.  Jackson, Winnie and Cael find Boyd and kill him for good this time.  Jackson then brings Boyd’s body to Aslyn and tells her she’s sorry but she doesn’t believe him.
August 11th - Kenna teaches Garrett how to go topside so he can see Effie.  He apologizes for what happened and they promise to get through it together no matter what.
August 12th - Nina bumps into Logan on the street.  They end up getting coffee together and talking about fresh starts.
August 13th - Aslyn tells Garrett she’s working on getting him a more permanent vessel and tries to tempt him into staying a demon.  He tells her about the weird urges he’s been getting lately and she tells him she should give into them.  Wendy goes to Seth’s timeline to spend the day with Helena.  While getting lunch, Lenny brings up Drake and Wendy asks to see him.  She is hesitant to do so but bring her to the jail where he is being kept.  Wendy is horrified by his behavior and leaves feeling uncomfortable about the encounter.  With Garrett trying to cope with being a demon, Rowan realizes it would be best if they become human after all.  Jackson asks Elliot if she would like to be on the council to represent the werewolves and he gladly accepts.  Later, he goes to talk to Wendy to see if she’ll represent the shapeshifters.  She also accepts.  Last, he asks Sam to be the representative for the witches.  He is hesitant but eventually agrees.
August 14th - Seth and Remy go out for a run.  They play hide and seek tag then have a small sparing match that Remy wins. 
August 15th - The council meets again.  They discuss what Boyd did and introduce the new members.
August 16th - Garrett tells Effie about how he wouldn’t mind staying a demon if he got control of everything.  He mentions how he gets strange urges and she reminds him it’ll be okay.
August 17th - Wendy goes back to Seth’s timeline to speak to Drake.  She offers to help him even though he refuses at first.  Eventually he gives in and accepts her help.  She takes him back to her timeline and tells Seth what her plan is.  He doesn’t like the idea of the other Drake being around but she tells him he’ll be killed if he goes back.  He reluctantly agrees to let him stay and she takes Drake to the catacombs to leave him with the shapeshifters.  Kai and Clary talk about what happened with Boyd.  They agree this shouldn’t stop them from making the demon santuary.  Clary also asks Kai what he thinks about adopting Tiber.
August 18th - Rowan checks in on Aslyn to see how she’s doing.  She says she’s sad about Boyd but doing her best to move forward.
August 19th - Aslyn turns Kenna and Rowan into humans.  In doing so, Rowan has his original face.  It makes him uncomfortable but Kenna reassures him it’s only temporary.  Kim goes to check on Elliot and ask how being on the council is going.  He says it’s nice and that his family would be proud.  He also says how he’s been talking to Aslyn lately and Kim warns him to be careful.  While Effie and Luca are out, Garrett sense someone trying to kill themselves.  He goes and when they hesitate, he ends up pushing them without realizing.  He goes to Kenna to tell her what he did and she tells him to fight those urges so he doesn’t sink deeper.
August 20th - Drake suggests they have a big family get together and Noah agrees it would be a fun idea.  He texts Remy and Wendy to ask them to come over and they agree it will be fun.  Noah asks Nina about it and she asks Logan to go with her.
August 21th - Drake and Noah have their siblings over for a small get together.  It’s a little awkward at times but overall a success.  Wendy does let it slip that she brought the other Drake to that timeline but they don’t touch about it much more than that.  Effie asks Garrett if he’s alright since he’s been acting strange.  He tells her he’s fine and they end up having sex.  During it, Garrett starts to get a little rough but Effie stops him.  Feeling ashamed, he goes to the Ireland caves to get some air.  While he’s there, Aslyn shows up.  She tells him he should just give into that feeling and he ends up kissing her which leads to more.  They have sex several times and he regrets none of it.  He asks if they can do more the next day and she says they can.  He goes home to Effie and tells her he was gone so long because of a job interview last minute.  They have a nice night together reading Luca bedtime stories. 
August 22st - Garrett tells Effie he’s going to work for the day but really, he’s meeting with Aslyn again.  While having sex, Aslyn mentions how he should take the Satan role.  Garrett considers it and after they’re done, they go down to Hell to practice torturing people.  After doing that, Garrett decides it would be better if he did take the Satan role after all.  They go to find him and Aslyn vouches for Garrett.  The current Satan agrees to do it and Garrett becomes the new Satan.  Feeling empowered, he asks Aslyn to become his new wife and take over Hell with him.  She gladly accepts.  They go up topside and tell Effie about everything.  She doesn’t believe them so Garrett forces her to stay on the couch and watch as they fuck on the coffee table.  Aslyn leaves to go tell Kenna and Rowan and when she’s gone, Garrett apologizes to Effie.  He tells her he still loves her but that it will be better if he left.  He erases everyone’s memory of him then forces her to sleep.  He goes to find Aslyn and tell the good news to Rowan and Kenna but they are not happy about it.  Kenna demands Garrett give Effie her memories back which pisses him off.  He threatens to kill Rowan if Kenna gets in his way again.  Garrett and Aslyn go back down to Hell to celebrate him being the new Satan.  Kenna summons Jackson and tells him what happened to Garrett.  He doesn’t believe her but has a bad feeling she’s telling the truth.  He takes Rowan, Kenna and Ezra to the compound so they’ll be safe while he tries to figure out what to do.  Effie wakes up later and realizes her memories of Garrett are still there.  She’s horrified and sickened by what he did and shows up at Seth and Remy’s house to talk to him and ask to stay a few days. 
August 23rd - Jackson goes to check on Effie and asks for her help to try and get Garrett back.  He summons Aslyn to separate the two of them and he is able to convince her to turn into a human like Rowan and Kenna.  She gives Eden her Lilith position and once she’s no longer a demon, she realizes all her mistakes.  Jackson forgives her and tells her he’ll help figure things out.  Effie summons Garret and begs him to come back to her.  She eventually gets through to him but he says he can’t go back to being human unless someone takes his place as Satan.  They end up giving it to Boyd and in exchange, he goes back to being a wolf like before.  Boyd also gives everyone their memories back of Garrett so everything is back to normal.  Effie and Garrett return home but are very awkward with one another after everything that happened.  Jackson goes to see Sebastian and tells him he wants to help Aslyn now that’s back to her old self.  Sebastian tells him that’s fine.  They also both agree that if the other wants to date someone else, it’s okay.
August 24th - Boyd and Aslyn break up.  Garrett apologizes to Effie again for what he did.  She says she forgives him but that it’ll still take time for her to trust him.  Elliot brings Rowan a sandwich and checks in on him.  Rowan is thankful to him and tells him about how things are going to be different now.  Aslyn texts Rowan later to meet at a cafe in town.  She tells Rowan how she’s no longer Lilith and says how her and Boyd broke up.  Rowan feels bad for her and says they can make amends.  Later, Rowan summons Boyd to see if he’s actually Satan and he confirms he is.  Boyd also gives Rowan his other face back.
August 25th - Kenna goes to Garrett and Effie’s apartment to check on him.  He apologizes for what he did and she forgives him.  Rowan goes to talk to Elliot since they’re going to be leaving soon.  He thanks him for his kindness and tells him about Aslyn being human again.
August 26th - Eden visits Zoey and tells her that she’s the new Lilith.  She urges her to do something bad and Zoey has the idea to mess with Hazel.  They go to do that but Boyd shows up and tells them to tell.  They reluctantly do.  Afterwards, Boyd tell Clary about him being Satan and about what Zoey and Eden tried to do to Hazel.  Wendy goes to check on the other Drake in the catacombs and finds out he’s killed all the shapeshifters there.  She threatens to take him back to jail but he manages to pin her to the wall and steal her coin.  He goes back to his timeline and finds the other Effie to tell her about the other world and that they might have better luck over there.  Wendy calls the other Seth and tells him what happened.  He calls Remy and she goes to get Wendy and bring her home.  The other Effie goes to Seth and Remy’s place, pretending to be Effie.  She asks about how to make hybrids and Seth tells her.  She then leaves and goes to tell the other Drake what she found out.
August 27th - The other Drake and other Effie show up at Bex and Sam’s house and force Sam to give Drake his magic.  He does it to keep Brandon safe.  Once his magic is gone, they go to Remy and Seth’s place, thinking it will be safe there.  Bex is pissed when she finds out Wendy is the one who let the other Drake out and that the others didn’t warn anyone.  Sam says he’ll be fine but isn’t.  The other Drake and other Effie go to Noah and Drake’s apartment and force Drake to give Effie his magic.  Noah tries to defend himself but the other Drake kills him and turns him into a vampire.  Remy shows up a few minutes later and offers to help them the best she can.  Back at the house, Wendy and Seth find out the other Drake is in the catacombs.  They go to get him but he is ready for them.  He uses his new magic to send Seth into a grave and is about to rape Wendy to try and create a tribrid, but Margaux from the future shows up and stops him.  She saves Seth and takes them back to Seth and Remy’s house and tells them it’s important they get Sam his magic back.  She also warns them that the other Effie is going to get herself pregnant with a wolf.  The other Effie goes to Garrett and Effie’s house when Effie goes out to get groceries.  She flirts with Garrett and tries to get him to sleep with her but he notices the lack of her shoulder mark and realizes she’s an imposter.  She pins him to the ground and is about to rape him when Effie shows up and snaps.  She kills the other her and apologizes to Garrett for losing it.  Seth shows up a few minutes later and they take Luca back to the house so he’ll be safe while they come up with the next plan.  Effie and Garrett go to the catacombs to try and kill the other Drake but he catches on that it’s a set up.  He snaps Garrett’s neck and Effie tries to go after him but he gets away.  Seth and Remy show up shortly after and see Garrett dead.  Effie is in denial about it though.  Seth takes her back to the house while Remy stays with Garrett.  Before she can try to use her magic to help him, he wakes up good as new.  They go back to the house and he comforts Effie, telling her he’s alright.
August 29th - Wendy texts Drake to apologize for what she’s done.  He forgives her and offers to try and help find the other him, the best he can.  A fey boy named Taleasin shows up at Riker and Abbey’s door and says he’s his son from a previous fling.  Riker allows him to stay with them for the time being.
August 30th - Jackson finalizes the paperwork to get Aslyn back her childhood home.  He visits her and Luther then goes home and tells Thomas how good he’s doing now that things have died down.  Seth goes over to Drake and Noah’s place to help teach Noah more about self control and give him blood bags.  Then he teaches Drake a few moves on how to defend himself against vampires, just in case.
September 1st - On her way to the compound, Esther is kidnapped by the other Drake.  He takes her back to his timeline and tells her his plans to impregnate her so he can make hybrid babies.  Thomas texts Clary with an update and Clary tells him he should go for Jackson.
September 2nd - The other Drake kidnaps Kim during the full moon and brings her to where Esther is before leaving again.  Kim and Esther talk and slowly become friends as they try to figure a way out.  The other Drake shows up later with Helena.  He uses the spell so Esther will get pregnant and forces himself on her but before he can finish, Wendy and Jackson show up to save her.  They take Kim and Esther to the other Sam and he is able to get them home but the other Drake gets away with Helena.  Unbeknownst to them, he succeeds in getting her pregnant.  Wendy and Jackson go to find him again and Wendy offers herself to him instead.  Remy calls the other Seth to tell him what happened with Wendy.  He’s pissed off about it and demands she make him a portal to save her.  Unfortunately, he’s too late and the other Drake does the spell on Wendy to gets her pregnant also.  The other Seth shows up and manages to save her but she’s understandably shaken.  The other Drake gets away and the other Sam gets rid of the baby before sending them back to their timeline.  The other Seth lets Remy know they’re back home but that they don’t want to see anyone right now.  Remy lets her Seth know about Esther and he goes to the compound to check on her.  He’s able to make her feel better.  Kim is shaken by what happened and Reed comforts her.  She tells him she loves him and he says the same.
September 4th - Sam is frustrated about not having his powers anymore but Bex is able to talk to him enough that he’s able to start moving on.  Nina goes to visit Noah and he tells her about beign turned into a vampire.  Effie and Garrett play a game to learn more about each other which ends with them having sex.  Garrett brings up the fact they should proabably be more careful so she doesn’t accidentally get pregnant again and she says she’s talk to her mom about it later.  Logan tracks Drake down and gives him his powers as a thank you for helping him in the past.  Drake isn’t sure how to use the new magic yet but is grateful to him anyway.
September 5th - Effie goes to the house to talk to Seth and get caught up on things.  While she’s there, she asks Remy to put the spell on her so she won’t get pregnant just in case.  Reed goes to talk to Kenna and Rowan.  He tells her he’ll turn her on the full moon and she’s free to go running with them.  Kenna is excited but Rowan is cautious about it.  Kim and Esther talk about what happened and try to move on from it.  Jackson goes to talk to Thomas about everything that happened and how he feels like it’s all his fault.
September 7th - The other Effie shows up at the other Sam’s shop and demands he give her the other Drake.  He is reluctant at first but eventually does it, saying he’s not on anyone’s side  They go to Garrett and Effie’s house and are able to trick Garrett into sleeping with the other Effie.  They go back to their timeline and begin to speed up the pregnancy so they can begin their real plan.  Jackson sumons Winnie and asks if Sebastian can come back for a little while.  She makes it so Sebastian is able to come back for an hour and they spend the hour together with Jace as a family.
September 8th - The other Drake takes blood from the hybrid baby and injects them with it.  It takes a few tries but it eventually works and they are able to become tribrids.  They kidnap the other Remy and inject her with their blood to turn her into one also. 
September 9th - Wendy goes to the compound to apologize for what happened with the other Drake.  He fogives her and tells her he’s glad she’s alright.  Kai and Brant finish working on the demon sanctuary so they can open it.
September 10th - Zoey and Aerin play a ‘get to know each other’ game.  During it, Zoey reveals she’s not happy, just content with the way her life is.  Ty and Riker go out to explore New Orleans and get to know each other better.  Garrett goes to the supernatural lab but unlike last time, things go fine.  Anne visits after the appointment to see Luca and check in with Effie.
September 11th - Esther texts Seth that she’s ready to talk about what happened.  He goes to the compound and she opens up about all of it which allows her to finally move on from what happened.  The other Drake and other Effie kidnap a handful of others and turn them into hybrids also.  Once Remy’s mind is broken, they force her to shift.  The other Drake is pleased she’s become a mindless drone for them. 
September 12th - The other Drake and other Effie are able to get the others to snap also.  To test them, they go to the other Sebastian and have the wolves rip him apart before returning home.  The other Effie goes to talk to Seth and makes it sound like Garrett is beating her.  
September 13th - Wendy and the other Seth decide to go back and look for the other Drake.  They ask their Drake to do the spell but because of his new magic, he screws up and they end up in some apocalyptic world with berzerker wolves.  They’re able to hide out until Drake can pull them back but the other Seth gets in a bad fight with a werecat and is in dire need of medical attention.  Seth goes to Garrett and Effie’s place and punches Garrett for hurting ‘Effie’.  They’re confused by his anger and after talking it out, they realize the other Effie is back and was the one messing with them.  They also realize she’s the one Garrett slept with and that they probably succeeded with their plan.  Seth calls Wendy to warn her that the other Drake is more than likely out there too.
September 14th - The other Effie shows up at Brant and Auri’s place and asks his help with something.  He goes with her only to find he’s been kidnapped.  She demands he tell her about demons but he doesn’t give her much to go off.  He instead tries to turn her on the other Drake but it doens’t work.
September 15th - Auri texts Clary to tell her Brant is still missing.  Clary texts Effie but Effie mentions it was probably the other her that took him.  Clary calls an emergency council meeting so they can get up to date on the other timeline stuff.  Wendy and Effie tell the others about everything and Jackson, Effie and Clary go to Rowan and Kenna’s house to ask for advice on how to beat the other timeline selves.  Rowan tells them if they’re power hungry enough it won’t be too difficult.  Clary, Jackson and Effie then have Remy make them a portal to go to the other timeline to rescue Brant.  Clary talks to the other Effie as a distraction while Effie goes in pretending to be the other her.  She frees Brant and Jackson takes him away.  They decide to mercy kill the hybrid wolves but before they are able to, the other Drake shows up with Helena’s baby.  He’s about to hurt Effie but Clary manages to get the best of him and knock him out, then they take the baby and get out of there.  Once they’re all back home, she tells her parents what happened.  Seth and Effie get in a fight about what to do with the baby and Clary offers to take her home with her until they can find her a proper family.  Kai names the baby Sophia.
September 16th - After the other Drake is healed, he punishes the other Effie for letting the group get in.  They then take their wolves and go to the catacombs to regroup.  Seth apologizes to Remy for his behavior the day before. 
September 18th - Clary calls Wendy to tell her about Sophia and about what happened to Helena.  Wendy tells the other Seth about his siblings and he breaks down over it.  Wendy goes to Kai and Clary’s place to take the baby back home with her, agreeing she should be with them.  Lucy finds the spell to go to the other timeline and uses it in the hopes she can help everyone.  She runs into the other Garrett who is a witch cop and he tells her to go home.  She insists he take her to the catacombs since that’s where the tribrids are hiding.  He reluctantly goes and the overhear the other Drake and other Effie talking.  They plan to take the hybrids and murder everyone, starting with Remy and Seth but Lucy jumps out to try and stop them.  The other Drake takes most of the wolves and goes to the house while the other Effie and a couple wolves stay behind to kill the girl.  The other Garrett saves her and makes a portal for them to get away but Lucy is sad she failed.  Meanwhile, back in the main timeline, the other Drake sends the wolves after Seth and Remy.  Seth gets an idea and has Remy turn him into a vampire.  He manages to talk the other Drake into fighting him one on one and using the skills Remy did in their sparring matches, he is able to defeat him.  They make sure he is dead once and for all before Remy makes a portal to take the wolves back home.  She also takes Sam’s magic back for him.  Seth leads the wolves back through it and tells them to stay in the woods until he can come back on the full moon to try and help them.  Back with the other Garrett and Lucy, They call the other Sam and he helps her get back home.  She gets there and apologizes to her parents for leaving.  They’re upset but just glad it’s finally over.  Kenna and Rowan decide to take a family trip in the near future.  Reed takes Kim out to teh cereal bar for a date.  Noah eats a mouse in the middle of the night and tells Drake about it.  Drake isn’t too worried since he can use magic again but that doesn’t stop Noah from grabbing his arm and feeding off him.  Drake leaves to get some air and calls Remy to tell her what happened.
September 20th - Wendy talks to the other Seth about everything and he apologizes for his behavior lately.  She forgives him and they both agree to do their best to move on from their pasts.  Remy goes to see Sam and gives him his magic back.  He’s excited and finally starts to feel like himself again.  Aerin texts Clary to ask her advice on what to do about Zoey.  Clary tells her if they aren’t after the same things it might be better for them to break up.
September 21st - Aerin asks Zoey if she would ever want to get married and Zoey shoots the idea down saying it’s stupid and pointless.  Aerin decides they should go on a break since they want different things.  Thomas and Jackson hang out as just friends and not therapist and patient.  Eden goes to the police station to check in on her mom but Drake doesn’t tell her much.
September 22nd - Zoey goes to talk to Eden and tells her about what Aerin said.  Eden encourages Zoey to embrace her demon side and Zoey does so by attacking Aslyn.  Before they can do too much damage, Jackson shows up to save her.  Zoey and Eden go back to Eden’s place and Eden has the idea to fuck with peoples memories.  In the high of the moment, Zoey kisses Eden which turns into much more.
September 23rd - Sam suddenly can’t remember his life with Bex and the kids and storms off.  Bex assumes it’s just a weird trick and doesn’t go after him right away.  Kenna also can’t remember her life but Rowan is able to talk to her enough so she somewhat believes him.  He summons Boyd to ask for help but Boyd says he can’t reverse it unless he knows which demon did the spell.  He mentions he can mark Kenna and turn her into a demon to get her memories back but Rowan refuses.  Boyd leaves and Rowan does whatever he can to try and make Kenna feel comfortable.  Clary also forgets her life and after talking to Tiber, she leaves to wander New Orleans alone.
September 24th - Eden alters a few more people’s memories.  Ana warns Drake that something big might be happening again.  Kai finds Clary and drags her back to the house.  Her memories are altered and she calls Elijah for help.  He takes her away and even though he’s confused why she’s suddenly friendly towards him, he doesn’t question it and plays along.  They steal him a new vessel and are about to have fun with it when Kai shows up and takes her back to the house again.  They convince Clary she’s under a spell and she plays along with it while they try to figure out who did it.  Abbey snaps at Riker, blaming him for her life being ruined.  Riker texts Rowan to ask if he can come over and he tells Riker about Kenna.  Riker mentions what Abbey said and Rowan says it might be the same demon causing trouble.  Kai calls Brant to tell him about Clary and he says he’ll try to help but it might cost them.  He is able to reveal Clary’s demon mark and knows it’s Lilith doing it.  They summon Eden and she says she’ll give Clary back her memories if they give her Aerin.  Brant offers himself instead, in exchange for Clary’s memories.  She accepts his offer and while Clary is back to normal, Brant isn’t.  Brant doesn’t remember Auri or any of them and goes to a hotel room for the time being.  On his way there, he runs into Aslyn who is now in love with him.  Boyd shows up and tells Clary what’s going on and mentioned Eden and Zoey being together.  Clary asks his help to fix people and he reluctantly agrees to do it.  Brant and Aslyn decide to get married and are on their way to the chapel when Boyd and Clary show up.  Boyd breaks the spell on both of them.  Brant goes home to apologize to Auri while Clary, Boyd and Aslyn go to fix Kenna.  While they’re there, Riker shows up and Boyd helps fix Abbey too before returning Aslyn home.  Sam’s memories are altered again so he thinks Esther is cute and he goes to the compound to see her.  Esther assumes he’s the other Sam and in the heat of the moment they end up sleeping with one another.  Afterwards, she realizes she made a mistakes and leaves him to go make a phone call.  Esther calls Seth to ask if Sam and Bex broke up.  He says he doesn’t think so and Esther tells him about what happened between her and Sam.  Seth tells Remy about it and Remy tells Bex.  Bex and Remy go to the compound to get Sam while Seth watches all the kids back at the house.  Remy and Bex try to convince Sam they’re telling the truth but he doesn’t believe them.  They shrink him down and take him back to the house until they can figure out what to do.  Nina goes to the compound to talk to Frank.  Her memories are altered so she thinks they met in the past and have a connection.  Frank is confused by it at first but rolls with it and takes her out to lunch.  Jackson’s memories are altered so he believes he’s in love with Elliot.  He goes to see the boy and confesses to him before asking him to go on a dinner date.  Elliot goes to Kim’s room and tells her what happened.  She tells him to turn Jackson down and that things will be okay.  She also tells him she thinks Reed is still in love with Aslyn.  Elliot goes to turn Jackson does but his memories are altered also so he has feelings for him too.  They end up making out and are about to start doing more when Winnie shows up and breaks the spell.  Elliot goes to his room feeling very embarrassed while Jackson goes to check on the others.  Reed goes to talk to Kim but she’s convinced he’s just dating her out of pity and keeping secrets.  They get in a fight but Jackson overhears and is able to break the spell on Kim.  She apologizes to Reed for her behavior and he does the same for his.
September 26th - Zoey tells Eden she likes what she’s been doing but asks her to leave Aerin alone.  Eden is annoyed about it and gets the idea to tell Aerin about their relationship.  She takes Zoey to Aerin’s hotel room where she’s staying and Zoey tells Aerin she’s moved on.  Eden and Zoey start making out while Aerin quickly leaves, completely heartbroken about the situation.  Riker summons Cael and tells him what’s going on.  Cael says he’ll do what he can to help but until they know the demons name, there’s not much they can do.  Bex talks to Sam again and after telling him a few specific memories, he’s able to start remembering more on his own. 
September 27th - Winnie shows up to give Sam his memories back and he goes to apologize to Bex for his behavior.  She forgives him and they end up having sex up in Effie’s old bedroom.  Aerin shows up at the house and Clary talks to her about what happened.  She cheers her up and tells her she’s better off without Zoey anyway.
September 28th - The other Drake appears to form an alliance with Elijah.  It turns out he is now a demon and changes his name to Lysander as a way of shedding his former life.  Drake goes to visit Wendy and see what she might know about the demons stuff.  Wendy’s memories have been altered so she thinks he’s the other Drake and freaks out.  He’s able to convince her otherwise and they go to the compound to try and fix her.  Jackson goes to Thomas and tells him about how much he screwed up.  Thomas tells Jackson he needs to move on and not put so much blame on himself.  Jackson kisses Thomas and tells him he’s sorry he can’t move on quite yet.  On his way back to his room, he runs into Wendy and Drake.  He fixes Wendy’s memories then checks in with her to make sure everything else is alright.
September 29th - Boyd goes to Rowan and Kenna’s place to complain about Aslyn and his fight with Reed.  Winnie shows up at Abbey and Riker’s house and tells Abbey she’s a distant relative.
September 30th - Garrett goes back to the supernatural hospital and asks Effie if she wants to join him.  She does.  They talk to the doctor there about his super healing and explain what happened with the demons.  She suggests it’s just a side effect of Garrett being a demon but says they’ll run some more tests just in case.  Ana talks to Lysander and he convinces her to be more like a ‘real demon’.
October 1st - Seth and Lucy go to the other timeline to check on the wolf pack.  The wolves are sometimes rowdy and reluctant to obey orders but Seth and Lucy get them to behave.  Kenna and Rowan go to London and Reed bites Kenna to turn her into a werewolf.  After she shifts, she joins them for a run while Rowan hides in one of the rooms for the night.
October 2nd - Lucy and Seth help the wolves shift back to their human forms.  A few can’t though, including the other Remy.  Seth kills her as a mercy killing even though he doesn’t want to.  Ty and Aerin bump into each other on the street.  They end up hitting it off and go on a shopping spree to New York with Riker’s credit card.  Aerin buys a little black dress and they decide to do a friend date night sometime so they can dress up and watch movies.  Garrett runs into Aslyn at the grocery store and they talk for the first time since she became human.  Some kids break a window at the cafe, causing Clary to close for the day.  Her and Tiber hang out together instead.
October 5th - For her birthday, Zoey asked Eden to kill her mom.  They go to the police station and kill her and a cop.  Drake gets there just as they’re leaving but is unable to help.  He rushes home so he can get some things to start the paperwork on what happened and Noah offers to help.  Drake takes him to the station to get the files but has him wait outside.  While he’s waiting, Lysander shows up and forces Noah to kill a teenager.  Drake comes out and sees the aftermath.  He tells Noah to go home while he cleans up.  Drake calls Remy and asks for advice on what to do and she suggests locking Noah up until he can settle back down.
October 7th - Lysander goes back to see Noah and convinces him what he did was alright.  He takes him to a night club and Noah kills everyone inside before fleeing.  Drake is able to track him and convinced him to come home.  He uses his magic to lock Noah up.  Remy comes out to try and help but all they can do is wait.  Noah tells them how Lysander is around and a demon and they prepare for him to show up just in case.  Drake calls Wendy to warn her her might try something but she doesn’t seem concerned.  After getting off the phone with Drake, Wendy sees Lysander in her apartment.  He taunts her and eventually gets her to admit her life is worthless.  While Seth and the girls are out, Wendy takes a whole bottle of pills to try and kill herself.  Jackson shows up to save her and she breaks down, admitting she might need help after all. 
October 9th - Esther goes to visit Seth and they talk about how she can’t have kids but is happy to be a nanny.  She also says she loves being with the pack and plans to stay with them.  Seth notices something is wrong but can’t figure out what it is.  Boyd goes to Zoey and asks her to toy with Aslyn for him.  She creates an illusion so that Aslyn thinks she’s being tortured.
October 10th - Ty and Aerin have their movie night but Zoey ends up crashing.  Aerin is furious and they go to her room in New Orleans to continue.  They end up having sex right before Clary comes home with Hazel.  Ty introduces himself to Clary and she says they can hang out with the door open but Aerin doesn’t listen.  Clary texts Riker and he mentions that Ty is his son.  He comes over to get him and take him home.  Aerin and Ty find out their parents know each other but agree not to let it make things awkward between them.  Clary tells Aerin she’s fine with them being friends as long as she’s careful.  On the way back, Ty tells Riker what him and Aerin did and says she’s just a friend and that he would never hurt her.  Ty asks for proof that demons exist and Boyd shows up.  Ty is interested in learning more about demons but Riker tries to deter him from it.  They end up bonding for the first time since Ty got there.  Clary texts Kai and tells him about Ty.  He agrees to talk to Aerin later and set some ground rules.  Ana talks to Drake and tells him she’s done being nice.  She also warns that he should check on Wendy.  Drake goes to see Wendy and she tells him what happened with the pills and Lysander.  He offers to stay with her until Seth comes home.  When he does, Wendy tells the other Seth about what she did and about wanting to go to a hospital and even though he doesn’t like the idea, he agrees it will help her.  Lysander appears in the apartment while Drake is out and lets Noah free.  He also puts a mask over him so Drake can’t track him anymore.
October 11th - Ty and Aerin text each other and send goofy sexy pictures to one another.  Then they watch movies on the phone together.
October 12th - Effie plays a prank on Garrett by pretending she wants another kid.  Garrett doesn’t think they’re ready but goes along with it to make her happy.  She tells him its just a joke and he suggests they prank her parents by saying the same thing.  Effie and Garrett go to see Seth and Remy and tell them they want to have more kids.  To get back at them, Seth and Remy have them watch the twins while they watch Luca.  Effie and Garrett almost instantly regret the switch and decide to not have more kids until much, much later.  Noah goes to Nina’s apartment and she offers to let him stay.  He ends up attacking her but she fends him off.  After he leaves, she calls Frank and he has Jackson go to get her.  Nina goes to the compound and stays with them since she doesn’t feel safe going home yet.
October 13th - Aslyn goes to the compound to talk to Jackson about the realistic nightmare she had.  He guesses it was the demons work and offers her his room for the night.  Jace and Luther play and Aslyn makes dinner for the pack like old times.
October 14th - Esther finds out she’s pregnant with Sam’s baby.  She isn’t sure what to do and calls Seth for help.  He says they’ll be there with her every step of the way but that she needs to tell Sam.  Remy goes with Esther and they tell Sam together.  He’s not happy about the news but offers to help regardless.  He tells Bex about it later and she’s understandably angry about it. 
October 16th - Rowan runs into Ryan at the store and tells her about demons being real.  She doesn’t believe him though.
October 18th - The other Seth goes to Remy’s house to spend time with her.  He says he misses Wendy and isn’t sure what to do without her.  Remy says he’s welcome there and that things will be okay.  He suggests coming up with a different name for himself so it’s less confusing and suggests he use his dad’s middle name.  Jackson asked Thomas to get dinner and they have a nice evening together.  Lysander finds Marcus after hearing he’s looking for him.  He asks Marcus to keep Drake distracted long enough for him to finish corrupting Noah.
October 19th - Marcus goes to Zoey and asks for her help to mess with Drake.  She agrees and gets Eden to join in.  They make an illusion so Drake thinks they’ve killed Remy.  He becomes hysterical once they leave and isn’t sure if it’s real or not or how to handle it.  Bex and Sam are still having marital problems because of the Esther stuff.  Bex summons a demon and accidentally gets Lysander.  He ‘gets rid of Esther’s baby’ by putting it in Bex.  Bex tells Sam about it and he’s pissed.  Sam summons Boyd and gets him to reverse it.
October 21st - Aerin sneaks Ty out to go Halloween costume shopping.  He gets a pimp costume and she dresses as Tiffany even though she doesn’t know the character.  When she goes home, Clary agrees to take her shopping to get the rest of her costume later.  Riker, meanwhile, grounds Ty for a week for sneaking out of the house.  Garrett gets his lab results back and they tell him he’s perfectly healthy.  Lysander takes Noah to a house and has him murder an innocent family.  He does without hesitation.  Lysander is pleased with Noah’s progress and as a reward, they have sex.
October 22nd - Bex and Sam talk about what happened and they agree to try and work through what’s going on even if Bex doesn’t like the situation still.  Eden goes to Lysander to talk about what he’s been up to.  He gets her to join him and tells her his plans to become Satan.
October 25th - The other Seth goes to visit Wendy at the hospital.  She says she’s doing her best and making progress.  He says he’s trying to make progress also and tells her he wants to go by a new name from now on.  Instead of being ‘the other Seth’, he will be Asher.
October 26th - Bex makes pancakes for breakfast and says she’ll do better.  Sam says he will too and tells her he won’t get involved with Esther or the baby. 
October 30th - Remy wakes up in a bad mood and snaps at Seth every chance she can get.  They find out he is a fey and she’s a demon.  Thomas finds out he’s a werewolf now and Jackson offers to help with the transformation.  Seth texts Jackson though and he leaves to help but Remy hears Lysander’s voice and flees.  Seth stays with the kids while Jackson goes to handle Remy.  He’s able to find her and talk her into letting him bind her demon powers so she goes back to normal.  Remy is upset because while in her demon state, she murdered a family.  Asher isn’t paying attention and Margaux falls off the couch and breaks her nose.  He heals her and realizes he’s become and angel somehow.  Ty wakes up feeling starving and angry.  He realizes he’s a vampire and Cael suggest he stay at the demon sanctuary until it wear off so he doesn’t accidentally hurt Morgan.  Clary wakes up in a great mood but Kai is the opposite.  He grows irritable as the morning goes on until they finally start a fight.  Clary hears Eden’s voice in her head telling her Kai’s a demon and to keep him away from them.  Meanwhile, Kai hears Lysander’s voice telling him to get rid of Clary.  Clary gets freaked out and blasts Kai.  He storms out angrily and decides to go to the Quarter to blow off some steam.  Clary summons Boyd and he confirms they’ve swapped species.  She asks him to look after Kai and he says he’ll put him up in a hotel somewhere.  Ty texts Aerin and she says she’s a fey now.  They meet up at the sanctuary and he shows her how to hide her wings.  In exchange, she lets him feed on her.  He only takes a little bit at first but then Lysander pops in his head and urges him to take more.  He ends up attacking Aerin and almost drains her dry but Zoey shows up and saves her.  Zoey isn’t nice to Ty after what happened and once Aerin is feeling better, Aerin yells at her to go away and leave them alone.  Zoey goes back to the apartment and Eden yells at her for what she did.  With Lysander urging her, she punishes Zoey by sending her to hell to be tortured.  Eden and Lysander end up having sex in her shower before going to cause more problems.  Ana finds Zoey and after they talk for a bit, Zoey decides he wants to be done with the demon stuff.  She goes to Boyd and tells him about what Lysander is planning and in return, he turns her human again and offers protection from Eden.  Riker goes to the house to look after Hazel while Clary goes to look for Kai.  Riker texts Ty to make sure everything’s okay and Ty tells him what happened.  Riker tells Clary what happened and she freaks out.  She decides to check on Aerin while looking for Kai.  She runs into Aerin and has her go home to rest.  Then she finds Kai and they make up but they agree it’s better if he stays away for now.  Rowan wakes up feeling sick.  They come to the conclusion he’s a werewolf.  They summon Boyd and he tells them the demons are playing tricks on everyone. Rowan asks him to reverse it but he refuses.  Rowan is pissed about it but Kenna says it’ll be alright.  Kenna texts Abbey and asks if she can watch Ezra for them.  Abbey agrees and Kenna brings him over.  Rowan and Kenna then go to London and tell the pack what’s going on.  Reed says they can run with them for the night.  Rowan shifts and ends up having fun as a wolf.  Nina texts Logan and asks to come over.  She goes to his place and tells him she’s a witch.  She gives him her powers and apologizes for not being around much lately.  Kim, meanwhile, discovers she’s also a witch and can’t control her powers very well.  She blows up things and Reed suggests she stay in her room until it passes.  Brant and Auri talk about possibly adopting Kayden.  Brant ends up shifting when it’s close to the full moon and is understandably freaked out by it.  When Auri gets close, he realizes she’s not a vampire either but aren’t sure what she is instead.  Ryan has some strange stuff happen to her also but she isn’t sure what it is.  She suspects that maybe Rowan was right after all.
November 1st - Zoey texts Aerin to tell her she’s no longer a demon and apologizes for her past behavior.  Aerin goes to the apartment to see for herself.  Lysander goes to Noah and tells him his plan to take Boyd’s position.  Noah says he’ll help him and they go to Aslyn’s house to lure Boyd out.  They break some bones and mark her which gets Boyd to show up.  Lysander says if he doesn’t give him the title then he’ll kill her but Boyd refuses to hand it over.  Noah and Lysander go to kill Aslyn but Jackson shows up just in time.  Lysander and Noah leave and Jackson helps Aslyn.  She yells at Boyd to leave her alone and he reluctantly goes.  Drake finally goes to see Remy and make sure what he saw wasn’t real.  He’s relieved to see she’s okay and tells her what happened.  Remy wants to help him find Noah so she calls Brant to ask for help.  He tells her if Lysander is distracted, Drake should be able to find him.  Remy tells Drake and even though it’s dangerous, they decide to try it.   Remy summons Lysander to try and distract him but he sees through her trick.  Drake does manage to find where Noah is though and talks him into coming home.
November 2nd - Boyd goes to Rowan to tell him about what Lysander and Eden have been up to.  Lysander and Eden decide to turn Lucy into a demon to replace Zoey.  They go to the house and Lysander pretends to be Drake but Lucy doesn’t fall for the trick.  The other Effie shows up and they mark Lucy before leaving.  Remy, in a panic, calls Jackson asks for his help.  He goes over and removes Lucy’s mark then puts up some more demon wards so they’ll be safer.  Remy calls Drake and tells him she’s scared for her family. 
November 3rd - Eden goes to Zoey, pissed off that she’s no longer a demon.  Zoey insists Eden is being used by Lysander but she refuses to believe it.  Jackson summons Boyd at the old compound and asks for his help to get rid of Lysander once and for all.  Boyd says he’ll help since he’s trying to change.  A mysterious woman appears after Jackson leaves and tells Boyd he is meant to give his title to Ezra when he’s older.  To speed things along, they go forward in time and give it to him now.  Ezra turns Boyd into a human and he goes back to his time.  Boyd texts Rowan to tell him and he offers to have him stay with them until he can figure things out.  Rowan texts Riker to get some teleportation coins then the two of them go to get Boyd.
November 4th - Jackson, Winnie and Cael manage to get rid of Lysander.  They assume it’ll be alright with Boyd keeping Eden and the other demons away, having no idea he gave up his Satan position.  Asher wakes up to see Wendy back home.  He thinks he’s hallucinating at first but she explains she got out on good behavior. 
November 5th - The pack decides to do a movie night.  Elliot goes out to get snacks but doesn’t return home.  Everyone assumes he’s with Aslyn.  Thomas texts Clary to tell her about his crazy Halloween.  She tells him about hers also.  He brings up Jackson and that he likes being with the pack because they accept him.
November 6th - Bex goes missing in the middle of the night.  Sam texts Riker in the morning asking if he’s seen her.  He admits Abbey is missing too and they worry something might be wrong.  Riker takes Morgan to Sam’s place and they try a locator spell.  Nothing shows up for a while but eventually they get a read somewhere in Australia.  Sam figures out it’s the pier where him and Bex got engaged.  They go to check it out while Cael watches the kids.  When they get to the pier, they find dozens of dead bodies.  Sam finds Bex but she’s a demon now.  He tries not to panic and does his best to comfort her.  They do another locator spell and find Abbey is somewhere in Turkey.  Riker goes to get her but much like Bex, she’s a demon.  Ty tries to kill himself by walking into traffic.  He assumes it’s guilt from what he did to Aerin during Halloween.  Aerin texts later and he tells her what happens.  She goes to his house while his parents are out and distracts him from hurting himself again.  Elliot is killed by one of Eden’s helpers and turned into a demon.  Kim, much like Ty, has suicidal thoughts and when Reed brings her lunch, she tries to cut herself with the plastic knife.  He freaks out but she insists she’s fine.  The other Effie, now going by Jezebel, shows up at the pack and tricks Kim into cutting herself for real.  Reed finds them and stops Kim before it gets too far.  She apologizes for her behavior, not sure what’s going on.  They go to talk to Jackson and he worries the demons are up to something.  He goes to look for Elliot and finds him but feels guilty he’s turned to a demon.  He brings the boy to Aslyn’s house to stay while he figures out how to reverse it.  Drake is stressed over work while Noah is trying to figure out how to talk to Nina.
November 7th - Noah texts Nina to check on her.  She tells him she’s fine but doesn’t seem happy with him.
November 9th - Jackson is still trying to fix everyone.  He goes to Boyd and finds out he’s no longer Satan.  He yells at him and calls him worthless before leaving again.  He talks to Winnie about it and admit he doesn’t know what to do.  Zoey sees Auri and Kayden at the park and since she recognizes them as Aerin’s family, she asks to borrow some money.  Auri gives her some and offers her a place to stay but Zoey turns it down.  Even though her plan backfires, Eden and the other demons try to summon Lysander to bring him back.  It works and he tells Eden that Boyd gave his position to Ezra in the future.  They decide the best way to get the Satan title is to kill baby Ezra.  They go to Rowan and Kenna’s place while the other demons go to Bex and Sam’s house.  Ezra from the future shows up, pissed, but Lysander tells him if he does anything, he’ll kill the Crane family.  Boyd is able to sneak away to get to them and while he does, Ezra is able to get back at the demons.  He turns both Eden and Lysander into immortal humans.  Then he goes to everyone and turns them back to how they were before.  He also asks Aslyn to cut Boyd some slack before going back to his time.  After everything has settled down, Jackson asks Thomas if he’d want to go out for town for a weekend, just him and the kids.  Thomas says it would be a fun idea but Jackson quickly regrets it and changes his mind.  He goes to talk to Sebastian and Sebastian tells him he needs to move on.  Jackson has a hard time doing that but promises to try.  He goes back home and apologizes to Thomas for his behavior.  They decide to go out of town that weekend after all.  Drake suffers a small heart attack from all the stress lately.  Noah rushes him to the hospital and calls Wendy and Remy.  They go to see him and make plans for Thanksgiving.
November 11th - Kenna and Rowan are both shocked about finding out Ezra becomes Satan in the future.  Boyd texts Aslyn to tell her about what happened and Aslyn texts Rowan to check in on him.  She goes out to the house and stays the night.  Rowan is able to get Boyd and Aslyn talking again like old times and he asks Kenna about moving to London.  She thinks it’s a great idea and they plan to move in the near future to be closer to Aslyn.  Aerin tells Clary about Zoey being human.  Clary tells Aerin to be careful because she doesn’t want her to get hurt again.
November 13th - Thomas, Jackson, Paisley and Jace go out of town for the weekend.  They go to a local market to spend the day.  Thomas gets Jackson to open up more and have fun.  Lysander yells at Eden, blaming her for everything bad that happened.  She tells him she still has a plan and even though he doesn’t want to wait around, he agrees to do so until they find an alternative solution. 
November 14th - Aerin goes to look for Zoey but can’t find her at the apartment.  After walking around for a while, she finds her on the streets.  They get to talking but it leads to kissing before they end up in an alleyway with Zoey’s hand between Aerin’s legs.  Once they’re finished, Aerin goes home, feeling more confused than before about where things stand between them.  Drake is still trying to learn to relax while Noah learns better control.  Asher surprises Wendy with breakfast in bed. 
November 15th - Elliot and Kim talk about planning a pack vacation together to get away for a bit since things are crazy around the compound lately.
November 16th - Kim tells Reed about the vacation plans and he agrees it would be a fun thing to do.  They also make Thanksgiving plans so Kim can meet his mom.
November 17th - A new supernatural based drug is discovered and spreading around the world, especially in London.  Ty goes to Aerin’s house and meets Kai.  They get off on the wrong foot but Ty is able to hang out with Aerin anyway.  They end up having sex and Ty asks Aerin to be his girlfriend afterwards.  She says yes.  Clary comes home later and hears about them being alone in the room together.  She forces Kai to check in on them but by the time he does, they’re innocently watching a movie.  Rowan and Kenna move to the house next door to Aslyn.  Rowan also asks Kenna if she’d turn him into a wolf on the next full moon and she says she will.  Boyd moves in with Aslyn to try and give things another shot.
November 18th - A woman named Isla gives Elliot some of the new drug to try.  Due to the stress he’s been on lately, he does it and is instantly hooked.  She gives him a handful and tells him to contact her any time he wants more.  Elliot stops by Effie’s place on his way home and gives her one of the pills to try.  Garrett wakes up and sees Effie in a hyper mood, cleaning and decorating the house for Christmas.  He thinks it’s fun at first until she tells him it’s because of the drug.  He worries about her but she says she’ll be fine.  When she starts coming down from her high, the vampire and wolf in her get agitated.  She bites Garrett but he manages to get her off him.  He worries she might hurt someone else though so he lets her feed from him.  It subdues her monster sides for a bit and he puts her to rest until she can go back to normal.  
November 19th - Ryan meets a girl named Zoey and they talk about travel.  Jezebel goes to where Lysander is staying and tells him about the drug.  He tries it and it gives him witch magic.  They decide to test it by going to where Boyd is.  They torture him and burn out his eye.  Jackson shows up and gets the demons to leave.  He helps heal Boyd’s eye as much as possible but he can’t recover his sight.  Boyd accepts it’s his punishment for everything he did in the past.  After the test was a success, Lysander and Jezebel decide to get back at Jackson for constantly ruining their fun.  Lysander finds out about Elliot takes the drugs so he asks Jezebel to bring the boy to him.  She does and he pretends he’s changed.  Elliot, still riding high, believes him.  He talks Elliot into drugging the pack the next day.
November 20th - Elliot drugs the pack with breakfast.  They all have a good time because of it and Elliot assumes he’s done a good thing.  Jackson eats the drugged oatmeal and goes to talk to Thomas.  He admits his feelings for the other male then they start to make out, which leads to more.  They decide to give dating a try, having no idea it was because of the drugs.
November 21st - Aslyn goes to check on Rowan and tells him what happens to Boyd’s eye.  Rowan tells Aslyn about him turning into a wolf on the next full moon and she thinks it will be a good idea.  Elliot summons Jezebel and has her bring him back to Lysander.  He tells him about what he did and he tells the boy he did good.  He convinced him to do it again but this time with even more drugs.  Elliot has no problem accepting this time.
November 22nd - Remy has a weird dream about the future Seth and it makes her question if she did the right thing in killing him.  Seth comforts her about it and she is able to move on.  They talk about stories from their past and Remy mentions how her life was boring aside from the Malachi stuff.  Seth questions if Malachi showing up when she was a child was actually random or if her parents did know about it after all.  Remy tries to brush it aside but the idea lingers in her mind.
November 23rd - Elliot tries to tell Aslyn about what he did to the pack and that it’s a good thing.  Thomas and Jackson intervene and tell Aslyn to take Elliot to a hospital while they help the pack.  Lysander shows up and injects Thomas with a bunch of drugs in an attempt to make him overdose but he’s able to overcome it instead.  Jackson figures out the drug is the reason he slept with Thomas and Thomas asks if he regrets it.  He says he doesn’t.  While that is going on, Lysander interferes with Aslyn and Elliot.  He tells her to give him the boy or he’ll kill Boyd.  She reluctantly does it and he takes Elliot away.  Elliot in a rage takes more pills and goes with Lysander back to the compound.  They see Frank passed out at the kitchen table and Lysander urges Elliot to kill him as punishment for the pack not liking him anymore.  He’s hesitant to do so but starts to choke him.  Kim walks in and sees what Elliot is doing and begs him not to.  Lysander pins her to the wall and urges Elliot to continue.  Elliot kills Frank and Lysander leaves.  Jackson catches the tail end of the fight and goes after Lysander.  He threatens the demon but Lysander isn’t scared.  Ezra and the angel woman show up and together, they get rid of Lysander completely.  Jackson yells at them for not stepping in sooner but they tell him he needs to get back home to help the pack.  Meanwhile, Kim yells at Elliot as she tries to revive Frank but nothing works.  Aslyn has Kim help her gather the pack members and watch the babies.  While Aslyn tends to everyone, Boyd shows up and runs into Kim.  Kim is suspicious but puts him to work helping her with the kids.  Even though Boyd tells her he’s changed, she doesn’t fully believe him.  The mysterious angel woman from before shows up again and offers Frank the chance to become a guardian angel for the pack.  He accepts.  He appears to Jackson and Aslyn to show off that he’s an angel now and says he’ll be okay.
November 24th - Eden finds where Zoey is and apologizes for her behavior.  Zoey takes her to the places she’s been staying and says she forgives her.  They talk about living in the demon sanctuary until they can figure something else out.  Nina finalizes her paperwork and plans to move to London.  Elliot shows up at Garrett and Effie’s house, telling them what he did.  Garrett is pissed about what he did but doesn’t want him on his own so he tells him he can stay with them for now.  Elliot gives Garrett his drugs and Garrett hides them in the house so he can’t get them again.
November 25th - Ty tells Riker about him and Aerin dating.  Riker has Ty babysit Morgan for the first time while he makes them lunch.  Thomas texts Clary to tell her they won’t be going over for Thanksgiving after all.  Clary is upset about it but after he tells her how he’s dating Jackson, he’s forgiven.  
November 26th - Seth calls and wishes Esther a happy Thanksgiving.  She updates him on her pregnancy and says everything is going well with the pack.  Seth, Remy and the kids go over to Asher and Wendy’s house for Thanksgiving.  Noah and Drake also go and they all have a nice family get together for once.  Clary and Kai host Thanksgiving at their place and Auri, Brant, Kayden, Oliver, Tiber, Aerin, Ty, Riker and Abbey all go over for dinner.  Nina goes to Logan’s apartment so he can watch her son while she runs to the store.  She tells him about wanting to move to London but that she can’t get ahold of Frank.  She admits she’s worried it could be a mistake.  Logan has a hunch she might be under a spell and gives her a potion to get rid of it.  Nina realizes what’s been going on and isn’t sure what to do now.  Logan says she can stay with him until she figures things out and she eventually agrees.  Reed and Kim go to his mom’s apartment to spend Thanksgiving.
November 28th - Aerin finally tells Clary that her and Ty are dating.  Clary tells her she suspected that might be the case and that she thinks it’s a good thing. 
November 30th - Aslyn babysits Ezra while Rowan and Kenna go out to the woods.  Kenna bites Rowan to turn him into a wolf and they spend the night hunting rabbits.  Jackson goes to see Sebastian for their first wedding anniversary.  Sebastian says he shouldn’t but Jackson does it anyway.  They both come to an agreement they need to move on but they’re able to at least spend the day together without it ending horribly.
December 1st - Remy texts Wendy and Drake and tells them what she found out from their aunt Kate.  Turns out their mom did sell her to Malachi like Seth mentioned.  The three of them are disgusted with their parents but are glad to have each other.
December 2nd - Hazel runs a high fever and collapses, unable to breathe.  Clary rushes her to the ER and calls Clary in a panic.  He goes to the hospital to meet with her but they don’t have any answers.  Clary calls Auri and she goes to try and help.  Hours later, the doctor finally tells them Hazel went into cardiac arrest because of the fever and an asthma attack.  They take Hazel home with an inhaler. 
December 4th - Zoey and Eden go to the demon sanctuary and decide to live there until they can figure something else out.  They plan to throw a big party for Zoey’s birthday.  Garrett takes Elliot back home where Aslyn is.  When he sees Boyd, they argue about what Aslyn is doing.  She kicks him out of the house and on his way out, he punches Boyd.  Meanwhile, A reporter named Quinn shows up at Effie and Garrett’s place.  She tells Effie she’s writing a story about the supernatural town and while talking, Effie brings up demons, angels and hybrids.  She doesn’t tell too much but Quinn has enough to write her story.  Before she leaves, she plants a transmitter in the house so she can spy on them.  Garrett comes home and rants about Aslyn being back with Boyd.  Effie tells him about the strange visit she got but they try not to let either event ruin their day.  Nina moves in with Logan.  He gives her the bedroom even though she insists she’d be fine on the couch.
December 7th - The Supernatural Inquisitor writes a story about demons, angels and hybrids.  They say Effie is their source and that she told them all about Seth, Remy and their family.  They also post a few candid photos of the family.  Esther texts Sam to give him an update on how things are going.  He tells her it would be better if she didn’t anymore.  He tells her to let Remy and Seth know and he’ll hear it from them instead.  Ryan spots Rowan on the street and they get to talking.  Ryan mentions what happened to her a while back and Rowan says it has to be demons.  She doesn’t believe him and he tells her about supernaturals again and that he’s a werewolf.  Eventually, he convinces her it’s true.  She’s shocked and overwhelmed by the news as she goes back home.
December 8th - Ty and Aerin plan to do Christmas things together.  A reporter named Theo shows up at the candy shop and talks to Seth about Remy.  Seth tries to debunk the rumors about her but it doesn’t seem to work.  Seth goes home and tells Remy but they decide not to let it bother them.  They play a little sex game while the kids are busy.  Thomas and Jackson make Christmas plans to go see Clary and her family.  Aslyn calls Reed and tells him what Garrett did to Boyd.  Reed asks Garrett about it and he doesn’t deny what he did.  He tells Reed that she’s going to end up the same as before if they’re not careful.  He also tells Reed he should step up as alpha and put his foot down about Aslyn and Boyd going to the compound.  Reed agrees and says he’ll talk to Jackson about it.
December 9th - The Supernatural Inquisitor writes a story about Seth being brainwashed by Remy and doing whatever she wants.
December 10th - Reed talks to Jackson and says he doesn’t want Aslyn or Boyd to show up at the compound anymore.  Jackson argues with him at first then backs down.  He respectfully agrees with Reed and says he’ll move out as soon as possible.  Reed is frustrated about it but Jackson insists it’s better for everyone that way.  Reed goes to tell Kim what happened and she agrees it was the right move.  He also mentions bringing Elliot back into the pack but have him be on probation.  Kim offers to watch him.  Jackson goes to Thomas and tells him about moving out.  Thomas agrees it’s a good plan to keep the peace and Jackson asks him to move with him.  Thomas says he will and they plan to go house shopping soon.
December 11th - Quinn tells Theo she is onto another big story involving Seth, Remy and a girl named Esther.  She finds where Esther lives and goes to talk to her.  She asks about the baby but Esther is vague on the details.  Quinn leaves after getting enough information to write her story.  Esther calls Seth to tell him about what happened with Quinn.  He tells her about Theo and that it’s probably nothing.  She also tells him about Jackson and Thomas dating, even though he doesn’t believe it.  Wendy pays Drake a surprise visit and tells him she plans to do it more in the upcoming year.
December 12th - The Supernatural Inquisitor writes a story about Seth cheating on Remy with Esther and getting her pregnant with his child.
December 13th - Elliot goes back to the pack.  Kim shadows his every move while her and the rest of the pack work on trusting him again.
December 15th - Frank shows up at Logan’s place to talk to Nina.  He apologizes for what happened and tells her he’s an angel now.  She isn’t sure what to think at first but forgives him and says they can still be friends even if he is technically dead.  Wendy texts Brant to catch up on things and both make plans to see each other more.  Riker tells Abbey they’re going on a romantic Christmas vacation.  Abbey is excited at first but then he tells her it’ll be two weeks and the kids aren’t joining them the whole time.  She’s hesitant after hearing that but trusts him on what he has planned.
December 17th - Zoey texts Aerin and invites her to her birthday party.  Seth finds out about the Supernatural Inquisitor website and sees what they wrote about him, Remy and Esther.  He calls Effie, furious, and demands she explain herself.  She says she didn’t tell them everything but he doesn’t seem to believe her.  After she gets off the phone with him, she tells Garrett about it.  He tells her she shouldn’t worry and reminds her that her parents would never hate her.  Jackson and Thomas look at different houses and finally settle on one.  Thomas also asks if it would be okay to bring Ranger home and Jackson says it’d be fine. 
December 18th - Effie emails Quinn and confronts her about the stories.  Quinn says she won’t stop writing her articles and questions what Garrett is since she overheard them talking.  Effie says nothing but is suspicious about how Quinn knew about Garrett.  Effie texts Seth to apologize again and tell him Quinn won’t stop until she have answers.  Seth forgives Effie and tries to think of a plan to stop the rumors before things get too out of hand.
December 19th - Zoey and Eden throw a big party.  Aerin, Ty, Ana, Marcus, Tiber and a few other demons show up and they play various games.  Boyd summons Jackson and tells him about his and Aslyn’s plan to get married again.  He asks for Jackson’s permission and Jackson gladly gives it to him.  Thomas and Jackson begin to move into their new home.
December 20th - Noah goes out for a late night walk and a werewolf named Kessie bumps into him with a bullet in her shoulder.  She tells him a hunter is after her and he brings her back to the apartment.  He cleans the wound and offers to help her but she refuses to accept it.  She tells him the hunter is actually her dad and he lets her stay with them for a while until it’s safe for her to go.
December 22nd - Rowan asks Reed if he can run with the pack and he says he can.  He allows Rowan to become a pack member but he’ll be on a probation period and have another wolf follow him.  Rowan is excited about the news and promises to prove himself.  Jackson goes and gets Ranger and brings him to the house since it’s ready enough for him.  Jace is afraid of the dog at first but gets use to him after a while.
December 23rd - Riker and Abbey use a portal coin to go to Tromso, Norway for their vacation.
December 25th - Drake, Noah, Wendy, Asher and the girls all go to Seth and Remy’s place to spend Christmas.  Thomas, Jackson and the kids go to Clary and Kai’s house for a Christmas visit and Clary interrogates Jackson a little before approving the relationship.  Auri, Brant, Kayden and Oliver come over to celebrate the holiday also.  Zoey asks Eden to be her girlfriend again and she accepts.
December 29th - Several people get invitations to a Snow Ball, being held mid-January.  Bex says she wants to go but Sam urges it’s a bad idea.  She get him to change his mind though, so long as she’s careful.  Asher doesn’t want to go to the ball but Wendy tells him it would be good for him to go and socialize.   
December 30th - Esther accidentally bumps into Rowan on the street.  After talking for a little while they realize they’re both part of the same pack.  Esther offers to shadow Rowan during the full moon runs and they more or less become friends.  Theo finds Asher walking around and talks to him, thinking he’s Seth.  Asher pretends to be Seth at first then comes clean when he realizes it’s a bad idea.  Theo believes Seth is just lying though and write about it.
December 31st - While Abbey and Riker are away, Ty gets a dog.  He shows Aerin and she picks the name Beau for him.  Asher texts Remy to tell her about talking to Theo and apologizes for it.  Remy tells Seth about how the newspaper wrote about them again.  He’s furious and has Remy do a locator spell to find where they are.  He calls Effie and she comes along with him as he goes down there to scare them into not writing about them anymore.  Quinn and Theo both say they’ll stop but as soon as they leave, they get to work writing about them again.
January 4th - Quinn and Theo publish their stories, despite what happened with Effie and Seth.  Quinn writes about how dangerous Effie and Seth are and that they attacked them for no reason.  Theo writes about Garrett and how he could be a danger also.  Abbey and Riker come back from their trip and see the invitation to the Snow Ball.  Abbey says she wants to go but Riker is hesitant to let her.  Ty says he got invited also so Riker says they can both go if they look out for anything suspicious.
January 6th - Garrett reads what Theo wrote about him and is upset.  They wonder how they knew all that stuff about Garrett when it was said in private.  Garrett and Effie find Quinn’s wire tap she was using to spy on them.  Effie calls up Seth and tells him about it which only upsets him more.  Remy tries to calm him down and they both have meltdowns over it.  Nina goes to wish Noah a late happy birthday.  They catch up for a bit and she apologizes for her behavior.
January 7th - Rowan goes over to talk to Boyd but ends up talking to Aslyn instead.  He mentions how it would be cool for her to be a wolf again since him and Kenna are.  She says she’d like to but that it would feel like she’s going backwards.  Rowan insists it wouldn’t be and that she should do what makes her happy.  Kessie runs into her dad who tells her he knows where she’s staying and who she’s staying with.  Kessie denies knowing Noah or Drake and tells her dad to leave her alone.  She goes back to the apartment and tells Noah about it and insists she leave before someone gets hurt but Noah tells her she’s safe with them.  Effie goes to the police station and files a report with Drake so he can shut down Quinn and Theo.  Winnie visits Abbey and apologizes for not coming by more.  Abbey asks if Winnie can keep an eye on them at the ball and she says she will do her best.
January 8th - Esther texts Sam and tells him she’s having a boy.  Sam is excited about the news but reminds her they’re not suppose to talk directly to each other anymore.  He admits he wishes it was different though.  Drake calls up Remy to check on her and make sure everything’s alright.  She says things are better now and that he’s hoping for a quiet new year.
January 9th - Jackson and Thomas finish moving into the new house and decorating most of the rooms.
January 10th - Ryan hunts down Rowan to talk to him and brings up the ball.  Rowan insists the ball is a trap and she shouldn’t go but she wants to anyway.
January 11th - Jezebel finds Kim and asks for her help to get back home.  Kim isn’t sure how to do it but she goes to Effie since she assumes she has connections to do it.  Effie calls Sam to ask for his help in getting rid of the other her.  He makes a portal to Effie’s place then makes another one so Jezebel can go back to her timeline.  Jezebel goes back to her timeline and is reunited with Lysander.
January 12th - The council meets for the first time in a while and everyone gives updates on how they’ve been doing.
January 13th - Kessie’s dad finds Drake and shoots him in the shoulder to send a message.  Drake manages to get his phone out and call Noah for help.  Drake is rushed to the hospital but otherwise alright.  Kessie hears what happened and texts her dad, telling him to meet her downtown.  She leaves a note for Noah, apologizing for what happened to Drake.  Noah sees the note and rushes off to find her.  She goes to the place where she asked her dad to meet her and ends up shooting him in the chest.  He dies just as Noah gets there.  Noah takes the gun from Kessie and tells her he’s going to take the fall for it.
January 14th - Lysander runs into the other Aslyn on the street.  He brings her back to the place him and Jezebel are staying at and the two torture her before killing her.
January 15th - Sam and Bex talk about the Esther stuff and he admits he wants to be involved in the baby’s life a little more.  Bex tells him he can even though she doesn’t really like it.  Drake texts his sisters to tell them about being shot.  He is discharged later that day and sent home to rest.
January 16th - A handful of people attend the Snow Ball being held in Switzerland.  Ty talks to Bex and finds out she knows his dad.  They hit it off though and agree to have a get together at some point with everyone.  Nina and Ryan become fast friends and try to talk to the Snow King.  He doesn’t tell them much about himself but offers to at the end of the night.  He leaves before they get the chance though.  Asher talks to Tiber and the two hit it off pretty well.  Tiber encourages Asher to make friends and be more open to things.  Abbey sees Aslyn at the ball and ends up talking to her.  She’s hesitant at first but comes to realize she’s better now and they end up becoming more friendly by the end of it.  The ball goes well and nothing strange happens during it.
January 17th - The morning after the ball, everyone who attended has different side effects.  Bex and Ty are fey/witch hybrids.  Tiber is an original werewolf while Asher is a demon.  Aslyn is a vampire and Abbey has reverted back to a newborn vampire.  Nina is a fey/witch/werewolf tribrid and Ryan is a fey/vampire/werewolf tribrid.  Everyone is understandably freaked out by all this.  Sam calls Riker to ask for help on what to do with Bex’s fey stuff and he gives some advice.  Rowan checks on Aslyn and sees she’s a vampire.  They call just Jackson to see if he can do anything but he’s unable to.  Nina calls up Ryan to see if she’s having weird side effects too and she confirms she is.  Nina suggests they go back to the grand hall to look for clues but they don’t find anything.  Ryan goes back to Logan and Nina’s apartment to stay with them until they can figure this out.  Noah tells Drake about how he took the blame for what happened with Kessie’s dad.  Drake doesn’t like that and they get in a small argument about Kessie being there.  Logan texts Drake to tell him what’s going on but Drake brushes it off and just assumes Logan is high.  He tells Noah about it though and Noah tries to text Nina to check on her.  She doesn’t respond to the message.  Wendy thinks Asher is a demon but Asher doesn’t remember dying or anything like that.  He tells her he’s fine but stay in the room away from everyone anyway. 
January 18th - Wendy calls Brant and asks for his help with Asher.  He confirms he is a demon and seals his powers so he doesn’t hurt anyone.  He brings up Tiber and Asher says he met him at the ball.  They go to New Orleans to talk to Tiber and realize they swapped species.  Wendy and Brant text the council for an emergency meeting.  While they’re doing that, Asher tries to teach Tiber about being a wolf.  The council meets again to talk about what’s going on with everyone.  Jackson offers to talk to the other angels and see if he can find out who all was there.  Sam and Effie go to where the ball was held to find clues about who did it.  Clary and Elliot go to get Tiber and take him to the compound.  Brant and Wendy go back to his place so they can have Wendy, Asher and the kids stay until they know what to do next.  While at the grand hall, Sam does a spell to trace magic but is unable to find anything strong enough.  Effie says a side comment about it being him and Sam thinks it makes a lot of sense.  They come to the conclusion that another him is the cause of what happened but aren’t sure why. 
January 19th - Eden tells Zoey he might be getting a job soon.  They celebrate prematurely by ordering a pizza instead of eating the usual scraps they can find.
January 20th - Sam gets a call from Esther’s phone but it’s actually from a hospital.  They tell him she’s been admitted but that she’s okay.  Sam calls Remy to ask her to go check on Esther for him since he’s dealing with the weird species swap stuff at the moment.  Remy tells Seth that Esther’s in the hospital.  He goes to check on her and finds out she’s alright.  She fell down some stairs but is otherwise fine.  He decides to stay with her for a couple of days just to make sure everything is fine.
January 21st - Ryan texts later and tells him she’s pretty sure she’s a tribrid.  Rowan offers to get in touch with Effie so Ryan can talk to another hybrid and get some advice.  Rowan texts Effie after getting her number from some members in the pack and says for her help but Effie is less inclined to do so.  Aslyn leaves the house while it’s overcast out and runs into Kim.  She attacks the other girl and tries to feed off her but Kim is quick to break free.  Aslyn calms down enough and Kim distracts her with conservation.  She suggests Aslyn feed on Boyd since she’ll more than likely stop before going too far and Aslyn says she’ll try it.  Bex goes to check on Abbey and see how she’s doing.  Abbey admits she’s having a hard time being a newborn vampire again but that she’ll figure it out.  Bex tells Abbey about the stuff with Esther and says she’s not okay with it.  Abbey tells Bex to set boundaries so everyone can be happy.
January 22nd - Nina and Ryan get use to their new powers.  Asher and Wendy talk about what might happen if he’s stuck like that.  They both agree to not let it ruin their lives and that they’ll find a way to keep living like normal.
January 23rd - Seth goes to get snacks for a movie night with Esther but is kidnapped on the way back to the compound.  Esther calls Remy to ask if Seth went back home but Remy says he didn’t.  They try to track him down but have no luck.
January 24th - Drake tells Noah that they’re reviewing his case and will probably let him be a cop again.  Drake calls Wendy and she tells him about the species swap and about Asher being a demon.  He calls Remy later and she tells him about Seth missing.  He goes to the station to file a missing persons report.  Noah calls Nina to make sure things are alright and she tells him about her being a trybrid.
January 25th - The doctor that kidnapped Seth gives him a lobotomy.  The council meets up again to talk about the people who were swapped and any new leads they came up with.  Effie tells everyone what happened to her dad and Sam calls Remy after the meeting to check on her.  He tells her he’ll look into spells to find Seth.  Noah goes over to Nina and Logan’s place to physically check on her.  She tells him she’s fine and that she doesn’t want to get rid of the powers.  Although he isn’t sure it’s a good idea, he’s happy to see her doing well.
January 26th - Rowan goes to check on Aslyn and tries to cheer her up.  He says that her being a vampire doesn’t have to be a bad thing and suggests Boyd could be one too.  Kim introduces herself to Tiber and shows him around the compound.
January 27th - Aerin goes to check on Ty.  He shows her some of what his new powers can do and admits he likes having them.  Effie pays Nina a visit to introduce herself.  They realize they’re soon-to-be family and Effie lets her know she can call if she ever has any questions about being a hybrid.  Noah asks Kessie if she’d be up for him and Drake adopted her.  She’s a little hesitant at first before saying she’d love that.
January 28th - Remy calls Drake to see if there’s any news on Seth but he says they haven’t heard anything yet.
January 29th - Seth doesn’t shift during the full moon.  The doctor says the experiment was a success and they get ready to let him go.  Sam does a locator spell and is finally able to pinpoint where he is.  He calls Remy to tell her and the two of them go to the spot.  Remy has Drake watch the kids while they go.  They find someone there and attack them, demanding they take them to Seth.  Sam and Remy find Seth but he is unable to speak and is slow to react.  The woman tells them that he had a lobotomy.  Remy takes Seth home and thanks Sam for his help.  Sam offers to stay with Remy until things are a little better. 
January 30th - Effie and Garrett go to see how Seth is doing.  Effie talks to her dad while Garrett talks to Lucy.  Lucy tells him she’s worried Remy is going to give up now that Seth is broken.  He assures her that won’t happen.  They offer to stay for a couple of days to help out around the house.  Remy contacts Quinn with Effie’s help and the two meet up.  Quinn thinks it’s a trap at first but Remy convinces her otherwise.  She shows her something she wrote when she thought she was going to give up and Quinn agrees to publish it for the world to read.
January 31st - Abbey and Aslyn are still having problems with their control.  Kai has the idea to get them together and see if that helps.  It seems to work for the time being and Kai takes Aslyn back home.  While in the area, he stops by Rowan’s house to see for himself that the former demon has changed.  They have a heart to heart and talk about how the world expects a lot out of them.  They both promise one another to be better about getting out and doing more.  That night, someone removes Asher’s seal from his hand.
February 1st - Jackson goes by to check on Remy and Seth.  He’s unable to heal Seth but suggests they might have a way to look inside his mind anyway.  Sam does a spell later so Remy can go inside Seth’s mind and she talks to him.  He tells her he’ll get better and to not give up.  Asher wakes up feeling the full power of the demon influence.  He gets Wendy to have sex with him and while they are, he forces some demon influence into her also.  She confesses to being the one who removed the mark because she wants to see what he’d do.  They ditch the kids and go to Brant’s place to get him to join them.  Wendy sends Drake a text telling him to come get the girls before they go.  Drake gets the girls and brings them to their place but he’s worried what might have happened to Wendy and Asher.  Noah investigates their place but finds nothing.  Amidst all the stuff going on with Wendy, Noah asks Drake if he’d be up for adopting Kessie but he says he needs to think about it.  Asher and Wendy go to Brant’s house and after convincing him to let them in, Wendy kisses him to force influence on him to turn him into a demon also.  The three of them have the plan to get rid of the council.  They set up bombs to go off but Jackson catches on and is able to protect everyone just in time.  The three disappear to go to a different location.  Everyone is shaken up but Jackson promises to find a solution to the issue.  Asher suggests they torture Aslyn so he goes to get her and bring her to the house to they can do what they want.  While he’s gone, Wendy and Brant have sex.  He shows up with Aslyn and they take turns in harming her.  Boyd tells Rowan that Aslyn is gone and they go looking for her.  They find her with the demons but are helpless to do anything.  They burn Aslyn really bad before vanishing.  Boyd summons Jackson who is able to heal her a little bit.  They realize because she’s a vampire, she won’t die but if she hadn’t been one, she would.  Clary calls her sister to tell her what happened with Brant.
February 2nd - Esther runs into Sam and Bex while checking on Seth.  Sam forces the three of them to talk about the situation and they come up with a solution that seems to work for everyone.  Kessie gets a text from Bellamy saying she’s in town to clean up the mess Kessie’s dad made.  Theo stops by the house and talks to Garrett.  Garrett gives him an exclusive interview much like how Remy did with Quinn. 
February 3rd - Kai checks on Clary who is still shaken from what happened during the council meeting.  They decide to come up with some kind of plan but Auri beats them to it.  Auri calls Brant and is able to convince him to meet her somewhere to talk.  He tells her about how he fucked Wendy and Auri slaps him in a fit of rage.  The slap is enough to get the demon influence to wear off and he apologizes for his behavior.  He comes up with a plan to try and seal the other demons powers and although she doesn’t like it, Auri lets him do it.  Wendy’s demon influence wears off.  Brant shows up which gets Asher to realize they’re both back to normal.  Wendy locks Brant out of the room and tricks Asher into marking her so she can become a full demon but when he gets close, she seals his powers.  She’s too late though, as he uses flames to burn her alive.  Wendy ends up down in Hell and Ezra shows up.  He offers to turn her into a full demon or she can be an imp, a lesser demon.  She takes his offer to become an imp and returns home to tell Asher and Brant.  Asher is relieved to see her back but is worried what this could mean.  Later, she calls Drake to tell him what happened.  Since he’s worried for her, he says she shouldn’t be around the girls right now but Wendy insists they need to be home with her.  Drake refuses to hand them over though, which pisses Wendy off more.
February 4th - Sebastian goes to see Seth in his dreams and tells him he has to fight to get better.  Seth promises he will and when he wakes up he forces himself to make everyone breakfast.  Wendy shows up at Drake’s place with one of the cops.  She demands her kids back but Drake still won’t hand them over.  They end up coming up with a compromise in which Drake will stay at Wendy’s place a few days to make sure the girls are safe.  She reluctantly agrees to it.  Auri and Brant have an awkward morning together.  Brant tells her he’s sorry for what happened and after a while, she’s able to forgive him.
February 8th - Ryan and Rowan go to Ryan’s old place and she compels her dad into thinking she died months ago and that he’s over it.  Ryan goes back to Rowan’s house with him that evening so she can meet his family.  Nicolette shows up at Nina and Logan’s place looking for the hybrid.  She pretends to be on the council then kidnaps Nina.  Later, they go back and kidnap Logan too.  Wendy shows up at Jackson’s place and while he is wary at first, he realizes she’s not a full demon.  She tells him she’s an imp and that she doesn’t have the same influence regular demons have.  Effie tells Garrett she wants to go to the hospital so she can give them her blood in the hopes they can help others with it.  He’s worried but agrees it could be a good idea.
February 9th -  When Nina wakes up, she’s in a holding cell with another Riker.  He’s psychotic and tells her that they plan to put him and the Riker in that timeline together.   He threatens to kill Nina but Addy, the witch in charge, stops him from doing anything.  Nina says she won’t go along with anything until they tell her they have Logan and can go after Noah or Jordan next.  Nina says she’ll cooperate if they let Logan go and leave her loved ones alone.  They let Logan go but not before removing several of his organs.  Drake rants to Noah about how his sister isn’t acting like herself anymore and that he’s worried the demon influence is affecting her.  Drake tells Noah that he’s fine with them adopting Kessie.  They also plan to have their wedding on December 16th.  Drake calls Remy later to check on her.  She admits it’s hard but she’s doing her best.
February 10th - Wendy and Jackson call an emergency council meeting where she apologizes for what she did and also tells everyone she’s an imp now.  They don’t trust it but she assures them everything will be okay.  Wendy becomes the demon representative along side Clary.  Bex admits that she’s the one who kidnapped Nina.  Sam is upset and asks her why and she says that the person in charge is in her coven, just like what Angel use to do.  They get in a fight and Bex volunteers to check on Ty when she really has plans to kidnap him too.  She changes her mind last minute though and calls it off.  Sam texts the council and warns them that someone is kidnapping people from the ball.  He tells them that Bex is involved and despite everyone being upset, he tries to say it’s not her fault.  Kenna and Rowan talk about Ryan and Rowan admits he wouldn’t mind sleeping with her.  He suggests Kenna sleep around with someone in the pack and she agrees it would be a fun idea.  Reed calls Garrett and asks if him and Effie can come out to the compound later.  When they get there, they’re worried about what it is.  Reed offers Garrett the beta position and though he’s hesitant at first, he accepts it.
February 11th - Effie calls Drake to warn her Nina might be missing.  Drake asks Noah if he’s heard from her but Noah tells him he hasn’t.  They go to the hospital to see if she might be there and find Logan instead.  Drake does a spell to go into Logan’s mind and asks him if he remembers anything.  He tells Drake he remembers Bex being involved so Drake goes looking for the witch.  He ends up arresting her and interrogating her until she talks.  She’s taken to a holding cell while Drake grabs Noah and they got to rescue Nina.  Meanwhile, Nina begs to be let go but they continue to run tests on her.  They are about to remove her organs when Noah and Drake show up.  Noah takes Nina back to his place and tells her Logan is going to be alright.  Drake arrests the witches involved then sends the other Riker back to his own timeline.  Effie texts Sam to tell him that Nina is okay.  Sam says he’s disappointed in Bex but unsure of what to do.  Bex calls Sam from jail and tells him what happened.  Sam snaps at her saying that they aren’t suppose to do that stuff anymore but Bex tells him she likes it and doesn’t want to stop.
February 12th - Bex comes home and her and Sam talk about what happened in more details.  They argue that they aren’t on the same page and haven’t been for a long time.  As hard as it is for them, they decide to go separate ways.  Sam calls Remy after Bex leaves and she comes over to comfort him.  Jackson starts to get stressed out about everything but Thomas is able to talk him down.  Kenna goes to the compound after work and flirts with one of the wolves named Cain.  She convinces him to have sex with her and they agree to do it again another time.  Wendy goes to talk to Remy but it ends up being a whole argument and Wendy attacks Remy.  Boyd and Aslyn talk about him becoming a vampire like her.
February 13th - Bex ends up back in California and runs into a man named Noel.  He invites her to his place so they get drink and do drugs before going out to a night club for the evening.  Rowan invites Ryan over while Kenna’s out.  She comes over for pizza and a movie but Rowan starts making moves on her.  She’s nervous at first but eventually gives into it and they end up having sex in the bedroom.  Effie and Garrett go to the hospital so she can give blood.  The doctor says it can be anonymous and that they’ll contact them when they learn anything new.  On the way home from the hospital, Effie has an idea to have sex out in public.  They find an alleyway to do it and agree it was a lot of fun.  Remy calls Asher to tell him about what happened with Wendy and he insists they’ll be fine.  Boyd calls Kai and asks if he’ll be the one to turn him into a vampire.  Kai talks to Clary about it and she tells him it might be good for them if he does.  They also make plans for Hazel’s birthday.
February 14th - Seth continues to get better as Remy and him celebrate Valentine’s day together.
February 15th - Riker goes over to Sam’s house for a visit and finds out what happened with Bex.  He calls Abbey and tells her he’s going to stay for a while longer.  Abbey calls Bex to ask for her side of the story and as hard as it is, she encourages Bex to do what she thinks is best.
February 16th - Logan texts Nina to make sure she’s alright.  She says he is and apologizes for getting him roped into her mess.  Bellamy finds where Kessie is and the two catch up on how the other has been.  Wendy asks Asher how he’s doing an he tells her the seal is holding better this time.  She asks him what he’d think if she became a full demon and he tells her so long as she’s happy he’ll be okay with it, even though he is worried.
February 17th - Bex puts out an add to sell spells for cash.  Garrett’s sister, Marie, ends up contacting her and buys a spell to go to the other timeline.  Wendy goes looking for Ezra and asks him to turn her into a full demon.  He doesn’t want to at first but eventually does.  Lysander feels his sister has become a demon from the other timeline and he sends a message to her.  She is able to use her new powers to get to where he is and she admits she likes being a demon now.  They go to hunt down the Rowan in that timeline and they brutally kill her, Boyd and Ezra.  Wendy goes back to her timeline feeling much better about everything.
February 18th - Sam goes to the compound to see Esther.  He tells her what happened with Bex and offers to be more involved in the pregnancy.  After he gets done talking to her, he goes to talk to Reed about Rowan coming around the compound.  Reed insists it’s fine but Sam isn’t happy about the former demon being near Esther and the baby.  Noel and Bex go out to celebrate her first sale.  She tells him she plans to be an escort and sell more spells on the side.  He agrees it would be a good idea.  Noah and Drake put in an offer on a house.
February 19th - Nina goes to the hospital to visit Logan.  He tells her he’ll be out in a few more days.  She flirts with him a little and tells him she has a nurse costume waiting for him when he does get home.
February 20th - Sam texts Esther with his concerns about her being around Rowan.  He suggests she gets her own place and he’ll help her with it.  For the time being, he offers her to come stay with him and she accepts.  Jezebel tells Lysander she doesn’t want Wendy around them but he tells her it’ll be more fun that way.  Garrett stops by Remy and Seth’s place to see how they’re doing.  Seth is doing better with his speaking and moving around.  Remy says things are going really well and Garrett tells her about him becoming pack beta.  She congratulates him and offers him a job at the bakery.  Asher tells Wendy his seal feels weaker so she marks him again in a different place which seems to help.  She tells him that she’s feels amazing after becoming a demon and tells him about seeing Lysander again.  Asher is worries about that but she insists it’ll be okay and he trusts her.  Thomas calls Clary to check in and say he plans to visit soon.
February 21st - Bex shows up at the house to see the kids which turns into another fight with Sam.  She ends up storming off and goes back to her hotel in California where she contemplates jumping and ending it.  She texts Abbey instead and the vampire goes to help her.  Abbey is able to talk Bex out of hurting herself.  Bex goes back with Abbey to her place to stay a couple days.  That night, Bex has a dream with Paxton in it.  He tells her she needs to find herself again and keep going.  She promises him she will.  A new wolf named Bash shows up at the compound and Kim shows him around.  A girl named Daisy shows up in Jackson’s house and tells him she’s his daughter from the future.  Jackson isn’t sure how to feel about it at first but feels bad for her and allows her to stay with Thomas’s permission.
February 22nd - Esther texts Rowan to come over so she can hear from him about what he’s done.  Rowan goes over and admits that he did the things Sam said.  Esther is disappointed in him and says that she’s going to be moving out.  Rowan is upset he’s lost one of his few friends.  Sam brings Esther to the house so she can stay with him until she gets her own place.  Kessie tells Noah and Drake about her running into Bellamy.  Drake doesn’t think it’s a good idea for them to hang out. 
February 23rd - The doctor calls Effie and tells her the results of her test and suggest they get Luca tests too.  Effie tells them she’ll have to talk to Garrett first.  Garrett has his first day working at the bakery.
February 24th - Wendy goes to see Drake and admits she’s been hurting people in the other timeline.  He’s furious but she says she’s not going to stop.
February 25th - Lysander summons Wendy back to him.  This time, they go after the other Jackson.  They kill Imogen and then use demon influence to get him to kill baby Daisy.  Lysander takes Wendy outside and forces himself on her.  She tries to resist like she told Asher she would but he plays a few cards and she is unable to say no.  
February 26th - Bex gives Noel a lap dance and afterwards, they have sex.  They agree it doesn't have to mean anything though and decide to stay friends with benefits.
February 27th - Seth finds he’s unable to shift during the full moon.  He’s heart broken about it but not sure what else they can do.  Remy has an idea to lure the wolf out.  She calls Kai to come out and pretend to attack them.  It doesn’t seem like it’s going to work at first but eventually Seth snaps.  He attacks Kai and Remy before she’s able to talk him down.  Jackson shows up and is able to help heal their wounds before they get worse.  Seth apologizes for what he did and Kai goes home.  Clary scolds him for being so reckless.  Ryan visits Rowan and finds him acting weird.  When she asks him about it, he tells her about what happened with Esther and admits it bothers him.  He says he’s afraid people will always judge him and Ryan reassures him it’ll be okay.  Logan is released from the hospital and Nina takes care of him.  Abbey tells Riker about Bex trying to kill herself.  He promises not to say anything to Sam.  They talk about wedding stuff and Abbey admits she thought he changed his mind.  Riker tells her he planned to surprise her at Christmas but things happened and he couldn’t.  They decide to try again later.
March 1st - The other Jackson finds the other Sam and talks to him about finding Wendy.  Sam tells him she’s in another timeline and offers to bring him to her anyway.

March 3rd - Kenna plays a trick on Rowan by saying she wants another baby now.  Rowan is hesitant and says that he’s worried she or the baby could get hurt.  Kenna tells him it was just a joke and they’re able to have a good day regardless.  Garrett tells Effie things are going great at the bakery.  She tells him about what the hospital said and they think it might be a good idea to have Luca tested.  Asher and Wendy talk about what she’s doing in the other timeline and even though Asher doesn’t like it, he says he’ll support whatever she needs to do.
March 4th - Lysander summons Wendy.  They kill the other Brant but Lysander can tell she’s slipping.  He forces himself on her again and this time suggests they make a baby to become the new Satan.  Wendy doesn’t say no and they end up having sex multiple times.  Meanwhile, the other Jackson shows up at the house and kills Asher.  When Wendy goes home, she finds Asher dead.  She calls her brother for help.  They wait for him to respawn but he doesn’t.  Drake takes Wendy back to his place so Noah can help with the kids.  He goes back to the house to take care of Asher’s body.  He calls Remy to tell her what happened and she suggests they try to bring him back.  Remy goes to the house and the two of them are able to use their necromancer magic to bring him back.  Drake goes to get Wendy and she admits she fucked up and won’t do it again.  He brings her back to the house and she is reunited with Asher.  She promises to be better.
March 6th - Winnie talk to Cael about everything going on lately and is worried things might get messed up if they don’t do something about it.  They consult one of heaven’s books to see what can be done to restore balance.  They determine both Aerin and Kim need to die sooner than expected.  Esther goes for a doctor appointment and Sam tags along.  Rowan meets a mysterious figure who turns out to be Sebastian.  He asks him how to get a new face and after some debate, Rowan helps him do it.

March 7th - Effie calls Marie to check in on her and Marie tells her she’s been going to the other timeline to see Lydia.  Effie warns her how dangerous it is but she doesn’t listen.  Bellamy asks for Kessie’s help to find out information about Aerin so she can go after her.  Kessie agrees to do it for old times sake.
  Clary and Aerin look at apartments and pick one for her and Ty to move into.  Aerin tells Clary she plans to make it French themed and Clary thinks it’ll be cute.  She asks Aerin if she would ever think to marry Ty and she says she’s not sure but has time to think about it.
March 8th - Effie calls Sam to ask about the spell.  She tells him she thinks Bex stole some of them and is selling them and that he needs to do something about it but he refuses to talk to Bex again.  He does look into stuff with his magic to see if there’s ways to prevent it in the future.  Reed and Kim talk about visiting his mom over the weekend.
  Wendy tells Asher about what her and Lysander did.  He is disappointed but tries to move forward.  She says there’s a chance she could be pregnant and if she is, what they’ll do.  Asher asks her what she wants to do and she admits she wants to keep it.  He says they will this time.  She also tells him she doesn’t want to be a demon anymore.  She seals her powers so she can be basically human like him.
March 9th - While out for her morning jog, Kim is hit by a truck and dies.  The police call Reed to tell him.  Garrett visits later and Reed tells him what happened.  Garrett suggests Reed get away from the compound for a bit while he handles the pack.  Garrett tells the others what happened and everyone, especially Elliot, takes the news hard.  Reed calls Jackson to tell him and Jackson says he’ll come by later to see everyone.  After getting off the phone, Jackson summons Winnie and asks if there’s something wrong with him since he couldn’t protect Kim.  She insists he’s fine but doesn’t tell him the truth.  Sebastian shows up at Remy and Seth’s house.  He tells Seth who he is and says he doesn’t want anyone else to know.  He tells Seth he’s changed his name to Silas and that he plans to start completely over.  Seth introduces him to the family so he can finally meet the twins.  They decide to tell Lucy who he is since she took his death the hardest.  She’s excited to hear he’s back and promises not to tell anyone his secret. 

March 10th - Kessie goes to New Orleans and tracks down Aerin.  They go to Clary’s cafe and get drinks and snacks.  Clary and Aerin make plans to do dinner later.  Kessie makes friends with Aerin and feels bad about betraying her.  She calls Bellamy to try and call it off but the hunter is unwilling to do so.  Aerin calls Ty and asks him to meet her for lunch.  While heading to the meet up spot, Aerin is attacked by Bellamy who kills her.  When she doesn’t show up right away, Ty goes to look for Aerin.  He finds her dead in an alley and calls his dad.  Riker finds the two and calls Clary to tell her to meet him.  Clary texts Kai to tell him something’s wrong.  They both get there and see Aerin.  Kai calls Noah and Drake to come out and investigate what happened but they’re unable to find anything concrete.  They tell them they’ll keep trying though.
March 12th - An officer shows up at the house and Jackson is arrested for Asher’s murder.  Lysander attempts to summon Wendy again but she ignores him.  Jezebel says ‘I told you so’ which pisses him off.  He sends her to retrieve Wendy but when she does, Wendy isn’t happy about it.  She refuses to give into Lysander’s advances this time so he kills her, thinking she’ll stay dead.  Wendy wakes up in Hell with Ezra, who tells her she needs to be more careful.  She promises she will and she goes back home.
  Reed goes back to the pack after being gone for a few days.  Garrett offers to help him clean Kim’s room.  While they are, they find her laptop open and on it are two videos addressed to the pack and Reed.  They watch the first one together then Reed watches the last one alone.  In them, Kim says she wanted to make them in case she died.  She also asks Reed to marry her.  Reed has a break down over it and Elliot comforts him.  Thomas texts Clary to tell her about Jackson but she’s too busy dealing with the Aerin stuff to talk to him.
March 13th - Rose gets in touch with Bex about the soul binding spell she’s selling.  She buys it and plans to use it on Aslyn.  Esther and Sam talk about how things are going and after a bit of awkwardness from the both of them, they have sex in the shower and decide to start dating.  Rowan tells Kenna about what Nicolette talked to him about and she says he should go for it.  Jackson creates a double of himself to go to Thomas and check on him.  He promises he’ll be home soon.  

March 14th - Rose shows up at Boyd and Aslyn’s house and uses the soul binding spell to tie her to another man.  She tortures him and kills him to cause her immense pain before leaving.  Abbey feels Aslyn’s pain because of the soul binding spell on them.  Riker goes to check on Aslyn and finds out what happened.  He suggests talking to Sam to see if he can severe the bind and prevent it from happening again.  Effie goes to the other timeline looking for Marie and is able to find her.  She tries to bring her back but as she is, Lysander appears.  Marie gets away but Effie has no choice but to stay behind with him.  Lysander and Jezebel torture Effie but before they can do too much, the other Rowan shows up as an angel.  She helps heal any wounds Effie got and offers to send her home but Effie says she can do it herself.  She goes home and plans to speak with Marie about what happened later.  After a couple days of mourning, Riker tries to talk Ty into eating something.  Ty finally gets out of bed and apologizes to his dad for being a burden.  Riker assures him he isn’t.  Ty tries to move on but finds it hard to do.  Sam texts Remy and tells her about him and Esther to see what she thinks.  She’s unsure of how to handle the news but tells him she’s happy for him.  Esther texts Seth and tells him about what’s been going on, including her dating Sam.  Riker calls Sam to ask for his help with the soul binding stuff.  He goes to Riker and Abbey’s house and is able to break the bind they have with each other.  He also puts a witch ward on Aslyn so no magic can touch her.  After he leaves, Abbey suggests they do a kind of double date and Aslyn agrees it would be a fun idea.  Rowan texts the company Nicolette works for and says he’ll do it.  When they give him his first assignment though, he declines.  They say they’re disappointed and drop him.  Rowan texts Remy anonymously to warn her she’s a target.  Remy tells Seth about it and they agree it might be best to go to the New Zealand house for a while, just in case.

March 15th - Seth, Remy and the kids go to their New Zealand home for a couple of days to get away from home to be safe.  Noah works on Aerin’s case and suspects Kessie might have been involved.  He tries to talk to her about it but she denies anything.  Thomas goes to the police station with proof that Jackson didn’t kill Asher.  Drake says he’ll take a look at it and believes there might be another Jackson around.  Drake realizes Thomas is friends with Clary and brings up how they’re working on Aerin’s case.  Thomas didn’t know she’d been murdered and feels bad for not being there sooner.  Wendy goes to visit Brant.  She apologizes for her demonic behavior and promises she’s better now.  She does tell him about her being pregnant with Lysander’s kid though.  He tells her not to worry and that her and Asher will be able to handle it. 
 They make Easter plans to see each other again.
March 16th - Xiomar shows up at Lysander’s place looking for a good time.  He suggests they take over Drake and Riker’s bodies so they can do damage in the other timeline.  Xiomar goes to the other timeline so he can find a way to do it.
  Thomas shows up at the house to check on Clary.  He apologizes for not being there more.  He is able to cheer her up a little.
March 17th - Silas runs into the other Jackson.  He doesn’t realize it’s the other Jackson at first then helps him by telling him where he can find Remy to get back home.  Kim’s funeral is held at the compound garden.  Many pack members speak, including Rowan.  After the ceremony, Reed talks to Rowan and officially accepts him into the pack as one of them.

March 18th - Bex offers to teach Noel how to make portals.  To practice, they go to New Orleans and meet up with ‘Riker’.  She gives him a timeline spell and after he’s gone, her and Noel have a fun time in the city.  Kessie texts Bellamy to warn her
 Noah and Drake are looking for her.  Noah tells Drake he’s having no luck with Aerin’s case and Drake suggests they use a truth spell on Kessie to get information out of her.  Noah is reluctant at first but they do it anyway.  Kessie confesses to everything.  Drake uses Kessie’s phone to text Bellamy to meet up.  He disguises himself as the girl and after he gets a full confession, they arrest her.
March 19th - Noah calls Clary to let her know they caught Bellamy and she will be tried for Aerin’s murder.  Clary thanks him for letting her know.
March 20th - Drake has a plan to get Jackson out of jail.  He plans to prove there are two Jacksons by having Asher and Seth come in.  He calls Asher to see if he’ll help with the case and he says he will.  Xiomar goes back to the house and tells Lysander he has a way for him to get to the other timeline.  Lysander can use a spell to possess Drake and Xiomar can use a magic ring to transfer himself into Riker.
March 21st - Xiomar takes over Riker’s body and orders Abbey around.  She realizes it’s not the real Riker right awayand goes along with his plans to keep Riker and Morgan safe.  Kai goes to the demon sanctuary to talk to Zoey.  He tells her about Aerin’s death and she shrugs it off like it’s nothing.  After he leaves, she has a breakdown about it.  The other Jackson goes to Remy and Seth’s place asking for help to get back home.  They’re about to send him back when Drake calls to tell Seth what’s going on.  Seth tells Remy and she holds the other Jackson hostage until Drake can get there.  Drake shows up and after a couple seconds, Lysander takes over.  He kills the other Jackson and tells Remy if she tries anything, he’ll kill Drake too.  He vanishes and Seth calls Noah to tell him what happened with Lysander and the other Jackson.  Noah says he’ll handle it and asks if Seth and Remy can watch Kessie for a little while.  Seth says they can and he brings Kessie over later that day.  Wendy is confirmed to be pregnant.  She tells Asher and he says they’ll tell everyone that the baby is theirs.
March 22nd - Noah calls Lysander and asks to meet with him.  Lysander goes to the apartment to talk to Noah and recruit him back to his side.  He calls up Xiomar to meet up later and come up with a fun plan.
  Lysander and Noah go to the safe house where Xiomar and Abbey are.  Since Abbey and Noah can’t disobey or their loved ones will be harmed, Lysander and Xiomar have some fun.  They have Noah and Abbey go out and get an animal to bring back.  They bring a cat back and Lysander commands Abbey kill it.  Noah volunteers to do it but Lysander insists she has to do it.  Abbey reluctantly does.  As a reward for behaving, Lysander and Xiomar let Drake and Riker out for a minute.  After Abbey talks back to Xiomar, Lysander forces Noah to slap her.  He does, even if he hates it.  Xiomar then commands Abbey to kiss Noah.  She does it even though they both can’t stand it.  Meanwhile, Remy does a spell to go to limbo to see if she can find someone who can give her some answers.  She meets Spencer and he gives her some advice.  She goes back to her body and tells Seth what she found out.   She calls Lysander and tells him she wants to be with him afterall.  He doesn’t believe her but they do meet up at the Wright family cemetery.  Remy manages to grab ahold of him and break him and Drake apart like she did with the other Wendy.  Lysander is pissed but slowly begins to fade away.  Back at the house, Abbey comes up with a plan to get Riker back.  She asks Noah to attack her and even if he doesn’t like the idea, he goes along with it.  It’s enough to get Riker to come back and while he is, Abbey gets the ring off him.  Xiomar and Riker separate and Riker kills him.  With Drake back in his body, they go to the house to get rid of the other Riker.  Drake pretends to be Lysander and after a small miscommunication they discover everyone is back to normal.  Drake, Noah, Riker and Abbey go home to rest.
March 23rd - Kim’s brother, Yeon, shows up at the pack to collect her things and talk to Reed.
  Lucy invites Kessie to game night but Kessie says she doesn’t want to.  The two argue for a minute then Kessie teaches Lucy about sex before decided to join them afterall. 
March 24th - Logan runs into Maxwell while he’s out and about but the two don’t get along well.  Aslyn meets a girl named Kylani and the two exchange numbers to hang out again later.  Effie goes to talk to Rowan.  She apologizes for her behavior and asks to start over.  Rowan accepts the apology and promises to prove he’s better.  

March 25th - Ty bumps into another fey named Nimue.  He helps her find her way back to her hotel and he tells her about Aerin.  They end up hitting it off and decide to meet up again another time. 
March 26th - Thomas goes to the jail to check on Jackson.  He tells him to hang in there and that the kids are alright.  Due to the stress, Jackson suddenly asks Thomas to marry him and though he’s confused by the proposal, he accepts.
March 27th - Rowan goes to check on Elliot.  He offers to take him running with Kenna, Ryan and him.  Elliot says he’ll join them and is actually excited about it.  As a prank, Elliot and Rowan go to Cain and pretend Rowan’s mad about him sleeping with Kenna.  Cain freaks out at first and then they tell him it was just a joke.
  A demon named Niya shows up to talk to Jezebel.  She tells her Lysander is gone for good and Jezebel vows revenge on whoever did it.  Niya says she’ll help her.  Esther joins the pack for the full moon.  She talks to Garrett and tells him about her and Sam dating.  He admits it’s a little weird but so long as they’re happy it doesn’t matter what others think.  Clary and Kai finally have Aerin’s funeral.  It’s a small one but they’re all able to say their goodbyes.  Hazel comes from the future to say a few words also and thought Clary is unsure about it, Kai tells her it’s alright.  After it’s over, Kai goes to Aerin’s room and finally lets it all out, crying in her closet.
March 28th - Zoey tells Eden about what happened to Aerin.  Eden suggests to write a goodbye note to Aerin to get it all out.  She also mentions possibly moving and Zoey says she’ll have to think about it.  Kai goes to talk to Abbey about everything with Aerin.  He tells her it’s too much and he doesn’t know how to handle it but she’s able to talk him down and cheer him up.
March 29th - Boyd summons Rose and offers himself to get her to leave Aslyn and Luther alone.  She agrees to the deal and asks him to help her make a new demon.  She targets a boy and marks him, then Boyd kills him.  After he does, she starts screaming about him murdering the boy and gets a crowd gathered.  They arrest Boyd and he is thrown in the London prison.  Jezebel goes to talk to Garrett at the bakery.  She pretends to be Effie to see if he knows about Lysander but he doesn’t.  She gets in a fight with him before storming off.  Meanwhile, Niya goes to talk to Remy.  She pretends to be a supernatural cop from another timeline and after a few more lies, Remy admits she was the one who got rid of Lysander.  Niya tells Jezebel and Jezebel says she’s going to destroy Remy’s life bit by bit.  Jezebel and Niya go to the bakery after Garrett leaves and they burn it down.  Remy rushes out there and finds the building burning down.  Seth comforts her and tells her they’ll make a new one.  Garrett goes home and yells at Effie for her behavior earlier.  She denies everything and they realize it was the other her causing trouble.  He apologizes and they make up before Garrett gets a call from Remy.  She tells him about the bakery and asks if he did something.  He admits he didn’t check the ovens before leaving because he was distracted about the Effie stuff.  He blames himself for what happened.  Effie goes to check on her mom.  Esther tells Sam they can’t keep them dating from Bex anymore and he agrees he’ll tell her when the time is right.  Bex shows up a few minutes later to pick up the kids for the night.  Sam reluctantly tells her about Esther and Bex punches her in the face before leaving with the kids.  Sam helps heal her broken nose and despite the rough start, they have a nice evening just the two of them.  Bellamy tries to talk to Jackson in jail but he refuses.  She eventually pushes enough buttons to get him to snap.  He appears in her cell and punches her for talking about Aerin and Sebastian then goes back to his cell to ignore her.  Wendy goes by the house to check on Drake.  They promise to do better this time and get back to how they were before.  She also tells him about the baby and he suggests she talk to Sam to see if he can re-write their memories so they think the baby is her and Ashers.  
March 30th - Aslyn tells Rowan about Boyd being arrested.  They go to the jail to see him and try to come up with a plan to get him out.
  Noah checks in on Jackson and tells him his trial will be coming up at the end of the week.  Another hunter named Jasper shows up to talk to Kessie.  Drake doesn’t think it’s a good idea but lets them speak.  Jasper warns Kessie that the other hunters will come after them.  Noah shows up as Jasper is leaving and tells him not to come back.  Kessie and Noah have a fight about everything but he’s still insistent that they’ll handle it.  Kessie goes to her room and Drake comes up with an idea to get the hunters off their backs.  He goes to the station and makes a deal with Bellamy that she can go free if she calls off the hunters.  She agrees and they leave the station.  Once they were far enough, she calls her hunter friends and gets them to stop.  Then Drake uses magic to bind her long enough to Kai to come and kill her.  They dispose of the body and plan to cover the whole thing up.  Drake goes home and tells Noah it’s handled but won’t give him details.
March 31st - Effie goes to check on her parents and tells Seth that she is sure the other her is the one that burned down the bakery.  Seth tells her he doesn’t think Garrett is pulling his weight in the relationship which leads to a bit of an argument.  Effie agrees to talk to Garrett about it later, even though she doesn’t want to.  Rowan goes to look for Silas and eventually tracks him down.  He tells him about Boyd being arrested and asks for his help.  Silas says he’ll do it since Rowan helped him.
March 31st - Logan meets Maxwell, Nina’s ex-husband.  They don’t hit it off at all.  He tells her about it later, she apologizes for his behavior and after some discussion they decide to start dating.  Kenna goes to the compound to hang out with Cain some more.
April 1st - Jackson has his trial and Noah testifies on his behalf.  After presenting the evidence, the judge deems Jackson free to go.  Jackson goes home and him, Thomas and the kids celebrate.  Clary and Kai have Hazel’s birthday party.  Hazel asks about Aerin and they tell her she’s not coming back.  
April 2nd - Rowan texts Silas to ask if he has any luck finding a way to get Boyd out.  He says he does and to meet him in town.  They meet at the police station and with the help of some witch favors, Silas gets Boyd out.  As a thank you, Rowan suggests Boyd give Silas a blow job and as much as he doesn’t want to, he ends up doing it so he can go home.
April 4th - Zoey tells Eden she does want to move after all.  Eden is excited and they decide to chose a place at random.  Remy goes out to feed the horses and finds one of them dead.  Seth reassures her it’s just a lot of bad luck they’re having and nothing more.  Sam and Esther go to Remy and Seth’s later that evening for the twins’ birthday party.  Sam comforts Remy about everything going on and they talk about his relationship with Esther.  Bex tells Noel about Esther living at the house and he assured her she’s better off without Sam in her life.
April 5th - Esther goes to the house to check on Seth.  He tells her about all the bad stuff going on lately and she offers to help out if they need it.
April 6th - Kai goes to check on Ty and see how he’s doing.  They talk about Aerin and Kai admits he killed Bellamy.  Ty says he won’t tell.  Effie tells Garrett he needs to get another job and step but because she can’t do everything on her own.  He gets upset and storms off.  Effie calls Seth saying how Garrett left and she’s worried he won’t come back.  Seth reassures her that he will and to have faith in their marriage.  Wendy calls Sam to ask if he’ll change their memories so they think the baby is Asher’s.  He’s hesitant but eventually agrees.  Rowan texts Silas to meet for drinks.  They break into a bar and have a few shots then after some talking, they end up fucking on the counter top.  Rowan suggests Silas live with them for the time being and he says it would be a fun idea.  Jezebel and Niya plan to break Lucy’s leg.  Jezebel tells Niya her final plan and they prepare for it.
April 7th - Winnie grows nervous about the timeline stuff.  She asks Cael what he thinks and he says there isn’t much they can do but keep an eye out.  They do consider talking to higher up angels though.  Lucy falls out of a tree and breaks her leg.  Effie texts Garrett since he hasn’t come home yet and he tells her he’ll be back after a job interview.  
April 8th - Aslyn goes to see Jackson and he tells her about his engagement.  He also asks her to be his maid of honor/best man at the wedding and she accepts.  Garrett comes home and apologizes for his behavior.  He tells Effie he was able to get a job working nights at a club. 
April 10th - Niya goes to the club and possesses Garrett’s body.  She brings him back to the house where her and Jezebel are staying.  They talk about doing their plan now and shooting Remy.  Before they go, Niya (still in Garrett’s body) has sex with Jezebel.  Afterwards, Niya goes to the house and shoots Remy in the head then leaves Garrett back at his house.  Jezebel shows up and pretends to be Effie and acts frantic about what ‘Garrett’ just did.  Seth tries desperately to calm down the kids and calls Silas to come out and help.  Remy slowly starts to heal but Seth is worried she might not fully recover from the ordeal.  Silas offers to stay there until things are better.  Seth calls Drake and tells him what happened and Drake goes to the house and reluctantly arrests Garrett. 
April 11th - Silas takes the kids to the compound to stay for a while and texts Rowan to let him know he won’t be home for a couple more weeks.  He mentions that the kids are at the compound so Rowan goes over to see them.  He talks to Lucy about everything and tells her her mom will be okay.  Effie goes to visit Garrett in jail and he admits he doesn’t know if he did it or not.
April 12th - Zoey and Eden move to Japan to start their life over.
April 13th - Remy wakes up but has no memory of the last couple years.  She still thinks her parents are alive and she works at the record shop.  Seth tries to get her to remember anything but she has a hard time.  After she drinks some blood, she decides to rest and take it easy.
April 21st - Bex texts Sam to come and pick up the kids at her place, claiming her magic is acting up.  He goes out there and is shocked by the mansion.  He meets Noel and is disappointed in Bex’s new lifestyle.  Noel suggests they do a family dinner sometime and Sam reluctantly agrees it could be a nice idea.  When he gets back to the house, he rants to Esther about it.  She tells him not to let it bother him and instead they talk about Albie coming soon.  Effie goes to the police station and asks Drake t try and do a spell to see if Garrett is innocent or not.  Drake looks at Garrett’s memories and determines all of it was because of demons but he can’t get the details.  Effie suggests it was Jezebel.  Drake summons the demon later and gets her to confess she was the one who did it.  He captures her and puts her in a holding cell until he can figure out how to get rid of her for good.  
April 25th - Effie calls Seth to check on things and he mentions that Remy’s awake but lost her memories.  Effie suggests Drake can try to fix her and also mentions how he was able to look in Garrett’s mind and see the demons were the ones that attacked Remy.  While Silas is out, he runs into Jackson and Jace.  Jace knows who he is right away and after the two talk for a while, Jackson realizes who he is also.  Silas goes back to the house and tells Rowan what happened.  Rowan suggests they have a party to keep his mind off it.  They invite Aslyn, Boyd and Ryan over.  They get drunk and play a few rounds of truth or dare to get Silas’s mind off the Jackson stuff.
April 26th - Sydney goes to see Sam and comfort him about the future.  She also tells him that she’s Lilith now and as weird as it is, he comes to accept it.  Kessie asks to go to a party with some boys.  Noah and Drake say no at first but Kessie tells them she can protect herself and shows them Drake’s gun.  Drake demands she give it back and Noah gives her his instead.  She goes to the party while Drake and Noah have a talk about parenting styles.
April 27th - Seth continues to try and get Remy to remember anything.  She finally does start to piece together some memories but not much.  They call Sam to come out and he does.  He uses a spell to see into her mind and tries to pull the memories back out.  He does but it leaves Remy a mess.  Seth demands he stop but he keeps going.  It works and she gets her memories back but she’s exhausted and upset about it.
April 28th - Bex goes to New Orleans to get something and bumps into Ty.  They catch up and both agree to keep moving forward, despite the shitty stuff that’s happened to them lately.  They also agree to keep in touch.  Thomas asks Jackson if everything is alright since he’s been acting weird.  Jackson tells him about how he saw Sebastian but that he’s not the same.  He assures him it doesn’t change anything and he still plans on marrying him.  They also decide Jackson will take Thomas’s last name when they do tie the knot.  Effie goes to the jail again to visit Garrett and checks on him.  He admits he doesn’t know what he’s going to do and Effie says the same.  After she leaves, he tries to kill himself by hanging but the rope breaks.  Effie texts Abbey asking for advice on how to handle the Garrett stuff.  Abbey goes over to Effie’s house and tries to help her with some positive encouragement.  They both end the discussion by promising to talk and see each other more.
April 29th - Earthquakes mysteriously start to happen all over the world.  Kessie talks to Noah about it and then brings up how she can’t get ahold of Bellamy.  He offers to talk to Drake about it and see if he knows anything.  He isn’t able to though as Drake and him are sent out to investigate what happened.  Drake goes to see Wendy first and when he determines she’s alright, he goes to check on Remy.  Remy says they haven’t had any issues.  Drake worries it could be a witch coven but isn’t sure.  He also gets parenting advice from Remy.  Meanwhile, Noah goes to New Orleans and gets caught in a rain storm.  To get dry, he goes to Kai’s bar and runs into Brant.  They talk a bit about everything going on before Noah goes back out to continue his investigation.  Boyd goes over to Jackson’s house out of boredom.  They talk for a while about the weddings and then Jackson allows Boyd to hang out with Jace for a while.  Effie goes to the compound and runs into Cain.  She rants to him about the stuff with Garrett and he suggests she sleep with someone to get back at him.  They end up having sex as a way for Effie to forget everything.  Clary texts Kai to ask about the bar.  He says it’s fine and reassures her that nothing bad is going to happen.
April 30th - The kids go back home to Remy and Seth since things are mostly normal again.
May 1st - Kenna talks to Rowan about the job he turned down.  He says he’ll look for something else instead but that he’s trying to be good.  She says she’s proud of him for it.  Since they haven’t spent much time together, they decide to have a night just the two of them.  Reed goes to talk to Cain about what he did with Effie.  Cain says it’s not a big deal and after pissing Reed off, he’s put on probation and sent to his room.  Thomas calls Clary and tells her about his engagement. 
May 2nd - Effie texts Drake to ask how the stuff with Garrett is going.  He tells her that Garrett should be out soon but that he tries to kill himself.  Remy tells Seth that when Sam did the spell to get her memories back, he unlocked some ones she forgot years ago.  She does a spell to show him what she showed Wendy and he feels bad she had to go through it.  They decide to move passed it and have a nice family night.  Cain angrily texts Kenna to tell her about him being sent to his room.  Kenna goes to the compound to check on Cain.  He tells he about what he did with Effie and Kenna agrees he shouldn’t be punished for it.  They do a game to get to know each other better and Kenna suggests he challenge Reed and become the new alpha.  Cain agrees it would be a great idea and they end up having very loud sex to celebrate the future accomplishment.  Reed goes to the room to scold the two and after Cain mocks him, he punches the wolf in the nose.  Reed storms off while Kenna treats Cain’s wound and they make plans for when he’s alpha, including turning her into the new beta.  Effie goes to the house to talk to Rowan about everything going on with her and Garrett.  Rowan gives her a tough love lecture and it seems to help Effie figure out what to do.  Abbey talks to Riker about what Effie is going through and they talk about the open relationship idea.  Both have different views about it but they agree it doesn’t really matter.  They end up having sex and ending the night on a good note.
May 3rd - Kenna comes home after spending the night with Cain and tells Rowan about his plan to become alpha.  Rowan grows concerned Kenna might be getting too close to the other wolf but tries to stay encouraging. 
May 4th - While Kenna is at work, Rowan goes to Boyd’s house and rants to him about what’s going on.  He suggests Rowan put his foot down and end Cain and Kenna’s weird relationship.  Rowan reluctantly goes to the compound to talk to Cain about it but Cain says he won’t back off.  He admits he wants Kenna for himself and if Rowan tries to stop him, he’ll kill Aslyn, Boyd and Luther.  Garrett calls Effie and tells her he’ll be home soon.  He also tells her how he tried to kill himself and that he’s been in therapy which is why he hasn’t been home.  He promises he’ll be better and that it won’t happen again.  Effie also tells him she has something to say but that it can wait until he’s home.
May 5th - Bex text Sam about doing family dinner.  He is hesitant but eventually agrees to it.  Garrett goes home and is happy to be back.  He says he’s going to do better now and that’s sorry for the things he did in the past.  Effie tells Garrett about how she slept with Cain and while he is upset about it, he tells her it’s not going to ruin their relationship.  Drake goes to the house and Wendy tells him what happened.  When he asks Asher to stand where he was before, a portal opens up and sucks him in.  Drake stands in the same spot in the hopes of finding where Asher was taken but instead winds up in the catacombs with Jezebel. 
1 note · View note
Autistic Witches/Warlocks/Wizards (Especially at Hogwarts cuz HP is my SpIn)
-Who stim with little bursts of spell lightning. 
-Who have special robes that can transform into sensory-safe material. 
-Who are allowed quick-quote quills/self-writing quills for class and for essays if need be because their handwriting can be too messy to read.
-Who have sneakoscopes on hand in order to tell who to trust or not.
-Who are overwhelmed by the regular Hogsmeade trips, so McGonagall allows them to take private trips to Hogsmeade to avoid getting too overwhelmed.
-Who befriend Luna Lovegood quickly because she makes them feel comfortable with themselves. Also she’s possibly autistic and knows the best coping methods.
-Who organize private study dates in the library with the help of Hermione.
-Who get extra sessions for mastering the patronus charm because it’s sometime difficult to focus.
-Who are allowed Remembralls.
-Who are in Gryffindor and use it to promote #RedInstead in Hogwarts and focus on becoming braver because they know there’s different types of bravery.
-Who are in Hufflepuff and are so kickass at Herbology and are allowed second chances to tap the barrels if they can’t remember the code.
-Who are in Slytherin and become hyper fixated on learning parseltongue because it’s so intriguing, yet makes sense to them.
-Who are in Ravenclaw and can find multiple answers to the riddles because of how their perspective is so different. 
-Who befriend the ghosts because they don’t see them as ghosts, but as people.
-Who have ear protectors in the Great Hall during meals and sometimes have separate meals.
-Who have seen Death and take trips to the Forbidden Forest often because the thestrals comfort them. 
-Who rejoiced by stimming with their wands when Fred and George stood up to Umbridge. 
-Who befriend Lydia Scamander because she’s autistic too and has lived in a family that accepts and embraces differences wholeheartedly. 
-Who aren’t accepted by their families because they’re autistic and go home for the holidays with Lydia, Lorcan, and Lysander. 
-Who talk to the House Elves and respect them because they take things at face value and see them as elves, not as slaves. 
-Who tell the House Elves their sensory-safe foods.
-Who are allowed extensions on essays if need be.
-Who can write essays on their special interest and how it relates to the wizarding world for a few extra house points.
-Who are allowed, with supervision, to check books on their Special Interest out of the Restricted Section as long as the book doesn’t leave the library.
-Who go to Hagrid’s Hut to cuddle Fang when they’re melting down and Fang knowing just how much pressure they need to calm down. 
-Who had the guts to confront Umbridge about her punishments because they believed honesty is the best policy and it angered them to see other students in pain. 
-Who have the biggest, gaudiest patronuses because they often feel like outcasts and need some extra self-protection.
-Who, while not willing to join Voldemort, developed a special interest in the history of Voldemort after the second wizarding war. 
-Who take on some jobs at Hogwarts to earn some galleons or house points, as well as job experience. 
-Who amaze others with how extensive their knowledge is on a certain subject.
-Who merely laughed at the Carrows when they tried to teach them that muggles and muggle-borns were lesser because the autistic witches/wizards/warlocks just see muggles and muggle-borns as people, like halfbloods and purebloods.
-Who hate how quickly the stairs changed and manage to find the least treacherous paths to class.
-Who worked to develop a spell that could analyze and tell you how someone was truly feeling.
-Who joined the D.A. because Umbridge’s decrees largely went against their stubborn and strong sets of morals.
-Yet were also somewhat relieved with the boys-and-girls-not-permitted-within-eight-inches-of-each-other because that decreased the likelihood of physical contact. 
-Who use the Room of Requirement when they’re having sensory overload or a meltdown or a shutdown. 
That’s all I’ve got for now. Let’s call this part 1, because I guarantee, there’s probably gonna be a second part to it.
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empathiie-moved · 5 years
@lvstmuses. | Daryl & James. | THE ROARING TWENTIES. 🎆
It was no surprise to him that James was with the Carrows.
Daryl had come to care about James the same way he cared about Lydia: in a familial manner. James and Lydia were still young, and all Daryl wanted was for them to be safe. It was hard for him to think of them as safe when they were with the Carrows, which was the most dangerous of the two mobs. He could understand why Lydia was with them, though. It probably reminded her of being with the Whisperers, which were somewhat like family to her.
With this, all he could do was hope. Hope the two weren’t getting themselves into too much trouble, hope they weren’t doing anything dangerous. All he wanted to do was rescue Lydia while he still could. James, too. When he saw James, and that he was okay, Daryl started to feel a little bit better about the whole thing. “Hey. Where’s Lydia?”
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hiddenwashington · 5 years
Who are admins and members most wanted? I’m happy for most fandoms except Star Wars, animated shows, marvel/dc, tvd or twd if that helps!
we’ve asked our members and we would love to see: castiel, donna hanscum, jody mills, bobby singer, adam milligan, charlie bradbury, rowena macleod, eileen leahy, lydia, anael, lisa braeden, ben braeden, crowley, lucifer, kelly kline, benny lafitte, gabriel, amara, meg masters, ruby, bela talbot, lilith, ruby, kevin tran, henry winchester, dick roman, jessica moore, abaddon, michael, garth, anna milton, chuck shurley, death, alex jones, krissy chambers, alastair (supernatural), the evil queen, ben florian, jafar, cruella, uma (descendants), fred weasley ii, louis weasley, neville longbottom, aberforth dumbledore, bellatrix black/lestrange, rodolphus lestrange, abernathy, vinda rosier, alecto carrow, amycus carrow, antonin dolohov, barty crouch jr., credence barebone, dean thomas, seamus finnigan, nagini, newt scamander, tina goldstein, queenie goldstein, jacob kowalski, peter pettigrew, draco malfoy, daphne greengrass, godric gryffindor, salazar slytherin, andromeda black/tonks, ted tonks, frank longbottom, mary macdonald, arthur weasley, george weasley, percy weasley, bill weasley, charlie weasley and more death eaters (harry potter/fantastic beasts), chris halliwell, billie jenkins, the halliwell cousins (charmed), charles deetz, delia deetz (beetlejuice), will parry, marisa coulter, lord asriel (his dark materials), ben harmon, vivian harmon, madison montgomery, kyle spencer, the countess, fiona goode, cordelia goode, michael langdon (american horror story), serena van der woodsen, nate archibald, georgina sparks, jenny humphrey, dan humphrey (gossip girl), willow rosenberg, dawn summers, angel, spike, xander harris, rupert giles, anya jenkins, tara maclay, robin wood, darla, drusilla, fred burkle, cordelia chase, wesley wyndam pryce (buffy the vampire slayer/angel), ross geller, janice (friends), richie gecko, seth gecko, carlos madrigal, kate fuller (from dusk til dawn), michael, sam, david, paul, dwayne, marco (lost boys), lestat de lioncourt, louis de pointe du lac (interview with a vampire), alec lightwood, will herondale, jem carstairs (shadowhunters), dustin henderson, max mayfield, lucas sinclair, erica sinclair, billy hargrove (stranger things), flynn rider, mrs. potts, stitch, nani, beast/prince adam, anastasia, lady tremaine, maximus (disney), wybie (coraline), jorah mormont, khal drogo, grey worm, missandei, daario naharis, stannis baratheon, renly baratheon, shireen baratheon, melisandre, cersei lannister, jamie lannister, bran stark, robb stark, rickon stark, ned stark, yara greyjoy (game of thrones), gina linetti, charles boyle, terry jeffords, kate peralta, kevin cozner (brooklyn nine nine), henry mills, jefferson, baelfire, ruby lucas, snow white, prince charming (once upon a time), sokka, aang, ty lee, korra, asami, mako (atla/lok), james, laurent (twilight), emmett, vivian, enid (legally blonde), clarisse, joe, nicholas (the princess diaries), sally jackson, poseidon, thalia, jason, leo, grover, area, clarisse, luke (percy jackson) and anyone from until dawn! members, as always, please feel free to reply with any characters you’d like to see here that aren’t on the list!
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danystargaryens · 7 years
Friends & Family appreciation!
i want to compliment ALL my mutuals & my friends. because my anxiety kills me (thanks anon) mostly because i don’t contact people often,i just want them to know how much they mean to me. that i see them as ACTUAL friends.  yes this is kinda like a follow forever. just with compliments! this is a  hella  long list! so i’m so sorry. i’m bad with telling your personality,so i’m so sorry. i didn’t wanna leave anybody out. family = bolded (basically means people i see as my real life friends) friends = italics (means that we might not talk alot,but you still mean alot to me)
A-D: - @a-court-of-books-and-authors (incredible mutual,who is lovely & nice url.) - @25shadesoffebruary (lovely & adorable) - @aarya  (a cutiepie who deserves so much in life.) - @aerishey (best video maker out there.) - @amyskhaleesi (adorable cutie,who you just want to hug.) - @alphaclarke (amazing mutual,who is just so nice?) - @alittleklarolineobsession (see them alot on my dash,and in my activity,u are so adorable) - @alicelongbottomxx (cool af,so amazing) - @alecthemagnificent (nice url wow,and a cutie) - @asgrdians (lovely seing u on my dash) - @aphrodhte  (precious cutie,who has a nice ass url.) - @abbygkane  (beautiful & nice.) - @aelins (love this girl,so beautiful) - @alyciascarey  (recently got to know her,but she’s already one of best friends,probs annoying her,angelic,deserves so much in life,is so sweet,makes amazing icons,so damn lovely, can i be her bestfriend pls?) - @an0therwerew0lf   (salty & sweet,and funny url.) - @anabthchse (beautiful icon maker,so nice!) - @argentist (best url,just wow,beautiful,amazing!) - @anankinskywalker  (star wars queen + just so nice?) - @barryallhan  (so sweet,so amazing,so beautiful,just wow.) - @bellameblake (cute icon maker,+ beautiful.) - @buckybames (idk why it won’t let me tag you,beautiful,funny af,kind & strong) - @bellamysgirl (amazing writer, cute girl.) - @bellamyspirate  (very down to earth,so nice.) - @bellarkestrash (a cutiepie who you just want to hug.) - @bellarkestrut (so beautiful? so cute? so wow?) - @bobmorleyisking (amazing,stunning wow) - @bellarke-stydia ( incredible gif maker,just wow!) - @bonniebennettstjohn (cute tvd blog,nice) - @bellsblake  (cutie who is just too adorable) - @bellslarkes  (adorable cutiepie) - @bellarketm (one of my best friends,i love her so much,is so sweet and indescribable) - @barryallns (cutiepie!!) - @bellsprincess (amazing,beautiful & precious.) - @beronicakissed (helpful af. and just lovely.) - @bethsmaggie  (hella nice and cute. we need to talk more!) - @bisexualdawnsummers (great blog ! A+) - @beronicascheryl  (what a princess!) - @bradburybellamy (incredible smart,like wow!) - @bitchcankeepasecret (beautiful,lovely,so damn kind,amazing) - @bjllpotts (cute icon maker,so nice !!) - @bellamyblak​ (lovely,amazing,just wow) - @boddirook (calm & cool) - @buffyscmmers   (so damn beautiful,& precious,just wow!) - @bobbimorsebartons (incredible graphic maker!) - @boothbrennans (adroable darling!) - @bradleeyjamess  (amazing icon maker who is so sweet.) - @captainwandas (precious + beautiful) - @chysleigh (incredible icon maker,beautiful) - @carrow (just followed her recently,makes incredible edits!) - @clexakrv (so nice seing you on my dash) - @clarkesfreckledking (beautiful,lovely,omg so kind & pretty) - @caitlinsfears (helpful and really nice!) - @clem-pennyfeather  (brave & smart= - @clarkegryphus (gives me nice the 100 content,nice!) - @cla-rke (so intelligent,incredible,lovely) - @cupcakeblake (adorable!!!!!) - @codychristan (beautiful edit maker!!) - @colfernygma (gotham queeen!!!,love her) - @coloringpencils (one of my fav blogs,just wow!) - @daeneyrstargaryen  (a princess,such a cutie) - @dropshipbellarke (probs thinks i’m annoying,love her,is amazing,beautiful) - @daisy-riddles (precious queen!) - @dylanosbrien (incredible cute!!) - @damnmalec  (lovely icon maker,so cute) - @dorothyglaes (lovely,kind,beautiful,wow) - @dasyjohnson (lovely & pretty) - @dawson-rosario (hp queen! so lovely) - @darthvders (incredible lovely princess) - @darkvaders (adorable cutie!) E-H: - @eleveun (so sweet?? like wow?) - @fosterjensen (adorable &  - @friarlucas (cute,intelligent just omg!) - @fenrandosucre (adorable,beautiful,brave,incredible,just so wow,one of my bestfriends) - @frvdweasley (one of my bestfriends,so nice,so cute,smart af, love her) - @fairytalesandbrokencrowns (adorable,nice and so cute) - @felicitysm0ak (cool name!,lovely!) - @florabell (like a mom,so beautiful in an out,just wow!) - @ginevraspotter (adorable! and hell yeah for colours!) - @galaxystarks (nr.1 stark trash!,marvel queen!) - @grantsass (so nice,so incredible to talk to) - @godessallison (beautiful and pretty url) - @goodqueenalys (nice + precious) - @ginevra17 (so damn adorable) - @grounderstiles (a libra girl,wup wup,cutie!) - @grounderbellamy (intelligent,beautiful,so incredible!) - @gwen-stacy (can u be more cuter?,pretty,brave,!) - @grumpybell (incredibly nice and sweet) - @griffinreyes (wow beautiful & gorg!) - @hannahbaker  (13rw queen blog,nice) - @harley-quinns (beautiful icons,amazing edits) - @harlyquinn (beautiful  icons,amazing wow!) - @harpermacintyre (kind,sweet,lovely,one of my close friends,beautiful) - @harpermcintyre (helpful af,teached me how to make gifs,so beautiful,so kind) - @harleysquinn (wow,just so beautiful) - @hanahsong (beautiful icons,just so omg!) - @harrydraco (incredible icon maker,wow omg) - @hearteyesrey (lovely blog !) - @helptwelve (multifandom af,but amazing) - @hotlatinospacerebel (amazing url,beautiful,gorg,fab) - @holybellamy (stydia af,brave & charming) - @hollandrooden (holland roden queen!,so lovely) - @here-flies-a-hummingbird (kind,sweet,precious,beautiful, a prince!) - @holland-toms (marvel princess,is so precious) - @highqueenhanson (lovely blog,sweet af) - @holtlinetti (cutiepie!!) - @hrleens​ (lovely,clever & nice) I-L: - @inabroomcloset (is so damn sweet,adorable & funny url) - @imanmeskini (pls tell me what your url references, cool & calm!) - @isakvaltzrsen (kind,beautiful,intelligent,wow) - @isabellenightwoods (lovely,kind,omg so beautiful) - @izzylght (amazing,lovely,omg so beautiful,fellow yt buddy) - @invincibleririwilliams (lovely,beautiful,wow!) - @ironstarkasm (talented af,makes amazing edits,just unbelievebale talented!) - @idriselbas (idk why it won’t let me tag you,amazing,beautiful,kind and a cool name) - @itwontsurvivemee (incredibly sweet,is so nice,so beautiful,so cute) - @jacesimon​ (charming,lovely, & confident) - @jamescarstairs (has helped me ALOT,is grounded,down to earth,amazing edits) - @jensenacklex (really sweet,and lovely) - @jamesolsen (amazing icon maker,so lovely,sweet,and funny) - @jakesamys​ (lovely,beautiful,precious,) - @jarjars (one of the best icon maker,adorable,sweet,wow) - @jaceslewis (cute,faboulous,amazing) - @jonasnoahvasques (such a cutie,one of my best friends,love her so much,beautiful,) - @jemcarstvirs​ (cool,calm & sweet) - @jyncassian (wild af,brave & funny af,lovely) - @jsmarv (amazing,love her) - @kaiparker (one of the best gif makers out there,lovely!) - @karaslance (beautiful,lovely omg so amazing) - @keiraknighted (reblogs alot of my stuff,i see you girl,you are so precious & sweet) - @killianjonec (so damn sweet,adorable,helpful,colours,wow!!!,one of my bestfrinds) - @kelly-severide (one of my most fav blog! amazing & fab!) - @kirayukimuras (lovely,brave,beautiful,amazing!) - @kisaageckos (one of best fdtd blog out there,cute & adorable) - @laurellances (brave,beautiful & incredible!) - @lydiasmartin (wild af,but lovely,beautiful,kind,gorg,fab) - @lancelaurel (my other mom,beautiful,funny,sweet,and just so amazing!) - @leethompkins (so beautiful,lovely,gorg!) - @luflute (amazing,beautiful,a fucking queen,wow,icredible,one of my best friends) - @leiaskyewalker (one of my best friends,most funniest girl ever,so lovely,kind,love her so much) - @lydiastxles (sweet,nice,lovely) - @lovethystydia (girl i see you in my activity,thank you for the reblogs,you are wonderful) - @lydiabranwell (intelligent af,amazing & beautiful,and thank god for lydia b appreciation!) - @lydias-martin (lovely,amazing & nice) - @loganlermans (most amazing url,beautiful,kind,a queen!) - @lydiasilinski (i just want to say silly because of your url,but you’re also sweet and cute) M-P: - @magnuslighwood (so incredible,such an amazing edit maker,wow!) - @mallec (so sweet,so precious,just protect her) - @metalcoat (13rw blog so lovely,so nice,) - @murphysurvived (amazing writer,wow) - @misswitsandsarcasm (beautiful,lovely,a princess,so kind) - @matthewsjosh (gmw queen! so beautiful,one of the best icon makers!) - @mccalls (beautiful,lovely,cute) - @mia-dearden (sass queen,her rants are perfect,a real feminist,beautiful,incredible,just wow,one of my best friends!) - @mieeczyslaw (adorable,a cutie,so nice) - @mmichaelscofield (my OG mom,she’s amazing,beautiful,kind,lovely,and i thank everything to her) - @moonheda (nice,lovely,one of my fav blogs!) - @mrtinsky (beautiful,brave,) - @nefertiris (helpful,lovely,so kind,so nice,omg,one of my best friends,love her) - @niylah (such a cutie!) - @nihylarke (beautiful,intelligent,amazing,wow,so beautiful?,smart? lovely?) - @nooraamaliesaetre (lovely,kind,sweet,gorg) - @nicholashemmick (such a queen,sassy af,one of my best friends,rants on point,wow!) - @nobleallison ( so kinda,so beautiful,so pretty) - @noonasaetre (pretty,adorable,amazing) - @noorastilinski (so damn sweet,incredible,brave,beautiful,one of my best friends) - @nygmascobblepot (beautiful,pretty,brave,fab) - @ohskywalkers (makes amazing themes,so pretty,so lovely) - @padmapatil (lovely,nice,and funny) - @peggy-caarter​ (cutie,beautiful,precious) - @peytonscott (amazing icons,beautiful,kind & nice) - @phebobuffay (just soo amazing & incredible,creative,and funny) - @phoebe-halliwell (stelena queen,rant’s on point,lovely,beautiful) - @planced (voltron queen,one of my best friends,so fucking beautiful,wow,so kind,talented) - @puckconnolly (sweet,kind and nice) - @parkerpetey (lovely,sweet & kind,deserves the world) - @para-hell-dise (stelena princess,beautiful,lovely,just so cute) Q-T: - @queens-clarke (just a queen,like wow,charming & nice) - @quinnjames (such an amazing gif maker,nr. 1 ophelia stan,lovely) - @rachelberrys (Incredible,amazing icon maker,wow!) - @raphaelslewis (lovely,beautiful,precious) - @rachelsqreen (beautiful,lovely,cute) - @ravenmurphs (lovely,incredible,gorg) - @ravenreyess (kind af,so fucking talented,wow,beautiful,love her so much) - @ravensreyes (intelligent,lovely,beautiful) - @richiesseth (has been like a mom to me,is beautiful,kind,and protects me,) - @rilesmatthews - @rxbbins​ (fucking amazing,so damn beautiful,looks like a model,so kind,one of my best friends) - @sapphicagentdanvers (beautiful,precious,kind) - @saetrewilliam (beautiful,kind,amazing) - @shrlockhlms (pretty,brave,fab) - @scottspierce (so beautiful,kind,lovely just wow,a queen!) - @scottmccallied (always in my acitivity,love you girl) - @scottymccall (beautiful,amazing,lovely) - @shhadowhunter (so kind,so nice,so sweet,wow) - @shywookiee (rants 100% in point,beautiful,nice and kind) - @spacelance (adorable,cute) - @svntiagos (beautiful,kind & a fellow dane) - @singinglikeapenguin (intelligent,smart,beautiful,kind) - @starkdelinquents (beautiful,lovely,kind) - @somedrunkpirate (weird af,but in a good sense,lovely,beautiful,funny) - @stefansalvctore (sweet,kind,nice,wow) - @stydixa (amazing edit maker,just wow,talented af) - @tinykhaleesi (adorable,amazing,lovely) U-Z: - @univcrse (one of my best friends,beautiful,lovely,so much sass,rant princess,) - @ughvillains (beautiful,pretty,gorg,wow) - @vixenvibe (beautiful,lovely,love seing u on my dash) - @voidedbanshees (a cutie) - @voidslydia (adorable af,cute) - @voldevolts (aesthetic af,lovely,kind,wow) - @wanhaeda (beautiful,incredible,kind,so grounded,one of my best friends,wow!,so adorable,love her so much) - @wellsjahasghost (incredible writer,amazing,sweet,nice) - @westallensiris (lovely,beautiful,sweet) - @withalittlechaos (kind,nice,incredible) - @wsetallen (kind,amazing,beautiful,intelligent,wow!) - @yoncebanshee (kind,beautiful,looks like a model,one of my best friends,increidble,such a queen,wow!) - @zombiescorp (incredible,such a good writer,lovely,beautiful) okay note: i literally tried everything i could to compliment everybody. if you’re not on the list,i’m sorry. it’s not that i’ve forgotten you. some i couldnt tag. others i couldn’t find. so i’m very sorry.
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alterxgos · 5 years
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starter call? starter call!
below is a complete list of my muses, even though i haven’t finished my muses pages yet. if you’d like a starter, please like ( or reblog ) this post and comment below which muse / fandom you’d like ( if you don’t, i probably won’t write you one )!
asoue muses!
beatrice baudelaire
beatrice baudelaire ii
bertrand baudelaire
dewey denouement
duncan quagmire
ellington feint
ernest denouement
frank denouement
friday caliban
isadora quagmire
jacques snicket
kit snicket
klaus baudelaire
lemony snicket
uncle monty
moxie mallahan
quigley quagmire
sunny baudelaire
violet baudelaire
marvel muses!
alex wilder
alexi shostakov
amadeus cho
america chavez
anya corazon
anya lishkeva ( oc )
brock rumlow
carol danvers
cassie lang
chase stein
curtis hoyle
feliks castle ( oc )
frank castle
gert yorkes
hope van dyne
james barnes
james rhodes
jane foster
jemma simmons
kamala khan
karolina dean
kate bishop
leo fitz
lily fitzsimmons ( oc )
lorna dane
luke fitzsimmons ( oc )
mapone romanova
marcos diaz
melinda may
molly hernandez
monica rambeau
morgan stark
nedezhda shostakova ( oc )
nadia pym
nico minoru
nina gurzsky
phil coulson
sam wilson
scott lang
viktor romanov ( kinda oc )
cassandra clare muses!
alastair carstairs
alec lightwood
alexei de quincy
aline penhallow
amélie pontmercy ( oc )
anna lightwood
annika kreigsmesser ( oc )
beatriz mendoza
cameron ashdown
cecily herondale
celia whitelaw ( oc )
charles buford fairchild
charlotte fairchild
christopher lightwood
clarissa “clary” fairchild
cordelia carstairs
daniel highsmith ( oc )
diego rosales
eoin leifssen ( oc )
erec kingsson
fenya kreigsmesser ( oc )
freja carsmith ( oc )
freida kreigsmesser ( oc )
gabriel lightwood
gaia erdersen ( oc )
gideon lightwood
grace blackthorn
henry branwell
isabelle lightwood
isobel konigsson ( oc )
jace herondale
jaime rosales
james “jem” carstairs
james herondale
jeremy starkweather ( oc )
jessamine lovelace
jesse blackthorn
jessica beausejours
jocelyn fairchild
jordan kyle
josiah kreigsmesser ( oc )
josiane pontmercy ( oc )
kaelie whitewillow
katherine whitelaw ( oc )
kieran kingsson
lina kreigsmesser ( oc )
louis pontmercy ( oc )
lucas whitelaw ( oc )
lucie herondale
luke garroway
luna starkweather ( oc )
lydia crews ( oc )
maia roberts
marisol ( rojes ) garza solcedo
matthew fairchild
max lightwood
oscar kreigsmesser ( oc )
rachel haynes ( oc )
rafael lightwood-bane
raphael santiago
raven ( oc )
reinhardt kreigsmesser ( oc )
robin ( oc )
saul highsmith ( oc )
sebastian verlac ( not jonathan morgernstern )
solomon highsmith ( oc )
sophie collins
sparrow ( oc )
tatiana blackthorn
tessa gray
william herondale
wren ( oc )
various muses!
abigail dudley ( the haunting of hill house )
akkarin ( magician’s guild trilogy )
aleksis kaidonovsky ( pacific rim )
allison hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
amara namani ( pacific rim )
anyi ( traitor spy triology )
beatrice “tris” prior ( divergent )
ben hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
caleb prior ( divergent )
cameron weiss ( sense8 oc )
carmen cortez ( spy kids )
ceryni ( magician’s guild / traitor spy )
coraline jones ( coraline )
cosima neihaus ( orphan black )
dannyl ( magician’s guild triology )
diego hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
eleanor crain-vance ( the haunting of hill house )
five hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
hugh crain ( the haunting of hill house )
jake pentecost ( pacific rim )
jayan ( magician’s apprentice )
juni cortez ( spy kids )
kala dandekar ( sense8 )
lena knowles ( sense8 oc )
liesel meminger ( the book thief )
lito rodriguez ( sense8 )
lorkin ( traitor spy triology )
lorlen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
mako mori ( pacific rim )
mei lin gao ( pacific rim )
mia davies ( sense8 oc )
nathan “nate” lambert ( pacific rim )
olivia crain ( the haunting of hill house )
osen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
raleigh becket ( pacific rim )
riley blue ( sense8 )
rothen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
sarah manning ( orphan black )
sasha kaidonovsky ( pacific rim )
shirley crain ( the haunting of hill house )
sonea ( magician’s guild trilogy )
stacker pentecost ( pacific rim )
stephen crain ( the haunting of hill house )
sun bak ( sense8 )
theodora crain ( the haunting of hill house )
tobias “four” eaton ( divergent )
uriah pedrad ( divergent )
vanya hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
viktoriya malikova ( pacific rim )
will gorski ( sense8 )
wolfgang bogdanow ( sense8 )
zeke pedrad ( divergent )
wizarding world!
albus dumbledore
alecto carrow
amelia bones
amycus carrow
andromeda tonks
antinoch peverell
arthur weasley
atticus mulciber
augustus rookwood
aurora sinistra
bellatrix lestrange
cadmus peverell
charity burbage
charlie weasley
claudius crabbe
corban yaxley
cornelius fudge
corvus lestrange
cuthbert binns
edward “teddy” lupin
evan rosier
felix rosier
filius flitwick
frank longbottom ii
fred weasley
fred weasley ii
george goyle
george weasley
ginny weasley
horace slughorn
hugo weasley
ignotus peverell
james sirius potter
john dawlish
kingsley shacklebolt
leta lestrange
lily luna potter
lucius malfoy
ludovic bagman
madam pince
mafalda hopkirk
malcolm mcgonagall
marcus avery ( sr )
marcus avery ( jr )
minerva mcgonagall
molly weasley
narcissa malfoy
percy weasley
peter pettigrew
pius thicknesse
pomona sprout
porpentina goldstein
regulus black
remus cedric potter ( replaces albus severus )
remus lupin
rolanda hooch
ronald weasley
roxanne weasley
rufus scrimgeour
septima vector
sybill trelawney
theolonius nott
thorfinn rowle
ulysses travers
victor rosier
walden mcnair
bill weasley
fandomless ocs!
micah thompson
various others pls ask me about them
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joseaesquea · 5 years
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#Repost @jbu81 (@get_repost) ・・・ Opening Tonight!!! "LUCHA LIBRE" Written by Paola Alexandra Soto @dominicanpie Directed by Anna Rebek Produced by Sean Anthony Salvatore Chia Dramaturgy by Annie Wang Production Stage Manager Charlette Augusta Fight Choreography and Movement by Rebekah Carrow When Yaneliz, a young woman growing up in the Dominican Republic during the economically tumultuous 1970s, gets her first period, she finds that one cannot be both a luchador and a woman. As pressure from family, society, and her own body closes in, Yaneliz must prevail against all expectations to open the door for professional female wrestlers and take control of her own destiny. Lucha Libre, a new play by Paola Alexandra Soto, is an epic coming-of-age story about women who are determined to enter the ring and fight for their place in the world. CAST Ashley Baker*, John Cencio Burgos, Rolando Chusan, Yohanna Florentino, Mayelin Geraldino, Germainne Lebron, Jovanny Lopez, Emmanuel Munoz Maldonado, Amber Powell, Lydia True *Appearing Courtesy of Actors' Equity Association. ADMISSION IS FREE but please reserve your ticket at the following link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/paola-alexandra-sotos-newest-play-lucha-libre-presented-by-columbia-university-school-of-the-arts-tickets-59289553651 Friday, April 5, 8PM Saturday, April 6, 8PM Sunday, April 7, 1PM The Theatre @ Schapiro 605-615 West 115th Street The Theatre @ Schapiro (Lower Level of Schapiro Hall) New York, NY 10027 Presented by Columbia University | School of the Arts | Theatre Program ADA: Please note The Theatre @ Schapiro is only accessible by a set of stairs or an elevator which requires advance notice. For use of the elevator, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance at [email protected]. We can also be reached at 609.943.8110. #luchalibreplay #actorslife #luchalibre @annabananafoot @anniepology @seanachia @carrowrebekah @love2cry2much @mayelin_a_geraldino @ashley_the_baker @rolandochusan @jbu81 @yohaflorentino https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv7owsngU3v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17pmmg9nj7204
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amorremanet · 8 years
for that ship meme: pansy/terry, millicent/ernie, sinistra and snape as a brotp, goyle/luna, draco/dean ~ harry potter; malia/kira, allison/lydia ~ teen wolf?
the brutally honest ship opinions game
Pansy/Terry: uh, well. My headcanon Terry is gay as the day is long, and would probably go, “But Pansy’s always such a bitch to everyone else, so it’s okay to be a bitch to her before she’s even done anything today” while I can definitely see Pansy going, “Ugh, but he’s ~a homosexual deviant~ who got disowned over it” as an excuse to justify being a shit to him before he’s even done anything today (and doing it pretty hypocritically, since…… Pansy, honey? Depending on how I feel today, she’s either bi or a lesbian who’s in denial, and she is almost definitely having Something on the side with Daphne at any given moment, so yeah.)
idk, I think with these two, even if we overlook the incompatible orientation issue (since it is, admittedly, just my headcanon), they’re ultimately way too similar to each other to actually get along.
They differ on some pretty big points, too — oddly enough, House isn’t one of them for me, since I see Terry as a Slytherclaw who tries to pretend he’s a Ravendor because he desperately wants the love and approval of his found family of weirdo DA Ravenclaws and feels like he has to constantly earn it, and Pansy as a Slytherclaw who tries to pretend she’s a Slytherdor but doesn’t see it as pretending she’s a Slytherdor because eww Gryffindors are disgusting unless they’re Parvati, and Gryffindor is Gross, Pansy just wants it to be obvious to the other Slytherin girls that she is the Queen Bee so don’t fuck with her
—but those points of difference don’t really enable them to get along, ever. They largely just exacerbate the feeling of looking at someone else and seeing a grim reflection of all your own personal failings, everything that you could become or could’ve been under different circumstances, and so on, and hating the other person for that.
Which is intriguing af to me, but not going to make me ship it, really? (Not least since…… my headcanon Terry is still gay.)
Millicent/Ernie: Totally cute. They’d have a lot to work through, in canon, I think — though some of it also comes down to personal interpretation with Millicent, like, “was she a member of the Inquisitorial Squad because she genuinely believed in it, or because of peer pressure, or because she was terrified Umbridge might go after her family, or what? If she did genuinely believe in it, then what changed between then and DH, because she was not named as one of the students who supported the Carrows, and to be fair, it’s not like Dumbledore’s Army was EVER particularly welcoming to the Slytherins (whether in strictly DA terms or not), so Millicent couldn’t have joined them because they never helped make that an option for any Slytherin students”
—but I think that these two could work through it and be pretty adorable together. They’re not my favorite ship for either character, and I admittedly usually use them in more of a background capacity, but still, they’re cute
(background capacity meaning, like, “Pansy is sulking at Millicent and Ernie’s wedding because she’s single and ugh, how dare Millicent fall in love and get married before Pansy, this isn’t FAIR.
“Zacharias is drinking at Ernie and Millicent’s wedding because: 1. it’s a wedding and 2. eugh, Ernie has had sex with Millicent Bulstrode (and Zacharias, much as I love him, is still a douche who would go, ‘ewww’ at that and try to act like it’s about them being straight when no, it’s about him being a jerk and thinking that Millicent is hideous).
“Justin is nominally keeping an eye on his boyfriend at said wedding bc someone always has to, no matter where they go or what they do, buuuut Zacharias weaseled away and ends up talking to Pansy.
“At some point in there, he ends up going, ‘You know, we could elope with each other right now and it’d totally steal Millicent’s thunder and make you the center of attention again. But Justin gets to live with us and stay my boyfriend and you can have a girlfriend or a kept boy or whatever, I guess, that’d be fair, right? Actually, that might be even more scandalous and get you even more attention? You like attention, right?’
“and Pansy goes, ‘Huh, you make an oddly valid point, that’s like the first time I’ve ever heard you do that, am I supposed to reward you with idk a Pumpkin Pasty or something, stupid boys eat Pumpkin Pasties, right.’
“So she grabs Daphne and he goes and grabs Justin, and that’s the story of how Daphne and Justin got roped into facilitating one of the most asinine stunts that their boyfriend and longtime crush, respectively, ever pulled.
“Oddly enough, it does end up working, and is eventually more like two cohabiting couples — Daphne/Pansy and Justin/Zacharias — where Pansy and Zacharias just happen to be legally married because of said asinine stunt — and they send each other memos about dinner and the kids and whose fault it is that [pick some weird domestic dispute] was A Thing on official Ministry letterhead because they are Mature — but…… y’know. Things happen. Sometimes, the things that happen are weird.
“Ernie spends this whole time being like, ‘Justin, you’re supposed to be a GOOD influence on him, not HELPING HIM do the stupid thing of the day’ (and cue Justin: ‘He was going to do it with or without me! At least with me there, he didn’t try to Apparate while two drinks away from shit-faced!’)
“While Millicent is just like, ‘Daphne, does your girlfriend even remotely understand that relationships are not actually a competition and me getting married before she did is only an indication that I worked on sustaining a relationship more actively than she did.’
“‘No, but she’s also not my girlfriend, so……’
“‘So, you should do something about that, too. Since you’re already living with her, her husband, and his boyfriend.’
“‘No, you’re not.’
“‘I AM SO. JUST. Very slowly.’
“‘Glaciers have been known to move faster, Daphs.’
“‘I just want everything to be perfectly romantic and to happen ever so beautifully and to live up to all of my completely unrealistic expectations that I made up in my head based on my own ridiculous misunderstanding of certain tropes in popular love poetry, is that really a crime now.’
“‘It’s not a crime, no, but it is kind of a problem if you ever want to actually be her girlfriend, soooo…… :|’”)
Sinistra & Snape: I haven’t really thought about it much before, but really, the only potential roadblock I see to them being friends (at least, friends who would actually describe themselves as friends) is, in short, Severus’s personality. More specifically, his attitudes toward friendship and being any kind of close to anyone. So, idk, I guess I could see them being like, “colleagues who at least more or less respect each other, who are almost friends, but have you tried being friends with Severus Snape lately? Bc he makes it very difficult”
Goyle/Luna: eh, I’d rather not? I guess I can see where someone might be coming from, but I also feel like Luna has better things to do after DH than coddle Greg and let him emote all over her about how his bff Vince died by being a dipshit and the other Slytherins are dealing with it by discussing fuck-all nothing and hey guys maybe Greg wants to talk about his feelings of grief, did anyone ever think about that??? :(
Like, I’d feel bad for Greg in that scenario — and unfortunately, given how most of the Slytherins behave, I think it’s totally plausible, and probably pretty likely to be what happened — but pairing Luna up with him in that scenario would feel like it’s too much about him and not enough about a balanced, mutually respectful relationship to me, so? I’d rather not
Draco/Dean: mmm, I’m gonna pass. Just…… Dean Thomas deserves so much better than this.
Kira/Malia: uh, I don’t really care about TW anymore in general, but they’re one of the only TW ships that I still love enough to look at content for, so there’s that?
Allison/Lydia: ……eh? *shrugs* They’re cute and all, but they dominated TW femslash for so long, and so much of the content for them was really heavily biased in favor of one or the other, usually glossing over Allison’s flaws and screw ups to make Lydia her doting girlfriend and present Allison as Completely Perfect Can Do No Wrong Ever or vice versa, so it’s like? I like them, but I don’t “like them” like them, y’know?
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mortemrp-blog1 · 6 years
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                            “You are shaking fists & trembling teeth. I know: You did                              not mean to be cruel.That does not mean you were kind.”
Some people are lit so thoroughly by an inner fire that they live life as though constantly burning  — with a sharp awareness what is happening around them and a need to disregard it, always on the edge of their seats, on the edge of flight. Lydia has never known an inner peace, only the constant thrum of blood within their veins, an unforgiving restlessness ever visible in lineament and manner. War suits them; the frenzy of it, the chaos of the battlefield. The Dark Lord welcomed them at the very turn of adulthood and allowed them to burn freely as they never had before, without caution for whom they may hurt. Since his return though, things have been covert and careful and they have reentered this world with it’s cruel scheming and strict social hierarchy. They sit, poised for flight once more and suffocating on their own listlessness.
Amycus Carrow: His cold, calculated interest in them is almost chilling, but Lydia is also intrigued. If he doesn’t understand them, they don’t understand him either.
Ariadne Zabini: The pair are friends, although the friendship is relatively new. Ariadne encourages Lydia’s reckless behavior.
Maedbh Travers: Maedbh has set her eyes on Lydia, although they aren’t quite sure why, or to what end yet.
Lydia is non-binary but their pronouns are up to the player.
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translucencehq-blog · 7 years
who could you see lisa teige, lydia graham, and alisha boe as?
personally, i’d love to see any of the three as percy’s children, and for them individually, lydia could be a parkinson child, or perhaps a mclaggen, while lisa could be a bones, wood, macmillan or carrow. for alisha, i’d love to see her as a finnigan-thomas, fawley, selwyn, or lavender brown’s child. if you need any more suggestions, let me know !
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