#Lyra is a tomarry shipper enjoying the show
*Tom in the infirmary after a duel with Harry*
Tom: You knew this was going to happen, didn’t you?
Lyra Burke (a witch with the sight): I had an inkling.
Tom: And you didn’t say anything—Why?
Lyra: Because prophecies are self-fulfilling, Tom. And because you never asked until now.
Tom: Well, now I’m asking Burke. Who is Evans? What have you seen?
Lyra: It should be obvious. He’s your match, Tom. In everything that you are, he matches you move for move, spell for spell, wand for wand—It’s romantic, isn’t it?
Tom: It is not!
Lyra: Now don’t lie—I’ve caught you staring at his arse. You want him.
Tom: I do, but carnally. It has nothing to do with romance.
Lyra: …well, I still think it’s romantic. He’s good for you. He keeps you on your toes and I’m all for it. Things were getting a bit dull around here.
Tom: This isn’t one of those trashy romance novels you read. Keep those sort of girlish notions to yourself, Burke.
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