#M SP Hack
celticcrossanon · 5 months
Excerpts of a podcast discussion about H&M
Celta, there’s a podcast called Juicy Scoop, hosted by Heather McDonald, where she has Spencer Pratt on an episode (SP is an American reality television personality and hears gossip in Hollywood) and they discuss H&M. There’s not really any new tea but I thought I would pass it along to you anyway what was said. :)Below are excerpts transcribed by “RBXChas” at https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1ch2ayp/summary_of_august_2023_juicy_scoop_podcast_re_hm/
Spencer says he has some “real deal” information from a friend who tried to go to TMZ, but if you don’t have a photo, they don’t care, even if it’s a really good story. His source said that H&M do not live together (H lives in LA), and H cannot believe that they need two nannies because he and Prince William only had one. Heather reads that as he is bitching about M as a mom and why does she need two nannies (e.g., complaining about her spending), which Spencer confirms.
Spencer says he has another source at Netflix who says that “the numbers that we heard had a lot of extra zeros for their Netflix deal, so there wasn’t that much money coming in”. He thinks they went too big with their house and wants to see her get back into acting because he liked her on Suits.
Heather asks him if he thinks M will have to go on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. He thinks H&M are not going to make it (Heather agrees) even though he wanted it to work out, but he believes his source (presumably about their living apart). He thinks H will go back to England and “get back in the family” and do the RF thing, only coming to the US to visit, because he thinks he could do so much more if he teamed up with Prince William.
Heather says that she has her own source of really good intel, definitely not the same source as Spencer’s. She says that it is true that “they are grifters” and that “they are constantly social climbing and trying to get free shit”. She knows someone who “they did that exact same thing to, met them, asked if they could stay at their very fancy third home” and then “asked ‘can we use your jet’ all that kind of stuff”, that “it’s her, that she’ll like zoom right in, but he’s down for the free shit, too, he’s used to getting free stuff, and he’s used to people wanting to host them”. She says the people who’ve gotten to meet them and are trapped into socializing with them realize H&M have the “stink on them”, so even if they socialize with them, “they don’t even want to take a photo with them” because they “don’t want the world to know that we’re buddies or that you stayed at my house, and by the way you’re never staying again.”
Heather talks about the phone hacking case. She thinks it’s about money and staying in the press. She thinks H should let it go, especially if he is going to divorce M, and just say he is “moving on from this chapter” of his life.
Spencer says that H just needs “a reboot”, that he’s not too old to do it, that “this is like red alert, like you’ve got to turn this around”. Heather and Spencer agree that the only way H can save himself is a divorce, which they both think is sad.
Enjoy the tea!
Hi TeaWithBooks,
Thank you for sending that in.
Here is the link if anyone wants to read the entire interview transcription (it is a lot more than the above)
I agree with the conclusion that was drawn (8 months ago?) If Harry is to make anything of his life and redeem himself, he needs to get rid of his wife. Unfortunately, I don’t think Harry sees it that way.
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onwesterlywinds · 1 year
PROMPT #26: Last
The following is the contents of the last pages written in the journal of Ludo Swiftwind, recovered from Carteneau Flats in the wake of Omega's activation.
Adeledji's crew estimate its worth at several billion gil; Lolorito will likely pay more (enough to settle debts and then disappear for good)
Keep notes about anything important because something down here is interfering with your short-term memory. For the love of Halone DON'T read anything aloud!
Ashelia M. Riot is your partner and the leader of the Riskbreakers. She is an Ala Mhigan Highlander and she has pink hair, dark brown skin and eyes like desert amethysts (if amethysts could glare at you). You love her very much.
(ask her what the M stands for when you're back)
Don't read anything aloud and don't talk about anything you don't want to have used against you. This sorry piece of scrap sure has a hell of an attitude for something that crash-landed here a few thousand years ago.
COME BACK WITH SOMETHING TO SHOW FOR YOUR EFFORTS OR DON'T COME BACK AT ALL. The Syndicate sniff out blood like a Garlean recruiter; they'll expect you to come back empty-handed.
Still about 250M gil deep in the red but interest is going to be the real ###### to get in front of so do something soon
Determined that this is not a primal killer, more like a primal prison. Asked if it had any primals left and of course it's clammed up.
NEW MISSION (?): Convince it to part with a primal
You are Ludo Swiftwind and you hail from Riversmeet. You became a trader to see the world and you survived the Calamity (most of you did, anyway) and the thing you want most (to go back) isn't going to happen
If you ever forget what Coerthas looked like in the summer you may as well just give up
(just remembered the M stands for Marco.)
You fell in love with Ashe the first time you saw her lost in her own thoughts. Can't remember where you were but she was definitely back in Ala Mhigo and you knew you wanted to take her there for true.
might not make it out might not ᴍꬰʞƐ it out might not
Found records detailing the subjugation of Sephirot, Sophia, and Zurvan (sp?)
See back cover for translations of Allagan phrases
(Maybe if I upload this data onto a tomestone it'll be enough to cover at least the first billion.)
if $exit=1 apologize to Ashe endif
I want to see her again but I fucked somethinꬶ up
You are Ōsamu bas Maevius and you are a stupid little h###-##### who couldn't even hack it in the provinces because it took you six years after you ran away to consider that your mother might have had trauma
she even told you once that she wanted to go home but they wouldn't let her back in, how much clearer could she have been
had the info on the Allag primals directly into my memory, ineꜰꜰicient but got the job done (finally just told it i had enemies i needed to beat and something clicked)
ꞵeautiful battles th0usands of years ago, check combat data logs for ver1f1cation, life and death in ꞵalance, will s4tisfy SYNDICATE LEECHES for maybe 1 year so should run fast
tried to stay in riversmeet but the cold felt too much like home
01100111 01101111 01101111 01100100 01100010 01111001 01100101 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100
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catandsusim · 1 year
Hiiii catandsusim 👋
I just started following you because your TSS/IKEA/M&G on Mac post finally popped up on my feed, and as a former-PC-simmer-turned-Mac-simmer, I haven’t been this excited in a while!!
I’m sure you get asked about this all the time, but do you know if there are any mods that are Mac-friendly??
I just reentered another one of my Sims 2 phases, and while I’m trying to be really careful about what I download, I would love to add some mods that hopefully won’t cause damage. I tried Pregnant Wear Any Outfit, and unfortunately, it didn’t work.
Thanks for your recommendations, and I’m so appreciative again for your sharing that info about downloading those SPs!
Most mods will work, but sometimes you need to be careful to get an older version of them. The Bon Voyage version, specifically. I regret to inform you that I seem to have not yet discovered the correct location for the TSS/K&B (not M&G!) bodyshop files. Or the clothes are there but don’t display their icon. I don’t know, I am a builder.
ACR by TwoJeffs, archived on SimsFileShare, is very popular. You need the 1.1 version.
Cyjon’s mods on his website,
and of course the hacks by Pescado at More Awesome Than You. Some of his are fixes to bad Maxis code. http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php?PHPSESSID=d04239f1e38f95206d43730b522953fb&board=5.0
You will need the Bon Voyage version from the thread “all hacks.” It is helpful to get the description of what each one does in the thread “updated hack descriptions.”
You will need the CEPv9, by Numenor on MTS, and to manually install it, if you want to use most custom content. Like furniture recolors.
I too am incredibly grateful to Huge Lunatic for those 3 Stuff Packs.
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nmap-cheat-sheet-wf · 2 years
nmap cheat sheet working H1Q2%
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 nmap Cheat Sheet. Built by Yuval (tisf) Nativ from See-Security's Hacking Defined Experts program. This nmap cheat sheet is uniting a few other cheat sheets. Nmap (network mapper), the god of port scanners used for network discovery and the basis for most security enumeration during the initial stages. Nmap is a free open source tool, employed to discover hosts and services on a computer network by sending packets and analyzing the. Common uses for Nmap include vulnerability discovery, system security auditing, and detecting cyber You can download a PDF version of Nmap Cheat Sheet. 9 Nmap network mapper , the god of port scanners used for network discovery and the basis for most security enumeration during the initial stages of a penetration test. Nmap displays exposed services on a target machine along with other useful information such as the verion and OS detection. Full TCP port scan using with service version detection - usually my first scan, I find T4 more accurate than T5 and still "pretty quick". T5 uses very aggressive scan timings and could lead to missed ports, T4 is a better compromise if you need fast results. Allows you to specify a specific port nmap uses to verify a host is up e. Options which take TIME are in seconds, or append 'ms' milliseconds , 's' seconds , 'm' minutes , or 'h' hours to the value e. To speed up your scan increase the rate, be aware that setting a high rate value will result in a less accurate scan. The number of hosts scanned at the same time, Note: if you are writing output to a file e. Therefore if you get a lagging host you will may end up waiting a while for the output file, which brings us on to… host timeout. Nmap allows you to specify the timeout, which is the length of time it waits before giving up on the target. Be careful setting this super low, as you may end up with inaccurate results. An extremely useful option to defeat basic port scan detection SOHO devices and some IDS that essentially monitor and block X amount of connects per second syn flood etc. Assuming you do not want domain names being looked up, use the -n flag to dissable resolution and speed up the scan. Twitter GitHub. Android Pen Testing Environment Setup. Password Reset Testing Cheat Sheet. Penetration Testing Tools Cheat Sheet. Optimising Portscans for Targets Nmap network mapper , the god of port scanners used for network discovery and the basis for most security enumeration during the initial stages of a penetration test. Command Description nmap -sP Agressive scan timings are faster, but could yeild inaccurate results! Command Description nmap -iL ip-addresses. Command Description nmap -sV -p , -oG grep-output. Command Description nmap -sV -v -p , Command Description nmap -p80 Command Description -p Specify ports, e. Nmap done: IP addresses 1 hosts up scanned in Share this on Outputs "grepable" output to a file, in this example Netbios servers.
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nmap-cheat-sheet-yx · 2 years
nmap cheat sheet hack DXH4&
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 nmap Cheat Sheet. Built by Yuval (tisf) Nativ from See-Security's Hacking Defined Experts program. This nmap cheat sheet is uniting a few other cheat sheets. Nmap (network mapper), the god of port scanners used for network discovery and the basis for most security enumeration during the initial stages. Nmap is a free open source tool, employed to discover hosts and services on a computer network by sending packets and analyzing the. Common uses for Nmap include vulnerability discovery, system security auditing, and detecting cyber You can download a PDF version of Nmap Cheat Sheet. 9 Nmap network mapper , the god of port scanners used for network discovery and the basis for most security enumeration during the initial stages of a penetration test. Nmap displays exposed services on a target machine along with other useful information such as the verion and OS detection. Full TCP port scan using with service version detection - usually my first scan, I find T4 more accurate than T5 and still "pretty quick". T5 uses very aggressive scan timings and could lead to missed ports, T4 is a better compromise if you need fast results. Allows you to specify a specific port nmap uses to verify a host is up e. Options which take TIME are in seconds, or append 'ms' milliseconds , 's' seconds , 'm' minutes , or 'h' hours to the value e. To speed up your scan increase the rate, be aware that setting a high rate value will result in a less accurate scan. The number of hosts scanned at the same time, Note: if you are writing output to a file e. Therefore if you get a lagging host you will may end up waiting a while for the output file, which brings us on to… host timeout. Nmap allows you to specify the timeout, which is the length of time it waits before giving up on the target. Be careful setting this super low, as you may end up with inaccurate results. An extremely useful option to defeat basic port scan detection SOHO devices and some IDS that essentially monitor and block X amount of connects per second syn flood etc. Assuming you do not want domain names being looked up, use the -n flag to dissable resolution and speed up the scan. Twitter GitHub. Android Pen Testing Environment Setup. Password Reset Testing Cheat Sheet. Penetration Testing Tools Cheat Sheet. Optimising Portscans for Targets Nmap network mapper , the god of port scanners used for network discovery and the basis for most security enumeration during the initial stages of a penetration test. Command Description nmap -sP Agressive scan timings are faster, but could yeild inaccurate results! Command Description nmap -iL ip-addresses. Command Description nmap -sV -p , -oG grep-output. Command Description nmap -sV -v -p , Command Description nmap -p80 Command Description -p Specify ports, e. Nmap done: IP addresses 1 hosts up scanned in Share this on Outputs "grepable" output to a file, in this example Netbios servers.
0 notes
registrymoon · 2 years
Nba 2k16 locker code
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K, the 2K logo, and Take-Two Interactive Software are all trademarks andor registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. NBA 2K16s in-game currency, VC, can be spent on your MyPLAYER, MyTEAM card packs, and more. select Options, Features, then choose the Locker Codes selection. The NBA 2K16 Starter Pack Bundle includes NBA 2K16 and 75,000 VC. NBA 2K16 for PlayStation 3 cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes. With animations that provide smoother movement and more realistic articulation, and three unique cover designs featuring NBA stars Stephen Curry, Anthony Davis and James Harden, its certain to be the most authentic NBA gaming experience yet. Guide your MyPLAYER through the complete NBA journey, take control of an entire NBA franchise, or hone your skills online competing against gamers from around the world. provide you unlimited VC NBA 2k16 Locker Codes, Online Hack and Cheats 2016 Free for Windows PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360. The codes here work only for NBA 2K16 and not for 2k15. Fresh locker codes for NBA will be incorporated standard. Get working NBA k16 locker codes for free here in essentially under a minute. Nba 2K16 Free NBA 2K16Įnjoy the free NBA 2k16 locker codes with the VC code generator online.įeaturing an all-new M圜AREER experience written, directed produced by acclaimed filmmaker Spike Lee.įeaturing an all-new M圜AREER experience written, directed and produced by acclaimed filmmaker Spike Lee. Either a VC code or a valuable stone player code, no convincing motivation to push any more. Then, choose your console if it is PS4 XBox One or XBOX 360. First, go to nba 2k18 locker codes Next, click GET LOCKER CODES NOW button. You may have to use a computer, smartphones or even your match console. Later we will have higher servers when there is a huge demand. NBA 2K18 Locker Codes are acquired by following the simple Steps below.
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The tool is really amazing and its performance is very best as the server is of high end. Get instant access (free): nba cheats xbox how to mod 2k16 sp + skills with cheat engine 2k16 unlock players: locker codes, cheats free vc, generator 2k.
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In line with this, locker codes, badges and cheats have rolled out as well via a few websites and a number of code generators. At the moment, the locker codes released will give fans additional virtual.
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Nba 2K16 Free Ps3 By razecoca1975 Follow | Public Fans can continue adding players to their rosters in NBA 2K16 as 2K Sports released a new patch and locker codes.
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meetmetotheriver · 5 years
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Happy holidays! 
Here it is, finally - the rerelease of Clean Belladonna Cove. Just in time for Christmas.
What are clean templates, you ask? See this post for further explanations and install instructions! (Or click the “clean templates rerelease” tag.)
Kinda lengthy description this time, so links are found below cut:
What’s new since the previous version? Again, mostly minor things, but here you go:
Etokas Cho and Olivia Riley now have basic memories.
Fixed Ramir Patel’s DNA, because he and Ana kept having S2 babies and that was a bit odd.
Added my fixed/recreated version of the Main Street Mobile Homes apartment lot (where Jessica Peterson lives). This lot as shipped with the game was corrupted and would cause crashing.
I feel like I’m forgetting something? But those were the most important points.
Older, major changes/fixes which were also included in the previous version:
Connor Weir’s aspiration was changed to Family (from Fortune) and Carlos Contender’s was changed to Romance (from Popularity). This was evidently their original aspirations, but EAxis changed them - so I changed them back, so they’re now in correspondence with their LTWs and bios. (I did NOT change the Cordials back, they were originally Popularity and changed to Knowledge, which makes sense with the whole witch business).
Belladonna Cove shipped with a graveyard, complete with graves, except all the graves were missing! This was fixed (with Mootilda’s HoodChecker), and all dead ancestors can be found in Gamesend Grounds, all nicely placed, except Olivia Riley’s grave which for some inexplicable reason is on the Museum community lot (couldn’t fix that without sending someone there and making the hood “played”).
Bizarre/broken family trees, boring/inconsistent/lacking memories, recessive DNA, and other nonsense is fixed.
No townies or NPCs, except the two witches Phoebe Adams and Frances McCullough.
Other things to note:
If you play the subhood version, note that all families living in apartments have been moved out and can be found in the sim bin! This is because families who live in apartments when you add a subhood become corrupted and unplayable (like they literally go missing and you can’t enter their household). Guess EA never thought anyone would figure out how to make their own pre-populated subhoods, and/or didn’t bother/didn’t think to test this.
In the main hood version, Jessica Peterson is in the correct lot, but you have to make her re-rent her apartment. This is because I replaced her lot, as mentioned above, and I couldn’t move her back in without landlords and NPCs spawning left and right.
For moving apartment families back into their correct homes, check the wiki if you don’t remember where they live. You can rent the apartments furnished if you use debug mode (boolprop testingcheatsenabled true) and shift-click on the door, or use Pescado’s apartment hack (no debug needed, and will charge you the correct amount of money). I added the cribs and baby toys back to the Baldwin and Cho apartments, since these were missing when the families were moved out.
I’m not doing a downtown version this time. That’s because of the odd game feature that only the first added downtown to a hood will add sims, for any subsequent downtown hoods the sims will be stripped away, and who knows what kind of problems that might cause in the neighbourhood if you added Downtown first and then Belladonna Cove downtown, sans sims. I don’t want to add the option to mess up people’s hoods like that.
There is a possibility that these templates, both main and subhood version, will require M&G, because I had to open up the neighbourhood ingame to move sims out and such, and replace Jessica’s lot, and I can’t get AnyGameStarter to work. I figure most people have all EPs and SPs now (or only up to Seasons if on Mac, in which case Belladonna Cove can’t be played anyway), but If anyone is missing M&G, please let me know whether or not these work for you.
Whew. Okay, I think that’s it. Sorry for the wall of text.
Belladonna Cove Main Hood
Belladonna Cove Subhood
(I have a few more downloads in this series coming, like Downtown and the unis, so stay tuned.)
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#10 - Jailbreak
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Setting: let’s enter the SpOOkY!!! girl, i’m sorry i have to take a moment to appreciate the KI that this episode is. from the statues that come to life to the purple water, the red sky, the bat props that Sly can ninja-spire onto, the music. it’s like a Scooby-Doo episode. Contessa’s house looks like a freakin insane asylum hahahahaha this is all fantastic. i’ve been to Prague and the towers are literally the same. i know i should be analyzing this in the Themes section but in terms of environment, Prague (both levels) are the crux of Sly 2, if not narrative-wise, then definitely emotionally-wise. @designraccoon made this amazing post a while back which went into detail about how the Prague levels represent the darkest nights in the entire series and then in Canada it’s day. i mean, the whole game is great but these central four episodes (from A Starry Eyed Encounter until A Tangled Web) are, in my opinion, what make it so amazing. there’s definitely climax because the stakes are so high. 2/3 of the gang and Carmelita have been captured, Neyla has double-crossed us, Bentley (who was up until this point the weakest link physically) is all alone, and as we find out by the very beginning of the episode, the Contessa is a secret Klaww Gang member. well, this is all dandy. having Bentley alone further establishes how haunting this episode is because we first witness the hub as him, which has never happened before. he’s an itty-bitty-witty turtle roaming around the ultimate spooky level. and the Contessa, she didn’t come to play hunty. i’ll go into more detail about her character below, but she feels more of a threat than Rajan or Dimitri. not because she herself is scary, but because she’s built an empire. Dimitri had bouncers and Rajan had his staff, but Contessa has an entire army and (at this point) Interpol backing her up. in terms of environment, the hub feels huge because of the giant prison in the centre. it truly is a pain in the ass to enter the prison, but that just highlights the fact that, well, it’s a prison. in general, SP really captured the essence of a European town: the stone pavement, the bridges and the sections under them, some historical arcs blocked by cage bars, etc. all this being said however, if we factor in the narrative, Jailbreak’s Prague feels very dead. maybe it’s done on purpose, but due to the gang’s absence and the prison’s overbearing presence, this (similarly to A Starry Eyed Encounter) feels like a prelude. we’re defo onto something big, but we first have to break out Sly and Murray. and lord knows what comes next is big...
Characters: i want to expand the Setting section here but also leave the big gang moments for the Theme section, so this is really about the Contessa. this episode is soaked in melodrama. the themes are heavy, the morale is low, the narrative is complex to say the least. The Predator Awake’s ending was such a shock that we genuinely forget about Carmelita’s whereabouts, as she’s not even mentioned here. we meet the Contessa and, even though she’s already been introduced, this is the first time we really get to know her. the hub really encapsulates her character: a total psychiatrist witch whose gothic surroundings reflect her malicious intentions. a true villain, the definition of the word. she’s a member of the Klaww Gang but also has an ulterior motive and even gives the gang a run for their money with her hypnosis. the bitch also has a blimp she uses for swift getaways, i mean what more can you want. and this is not even her ultimate form as A Tangled Web will see her deliver some very important lines of dialogue and truly show off how evil she is. but for now, she lurks in the shadows. similar to Rajan in the previous level, she spends most of the episode absent (you’ll notice there’s no Clockwerk part in this episode too). this is probably done to give the player some breathing space after the Neyla twist and allow the gang to gather their strength. but her presence is felt, due to how she embodies her hub, the personification of the obscure and the SPOOKY ! for me, the Contessa is as big a villain as Clockwerk, Neyla and Dr M. she’s just selfish and that’s her downfall, as we’ll see in the next episode where she’s presented in a very Nietzschian fashion. it’s like they merged Miz Ruby and Clockwerk: they honed the spooky aspect by added intelligence. Miz Ruby was too short sighted and lacked ambition. the Contessa created herself after she murdered her husband, made herself rich through her psychiatry scam, earned a strong rep via Interpol, and touched the divine by getting her hands on the Clockwerk eyes. the self-confidence is unreal.
Themes: uh, fear theme !!!!!!!!! (like the full shebang, not the half-baked version from The Predator Awakes) our characters are put to the test, forced to face their fears. Bentley had to learn how to drive the van, drive all the way from India to Prague, and explore this nightmare of a level all on his own. Sly was captured by the police and Murray was rendered weak, his will and control taken from him with the use of spice. the theme fits the level like a glove and everyone gets to confront their fear. Bentley succeeds in saving his friends, Sly (although not shown directly but instead mentioned via the Contessa) breaks free from the “hole” under which he’d go mad, and Murray goes head to head with the Contessa at the end of the level. as i analysed in the Setting section, the fear theme is further established by the spooky environment and missions (werewolf statues and evil robots that come to life), as well as the prison’s interior. i mean, consider the gang’s biggest fear is getting arrested but enhance it by a hundred by making the prison seem as hellish as possible. its sombre green and blue tones are reminiscent of Arkham. it truly feels like an insane asylum, with its towering cells, booby traps and devices used for hypnosis. the fear theme is dominant here, but there’s also the theme of separation. up to this point in the game, the gang’s unity has been taken for granted. soon after Bentley and Murray learn the basics, the gang is split. this not only increases the difficulty of the challenges they have to face on their own, but also puts things into perspective. mainly, things only work out when they’re together. you’ll notice that after Jailbreak (and by extent A Tangled Web), there’s an increase in group missions. He Who Tames the Iron Horse, is full of them. their time apart has all three of them realise that teamwork is essential, and that their friendship is the basis for their success. and lastly, a mind theme. i feel like there’s a connection between the hub and the Contessa’s character: her trained mind is so hard to breach, similar to the prison with its high walls. she’s a brittle spider but shouldn’t be underestimated. mind over matter, basically. her head’s interior is full of high security and intricate designs, spotlights and guards. everything feels so claustrophobic in there. both her expertise in psychology and the prison are devices used to break through with her prisoners. and once Sly and Bentley manage to penetrate the walls and get through to Murray, she’s caught off guard because of her seemingly flawless fortress.
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What I Like: lots of stuff here. i was always a fun of the spooky-ooky so this is perfect. Bentley is my least favorite gang member but i really enjoyed his narration and how he came through even though the odds were stacked against him. the Contessa is my fav villain from the game, maybe even the series, so there’s that too. in terms of details, i really like Sly disguising himself as a werewolf statue on the bridge, even going so far as to imitate their open mouths. and the prison’s interior is great too. OH! AND that little bell you can hit to distract guards in the hub. i love that little bell.
What I Don’t Like: i’d have to say, the missions are kind of a drag, especially after The Predator Awakes which had some pretty good ones. apart from following the Contessa around and playing as Murray in the prison, the rest are tiring in my opinion (i’m not referring to the operation). specifically, Code Capture and Lightning Action feel like filler, maybe because they’re all made available at the same time, when Sly breaks out. i was never fond of the hacking and this is the episode it’s introduced in so... yea...
Quote: Inconceivable! She's no health care professional!
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I wanted to drown Micah so here’s this 700 word thing  :)
Read it on AO3
- - - 
Dollface has high expectations for Micah. And he had a hard time remembering them all- so it was her goal to make those rules his gospel. So, she tied his hands behind his back, sat him on the edge of a tank, and pushed him under the water. 
It was freezing cold. He didn’t have time to take a breath before being submerged. He was panicked and just needed to breathe- so he took a gasping breath. At that moment, Dollface grabbed his leash and pulled him up into the cool air. A shiver went down his spine, fuck it was frigid.  Micah coughed and spat out as much water as he could. 
“Rule number one.” Dollface said flatly. Micah looked at her, confused for a second, before realizing what she was asking of him. 
“Oh! Uh, I- I only exist so you ha-ave something to…” Micah hesitated, hating what he was about to say, but know he’d be hurt if he refused, “to… hurt. Whenever you feel the need to do so.” He said through gritted teeth. 
“Good,” She delicately cupped his cheek, “Rule number two.”
“Um,” Fuck. What was it? He hesitated too long, so Dollface pushed him back. “No, no, no wait–” He rushed out before being submerged again. Micah struggled and thrashed as he swallowed more and more water. Dollface was still holding his leash, she could have pulled him up at any moment, but she just wasn’t. Micah desperately tugged on the chain, silently begging her to save him. After what felt like far too long, she pulled him up. After a few moments of hacking up water, he hunched over and ejected all the rest of the water and what little food he had in his stomach. Dollface gave Micah a second to catch his breath before pulling him up by his hair. 
“Rule number two,” she started, “you are to never, ever, disobey or lie to me.” She dropped him when he finally composed himself to sit up. “What was it?”
“I-I… am to never… di-disobey or lie t-to you.” He wheezed. 
“Good boy,” She carded her hands through his wet hair, “Moving on. Rule number three.” He knew this one, he did. 
“I- uh, if I break a rule, I must take what-whatever punishment- um… you see fi-fit.” He stammered. 
“Perfect, baby,” Micah tried and failed not to lean into her soft touch, “Rule number four?" 
"I, um, I-” Micah choked. No, no, no, he couldn’t take being drowned anymore, come on, it’s not hard, just- 
His lungs were aching as he held his breath, but on fire when he took in even more water. Micah tugged harshly on his chain, he didn’t know if he was trying to get his captor’s attention or if it was some complex sign of submission, but it was the only thing his survival instincts could come up with. He was so damn close to blacking out when she finally gave him air. Spitting up more water, soaking wet, and freezing cold. If he could just stop stuttering-
“I-I-I am to s-speak when sp-spoken to.” He finished. Maybe, just maybe, she’d be merciful if he could prove he could be good.
“Exactly. Number five?” Come one, you’ll be fine, just don’t stumble over your words. 
“I-I am n-never to le-leave you. If someone c-c-comes to take me- me away, I m-must ref-fuse.” She pulled him closer. It was almost over. 
“Alright! Good job! Last one- rule number six.” Her voice sounded satisfied enough, but Micah couldn’t risk messing up now. 
“Rule six… rule six is, uh, I may… n-never act li-like I-I’m any m-more than your pr-property.” Micah forced himself to answer. 
He hated to imagine it. Hated to imagine the day when he’ll actually belive these rules. It felt different hearing himself say them compared to being told them. He didn’t want to think about it. Didn’t want to ever let himself fall that low. Become that pathetic. But some part of him knew that it was coming. He knew that it was only a matter of time before he cracked under her. 
He had to get out of here. 
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yamamuragaku · 5 years
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Ainana Police [Re:vale Edition] RabiTV
Part 1-4
Read translations for the previous parts here [external link, not by me].
Part 1: Alias, Teishokuya Revale (1)
Momo: Thank you~!
Momo: ...Yuki, the last customer for lunch left.
Good work today~!
Yuki: Oh. Good work.
Momo: For now, we've assumed aliases and
worked at a lunch teishokuya to earn money,
but somehow we're on track.
Yuki: Yeah.
Your excellent customer service was helpful, Momo.
Since I'm not very good at hospitality.
Momo: ...You won't feign politeness, right?
Yuki: ....
Absolutely not.
Yuki: I won't forget those hellish days,
even if I die.
Yuki: --Of course,
the names Hundred Claw and Thousand Eyes too.
Momo: ...I already forgot
those tacky names though?
Yuki: Our former partners too?
Momo: Naturally. I forgot about
Dragon Claw
after tearing my brain into pieces.
Yuki: You really don't remember.
Momo: Shut up!
Yuki: ...The ones we should resent
aren't TRG.
Momo: I understand.
It's Code Name: 256's No.2.
Yuki: We can kill No. 5 and No. 6 while we're at it too.
Momo: Ah, really?! Yay!
Because they seem like they'll get in the way of our revenge!
Yuki: Does it sound fun?
Momo: Of course.
If I can see their dead faces,
I don't think I can contain my excitement now!
Yuki: Haha. Same.
Yuki: ...I can hear the sound of our revenge soon coming to a close.
I don't care if afterwards someone dies, or the people of Ainana Town
die. We'll meet soon enough, Nikaidou.
Part 2: Thousand Eyes
Yuki: I learned how to hack various security cameras, but...
Tenn is doing well, Gaku.
Yuki: ...International police, TRG?
Yuki, thinking: If we can get Nanase Riku's power,
it doesn't matter what we sacrifice.
Yuki, thinking: Yes, even if
I have to kill you--.
Yuki: The ability to manipulate people's hearts to your will,
Nanase Riku's power....
Yuki: I'll never hand it to you, Nikaidou.
Yuki: We may have ran away from your brainwashing until now,
but Momo and I will get our revenge.
Yuki: We're no longer your puppets.
Ring ring..
Yuki: Hello? Momo?
Momo: It's Momo-chan!
...Code Name: 256 and TRG have made movements.
Momo: If you're gonna kill them, do it tomorrow, Yuki!
Yuki: How about Nanase Riku?
Momo: He's in the abandoned factory on the outskirts of Ainana Town.
Momo: We were brainwashed,
did the dirty work of the police
and bore their crimes.
Momo: Tomorrow let's end
our nightmare, Yuki.
Yuki: Yeah. With Nanase Riku's power
this time, it's our turn to be the puppet masters.
Part 3: Hundred Claw
Momo: ...Mhm, right.
Anyway, are you taking tomorrow off
from Teishokuya Revale?
Yuki: After tomorrow,
won't every day will be a day off?
Momo: Ahahah! You're right.
We won't need to be
in that restaurant anymore.
Yuki: ...Are you sad to leave?
Momo: Not at all!
I'm so tired of smiling at customers
everyday without reward.
Momo: Starting tomorrow,
we'll no longer be humans at Teishokuya Revale.
Momo: We will live as Dyna R. (2)
Yuki: Yeah....
Well then, tomorrow, be on time.
Momo: Okay. See you tomorrow.
Momo, thinking: That's right, we are Dyna R.
The crimes we were made to commit
against people who opposed the police,
finally we can kill them.
Momo: ...Tomorrow will be a special day, Yuki...!
Momo: Oh yeah, while I have the chance
I should practice knife throwing!
Momo: I must hit the head or heart in one throw.
Momo: No, I can also take it out
and kill slowly?
Momo: Yay! Momo-chan is getting excited!
Momo: ...Just you wait, Code Name: 256-chan.
Momo, thinking: ...Ryuu will also come to the abandoned factory.
I wonder what kind of expression he'll make?
Momo, thinking: Angry? Sad?
Momo: --Whatever, anything's fine!
They're all gonna end up dead anyway!
Part 4: Wish, Dyna R
Yuki: ...Heh heh....
Yuki: Ahahahahahaha...!
Yuki: Now, at last the time has come,
Nanase Riku-kun with the power to manipulate people's hearts.
Yuki: The brave soldiers who have come to protect you
will no longer be able to stand!
Momo: How do you feel right now? Nanase Riku.
Riku: Sniff.... Sob....
Momo: Wow, you're loud. Are you crying?
Playing tragic heroine?
Momo: Ah, wrong. Because you
are our hero!
Riku: ...Don't kill everyone...!
Yuki: ...You even feel pity for
Code Name: 256 who kidnapped you?
Yuki: It's okay, they won't be killed.
Since I'll be troubled if they're not
turned into puppets to trick the police.
Momo: By the way,
no one has died yet!
Not yet!
Riku: Really?!
Momo: Yeah! Momo-chan
never lies!
Momo: ...That is, if you lend us your power.
Riku: Power...?
Yuki: Ah, you're not aware?
You have the special ability
to manipulate people's hearts.
Riku: I have such a power...?!
I didn't know...!
Yuki: The people who
want that power so much are
us, and Code Name: 256.
Yuki: For the police's purposes, we
have been brainwashed to do the dirty work
and eliminate troublesome people and organizations.
Yuki: So the police wanted to recapture us,
their valuable personnel who had escaped brainwashing.
Momo: Then, we arrived at your power's existence!
Riku: T-the heads of police....
Did that...?
Momo: Yes.
The police are indeed vile~!
Momo: I don't want to experience those hellish days again!
I've had enough of running away from the police!
If peace can return to our hearts, I don't care if people are sacrificed!
Momo: Now, hurry up and lend us your power, Nanase Riku.
Can you see this knife?
Riku: Eek...!
Tenn: That's enough, Dyna R.
Yuki: --?! Tenn?!
Momo: Why, are you here...?!
Tenn: Well. Isn't it because I'm an alien?
...Please don't move. Otherwise,
my finger might pull the trigger.
Riku: A-alien?!
Tenn: Ainana Station's new police officer, Nanase Riku.
For the sake restoring the peace
of your beloved Ainana Town.
Tenn: Manipulate the hearts of everyone here.
Can you do it?
Riku: I-I don't understand...!
But, I'll try!
Tenn: Good boy.
Yuki: Shit...! Tenn...!
Momo: No, I don't want to go back to those days...!
Tenn: It's okay. I am your senior.
Now that my memory is back, I will protect Momo and Yuki,
even if it costs my life.
Momo, Yuki: ...!
Riku: Everyone, those fun times....
I must think of an ideal world, so that the peaceful Ainana Town
can be restored....
Riku: Restore their hearts...!
Tenn: ...Thanks, Riku....
(1) A teishokuya is a restaurant that serves set meals, such as a main dish, soup, rice, and side dishes.
(2) "Dyna R" was the name chosen by a previous translator for ダイナーR (dainaa R), but I also wonder if it’s a pun for "diner".
About the post format: This story was available in 2 formats. I have gone with labeling it part 1-4 of the RabiTV of the card, Ainana Police [Re:vale Edition], however this story was also Part 13-16 of the event story, Re:vale Police SP. The previous Ainana Police stories make up part 1-12.
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rovalent · 5 years
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The end of the year is a busy time for everyone, but just a little bit more for Luxe.
To start things off, Euijin will go by herself, on November 6th, to record her parts in ‘Like A Cat’ and ‘Cherry Pop’. With the songs finally ready to be released, all the girls will go onto their final comeback preparations. Their first stop will be on their usual hair salon to make needed changes, or just to make sure their hair is in good condition. They’ll all be going together on November 8th.
Cheri — Red ( reference )
Ella — Black ( reference )
Euijin — Dark Brown ( reference )
Yena — Brown ( reference )
Zoe — Ash Brown ( reference )
Members who changed their hairstyles are told not to reveal them to the public.
On November 11th, the girls will head out to an indoor set in the Gangnam district for a photoshoot of their release. You may look at these images as references: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. Soon after, on November 12th, they’ll go out to record their music video for the title song ‘Like A Cat’. The recording schedule of the MVs is as seen below:
5AM: Get hair and makeup done
6AM: Go to filming location
7AM: Change into outfits
7:30AM: Recording of wall shots ( 1:21; 1:32 [Hyejeong: Yena]; 5:06 )
8:30AM: Greet and thank actor William for participating in recording
9AM: Filming of room scenes ( 1:51; 1:58; 2:08; 2:18 [Hyejeong: Yena] ) 
10AM: Filming of first beauty shots ( 0:37; 1:22; 2:15 )
11AM: Recording of hallway scenes ( 0:35; 0:41; 0:46; 0:55; [Choa: Cheri]; 3:14 [Jimin: Euijin] )
12PM: Filming of second beauty shots ( 0:49; 0:54; 0:57 ) 
1PM: Lunch break
1:30PM: Recording all vault scenes ( 0:00-0:27 [Seolhyun: Ella]; 2:36; 2:49 [Yuna: Euijin]; 3:28 [Seolhyun: Ella; Choa: Cheri]; 4:12; 4:36; 4:44; 4:47 )
4PM: Thank William for his participation & Filming of third beauty shots ( 1:03; 1:06; 1:14; 1:41; 4:11; 4:16 ) 
5PM: Filming of third beauty shots ( 1:03; 1:06; 1:14; 1:41; 4:11; 4:16 ) 
6PM: Filming of first dance scene ( 0:38; 0:51; 1:27; 1:37; 1:54; 2:05; 3:04; 4:21; 4:33 )
8PM: Recording of vents and hacking scenes ( 1:04; 1:07; 1:11; 1:40; 1:43; 2:17 [Chanmi: Zoe]; 2:26; 2:55; 3:01; 3:12 [Mina: Zoe])
9:30PM: Thank staff for hard work
10PM: Head back to dorm; eat, shower, rest
*Due to Zoe being the only one who needs to stay late per the schedule above, the other members may leave early if they wish to
6AM: Get hair and makeup done
7AM: Go to filming location
8AM: Change into outfits
8:30AM: Recording of beauty shots in red ( outfits as in 0:28 [cut from the final MV] )
9:30AM: Filming of second dance scene ( 0:28; 0:44; 0:59; 1:10; 1:18; 1:46; 2:20; 2:44; 4:30; 4:46 )
11AM: Outfit change 
11:30AM: Filming of third dance scene ( outfits as in 4:31 [cut from the final MV] ) 
1PM: Lunch break
1:30PM: Recording of final beauty scenes (  2:03; 2:25; 2:35; 3:00; 3:08; 4:24; 4:31; 4:40 )
2:30PM: Thank staff for hard work
3PM: Prepare for next schedule
Their comeback date will be on November 27th.
On November 16th, Zoe will receive some news from their manager. As one of the dancers of Luxe, Zoe will take part in a dance video in a popular dance studio. She’ll meet the choreographer on November 17th to chat and start learning the choreography as seen on this video. The day after, November 18th, she’ll return to the studio to record it.
Meanwhile, a producing team enters in contact with Royal Entertainment to offer audition opportunities to a new drama of theirs. Ella is the one who is offered this opportunity. The role she’s auditioning for wasn’t specified, nor was the drama they’ll be producing described. She is to choose any scene of her liking to act for an audition on November 25th. The results will come out the following month.
To help with promotions, the five girls will head out a recording of the variety show ‘Knowing Bros’ on November 13th based on episode 27 featuring TWICE. You can find clips of it here. This episode will air on November 30th. On November 20th, Yena, Ella, and Cheri will go together to a recording of ‘The Return of Superman’ as based on this episode. This episode will air on December 1st. All of this may and should be changed to fit Luxe’s story, discography, and each of the members’ personalities.
Their comeback showcase starts at 7PM on the day of release. The MC of the night will be Kim Boyeon and she’ll start the show by calling the members one by one onto the stage. Once they’re in line, the MC will introduce their newest song before ‘Like A Cat’ starts to play. After they’re done, the group will make their official greeting and personal introductions. The MC will ask them questions about an explanation of their concept, album and title song, as well as their personal lives and latest member addition. They’ll perform ‘Cherry Pop’ next before another short break for playing simple games together. Before the end they’ll perform ‘Mini Skirt’ and as a planned encore, ‘Boy’, from their previous album. Once they leave the stage, their showcase will be over. Their outfits will be as seen below:
Cheri — Mina
Ella — Seolhyun
Euijin — Jimin
Yena — Choa
Zoe — Hyejeong
As shared by their company, end-of-the-year shows season is coming around, and LUXE will be attending a number of them. Due to this, they’ll have to practice their previous promoted songs in other to put a good stage and try to earn new fans through this big event as well as, maybe, earn some awards of their own.
The first award in line is the Asian Artist Awards on November 26th. Since the event will take place in Vietnam, the group will fly over to the other country a day before and stay in a hotel before returning to Seoul right after the show is over to prepare for their comeback showcase. Their roommates were separated as Cheri&Zoe; Ella&Eujin&Yena. Since this will take place before their comeback, the group will perform ‘Every Night’ and ‘Mini Skirt’. This will be their first public group performance with Euijin on the team.
After their new album is released, the group will have their first comeback stage on November 30th, during the Melon Music Awards which will take place at the Gocheok Sky Dome. ‘Like a Cat’ will be the only track they’ll perform. They’ll enter the stage while an intro audio plays before breaking into the song.
The following is the music show promotion schedule for LUXE’s ‘Like A Cat’ activities:
12/01, 12/08, 12/15, 12/22: SBS Inkigayo
12/03, 12/10, 12/17, 12/24: MTV The Show
12/04, 12/11, 12/18: MBC Show Champion
12/05, 12/12, 12/19, 12/26: Mnet M!Countdown
12/06, 12/13, 12/20: KBS Music Bank
12/06, 12/13: Arirang Simply K-Pop
12/07, 12/14, 12/21, 12/28: MBC Music Core
During the first week of promotions, LUXE will use ‘Cherry Pop’ as their sibling song and performing its short version alongside the title track. For any day that you do not have to perform or have any other schedules, you may have a break at the dorms unless said otherwise.
Music show promotions will last for a total of four weeks this time. Programs will begin pre-recording early in the morning and groups are expected to stay at the broadcasting station until the live broadcast takes place later in the day. Although music shows in real life follow varied recording schedules, for IC writing purposes, the schedule for every music show will follow this consistent pattern:
06:20AM: at broadcasting station: basic first rehearsal on stage; no makeup, casual clothes.
06:45AM: head to salon: get makeup and hair done.
07:45AM: return to broadcasting station: eat breakfast, nap in dressing room/space.
09:00AM: dress rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
09:20AM: return to dressing room/space: rest, eat, nap.
11:00AM: final camera rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
11:15AM: greet senior artist groups at their respective dressing room/spaces, accompanied by a manager. you may not sleep during this time, up until the live broadcast.
07:00PM: live broadcast; when not performing, must stay in dressing room/space until the ending stage of the show.
08:00PM: line up in waiting room area to formally greet producers, director, and senior staff.
09:00PM: meeting time with fans who attended the recordings.
10:00PM: return to dressing rooms to clean up, change back into casual clothes.
11:00PM: arrive back at dorms.
On applicable Fridays, members leave the KBS building for recording Arirang Simply K-Pop which airs 1PM ~ 2PM.
On December 2nd, all the members of LUXE will go together to Super K-pop Radio at 4PM where they’ll answer to questions as well as sing their own songs.
December 4th is the date of the Mnet Asian Music Awards. Since the event will take place in Japan, they’ll fly over there on the day before and return soon after the end of the event. Their roommates were separated as Cheri&Zoe; Ella&Eujin&Yena. Their stage will be slightly based on this video. Cheri and Ella will start by performing an acoustic version of ‘Mini Skirt’ with Cheri playing the piano (the piano audio will be pre-recorded). Ella, Euijin, and Zoe will take over with their version of ‘Like A Cat’. Unlike seen in the video, their performance of ‘Like A Cat’ will continue normally after Euijin’s rap part. A line distribution for this special performance can be seen here.
You will gain +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH, +3 DEBUT POINTS and +2 ACHIEVEMENTS for completing the written requirements explained on the idol tier page. As this is a song promotion month, one of your chosen achievements must be relevant to the above schedule and all required content should be written about activities listed on the above schedule for the month of November. There is a capped maximum of five solos, sets of starters and/or partnered threads you may write to collect this month’s points.
To clarify, the only form that needs to be submitted at the end of the month is a verification form for your debut points and achievements. Any SP points earned can be collected as soon as you finish the requirement for them. At the end of the month, as you did with your previous evaluation forms, you will submit the following form to the Points Verification blog:
IDOL’S NAME - ROYAL ENT - NOVEMBER SCHEDULE (for the December 4 verification form)
POINTS: +00 SP [ distribute these however you like ]
* Rookie and trainee characters are allowed to attend pre-recordings and fan meetings to interact with idol muses if they choose to do so. Just be realistic about the scheduling; trainees who skip too many lessons to support idol muses will be noticed by their company staff!
**** For their promotional days, the group receives 24 EXP. The members' appearances on programs and radio shows gives them 3 EXP. Zoe’s collab with the dance studio gives 1 EXP, and their performances in 3 end-of-the-year awards gives 3 EXP, making it a total of 31 EXP. For more information regarding GROUP EXP, refer to the idol tier page.
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aguacatito · 5 years
nhk trhophy pt. 1
yamamoto is such a beautiful skater. too bad about his jumps
mad respect for voronov. he enjoyed his program and i’m happy he’s happy even if i don’t care for it
aymoz’s musicality and choreography continue to be a joy
poor jason brown
lmao i can’t believe hanyu didn’t break his record in his own home turf. the isu really hates him lmao
give the man what he deserves you hacks
side note: bless the nhk audience for not screaming at every single thing he did. it made watching the program 1000% more enjoyable
i hated craine’s sp. her costume is hideous and the choreo is bad. i’m gonna watch kana and chris’ rd, bye
you know who *can* do a latin program? mbm. she’s improved a lot, jumps notwithstanding
chen and andrews have very beautiful sps this season
eunsoo is my daughter and i will hear nothing against her
kostornaia continues to be beauty and grace on ice. gorgeous, gorgeous skating. i hope she gets a better choreographer soon
i like zagitova’s sp. a shame about... everything. i feel really bad for her this season
samudorova also has me concerned. i feel like she’s trying to do sexy in her sp when she should be having fun??? i miss her burlesque energy
now that i’ve seen it again, i actually don’t like rika’s sp. the choreo is really meh.
pleasantly surprised that the japanese team had a good skate. their program is nice
i also like kmt/m’s program
sui/han continue to be exquisite to watch
ice dance
we do not speak about ice dance
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sketchs-trashcan · 5 years
so, it seems like tumblr ate my original post...*sigh* at least this means I can do the same thing but with the entire game now.
Since I ended up with PQ2 early, I wrote down most of everything that happened and decided to put it all together in a guide of some sort. I have a less-spoilery section full of general info and a much more spoilery section that pertains to the labyrinths. The labyrinth parts will be mostly about where to unlock special screenings as well as weakness to some FOEs and the boss of the labyrinth. Keep in mind that this is NOT a full guide and I definitely left some things out and/or vague. This is more like the bare bones of the game. Kinda. idk what to call it.
if you want something a bit more specific and/or want to scream about the game, feel free to message me!
Less spoilery stuff
•don’t play based off of knowledge from PQ, literally almost every shadow has different weaknesses and resistances
•hitting a (fill in the blank)bane lexy with something it’s resistant to can cause it to use holy wrath on a row (heavy damage, all binds) (seems to only be specific ones, i have yet to find a pattern though. i don’t think it started to happen until farther along in the game, which was an aboslute bitch in some cases)
•golden shadows always move first, don’t bother with moves like line guard unless that character is in boost
•FOEs can’t be knocked down
•speaking of knocking things down, you need all enemies to be down before you can do an all-out attack. also, all enemies will go back up after one
•after getting back up, enemies might attack. it’s a bit inconsistent
•you know what else is inconsistent? some of the in-game descriptions and explanations. i’m pretty sure armor smasher or whatever only lasts one turn, not three. also, blue is the weakest color for an FOE, not white. i refuse to believe that a dinosaur is somehow less threatening than a dude in a chicken suit. there’s other problems, but those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head
-i lied. i thought of something else
•in the shop, the “have” section includes anything in storage, while inventory is what you actually have with you. it’s a bit dicier when withdrawing items, i think that counting system’s just fucked
•the huge churros are a bit of a ripoff by the time you can get them unless you want to restore only 30 HP to a row in battle. otherwise, just use normal popcorn (as a side note, i was playing on hard, so my team had to be hella buff to take on the first boss, this could be why i view the churros with distain)
•the hotdogs and large dual dogs, on the other hand, are good. especially the dual dogs, stick to those once you unlock them
•selling FOE bits doesn’t really seem to unlock new items in the shop until later. very disappointing gosh darn it yosuke, stop messing with the game mechanics
•read item descriptions. i went into the first boss battle thinking gutsy fries were the same as revival beads. they are not.
•sacrificing personas doesn’t seem to create special materials anymore
•unison attacks can happen so long as at least one participating member is in the battling party. example: the unison attack with P3P and the other (human) 2nd years can occur even if fuuka is the only one present (she’ll need to be navigating the battle though)
•unison attacks occur at random from what i can tell. they’re very strong, but don’t count on one always popping up when you need one
•follow-up attacks are also random, but much weaker. they at least knock down the shadow that’s still up and gives you the opportunity for an all-out attack, so there’s that
•always take the opportunity for all-out attacks. enemies might recover before the rest of your team can attack and get into boost mode
•some special screenings seem to be unlocked only if you check the shop/box office at specific points in the game. i don’t know if they’re only at specific points or if they can happen after that, too
•wildcards do not all need to be at a specific level to unlock ultimate personas, so don’t feel completely obligated to keep them up to speed with joker (you should still train them a bit though). everyone else needs to be at least level 55 to unlock theirs afterwards
•if two FOEs end up running into you at different times during a battle, the most recent one will kick out the older one (aka you don’t fight both of them at once). which means if you win, the newer one dies, but the older one will still be lurking next to you (this is based off of one special screening where i got cocky and nearly paid the price for it)
-i am currently unconvinced that homonculi or however it’s spelled exist outside of chests. i beat the entire game, beat every FOE, and they still haven’t shown up in the shop
That was long. Oops? Well, next up is the labyrinths, so if you want to find out this stuff on your own, best not go any farther.
More spoilery stuff
•i’m 90% certain that the goba-k more is in a golden chest somewhere in this labyrinth. if not, it was in junessic land
•Noir and Queen do not join until after boss
•P3P does not join until second floor (if I’m remembering correctly, otherwise it’s third)
•when rescuing P3P, take out the original shadow, then beat the shit out of tank with everything you have
•just try to stay alive during inital Kamoshidaman encounter, don’t bother too much with attacking (i don’t know if attacking is required for the battle to end, i tried to attack and quickly got pummeled)
•there’s a shortcut that leads to the stairs between the 2nd and 3rd floor, but you have to fight a battle before you can activate it. the battle is not nice
•Boss: Left is weak to fire, right is weak to electricity, middle is weak to fire once left and right are gone
also, the scene where the thieves make their move is fantastic, make sure to watch it. volume on also makes it better
Junessic Land
-lots of the enemies here have a weakness to psi, some of them have weakness to nuke. change your team accordingly
•you can’t sneak up on the pterodactyl FOEs. even if you sneak up on them. they “sneak up” on you and gain advantage (they’re weak to ice, resistant to curse, and can confuse you, btw) ::edit:: they don’t gain advantage so long as you approach them from the front
-t-rex FOEs only chase you if you walk into their line of sight (they’re weak to nuke and resistant to basically everything else, btw. highly recommend avoiding battle when possible)
•IT minus Yosuke does not join until the second floor
•Yosuke does not join until you rescue one of the herbivores
•dead end in area 1, D4: regain HP and SP
•for a certain special screening, ammonite is located in D3. don’t be a fool like me. avoid the pond until you find all the chests
•electric gates are essentially mean walls. you can walk right up to them, just don’t try to walk through them
•dead end in area 3, B6: unlocks new special screening
•can begin unlocking unison attacks after rescuing Yosuke
•dead end in area 3, E4: allowing Fox and Teddie to eat the fruit causes them to lose HP and gain SP (probably only matters if one of them is in your party, idk)
•dead end in area 4, F6: unlocks new special screening
•Boss: weak to electric, resistant (and eventually null) to wind
-Left back: Weak to psi. Resistant to ice, nuke
-Middle back: Weak to nuke. Resistant to ice, psi
-Right back: Weak to ice. Resistant to psi, nuke
-Based on context clues (those being the boss going from mostly chilling to beating the shit out of me), I’m 99% certain you do NOT want to actually knock out the “boss”, focus on the back line
-for the most part, anything robotic has the exact weakness you’d expect it to have
•SEES minus P3 and Aigis join on the first floor
•the stationary FOEs are stupidly easy to defeat if you have electric attacks
•the other FOEs, on the other hand, are not. they will hurt you and some of them chase you through security gates. do not engage, do not pass go, do not collect $200 (unless they’re either blue or white on your map, in which case, go nuts)
•there are three possible tasks you can choose from to open the lab. don’t know about the other two, but power doesn’t involve battling
•Aigis and P3 join on first floor of lab
•dead end in zone 1, C4: unlocks new special screening
•dead end in zone 2, C6: unlocks new special screening
•dead end in zone 2, B5: unlocks new special screening
•southwest corner of small room in lab 1F (corner is in A4): unlocks new special screening
•dead end in lab 2F, B6: unlocks new special screening
•boss: no weakness initially, but weak to everything once hacked first time (it’s still on and can attack though, and the hack is temporary), weak to curse second (haven’t checked everything)
-has an attack that brings everyone to the same amount of hp, using all/line guard is probably a bad idea when it happens depending on everyone’s hp, recommend fuuka as battle nav for healing tide and bringing along someone with mediarama
-seals one attack from each person at random
-uses multiple magic attacks (have found electric, ice, fire, and wind)
-has attacks that can bind magic, strength, or speed
-make sure ALL elements are covered, preferably by more than one skill/person
•be very wary if you come across an actual set of stairs, there will be a battle in the next open space/beyond the next door
•some stage lifts have FOEs on them
•gnomes turn every three steps
•mr. bear can potentially change its path when you flip a switch
    -in case you were wondering. they are weak to curse. and they hit really fucking hard (as in, over 200 damage while under the influence of debilitate to a roughly lv 50 aigis in the back row, and she’s resistant to physical attacks. big yikes). but. if you use the combination of debilitate/masukunda/masukukaja/orb of haste. they hit you once in a blue moon. so basically never
•there is a goho-m more in the golden chest in the first act
•dead end in act 1, 4C: new screening
•(just assume the rest of these are dead ends) act 2, 3E: new screening
•act 5, 5E: new screening
•act 6, 7B: new screening
•act 6: 6F: i’m 99% certain this unlocked a special screening but for some reason i wasn’t given a notification
•boss: first off. can i just say. WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK IS THAT??? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?? DISGUSTING!!! EUUURGHHHH!!!!!
-looks like a variety of attacks, including almighty. it depends on where the eye is
-eye is the only part that can actually take damage, the rest seems to be just for boost
-knows mamudo
-eye: immune to everything except physical/almighty
-left arm: weak to wind
-right arm: ?
-head: ? (never figured out these two bc i beat it before i could bother figuring it out)
-real weak point: weak to electric and ice
-later on, if you use any support skill other than your new one (you’ll know which one), the real weak point will bind you again. also happens once everyone is unbound
-side note, normal unbinding items don’t work, unless that was a very unfortunate glitch i had
-you have to actually step on switches to use them. that’s really all i’ve got
-wait. there’s a dead end somewhere that unlocks one of the last unison skills. i forgot to write down where though.
-there is also a “treasure spot” somewhere on the last labyrinth floor :) that has :) a special surprise :) have fun :):):):) *screams into the void*
-defeating the FOE that chases you is required to unlock the ultimate weapons. the FOE that mimics you is required to unlock ultimate armor. both things require parts from other FOEs, so go nuts, i guess
-rain leg musha is weak to fire and curse, resistant to nuke. wicked turret is weak to psi, resistant to fire
-there are “reruns” of the bosses you have to beat. they’re easy so long as you exploit their weaknesses. they’re basically the easy version of when you first fought them, no extra gimmicks. i found kamoshidaman in the lower left, dino boy in the bottom right, computer in the upper right, and big ol’ blob in the upper left
-weak to psi and nuke, resistant to electric
-ok, this battle was both fun an an absolute bitch (my entire team was level 72 and i was on hard mode, if that give you any context)
-first and foremost, this boss can change its affinity. you can tell what it is based on what attack it’s using. in all cases, it’s null to wind. not sure why
     -weak to ice, resistant to fire (and vice versa)
     -weak to light, resistant to dark (and vice versa)
-the boss can nullify buffs to your party and debuffs to itself. this makes those skills useless overall, but they can at least distract her for a move, which could give you the breather you need
-the boss can bind and afflict ailments
-retake undoes everything that happened in the previous turn (it’s like the turn never happened in the first place), so if the boss is “charging up” and there’s no sword in front, just have everyone guard
-if the sword is in front and it starts glowing in waves? fucking. block.
     -the attack seems to alternate which row it hits, but i beat the boss before i could actually think to look for a pattern
-there will come a point where the boss does an action you haven’t seen previously. see things through to the end (aka don’t turn of the game in a panic)
There’s another battle post-game, but it’s. uh. really. really. REALLY fucking hard. my team was all level 72, i switched to safety mode, and I still died before i could really do anything. the only tip i can give you is that when a new character joins the battle, for the love of all that is good, G U A R D, dammit
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19. wow, an update!
(prolly could’ve updated anytime between July (the last update for anything) and now but i think most people who stumble upon these lps realize i work during the summer and then spend fall/winter surviving university
so instead just insert a joke about a) it being over a year since polnareff’s revenge; b) the update coming on a Friday; or c) “wait you’re updating now that part five is a thing WAS THIS YOUR PLAN ALL ALONG”
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(The Submarine Route starts us off inside a shelter/Speedwagon Foundation base. The destination is Sundarbans, found somewhere to the southwest. It may be a bit of a doozy getting there.)
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(This is a bit annoying but does make some sense considering what the enemies are.)
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(There’s a few things we can buy. It’s always good to stock up. The bazooka launcher being there is hilarious to me because I just imagine Crash Bandicoot.)
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(We’re accompanied by Stroheim and Speedwagon. Stroheim will be there packing heat with all his weaponry,
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while Speedwagon mainly provides a supporting role while having a few attacks of his own.
Incidentally, you might be wondering, “Can the Submarine Route be done without running into Stroheim and/or Speedwagon? The answer is yes, actually: if you don’t befriend them, then you’ll be accompanied by two characters (allies/members of the SPW Foundation) named Galahad and Miriam, who fulfill a similar role to Stroheim and Speedwagon respectively.
They’re original characters in a sense, but are references to the SaGa series – of which this game has a lot of. I only vaguely know of the series but there’s some implications that they may even be the Galahad and Miriam from that game.)
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(The map is very large, so it’s not a bad idea to save from time to time. The Japanese wiki advises doing this, actually – especially after battles.
Fun fact: the BGM for this area is actually from SaGa 2 (AKA Final Fantasy Legend II). To be exact, it’s “The Legacy”.)
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(Most enemies will be at (L) range, so it can be quite annoying if you don’t have a Long-ranged Stand. They often do have weaknesses to some elemental attacks, so a Stand like Miracles would probably do fairly well here. Lastly: they have a fairly good chance at dropping Rations. Always nice to have.)
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(On rare occasions you’ll get some (S) range soldiers. Fleeing Soldiers are another enemy and they are very weak.)
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(From time to time you’ll run into Snipers. Supposedly they have a chance of one-shotting anyone they hit when they attack.)
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(Apparently these things have the equivalent of Shift Gear/Agility, which is a bit odd to imagin-
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-wow these choppers sure aren’t messing around)
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(It’s been a while since I played this but I believe this is a fairly rare encounter. It’s also, at least for me, cause for an instant reset because there’s no way I’m winning a fight like this.)
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(While I haven’t gotten some good screenshots, it’s worth noting that you cannot control what your other party members do. For the most part their AI is fairly competent, though Stroheim does tend to burn through his low SP, mostly because he seems to prioritize using his bazooka launcher. And Speedwagon is – generally, unless you took the time to grind – just too low leveled that trying to grind levels for him here can turn into an exercise in frustration when he keeps getting KO’d…)
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(But if you have the patience for it, he’ll start carving out a nice niche for himself as a healer.
This is actually a pretty damn useful skill for Speedwagon to learn! Burn some SP to recover 50HP. If anything it cuts back on the items that you’ll have to use. You can just recover SP using bottled water if you’re like me and farmed up a lot.)
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(Also, at random intervals, bombs will fall from the sky and damage the party. You’ll also notice a small chopper sprite behind Emi. On the field will be those and tanks. Running into them procs an encounter.)
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(This is not Sundarbans (which is the town on the other side), but if you come here with a support Stand or Carpenters and talk to the doctor in the lower corner, you can choose to help out and spend a day to lose some bad karma.)
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(So, after battling through dozens of soldiers, fleeing from army machines and reaching Sundarbans, we find it has miraculously remained unharmed despite all the fighting.)
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(We need to head to Saudi Arabia, but we won’t be able to at this point.
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Sundarbans may be at peace, but in the middle of a conflict zone like this? It is pretty strange.)
 (…So I’ll take some time to ramble on since I did some grinding. This isn’t strictly necessary, but I wanted to do it a) to show off some of the skills Speedwagon learns, and b) make things easier on myself for the rest of the route.
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Tanks are fairly uncommon encounters, but they are there. They come at (M) range and are apparently susceptible to electric and earth attacks as well as status effects (which gives some funny imagery at one point when I used Agent 3’s solo attack and got a nice ‘Tank (M) was sent flying!’), but it has a lot of HP and hits fairly hard. If you ask me, the G/Exp reward for beating them isn’t worth the effort. Likewise with the choppers.
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While raising Speedwagon’s levels, Stroheim got a couple as well. He has a high Power stat. Getting numbers like those, even if it’s a critical hit and not a regular attack, is still nice – and this is on the lower end of the damage variance! I’ve seen him dish out over 100+ damage when dealing critical hits.
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Speedwagon picks up some other skills. Kowtow is another status-inducing move, while Flamethrower is apparently a physical multi-target attack that unsurprisingly can set enemies on fire. First-Aid Kits are items that heal 250HP – it’s basically Ointment++. And we now have it as a skill. At this point, Emiko’s max HP is just a slight bit above that.
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The fruits of grinding. If you use the Foot Soldiers for level grinding (and you will, because pretty much every other enemy is a pain in the ass on a first-time run) you’ll start stockpiling a lot of Rations. Not that that’s a bad thing when those soldiers aren’t going to be using them anymore.
In the next part, we’ll investigate Sundarbans a little more closely.)
Post-Update Comments
It was not, in fact, my plan to update once the part 5 anime was confirmed.
I haven’t touched this game in a long while. It’s nice to revisit it and even do some updates. I mostly started doing lps as a way to practice writing/commentating/quipping, although I can’t deny I always get some fuzzy feels when someone likes them. (I had a few asks and mentions on an irc chat I’m part of wondering if/when I’d ever update this or play another rom hack...)
I dabbled a bit with the demo for Fate is Unbreakable as well and I’m really looking forward to that. 
*queues next update for one year later*
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