#Mélusine (FGO)
chaos-of-the-abyss · 9 months
i'm absolutely laughing at people who say melusine and aurora have a toxic mother-daughter relationship as if melusine's feelings for aurora are platonic at all. it is repeatedly stated that aurora is the person whom melusine loves most in the world, the core of her identity, her raison d'etre without whom she will return to being a mindless dragon. totally platonic
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animerpicons · 11 days
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151 (100 x 100) icons of MÉLUSINE 3RD ASCENSION from FATE/GRAND ORDER. Icons have been edited to have 2nd ascension dress, 3rd ascension pale skin + the option to choose from either 2nd or 3rd ascension hair.
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2nd ascension hair
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3rd ascension hair
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versegm · 2 years
Lostbelt 6 is a story about fate. Specifically it's a story that asks: in a world where fate is set in stone, where your nature is immutable, where the outcome will not change no matter what you do. What then? Do you indulge in your worst vices? Do you try to fight against them? Do you struggle against your destiny, or embrace it? Is it truly wrong to bathe in your base instincts, when this is what the world wants you to be? Is there any meaning in trying to fight against them, if you will be made a monster either way? Do you blindly obey to your nature, do you try to understand it?
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starrygazingpie · 1 year
mélusine and aurora fgo drive me insane it's like the portrait of dorian gray with toxic lesbians
you pull a portrait of yourself out the the mud and she reflects you in both your beauty and your horrors.
you cannot stand to see your actions reflected back on yourself
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r-18g · 1 year
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congratulations to mélusine enjoyers <3
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i-scream-for-fate · 1 year
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Ruler class Mélusine Undine (Summer) for the Servant Summer Festival 2023 in Fate Grand Order.
Illustrator: CHOCO.
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ham-the-hamster · 1 year
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I got her on guaranteed gacha!!!!
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doctorchapatinphd · 21 days
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animegirlsakurablr · 4 months
Shenanigans in the Grand Order, part 710
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I shouldn't laugh a little at "magical terrorism", and yet here we are.
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So she pretended that she was amnesiac when we met her?!
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... Uh, how'd you get back? (Apparently Muramasa sacrificed himself, so we still get the sword and Castoria stays alive)
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Well, considering how many support lists have her compared to how many have Merlin...
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Annnnnnnd Mélusine has gone to the deep end.
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Alright, we have our first target...
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Nevermind, guess the first obstacle to tackle is Mélusine!
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How about we don't name it after an infamous ship sinking?!
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So even though she's nothing more than a machine, she still recognizes Percival. That's kinda heart-wrenching, I'll admit.
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toskarin · 11 months
Who are your favorite and least favorite Fate servants, and why? I'm only vaguely familiar with servants from after the original VN.
I'm going to exclude post-FGO pseudoservants because I usually just like the character they're trying to remind me of. also Saber, because she's a free spot on anyone respectable's bingo card
to name a few candidates in no particular order, I like Gilgamesh, Cú Chulainn, Sasaki Kojirou, Nobunaga, Nobukatsu, Hans Christian Andersen, Oberon, Elizabeth, Mordred, Van Gogh, Habetrot, Meltryllis, Passionlip, Circe, Mélusine, Shuten-douji, Ranmaru, Karna, Arjuna, Jing Ke, Sakamoto Ryouma, Bedivere, the Trung Sisters, and Jalter
for a few I dislike... honestly I've never been big on Amakusa Shirou, Siegfried, or Robin Hood. I don't like Columbus (gasp) and I wish Emiya Alter wasn't like that
so let's narrow that down a little and pick one at (semi-random) for my favourite and least favourite
I like Oberon most at the moment, I think. this will probably swing back to Nobunaga, Meltryllis, or Van Gogh later on, but it's Oberon for now.
Columbus always manages to sweep least favourite with ease, though. it's so hard to dethrone Columbus for being such a fucking repulsive character. maybe they'll add James Cook one day and give him some competition (do NOT add James Cook)
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Hellooo! How are you? I hope you are well, I would like to do a FGO commission, Headcannons for Morgan Le Fay, Baobhan Sith, Mélusine and Barghest in love with Reader (Master) I would really like to see this, please let me know if you can or not, it's ok if you can't , thank you 😊
Your Wish Is My Command!
(My first Fate request, I had a lot of fun with this! Especially Barghest, but that’s probably because she’s my favorite!  Sorry if it’s shorter than you were expecting or if a lot of it doesn’t make sense. My allergies have been kicking my ass and I had to take one of those pills that knock you out harder than Mike Tyson when I wrote this!)
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Morgan Le Fay
Morgan has the type of style that could only be defined as “Extravagantly Simplistic”
If you don’t understand what I mean by this just look at her dress.
This same style and poise carries over into the relationship you two share.
It doesn’t matter if it’s sleeping or fighting she always keeps a certain elegance about her no matter what.
But this doesn’t mean she’s cold, in fact it’s quite the opposite, she is a very warm hearted person especially with you.
All of that said, do be careful whenever you hear her reciting something under her breath in the Fae tongues, it could be anything from a curse to a shopping list, or both!
Morgan is definitely the small spoon, in pretty much everything when she’s with you but she doesn’t mind being the big spoon every now and then.
She’s probably very violently dismembered someone after they insulted you then asked if you wanted ice cream with a smile.
All in All Morgan is a very kind and giddy significant other unless you are put in the crosshairs of something which in that case… well just pray she doesn’t torture it for to long.
“OH! Hello there my spouse! I’m glad to see your wounds have healed!” a blood drenched Morgan happily exclaimed as she kicked a flayed arm into a magical fire.
You simply gazed at the fire and asked “I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that was the guy who got the jump on me?” plainly, completely used to Morgan’s overprotective nature.
Morgan simply smiled and nodded
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Baobhan Sith
Baobhan’s style is simply extravagant, at least until she’s alone but I’ll circle around to that in a bit.
In a LOT of way’s she’s a brattier version of her mother.
Be warned though, she is stubborn and petty! Which is quite the combination!
She definitely strikes me as the type to spend her days off sitting in a too large T-Shirt and shorts eating Ice Cream while watching horror movies alone before she accidentally puts on a soap opera and gets sucked in.
She will not hesitate to roast someone so hard they spontaneously combust.
Baobhan is not someone who likes large gatherings of people so she much prefers quality time with just the two of you though she’d rather die before admitting it.
She Says she's a top, she’s not, she’s a sub, small spoon in everything she couldn’t be the big spoon if she tried.
Baobhan is probably the second most possessive person on this list.
That being said she’s probably the last one to jump to violence, wounds are temporary, the destruction Baobhan can unleash with her words is eternal.
You opened the door to the home that you and Baobhan shared where you immediately tripped over an ice cream carton which was followed by the sound of someone scrambling to change the channel on the TV.
When you walked into the living room you saw Baobhan surrounded by an army of Ice cream cartons with puffy red eye’s
“Were you crying?” You asked.
“nO!” Baobhan lied poorly
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Melusine’s style is quote: “Warm”
Sweaters, pants, jackets, the works.
She’s a very physical person, all about hugs, handholding, and staying together no matter what.
All of that said, she is the second quickest to violence on this list.
She will absolutely NUKE whatever tries to harm you.
Some random jackass?
Crippling loneliness?
Mélusine is the smolest of spoons.
That being said! She will ABSOLUTELY use her size and cute eyes against you!
You have had to stop her from destroying the world on more than one occasion, usually because of traffic.
“So when are you going to be home My Master? The show will be starting soon!” Mélusine asked energetically.
You swallowed deeply as you said “Ah… right about that…” before trailing off.
“Master, think VERY carefully about what you say next.” Mélusine coldly stated.
“I’m caught in traffic” You quickly exclaimed, ripping the bandaid off.
Silence was all you heard before a loud boom
“Mélusine nO-”
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Barghest’s Style is just cute clothes like sundresses, she also likes to wear earthy colors.
Barghest is pretty awkward, she’s not really sure how to hug or kiss you most of the time mostly because of her size but also because she genuinely loves you and is afraid that she’ll eat you.
Well I say kiss, she licks you but that’s not the point.
Strikes me as the type to just mope around unless the two of you are together or if she’s doing something which usually includes cooking large portions of food, exercising, or watching something that catches her attention which is usually whatever has a catchy tune and some form of well choreographed action.
She loves being the big spoon though she also enjoys being the small spoon on occasion though before the two of you could even get to that point you had to teach her how to cuddle.
Barghest gets jealous pretty easily so watch out for that because that’s usually when she gets possessive and when she gets possessive… Well, I'll let you imagine what happens next (Hint: It involves any form of cushioned space around human size and biting).
She loves cooking, even more so when you’re with her, though be warned her “Normal sized” Portions could feed five men, so you're just going to have to force yourself to eat it.
She’s willing to get into a fight if she has to but she prefers not to.
You constantly have a bite mark on your collar bone, she also licks you on the neck when asked why she does this she gets a possessive and hungry glint in her eyes like she’s daring someone to challenge her and says.
“I want every single man, woman, child, non-binary and agender person to know you are mine, Master!”
“Oh, okay!” You quietly squeaked out embarrassed.
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animerpicons · 13 days
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151 (100 x 100) icons of MÉLUSINE 3RD ASCENSION from FATE/GRAND ORDER
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nasuversekinkmeme · 9 months
Weekly Roundup (25/12 - 31/12)
Some honestly sweet holiday fluff with the tsukihime cast of op's choosing
In an alternate world, rather than summon Astolfo, Celenike summons servant Rider Goredolf Musik, driver of the Shadow and Storm Borders, he who's driving skills escaped the apocalypse twice. While everyone else is reeling from the implications that not only was a modern mage able to enter the Throne, but that said mage also was of the Musik line, Goredolf is panicking because if he, a member of Chaldea, was summoned, things are about to get very bad very fast.
Foreigner's New Years party, go as insane, as horny or as wholesome as you want
Hello fellow enjoyers of FGO! For No FGO January, I present to you all a very simple prompt. Show me your mastersonas! I don’t care under what context, how they’re doing, who they’re fucking, whether it’s wholesome, angst, whatever, I just want to see artworks/stories/whatever of your own original characters. Take this month of No FGO prompts to share what you already have, I look forward to seeing what you all have in store!
as a harmless prank, Mash and a few other servants (can be anyone like habetrot, caster cu, etc) dress up as caterpillars. It’s up to the writer/artist to decide how Morgan reacts to seeing mashu and co. in caterpillar suits.
If there was one place Ritsuka Fujimaru never expected to end up after everything with the Lostbelts and Ordeal Call was well and truly over, and the Earth was back to the way it was supposed to be... it was finding work at NFF Services, working directly under both Koyanskayas, no less. They were expecting to be worked to the bone, given their past interactions, but weirdly enough, they've been just... nice to them? Ritsuka keeps suspecting some kind of sinister plot, or cruel joke, but apparently the Koyans are just THAT invested in the well-being of their employees. Even more so in Ritsuka's case, given that they answer directly to both Light and Dark. It's still weird... but in a good way, they supposed.
Guda twin! Au where Gudako and Gudao meet once a week at Moriarty's bar to just hang and talk. Often these conversations end up being about their individual harems. (Whoever is in each harem is up to the writer but preferred that both are bisexual harems)
ranmaru x takes ritsuka back to her planet, and it’s up to the gudaguda gang to get ritsuka back!
so I found out by a yt short that takeda likes boys and writes passionate love letters to them. how about Kagetora and/or Nobunaga making fun of him for his passion for boys
thanks to the event I need some Ibuki x Habetrot for no reason other than major size difference makes brain go brrr. Smut is optional but there's gotta be emphasis on how wide the height gap is.
smut, While he mostly feeds of dreams. Merlin does occasionally need sex as every incubus does. Being one of the only human's alive, Gudako agrees, thinking that it's just gonna be a quickie. Cut to hours later. Gudako's mind has turned to mush and she's super overstimulated, begging Merlin to stop but he just. Keeps. Going. (yes I'm very horny for Merlin if you can tell)
I just finished LB6 and I have the BIGGEST Mélusine brainrot right now! I would appreciate anything about Mélusine x Female Ritsuka! Thanksss
taigong trying to have a peaceful fishing day but weird shit keeps happening so he says screw it and proceeds to annihilate anything that tries to fuck it up
Koyanskaya of Darkness is perusing her catalogue and pondering what new creatures to add to it when a flash of inspiration comes to her; what better way to add to her wares than to collar her own Light form? (smut is optional but recommended)
smut, Castoria x Tonelico sloppy sex. If they use Merlin's magic dick(tm) or not is up to the author
Agravain, despite what others might think, loved his siblings. He always had difficulty showing it, its true, but he never hated them or anything. This is why he would always send them out on missions. He believed in them that much. And so, Agravain awaits two of his siblings at the execution grounds for the traitor Guinevere when a scout arrives.
Write the killing blow your servants performed on a boss of your choosing. To give an example, here's mine. It was close to the end, Ritsuka could feel it. The immature Evil was worn down and she had only one retainer left, the other recently slain by Lobo before he was taken out. Taigong Wang and Mélusine fired off their noble phantasms, killing the last retainer before revealing that the immature Beast yet lived. She retaliated with her own, forcing Taigong out of the fight as Mélusine was the last one standing. Ritsuka used her last two command seals to heal Mélusine and give her one final order. "By my command seal, Mélusine, unleash your noble phantasm!" She took to the sky chanting. "My name is Albion. The last dragon who opens the boundary! From Geoffrey to Fromont! Show us the time, Tukedight!" Not taking any chances, she struck while Koyanskaya was still reeling from the blow. Koyanskaya retaliated with devastating strikes as the two realized something. Both were close to death and their next clash would be their last. They pushed themselves to their limit but unfortunately for the immature Beast, Mélusine was much faster. With energy from her weapons forming a dragon's maw, she crunched down on Koyanskaya, finally putting their battle to an end.
After Mirei Park's offer and ultimatum, rather than go to Fukuoka, Kiryu goes to Fuyuki and starts a new life there. He becomes intertwined with the local Yakuza and, by extension, the participants of the 5th Holy Grail War. When the events of Yakuza 5 begin, Daigo makes an alliance with the Fujimura Family, and soon, all hell breaks loose. The conspiracy is expanded in scale due to influence from magi seeking to claim the Grail for themselves, and Kiryu must work together with Rin, Shirou, Sakura, and Rider to keep the ones they love safe.
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Fate Grand Order Servant Comparisons
Melusine - Dragon of Albion
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Left - FGO
Right - from Le Roman de Mélusine between circa 1450 and circa 1500
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Left - FGO
Right - 15th-century manuscript of Historia Regum Britanniae
Note: Lostbelt version of PHH Melusine
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vennyriz22 · 2 years
FGO Valentine’s Day 13: Mélusine
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Resident delinquent doesn’t know how to deal with tiny fairy
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grizzlyofthesea · 9 months
"Choose 5 Servants to represent your FGO journey."
Inspired by this Reddit post
Emiya - My first 4-star from the tutorial gacha. He currently rests at NP3. I may not use him all the time, but he's reliable. His defense-ignoring NP is awesome for challenge quests even to this day!
Shuten-Douji - My first 5-star. I didn't even realize she was a 5-star when I first summoned her, but when I did, I was incredibly excited! Koyanskaya of Light may have taken my top Assassin spot lately, but Shuten is still great.
David - One of my top Servants back when I didn't have as many options. Harp of Healing saved me tons of times back in Arc 1, and the Sure Hit on his NP definitely helped with damage!
Scáthach-Skađi - My first foray into meta setups. I only rolled for her because I liked her design, but her being the Quick meta was an appreciated bonus. I may have Castoria, Tamamo, Oberon, and Koyanskaya now, but Skađi still has a place in my support roster for when I'd rather use Quick Servants.
Passionlip - I got her to NP5 (and Suzuka Gozen to NP6) in the process of trying to summon Meltryllis. I did get Melt and absolutely adore her, but I also came to really appreciate Lip. She's a great tank who can also dish out a surprising amount of damage, and she's a fairly complex character. This same summon/appreciate cycle happened to me with Space Ishtar (NP2'd her while trying to summon Calamity Jane) and Baobhan Sith (NP3'd her while trying to summon Barghest and Mélusine), but Passionlip was the first, so she gets the spot on the list.
Man, this was tough! Nitocris didn't even land on the list after all this consideration, and she's my favorite!
What about you guys? If you play FGO, which five Servants reflect your gameplay journey?
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