#Mɪss Eᴅɪᴛʜ sᴘᴇᴀᴋs ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏғ ᴛᴜʀɴ. (messages)
maliignant · 2 years
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@songbirdsandsugar​​​​ asked:  “Are you… smelling me?”     MEME 
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THE SCENT HAD BEEN INTOXICATING, luring her in as a fish to a worm on a hook. The concept of boundaries clearly leaving her head space as she neared closer. It wasn't just the scent though - no - there was something much more profound which caught Drusilla's attention. A power, a strength, something far more intricate than most. ❝ You... you smell o' poppies. They whisper to you, like me. ❞ Her head cants to the side as both arms rise, hands hovering over either side of the other's face. Hands quivering,  ❝ do you hear them singin'? Even now? ❞  
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maliignant · 2 years
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@little-miss-buffy​​​ asked:  "I'm listening."         TWO WORDS.
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LIPS CURLED INTO A SLIGHT SNARL, throat emanating a deep growl followed by a quick bark. Teeth snapping before clenching, ❝ you don’t listen. You never listen. ❞ She stated, head shaking. ❝ You react an’ you poke, but you only listen when it suits you. ❞ 
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maliignant · 2 years
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I was never really gone, but yes, Drusilla has been very loud in my head as of late. I'm still bouncing around several of my blogs and getting some of them fixed up. Good to know I was missed xoxo
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maliignant · 2 years
*jumps out of my clown car* I'm honestly left speechless everytime I receive a reply from you. Not only because you have completely mastered Drusilla in the amazing nutcrack that she is, you have gotten down both her inner AND outter voice to the point where I feel like i'm rewatching the series - better yet, something better than the series! the material we were all robbed from dru. I give this blog 20 gold stars, beep beep. *jumps back into my clown car and drives away*
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YOUR WORDS ARE A MELODY & I AM DANCING to every rhythm. Thank you! Literal music to my ears... or eyes, in this case. We were definitely robbed of Drusilla's character and what could've been on the show but at the same time, I feel like there wouldn't be a show had they put her at her ultimate potential.
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maliignant · 2 years
the way you capture not only dru’s voice but her body language and mannerisms is truly * chefs kiss * ✨ exquisite ✨. you write the inner workings of her fractured mind so well but also in a way that’s respectfully and gives us more insight into the character rather than taking away from her. bravo !
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I SERIOUSLY AM SPEECHLESS AT THIS, quite literally. I've been staring at this message for what feels like an hour just trying to piece together words of response. This means the absolute world to me, thank you! I love Drusilla's character so much and to have others recognize and feel this way about my portrayal of her is just, wow, so incredible and appreciated.
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maliignant · 2 years
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@ulfhrafnx​​​​ asked:  “ what did you want to tell me? ”   MEME
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IT WAS DIFFICULT FOR HER TO CONFESS, her insides shifted and turned in such a way she felt as if she might vomit - had that even been an option. Fingers danced and moved along the front of her own throat as head tilted back, eyelids fluttering. ❝ They sing songs 'bout you in my dreams.... always dreams. You frequent their melody. Such beautiful songs they sing. ❞
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maliignant · 2 years
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❝ Does this mean you'll be comin' 'round for more visits then? ❞
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maliignant · 2 years
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@taiinted​​​ asked:  “Come again?”       TWO WORDS. 
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A LIGHT CHUCKLE ESCAPES HER AS SHE REACHES both arms towards him, wrists rolling her hands until palms face upwards towards the stars. Hips slowly swaying as she beckons for him. ❝ Dance with me. ❞ She says again, this time a little bit louder than before but still with that soft song-like coo.
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maliignant · 2 years
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@dhampirslays​​​​ asked:  “Come again?”     TWO WORDS. 
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FINGERS CIRCULATED IN RHYTHMIC MOVEMENTS, flowing above her head with slight tension to digits. Head rolling from side to side followed by the tender sway of her body. ❝ They whisper sweet lullabies o’ death... moth wings flickerin’.... flutterin’.... they fear what’s coming. ❞ 
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maliignant · 2 years
Tag a quality blog, You’re it! Quality doesn’t means that you have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that you’re nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are, and they don’t care how many followers you have. Send this to 15 blogs who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it’s just good to let someone know that you love them. 💙
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YOU REALLY ARE TOO KIND, dear. Thank you 🖤
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maliignant · 2 years
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It's time to spread positivity! ❤
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A FAVORITE?! i am genuinely honored & thank you! ♥
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maliignant · 2 years
Tag a quality blog, You’re it! Quality doesn’t means that you have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that you’re nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are, and they don’t care how many followers you have. Send this to 15 blogs who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it’s just good to let someone know that you love them. 💙
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maliignant · 2 years
for the record, you didn’t deny it 👀 since your portrayal is so DEAD ON, obviously my suspicions are correct.
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FOR LEGAL REASONS, i must be discrete. Cannot confirm nor deny.
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maliignant · 2 years
I adore your Dru so much, to me you are Dru. Morgan is always going to be drawn to her.
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DRU ADORES MORGAN & I ADORE YOU, okay! Well, she's drawn to him right back, that much I can say. She feels respected by him, in a way, which says and means a lot. & I cannot thank you enough for your kind words ; thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
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maliignant · 2 years
Well, there’s the fact I’m kinda convinced you are actually Drusilla because your portrayal is dead on.
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DEAD ON (LOL). perfect choice of words, firstly & secondly, wow, quite literally one of the best compliments I think any rper can receive, thank you!
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maliignant · 2 years
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@nytehavyn-circle​ asked:  ((Does your Dru have a capacity, at all, for good?  Even though Spike was soulless at first, he had the capacity for doing good as was seen. So what about your Dru? Is it possible?))
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THERE ARE SEVERAL FACTORS REGARDING THIS QUESTION that I feel need to be addressed before providing a full and decisive answer, for it really isn’t that simple. I’ve thought about this extensively because yes, we have seen it to be possible for a vampire to want to be better and do good and not give in to their destructive nature. However, with Drusilla, she has no moral compass in fact, part of her inner anger and turmoil resides around the fact that her innocence and anything that had once been good about her was taken. Her functioning skills are not in any way, shape or form, ‘normal’. That fact, is what pulls her mind into a darkness even she cannot escape from, her anger fuels every destructive desire she has.  Spike, as bad and horrific as he was, still had tendencies to want to be good for Buffy which means, that inclination and ability had always been there. When he was with Drusilla, all of that was set aside. But we saw it even when he was first turned, how he wanted to save his mother. Or even soulless, his want to save Dawn not just for Buffy but because he genuinely grew to like her. But, that part of him is what drew him to Drusilla in the first place. With her moral compass being so out of whack, spinning like crazy, his was stable providing somewhat of a balance. But with Drusilla herself, that capability of stability no longer really exists. Even if there were hints of moments in which she might have been capable of being ‘good’, it would be just as easy for her mind to switch into a want or need to be ‘bad’. If that makes sense.  @captainperoxidespike​ & I have spoken about this in length in fact and the overall conclusion is this: Spike was a tether to the humanity and innocence Dru lost and wanted back in some form or degree, without him, her compass is constantly spinning like it's on a giant magnetic field. But when they're together, she can always find true North. Spike is her big and brightest star and is there to lead her in the right path when needed. Without him though or in being surrounded by the wrong people (i.e. Angelus), she can easily get lost or strayed. So, to go back to your question as to whether or not there is a capacity for goodness in her, the answer is strictly dependable but more often than not, non existent. Is it possible? To an extent, yes. Is it likely? No. Her mindset simply does not have the capacity to tap into that side of her that wants to be good anymore and the anger she feels from that is what drives her entirely.  Fact of the matter is, Angelus created her and made her insane for the sole purpose of taking all of that goodness from her. Everything that made her who she was, he wanted to twist it into the very ‘evil thing’ she feared of becoming. So to me, it would not make logical sense to say that she could be good or do good as it is no longer in her nature. The whole point of her existence as a vampire is the fact that she is quite literally the epitome of being a dangerous creature in every way possible with no semblance of redemption. 
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